#the performance is free on youtube for anyone who's interested
To this day, I think my favorite iteration of the Ophelia's Flowers Are Not Flowers interpretation that I've seen in any production of Hamlet is from the performance that Bob Jones University did where Ophelia is tearing out chunks of her hair in grief and handing them to people.
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s1ckh1mb0 · 2 months
🌷♡₊˚geek lover! eren🦢・₊✧
This is a remake of the already geek lover eren, but specifically a sfw version but I actually really love this story
Eren is a geek lover. He absolutely is enamored with you. Watching your lips with every word you spoke. The way you got excited telling him about every single new detail of the things you got interested in. Eren worked hard as a famous rnb singer, long days in the studio trying to perfect his songs. Then having to perform when he literally had the WORST anxiety known to man. It always felt like someone needed him and was on his ass about something.
But he did it all for you. So you can have everything your heart desired. He left nothing behind when it came to you. You wanted to see a new sci fi movie? He already bought out the theater. There’s a new podcast you like? He’s downloaded all the episodes for you on both yours and his phone. Don’t even get started on books. On your first date you mentioned you like to read and study psychology in your free time. Once you moved in he had your very own book room built for you. Carefully picking out each book for you on his own. Your own desk and room for you todo your writings in. He even surprised you with a laptop and camera so you can start your own podcast! He just wanted to show you how much he loved and supported you.
For moment like this were he could come home and listen to you tell him. About the things you've watched in your huge list of video essays that you had in a playlist on YouTube. How you lit up telling him different facts from how the dating game killer had a coworker that also happened to be a serial killer and he didn't know to the conspiracy theory of the 27 club, no matter what you said it always made you so happy and seeing you all giddy and stimming while you talked to him made him so content with his life.
"I know cotards syndrome, Koro, Diogenes, fregoli, hypochondria, pica, capgras, boanthropy, apotenmophilia, kulver bulcy, ekbom, erotomania, Stendhal. Pics is like one of the more well known. You know that show my strange addiction that we watch together? Yeah so like those people who eat the random shit like the lady who ate rocks- omg that reminds me!"
Erens ass was not listening one bit. He was watching you, watching your body. You guys had been apart for a little over a month so could do a very short tour in another country and he was sick as fuck that he couldn't bring you.
Everyone knew it too. His attitude fucking sucked that trip. He was antsy, his anxiety was through the roof, he snapped at everyone, overall he fucking hated it. But now, sitting here with you he finally felt at peace.
You were sitting on his lap, yapping his ear off.His eyes couldn't help but wander to your legs which lead him to notice you were wearing his boxers. Your hands thick thighs were filling them out so well. His hands moved to grip them as he watched you talk. You’d kill him later for not listening but he just felt so much dread when he was away from you that he couldn’t help but just stare at you forever.
“Rennie, papa are you okay? You’re getting all red. Are you feeling sick baby?”
You were worried, he had a bad history of getting sick easily. With him coming back from another country he could have likely caught something. It would hurt your heart to know he wasn’t feeling well.
“I’m fine baby. Keep going. I wanna hear you talk.”
“Are you sure baby? We can go lay down if you’d like.”
It warmed his heart how much you cared for him. You made him the man he was. He used to be so closed off to anyone that wasn’t your friends mikasa and armin. You taught him how to deal with the grief of life and got him therapy to get through the rough days of his depression. He just loved you so much and truly couldn’t imagine being anywhere without you.
“I’m fine baby, just missed you so much..”
For my girlie @merakidoll
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evenstar · 11 months
what's poppin TyoBabi fandom, I got a present for you
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.zip File Download: DISCS 1 & 2 (109MB)
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This FST is basically an in-depth run down of the collection of songs that were sung/mentioned/in the "VOL. 7/BOX" chapter of Tokyo Babylon 5, with some info about the artists and songs themselves. This, as far as I know, is the most thorough run-through of the music of "BOX" on the English web! I've divided it into two "discs", the first being the songs mentioned themselves, and the second being a few fun related extras. You can check out the second disc over on Radio Free T.Y.O, if you're interested ♥
Ginza no Koi no Monogatari
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銀座の恋の物語 - "Ginza Love Story" 石原裕次郎・牧村旬子 - Ishihara Yuujirou and Makimura Junko mp3 download || youtube
The song that Seishirou and Hokuto are pouring their very souls into to perform in the beginning of the chapter. Released in 1961, this a smoky, jazzy duet typical of its time, telling the story of two star-crossed lovers, one in Tokyo and one in Ginza. It was an immediate hit, even having a movie based upon it made, starring Ishihara-san in the lead role. It's a staple duet in karaoke even to this day.
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泣かないで - "Don't Cry" 舘ひろし - Tachi Hiroshi mp3 download || youtube
The song that the random selector spits up for Subaru to sing, which Sei-chan subsequently picks up after sending him off to buy cigarettes/exorcise the OL. This was released in 1984, by Tachi Hiroshi, a singer and actor who became quite the sensation when he had a starring role in 西部警察 (Seibu Keisatsu; "Western Police") -- incidentally, directed by the abovementioned Ishihara-san, as you'd have it. "Nakanaide" was a hit, coming in 59th on the ORICON's 1984 top singles list. It's from his seventh album In the Mood.
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難破船 - "Shipwreck" 中森明菜 - Nakamori Akina m4a download || youtube
The song that the OL ghost sings. A dark and heartfelt song about a dying love, it was a massive hit when it was released in 1987, shooting straight to the top of the ORICON charts (as Nakamori-san's 17th number one hit), and has been a karaoke regular since then, just as the OL says in the chapter. Originally written and performed by the very respected Kato Tokiko for her 最後のダンスパーティ (Saigo no Dance Party; "Last Dance Party") album of 1984; she personally requested that Nakamori-san perform the song. It's been covered countless times, including by the original singer/songwriter and the cover artist themselves.
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抱いて… - "Hold Me..." 松田聖子 - Matsuda Seiko mp3 download || youtube
Not actually sung, but the OL ghost suggests she'd like to sing it next. A dramatic and emotional slice of idol pop from the Eternal Idol herself, Matsuda Seiko (who also performs "Who's That Boy", found on Single White). Released in 1987 as a promo-only single from her fifteenth studio album, 1988's Citron. Despite never being released as an official single, it's one of Matsuda's more popular songs, especially karaoke-wise. It's rather interesting that the OL picks a Matsuda song directly after a Nakamori Akina track -- the pair were notorious rivals in the 80s, supposedly even in love.
Benkyo no Uta
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勉强の歌 - "Study Song" 森高千里 - Moritaka Chisato mp3 download || youtube
The song Hokuto is singing when Subaru attempts to sneak back into the karaoke box. Released in 1991, it peaked at #4 on the ORICON charts, and was remixed on Moritaka's second remix album as ザ・勉強の歌 (Za・Benkyo no Uta; "The・Study Song"). It was used as the opening theme to the anime TV series "Mischievous Twins: The Tales of St. Clare's". It's a totally gimmicky song (complete with voguing in the very weird video clip), though cheerful and catchy, so its popularity on the karaoke circuit at the time shouldn't surprise anyone. (You just know that Hokuto unironically adored this song, and drove Subaru batty by singing it at every opportunity.)
Wakaretemo Suki na Hito
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別れても好きな人 - "Beloved Even if We're Separated" ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア - Los Indios & Silvia mp3 download || youtube
The song that Hokuto announces Subaru should sing with Seishirou as punishment for being late. Another staple in the duets section of karaoke, still, this 1979 release was actually a cover. The song was released by two Toshiba EMI artists, Matsudaira Kemeko and the Purple Shadows, respectively, in 1969. In October 1975, Los Indios released a single-voice version, and in 1979 it was rearranged as a male and female duet, with some lyrics changed slightly. The song was an instant hit, and by 1980, it had sold a million copies.
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elliespectacular · 4 months
Eccentric Severe Murders raises an important question: who is the guy that’s the common denominator between all three Eccentric videos? Both the A&P tape and the Christie VHS don’t have a cast database from what I can tell, so who is this guy? If you know, how did you find out?
I found the grocery store training videos because I was seeking out that sort of thing in 2019, and stumbling onto Agatha Christie: The Scoop was a happy coincidence. You can find his name in the on-screen credits of the tape which is on YouTube for free. If I find something else from that era where he gives off a similar energy and there's enough to work with we might see another Eccentric Severe _____ but I'm not actively looking to make more.
Importantly, he's just a guy. A real person, an actor doing honest work. My interest in making funny edits of some old projects he's appeared in has equally much to do with his performance as it does with the material he was given.
I presume you're just curious and want to discover more of this actor's filmography. That's awesome and I encourage that! But I feel it needs to be said for anyone else wondering who the actor is - I do not want people to seek him out (or any other subjects of my YTPs) to contact him about my videos or to show him them. My videos are not meant to be a secret but they're also not his business. We're doing our own thing enjoying a fictionalized version of him, and it's vital that we maintain a healthy separation between the parody space and the real world.
In my experience some people love seeing themselves in YTPs, but some people really don't understand them. People in this second camp can feel anything from confusion to indifference to insult, and tend to get annoyed when YTP fans who think they're "kindly informing" their subjects are just reminding them of a thing they know of and don't care for. And they're valid for those reactions! It's a weird thing to have happen to you if you're not prepared for it.
I do maintain that YTPs are a form of speech, remix culture is worth protecting, and that it is my responsibility as a remix artist to demonstrate integrity and transparency in what I do - partly out of respect for the subjects. It's part of why these days I generally try to make YTPs of bigger YouTubers, corporately-produced media, and stuff where the people in them more-or-less know what they're getting into with regards to their face/name being public and their performance not fully belonging to them.
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daecheonsa · 6 days
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Once considered the paragon of the genre, in recent years Ohjang Entertainment has been left in the dust by once-rival companies like Pantheon Entertainment and Valentine Records. Since the disbandment of their only active group Bouquet in 2021, who had infamously struggled to carve out a place for themselves in the new generation of idols, Ohjang have neglected to produce any more acts, and most have been passively waiting for the news of a quiet buy-out.
Last year, however, the label showcased six male trainees in a YouTube video, simply entitled “WARRIOR (LIVE PERFORMANCE VIDEO).” With no information left in the description beyond the caption ‘god saved the damned,’ netizens set out to identify the six boys in the video, but nobody could be sure that they would ever debut together, or if the performance was just a one-off showcase of Ohjang’s trainees. As the months ticked by with no further word from the label, many moved on or simply forgot about the video, and the moderate interest in a potential new Ohjang boy group slowly fizzled out.
And so it was to the surprise of many when, today, the label announced on their official X account that they’d be revealing the previously seen “WARRIOR team” through a three-part docuseries, to be uploaded on the label’s official YouTube channel. Entitled ‘GOD SAVE THE DAMNED,’ the series will act as precursor to the as-of-yet unnamed group’s debut; documenting the formation of the group, as well as the ‘training process that prepared them for the stage and the harsh realities of the industry.’
The docuseries will be released in three episodes, the first of which set to go live later in the month.
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tachikawaz said: SHOGO DEBUT WE WON!!!!!!!!!
amfhdf said: is this engagement bait? it’s seriously gonna be called ‘god saved the damned’??????
- minjidefender replied: at least they have realistic expectations for this group
jstagrlwholovesHERO said: war flashbacks to spending eight hours scouring the internet to find the link to kijung’s lost mixtapes only to be rewarded with some of the most ass music i’ve ever heard in my life
- kijungggggggggg replied: says a fan of the poet who brought you such awe-inspiring lyrics as "yaaaaaaho... yaho!"
- jstagrlwholovesHERO replied: talk about ikumi again and i'll seriously [ ... the rest of this comment has been hidden due to reports of graphic and extreme threats of violence. show comment? ]
musicluvr1993 said: isn’t this the group that na younghwa’s son is part of???? LMAO
- minjidefender replied: the whole lineup was picked by a crazy person... i'm seated for sasung and shogo though
- ssassungss replied: did anyone ever find out who the other boy was?
- minjidefender replied: guess we’re about to!
ohjangno1hater said: god save them indeed
harinsflatass said: love them for putting the youtube logo on there like it's some collaboration and not just them uploading videos to their youtube channel like anyone is free to do
whereissongtaejun said: why did i just assume ohjang had gone bankrupt or something… have they even done anything since bouquet?
- elizanator replied: nope last we heard they were looking to be bought over. this whole group was probably made in a fit of rage after valentine got liz lol
- whereissongtaejun replied: who tf is liz .
- minjidefender replied: girl i love you but your fav is in the only group with a messier lineup than this one... worry about cairo!
- cairoslowtone replied: all i do is worry about cairo hence why i'd like to see at least one nextup boy not be set up to fail
- minjidefender replied: i fear yonghyung was never gonna be the one to break that curse... his setup started ON the show
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meikyuunolovers · 5 months
Happy Birthday Bob Henrit !
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Happy birthday to the Kink with the wanderlust !
A writer who always has anecdotes and stories to tell, he writes for Mike Dolbear's website, but he a few books he worked on got released to the public as well, including his autobiography, Banging On!, in 2013 (although it's currently unavailable to read or buy anywhere on the net...).
He also holds a massive, genuine love and interest towards drums in themselves. According to the introduction in the 'All Together Now' albums, he likes to rearrange his drum kits in his free time. There was a point in his life where had his loft full of snare drums and complete drum kits at one point, and it reached the stage where he had to get them out of there because the roof was threatening to fall over his head! He also wrote articles and reviews for drums, and he even had his own drum shop in the late 70s-early 80s! It, sadly, only thrived for a few years before being closed.
Linking, once again, the drum solo performance just because.
[I feel like I'm going to drop and fall asleep at any time now... His mid-late 80s hair is quite hard to draw, but looking at it again, it kind of looks like Mikazuki's... the goooood times.... im done, I can finally drop asleep without worrying I might wake up on the 3rd...]
Here's a link with most Bob Henrit interviews and videos available on YouTube ! His interviews are always interesting and full of anecdotes and stories ! This playlist is currently on 'Unlisted' (anyone with the playlist's link can view).
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wikicamp2 · 9 months
hi! I’m intrigued by this blog and the associated site but I’m a little confused. I think there’s something that I’ve just never heard of happening. What’s an “object styled camp” (or a camp in general in this context)? How does it work? Can I participate? thanks for piquing my interest with your cool blog!
Thanks for taking interest in the wiki! I'm happy to explain what's going on here.
First, for context: There's a genre of online animated media called "object shows" where animated anthropomorphic objects compete for some grand prize. Each episode the contestants compete in a challenge and the worst performers are put up for elimination. Then, the show's actual viewers vote on who should be eliminated from the competition, and whoever gets the most votes is eliminated in the next episode. There have been hundreds of these with many still going all made by independent creators online.
Object camps are like that, but with real people playing as these objects and are often hosted through DeviantArt, YouTube, or Discord. The concept of camps predates the object show community, but I don't know much about how non-object camps work, so I won't be going into them here. The contestants sign up as an object OC often made specifically for that camp. For challenges, the contestants make "entries" where they write, draw, or animate how their character would do the challenge. These entries are then scored by the host and the contestants with lowest scoring entries are put up for elimination. Unlike in object shows, the voting usually happens between players themselves and not by the viewers.
So The Wiki Camp 2 is an object camp, but held on a wiki. Instead of writing, drawing, or animating our entries, we make wiki pages. Instead of those pages being about our characters completing the challenges, they're more like just, wiki pages. Like, one entry was about a fictitious Quibi series that was a spinoff of both Breaking Bad and Malcolm in the Middle.
The Wiki Camp 2 also has some unique mechanics like the board of shareholders, and tokens whose effects are determined by the contents of their page (which anyone can edit).
Signups for the camp closed with the first challenge in September 2022, but the wiki is much more than the competition aspect; the specifically camp-related pages only make up a small percentage of all the pages on the wiki, and it's almost like the camp is just the setting, a reason to have this silly wiki exist. Any page that isn't protected or a challenge entry is free to be edited by anyone outside the camp.
There are a lot of weird injokes on the wiki too, especially the injoke about seals. Many of these have their own serious articles explaining them listed on this page.
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dracula-enthusiast · 2 months
for the horror movie asks: 1, 5, 10, 19, 23, 26, 30 (sorry if i asked too much, i just love horror movie recs!)
OOO ur totally fine i LOVE talking abt horror so u have come to the right place!!!
gonna put this under a read more bc its gonna be a long one 👇 but links to the imdb page for all the movies mentioned will be embedded in the post for synopsis sake :3
1. Top 5 favorite horror movies?
in no particular order:
Black Christmas (1974) Dir. Bob Clark i think this movie is an absolute classic, and while the acting can be silly at times, i think its solid when it needs to be and i think the scares and suspense definitely hold up!
Saw (2004) Dir. James Wan anyone who has followed me for any length of time knows i love the saw movies LOL but the original saw holds such a special place in my heart. i do think its a genuinely good film with a solid story and good acting (yes even Leigh Whannell's acting) and i think that if you let yourself get immersed in the suspense of it all u can have a really good time (and its NOT anywhere near as gory as the film's reputation will have u believe)
Creep (2014) Dir. Patrick Brice i loveeee this movie so much. found footage is my favorite style of horror movie, and this is such an interesting premise for a found footage movie that i think was executed very well!! Mark Duplass' performance is incredible in this film, he freaks me out every time i watch it. (there is also a sequel, Creep 2 (2017) which is just as good in my opinion)
Rec (2007) Dir. Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza i do love a good zombie movie and rec is by far my favorite. its another example of a creative way to use the found footage style and i think that the acting and story are both really engaging, and it has a good mix of suspense and outright scary shit. (same as with creep, i love rec 2 just as much as i love the first one <3 however 3 and 4 are like. totally different movies which. i will not speak on here)
Alien (1979) Dir. Ridley Scott i know some people wouldn't consider this to be a horror movie BUT i would consider them to be wrong. i love this movie so much, its an absolute classic, what else is there to say
5. Underrated film(s)?
one movie that i absolutely loved that i dont think people talk abt a lot is Vivarium (2019) Dir. Lorcan Finnegan. its a weird one and i love it. the premise is fun and creative and its just uncanny and unsettling and i liked this movie a lot.
also!! 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Dir. Dan Trachtenberg is really good and pretty slept on. i love the suspense in this movie and i always love a good big scary alien
10. Horror movie(s) that made you love the genre?
not technically a movie but Marble Hornets the youtube series by Troy Wagner and Joseph DeLage was a huge landmark in my own experience with horror. this one is special to me for like. sentimental personal reasons. but also because when i watched it for the first time, i had never seen anything like it. it was just so cool and original and it did scare me which was so fun! if u have a couple hours to spare and have never seen it before i highly recommend checking it out bc the whole thing is still up and free on youtube.
also Pan's Labyrinth (2006) Dir. Guillermo del Toro is another one that is very near and dear to me. it's also special to me for sentimental personal reasons lol but it's also the first Guillermo del Toro movie i ever saw and i just adore his work
19. Favorite 2020s film (so far)?
OGH this is hard because there have been so many good horror movies lately but i love love love Talk to Me (2022) Dir. Danny Philippou and Michael Philippou. the best way i've heard this movie described was by youtuber Mista GG who said abt this movie "they're not reinventing the wheel here, but that wheel? fucking wheels." and i couldn't agree more. it felt like such an instant classic to me in that it hit all of the typical horror movie beats in a very fun and fresh way
23. Favorite Body Horror?
i will admit im not very well versed in body horror yet!! its a genre im only recently getting into, so i dont want to say i have a favorite yet but!! The Bay (2012) Dir. Barry Levinson has some pretty cool body horror elements that i really enjoyed! i think this is a fun and kinda gnarly movie in general.
26. Favorite Psychological Horror?
hands down my fave psychological horror is Black Swan (2010) Dir. Darren Aronofsky i love how ambiguous and unsettling this movie is. and ofc if ur talking abt black swan u have to mention her predecessor Perfect Blue (1997) Dir. Satoshi Kon which is an absolute classic and is so beautifully animated and delivers that same sense of ambiguity and dread. (these movies are the epitome of why pit two bad bitches against each other to me. lets enjoy both of them together <3)
30. A fun movie fact that you like sharing with people?
OK THIS ONE IS EASY i love practical effects forever and ever amen and i especially love the practical effects in the saw movies!! almost all of the traps in the movies are fully functional in some capacity, but my favorite movie trivia is that in Saw 3 during the pig vat scene, the maggots that you see in all of the pigs and in all of the goop and all over Barry Flatman are real live maggots that had been sterilized so that they were totally safe to accidentally (or purposefully i suppose) ingest! here is a super fun video from the saw 3 dvd bonus features talking abt the making of the pig vat trap that talks abt the maggots
thank u for this ask!!!!!! i love talking abt horror movies and my dms are always open to do so!!!!!!!
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redpanther23 · 1 year
How do you write your comics?
They're satire. Dare to say no!
What are your political views?
The only state I care about is the altered state of consciousness. Or as good ol' uncle Lou Reed says: "Give me an issue, I'll give you a tissue, you can wipe my ass with it."
What's with your crazy accent?
My great-great grandmother was Muskogee, and I come from an unbroken line of single mothers, so I have her accent.
What software do you use?
I only use hardware to create my art, unless you ascribe to the theory that all reality as we know it is a computer simulation.
What are your pronouns?
Whatever is funniest.
How do I refer to you in other languages?
By my name...if your language doesn't have a specific word for Puma concolour, then the biggest native cat is close enough. (For example, in Muskogee my name would be Kaccvcate.)
What religion do you practice?
I never practice, I just have natural talent.
What is Discordianism?
A philosophy (or way of liberation) from the late 60's based on Zen Buddhism and absurdist humor. The basic idea is that because your experience of the universe is unique, only you can say for sure how god acts, so you're the Pope. You can read our most sacred text here, and you should, because we'll be taking over the world soon. You can also buy a physical copy from Last Word Press. (If religion is the opiate of the masses, then you can just cook me up another hit, babe.)
What is your band name/where can I hear it?
My punk cover band is called Rong, and it's a multigenerational chaos magic and performance art project, passed down to me by my father. In the words of my uncle, guitarist Scott Panther, our lead singer "takes strange drugs and leads our village into the spirit world." You can hear our recordings on Youtube. As a Discordian magical practice, anyone is free to be Rong, and if you're interested, you can read my very brief grimoire here. My all-original band is called the Red Scare, you can find our recordings on my YouTube channel as well.
What's your advice to aspiring artists?
Sell your soul to the devil.
Where did you study?
I got let out of high school early for good behavior, and after much hard work, I was accepted into Weed University (located in Ithaca, New York) where I earned my BS in Bong Engineering. I studied under Subgenius/Discordian Pope, His Assholiness Professor Bluey Cleveland.
What makes you a doctor?
I inherited the title from my dad, but I asked him, and he said he ain't never tried PhD.
What's your REAL name?
My real name is Red Moon Rising, which was given to me by my grandfather Silent Thunder of the Meskwaki tribe after my walkabout.
What's your diagnosis?
Schizoaffective Cannabis Dependency.
What's your sign?
"Out of Order"
Are you single?
I'm married.
Witness mine paw:
From Mega Stoned: The Work Completed 418; MAGUS 6'=9' L.'. S.'. D.'. whose words are slurred; who is called Knight in the City of the Hub; Saint on the Hill of Ghosts: Doctor in the mystic order of the City of Lost Souls L.'. S.'. D.'. and in the World of cats upon the Earth, Red Panther of the Free State of Jones.
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#5QLS tag
tagged by the oh so lovely @chickenstrangers (<3 <3 <3)
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to. 🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series. 🎶Non-western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages! 🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating. 🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
Keina Suda-無垢 (Muku)-Kamisama no Ekohiiki
I love jrock and Keina Suda has such a unique style and voice. It was so nice hearing the song at the end of each episode. Plus it was such a great choice for the show with an upbeat first impression but the chaotic sounds of rock and Keina Suda's emotional almost crying voice. It works so well for the themes and tone of the show.
2. PoLin-蝴蝶 (Butterfly)-DNA Says Love You
A beautiful song for a beautiful show! When I finished watching, I listened to the song over the next week whenever I wanted to recapture the feelings, emotion, and affect of the show. And it's a beautiful song in it's own right!
3. Tulanan Narasetapisarn-หรูเหอ 如何 (Skyline)-I Told Sunset About You
ITSAY is a stunning show and skyline fits so beautifully giving us a strong aesthetic perspective from moment one. I love every version including both Bilkin and PP Krit's, but I go with Tulanan's because it sets up the show so well as a full artistic piece.
4. Moonlight Chicken Cast-The Moon Represents My Heart-Moonlight Chicken
Once again a song that beautifully sets up the tone and artistic perspective of the show. I loved it even more after learning about the song's cultural significance in the chinese diaspora and as a queer love song. If you get a chance go read through some of the many youtube comments, so many different stories about the songs presence and meaning in people's lives. Maybe a month back I was in a nearby city and got to hear a busker perform it on the erhu.
5. HIROBA featuring Ōtsuka Ai-ふたたび (Futatabi)-The End of the World, With You
So pretty, so melancholic and a fantastic ending song for the show.
Okay and a special shout out to Tilly Birds and Jeff Satur who have eaten up a lot of my music listening time since QLs introduced me to them *weeps*
Also as a bonus I thought I'd share another queer Asian artist. They haven't done anything for a QL (though they do have an album called BL), but why not share some other queer Asian artists while I'm at it.
Queen Bee-Impregnable
Okay tagging mutuals who post QL stuff below if you want to participate!
@ablazenqueen @thewayofsubtext @pearlony @synxailla @thepancakelady @lgbtally4ever @africanbarbhie @non-binarypal7 @imminentinertia @maaaar7 @pinkaugustmoon @broidkwhatibedoinganymore @dekaydk @squeakygeeky @tsukki-lovebot @depresseddisasterqueer
Sorry if I missed anyone! If any followers want to join in, consider yourself tagged!
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cindylouwho-2 · 2 months
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Hello, and welcome to my very last Marketing News update here on Tumblr.
After today, these reports will now be found at least twice a week on my Patreon, available to all paid members. See more about this change here on my website blog: https://www.cindylouwho2.com/blog/2024/8/12/a-new-way-to-get-ecommerce-news-and-help-welcome-to-my-patreon-page
Don't worry! I will still be posting some short pieces here on Tumblr (as well as some free pieces on my Patreon, plus longer posts on my website blog). However, the news updates and some other posts will be moving to Patreon permanently.
Please follow me there! https://www.patreon.com/CindyLouWho2
A US court ruled that Google is a monopoly, and has broken antitrust laws. This decision will be appealed, but in the meantime, could affect similar cases against large tech giants. 
Did you violate a Facebook policy? Meta is now offering a “training course” in lieu of having the page’s reach limited for Professional Mode users. 
Google Ads shown in Canada will have a 2.5% surcharge applied as of October 1, due to new Canadian tax laws.
Search Engine Roundtable’s Google report for July is out; we’re still waiting for the next core update. 
SOCIAL MEDIA - All Aspects, By Site
Facebook (includes relevant general news from Meta)
Meta’s latest legal development: a $1.4 billion settlement with Texas over facial recognition and privacy.  
Instagram is highlighting “Views” in its metrics in an attempt to get creators to focus on reach instead of follower numbers. 
Pinterest is testing outside ads on the site. The ad auction system would include revenue sharing. 
Reddit confirmed that anyone who wants to use Reddit posts for AI training and other data collection will need to pay for them, just as Google and OpenAI did. 
Second quarter 2024 was great for Reddit, with revenue growth of 54%. Like almost every other platform, they are planning on using AI in their search results, perhaps to summarize content. 
Threads now claims over 200 million active users.
TikTok is now adding group chats, which can include up to 32 people.
TikTok is being sued by the US Federal Trade Commission, for allowing children under 13 to sign up and have their data harvested. 
Twitter seems to be working on the payments option Musk promised last year. Tweets by users in the EU will at least temporarily be pulled from the AI-training for “Grok”, in line with EU law.
CONTENT MARKETING (includes blogging, emails, and strategies) 
Email software Mad Mimi is shutting down as of August 30. Owner GoDaddy is hoping to move users to its GoDaddy Digital Marketing setup. 
Content ideas for September include National Dog Week. 
You can now post on Substack without having an actual newsletter, as the platform tries to become more like a social media site. 
As of November, Patreon memberships started in the iOS app will be subject to a 30% surcharge from Apple. Patreon is giving creators the ability to add that charge to the member's bill, or pay it themselves.
Google worked with Meta to break the search engine’s rules on advertising to children through a loophole that showed ads for Instagram to YouTube viewers in the 13-17 year old demographic. Google says they have stopped the campaign, and that “We prohibit ads being personalized to people under-18, period”.
Google’s Performance Max ads now have new tools, including some with AI. 
Microsoft’s search and news advertising revenue was up 19% in the second quarter, a very good result for them. 
One of the interesting tidbits from the recent Google antitrust decision is that Amazon sells more advertising than either Google or Meta’s slice of retail ads. 
More than half of Gen Z claim to have bought items while spending time on social media in the past half year, higher than other generations. 
Shopify’s president claimed that Christmas shopping started in July on their millions of sites, with holiday decor and ornament sales doubling, and advent calendar sales going up a whopping 4,463%.
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xfictionx0 · 4 months
The Hidden Influence of Media on Our Lives
Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk about something that affects all of us in ways we might not even realize: the power of media. From TV shows and movies to social media and streaming platforms, media has a profound influence on our lives, shaping our dreams, behaviors, and even our realities.
I’ve been reflecting on how shows like iCarly and Video Game High School inspired my dreams of becoming a content creator and making a name online. It’s fascinating how media can shape our aspirations. Have any of you been influenced by shows or games in your career choices or dreams? Let’s share our stories and talk about how media has inspired us.
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Personal Anecdotes:
Not only TV series, but games too. Lately, I’ve been imagining myself living through a game of Super Mario, rescuing the princess kidnapped by Bowser and all that. I think it makes life a little more entertaining when you can draw parallels from your life to your favorite artworks.
Can any of you relate? What shows or games have influenced your dreams or the way you see the world? Feel free to share with me!
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Media Influence and Power:
It really makes me wonder how much power media has over us. It makes me think how it’s not too far-fetched that the government might want to manipulate or put subliminal messages in media as part of a psyops agenda.
For those who might not know, psyops are tactics intended to manipulate opponents or enemies, often through the dissemination of propaganda or the use of psychological warfare.
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Historical Context and Examples:
Let’s think about some examples. In history, we’ve seen how propaganda has been used during wars to influence public opinion. In more recent times, we’ve seen concerns about fake news and how social media algorithms might shape our perceptions.
What do you all think about this? Have you noticed any ways that media has influenced your thoughts or actions? Do you think there are subliminal messages in the media we consume today? Let’s dive into this topic together!
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Personal Reflection and Media Literacy:
For me, recognizing these influences has made me more mindful of the content I consume and how it affects my thoughts and feelings. I try to balance my media diet with different perspectives and sources to stay informed.
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America's Role as a Leading Media Distributor:
I think it’s interesting to think about how America is the leading distributor of media and always has been. In the early days, it was Hollywood and television. Today, they are using the internet, with platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and Twitch, as well as all the other major streaming sites.
Let’s take a look back. Hollywood has been the epicenter of the film industry since the early 20th century. Movies produced in Hollywood reached audiences around the world, setting cultural trends and shaping global perceptions of American life and values.
Television further expanded America’s media influence. Shows like ‘I Love Lucy,’ ‘The Twilight Zone,’ and ‘Friends’ became international hits, spreading American culture and ideals far beyond its borders.
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The Modern Media Landscape:
Fast forward to today, and the internet has taken over as the primary medium for content distribution. Platforms like Netflix, YouTube, and Twitch are at the forefront, delivering content to millions of people worldwide.
Netflix, for example, started as a DVD rental service and has evolved into a global streaming giant. It produces and distributes original content that competes with traditional television and film studios.
YouTube has democratized content creation, allowing anyone with an internet connection to share their videos with the world. This has led to the rise of influencers and content creators who can reach audiences without traditional media gatekeepers.
Twitch, primarily known for live streaming video games, has become a platform for all sorts of live content, from talk shows to music performances.
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Impact of American Media:
American media’s influence is profound. It shapes cultural norms, trends, and values globally. Think about how many global phenomena have originated from American media: superheroes, blockbuster movies, reality TV shows, and even internet memes.
There are also economic and political implications. American companies dominate the streaming landscape, generating significant revenue and exerting soft power.
Soft power is the ability to influence others through cultural or ideological means, rather than force. By spreading American culture and values, these media platforms can subtly influence global perceptions and attitudes towards the U.S.
While American media is dominant, it’s also interesting to see how local cultures adapt and respond. Many countries produce their own content that blends local traditions with global trends, creating unique hybrids.
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What are your thoughts on this? Have you noticed how American media has influenced your perceptions or the culture in your country? Let’s discuss how media shapes our world.
Challenges and Criticisms:
Of course, there are criticisms too. Some argue that the dominance of American media can lead to cultural homogenization, where local cultures are overshadowed by global trends. Others point out the concentration of media ownership and its impact on diversity of viewpoints.
Looking ahead, it will be interesting to see how media evolves. With the rise of new technologies like virtual reality and artificial intelligence, the landscape will continue to change. Will America maintain its leading role, or will other countries rise to prominence in the media world?
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Closing Thoughts:
It’s always fascinating to think about how media shapes our world and our perceptions. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Make sure to share your opinions in the chat or comments!
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #90 Going home
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
Nakagami: Hngh….
(Nakagami laying down on what looks to be an operating table of some kind.)
Nakagami: Hm? Eh? Huh? What’s this
Nakagami: Ito-kun?
Nakagami: Ito-kun
Fumiya: ….Hm?
Nakagami: Why are you eating a petit cream puff.  
Fumiya: ‘Cuz there were some
Nakagami: There were? I see. So what’s the meaning of this then.
Fumiya: What this all is, well, it is as it is.
Nakagami: Don’t tell me the one who was deceived… was me?
Fumiya: Yea
Nakagami: EEEH!?
(Nakagami resisting)
Fumiya: I took advantage of your wicked ways. It was no easy feat to get all of them onboard, y’know
Fumiya: So thought throwing em’ out there to get captured would speed things up.
Fumiya: Thanks to that, we were able to smoothly infiltrate without any kind of big trouble in our way.
Terra: AS IF!?
Fumiya: Eh?
Sarukawa: You fucker didn’t mention we’d get attacked!
Amahiko: You’re the only one in a favorable position
Iori: How awful! Heartless!
Ohse: For a piece of shit it’s fine, but why did you get everyone else involved?
Ohse: I will kill you, got it?
Rikai: I hate handcuffs, please get these off at once!
(The six of them complaining)
Fumiya: Enough with complaining. I’ll have you know it was tough for me too.
Rikai: What was. Our performance was perfect, was it not.
Fumiya: Morals!
Rikai: Eh?
Fumiya: Don’t just casually mention the name of your former pet sparrow while you were at your wit’s end.
Fumiya: It made me laugh really hard
(Flashback to track #44)
Rikai: Ah, I had a Java sparrow for a while once.
Sarukawa: And it’s name
Rikai: Morals
Everyone: MORALS!
Iori: Morals for a bird!
Terra: Morals for a Java sparrow!?
(Flashback end)
Terra, Iori, Sarukawa, Amahiko: AHAHAHAHA!!
Iori: It’s true that was pretty crazy
Amahiko: All I could think of was a sparrow
Sarukawa: I was on edge waitin’ for him to drop justice too
Terra, Iori, Sarukawa, Amahiko: AHAHAHAHA!!!!
(Rikai getting red in the face)
Ohse: Rikai-san, you didn’t do anything wrong.
Rikai: That’s exactly right, Ohse-kun!
(Ohse tries to hold back his laughter)
Rikai: ah, he’s laughing.
(Nakagami still trashing around)
Nakagami: Anyone! Guards! Yanagi-kun! Heeeeeey!!!
Fumiya: It’s no use, help won’t be coming
Nakagami: !? Wha-!  What did you do…!
Fumiya: This and that and this.
Nakagami: This and that!?
Iori: Fumiya-san, did the slave goods properly serve their part?
Fumiya: Right on the money
Iori: I’m glad~
Terra & Amahiko: What did he do. 
Nakagami: Unbelievable…! To think your interests would align with friends and not money…!
Nakagami: No, not friends. You said there was no emotional tie.
Nakagami: Yet, at the same time, you hold them dear in such a way.
Nakagami: Just which part of you is the real you!
Fumiya: Both are me.
Nakagami: Ito Fumiya! What are they to you!
Fumiya: …….
Fumiya: Gimme the key for the handcuffs. I’m gonna set them free.
Nakagami: …Eh, but what kind of people are they to y-
Fumiya: As if I know, idiot. Just gimme. Otherwise I’ll do it, ‘kay?
Amahiko: He’ll do it?
Rikai: What does he mean?
Terra: Scary…
Iori: His real self jumped out
(Nakagami clinging onto Fumiya’s arm) 
Nakagami: Wait, Ito-kun…! Reconsider this…!
(Nakagami being shaken off)
Nakagami: Why! Such magnificent power ought to be put to good use!
Nakagami: It won’t be long until society condemns you all again!
Nakagami: You can’t get by on prayers alone!
Nakagami: Do you all not understand!
(Nakagami writhing on the table)
Nakagami: Damnit! Even after finally getting that one hundred million yen ready!
(Fumiya stops walking)
Fumiya: Hm?
Fumiya: One hundred million? 
The six of them: Huh? / What now? / Oi / Fumiya-san? / Fumiya-san!
(Fumiya walks back)
Fumiya: Eh, you got like one hundred mil cash ready?
Nakagami: Yes, it’s the least I can do.
Fumiya: You’re lying, that kinda money is impossible
Nakagami: Despite everything I am still a man of the government. Go open up that suitcase over there.
(Sound of suitcase opening)
Fumiya: Waaah~! One hundred mil~~!
The six of them:  HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY
Fumiya: Sure wasn’t expecting one hundred mil… What to do…
Fumiya: Guys, what d’ya think I should do here?
The six of them: DON’T ASK US!
Fumiya: I’m like… really really shaken right now.
The six of them: DON’T BE!
Ohse: Eh, something popped up
The Devil: Oi Fumiya
Rikai: It’s the devil within him!
The Devil: Cash that one hundred millie in, who cares ‘bout the rest 
The six of them: Shuddup devil! How dare you say that! Stay outta it! 
Angel: Listen, Fumiya dear
Iori: There’s an angel now!
Terra: So there is one
Angel: Only fools are tempted by money. Meanwhile, friends are priceless.
Angel: Hurry and go help them. 
The six of them: Thank you angel from the heavens above! I love you! Righteousness is glorious! Nicely said! 
Fumiya: Hmmmm….
Fumiya: ….
Fumiya: I want the one hundred mil
(Doors closing)
(The six of them being furious)
Nakagami: As expected from Charisma. To think the tables would get turned at such a time.
Nakagami: Thank you, Ito-kun
Fumiya: I’m the one that should be grateful, Sensei
Fumiya: I opened my eyes thanks to you. Cheers to the one hundred mil.
Nakagami: I look forward to having you.
Fumiya: No, no, I’m in your debt.
Nakagami: There’s more than enough money too, since we have taxes pouring in.
Fumiya: How wonderful.
Nakagami: I’m thinking of goods too.
Fumiya: So, royalties then
Nakgami: Yes, we’ll discuss that hereafter 
Fumiya: Ah, Sensei, ‘scuse me for a sec
Nakagami: Sure
(Fumiya turning to the other six who are causing a scene)
Fumiya: Shuddup! Not a word from you beggars! 
The six of them: Eeeeeh~...
Fumiya: What’s not good about prioritizing money. Besides, I got tired of being with you guys.
Fumiya: I learned my lesson from living together. It’s tough, drains all my energy
Fumiya: My patience reached its limit, y’know
The six of them: ……….
(They all take a deep breath)
The six of them: WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!!!!!
Fumiya: Heeey, don’t grab me
(They all attack Fumiya, the meter starts beeping)
Nakagami: !? T-this is…!
(All the handcuffs fall off one by one)
Nakagami: EEH!? The handcuffs are-!
(Sound of explosion, the seven of them keep wrecking havoc)
Fumiya: “Enough with all the running, let’s go to war.”
Fumiya: “We’re going home, to that house.”
Fumiya: “Our beloved home where we belong.”
Rikai: Charisma Charge: Complete
(Torahime leaping in)
Nakagami: WUOAAAUGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
Fumiya: “We’ve been patient all this time…”
Fumiya: “Fufu, let’s wreck havoc with all we have.”
Rap Battle Break
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chuuuvi · 8 months
Chuang Asia Thailand Episode 1!
It’s been too long since I got into a survival show lol. I mean my last one was Girls Planet 999 and that was 2 years ago! So anyway I’ll be taking you all with me on this journey by posting the notes I took while watching the episode plus my current top 9. Spoilers ahead!!
•First off before you ask where I’m watching: it’s on the Tencent Video app and it’s free. Ooh and if you’re also watching pls let me know so we can talk about it together!
•I’m happy to see Nene as a mentor! I loved her when I watched Chuang 2020
•This is produced by Jackson Wang? They’ve got TEN??? Okay Chuang Asia I’m interested.
•Looking at the contestant list and of course there are 14 year olds. Don’t vote for the 14 year olds you guys. My personal age minimum for voting is gonna be 17 so I won’t consider anyone younger than that. Contestants that are over 18 get my preference though. The idol industry is bad enough for adults, I’d prefer if we didn’t debut minors as well. I know ironic coming from someone who ults Yeseo lol. (She was the youngest active kpop idol when she debuted in Busters.)
•Also they're really going hard with this being international. This makes Mnet look pathetic for what they did in Girls Planet lol.
•Oh the flirting part with Jasmine was so akwarrrrrrd. 100% secondhand embarrassment.
•I felt bad for Elyn when she was crying and said “No Filming!” But they proceeded to just zoom in on her crying face :( TURN THE CAMERA AWAY FROM HER!
•The trip.com ads are so funny to me because these survival show ads where they pretend to use a product are usually for stuff like snacks or beverages or makeup. But they’ve got these girls pretending to casually book a flight lmao
•The barbie group having only one member thats older than 16 and then proceeding to perform Barbie World where they say stuff like “that pussy so cold” and “he spank me when I get bad” -_- Someone should have made them pick another song.
•OOOH the Avex group’s performance of Left Right was great. Maybe the best of the episode although Mindy was really impressive too.
•Ilene’s little fan moment with Jackson was adorable!
•They announced the first top 9 but I feel like we’re still missing some performances?? Is that an editing thing to get that ranking in the first episode and we ares still going to get more next episode or did they just skip some people? Like I don’t think we saw Ruan and I was waiting for her. I could have sworn there were some CSR members too and I haven’t seen them perform either. I guess we’ll see.
• I watched the theme song on YouTube and it’s so cute!! Weird that it’s all about summer when this is airing in winter though. Is it summer in Thailand?? I thought they were above the equator. Okay yeah they are so idk why they’re singing a song about it being summer. Also I got spoiled for Ruan center! Now I know they wouldn’t just skip her. There’s got to be more intro round performances next episode.
•Okay so my Top 9 picks will be based on who performed in this first episode only so I’m sure it’ll change a lot after ep. 2.
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1. R-Jing - She blew me away in the extra performance. Her singing was so pretty! She’s so cute too and apparently trained at SM?? I always latch onto a girl first episode and this is my girl!
2. Akina - Maybe it’s bc of her experience in her past group but she seems really comfortable on stage. I like her vibe and she’s clearly very talented. She seems really nice and down to earth.
3. Rinka - I looked back at her gp999 performances and I can see why I didn’t remember her. She seems to have improved so much though! Her voice stood out positively and she’s got some star power I didn’t see in her old performances. I’m excited to see more of this new Rinka!
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4. Lissa - I don’t know how to feel about her strange vibe but I liked her performance. Lots of energy and a nice voice. I’m very intrigued by her at this point.
5. MingMing- such a clear and pretty voice!!! Her and Pangjang together were both the vocal highlights of their team’s performance but MingMing is the only one of the two thats over my voting age limit.
6. Mamcú - Really interesting and beautiful voice. Apparently she competed on the Voice?? We’ll need to wait and see how she does with dancing but she seems really earnest about her desire to he an idol not just a singer so I’ll put my faith in her!
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7. Shye - We barely got to see her performance but I was intrigued by what we saw. I don’t know if she can dance yet but I’ll find out soon enough. And lets be real, I have a lil crush on her and thats enough to get you in the top 9 at this point in the game. I mean look at her in her leather jacket!
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8. Emma - Her dancing was great and she choreographs her own stuff too! I was really impressed by her dance skills both in her extra performance and the dance battle!
9. Tegan - gorgeous gorgeous deep voice! She’s so pretty too! I really liked her but I have no idea if she can dance. I feel like if she could she would have shown it since she got two performances so I’m hesitant.
Honorable Mentions:
Krista Shim - I’m not voting for Krista because she’s under the age I decided on being my voting limit but honestly I’d put money on her making it to the final group. You can just tell with these shows. It's in the way they edit it.
Mao Xiu Ling & Mao Xiu Ting - Of course we have a pair of twins! I’ve always loved this survival show gimmick. I love their look and their dance together was really cool! 
Kaylen - The other half of the Hawaiian Duo! Kaylen pulling Jackson Wang up to the stage with her was such a power move. I didn’t like her solo performance as much as her partner Tegan’s though
Praew- I liked her energy when she introduced herself and then her dancing was insane! I will not be voting for her because she’s 15. She's just a baby.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Rumble, the so-called free speech alternative to YouTube, is the subject of an investigation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), according to the company and a letter from the SEC. The SEC confirmed its investigation involving Rumble in response to a public records request that WIRED first filed in November, seeking documents related to the company. The agency denied WIRED's request on the grounds that related documents were part of an “active and ongoing” investigation. Confirmation of the probe follows public allegations that Rumble inflated key user metrics, which the company denies.
The SEC says that the existence of the probe should not be an indication that “any violations of law have occurred with respect to any person, entity, or security.” The exact nature of the SEC investigation is still unknown.
“We have confirmed with Division of Enforcement staff that the investigation from which you seek records is still active and ongoing,” Melinda Hardy, the assistant general counsel for litigation and administrative practice at the SEC, said in a January 8 letter to WIRED.
Hardy added that disclosure of the documents WIRED sought as part of its Freedom of Information Act request “could be reasonably expected to cause harm to the ongoing and active enforcement proceedings because, among other things, individuals and entities of interest in the underlying investigation could fabricate evidence, influence witness testimony and/or destroy or alter certain documents.”
Rumble spokesperson Rory Rumore tells WIRED that the company provided information to the SEC voluntarily in response to a request for documents from the SEC Enforcement staff. Rumore also says in a statement: “We caution anyone from jumping to false conclusions about matters related to Rumble.”
Founded in 2013 by Canadian entrepreneur Chris Pavlovski, Rumble was originally dedicated to hosting viral videos of dogs and cats. The site now claims to push back “against cancel culture and creeping censorship,” hosting shows by Donald Trump Jr. and right-wing personality Steven Crowder. Rumble is also the official streaming partner of the Republican National Committee’s 2024 presidential primary debates. “The SEC does not comment on the existence or nonexistence of a possible investigation,” an SEC spokesperson said in an emailed statement.
Rumble’s investors have included JD Vance, a US senator from Ohio, and Silicon Valley venture capitalist Peter Thiel, who has contributed heavily to Republican candidates. Elon Musk confidant and tech venture capitalist David Sacks sits on Rumble’s board of directors.
In May 2021, the site was reportedly valued at an estimated $500 million. In September 2022, Rumble became a publicly traded company listed on the Nasdaq as part of a Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) deal. Its valuation currently exceeds $1.2 billion.
In April 2023, investment research firm Culper Research released a report expressing skepticism about the legitimacy of Rumble’s claimed monthly active user (MAU) counts, a key metric for investors to evaluate the performance of a social media company. Culper Research said it had taken a short position in Rumble, meaning it stands to profit if Rumble’s stock price decreases.
“Combined, the web and app data suggest to us that Rumble has only 38 to 48 million unique users, and the Company has overstated its user base by 66% to 108%,” Culper Research claimed in its report.
In a quarterly earnings call following the report’s publication, Rumble reported that its monthly active users declined by 40 percent during the first three months of 2023, from 80 million to 48 million. In a financial filing, Rumble attributed the decrease in users to its popular creators being less active on the platform in the first part of 2023, and news events slowing down following the 2022 midterm elections.
“Investors should be especially dubious of rumors peddled by short-sellers who are attempting to distort facts for their own financial benefit. We are aware of misleading claims about Rumble’s monthly active user (MAU) statistics, which, as we have previously disclosed, are provided by Google Analytics,” Rumble spokesperson Rumore says. “Any suggestion that Rumble has inflated its MAUs is false—as any objective person quickly realizes upon even a cursory review of the data.”
Christian Lamarco, the founder of Culper Research, believes the change in reported users was a response to its report. “That was a bit of validation, in my view,” he says.
Updated 5:45 pm ET, January 8, 2024: Immediately following publication, Chris Pavlovski, Rumble's founder and CEO, said in a post on X that the SEC investigation was part of “the playbook to try and destroy” the company. “A short seller creates a bogus report and sends it to the SEC. The SEC investigates the bogus report. Then the short seller talks to the media to get a story about how the SEC is investigating the report that started with him. The media happily writes the story,” Pavlovski wrote. “The report is bogus, but that doesn’t matter—it’s all to get investors to sell the stock so the short seller profits.”
Pavlovski added that the company used Google Analytics to track user metrics “so we could be ready for this very moment.”
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Hey there dear Sir!
I've recently felt the urge to get obsessed with yet another thing and have decided that Les Mis does look quite interesting, so I wanted to ask where you would suggest one starts getting into it, there's a bunch of movie adaptations that have released within the past almost century, are there any outliers that are particularly good? Do you have a favorite play of it that you can recommend watching, if it is to be found somewhere in the depths of the Internet? Any input is appreciated really!
A wonderful day to you
a friend, enemy and lover
Good sir!!!! My friend! My enemy! My lover! You want to get into Les Mis!! This is an admirable endeavor and I wish you the best of luck. You have at your feet 161 years of love, fandom, and adaptation to dive into, which in truth is my favorite part of les mis. I will answer this ask in some semblance of order. Have a look under this readmore!! (karate chop motions)
I often think of the question of where would be a good way to start too. I myself got into it in a weird way. I tried to read it when I was young and had energy to devour huge books, but the translation I got was honestly abysmal and hard to read. I put it down pretty quickly. Later, I was part of a theater troupe for a handful of years, and while we never end up doing les mis (our director hated mainstream musicals LOL), I was pretty immersed in the fandom after the 2012 film came out, left the fandom after much lurking, and only rejoined recently after reading the book again. (Different translation this time!) I do think that for the general public, the musical is a great starting point, even if it changes a lot and musicals can be a hard sell for a lot of people. HOWEVER, I do not think the 2012 film is a good adaptation in any sense, and I do not think anyone should start there. This is perhaps a controversial opinion, but I do genuinely believe that one should avoid it at the start for various reasons. In the interest of keeping this reply short I'll save my opinions on the 2012 version for now. If you do want to get into the musical, a 4K re-upscale of the 10th Anniversary Concert is free on youtube (tho it is cut down, an older version of the present day musical which has many revisions, and lacks a lot of staging because it is a concert as opposed to an actual stage production). I think this version has a fantastic cast with talented performers. Also free on youtube is the admittedly kind of silly and yet still very compelling 1978 film, a non-musical cinematic version which is near and dear to my heart,. It also cuts down a looooot, drastically changes the ending, and is more focused on the Valjean and Javert side of things. As for the particularly good ones, I have answered that in a recent ask. Please do take a look there, and I hope it answers your question! Generally the older french adaptations are better and more faithful, lol. If you cannot find a particular adaptation of les mis, feel free to DM me, and I will either send you files, torrents, or I will hunt them down for you myself. As always, feel free to DM me here or on Discord (username is @vondieerde). I can also recommend reading the book once you feel you have a good grip of the story and you want more! So much more!!! Please do, though it is sort of a monolith (we in the fandom call it "The Brick" because you can make a sturdy house with copies of it lol). I will firmly state that I think the Julie Rose translation is the best, and can also really really recommend the Audiobook of it narrated by George Guidall, who has a wonderful voice and is a natural storyteller. If you were to read the book, reading one chapter a day (the chapters are pretty bite-sized), you would be done in exactly a year, 365 days (funny how that works out). I would love to do a book club style discussion of any chapters you read, should you really want to sink your teeth into the story and learn as much as you can. I've spent the last few years studying the heck out of the book and I want to talk to as many people I can about this thing I've fallen in love with again. message me on discord you fool i know who you are
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