#the prophecies really were true huh
tnsophiaonly · 1 year
"I am your Creator, your Grace."
A divine spoke from above, causing everyone to gasp all towards Teyvat.
The prophecy has been fulfilled. The creator is descending to Teyvat, visiting or rather coming.
With the way the creatures are more hostile and the way they increase more is a sign. It means the creator's blood has been shed on the way, who could have done such an atrocity? They must be tortured and
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
TW: Detailed death and gore. SAGAU. Manipulation. OOC. Yandere. Manipulator Reader.
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You were just an average Genshin player, farming for new characters or unbuilt characters, artifacts, things, bosses, monsters, and primogems.
"Ah; I can't wait for Fontaine... The characters, the new nation! Ah...~!" You spoke excitedly, cannot wait for the 4.0 update.
After the 4.0 live you went back to Genshin to at least try your luck with a last ten pull before sleeping, not really caring which banner, you press the *10x wish* button.
The fate turns gold and you grin in excitement. You got all the five/four stars you didn't have, which is more than a ten pull that's for sure, you blinked your eyes, rubbed it and lastly pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming.
But you weren't. Oh, now what? You just clicked the exit button and looked through your characters, they were all here! You had only a bit of 5 star C6 characters because you were broke.. but you couldn't believe it you got everything! Even the weapons! Whohoo! But wait.. what if you get banned?
Oh no. Oh nonononononononono. You reassure yourself, no one knows so who will ban you? No one! You just closed off Genshin.
Okay you went back to see if it was just a glitch, when you were brought to the entrance screen you pressed enter and it flashes so bright! You didn't remember it being this bright!
Your eyes hurt from the brightness and you close your eyes, you feel yourself shifting realities.. was TikTok really true when it brought up switching realities? You wish you could have checked cause it hurts!
You felt as if you were getting torn into pieces by pieces. You let out a scream of pain as you felt your head getting torn out.
Waking up with a pained scream and fearful expression. You look around your body to see it still intact.
Sighing in relief from the sudden shift in realities, you came back to reality (get it?) when you heard a rather loud thunder strike.
You look around and see yourself in an unfamiliar surroundings. 'What the hell? Where am I?' Your thoughts were cut off by a thunder strike.
You tumble when standing up, after all you were worried your legs were cut off from the reality shift. Finally finding out it was a hut made with wood with a hay like roof. Surprisingly it was comfy, and it didn't leak!
And you see that it had; a bag —leather back pack—, clothes —japanese like? Wait...—, food —in a plate, and it looked really familiar—, water —in a kettle—, mini med kit —which seemed 19's like—, and..
Is that mora?! As in genshin currency?! Holy moly nutsy cats! You must be in genshin! Woah...
You admire the Teyvat currency. It really was the real deal. You took steal all the things you see in the hut, even the pillow and blanket!! Literally everything you could take!!! And the leather back pack? Fits it all.
It also has a game like screen, like the inventory? Yeah.
You wear Japanese like clothing, you wouldn't want to unfit in Teyvat, would you? Anyways stop calling it Japanese like clothing it's Inazuman now.
I mean Inazuma is inspired by Japan right?
The only thing that bothered you is that, what was the mask for? The mask was split in half So what's it for? Hiding your identity? Pfft-
(pick one)
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You took it just in case.
You walked out of the hut, oof! You almost got hit by lightning! Why are there so many lightning? You looked around and you couldn't really see anyone or anything.
Huh last time you know you already finished the quest in Seirai Island so why are there so many lightning?
You shook your head. Your eyes perk up at a statue. Ah, it's a Statue of Seven. It's a bit broken because you didn't really level up Inazuma statues... Laziness..
You wonder, would you get elemental powers if you touch it? I mean it did say something about people from other worlds getting powers.. but... You shifted realities, does that count?
Oh well, you proceeded to touch the statue either way and it got fixed like if you max level statues, in fact it looks cleaner than before. You even felt as if the statue's element- or electro was happy to see you.
Did you bless the statue? Or did it bless you? You didn't really care.
You checked to see if you had powers or not, you didn't really feel anything. Maybe it didn't work? You sighed in disappointment.
You look around your surroundings. Just as expected, it really is Seirai and you are in Inazuma or Teyvat. You walk around and spot a tree, ooh lavender melons!
You reach up to pick up the first lavender melon and take out the kettle from your backpack or bag and wash the lavender melon, safety first!
And you took a bite, oh it was really ripe and juicy! What a surprise! It tastes just like a watermelon but with a more lavender-ish taste? I don't really know.
You took more of the lavender melons, because in person, one tree has 16 melons. Unfair, cause in the game it only has 3!
You put it in your magic bag, you walk away from your "spawn point". Eager to explore the dangerous island more. You were about to walk straight when you saw Fatui.
Haha, no.
You turn back and take a left (cause no one treated you right), and went right (cause everyone left). You see a teleport waypoint. Oh wow. Omg. It's the same size as you..
Feeling amazed and anxious at the same time, you wonder, are you able to use this? You hesitantly touch it and instead of blue, it turns into color gold. Mesmerized and shocked and also scared.
You look at your magic bag and see a map in it, you take the map and it has the teleport waypoints! It was all locked but you could go and explore more to get more— no what are you thinking it's dangerous! You put the idea of exploring in the back of your mind (you died, and I didn't even cry-).
You see one of the wave rider summoner. (Was it called that?) You touch it and it becomes color gold too. Wow! The boat is amazing!! It's way better than the game! Man you could live here for all you care, but the thunder..
You were still wondering where the thunder came from. You look around first before riding the wave rider. Just to see if you would have a clue where the thunder is coming from.
While in the way you see a sweet flower, you were about to pick it when you remember Whopperflowers. The ones that disguise themselves and can take on the appearance of other plants like Sweet Flower, Small Lamp Grass, and even a Mint. You felt really scared
You were about to walk past it when it came out from the ground. Making you scream and tumble. Almost making you fall.
The whopperflower had a face that presents fear and also admiration. It doesn't attack you.
You stare at it in fear and shock. Confusion looms over you. 'Why isn't it attacking?' you thought.
"Uh- hello.." you spoke awkwardly, hoping that it wouldn't deam you as an enemy, you smile nervously. The whopperflower looks mesmerized now.
Oh? It understands you? You reach out a hand to pet it unconsciously and it leans to your touch. It gifts you a sweet nectar and gives you a sweet flower and goes back to the ground. And just as if it felt like someone was coming, you also felt it, someone came.
It was an adventurer, you recognize that solid green and red uniform anywhere. It seems as if it was running away. And it spots you. The adventurer pushes you out of its way and was getting chased by a hilichurl. Seriously? It was a group of 3.
Wow. When you tumble back from the push the adventure did, causing your ankle straining from the force. The cryo whopperflower jumped out of the ground and started attacking the adventurer and your eyes widened.
It starts sending out cryo spikes which stab the adventurer's legs and knees —earning a scream of pain from them—, then it sends another spikes that's higher which stabs the adventurer's abdomen. Spitting a heavy amount of blood from the spikes. They glance at you with pain, but it soon washes away when they saw your face. Oh it was their holy creator, so you actually exist? It wasn't a lie? "HELP YOUR GRACE! I DIDN'T MEAN TO GRAZE SUCH A DIVINE! FORGIVE ME FROM MY GRAVE SIN!" The adventurer screams out with brimming hope and grimming despair, and takes out a hand at you, but you are frozen in fear; 'Grace? What.. what..?' your thoughts ascending to worry, confusion, guilt, anger, pain... The adventurer... the adventurer was heavily injured which caused the spikes and the ground splattered with red blood. The whopperflower was charging up and the adventurer bleeding on the spikes with life fading slowly. The whopperflower finishes the charge up and starts shooting out deadly cryo balls at the adventurer, beating it up. But that wasn't enough to kill it, as its uniform was blocking the attack from a critical spot and only destroyed the bloody greenish uniform. So the whopperflower sends another cryo spike which ultimately ends its life in a brutal way. Which ends up splattering more red blood than it should.
You could only stare in horror and shock from what happened, your slippers with white socks or rather shoes getting stained with blood.
"Grace..? Wha.. what..?" You whimpered in utter horror, the cry whopperflower then proceeds to take the adventurer's head and heart and present it Infront of you, with an expression of admiration, as if it didn't just kill another being brutally in front of you! In fact they want you to praise them.
You held out your hand to form a stop sign but it took it as a praise and lent to the touch and the whopperflower went back to the ground with you still frozen.
You saw, watched, played a lot of horror like, or something that concerns dead bodies but you never expected seeing them personally, or was it really your first time? Your eyes dilate at the sight of the dead decapitated frozen body and its stabbed heart which beats slowly fading away.
Tears start to build up from your eyes, the emotion you're feeling, empathy was it? Or was it something else?
You just put on a pray-like pose and you walk away with a heavy heart.
—t—a—v—y—e—T— —o—t—
How long has it been ever since you've witnessed a brutal sight? For your sake? Hmm about at least almost an hour, you got lost. You couldn't find the wave rider. I mean you could use the map and teleport but hell, how do you teleport? You were walking around, avoiding any danger as much as possible in Seirai Island.
You finally saw a wave rider, and look there's a waypoint nearby! But then you see a familiar purple head. Shit, it was Ei. You had to cross paths just so you could get to the wave rider! You didn't know what to do and was panicking when you remembered your mask. You took it out from your magical bag and inspected it. It only covers 1/4 of your face, why bother... Eh, a mask is a mask at the end of the day. You wore it.
You were thinking of a plan when, "It feels like the creator is nearby.., who's there?" The Electro Archon said with an unfazed voice but irritated too. You walk out from your hiding place and put your hands up.
"Ah forgive me for hiding, but I assure you I mean no harm." You spoke gently, the shogun tensed up and looked at you directly, she looked so pretty personally...
"Is that.. who are you?" She spoke with a rather forced calm voice. You were skeptical about her behavior, so you plan to use an alias. "My name Akeldama Kagema. I really apologize for the sudden appearance, The Shogun." You keep a facade with a calm, elegant personality.
"Akeldama Kagema.. what is your purpose here? Seirai Island is dangerous for inazuman citizens." Ei spoke with a rather skeptical tone when she pronounced your name.
"Ah, I am an adventurer and I was given a commission on this specific island. I was about to leave with the wave rider there." You lied smoothly, lying has become a part of your nature which you can't live with lying.
"And the commission was?" She was being pushy, she seems really suspicious of you. You kept up your facade despite being irritated, "Taking care of a hilichurl camp." You lied again.
She hums, and let's you be. But before letting you be, she held your hand, her eyes widened but she soon let go. You were about to touch the wave rider when an uneasy feeling looms over you, as if Ei was watching your every move.
When the wave rider turns yellow, you made a mistake. Shit, wonderful, now Ei is really suspicious of you now. How the hell did you make a wave rider gold when you're not the creator?
She runs over you at light speed and refrained you from moving further. "Ah, What is this for.." you spoke with a forced smile, trying to keep up the facade of calm and elegant.
"Tell me your real name." Well fuck. You grumble, "My name is (Y/N).." so much for aliases.
She unrestrains your movement and looked in worry. "Are you alright your grace?!" She asked with a worry laced tone. Your eyes widened with her question and tone, the sudden switch up?
"I'm fine.." you muttered loud enough for her to feel, and you swore you felt her sigh in relief. She held your hands softly.
"So the prophecy was correct..." She spoke gently, then her grip on you became harsh and painful "Except if you're also a fake like (Same Name or S/M) who gets mistaken as the creator for having the same face, body. ." She said harshly, "I will end you." She threatens with a venom laced voice.
You muttered an 'Ow' and hissed from the godlike grip on your hands. "yes yes..." She lets go, of your hands and your hands have a mark on them, one of your fingers bled tho and when it dropped on the floor, you saw flowers growing and the way the grass became cleaner from just a drop of blood. And Ei's eyes widen.
"You really are the creator!" She said with so much happiness, "I apologize deeply for hurting you, I'll treat your wound now please do come with me.." She said.
"Ah.. and how am i- are we supposed to do that?" You asked confusingly. "Ah, staying from another world and descending here must have caused an impact to your memories.. Your grace, you can teleport to places you wish to be at!" The Electro Archon spoke excitedly. Happy that her nation was the first the creator has come.
You're seriously not their creator right? But then it doesn't really explain what's going on unless you're the creator... I mean it was Hoyo who created them! What are they on about?!
You breathe carefully. You put on an apologetic expression. "Ei, as much as I would really wish to be treated by you, I do not like to be a center of attention..." You declined respectfully
"Your grace, you are deemed to be given all the attention and riches as much as you are the only reason we live..!"
"Ei, I am not a fan of attention, not at all. How about this, I want to act like a messenger who gives out the creator or me- messages. Like an oracle? But I'm not really like that, just a messenger. But you can still know who I am, but refrain from letting anyone know." You lied reasoned out
Ei understood, "Your grace.. so humble..." She muttered in a hazy state, you hold her hand gently "I truly wish that, you would try your best to hide my identity... Ei can you do that? Don't tell anyone? Not even Yae?"
She nods, "Prove it." You demanded. The Electro Archon, injures herself as proof, an unnoticed indigo blood dripping but soon turning red. "wonderful. Put your life on the line for me would you, my strongest acolyte? Or do you wish for me to abandon you.." you threatened with a low voice.
Ei shakes her head. You give her a peck on the forehead. And told her of your plan.
You plan to be an oracle like or just a messenger sent by the creator. So you could 'observe' the present Teyvat.
An obvious lie. You have no plan on meeting any characters and pass on your messages to crazed devotees.
Ei only goes with your plan, great now you have a powerful ally. As much as she is very out of character, I mean who wouldn't? After all;
I'm their creator.
Ei left Seirai hesitantly. You could only smirk in victory.
Then you went to the wave rider. You went inside, and put your hand in the modern screen and told it to lead you to Kannazuka.
It did as you told.
—e—c—a—r—G— —r—u—o—y—
But there's something bothering you, how did you communicate with Ei when you were speaking in your world language rather Teyvatian language?
Is it because of a certain connection between Divine beings and The Creator? But the way you communicated with Raiden is rather too out of character. If what you guessed was right that this was some kind of SAGAU cult AU and possibly impostor AU, shouldn't she attack me?
You're rather worried than grateful that Raiden spared you. What lies ahead of this so-called Teyvat? A fantasy open world with open battles using elemental magic turning into a crazed cult who worships their so-called creator who doesn't even own Genshin but just a player, wouldn't the title of creator go with everybody else? As in like other Genshin players or the people who went to your world...? Oh wait.
Would communicating with others be considered hard? Considering the others might not have the same connection as the creator does with the divine beings.
You just shook your head in frustration, your mask jingling at the process.
–s–e–i–r–o–m–e–m– –n–e–d–d–u–S–
You see yourself in Kannazuka.
What was your purpose here? Why did you go here...?
Oh yeah, to get a mask that'll actually cover your face rather than 1/4 of it. You don't want to be seen as the creator, no not at all, you might will get hunted! You might will die painfully.
But is Kannazuka a good place...
Item Naku Weed.png Naku Weed
I don't think so. Narukami might be a better place to fetch mask.
Perhaps you came here to explore?
Okay maybe you did come here for...
Crystal Marrow
Sea Ganoderma
Out of curiosity. I promise!!
Oh. Crap.
I keep on forgetting that there are still characters who can get here.
It's Kujou Sara. And who is that? She looks a lot like me.... Is that the (S/M) Ei said of? A fake that gets compared with The Creator?
OMG I'M FINALLY DONE... yes SAGAU cause yes. This monstrous chapter... I need to train myself to write longer chapters.
Anyways have a nice read, it's cringe I know and it sucked but this is my actual first time writing SAGAU. Especially Raiden Ei. I don't know much about her but I js know she has gno-sis. Jk I did study her a bit for this, ending up to be ooc.
When you don't give a shit about the lore but you have to so you don't make mistakes...
heavily inspired by @whispereons (pls support them)
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aentrilon · 11 days
An afternoon for the Holy Knights
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...when you suddenly called me,
I thought you were trying to ask me out again, but...
You are actually just a selfish boy...
Despite being popular and strong...
I suppose it's because of your quality as a Great Holy Knight in the end...
Sorry, Guila.
There's no one I can trust more than you.
That's fine... I accept
the role.
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Master Howzer!!!
Is it true that Donny left for Camelot again!?
It is.
Damn him!! After he told me to go on the search with him, he just...
It seems like
Percival of the Four Knights of the Apocalypse has resurrected.
The knight of prophecy did!?
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Be careful out there, Howzer...
Hey you... why are you following me!?
Are you planning on going into Camelot!? Then please take me with you!!!
I'm sure that is...
my destiny.
Edlin... you've got that side of yours for so long...
Huh? What's it?
Nothing! Just don't regret it later, okay!?
I won't!!!
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SFX: Clink clink clink clink clink
SFX: Kuh
SFX: Jump
I... I yield!!
SFX: Blow
Your fencing... did you learn it on your own?
Your swordsmanship is rough yet decent, Bors.
...my sister died in a fire while we were running for our lives away from the Demons in the Holy War. ...if only I had the strength to gight at the time... That thought pushed me to keep swinging the sword myself...
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So you took up fencing to avenge your sister...?
I used to but not anymore!
I've now got a new reason to swing the sword.
I owe it to her for saving me from that ominous place...
That's why I want to be of help to her this time...!!
So you like tomboys like her?
Please stop teasing me!!
Anyway, Pelliot! Let's go for another round...
Sorry but I've got to go.
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I'm going to celebrate the full recovery of my master.
Do you want to come with me?
Your master, Pelliot...!?
Y... yes!!!
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This new part isn't too bad.
You're saying it isn't good either.
Come on, do not depreciate yourself like that.
You performed sufficiently well.
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You made me realize how inadequate my own power is to the point that I hate it...!!
Producing a moving part with an appearance indistinguishable from living flesh with the maximim output of magic is next to impossible to achieve.
Both your creator and Merlin who restored you to your body to its perfect condition are quite incredible geniuses.
Really, magic is a deep and arduous road...
You understood that at just the age of 18. You just might surpass them sometime.
...quit joking.
I'm just a human, I don't plan on living a uselessly long life.
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By the way, do you know where the Percival platoon is?
I put a mark on Percival when they went through the gate. I've got a grasp of their current position.
Are you really going there?
I can't guarantee your safe return, you know?
An old soldier has their own mission...
So much noise! ...who is it!?
It seems like my fellow travellers have arrived...
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ckret2 · 1 year
Chapter 16 of human Bill has taken an "I'm not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with me" approach to being the Mystery Shack's prisoner (title TBD), featuring:
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Also featuring: Ford and Mabel bonding... until things go very, very wrong. Thanks Bill.
October 2012
As Stan turned the corner, he paused to let his eyes adjust as he came out of the blinding evening sun into the shadows of a tight, unobtrusive street, then shuffled up to where Ford was waiting. "All right, I think we shook the cops," he muttered. "The were-rats should keep 'em distracted. Smart move, splitting up to lead them to each other." He rummaged through the bag of ("borrowed") groceries that had caused them all this trouble, looking for a stick of cured meat he'd had his eye on.
"Mm." That was all Ford said.
Stan looked sharply at Ford. "Hey, you okay? The rats didn't get you, did they?" He glanced over Ford for any torn clothes or blood.
"No—sorry, I'm fine. Just..." He gestured at the storefront across the street. "Distracted."
Stan followed his gesture. He couldn't read the language on the signs, but he didn't need to: the pictures in the windows—tarot cards, palmistry charts, a hand-painted poster of a crystal ball, all surrounded by unlit neon tubes shaped into stars—made it clear enough just what kind of shop this was. Stan laughed. "Hey, it looks like what Ma did with the pawn shop after Dad passed. When we're back in the States, I oughta find a picture for you. Or maybe Shermie can 'e-mail' us one, I think his kid was 'digitalizing' the old family photos..." He trailed off as he saw what Ford was really staring at.
Amongst the other dark neon lights, there was a single larger one, just over the name of the shop: a triangle with an eye.
Stan shuddered. "Ugh. I'm never gonna be able to look at those things the same way again, are you?"
"I haven't been able to for over thirty years," Ford said. "It's funny—in most civilized dimensions in the multiverse, that symbol is incredibly taboo, because as soon as it's drawn it becomes his eye. I only ever saw it used as the direst warning in places tainted by the Nightmare Realm—places he could already see."
Stan snorted. "Coming home must've been a rude shock, huh?"
It was true—Ford saw Bill peering from every dollar, winking slyly at him from strangers' gold rings, standing solemn vigil over graveyards from the headstones. Ford remembered the first time he'd returned to his study: of course he'd known that all his art of Bill was still there, but he'd been stunned by the sheer quantity of eyes watching him, ready to welcome him home. He'd awkwardly hidden himself beneath a bedsheet like a ghost to keep Bill from staring at him as he went around the room, covering every tapestry, drawing, and statue with black curtains. He hoped Bill hadn't been actively watching then. He knew he'd looked stupid.
"You don't know the half of it." Ford nodded toward the psychic shop. "Looking at that face now feels like seeing a toxic waste warning sign."
"Do you think she knows?" Stan asked.
"The psychic!" Apparently, Stan had decided the psychic was a woman. "D'you think she knows what that is? Did he slip her prophecies to start up her business? Or is it just a spooky magic symbol to her?"
Stan was probably expecting Ford to vaguely speculate—but instead, he eyed the symbol critically. "It's got a slit pupil, which is always a worrying sign," he said, "but that could just be an aesthetic choice. If it had his clothing or limbs, I'd know for sure it's meant to be him, but without..."
As they'd spoken, the evening had crept on and the shadows in the alley had deepened; and now it was dark enough that someone inside the shop flipped the neon lights on. Multicolored stars danced around the window. The triangle lit up bright yellow. The pupil and top eyelid had burned out, so now it looked like the Eye of Providence was perpetually asleep, eye shut.
Stan and Ford both shivered.
"That's probably a coincidence, right?" Stan said. "That's—that's just bad luck."
"There's absolutely no scientific reason why Bill's death would cause depictions of his face to—um—malfunction," Ford said. "It's definitely a coincidence." He said it like he was sure.
"Right," Stan said. "C'mon, we should head back to the beach before someone finds our boat." He turned away from the shop. As he walked, he fished his wallet out of his pocket, rifled through the money until he found some American currency, and squinted at it to make sure Bill's eye was still open.
Ford didn't move. He was still staring at the triangle.
Did she know, he wondered? (She or he or whoever owned this shop.) Did Bill have a worshiper here? Perhaps just another distant believer who'd been recruited by one of the micro-cults Bill left in his wake, five degrees and fifty years removed from a former "student" that Bill had "inspired" and then abandoned?
Or had Bill met them in their dreams? Had he been summoned up to give them inspiration and knowledge of the future? Did they remember Bill as the central figure in a visionary dream that now made up the core of their spirituality? Maybe he'd visited them more than once, while trying to decide whether they'd be useful to him? Perhaps he'd been grooming the fortune teller into his minion, feeding them lines he wanted to pass on to a local politician or scientist? Did he ever play board games with them?
Did they worship him still?
Did they know their god was dead?
Stan called from the end of the street, "Ford?" 
"Coming." Ford tore his gaze away from the dead face. "I kept expecting it to blink."
Stan laughed nervously. "Yeah, real funny."
Stan and Ford watched each other from their peripheral vision as they turned the corner, to make sure neither of them tried to glance back to check.
They returned to their boat, set sail, and had dinner. And when Stan went to bed, Ford sat out on the deck, looked at the stars—and wept.
He'd cried when he'd thought his brother had lost his memories forever. He hadn't cried in the month and a half since then. He didn't want anyone to watch him grieve the worst monster he'd ever met.
There'd been an ache in Ford's chest for over thirty years—an empty pit that once held awe—a dark void that used to be filled with starlight. Ford knew now that, metaphorically speaking, the divine light Bill put off had never been anything but optical illusions with flashlights and mirrors. But even so—even so, nothing and nobody had inspired such sublime wonder in Ford since.
During his lowest moments out in the multiverse, starving and exhausted and despairing, he'd irrationally wondered if the unimpressable depression left in Bill's wake was evidence that Bill had been truly that great, too great for a human like Ford to understand, and the shadow cast on Ford's life in Bill's absence was the natural consequence of turning away from something godlike.
Ford had gotten over that. He'd recovered, he'd grown. He understood the truth: Bill's parlor tricks had dazzled his eyes so thoroughly that now he couldn't detect the subtle glimmer of the truly wondrous. He wondered if his eyes would ever adjust to the dark again.
Whether he liked it or not, he missed the way mind-blowing awe felt. He missed being dazzled. 
There were days when he wasn't sure what he resented Bill for more: vomiting so much glittery garbage into his soul, or stopping.
June 2013
When Ford went looking for his briefcase to make a trip to Portland, he found it opened in the kitchen. He shouldn't have left it in the kitchen. His five-page copy of the text from a purportedly-extraterrestrial prehistoric cave painting was spread out across the table.
The mysterious, unintelligible alien text had been fully translated.
With purple crayon.
Into a second alien language.
Ford could have strangled Bill.
And what made him angriest was how excited he was over this new puzzle.
The original cave panting had consisted of hundreds of tiny symbols in an unknown language from an unknown species, painted on rock, the text faded over time. He hadn't even known whether all the symbols were recognizable as their originals. He'd suspected there'd never be a translation in his lifetime, if indeed there ever was. Bill's translation implicitly said, yes, there is a knowable translation. Said, and you can know the translation too. Said, I've made it into a fun game for you. Said, all you have to do is play along.
He would not play along.
He stuffed the papers back in his bag where they belonged, added the stack of notes he'd made for his trip, slung the briefcase over his shoulder and against his back, and went looking for his great-niece.
"Hey Grunkle Ford!" Mabel waved from the living room table. "Wanna play fairy chess?" She was wearing a black-and-white checkerboard-patterned sweater with a blue fairy on her chest. Apparently, this was her plan for the day.
Ford paused outside the living room. "What's 'fairy' chess?"
"It's like normal chess, but you get to decorate the chess pieces and give them weird new rules. Look! I made a princess and a unicorn!" She held up a queen piece with a yarn ponytail and a knight piece with a clay horn. "Wanna play? You can make up any kind of piece you want and I can decorate it for you! Or I can give you the rook with the dragon wings!"
Ford laughed. "That sounds fun. Where did you come up with fairy chess?"
Mabel hesitated, her smile slightly flagging.
"Ah." Of course. He would teach her made-up chess varieties. Ford cleared his throat. "Actually, I'm planning to visit Portland today. There's a weird-looking shop I saw while Soos was driving Stan and I from the airport, and I've been meaning to visit it."
"Oh." Mabel's smile wilted completely. She placed her princess and unicorn back on the chess board. "Yeah. That's fine. I could ask Dipper if he wants to play. Unless he's going with you..."
"I was actually going to ask if you'd like to come."
Mabel's head whipped toward Ford, eyes wide. "Really?"
"Sure, it seemed up your alley! I'm going to a crystal shop—"
"WHAT!" Mabel was on her feet and bounding across the room. "Shut up, I love crystals! They're like jumbo glitter for adults!"
Ford laughed. "I thought you might be interested!"
Mabel went on, "And you know those gift shops with all the shelves of glass and crystal sculptures? I love looking at those! I've always wanted to get one, but my parents think I'd break it. They're probably right."
Ford flashed back to the devastation Mabel wrought on the gift shop snow globes last summer. Well. Maybe her parents had a point, but. "You just have to be careful with it during transport! I got one of those souvenir glass statues during my roadtrip from college to Gravity Falls, and it survived all sorts of gnome invasions and eye-bat battles. I wonder where Stan put it?"
"What did it look like?"
"Mothgar." Did they still make Mothgar movies? "She's a beautiful, heroic moth—who's been radioactively mutated into a giant fire-breathing monster. I consider her one of my heroes. Her flame breath held her statue in the air."
"That sounds awesome!" Mabel bounced on her feet excitedly. "I'll be right back! I've gotta change clothes before we go." She pounded up the stairs.
Ford wondered if Mabel would like watching Mothgar, or any of the other Lizilla monster movies. He and Stan had practically grown up on those films; it would be nice to pass his love of them on to someone else in the family. Maybe she'd find them boring. It sounded like kids these days were more into computer-generated movies...
His train of thought gently derailed as he slowly became aware of a dangerous predator watching him.
He looked around—living room, kitchen, hallway, front door. Nothing. He looked up. Bill was standing in the shadows of the attic stairway landing, leaning against the corner where the stairs turned, peering down at Ford.
Ford scowled.
Bill grinned. "Crystals, huh?" There was a mocking edge to his smile. "Doesn't that sound fun. I bet she'll just love that."
That was the idea, yes. "What are you getting at, Bill."
"'Getting at'?" Bill repeated innocently. "What's there to get at? I just think it's nice of you to do something nice for her."
"Especially after all the time you've spent favoring her brother."
There it was. And the dig struck home, too. Ford's stomach twisted. He'd never forgive himself for only confiding in Dipper about his history with Bill or the danger of the rift—and in the process, setting up Mabel to be the next one Bill tricked and exploited.
And as much as he wished he could say otherwise, he hadn't done much better in the months since then. Shortly after arriving home, Dipper had started having nightmares about Bill possessing or harassing him. When Dipper had those nightmares, usually Ford was the first person he called. He didn't want to disturb his parents or sister more than necessary, and he knew Ford kept odd hours in odd time zones and might be available at 3 a.m. California time—and most importantly, Ford had had more restless nights than he could count, waking up on strange worlds from nightmares of Bill. Ford was the only one who could understand what Dipper was going through: that unique sanity-shaking terror that came from knowing it was a dream, but still not knowing whether it was real.
Those late-night reassurance sessions and the conversations he'd had with Dipper after he calmed down had brought both of them closer. Ford was glad that when Dipper had most needed somebody, Ford was able to be that person—but he hated that in giving Dipper that support, he'd only widened the gap in the attention he gave Dipper and Mabel. 
But she had her own life, with friends and school and hobbies—so many hobbies—Dipper had told Ford, laughing, about how she'd had to juggle her parkour lessons with library craft classes—and Ford didn't have excuses to talk to Mabel the way he did Dipper, and so what could Ford do about it? (What could Ford do about it? He actually didn't know. He'd always been abysmal at socialization, even just keeping up with friends and family. And that was before he'd gone thirty years without steady human company.)
Ford had hoped he could make it up to Mabel this summer.
And then Bill happened.
He was smirking down at Ford like he knew he'd hit a bullseye.
Ford wondered how much Bill knew—if he'd assumed that the way Ford neglected Mabel last summer had continued, or if he'd had some way to spy on them over the past school year... or if she'd told him. "My family's none of your business, Bill."
Ford could almost see the gears in Bill's head turning—no doubt mentally trying out various retorts to find the most cutting—but when he spoke again, he simply changed topics. "So hey, what'd you think of that translation? Helpful at all?"
Dryly, Ford said, "You mean the one you translated into another alien language?"
"Wrong-o. I translated it into an alien writing system. It's a human language."
"What?" Ford rummaged through his briefcase for the "translated" pages. "Which language?"
"C'mon, Fords—Ford, where's the fun in just telling you? I want to see if you can figure it out yourself," Bill said. As Ford's scowl deepened, Bill added, "Give you a hint: it's a language you've studied."
A language he'd studied... Did that mean only second languages, or was English an option? No, if English was a possibility, Bill probably would have said "it's a language you know." Unless he was trying to distract Ford from the possibility it was English. He'd keep English on the list. He ought to start by counting up the number of distinct letters, if Bill had used a simple substitution cipher that might rule out some options...
He wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at the first page of the crayon translation when he heard the attic bedroom door open. Mabel came bounding downstairs in a hot pink sweater that said "YOU ROCK!" over a drum kit. "I used to have a sweater with a crystal heart on it but I think I left it in Piedmont! This'll have to do..." She slowed at the landing, giving Bill a questioning look, and then stopped when she saw Ford looking up at them. "What's up?"
Before Ford could speak up, Bill said, "I was asking Stanford about an alien translation I helped him with this morning, that's all! I don't think he's too grateful. Hey—crystal shop, right?" He beamed at Mabel. "Bring me something fun!"
Mabel beamed back. "Ok—!"
"No," Ford said.
"No," Mabel immediately repeated. "Nope! Nuh-uh, crystals are off the list of acceptable prisoner amenities."
Bill sighed deeply. "All right, fine. I guess I'll just go without the simple pleasure of a cool-looking rock in my final days."
Mabel laughed. "You're such a whiner. I'll draw you a stupid rock." She hopped down the stairs. "See you later!"
"Hey, Shooting Star," Bill said. "Stay safe out there, okay?" The way he said it like a warning, and the way Mabel immediately paused mid-step, made the hair on the back of Ford's neck stand on end. 
He held open the door, glared up at Bill, and said calmly, "We'll be back by dinner."
Bill didn't reply. He just smiled.
The moment the door shut, Mabel looked up at Ford, brows furrowed. "Sooo... what was all that about an alien translation?"
Ford showed Mabel the papers. "He rifled through my bag when I wasn't looking, put a translation in a cipher, and dared me to crack it."
"Ah!" Mabel's puzzled look evaporated. "I knew he was up to something! At least he's just being a jerk instead of a supervillain." She laughed.
Ford smiled in relief. He hadn't lost her yet. "This time, anyway."
"This time!"
As they walked around the shack to Stan's car, Mabel tentatively took Ford's hand. He squeezed hers back just a little too tight.
Part of Mabel was nervous to hang out with Ford—just Ford, without Dipper or Stan there as well. He loved her, of course—she knew he loved her, and she loved him—but they didn't simply hang out. Last summer, she'd usually been the one to talk to him first, and they rarely spoke over the school year unless it was part of a family call. She got it—last summer he'd been busy with Bill stuff, during the school year he'd been busy with adventuring, and this summer he was busy with Bill stuff again—and Ford and Dipper had more in common to talk about—so it was fine, really. She understood. But even so, being alone with him kinda made her feel like she was in trouble.
But she'd had nothing to worry about. As they hit the road, there'd been a few minutes of awkward small talk—the kinds of questions adults always asked kids when they couldn't think to ask anything else, so, what kinds of classes are you taking next year—but once they hit common ground the conversation got rolling. Mabel had agonized over whether to join the yearbook or take art class, since she only had room in her electives for one, and had finally settled on art; Ford revealed that one year in high school he'd only taken biology and physics and passed up chemistry so that he could take an art class, had kicked himself over it when taking college chemistry courses, but now decades later he was glad he'd made the effort to preserve his artistic side even as he cultivated his scientific mind. Somehow, even though she'd spent all summer looking over Dipper's shoulder at Ford's illustrations in Journal 3, it had never quite dawned on her that being a scientist didn't mean Ford wasn't also an artist.
They talked about their preferred drawing tools—Ford liked the precision and detail of pencils and pens, while Mabel preferred the smooth drawing experience, vibrant hues, and color-blending potential of crayons. They talked about what they liked drawing—Ford typically drew from life, but said he greatly admired Mabel's creative imagination. Ford talked about blueprints and engineering diagrams like they were artwork, talked about protractors and compasses and rulers like they were art tools; and Mabel figured that blueprints were like very angular versions of the intricate star, swirl, and squiggle patterns she liked filling page margins with, so maybe that was a kind of art. They agreed that the greatest artistic masters of the modern age were the people who made those crazy paintings for the covers of fantasy paperback novels. They both couldn't stand watercolor painting and didn't understand how people could control the paint well enough to make it look good, rather than just sort of leak faintly-colored puddles around the page—although Mabel, at least, was willing to give watercolors another shot.
And from artwork they moved on to talking about Mabel's hopes for high school and Ford's memories of that time—the good and the bad. (Ford asked Mabel to have mercy if the class nerd ever awkwardly attempted to flirt with her at a school dance; she could tell the nerd "no" if she wanted, just please don't pour punch all over his suit.) And then they talked about music (they were surprised at how many synth-poppy new-wavy favorites they had in common, and Mabel was heartbroken to learn how much of the 80s he still had to catch up on), and then about all the new technology Mabel thought Ford had probably missed out on and the equivalent technology he'd encountered out in the multiverse, and then some of the adventures he'd had and people he'd met out in other dimensions...
And Mabel kept expecting Bill to come up, but he never did.
The hour drive from Gravity Falls to the outskirts of Portland consisted mostly of wide flat roads self-consciously hustling through forests, as if the cars were embarrassed visitors who'd stepped into the wrong room. Low wooden buildings clustered together in twos and threes beneath the trees like dogs sitting at their owners' feet. The occasional A-frame house peered curiously down at the road through the pines and firs. Mabel peered curiously back.
In the distance, hazy blue mountains bristling with trees tried to bite the sky. Sometimes, Mabel could imagine an X-shaped rip in the sky vomiting colors onto a distant mountain. Not for the first time, she wondered what Weirdmageddon had looked like from outside Roadkill County. She'd searched online, but never found any pictures.
They passed a bright red shop with dozens of wood-carved statues of bears and Bigfoot in the parking lot, and a cute little white house with a metal sculpture of an ostrich sitting in the front yard, and a teeny tiny shack next to a chop-your-own-Christmas-tree farm—"You hack it, we'll pack it". Seeing a gas station beside a trailer-sized drive-thru coffee shop felt like stumbling upon a carnival. Eventually, the trees peeled back to reveal a strip of colorful but run-down local shops lining either side of Route 26; which bloomed into a proper small town, houses painted cloud white and sky blue on one side of the road, a hunter green motel-style apartment building on the other side, though Mabel could always see the trees waiting just a few streets beyond the main road; and then another small town, which beat the trees back even further; and then their surroundings gently became the suburban outskirts of Portland as they got on the highway.
"The crystal shop was somewhere on the north side of the highway," Ford said, gesturing to the right. So far, all that had gone by on the right had been trees, warehouses, and distant clusters of houses. "I didn't get a long look at it, but it had some mystical-sounding name and it was in a row of storefronts with a pole sign next to the highway. The sign had a cutout in the middle for a stained glass window shaped like a diamond."
"Oooh, fancy."
"And very distinctive. We should have no trouble finding the place again."
The highway ran elevated above the homes and businesses below. After a few miles, a railroad wove up alongside the highway. Ford glanced at the railroad with a puzzled frown. Mabel asked, "Should we have passed it by now?"
"I'm... not sure. I thought we would have—when we were traveling the other direction, I seem to remember I didn't see it long before we exited the highway—but..." He trailed off. "We can't possibly have missed it. That sign stood out like a sore, bejeweled thumb."
Mabel made a mental note to try bedazzling her fingernails. "Are you sure it was on this side of the highway?"
"Positive. I saw it to my left as we were traveling east and considering asking Soos and Stan if they'd mind exiting the highway to visit it, but I decided that would take too much time since it was on the wrong side of the highway and we'd have to do a U-turn. So now it should be on our side of the highway." He gestured demonstratively to the right. "I'm sure of it."
"Okay." Mabel propped her chin in her hand and stared out the window again. A wall of concrete and trees rose up along the right side of the highway, and Ford's frown deepened.
When they reached the exit for the airport, Mabel finally had to admit to herself that there probably was no crystal shop.
Her stomach flip-flopped as Ford silently exited the highway, pulled into a strip mall parking lot, and parked. He stared out the windshield, frowning in deep thought, staring into the distance.
This is it, Mabel thought, ankles twisting together, fingers digging into the bench seat cushion.
Ford said, "We can't have missed the shop. That sign was taller than anything in the area. We couldn't have overlooked it if we'd tried."
Mabel's stomach slowly de-flipped. "Maybe they closed?" she suggested. "Or maybe something knocked the sign down!" In the week and a half since Ford had last come this way.
"Maybe," Ford said dubiously.
Mabel pulled out her phone to search for Portland crystal shops and rock shops. "There's some shops in town, but I... don't see any up here? Maybe they closed years ago and only just took the sign down?"
"Hmm. It seems unlikely, but... I don't know what else could have happened." He glanced at Mabel's phone. "What are you looking at? Do you have the yellow pages in there?"
"Um..." Mabel shrugged. "Kinda?"
Ford sighed. "Well, if we can't find the crystal shop I saw, I suppose we could visit another one. I did promise you crystals. Can you give me directions with that thing?"
Mabel gave him a hesitant, thoughtful look; but then she nodded, grinned, and said, "Sure! You drive, I'll navigate! This'll be easy!"
They missed the store four times.
The store Mabel had dug up was a general magic shop named Lunar Blessings, on the ground level of a mixed-use building. It was surrounded by apartments up above, a beauty salon to the left, and a tax preparation service to the right. They carefully stowed Stan's car in the parking garage.
"For my thirtieth birthday, I made a trip to Portland and got a cake at a bakery that used to be on this block," Ford said, looking up at the compact brick-like building that now filled the block. "It must have gone out of business." So many little things had changed.
Mabel was treating the sidewalk like a huge hopscotch board as they approached the magic shop, taking huge leaps between each concrete square. As the storefront came into sight, she said, "You know those souvenir shops with trays of polished rocks and little bags you can fill up?"
"The little brown suede bags? Yes, I've seen those. I think they're terrific gifts for young fans of geology." He probably would have gotten one himself as a child, but he hadn't started seeing them until adulthood.
"I have like eight of those bags!" Mabel declared. "I collect them whenever I can! Last summer I tried to talk Grunkle Stan into adding them to the Mystery Shack, but he said they were too easy to shoplift. He let me buy a fake gold nugget for half price, though!" She looked up at Ford hopefully. "A store full of crystals probably has something like that, right? Or at least a few cheap small rocks? Those bags are only, like, five dollars."
Solemnly, Ford said, "Your shopping budget is fifty dollars."
Mabel stumbled her last jump and almost fell. "What! Are you serious!"
"I've been in places like this before. These days you can't get anything decent for five dollars." He offered her a half smile. "Anyway, I missed out on thirty years of spoiling my nephew and my great-niece and great-nephew. I've got to make up for lost time."
Mabel flung her arms around Ford—"Thank you thank you thank you!"—and flung open the store door. "Rockmongers! Show me to your biggest, fanciest crystals! You've got a big spender in the house!" The door swung shut.
By the time Ford made it in, Mabel was saying, somewhat sheepishly, "Show me to your second fanciest crystals." Ford spied her next to an amethyst geode almost as tall as she was and hurried over.
Mabel took his hand and whispered, "You weren't kidding. Fifty dollars doesn't take you far in this place."
Ford grinned. "Funny, isn't it? Considering that you can just dig this stuff out of the ground."
Mabel nodded. "Like potatoes."
Like potatoes. Ford couldn't believe he'd missed out on thirteen years of this kid.
The shop boasted books on metaphysics and magic spells; sculptures depicting an undifferentiated mix of global religious figures and fantasy creatures; fake dream catchers with plastic beads and neon-dyed feathers; shelves stuffed with herbs, incense, tarot cards, and more; and most importantly of all: crystals, crystals, rocks, and crystals. Raw stones, polished tumbled stones, carved into figurines and mystical shapes, arranged by rock type in roughly rainbow order around the walls.
It was the kind of place where, once upon a time, Ford would have eagerly spent half an afternoon, browsing the books for something intellectually stimulating amidst the rows of hokey hocus-pocus, scoffing at the promised protections listed on the cards by each type of crystal but still glancing over the crystals themselves for something that might look pleasant on his desk. Not a believer in the melting pot of New Age beliefs being peddled, but still acknowledging he'd dedicated his life to seeking the same things people sought in shops like this.
He was beginning to wonder if he'd ever feel comfortable in a magic shop again. 
He'd hardly been in the shop a minute before he saw a gold-foiled pyramid with an Eye of Horus on the side. And then small pyramids constructed out of seven layers of stone, forming an inverted rainbow from purple down to red. "Divine Eye"-brand incense sticks with a brown logo stamped onto each package depicting an uncannily realistic eye on a pyramid. Milky translucent selenite pyramids. Multiple different tarot decks—simple woodcut designs, complex oil paintings, punkish collage art—that featured an eye in a triangle somewhere on the box art. Shiny black pyramids with copper coils wrapped around them. A poster with a psychedelic Eye of Providence. Pyramids in a dozen other colors and stones. With so many hostile triangles around, even the familiar, watchful nazar and eyed hamsa amulets now seemed to stare at him too hard.
It was almost a relief when Ford spotted, between sculptures of Shiva and a severe-looking angel, one sculpture that was unmistakeably Bill himself. He was seated with his legs in lotus position, "floating" by attaching to a wall of flames behind him, with two blue glass flames in his hands. Anything else in this shop left Ford with the nervous uncertainty of whether the artist had been depicting Bill, or just an innocuous Eye of Providence symbol a hundred generations removed from its initial inspiration. But this sculpture, down to the hat and bow tie, left no doubt.
Ford reminded himself that it shouldn't be a comfort to see Bill's face; and he didn't like that he had to remind himself.
He gingerly pictured up the sculpture, surprised at how light it was, and inspected the bottom. It had a logo stamped on it that matched the logo on sculptures of at least a dozen other less malevolent entities in the store; the shop had probably bought them en masse and wasn't affiliated with Bill. But somewhere out there was an artist who was. Ford wondered where they were.
"Grunkle Ford!" Mabel bounded up to him, grinning. 
Ford flinched when his name was called and turned away from the shelf he'd been inspecting a little too fast, like he'd been caught doing something wrong—but he gave her his full, polite attention. "Yes?"
"Look what I found in the window! It makes rainbows when the sunlight hits it! Like a prism-pyramid! A prismid! A pyrismid?" She shrugged. "Anyway, isn't it awesome! Free rainbows, everywhere, forever!" She beamed at Ford, holding her clear glass pyramid up for him to inspect; but when she saw the look on his face, she slowly lowered it. "What's wrong?"
Ford forced a tense smile. "Oh, it's... I'm sorry, Mabel. You're right, it is very impressive. But—" He winced, glancing away, voice dropping, "Bill happens to be fond of those, too. I used to have—dozens of those."
Mabel's cheeks heated up. "Oh." Now that she thought back, she distantly recalled seeing a similar pyramid in the room with the switcheroo carpet, although she'd never seen it in the sunlight. Stupid, stupid, stupid. "Sorry. I can put it back. I saw some pink cats and these resin hearts filled with gold flakes? They were cute."
It took Ford a second to speak; Mabel wasn't sure he'd even heard what she'd said. "He didn't put the idea of getting one of these in your head, did he?"
"What? No!" Mabel said. "Of course not! When would he have even brought it up?"
"You... have been spending a lot of time around him lately."
"Pffft!" Mabel rolled her eyes. "Like when?"
"Okay," Stan called from the kitchen, a tray of raw burgers in front of him, "ready to start grilling! How does everyone want their burgers? Your options are 'medium rare' and 'overcooked.'"
Mabel stuck her head in the kitchen. "I want mine with sprinkles mixed in!"
Stan grimaced. "Sweetie, that sounds awful—"
Bill stuck his head in over Mabel's. "I want sprinkles too."
"I'm not making you a burger!"
Mabel chanted, "Sprinkles, sprinkles—" and Bill joined in, "—sprinkles, sprinkles, sprinkles—!"
Mabel pointed at one of the cartoon animal drawings on the blackboard. "And the orange one is...?"
Bill, sitting on the living room floor with a notepad and a yellow pencil, raised his hand, even though he was Mabel's only audience. "Teddy Tender!"
"And his job is...?"
"Healing! Uh—doctoring and social reconciliation! He's like a therapist medic."
"Correct! Full points!"
"And the indigo one?"
Bill squinted at the fishy-looking creature. "The Mystic Dolphin."
"Close enough, I'll give it to you! Misty the Dolphin. Her job?"
Bill frowned. "Psychic powers."
"Purple has psychic powers."
"Who has psychic powers, then!"
"Nobody has psychic powers, man, we've been over this!"
Bill groaned. "Is Misty going to be on the test?"
"Of course she is! We can't just skip over Misty! Indigo gets shortchanged in artistic depictions of rainbows enough as it is!"
"Misty is stupid! She can't even visit the rest of the critters!" Bill chucked his notebook at the blackboard. It smacked it harmlessly and flopped to the floor.
Mabel gave him a stern look. "You'll never grasp the deeper thematic concepts in Color Critters if you can't see that Misty's an equal part of the team regardless of her handicaps."
Bill groaned again.
"Hey dudes," Soos said, opening the attic door. "Do you know where my laundry went? I can't find my green t-shirt, and—"
Mabel was wearing Soos's green t-shirt, which went down to her calves like a loose dress. Bill was hot glueing construction paper flowers all over the shirt.
Arms outstretched in a T shape, Mabel said, "I'm the flower queen."
"She's the flower queen," Bill said.
Soos looked between them both, flashed Mabel a double thumbs up, said, "You look beautiful, dawg," and shut the door.
Mabel kicked a foot sheepishly. "I haven't been spending that much time with him."
"That was all in the last three days," Ford said.
Mabel winced. "Okay, fine—but—it's all been harmless stuff! Nothing Bill can use to conquer the world or anything! I'm not even letting him use the scissors! And I promise he's not doing anything evil under my supervision. He's actually been really well behaved—"
"That's exactly what worries me!" Ford snapped. He sighed harshly. "Mabel—I'm not surprised he's treating you decently. It's what I expected. I... I've actually been meaning to talk to you about this for a few days."
Mabel immediately went cold. Stay safe out there, okay? "Oh. Yeah?"
"I understand you're just trying to be kind, but considering who we're dealing with here—and how willing he is to exploit and abuse even our best virtues—I'm worried you're not being careful enough around him."
Mabel was never careful enough, was she? Not even careful enough to be trusted with a snow globe, much less anything important. Voice thick, she asked, "Is that why we're here?" She gestured around the magic shop.
Ford hesitated just long enough to give her her answer. "I... didn't think this was a conversation we should have inside the shack."
Mabel looked down at her hands, saw the stupid glass pyramid, and nearly flung it on the floor in frustration. Instead, she set it on the nearest shelf. Don't break anything. Under her breath, she muttered, "Bill said you'd do something like this."
"Bill said? Bill said?! Of course he would, that's just like him. What kind of nonsense has he been filling your head with?"
"Honestly, I'm surprised Ford hasn't said anything about you talking to me yet," Bill said, carefully taping construction paper petals together into flowers. "But mark my words—if he's taken this long, it's only because he's waiting for an opportunity to scold you where I can't overhear. He'll probably lure you out somewhere fun—go to the zoo or something. Then he'll let you have it."
"Pfff, come on!" Mabel focused on cutting out the next few flower petals. "He wouldn't 'let me have it.' If it bothered him that much, he'd have said so by now."
"You, my friend, have never seen him get really mad. I have. For the sake of argument, maybe I deserved it, fine—but he's got a tendency to aim that hate at anybody I'm friends with, too. So don't think you're safe."
Mabel paused, then shook her head. "No." She threw another bunch of petals at Bill to tape together. "He wouldn't hate me. We're family."
"If you were your brother, I'd agree with you. As it is, though..." Bill dumped a half dozen finished flowers in Mabel's lap. "Honestly, I can't even tell how he feels about you. Can you?"
Mabel flinched. "Obviously what he's filling my head with isn't nonsense, because he was right! You took me all the way to Portland by promising a stupid crystal shop that doesn't exist—"
"What?! Mabel, that's ridiculous! Just listen to m—"
"Why are you yelling! Why are you mad at me, I was only trying to be nice to him!" She let out a sob. "I didn't do anything wrong this time!"
Ford froze. "Mabel..."
She ran out of the crystal shop, crying. Ford watched her go, paralyzed. Mad at her? He was mad at Bill, if anybody. Mad at her?
He turned helplessly toward the shopkeeper, as if the only other adult in the store could help him out. "I'm... sorry for the disturbance." 
The shopkeeper shrugged her shoulder in vague sympathy. "She upset over some guy?"
"Not that way." Thank goodness for that. "She's just..." He sighed. "She's been making friends with a very bad influence."
The entire crystal shop trip was initially one super long chapter that I cut in two. They would have been about equal length if I'd ended this chapter after Ford saw the Bill statue. I decided not to do that. I did that to be mean. ♡
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Dead Girls Walking
Chapter 2: Here we come, Mason's Point!
Brook was scared.
Those goddamn photos. Who on earth managed to get one of Sasha? Especially of when she was seven.
This whole situation had brought up a lot of suppressed feelings in her, and it didn't help that her nightmares were going haywire now.
All of them were the same. She was in a graveyard. None of the names weren't readable and the letters just moved to quickly to even try to decipher. There was always an anxious feeling in the air, an anticipation for something.
It ended with a gunshot, and she woke up.
She was now tired, feeling guilty and stilling trying to balance in everything else. Not a good mix.
And based on the way Finley and Anastasia were looking, she assume they were doing as good as she was.
They all sat in the Chaos cabin, looking anxiously between each other.
Finley's eyes were red and puffy and Brook would tell she had been crying her to sleep based on what she looked like that morning.
Anastasia had clearly been trying to avoid her emotions, and nearly broken her hand during training.
"Okay, let's just acknowledge it. Finley, I think you're right about Mason's point." Brook spoke up. "If it's a trap, it's a trap. We're going to die from no sleep if you don't do something."
Anastasia nodded. "We can't keep trying to live in this state."
"I'm glad we agree, cause I'm desperate enough that I was considering going by myself." Finley admitted.
Brook nodded. She couldn't say she also didn't think about it.
Finley looked down at her feet. "How'd they die?" She asked quietly.
"W-what?" Anastasia spluttered.
"How'd they die?" She asked shakily, slightly louder.
"What do you mean?" Brook asked.
"The people in our photos. How'd they die? I think they have something to do with it."
"Well, we know how my sister died." Brook stated.
"Annie?" Finley asked.
Anastasia shook her head. "I can't tell you."
Brook was perplexed. This was 100% a touchy subject, but it wasn't like Anastasia to downright refuse talking about something.
She looked over to Finley, who was glancing at her with a concerned expression, before she turned back to Anastasia.
"It's alright. Tell us when you're ready." She squeezed her shoulder. "But, I assume there's a pattern. If they wanted to scare us, they'd like send us a severed limb or something."
"True." Anastasia chuckled weakly. "Mason's Point, huh?"
Brook nodded. "I'll look up where it is."
"That's probably wise." Finley nodded too. "How are we going to get permission to leave?"
"Go see Aria?"
"I doubt a prophecy's going to help us." Anastasia voiced. "We know where we need to go, and we have three."
"But it would warn us." Brook pointed out
"Is that really a good thing?" Finley said quietly.
Brook paused. It was an interesting thing to consider. Is knowing the future really a good thing?
"So, what do we do?" She asked.
"Get there ourselves." Anastasia stood up. "I can get us there."
Finley smiled. "I forget you can teleport."
"Where is it?"
Brook looked back down at her phone. "Just in New York."
"Oh thanks gods." Anastasia sighed. "Not far if we need a search party."
"Yeah. So we're doing this?
"We're doing this." Finley agreed. "After dark, I'd say. 2?"
The other two nodded. "Time to solve a mystery."
They all met not to far from the strawberry field.
Brook at least four different weapons on her, and was running on pure anxiety at this point.
A part of her wanted to turn around and go to bed, but the rest her knew that would A) be pointless and B) make her regret it for the rest of life.
"Hey." Finley greeted in a whispered.
"Hey." She greeted back. "Annie here?"
"She was, but she went to leave a note."
"Smart." Brook nodded, just as Anastasia came running over.
"Sorry!" She whispered yelled. Brook wasn't really sure why they were whispered at this point.
"It's fine." Brook waved a hand. "You still came."
Anastasia nodded. "We ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be.

"Uh, is that a yes?" Anastasia asked.
"Yes, that was a yes."
"O-k. Grab on." She held out her hands.
They both grabbed on, and after a few seconds it felt like the world slowly began to spin.
The feeling became faster and faster. It was honestly kinda sickening.
Right before it felt like Brook was about to vomit, they were gone.
@arisdaughter @childofthewargod @dianedantedominic @kaiaalwayswins
@that-girl-cupid @delilah-isnt-dead-yett @daonedaonlyskh
@aria-pane @poseidons-hyperactive-kid @wine-cooper @i-am-persephones-daughter @unhinged-waterlilly
@demigod-jack-hearth @seed-of-the-pomegranate @istglevi-gotmesimping
@if-chaos-was-a-boy @ariathemortal @i-was-never-sane @gaygirldoodles @superbstarlightsheep
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9 notes · View notes
donutsupremacy · 2 months
"After completing their journey in Fontaine, the traveler and Paimon decided to return to Inazuma, only to see that the 'Test of Courage' event is being carried out once again. They decide to participate, but an unexpected friend arrives and request for them to sign up as his partner in the event."
Written during 4.5
Spoilers for Akitsu Kimodameshi storyline and event (Vers 3.3)
Takes place AFTER the story quests in Fontaine
Reader is traveller, but may be read while in the perspective of Lumine or Aether as the 'traveler', or yourself as the 'traveler'
Yes Paimon is here
Side characters mentioned
Violence and physical fights
Fluff (fighting doesn't count as angst right-)
Heizou my beloved uwu
Heizou simping for traveler
But I'm down horrendously bad and simp for him too
This is long, very very long
The plot is all over the place
Probably at least 30 inconsistencies in the plot
Not proof read
A/N: Happy birthday to the most handsome, coolest, smartest, most awesome, most stunning, most well-written, most perfect, most elegant, most funny, hottest, most fun, most superb, most cunning, most sexy, most caring, (insert the remaining 300+ compliments)— character of all time in Genshin Impact;
My beloved husband and the father of my children, Shikanoin Heizou <3
Also I think I misspelled 'Traveler' to 'Traveller' about 10 times
Your romance starts here
Inazuma City, the sound of usual cheerful chatter lost in the night sky as street lights brightened up the surrounding areas the traveler and their fairy-like companion traversed through, hearing familiar voices call out their names and send them friendly waves, a few welcoming them back to the land of Electro.
This was something they needed. Just a simple walk to help relieve them of the adrenaline experienced back in Fontaine.
From watching a man get crushed to death and clearing a magician's name, to uncovering the truth of the Primordial sea and unmasking Furina's true identity. Not to mention 'The prophecy' that brought in a catastrophe, nearly wiping out the citizens of Fontaine.
"It seems like we're just as popular as ever!" Paimon hummed, her little crown bobbing slightly as she floats by the traveler's side. "I think we've been popular ever since the end of the Vision Hunt Decree." The traveler chuckled, returning their waves and nodding their heads in acknowledgement.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or has a certain someone finally returned to the city just on time for the 'Test of Courage' again?" A familiar, feminine and silky voice purred close by— emerging from seemingly out of no where behind the traveler, their unmistakable appearance of pink fox ears and hair along with the white shrine maiden's outfit. "My... I knew you were a courageous one, or perhaps, it was just coincidence you returned right on time."
"Miko! Long time no see!" Paimon squeaked, the white haired fairy and the traveller greeting her with a wave. "Huh? The 'Test of Courage'?... Again? Wait— you're not planning anything suspicious again behind the scenes, are you!?" The fairy huffed, narrowing her eyes at the pink haired female.
Miko lets out a calm, yet, amused giggle, a hand over her sly grin that was knowingly full of teasings and mischief. "Jumping into conclusions now, are we?... I must admit, perhaps the last event may have caused some... unwanted mayhem, but it was quite enjoyable, no? Ease your worries, you two... That Yashiro rascal took charge of the event. So really, if anything out of the ordinary happened, it would be him pulling the strings behind it, not me... Pity. I would've loved adding in my own 'flair' to the event."
While Paimon was off asking questions after question that suspects Miko's part behind the event, the traveller looks off into the night sky, seeing the sea of stars out of reach.
The first event was quite memorable, it almost felt like yesterday— Walking with their friends in Chinju Forest, meeting those kids, Itto's shenanigans... Chizuru... and a certain someone's investigation.
'Perhaps I can spare some time to catch up with some of them...'
Standing in front of the beach, the traveler watches as the surface of the water slowly washes towards their feet, lapping against the sand beneath them, before sinking back further out into the sea. Their eyes traced along the clear blue shore, hearing the sound of waves splashing against stray rocks.
"Paimon remembers Chizuru here... all those memories seem so fresh, like it's only been a day since the last 'Test of Courage'..." Paimon murmured in a solemn tone, as though she had read her companion's mind.
"Yeah... I remember her too— and that wish..." The traveler trailed off, the sound of the yokai's voice echoing faintly in their mind, replaying her wish;
'I wish that every day of your journey ahead will be filled with joy like a festival.'
"Quite a lovely evening, isn't it?." Another familiar voice hummed, the sound of footsteps brushing beneath the sand gradually growing louder towards the traveler.
A pair of lime green eyes met theirs.
"Heizou! It's great to see you again, did you get a commission for an investigation?" Paimon chirped as she and the traveler approached the young detective, whose smile widened upon meeting the traveler's gaze.
"Not exactly... A little birdie told me that the 'Hero of Inazuma' had returned, roaming the streets of Inazuma City. No doubt that title belongs to you, my dear partner." Heizou chuckled as he crossed his arms, his burgundy hair lightly swaying in the wind along with the shore. "I take it you're both here for the 'Test of Courage' event again?"
"We heard about it. Since we're trying to unwind from our journey, we decided it wouldn't be any harm to participate in it again and have fun. After all, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like history will repeat itself." The traveller explained in a half-joking tone, elicting a huff of amusement from the detective.
"When news of that event was being spread around and that you had returned, my intuition told me you'd be somewhere quiet to think about the first event, somewhere also related to them. So I narrowed the place down to the beach— where we confronted and learned the truth about Chizuru's motives." Heizou murmured, shuffling to the traveller's side as the three of them stared out into the ocean.
For a moment, not a single word was exchanged, each of them quietly staring out into the sea— knowing that was the last of their Yokai friend, who now rests above the clouds in peace.
Eventually, the young detective, quietly coughed into his fist, his fingers toying with the collar of his shirt as his eyes met theirs. "...Say, unlike last time, I didn't get to enjoy the event fully, I even dragged you into my work— but now that you're here and I don't have a commission to fulfill... what say we become partners for the event since it starts tomorrow?" Heizou asked, the slight twinge of nervousness barely noticeable in his tone.
Heizou? Nervous? Certainly something rare.
"We are quite a team, after all." Heizou chuckled, the corner of his lips tugging up into a little grin.
The traveler's brows raised, their cheeks tinted a faint shade of pink, hidden underneath the moonlight.
"It's not a problem, we didn't mind helping you with your investigations." They hummed, a soft smile gracing their lips that made his heart skip a beat. It's just as beautiful as he last saw it. "...Though, I'd be honoured to be your partner for the event, Heizou."
Flashing you a toothy grin, Heizou's velvety laughter erupts from his throat. "I should be the one feeling honoured to have you accept my request. I've heard that the prize was a rare geode found deep within Seirai Island. It has a dark grey crust, but supposedly carries [colour] minerals inside."
"Though, i'm not particularly interested in the prize, i'll make sure to do my best so you'll win it— I'd like to see the inside of the geode, and I'd like to see it try to rival that pretty smile of yours." Heizou hummed, sending a wink as his facial features donned a sly smile.
"...Eh?" Paimon glanced back and forth between the traveler and the detective, raising a brow of confusion as she spots her companion's cheeks glow a bright colour, the dark lighting couldn't hide the obvious blush anymore as blood rushed to their face.
"I... uh... look forward... to participating in the event with you..." The traveller managed to stammer out as they avert their gaze, rubbing the back of their nape awkwardly.
"So will I, traveler... so will I..." Heizou quietly mumbled under his breath, facing the ocean but still had the traveler in his peripheral vision— eyes still trained on them as he felt his heart rapidly thumping against his chest at the thought of them. Perhaps he could finally tell them how much they caused his heart to race.
How much he desires to stare into their eyes all day.
How much he wonders how they would feel in his arms.
How much he craves to have their lips on his.
It was the day of the event— located deep within Chinju Forest just like before, participants and familiar faces were seen preparing themselves for the event.
"Traveler, there you are." Heizou chirped upon seeing the traveler nearby, chatting with a few friends.
"Heizou! You're right on time— the event's about to start pretty soon!" Paimon said as the traveler bid their other friends farewell and good luck, before shuffling over to Heizou's side, the dim lighting of the forest barely able to hide the suave detective's little grin.
A velvety chuckle slips past his lips. "Sorry about that, I was busy getting some last minute work done. But don't worry, I'm here now with you and that's all that matters." Heizou murmured as he locks eyes with them, a twinkle of excitement at the thought of spending time with them seen in his pupils.
Albeit not alone since they were with Paimon,
"I heard this event is a little different than the one from previous event, they changed the rules a little, no?" Heizou hummed. "There's only one round and you need to find all three items in one fell swoop... seems easy enough, but I wonder if they've upper their games with their scare tactics."
The corner if the detective's lips curved higher up. He knew the traveller was well-known for being fearless and courageous, dueling with Fatui Harbingers, battling against the Shogun, saving nations left and right. He doubts they would be scared by a few measly jumpscares.
But a part of him wished they did, just so they could feel safer as he held them in his arms.
It wasn't long before the shrine maiden had announced the beginning of the event, the traveler and detective catefully navigating through the thick shrubbery and dim lighting, Paimon hiding behind the traveler's back, lightly trembling as soft whimpers left her lips.
"Is... Is it just Paimon, or... does the forest seem more... scarier than last time?..." Paimon uttered out frightfully, her pupils shrinking whenever the softest sound was heard, from their shoes crunching against the grass underneath to the sound of running water flowing nearby.
"It's just the chilling atmosphere of the dark forest and the lack of light, there really isn't nothing more out of the ordinary, Paimon." The detective spoke as dried leaves crunched under his sandals. "Besides, you have the traveler with you here, I highly doubt there's nothing they can handle."
"You flatter me, Heizou." The traveler hummed.
The traveler, Paimon and Heizou roamed the woods, following wooden signs as they pointed to several different directions.
A few odd noises were heard left and right, sometimes voices of other participants speaking from afar, elicting a squeal of terror from the small fairy. In the corner of Heizou's eyes, he could see the traveler's movement jolt at each sound out of surprise, causing his lips to tug into an amused smile. Could they be any more endearing be?
If it weren't for Heizou's quick deductions and keen observation, they wouldn't have been able to found the first item wedged between some rocks. Though, unlike the given item on the list, the three were suprised to find a piece of jewelry stuck beneath the pile of rocks.
"Eh? Weren't we supposed to find a fan?" Paimon asked, her small fingers scratching her head as she looked at the paper in her hands; A fan, a piece of talisman, and the geode— meant to be the final hidden item that only one group could find, declaring them as the winner and sole owner of the geode. "That's a ring!"
The traveler's mouth opened to say something, but their eyes glazed over at the detective for his input. Upon noticing the way his brows furrowed and his eyes narrowing ever so slightly, olive eyes examining the condition of the jewelry with intense focus. They slowly closed their mouths, leaning in slightly to get a better look at the jewelry, thinking Heizou might have found something odd about it.
Heizou's breath hitches quietly, the way the traveler leans in closer, allowing him to feel the tiniest bit of heat radiating from their body and feel the friction between their skins touching that sent a jolt through his body. He could even see the slightest details on their faces.
He notes every facial features on instinct when it comes to memorising faces of criminals he was ordered to track down, but when it comes to the traveler, he feels like memorising every bit of their pretty face and burn the image into his mind permanently.
'Their skin is... so soft...'
No harm done, he was sure they'd be flattered to know they were the muse of his fantasies. One he had been constantly dreaming of, eager to see their gorgeous smile and hear about all their exciting adventures while they speak in voice that puts him into a trance.
"I... take it you've noticed something odd about this situation?" Heizou eventually asks, the traveler barely able to catch the slight shaky breath he let out.
The ring had an engraving of two letters, though neither of them weren't sure who it belongs to, Heizou couldn't help but noticed it was wedged quite tightly into the rocks and covered in small bits of dirt. It seemed like someone was trying to dig through here, but had accidentally lost their ring in the process.
"If your deductions were correct, we should have been led to the correct item... how odd— I don't see anything resembling a fan anywhere." The traveler hummed. "Could we have been led astray on purpose?"
The possibility of someone else sabotaging the event for their own selfish desires was not off the table at all.
"Are you sure we're on the right path, Heizou? I don't even see any more signs nearby other than the ones we were following!" Paimon huffs, floating around in search of anything.
"Actually, there's one right there." Heizou awnsers immediately as he approaches the river nearby, squatting down and picking up the sign that seemed so lazily discarded on the riverbank.
The traveler and their small companion joined his side, his deft fingers brushing against the wooden surface of the sign before turning it around to examine the back. How odd, it seemed like it was broken off of a surface. "See this small patch behind the sign? I think this... was broken off from there." Heizou points at the nearby tree, having a small piece of it's wooden surface torn off.
He gets up, walking over to the tree and perches the tree upon it's wooden surface, trying to adjust it until the sign fits on the tree. It fits perfectly. "Bingo— so this sign was originally pointing that way." Heizou hummed, jabbing his finger at... a nearby cliff.
The three glanced down at the cliff, noting how it was a long fall and would definitely result in a broken leg. "All the way down there!?" Paimon exclaimed in confusion, before she glares at Heizou with unamusement. "Heizou, did you take too many criminal cases at once that it used up all your brain cells!?"
A velvety chuckle erupts from his throat. "Paimon, not everyone would be so dumb as to leap off a cliff this high up and land with their feet or body." He squats down, pointing at a trail of markings on the side of the cliff. Small indents left on the soil, rocks seeming loose and even a several deep scratches left on the surface. "Someone... or some people have been scaling down the cliff."
"Though, they did a sloppy job— It seemed like someone landed pretty harshly at the bottom." The traveler pointed out, noticing a small pit in the sand at the bottom of the cliff.
The detective chuckles, patting their shoulder. "Good eye."
"Learned from the best." The traveler hummed with a cheeky smile, gesturing to the burgundy haired male, whose pale cheeks flushed a bright shade of red.
To think the traveler was even paying attention to his little techniques on observation, how charming!
Although, scaling down the cliff was no easy feat without proper equipment, the traveller had not much of a problem, having learned to climb even the highest mountains and the steepest hills with nothing but their bare hands. A couple scratches here and there, but it a part of their was a journey, and what's a journey without a few minor injuries?
Heizou, on the other hand, wasn't struggling as much either. For a detective, he was trained to climb rocky surfaces and travel through rough terrains in order to track down criminals or finding hideouts, physical strength may not be his expertise, but he sure knew how to put it to good use.
Paimon... just floats down slowly.
"Seems like they weren't an expert of covering their tracks either. Rookie mistake." Heizou pointed out, noticing several foot prints left on the sand, some messy and some barely visible— as though a group of people had scampered towards one direction in a hurry, leaving a mess in their wake
The trio wasted no time as they tracked the trail, seeming as though it was an endless path that winded further from Chinju Forest. Further away from the actual event area.
"Uhh... is it really a good idea to stray so far away from the forest? Paimon doesn't think the event would stretch out past beyond that cliff area!" Paimon exclaimed, worry and uncertainty evident in her voice, not wanting to get disqualified by a hoax or a decoy meant as a distraction.
"The event doesn't cover this area... however, it seems like we've got a new case here on our hands." Heizou murmured, continuing to follow the trail without a hint of hesitation or doubt in his voice.
The traveler smiled a little at his focused expression, determination to solve even the tiniest bit of mysteries was rather attractive, despite the lack of evidence, he sure knows how to make use of the smallest clues to it's fullest.
The way his brows furrowed, his nose slighty scrunching as he concentrates... even the two moles underneath his eyes moved with each twitch of his lips— Was Heizou ever this attractive when they first met? Or... did he just get more handsome over time?
"I know I'm pretty good-looking, but there's no need to stare." Heizou's voice rang out, forcing the traveller out of their little trance. He chuckles with a hint of a teasing tone, both of their cheeks tinted with faint shades of red. "You can gawk at me all you want later, as long as I get to do the same to you, but I'd appreciate it if you could focus on the task at hand."
"R-Right!" The traveler coughs awkwardly into their fist, hurrying along the trail and walking further than Heizou to avoid letting their flushed face be seen by the suave detective. Meanwhile, Paimon frantically tries to fly faster to catch up to her companion, while Heizou could only smirk a little in amusement.
'So cute...' Heizou muses in his mind.
Eventually, the trail winds up to a cave underneath Inazuma City and Tenshukaku.
"Now, Paimon's sure we're going the wrong way." Paimon deadpans, her hands on her hips as she gave Heizou and expectant look, waiting for either an excuse or a twist.
"My intuition is telling me otherwise." The detective hummed, stroking his chin as he looked around.
Nothing looked out of the ordinary; Ores were growing from the ground, Onikabutos were relaxing on rocks, vines clinging onto the cave walls. "...Let's head in deeper." The traveler suggested, nodding their head towards the pathway. Heizou immediately follows suit, sharing a smile with the traveler in agreement that they had likely sensed something was out of the ordinary.
"Hey! Stop leaving Paimon alone, you two!" The white haired fairy whined, quickly floating towards them.
Upon arriving at a small pocket within the cave, the three were suprised upon seeing a piece of dark grey rock settled on top of a boulder— the prized geode. However, much to their dismay; A thunder barrier was the final obstacle in their path seperating them from victory and claiming the final prize.
Though, it seems like Lady Luck was on their side as a Thunder Sakura Bough was close by, allowing the traveler to receive an Electrograna and enter the barrier. Upon placing the Electrograna into the Thunderstone, the barrier slowly dissipates, allowing entry for Heizou and Paimon.
The traveler gives Heizou another smile, but it falters upon seeing the look of uncertainty on his face. Before the traveler could speak and voice their concern for his hesitation, Heizou mutters out. "This... seems too easy... And why were one of the signs from the event's venue tampered with?"
Voices echoed from outside the cave, followed several footsteps rapidly approaching.
Flinching, the traveler immediately summons their sword as the three turned around, seeing a group of men appearing and blocking the exit. Judging by the attire and weapons in their hands along with the mask on their faces; They're treasure horders.
"Let me guess; You guys were those ore thieves from Seirai Island? The group reported for going around and stealing materials from mine shafts?" Heizou spoke, his voice stern and his glare sharp, every single one of their slightest movements under his scrutiny. "I've heard of you... so you're here to steal the geode, I suppose?"
"Smart kid... But don't act tough in front of your little [S/O]." The supposed leader scoffed, his height towering his grunts, his eyes narrowed with irritation. "We've been after that geode for months! Until you nosy officials stole it right under our noses!"
"Enough talking! Now that you broke down the barrier, hand it over or we're bashing the three of you heads in!" The leader hissed, his sledge hammer propped on his shoulder, muscles flexing with his anger.
"Well... I was hoping we could settle this with a negotiation... But I guess nothing can be accomplished against someone with such a temper." Heizou sighed in disappointment, his burgundy hair lightly swaying as he shook his head, before he cracked his knuckles. He flashes the traveler a grin. "Traveler, mind giving me hand?"
"Always." The traveler hummed, rolling their shoulders to prevent any stiffness in their body. "Paimon, take the geode and find Ayato. Heizou and I will take care of this."
Despite wanting to voice her protest, the little fairy squeaks in a panic as she narrowly dodges a bottle containing Electro, shattering against the wall behind Paimon as glass fragments flew past her. "Paimon, it's fine, we can handle this! Go, now!" The traveler urges, charging towards the bandits with Heizou.
Seeing the brief opening, Paimon reluctantly snatches the geode and swiftly flies out of the cave, leaving a trail of sparkls and symbols in her wake, exclaiming that she would be as quick as she could.
Despite being largely outnumbered, the traveler and Heizou didn't struggle. Sword, shovels and hammers clashed against one another, but the clear advantage from both the traveler's experience in battle and Heizou's strength while using his vision allowed them to take down most of the treasure horders.
A frustrated groan erupts from the leader when he noticed most of his grunts getting knocked out from the fight, his muscles clenching as rage burns in his eyes, throwing the sledgehammer towards the traveler while they were distracted evading arrows from a marksman. Heizou, in the middle of rubbing his cheek donning a small bruise after tanking a punch from a scout, notices the incoming attack.
Just in the nick of time, Heizou leaps into the air and manages to kick a large gust of wind towards the sledgehammer with his vision. He lands, gracefully, watching as the gust of wind not only drags the sledgehammer away, but also pulls in several treasure horders along with it and sending them slamming into the cave wall.
"Well, partner... you're getting rusty— leaving your back wide open for attacks?" Heizou teases, chuckling as he cracks his knuckles, giving a playful smile towards the traveler, who had the marksman pinned down.
"It's a good thing I have a trusty partner to cover for me." The traveler hummed with a cheeky look, their knee digging down into the unconscious bandit's back.
The detective's grin tugs into a smirk, his pale cheeks turning a faint red. "Can't afford anyone to ruin that pretty face with bruises and cuts." He winks, a chuckle erupting from his throat as he see their face growing equally red. Sure, they were in the middle of an all-out brawl, but an opportunity is an opportunity— he wouldn't miss the chance to see those adorable cheeks flush a gorgeous red.
Meanwhile, the bulky leader of the bandits, despite the initial fury he felt earlier— was replaced with the expression of panic.
Realizing his whole squad was laying unconscious on the cave floor, he slowly inched backwards. Sweat forms on his head as he cursed quietly, he was already outnumbered against the pegendary traveler and a powerful detective. "Gotta make a run for it." He turns on his heel, preparing to flee.
"Leaving so soon? I would be more than honoured if you had extended your stay." A familiar voice spoke. Out came Kamisato Ayato, a group of soldiers from the Shogun's Army standing right behind him, armed with their spears and armour. The bandit skids to a halt, raising his hands in defense.
"Traveler! Heizou!" Paimon's voice rang out as she swiftly flies over to her companion, floating around in search of any injuries on their bodies, worry evident on her face. "Oh... you're both alright... But don't even send Paimon out alone ever again!" She huffs.
"We'll take care of the rest from here on out." Ayato spoke. "Excellent work, you three. When I first heard the three of you would team up for the event, I had no doubt in my mind you would not only end up as the victors, but also help with an ongoing issue in Inazuma."
Paimon clicked her tongue in annoyance, stomping her leg in the air like a child. "Will someone please explain to Paimon what happened!? And why are we getting dragged into more shenanigans!?"
The blue haired man chuckled, waving his hand dismissively. "I take it the three of you had heard news about a group of ore thieves who had been invading mineshafts and stealing valuable and precious metal?"
"Well, they're well known to move their hideouts frequently after each sucessful heist. Therefore, the Tri-Commissioners have fashioned a sort of trap by using the Courage Event as a guise, to lure out the bandits with a special type of ore we had found." Ayato explained.
"In other words... This whole event was a ruse and a decoy to trap bandits." The traveler said, causing Ayato to nod in agreement.
The white haired fairy groaned, flying up at Ayato's face with a small pout on her features. "By using a public event as a bait that could get anyone hurt? Couldn't either of you commissioners thought of a better decoy!?"
Ayato holds his arms up in defense, letting out an amused chuckle, but held a sheepish look. "Well... it was rather convincing and effective, was it not?"
While Paimon kept blowing up at the face of the Yashiro commissioner, Heizou shuffles over to the traveler's side, lightly tugging on their arm and nodding his head towards the outside of the cave. He dons a playful smirk, and it was enough to convince the traveler to follow him.
Outside, the detective held the prized geode in his hand, waving it. "Well, I wasn't expecting a full-blown brawl to happen in this event, I was... more or less expecting a calmer and fun game with you. Still, in the end— I kept my promise."
The detective hands the ore over to the traveler, allowing them to crack it open using the back of their sword. It splits in half, exposing an array of [Colour] crystals lined within, shining under the sun.
"Man alive... I think it's pretty worth it." Heizou mumbles, his voice oddly quiet and sounding breathless.
"You think? I think it was absolutely worth it!" The traveler, voice laced with excitement, cradling the geode in their hands as each of the crystals sparkled in a hypnotic rhythm.
It wasn't until the traveler lifted their head, locking eyes with the detective, who's lips curved into a soft smile, cheeks dusted with a faint red colour. "I'm not talking about the crystals inside... I'm talking about you." Heizou spoke quietly, seeing the traveler like this never failed to take his breath away.
"It's worth it to see you smile." Heizou adds, leaning in closer to the traveler, drinking in the way the crystals and lights reflected in their eyes.
A blush spreads across the traveler's face, their eyes widening at the close proximity, wanting to lean away at first— before letting out a sigh of defeat as they didn't dare move away, not when the way Heizou smiled and his soft gaze on them was just as addicting to stare.
"...Darn, fell into another trap..." The traveler murmured, averting their eyes out of embarrassment, causing the detective to chuckle. Heizou's hand reached up to held their chin, preventing them from looking away.
Their lips twitched upwards, unable to resist smiling when their faces were in such close proximity between eachother.
"Hey... it's not a trap, I swear!" The detective cooed, a cheeky smile wasn't enough to convince the traveler. "...Well, maybe it is."
The traveler opened their mouth, wanting to retort with a joke— but was soon silenced as a pair of warm lips met theirs.
Soft, sweet, gentle.
It only lasted just a few seconds, yet, felt like a whole decade passed by.
Once Heizou's lips slowly parted from the traveler, a smirk appears on his handsome features seeing their dumbfounded and flustered expression, a part of him wishes to continue.
But maybe he can save them for later. Now wasn't the best place or time, he knew their little companion was probably frantically looking around for the two of them.
"Congratulations, you fell into my trap... You're not my partner anymore. You're my beloved [S/O] now!~" Heizou hummed, his voice laced with both mischief and endearment.
The traveler blinked, still dumbfounded as their brain was trying to process the lingering feeling of his lips on their's. Before their expression morphs into one of fondness and amusement. "...I think that's a nice trap to fall into."
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akehoshimystar · 4 months
Kiho SSR
Marigold Smile
Part 1
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Ito: …….Alright, I think this is all the stuff. I should move on to the costumes.
The dress-up event ended with great success. As the cleanup progressed, I gathered the costumes that the members had changed into for cleaning.
Ito: (Still, these costumes are very lovely.)
(Each flower was selected to match their image.)
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Kiho: I heard that Roka chose them based on inspiration.
Ito: Ah, Kiho-san. Good work.
Kiho: Yeah, same to you.
Ito: The flowers Roka-san chose really looked great on everyone.
The fact that his inspiration fits everyone so well is really impressive.
Kiho: That’s what I thought.
In fact, their flower meaning fits each person perfectly.
Ito: Flower meaning?
Kiho: Well, this is Roka we’re talking about, so I don’t think he had thought that far.
Ito: And yet, it matched everyone.
Kiho: I wonder if that's even possible.
Ito: .….I guess so. But in Roka-san’s case, it does seem possible.
Kiho: Haha. For example, the flower he picked for Riku was Nadeshiko.
Which means “pure love” in flower language.
Ito: Pure love... I see.
Kiho: Do you know what flower was on Ai’s costume?
Ito: Rhododendron, I assume?
Kiho: Which means “majestic”and “magnificence”.
Ito: Oh wow….
Kiho: On point, right?
Ito: On point, indeed.
Then, Kise-san's bellflower is….
Kiho: “Gratitude”
Well…... There's still more to this.
Ito: Incredible. Each meaning was literally made for them.
Kiho: Yup. Roka’s strange ability is to get to the core of things, albeit unknowingly. 
Ito: (The core, huh?)
(Ah. Then, what about Kiho-san's flower...?)
Part 2
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Ito: Kiho-san’s flower is a marigold, right?
Kiho: Correct.
Ito: Do you know its meaning?
Kiho: Curious much?
Ito: Well, yes. We’ve already come this far, so my curiosity is at its peak right now.
That is if Kiho-san doesn't mind.
Kiho: No problem here.
Well, I suppose I'd be a little reluctant to say it myself in this situation.
Since I've already mentioned something about the core.
Ito: I see...?
(That means it's fine as long as he doesn’t say it himself.)
Ito: Then, can I look it up myself?
Kiho: Feel free. I have no right to stop you anyway.
I replied in understanding. And immediately looked up the meaning of marigold flowers on my smartphone.
Ito: …… Wow.
That is totally made for you, Kiho-san.
Kiho: Which one did you see?
Ito: “Prophecy” and “trust” came up, I immediately thought of you.
Kiho: Oh, that one, huh?
Ito: (…………Did he just say “that one”?)
But before I could ask again, Kiho-san smiled at me.
Kiho: If our heroine thinks it perfectly fits, then she’s probably right.
Ito: The more I think about it, the more I find Roka-san amazing.
Kiho: Roka chose the flowers for us this time, but if we were to choose the flowers ourselves, it would be pretty obvious what we would pick. 
Ito: Yeah. It's like choosing the flowers based on their meanings.
Kiho: In our case, there’s nothing inspirational about it.
Ito: That made my impression towards Roka-san even better...
Kiho: Haha. But seriously….
Although he may seem like he doesn’t know anything, I sometimes think he can see right through me. 
Part 3
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Ito: (Even so...)
As I scrolled through the marigold pages, I realized that there are so many different meanings in the language of flowers.
Ito: (Prophecy, trust, also….)
(“Jealousy”.…..I see, there is this kind of meaning too.)
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Kiho: By the way, does our heroine know about her flower?
Ito: Eh, my flower...?
Kiho: I could pretty much guess from your reaction. Perhaps, you don’t know the flower language of lavender.
Yes, the flower that Roka-san picked for me was lavender.
Ito: That's true. I don't think I've heard about it before.
Do you know the meaning of lavender, Kiho-san?
Kiho: I do. Well, not that I mind telling you here….…
Ito: (.…That way of speaking is the same as when I asked about the meaning of marigold.)
After judging from the situation, I…..
Ito: It’s okay, I'll look for it myself.
Kiho: Go ahead.
Plus, I can avoid hogging all the credit for myself.
Ito: (Credit?)
Not knowing what he meant, I looked up the meaning of lavender.
Ito: …..Ah.
Kiho: What does it say?
Ito: “Expectation”. “I'm waiting for you”……..
Kiho: In other words….
“Aporia has been waiting for you.” It could be interpreted that way.
Ito: Perhaps, this time as well, Roka-san’s strange ability has reached all the way here.
(Well, that should be the case. At least, let's believe that.)
While keeping that in mind, I gently touched the dried lavender flowers that were used for my costume.
Kiho: Thank you for your hard work, Ito.
Ito: Yes, same to you.
I really was helped by everyone, but I'm glad I was able to be of help as well.
After a slight bow, my eyes landed on my smartphone.
Ito: (Oh, there’s still more.)
(Could it be there’s another meaning…?)
Mao: Sorry, Ito. Can I ask you to help me with this?
Ito: Oh, sure!
I closed the page and put my smartphone in the pocket.
Ito: Sorry, Kiho-san. That’s my cue to go. Please leave your clothes there after you're done changing.
Kiho: Consider it done.
Ito: I will excuse myself, then.
Kiho: …….
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Kiho: ……. “Expectation”. “I'm waiting for you”……..
Oh well. Time to get changed.
Translator’s note - Marigolds also represent energy, good luck, warmth, creativity, prosperity, passion and more. Conversely, marigolds may also symbolizes grief, despair and jealousy and be associated with death, remembrance and resurrection.
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Either Desuhiko's about to close one checkmate of a brilliant trap, or he's committed the biggest whoopsy-doodle of all time.
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That's a good question. Either he hung onto it because he's an opportunistic filcher or he hung onto it for bait. Once again, it's genuinely hard to tell whether Desuhiko is playing a fool or is a fool.
If he is acting, he deserves an award.
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I don't know that Desuhiko would do that.
But I don't know that he wouldn't either.
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Now that she's confirmed the ring's location, she's looking for her opening. I wonder if she knew he had it on him from the start of the interview, or if this was a genuine surprise? She baited him with the hidden treasure talk but I'm not sure she was anticipating him whipping it out of his pocket.
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Now she makes her move. Oh, I hope this blindsides Desuhiko. I want her to get away with this so bad. Enyne is awesome.
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Or mastermind. One of the two. Desuhiko is, at this moment in time, a quantum imbecile. He's wearing Schrodinger's Dunce Cap. He exists in simultaneous states, where he both is and is not a useless clown, and will remain in such a state until one is finally observed to be true and the probabilities collapse into reality.
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Oh wow, that's a fantastic engraving. Whoever stashed the hidden treasure had an amazing gift of prophecy!
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She casually slides it on her finger. What a baller move. I love this woman. She's fantastic. 10/10 Would play a game about the legendary homunculus thief. Stealing works best under cover of night anyway so it's not like the sun would bother her.
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Huh. Didn't think Yakou would willingly participate in a sham investigation guaranteed to draw Peacekeeper attention. That's uncharacteristically helpful of him.
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I don't like that she's explaining everything. This feels like they're setting her up for Desuhiko to flip the tables and turn everything around on her.
Come on, Enyne. Forget the shrimp in a blanket and get out of there!
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Uh, how did you "destroy her image"? People don't respect her for being uncatchable. I mean, that's part of her reputation, but the main thing they respect is her charity. What part of the fake ring theft was designed to make her stop seeming to be a charitable figure?
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I want that to be true. Come on, Enyne. You have the ring. Get out of there before the other shoe drops.
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Is he being serious right now? No tricks? She really did get the drop on him? ~_~ I'm so nervous right now. I haven't felt this tense since I figured out who the killers were in Chapter 2 and realized how badly I didn't want to solve the case.
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It's a good plan. Not hard to do, either, if you're someone who has their ear to the ground.
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Yeah, I figured. Which means we're back at "Enyne fences merchandise somehow in a city that would have an extremely hard time sustaining a criminal underground".
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Go! Get out of here!
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Someone stuff Desuhiko in a box before he has a chance to say anything else!
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Oh goddammit.
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Has she lost, though? Like. Hey. Desuhiko? Where is the trap part of this trap?
Like. What is stopping her from kicking him in the face, grabbing up the real ring, and then strolling out the door? Desuhiko's gloating like this is his ultimate master play but I don't see any jaws sprung yet.
For a moment, I thought maybe he trapped the ring. It's obviously made by his Disguise Kit, so I figured it might, like, jab her finger with a sedative or something.
But. No. He's just. Standing there gloating. Where's the trap?
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Oh fuck off, you libidinous piglet. She robs museums and then something something and then donates the money to charitable causes. She's engaging in wealth redistribution. That's a far more noble endeavor than the lengths you're going to see your name in a headline.
So, for real, Desuhiko. Where are the jaws? This trap isn't coming together.
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I don't know what else you think you can do. If you had Yomi's men here, you might be able to take her in. Emphasis might. She's a notorious unstoppable thief so she might be as badass as Halara.
But I still don't see what's stopping her from flipping you upside down and prying the ring out of your hand with minimal effort. You are not an intimidating person. Go on, Desuhiko. What is the plan?
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This is alarmingly in character for him BUT STILL. KICK HIM IN THE FACE AND TAKE THE RING.
The quantum imbecile has been observed. The douche function collapsed, probability became certainty, and the reality has been locked in as... both. Great job, Desuhiko.
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1indigoisles · 7 months
Chapter 3 - Excerpt 3
Another dead silence followed, and it was rife with guilt, although I didn’t know why. I didn’t much care, I was done tolerating all of this. I hadn’t realised until now how confused and desperate I had been, and how disorienting hearing the answers were. I hadn’t realised how angry I was that all this had been kept from me since day one. I hadn’t realised what I had gotten myself into.
I hadn’t realised that I owed them nothing.
So I snapped.
“Don’t just stand there!” I yelled, sharper than I meant to, not caring about it in the slightest. “DON’T JUST STAND THERE AND BE SILENT!”
“Kenneth,” Jolene interrupted, just as sharply. “Calm down. I realise that this comes as a shock, but-”
“A shock?!” I yelled right back. “A surprise test that you had no idea about comes as a shock. Getting your wallet stolen comes as a shock. Realising that you took the wrong bus to work comes as a shock. But this? It’s not any kind of shock. Telling me I’m a product of a human and a creature from a race with magical powers is not a shock. Figuring out that no one from the outside knows about Knightville is not a shock. Telling me I’m the end of the world IS NOT A SHOCK. Not anymore. Because it means almost everything I have ever known about myself is a lie, and you’re kidding yourself if you expect me to calm down now. In fact, I’ve been keeping calm, for too long, don’t you think?”
“Then would you have preferred not to know the truth about yourself?” Rowan demanded.
“It doesn’t matter what I would have preferred, now does it?” I replied coldly. “It’s too late for that now, and this is just big talk coming from one of the people who wanted to keep my identity a secret, from me.”
“What were we supposed to do, huh?” Jolene asked. “Say, ‘oh, hi there, welcome to Knightville! Before we pass on your house-warming gift, a little disclaimer: This is a town filled with magical beings who are trapped here along with you and your human mother with no chance of escape, and also, there are powerful creatures made of pure darkness that will constantly be in pursuit of your lives’? Why don’t you try living all your life with the knowledge that some day, within your lifetime, the end of the world was going to come, and you were the one of the only people brave enough to confront him when he did? You try finding out that he’s actually just a normal guy, but you know he’s never going to have a normal life, because, like I said, end of the world.”
“Jolene,” Desiree said a little shakily, “none of us know if that’s really going to happen. The future is both set in stone and forever changing, remember? Whatever prophecy Anna Lee Rose made may or may not come true.”
“That’s only theoretically possible,” Rowan said, “and we have all the evidence against it too. Rose never uttered a prophecy that didn’t eventually come true, even throughout her insanity.”
“Still,” Desiree went on relentlessly, “she could be wrong. And because you don’t believe that, you’re putting a potentially wrong idea in Kenneth’s head, when none of us need that right now.”
“What we don’t need,” Jolene said, “is to put a false hope out there when there are hundred percent chances that this could turn out badly. That’s why the Chambers wanted to keep the truth about Knightville a secret from the Teigens as long as we could!”
“And how well did that turn out?” Scarlett intruded. She huffed. “No. I won’t involve myself in this. You can do whatever you want with him.” And with that, she walked quietly out of the room with an off-handed and infuriatingly vague hand-gesture directed at me. Jolene’s jaw was working as she glared lividly at the loud click of the door closing, and I could tell that she wasn’t particularly fond of Scarlett at the moment. Accompanied by the anger was a sense of repetition, like this wasn’t the first time she had to deal with Scarlett. She didn’t follow her though, and it was visible to me that it took her a particular restraint to keep herself rooted at her spot.
Rowan, on the other hand, ignored Scarlett entirely, choosing to examine me instead like I was a strange species of plant or animal, too curious to stay away, but too cautious to come any closer. Whatever inner calculations and conclusions he was coming to draw about me, it was nothing too pretty. His gaze was unsettling, and it took a certain amount of effort not to snap at him to look away
Desiree didn’t stop to see what the rest of us would do. She bolted after Scarlett as soon as Scarlett opened the heavy door to the resting-room, calling out, “Scarlett, wait!” as she did.
Lila was looking at all of us in general. She was the only adult out of all of us, but she didn’t try and stop us when things were getting a little out of hand. She was still quiet, looking like a martyr with Dirty Lies and Dark Secrets, and somehow, that made me even more mad.
“Who was my father, Lila?” I asked, my voice sounding empty even to my own ears, devoid of enthusiasm of any kind, even though this could be the most important piece of information that I learn today. “I am whatever these people are. I’m not human. But you are. So it stands to reason that my father isn’t a human either.”
Lila looked up, and looked so startled to be addressed for once that her mouth hung a little open for two seconds before she answered. “Wasn’t a human,” she corrected, “your father has been dead for almost sixteen years now.” She didn’t sound pained or even wistful, like the memory of her late never-will-be husband didn’t affect her more than it already did anymore. She just looked far away, as though she was recounting someone else’s memory, a different Lila’s pain. Because it must have been painful. She’d had a fairytale for a love story. Who would want that to end? But it did end, and that’s just what life does. Life gives you an illusion of what you can be and it’s this one beautiful, impossible thing and after the chips fall where they do you’re someone so different that the pain of that past version of yourself isn’t yours anymore. Lila didn’t look like a princess. She didn’t look forever scarred by grief. She just looked like someone who knew better.
She didn’t continue any further from that train of thought, and I wondered if this was another huge, drastic change she was going through and if I would ever get my insane, hare-brained mother back. instead looked at Jolene with a small furrow of question.
Jolene, seemingly noticing this, forcibly tore her eyes away from where Scarlett and Desiree had departed, and reinserted herself into the current conversation. She immediately began spouting information, in a tone that was a cross between the retelling of an old story and a textbook explanation so embedded into her that she didn’t need to think before saying it. History. “David Garamond was a criminal alongside his ambitious twin brother, Victor, although most of us feel that calling them criminals is a bit far-fetched, since their only ‘crime’ was leaving Knightville while they were both still teenagers. Or at least, that’s what our government, the Three Chambers, tells us. That leaving is a crime. But the aforementioned ‘most of us’ knew that it was only considered a ‘crime’ because it was unnatural, impossible. To the Chambers, it was scary, like something out of a sci-fi horror film.” Jolene didn’t sound in the least bit perturbed by the sci-fi horror-like situation herself. Rather, she smiled slowly, as though she was coming to the best part of the movie plot. “And everybody knows that people who could do the impossible; they’re dangerous, and that meant that they needed to be put down.
“Well, Victor and David were part of a very wealthy and frankly obnoxious family, who looked down on humans even though we’d never really even seen them in all our lives. So the brothers were, needless to say, suffocated. We don’t exactly know all their motives for wanting to leave, but then again, we all want that. Also because the Chambers weren’t as invested in that as they were in finding them and making it so that they could never do it again.” Jolene’s gaze turned dark.“The Chambers is a bad place to work for, and a much worse to be locked up in if you’re caught doing something you’re not supposed to do. But it was too late. Victor and David were home free, and they couldn’t be touched anymore. Again, no one knows how they managed to escape. It was like one day, they just disappeared, and their family and friends had no idea what had happened to them, and the government was desperately trying to find out how it had happened, and it was this whole big uncleanable mess. It still is. And you being here does not help things.” She paused. “But I digress. So the Chambers were under the belief that the parents somehow had a hand in their children’s disappearance. At the beginning, that was what it was. Nobody could’ve guessed that they’d actually left. The parents were repeatedly brought to the Chambers and questioned and humiliated and even at one point tortured, the entire town hated them for obvious reasons, their property was vandalised, and they had an average of two break-ins per day. No one knew or cared how it affected the Garamonds’ mental health, and nobody noticed until it got so bad that Uriah Garamond, the father, committed suicide, leaving the mother, Anastasia Garamond, behind. After that incident, the town just sort of simmered down, the Chambers stopped checking in, and something close to normalcy was regained. We all tried to forget Victor and David Garamond. And Mrs. Garamond is currently the last surviving member of the family.” She perked her eyes at me. “Except for you, of course. You’re a Garamond too, you know.” I opened my mouth to protest, but she cut me off. “I know, I know, all that self-righteous stuff about considering yourself a Teigen. I’m not talking about that. I’m talking about your biological heritage. Being David Garamond’s son makes you a Diaforian. It’s what got you here, in Knightville, and it’s not something to celebrate. In fact, for a long time, it’s gonna look like nothing but a punishment. And that’s what it is, mostly. Knightville is our greatest punishment. But you’ll have to live with it, because there’s nowhere else to go now.”
A long moment passed. I didn’t know about anything else, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Jolene had prepared this speech beforehand, which was a surprisingly normal thought in the wake of dozens of other tangled thoughts that I would look at in my own time.
Now, though, I asked, “How do you know so much about Victor and David’s escape if they left and never came back and no one else knew about it?”
“Because,” it was Rowan who spoke, “they did come back. You see, Victor’s only intentions weren’t to just leave. He wanted to take down the Barrier, you know, the wall which surrounds Knightville? And doing that can very well destroy this place. He just wanted to try it because it has never attempted before. And he needed a generation of super-powered Diaforians to help him, because he believed that if a human and a Diaforian procreated, a more powerful sub-species could be born, and that power could be strong enough to break the wall.” He considered. “Or potentially destroy Knightville. It depends on how you think about it, really. Perspective means so much more than actual fact these days. Anyway, these special Diaforians are called Impossibilities, and they stopped existing a generation after Knightville closed up. And Victor thought he could revive this particular species again.”
Lila continued from there. “And that’s how-” she paused, “that’s why they found me and Cassidy. Their perfect candidates. Of course, we didn’t know what we were getting ourselves into when we first met them. We were college students, drunk on adulthood and other nasty beverages. They were charming sophomores, appeared out of nowhere. They literally had no records, no identification, nothing, for the obvious reason that they never existed in... that world. No one questioned them, and that was largely because of David and his ability to ommit vital emotions or information in a way that makes it seem unimportant. Some sort of illusionist capability. We dated, and Cassidy and I got pregnant much sooner than we intended. Fun fact, by the way, condoms don’t work on Diaforians. So you can forget the talk that we had when you were fourteen-” She caught my meaningful expression, “right, sorry.” She cleared her throat, “so, because of that and the peer pressure that followed, Cassidy and I dropped out of college. And then Victor proposed to Cassidy, promised that her life would be better, and David the same to me, without the promises though. He was a realistic person. He didn’t make promises he couldn’t keep. But we were happynow, I guess, we come to the night before our wedding. Victor had somehow found out what was going on in Knightville, and that their father was dead, and he told David about it. Then, I think, David realised that his time in Wonderland was over. He wanted to stay, but he felt too guilty to not go. He thought it was all his fault. And he needed to go back to Knightville, await trial for his crime, and fix his mistake as much as he could without making the people he loved suffer for it. That was the night he told me everything, the whole truth about himself, his past, his Great Crime. By that time, Victor was-”
But my mother could go no further, because Desiree burst into the room, panting heavily, sweat glistening off her skin, one of her shoulders drenched in red and hunched in a way to signify that she was injured. Her breathing came in gasps and her knees sagged a little as she seemed to fight off pain and exhaustion. I noticed that she was limping a little too, and a slice of blood began to exist at her ankle as she tried to remove as much pressure off that foot as she could.
Jolene and Rowan rushed to her, and Rowan offered himself as support, slinging her uninjured arm around his neck. Lila stood up and took a step towards the group of people as Jolene sharply asked, “Desiree, what the hell happened?”
Desiree’s eyes caught mine in the haze of worry around her, and she seemed to try to communicate something through that connection, although I couldn’t imagine what. Without my permission, my legs started to move toward her; somehow throughout the sudden frenzy, I had gotten to my feet without me even realising. I didn’t know what this was about, but I suddenly couldn’t shake the feeling that this was about Scarlett Raynott.
I was right.
Desiree, after finally catching her breath, looked twice at Jolene and Rowan and managed to produce three words. “She’s gotten worse.”
Taglist: @jeahreading, @damn-this-transgirl-hella-gay, @mayaheronthorn.
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Okay, I finished playing Re:Coded. Went through it pretty quickly; it was a shorter game. Also, very interesting and welcome in concepts. I was hoping for an expansion on the data world since KH2, because the prologue of that game made me extremely intrigued regarding everything with how it affected Roxas (Bonus, was also happy that Roxas, or at least an iteration of him, got some screentime in this game, too. Gives me more hope for a reappearance in the future.), and I'd say it delivered!
Just like the Nobodies, the data version of Sora definitely demonstrated questionably emotional displays for a being that "doesn't have a heart." With similar sentiments to Roxas and Xion, I seriously question whether or not a heart is all that important/necessary for a full scale of emotions if they act that real "without" one. I also question if people can't just create their own hearts out of pure strength of will (I mean, if the Org. XIII Nobodies were very strong willed individuals for coming into being, I don't see why the inverse can't be true- that because they are individuals of strong will, they can't just forge their own way and find their own heart/spirit.)... but I digress.
I joked earlier that "haha, for all of the fiction tropes Kingdom Hearts fully exploits, I'm surprised 'the prophecy' hasn't come up yet." Ding ding, another joke come true for me to add to the books, because Maleficent mentioned a whole damn book of prophecies. I'm strapping myself in, mentally. Hoo boy, here we go, create new worlds from stories, huh? Also once again, such a queen, she highlights the fluid nature of reality KH set ever since "Is this for real, or not?" I love when she chided Pete, with: "Ah, but who's to say a fairy tale's not true?" Hilariously meta, coming from her. Also yeah, Disney/FF game is slowly becoming aware of the fact that it's a Disney/FF game but it's owning it. Another one of the funniest aspects of this series is that, from the characters' perspectives, everything is fantastical in a normal way- there is no precedent set for what is "normal" when multiple worlds have phenomenon like talking animals, magical princesses, spells powered by love, antagonists like evil fairies, or other threats that are very real to them. It's only from us, as the audience, with our cultural awareness of Disney movies and the like that we laugh at the ridiculousness of Mickey Mouse being a plot relevant character. So, it's like the characters, completely and utterly serious about everything they interact with, are slowly learning the magical/fiction nature of their reality. I dunno, a bit of a disjointed ramble there, but it makes sense to me. Sure it's not exactly a groundbreaking sentiment- "woah, fiction is reality to the fictitious," but anywho. Still waiting for it to go the whole nine miles and make Earth canon as contrast to everything else- go full fourth wall breaking. I'll show you how fiction you guys really are, buster!
Anyway... uh... where was I? Oh yes, other Maleficent line that caught my eye (playing games on emulators afford me the opportunity to write things down more... :D):
"You should have stayed inside, boy. There, the worst fate to befall you would have been eternal slumber...
...Such a shame you understand so little of the darkness. The world desires its embrace! There is nothing in darkness. No sadness, no cause for hurt... In darkness, one cannot see ones mistakes, or the dreams that failed to be."
Here, darkness as an element adds a new layer to its characterization throughout the series from just ambition/power, knowledge, or the like. Here, darkness is more of a shield from pain, or an obfuscation. Darkness is more of the gentle lie than I've seen light as being. And that's... something. When someone is dealing with darkness within this series, or trying to gain a mastery over it- has it not been in a futile attempt to puff themselves up and disguise hurt/insecurities/unsteady ground that they walk upon? I can't say for sure for Xehanort, but it has been the case for Riku and Terra, so...
Contrastingly, that would make light the element that demands everything to be pure, honest, and open. It would have no inclination towards unsteady foundations, or soft versions of truths/white lies with good intent. Something something, soft moon versus callous sun. Funnily enough though, with both of these explanations, it's apparent that their respective foundations both lead to some sort of emotional repression, either out of a desire for utter individual control and strength emotionally (darkness) (not possible) or out of a desire for perfect order and lack of duplicity (light) (also not possible). And with that, maybe Xehanort's got something to the whole "balance of light and dark" thing, who woulda thunk extremes would be problematic? Of course, the whole genocidal tendencies is... eh...
Naminé! That was the other thing I wanted to speak on. Am I to understand that with Mickey's letter at the end of the game, Sora finally knows of Naminé and his relation to her, as well as Castle Oblivion, at least a little bit?? Literally on the edge of my seat, guys. Mickey said he'd tell our Sora about the Coded journey, so I hoped that'd be a part of the package. :/ I was happy to see "Thank Naminé" get concluded at least a little bit, even if it was just Data Sora, but pleaseee...
Also, oogh, Sora's consistent character conflict being centered around repression and its various forms continues to pull at my mind a bit. I transcribed part of Naminé and Data Sora's conversation because of how Relevant it was feeling. As well as addressing Sora's own hurt, Ventus' with the "they've been sleeping a long time," the conversation also doubled as serving as an explanation for events such as the Xion fever dream in Days where she/Sora by extension experienced Riku's memory from CoM:
S: "These are my memories?"
N: "No, not yours. These belong to people connected to you."
S: "What? Isn't it weird for someone else's memories to be inside me?"
N: "Right, it's not usually possible. When I first found them while repairing your memory, I thought I'd made a mistake. But all the evidence I found proves they belong in your heart, where they've been sleeping a long... long time. One day, Sora will have to call them to the surface. They're important memories... but very dangerous ones."
M: "Dangerous how?"
N: "These memories are too painful. Handled the wrong way, they could damage Sora's heart- even break it..."
Like when Data Sora told Data Roxas he'd carry his hurt from then on, Sora effectively symbolizes the individual who gives and gives of themselves to such a degree that the pain of others becomes his own- putting his own hurt and individualism eternally aside for the noble cause of "keep on keeping on." Of course, to be affected by the pain of others is to be human, but in such an identity defining way as is the case with Sora, as well as Naminé noting such things aren't typically possible (within this universe's rules) and that the others' memories "belong" with Sora, it's clear what this is doing to him- you can't help but wonder if Naminé's worry about Sora's heart breaking from having to confront internalized hurt and memories might be warranted. I'd dare to say that it makes sense why Xion saw so much of herself in Sora even outside of the memories, considering the way they unwaveringly waver on who they are, all for the sake of being what is perceived as needed for others they deem important. Am I looking way too much into it? Maybe. Do I care? No. I'll pathologize my boy with a case of "chronic people pleaser on a thematic level" all I want. Is he an Empath,™ a teenager being a teenager, or is he losing himself- perhaps all three? Find out... next episode...
(Can't wait to find out whatever the "research" is that Ansem stuck within Sora's sleeping mind. Can't help but assume its importance, given that it's been mentioned twice, now.)
Alright, that's everything on Coded, I'm now gonna hop to dumping some thoughts on Dream Drop Distance that I've started a little bit of, because.... :D
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officialancer · 2 years
SUSIE: Huff… huff… how’d we even stack all these eggs?
KRIS: Sweet Cap’n Cakes… did it.
RALSEI: Oh, yes… huff… they can fly, can’t they?
SUSIE: Hey, wait, WHY DIDN’T WE ASK THEM TO FLY US UP THIS ENDLESS PILE OF—oh. Looks like we’re, uh, here.
Everyone collapses on the top of the rocks as the egg tower crumbles.
SUSIE: Ugh, that… sucked. And I’m… the tough one. You guys are, all, like, soft and… squishy… Hey, Kris, how would Lancer have gotten up here anyway?
KRIS: Bounced.
SUSIE: Whatever. He better be here. Man, when I see him, I’m gonna—what was that?
RALSEI: Are you sure you saw—
SUSIE: C’mon, let’s go!
She grabs Kris and Ralsei’s hands and drags them along towards another rock formation.
RALSEI: Wait, wait! Where is this?
SUSIE: …have you not been here before?
RALSEI: I’m, um… not supposed to stray from the town. Why are we stopped below this tall rock formation?
SUSIE: It’s where we met him yesterday!
RALSEI: Gosh, yesterday…
SUSIE: He was throwing bullets and stuff and then I mean—LOOK! I saw something move up there just now! HEY! LANCER! 
???: But nobody came! Just the wind, ho ho ho!
RALSEI: Why would the wind say ho ho ho?
???: I’m—it’s practicing it’s evil laugh!
SUSIE: Lancer, c’mon, dude! Just talk to us! That’s what friends do, right?
RALSEI: She’s been ever so worried about you! Do come down, Lancer, please!
???: No! I mean… no one’s here except me, the very evil wind!
SUSIE: Hey! Hey, get back here! …dammit! Kris, how the hell are we supposed to get up there?
Suddenly, a little white dog starts to climb, carefully eating the rocks as it goes in order to form a gentle slope.
SUSIE: Huh?!
RALSEI: …okay. Um, Kris, why don’t you lead the way?
SUSIE: Don’t die, Kris.
The Lancer Fan Club climbs the gentle slope. It’s far easier than the eggs!
RALSEI: Phew! Now, where’s Lancer?
LANCER: Why aren’t you guys listening?!
SUSIE: Lancer! Jeez, man, you came out of nowhere!
LANCER: No I didn’t! You went up here to find me!
SUSIE: Well, yeah, but—
RALSEI: We were just spooked is all.
SUSIE: …you okay, Lancer?
LANCER: Yeah! I’m here on these cool rocks, where everything is super safe for me! But, um… it’s not safe for you, so you should go back to the Town. Forever.
SUSIE: What, like, without you?
LANCER: Yep! All good here!
SUSIE: Uh, no??? It’s not???
RALSEI: I think Susie means, um, there’s not really any food here? Or salsa, or beds… Or, um, people?
LANCER: That’s not completely true! Mr. Society is here! I think he ran away when you got here, though. 
RALSEI: Oh dear.
SUSIE: Wait, is that what the society thing meant?
LANCER: But we’re having a grand old time, don’t you worry! And this way… no one’s gotta get hurt.
SUSIE: See, that’s what I don’t get. I mean, c’mon, Lancer! Me, Kris, Ralsei—we’re heroes, remember? Fightin’ bad guys—it’s, like, our job or somethin’. So what if there’s danger? That’s what we’re made for, Lancer! We’ll protect the town! We’ll even protect your dad if that’s what you want, I guess. But you don’t gotta do this. Whatever it is you’re scared of, us three are gonna handle it.
LANCER: But what if—
SUSIE: We’ll handle it!
LANCER: But Susie, what if you can’t?! What happens if you can’t, and you get hurt, and, and… 
RALSEI: Um… if I may? Susie’s right, Lancer. It is our destiny to protect the balance of this worlds. It’s, well—it’s what I was made for. But there’s a reason that there’s three of us in the prophecy foretold by time and space. You see, if it were just me and Kris, or me and Susie, or—it just wouldn’t be enough. None of us can do everything on our own, and you can’t either.
SUSIE: Yeah, dude. S’not your job to take care of weird gray people threatening everyone or whatever. Not alone, anyway. Next time something like that helps us, you could, like… tell us. And we’d figure it out as a team. That’s what we do.
LANCER: Oh… of course… how could I forget the Lancer Fan Club motto?
RALSEI: We have a motto?
LANCER: Yes! It goes like this: You can’t make a salsa without tomatoes, and spices, and peppers, and ketchup, and moss, and rocks, and—
RALSEI: Oh goodness… I tried that salsa!
LANCER: And a whole bunch of teeth-disintegrating friendship!
SUSIE: Yeah! Exactly! You don’t have to handle things on your own, buddy. 
LANCER: I know! I do! It’s just… if I keep coming to you whenever I need help, you’re gonna get annoyed and tired of me and you’ll tell me to go away and—
SUSIE: Nah. See, the thing about friends like us is that they don’t leave you. Ever.
RALSEI: And they like you for who you are!
SUSIE: Even if you’re a freakin’ weirdo like these guys.
RALSEI: We don’t mind helping people out a bit! Lancer… please do come back. We all miss you terribly.
LANCER: You’re not mad?
SUSIE: Nah. Not at you anyway.
LANCER: I was only trying to make sure no one would kill each other.
SUSIE: Yeah, I get it. Thing is, though? That’s not your job. Next time those gray losers—
LANCER: Clowns.
SUSIE: —gray clowns, or anyone is sayin’ something dumb like that, you come to us and we’ll make sure nothing happens. No matter what they say. Okay? We’ll work it out. Peaceful-style.
LANCER: That does sound nice.
RALSEI: So, then… you’ll come back?
LANCER: You promise it’ll be safe?
RALSEI: I swear it.
SUSIE: Promise.
Kris gives a thumbs-up.
LANCER: …Okay! You know, for a bunch of do-goody sweet little peas, you guys aren’t so bad at all!
SUSIE: Psh, I’m not do-goody! We’re the Dark Lancer Fan Club, remember? Now let’s get the hell outta this place. It’s giving me the creeps.
RALSEI: What about Mr. Society?
LANCER: He’ll be okay! He doesn’t like societies very much. It makes his nerves get jumbled! 
SUSIE: Hey, wanna race back to town?
LANCER: Yes! Last one there is a fresh and fragrant egg!
SUSIE: Crap, the egg stack! It kinda… broke. Hey, Kris, got a backup plan for getting down?
KRIS: Swatchling tower.
SUSIE: Hell yeah! Let’s go!
Susie and Lancer run off. Kris approaches Ralsei.
RALSEI: Huh? Kris? I’ll catch up in a minute.
Kris tries again.
RALSEI: Go race Susie, okay, Kris?
Kris leaves. Ralsei begins the task of writing down the exact conversation that was just had. 
RALSEI: …So that’s why. Well… I hope this brought some comfort to your hearts. See you soon, everyone! Goodbye!
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talesfromeorzea · 22 hours
FFXivWrite2024 Day 26 Prompt: Zip
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*another Zelda/ffxiv crossover^.^*
An exited Kweh rang out before a deep blue blur rushed past the fence Link was sitting on followed not far behind by a equally quick white one also Kwehing in joy. Zelda came walking up behind him smirking as she watched their chocobos racing each other within the stable paddock.
"So what brought this on?" she asked Link
"Gave them both a new feed from a recipe I learned from Aethelthryth." he replied
"You mean one o the ones they give the racing chocobos?"
He nodded pointing at the racing birds, "Works"
"Hmm so it would seem," she responded as the pair once again raced past the two of them at the fence Revali giving an indignant squawk as Tulin cut him of and got ahead Warking in triumph. Zelda chuckled as the blue feathered bird puffed up his feathers to indicate his ire. Link had named him well, the chocobo was so much like his namesake in personality that Zelda swore it was somehow the former Champion reborn.
Which given Eorzean and lets face it Hyrulean beliefs it could be a thing. she thought to herself as she watched the two birds race around. Though the chocobo listens to Link by far more than his Rito namesake once did.
As the birds did another lap Revali desperate to get a lead again on Tulin who was seeming to slightly taunt the other bird Zelda asked, "Should we be concerned about this? They seem to be far more energetic than usual."
Link shook his head, "Aethelthryth said that the first time they eat it they might get feisty but its an expected result they'll wear themselves out soon enough."
Zelda just nodded in understanding and joined him on the fence thinking back to how much she had wanted to do this sort of thing back in Hyrule when they had been young. They both never really got a true childhood thanks to the prophecy and then the subsequent Calamity.
This was novel for them to be able to have the time to just relax and simply enjoy watching their mounts have fun racing. She then looked at him and gave a grin, "Why don't we help then tire themselves by having a race ourselves hmm?"
Link gave a chuckle, "Still sore that Epona defeated Zephyr back then huh?"
"No!" she said quicker than she intended then huffed and said, "Just thought we might as well enjoy this reprieve."
Link chuckled again then gave a shrill whistle and Revali immediately peeled off of his loop to come to him. Zelda then call Tulin and the pair mounted up and within moments were racing through the underbrush of the nearby forest laughing as much as their birds were warking happily.
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Marie: You did say you not going to invade any of history or timeline right little one? But why do you still usually come to talk to me and always be by my side? I already heard from Pierre.
Punch: It just....every time I spent time with you....you really much like my mother...and Pierre...he very much like my father...I miss them...
Marie: You always call me "Miss Maria"....it's kinda nostalgia to me...it's like my family is here with me....it's like you're a part of my life..it makes me feel happy without couldn't tell why...
Punch: You felt that way because... you've been my advisor in a past life. That's why your intuition and your smell are like my mother's or the same as my mother's.
Marie: Punch.....?
Punch: In the prime world timeline....you never ever in history...you never be the famous scientist...even your home country Poland never ever to exist. All countries are united until the end of the world destroys everything.
Marie: You mean "the prophecy of the Maya tribe"? Mr Edison sent his letter to me.
Punch: I told him to send it to you.
Marie: ..............Punch...you tried to tell me that you don't care about us right?
Punch: Yes.
Marie: You're lying.
Punch: How could you tell?
Marie: If you don't care about me or Pierre, then why tell this your secret story anyway? Didn't your "King of Uruk" forbid you to tell me?
Punch: *Sigh* I'm a really bad actor, aren't I?
Marie: Maybe what you told me is that every history in this timeline did hurt some of the history in the prime world timeline including what happened to the legend of King Arthur.
Punch: True. I told you never to abandon your research and what you love to do in this world. I don't want you to waste your life.
Marie: I have already lived life to the fullest little one. I don't have any unfinished work that I want to do even if I have. Rosalind Elsie Franklin too.
Punch: Huh? Wait?! She doesn't live in this era. Why did you know her? Unless....Einstein told you didn't he?
Marie: Punch...what you told me about the simulated world affects the fate of real people. Maybe your future vision was replaced with the simulated world? You did tell me that the future isn't something you can decide like mathematics...the future is like zero if I call that right....
Punch: Miss Maria?
Marie: I am still doing research on the universe and the void. It seems what Einstein told me was a future vision as you told me but some of the future vision is not according to what happened...it's like an imaginary dream.
Punch: That's right. It's like a dream world but actually, it's not real.
Marie: Okay this is pretty bad....
Punch: ...........?
Marie: Punch....you did tell me about "paid the price" right? If we can stop the world war...this fate world save your boyfriend later too.
Punch: You mean there's a way?!
Marie: Yes but it's pretty dangerous. I'm not as good as Egyptian or Islamic or Einstein. But I think if I had to do something it would affect this timeline just like you said but history still continues and never change...good thing is my father is a teacher and he left something behind...I can't believe I will use this one day.
Punch: Wait.....it's that...?!
Marie: This is what you call "The X files" right?
Punch: How did your father get that?!
Marie: .........X-rays were first observed and documented by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, a German scientist who found them quite by accident when experimenting with vacuum tubes. I did the first machines, known as "Petites Curies", were ready for deployment at the front. I worked with my daughter Irene, at casualty clearing stations close to the front line, X-raying wounded men to locate fractures, shrapnel and bullets.
Punch: ............!! Have you already studied non-human history already?!
Marie: Remember....my home country was once not yet independent. I was angry and also wanted to find a reason why they were so mean to women like us too. And one day I found information on "X files" and my father warned me about this document.
Punch: If that is so important then why do you give this to me?!
Marie: Because I trust in you. I am among those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician, he is also a child placed before natural phenomenon, which impress him like a fairy tale.
Punch: .........are you sure about this...? If you chose this way....you and Pierre's life will.....
Marie: I am just a normal human…I can't live long like you so before it's too late I want to give this to you. This is all I can do to help. Also if the previous life is real, I want to be born as your mother and guide you with a good path.
Punch: Miss Maria....I....
Marie: Go save your boyfriend....don't worry about me. I'm sure that if you don't save the person you love, who will be beside you? Just like a baby needs a family to take care of.
Ephemer: So these X files belonged to Miss Marie. She protected them until someone who was worthy right person to carry on her work.
Punch: And you are the right person, Mr Mulder.
Ephemer: Huh?!
Punch: You don't have to hide on that form you know.
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Scientist history in Tsubasa of Phantasia is like the world in Impostor Factory. The world if a timeline change and not based on the real world but their personality will be the same even if it's not the same people we know in the real world.
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Pierre: They may not be the real reality timeline, but they were still our realities and all that we'd known. I mean, who's ever to say that Punch is truly the ultimate end of the stack? Maybe not relative to you and Punch but it's just a real relative to me and Marie. And maybe it'll be a glimpse of a reality that is truly out there somewhere she can create.
Peter: ........Pierre....
Pierre: Punch said I should have died but see? I'm alive. Maybe the history you said should be real maybe in this timeline we can make it become reality even this here we live here now is a fake life. That's why I won't let my life be wasted.
Peter: So you said maybe I must die is also a lie too?
Pierre: Well? You did see me alive that I shouldn't alive, what do you say now?
Peter: ...........
Pierre: Don't let her alone even though she's not the same like as but she had the will to keep moving forward like my wife did.
Peter: Thank you so much....Mr Pierre....I really am a stupid one, aren't I?
Pierre: Maybe....but you did a very great job for those who have done so well in the past are able to stand until today. Also if the previous life is real, I want to be born as your father and guide you two with a good path. Together with our daughters....
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evierie-puur · 4 years
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nishayuro · 2 years
To our highest of highs, to my lowest of lows. Genshin Impact Imposter! Au
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Self Aware Genshin AU (SAGAU)
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff 
GN! Reader
Summary: Waking up not in your room and in a grassy plain with a blue sky is definitely not what you thought would happen, so is being in the world of one of your games.
Part one Part two
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You were getting ready to go to bed, finishing up your night routine and laying down. 
You decided to play a bit of Genshin while waiting for sleepiness to settle in, But as you opened your phone and opened the game, there was an update. 
‘Huh, strange. Quite a big update but it's in the middle of the patch… maybe its maintenance. Yay! Freemogems!’ You thought to yourself. 
While waiting for the update to fully download, you didn’t notice that you were feeling drowsy, and soon enough you fell asleep, phone in hand. As the download came to an end and the gates drew closer, your body moved and clicked on the screen, entering the game. 
You open your eyes to see a blue sky. Confused, you sat up noticing you weren’t in the comfort of your bed and instead outside laying on grass. You look around, having a vague memory of the scenery but not sure where exactly. You stood up, an item fell on your foot catching your attention. ‘ouch’ you thought. 
You looked down to see your phone. ‘Is this a dream? Wow I even have my phone with me in my dream haha.’ You checked your phone, seeing that Genshin was running, yet no character was in your party. 
 .‘Ouch…? Wait, aren’t you suppose to not feel anything in dreams…?’ Your eyes widen, immediately pinching yourself with your nails, you felt pain…you felt pain… which means…
 You looked closely at the scenery and realized. 
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In a palace in the sea just outside of Dragonspine, sat the divine creator of Teyvat. The God of gods. There they sat on a throne, a malevolent aura coating the atmosphere of the room but no one dared question. 
This person came to Teyvat, strutting in pure gold woven clothing, jewel cladded them from head to toe, an aura of authority in each step they took. They strut into the land of freedom, announcing words that left all of Mondstat in a state of mixed emotions, 
“The Divine Creator has returned to Teyvat!” 
The knights, especially Jean herself, rushed to the scene to confirm the truth. The scriptures talked about the divine creator blessing Teyvat with their presence once again after leaving for a new world. ‘Is this the person in the prophecy? Are they the true divine creator?’ Jean thought to herself. 
But one look at her and she was on her knees. She doesn’t doubt it, She’s been in the presence of an Archon before and the aura this person had was more than she’s ever felt. And they look the same as the scriptures described.
“Your grace, Welcome back.” She spoke, head low. A smirk on said creator’s face. They have them in the palm of their hands. ‘Gullible idiots’ they thought, whilst being escorted. Soon, all of Teyvat found out and there started the reign of this creator. 
One normal night, Whilst the divine creator was listening to their acolytes’ reports, not really paying mind, A bright light engulfed the sky. Everyone’s eyes wide, questioning what the light was, along with it felt some sort of powerful aura. But no one was more on edge than the creator themselves.
Knowing what that was and what it pertained to. ‘This facade is now on a timer, either I seize them or they seize me. Well, let’s just find out how gullible these pawns are.’ 
They knew, they knew the true Divine Creator of Teyvat had arrived. And if they don’t do something about it, their cover will be blown and will be exposed as an imposter. However, being the cunning one, they announce to the room
 “An enemy has arrived in our world. An imposter of yours truly. Seize them and bring them back to me, alive.” A venom filled voice commanded. Everyone complied. The archons leave to order their people to search for said imposter.
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rileys-battlecats · 2 years
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Here's some concept art of the clan's sacred place, the Moonmirror! (is a mirror something the cats would know about? Probably not. Do I care? No.)
The clan's connection to Starclan was tied to the very soil that their ancestors had lived and died on; when the clan had to leave their old territory after the [unspecified disaster], they left that land behind, and their connection with Starclan became stunted. When they moved to the new territory, they eventually found the Moonmirror after long searches and many confusing, disjointed dreams of the clan's healer.
The Moonmirror is the only place where the clan can reliably contact Starclan, but the reverse is also true! It is the only place Starclan can reliably communicate with the living cats in the clan (with the exception of any living cats with remarkable natural connection to Starclan. By this I mean Birchspeckle. Birchspeckle's the only one that can reliably hear and understand Starclan's messages outside the Moonmirror. Too bad she doesn't live with the clan! Hope that doesn't come back to bite them 👀).
Outside of direct contact with the Moonmirror, the only ways Starclan can communicate with the living is through vague dreams and omens. The occasional prophecy may make it through, but those are few and far between (and usually REALLY vague).
So, if someone were to.... oh, I don't know.... murder their mentor by kicking him off a waterfall.... it would be pretty hard for Starclan to let anyone know what really happened!
"But Riley!" you say, "Why wouldn't they just tell them when the medicine cat next comes to share tongues with Starclan, as is tradition each half moon?" And to that I say, when did this become a dialogue? Get out of here lol
But to answer that question; the problem with using the Moonmirror is getting to it. It's inside an abandoned mine, a la The Prophecies Begin, BUT. The mine is also, in many places, underwater. In order to get to the Moonmirror, cats have to swim many small sections completely submerged and completely blind. A cat once died trying to get there, and the only reason there hasn’t been more casualties is because the clan has learned that the Moonmirror is for emergencies and emergencies only.
Ah, but Starclan could send an omen! A way to let the clans know that this particular cat can't be trusted! That this cat KILLED a guy!!
....Man, it would be a real shame if that omen were to be misinterpreted, huh?
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hajimine · 3 years
perennial destiny — fushiguro megumi x gn!reader
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synopsis: megumi does not like the concept of soulmates. he wants to be able to choose who he loves—and he chooses you.
word count: 1.2k
genre: fluff, soulmate!au but not really, established relationship, soft!megumi (this is so cheesy fr)
soundtrack: on a clear day by joe hisaishi
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a/n: i’m ngl i actually like this lol so i hope you guys do too! tysm @rintaroll​​ for being my beta and for the song rec mwah ily (ew) <3
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A light smattering of clouds paint the blue sky in splashes of white, providing you with a little bit of shade from the otherwise bright afternoon sun.
You gaze at the little ducks waddling around on the pond, following their mother’s path. Unconsciously, you feel your lips curl up into a smile.
“What are you looking at?” Megumi murmurs, face turned towards you as he uses his hand to block out the sun from his eyes.
Humming, you give him a cheeky smile. “Nothing.”
He scrunches his face slightly, biting back a smile. He's used to your antics at this point.
Using his forearm to cover his eyes, Megumi sighs contently, shifting the position of his head on your lap to make himself more comfortable. The added weight on your thighs feel comforting, almost. Like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
The two of you stay in silence for a while as you bask in each other’s presence, enjoying the moment. The dark-haired boy plucks a stray dandelion beside him, inspecting it closely.
“Do you,” he starts, hesitating. You hum, urging him to continue. “Do you believe in soulmates?”
You stay quiet for a while, pondering his question. “I think I do, actually,” you admit. “It’s kinda sweet—the idea of it all. I’d like to think that there’s someone out there who’s meant for me, y’know?”
Megumi closes his eyes, his eyelashes fluttering as he considers your answer. He's really pretty, you think to yourself.
“Don’t you think it’s a little bit dumb?” He asks finally.
The bluntness of his words takes you by surprise. You laugh, gazing down at him with a fond look in your eyes. There’s a small frown on his lips; the crease between his brows a little more pronounced than usual.
Carding your fingers through his hair, you watch as he relaxes under your touch, the tension leaving his shoulders bit by bit.
You settle on a simple question. “What makes you say that?”
Megumi sighs, “The whole ‘fate and destiny’ thing. I think not being able to live your life the way you want to is a little depressing.” He purses his lips. “What if you don’t like your soulmate?”
You turn to look at the ducks again, but they were nowhere to be found. Now, the pond was silent, and there were no ripples in sight.
The pleasant smell of earth seeps into your lungs as you breathe in. Never in a million years would you have expected to have this kind of conversation with him.
You didn’t exactly peg him as someone who would be interested in the concept of soulmates at all. A soft smile graces your lips.
“Well, I suppose there should be a system to prevent that,” you squint, “maybe they would make it so that it’s impossible for you to hate your soulmate.”
Megumi clicks his tongue. “That just makes us robots then.”
This makes you grin. “Robots?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, now shy. “If that's the case, you really have no choice in your thoughts and feelings, it simply strips your humanity away from you.”
You stop running your fingers through his hair for a moment and Megumi shifts, nudging your hand with his head to get you to continue. Cute.
Amused, you ask him, “Well, what if soulmates are real, and I’m not your soulmate, what would you do?”
He plucks another dandelion from the ground and inspects it before holding it close to his chest.
“It won’t change anything.” He says, not an ounce of hesitation in his words.
“Wouldn’t you wanna find your real soulmate?” You inquire, the flames of curiosity dancing in your eyes.
Without wasting a second, he sits up, turning around to face you. He studies your face for a second, eyes traveling down the curve of your nose and down to the slight upturn of your lips before returning to hold your gaze. 
Megumi speaks, eyebrows furrowed. “No. the fates or the heavens or whatever the hell is controlling our destiny won’t have any effects on my choices. I’m not about to be another pawn in the gods’ game of love. It’s the least I can do.”
And you laugh, light and bubbly; ignoring the fact that your chest feels abundantly lighter after his statement.
“You’re really serious about this, huh?”
His cheeks flare up, the headstrong confidence from a minute ago now gone, replaced by the charming bashfulness only a few have had the privilege to see. 
“Well,” he mumbles, “I’m not gonna leave you just ‘cause some prophecy tells me to. I like you. A lot.” Maybe a little too much, but he doesn’t tell you this.
The breeze tickles your face. “Yeah?”
Megumi refuses to meet your eyes, but he continues. “I want to spend the rest of my life with someone I chose myself. Soulmate or not.”
It is not his words that make your heart flutter—it’s the quiet blossoms in his cheeks, the sureness in his voice. If fate was a human, you’re sure that he’d fight her with no hesitation. Heck, even if she was a god, knowing Megumi, he would fight her too, even if it’ll cost him his life.
You watch him twirl the stem of dandelion between his fingertips. He doesn’t blow on it, nor does he make a wish like anyone else would in the presence of the perennial, he simply observes the flutters of white falling from its head. 
“So you would defy destiny if you had to?” You ask, knowing exactly what his answer would be even before he utters another word.
“Yes.” his dark eyes are steady, not a drop of uncertainty swimming in its depths. 
The soft breeze suddenly feels a little too warm for comfort. “That’s awfully romantic, don’t you think?”
And he blinks at you, but he does not yield. “Well, I just think soulmates are awfully unromantic.” He says, the corner of his lips twitching slightly.
A genuine laugh bubbles out from your chest. “You’re a curious one, Fushiguro Megumi.”
The smile on his lips is a fond one. “What about you?” He props his chin on the palm of his hand. “What would you do if soulmates are real?”
“Ah,” you pretend to think, “you’d be my soulmate then.”
He rolls his eyes at you, but the tips of his ears are dipped in vermillion. “But what if I’m not your soulmate?”
You spare him nothing but a glance, rising to your feet before brushing the dirt off your pants. As you squint at the setting sun, a contented sigh escapes your lips. On days like these, you could fully take in the beauty of the afternoon sky as you observe the shades of reds and golds dancing in the heavens.
“Then I’m afraid I’ll have to leave you to find my one true love.” You hum, biting back a laugh.
The dark-haired boy scoffs and stands up, walking towards you with his hands in his pockets. Half a smile graces his lips as he reaches for your waist, pulling you close. With the sort of tenderness he reserves just for you, Megumi rests his forehead against yours. He feels warm.
Megumi smells faintly of the earth—a product of the hours he spent sitting under the sun with you—along with a hint of the cool menthol shampoo he uses to wash his hair. And together, they create a blanket of comfort and familiarity, one that you’ve grown to call home. You breathe in.
“I won’t let you leave.” He mumbles, eyes fluttering shut. His palms feel comfortably warm on your waist; gentle and light, yet sure and heavy at the same time.
There’s a playful sparkle in your eyes as your lips curl up into a smile. “I know you won’t.”
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per·en·ni·al /pəˈrenēəl/
(n.) a perennial plant
(adj.) lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.
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a/n: as always, reblogs are highly appreciated! please let me know what you think of this fic, i always love hearing from you all! also: yes, there’s another flower symbolism in this piece lol <3
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