#the original was a very nice scene though
neunhofferart · 4 months
Other than the brief video of the Nublar 6 in episode 1, Darius and Brooklyn did not share any screentime together this season.
We didn't need a scene of them together this season, as everything we needed to know about their relationship was told wonderfully through Darius emotions and actions.
But was there any potential scenes that were storyboarded but never used with them in season 1 of Chaos Theory?
Yep- the video he was watching on his laptop was originally going to be a video of him and Brooklynn at his cabin.
But I think the higher ups decided the video of all the campers together was needed instead to really juxtapose how everyone ended in Camp Cretaceous with how they changed by the start of Chaos Theory. It also really simply establishes one of the overall themes of the show-- "we survived because we had each other."
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amphiptere · 1 year
what are everyone’s ranking order for the narnia books. as a kid mine was 5-7-3-4-6-1-2, or something like that, with each number denoting the chronological order. now I have come to my senses about the seventh and I’m midway through a grown-up reread but I think it’ll be something like 5-3-6-1-4-2-7.
#mine#chronological order is magician's nephew tltwatw horse and his boy prince caspian dawn treader silver chair last battle#i think i totally get each being someone's favourite except maybe the last battle#idk what i was on about as a kid that book was not very good#maybe the hardcore christians love it because it's all allegory but like that went over my head when i was a kid i was in denial any of it w#as based on christianity#i guess i don't agree with prince caspian or tltwatw or the magician's nephew being the top favourite either#but that's just me thinking they are among the narratively weaker books#tltwatw can be your favourite for nostalgia reasons though that's ok#it is a great intro to the world but idk i just don't think it's the best novel#like you get introduced to the world and 100% it's got an awesome villain and great character arc with edmund#but then it's jsut kind of wandering around and aslan and santa solve everyone's problems for them#except i guess at the stone table that's a nice scene#i know i was just objecting to christian allegories but listen i don't mind if they work well as story beats still#the stone table scene is great! the end of the last battle is just stupid!#aslan randomly appearing as a lamb because why tf not in dawn treader? kind of pointless#but the rest of it is all good#anyway i love these books so much good lord they were formative#maybe this is my cozy fantasy origin story#because technically they all feature some sort of war/violence but it's mostly off-screen and over very quickly and the main characters don'#t partake#so not much of a focus so much as the Adventure and Fun of the World are#k i take back what i said about tltwatw it's a really solid plot#i just like the books that are more vibes#narnia
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dreamchasernina · 7 months
So I had to stop on episode 6. Gonna continue watching tonight. I just have one thing to say so far. People think a good adaptation is the one that follows the story of the original. It’s not. It’s the characters. The characters are the ones that made the original so good. And none of them are as fleshed out here. You cannot seriously tell me the katara you see in the original is the one you see in the live action.
The writers decided to take the struggle and the growth of the characters away. I’m on episode 6. So far, Aang had everything come so easy to him, he didn’t struggle at all. Kyoshi fought for him at Kyoshi island. He enters the spirit world so easily, he finds Roku so freaking fast, he immediately knows Hei Bai is the spirit of the forest, out of nowhere. He learns absolutely nothing through those 6 episode. I could talk for hours about how that scene with Gyatso was a cop out. Why should their main character suffer right? He shouldn’t. So they just make up a scene where Aang meets Gyatso and he just outright tells him there’s nothing he could have done so he shouldn’t feel guilty.
The OG never had that scene. Because the OG knew the audience was smart enough to realize it themselves. There was nothing Aang could have done if he hadn’t run away, he would have died. But Aang needs to realize this himself, he needs to confront his feelings, learn from his mistakes, forgive himself and move on. But these days, writers don’t want their characters going through a journey, nope, the characters are just perfect, from the beginning to end.
Same said for Zuko. The writers apparently decided to make him softer, have higher morals, not as angry or determined, because that would make Zuko complex and interesting. He was good at heart in the OG show too, but he was spoiled and angry and violent. He’s none of that here, he’s gentle and respectful to everyone and just wants to capture the avatar, but not too much though. Zuko doesn’t even give everything he has to capture Aang, he doesn’t hire pirates, he doesn’t hire June himself (Iroh has to convince him to do it), he doesn’t follow Aang into the fire nation, you don’t feel his desperation, his determination, just how much he wants to go home. How could his journey feel interesting when we don’t see the dramatic shift in his character? The most interesting character in the show is not as ineteresting when he doesn’t go from a spoiled angry hurt teenager to an honorable smart and compassionate young man.
Yes, the story is fine, the visuals are nice, but it’s all very surface level. Everything is just flat.
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planetaryupscaled · 3 months
Pushing Boundaries
Male Reader x Jennie
Tags: 23k, cheating, anal, creampie, oral, tw
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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Driving an Idol, Jennie Kim in this case, should have been a great job; after all you got to spend time with her in close company every day, to check her out and take in her gorgeous figure with every sly and secret glance at her. It was simply a perk of the job, what was at times a very long and tedious job despite the company you kept.
On this particular job things had been generally running smoothly though you were out in the middle of nowhere so the drives were long and the place to stay was nothing special. It was a nicer motel than the average schmuck might get sure but it still wasn’t the same as a nice hotel in a city, not that you often got a chance to stay there. Being “just a driver” meant you was often given basic budget digs and simply had to drop off your charge at a posh hotel, but that was part of the gig. Right now however you are in a simple motel and so were the star of the stage, meaning all you had to do was drive one place to another and nobody got anything better than anyone else.
Things had been good but were starting to unravel; the production was getting behind schedule, reshoots were constant now it seemed and you had to wait until much later than normal to complete your duties. Everything seemed to be going wrong and today was no exception as Jennie, expecting to finish her shooting and head back to the motel and a much desired shower, had been dressed down by the ever-more-angry director and ordered to reshoot several scenes because her work had been “utter shit and lazy, diva bullshit” to quote him directly. Jennie had got into a huge, storming argument with him over her alleged “lacklustre work” that had meant she’d screamed her voice hoarse and ended with tears streaming down her face to help ruin her make-up as well.
Of course you didn’t know any of this, you only noticed her face of thunder as she stormed up to the car three hours late, having had to calm down and be retouched by the cosmetic team before reshooting all the shots the director wanted, evidently making a point in putting Jennie in her place in front of the rest of the crew. She was seriously pissed as she wrenched the door open, straining it against the check strap before it almost bounced back on her, muttering and cursing under her breath as she threw herself into the seat beside you and slammed the door shut. She was in a seriously bad mood, you’d never seen her like that and just kept your distance as the Idol threw her bag down and didn’t even look at you.
“Drive, fucking drive,” she muttered intently.
“No problem,” you said quietly and started the car, pulling it into drive and setting off, wasting no time and letting the engine roar despite it being cold. Who cared, it wasn’t your car.
“Fucking asshole,” she muttered, seething with unexpressed rage as it ran over and over in her mind. You just kept quiet as she mumbled to herself and focused on driving, not wanting to get caught in the tornado of her mood. It didn’t seem to matter though and she just went off about it, venting on him and drawing you into it given you had no way to escape.
“What a load of bullshit, he just doesn’t fucking like me!” she snapped, to him but also herself as much as anything. You just looked ahead and murmured non-committally, not really having anything to add given you had no clue about the situation...though you knew Jennie; she was a hard worker and dedicated herself to her projects, you knew that much, but she did come across as a bit of a diva at times and you figured this was one of those moments.
“He was just picking on me! Picking me out, trying to make himself look big or something,” she babbled, looking across to you repeatedly as she animatedly ranted, waving her hands as she let her rage just pour out as she tried to elicit a response from you.
“That’s bullshit,” you murmured, knowing from your experience with woman that she was really on one and there was no point getting involved if you could help it. Telling her to relax or calm down would only turn her ire on you, and you really didn’t want that.
“All those fucking reshoots, Aish, what time is it even?” she said, looking round for the car clock and seeing it was nearly eight in the evening already.
“Nearly three hours, three hours of pointless do-overs,” she rambled.
“Well, it’s done now, let’s just get back to the motel,” you offered, pressing the accelerator just a bit harder to speed things up.
“Oh yeah great, a drive back for an hour to a crappy little motel with a bad shower!” she snapped.
“Company could be worse though,” you quipped, trying to lighten the mood with a glance across to her for the first time. All she had for you was an icy stare, not remotely in the mood to cheer up.
“Yeah, could be better though,” she said off-handedly, looking back out the window as she dismissed you. It stung, you had to admit; your relationship with her was pretty close, you both got along well and usually had fun driving to and from the set every day despite the length of the journey. She was usually fun and a bit flirty with you, playing a good bit of back and forth despite the ring on her finger and being honest it really knocked you back a bit with her being such a bitch when you’d never done anything bad to her.
“Feel free to walk,” you retorted, hot headed, just giving your blunt response in that moment. It could cost you the job if she decided to continue being a bitch and have you fired, but you didn’t care just then.
“Oh you got an attitude too now?” she snapped, looking back at you. You simply remained focused on the road and didn’t rise to it; you didn’t want getting into an argument with Jennie Kim no matter how much she wanted it and just kept your mouth shut.
“I don’t need this shit, off anybody. I’m running a major company and I know what’s up. All these projects I’ve been doing lately as well, I don’t need to come onto a shitty project like this and get talked down to by some jumped up director who wants to get him rocks off pretending he’s better than me,” she ranted, getting into it again and just winding herself up like a clockwork monkey, ready to bang her drums and make lots of noise for a short while.
“Right,” you said, again trying to distance yourself from it all with a roll of your eyes as you heard her start talking about another projects. You didn’t want to hear her media-approved schpiel about it all in some effort to convince you, you’d heard that before.
“Can your attitude. You’re no better either,” she snapped, turning on you quite literally and leaning over the center console towards you.
“What?” you replied, basically blurted out, caught out by her accusation.
“Yeah, think I don’t notice you looking at my ass? I saw you checking out my ass as I got in the car when you thought I wasn’t looking. I know my underwear was riding up, bet you like that don’t you?” she accused, narrowing her eyes as she stared at you with pure malice for a moment.
“Well...I...” you struggled, knowing you were busted as your heart rate rushed, body momentarily panicking as you realised she’d noticed you checking her out.
“Yeah you thought you got away with that, taking a look at my ass every time I got out of your car. This is what I’m talking about, I thought you were a good guy and then I see you doing that every day. What the fuck man,” she said, giving a shake of her head and looking out the window again.
“I thought we had a relationship more than that now,” she added, giving you no time to respond as she kept on at it, eluding to the fact you both been riding together for weeks now. In fact, the reason she sat up front was because she didn’t want to be in the back like your task required, she wanted to chat with you and have fun so despite the large vehicle she sat in the front seat next to you and talked with you on every ride.
“But you just look at me like a piece of meat, someone you’d like to fuck huh?” she said, goading you, giving you the come-on as she looked for more of a fight. You had no idea why she was insistent that it should be you -- perhaps you were just the next guy she’d run into that was below her that she could take it out on.
“Would you rather I didn’t want to fuck you?” you asked after a pause, raising an eyebrow at her. Surely she would prefer to be desired than ignored.
“I....hey fuck that, alright? That’s bullshit. Even if I did want that it doesn’t mean you should be checking what panties I have on every fucking day,” she snapped, momentarily caught off balance but responding with further bile.
“Well that’s how it is, I guess. I’m gonna look, you got me,” you replied with a nonchalant shrug, not caring now given she was clearly just going off and whatever you said didn’t matter a fuck.
“Fucking perv,” she scolded, giving you a look that you assumed was meant to be mean but just came off as a bit silly, too try-hard.
“You shouldn’t be looking at my ass like that, that’s not cool, I’m not some fuck doll for you to fantasize about,” she added. You rolled your eyes again, pressing the accelerator harder, intending to get this drive done as fast as possible and drop Jennie Kim, the bitch, off at the motel before finding a drink.
“And I’m your boss,” she said, looking across to you slyly, the implication clear...though she went on to expand in her somewhat vicious intent. You wanted to ignore it, just let it go but she was pushing and your hands were tightening hard on the steering wheel. Your knuckles were white from tension, movements jerky as you restrained yourself from reacting to her bullshit diva behaviour; it wasn’t your fault her director thought she wasn’t pulling her weight and had had at her but she was unloading it aggressively on you and something had to give.
“And I can get you fired, I don’t have to put up with this shit,” she said, narrowing her eyes as she stared at you.
“Fine,” you said, trying to hold back your temper that she’d bubbled up now; you had a temper, you wouldn’t deny that, but you kept cool and controlled especially with your job on the line but right now she was winding you up and you were struggling not to just let it go and tell her to shove this job straight up her tight, toned ass.
“And fucking slow down! Are you trying to kill us?” she exclaimed, seeing the speedo nudging 97mph as you aimed to get back to the motel as fast as possible. Jennie squealed and lurched forwards towards the dashboard as you stamped on the brakes, the car diving suddenly as you decelerated and throwing her forwards which she noticed immediately as she hadn’t fastened her seatbelt in her anger.
“Aish!” she cried out, catching herself and fumbling around as you spotted a good place to pull of the road and pulled the car onto it, tyres sliding in the dust as you skidded to a halt and lurched back, a cloud blowing all around as she sat back up.
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“What the fuck?!” she asked hurriedly, pushing her hair back from her face.
“Just shut the fuck up, would you? Give me a break!” you snapped sharply, loudly, leaning close to her face as you said it. Jennie recoiled in shock, eyes widening as you suddenly spoke to her so bluntly.
“Fuck you, I own you!” she shot back, finding her nerve again, getting the fight she seemingly wanted after all.
“Fuck you, you don’t own me,” you shouted, then reached out to grab her, making her squeal as you manhandled her between the seats and threw her into the back of the car, where she usually rode up front with you. Jennie tumbled untidily into the rear seats, her ass giving a gorgeous glimpse as you threw her into the back before she collapsed onto the leather bench seat.
“Oh big man huh, gonna just get rid of me?” she said, pushing her hair back and pushing up on her elbow as she waited for your response.
“Just fucking can it, Jennie,” you snapped.
“Oh big man, gonna throw a woman around. What, you gonna come back here and fuck me as well are you?” she replied, the challenge clear in her tone.
“Maybe I should,” you said quietly, meaningfully. Jennie paused momentarily, not quite expecting your response and thinking it over for a split second before she replied.
“Oh really? Fine maybe you should,” she said, unable to back down, her ego too big to retreated.
“Oh yeah?” you answered, looking at her in the rear view mirror, seeing her eyes, those big, honest eyes that told you everything you needed to know: she was serious.
“Yeah fine, go on, fuck me. Why don’t you show me what you’ve got tough guy,” she said, no question or doubt in it, just a statement - an invitation.
“Fine,” you responded curtly and shoved the door open, getting out as Jennie’s heart raced, breathing fast as you stepped round and opened the back to get in with her as she immediately made space for you. She’d wound you up relentlessly and she knew she’d done it on purpose but she wasn’t sure her end goal with it all; you didn’t deserve it at all, none of her irritation was your fault, but she also knew she was desperately horny having been away from her fiancé for weeks and frankly this was the best possible outcome...as long as you kept your mouth shut.
You jumped in with her and locked the doors, wasting no more words on her as you seize the opportunity she’d presented you, grasping it with both hands as most men would. Jennie looked at you like a deer in the headlights for a moment before you grabbed hold of her, throwing her over on her tummy and shoving her towards the window, up into a doggystyle position as her forehead bumped the cold glass. You were strong and dominant, taking full physical control of her as you hauled her into position and then grabbed her trousers in readiness.
“Gonna finally fuck me now huh? Everything you wanted? I bet you’ve dreamed of this as you stared at my ass,” she goaded, finding her attitude again for a moment as she made no protest of what you were about to do and actually arched her back, sticking her ass out and letting her pussy bulge between her legs to invite you to get on with it.
She was hungry for it, waiting for the moment your cock slid into her; she knew she was going to shake as you did it which would give her away, that she loved it from the second you started fucking her but right now she didn’t care -- she needed to get fucked, and was sure she’d wound you up enough where you would. She needed it badly.
“Shut the fuck up,” you said simply, a straightforward command to the Idol as you grabbed her leggings and yanked them, and her thong, down her thighs to just above her knees, revealing her stubbly, half-shaved pussy and tight ass. Jennie shifted on the seat to get herself stable as you undid your trousers and released yourself as she imagined you standing up iron-hard for her, ready to split her in two. She didn’t have to wait long, mere seconds, for her question to be answered as you grabbed your rock hard cock and aimed it down to her hot, wet lips as your other hand grabbed her waist to constrain her, not that she needed it as you guided your cock to her opening.
Jennie cried out loudly in pleasure and pain as you suddenly plunged into her, wasting no time and doing exactly what she’d invited -- fucking her. You drove yourself into her hard as your silky body yielded to, and the clenches of her muscles did nothing to deter you as you slammed full depth inside her and shoved your hips into her ass as she cried out and grunted deeply, soulfully as you buried your cock totally inside her. Her pussy clenched hard and she shuddered in sensation, pain giving a sudden twinge but giving way to immediate pleasure at a cock being inside her for the first time in weeks, bumping against her cervix as it filled her completely.
She shuddered intently and knew the game was up, as she’d suspected her body had completely given away her excitement and arousal at this fuck and she was sure her wet pussy did little to dispel that. Your hand dug into her waist and pulled back at her hip as your other hand swiftly grabbed a handful of her dark hair, fingers twisting into her hair and pulling back at her head as she gasped. You wasted no time at all in fucking her, burying your cock into her initially then yanking back to get straight into a quick, hard rhythm; your pace was intense and full of frustration, rage even as you held her lithe bodily tightly and started absolutely fucking her hard and fast. You wasted no energy or motion, jamming her head into the window as she gasped and breathed hard, fogging up the glass as she looked out towards the road while you pounded into her from behind.
“This what you wanted is it?” you asked as you held on tight and fucked her, really fucked her, pounding hard and fast with short strokes that always hit full depth as you slammed yourself against her ass. You barely registered that you were fucking Jennie Kim of all people, your boss, the famous idol, just relishing the feel of her sweet, hot pussy clenching and squeezing around your cock as she absolutely loved your pounding into her from behind.
“Uh huh...” was all she could murmur, unable to lie as the pleasure washed over her, relief of finally getting fucked and so, so hard as you took out all your anger on your bitchy boss. You smiled as you continued, trying to find more pace and power, more energy, more aggression, more anger to let out on your evidently slutty boss who was quite happy to let you fuck her.
“Good, you fucking whore,” you said, adding to it as Jennie just groaned in pleasure as your rock hard cock slammed in and out of her, your hips jamming into her toned ass, making a gratuitous slapping sound as you cranked her back, pulling her hair harder as your intensity ramped up. It hurt, the burn in her scalp searing but she didn’t give a fuck, she was just loving it so much she’d frankly let you do anything you wanted with her as you pounded on her pussy and tingled her G-spot to drive her towards orgasm. You somehow knew what she needed and pushed up to lean over her more and push down against the sensitive spot at the front of her pussy
“Oh fuck,” she muttered under her breath as her cheek shoved against the glass, feeling your cock brutally push down against her vaginal wall, stimulating her perfectly, her arousal just too much as she felt her typically pre-orgasmic tremble shudder through her body. She was momentarily distracted as a truck suddenly went past, slower than it should, before heard the horn blare; you’d been spotted, seeing them pulled over and then her face jammed against the window with her eyes practically rolling as she gasped hungrily for more. Jennie just hoped she hadn’t been recognized as it disappeared down the road, focusing on to the sensations of your pounding against her ass once more and realizing she was ready to pop.
It’d taken no time at all; she was so horny and desperately in need of a good, thick cock inside her like she had right now that her body just responded to it, primally pushing all thoughts of her cheating from her mind as she shoved back into you as best she could. She needed every millimeter of your cock inside her and drove her pelvis back to maximize your penetration as she arched her back, your hand digging into her, face still shoved against the cold, sweaty glass as you pounded on her. The fact you’d clearly wanted to do this for so long only made it hotter, the way you’d just suddenly turned on her and fucked her, at her encouragement mind, taking her to task and now letting out every bit of frustration and want for her as you pounded her harder than she’d been fucked in years.
“Fuck me, god fuck me,” Jennie gasped, not caring that you knew she loved it now as you continued to smash her. Your hips slammed against her ass in a motion that must have been a blur, slapping noisily against her as your pulsing, twitching cock plunged into her again and again. Your shoves against her G-spot and the sustained way you were driving almost against her cervix had only cranked her orgasm up and up and with a sudden shudder it gave way as she came -- hard. She shook and opened her eyes, grunting hard as she climax washed over her rapidly, gazing through the misted winded onto the empty surroundings as her breath caught and stuttered into fast, struggling gasps through her noises.
You smile as you continued to pump yourself into her with all your might, loving how snug and wet her pussy was wrapped around your cock, loving how she shook and just begged for you to take her. Watching her come was a satisfying reward, loving that you’d made the gorgeous Idol peak in two minutes, unable to help herself as she whined in pleasure and dug her nails into the seat cushion. You pounded on her hard as she slowed down and quaked more deeply in culmination of her orgasm, the immense pleasure fading to leave her fragile and sensitive, fumbling to pull away from you.
“Slow down,” she breathed, barely a mumble through gasps for air, trying to recover as her forehead prickled with sweat. She tried to ask for it even as she knew you wouldn’t slow down, knowing she was your little toy right now and you were running the show whether she liked it or not. In fact, she loved it and even as she trembled in overwhelmed sensations, your thick cock ploughing her sweet pussy harder and faster than ever given how wet she was. There was no mercy, no break, no pause in your fucking, just slamming yourself into her as she struggled to take it though it only turned her on more than ever -- her fiancé never fucked her like this any more.
She grunted and groaned through it as you pummeled her ass with your hips, your thick cock straining and pulsing inside her, feeling harder than ever as you pursued your own orgasm. Her hot, clenching pussy had only helped to accelerate your climax and now you starting to bubble, the thought of finally fucking Jennie Kim getting to you. Jennie herself just moaned and mumbled tiredly in pleasure and a cocktail of stimulation as your thick shaft drove into her again and again, though you could feel her deliberately squeezing and clamping down on you with her vaginal muscles, aiming to maximize your ride and make her pussy the tightest she could.
“Fuck,” you grunted, your first exclamation that told Jennie you were enjoying her as much as she enjoyed you, her body so hot and tight, hands digging into her, loving how she responded to the rough treatment as you fucked her hard and fast with little focus on her own pleasure. Her orgasm said everything you needed to know about her love it and now it was time for your own, the tingle you’d been holding back growing into a deep, intense release that was waiting to burst forth. With no reason to now hold it back and her ass still shoving back into her cock as she worked to please you, you just picked up your efforts, somehow finding a bit more pace to smash yourself into her in the shortest, hardest strokes you could manage as she whined in pleasure.
“Don’t come inside me,” she breathed, urging you to pull out as she felt you strain and twitch, knowing you was on the brink and holding back for a final few intense, hard, body-shaking thrusts into her to slam her against the window. Instead she grunted as your hand dug into her waist and you shoved her face hard against the glass, smearing her lipstick onto it as she gave a muffled complaint while you jammed yourself as deep as possible.
“I’m come wherever I fucking feel like,” you said in a near growl, making her tremble in excitement, unable to deny how much she loved being fucked like this, totally dominated and owned as your thrusts immediately picked up the pace again. It was an overwhelming, eye-rolling moment of discovery as she was reminded what it was like to get properly fucked as you absolutely unloaded every bit of energy you had and stroked your cock into her with short, rapid pumps until you gave a final stiffen, a few last strokes and slammed hard into her to get full depth before your cock jerked and spurted deep inside to unload yourself against her cervix.
“Oh fuck...” she breathed as she felt your hot cum burst into her, spilling at the entrance to her womb; even though she’d asked you not to she wasn’t the least surprised you’d blown it inside her, choosing the most enjoyable method and leaving it up to her to deal with. It was hotter that you’d deliberately ignored her and done exactly what she’d asked you not to, just dismissing her and dominating her to the last as your balls tightened and you exploded inside her with short, hard gasps. You squeezed and clenched your muscles hard to urge every last drop of your cum into the pretty idol, giving in to the extreme pleasure of it all and letting it shudder through you, relishing the moment as you emptied your balls inside Jennie Kim. It’d been weeks since you’d had a chance to get any relief yourself and to finally get that with her of all people was a dream come true.
“Fuck that was good,” you breathed, squeezing a couple of more times as you just rested inside her, letting yourself have every chance before you slipped back out of her easily and turned to sit down on the seat.
“Yeah, exactly what I needed,” she breathed honestly, sinking into the seat but not looking back at you, embarrassed with herself and how much she’d enjoyed it. She’d given you the come on though and knew it was entirely her doing so she could hardly complain.
“Good,” you replied simply, pulling your trousers up and pushing the door open, Jennie inhaling as the breeze blew in over her bare ass and dropping to the seat now as you slammed the door and then momentarily slipped back into the driver’s seat. Jennie just rolled over and clumsily fumbled her yoga pants and thong back up, tugging them awkwardly over herself as she covered herself after the roughest, and most exciting, fuck she’d had for years. She felt exhausted, slumping into the back seat and letting it take over her, the tension falling off her like a coat in the aftermath as you started the engine and pulled away from the side of the road. Jennie looked up and your eyes met in the rear view mirror, a look that said everything -- you had everything she needed right then, and you was going to give it to her.
“You’re coming back with me,” you said quietly, commandingly.
“Yeah well, of course, same motel and all,” she proffered, trying to break the topic as if she didn’t know what you meant. She of course wasn’t stupid and knew exactly what you were saying.
“Don’t be stupid, Jennie,” you said with another look in the mirror, “I’ve got exactly what you need.”
“So speed up and give it to me, don’t make me wait,” she replied after a pause, longer than it should have been as she tried to think of a way to counter that. She didn’t have one and agreed that frankly you did have what she needed, and wanted, for the night so fuck it, she might as well just encourage it. She hardly had to wait as she heard the engine roar and the car surged forward, sinking into the seats and relaxing as she recovered, feeling both immensely satisfied by her climax and horny again already, knowing she was going towards a night of being fucked her without an ounce of control.
She fumbled around and got her phone out, looking through it as you focused on driving back as the light of the day failed and faded, sun sinking below the horizon now to bath the road in twilight. Jennie kind of enjoyed being your passenger again, riding in the back even if it was after you’d forcibly thrown her there and then fucked her. Fucked her harder than she’d ever imagined you would, and bought yourself a ticket to her for the rest of the night.
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In what seemed like no time at all thanks to touching triple figures on the speedo you pulled up at the motel, guiding the luxury sedan into the entrance and parking up in easy reach of the front door. Few people were there at the bar except for the staff crew, and many of them hadn’t returned yet. You pulled up and stopped the car, getting out to open the rear door for her and usher her out towards the entrance of the motel like a proper guest. You saw her into the place then once they were away from the main foyer you grasped her hand and pulled her along, directing her towards your room as you made sure she couldn’t change her mind. She had no intention and let you pull her towards her night of adventure, unlocking your door easily and pulling her inside.
“Smaller than yours I assume,” you said with a smile, gesturing around; it was smaller than hers but not by as much as you’d think as her room at this place wasn’t exactly majestic, it was just a small motel in the middle of nowhere. It really was the middle of goddamn nowhere, which was why she was here in the first place, ready to get fucked even though she’d never had imagined she’d do this. It wasn’t her at all, she was faithful. Not any more though she figured, but despite that she wasn’t going to be a pushover and wanted to get some control back, to drive what happened and not let you treat her like a total fucktoy as was clearly your intent. Her body hadn’t given you any idea she wanted anything different mind.
“Look, I’ll stay the night and all, you got me alright,” she said as you threw your jacket down, looking up to her.
“We’ll hook up but it’s not like that,” she said, trying to wrestle back control of the whole situation somewhat.
“Not like what?” you questioned.
“That,” she said pointedly, raising her eyebrows, “like what just happened. I’m not your little fuckdoll for the night or something, I’m still your boss.”
“Yeah right,” you said with a short laugh, looking her up and down, amused by her faux indignation and attempt to boss you about.
“I’m serious, I don’t...” she started but was immediately cut off by you surging toward her to stand face-to-face with her, towering over her, making her suddenly feel small and powerless before you.
“Shut the fuck up, Jennie,” you said coolly, calmly...dominantly. She felt a tremble run through her and instantly wanted to submit, to let you take charge of her even if consciously she felt she shouldn’t.
“I’m in charge here,” you said, reaching out and firmly squeezing her breast through her baggy top, making her murmur then squeak as you were particularly rough with her.
“And you’re going to do exactly what you’re told tonight, just like you want to. You’re gonna be my perfect little obedient fuckdoll for the night, you really are,” you said deeply, so cool and calm with her. Jennie took a deep breath, realizing her heart was racing, pounding in her chest as you just totally owned her leaving her unable to reply. She simply didn’t know what to say or do.
“Now take your clothes off,” you ordered, stepping away from her to pull your own shirt off.
“All of them?” she blurted out, even though she knew the answer, scolding herself for even asking.
“Yes, Jennie, all of your clothes. What else do you think I’d want,” you replied, stripping yourself and leaving her to catch up as she took a breath and set about peeling her clothes off. It took her only a few moments to throw off her casual hoodie and top, easily unclipping her comfortable, unsexy bra and then shoving her yoga pants down again and this time off her feet to leave herself standing naked before you as she awaited instructions. Her dignity and any semblance of fight had left her completely and now she’d resigned herself to being exactly what you wanted her to be -- your fuckdoll. And she was sure she was going to love it.
“Very nice,” you said, glancing up her lithe, toned body, her workout regime paying off handsomely as she stood before you like a treat. She was slender, abs defined, a lovely thigh gap and her pussy was shaved into a nice landing strip, though she hadn’t kept up with it for a couple of days and stubble prickled her skin.
“Thanks,” she replied shyly, stupidly given what had already done. She was just waiting for you to lead her, which you did.
“Let’s take a shower,” you said, walking to the bathroom without a backwards glance. You just knew she would follow you and your trust that she would infuriated her, made her bossy attitude burn; she was literally your boss and could have you fired any time she wanted, but here she was in your room letting you order her about like someone you’d paid for. And what made it worse for her was she was giving into it, just feeling helplessly commanded by you and wanting to submit. She’d never been treated like this in the bedroom and couldn’t help herself, almost wanting to see where it went as much as anything else as she followed you into the bathroom.
The shower was already running with you standing under the hot cascade of water, washing down as she walked into the bathroom. You looked up to her right at the moment when she shivered, feeling your load of cum sinking down under gravity and threatening to leak out of her. You smiled and held out a hand to encourage her in, a hand that Jennie took slowly, letting herself be led into the shower and a night of exploration. She knew that’d been her last possible chance to leave but realistically she’d never even considered it -- if she was going to be pissed off and regret this, she wanted to see it to the end so she could properly complain about it, like watching a bad movie and refusing to walk out.
“Ohh,” she shivered as you pulled her under the hot spray, the night not cold but having been feeling a little chill without her clothes, the warmth of the shower tingling her perfectly. You pulled her into your arms beneath the tumbling water and finally fixed her with a kiss, pressing your lips to her firm, full pout. Tongues immediately entwined and found a perfect rhythm, mixing easily, so much better than she’d ever expected with a first kiss as you leaned down into her under the spray as she pressed her naked body to yours. She could already feel your erection pushing up into her tummy as your lust for her made itself evident, which she guessed she couldn’t really complain about as you felt her stiff nipples push into her body as her lovely breasts squashed between them.
“Mm someone’s ready,” she murmured with a smile as she felt your cock grow to full hardness as your hands slid down her back and squeezed her tight ass.
“Yeah, so don’t hesitate,” you murmured, kissing down her neck as she leaned back and sighed in pleasure, body tingling. She loved having her neck kissed and arousal spread through her like a wave, spurring her hand to fumble between them and wrap her slender fingers around your hard cock. It gave her a chance to properly explore and assess it given previously it was only being thumped into her cunt hard and fast from behind. Her hand stroked slowly up and down as you kissed her again, the hot water splashing down over while your own hands squeezed her ass, fingers teasing over her tightest hole before moving up to squeeze at her tits, your large hands easily encompassing her fairly petite chest, thumbing at her nipples carefully to stimulate the hard points.
You both didn’t speak, not needing to, satisfied at finally getting your hands on Jennie Kim, the woman you’d been driving to every day and who was in essence your boss. She was just lost to the pleasure of somebody finally getting their hands on her, the physical relief of it something she hadn’t realized she’d needed until now, loving the feel of your hands sliding and groping over her body, taking in every womanly curve of her, making her feel wanted and desired, lusted for, like a woman.
You reached out and grabbed shower gel from the shelf on the wall, liberally spreading it into your hands before soaping her up, spreading it over her shoulders and down her back to her ass. She just murmured as you spread her ass and reached down into every crevice of her body, pulling back from her to soap over her front. You spent plenty of time on her tits and enjoyed every bounce and squeeze of her as you spread the soap over her before lathering down her body, taking in her slender waist and the curve of her hips, her lovely strip of pubic hair and toned legs. She was quite taken by the way you showed her respect as you soaped her up and then turned her into the shower to rinse her down, loving the way the soap just seemed to peel down her body towards her feet over her lightly tanned skin.
Jennie murmured in pleasure as she just loved the intimacy of a shower with you, loving the attention you were giving her after too long without it. Your hands on her were a delight, sliding over her soapy body and taking in every womanly curve of her figure as you did, knowing exactly what you were doing with her. Jennie wondered how she’d completely overlooked you as your skill was evident and the thick cock she still had her hand wrapped around was a perfect fit. Oh sure she’d randomly contemplated doing it, she did with many men, but she’d never been serious about giving you a shot and realized she’d probably missed out. You had her now though and she was very sure you were going to give her everything you could; you’d already fucked her as though it was your only chance with her and she was sure things would only follow suit.
“Kneel down,” you said, only proving her right as she looked up into your eyes and then locked lips with you again, tongues fighting before she broke away and sank down in the shower with your hard cock throbbing right in front of her face. Assuming you wanted a blowjob she wasted no time in sucking you off, stroking and then immediately engulfing your cock in blissful liquid heat as her tongue assaulted. You groaned in pleasure and pulled your hand into her hair to encourage her as your cock swelled in her mouth, flexing and straining as you shivered at the incredible sensations of her velvet touch, feeling her suck firmly as she started bobbing her head.
Jennie rather enjoyed sucking cock and knew it always made men happy, loving the way they just melted to her touch as she set about devouring them, pushing them into her throat to let them feel her yield and stretch, shudder at her suck and tremble at her tongue. And as much as you loved that, intent on enjoying it fully, it wasn’t what you’d shoved her down for her and managed to refrain from getting lost in it totally as you reached out to squeeze some more shower gel into your hand and lather them together.
“Stop, Jennie, stop,” you reluctantly asked, pulling back a little to let your cock slip out of her mouth as she rocked back onto her heels and looked up at you. It was a perfect scene; the lovely Jennie Kim knelt before you, your hard cock pulsing moments from her mouth, her big eyes staring up to you in total obedience as the water splashed down.
“This is what I want,” you said firmly, your dominant tone directing her effortlessly as you reached down with both hands to soap and squeeze her firm tits in readiness before grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her up onto her knees. She cried out slightly as you yanked her up, pulling her to her tallest position as your other hand guided your cock to press it against her chest between her firm B-cups, the implication clear.
“Wow ok I’ve never really done this much,” she conceded, since her more humble chest wasn’t something many men seemed to focus on.
“I don’t care, grab them,” you ordered and with that Jennie did exactly what she was told and pushed her hands up under the sides of her tits to squeeze them together around your cock. She didn’t really know what she was doing but figured it would work just fine as she looked down to see her petite boobs squeeze up around your cock, feminine flesh engulfing your manhood with the soap concealing her nipples. Your hands went to her shoulders as you thrust against her, your cock easily slipping up against her wet, slippery body, trusting her to keep control her lovely breasts as you pushed your cock between them. You drew back slowly and then thrust up against her again with a slow, controlled motion that let you feel every little thing.
Your cock glided easily against her succulent, soapy body, the softness of her tits absolutely divine as they wrapped around you and perfectly sealed against the throbbing hardness of your cock. She just looked down as you started to thrust against her with a slow, powerful rhythm that told her that you wanted to enjoy it as her body rocked with your energy. You held her and she was glad that you did as your thrusts pushed her back towards her heels, something she knew would have made her toned thighs burn if she’d had to resist it all herself, able to focus solely on pressing her perky tits up around you.
Her nipples were rock hard as the soap slid off the neat, screwed up points of her breasts, water trickling down over her as you shielded most of the shower behind you. She looked down and enjoyed the sight of your thick cock pushing up between her tits, loving the way her body yielded and smoothly gave way to your manhood as you shoved it slowly and deliberately against her body. Unable to resist the pleasure of it, you started to pick up the pace and pump your hips forward against her faster, pushing into her more firmly to make her rock back then resist as you used her body for your pleasure. Jennie looked up to you, taking her gaze from her chest as she looked up to you with a smile, rather enjoying giving you a tit fuck especially when you seemed to enjoy it so much.
“Like that huh?” she asked through her smile, starting to rock her body a little, tightening her abs to let herself push down onto as you thrust up, accentuating the sensations around your rock hard erection as you slid between her perfect, soap-slick tits.
“You seem pretty good at this for someone that’s not done it before,” you smiled, not slowing down for a moment.
“I didn’t say I hadn’t, just not much,” she replied with a naughty little half-smile.
“Well you should do it more, you seem a natural,” you said, straining against her harder as she worked at you, getting into a motion as the water poured down over your back, steam filling the bathroom from the hot water as she worked up and down to massage her gorgeous tits around your cock. Just to enjoyed it for a couple more minute, you pushing harder and faster against her sternum while she focused on pressing her tits together for you, soap washing gradually away so there was more friction, more intensity to encourage you to thrust quicker as your erection pulsed between her tits.
Your fingers dug into her shoulders more and you helped to push her down as she bobbed on her knees, arching her back as she worked. Her breaths were short and sharp, almost rasping as she exerted herself, feeling the ache in her body and oblique muscles as she exercised herself in a somewhat unusual way. She worked out a lot, her video posts on social media showed that off plenty to everyone that wanted to drink in her tight body, but this motion was unlike anything she trained for as she compressed herself but arched her back to push her perky chest out for you. Still, her abs were strong and she put herself into it, doing all she could as the bathroom filled completely with steam so you both practically couldn’t see, condensation streaming off the mirrors and glass, beaded over everything cold or metal.
“Mm fuck,” you growled, cock jerking against her stiffly, so much so it made Jennie sure you were going to pick up the pace and work to the end on her before you suddenly slowed. Giving a final, lingering push up again her chest, you held for a moment then released her, stepping back as she let go of her tits, in tune with your clear intention for that to be it with her tits -- for now at least.
“Come on, we’ve got things to do,” you said, pulling her up from her knees by her arm, which helped given her somewhat tingling legs from where she’d been knelt down.
“You have…” she said, looking you in the eyes, “me.”
“Exactly,” you smiled, loving that she was seemingly onboard now and was enjoying herself. You turned the taps and shut the shower off, the hot cascade suddenly stops and leaves embraced by silence, broken only by the last few drips of the water fading away. You stepped out and grabbed a towel, throwing it back to Jennie as if she was always at your place as you picked up another for yourself, burying your face in it and rubbing through your hair. She let it tumble open before pressing it to herself, not bothering to be modest as there was no point, rubbing over her body to absorb the water from her body as you watched on with a smile. Her make-up had survived surprisingly well, only a little smudged from the shower.
She smiled back and just let you enjoy the view as she reached down to dry her legs, rubbing over her tight pussy before pulling the towel behind her to draw it over her back and down across her ass. Jennie giggled a little as you seemed enthralled by her, just drinking in the sight as she lifted the towel up to work it through her damp hair, stretching and displaying her body perfectly as you absent mindedly dried yourself, hands just on autopilot as you didn’t miss a thing.
“Very nice, all those workouts clearly pay off,” you commented, the evidence right in front of you.
“Thanks, I certainly work hard enough,” she replied as you cast your towel aside and grabbed her hand, leaving her idly rubbing round her neck as you led her out of the steamy bathroom into the main bedroom once more. You pulled her to the bed and then turned round, sitting back down onto it, your stiff cock sticking up for her; she assumed you would just pull her into your lap and slide inside her again to make her ride this time but found you had other plans.
“Kneel,” you commanded, pulling down at her wrist to urge her towards the floor. Without hesitation she sank to the floor smoothly, kneeling on the carpet at your feet and swallowing in preparation for what she assumed would be another blowjob.
“Up, now,” you commanded, Jennie struggling to her feet on tingling legs as you pulled her hair -- then took her by complete surprise by twisting and grabbing her over the shoulder and between the legs like a body slam and throwing her powerfully over and down onto the bed.
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She squealed as you swung her over and cast her down on the sheets, her slender body bouncing on the mattress as her feet jumped up towards the ceiling, looking backwards as you stood over her. Without a word you grabbed her wrists and pulled her to the edge of the bed, Jennie craning up to look around before you shoved her head down, tipping it back off the side of the bed.
“Right there, that’s what I want,” you said firmly, dominantly, using a tone she’d not heard from any man and it made her tingle in excitement...and obedience. She knew she had no control over things anyway and just opened her mouth like whore, knowing it was what you wanted her to do and would make her if she didn’t. You were so turned on to see her just present herself, opening her mouth and closing her eyes, head back, knowing what you would do to her. This wouldn’t be any ordinary blowjob and you didn’t disappoint in showing her how, grabbing her face to direct her as you dipped your knees and shoved your cock down with your other hand and straight into her waiting mouth.
Jennie immediately sucked and applied her tongue, giving you a moment to enjoy her skills before you go straight to it and shoved into her throat. She gagged, unable to stop herself, knowing this was how it would be but unable to help herself. She’d never been very good at controlling her gag reflex but she got the feeling it wouldn’t matter a fuck to you right now. Jennie was absolutely right and you held her head and shoved hard into her throat, feeling her constrict and tighten around your cock to halt your progress. It didn’t deter you however and you knew you’d break her, shoving repeatedly with more and more pressure into her throat, making her gag and choke noisily, heaving on the bed before you, thick saliva running down her face now and making her close her eyes.
“Fucking take it, come on,” you said, an encouragement and an order at the same time, wanting into her throat as you pushed at her straining form. It took a few more attempts but with one, slow, powerful drive into her mouth you felt her resistance flutter, strain and fail suddenly so you jolted forwards into her and blissfully buried every inch of your cock into her hot, squeezing throat as she could fight it no longer. The noise she made was music to your ears as she gave a loud, wet gagging sound that was immediately muffled, wrenching and convulsing on the bed as she struggled before she gagged hard through her nose.
Her hands dug into the bedding, not trying to fight as you might have expected and as she might have claimed she would only a little while before. She just intended to take it, even as her eyes streaming and her make-up ran down her face, throat aching as it tried to push your cock back out, body heaving and spasming on the bed. She fought to calm herself down as you pulled back and gave her a second to breathe, Jennie hauling in a huge breath before you shoved your cock back in and followed her inhale down to neatly trick her and thrust yourself back into her throat before her body could react. She surged and choked again, hating how her body was doing this and also you for doing it to her, though she couldn’t deny how wet her pussy was from it.
Her hand strayed from the bed even as the other stayed twisted up in the covers, knuckles white from how tight she was holding it. She pushed her hand over her body and down between her legs, shocked at how wet she was, drenching her fingers as she found her clit and started to slowly circle it to let the pleasure in. You loved seeing her start fingering herself, telling you that despite whatever she thought she was enjoying herself in a primal, physical manner and it only spurred you to keep going at her for your own pleasure. She was clearly enjoying that.
“That’s it, just let me in,” you murmured, the silence only punctuated by her heaves and wet gagging along with your deep, intense breaths. She mumbled something but you obviously couldn’t work out what and frankly you were enjoying yourself far too much to care or give her the time to speak. You were absolutely rock hard, tingling with pleasure as her throat tightened hard around the head of your cock to stimulate your nerves with every thrust into her resisting mouth. She gagged and mumbled as you smashed into her throat, making it bulge as you drove fully down each time.
Jennie’s fingers danced precisely at her clit as she pleasured herself to being used so completely, utterly under your control as you leaned over her and dominantly thrust your hips forward to force your cock into her throat. Even though her body kept trying to fight, unable to stop herself, her muscles were weak and aching, a mere token protest now as you powerfully and methodically pushed yourself into her throat. You were loving pushing down into her, seeing the slight catch as your bulging head popped into her throat and made her tense, trying to hold it down as you pressed yourself right into her throat until your balls were against her face.
You could only hold back and sustain that for a couple of minutes however before your lust and want to use her throat took over, steadying your feet and starting to thrust much faster. Your strokes were shorter and harder, full depth every time as she gasped desperately, choking back her gags and hauling in breaths where she could. Her dark eye make-up streaked down her face as her eyes watered helplessly and she clung to the bed, only with one hand however as her other continued to stimulate herself, more aggressively now, her fingers grinding around her sensitive button intently. Her tongue, which had been attempting to join the party, gave up under the onslaught and she just held it fixedly to stroke your cock as you pumped in and out of her mouth.
The wet sounds of her throat were all that broke the air of the room as you plundered Jennie Kim, taking joy at every moment you could, knowing this was a once in a lifetime chance. Your hands were pressed hard into the mattress of the basic motel room as you stood prone over it and thumped your hips down into her waiting mouth, loving the bulge of her throat around your head, tingling the most sensitive areas. You gazed down over her tight body, perky tits with her nipples screwed up hard, toned abs clenching and pulsing as she struggled to take your cock, her fingers still working hotly at her clit. This was certainly going to help work her abs out.
“Oh fuck,” you growled, feeling a characteristic tingle as your cock pulsed and stiffened, knowing your orgasm was coming fast. You didn’t know if Jennie could feel it but didn’t really care and pressed on hard, picking up speed to thrust harder, shoving against her pretty face more intensely as you pursued your climax towards its inevitable conclusion. She hadn’t felt the hardening of your cock, that typical rock hard pulse that always signified the arrival of climax, but she heard your breathing increasing, getting harder and shorter, feeling your energy picking up as you thrust more rapidly into her. She couldn’t do anything apart from brace herself on the bed, both hands now stuck into the bedding as she held tight and just endured it, still gagging and choking, struggling to breath and practically creaming herself without being touched. She absolutely loved it.
You didn’t pay much attention to it but you knew she was into it, loving her playing with herself as you felt the pressure build in your balls. Your thrusts turned to a flurry, intensity unleashed now as you pumped her throat as hard and fast as possible, barely pulling two inches out of her before shoving back against her full lips in an overwhelming rhythm that she could barely handle. Her breaths were gasps, wet strangled grabs of atmosphere as you grunted and growled with pleasure, eyes squeezing shut as you trembled, holding it back. Thick saliva ran from her mouth and down over her cheek to run into her hair and drip to the floor as you pumped her throat, unable to stop herself from gagging around you.
By now Jennie knew exactly what was coming and couldn’t do anything to change it even if she wanted to. You thumped your hips hard into her, shaking and holding on until it burst forth in a sudden, incredible explosion; jamming yourself against her hard to shove her head back into the foot of the mattress, your cock jumped and swelled as you ejaculated intensely down her throat, a thick rope deep into her where she had no choice but to swallow. Jennie gagged hard, as much as you suddenly stopping as anything, feeling your hot load jetting into her as your thick prick jumped and surged in her mouth.
All she could do was mumble, unable to breathe as you pinned her down to empty your balls, pressed to her face. She held on as you pulsed and jerked to spill every last drop of your thick, salty load down her throat and then held still to make her swallow, Jennie quickly figuring out you wasn’t going to let her go if she didn’t. It wasn’t a big deal, it was so deep down her throat it was half way there and with an awkward heave and a gurgle she swallow it all. You pulled back and slipped your thick cock out of her mouth, standing up as you withdrew to let the idol haul in a huge, undignified lungful of air, taking several deep breaths as she turned her head and let a huge string of thick drool slide out of her mouth to the floor with a mumble of embarrassment and relief.
“Fuck that was good,” you breathed. She couldn’t reply, totally exhausted after her first, proper throat fuck.
“Ready for some fun?” you asked as you reached down slapped her face a couple of times, making her complain and snapping her back to reality as you moved round the bed. She was completely at your mercy and unable to fight back, just zoned out for a moment as you grabbed hold of her feet and hauled her round on the bed, dragging her head back onto the mattress to give her neck some much needed support. She mumbled incoherently as you spread her legs wide open and exposed her shaved but stubbly pussy, pulling her to the edge of the bed so they hung over it.
Without a word you dropped to your knees and shoved your arms up under her thighs, shoving them over your biceps as you lowered your head and drew your tongue straight over her puffy labia, letting the tip split her lips so it collided with her sensitive, rock hard clit. Jennie gave a stuttering sigh, breathing deeply as you went down on her, your tongue immediately going straight back to her begging button and softly pressing perfectly into her folds to stimulate her. Jennie gasped and groaned heavily in pleasure as she tipped her head back into the bed and rolled her hips up towards your intimate touch.
“Oh fuck, that’s so good,” she breathed, having not had her pussy eaten in so long. Her fiancé was good at it but he hadn’t done it for her in a while and when she was so turned on already it was an absolute treat. Her whole body tingled as your tongue touched her clit, pushing up under the hood and circling around her, different textures of stimulating every desire of hers as it slipped over her. Her hips rocked rhythmically into your tongue as it worked up and down, steady and powerful as you breathed hotly over her mound and just stimulated her perfectly, seeming able to read her just right.
The Idol just groaned in satisfaction and unmitigated enjoyment as you lapped at her juicy pussy, already so turned on from what you’d just done to her as she’d shamelessly loved her first face fuck even if it had been a messy struggle. She was dripping wet and your tongue easily parted her swollen lips, splitting them effortlessly as you dipped down and dragged back up from her asshole all the way to her throbbing clit. You focused onto her juicy entrance, loving how she was into it as you glided over her and just teased, making her wait and frustratedly wiggle before burying your tongue inside her.
She moaned in ecstasy with a shiver, pulling her legs up against your hands as her skin goosepimpled, body alight at every touch now as she relished the way your tongue twisted and swelled inside her to stimulate every nerve ending of her velvet walls. You thrust it inside her and swirled around, her slick juices coating your chin as she basked in pleasure, loving how you seemed to pay attention to every part of her. That was only confirmed as you pushed down and pulled your tongue over her asshole, returning the favour as she gave a tremendous surge and her breath caught in her aching throat. She’d never had her asshole licked properly before and felt the new, exciting sensations as your tongue spent several seconds licking and playing over her tightest hole before you swept back up to her clit.
“Don’t stop,” she begged, reaching up to push her hair back from her face, arching her back and trying to push down harder into your expert tongue as it took her towards orgasm. The climax was building intently in her tummy as she felt things tightening up, the tension accelerating as it bubbled up from her soul towards the inevitable. You could feel it, the way she was rocking and pulsing, the tightening of her muscles under your hands as you held her on the end of the bed. It only made you even more focused and you ate her hard, going as briskly and powerfully as possible on her without giving her that bit too much, your tongue aching as you prodded, probed and circled her clit.
The tip of your tongue worked in hard, small motions as you thrust it over her clit from all directions, breaking it up with circles one way and then the other beneath her hood for the most direct stimulation. She gasped desperately as you took her to the edge, not making her wait or teasing her however as you pressed ahead and drove her over the edge with the continued onslaught of your intimate ministrations. Jennie gasped helplessly for a few seconds as she ground her pelvis against your chin, fingers digging into the bed as the climax rushed up on her until she could hold it back no longer with a tremendous shake.
Her eyes squeezed shut and she threw her head back into the bedding, long hair tumbling over her face as her body primally quaked as the powerful orgasm hit her. It was harder than any climax she’d had in months, certainly more than her vibrator had given her whilst out on the road and she just gave in completely to its power. She let out a long, wailing, trembling moan of unadulterated pleasure as her toes curled and legs bucked in your grasp, feeling you lean on her hips to hold her down as your tongue continued to thrash at her to make it last as long as possible. Her hips gave strained motions to try and push up into you as she enjoyed every last second of the wave of ecstasy you’d brought her, ignoring the near-cramps in her legs as her muscles screamed while she creamed.
And suddenly it was over, like falling off a cliff and back to reality as she was suddenly finished, squeezing her thighs together and fumbling down towards to push her fingers into your hair and stop you as she gasped deeply for breath. She sucked in the oxygen as her eyes opened to the bright room, vision wavering a little in the wake of it all before she closed her eyes again and sagged back into the bed, exhausted ecstasy taking over as you pulled yourself back from between her clenching thighs. Her legs sagged open easily as you pulled yourself away, the idol basking naked before you totally sated and relaxed.
You just sat back with a smile, rocking onto your heels as she breathed deeply on the bed, completely wiped out for a moment in the aftermath of another powerful orgasm. Holding her hair back, she enjoyed the silence and peace after coming hard again which only made her realize how much she’d needed this and that her toys simply weren’t enough for a prolonged period. Her basking was interrupted as your fingers suddenly slipped into her, making her inhale in surprise as two of your digits teased momentarily at her slick opening and then pushed inside. Her body just welcomed it and she easily spread around the penetration to allow your fingers to slide inside, her pussy so juicy and ready she would have struggled to stop it even if she’d wanted to.
She shuddered and groaned in sensitive pleasure, still touchy from her peak but ready for more as you delved inside her, stroking her velvet walls and thrusting them slowly in and out of her. You could feel just how hot and ready she was, perfect for you to slide your cock inside which you were going to do now that you were rock hard again and ready to give it to her. You curled your fingers back and pulled back towards her entrance to press up for her G-spot, seeking out that little rough patch on the front wall of her vagina and finding it expertly as she gasped, groaning and grinding her pelvis into your hand slowly to help you stimulate her as your fingertips worked neatly.
Just as she was getting into it, thinking you was going to work her to another climax with your fingers, you stood up and leaned over her, slipping out of her and grabbing her slender legs to lift them from where they still dangled over the bed. You pulled them up and threw them over your shoulders, pressing yourself against the back of her thighs as you reached down to line yourself up and in an instant thrust inside her. Jennie gasped in surprise as you immediately buried yourself inside her, her body offering no resistance or hesitation, just letting you bury every inch of cock into her tight body in a single stroke.
“Fuck,” she muttered with a shuddering breath, trying to take it in as her eyes squeezed shut, the shiver spreading through her body as it all overtook her. You shook in similar pleasure, the feel of her slick, tight pussy just too much as you delved inside her, feeling her gorgeous body rubbing over every sensitive millimeter of your manhood.
“Fuck that’s nice,” you mumbled, closing your eyes and just relishing the sensations as you pulled back and started thrusting into her, taking your time to be slow but powerful. Effortlessly drove yourself into her, your hips pressing to hers as she took you balls deep and grunted with every pump, feeling you shove into her completely and nudge her cervix as you bottomed out. She just flopped back on the bed and enjoyed letting you fuck her, loving your thick cock inside her, how it stretched her out and pulsed inside her velvet tunnel. Jennie could tell you were absolutely loving it, loving getting your hands on her, loving taking your bitchy boss down, loving getting your rocks off and turning the tables on her for the night.
And she did too. She hated that you had so much control over her but she couldn’t resist, knowing you had her since you could mention it to the right people and her fiancé might find out and you obviously had long since given up caring if she got you fired for this. She wasn’t going to, she had too much to lose and frankly was enjoying herself; she figured if she kept up her end of this deal then you wouldn’t say shit to anyone. Except her.
“Fucking love this don’t you?” you asked, making her point immediately.
“Uh huh,” she groaned with a smile, bracing herself on the bed underneath as your pace picked up and you started to thump harder against her ass as you drove yourself into her. You relished the feel of her, the slippery sensations, pulsing and flexing your cock inside her as you worked your hips to give her every last bit of it. She was certainly enjoying it as she rolled her hips on you, doing her best given the way you were holding her legs and restraining her movements, the idol just using her significant muscle tone to resist and shove against you to rock her body.
You smiled down at her, loving her toned and lithe body as she held herself tight and worked her pelvis, tight abs looking delectable as she did, tilting her hips down with every ever-accelerating thrust into her. Your pace picked up but you were in full control, calm and cool, your cock hard and up to the task as you fucked the gorgeous Idol. Didn’t let the fact that this was something that would likely never have happened, not letting the moment overwhelm or overexcite as you pumped into her, confident in your endurance as she gasped and groaned in sheer pleasure beneath, just giving up to the enjoyment of it all and letting herself feel every thrust and motion of it.
You pushed your hands up under her knees then pressed them back onto her, rolling her hips back and pinning her legs down over her as you used her impressive, gym-honed flexibility to bend her into the position you wanted. Jennie was pinned down as your helpless fuckdoll now as you leaned right over her and started to fuck harder, pumping much faster and shorter into her as you suddenly picked up the pace to thump your thick cock into her hungry pussy with greater intensity. You surprised her by leaning down between her legs and kissing her, drawing her into a hot, hurried lip lock, tongues battling noisily as you never let up with your pumping, never disturbed or disrupted, hand still pinning her legs back under her knees as you both made out hungrily.
You pulled away from her and stood back up, thrusting into her harder and more intently, making her grunt at a twinge from her cervix as you plunged especially deep before she was lost to the pleasure of your thrusting into her hard and fast. Using the entire length of your cock, slammed back and forth rapidly, stimulating every nerve ending she had it felt like as her pussy just lit up around you, loving the feel of you fucking her hard now. The renewed angle meant you shoved up against her G-spot more effectively, the contours and ridges of your cock gliding and grinding over the sensitive patch to make her pussy clench.
You knew exactly what you were doing, knowing exactly how to fuck to give the maximum pleasure to women and Jennie Kim was no different. She was proving it as she gasped faster underneath, loving how you pinned her down and slammed your cock into her, your pace much faster now as you ploughed her with your thick, rock hard cock. She felt the same characteristic tingle again of an impending orgasm; it made her angry at herself, at her body that she would love it so much as to come again so soon and validate how you was fucking her. Jennie didn’t want to show you how much she enjoyed this, knowing it would only embolden you, but the bottom line was your cock and energy were just fantastic.
She grunted again and shuddered, body tightening up in pre-orgasmic tension, knowing you’d see it and just fuck harder. Absolutely correct, her body rocked harder as you shoved into her and pushed her down into the bed, pinning her legs back to her shoulders now as you leaned down on her heavily and thumped your hips into her to bury your cock over and over again into her hot, sweet pussy.
“Gonna come, Jennie?” you asked teasingly, smiling with smug satisfaction. She just turned her head away onto the bed as she blushed, feeling the heat in her cheeks to match the rush of sensations building from her G-spot as you fucked her. And you were fucking her, not making love to her or anything tender like that, pinning her on her back on the bed and slamming your thick cock into her like she needed. It only took another minute or so of that treatment, the shape and ridges of your thick head rubbing relentlessly over her most intimate spot to bring her to climax, making her tremble then shudder on the bed underneath.
You gave a contently laugh as you saw her quake in pleasure, whole body shaking as her eyes clenched shut and her fingernails dug into the bedding again as another orgasm hit her. It wasn’t as intense as it had been previously but it was still good, being fucked to climax was always something she enjoyed so it was all she wanted in that moment and you didn’t disappoint. As she came you fucked harder and faster, pounding her intensely for a few seconds as she wailed her pleasure to the motel room, clinging to the bed and pushing herself into you to take every possible inch of your cock as her body bucked and shook, abs clenching, jumping and shaking underneath your relentless thrusts as she gave in to another orgasm.
Unlike when you’d fucked her in the car in cramped doggy style, the squeezing and gripping of her pussy didn’t set your own climax off. You had more stamina than that, especially now after getting into it and simply fucked her through her orgasm then slowed as she couldn’t stand it any further, giving a final few thrusts and then stepping back to slowly, and teasingly slip your cock out of her until it jumped in front of her. Not that she could see it, her head still back into the bedding with her eyes closed as she took deep breaths in the wake of another hit of ecstasy.
That was until slapped her across the chest, your hand connecting with her perky breast to make it bounce and jiggle. Jennie’s eyes popped open as she gasped sharply as the sharp, completely unexpected pain shot through her, the sting spreading through her skin as it pimpled up and her nipple twisted up harder again. Her dark brown eyes fixed on you intently as she cried out harder in shock when you hit her from the other side, slapping her other breast to make it jiggle in turn as you struck her. She wanted to protest, to complain and tell you not to, how dare you treat her like that....but she didn’t. She couldn’t. It stung, the blows of your hands swatting at her gorgeous body as you were emboldened by her silence and started hitting her again.
The sting turned to pleasure and she shivered as her skin pricked across her body, hairs standing on end as she gave a deep, shuddering gasp, her eyes squeezing shut again as she embraced the different sensations of your hands slapping down onto her. Knowing she was enjoying it only made you smile and urged you to keep on, hitting her a bit harder, faster and more intently, your fingertips biting into her skin a little as you added a hint of pink to her skin. She shook on the bed as her nails dug into the sheets again as she let the intensity of it all wash over her, just breathing hard, hungrily in pleasure and pain, almost tempted to tell you to stop...but more tempted to beg you for more.
Men never treated her like this, your hands moving over her body as you expanded to slap down her sides and over her toned tummy. She tensed up from the bed as you did, reacting to the pain pulsing her mid-section as she twisted underneath you in ambivalent sensations that rushed through her. Your pace and speed picked up in a rush that made her not know where to turn, metaphorically speaking, until she let out a ragged cry of pain and shock as you reached up and slapped her across the face. She took a momentary shocked look at you then clenched her eyes shut again as you slapped her again, your energy lessened, being a bit more careful as you made her flinch.
“Just don’t leave any marks on me,” she gasped hurriedly as you paused for a moment. She didn’t take the chance to tell you to stop, to beg for mercy or complain it hurt. No, all she did was ask that you didn’t leave anything on her that she’d have to explain to the make-up girl the following day and essentially give you the green light to continue mistreating her. Jennie was rewarded with a harder slap to her face, wincing as another then another rained down on her then another, your hands picking up a rhythm to deliver a series of fast, increasingly harder slaps to her pretty face as she gasped and endured it.
When you stopped her cheeks were a healthy pink and her eyes were watering again, her ruined make-up running just a bit more over your handiwork as you leaned back up from her to leave her gasping and at your mercy beneath you. Her pussy was so wet that you could easily slide back inside her, something you took advantage of to make her inhale sharply as she felt your thick cock slip into her velvet folds once more. You drove full depth for a moment, giving her a few thrusts and then pulling back out again as she opened her eyes and leaned up, looking down to see you pull out of her as her chest heaved. She was caught off guard as you suddenly reached up and delivered a hard, final slap across her face, making her yell out as the pain really bit into her, tingle of pleasure gone as you caught her flush.
“I’m gonna fuck you in the ass now,” you said casually, standing up away from her and giving a slight stretch.
“What?” Jennie blurted out, unsure she’d heard you properly as the sting faded from her face, pushing her elbows into the mattress to lean up.
“Your ass, I’m gonna fuck it,” you reiterated, calm and clear so she was in no doubt. She wasn’t, and that was a problem; she didn’t like anal sex, she never had after trying it and finding it painful and uncomfortable, not to mention she hated giving up that much control in doing it.
“I don’t like anal sex,” she said quickly, “it hurts and just....I don’t,” she finished a little lamely.
“Well that’s too bad,” you replied with a slight shrug, her concerns dismissed as easily as that.
“Come on, do you have to?” She tried to convince you not to bother.
“Have to? No of course not,” you said, giving her a glimmer of hope, “But I want to,” you finished, crushing it.
“After the shit you gave me earlier, I deserve to, I’ve always wanted to,” you smiled, reaching out to play your fingers over her toes, tickling her playfully. She had nothing else to say, simply looking into your eyes and giving a small nod to submit to it, knowing you called the shots and was certainly good at that, having her under the thumb as you urged her to slide back up the bed, following her on as her feet retreated. You were fired up, in control and dominating her, getting everything you wanted as her resistance simply seemed to crumble away. The idol looked up at you with wide eyes, waiting for your next move as you smiled and grabbed her hips.
You threw her over onto her front, surprising her with your strength as you took control and easily turned her slight, slender figure over where you wanted her, grabbing her ass with a hard squeeze, spreading it apart to reveal her tight asshole and making her juicy pussy lips pry open just a little.
“Mm this is gonna be fun,” you murmured to yourself though she could hear it as your hands hooked under her pelvis to pull her back up on her knees into a perfect doggy style position for you to plunder her most secret, sensitive treasures. She didn’t resist, resigning herself to it now and knowing that without a doubt you were gonna fuck her in the ass; she’d never liked anal sex, having tried it and hated it, finding it painful and not in any way satisfying. The guys she’d tested it out with just treated her like a fuck toy which probably didn’t help and the second they felt her tight ass on their cock they lost all care for her wants or needs and had just gone straight at it way too hard and fast for her to handle, resulting in tears and complaints...and refusal to ever do it again. On top of that she hated giving up so much control, submitting completely for it and feeling so dominated, that was something she really didn’t like.
But here she was, about to get fucked in the ass again as you yanked her back into place and shoved down on her back to make her arch into the perfect, most vulnerable position. She was yours now and just took a deep breath, settling her knees into the bedding as you pulled up behind her, your cock sticking up rock hard as you relished the chance, spitting thickly into your hand and reaching down to rub it over her asshole as she twitched at the somewhat unexpected touch. You slicked what was left over the tip of your rock hard cock and then grabbed the base, thick dick surging in your hand as your other grabbed her hip to pull her back in place, pressing yourself to her. It was the moment of truth for Jennie, about to get fucked in the ass again for the first time in years.
You wasted no time on her, in charge and holding her still as you pushed against her tightest hole; it was a unique sensation and one she had no idea how to prepare for, having never really had any interest in doing so. Jennie tried her best as you pushed forward, willing herself to resist even as her body subconsciously tightened up to resist you, her asshole is tight and strong as you guided your cock and shoved forward to try and penetrate her. You slipped over her a few times, applying more energy and weight to her as your cock took advantage of a brief lapse in her resistance and spread her asshole to drive in.
Jennie let out a cry and yanked forwards, pulling out of your grasp before you even got inside her, the stretch of her sphincter sending a sharp bolt of pain through her and making her instinctively get away from it, rocking forward on her knees so your cock slipped back out. You gave her a moment then pulled her back up into position, hand hooked under her pelvis to try and keep a more commanding hold of her.
“You need to relax,” you said, your only guidance throughout this. If it hurt it was her problem and you really could only do so much but didn’t want her to dislike it, after all it was only a positive if she enjoyed it. You just wanted to experience her tight asshole stretched around your cock and plunder her ass on this, your one opportunity to have at Jennie Kim. She settled herself again as you took aim and pushed at her once more, your tip working into the muscular ring of her asshole and pressing against her resistance again, ready to squeeze yourself inside. Your hand pulled hard into her hips as you shoved forwards, leaning over her this time as you forced your cock down into her asshole, catching her a little by surprise somehow and getting the jump on her muscles to pop your cock inside her. Your bulbous head popped inside her, breaking through her tightest resistance to jerk blissfully inside her, loving how it felt around your cock head, tingling your nerves perfectly as she clenched on you.
That was the peak of it however as she yanked forward again, her strength surprising as she pulled out of your grip once more and off your cock, making it spring out of her once more as she dipped towards the bed and clenched with a near howl of pain at her ring being forced open so abruptly again. You surged over her, energy wasted as you gave a growl of frustration, Jennie burying her face in the bedding as she winced at the sharp, intense pain hitting her.
“Fucks sake,” you snapped, leaning up then reaching out and laying a hard smack straight on her ass, making her clench and scream in pain, your fingers flexing to deliver every bit of power into small, intent points of pressure. It was frustrations boiling over a little, knowing she could do this if she let herself.
“Behave, Jennie, you can do this,” you said authoritatively, angry but in charge, cooling yourself as you dominated her, just knowing that she’d respond even if she didn’t love it. Your hands grabbed her again and yanked her back, harder and more focused than before, making clear that you wouldn’t stand for her playing up any more. You meant it too, holding her so hard it almost hurt as your fingers dug into her tanned skin where you supported her, in total control of her as you positioned yourself again. You didn’t lube her any more, figuring she didn’t deserve it now as you guided your throbbing cock into position and leaned over her once more, intent on getting on with it now.
“Now hold still, just take it in,” you commanded but in a softer tone, holding her still and pressing your bulging head against her asshole, still rock hard despite the delays. You would not be denied the tight pleasure of her booty and with that eased forward slowly but powerfully to split her open, pressure building against her tight ring of muscle until you suddenly slipped in and she grunted as you were greeted by the hot, wet sensation of her pussy around you where you’d slid down into her. You pulled back, aiming yourself again and stabilising yourself more, hand right near your tip as you guided yourself to press hard at her ass, inexorably building until you felt her yielding and in a slow motion moment felt her stretch tightly around you, forced open reluctantly by your throbbing head as you broke her strength and entered her slowly.
You growled in pleasure, shivering at the ultra tight sensations of her wrapped around you as Jennie gave a muffled protest, body tensing in pain as it twinged through her intently and made her heart race. Tears pricked her eyes as the pain shuddered through her, lasting and not immediately subsiding as she felt pulse your cock, the hardest you’d ever been it seemed as you relished the moment. Your hand was still at her hip, holding her tightly in place so she couldn’t escape as you made no offer of pulling back or giving her a break, instead letting her grab a single breath before pushing your weight down onto her and squeezing the rest of your cock into her ass in a long, continuous push until be buried yourself balls deep inside her while her restrained complaint became a cry of pain.
You relished the moment of getting to press your hips against her ass, feeling the pained spasm of her sphincter around your shaft as she struggled to deal with, her breaths hard and fast as she fought the pain. Ignoring it, you held her hips tightly lest she escaped and pulled back to start thrusting into her, drawing your cock back full length and then shoving it roughly inside her again, wasting no time with slow, steady thrusts to get her going and instead just going for it, pursuing your pleasure. You knew she didn’t like it, she couldn’t relax and just give it a go, but couldn’t help the fact you did, shoving deeply into her again as she grunted in pain and flinched again.
“Fuck, gimme a break,” she whined, eyes squeezed shut as a tear slid down her cheek, wishing she could relax but her body was just so tight that in that moment she had to endure as you held her like you owned her and pumped your hips against her ass to bury your full length inside her again and again. Every pull back let your thick head just bulge her asshole a little, making her body instinctively clench again, sending the pain back through her once more and just giving every bit of pleasure you wanted at her tightest hole. She felt fantastic and the fact she was hating it, as she’d said she would, somehow made it hotter in a way and only spurred you on to fuck her harder, faster, more intently, more ferociously.
She could only complain more as you did just that, picking up the pace, slamming her harder so she rocked on the bed and had to brace herself into the covers. Jennie couldn’t believe she’d got into this situation frankly, down on her knees in a crappy motel, head buried in the sheets as a guy shoved his cock up her ass much to her dismay. It wasn’t even like you were a producer or director, somebody that she might be sleeping with to advance her career or get ahead, it was just her driver, the guy that literally just drove her to set every day and then back to her own room at this piss poor place to stay. Instead she was in your room, with your cock up her ass.
And her pussy was dripping; she was the wettest she’d been in years and frankly was afraid it would drip on the bed, her body so turned on despite her pain that if you wanted, she was sure you could easily bury four fingers inside her. It made her both hugely turned on and utterly humiliated, that something she hated so much just made her pussy so wet, so ready, her clit rock hard in arousal at your vicious penetration of her asshole. Your balls compressed against her pussy with every thrust, her juices coating your cock to give her away and exactly how much her body was enjoying this, this domination, this utter ownership she was giving in as you fucked her in the ass for the first time in years.
She would be angry and deep down she was -- at herself. Jennie knew she had instigated this even if she’d never expected it to go so far; she had given you the invitation, goading and taunting you into fucking her, quite literally inviting only for you to take it and give her one of the roughest, hardest fucks she’d ever had and that she hadn’t realised she’d needed. From there out you’d taken control and that was how she’d found herself here, her protests falling hopelessly on deaf ears as you’d taken her to task and got her into this position. And worse still she loved it, absolutely relishing the way you were just fucking her as your plaything, having complete control of her as you could cause a lot of problems if she didn’t play along. That was merely a sideshow now as frankly she didn’t want you to stop, even if she hated admitting that.
She’d given herself to you on a silver platter and you were loving every bite, getting a most primal go at your boss and you weren’t wasting a moment of it. Your fingers dug into her supple flesh, flexing your cock as your heart pumped hard, slamming your hips forward again and again to drive your manhood inside the prone idol. It shoved a deep, guttural cry of pain from her every time you slammed against her, her ass jiggling perfectly as you gave her every inch of yourself, stretching her out a little bit more than she could handle every time to make her twinge in pain. You just murmured with pleasure, smiling down as sweat prickled all over her, her head buried in the bedding.
You loved how taut her muscles were, fingers dug into the cloth as she braced herself, forehead pressed hard into it as she tried to absorb it. The strangely pleasurable sensations of anal sex were getting through to her now, something she’d rarely experienced in the past before she’d pulled the plug, but they were still accompanied by pain that electrified her body with every, faster, hungrier, more intense thrust into her. She was managing to relax herself somewhat however and that only made things better, giving a mumble of near pleasure that made you hard as rock, feeling your cock strain inside her as you heard it. Jennie immediately blushed, not that you could see it, chastising herself for enjoying it at all but worse letting you see that she was. She was adamant she hated this and to let herself tremble with pleasure from it, even for a moment, would only encourage you to fuck her harder.
You hardly needed encouragement though as your own pleasure drove to do just that, loving how you could just rock her hips back as you worked your own to plunge the full depth of yourself into her, thick cock just plunging into her overwhelmed, defeated asshole. Rocking her in unison with your rhythm helped up the pace whilst keeping your length in full use, the best of both worlds as to let your head strain her hole still, making it bulge before you buried yourself again. You tried that a little too vigorously on one stroke however and popped out of her, sliding up over her ass as she gave a gasp to match your own, the sensation unexpected. Jennie felt empty, out of sync and then utterly degraded as you took a moment to grab her ass and spread it wide, making her exhausted, loosened asshole gape wide open.
“Fuck, look at that,” you breathed, in both wonder and arousal, loving how she’d gone from an uptight, resisting attitude to now having her hole gaped completely. Jennie felt the blood rush to her face, angry and embarrassed as you held her open, giving a token squeeze to try and clench her asshole shut but even she felt the futility of it, her tired muscles barely managing it before it sagged wide again. You just laughed smuttily to yourself, loving having her like this as you grabbed your cock and aimed it again, pushing inside her with barely any resistance from her as she stretched out and let you plunge deeply into her ass again. On the plus side, it barely hurt now, ass warmed up and taking it even if she’d never wanted that.
You held her hips firmly and fucked hard, knowing she wouldn’t try and escape now, her will and resistance broken as you pumped your cock in and out of her ass as she hated herself for feeling a bit of enjoyment. Having made a fuss about it, she couldn’t now admit she was liking it or ask you not to stop, that would just be shame she couldn’t stand. Besides, she was pretty sure you knew with how wet her pussy was. You were well aware and it only spurred to keep fucking her hard and fast, rocking her body perfectly in rhythm with yours as if you two been screwing for years, cock plunging deep inside her, feeling her heat and the delectable sensations around every nerve ending on your cock. It was hot, but you wanted to see her work for it and with that you leaned back and pulled her as she gave a mumble of confusion.
“Come on, you’re gonna ride this cock,” you said, leaning back and pulling her on top of your hips, sliding deep inside her as she sat back on you a little awkwardly while you kicked your legs out under her to stretch on the bed. She mumbled and shifted around with difficulty, fumbling to get her feet out from under her and position her knees properly so she could ride as she was ordered to While your hands pinned her ass down on you so she couldn’t escape. Jennie shoved her hands down on top of your knees and steadied herself then with an unsure, testing movement rocked her hips and lifted up a little to slide your cock in and out of her ass, pressing her firm booty back down as you smiled in pleasure.
“Yeah that’s it,” you murmured, watching her lovely figure as she got started, holding her hips more commandingly than physically, hands just letting her know you are in control more than anything else. Feeling it out, Jennie rocked up and down carefully, just taking in the different penetration of your cock in her ass, the angle and aim changed, stimulations different as she rocked on you. Getting more confident of where you were and realizing she could still feel your bulging head as it tugged at her asshole, she started riding a bit harder and longer, working her sphincter up and down your cock as it clung tightly. You were pleased as she got into it more, breathing intently, focused on her task as she pushed up onto her knees and rested her hands on her own thighs to change the angle and let her push down into you much more effectively.
“Yeah that’s good,” you groaned, loving the suddenly more intent, stimulating push down of her onto your cock, her ass squeezing around you as she drove down and got full depth. She didn’t complain at the pain or anything now, having subsided and despite the general lack of lube she was finding it pretty easy to work herself up and down, her muscles having long since given up the fight, stretched and exhausted. It was then that she looked up into the room more, taking in things as she rode you and realized she could see herself pretty clearly in the mirror of the bathroom where you’d left the light on. She could see her slender, sweat-pricked body as she rocked up and down, her face streaked with dark tears from her eye make-up, firm breasts with hard nipples topping them above her toned abs as she worked on your cock.
Jennie hated seeing it, seeing herself working to pleasure and to please you, thighs tight as she pumped her ass up and down on your cock, to let you enjoy anal sex with her. She couldn’t tear her gaze away instantly and just watched herself riding it, shoving herself down harder, faster, more intently as if to punish herself as she stared into her own eyes; she hated doing this even if it didn’t hurt now, hated it even more that she was kind of enjoying it now and wasn’t only doing it for you now, she knew she was doing it for her and that stung her even worse. Her face flushed as her cheeks burned with her embarrassment and anger at herself, spurring her however to thrust down hard and faster into you as she felt your fingers at her hips and heard a grunt of pleasure.
“Mm fuck, just like that,” you growled, loving her energy as she worked at you, finally averting her eyes from her gaze and looking down at the bed, at her fingers as they strained on her thighs to brace herself and allow her to work harder at your cock. Regardless of the fact she hated what she was doing and how she’d got herself into this position, she couldn’t deny it felt good; her nipples were tight and her clit was throbbing in need, pussy still dripping wet and just waiting for stimulation. She couldn’t resist and pulled her hand up to her crotch, letting her fingertips play over her mound for a moment before she pushed it confidently down over her lips and let her middle digit drive straight down over exactly where it needed to be.
Her shudder and groan was like heaven to you, watching Jennie Kim shake in pleasure at the mere touch of her clit as she rode your cock, taking in her slender back and gorgeous ass as her strong, toned thighs pushed her up and down to work you into her booty. You loved the sight of your cock disappearing into her ass, her tight ring hugging it before it disappeared from view as she sat down on you every time. Your hands merely followed and caressed her now as she got into it, her fingers getting moving as her rhythm picked up again, riding you just as hard as her digits started to circle her clit. Jennie grunted in pleasure, her asshole twitching and grabbing at you to slow her just a little bit as she just instinctively got into her, seeming to know exactly what she was doing and how to co-ordinate herself as her fingers started to dance.
You just laid back to enjoy as the idol got into it, seeing her glance up to herself in the mirror as she did; Jennie took herself in, knelt over hip and reciprocating her hips as she drove your thick cock into her ass, feeling your bulging head delving deep inside her as her fingers worked fairly furiously at her clit, unable to help herself and chasing the pleasure it brought. Her ass was squeezing and gripping at you like she hadn’t before as she throbbed and mumbled in pleasure, her breathing harder, faster, more insistent as the pleasure flooded through her quickly. She hadn’t realized how hot and horny she was, not directly at least, somewhat unsure, almost hoping that her dripping pussy didn’t mean she was loving getting fucked in the ass as much as she feared she was. Touching her clit had answered that question in a single stroke and only spurred her to chase more of it, looking at herself in the mirror as she rubbed intently and thumped her body down into you.
“Fuck that’s it, don’t stop,” you smiled, loving how the famous idol was just losing herself to it and giving you all her energy now. She just moaned a non-committal response as she practically ignored your thick, hard erection buried in her ass as she bounced up and down and rubbed furiously at her pussy. Her fingers wasted no time with anything but her clit, circling around it and strumming across it, working in the most direct way she knew, the way she got herself off when she didn’t have time for sex with her fiancé and just wanted release. Your hands pulled at her hips and laid token spanks on her ass as she went at it, just enthralled at her change to going for it and forgetting her protests as she rode hard and frigged herself for all she was worth.
Hard breaths and the sound of her booty driving against your cock was all that broke the silence of the motel room for a minute as she wound herself up, orgasm not taking long to achieve in the heat of it all. She stole a last glance at herself and scolded herself for being such a whore, getting fucked in the ass and rubbing her clit to it but soon looked away and focused on what she was doing. With a few more seconds of stimulation that seemed to stretch on way longer, she gave a shake, tensing up as she held back her climax as it rushed up on her, sharp and intense, much like the fuck she was taking and she gave several hard, short thrusts to bury your cock as deep in her ass as she could while her finger went mad on her delicate clit.
She wailed loudly as she hit her peak, suddenly erupting as she shook and collapsed as the strength in her legs failed, burying your cock deep as she shuddered violently, her hips bucking and shoving forwards, ass squeezing intently at your cock to make you throb as she quaked. Her fingers never stopped throughout, just cranking every last drop of her climax as her eyes squeezed shut and her breath caught in her throat, her orgasm just hitting her so much harder than she expected and making her grind down into the pleasure of it with everything she had. You just held her hips as she rocked on you, immensely turned on to see her come with your cock in her ass like this when she’d protested over it initially.
“Fuck…” she mumbled, a small admission to how incredible it’d felt to reach her peak as it ended, her fingers stopping on her clit even as she wished she could continue, too delicate in the wake of it as she rocked her hips and squeezed her ass a little before trying to keep riding your cock. Her legs were weak, shaky, unable to commit strength as she tried to push up and only achieved weak, uncoordinated motions, struggling to catch her breath and get back to it like she knew you wanted. All you wanted was for her to stimulate your cock hard and fast like she had been; watching her ride then come furiously all over was one of the hottest things you’d ever seen and your cock still rock hard and ready to pump her to the finish now.
With a sharp push you lifted yourself off the bed and rolled her over, Jennie giving a cry of surprise as you surged beneath her and flipped her onto her front, pinning her down on the bed and burying your cock deeper than it had ever been. She flinched and blurted out an expression of pain as you pinned her down, taking complete control of her again, dominating her tired form as you shoved your hands down on her shoulders to shove her into the bedding. Wasting no time, you started to pump your hips and slam down into her with intent and purpose, your cock throbbing hard in pre-orgasmic bliss thanks to her erotic ride moments before.
You held her down, ignoring her muffled complaints as you slammed into her ass harder than she’d ever experienced and took every bit of pleasure her clenching, overwhelmed asshole had to offer as your cock slid in and out of her in a blur. Strokes were short and sharp, pounding down into her with just a couple of inches of your manhood as you chased your pleasure now, wanting to completely overwhelm and exhaust her in the process. You had no problem doing just that as the gasping idol couldn’t keep up, slumped on the bed underneath with her fingers dug into the bed at her sides as you fucked her now, just being your submissive fuckdoll in your final seconds of smashing your cock into her gorgeous body.
Jennie just whined in pain and pleasure as you hammered down into her, your cock rock hard, the stiffest she’d felt it as you pounded her hard and slapped your hips into her ass with an intensity she’d not felt in years. No guy had fucked her so hard or with such abandon in so long that it was almost like a new experience again and she could only cling to the bed and groan, grunt and gasp her way to your completion. Your cock strained harder, flexing in a familiar way that told you the end was close as you thumped against her, spurring you to find a final gear that meant you slammed your cock into her clenching, tired ass as hard and fast as you could, somehow stepping up from your already intense pace that that was making her whine and pushed a strained, struggled noise from her.
You absolutely pounded on her, hips slapping into her ass as you tried to bury her into the mattress for a few seconds before she felt a characteristic pulse and knew it was over -- only to be shocked and thrown for a loop as you suddenly yanked out of her and jumped up with energy she’d never had expected. Jennie gasped and whimpered desperately, hungrily for your cock in her ass, squeezing and clenching at nothing as you suddenly moved over her, completely lost as you withdrew and looking up to see where you were. It only gave you the perfect position to grab her head, fingers twisting into her hair to yank her purposefully to you and straight onto your cock, forcing it deep into her throat before she could react, only time left to choke and gag.
It was the first time she had ever done ass to mouth and she heaved, gagging deeply in shock and thought of it, tasting herself as you shoved your thick cock as deep into her throat as you could manage. With her overwhelmed by it all she couldn’t get a handle on it and it left her vulnerable to your thrusts which you took advantage of with abandon, holding her head tightly and thrusting your cock hard into her throat, loving how she struggled and gagged. The tightening around your cock was simply heaven, a cherry on top after plundering her tight asshole, not that it was as tight after your efforts and now you just wanted your finish. Pumping hard into her mouth as she gagged, choked and coughed, body heaving as she grimaced at her first ass-to-mouth, absolutely hating that you’d made her do it while your cock throbbed on her tongue.
Jennie had no chance to complain however as you gave her no opportunity, giving a final shove deep into her throat so her nose pressed into you and then yanking back out of her sharply. She coughed on the withdraw and was just drawing her breath as you jerked your cock ferociously, on the brink and taking just a couple of seconds to stimulate your cock on the brink as you aimed it at her face. You yanked her head into place and held her with her hair as she gave a yelp of pain, barely registering what you were doing in time to squeeze her eyes shut for your first hot, thick spurt to hit her across the nose. You let out a huge groan of pleasure, of release and ecstasy as you jerked your hard cock to explode repeatedly over her pretty face, Jennie wincing and growling in distaste as your viscous eruptions burst over her to hit her forehead, cheeks, eyes and lips as you emptied your balls powerfully onto her.
“Fuuuck” you breathed, heart pounding and your legs shaking as you worked the last of your load out and wiped it over her puffy, bee stung lips to her displeasure, giving a final clench and then sagging back on your knees, releasing her so her head dropped. She caught herself before she hit the bed and made a mess, pulling her head up and opening one eye, all she could manage, as you turned and sat back onto the bed. You breathed hard and let the relief and pleasure hit, tingling through you as the gorgeous idol pushed up to sit on the side of the bed as she grabbed for some tissues on the side table. Jennie fumbled with a handful and shoved them to her face, soaking up your load as it started to run down her face and mix with her ruined make-up, wiping it out of her eye then off her lips.
“Fuck that was good,” you murmured, sagging back onto the bed.
“Hope you got what you wanted,” she mumbled, not wanting to acknowledge quite how much she’d enjoyed it.
“Not entirely,” you replied, making her to look at you indignantly.
“Not entirely?” she questioned, angry in that moment and figuring surely you’d had your fill of her.
“No, we’ll fuck again in the morning. Go get cleaned up, we need some sleep,” you said with a cheeky wink, slumping back onto the bed as she glared at you, unnoticed, before standing up and stalking awkwardly to the bathroom to wash her face. A splash with cold water made her feel fresher, relieving her sweaty, come-splattered face though her ass ached like she’d never felt before, figuring it was how it felt to get properly fucked in the ass. By the time she walked back into the bedroom you were already under the sheets and dozing off, leaving Jennie little choice but to slide in next to you. She was rewarded with a cuddle, being drawn under your arm as she got in before falling asleep far easier than she expected.
The night flew by in relaxed, sated sleep for both of you, Jennie awakening and wondering initially where she was, not recognizing the room entirely. It was similarly decorated but not the same as her own room and that just took her a second to remember exactly where she was and how she’d got there. She was also reminded as she moved and immediately felt a twinge from her ass, sphincter giving her a wakeup call to bring back all the memories from exactly what she’d done the night before, her pussy aching as well from how hard you’d pounded her. It was a while since she’d woken up like this, feeling the after effects of an intense fucking the night before and it was a sensation she missed, wishing she could feel it more often as you stirred beside her and woke up, rolling over to her.
“Good morning, Jennie,” you said with a smile.
“Morning,” she replied a little unsure of herself in that moment, “and that’s boss to you,” she added, wanting to take control again.
“Not yet it isn’t,” you answered, immediately quashing her intention to take charge somewhat as you rolled to her and slid your hand over her hip, up her tummy to squeeze her breast as she gasped. You were exactly the same with her as you’d been the night before, interested in only one thing from her and she responded, shivering a little as she secretly had to admit to herself that she loved how you treated her. You weren’t wasting any time and only wanted to fuck her, which was flattering in its own way even if she shouldn’t have liked it.
“Already hard,” she murmured with a smile as she felt you push your erection against her, nestling it in her ass as your hand squeezed her chest, your teeth biting down into her shoulder as she shivered and gave in to how turned on her was making her, pussy already wet and waiting for you.
“Of course, got to enjoy every minute of this,” you replied quietly, hand pushing over her toned tummy to tease at her near-smooth labia.
“Before I become your boss again,” she breathed, somehow wanting to remind you of the fact that she was in charge of you usually and that this was a one-off opportunity you’d cultivated for yourself.
“You’ll be the boss again when I let you,” you growled playfully, making her gasp as your hand connected with her ass for a firm, meaningful slap that tingled her and only turned her on more.
“So boss me around,” she breathed, quietly, almost not letting the whisper escape her mouth, not wanting to let you hear it. She knew you had though as you swiftly reached up and grabbed her throat, giving a squeeze that made her breath catch momentarily before you released her, Jennie shuddering hard as a tingle raced through her body, your hands at her hips now as you threw the covers off and rolled her back over towards you. You grabbed her wrist and directed her hand onto your thick, throbbing cock which she immediately gripped and started stroking, being your obedient little fucktoy without hesitation as grabbed her tits again hard to make her wince before you lay back.
“Ride,” you commanded, already urging her as she started to move. The idol pushed up from the bed to immediately obey, getting her knees under her and throwing her leg over to mount you and get in position, pressing her delightfully hot pussy down into your throbbing cock. You let her do her thing as she reached down for your cock and held it up as she rocked her pelvis forward in readiness. Jennie slowly let herself down and teased the tip of your cock over herself, spreading her abundant juices around it before she let herself sink down steadily to ease her inside and let your size spread and stretch her aching pussy.
You bulged out her velvet walls as she sank down, giving a groan as she descended and felt the blissful sensation of your cock inside her once more -- she couldn’t deny she liked it. Jennie let herself push down to take your cock all the way in with a single stroke, pushing herself the last couple of inches to make her vagina open up fully, wanting to feel every bit of it, flexing hard inside her as you felt her love tunnel envelope before clamping down, loving the feel of how her pussy gripped your cock. Her murmurs of pleasure only turned you on more and you watched as she started to ride, slowly lifting up then sinking down again, taking it fully as she pulled right up until it almost popped out of her before driving into you to grind her clit against you, eyes closing in pleasure as she got into her steady rhythm.
“Faster, come on, ride it,” you commanded, slapping the side of her ass to spur her on, breaking her concentration for a moment and making her motions stutter before she composed herself and resumed harder and faster. She started pumping her hips down into you with an intensity and pace that you relished, stimulating your cock perfectly for a morning fuck as her gorgeous, snug pussy fit around you perfectly. Jennie leaned down onto your shoulders, her eyes shut with a look of concentration on her face as she worked her hips, her abs tightening and tensing as she rolled her hips and thrust down to take every inch of your cock inside her with quicker strokes. She was lost to the pleasure of it all as she rode it firmly, right up until her phone started ringing and shattered her focus. You both ignored it initially, then it rang again, causing Jennie to lean over and see who it was.
“It’s my producer,” she said, looking back down at you underneath her, her pace slowing for a moment as your hands held her hips.
“So?” you replied.
“It’s probably important, he never usually calls me in the morning,” she said.
“So answer it,” you replied with a smile.
“What? Like this?” she said, looking back down at you with wide eyes.
“Sure, why not?” you teased, when it was obvious why not.
“I’ve never answered the phone in the middle of sex before,” she said as it stopped ringing again, only to start ringing again almost immediately.
“Seems like he really wants you,” you said, working your hips to pump up to meet Jennie as she continued to fuck, riding you on autopilot.
“You gonna stop so I can answer this?” she asked.
“Not on your life,” you said, gripping her hips tightly and pulling her down harder, making it clear she was going to fuck you till it was done right now.
“...Fuck,” she said, holding the phone up and knowing she was going to have to answer it.
“It’s a video call,” she said, only making you laugh somewhat as she swept her hair back and tried to make herself look vaguely presentable.
“Don’t do anything, this is serious,” she chastised you, squeezing her pussy and riding in short strokes to minimize her movements as she took a deep breath and answered the phone.
“Good morning,” she said clearly, her practiced, PR friendly voice on point.
“Good morning, Jennie,” said her producer, unseen by you as Jennie rode you with her phone turned the other way, doing her best not to make her movements visible on the call.
“What’s going on?” she questioned, wanting to cut straight to the point and keep this quick.
“Just wanted a quick check in, I heard there were problems on set yesterday, not the smooth kind of process we’re looking for,” he said to her.
“Yeah there were some disagreements,” she replied tersely, remembering how it had upset her...and led her to make the mistake that brought her onto her drivers cock.
“Well that’s not great, Jen,” he said, giving her a look of somewhat disappointment, “we really need to keep things going well, is there anything up?” he added.
“No no, it’s just a blip,” she replied quickly, stifling a mumble of pleasure and shivering a little as she pushed up to slow her riding, needing to stop before she gave herself away. She’d never done this, not to anybody, and to do it in front of her producers was scary but exhilarating. She knew she had to remain composed and not give away what she was doing, not that there was anything wrong with it per se but she simply couldn’t afford to let anybody else know she was stepping out on her fiancé.
“Are you alright, Jen? You seem flushed,” her producer asked, seeing her skin tone on the camera even with the half light of the motel room she was in.
“Yeah yeah I’m fine,” she said. At that moment you grabbed hold of her hips and shoved yourself upward to make her quake, barely suppressing a grunt as the stab of pleasure passed through her before you began to pound. You arched your body up, You arched your body up, heels dug into the mattress as you energized yourself, and slammed your hips up into hers, almost hanging from her hips, leaving her nowhere to go. Jennie felt the tingle and buzz go through her as she was fucked hard and faster, losing her composure and shuddering, fumbling the phone and struggling to hold onto it.
“You don’t look like it, want me to send someone over to check you out?” he offered, meaning some sort of medic that they had on the team.
“No no, it’s just a bad connection,” she said, carefully but jerkily getting her thumb over the camera to block it out as she tried to slowly let out a breath and not focus on the sensations of your cock slamming into her.
“The camera’s gone off, are you there?” he replied, giving her the perfect out as she quickly pretended the signal had dropped.
“Hello? Are you still there?” she asked, waiting a few seconds as he tried to get her to answer, trying to add to it with a couple of hammed-up crackling sounds before she hit the button the hang up and threw her phone aside.
“Fuck you,” she breathed with a small laugh as she sank back down into you, shoving her hands back into your shoulders as your pulled up around the small of her back, pulling her down deeply into you as she focused all her concentration on your cock, started fucking it hard again. Her body rocked perfectly to slide you in and out of her juicy snatch, squeezing and clenching as she did, loving the way your cock pulsed inside her as you worked to pump your hips up into her and make her take every possible inch. Her phone rang again but she ignored it, no intention of answering it again as she hoped it hadn’t in any way been possible to tell what she was really doing. It was then that she looked at the clock and began, realizing how short we had on time and how if we didn’t finish this quickly, we’d be late for the set.
“Shit, we’ve got to get going,” she exclaimed, looking from the clock back at you.
“We’re not done yet,” you said. Not a protest, a simple statement that reminded her she wasn’t going anywhere until we were done fucking.
“But we’ll be late. Do you want someone to find out about this, really?” she asked, making a good point that suggested blowing this would likely not work out well for both of you.
“No, I don’t,” you said.
“Then let’s go,” she replied.
“We’re not done. How about a shower? We’ll finish up in there as we get ready,” you said, seeming so cool and calm, full of useful and straight forward plans in that moment. Jennie looked back to the clock, then at you.
“Deal, come on,” she said, hopping off you as you released her hips and heading straight for the bathroom. You followed and enjoyed watching her firm ass jiggle as she dashed ahead of you and turned the shower on. The hot water cascaded down and she slipped into it, sighing in pleasure as the spray hit her feminine curves before you followed her in, hands sliding round her and squeezing at her breasts, pushing down her sides as she shoved back into your erection, ready for it to be inside her again. She wanted to enjoy the fuck but time was against it and she cared more about getting busted.
“Put it in,” she whispered, leaning against the wall and shoving her ass back in the most deliberate invitation you’d ever seen. And it was irresistible.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” you smiled as you grabbed your cock and stepped in to her, easily sliding to her pussy between her spread legs, arched back pushing it out ready for you to effortlessly slip into. Just a light push and you inside her, both groaning again as her velvet tunnel glided over the thick contours of your rock hard cock, your hands going to her hips to take a tight grip as you buried yourself inside her and then started to thrust. You worked your cock in and out of her, resuming the pace we’d had on the bed as we both got into it, Jennie shifting a bit and sinking lower, pushing her feet as wide as the shower tray would let her as you widened your stance to give yourself maximum stability.
“Come on fuck me, fuck me!” she said, louder than she intended to as she invited you to get on with it. You ignored her somewhat taking charge and simply dug your fingers into her flesh as you started to thrust, immediately shoving her forwards, seeing her muscles tighten as she braced herself against the tiles and pushed back against yours as you slammed your hips forward. We both groaned, Jennie harder than you as you started to fuck her hard and fast, pounding her with one intent now and that was completion and pleasure.
Your fingers were white with the pressure as you held her slippery body, hot water crashing down over us as you fucked her with hard, fast strokes. Your motions were short and intense, body slapping noisily against her booty as she jiggled in front of you, the idol just bracing herself and shoving back into you as the stimulation of being fucked from behind got to us both. It was so much more intense, hitting more nerve endings and doing the business for both of us when we’d already comprehensively warmed up with her riding on the bed. Your cock shoved deeply into her pussy, across the front wall of her vagina and her G-spot in a perfect manner, sending those deep, soulful tingles through her that she knew was a one way ticket.
Your hand slid up into her long, dark hair and grabbed a handful, yanking back to make her gasp gutturally, feeling a rush go through her, a tingle then quakes of pre-orgasmic tension, just letting it all hit her as you got her to the finish. You weren’t far off yourself, your cock tingling and throbbing with every stroke of it into her gorgeous body, holding yourself back and focusing on getting her to the orgasm that was obviously on the brink. You were relieved when, after a few more seconds of thrusting, she shuddered violently and gasped hard, accelerating breaths before letting out a wail of pleasure as she came.
The orgasm hit her fast and she almost slipped, her foot losing grip on the wet floor of the shower as she trembled in pleasure, ecstasy washing over her as she shook and tingled all over, goosepimples spreading across her gorgeous body despite the hot spray of the shower cascading down over her. The clamping down of her pussy around your cock and the mental box checked meant your own climax followed swiftly on with a buck of your cock as you swelled rock hard. Jennie was treated to a few hard thrusts to amplify her own climax before she moaned in satisfaction as you jumped and unloaded inside of her, growling your pleasure in her ear as you shoved her forwards against the tiles and buried yourself deeply to empty every drop of your cum inside her.
She loved that you’d come inside her again, especially right before she went to work as she knew it’d be a naughty secret to feel your creampie leak out of her during the day. You slid back out of her, and she stood up, turning into your arms and meeting you for a deep, somewhat intimate kiss that felt so much more than what had come before.
And then it was over. You stepped back and got out of the shower, grabbing a towel and getting ready, leaving her to do the same. Jennie watched you leave then took charge of herself, knowing this incident was over and gave herself a quick wash down in the shower before following you out.
The next half an hour or so was hurried preparation to leave, neither one of us speaking as she got ready, taking much longer than you as she quickly dried and dressed, trying to dry her hair out and touch up a bit of make-up before we had to get a move on, time running out as she knew we had to get to set. She was rather embarrassed now, feeling awkward like she might after a one night stand, but also felt the most sexually satisfaction she had in months. It was a double edged sword she supposed.
With her dignity and attitude completely gone, our relationship having done a complete 180 in the last 12 hours or so, she headed down to the car with you and slid into the passenger seat as she usually did to let you drive her to work. She was the boss again now, but she didn’t feel like it. You made good time, stepping on it a bit to get her on set in time so nothing looked amiss apart from the slightly bedraggled way she turned up on set, not that it mattered as she went straight into make-up to get tidied up for the days shooting.
The day went smoothly on set as she kept her head down and quietly got on with it, working well with the director to contrast with the previous days conflict, being cheerful and productive in a way that got everything done on time with no snags. Out of her earshot, the director flippantly commented to that perhaps she got fucked properly the previous night; he had no idea how right he was. Jennie just felt calm and relaxed, though she blushed when she saw her driver odd times during the day, thinking back to everything that had happened between us. You’d completely taken advantage of the situation she’d inadvertently created and she’d loved it, just relishing how you’d treated her as she turned it over and over in her mind.
And she wanted it again.
There was no denying it, she needed it, lusted for it and was absolutely sure you would happily deliver. With that she steeled her mind to get it and thought about what she would do for you when her day in front of the camera was over. The rest of the shots went easily, no problems at all when she was just on autopilot and let herself be ordered around, something of a hangover of the night before which she’d relished. Due to the efficiency they managed, they were actually finished around an hour early, with the director wrapping for the day and telling them they could all go and have a break as the next shots relied on brighter weather and the encroaching darkness was no use to them. Jennie gave her goodbyes and then headed for the wardrobe trailer to make a change.
You were waiting by the car as Jennie approached you, her long coat hiding her body as she smiled at you...then got into the back seat. You were curious as she hadn’t done that since our first week together, hopping in behind the wheel and starting the engine as you looked back at her in the mirror. She stared at you as she took her coat off to reveal a short, tight dress that hugged her curves and barely made it onto her thighs, tits pushed up so they almost spilled out of it. Throwing her coat aside she spread her legs and lifted them a little so you got a glance up her skirt, seeing the see through panties that completely showed her off, her near-bald pussy that was all yours. You took your time checking her out, knowing she was there for you to look at as you took her in, along with her naughty smile.
“You’re checking me out again,” she murmured.
“Yeah, I am,” you replied, pulling away and managing to drive smoothly even as you stared at her in the mirror.
“Good,” she smiled, flicking her tongue. You accelerated away down the road, heading back for our motel once again, less than a whole day since everything had happened between us.
“I want you to fuck me hard again tonight,” she said quietly, meaningfully, the weight of her words clear. She wanted a repeat performance and probably plenty more, knowing you wouldn’t talk and as long as she was covert, she could have her cake and eat it.
“No problem, boss,” you said with a smile and flick of your eyebrows, playing to the fact she technically was, but it was clear she was giving you control out of hours now.
“Good, so whenever there’s a good place to pull over, you know,” she said, reclining back into the seat, relaxing as she told you clearly she wanted an exact rerun of the day before.
“Absolutely,” you replied, smiling to yourself as you focused on the road and pressed the throttle, cock already hardening. After all, you weren’t going to disappoint your boss.
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wileycap · 7 months
So, uh, Netflix Avatar, huh? Yeah. I guess I'll make a really long post about it because ATLA brainrot has is a cornerstone of my personality at this point.
It's okay. B, maybe a C+.
That's it.
Now for the spoilers:
The biggest issue with the Netflix version is the pacing. Scenes come out of nowhere and many of the episodes are disjointed. Example: Aang escaping from Zuko's ship. We see him getting the key and going "aha!", and in the next scene he's in Zuko's room. And then he just runs out, no fun acrobatics or fights, and immediately they go to the Southern Air Temple where he sees Gyatso's corpse, goes into the Avatar state, and then sees Gyatso being really cheesy, comes out of it, and resolves that conflict. Nothing seems to lead into anything. The characters don't get to breathe.
The show's worst mistake (aside from Iroh fucking murdering Zhao) is its' first one: they start in the past. Instead of immediately introducing us to our main characters and dropping us into a world where we have a perfect dynamic where Aang doesn't know the current state of the world and Katara and Sokka don't know about the past, thus allowing for seamless and organic worldbuilding and exposition, they just... tell us. "Hey, this is what happened, ok, time for Aang!" There's no mystery, no intrigue, just a stream of information being shoved down the audience's throats and then onto the next set piece.
The visuals are for the most part great, but like with most Netflix productions, they just don't have great art direction. It feels like a video game cinematic, where everything is meant to be Maximum Cool - and none of the environments get to breathe. It's like they have tight indoor sets (with some great set design) and then they have a bunch of trailer shots. It's oozing with a kind of very superficial love.
Netflix still doesn't know how to do lighting, and with how disjointed the scenes are, the locations end up feeling like a parade of sets rather than actual cities or forests or temples. As for the costumes, Netflix still doesn't know how to do costumes that look like they're meant to be actually worn, so many of the characters seem weirdly uncomfortable, like they're afraid of creasing their pristine costumes.
The acting is decent to good, for the most part. I can't tell if the weaker moments come down to the actors or the direction and editing, but if I had to guess, I'd say the latter. Iroh and Katara are the weakest, Sokka is the most consistent, Zuko hits the mark most of the time, and Aang is okay. I liked Suki (though... she was weirdly horny? Like?) but Yue just fell kind of flat.
The tight fight choreography of the original is replaced with a bunch of spinny moves and Marvel fighting, though there are some moments of good choreography, like the Agni Kai between Ozai and Zuko (there's a million things I could say about how bad it was thematically, but this post is overly long already.) There's an actually hilarious moment in the first episode when Zuko is shooting down Aang, and he does jazz hands to charge up his attack.
Then there's the characters. Everybody feels very static - Zuko especially gets to have very little agency. A great example of that is the scene in which Iroh tells Lieutenant Jee the story of Zuko's scar.
In the original, it's a very intimate affair, and he doesn't lead the crew into any conclusions. Here, Iroh straight up tells the crew "you are the 41st, he saved your lives" and then the crew shows Zuko some love. A nice moment, but it feels unearned, when contrasted with the perfection of The Storm. In The Storm, Zuko's words and actions directly contradict each other, and Iroh's story gives the crew (and the audience) context as to why, which makes Zuko a compelling character. We get to piece it out along with them. Here - Iroh just flat out says it. He just says it, multiple times, to hammer in the point that hey, Zuko is Good Actually.
And then there's Iroh. You remember the kindly but powerful man who you can see gently nudging Zuko to his own conclusions? No, he's a pretty insecure dude who just tells Zuko that his daddy doesn't love him a lot and then he kills Zhao. Yeah. Iroh just plain kills Zhao dead. Why?
Iroh's characterization also makes Zuko come off as dumb - not just clueless and deluded, no, actually stupid. He constantly gets told that Iroh loves him and his dad doesn't, and he doesn't have any good answers for that, so he just... keeps on keeping on, I guess? This version of Zuko isn't conflicted and willfully ignorant like the OG, he's just... kind of stupid. He's not very compelling.
In the original, Zuko is well aware of Azula's status as the golden child. It motivates him - he twists it around to mean that he, through constant struggle, can become even stronger than her, than anyone. Here, Zhao tells him that "no, ur dad likes her better tee hee" and it's presented as some kind of a revelation. And then Iroh kills Zhao. I'm sorry I keep bringing that up, but it's just such an unforgiveable thematic fuckup that I have to. In the original, Zhao falls victim to his hubris, and Zuko gets to demonstrate his underlying compassion and nobility when he offers his hand to Zhao. Then we get some ambiguity in Zhao: does he refuse Zuko's hand because of his pride, or is it his final honorable action to not drag Zuko down with him? A mix of both? It's a great ending to his character. Here, he tries to backstab Zuko and then Iroh, who just sort of stood off to the side for five minutes, goes "oh well, it's murderin' time :)"
They mess with the worldbuilding in ways that didn't really need to be messed with. The Ice Moon "brings the spirit world and the mortal world closer together"? Give me a break. That's something you made up, as opposed to the millenia of cultural relevance that the Solstice has. That's bad, guys. You replaced something real with something you just hastily made up. There's a lot of that. We DID NOT need any backstory for Koh, for one. And Katara and Sokka certainly didn't need to be captured by Koh. I could go on and on, but again, this post is already way too long.
It's, um, very disappointing. A lot of telling and not very much showing, and I feel like all of the characters just... sort of end up in the same place they started out in. I feel like we don't see any of the characters grow: they're just told over and over again how they need to grow and what they need to do.
To sum it up: Netflix Avatar is a mile wide, but an inch deep.
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doeidawn · 3 months
☁︎ — helping hand
kyle was always a good friend to you, a shoulder to cry on and a hand to hold when times got rough. maybe it was a good thing that your biggest problem as of late was a (seemingly endless) cycle of bad boyfriends. but kyle can't stand to see you upset; not when he knows just how well he can help you. 5.4k
⟢ pairing: gaz x f!reader
⟢ tags: MDNI/18+; one-time fwb turns into two-times; reference to previous sexual encounters; technically hurt/comfort—reader has shitty ex-bfs; smoking; gaz is a tease; oral sex [f receiving]; fingering; couch sex; unprotected piv sex (wrap it before you tap it); praise; slight possessive gaz if you squint; increasingly desperate sex; handjob; semi-awkward aftercare; i do not know how to end long fics sorry it's lame
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It’s been a while since you and Kyle hooked up.
Eight months, to be exact. Nearly a year. Thankfully, everything was still okay between you two. He was a close friend—a good friend—and hooking up didn’t seem to change much about that. If anything, it only improved things; there was no lingering tension simmering in the air on late nights. No more wondering how his hands and lips would feel on your skin or yearning to hear him whisper filth in your ear. And even though it seemed surreal to remember the way he felt against you, it was over after that one time.
So you moved on. Even though your body begged for more and every fantasy seemed to circle back to him, you moved on.
In fact, Kyle was nothing but supportive of moving on. He was among the first to learn every time you started talking to someone new. He cared enough to vet the guys you met whenever he could, the major downside being that his criteria of “worthy of dating you” seemed very strict. So strict that none of them ever really fulfilled it. But you always assumed it was because Kyle cared about you and wanted you safe with a guy who knew your worth. Truthfully, he was the most supportive wingman you could’ve asked for.
It was a bittersweet feeling. You had to wonder if the night you shared replayed in his head as often as your own. He was the best you ever had, no doubt about it, but you knew it wasn’t in your best interest to yearn for your best friend. But, goddamn, was his embrace a hard one to find a replacement for.
Try as he may to keep you safe and prevent any heartbreak, it was, unfortunately, inevitable. Despite all of his efforts to keep you away from guys who were so clearly just using you, he couldn’t have known you were desperate enough to fill the void that you couldn’t stop yourself from lunging at the promise of a warm body. It was never worth it in the end. Every time, without fail, you’d run back to Kyle to cry on his shoulder. It sucked. But he was always the greatest help.
And, as much as you hated yourself for it, that’s exactly where you found yourself again. Sat on his sofa while you blow snot into tissues and smoke through his cigarettes just to rant about your latest failure of a date. You felt no better than the subjects of whatever trashy television was playing on the screen; originally intended to laugh at for distraction, now only reminding you how pitiful you felt. 
Like always, Kyle had a reassuring hand rubbing your back, nice enough to nod along to your sputtering and curses, as nonsensical as they were. He was so nice, and it made you feel like shit whenever you came around with another sob story.
You run a hand over your puffy eyes, wiping away another stream of tears from your cheeks. “M’sorry, Kyle. I didn’t mean to come over n’ cause a scene.”
“You’re alright, love.” The reassurance was nice, and it felt genuine, but it didn’t necessarily change how you felt.
“No, I’m not. I’m a fuckin’ mess.” A self-deprecating laugh leaves your lips as you run another tissue over your raw and red nose. “You think I’d learn a thing or two by now.”
“Don’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault those guys don’t know a perfect woman when they’ve got her.”
You roll your eyes at that. “‘A perfect woman’.” The thought makes you scoff. You felt anything but perfect. “Do I look like a perfect woman right now?”
“‘Course you do.” Kyle brings his other hand close and, for a moment, you think he’s going to hold your hand. Instead, he plucks away the cigarette hanging lazily between your fingers. “Smoking’s not a good look, though.”
“They’re your cigarettes.”
“Ah, that’s neither here nor there.” He takes a puff of his own before leaning forward to stub out the cigarette in an ashtray on the coffee table. “Never said I was perfect, did I?”
“You seem to have your shit together better than me.” You throw your tissue towards a bin Kyle had brought near the sofa once your crying had started. “I’m an idiot for not listenin’ to you.”
“Well, beatin’ yourself up over it isn’t gonna solve anythin’.”
“But it’s true. You warn me all the time about these guys. It’s either one boring date or a hookup just for…mediocre sex. At best.” Kyle scoffs at that. “And…then it’s over.”
Leaning back against the sofa, you run your hands over your face again. Frustration gnaws at you, tugging at the back of your mind and filling you with some unnamed emotion that makes everything feel bitter. It wasn’t Kyle’s fault for not knowing why you were so hard on yourself. It’s not like he knew it was him you were trying to replace.
You huff an exasperated sigh. “I’m just…frustrated. I can’t remember the last time a guy made me feel…good. Made me feel wanted.”
There’s a beat of silence, and Kyle nods his head in thought like he’s debating his inner monologue. He settles back against the sofa next to you. 
“I can.”
Two simple words and yet they make your heart feel like it’ll jump out of your chest. Choking on your breath felt preferable to meeting his gaze. 
“Oh, shut up.” You laugh, but you aren’t sure it’s because you found it funny. 
His hand finds its way to your thigh, the warmth of his touch seeping through your sweatpants. “You could have that again, you know. We could have that again.” You almost hate how hopeful he sounds.
You aren’t sure what to say. It must show on your face, you figure, when you notice his smile from the corner of your eye.
It would be a total and utter lie to pretend you haven’t thought about the possibility a million times over. As if you haven’t had to remember the way his touch felt so you could get yourself off when every other man couldn’t. But every time, without fail, the nastiest guilt would purge those thoughts away, ashamed of yourself for thinking about something he never seemed to bother remembering. 
But now he was proposing to do it all over again. And you wanted to. You wanted to so badly.
“Kyle…” Your throat is dry when you finally manage to utter the words. “I thought you…I assumed it was just a one-time thing…”
“It doesn’t have t’be.”
Of course it does, you want to argue. It wasn’t fair the way his touch had you yearning for something you shouldn’t want. But the more you thought about it, the less you wanted to fight it. 
His soft voice fills the silence as his thumb brushes over your thigh. “It’s what you deserve; someone who can make you feel good. And wanted.”
“I thought you only did that because I was…frustrated.”
“Mm. And you’re frustrated now, aren’t you?” 
It’s a simple question, but his tone is dulcet and sweet like he’s trying to seduce you. Truthfully, you feared it was working. Goddamn tease.
“I…suppose you could say that.” You concede, almost fighting the smile forming on your lips.
Kyle’s hand slides off of your thigh before snaking behind you, slotting perfectly on your curves as his arm wraps around your waist. “It certainly seems that way to me.” He leans in closer and your heart leaps into your throat when the warmth of his breath hits your cheek. “I don’t mind helpin’ you out again.”
You hope he doesn’t notice how tense you are, how your lips quiver as you finally bring yourself to speak. “Are…are you serious..?”
A small laugh escapes him as he pulls you closer. His lips press small, gentle kisses on the underside of your jaw, each one sending a shiver down your spine. You can practically feel the blood pumping hurriedly through your veins. He didn’t have to say anything to tell you how serious he was.
Heat pools in your core when his other hand slides up your thigh. More insistent than the last time, his fingers rub and knead at the pliant flesh hidden beneath your clothes. Your nerves come alight, sensitive to every brush of his fingers as they move inward on your body.
You tilt your head enough to catch Kyle’s attention. Placing a hand on his cheek when his nose brushes yours, you impatiently close the gap between your mouths. It’s a gentle kiss, but there’s an undoubtable hunger in it. Almost instantly, you feel the tension leave your body, replaced by an insatiable need that gnaws at your core.
He completely bombarded your senses. His smell in your nostrils, his touch on your curves, his taste on your lips—everything about him had your head spinning. It’s too much and too little all at the same time.
The movement of your hips was an impulsive one; a plea for him to hurry up or give you more. The whine that left you was a pathetic sound that escaped your mouth and filled his.
You could feel Kyle smile against you, his grip on your waist tightening. “Christ, you’re really impatient, huh?”
“Shut up, Kyle,” you pant. He wasn’t wrong; your patience was worn thin at this point. It was almost torturous to feel so needy.
“Easy, baby,” he coos against your lips. As riled up as you were, calming down wasn’t a simple ask, but you willed yourself to listen. The way he spoke to you made your body want to obey his every command. “I know what you need.”
When his mouth meets yours for another series of hungry kisses, you could feel his hand move higher up your thigh. His touch was intentionally light, a tease to leave you wanting more. And it did. It took everything in your power to keep still when his fingertips brushed over the space between your thighs.
But you couldn’t stop yourself when his hand finally dipped beneath the waistband of your sweatpants. You could feel how slick and desperate you were before his fingertips brushed over your panties. He groans into your mouth when he finds the wetness seeping through the fabric, cupping your cunt to feel you squirm.
“Oh, you poor thing. You needed this so bad, didn’t you?” You can almost sense some sincerity in his tease. Almost. 
You’re moaning against his lips before you can form your own tease. Kyle’s touch grows more insistent, his fingers dragging up and down your wet panties until he starts gently circling your clit. Your nails dig into his arm, hips rocking into his makeshift rhythm. Already sensitive from being neglected, the rough and wet fabric against your clit leaves you whining and groaning pathetically under his touch.
“Fuck, baby, you sound so needy.” You could hear the smile in his voice. Your heavy eyes watch his gaze rake over your body to ogle the way your legs spread. 
“Don’t…don’t tease me, Ky…” You groan between broken breaths and gasps. Your hips roll eagerly, bucking against the steady pressure of his fingertips. “C’mon, touch me. Please.”
You don’t mean to whine when his hand slides out from underneath your clothes. “Really impatient, aren’t we?” He mutters under his breath like he hadn’t meant for you to hear him before settling his hand on your hip. “I told you, I know what you need.”
You don’t get the chance to ask him to hurry up before he’s pulling your hips along the sofa cushions, guiding your body until you’re laid out on the furniture. You trusted him—even when you weren’t ferociously horny for his touch, you trusted him—and knew he’d make the wait worth it.
His fingers hook on the hem of your sweatpants, tugging it and your panties down your outstretched legs. The cool air hits your wet flesh and sends goosebumps over your skin. Your clothes are discarded somewhere on the floor before Kyle settles between your legs, bent down and crunched on the sofa until his face is level with your cunt.
Arms wrapped around your thighs, he kisses along the soft skin, alternating sides and nipping occasionally to feel the muscle underneath tense. As impatient as you were, you watched with rapt attention as his eyes focused on your slick cunt, sensitive enough to twitch every time you felt his breath hit.
One of his hands runs over your thigh until his rough fingertips are spreading you open. He smiles, smirking as if proud of himself. “You missed me, huh?”
You didn’t know if that was a comment on your impatience or how wet you were. Maybe both. “Maybe…just a li’l…” You pant, shivering when his warm breath ghosts over your clit as he laughs.
“Oh, I know you did. You’re fuckin’ dripping, love.”
Kyle’s eyes meet yours before his head dips down and his tongue sticks out to lick a slow stripe up your slit. The wet friction takes your breath away, nails digging into the cushion beneath you to ground yourself. His tongue spreads you apart, lapping at your arousal and gliding over your most sensitive parts.
“You taste just as good as I remember.” His words are muffled against your cunt, almost immediately drowned out by his wet slurps and your moans.
The flat of his tongue circles around your clit before gently sucking it into his mouth. The pressure already has your legs twitching and tensing, shockwaves of pleasure shooting through every nerve. He guides one of your legs up, propped against the back cushion of the sofa, before running his hand down your thigh. 
Fingertips gently caress your cunt, gliding through the mess of your arousal and his saliva, teasing and circling your hole. Two thick digits push inside and the sudden stretch has your hands flying towards Kyle, fingers digging into his short curls, desperate for some part of him to hold on to.
It’s been far too long since you felt this good. Eight months too long. The attention was almost unfamiliar; something overwhelmingly delicious that only he seemed to give you. The way he sucks on your clit while his fingers pump and curl just right makes your head fall back against the armrest. You can feel yourself squeezing his fingers and throbbing against his tongue, that ache in the pit of your stomach already beginning to form.
Kyle groans before sliding his mouth off of you. “Easy, baby. Fuck, you’re grippin’ so tight…” A gentle kiss lands on the inside of your thigh as his fingers curl again. “None of your li’l boyfriends touched you like this, did they?”
If you were any more coherent, you might have said something about how jealous he sounded. But that wasn’t the point right now; right now all you were focused on was how deep his fingers hit, and how right he was.
You shake your head. “No…not like this. Not this good,” you manage to admit between moans.
“Not this good,” he echoes, proudly whispering to himself, before his head dips down again.
His lips latch around your clit again, suckling and running his tongue over it until your hips start to buck. The sounds are disgustingly lewd; wet squelches with every thrust of his fingers, the sloppy sounds of his mouth, and your wanton moans—it’s everything you’d been fantasizing about since the last time he had you. 
Your eyes flutter open as you lift your head off of the armrest. Seeing Kyle, barely fitting himself on the sofa just to ravage you, makes you tighten around his fingers. “Holy shit, Ky. I’m gonna cum. You’re gonna make me cum,” you warn, panting breathlessly. Your toes curl, thighs tensing at the mounting heat in your core.
“Already? Oh, that’s a good girl,” he growls against your cunt. “Cum f’me. C’mon, show me how much you missed me.”
The hunger in his eyes makes you shudder. You were already close to the edge, but with his encouragement, you completely fell apart. With another swirl of his tongue and a harsh thrust of his fingers, your body goes taut with pleasure. The ecstasy that you’ve denied yourself for far too long shoots through your veins until your thighs are shaking.
Kyle hums contentedly at the tightness surrounding his fingers before easing them out. He quickly replaces the emptiness with his tongue, spreading you apart and lapping at your slick cum. He doesn’t pull back until you start to whine. With heavy eyes and a heaving chest, you watch him settle back on his knees, noting the way his lips and chin glisten. 
That unmistakable hunger—desire and determination mixed—is still clear as day in his eyes. He leans over you, lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss, and the taste and smell of yourself floods your senses. You reach out for him, twisting your fingers into his shirt to keep him close.
He groans into your mouth, the mess of tongue and teeth complimented by the sound. His hands find your waist, pushing your shirt up and sliding under layers until he can paw at your chest. You almost whine when one of his hands moves off of you until you hear the metallic jangle of his belt buckle coming undone.
He pulls back just enough to look down at you and your eyes immediately dart to his hand to watch him impatiently tug down his pants. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen his cock, but seeing it now—thick and heavy and warm as it brushes against your skin—makes all the memories from the first time flood your mind. And knowing how good he made you feel before only made you that much more eager.
Kyle wraps a hand around himself, giving his cock a few firm pumps before guiding it towards your wet slit. The head of his cock spreads your cunt and brushes against your sensitive clit with each roll of his hips. You can hear how wet you are, how you coat him in your slick with every movement, and you shudder when he groans.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty when you’re needy,” he sighs. His hand, still kneading your chest under your shirt, slides down to grip your waist firmly. “God, I could look at you like this all day.”
“C’mon…Don’t make me beg.” You coo, trying to coax him as your legs hook over his hips.
“Oh, that’s a good idea.”
“You had no problem waitin’ eight months. You can wait a bit longer, right?”
“I swear to God, Kyle, just fuck me—”
Your own shaky moan interrupts your speech, ripped from your throat as Kyle suddenly pushes the head of his cock past your entrance. He leans down to plant a chaste kiss on the side of your parted lips.
“Gotta work on your patience, love.”
You can feel every inch as he slowly eases his thick cock into you. With nails digging into the sofa cushions to ground you amidst the delicious stretch, both of you moan when he finally bottoms out. He stills long enough for you to feel the way your slick walls flutter around him.
Thumbs press gently into the dip of your hips in a reassuring squeeze. “You alright?” He asks, scanning your face for approval. A pathetic nod and an ‘uh-huh’ that sounds more like a whimper escapes your lips. “Nearly forgot how perfect you feel.”
Kyle leans back on his knees, straightening up with a devilish smirk and an even hungrier look in his eye. His pace is slow when he finally begins to rock his hips back and forth. He watches your body intently; ogling at the way your cunt swallows every inch of him, savoring the way you mold around him, keeping an eye out for any sign of discomfort. 
You moan on every downstroke as he fills you with every slow thrust, the head of his cock pushing just right against that sweet spot deep inside. Still so slick and sensitive from your recent orgasm, every nerve feels alight—addicted to the fullness and the way his cock twitches inside you. 
“Oh, fuck.” You whine as your hands search him out, desperate to be even closer. You can feel his muscles tense when your hands run up his arms and hold onto him tightly. “God, you fill me so good…so fuckin’ deep.”
Kyle makes a sound at that, something between a laugh and a groan. “I know, baby,” he coos softly, encouraging your touch when he leans back to pull his shirt off over his head.
There’s no hiding the way you tighten around him when you see his bare skin. It wasn’t an unfamiliar sight, but something about watching his muscles tense with every push of his hips made your head spin. He leans closer, just enough for you to reach your hands out and splay your fingers over his chest.
“I needed you so fucking badly.” The confession tumbles from your lips without thought, forced out alongside a moan that proves how true it was. “You make me feel so good. I never—shit—never should’ve looked for someone else.”
His jaw goes tight, a low grunt in the back of his throat his only reply to your admission. His gaze drops from your face to watch where his hips meet yours, but judging by the way his chest rises with heavier, deeper breaths, you aren’t so sure it’s because he’s uncomfortable. 
He’s holding back. 
The thought sends a shiver down your spine and your hips buck in his direction on the next agonizingly slow thrust. “I missed you so much, Kyle.” It wasn’t a lie—your body’s reaction to him was more than enough proof of that—but you wanted to see him let go, to stop being so gentle and kind like he always was. “C’mon, fuck me like you missed me too.”
That does the trick.
Kyle mutters a swear under his breath as his hands move to grab the underside of your thighs, pushing your legs towards your chest. Your hands fall to the sofa cushion at the sudden change in position. His hips slam against yours, one foot planted on the floor so he has complete control as he drives his cock all the way within you. There’s no more finesse, no more charm—just pure need.
Hearing the way you yelp and whine at his newfound desperation makes him curse under his breath again. “I missed you…so fuckin’ much,” he grunts, the words coming out as more of a growl. “Christ, I needed this. Been needin’ you all this time. I couldn’t stop…thinkin’ about you.”
That confession makes your head swim—you wonder if this is how he felt hearing your own admission of missing him. You’d thought about the last encounter countless times, but you never would’ve thought it meant as much to him as it did. The way he pounded into you now made you convinced that he craved this just as badly as you did.
“Yeah?” You whine, smiling pathetically at him. “Oh, God, me too. I needed this, needed you.”
When his eyes meet yours, you see nothing but determination behind his gaze, feral and hungry and needy. His hands dig into the plump skin of your thighs as he holds your legs in place. “Did you think of me when they fucked you? Huh? Did you have to think about my hands? My cock?”
All you can do is nod, frantic and hurried, as a pathetic “uh-huh” is forced from your lungs. Heat pools at the bottom of your stomach, tugging at your sensitive insides with every quick punch of his cock deep inside.
Kyle groans, a deep, guttural sound that makes your slick walls flutter around him. “Yeah, they didn’t make you feel this good, did they? No one can make you feel like I do. No one fills this pretty pussy like I do, huh?”
You can’t even form a proper response, your mind blanking. Your eyes roll back, head lying against the armrest, every muscle so tense yet malleable to his will. Your lack of a response was enough proof he was right; no one else stretched and filled you the way he did. 
You hear him curse again before he speaks through gritted teeth. “I would’ve given you this…any-fucking-time you wanted it. Whenever you needed me.”
Finally releasing the sofa cushion, your hands seek out the warmth of his skin, fingers curling against his arms. You could feel yourself tensing, your cunt hugging every inch of him as he slid in and out. “Ky, I’m…I’m gonna c-cum again—fuck.”
You could almost feel his stare boring through you when his grip tightens on the skin of your thighs. “That’s it, gimme one more. C’mon,” Kyle groans through his encouragement, “I’ve waited eight goddamn months. I need to feel you cum on my cock again.”
You bite your lip to hold back the pathetic moans and whimpers leaving your mouth. It was all wanton and needy—involuntary sounds pushed out of your lungs with every deep, rough thrust. The squelching of your cunt welcoming his cock fills your ears, his skin hitting yours with a satisfying slap each time.
“Let me hear you,” he coaxes, almost desperate. “I know you’re close, baby, you’re gettin’ so tight.”
It didn’t take his encouragement for another set of choked moans to slip past your lips. It was harder and harder to hold back, to fight off the mounting pressure in your core. “Fuck, Kyle, s’too much…”
“S’alright, I got you. Just cum one more time f’me, baby. Just one more.”
Maybe it was his encouragement, maybe it was the possessiveness underlying his tone, maybe it was the way his cock hit so perfectly deep, maybe it was because he was the first guy to make you feel good in months. Whatever the reason was, when you came for the second time, you felt that pleasure in every inch of your body.
Every muscle tenses, taut with pleasure as waves of ecstasy flow through you, flooding every nerve. Your nails dig into his skin and your toes curl until you’re left shaking. Your cunt hugs every inch of him, pulsing and milking him for all that he’s worth as he slowly fucks you through the high with stuttered thrusts.
“That’s it, there you go,” you hear him pant at one point. “Keep going, baby, give it to me.”
Kyle’s own sounds are barely audible as your moans fill the air, but he curses and groans as he watches your body tense and throb and twitch. The obscenely lewd sound of your squelching cunt is even more obvious now with the slick cum coating his cock. 
Just as the last tremors of your orgasm start to fade, he pulls out hastily with a groan. He releases your legs from his grip, and the ache you know you’ll feel soon is pushed to the back of your mind when he leans down to plant a kiss on your lips. 
He pulls back just enough to look down at you, at your flushed sweaty skin, to watch you pant and barely have the energy to look back up at him. “God, you’re so fucking perfect.”
Planting another kiss on your lips, you can feel Kyle shift to wrap a hand around himself. Stroking himself steadily between your legs, his breathing grows heavier between each kiss, the wet sound of his cock covered in your cum sliding against his palm hitting your ears. It’s not until you reach down into the space between your bodies that he stops.
You don’t stop kissing him as you nudge his hand off of his cock to replace his rough, calloused touch with your much softer one. He grunts almost immediately, hips bucking into your hand as it wraps snugly around him. You try to mimic the pace he had set, pumping the length of his cock, the slick of your cum making the movement fluid and easy. 
“Fuck, just like that…” His hands reach past you to grab the cushion beneath your body. You catch a glance of him, watching his eyebrows knit tight on his forehead, before he buries his face in the crook of your neck.
His breath hits your skin, warm and heavy, sending a shiver down your spine as he moans and grunts. His hips stutter as he bucks into your hand a final time, cock twitching as his cum hits your stomach. Your hand works out every drop until he's wincing and pulling his hips away. 
There are a few beats of silence, the only sound being the two sets of heavy breaths as you both come down from a much-needed high. Though your senses start to come back and your body grounds itself against the sofa cushions and his skin, it still doesn’t feel real somehow. But despite being an unbelievable act, you don’t feel any regret this time. 
Kyle’s the first one to move, eventually pulling back enough to look down at you. “Feel better?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
Even through heavy eyes, you can’t miss the way he smiles. He sits back on his knees to tuck his softening cock back into his pants and you watch as his eyes study the mess on your stomach before you look at it yourself. Just the sight of his cum pooling on your skin sends warmth directly to your core. He leans over to the table, grabbing what few tissues were left after your earlier crying spells, to clean the mess he’d left on you.
Nothing but silence for a moment as Kyle carefully runs the tissue over your stomach as you bask in the afterglow. It’s all the reassurance about him that you need. There’s an unspoken desire in the warmth of his eyes, in the way he looks at you and caresses your skin like you’re worthy of worship. The way he makes you feel—wanted—has your heart fluttering in your chest.
You eventually break the silence with a sigh. “Thank you, Kyle. I…I do feel better. A lot better.”
“Good. That’s good.” He only looks up to throw the soiled tissues in the bin next to the sofa. “Sorry for, uh…Y’know, makin’ you a mess.” He gestures to the lower half of your body with a shrug.
You raise an eyebrow at that. “Wasn’t that your intention?”
That makes him smile. A shy, almost nervous smile that you aren’t sure you’ve ever seen him wear. “You got me.” One last swipe of the soft tissue against your skin to ensure you’re clean. “At least I’m cleanin’ you up afterward.”
“Yeah, aren’t you just a proper gentleman?”
Your sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed. “Hey, I bet those other blokes never bothered.”
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you roll your eyes at his sentiment. “That’s because those blokes never bothered to make me cum in the first place.” You have to smile at him, at the way he cringes at himself for bringing up your previous partners. “If you want reassurance, you’ve got it. They’ve got nothin’ on you, Garrick.”
“I know, I know. I jus’ like to hear you say it.” Kyle leans down, meeting you halfway for a kiss that’s much softer yet holds the weight of the world behind. His hands skirt over your hips before trailing up your naked skin and resting on your waist. “You need a proper wash. C’mon.”
The ache in your muscles starts to set in as the bliss slowly fades. You groan at the stiffness in your knees when he pulls you up with him to stand on your feet. There’s sweat drying on your back, a familiar stickiness between your legs, and your feet feel unsteady.
But Kyle wraps an arm around you to keep you from stumbling and wobbling on your way to the restroom. His fingertips glided over your skin, tracing curves and dips with reverent ease. He held you like you were porcelain, even after you were in the water. 
Many things could be said about Kyle. Most of them circled back to his generosity, his willingness to help, even when you felt like an unwanted burden. But he gave you everything you could ever want. And maybe one day you’ll realize it’s because he needs your helping hands just as much as you need his. 
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icarryitin · 5 months
spencer reid/gn!reader
coming into this from a fandom where my last fic got literally 11 notes (half of which were my own self-rbs) the reception for workplace hot was heartwarming, pls accept more pre-relationship work crush goodness as thanks🧡🧡
series masterlist
word count: 1.6k// warnings: absolutely hopeless pining, this man is so so clever but so so oblivious
summary: Taking care of you just comes naturally to him.
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“Did you know, the origin of ‘chicken’ in reference to someone who’s afraid can be traced back to the use of ‘hen-heart’ as a synonym for ‘fainthearted’? Its first documented use was in the York Mystery Plays - which are considered to have been written prior to 1450.”
“Chicken.” Morgan repeats.
“Shut up.”
While his second response is decidedly less eloquent, Spencer’s pretty sure he can’t fact-dump his way out of this particular conversation.
It’s not exactly a secret - his giant, all consuming, world ending crush on you - at least, it’s not a secret from anyone except you. He’s past being embarrassed about it when one of the others brings it up, as long as it’s not around you. That’s happened exactly once, and Spencer’s automatic response was to chatter about the migration patterns of a specific type of bird he’d read an article about the day before. Ceaselessly. No matter how much everyone else had begged him to stop, until the previous subject was well and truly forgotten. So when you’d asked a leading question about another kind of bird? He was more than happy to oblige. You’ve always done that, listened to him. It’s nice.
It’s probably what got him in this mess in the first place.
Somewhere along the way, a routine developed itself. He remembers the first day you asked him to elaborate on something he’d started on earlier in the day, trivia about the fluctuations in the popularity of a specific make of car. It had ended up being useful in the context of the case anyway but, more importantly to Spencer, the tidbit had you cornering him in the kitchen to ask him about it. And now it’s just what happens. You potter around to make your lunch, he chatters about the most recent paper he’s read like your own personal podcast.
It’s a comfortable friendship, solidified by little things like that. Though they’re not all that little to him, if anything they’ve only deepened his feelings for you - he doesn’t let on, for your sake, he tries not to.
But his affection sneaks out in other ways.
He gravitates towards you without realising it, just to exist in your space. At the round table, on the jet, at crime scenes, in whichever office the local PD have cleared out for the team. He’s never hovering, but he’s not not hovering. Just working parallel to you. It’s why he likes the bullpen, for all its hustle and bustle, because he can look at you out of the corner of his eye whenever he wants to. He can spin his chair to face you, stretch his legs out across the aisle, and let a wave of sheer steadiness wash over him. Sometimes it’s you, reaching over to hand him something or abandoning your post completely to perch on the corner of his desk. Spencer thinks that’s what it might be, the peace you seem to exude that quiets his busy mind - the kindness you extend to victims and their families that flows through your very veins. It follows you like an aura, there’s very little he won’t do to be bathed in it whenever he can. It’s all led to a unique dynamic that means you’re paired up together more often than not.
You move around each other unconsciously now, leaning over maps and files and evidence. Swapping pens and ducking under one another’s arms as you both scribble away at the board. It’s almost choreographed, natural. Everything is with you, and that’s what gets him. There’s a part of Spencer Reid’s brain that is dedicated to considering his actions in relation to the people around him, running in the background like a computer programme, but he doesn’t have to run it around you. He doesn’t think, for once. He just does.
It’s effortless, second nature, to make space for you. The same as it is to leave a seat open for you, even if it’s the only one. To nudge you gently when you’re too far in your own head to realise you’re picking at your skin. You’ve started nudging him back in recent weeks when he does the same, chewing on the inside of his lips and paying absolutely no mind to the damage he’s doing. You notice, you care enough to stop him. Just like you’ll leave an empty space on the nearest desk for him to hop up on. He’s not sure if you realise you’re even doing it. Clearing perfect Spencer-sized spots at every precinct and office you’re set up in, because you know he prefers it to the chairs. Which makes his own actions feel a little less overt and, in turn, lets him breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe this is just what good friends do for each other. He can call you that, at least, if his own fears won’t afford him the chance to call you anything else.
Though, he’s not sure he could stop himself from taking care of you in his own way if he tried. Mostly because he’s not trying in the first place.
He didn’t even realise what he was doing, the first time he turned to you to double check your protective vest was secure. Narrow fingers tugging on straps, barely even processing the inviting warmth of you underneath them, he’d been too focused on making sure you were as protected as you could be. And then he’d walked into the Unsub’s home ahead of you anyway.
Spencer never walks ahead of you, anywhere. He’s always ushering you in first, something drilled into him by some unknown force, his basest of instincts - you’re ahead of him into the office, into precincts, into crime scenes, even into the elevator. But in a hostile situation? He’s first through the door every time.
So much so that it’s routine now, wherever the case, whoever is around. He grasps the shoulders of the thick vest and wiggles it, he rips the velcro straps off at your waist only to secure them again. A little tighter, and he’s quietly grateful that you let him. The heat of you at his back is reassuring when scenes aren’t secure. To know that, based on his experience anyway, the Unsub will more than likely jump out ahead of him - and he’ll be the one between you and the bullet. Which is maybe a little dramatic, but it’s the truth.
“Ready, boys?”
Doctor Spencer Reid has never claimed to believe in any god, but he makes sure to thank something for the interruption. Anything to get himself and his giant crush out from under Derek Morgan’s microscope.
It’s Emily who speaks, Emily who tosses protective vests at him and Derek, but Spencer’s eyes are focused on you entering the office behind her. You’re concentrating on your own vest, securing straps that’ll only be repositioned in a minute or two. But you still do it yourself each time, as if you’re not expecting him to come over and double check your work. There’s no way you haven’t noticed by now. That he’ll do it every time, that he doesn’t do it for anybody else, that he spends twice as long checking on your vest than he does securing his own. FBI emblem emblazoned on his chest, Spencer crosses the room dutifully to conduct his little ritual.
Velcro isn’t quiet. It pierces through the background noise when he undoes the buckle at your side and tears it free, but his eyes don’t move from the task at hand. Yours are heavy on his face, the way they always are when he gets this close. He pretends not to notice.
“Thank you.” You whisper softly. So softly that between the chatter and gun checking behind him, only the two of you can hear.
It’s only now, now he’s certain your vest is snug as possible, that he allows his careful gaze flicker to meet yours. He struggles not to take a step back with the force of it.
“Of course.” He replies, reluctantly pulling his cold fingers out from the warmth beneath the shoulders of your vest. His smile, small, self-conscious, is returned tenfold and beaming. The same way it always is. He doesn’t know how you do it - see the things you see every day and still manage a grin wider than the Río de la Plata. Maybe he can’t explain everything.
He catches a movement over your shoulder, it’s Morgan. Arms folded at the elbow, fists tucked close to his chest, as he makes the exaggerated movements of a chicken. Head bobbing and all. The teasing support, because that’s all it is, is nice to have - but there’s not one member of the team who understands exactly why he’s so afraid to say anything to you. In an ideal world, he wouldn’t be. He’d be able to pull you aside and tell you exactly how many days it’s been since he’d met you, started crushing on you, fallen absolutely hopelessly in love. It kind of all started at once, if he’s being completely honest. And in that ideal world, you would smile that billion kilowatt smile and tell him you love him too, and even the paperwork from the bureau wouldn’t matter. This isn’t an ideal world, however. He knows that better than most.
Spencer’s been rejected before, more than even he would care to admit, by friends and lovers and parents and colleagues and strangers. But he’s not sure he could take it from you, not while you hold his heart so tenderly in your hands. Even unaware of the responsibility, you’re gentle with him.
He’ll keep you close, regardless, as much as he can without arousing your suspicion. He’ll keep making space for you and double checking your vest until every ugly confession claws its way out of him.
That’s enough, for now.
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if you’ve made it this far, pls know i am kissing u gently on the forehead🧡🧡
i’m also thinking about opening requests for all things pre-relationship spencer bc mutual pining and obliviousness is my fav fav fav thing, in case anyone was interested👀
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Hello! Many people have said this but ill say it too, I LOVE YOUR COMIC SO MUCH ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
I really wanted to ask you about how you do the backgrounds? (Something i struggle with) whats the process? Like from start to finish, also, to do the rise backgrounds do you use reference from the show and generally real photo of ny? Or do you come up with them? And last question- The shadow and light on the background- Like HOW
i know it’s a lot of questions but i’m just so curious qwq and wanna learn to be better, thank you again in case you read this and respond, in case you don’t, i hope you have a nice day and a wonderful life uwu keep up the great work! (≧◡≦) ♡
Backgrounds are a really broad subject and I'm always a little overwhelmed when asked this question. Just like drawing the human body, backgrounds take time, repetition, and practice!
My answer got a bit long, so it's going under a read more :) but if you digest info better in video format I found this on youtube
It pretty much goes over everything I wanted to say, but in a much better way. I wish I had found it before writing all this out lol
ok, first of all, I'm not a teacher nor was I built to be one of those cool helpful art tutorial people who do a full coloured tutorial filled with illustrations. This is just going to be a messy "how I do backgrounds / environment layouts from start to finish." kinda thing.
... lets start with a sight tangent.
Sketch from Life!!!
If you want to get better at backgrounds I recommend doing some sketching out in the real world!
When I was first getting into doing backgrounds I went to cafes and parks to just sketch the buildings and objects. Sketch rocks, flowers, clumps of grass, garbage cans, bottles, tables, street signs, etc. If you are drawing a tree observe how the trunks twist, how the bark flows, or how the leaves are bunched.
If you can't leave the house the same still applies! Sketch the interiors of your house, the walls, or common objects like chairs and bookshelves. How are objects stacked? items on the floor?
If you aren't comfortable with drawing outside or in public you can take some photos to draw from! They are good for practice and you can use them again as references later. Alternatively you can find pictures online of buildings and objects to sketch as practice.
All spaces have objects in them, it becomes easier to draw those kinds of spaces when you already have spent time observing and sketching them.
ALSO! They don't have to be good sketches! It's just to build out your mental catalogue and strengthen your perception of perspective.
now the actual thing...
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(the pictures used for this are my own. I dug them out of my 2022 folder)
Backgrounds have slightly different rules based on what you are making them for. Videogame Environment Concept Art vs Animation Layouts vs Comic Backgrounds vs Illustration backgrounds.
They all follow the same basics, which I will go over here, but the intention and function of those designs are going to be different. It's all about how you set up the scene and what it's purpose is!
Brainstorming and Thumbnailing
I like to think about a location as though it is a character. An abandoned old house with creaky sagging floorboards is very different from a futuristic space ship with sharp metal floor panels. A gas station has a very different feeling from a library.
I usually start by asking what is this location's story? Why was it built and for what purpose? What kinds of things does this room need to fulfill that purpose? You don’t need solid answers, but its good to be thinking about it while you are working.
Next, sketch some ideas for how this place is going to look. For me, this usually involves drawing the idea from multiple angles and then making lists & small sketches of the objects I think should be filling the space.
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Example: The main character of my original work is a Wanderer. They collect a lot of things on their travels, but those items have to be small enough to be easily carried in a backpack. I wanted his room to be in the corner of an attic, walled off by curtains, and filled with trinkets. You can see some of my brainstorming above.
I only look for references after I've done some sketching and planning; this is to solidify my idea first so that I don't accidentally copy anyone else's work. I will make a moodboard with pictures of lighting, colours, items, rooms with specific ceiling beams, old chairs, etc. basically whatever I feel fits the vibe.
Honestly, I don't use references as much as I should. For ROTTMNT fanart I look at backgrounds and screenshots from the series to study the style. I also reference actual photos of NYC to get a feel for how Rise condenses the visual information.
In general, it's good to have references of real life objects/locations, because there are so many details like cracks in pavement, stickers on polls, crowning on buildings, fancy fencing, weird chair legs, etc. that you might not think of. It's the imperfect details that can make a location feel more alive.
Once you have your chosen sketch we move to.... the infamous perspective boxes. Doing backgrounds is just learning to be comfortable drawing So Many boxes and carving items out of them.
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Many better artists than myself have made videos on perspective, vanishing points, and all the technical bits. Videos like THIS ONE and THIS ONE are helpful (this post is great too!!). There are probably a lot of classes to be found on Skillshare or Schoolism. I learned a lot of this in my college art course, so I can't give you a specific video which helped me.
You can get by and be a good artist without learning this stuff. There are quite a few successful artists who have admitted they never bothered to learn perspective (one of these people even made a whole graphic novel series).
I personally avoided properly learning this stuff until I was in my 20s because I thought it would be boring and difficult to do. tbh I really wish I had learned it earlier because it's so much fun to make those silly little boxes imo. It looks scary and complicated but, just like drawing humans, it just takes time, repetition, and practice to develop the knowledge and skills.
You have your boxes and lines! Cool! Now to make a scene out of it. Fill in the details, get everything placed were you want it! Generally, the lines of each item will point back towards the horizon line, but they can have different perspective points.
Generally you would want to clean it up and get your room completely sketched before doing the lineart. I tend to combine the steps (not recommended)
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I've mentioned how I do this before. Closer objects have thicker lines and more detailed inside. Further objects have thinner lines and less detail. I didn't quite achieve that balance with the image below, but it's close enough.
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Colours and Shading will have to be a separate post. In the meantime, I highly recommend the book "Color and Light" by James Gurney. I used to borrow it from my local library and a good chunk of my knowledge was learned from it :)
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helaintoloki · 1 month
Ok, but young Ben being a lookout on a mission, and he comes across a girl his age and she starts to flirt with him and they have this banter. He later finds out that she was a villain all along and she was sent as a distraction by her team. She has the ability to control people's bodies, which is why Ben was so much calmer when he was with her; She was lowering his blood pressure. After that, she kind of acts like his version of Lila where she comes and goes just to flirt with him and mess with his head.
a/n: so i couldn’t tackle everything in this request bc otherwise it would have just turned into a full fledged multi-chapter fic but the main idea is there and i hope you enjoy
warnings: reader is very flirty and manipulative
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While the rest of the Umbrella Academy loathed being given the role of the lookout on a mission, Ben found that he enjoyed nothing more than sitting out of the action in exchange for being the vigilant watchman. It kept him from having to use his powers and saved him from the usual hourlong shower he’d take scrubbing away the blood and grime from his skin. Today’s mission involved stopping a museum heist, and his abilities were deemed unnecessary for the task. The last thing Reginald wanted was to be responsible for replacing priceless art, and the Horror was only good at tearing limbs and furniture apart, so the boy was left to patrol the perimeter while his siblings investigated the scene.
The night air is cool and quiet as Ben makes his third lap around the building searching for possible burglars or thieves trying to make away with an original Monet. Instead he is met with the fluorescent lights of the street lamps and the neon flashes of the liquor store sign across the street. Everything is completely still and uneventful, and he begins to wonder whether the anonymous tip Hargreeves had been given was just a prank to distract the team from a much bigger problem.
“Hey,” a voice calls, nearly startling the boy out of his skin. So much for being vigilant.
He’s met with the sight of a girl who looks to be about his age dressed in all black with a playful smile curled upon her lips.
“Hey…” he replies hesitantly, unsure of how to deal with her. He wasn’t exactly sure why a girl would be out this late at night by herself, and while the gentleman in him wanted to escort her to safety, he couldn’t risk leaving his post and jeopardizing his siblings. “You shouldn’t be out here. It’s dangerous, and if something happens I won’t be able to protect you.”
“Protect me?” She retorts in amusement while sauntering closer towards him. Though her demeanor is completely innocent, Ben still finds himself taking a nervous step back to avoid being in her space. “Who says I need protecting?”
“There are weirdos out at this time of night.”
“Are you a weirdo?” She counters with a raised brow and a finger pointed against his chest. The feeling of her touch weirdly has his tense shoulders relaxing, his defenses lowering as he really starts to take her in. She’s actually quite pretty, and pretty girls usually took interest in Luther and Diego, yet here she was making conversation with him. He feels surprisingly less nervous than he expects himself to be in the presence of someone like her, and as he lets out a slow exhale from deep within his chest he finds that it’s a nice feeling.
“No, I’m not, I’m… I’m Ben,” he breathes out with a faint smile.
“Nice name. I’m y/n,” she states, her nature morphing into something more flirtatious than before. Exchanging her finger for her palm, she splays the entirety of her hand against his chest and rests it upon his heart. “Do you work out?”
“I do, actually,” he states proudly, chest puffing up more confidently than before. Ben has no idea where this sudden surge of confidence has come from, but he knows better than to waste this rare opportunity to show off his title as an Umbrella. “My father makes my siblings and I train every day.”
“Must be hard,” she notes thoughtfully, making sure to hide the way her pupils begin to dilate at the use of her power. He has no idea that the reason he feels so differently around this girl is because she’s doing it on purpose. Her ability to lower his blood pressure and lull him into a fake sense of calm has made him more confident and relaxed, and this ability makes for a great distraction while her team works to get away with stealing precious museum works of art. He’s too busy focusing on her to notice one of her partners sneaking out of the building with a rare statue while the Umbrella Academy is distracted by an ambush.
He’s so cute she almost feels bad for taking advantage of him, but someone has to do the job.
“It isn’t too bad. Dad says it’s important to keep up our strength at all times.”
“At all times?” You repeat pensively, your palm pressing just a little more firmly into his chest. You tilt your head suddenly, lip jutting into a sympathetic pout as you remark, “You look tired.”
“I do?” Ben repeats only for his body to immediately relax. “I am…”
“Maybe you should sit down,” you offer kindly before helping him lower to the ground so he can rest his back against the cool brick of the building. Pressing an ingenious kiss to his cheek, you gift him a gentle pat on the head before moving away from his figure and making your exit. “It was really nice to meet you, Ben. I’ll see you again soon.”
His eyes feel like they had only been closed for a few seconds, but in actuality he had been passed out for a good five minutes, and it isn’t until Luther is shaking him by the shoulders that Ben finally wakes with a gasp. The sense of calm from earlier is gone, and the Horror is immediately on high defense as he peers up at his brother with wide and uneasy eyes.
“What the hell were you doing?!” Luther exclaims in exasperation while Klaus helps the boy off of his feet. “You were supposed to keep watch!”
“There was a… a girl,” Ben swallows harshly. “And she was talking to me…”
“Ooo, a girl?” Klaus goads with a teasing grin and elbow to Ben’s side. “Was she cute?”
“That doesn’t matter,” Luther chides harshly only to receive a pout from Klaus in response. “They got away with a statue and now Dad’s gonna kill us. Let’s go.”
Klaus gives Ben a sympathetic pat to the back before following after their leader, and the Horror can only trudge guiltily behind after them. He has no idea how he managed to mess up so badly when normally he has the clearest head out of all of his siblings. It was like y/n was able to put him under some sort of spell to lower his defenses and get him to lose focus on the task at hand.
Ben has no idea what just happened, but he hopes she meant it when she said they’d see each other again.
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directdogman · 1 month
Super stoked for the Roger DLC and WILL be playing it on release, but something that’s been bugging me ever since the first few teasers was Peter, his personality feels quite different to me and my Peter obsessed friend, is there a reason for his personality change or was it completely unintentional?
He feels a lot more hot headed now, not completely the same as but similar to Steven, which feels like a complete 180 for Peter, I always remember enjoying him more in DSaF 2 because he was the more relaxed Phoney who when he had geniunely serious moments, it was incredibly impactful and gut wrenching when Peter would yell at me. 😔
Also, will Steven ever be real in dialtown please sir I miss my wif-
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The comparison just always bothered me slightly.
Different universes. I should note that while Peter IS chiller in DSaF 2, if the restaurant goes under, the main consequence is that the company will get mortally wounded and he might die. The other employees will (for the most part) be fine. Peter cares. He cares if you hurt employees, he cares if you fuck up but is also willing to look the other way a few times if the fuckup isn't bad enough (without letting it slide, because he still cares what you do at work too.) I'd say his attitude at work namely stems from that, rather than the other way around. Steven does NOT care. He is literally willing to throw you under the bus to save himself and his sole goal is keeping the place open specifically so he can save his own hide, and his hot-headedness comes from that.
In DT, Peter is at the end of his rope and has had to deal with a LOT up until this point, arguably even more than his DSaF counterpart in terms of his day to day job, as shocking as that may sound. There's also WAY more on the line this time. He isn't the one that's going to face the worst of what'll happen if things continue at their current trajectory (unlike Peter or Steven in their original games.) He explains this pretty early into the DLC, which may explain why he's testier than you remember him, namely what's on the line. He's trying his damndest to fix it but is failing. He's stuck between a rock and a hard place with Roger, recognizing his bad leadership is sinking the plant but caring too much about the guy to effectively deal with it until this point.
His guard is up because it has to be, but he does have a few nice moments where it's clear how much he cares and if you listen to Roger's dialogue carefully, you'll see just how much Peter has put up with that would've made any sane person walk away. He's also noticeably nicer to Gingi if you don't waste his time and seem to actually care about Roger, and he acts closer to how he does in the DSaF 2 screenshot you showed off, though perhaps with slightly less energy (since he is, like I said, at the end of his rope.) There's even a scene in the evil route where you can identify this and use it against him in a pretty sinister way.
To mention another thing that even Gingi sees as far back as his original scene in DT: He's a natural manager who's playing second-fiddle to someone who clearly doesn't know what he's doing.
I didn't just wanna do more of the same, so I played with the dynamics a lil. Peter is in a very different role here, one that he's not exactly suited to. He's out of his element. He's inundated with work and in this scene, is thinking about the lives of the employees who are going to be laid-off in a week or so time if things don't change FAST, and while this is happening, his boss is bantering with a weird cryptid on the street and talking about random garbage.
There are times in DSaF 2, like you said, where you do see him get like this. It's not as much that his character is different in my eyes, but that the context is. This is a version of Peter who is one bad day away from having to make a difficult decision. Literally. I'll gladly talk more about it when the DLC's out (namely I could compare + contrast certain decisions he makes!) For now, I don't wanna spoil anything that isn't explicitly stated in the first major scene he has.
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I've got McCabe
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Hi guys :)
So this is a request from here (never been so quick in my life) and I've never write with Katie before so I hope it would suit you all!
Enjoy :)
TW : Love fight, swearing, Nothing else I think
Being Katie McCabe’s girlfriend is something you cherish in everyday life. Everyone knows her reputation on the football fields, and you will never deny the truth of this, but Katie obviously has good sides to tip the scales and drive you crazy about her.
Your little bickering comes mainly from her Irish origins of which she is very proud, while you are just as proud from your Scottish origins. You certainly don’t have a team as strong as England or even Ireland, but your talents have allowed you to be spotted by Arsenal for many years and this is where you still play today. Needless to say, where you met Katie.
For today, you don’t know exactly when your mutual teasing started. You have learned over time to respond to Katie when she starts teasing you, not wishing to leave her the last word every time.
The problem today is that neither of you seems to want to admit defeat. What started out as childish games is nicely being transformed into something else while a certain mutual annoyance is being felt on both sides.
Your teammates must have felt it, Leah grabbing Katie during the lunch break while you almost get kidnap by a Beth Mead apparently more than happy to show you pictures of her puppy. You can’t say that it didn’t work, you are literally a fan of this little cutie.
But after the lunch break, when the training started again, it only takes a little teasing from Katie to start again. And again, you don’t want to let it pass, there’s no reason why it’s always you who gives up, after all.
The limit is exceeded just at the end of the training, while Katie asks you to please go store her dumbbells with yours. Already having yours to carry and a ball in the other hand, you answer her that she only has to get up to do it herself. "Well, at least Ruesha would have done it for me." This one, it hurts.
You remain frozen a few seconds there before turning slowly in the direction of the Irish which seems to realize despite everything what she has just said. But Katie doesn’t add anything, just looking at you from the mattress she’s sitting on with wide eyes. "Fuck you, Katie" you mumble coldly before disappearing from the room. The idea of throwing the ball you hold in your hand on her head would have been tempting and you admit to having thought about it for a few moments. But you weren’t alone and it was out of the question for you to provoke a real scene with violence to the key. "Mate..." sighs Leah once you leave the room. "Wha' " grunts Katie without looking at the blonde. "That was a terrible comment" "Shut up" In truth, Katie knows very well that she has crossed the line and she is very uncomfortable. Hurting you is never her intention, she has always been very careful with her behavior with you, treating you like a princess on a daily basis. Except when she decides to test your limits like today. It never went that far though. Leah answers nothing, content to follow the brunette to the changing rooms to go shower and change. Katie frowns when she sees that you’re not there anymore and your stuff either. "She left. Alessia brings her home. And you’re definitely going to sleep on the couch tonight" Kyra informs her before going to take a shower. The information squeezes Katie’s heart, you live together, so it makes sense to travel together. But she particularly likes to see you in the role of HER passenger princess.
It’s with her mind elsewhere that Irish showers and changes, taking her time in seeking the best solution to fix things. However, it’s difficult for her to know what to do since she doesn’t know what treatment she will be entitled to once she arrives home.
Are you gonna yell at her? Ignore her? Are you even going to be there or will she be allowed a simple post-it on your fridge informing her that she just has to go to hell?
It’s not in a safe state that Katie gently open the door to your house. The living room is empty, but your sneakers are carefully placed on the shoe cabinet of the entrance, informing her of your presence at home. But you’re not in the part of the living room that she can see from where she is.
Only silence answers her, which doesn’t particularly surprise her. You’re stubborn too and usually Katie liked that about you. But not today.
Sighing, Katie drops her bag at the entrance and walks a little further into the house. She finally finds yourself sitting at the kitchen table, apparently completely absorbed in your readings. Yes, because in addition to your training and games, you’ve been doing correspondence marketing studies. Just in case.
"Are you still angry?" Katie tries to get closer to you.
But you just answer her that a breath of the nose, without looking up from your book. If only she knew you couldn’t concentrate for more than ten seconds. You were really hurt by her remark, even if you think (hope) that she doesn’t think about it for a single second. What could be worse than being compared to her girlfriend’s ex by the principal concerned?
"Babe please, can we just…"
"Don’t fucking touch me McCabe!"
You jumped on your legs as she approached you, ready to put her hand on your arm. In your heart you obviously appreciated that she tries a reconciliation and that she tries to catch up, but it’s still too early for the moment. Your hands tremble with anger when you go to lock yourself in your room, slamming violently the door behind you.
"I don’t know mate, she seems really upset. She surname me!"
Katie walks around your backyard, whispering softly on the phone so you don’t hear her. She tried several times to knock on the door of your room but you never answered her, worse you even blocked the handle of the door so that she could not join you.
Leah, on the other end of the phone, has to admit that she is impressed by the strength of character with which you stand up to Katie. But Katie is still her friend and she obviously wants you to make up.
"At the same time, you compared her to your ex. Anyone would have taken it badly. I would have probably killed you."
"I know, Lee. But I can’t go back to the past, what do you want me to do?"
"She won’t listen to me, she won’t even let me in the same room as her."
"The good news is she didn’t strangle you" Leah comments with amusement.
"Not yet" answers Katie with a gloomy air.
"Let her calm down a little and in the meantime prepare an apology in good form"
"What do you mean?" asks Katie, mechanically looking up at your bedroom.
"Go get her some flowers, make her a candlelight dinner… what you know will please her."
"I have another idea" ended up answering Katie after a few seconds of reflection.
The night has fallen for a little while when almost timid blows are again thrown against the door of your bedroom. You sigh as you hear Katie’s voice rise from behind the door.
"I know you’re still very angry with me, but can you meet me at the livingroom please?"
You roll your eyes without answering, sitting on your side, back to the door. Now that the anger has dissipated, you realize that you were also hurt by the Irish comment. So you decide not to go. At least that was before you got a message on your phone.
Katie 🍀❤️ Baby please?
You let out a big sigh before you get out of bed. With your hands in yours (Katie’s) training pockets and your face frown, you finally leave your room. After moving the chair you had placed under the handle so that she could not enter.
When she hears your bedroom door open, Katie almost teleports to you.
"Can you close your eyes?"
"I’m not in the mood, Katie" you grumble in a low voice.
"Please" she whines.
You stare at her for a few seconds before sighing again and obeying. You let her take both hands to train you to the living room, stopping in the free passage left by the two sofas installed in the living room. Without letting go of your hands, Katie whispers
"You can open them"
You blink twice to regain clear vision and remain speechless in front of what was previously your living room. Katie installed cozy plaids and cushions on the sofa, she lit your fireplace and decorated the room with many Harry Potter goodies. You’re a fan of it, defending your house, Ravenclaw. Needless to say, the one you share your life with is from another house, which you confirmed when you forced her to take the test. Needless to say which one. (Slytherin)
On the coffee table Katie prepared bowls with several snacks and cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows. Everything looks like one of those photos that are on Instagram. Well, almost. Because in these photos, there’s not Katie McCabe looking at you with as much apprehension as if you were a bomb ready to explode.
"I’m sorry I was stupid like that and I hurt you. I didn’t think about it and you have no idea how much I blame myself. I should never have said that when I haven’t thought about my ex in forever and even less since we’ve been together. I mean, of course we see each other when we’re training on the national team, but that’s it. She has nothing to do with you. I’m so sorry, Baby, I swear."
Katie rambles a little bit and you get to see the nervousness behind her clumsy speech. And it makes you feel terribly tender. Realizing that she still has your hands in hers, Katie gently pulls on it to draw you a little closer to her.
"I’m not just angry. What you said is hurtful, too, Kat."
"I know" she whispers, dropping one of your hands and putting hers gently under your chin. "But I don’t mean a word of it. No one can match you."
Your gaze in her blue eyes is enough to convince you of her sincerity and despair at the idea that you may not forgive her. It’s that side of Katie that you fell in love with as well, that part that she shows almost nobody. Katie is a loyal and attentive friend, which people know as well. But she is also a tender woman who enjoys cuddling with her girlfriend. You.
"I love you so much" she adds after a few seconds, pressing her forehead against yours. "Please, forgive me."
"Okay" you end up answering softly.
Her smile is so great of joy and relief that you can’t help but smile back.
"But on condition that we watch the first film" you add, pointing to the television with a nod.
"Anything you want."
Katie hurries to make you settle into the couch, perhaps doing a little too much by hurrying to bring a stool so that you can put your feet on it. But you let her, amused by her behavior. She then runs to dim the light in the living room, hands you a cup of hot chocolate and a glass of water if « the chocolate is too chocolate ». She tenderly wraps you in a plaid, asking if you want a cushion and arranges the food bowls so that you have everything near you.
"Are you missing something?" Katie asks, looking closely around her.
"Yes" you answer with a smile.
Bowing an eyebrow, you lift a corner of the blanket in which you are wrapped so that she comes to settle next to you. What she does smiling, even accepting that you shift to allow her too to put her feet on the stool with you. After making sure again that you didn’t miss anything, Katie launches the film and you gently lean your head on her shoulder when she puts her arm around yours.
Ten good minutes passed when you look up at Katie’s face, lit by the lights of the television.
"Babe?" you call her gently, making her look off the screen.
"I love you too."
A soft smile is born on her face and you would swear that it will remain there until the end of the evening. Including when she leans over you to kiss you right now, then every other time during the movie.
Katie McCabe may be a fool, but she’s your fool.
So… Katie McCabe is a Slytherin, what do you think? 😂
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So, I’d initially made a post that said something along the lines of “it’s weird that they had Stolas say this”—
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“Only to remind the audience like 9 min later of a specific time where Stolas talked down to Blitzø”
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And I also included the original scene for context/comparison:
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But after posting someone DID point out that in the song’s lyrics during that sequence, Stolas was questioning his past choices and coming to the realization that his actions had affected Blitz—They stated that initial scene of him saying he doesn’t look down on Blitz was a set up for this later self-reflection on his behavior in “All 2 U”, and potentially realizing how harmful his actions have been.
And I think this is a very fair interpretation and observation—as well as something I missed, and that’s on me.
I like talking about these things openly, because I think it is really nice to get other people’s perspectives and interpretations of stuff like this, and I’m also susceptible to missing things on a watch-through.
I decided to delete the original post, b/c I realized I agreed partially with their assessment of the scene, and because there was another comment that was a little spicier, and I didn’t want people to start arguing back in forth in the comments. That’s happened before and it’s always kind of annoying.
With all of that said, I do still think those lines were a weird choice, and I want to go over why the song “All 2 U” fell really flat to me in regards to Stolas’ self reflection. (More below + TLDR @ the end)
There is, so far, a really consistent pattern in Helluva Boss’ writing, where every time Stolas comes close to reflecting on the way his actions could have negatively affected Blitz, the focus almost immediately shifts back to Stolas’ own feelings and situation.
It’s kind of become the status-quo for HB—Stolas will have a brief moment of questioning himself, before the story continues to frame Blitzø as being in the wrong.
We see this really blatantly in “All 2 U”—where anytime Stolas DOES begin to question his own actions, Verosika and Vortex chime in and immediately assure him that it’s Blitz who’s in the wrong:
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And then even after, these lines where he questions himself further
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The song just CONTINUES to focus only on Stolas’ feelings, and prioritize them above all else. He has a brief moment where he wonders if he’s in the wrong, before brushing those concerns away and continuing to refer to Blitz as “the motherfucker”.
The montage during this also goes to great lengths to show how regretful Blitzø is hearing all of this.
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He feels terrible that Stolas is hurt—even though Blitz does NOT owe Stolas anything. You can disagree with me, but based on the arrangement that STOLAS created, their relationship is entirely transactional (and coercive, but I don’t have time to get into that mess right now).
Blitzø is in no way obligated to treat their “relationship” as something that holds meaning because of this—if Stolas is hurt by Blitz’s not reciprocating his feelings, that is ENTIRELY on Stolas. Blitz has not wronged Stolas in any way by not reciprocating those feelings.
But it’s so very clear that the WHOLE PURPOSE of this song—and this entire episode, even if there is a moment where Stolas questions himself—is to portray Blitz as the one in the wrong.
Even in the scene where Stolas questions what he’s done to Blitz and wonders if he’s in the wrong, his flashbacks include these scenes, which are framed as Blitzø being uncaring/blowing Stolas off after their arrangement:
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This is probably one of my biggest issues with Stolitz as a ship, and with Stolas as a character. That the writing explicitly caters to Stolas’ feelings and beliefs, and (so far) refuses to hold him accountable for anything he does that negatively affects others. His actions have consequences just as much as Blitz’s do, but the narrative constantly frames him as being a victim.
You can say that both characters are in the wrong all you want, you can say to the audience point blank “this is what I intended with this scene”, but you still have to actually. write. the developing relationships and action of the story. Telling the audience about development after the fact is just poor storytelling.
I’ve already gone over how the narrative rarely holds Stolas accountable in the conflicts he has with Octavia, but it’s very much the same with Blitzø.
So much so that Autistic Swag on YouTube was able to make a Stolas Hypocrisy compilation video:
And because I know there’s a chance of people reacting to my criticisms this way, no, recognizing a character’s hypocrisy in the narrative is not “media illiteracy”.
Media analysis is still derived from the actual text of the story. I see fans (not just of HB, this is a general problem in a lot of fandom spaces) making wild leaps and jumps about story’s character developments, world building, plot-points, etc. and then claim that people who disagree with their interpretations are “media illiterate” and like.
Those are headcanons. Those are just personal headcanons that you made based on what you wanted to happen in the story.
Which is fine!!! Which is something that is very fun to do!!! I do it a lot actually!
Like, I could say that the green light in “The Great Gatsby” actually represents envy and that Gatsby is always staring at it because he’s actually jealous of Daisy and wants to transition from male to female and live as a transgender woman.
And that would be a really interesting concept to explore! But it would also be a headcanon because in the context of how the text is written, is clearly not the case.
Pointing out that Stolas’ actions are morally dubious at best, and that he is flawed and has done wrong and has very clearly hurt Blitzø by coercing him into a sexual relationship so Blitz can keep his livelihood isn’t media illiteracy. It’s literally. It’s just the text. Audiences aren’t media-illiterate for seeing that.
Final note time— I want this post to age poorly. I want so badly for there to be a future episode where Stolas is really truly held accountable for the ways in which he has hurt Blitzø, the ways in which he’s been classist and racist toward imps, the times that he’s neglected Octavia, and yes! Even for cheating on Stella!!
And I want this NOT because I want to see Stolas completely villainized or beat down, I want this because I want Stolas to develop and grow and change as a character. I want Stolas to actually have the nuance that the writers say he has!!
Again, as always, please know that if you love Stolas and Stolitz that I am REALLY not trying to rain on your parade. I’m not trying to convince you that you’re not allowed to like the story as is, or that your opinions are wrong. That would be really silly. You are allowed to interpret all of this literally however you want, even if we disagree.
The only, only thing I would ask you to please consider, is if you are doing the work of writing these characters development outside of the story, or are you building on what the writers have already shown you. I am not asking this to be condescending or elitist.
This is something I have to actively ask myself when reading and analyzing text and stories, and when analyzing and editing my own writing and work.
That’s all. Thanks for making it to the end of this long ass post. If you’d like to have a polite discussion about your thoughts on all of this I would genuinely like to hear it. I will delete any arguments or fights in the comments tho. Thanks again.
-“All 2 U” falls very flat as a song where Stolas re-examines his actions because even tho this self-reflection is set up, nothing ultimately comes of it and things immediately go back to the status quo
-This is a very consistent pattern with Stolas as a character, due to this he is severely under-developed, and feels like a completely different character from his season 1 appearances.
-People realizing that he has not had active development between seasons 1 and 2 and pointing that out is not “media illiteracy”.
-Final side note—I think the “both sides are wrong/fucked up” angle really COULD have worked, if after the bridge where Stolas questions his actions, he acknowledged that HE was also “a motherfucker”. But. Nah. Oh well.
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blackkatdraws2 · 3 months
[Original Characters] One of the Tower Residents (who is usually very stoic) is acting strange. Did the Missiontakers trigger something? (-or is this an unscripted scene?)
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[More Info under Read More.]
These two are fan-OCs for a webnovel titled [Being an Extra Actor in an Escape Game]
Quick premise for the novel: There was an apocalypse that trapped the whole world in a game-like tower. Missiontakers need to go into a Tower Resident's Nightmares and solve them in order to progress higher up the tower [and maybe escape.] What the Missiontakers didn't know was that the Tower Residents are actually also real people just like them, but they're more limited in what they're allowed to do because the tower forces them to become Actors and pretend like they're NPCs.
The older man is called Kim Seung-Jun.
He's a Tower Resident that's trapped on the higher levels of the tower.
He's never acted out any major roles for a Nightmare and is always in the background.
Even among the other Tower Residents, he's a hard man to talk to, only voicing a curt reply that doesn't leave any openings to continue the conversation.
The other man is called Nick Fuentes
He's a semi-well known Missiontaker that wants to climb all the way up the tower to find the escape.
He's usually the helper of the group and he's good at being flexible with adapting and making quick decisions in tough situations.
Gets attached to people quickly if they're nice to him.
Basic OCs premise: Nick Fuentes sees the usually stoic Kim Seung-Jun acting unlike his character. He starts to get more curious about the older man, and their slow development but eventual close relationship made him unravel a different point of view about truth of the Tower and everyone who was trapped in it.
KOREAN PEOPLE, please tell me in the reblogs and comments if I got the old man's name right!! I'll change it into something more appropriate for his character and age if it sounds silly. I'm a huge fan of Asian webnovels, the things I always consume are Chinese/Korean webnovels that I find in illegally English translated websites HAHAHA. It affected the way I named my characters because Chinese/Korean names are the only thing I'm constantly being exposed to. [But I have no idea if these names are actually correct or not. Sorry!]
Oh MAN, I have not re-visited this novel in YEARS. Literally one of my biggest worldbuilding inspirations [not to mention it has all my favorite tropes in it] and I will continue loving it forever.
I found the novel by pure chance. At the time, there was only one website that translated it into English. I thought the premise was interesting and decided to give it a try, thinking it was just another one of those garbage junk food novels that I'd drop half-way, but no, it was actually really good.
I'm not gonna spoil anything about the novel itself lololol I'm only gonna be working on my OCs.
To be honest, I'm probably gonna make an original world and story for them soon. I like this idea too much, I'll make it mine someday. For now though, I will have a minor hyperfixation.
Go check the novel out, by the way!! It's great.
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tomomiisasleep · 1 month
notes on Harryanthe which I am crazy about, in HtN
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this dumb little interaction just stuck with me. I mean they're almost always high-strung in the detailed plot, like in almost every one of the Ianthe-centered scenes one of them is in some kind of pain
but I know they have chill moments. mundane moments. petty arguments, like the one in the post scrips of the letter. And I so badly want to read those!!
anyways. I'm gonna start collecting scraps here.
you might have given Ianthe Tridentarius the pleasure of opening the note labelled Upon the death of Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Your only hope for that note was that it contained a single sentence along the lines of, Get what joy you can from my corpse, you devious bitch, but it was written by a previous self and you could not risk a guess.
Harrow: what if I didnt hate her and that makes me wanna have a lobotomy yeah that makes sense
Once, vilely, from Ianthe; she had ensconced you in fat and rolled you down the hallway out of danger, and still laughed whenever she thought about it.
ok this is just Ianthe being a little pest, but it also means that she talks about this and laughs in Harrow's face, which makes her a little bitch, but also like it means they often chat and Ianthe would be like: Yeah today I tried the theorem on apples again, but I tweaked it by directing the flow of thalergy from- hey Harry do u remember the time I saved your life hahahahahaha
The mockery you endured for needing her proximity was exquisitely painful, but humiliation was steadily becoming your existence whole and entire.
I want to know what exactly this mockery entails
It had been very nicely matched to the original until she had ceased using it altogether, and the difference was more pronounced each day. Unconscious of your critical eye, she scratched fretfully at the line until red hives appeared.
Ianthe squirming under Harrow's gaze for once
She was in a filthy mood, if she was wearing that thing, with her arm exposed.
Harrow has been keeping tabs on the state of her arm problem ever since she first woke up on the Erobos. Same as how Ianthe has been keeping tabs on the results of her lobotomy.
she said, blue eyed, those oily little freckles glittering almost pinkly above the dress. They reflected the red rims of her eyelids. You thought that she had been crying.
yeah stare at her eyelids Harrow, and sniff her discreetly all the time, sweat musk vetiver am I right (also have I expressed how crazy it drives me that she wears masculine perfume??????????? no well IT'S SO *faints*
You got better autopsies of her encounters with Beasts than you did from your own, as Augustine was wont to explain significantly more to her than either he or Mercy did to you.
Ugh why why why in this whole book I have not seen them talk shop with each other even once??? Except Harrow showing off after making the arm. Harrow has discussions with Pal all the time in GtN. clearly she trades notes on necromancy with Ianthe frequently. but no, gloss over Ianthe's intellect and just write her freak(fond) moments
You had once been fool enough to recommend that Ianthe take them down, at which point she had rustled up another from the bathroom and hung it in pride of place above an overpainted dresser.
love her
“Oh, heaps,” said Ianthe, who appeared not to have taken offence at your rejection. It was so impossible to tell, with Ianthe. “I made it. It’s vile.”
Maybe she really doesn't care about the rejection or even likes it, but "so impossible to tell" kinda hints that, well she might be hurt,maybe, there just isn't any proof
It was not a connection formed of any mutual admiration; if anything, the more you saw of Ianthe the less likely you were to mistake her for likeable. She made herself like an overdecorated cake: covered so thickly in icing and fondants and gums that it would take serious excavation to find any bread. As a necromancer she was a genius, though you thought she relied too much on shortcuts and circumventions. She had an exceptionally fine mind. She was not afraid of rigour.
If Harrow doesn't have the hots for her at least I do.
Honestly on my first read I took stuff like "not likeable" and "“Tell me to stop breathing,” she said. (“I have, on multiple occasions,” you said.)" at face value and actually thought Harrow genuinely hates her and is forced to interact with her because there's no one else. Which is true. But she's also very attracted to her and I kinda overlooked it at because I thought those feelings were mutually exclusive. And they're not. which I'm obsessed with.
Or she won't think Ianthe's beautiful and note details about how she dresses all the time.
Seriously Harrow's special fixation on "how Ianthe's clothes make her look" is hard to ignore.
for example:
The mother-of-pearl made Ianthe’s hair a lurid yellow and threw up all the mustard tints of her skin; her face was blotchy, and her eyes were sleepless pits. She looked like shit.
The skirts and waists were all beautifully cut for someone of a different height and body type than Ianthe possessed. They were tight where they should have been loose and loose where they should have been tight. They looked like her burial clothes, and she looked as though she had emerged fifty years after that burial.
she answered after a long, scuffling minute, with sleep in her eyes and her hair in dilute whey tangles over her neck and shoulders, wearing a bewildering short garment of violet chiffon.
The back was open, and you could see the fine dents of her spine—her bleached skin bluer and sweeter against the pallid gossamer—and the twin blades of her shoulder blades looked strangely nude and vulnerable to you.
Ianthe was training in her nightgown—a grisly floor-length concoction of pale golden lace that made her long, limber body look like a green-veined mummy
a lone wax figure in pale purple chiffon, tall and colourless—except in the greasy metal of her bone arm, which the lights rendered all the colours of the rainbow.
Ianthe rose soundlessly to her feet, and the long skirts of her nightgown—a brilliant ruffled canary-yellow silk that made her look like a formal lemon—rustled restively around her calves.
Note that Harrow focuses on Ianthe's clothes for how they shape Ianthe's appearance. in contrast:
she ignored your sister, whose pallid eyebrows had shot up so fast and so far that they were in danger of breaking the atmosphere. Mercymorn wore a long slip of peach-coloured silk, and her white Canaanite robe was tucked over her forearms and had slipped entirely off her slender, aggrieved shoulders. She had scraped her hair into a merciless and shining coil at the back of her head, and she had no eyes for either of you.
Obviously Mercy is SUPER HOT here, if Ianthe's reaction means anything. But Harrow only describes her clothing and not how she looks. Same with Augustine's party outfit.
With Ianthe, it's always: she's wearing ..., which makes her look gross. And I did not understand at first but now I know and feel stongly that Harrow is totally into her gross-hotness. well at least I am. the grosser she's described the hotter she is.
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simstationdance · 9 days
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HAPPY BIRTHIVERSARY part 2 - Crop Tops & Punk Skirts
FUN FACT: The Sims 2 (2004) was released 3 days before the date upon which I was released from my mother's womb, therefore making me younger than The Sims 2 by 3 days as of September 14th 2024, but objectively older by 6 years as of September 17th 2024. As of this post, it is now my birthday. I can feel the hands of time slowly pulling me into the earth. Let's celebrate!
Today's Very Special Birthiversary post includes a set of stylish, vaguely Scene-inspired clothes for ladies: 24 recolors of the Urban Primitive skirt, separated from the Maxis outfit by Skell, and 5 Goth themed patterned recolors and 5 bright solid recolors of the 4t2 Bow Crop Top by MDPthatsme, with black tank top undershirts attached using textures by DeeDee. The clothes are for AF and TF, with Standalone and Repositoried options for TF, and they come with all morphs.
All meshes are included and special characters that would make the game load slower (specifically hyphens) have been removed from the filenames. Since the skirt is from the ever popular Maxis Match Repository Project, you probably have the mesh for the skirt lying around in your Downloads somewhere, so make sure you don't have duplicates.
For the skirts, there are two versions with tights - one of which is a mashup of fishnets by Io (colored red and black) and the Maxis black and white stockings, and the other is the Maxis shorts+fishnets texture because I liked it - and one version with bare legs, which can be used with @themeasureofasim's stockings accessory boxes. (actually only a handful work, see under the cut)
The crop tops and the skirts are 'meant' to be paired together but, being separates, you can mix and match with any other top or bottom you want.
See under the cut for more (not very important) information.
Mesh credits: @mdpthatsme, Yuichen, @deedee-sims, Skell Texture and alpha credits: DeeDee, Ghanima Atreides, Creesims, Io, and Maxis Pattern credits: andrea_lauren, nerd-and-vine, ophelia_payne (@ Spoonflower), Blue Moth Fabrics, and VictoriaBat.
I have done my best to credit everyone who's resources I used. If I have misattributed or missed anybody, or if I have broken a rule in someone's TOU somewhere, please let me know.
Secondly, this is my first time 'retexturing' clothing instead of just recoloring it, as well as the first time I've done anything clothes-related in a very long time, so please be gentle to me with your criticisms and let me know if anything needs fixing <3
I wanted to recreate this outfit using only textures, because I know nothing about meshing and Milkshape scares me. As you can probably tell, I got a little carried away from the original goal.
I mashed a bunch of patterns, textures, and colors together on top of the crop top and skirt in an effort to learn 'advanced' recoloring of clothes in GIMP, as the most I've ever done before was just recoloring using pre-made PSDs. it was a bit of a disorganized disaster and there was quite a bit of blood, sweat, and tears. But the end results look... mostly nice, I think.
The arm warmers and fishnet gloves shown in the preview are a pair of accessories created by katsurinssims that I used to try to 'complete' the look, and are not included in this download.
Edit: im very sorry, I only tested a handful of the accessory stockings on the bare legs skirts, because I was very tired and there are A Lot of them, and assumed they would all work. But after a bit more testing, some of them have small gaps or poke through the boots, and the ones that are supposed to go over the crotch area end up looking like over the knee socks. Other than that, most of the knee high socks and tights work, but only on AF. I don't consider this a huge problem though, because a good amount of the tights work and the ones with gaps are barely noticeable.
There's a shoe swap that makes all of the boxes work with these skirts and I'll make another versIon of them with that mesh later.
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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Really Drives Me Mad | EX-bfs dad!Eddie Munson x Reader | 18+
Previous Part | Master List | Next Part
Word Count: 12.8k
Big big thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing for me I appreciate it, bestie
Another big thank you to @bebe07011 for spitting ideas and giving feedback.
Warnings: Degradation/praise, eating out, public sex, daddy kink, and several scenes where smut is mentioned but not described. There is about 1k of words just from Dylan's perspective but its worth it trust me.
Eddie is a bit of a sugar daddy in this part, but its ok cause we all want him to spoil us anyway.
Author's note: Some of y'all are gonna make me cry with how kind you are with your words for this fic. I cannot believe how much this story has truly taken over my life. People have expressed sharing it with friends and I just cannot get over that. Thank you.
Your hands held a home-made cocktail on ice while The Princess Diaries played on the tv, a soft blanket covered your crossed legs as you sat with both Sky and Bethany in your living room, scattered along your couch.
Bethany often snuck a joint or two while she visited, the window staying open to minimize a smell with a 20-dollar fan in front of it to promote air circulation. It was nice to have a girls’ night, to order bags of chips and candy over SkiptheDishes, wear face masks, do your makeup for the hell of it, and just let loose.
Bethany made her way over about a movie and a half ago, and she was now explaining a stupid mishap from her office administrative position that quite literally pulled the company to a halt for 45 minutes. “I swear, you could not pay me enough to put up with those drivers.” She claims, taking an inhale from the joint in her two painted fingers.
Sky makes a sudden movement in her seat, reaching to the remote next to her to pause the movie. “Holy shit. Did I tell you I saw Eddie?” Her question is directed across you to Bethany, and you’re left wondering why the hell your boyfriend is the new topic of discussion.
“Wait, what?” Bethany asks, wide green eyes moving back and forth between you and Sky. “When and where?”
“Our date?” You interject her, a little weirded out by the turn this conversation has taken. “When Eddie picked me up, she was here.”
“Oh, I see.” She hums to herself. “Well, since she won’t show us a photo, please tell me what the man who’s old enough to be her father looks like.”
You roll your eyes at this, a cheeky thought occurring to you. “Well Dylan might be great; but he is a sequel. Ain’t nothing compared to the original.”
Sky nods, agreeing. “Eddie is… very good looking.” You shoot her a warning look, for some reason, her just alluding to his good looks makes you feel territorial. “Show her a picture if you don’t want to hear it, damn! Just telling the truth…”
“It’s not that I won’t show you guys,” you explain, unlocking your phone. “It’s that he doesn’t use social media, so he has no good photos of himself.” On the internet, at least.
“What, no throw back photos from Dylan’s insta?” Sky asks, mostly joking.
You go to Dylan’s insta, and you can’t view it. Fuck, you forgot. He blocked you. Even though he seems to be on better terms with you, simple reminders like being blocked from his social media or him refusing to tell any details about his life remind you he’s still nursing a healing wound. “Still blocked.” You look up, and their faces tell you they’re not letting up on it. “Fine. I’ll go to Eddie’s Facebook.”
Eddie added you as a friend the day after your date, adorably waiting as you went on your phone to accept it. The moment you did he went onto your profile and dove into your photos. His eyes were comically wide as he scrolled through them, and after the first few swipes he lifted his head to you. “You just put these on here? Fuck.” The photos weren’t even particularly bad, just you in a bikini on the beach or in a summer dress, he’s just that obsessed with you. You asked him if he minded and he shook his head comically, his dimples so prominent from his wide smile, he looked manic. “Oh, I never said to stop, sweetheart.”
Your thumb slides into Eddie’s profile, and while you were afraid of the calls from a judgemental relative about the relationship with him the word single on his relationship status still hits you hard in the chest. You move to his photos, past the useless profile picture that was his company logo of Munson’s Garage and swipe through the regular posts, past Dylan’s graduation from college, from high school, a picture of a nice car, an old one of his ex with Dylan, (barf), until you finally got through to a throwback, one posted in 2011.
It was taken in the 90s, so a picture of a picture of him sitting at an old kitchen table arm in arm with another dude. One of his feet was up on the table, and he was clutching a beer, lifting it to the camera. His friend was talking to someone off camera, distracted for the moment, his slightly freckled face in a scowl. His friend had brown hair down to his neck styled specifically in a swoop, and they seemed about the same age.
His friend was quite attractive, but younger Eddie made you fucking drool. God, he was so gorgeous. He wore a leather jacket under a denim vest, ripped blue jeans over his big black boots. Fuck. You almost didn’t want to share this photo.
You go to the next photo, and a giggle leaves your mouth as you see him posing with a friend, tongues out and devil horns on their heads as smiles peek through. The background is a stage at an Iron Maiden concert, and they both look ecstatic. It’s a different friend in this one with curly hair, but it looked like he had posted from the Iron Maiden concert. A few more scrolls told you that the throwback photo would be the best option.
“Ok.” You finally say, and both girls have been waiting so long at this point they’ve started scrolling on their own phones. “Guys. You wanna see it or not?”
You hand your phone to Bethany, indicating he was the one on the right. The possessiveness that hits you when you see her reaction, her wide eyes and jaw literally dropping, stunted you. “Holy shit. This is him from how long ago?”
“In the late 90s, I guess.” You tell her.
She hands the phone to Sky, who was asking for it repeatedly as soon as Bethany let out her reaction. “Oh, yeah. He was a cutie. Honestly, he’s hotter now.” Your teeth grit, and you take a deep breath in to calm yourself.
“How?” Bethany asks, gesturing to your phone.
“Ok. Enough. He’s very good looking. But he’s fucking taken.” You bark out, holding your hand out for the phone.
They both stop talking, your sudden anger very uncharacteristic of you. Usually when you find someone particularly good looking, you’d show them off, agreeing with your two friends when they would praise their good looks. This wasn’t anything like those times. Hearing their praises just makes you want to sink your teeth into Eddie’s neck and mark your territory the next time you see him.
“Woah, girl.” Sky says, laughing lightly to diffuse the tension. “Never seen that side of you before.”
“Well, I didn’t even know she existed until a waitress looked at Eddie on our date and I wanted to throttle her,” You admit, grabbing the nearly empty cocktail and taking a sip. “I just…I don’t know why I’m so territorial over him, but God, the thought of him with someone else makes me sick to my stomach.”
Bethany holds her hands up in surrender, “Alright, we won’t compliment him anymore. But you did good, girl. You did mighty good.”
As per usual, the girls'-day-in resulted in the three of you falling asleep in the living room, blankets and pillows scattered across the three of you. The sun cascading through a window by the couch wakes you up, disgruntled, as you pat around for your phone. The screen greets you harshly, your notifications indicating you have three messages from Eddie, two from a manager at work, and the several random ones, which you clear out, not caring about Instagram stories for the moment. Eddie texted to say he was going into work for a few hours. The next two messages indicated if you were there when he got home, he wouldn’t be against it.
Basically, he just told you to please be there when he got home. Fuck, the feeling of him reaching out first was enough to send a wide smile to your face, staring stupidly at your phone. You message him back, letting him know you’ll be there.
The messages from your manager were one from two hours ago, asking if you’d be able to come in for 10 o’clock– Which was thirty-five minutes ago– and the second asked if you were able to come in at all. You quirk your eyebrow, glad your read receipts are off for her, because you’re planning now to text at 3 o'clock to let her know that, oops, you just saw this. No, you’re not going in on your day off, you’ll be spending it with your ridiculously hot boyfriend.
You leap from your couch, running into your room to pack another overnight bag. You’re out the door before the others even stir.
As you pull into Eddie’s driveway, you notice Dylan’s truck there, but Eddie’s is still gone. You wonder when he’ll be back, because although Dylan is civil towards you, interactions with him are still stunted. You open the front door, grateful Dylan tended to leave it unlocked. You drop your overnight bag and pillow off at the staircase, its usual spot, before you trot off to the living room where Dylan sits watching tv.
As you plop down next to him on the other side of the couch, Dylan looks to you, startled by the movement, but his eyes roll in exasperation when he realizes that it’s you. “Hi.” You sing-song to him, knowing you’re annoying him, but having fun with it anyways.
“Hey.” He deadpans, watching the tv instead of looking over to you.
“Oh, wow you’re almost caught up.” You say, indicating to a show that you had recommended he watched a while back.
“Turned out to be a good show.” He comments, sounding annoyed.
“Well, how about that?” You retort, and Dylan rolls his eyes before a small smile lands on his face.
Less than an hour later, the front door closes, indicating Eddie’s homecoming. He walks in, and as you pay attention to a particularly good episode in this series, you hear a big stretch come from him. “Hi, Ed!” You call out, finally turning towards him.
Fuck. Holy shit.
A few grease stains paint Eddie’s hands and chin, and he’s wearing a pair of blue coveralls from work with a patch on his chest of his name. The grease monkey suit shows off his muscles beautifully, both sleeves rolled up to his forearms. His hair is tied back into a messy bun, and you’re sure he forgot about the reading glasses on his head. Oh god, he is mouth watering.
A throw pillow hits your face, completely startling you. You whip your head around, glaring at  the culprit. “Little drool.” Dylan mouths, pointing to his chin.
“Oh, little drool?” You mock, getting up to hit him with the pillow hard. He chuckles, fighting you off.
You push his shoulder off, shuffling into the kitchen. You turn to see Eddie moving around the kitchen, making himself a quick sandwich. “Hi baby!” You greet him, reaching out for him.
“Oh, hi baby.” He says, following up with an air kiss. He breaks into laughter at your scowl. “Sorry, you don’t want this grease on you. It smells terrible and it’s not fun to wash off.”
“But there’s no grease on your lips.” You point out, staring at those pretty pink lips of his.
“Baby, I cannot kiss you without touching you and there is grease all over my hands.” He chuckles, holding them out.
You want to point out that he’s getting things dirty with grease in the kitchen, including his sandwich, by his own logic, but you have a feeling you won’t get away with it very easily. “Fine. Come see me when you’ve had a shower then.” You tell him, attempting to waddle back to the living room.
“Ah, ah.” Eddie tuts, grabbing your hand. “Come with me, after I shower, I need time with you in my bed.”
“In your bed? Or, in your bed?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing suggestively at the second option.
“If you didn’t know the answer by now, clearly I haven’t done my job right.” He says in a lowly, his eyes darkening in an instant.
Eddie turns around to the sandwich he made as if he hadn’t said a word, grabbing it quickly before tugging on your hand to take you up the stairs.
He hops into the shower, you scroll through your phone on his bed as you wait, somewhat impatiently, your panties already uncomfortable from his stroll into the house in his work uniform.
Fuck, he was hot. You thought about him. His muscles, the slight glisten of sweat, and your phone was tossed aside before you even realized your hands were roaming over your body. You close your eyes, the image of him busy at work on his back on one of those…rolly things in your head. His forearms flexing, the look of concentration on his face.
Your hands itch for your center and you can barely hold back anymore, thankful you opted for a pair of stretchy shorts. Your fingers graze your center easily, rolling around in small circles as you picture the easy access his coveralls would give you, showing up with a dress and no panties and just riding him in his office. Fuck, maybe you wouldn’t even make it there. Goddamn, the images were too hot, your panties finding their way around your ankles as you grind up against your own fingers.
Your eyes fling open to see your boyfriend in his towel. You were so wrapped up you didn’t even notice the water from his shower turn off. He’s staring, open mouthed and eyes dark, and Jesus… This was a fantasy of yours from the beginning. You continue, staring half lidded back at him, hand grabbing up at his bed frame when it started to feel so fucking good.
Eddie’s towel drops when his brain catches up, jumping into his bed to lay next to you. “Couldn’t even wait, huh?” He asks, and you let out a whimper as he lightly kisses your neck. “Just couldn’t fucking wait.”
“You were so hot—” you gasp out, moving faster on yourself now. “—in that goddamn uniform. Wanna…wanna ride you in it.”
The very indication that you were playing with yourself because you found him that hot in his uniform is too much for Eddie to process. He nearly moans, leaning for another kiss on your neck. His hands are itching to help you, itching to take off the rest of those clothes that hide your gorgeous body, but he holds back, needing to know more about it. “What—what were you thinkin’ ‘bout, baby?”
“You, in the uniform…” you tell him, your hips starting to move when your want grows. Why isn’t he helping?
“C’mon, baby. I wanna touch you but I just gotta know.” Eddie tells you, his voice gruff.
A gulp moves through your throat before opening your mouth to tell him. “Your dick out of the uniform, and me with no panties and a dress at your shop, riding you anywhere…your office, the rolly thing, god, just you in that uniform…Ed…”
Goddammit, was that an idea Eddie certainly had before. He has wanted to show you around his workplace, but also christen it with you, and he had had the exact idea with his uniform and you in a dress, to boot. “Fuck, my horny, eager little slut, hey?” Eddie asks, watching your closed eyes as you continue to work yourself.
“Please…please touch me?” You ask him, the torture of his voice there but not actually helping you is too much. “Want…want you.”
“Hmm. Horny little slut didn’t wait for me…I dunno if she even deserves my help.” He bluffs, wanting nothing more than to reach out and feel the slick of your wet pussy.
You nearly cry out in protest, not calling him on his bluff. “I’m sorry, couldn’t help myself…you’re just so…fuck…you’re so fucking hot, Ed.”
He leans in to kiss you and you accept it gratefully, a smile against his lips. As his lips move against yours, deepening the kiss to easily work his tongue against yours, his hands land on yours against your pussy delicately, gently pulling your fingers to the side. He slides a digit in and you whimper into his mouth, your hips thrusting up. “Oh, so fucking desperate.” You nod your head, agreeing with him. You’re desperate for more. Even with Eddie on your mind, your fingers never even compared to his.
He leans into your neck, the scent of his aftershave and body wash strong but oh-so-goddamn good. He slides your shirt up your torso smoothly with his free hand and pulls it from your neck fiercely. You feel his hand somewhat desperately go around your back to unhook your bra, and as it falls casually over the edge onto the floor, he moans at the sight of your exposed tit, your nipple just begging to be touched.
He leans in to mouth the bud, and you whimper at the sensation. He pauses, breathing heavily and open mouthed onto it. You gasp, his hot breath sending waves down your body. “Fuck, so pretty.” Eddie mutters to himself, dark eyes watching your face as you get closer.
A desperate hand of yours tugs him up to your face, desperate for more of his wet and hypnotizing kisses. “Fuck me.” You gasp, suddenly feeling that his fingers weren’t enough. “Need…need your cock. Please.”
Eddie’s mouth opens at the prospect of you simply begging for him, and you can feel a shift in his energy as he starts to kiss you deeper and hungrier. “When you beg so sweetly, how could I possibly say no?” He hums, his hand framing your face.
He finishes yanking the last of your pants off your ankles. As he settles himself in between your legs, he can’t help himself. He leans down, taking one long lick along your folds, for just a taste. You whimper in response, knees springing up to your chest. Eddie chuckles, crawling up slowly until his chest lines up with yours, the tingle of him against you too much to handle. Slowly, he moves into you, and as he stretches you open, your eyes roll back and your toes curl. Eddie watches the utter bliss that takes over your face.
“Oh that beautiful face you make, sweetheart.” He grunts, smoothing his hands over your forehead. His words make you pulse around him. “This fucking tight little pussy wrapped around—” he stops, grunting as you continue to pulse around him. One hand moves down to your hip, caressing it softly he uses the leverage to buck into you.
A hushed swear comes out of you, the simple pleasure from his cock alone sending you into euphoria. Eddie continues slowly, enjoying every inch of your heat around him. “Your pussy…god how did I live without it?”
You clutch onto him, staring up into his darkened brown eyes. You open your mouth to respond in kind, but the particularly harsh rut into you leaves your mouth gasping open and your eyes fluttering shut in pure heaven. “Oh, that’s it.” He mutters, hips moving faster. “That’s my cock-drunk little whore.”
Your nails scratch down his back, and he moans in response. “Eddie, your cock. There’s…I…please.”
“I-I know, baby. I know.”
He collapses onto your chest, and you feel his cock twitch into you as your orgasm takes over your body. His hand carefully sweeps your sweaty forehead as he watches you recover, your eyes losing their haze as you return to earth. “Hi.” He mutters, leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Hi.” You smile. For once, he does take his dick out of you right away, despite your protests. However, you can’t protest any further when he comes back and wraps his arms around you with his chest pressed against your back, his still steadying breaths lulling you into a quiet nap.
Somehow, you know that his arms are always going to be the best place in the world.
About an hour later, you’re snuggled against his side, legs intertwined as Eddie watches his show and you work on a crossword puzzle. “What’s a six-letter word for angry?” You ask him, stumped for a good minute.
“Uh…grumpy? Heated? Hmm…raging?”
“Raging! Fuck, I couldn’t get that one. Thanks, baby.” You tell him, receiving a kiss on the head as a response. “Why’d you go in for work, Ed?”
“Other than making my baby horny?” He jokes, muttering it into your hair. “Well, one of my best-known clients called and my men know that when he calls, they need to call me in, because his car is just—” he cuts himself off, holding out the OK sign. He continues talking about the mechanics/politics of handling a car like this in his job. The caliber, the horsepower, the specialized engine, and everything else.
It’s not like you know a whole lot about cars. Most of what he is saying comes out as gibberish. But you listen to him, watching as he gets more and more animated, his hands gesturing wildly as he excitedly explains his morning. You watch him, a soft smile creeping up your face as he describes…what, you weren’t even sure, to you.
He stops as he notices the peculiar look on your face, your eyes glazed over. “What?” he asks, wondering if you caught even a word of his story.
“I love you.” It comes out before you even realize. But it’s true.
With your whole chest, you love him.
Eddie inhales sharply, and he looks at you like you had placed each star in the sky just for him. Because you did. “I-I’ve been wanting to say that to you since I first saw you.”
His words feel both impossible and like they make the most sense in the entire world. Because since day one, you have been captivated by him in every sense imaginable. Taking the time to get to know, see and love every inch of him before recognizing that yes, this is love.
This all occurs to you within a second, because Eddie’s hand is framing your face and you feel his lips on yours, deep and caring to a point that takes your goddamn breath away. Your tongue collides with his, and his fingers are so gentle as they cradle your face it barely feels like he’s holding it. He tastes so good, like the air you breathe is suddenly useless, and all you need to do is breathe him. His fingers intertwine in your hair, he gasps as his forehead collides with your own, clinging onto you for dear life.
“Will you say it?” You ask, realizing he still hasn’t.
“I fucking love you.” He says in a low, soft voice. He uses a hand to force you back and you open your eyes to look into his beautiful brown ones. “I love you.”
Your chest inflates rapidly, like all the emotion just bursts into it. A giggle escapes your lips, the smile on your face seeming to be permanently etched there. He tugs you into the tightest hug, and you feel his heart beat rapidly against your own as your arms fling themselves around his torso, burying your head in his neck.
God, it’s like you fit perfectly there.
He slouches down, ignoring the book you dropped and the forgotten tv show, and lays you down, chest to chest, his arms wrapped around you as you curl into his chest. He nestles his nose into your hair, breathing you in, feeling the breath, the life in you as you breathe in sync with him.
Any sense of time, responsibilities, or the outside world become muted and pale in comparison.
It’s just you and him.  
The sizzling sounds of bacon for dinner mixed with Eddie’s humming to some oldies fill the kitchen. Every time he turns around from the stove to grab something, he shoots you a smile that captivates his face, something that you wholeheartedly return each time. The acknowledgement that this is love somehow didn’t feel like it had tied you to anything or that any new expectations were put on either one of you. You simply want his company and he, yours.
You scroll through your phone absentmindedly, though the sight of his hips in his low sitting sweatpants are much more enticing than anything your phone’s algorithms have to show you. Playfully, Eddie keeps dancing a little too hard to the music, head banging and swinging his hips to even the softest of Dad Rock.
God, it’s Heaven. As Eddie serves up a few plates, Dylan comes down dressed in one of his better date night outfits.
“Ooh, hot date?” You ask him, leaning forward onto the kitchen island.
Dylan’s brows furrow, stopping mid stride. “Yeah. Not talking to you about that. You’re still my ex. And you’re still seeing my dad. Weirdo.”
Eddie sends a glare his way, eyes darkening in a split second. Dylan rolls his eyes, sneaking around him to grab a bite of bacon. Ignoring it, Eddie places a plate in front of you with eggs, bacon and toast, and you thank him as he leans in for a kiss.
“Love you.” Eddie mutters, and you smile into his lips and feel him do the same.
“L-love?” Dylan spits out, his voice exasperated. He shakes his head, still chewing on the bacon. “Fuck right off.”
“Dyl.” Eddie starts, leaning forward as he takes a bite from his toast. He has a devious smile on his face, chewing on his idea. “Quiet. The adults are talking.”
If you had expected something out of pocket, it certainly wasn’t that.
The brown eyes Dylan shares with his father widen in pure exasperation. “What?? Dad, I’m six months older than her!”
You barely keep in the laughter that bubbles out of your chest. Eddie grins at you and lets out his own chuckle. “That’ll teach you to be an ass, huh?”
Dylan doesn’t respond, just grits his teeth and yanks one more piece of bacon before leaving through the front door.
Dylan Munson got dealt a dirty fucking hand from whoever the fuck is in charge of this shit.
It was only a mere nine weeks ago when you made your way across the mixer to say hi to him that he thought things were going his way. The more he saw you, the more he thought that this had to be leading to something. It made sense to him, but as he had started mentioning long term plans or anything of the like, he could feel you clam up. Every time he mentioned something requiring commitment, your shoulders tensed up, your face winced by only a smidge, but when it became a regular occurrence, Dylan realized you might not have been ready as you thought you were.
He was willing to accept it. So, he took matters into his own hands. Honestly, he would’ve been fine paying the daily fee for parking, but he knew his dad was there, and he was excited to introduce you to him. Boy, what a shit show that turned out to be.
As he woke up to an empty bed, he had expected you to be downstairs. Instead, he was faced with a bowl of cereal without the milk, and he couldn’t tell how long it had been there. He searched the whole house. Your bag, clothes, and shoes were still there, so he knew you couldn’t have gone far. Turns out, he was right. You didn’t. You went two doors down from his own.
The sight of you and his fucking dad in the white sheets was already too much to bear, and then the stab of betrayal from his own father hurt more the initial shock of yours, tugging angry tears from his eyes as he ran to his room. The torture of hearing your whimpers, a sound he knew well, while downstairs trying to cheer himself up was fucking brutal.
When you finally left, his dad came home with a terribly apologetic look on his face as he walked through the front door. Dylan refused to hear a damn word out of his mouth, dismissing all his claims of ‘holding back as long as he could’ and ‘I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.’ Shit just hurt.
A day later, Dylan couldn’t hold it in anymore. He screamed at the top of his lungs, the anger finally kicking in. His dad did yell back, but mostly at the choice words aimed at you. It hurt for a moment, as it felt like he cared more about someone he had met last week, his (now ex) girlfriend.
When you and his dad showed no signs of slowing or stopping any time soon, he realized this would become a new normal. Didn’t mean he liked it.
He came home after a relatively long day at work to you and his dad sitting and watching a movie comfortably. His knee jerk reaction was to swear angrily, but the look on your face stuck with him. You had never relaxed with him. You were always looking around corners or there was some part in your body unable to lean into him completely.
As you apologized awkwardly on his bed, his hurt finally felt acknowledged by you, and fuck, he needed to hear that he didn’t do anything wrong. He genuinely started to wonder if he did.
Most of his nights he spent going out, his friends asking where the hot new girlfriend he was bragging about now was. He just said you cheated on him and it was over and they called you a bitch and moved on.
Yes, even Ethan. (The one friend you actually liked)
He drowned his sorrows in alcohol, always making his way back to the house where his ex was expected to be at any given time. God, it was so shit.
After your apology, though, he had to admit, you looked good together. It seemed like his dad’s smile just hadn’t left his face for days, and goddamn, was it annoying to admit that you were good for him. That remaining anger seemed to itch at him, unable to forgive or forget, a buried hatchet with an X to mark the spot.
Ethan eventually brought his girlfriend to boys’ night out, which was met with disgruntled groans from the collective group. Ethan’s girlfriend invited a friend who would be joining, and Dylan fought hard not to roll his eyes.
An hour into the night, a drink, and a few good dances in, Ethan’s girlfriend brought her in, and Dylan stopped dead in his tracks. Okay, no one said she would be fucking gorgeous.
If Dylan thought you were out of his league, then Maya wasn’t even playing the same game. His heart pounded out of his chest, and he knew he had to grab this girl a drink and get her number, now. As he pulled into an easy conversation with her, the hairs stood on his arms as it felt electric just being near her.
Maya met his enthusiasm, agreeing to a date within the first hour of conversation with him. One of his buddies mentioned Dylan had been cheated on by his most recent girlfriend, and Maya was floored. If any girl was lucky enough to have him, how could they even think of cheating?
As Dylan rode home in the backseat of his friend’s truck, drunk on her undivided attention and, well, plain ol’ drunk, something his dad had said came to mind. “I can’t explain it, I just had to know her. In every sense of the word.”
He felt the same way about Maya. Everything about her drew him in. Her smell, the way her jeans hugged her hips, the shine of her red hair. God, she was fucking beautiful.
As he smelled bacon on the way down the stairs, he decided to grab a piece on his way out to his first date with Maya, jitters galore. You asking him about the date was kind, but still too weird for him to gush about the gorgeous girl from the bar he met when that ‘gorgeous girl’ was once you.
Love you, his dad said. The word struck him, it occurred to him he doesn’t truly understand how much you and his father cared for one another. The L word didn’t come easily to Munson men, after all. Dylan walked to his car, disgruntled as the interaction rolled over in his mind.
What a mess he would be bringing her home to, if he ever got lucky enough.
Since you worked the next day, you had to go home for the night. The lingering kisses at Eddie’s door were too much to bear.
Too much for Eddie, too. You get a text about twenty minutes after you get home, Need you.
You grit your teeth, you need him, too. Working four days in a row sounds manageable, at least it usually does. Without Eddie to come home to or to wake up with, it’s nearly torture. You ignore Skylar’s comment of codependency. Fuck co-dependency, it isn’t that you depend on him too much, you just need him too much. You need to come home to him, to sit and watch tv with him… It’s the domestic bliss you miss.
Somehow, just reading a book at the end of the night without his even breaths has you on edge. You shoot him a text letting him know you’d be there soon.
As you walk through the doorway of Eddie’s house, he welcomes you and you hop into his arms, inhaling his shampoo as soon as you get close enough to, his familiar scent bringing you an indescribable feeling of safety.  “Need you to stop leaving for so long.” He mutters, feeling nearly crazy for missing you so much while you were gone.
You hum in response, staring into his pretty eyes as they stare down at you lovingly, resting your chin on his chest.
“Move in with me.” It’s impulsive.
You blink, unable to register what he just said. “Uh, what?”
He chuckles, hoping the stunned look on your face is a good thing. “It’s stupid for you to keep moving back and forth between here and your apartment all the time. Move in with me.”
It’s a tempting offer. Could you do it? Realistically, could you bring your things in, set up your skin care routine in his bathroom, have a horde of snacks at your disposal, bring Bethany over for sleepovers…is it possible? He watches as you think it through, and his heart skips a beat as he watches it falter. “I-I can’t. Not yet, at least.”
His head tilts curiously, eyebrows furrowed. “Hmm?”
“I’m still tied to my lease for another three months.” You can’t abandon Sky, not after all this time. “Skylar would be pissed if I just up and left her to either scramble for a new roommate or for a new apartment.”
Was that it? “Oh,” Eddie says, relieved. “I can pay that.”
His answer momentarily stuns you, and a gorgeous laugh escapes his lips as he takes in your slack jaw and wide eyes. “W-what?”
He leans in, kissing your lips sweetly. “Sweetheart. I’m not gonna wait another ninety days when I can just pay it now and get you here tomorrow.”
“You’ll pay my half?” You ask, eyebrows raised, a light smile on your face.
“What’s your rent?”
“1800 for the apartment, we both pay 900 plus utilities.”
He does the quick math. “Oh, so 54 (hundred) to buy the lease out? Yeah, I’ll pay it. Might relieve Sky from being pissed at me for stealing her roommate.”
The casualty of his words drench your underwear, his urge to take care of you sending a heat to your center you can’t explain. You lean in, swiping your tongue on his bottom lip, showing your appreciation. “Can-can we go upstairs?” You ask him, out of breath.
Eddie smiles, taking in your lust-blown eyes and slack expression. “You know that’s not why I offered, right?”
The overwhelming happiness bubbles up from the inside and you shoot a wide smile up at him, chin resting on his chest again. “I know. Still, baby. Want you. Please,”
Eddie smirks, framing your face with his thumbs lightly. “When you say it so nicely, how could I ever refuse?”
You tug him by the hand and start running up the stairs. A yelp echoes through the house as Eddie grabs at your ass near the top, and when he lies down on the bed, you can’t get his cock down your throat fast enough.
To say the least, Sky couldn’t find it in her to be angry. She was going to miss you, more than she could describe as her roommate. She also had a three month warning to find a new roommate or a new apartment and had ample time to put at least some money aside while she didn’t have to pay for rent. She really had nothing to complain about. Still, she was gonna miss you.
As soon as the lust of him offering to take care of you died down, you went into overdrive, remembering how stressed you were when you had to move in your current apartment, a lease you’ve renewed twice now. You started making a list of things you needed, working between your phone and a random spiral notebook you found in a junk drawer. How many boxes did you need to get? If you used both Eddie and Dylan’s trucks how many hours would it take to move down the stairs-only building you had?
“What’re you working on?” You hear his voice over your shoulder.
“Oh, just working out the kinks of moving. My car won’t be enough, I’ll need your guys’ trucks to help. I also have my own furniture to worry about. The entertainment center is hers, but the couch is mine. My dresser, my bed, my bathroom shelf, all my bathroom junk—”
“Baby.” He interrupts you, a hand sliding up to your neck. “Relax. I can hire someone to take care of all of this for you. Just focus on packing your things and directing the men around on where to put them.” He places his hands delicately beneath your chin. “Ok?”
Fuck, you might just blow him again.
And you did just that. You shared your list to Eddie’s phone, who called a smaller moving truck with three men to assist, hired an organizer to assist in organizing what you do or don’t need and who will handle selling your furniture, and finally, paying the rest of your rent to your front office without blinking an eye to get you out of the lease.
Soon, you were on the driveway on a hot day, watching as all the boxes containing your clothes, shoes, makeup, and other junk went up the stairs to Eddie’s (and now your) bedroom, a few staying downstairs.
He stands next to you in a white muscle shirt with a band you don’t know pictured on the front and some sweats, hands on his hips as he watches the movers go back and forth between the house and the truck. He radiates authority, each mover couldn’t be much older or younger than you, but they all look to him with respect, all of their words followed by the word ‘sir’.
“Sir, huh?” You ask, teasing him.
Eddie slightly grimaces, rejecting it. “Yeah, they insisted.”
“Dunno, kinda suits you.” You tease, and you walk back to the house, missing the audible gulp that comes from his throat, imagining it. You, on your knees, begging for him, calling him sir…
“Sir?” One of the movers asks, getting his attention. He flicks back, seeing the clipboard held in front of him. “Need you to sign.”
“Oh, shit, sorry.” He mumbles, picking up the pen to sign.
As he signs his name, Dylan pulls up, taking in the men, the truck, the boxes on the floor visible past the open front door. “She’s moving in?”
Eddie looks at him, apologetic. He had asked you yesterday, and since then, he hasn’t had time to sit down and tell Dylan in person. “Sorry, bud. Kind of just happened all at once.”
Dylan thinks of his new girlfriend’s apartment, the night he had just spent wrapped up in her sheets. “I-I get that.”
Eddie blinks, expecting more of a push-back. “So, dad. I met this girl.” Oh, that explains it. “She’s…” the smile that lands on Dylan’s face is peaceful, and Eddie feels both curious and reassured. “Anyway. I wanted to bring her over for dinner to introduce her. Is that okay?”
A firm hand lands on Dylan’s shoulder, bringing him for a hug. “Of course, bud. When did you want to bring her over?”
“Friday at 6?”
It’s Wednesday, so that gives you both ample time to unpack and get the house ready for a dinner guest. “Friday works. Bring her over.”
“Hey, do you guys need any more help with the boxes?” He asks, running into the house.
Eddie doesn’t answer as he stands, stunned at the change in his son over the last, what, week?
The next two days make Dylan realize although he was in a much forgiving mood, he’s going to need to move out and fast. Just when he thought the two of you were bad, he didn’t realize how much worse you’d be when you moved in. In hindsight, he wasn’t sure how he didn’t see it coming.
Soon, he texted a friend he knew who was looking for another apartment about maybe moving in together after realizing your moans were not coming from your bedroom as he grabbed his keys and booked it for the front door.
You were on Eddie’s laundry room floor, wrapped in his arms, with only your shirt around your torso and his hair halfway out of its ponytail. You were still in the middle of recovering; Eddie edged you twice before finally letting you finish. “Did you hear the front door close?” Eddie asks, still breathing heavily as he does.
“N-no.” You gasp, moving your head up to face him, his chest hair tickling your chin. “Were we that loud?”
Eddie laughs, letting a thumb pet your face lightly. “Have you ever tried to be quiet, sweetheart?”
You shut him up with a kiss, slippery, but filled to the brim with everything you had. “Shut up.”
“I love you.” He mutters as you wrap yourself in his arms, and you whisper it back into his chest. “We do have company coming over, so we should probably finish unpacking.”
You groan lightly, but Eddie takes your hands and forces the two of you onto your feet, your knees lightly buckling. “I have so much stuff! There’s so much left to unpack.”
“Oh, I’m sure unpacking yourself into the second half of the walk-in is so hard, baby. C’mon, I’ll help you out.”
Again, Eddie’s house looks humble from the outside, but it was nothing to snark at. As he made more money, he slowly upgraded and renovated instead of just moving into a bigger house. The one upgrade that wasn’t really for him, but a constant reminder of what he lost, was the his-and-hers closet he had made for his ex, something she only enjoyed for six months before leaving him. He was excited to see your dresses, skirts, pants, and underwear in his closet, and especially your smell. Basically, he was excited for your invasion of the house.
You walk over to his–your–room where there are still boxes sitting, waiting to be unpacked. You start unpacking the one labeled dresses/skirts. As you start laying out a pile, separating the skirts you knew you weren’t gonna wear from the ones you would, Eddie sidled up beside you, pulling one you knew looked good on you up from the pile you weren’t gonna wear. “Hey, hey. Why haven’t I seen you in this one?”
You hesitate in your answer, pulling two more dresses out before answering. “Dylan fucked me while I wore that.” You admit, and he drops it immediately. He pulls another one up, hands moving over the silky blue fabric. Damn that one looked great on you. “That one, too.”
He drops it unceremoniously, hands moving to his hips. “Which ones hasn’t he touched you in?”
You put your hands on the much smaller, less appealing pile. “These.”
Eddie sighs, scratching his head. “Alright. We’re going shopping.” He announces, placing the pile of your old ‘rejects’ onto the floor.
“Huh?” You ask him, not sure you heard him correctly.
“Yep. Just leave all the clothes in a pile right there, and on Saturday I’m taking you shopping.”
“Baby, I work Saturday.”
“So call in.”
After Eddie helps you settle in for the next day and a half, you spend a good portion of your Friday in the kitchen, working in tandem to make supper together. You place plates at the dining room table Eddie and Dylan barely used, straighten up the napkins and the utensils when Eddie comes from behind you, and you feel his cock press right up against your ass. You grind back into it, closing your eyes and whimpering.
“Ed, they’ll be here in like,” you let out a sigh, “half an hour.”
He turns you, giving you a dirty kiss and gripping your hips harshly. “Then we better get moving.” He slips your dress up your hips and your underwear down.
“Hmm…take off your pants.”
He slips his cock in, bending you over the table, making you gasp. “Already off, baby.”
Dylan pulls up in his truck, now having to park in the same spot you did in the street since you took over his spot on the driveway. “So, this is my house.”
“For three more weeks?” Maya asks, teasing him.
He lets their hands intertwine, leading her to the door. “I did grow up here.”
“Yet your dad is kicking you out.” She says, eyes narrowed.
“No, not kicking me out…” He drifts off, when Maya’s green eyes silently ask him, he dismisses it. “I’ll tell you later. C’mon.” He unlocks the front door, and as soon as it’s open, a very peculiar, very annoying sound is heard echoing in the house.
“Fuck, Ed, oh shit.”
Maya’s eyes go wide, it takes her a second longer to understand what they were listening to than it did for Dylan. Dylan shuts the front door, shoving his hand into his pocket for his phone. He dials his dad right away. “…Hello?” Eddie asks after three rings.
Dylan puts him on speaker. “Dad, wrap it up, we’re here.”
“Shit, sorry. Give us five—” the sound of your giggles interrupts him, “sorry, ten minutes. W-we’ll call you.”
He hangs up.
Maya’s face is the picture-perfect expression of what the fuck. “Dyl, when you said your family dynamic is odd…”
“I meant it. C’mon, let’s go for a walk to the corner store.”
Maya is taken aback, but she easily falls in line as Dylan holds his hand out for her. “Can’t believe the first thing I heard from your dad was that.”
“Darling, I have never meant it more than I have right now.” Dylan assures her, and she can see how much he means it in his brown eyes. “My dad has met my girlfriends in worse situations. Just be glad we didn’t see anything…’cause that was not coming from their bedroom.”
Eventually, you had to go upstairs to find a new dress to wear, Eddie having completely soiled it during your tryst as he phoned Dylan to let them know they were in the clear. Turns out, the two of you had time blindness when it came to one another, because neither of you were even close to done when Dylan had called.
As you climb down the stairs, there’s a knock on the door, and Eddie meets you there in time to open it to face Dylan and his new girlfriend. It was an intriguing feeling, opening the door to Dylan while Eddie’s arm was behind your back. Like a couple welcoming their son home. It was…bizarre to say the least. “Hey, sorry about—”
“It’s fine, dad. Rather not talk about it.” Dylan insists, his arm around a pretty redhead.
“Sure. Come on in.”
They step in, Maya taking a look around at the place as she does. “Maya, this is my dad and his girlfriend, Y/N. Guys, this is Maya.”
You weren’t used to Dylan being suddenly so cool with you and Eddie being together. He’s never out loud said that you were his dad’s girlfriend before without rolling his eyes or gagging. Whatever he had with Maya seemed to bring him some peace.
Thank god, you didn’t know if you could handle more eye rolls from Eddie’s 25-year-old teenage son. “Maya! Nice to meet you.” You hold your hand out to her, which she accepts graciously.
You remember meeting Eddie as a father to Dylan, and while your thoughts were occupied, whatever you were expecting for Dylan’s dad, it certainly wasn’t Eddie. You could see it clear in her face she wasn’t expecting this metalhead, either.
“Hi, Mr. Munson, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand to Eddie, and Eddie just about loses his mind.
“Ew. Don’t. Call me Eddie. Please.” Eddie gags, the same reaction he had when you addressed him that way when you first met.
“Oh. Sorry. Nice to meet you, Eddie.”
Eddie smiles back, purposefully dressing himself down as a parental figure. You could tell he was poising himself differently for them. Whether it was self consciousness over the last time he met a girlfriend, or making it clear to Dylan he had no plans for a second contender, it did the job.
“Alright, the dining room is this way.” You extend your hand out down the hall, leading the way out of a somewhat awkward situation.
The four of you sit at the table, both men at the heads of the table while you and Maya sit across from one another. Eddie picks up the salad bowl, plating himself quickly and handing it over to you. “So, Dylan. Tell us how you and Maya met.”
They both start the story, eager to share. “Oh, can I tell, Dyl? You always get to.”
“Fine by me.”
Maya giggles softly before facing you and Eddie. “Well, my best friend sort of ditched me to tag along to guys’ night, and I refused to be ditched, so I got myself ready and ended up being fashionably late. When she invited me, I was already done for the night, pajamas and all but I got dressed up out of pure spite.” You chuckle, that’s something Bethany would do. “I got to the club, and suddenly I saw Dylan, and I didn’t want to talk to anyone else for the rest of the night.” She looks over to him, her eyes soft and her pink lips in a sweet smile. “He just drew me right in. We talked for so long we didn’t even realize it was time for last call.”
“Wow.” You comment, taking the last bowl in rotation from Eddie’s hands, the stir-fry vegetables. “Sounds like you guys have a great connection.” You look at Dylan at the last word, hoping he receives your message.
“Oh, we truly do.” Maya grins, Dylan shooting a wink at her in response.
Eddie grabs your hand under the table, and you hold it, petting at the tough skin and colliding with his rings.
“Our first date was incredible.” Maya mentions off-hand but doesn’t elaborate. If it was anything like your first date with Eddie, you knew better than to pry further. “So Dylan told me how you guys met, tell me about that.”
You and Eddie share a look of surprise at how casually she mentions it. You weren’t expecting her to know yet, in fact you were wondering if Dylan was going to tell her at all. Eddie lets out a chuckle. “A shitshow, let’s just say. When Dylan found us, it just became real messy in here.”
Unfortunately, Eddie missed the continuous waving Dylan was doing across the table to stop, please!
“How would meeting online make things messy?” Maya asks, the story Eddie had just told her and the story Dylan explained not exactly lining up.
“What?” Eddie asks, now unsure himself.
Your hand meets your mouth in understanding, facing Dylan with his head in his own hands. “Baby, I don’t think he told her, yet.”
“Nope.” Dylan musters out, annoyed.
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Maya asks, watching everyone’s facial expressions one by one.
Dylan sighs, not ready to explain this part. “They didn’t meet online. Remember, my ex? The one who cheated on me?”
Maya rolls her eyes. “Of course I remember that bitch.” She says, giving you a look that says, ‘am I right’.
Dylan sighs, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Uh, Maya?”
“That’s her.” He says, pointing to you. “She cheated with my dad.”
Maya looks at you, dumbfounded, as you wave with a tight smile on your face. Being called that cheating bitch behind your back was certainly a new development from him. Not the…greatest feeling in the world. She looks to Eddie, who isn’t smiling, somewhat insulted on your behalf, but gives a friendly wave nonetheless.
“I said my family dynamic is different, didn’t I?”
“I thought you meant with how young she is…”
“There’s that…and there’s this. It used to hurt me a lot more, but honestly, since I met you, I don’t really feel that pain anymore.” He says to her. “I wish we could’ve had this conversation in private, but I guess I didn’t warn them.” A new hardness reaches Maya’s eyes as she looks at you, and you’re slightly taken aback by it. “Don’t be mad at them, because I’m not anymore. Well, mostly anyway. My dad said when he met her that he had to know everything about her or he was going to lose his mind.” You look to Eddie, and he winks at you slyly as you mouth the words I love you to him. “I used to think that was bullshit… But when I met you, Maya, I felt the same way, and I realized I couldn’t blame them for pursuing it if it was half as strong as what I felt when I saw you.”
The ice in Maya’s stare all melts the gloss in her eyes. “That’s still super messed up.”
“One hundred percent.” Dylan looks over to you and Eddie, and you’re wondering if the two of you were supposed to leave the table and give them privacy. “But now…they look good together. They’re good for one another. She puts this smile on his face that I never get to see anymore, and she seems more happy with him than she ever was with me.”
Your phone buzzes in your chair under your thigh. A text from Eddie. For the record, no one feels as strongly for anyone as I do for you. No one ever will.
You look at him and he nods once, his lips in a firm line. Your hands reach for his, interlocking with his. “Maya, I know you didn’t mean to but I would appreciate you not calling her a bitch.” Eddie tells her, parent voice on. “Now that we have all that out of the way, Maya, tell us what you do for work.”
Maya was a peach, and she seemed great for Dylan. As she helped clear the table she asked Dylan a question and it led to him announcing he was moving out. Out loud, Eddie gave him a proud hug, telling him it was a great idea.
To you, Eddie pumped his fist in celebration. As you washed the dishes that night, insisting Dylan and Maya go enjoy a movie on the couch, Eddie comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. “When Dylan finally moves out, I’m fucking you on every surface in this house. I might just tell you to stay naked for easier access.” He leaves a wet kiss on your neck, and you’re left to imagine the possibilities as he adjusts himself while clearing the rest of the table.
True to his word, as Saturday dawns, Eddie wakes you up two hours before you start work and tosses your phone to call in sick for it. You text your manager at his request, and as soon as you hit send, Eddie sends you to his bathroom to get ready for a shopping day. In your first outfit, a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater, Eddie looks up and down at you exasperated and tells you to go get all dressed up and put some makeup on.
When your hands land on your hips at this he backtracks hard. “Of course you can wear what you want, baby! I just know that you love to get all dressed up, and I thought it would be fun for you. That’s all. We’re going to be trying on lots of clothes and I want my girl feeling her best.”
Okay, he has a point. An hour passes by, Eddie moving around you as he gets dressed up himself, less dramatic than his date night outfit, but dressed up all the same. As you finish, a wing on your eye, he comes behind you, looking over your shoulder for something. “You know I used to wear eyeliner all the time?”
“I…no?” You stutter, turning to face him.
“Might put some on today.” He mutters, slightly teasing you.
“If you don’t want to scare the general public, maybe we’ll save it for a date night, Ed.” You yank the pencil away from him, terrified that if you look away for one second, he’ll go overboard.
“Not even a little on my water line?” He asks, and you suddenly realize that yes, he does want some makeup for the day.
“I don’t see why not.” You shrug.
Now you walk hand in hand in the largest mall in town, starting the journey down the large aisle, leading Eddie. But eventually, Eddie ends up leading you, knowing exactly which stores he wants to go to. In the first store he takes you to, you look around the racks timidly, putting away anything you see over 20 bucks. In less than five minutes, Eddie comes by with a pile of clothes in his arms. “I’m gonna get a dressing room started, ok?” He pauses, noticing the 45 dollar dress you just put back. “Ooh, can you hand me that?”
“No, it’s too much.” You insist, looking at the large pile of clothes he has. You thought he meant like, three or four items at the most.
“I didn’t ask how much it was, sweetheart. Hand it over.” He tells you, to which you do. Only five minutes later, as you have only picked out two or three more dresses yourself, does he swing by and tug you to the biggest dressing room, the walls decorated with clothing.
“I-I’m not trying all of this on, am I?” You look around, it would take you at least an hour, and that’s if you hurried.
“Yep. And you’re showing me every piece.” He says, before closing the door on your stunned face.
“Eddie, this is way too much.”
“No complaining, just show me the first one!” he yells to you, no real bark behind his command.
The first dress you wear was a bit revealing, an open back, up to your thighs with a cowl neckline that shows cleavage. He smiles at you, leaning his elbows onto his knees in the seat offered in the dressing room. “Nice… Do a spin.” You roll your eyes, spinning for him slowly and timidly. He whistles lowly. “Man, I’m good. Next!”
He asked for a spin in everything you modeled for him until he didn’t need to, you did it for him. With each new piece, you were learning to not care if you were in a store with him, posing for him as he assessed each piece. Some you thought looked decent on you, he put in the no pile, while others you thought were a sure no, he put in the yes. He told you ultimately, it was your decision and if you felt uncomfortable, you could put one in the no pile, but he knew your body better than anyone. If he insisted it looked good, it must’ve looked good.
At the last piece you put on, he can’t seem to decide, asking an attendant for her opinion. She says she thinks the shirt looks amazing on you but isn’t sure about the style of pants. “Yeah, I chose them just to see if you’d wear it.” You shook your head no, feeling uncomfortable in the business type pants. “Cool. Get dressed in your clothes, we have more stores to hit up.” You toss the shirt to him after yanking it off, and by the time you make your way to the register, the attendant is already handing over two oversized bags to him.
“Eddie, this is enough clothes, I really don’t need anymore!” You insist as he directs you to a store only three spaces over.
As soon as you walk in, they see the big bags Eddie’s carrying and immediately offer their assistance. Eddie rolls his eyes, knowing he only ever gets the star treatment if he’s walking around with the occasional designer bag. (He likes their underwear). “Well, I don’t know if you noticed, but the women’s side of our closet is huge, and you didn’t have nearly enough clothes to fill it anyway.”
Our closet. You’re so fixated on the use of the word our that you don’t realize he’s waiting for you to talk. “Doesn’t mean I need more.”
“Oh, that’s exactly what it means!” He turns to the employee who’s been following him around and hands her the bags. “Be a dear and hold on to these, will ya?” He turns back to you, resting one hand on the rack beside him and staring down at you intensely. “Baby. I want to spoil you. Let me. Please! Pick out some clothes you want, I’ll pick some out, too, and you can try them on.”
“You’ve spoiled me so much already!” You insist, gulping at the sincerity in his eyes. “You’re all I could ever ask for.”
“That’s exactly why I have to spoil you.” He retorts, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “I love you. Let me show you how much. I have a stupid amount in savings. I kind of want to chuck some out just to keep me humble.”
You giggle at this, finally, fully giving in to his madness.
Madness, it is. As you go from store to store, he gets about two more bags full from each one, and you’re sure some of these outfits will never see the light of day after you see how he looks at you in them. About ten percent will just be something you put on for about two seconds before he takes it off you. He’s buying dresses he knows he’ll be the only person to ever take them off or see you in them.
At one point, he runs back to his truck to put the eight bags he got tired of carrying around away, coming back to meet you in the store he left you in. It wasn’t much of a clothing store, but you had a basket of things you were planning to buy for yourself. Earrings, a knick knack for your desk, a cute notebook and the like. (There was a shirt you found for Eddie that you got just for the hell of it.) You're waiting in line, and you’re digging through your purse for your wallet when Eddie comes behind you, wallet out, card in the machine. “I—”
“Baby. Your money is useless today. Let me.”
You roll your eyes, and the cashier’s wide eyes at his pet-name for you catches your eye, a laugh escaping you. “Yeah, sorry. Guess I forgot to mention my boyfriend is also in his 40s.” You giggle, having just gushed about how Eddie was spoiling you to him.
“What? 40s? I’m clearly in my 20s.” Eddie asks, acting offended.
The poor cashier looks genuinely frightened, holding up his hands in surrender. “He’s joking. He is. Likes to make people squirm.”
“Oh I love to make you squirm—”
“Eddie!” You berate him, yanking him out of the store as he lets out a bout of laughter. He catches his breath, still laughing as you cross your arms, waiting impatiently for him to stop.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you made it too easy! C’mon, two more stores, then we can grab food.”
“Can I pay for food?” You ask, holding his hand.
Eddie smiles, petting your hand with his thumb. “Of course.”
The second to last store he brings you to is an underwear store. Eddie lets you do all the picking, following closely behind and offering any commentary when you ask for it. For once, he doesn’t insist that you model for him, claiming that just seeing you go through the lacier drawers of panties was torture enough. You walk out with a wardrobe’s worth of new underwear, bras, and a little bit of lingerie. It was the first time you were there to see the total, your eyes widening as Eddie takes out his card.
He smirks at your stunned expression. “Oh, this isn’t even the highest bill, sweetheart.” The transaction goes through and the kind lady behind the desks offers the bags to him. “This isn’t even half of it.”
The bill was at about 700 dollars, so the very idea drove you insane that he had already collected every receipt and refused to let you see them.
He brings you to one last store, wall to wall, covered in clothes. He goes a little ham this time, and you notice he focuses on basics. Sweatpants, sweaters, shorts, and under shirts. There’s one thing he chooses that has you struggling to get the zipper up, and eventually you call out for him for help after a good five minutes of fumbling .
He opens the curtain delicately so as to not reveal anything, and you look at him helplessly as your hand can’t reach the zipper sitting low on your ass. His fingers are light to the touch, as one hand rests on your shoulder, one on the zipper as it goes up to your neck, your hair held by your hands. You can’t help the shiver that runs through you as your hair curtains down around your neck, and you turn to face him, holding your hands out to silently ask him what he thought.
What does he think? He thinks that this fucking dress looks so good on you that it would be a crime to get you to start trying on those shorts and sweaters. Hell, you knew your size, you were probably good to go. It was much less revealing than any dress you tried on, a number he’ll probably get you to wear on your next date. He couldn’t help himself, surrounded by the privacy of the small room, he leans in to kiss you sweetly, one hand going up to frame your neck. “Baby.” He mutters, his voice sounding desperate. “You look…fucking gorgeous.”
You smile into it, your hand tracing the seam of his shirt along his torso. “Thanks. Help me out of it? I still need to try on all these clothes.”
His tongue swipes across your bottom lip, surprising you. A slight whimper escapes you as he backs you into the wall against a few clothing articles hanging there. “I will absolutely help you out of this dress.” He says, his voice husky and a touch of arousal lands in your underwear as you realize why. “But then I’m going to get my cock in you.”
“In-in here?” You ask, highly aware you’re in a public space.
“Mmhmm. Be quiet and no one will suspect a thing.” he says, hand slipping under the skirt of the dress to start palming at your folds over your panties. You whimper at the touch into his mouth, focusing all your energy on not alerting the kind sales lady that you were hooking up in her dressing room. “Oh, good girl, keeping herself quiet.”
“It’s…it’s hard.” You whimper, the light touches over your panties not enough, but still causing more arousal.
“So am I.” Eddie chuckles, watching your face as he teases you. He slips the hand into your panties, letting them drop on the floor. “Oh, so wet, huh?” He asks you, eyebrows furrowed as he plays with the slick on your folds.
“Does daddy buying all the pretty clothes make you all hot, baby?” He asks, voice in your ear and fingers rubbing at your clit gentle, but enough to start you to your destination. You nod your head, because on some level, this was a big turn on for you. “Oh, you horny little slut.”
“Good girl…” You whimper, and Eddie leans back from your shoulder. “Good girl. Please?” You ask him, the slut shaming wasn’t doing it for you.
“Oh, you wanna be called a good girl, huh? Daddy’s good girl?” You nod, your eyes closing as he starts to rub at your clit faster.
“Feels…feels good, Daddy…”
“Daddy’s gonna make you cum, and since you’re a good girl you’re not gonna make a fucking sound. Okay?” You nod, holding a whimper in your throat from the finger he slides into your heat. “Oh she’s close.” He mutters to himself, placing gentle kisses on your neck. “Fall apart on my fingers so I can fuck you, my good girl.”
Your mouth is open in a silent scream, an orgasm shaking through you as you wither against the dressing room wall.  
“Oh, that’s my good girl, such a good listener. Now, turn around and hold on to those hooks.” You do as he says, and as you brace yourself with your hands awkwardly against the hooks decorated with hangers, he zips the dress off you, lifting it over your head and nearly forgetting to muffle his own moan when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra. He lets his pants fall around his calves, and as his cock pushes you, you let your jaw open and eyes close, doing everything you could not to moan out loud.
He slowly bucks into you, and you close your eyes and lean against the wall headfirst while the scent of store clothes invades your senses. Soon, Eddie leans forward, forcing your torso up against his back as he places his ringed hand around you like a necklace. He kisses at the skin he can reach sweetly, eyes open as he watches your reaction to everything he does to you.
While the prospect of being caught by someone was hot, Eddie found himself watching for your visual reactions than listening for your audible ones. Hmm. He didn’t realize he had begun to rely on them. “How’s Daddy’s cock?”
“G-good.” You whisper, leaning into his chest with your head back against his shoulder.
“Gonna cum in you.” He mutters. He starts fucking into you a little harder, and it has to be perfectly timed because if he went all the way in, the sound of his balls against your pussy would be a dead giveaway.
“How’s everything in there?”
“Speak.” Eddie commands you, and you have to tear yourself from outer space for a moment.
“Great, thank you!”
“Just a reminder we try not to encourage two people in one dressing room.”
“She was just needing help with a zipper. Almost done.” Eddie pipes out, sounding relatively normal for someone seconds away from cumming.
“If you need any help or sizes, let us know.”
 “Thanks…” Shit, that sounded out of breath.
“Cum in me.” You whisper, and Eddie does just that, slowly fucking his way through his orgasm, his cheeks flushed, shirt clinging onto the sweat.
You nearly protest as he takes himself out and tucks himself back into his pants. At this point, you were so turned on you kind of wanted to blow him while you had him in the room. You hold his face in your hands and connect your foreheads. “Is it bad I still want more?” You mutter under your breath.
Eddie swears softly, his boner fighting harshly against his slacks. “Fuck. No, I do, too.” He tugs your naked self into his arms, kissing your hair softly. “But…she was suspicious. Unless we want to get kicked out, we should quit while we’re ahead.”
“Can I blow you when we get home?” You ask him, turning to grab your own clothes off the floor.
Eddie chuckles, shaking his head as he grabs the clothes scattered around the dressing room. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
It took multiple trips from Eddie’s truck to bring in all the bags. You truly didn’t realize how many pieces of clothing he had bought you until you saw it all scattered on the closet floor, all ready to be reorganized. Eddie starts hanging them, and you notice the outline of his cock in his slacks. He was still throbbing.
“Can I?” You ask, sitting pretty on your knees and looking up at him.
“Fuck, I’m never gonna say no to that.” Eddie answers, placing a hand under your chin.
You undo his pants, giving him a hungry look as his cock springs free. “You’re still hard?” You ask, knowing you’ve gotten food at the food court and walked around the mall a bit more before coming home.
“Mmhm.” You smile, jerking him lazily as you eye the length hungrily. You have the idea to tease him more, but the need to feel the weight of his cock on your tongue is too much. Eddie swears loudly as you take him in your mouth, gripping onto the center console for accessories and underwear. “Fuck”
You slowly bob your head up and down, staring up at him through your eyelashes as you relax your throat and allow your nose to meet his stomach. His hands skim through your hair, moving your head lightly, and again, you find it ridiculously easy to submit to him.
Eddie is uncharacteristically quiet, head thrown back in bliss as he feels the spit gather at his base. His stomach starts to tighten up a little bit and under your hands, his thighs are tense. Somehow it spells out to you he’s close.
You prepare yourself, moving your head faster on your own accord, opening your eyes at him again to watch for his reaction as you double down. A goddamn whimper escapes his throat as you continue, and suddenly it’s your goddamn mission to make him make that sound again. “Fuck, baby. Fuck…” Without any warning, the warm salty taste of his cum hits your tongue and you moan around him as he rides through his orgasm.
For once, as you wipe your mouth, you can tell he’s the one that needs recovery. You move to your feet, waiting for him to catch his breath. “Need some water?” You ask him, somewhat joking.
“The fuck was that?” He asks, his face in awe as he looks at you.
You give a cheeky and quick little kiss to the hand on your cheek. “Wanted to make you feel good.”
“Jesus Christ—” he tugs you into a hug, habitually kissing your hair. “How did I get so lucky?”
“Uh Ed.” You push lightly on his chest to get out of the hug, giving him a look of disbelief. You look gesture around the closet to the half of the clothes still not put away. “How are you the lucky one?”
Eddie’s face breaks into a wide smile, his dimples prominent, his smile lines deep. “You keep thinking that, darling.” He laughs, tugging you back into his arms.
As you stand there against his chest, relaxing into him with your eyes closed, the doorbell rings. “I’ll get it. You put away my clothes since you know where everything goes.”
“I did design this closet.” He retorts, pointing a finger at you.
You walk down the stairs to the front door, seeing a tall figure facing away through the smart glass. You open the door to a gorgeous set of brown locks, perfectly coiffed. The figure turns around, and clearly doesn’t expect to see you standing there. “Hey, Ed- whoa.” You recognize his face, but you aren’t sure where from. You subtly fix your hair; suddenly aware you had just given head to your boyfriend. “Uh, sorry, little lady. Is Eddie here?”
“He’s upstairs in the closet. Can I help you?”
The stranger smiles kindly, and you notice the freckles on his face are like constellations. “Oh sorry! I told him I’d be coming through town, but I forgot to say when. I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read your comments, replies, and reblogs. As always, reblogging is the best way to support your fic writers on tumblr.
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you
Taglist for Really Drives Me Mad: @yunnie-f1 @hollster88 @corrodedcoffincumslut @daisyridleyyyy @daniellabrandt @lail1010 @alicentswife @names-were-taken @bl4ckt00thgr1n
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