#the other hand it also logistically is a thing that someone could do
puppyboner · 9 months
girl who asks to put her joint out on you but she rubs it in as hard as she can so the ash leaves u with a tattoo as it heals
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I know it would probably be a logistical nightmare to also make this accessible to the actual people represented, but I think it would be cool to have a game where the whole point is that every character has different limitations, that make it impossible or at least incredibly difficult to get past the whole game without switching them every once in a while, and the way you switch is by going to another character and asking their help with something.
Like you start out the game with one character and go "oh huh, the colour sceme of this game is really cool, really interesting use of such a limited palette", play through the puzzles for a while, and then encounter something where you're supposed to arrange some slightly differently coloured puzzle pieces to the right order by shade or something, and it's goddamn impossible. No matter how many methods you try, it's just not clicking, no matter how logical your solutions seem, no matter how clearly they can't be arranged in any other way that'd make more sense.
And maybe you go online to ask people "hey I'm stuck in the colour puzzle, what the hell am I supposed to do to get past this?" and someone tells you to go find one of the other playable characters and ask for their help. Which sounds patronising and stupid but you're stuck so you might as well give it a try. You go to one of the other characters, choosing the dialogue option to go "hey I need a hand with something, I can't do this on my own", and when they go "sure, let's go", your controls now switch to the other character.
And the colour scheme switches immediately. The aesthetic limited palette has changed to a far wider range, there's details in the environment that you hadn't noticed, like the muted faint flowers on the ground are actually bright red, the greyish shirt that your first character was wearing is actually striped with orange and green. The first POV character is colourblind, this whole time you haven't been able to perceive the difference between green and red. Solving the colour arranging puzzle with the other character is a breeze.
And this is the repeating theme of the game - every character has their own limitations, and while none of the puzzles are easy, you learn to think "maybe I should ask someone to help me with this" whenever you've been stuck for an unreasonable amount of time. You need to grab a buddy along for the quests, or you'll need to go back to get one eventually, and the way the game is structured somehow ensures that you can't just tactically dodge the limitation puzzles beforehand. Deaf character's POV doesn't have the audio clues that different pieces of the same puzzle make a different clicking sound, the puzzle with garbled numbers on it stops being garbled when you're not playing the character with dyscalculia.
You slowly get to know the whole cast, and occasionally help them out with things, too. You know which character could probably help with something you're stuck with, but while they'd be glad to come help, they're unfortunately stuck doing some task that could take you 20 minutes but is going to take them all afternoon, and you can offer help. Sometimes the helping-a-buddy-out minigames don't come with any direct transactional reward, you can just help a friend with something just because you can.
And the game's whole goal isn't to just illustrate how different people have different strengths, and sometimes things that are easy for you are hard for someone else, and vice versa, but to condition the player to think "maybe I should just ask someone to help, instead of wasting time struggling on my own."
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lumiolivier · 1 month
Feel Better, Sweetheart
Series: One Piece
Chapter: One Shot
Word Count: 2296
Rating: T
Pairing(s): Law x Reader (YN)
You're not feeling too hot...It's a good thing the doctor's cute...but he's also mean. And means well.
“YN?” You knew right then and there.  That gentle, yet viciously biting voice floating through the air that could warm and chill all the same.  You were screwed.  You were hard at work, finishing up some paperwork for the Polar Tang.  Just some logistical things.  Mostly the grocery list for the next time you were at port.  But that was the funny thing…
You were supposed to be in bed already.  You were supposed to have those blankets pulled up to your chin while you slept on your stomach as ordered.  Instead, you were still hard at work.  Despite your violent chills that froze you to the bone, hoarse cough that rattled both your chest and the entire ship every time it came out, and thousand pound head that was just about to the point where it distorted your vision.  You could hardly see straight and yet, you pressed on with all of your regular administrative duties.  Even though it went against both doctor’s and captain’s orders…And you were about to reap what you’ve sown.
“Captain…” You sat up to the best of your ability.  Although it felt like someone was twisting your spine as hard as they could.  You knew mistakes were made.  And you were about to get viciously rammed for them.
“What are you doing in here?” Law asked, leaning against the doorway, his steely gaze glaring you down.  Oh, yeah.  You’re definitely screwed.
“I…” You could hardly speak.  Your voice was shot.  Violent coughing fits did that to you, “I was working on…”
“You were working?” Oh, yeah.  You’re absolutely screwed.  And a pissed off Trafalgar Law was not something you wished on your worst enemies…Well, maybe a few.  But like this?  Oh, no.
“It still needs to get done, Law,” you rolled your eyes.  Although, you immediately regretted it.  You could’ve easily thrown up right then and there.  But you held it back.  Not in front of Law.  You knew the kind of disaster that would breed.
“You do know,” Law moved closer to you.  Granted, under any other circumstances, with that same fire in his eyes, you’d be sweating.  And in a much better way than you sweating out a fever, “I have Penguin and Shachi down here, right?  That they’ve been more than capable of picking up your slack, right?  That you’re supposed to be in bed when you’re this sick, right?  Not just because you need the rest, but so you’re not infecting the rest of the ship, right?”
“I know.” But…Did you?  Did you really?  Of course not.  You were a vicious workaholic and Law knew that the day he brought you onto the Polar Tang.  And yet…You come down with something and all of a sudden, he seems to forget that, “But…!”
“Don’t you Law me,” Law groaned, “Go.  Bed.  Now.”
“Fine,” you caved, “But let me finish up with-”
“YN…” Law held his face in his hands.  He knew he’d have to do it the hard way.  Whether you liked it or not, “You’re not finishing anything.  You’re going to go to bed.  I’m going to have Bepo watching the door, so I don’t have to worry about you.”
“No,” Law didn’t even think twice.  He scooped you up and threw you over his shoulder.  It was like carrying nothing for him and yet, he carried his everything.
“Law!” You flailed, kicking yourself into another coughing fit.  And you fell limp in his arm.
“You were saying?” You hated when Law got smug.  When you could hear the I told you so in his voice.  When you wanted to lock him in a room in the Polar Tang all by himself and tell him to open a window.  But you knew he meant well.  He always meant well when it came to you.  Especially when you were as sick as you were.
“I told you,” you could finally catch your breath again.  And Law paraded you down the hall to your room, “I still have, cough, cough, shit to do.”
“And I told you.” Or so you thought he was bringing you to your room.  Instead, he went down a few more doors and into his own room, “You need the rest, YN.  You know I wouldn’t be doing this unless you had me worried.  And right now, you do.  There’s a reason why I was keeping you from work.  You don’t need to be wasting your energy on us right now.  You need to get better.  And you’re not going to do that with your face buried in paperwork.  Do you understand?”
You hated when Law babied you.  When he treated you like you were made out of sugar.  You were more than capable of getting better and getting your work done.  But in your defense, you were also getting worse as the days went by and Law had to manhandle you onto his bed.  When he got you tucked in, you started to see his perspective much clearer, “Yes, Captain.”
“Hey,” Law sat at the edge of his bed and pulled you into his lap, “No need to be so formal, sweetheart.  It’s just you and me.  And I know this shit’s rough, but you’ll get over it.  And when you do, we’ll all be waiting for you.  But we also deserve you at your best.  Got it?”
“Fine,” you fell limp in Law’s bed and nuzzled into his thigh, “Hey, Law?”
“Hmm?” Law pushed your hair out of your face, “What do you need?”
“I, uh…” you bit your lip, knowing the further ass reaming you were about to get, “I’m a little hungry.  Do you think you could get me something to eat?”
“I’m just glad your appetite’s coming back,” Law kissed your forehead, “Of course.  Tell you what.  I’ll even make it myself if I have…Hold on.”
And there it was.  There was the sudden realization that would make Law want to kill you even more.  You braced yourself for impact, “What?”
“YN…” Law sighed out, “Have you eaten anything today?”
“You said it yourself, Law,” you threw it back in his face, hoping that could serve as your armor, “My appetite’s been in and out since I’ve been sick.  Cut me some-”
“No.” Law refused to give you any slack.  But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy you were eating again, “Stay here.  If you even so much as move, I will know.  I’ll be right back.  This shouldn’t take long to make.  Ok?”
“Ok.” Not that you really had the energy to move anyway.  You were too wrecked to fight him anymore.  And the warmth in his bed was quite lovely…and it smelled nice, too.  Like sandalwood and leather.  With just a little bit of sea air.  You weren’t complaining.  However, you thought about taking a nap.  Until another coughing fit got to you.  And it rattled your chest like some manner of creature wanted to get out.  You’d be more than happy to let it out if you knew how.
“YN,” Law came in with a bowl in his hand and sat at the edge of his bed.  He put it down on the nightstand and helped you sit up a bit better.  Although, you still wanted to go to sleep.  For just a while. 
“Mmm…” you laid your head on Law’s thigh and shut your eyes.
“No, no,” Law nudged you up to his chest, “I just made you something to eat.  You’ve hardly eaten anything in days.  You’re eating.”
“Mmm…” Your stubbornness would put Law into an early grave.  But in your defense, you were sick.  You were already miserable.  Anything you could do to make yourself comfortable at this point, you were going to do it.  It was Law’s fault for taking you away from your desk.  You were perfectly fine…ish. 
“No,” Law grabbed the spoon out of your bowl and held it up to your mouth, “Eat, YN.”
Lazily, you wrapped your lips around the spoon and finally started eating.  Although, you weren’t expecting it to taste so good.  And a little spicy.  Not that you were mad about it, “What is that?”
“Cora-san called it a medicine ball,” Law sat you up a little more and continued to feed you, “When I’d get sick as a kid like you are now, he’d always get nervous.  So, the least he could do was feed me and keep me from starving to death.  But back when he was still with the Marines, half his platoon ended up coming down with the flu.  There was one who was visiting their base that week.  She made this for everyone.  They were down in the morning.  She fed them.  They were all good to go by the next morning.  And it worked for me when I was younger, too, so I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for you, too.”
It always warmed your heart to hear Law talk about Corazon.  But it broke you all the same that you’d never get to meet him, “What was her name?”
“I don’t remember,” Law thought back, “Belle…?  Bella…?  Something like that.  Rumor has it, she ended up lost at sea.  Cora-san said she was a nice lady.  Wouldn’t surprise me if there was a little something, something between them at some point.  That wasn’t the last time he talked about her.  The man had his moments when he was a hopeless romantic.  It’s weird to think about in hindsight, but whatever made him happy, I guess.”
“Actually…” You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but having Law spoon feeding you was doing something to your heart and soul.  You weren’t sure if it was the deep nostalgic connection or if it was something else.  The thought of being taken care of.  The thought of being up on that pedestal.  The thought of still being asleep at your desk and waking up just enough to realize you were being carried in Law’s arms, but asleep enough to stay that way.  Regardless of the psychological aspect of it, you were fighting back a smile with everything you had, “This is really good, Law.  I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome,” he spooned another bite of soup into your mouth and cradled your cheek in his palm, “I wish we had some bread, too.  Not that this won’t give you everything you need, but something more substantial in your stomach would be nice, too.”
“I’ll make some when I get better.”
“But,” Law put the bowl on the nightstand, “You need to get better first.  And you can’t do that if you’re busting your ass at your desk.  I’d rather not have to peel you off your chair again.  Or worse, from off the floor.  I don’t need you passing out on me, sweetheart.”
“Sorry…” You winced a bit as a jolt of pain ran through your head.
“No need for apologies now,” Law settled you, making sure you were covered up.  He checked you quickly for a fever.  The back of his hand on your forehead felt phenomenal, “Your fever’s still a little too high for my liking.  I’m going to go get you some medicine and then, I’ll let you get some sleep.  When was the last time you got a full, continuous eight hours?”
“Uh…” In all honesty, you couldn’t think of the last time you got decent sleep.  That may have attributed to your current predicament.  But you knew telling Law would just result in a verbal spanking and you didn’t have the lecture in you today, “I’m not entirely sure.  I’ve been sleeping, though!  Does that count for something?”
“More than it should,” Law knew better.  He knew your sleeping habits were…less than stellar.  And he’s tried.  Bless him, he’s tried to do everything in his power to try and get you on a normal sleeping schedule, but it’s only led to you spending more nights on watch duty than anything else, “Some sleep is better than no sleep, I suppose.  But you are going to sleep tonight.  I will make sure of it.”
“And how do you propose you’ll do that, Dr. Trafalgar?” you taunted him, knowing your body didn’t allow you much for sleep anyway, “Are you going to put me in a coma?”
“Why would I put you in a coma?” Law chuckled under his breath, “You forget where you are.  You’re in my bed.  And I know for a fact that if there’s anywhere on the entire ship you can sleep and sleep hard, it’s right here.  Once I give you your last dose of medicine for the night, I’ll risk myself getting sick for you getting a decent night’s sleep.  I will gladly share my bed with you.”
Although the sentiment was touching, you knew the real reason he was staying with you, “You just want to make sure I stay in bed like you told me to, don’t you?”
“I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t an ulterior motive,” Law confessed, already pulling you into his arms, “But I also can’t be too mad at this either.  I miss you, YN.  Sure, I’ve been taking care of you for the last couple days, but I miss you.  There’s a big difference between having you as my patient and having you as my girlfriend.  And I miss the latter.”
Law didn’t get sentimental often.  But hearing him pour his heart out…at least as much as Law could…melted you inside.  You laid your head in his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart, and you shut your eyes, “Ok.  Stay with me.”
“That’s the plan,” Law kissed the top of your head and pulled your blankets over you, “Good night, YN.  I love you…Feel better, sweetheart…”
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kenzlovesyou · 5 months
could you write something about surprising Caitlin in New York with her brothers and you vlog it with them and then put it on youtube and in an interview someone makes Caitlin react to it
The Surprise is Me - Caitlin Clark x Reader Pt. 1
this first part is about y/n’s vlog and surprising caitlin!! the next part will be caitlin’s reaction to the video :) ⚠️⚠️please send requests i’m dangerously low
plot: you’re an influencer and you vlog your trip to new york to watch caitlin’s game
You was pretty big on social media platforms such as Instagram and Tiktok. You had a niche for filming vlogs and your everyday life. It doesn’t sound that interesting, per se, but people gravitated toward your sweet but hilarious nature. As time went on, what started out as a hobby turned into a passion that had opened doors for you as a career. Through this passion, you were able to have so many memorable experiences and meet some amazing people. At the top of your list of people you’d met through your fame you would put Caitlin Clark. Your girlfriend, Caitlin Clark.
Caitlin had replied to one of your Instagram stories when you had a fairly small following, around 20k followers. You recognized her name as the legendary basketball player, who just so happened to attend your same university just in a grade above you. You’d clicked on the reply to see that she had said you had “taken her breath away”. One thing led to another and you two started talking. You even made some tiktoks about “getting ready to go meet up with your crush” or “getting ready for a first date”. Your whole following seemed to be rooting for you and this mystery girl.
After you and Caitlin had made it official, you’d started to be less private about who she was. You’d mentioned that she went to your University with you, and was on the basketball team. Of course, nobody knew with player you were with until you were seen at one of Caitlin’s games sporting one of her 22 jersey’s. After the game, you ran up to her and pecked her lips. That was enough confirmation both your fan bases needed and the edits of you too started rolling in. That was also when you started being more public about your relationship with Caitlin. She could almost always be seen in the background of your videos, and you’d often include her in your video ideas. You did so many tiktok trends with her and made appreciation posts for her using couple tiktok audios.
That brought you to now, here you were with your phone in hand as you boarded a plane to New York to watch your girlfriend’s first game as part of the WNBA. At first, you’d told Caitlin you couldn’t come to watch her. You hadn’t lied to her as you had a very important meeting you couldn’t miss the day of her game. Fortunately, the meeting was rescheduled. As soon as you heard that news, you booked the soonest flight to New York to go see your baby play in the big leagues. You were beyond excited! Instead of telling Caitlin, you thought it would be cute to surprise her. You couldn’t do it yourself, though, and needed to enlist some people that could keep a secret but also help you out with and logistics you needed to be sorted out. For that job you enlisted Caitlin’s two brothers, Blake and Colin. You were pretty close with her brothers as you and Caitlin had been dating for quick some time now.
After boarding your plane, you settled into your seat and got ready for your flight. “Okay guys,” you whispered to the camera. “I’m gonna talk a little quietly because I don’t wanna disturb other people on the plane, y’know? But something you guys probably don’t know about me is I am TERRIFIED of flying. It’s usually not as bad when I’m with Cait but the whole point of this is to go see her so that’s what’s pretty much getting me through it.” You heard a voice on the intercom say to buckle your seatbelts and prepare for a safe flight, “Ahhhh it’s time! I will see you guys when I get to New York!”
Your flight went smoothly for the most part. You were able to calm your nerves with the thought of seeing your beautiful girl play the sport she loves. Since your phone barely worked on the plane, you scrolled through your camera roll looking at pictures to pass the time. You scrolled through endless photos of you and Caitlin together and silly ones you’d taken of her doing absolutely anything. Before you knew it, you were landing and you were ready to hit the ground running.
You walked to the baggage claim carousel and waited for the bags to start circulating. You finally saw yours and grabbed your pink suitcase. You texted the group chat you’d created with Blake and Colin to give them an update.
Y/N: Just landed!! Are you guys on your way?
Colin: We’re parked right outside Terminal C, see you soon
You hearted the message and walked for what felt like forever in the huge New York airport. At last, you found the right terminal and out you went. You spotted Blake’s car immediately and walked over to them. “Hey, Y/n! Man, it’s been a while. You excited to be here?” Blake asked you as he brought you into a side hug. You nodded your head ecstatically, while Colin grabbed your bag and threw it in the trunk. “Duh!!! Im so excited to see my Cait!”
The brothers laughed about how lovesick you were over their sister and you three got into the car. You asked Blake and Colin if they were okay if you started to vlog and of course they said it was fine. “Hey, guys! So I’m in New York!! Ahhh I’m so excited. Shoutout to Blake and Colin, Caitlin’s wonderful brothers for picking me up. You guys wanna say hi?” You flipped the camera so it faced them.
“Hi Y/n’s vlog!!”
“Hey Y/n-nators.”
“Wait Y/n are your fans actually called that?”
Both you and Blake burst out laughing. “Honestly I should call them that, that would be hilarious.”
After about 45 minutes of driving, due to New York traffic, you arrived at the hotel you were staying at. You all just so happened to be staying at the same hotel as the Indiana Fever team, just one floor above them. You wheeled your suitcase inside and checked in. “And you guys are sure Caitlin’s not here yet right?” They both assured you that the team was currently out at dinner and wouldn’t be back at the hotel for at least another hour.
“Guys, tell me why I’m, like, nervous to see Caitlin. It’s like I don’t see her for 3 days and suddenly I’m as nervous as I was when I first met her!!” You heard a ping on your phone and recognized the notification immediately, as your beautiful girlfriend.
Cait 🤍
hi my pretty girl! i miss you so so so much! how are you doing? we’re out at dinner right now, but i was just thinking about you :) text me when you can baby! i’m so excited to facetime you tonight
Y/n 💕
HI MY LOVE!! i miss you even more! im good actually great, how’s dinner?
You smirked at your reply to Caitlin’s text, “I think I played it off really good guys. I don’t think she suspects anything yet!! Okay now let me show you guys my room!” You turned the camera around and did a couple 360s showing off your hotel room.
“Okay,” you started to say to your camera, “So honestly I kinda wanna surprise Caitlin tonight instead of tomorrow at her game just because I’ve missed her so much. I hope she’s missed me too! How should I even do this though??? OMG guys I’m gonna be like ‘Hey Caitlin what’s your room number so I can send you something’ and then I’ll be like okay it’s there and then boom i’ll be there! Perfect, I’m a genius! Okay I’ll let you guys know how it goes!” ping! another text from Caitlin.”
Cait 🤍
hey there i just got back to my hotel
did you wanna ft rn or if not can you in a little bit? i just miss you so much :(
“Uhhh chat she’s actually back like RIGHT NOW. Wait so that means I’m in the same building as her? Awe. Okay let’s do this!!”
Y/n 💕
what’s your room number
Cait 🤍
Y/n 💕
I sent you something but I need to tell them what room you are!
Cait 🤍
You hearted the message and sprinted out the door of your hotel room. You hurriedly walked down the hall to the elevator and walked in. It was just you, thankfully, and you clicked the number 2. As soon as it opened, you bolted out and walked down the long hallway until you stopped right in front of it. 207. You were apprehensive, thinking what if she was mad at you for coming? What if she wanted to use this as a vacation away from you? What if she thought you were trying to make it all about you? Then you smiled and remembered it was Caitlin. No. Caitlin would think you were so sweet for doing this for her. With that, you knocked at the door.
It was Caitlin’s new teammate that opened the door. She was about to scream, but you put your finger to your lips to shush her. “It’s a surprise!” you whispered. She nodded her head. “Hey, Caitlin! It’s for you!” Caitlin was on the other side of the hotel room and called back to her. “I think Y/n sent me something, let me look.” Caitlin jogged to the door and you popped out.
“ HI CAITLIN!!! THE SURPRISE IS ME!” You waved your hands as you exclaimed. Caitlin’s jaw was to the floor; she couldn’t believe her eyes. She pulled you into her and picked you up, burying her head into your neck. You giggled as you looked down to kiss her temple. “I guess that means you’re happy to see me? Hopefully?” She rolled her eyes and set you down, grabbing your jaw. She pulled you into her and connected your lips into a fiery and passionate kiss.
“Does that show you how happy I am, babe?”
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sapphicmuppet · 4 months
unresolved things still in my brain post fhjy finale
okay hihi this is not me trying to nitpick I just have a lot of unresolved thoughts!! okay here we go
Buckys arc:
I don’t have a ton of stuff to say just generally his arc being unresolved, being counted as a follower of Cassandra but that never being formally gone over, him still living with Mac and Donna, him skipping class, the drama with his adventuring party etc.
Bobby Dawn:
another self explanatory one, Sandra Lynn never finding out he was teaching at school, him escaping scot free, the drama in the sol pantheon, him never finding buddy etc. Just a lot of unanswered questions
Mazey Graduating:
for having a finale that has a lot of emphasis on the Fabian/Mazey relationship I wish they went over that Mazey IS a senior and graduated at the end of the year and is presumably going to college in the fall, and just the logistics of her being a college student still dating someone in highschool, just interesting having them get together when they’re already going in separate paths. I wish they went over it!! because now in my brain I have to justify it as a summer thing because they’re actively going to be doing other stuff the next school year.
Kipperlilly (and Jace):
okay so. Kipperlily was never rage starred or she willing took on the ragestar whatever I NEED TO KNOW MORE. Ik the point is that the ratgrinders suck and are inexperienced heroes but the realization that she essentially took all of The Ratgrinders down with her and gave them up to Porter, wasn’t being controlled by him in the way the rest of them were, had an even more direct hand in Lucy’s death, but also was still being manipulated by Porter for years?? I need it to get gone over. Also Kipperlily staying dead? to be clear it shouldn’t be The Bad Kids’ jobs to have to deal with the moral question on if the ratgrinders deserve being revived but there’s so much unsaid about Kipperlily and so much she didn’t get to do ugh. And in her final moments her absolute hatred towards Riz just being justified? In her eyes. Idk. Lots of thoughts. AND JACE!! Porter ADMITS to killing Jace himself and shatterstarring him and says he will do it again, but also Jace is clearly under Porter’s control to a degree and wasn’t revived too. I wish we knew more about him because as of what we know right now it seems crazy to keep him dead without questioning him and with him being Porters partner in this whole thing he could fully reveal everything Porter and The Ratgrinders had been doing the past three years.
idk just minor stuff with Bakur. He never regained his elf status which was interesting? We never saw the resolution of his fight with Lydia etc
Okay the acknowledgment in the finale that Kalina seems to genuinely have her own free will and moral compass outside of Cassandra is making me crazy because I just assumed she was tied to Cassandra so when she was good Kalina was too by default but there’s so much not cleared up about her. She DID lure Cassandra to the synod where she was weak and fostered the rage in Cassandra about Kristen’s treatment of her. She killed herself and was trying to communicate to Riz about Porter. Ankarna has NEVER trusted her. She had the spies tongue with Porter. She’s escaping with Buddy at the end. WHATS HAPPENING WHAT IS SHE DOING AGGHHHHH
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auriidae · 9 months
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LIFESTUCK ?!?! (pt 2 here!) (pt 3)
i was sick a couple days ago and spent like 12 hours straight doing nothing but classpecting life series characters and then was like Yeah i have to draw this now. so here's some sillies 👍 (super long classpect ramble under cut because i spent far too long on it not to share hfshjf)
quick note: i really really love @/classpect-navelgazing's theories and used them for a lot of the ideas here. go check their blog out it rules :]
ok you guys flower ranchers (scott tango jimmy) are making me so insane for this au specifically because of this idea i had about doom/life players. doom in true canon is related to inevitability, fate, and knowledge of the specific rules that keep the characters trapped within their story, right. and life is sort of related to healing, physically and mentally, within the confines of the game. so within this au, the aspect of life refers to the rules within the game that the players can see and are aware of (last life’s trading lives system + boogeyman, third life’s soulmate mechanic, secret life’s tasks, etc.). life players have some amount of dominion over these elements (depending on their class, of course). doom on the other hand refers to everything surrounding the games (stuff like admin powers, the world barrier, and whatever happens to the players after they die). 
as a mage of doom, scot (his name is so funny to me. like yeah he sure is) has a bunch of intrinsic knowledge about the way the games function on a logistical level. he’s like a guy who read the script a while ago and forgot all the characters’ names but knows the basic plot and how it’s going to end. or who knows all the ins and outs of tech crew and for whom the apparent magic of the show for the audience is lost on, since he knows how it’s being done. the thing is, scot isn't especially able to act on this knowledge during the game. what director wants someone in the audience — or one of the actors — taking all the magic out of the show, spoiling how it works and how it ends? no, it’s best if they keep that knowledge to themselves — and so scot’s narratively unable to affect the stories of those around him, even his close friends who he’d want to help. he’s aware of this, of course, which makes him more than a little depressed, as he can see the futility of it all and can’t even explain to anyone what’s going on and how the game works. (the only story he’s able to affect, of course, is his own. which. depressed doom player + mage martyr complex + guy who Really cares about his friends is not necessarily a good combination.)
the amount of stock i put in the idea of gendered classes is close to zero so tangoe gets to be a maid of life because ohh my goodness. i like the theory (thanks classpect-navelgazing) of life as “the aspect of affluence,” where life players usually enter the game with some kind of material wealth or status that helps their position in some way. i also like the idea that maid players start the game with a surplus of their aspect but often end up feeling as if they’re only seen as a provider of that specific thing as a result of this, and so end up longing for something else instead. this primarily applies to last life tango because that’s the season i’m most familiar with lol, but i thought the way he started out with so many lives there and quickly dwindled as a result of everyone taking from him and only him was Really interesting. mans has all the luck of the game he could need, but only wants friends to actually be able to live with. being a life player also ties into his little gambling games and things (again, dominion over stuff within the overarching game/story, but nothing beyond that).
then we get to jimi (again fantastic name). the basic premise of an heir is that they’re played by their aspect, right and Oh Boy is jimmy played by life in the life series. i don’t personally know much about anything he’s done other than heehoo canary guy but along with the previously stated points it’s So fun to see him as a life player because it allows for some really clearly contrast between the way he interacts with tangoe and scot based on their aspects. i really like the idea of scot being like “you’re a life player jimi. it's in your name. the game is not going to let you die” and jimi like “you really think so? aw thanks man” neither of them knowing that dying as a life player in this game is literally like in the job description. (ok. i kind of feel like i’m letting jimi down by basing his story so far around other people.. but this is just for fun and i can always change it later)
(also i could easily have put tangoe and jimi as doom players too but for the fact that i don’t think they necessarily see through the game as much as scot does (or at all). and so life it is.)
feel free to ask me questions abt them!!! i have so many thoughts about this bro 
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diosapate · 5 months
☕️ what d'you suppose mercymorn and augustine's plans for society were post-john?
a couple thoughts on this:
i don't actually think Mercy had any plans for society after killing John — she's motivated almost entirely by her own sense of justice, which is vengeance — and her lack of commitment to recovering society is pretty clearly demonstrated by what she says to Augustine after she kills John:
“Augustine, you promised me that after we did it we would go somewhere and drop into the nearest sun—”
and even though she does say that they "planned for a mass evacuation", given what we see from her throughout HtN, this seems to never really have been a priority for her. she's exacted her vengeance on someone who's hurt her, and it certainly didn't heal her, so she's waiting on the green light from Augustine to reenact the suicide pact that gave them lyctorhood in the first place and close the loop.
on the other hand, Augustine seems to have actually planned out what his plan was (and even waxes poetic about it, the old drama queen that he is):
We’re going to go round up the ships—everyone who’s left—sue for peace as best we can—get the Edenites on side. And then we’ll find a place to fulfill the old promise … Somewhere out there exists a home not paid for with blood; it won’t be for us, but it will be for those who have been spared. Babies always get born. Houses always get built. And flowers will die on necromancy’s grave.
(with "the old promise" here, i believe, referring to Mercy's "you promised me" wrt their own deaths)
he actually seems interested in doing work as some sort of, i don't know, repentance for the horrific lives they've led. but he's also adamant that this new "home" isn't for them — actions that frankly seem uncharacteristically unselfish for him of all people, but given A—'s involvement in John's cryo project and his responsibility for getting people off of the planet to supposedly save them, i think it does check out for who he was before he was beset by, y'know, horrors of unimaginable magnitude.
Mercy wants to die, but Augustine — at least for a time — wants to live and do better (and only with her!! everything he's just wrenched from his heart and put up on the table goes completely out the window when John kills her) before he's satisfied with the both of them finally being able to die.
(i'd love to ask Tamsyn if she's intentionally referencing Voltaire here, given the striking parallels/refutations to 'make our garden grow' or if i'm connecting dots that aren't there, but that is neither here nor there)
logistically, Augustine was banking on just getting their people out of the house system, assuming Dominicus was going to collapse. he wants their people to be able to start over without the necromancy that has fueled imperialism for 10000 years, and imho, without imperialism as a whole given what he says to John about stopping and giving up the mission.
necromancy operates under the guise of being reverent of death, but has ended up being a gross disrespect of it since John first discovered his powers and started puppeting corpses. necromancy has been preventing things from their natural cycle of life and death — the corpses didn't rot! — he posits that maybe, maybe flowers could finally die upon necromancy's (as well as his and Mercy's) grave.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Omegaverse content but adding in the seraphim and Omega Buggy content
• Buggy probably wouldn't really like. Broadcast to the world that he's an Omega. I genuinely believe the Roger pirates and other previous era crews were semi old fashioned insofar as Omegas Are To Be Protected, a sort of Don't Ask Don't Tell type of deal. It was never a shameful thing but a safety thing, and if you were secure with your crew, it was fine. But it's a Need To Know Basis and based on personal discretion. Buggy, as the youngest on board, was the baby on top of being the only Omega so the protective urges were compounded.
• some in Buggy's crew knows, I think. He's very adamant that you do what makes you happy but you do NOT judge another for things beyond their control. Any primary and any secondary is welcome with open arms and intercrew relationships are fine so long as everyone keeps it from impacting the crew by and large in anegative way. He doesn't give a single flying fuck. But that said, he also doesn't have a large scale Secret Reveal. His closest people know bc he just vibes on a need to know basis.
• Mohji and Cabaji are Betas, and Alvida is an Alpha. While Buggy's Heats are essentially like menstrual cycles, he also gets slightly needier - it manifests as his temper being shorter, his tears coming quicker, and he's constantly On Edge. He demands SNUGGLES and AFFECTION /j ((honestly he almost never asks for it, but they offer it regardless. While pheromones are slightly lighter in Betas, Cab and Moh are His Pack and Alvida joins the Pack too, so between the three of them, he just kinda goes boneless. It's prime real estate for a lion to snuggle into, too. Win-win))
• When the cross guild starts rolling, Buggy absolutely does not offer information on his Secondary. Mihawk and Croc are both private people as well so they never ask or offer their own. Tensions are high for a while before everyone starts warming up and settling down
• everyone has hit Friendly Status ((pining stage 1)), when the seraphim show up. Rumors start absolutely FLYING because the Big Three are basically co-parenting these kids. Someone makes a remark that "captain Buggy must have blessed Sir Crocodile and Hawkeyes with children to deepen their ties", and it spreads like wild fire. Nobody ever mentions the logistics of it, because what is logic when you worship your clown god.
• S-Hawk (Birdie but open to options ig) and S-Croc (name pending but I like Angel for some reason) overhear it and go "oh papa and father and so of course Buggy must be mama".((Bonus points for cute kid logic of "you read us stories and moms in the stories do this, and you do that so obviously you're our mom"))
• Crocodile and Mihawk, while Angry (read: flustered) at first, eventually warm up to the idea and even begin seeing Buggy in a better light (pining, stage 2). It's a dramatic hot mess. Bets are being placed on the wedding date.
• Buggy actually eventually feels comfortable enough with them that he doesn't feel like he has to hide 24/7/365. So he winds up casually coming out to them, in a manner of speaking, for a stealth thing. They're trying to acquire backers, they're planning on the best method for infiltration, and Mihawk mentions off hand how majority for this sheltered branch of nobility only acknowledge Alpha and Omega couples. Croc just sighs, because his own scent could rarely be mistaken for an Omega, let alone Mihawk, and they don't want to leave it up to just any other person who happens to smell nice enough to pass and-
Buggy just arches a brow. "So I'll just go with one of you. I can Chop my nose, use a prosthetic. It's uncomfortable, but I've done it before."
"Clown what part of "an A-O couple is required" did you not comprehend-?"
"No, I got it all. You and Hawky are both Alphas. You need an Omega who can play the part. I'm right here, dude."
"An omega."
"Croccy? ...... Hawky....? OhMySeaseAreYouBreathing-?!"
• anyway they do go undercover and Croc and Hawk play rock paper scissors to be Buggy's "husband". Mihawk then threatens to remove Croc's other hand in retribution when he lost. He won't do it, but let it he known it was definitely said.
• the kids btw ADORE Buggy. And Buggy loves them!!! Both the seraphim and other kids. And the kids at the locatipm of the undercover mission. Croc almost chokes on his cigar when he catches a glimpse of Buggy giggling with a noble lady and holding a baby in one arm while cooing over another with the other Omegas.
That's all I have rn ily baaiiii
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creatingnikki · 2 years
things to remember in 2023
goodbye emo era, goodbye empath era, goodbye all you eras that have been putting others + emotions at the center of everything. hello self-serving era. self-serving, not selfish. see, more accurate vocabulary can make all the difference. 
choose people who choose you. bare minimum is not impressive. it’s only an indicator that hmmm maybe I can explore what something with this person could lead to. it’s the basic eligibility criteria for opening up your time/schedule to someone, not heart. only time. 
new people don’t need to know life stories and trauma from before 2018. if you want to talk about it just write about it, write it into your book. 
do not listen to your parents. I mean this in the most respectful possible way. you are an adult now, you make your own decisions. because 20 years from now if you are sad and miserable and hating your life and you tell them hey it’s because you made me la la la chances are they are going to turn around and be like nobody forced you, you were an adult, you made your own decisions. so just make your own decisions. and they would be right. like just dodge the emotional manipulation and the drama and the guilt and lack of validation from them for a bit and go ahead and do things you want to in your life. and you already have daddy issues, right? pacify them in bed or something idk. just make your own bloody decisions independent of what your family/others expect of you.
explore more Hindi music. 
channelize certain things you’ve seen in most men around you. channelize compartmentalization. channelize binary problem solving. channelize cutting your losses and exiting at the right time from romantic situations that do not have any future no matter how much you feel for them in the present. 
do not force yourself to write fiction. maybe you don’t want to create stories. maybe you just want to write down what you already know. maybe you just want to write creative non-fiction. why is that a bad thing? don’t you think it’s time to let go of the ideas you have hyper-romanticized and see things for what they really are and then work with them? 
dating apps are not where you will find love. hook-ups, maybe. but drama-free hook-ups? yeah, not quite sure about that either. let’s just go back to how we were before? let’s just focus on our life and believe that love will happen if and when it’s supposed to? 
self-dates must make a return. you found that amazing second-hand bookseller next to your home and your favourite cafe from Bangalore is now in Mumbai and so many new art galleries are opening up around and when was the last time you went to Marine Drive and maybe it’s time to sneak into your college to go have your favourite food again from the canteen and maybe after work you can stay around and explore the popular bars and maybe you can find a post office next to your new apartment so you can start sending letters and packages to your best friend again. I know, I know 2022 was a year of such dramatic highs that gave you such adrenaline rush that coming back to things that were more grounded and brought you joy seems difficult but baby please. you cannot run towards psychosis so soon, okay? come back. 
on that note, let’s find a yoga class around your apartment and also a gurudwara. 
sign up for experiences and invest for the long term but do not invest in material things like furniture. at this point you are the typical mid-20s person who is free to up and leave whenever and wherever and you haven’t found a place you want to call home yet anyway. so keep your money liquid, don’t lock it up in stupid things, but invest for the long-term in equity assets to create wealth. also, go meet your accountant please. and get life insurance. 
do not let family stuff get to you emotionally. deal with it in a logistic, functional, and objective way. as much as possible. 
you really don’t have to respond to people within 24 hours, 48 hours, or even a week. I mean other than very few selected people (family, best friend, and your partner), nobody is owed your immediate attention. and even these inner circle people are owed your immediate attention only in a way where you keep them in the loop to let them know you are alive and doing okay. 
you are a warm person and it’s easy for people to like you wherever you go. but you have such limited time, energy, and brain cells. you cannot scale yourself like a company. which means if you more people want to get to know you, talk to you, etc., you can’t supply them with that because you are not a scalable product. okay? okay. 
earning more money will help only in a limited manner if you do not budget and control your spending. it’s not the person who earns more that is rich but the person who saves and invests and doesn’t take debt for consumption purposes. you can no longer be the ironic financial writer like in the confessions of a shopaholic. you are no longer a kid, you are an adult who has to take care of yourself and soon your dependents and so you cannot keep ranting on about capitalism while falling constant prey to it. instead you have to benefit from it.
figure out what is your choice of poison. for when you wanna just vibe, for when you want to get drunk drunk, for when you wanna be bhand. figure it out. 
think of studying Korean as doing an undergrad degree. so you know you have to stick with this for the next three years. this way you don’t see it as a short-term fancy but as a longer term commitment and reach level 6 of fluency in the language. this way, by the time you are in your late 20s, you will actually be able to read Korean books in Hangul and not the English translation. that’s your goal, isn’t it? and writing poetry in Korean too. 
your high school friend answered the question no doctor was. when you drink alcohol, make sure there is a 3-hour gap between that and your medication. but also keep the drinking in check. I mean honestly, iced coffee and fresh fruit juices for the win. 
you go through people like you go through books. but people are not books. time to pick up actual books again and press pause on people. 
do not commit anything to anybody because you have no sense of stability or certainty in your life right now. that doesn’t make you flighty. that doesn’t make you irresponsible. in fact, it makes you responsible because you aren’t making promises you aren’t sure you are capable of keeping even if you want to keep them. actions > intentions. 
time to have a skincare routine. your sister has written you a whole blog on it - just follow that. 
also oh my god. being twenty five/twenty six does not make you old. you don’t have to look at the younger people you interact with and feel uncool or outdated because then that’s how you’ll always feel. like when you were younger, you would look at the older people and think they are so cool, graceful, smart, and badass. divine, even. then that’s what you are becoming now. not knowing what certain emojis and slang means really has no bearing on how relevant you are. 
this isn’t an exhaustive list, so come back. don’t just write this and forget all about it. come back, review, revise, add. but most importantly, remember. remember this is for you. so that you minimise pain and failure and shitty feelings and maximise peace and success and joy. and you do like optimum utilisation of resources, don’t you? so do that. apply yourself for yourself. that’s where the returns are the highest. 
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boneyardbob · 14 days
If there is one thing I love its a fascinating micro-culture about a niche group of beings. Currently breaking down what that would look like for the creepypastas and how it changes depending on YOUR (yes you!) personal takes on them.
Something I see in so much art is the almost cliche creepy-crouch. In cosplay, fics, art, half the time the pastas are squatting or crouching down while in a resting stage. It makes perfect since logistically; which is one of the easiest ways to start building culture. Squatting instead of sitting or standing is already a cultural thing, mostly in Asia. It works well for the pastas because to kill people they probably need good leg strength and movement so it’s an easy position to hold. It also lets someone curl up in the fetal position while staying on their feet, ready to move at a second's notice. Its good for self soothing or while hiding and waiting to pounce on someone! A lot of the creeps are also animalistic, or have animal-like habits. Being low to the ground to cautiously examine something, track shoe prints, even smell people, it just makes sense.
Now that a habit has been formed among this group of people it just becomes a thing they do. Its their thing! No one bats an eye at each other when squatting down mid conversation. In fact it might come across as welcoming or have the same vibe as breaking bread. "I like this conversation, and you, so I am going to get more comfortable now." And that encourages the other person to crouch as well so both can be relaxed and on the same page. Think of a cat slow blinking at you or when they tuck their paws away. Once its established you can add ✨ style ✨ or different posture can mean different things. Is this guy resting flat on his feet, or is he on his toes with his hands on the ground in front of him? Are they still, or are they bouncing and rocking about? Are their feet next together or spread out so they have more room for movement?
This might be HORRIFICALLY boring to most but I find it so fucking interesting. I could talk for days breaking down the culture of a bunch of magical, half monster serial killers. ITS FASCINATING!!!!
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kaeyx · 1 year
corrupting pm dazai
when he was in the pm he was already pretty fucked up, but he was way more vulnerable and i love the idea of taking advantage of that
you liked the idea of pegging him, but he definitely wasn’t. but in the end, if you wanted him to do something, he didn’t really have a say in it. he would complain with teary eyes about how it hurts, and it’s too much for him, but you’re dead set on making him cum this way. dazai sobbed the entire time, but ended up cumming pretty quickly. after he came, he looked up at you while you were pulling out and asked for another.
Okay so I got a little carried away uhh
Warnings: Reader is gn, mentioned as having a penis but it could be a strap, "cock" is always strap inclusive on this blog. Manipulation on reader's part, it's assumed that all parties are of age and this is strictly fantasy.
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Yessss he's so fucked up but also so lonely. He had Chuuya, he had Oda and Ango, but who else? We know Chuuya had other friends, but Dazai is the demon prodigy, the youngest executive, one half of double black. If you read the light novels he's always described as a demon, a strategist, someone smart, cold, calculating. And then you look at him and he's... 16, 17, 18. That's a child. At his age I was skipping classes and crushing on Sans Undertale, and he's out there living on his own in a dump and killing people. He can't help but latch onto anyone who'll treat him normally. He wants to be a dumb teen, he wants to try new things, he wants to explore the world, and his body too. And if you're there, treating him decently, laughing with him and fussing over his injuries, he's already eating out of the palm of your head. I'm not sure about experience since he's had to have tried to kiss Chuuya at some point. Maybe they got smashed and had sex that one time, but I digress. He doesn't really know what he's doing. He knows he gets off to some weird, fucked up shit but he doesn't know anything about boundaries or safewording or the traffic light system or anything.
Logistics and morals aside this means you can pretty much convince him to do whatever you want. Treat him well, or just decently, kiss him and pet his hair, call him your good boy while you make him cum for the third time and he's crying into your chest, he'll love it. Whatever things he's nervous about trying you can just gently coax him into. He doesn't like to be naked? Okay, just take the coat off then. Just pop a few buttons open, lose the tie. With enough time he'd be scrambling to rip all his clothes off, eager to feel your hands all over his bare skin. Nervous about you sucking him off? Guide his hands to the back of your hair, kissing his hips and thighs and edging him a few times until he's pulling at your hair and rutting mindlessly into your mouth. It's just so cute to watch his hesitation turn to eagerness, all those soft limits becoming turn ons.
Dazai would be so nervous about pegging, poor baby. It's dirty, he's never had anything inside him, he doesn't think it would feel good, he doesn't want to. But you sigh and shush him, promising you know best and you'll make sure he feels really good. Working him up first until he's desperate, clinging to you and pouting, cock slapping against his tummy and leaking, painfully hard. You'd use just one finger first, being nice and letting him cum, praising him for doing so good, behaving so well, taking all your finger up to the knuckle. The next day it's two, and you spread him open a little while you edge him, kissing his chest and cheek. By the third day he's not protesting at all, lying back and obediently spreading his legs so you can work him open. He squirms as you press the blunt head against his entrance but you remind him that it'll feel good, that there's nothing to worry about and he wants to make you happy, doesn't he? Dazai pouts a little but nods, relaxing and letting you in.
You take it very slowly of course, since your cock is far larger than your fingers. Rocking slowly back and forth, sinking in more each time until your hips are flush with his ass and he's trembling, clenching around you. You lean over and kiss him, brushing the hair out of his eye, reassuring him that it's okay, he's doing so well, taking all of you so perfectly. Waiting for him to decide when you can start moving, sliding slowly along his walls until you find that one spot that makes him gasp.
You hadn't gone for his prostate before, just focusing on getting him used to something inside him before moving onto pleasure. Dazai cries out in surprise every time you move, his legs trembling, eyes rolling back, unused to the feeling. You decide to be nice to him and touch his poor cock, jerking him off in time with your thrusts until he's grabbing onto your shoulders and clenching around you desperately, spilling over himself. Once he catches his breath he looks up at you, face still flushed, and finally agrees: you really do know better.
Next time the goal is to not touch him at all, make him cum just from the fucking.
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shaunamilfman · 10 months
Dating Lottienat
pre-crash headcanons
Lottie and you would definitely start hooking up in a fwb situation where you started messing around because both of you knew the other had feelings for Nat. it began as a getting over Nat by getting under someone else, but you guys ended up falling for each other as well and further complicated the situation. 
Nat walks in on y'all messing around one day and gets super jealous, so yall just decide to fuck about it. Nat would definitely assume she was just a hookup for the both of you and would avoid the two of you after instead of having to be emotionally vulnerable for even a second. 
you and lottie corner her in the locker room after practice one day and are all like “not even going to call us after?”/ “your child support payment is late 😒”. Nat's ass is so confused but is all for it after a quick conversation about how you guys feel about her. 
she just giddily follows the two of you around school for the next few days. she'd be ever so smug about it, but she'd also be super whipped for the both of yall. whenever she gets particularly insufferable Lottie just bats her eyelashes all like “could you get me a soda from the vending machine?” and Nat just 🏃💨
you and Lottie having competitions to see which one of you can embarrass Nat the quickest in public. Lottie for sure has absolutely no shame and would enjoy a good competition. Poor Nat suffers the consequences of your competitive streak though. Imagining Nat burying her head in your shoulder and blushing to her ears in embarrassment over something Lottie did in public. Lottie giving you a smug look in the background as she practically skips over to the two of you. 
you and Nat would spend a lot of time at Lottie's empty house. Both Lottie and Nat view home as a particularly stressful place, and they'd really blossom if given a safe place to actually consider home. Nat and Lottie both would really let their guards down if given consistent positive attention, which neither of them have ever really received before. 
it does not matter what position you fell asleep in, because you will not wake up that way. You're not sure if the two of them do it in their sleep, or if they purposely do it after the others have fallen asleep but you always wake up in the weirdest positions. Once you fell asleep spooning Lottie and woke up somehow spooning Nat. Neither you nor Lottie could figure out the logistics of that one, but Nat was surprisingly tight-lipped about it. 
After falling asleep laying fully on top of Nat and waking up with half your torso being pulled off of her by Lottie you tried to feign sleep to catch them in the act. Either it really was done unconsciously or they were smart enough to realize you were still awake, but you gave up trying to catch them after two nights of nothing. 
Lottie loves when you wear her clothes. T-shirts, pants, socks, doesn't matter as long as it belongs to her. Nat, on the other hand, is mostly apathetic to the whole thing. She's never been particularly possessive in that way. She does, however, go absolutely feral the first time she walks in and sees you fast asleep in nothing but her boxers and her nirvana t-shirt. There's something about that specific combination that just drives her wild. 
speaking of which, one of the biggest fights the three of you ever get in is when you and Lottie plot together to buy Nat's letterman. She's beyond angry when she finds out and yell about the two of you going behind her back, but really she's just embarrassed. She thinks the two of you buying the jacket for her is a negative reflection on her. The fight really only ends when you interrupt her to sheepishly admit that you and Lottie hadn't bought it with her in mind, and instead were planning split custody of it. She sputters in disbelief and she looks between the two of you and blushes all the way up to her ears. She goes bright red and shyly turns away every time the two of you see her for the next week. You do end up having a serious conversation about it, but you can't help but enjoy the way she hungrily watches you every time you wear it. 
Lottie has a love-hate relationship for when her parents call to cancel their visits with her. As a kid she always hated it and would be inconsolable for days; Not, of course, that she had anyone that would try to console her. Now she has pretty mixed feelings about the whole thing. She so desperately wants her parents to love her, but at the same time she knows now that that isn't what love should look like. She still cries sometimes when they cancel, but sometimes she doesn't. Everytime they call you and Nat are there to pick up the pieces. You bring her to bed with you and hold her between the two of you until she falls asleep, not letting go until you have to get ready for school the next morning. 
Nat and Lottie always get upset when your parents demand that you come home, though they're both too embarrassed to admit it. Still, you can't help but notice the intensity of their clinginess at school until your parents allow you to return. 
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one-idea · 9 months
Hi! Just wanted to tell you i really like you reverse strawhats au and after you said that you planned on the crews meeting I started to think about what the reactions of the og crew would be so here are my hcs I guess you can tell me if you agree or not
Franky - would be fine a bit weirded out that iceburg here but wouldnt really question it until someone pointed out that it doesnt make sense
Ussop - freaking out that kaya is here in the middle a fight so his more worried about her well being than the logistic of her being here in the first place. The fact he is also excited to see her again after so long helps delay his realization
Nami - she is questioning how the fuck nojiko ended up here and she will mention it but will hold back the interrogation until after the dust has settled
Zoro - he just think its tashigi but then he notice she does not sound like tashigi or act like tashigi or fight like tashigi and then he see ace is here and starts to think theres some evil clone thing going on
Sanji - did reiju follow him? has she been following him the whole time? why is she here? did she come to help? did she not come to help? She is looking at him with a lot of emotion and is freaking him the fuck out
Robin - is trying so so so hard to figure it out what is going on but she is also disassociating a bit because her brain is not really handling the fact that her mom is alive in front of her. will have a panic attack later
Chopper - oh hes crying hes crying so much
Luffy - oh he is going insane just tunnel vision because his brother is right there and he is alive and luffy is just tearing through everything the way to get there
Thank you so much! Oh my friend, I love all of this!
It totally depends on if the strawhats get dumped in the middle of the fight. I think we agreed that they would be joining the reverse crew in Wano (I need to come up with a name for this crew 🤔) or if they all just bump into each other on an island.
I haven’t reach Wano yet so this is a very rough draft of ideas.
If they get dropped into the Wano fight I think the first thought the Strawhats will have is how did we get back here?!?!?.
Luffy definitely sees Ace fighting, and is off like a shot. Nothing else matters. The others hear him yell “Ace” and now they are really confused. But there’s no time for that. Main goals are:
Stay alive
Figure out what’s going one.
I think Zoro and Sanji would try to follow Luffy, because it’s Wano part two apparently?!? And there is a copy of Ace here? They doesn’t trust this and their captain isn’t going alone.
They get drawn into fighting King and Queen again.
This is where they meet Kuina and Reiju.
And this is where I get to tell you you missed the really fun part of this. It’s not just how the strawhats feel but also how the reverse strawhats feel
Zoro and Kuina
Zoro sees what he thinks is Tashigi fighting King. Which weird why is she here? But Ace(?) is here so nothing really makes sense. He jumps into the fight and Tashigi starts screaming at him. That’s on par for Tashigi. Except she’s calling HIM the look alike, rude! That doesn’t even make sense!
Meanwhile Kuina thinks stupid Tsukin just interrupted her fight. Why is he here? You know what it doesn’t matter. She doesn’t need this dumb marine’s help to beat Kiado’s right hand man. She’s the first mate of the the (not strawhats but whatever they will be called) she is wining this fight herself.
They are about to get into an argument when they both recognize that the other is wielding Wado Ichimonji. But that’s just not possible. It has to be a fake or a copy. But both would recognize Wado Ichimonji any where. It’s not a fake. But how?
King attacks them and they have to focus. They start to recognize each others moves and styles. Little things that they would do even as children. Habits that carried over. Things that Tashigi and Tsukin don’t do. And there’s this little voice in their heads saying “could this be-?” They don’t officially put it together until they meet up with everyone else.
Sanji and Reiju
Sanji sees Queen attacking a woman with pink hair. And while she’s not wearing her kimono he still thinks it’s Umi. He moves to intercept the attack yelling at Queen for attacking a woman.
Reiju is in shock. Because this person is obiously from Germa 66. But who would follow her? Then Sanji turns to face her to make sure “Umi” is okay and she realizes who this person is. It’s Sanji. But that’s not… but it is. It’s Sanji. Her kind little brother.
Sanji finally gets a good look at the woman he just saved and… what? What is Reiju doing here? Why does she look so different? Her hairs different. She’s missing her tattoos and her Germa armor. What is going on here? Did she leave Germa 66. Did she leave their father? Did she follow him? Or is Germa here to help Big Mom and Kaido. No that can’t be it, But why is she here?
He’s spiraling. Both of them are. But Sanji’s frozen. Reiju doesnt know what happening but she knows this is her brother. Before she can hug him or confront him about how he was in Wano she sees queen moving to attack Sanji. No, no way, not her little brother. She launches herself at Queen.
Sanji sees the moment Reiju tenses and then throws herself towards him. He braces for an attack that flies right by him with a vicious battle cry. He turns to see Reiju beating the crap out of Queen. “Don’t you touch him! I won’t lose him again!” Lose him? Like when he left Germa as a child? Or whole cake? But she’s the one who pushed him to go. What is Reiju talking about?
While all of this is going on the rest of the crew is on the move. They are catching glimpse of their counter parts but it’s late enough in the fight that the main problems are Kaido, Big Mom, King and Queen.
(Which will allow for a sequence of Law joinging that fight only because he sees Rosinante fighting Big Mom. I will write more on this once I actually get to dressrosa and Wano)
Nami and Nojiko
I don’t think Nami runs into Nojiko until after the fighting. I haven’t decided what Nojiko’s fighting style is yet. She seems to wield her mother’s gun in the series so she might be a gun slinger instead of fighting with a staff (I haven’t figured out if she’s going to have weather powers yet)
But I can see Nami finding Zoro and Kuina arguing after the fight. (Nami is looking for Luffy/Zoro/Sanji to make sure they’re alright and bring them back to the group.) she find Zoro and who she thinks is Tashigi yelling at each other. Which not to weird besides the fact that Tashigi wasn’t here the first time and she’s calling Zoro the wrong name. Like not even an insult just straight up the wrong name.
She goes to interrupt them when Nojiko comes running in yelling at someone named Kuina. Which seems to make Zoro freeze. (This is his moment of what the heck is happening) Nami sees Nojiko and okay this is to weird, why is her sister her. So she calls out
Nojiko turns and sees this orange haired woman standing in front of her. She has no clue who she is. (Her hair is the same color as Nami’s but Nami died when she was 10. There’s no way she’d recognize 20 year old Nami as well, Nami) but that’s okay because Zoro is going to handle that for her.
“Nami why is your sister calling the copycat Kuina!” He calls out because of course he doesn’t believe this is Kuina. “I’M THE COPYCAT!” Kuina yells at him which he ignores for now.
Nojiko’s world stops. Nami. This woman’s name is Nami?
“I don’t know Zoro! I don’t even know why she’s here!” Nami yells back at Zoro. Breaking Kuina’s brain as well because a woman with the same name as Nojiko’s dead little sister just called this man Zoro. And while she is impulsive and stupid at times, she’s starting to put the pieces together. But we’re not going to focus on Zoro and Kuina right now.
Nojiko storms up to Nami and asks who her mother is. And Nami is real freaked out because “it’s Bell-mére and why are you asking that?” But Nojiko’s not going to explain because Nami’s here! She’s alive! She’s hugging her sister and sobbing. Saying how she’s so happy she’s alive. Nami is so confused. Since when did Nojiko think she was dead?
Meanwhile the sword wielding duo is watching this and Kuina starts quizzing Zoro about their dojo and Zoro’s not going to be out done so he starts asking questions back. The questions get more unhinged as they go. At some point Sanji and Reiju join them (Reiju has not let go of Sanji since the beat queen) and while both siblings still don’t know fully what’s going on. Reiju’s starting to come up with a theory as she watch’s Kuina and Zoro argue and Nojiko sob into Nami.
Usopp and Kaya
The first time Usopp sees Kaya is after he almost dies. He was taking shots protecting his crew when someone almost hits him. He turns just in time to see the hit coming but can’t do anything to stop it. He braces for impact when a crossbolt hits his attacker dead on. His eyes follow the shot, making sure it’s a friend not a foe, and he gets the surprise of his life. It’s Kaya.
Kaya who’s studying to be a doctor. Kaya who’s never hurt anyone in her life. Kaya who just shot a man in cold blood. Kaya who didn’t flinch at the action. Kaya who’s already lining up her next shot and yelling.
Oh wait, is she yelling at him? Yes. She yelling at him to move. He can do that. He starts moving to her position and watching her snip anyone who gets remotely close to him. And he has to wonder ‘am….am I into this????’ (Yes yes he is)
When Usopp finally reaches Kaya she starts yelling questions at him as they work together to watch over their crews. It’s a mess of a conversation.
Usopp’s asking her why she’s not at Syrup village.
She shoots someone and asks why she’d be there? Then has to yell at Usopp not to shoot at the the woman with pink hair fighting besides Sanji, that’s Reiju her crewmate.
Usopp’s so confused “when did you join a crew?”
Now Kaya’s confused cause she been on her crew since they were 14 duh.
Usopp’s freaking out but before he can ask about that Kaya continues “when did you leave Water 7?”
Side bar I got a whole idea for Usopp that since he and Merry take over the ship yard for Kaya when she sets sail at 14 he falls in love with making ships. When he does finally get out of syrup village it’s to go to Water 7 to learn to become one of the best shipwrights in the world. He never crosses paths with the giants, and meeting Ace and the others so early, (and seeing what happened in this world Marineford) changed a lot of things for him. But we can talk about that in a different post.
Usopp is so confused. But he can’t focus on that because “no Kaya don’t shoot at Chopper he’s our doctor!”
“You mean the reindeer creature that’s about to attack MY ships doctor is your ships doctor?” (They witness Chopper and Hiriluk’s reunion. It’s sickeningly sweet.
Needless to say they are both so confused, scared, and happy to see each other. Kaya’s always known that Usopp was a great shot but the Usopp she meets in Wano is on a different level.
They don’t catch on to what is happening until later when they reunite with everyone.
Robin and Olivia / Franky and Iceburg
Robin trying to figure out what the heck is happenings. Why are they in Wano again? How is Ace here? She catches a glimpse of Olivia fighting using HER devil fruit. She doesn’t get a good look at the woman, but a white haired woman using her devil fruit. That sounds an awful lot like Seraphim. She’s not positive. But if there is a Seraphim of herself could this ‘Ace’ also be a Seraphim? If that is the case she needs to get her captain away from it now!
She’s keeping an eye out for other white haired versions of their crew and allies. She hasn’t shared her theory yet. They need to first put a stop to the fighting and get to safety.
It isn’t until after the fight that she comes face to face with Olivia and all ideas of Seraphim fly from her mind. Because this woman is older than her. The seraphim are always younger.
Olivia sees Robin and is shocked to see that they share the same devil fruit power. That’s just not possible. She grabs the nearest crewmate, Iceburg, and goes to figure out what is going on by on. She thinks Iceburg will be helpful, he’s incredibly intelligent, but that all flies out the window the moment they get near this mysterious black haired woman.
She’s standing next to a cyborg who strikes a familiar pose and Iceburg brain stops working. It’s not possible. Franky died so long ago. But who else poses like that, talks like that? Has Franky been alive all this time and Iceburg just didn’t know? His little brother, cut apart into a cyborg, but still alive.
Olivia is talking about how they need to figure this out. They just survived Wano but if someone is copying devil fruits they will have a real problem and wait… Iceburg where are you going!
He just walks away in the middle of her statement. There is no subtlety in his movements. The cyborg and black haired woman see him coming. Olivia’s getting ready just incase they attack but that’s not a problem. The cyborg looks up and calls out “Ice-for-brains? What are you doing here? It’s great to see you don’t get me wrong but what about Water 7?”
Frank and Robin were talking about how they got thrown back in time? Put in a different universe? Or is this is all an illusion? Robin is still on her Seraphim theory. Maybe this is an elaborate training simulation for seraphim’s of the strawhats that the crew wondered into? When Franky spots Iceburg. And he’s excited to see him again but also filled with dread because is Water 7 okay?
Iceburg knew this was Franky the moment he heard Ice-for-brains. He’s crying. This is really Franky. He moves to quickly hug his brother. Franky’s thrown for a loop, because like it’s been a while, but not sobbing so happy you’re alive while, you know. Like Iceburg didn’t even treat him like this when he first returned to Water 7 after being presumed dead for years.
Robin sees all of this and it’s not right, Iceburg shouldn’t be here. But his appearance is also off. The Iceburg they know always looked pristine, he was the mayor and a business man. He presented himself as someone people could trust with important decision. This man looks like a wreck. Not just because he’s sobbing but his clothing and hair. They look different than how Iceburg would present himself.
While she’s having all of these realizations Olivia walks over to join them. She’s worried for Iceburg and wants to make sure he’s okay. She and Robin meet eyes but they don’t recognize each other (if they ran right past each other in Ohara they are not recognizing each other in Wano where they are both much old and believe the other dead for 22 years) it isn’t until Franky looks to Robin (with Iceburg arms still wrapped around him) and goes “hey Ice-for-brains you remember Nico Robin.” (He’s trying to get Iceburg to stop crying so he can find out what the heck is going on here)
But the name brings Olivia’s world to a screeching halt. “What did you just say?” She quickly move to Robin grabbing her face and examining her. “What’s your name?”
Robin isn’t afraid to tell people who she is anymore. Her crew will always protect her. “Nico Robin”
Olivia thinks this is a trick because it can’t be her daughter. But no one knew of her daughter’s existence. She died in Ohara 22 years ago. The only people who know her name are Olivia’s crewmates. “And where are you from?”
“Ohara.” Robin answers without hesitation. Franky is watching closely ready to help her if this crazy lady attacks her.
“That’s not possible. Nico Robin died 22 years ago when Ohara was buster called.” The white haired woman says. And Robin’s dumb founded because she pretty famously the only survivor of that buster call. “How dare you impersonate my little girl!” Olivia is furious. But her words shock Robin. Because WHAT?
“Who are you?” Robin asks this obviously very angry woman.
“Nico Olivia the only survivor of Ohara. I watched my daughter die so you can’t be her.”
This could go on forever if Franky wasn’t standing there like, “um yes she is Nico Robin. We declared war on the world government and destroyed Enies Lobby to get her back because she you know Nico Robin? Back me up Ice-for-brains you were there.”
Olivia and Iceburg are so confused because they stormed Enies Lobby to save Olivia. But Franky, who is somehow alive, says his crew stormed Enies Lobby to save Robin. Several moments or mother and daughter using their brains later they realize that this has to be either an illusion, or a parallel world.
Olivia and Robin have a break down because their daughter/mom is actually here. Like brain stops working when they finally make the connection and are like oh….OH. Meanwhile Iceburg and Franky have already started comparing notes. Not on their journeys and where they differ, no that would be helpful, no they are comparing notes on the ships they built for their crews.
Chopper and Hiriluk
Chopper and Hiriluk don’t have the same blocks that everyone else does. Unlike Nami, Sanji, and Franky, their counter part isn’t alive, so there’s no awkward “how are you alive?” “What do you mean I saw you the last time I was home?” There’s no confusion on how they are here fighting like with Usopp and Kaya. And unlike Robin, Olivia, and Nojiko they can instantly recognize each other. (Hiriluk hasn’t changed that much, Chopper’s the only human reindeer)
The only people in a similar situation are Ace and Luffy as it’s only been two years since they lost each other, and oddly Zoro and Kuina. Though it’s not because they recognize each other and more because they think the other is someone else. (By the time they realize it’s truly their lost friend, it’s because they recognize Wado Ichimonji.)
Chopper runs into Hiriluk on the battle field. They both imidiatly recognize each other. They call out for each other, knocking out any enemy between them, and Chopper just jumps into his arms as Hiriluk falls to his knees. (They have no clue Kaya almost shot Chopper) they are sobbing “My son! My wonderful wonderful son!”
They are a mess. The enemy’s are avoiding them because you don’t get in between a sobbing father and his son. Especially when that father is telling his son just how much he loves him. Even more so when the father and son just took out a 1/4 of the enemy’s just to get to each other.
Just back away from the sobbing old man and his raccoon dog son as slowly and quietly as you can.
Luffy and Ace
Luffy sees Ace. Which just can’t be. This has to be a dream. Or a vision. But Ace never fought Kaido as far as Luffy knows.
But then he sees Ace hit Kaido hard. He can feel the heat from Ace’s fire from here. This is real. It has to be. And Kaido is about to hit Ace. Ace who he already watched die once. Luffy is gone in point .0001 seconds. He’s left his crew behind (he trust them to take care of themselves, to take care of everything else) he has to get to Ace.
Ace sees the hit coming and he’s bracing for it. But it never lands because some maniac comes flying out of no where and slams into Kaido with a speed and a force he’s only seen once before. But that’s not possible, that person was dead. His baby brother was dead. It couldn’t be him. Except Kaido is sent flying and the boy lands, and it is. It is him. It’s Luffy. From his Strawhat to his sandals, that’s his brother.
His baby brother is here. He’s alive! And he’s just punched Kaido. Kaido who Ace was struggling to fight. Kaido who is launching himself back at Luffy. No. Never again. Never again will Ace let Luffy get hurt.
Cue the boys desperately trying to punch Kaido first. They are both yelling about Kaido staying away from THEIR brother! There’s no way Kaido can win. Anytime he tries to defend himself from one the other launches themselves at him with a rabid feralness that should not be seen in humans.
Gear 5 comes out at some point. Ace awakens his fruit. They demolish him.
Afterwords Luffy just launches himself at Ace knocking him to the ground. His rubber limbs wrapping around his big brother. Ace is cradling his brother as close as he can. They are sobbing. Until they pass out. Exhausted from the fight. They don’t care about the why or the how, their brother is here that’s all they care for.
Their crews find them and move them somewhere safe. And I do mean them. Ace is not releasing Luffy even in his sleep. Not that it matters much, Luffy is so tangled around him it wouldn’t be possible to separate them. Not that their crews would.
They wake up two days later still tangled up. By this point Robin, Olivia, Iceburg, and Jinbei have put the pieces together. They know that the Strawhats are from a different timeline? World? They’re still working out the particulars. And they have no idea how to get the strawhats back. (Oh no extended vacation!!)
Not like the reverse crew wants them to go back.
Again this is a VERY rough outline of what it will look like. I’ll write way more detail when I actually get here in cannon. But for now here’s a taste of what is to come.
Thank you so much for the prompt/ask it was so well articulated I had to expand on it.
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bloodyinkandquill · 27 days
Biograft x engineer Reader
i am writing this sitting next to my dad and my sister while my dad’s biological father and his wife are also on the couch so that’s fun, also in this the specific biograft will be called zeta for short
- Running into a broken Biograft that acted strangely was odd, what was even more odd was after you repaired it it thanked you and asked to stay with you
- After a long interrogation and like three headaches you figured out it was different, he was sentient, you definitely did not expect that one, he didn’t know how it happened either but he was also very not into the idea of you looking through his parts to see if something inside him had caused it, you relented and then agreed to letting him stay with you
- He was an enigma to you at first, as far as you both knew a Biograft gaining sapience should absolutely not have been possible, but you weren’t against it, he was sweet and very curious, you had to teach him about very basic things and he made for great conversation, when you realized you had fallen for it you were conflicted, it was a machine one that shouldn’t exist in the way it does, yet he was different, he could feel emotions, he could think what he wanted, you weren’t sure what to do, regarding the relationship, but after late one night you told him of your feelings he expressed the same and wished to be with you
- Dating a robot was definitely unexpected but he was so amazing you stopped caring, it was a bit awkward figuring out stuff but hey, there’s a learning stage to all relationships
- Zeta couldn’t feel touch but still wanted to hold you hand, since you could feel it, though he did worry about gripping your hand too strong and hurting you, then when you leaned in to kiss him for the first time you both were unsure how to go about it, you eventually just kissed where his mouth would be if he had one and that was good enough for you both, he did with he could kiss you back though
- He was sometimes too curious for his own good and while adventuring outside he’d get himself hurt or broken in some way, luckily you were always there ready to fix it back up with welding and wiring, it appreciated what you did for it greatly and tried to show its gratitude in any way it could
- Those ways consisted of holding your hand, awkward compliments since he was still trying to grasp the concept, getting you parts you needed for your engineering and tinkering, or touching ‘horns’ with you, you’d come to touch horns as a different way of kissing, it felt just as intimate and close while working to be just as sweet, a Biograft’s horns are one of the only places on it a body it can feel touch (hc), as it’s horns are one of the more sensitive spots in the way that if in combat someone got ahold of its horns it could do some serious damage, you had used your engineering skills to enhance the feeling to be one of pleasantness and not of panic and fight, so afterwards touching your horns together became a good way of showing love for each other
- Zeta liked tinkering in your workshop with you, mostly random bits and bobs as he was understanding how things worked and what he could make different metal and electrical components come together to do, it also gave him a better understanding of he he worked, so even if he made a mess and used important parts of yours sometimes, you could never be mad at him just trying to understand things better
hope these were good! i though about logistics a lot as to how different parts would work, again like stated with previous ones these are centered around reader being a engineer so PLEASE let me know if you want general biograft dating hcs!
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celandeline · 8 months
Summer of Like // Farleigh Start x OC (1)
“Yes… New York, that’s correct. JFK, if that’s possible, but LaGuardia works too if… you’re sure the closest flight you have is next Monday?” I run a hand down my face, and flop back against my dorm bed, cell phone wedged between my shoulder and my ear. “Sure, fuck it, put me on a waitlist. Yes, call me if a seat opens up… yes, this number is the quickest way to reach me.” I stare up at the ceiling as the receptionist talks, her polite, Britishness, beginning to grate. “Yes, thank you. Bye.”
I snap my phone closed and toss it as far away from me as I can with a groan. It’s sweltering, it’s exam week, and I can’t get a fucking flight home to Brooklyn for the life of me. The dorm is half packed - clothes and shoes from the winter stowed away in trunks, along with all of the non-essentials (decor and trinkets and the like). The rest of my belongings are scattered around, collateral damage from the mess of the last weeks of school. I long for the streets of New York - I haven’t had a bodega sandwich in almost a year. “If I have to stay on this stuffy-ass pretentious campus for even a week longer than I have to I might just slit my wrists in the fucking bath.” I say, mostly to the ceiling. I am so tired of Cambridge. 
“Jesus, Evie.” 
I sit up to look at Venetia - my flatmate, and one of my only friends here. She’s one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen. She’s maybe the only person in the world that can make bottle blonde look high end. Somehow she toes the line between cute and sexy without seeming like she’s trying too hard - on anyone else, dark grunge eye makeup and a button nose would look silly, but on her… she’s like Helen of Troy in Saint Laurent sunglasses. She's a good angel sent to make my year at Cambridge so, so much easier. It’s hard to make friends as an American exchange student at one of the most pretentious English schools in the world. Harder still when Venetia is also something of an outcast herself. I don’t care much though - she’s worth ten of these other British schoolgirls. “Sorry.”
She barely glances up at me, too busy filing her nails into rounded almond points at my desk, little flakes of old nail polish falling all over my schoolwork scattered there. “It’s your own fault for leaving it until exam week.”
“I know.” I say. I really should have booked a flight back home sooner, but it’s hard to remember to do anything else when you’re drowning in schoolwork and vodka at the same time. “I just didn’t think it would be such a pain in the ass to get home. I mean really, it’s like the whole fucking country’s just decided to go to New York. I’m on seven waitlists to fly economy, V. And I still have finals to do.” 
She grins down at her fingernails. “New Yawk.” She snickers, mocking my accent. “Still so American, even after a whole year here.”
“Might be two years if I don’t get a flight home.” I grumble, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. “What color are you doing this time?”
Venetia holds up two bottles - one a dark gray, one more of a silver. “I’m thinking gunmetal underneath, silver on top.” She says conversationally, turning back to the desk to focus on her nails. “You could always come to Saltburn with me.”
“What?” I say, taken aback by her nonchalance. “V- c’mon. I can’t just go live in your family’s castle at the last minute, I mean, we leave campus in like two days.” These rich kids - I swear they think anything can happen at the snap of their pretty fingers. And she does have quite pretty fingers. 
She shrugs. “It’s not that big of a deal - I mean, Felix brings someone home every year. Never the same person either.” She grins. “He’s a bit of a slut - in that way.”
“We leave campus in two days.” I repeat. Venetia - for all her lovely qualities - sometimes forgets about the logistics of things. I mean, if I was fuck-off rich, I’m sure I would too, but there just isn’t enough time for arrangements to be made for me to stay at her family’s mansion. It’s a generous offer, but… “I don’t want to just show up V, that’s so presumptuous. Rude, even. And I’ve got a whole year's worth of stuff with me, I can’t just lug it all to your house.”
“But you so totally can.” Venetia says, swiping nail polish over her fingertips. “There are at least six bedrooms that no one uses Evie, it would be no problem at all. And there’s more than enough room for all your luggage. Really, the house is just begging to have more people in it - why do you think Mum throws so many parties? The place is too empty - and it’s so boring over the summer, really you’d be doing us both a favor Evie, please?” She turns her head, batting her long eyelashes at me. 
God, she’s pretty. Too pretty for her own good. But- “I don’t want to intrude - I wouldn’t know anyone but you, V. It’d be awkward.” I say. I really would rather not feel out of place for a whole summer when I could be eating delicious bodega sandwiches with my friends that I haven’t seen in a year. 
“Please Evelyn?” She pleads again, this time using my full name. She only ever uses my full name when she really wants something. “It’s the perfect solution - you don’t have to stress about getting home, and I’ll finally have a friend to bring for the summer. I’ll have someone to talk to besides Felix and whatever poor soul he brings.”
“I can’t, V. It’s too last minute - I don’t want to intrude. I can’t.” I say. 
She sighs, a long, drawn out thing that sinks into my chest and twists around my heart in that way that only she can do. My determination to go home falters. Would it be so bad to stay in England for the summer? I’m already here - it’s not like I’d have to fly (and fight with the airline). The whole point I came to study abroad at Cambridge was to experience English culture, and what better way to do it than to stay in a giant fuck-off castle for a few months? And she seems so… desperate, really. I’ve always sort of been able to tell that she’s never had many friends just by the way she acts - and how the other girls here act around her - and the way she talks about how her brother always brings someone home makes me think that she’s a little jealous. 
“You’re sure it wouldn’t be too last minute?” I ask. 
Her face lights up, and she turns around in her seat again. “Not at all - the guest bedrooms are always made up anyway, it wouldn’t even be an issue. And it would be such fun to have you there, Evie - Mum will be so excited that I’ve brought a friend home. And Farleigh will finally have another American to talk to - it’ll be great, promise!”
next part >
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writeyouin · 10 months
Mirage X Reader – Private Little Thoughts Part 2 of 2
A/N - Okay, it took me a little longer than expected, but I listened to the vote and I used the top five or six kinks to make this a little better than my older works.
Warnings – NSFW. SMUT. PORN.
Rating – M
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‘I’m gonna fuck you in Noah’s garage. Please let me fuck you.’
That was what Mirage had said, and now here you were, waiting for him to do what he wanted with you. You couldn’t say that you didn’t also want him. You did, but until tonight you hadn’t thought  Cybertronian-human relations possible.
Initially, you thought that you and Mirage might take things slow as you both tried to figure out what would and wouldn’t work. As it was however, you were now sat in your underwear, your hands bound behind you with a bungee cord that was tied off on a divot in the floor.
Evidently, Mirage was a bot with many kinks, and he didn’t know where to start first; you had also found that he had seemingly learned a lot about humans from some pornos he had seen through people’s windows.
“See, the good thing is that we’re not all that different. You have a valve, I have a valve and I spike. Other than that, we’re basically the same.” He had explained hurriedly as he tied you down.
You waited a few more minutes while Mirage paced around you.
“Do you want suggestions, or…?” You trailed off sardonically, bored of waiting for something to happen.
“Just wondering where to start,” Mirage answered, stroking his chin.
“Well, if you could start soon, that’d be great. I haven’t got all week, and I’m getting cold.”
“There’s just so much I wanna do to you, and you’re so small and soft, I gotta figure out some logistics. Should we have a safe word? I feel like we should have a safe word.”
You looked around for objects that might bring a safe word to mind.
“What about cables?” You suggested, feeling particularly un-creative when put on the spot and starting to shiver.
Mirage shook his head, “No good. I’ll want you to pull on mine, so I’ll be using that one.”
“Okay, how about Noah?” You asked, thinking about how mortified you would be if your mutual friend walked in to find you fucking in his garage.
Mirage’s engines revved, “Oh no way, you don’t get to mention that hot piece of aft. It’ll just make me overload too fast.”
“Are you serious? Is it like, all humans with you? Because I thought this was just kind of an us thing.”
“Hey now, I only have feelings for you, but you can’t sit there and pretend that Noah isn’t sexy, yeah?”
You tilted your head to your shoulder in a shrug, “Yeah, okay, you’re not wrong.”
“Oh, I got it,” Mirage stated excitedly, “What about E.T.?”
“No,” You deadpanned.
“What? Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to be covered in jizz or something and have to scream out E.T. It’s weird.”
“Okay, fine… How about pyjamas?”
“Why pyjamas?”
“Because pyjamas were what you were wearing when I first realised I wanted to try this with you,” Mirage admitted, blushing slightly.
You also felt heat rush to your cheeks as you realised that the Autobot had been watching you at some point in your home. How much had he already seen of you?
“Okay,” You relented. “Pyjamas.”
“Great, ‘cos I want this to be good for both of us. I don’t want to hurt you (Y/N).”
“I can stand a little hurting.”
Mirage shot you a measured look. You didn’t shrink under his gaze, meaning what you said. Then, for a moment, Mirage questioned himself, wondering whether what he was doing was sane. It was his idea, and he most definitely wanted you, but if the others found out about this… Well, he knew what they would say. They would say the things they always said to him, that he was reckless and foolish, and that one day he would hurt someone.
“Hey,” You called, drawing him from his reverie. “It’s okay.”
Mirage’s expression softened. You were right, everything was going to be okay. He mentally shook himself, trying to get things back on track by saying, “No, it’s going to be better than okay, ‘cos you’re fragging hot. Like seriously, you know how hot you are?”
“Tell me,” You grinned demurely.
“You’re so hot that I wanna watch everything as it happens. In fact, with your permission…” Mirage trailed off, gesturing towards a camera which you previously believed was turned off.
“You want to record this?”
“Not just record it.”
Mirage flicked a button on the camera, then pulled a piece of Cybertronian technology from his subspace and attached it to the camera. Suddenly, the two of you were everywhere, projected onto the walls and ceiling.
“This is what you’re into?” You asked somewhat doubtfully.
“I don’t want to miss any expression on that pretty little face of yours, and there’s going to be a lot to see,” Mirage said suggestively. “And now that that’s sorted…”
Mirage leaned forward to kiss you, pursing his lips so he could peck yours.
“Let’s get this started.”
As it turned out, between Mirage’s size and all the things he wanted to do with you, the bindings that held you in place weren’t a good idea, and so he freed you from them relatively quickly. There might have been a time for them later if things worked out and once you got used to one another, but for first times, they weren’t helping things. Mirage proclaimed that a mighty shame, as he had enjoyed seeing you tied up; when he told you that, you had retorted that you would like to see him gagged since he wouldn’t be able to use that smart-ass mouth of his.
“You’ll like my ‘smart-ass mouth’ soon enough baby, I promise you that.”
“Shut up,” You smirked, shaking your head.
“Make me.”
“Gladly,” You retorted, climbing onto Mirage’s chassis to kiss him.
The two of you stayed like that for a moment, after which Mirage looked at you with hooded eyes, “That was good, but I prefer my kisses a little lower.”
You rolled your eyes but took the hint as his interface panel slid open, revealing a blue spike, dotted with silver bio-lights along the sides. It took a moment for you to shift downwards, but you managed it and immediately began pumping your arm into his valve, rubbing at his inner walls and finding the bundle of nerves that formed his anterior node.
Mirage groaned, “Fuck, you found that fast. Should I be jealous that you know what you’re doing? Please don’t tell me you’ve been screwing around with Optimus or-”
He sucked in a sharp vent of air through his systems, as you clutched the node in your fist, working your hand over it.
Mirage had had hand jobs in the past, but only from Cybertronians and those were around his spike. Nobody had ever been small enough to work his anterior node like that.
“I like seeing you like this,” You smiled.
“What, hot as fuck?”
“I was thinking more like a hot mess,” You chuckled, making Mirage cry out as you toyed with him.
“Well,” Mirage managed to pant, “At least we agree on the hot part.”
You grinned and bent your head to suck at the tip of his spike.
Mirage’s face contorted while he tried not to overload. He was known for his stamina and prowess, but damn, if he was hot, you were lava coursing through him, burning him up, till he felt like he could explode. When he had imagined doing this, he hadn’t considered that you would be his undoing. He adored you, and he was dangerously aware of how much you humouring his human kink was affecting his feelings about you.
Later, he was certain he would have to remind himself that this was either a one-night stand or that you two were only friends with benefits, nothing else. Primus, he hoped it was the latter; he didn’t want to think that this would be your only time together, especially as you rubbed your hands down the length of his spike while sucking him off.
For a while, he was greedy, letting you service him, but when he came far too close to overloading, he decided to return the favour.
Now, you were beneath him, your hands balled into fists against the floor, frustrated there was nothing to grab as Mirage finally put that mouth of his to good use.
“Fuck, that’s good,” You keened.
“Glad for my mouth now?” Mirage mocked playfully, taking a minor break from his work.
“No,” You said to spite him. “Wishing it was Optimus, actually. He has to have good jaw strength from all that scowling.”
For that retort alone, Mirage scraped his dentae against your inner thigh, making you yelp, though it didn’t hurt so much as shock you. With such a large tongue lapping at your insides, devouring your pussy, and making you writhe beneath him, you knew you wouldn’t last long. Mirage also seemed to sense this, as he would work you up, massaging your breasts with one digit whilst eating you out, then he would stop and make you wait, coming down from your high.
You cursed him more than once, but that only seemed to amuse him more.
“Damn it,” You huffed, after being denied an orgasm once again. “Why won’t you let me have this?”
“I don’t want you to cum until you’re riding my spike,” Mirage replied with an over-confident grin.
“Then let’s just fucking do that!”
“Oof, you wound me,” Mirage placed an offended servo over his chassis. “You really want this to be over so soon.”
You pouted, thinking about how you wanted an end to your torment. You wanted to be able to cum, and you were already so overstimulated, you knew all it would take was just a few more light touches to your clit.
“How many partners have you had?” You asked incredulously, annoyed that Miragae was so good at what he was doing.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s dangerous territory there,” Mirage dodged the question, thinking of the multitudes of Cybertronian partners he’d once had. The truth was that he was rich, and they wanted his money; there were never any real feelings involved, but you… you didn’t know any of that stuff about him, and you liked him anyway; why? All you had wanted was to go for a race, and now, the only thing racing was your pulse… Well, your pulse and his spark.
“Then what do you talk about during-”
“Like I said, how I want to fuck you till you’re sore. Now c’mon, get on all fours for me.”
“Whatever you say,” You replied coolly, “But please, be gentle.”
Mirage softened at that, his optics drinking you in.
“Always,” He promised.
When you turned your back on him, he was almost relieved. Your eyes were going to break him, he just knew it. He took a minute to examine you, knowing full well his spike would be too large for you, despite what he had said about wanting you to ride it. Instead, he popped his smallest digit into his mouth, sucking on it till it was slick with coolant.
He worked at your anus, stretching, tugging, pulling. He wanted you to be ready for him when he fucked you. Finally, you seemed ready, so after asking your consent, to which he received a weak nod, he entered you, pumping in and out with his finger.
Although you still had to use one hand for purchase, you managed to reach the other underneath, stroking your pussy while he fucked you. The sight, played back at him from all angles, made Mirage’s spike twitch; his trans-fluid dripped onto the floor from both that and his valve.
Since you were taking his digit so well, he had a feeling that if he were to properly prepare your body over multiple sessions, then you would be able to take his spike one day. When that happened, he knew he would want to take you from the front. He imagined rutting into you, over, and over, one overload hitting after the other until his trans-fluid filled you all the way up and your belly swelled with it; then it would leak over his spike and down your thighs.
Mirage opened his mouth to swear at the thought, but all that came out was over-excited static.
He tried to keep his hand from thrusting into you too hard, his mind and body overstimulated with thoughts of all the things he wanted to do with you. You were an impossible being. He had worked himself up before imagining a myriad of lusty situations, and now that he was actively carrying them out, he was already thinking up more.
Mirage reached down to his wanting spike, working it with his free hand. Now it was just a matter of who would overload first. Mirage had more experience, but he wanted you so badly. More than that, he wanted to climax first. He had to see you covered in his trans-fluid.
He pumped at his spike harder, gripping it almost angrily, multi-tasking, as he worked both you and himself into a frenzy.
It wasn’t long before his hard work paid off, especially when you begged him for more; he liked the sound of you begging. His trans-fluid splashed over your back and ass, making you wet, warm, and sticky. Suddenly, you buckled, falling onto your elbow, your legs quivering as your orgasm finally hit.
“Shit,” You rasped. Then you repeated it, unable to form other words in your haze.
Mirage was right. That was a much better use of your time than racing.
“That- That was-” You were trying to come up with something better than amazing, but you were cut off by Mirage, whose mind had no limits.
“Yeah,” He supplied for you. “Good, ‘cos there’s some other things we gotta try next time.”
“What?” You deadpanned, wondering how he was already thinking of next time.
“How do you feel about nipple clips and electric shocks?”
You didn’t reply, exhausted by his energy; it was going to be difficult to ever keep up with Mirage.
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