#the loud mouse part 2
charliedawn · 6 months
The loud mouse part 2
Guess who decided to finally write a part 2 ? :D Enjoy.
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When you awoke, you blinked several times before getting used to the light and give a circular glance to your surroundings. You were in some barn and you no longer felt the burning sensation within your chest...Even though, the sickness remained. You could feel it.
You stood up slowly and yet, couldn't help but walk on wobbly legs to the door—only the will of reuniting with your beloved prince overruling all other thought. However, you frowned as you found the door locked. You remembered collapsing in the snow, but who had brought you here ? It couldn't be Aemond, as he had been waiting for you inside the castle. How many days had it been ?
Suddenly, the door opened and a little man with big red whiskers entered, who seemed surprised to find you awake. He was barefooted and you guessed the farm must belong to him. He sheepishly offered you a piece of bread with butter that you stared at cautiously for a moment before letting your hunger get the best of you. You snatched the piece of bread and devoured it like a little wildling. It seemed to make the little man happy as he sat down in front of you—a good distance as to not frighten you.
"Hey there. I'm Gavdiish." He greeted you.
After a few seconds, you smiled politely and replied.
"I'm Ethel. Tell me...How long was I asleep, Gavdiish ?" You asked and Gavdiish started fidgeting nervously before replying.
"I found you in the snow. A few weeks ago..."
You frowned at his unspecific answer and started being suspicious. Gavdiish seemed like a nice fellow, but your thoughts then returned to the lock on the door. Someone didn't want you to leave...
"And, were you the one who brought me here ?" You asked and Gavdiish's nice smile turned sour as the memory of who had decided to hide you in his farm.
"I..am not allowed to say. Not until she comes." You frowned a little and were about to ask who was she when a voice sounded behind you.
"It was me."
You both turned around to see queen Alicent standing there, her long red hair falling gracefully down her shoulders as her eyes were fixed on you. She seemed out of place, surrounded by hay and dirt. You bowed deeply before her and even though you had no idea why she had saved you, you intended to thank her.
"Thank you my...", you started.
"Save your breath." Your eyes widened at her harsh interruption before she continued. "You will come back with me. To the castle."
You frowned in incomprehension. Why would she want you back ? Surely, lady Alicent had more important things to take care of than to make sure a simple servant would come back to work.
But, her next words left you paralyzed.
"And you will break my son's heart.."
You snapped your head up at her with your eyes wide open in shock and your lower lip trembled...How did she know about you abs Aemond ? She seemed to understand your thoughts as she sighed and lightly shrugged.
"The castle doesn't have any secrets. I know what the servants whisper about and I am no fool. My son has never seemed so happy than when you were there. And it is the very reason I need you to come back and break his heart. For his own good."
You fell to the ground on your knees and begged her.
"Please. Do not ask such a sacrifice of me. I cannot hurt prince Aemond." Tears started streaming down your face and for the first time—you showed weakness. For a moment, you could see in her eyes that it was working—until her expression hardened and she leaned forward to inform you.
"Prince Aemond is getting married."
Your eyes widened at the news and you shook your head—not believing the queen's words. Prince Aemond wouldn't do this.
"No..It can't be. He would never.."
Queen Alicent seemed to take pity on you as she sighed and rested her hand upon your shoulder.
"Believe me, my dear. Men are not worth the trouble. Love is a plague." She claimed and your eyes watered. You remained silent and queen Alicent sighed once more before dropping her hand back to her side.
"Now, you will tell my son that you tried to escape, but didn't have enough money and decided to come back..You will tell him you had never intended to run away with him. That the only reason you even showed him any affection was because you wanted to use him."
Your eyes remained fixed to the ground as you asked—your voice strained with bitterness.
"And why would I ever do that ?"
Alicent stopped pacing around and it took a moment before she indulged you with an answer.
"Because you are a lost cause, my dear."
Your eyes widened at the queen's cruel placid smile. You didn't understand what she meant. She seemed to notice and scoffed.
"Think about it. You are sick. You are a servant. A nothing. A dying wrench. My Aemond is a fine young man who will soon marry and bring glory to house Targaryen. You wouldn't want to cause his downfall now, would you ?"
A chill ran through you at the sickly sweet voice of the woman and the venom hidden underneath—intertwined with this nauseous false sympathy.
"Besides, you wouldn't have to convince him much."
You frowned in confusion before the queen faced you and declared.
"You've been gone for 3 months, my dear. And Aegon already made sure to inform Aemond of your betrayal."
Your eyes widened and your breath hitched as tears gathered in your eyes. 3 months...You had left Aemond alone for 3 months..And the thought alone was enough to make you crumble in shame.
Aemond...Forgive me.
Queen Alicent left and was sure to have convinced you. She knew you loved her son, and it would be the very thing causing your downfall.
Flashback :
Prince Aemond had been searching for you ever since your disappearance three weeks ago and refused to give up on his research without proof that you were dead. Because, he wouldn't accept any other reason for your betrayal and the pain you had caused him.
He wanted to know you were safe—no matter the cost.
His mother had tried to dissuade him and his brother had insisted that you were lost or dead, but nothing would deter the young prince from his desperate seeking of the truth.
Finally, after another one of his dragon patrols, prince Aegon—who was growing tired of Aemond's stubbornness—caught his brother and tried to convince him of your treachery once more.
"Brother. It has been more than three weeks now. You have to let her go. She has betrayed you. She left you...Accept it."
But instead of heeding his brother's advice, it only fueled Aemond's determination and he didn't dignify his brother with an answer before pulling away from his grip to continue on his way. He wanted to know the truth. He wanted to hear it from your treacherous mouth, that mouth he had worshipped and made all his for better and worst. He loved you. Was it so hard to pretend to love him back that you had to go and hide ? He closed his eyes and clenched his fists.
Why ? Why spend all those days in bliss, only to take it all away like a vulgar thief ? No. There had to be a reason. An explanation.
However, Aegon's next words made him stop dead in his tracks.
"I didn't want to tell you..But, I know where she is."
Aemond turned around swiftly to take his brother by the collar before asking urgently—his voice a menacing howl.
"Where ?!"
Aegon sighed and sounded genuinely apologetic as he replied.
"One of our grandfather's sparrows spotted the wrench on the roads. She was attempting to escape. Mother has gone to retrieve her."
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"LIES !", Aemond shouted at his brother's claim—his valid eye wide open in disbelief—and shook his head. You wouldn't do this. Not to him. He was convinced something must have happened. You couldn't have faked it. The day you met, the many secret glances and every loving touch you had shared...
"It is true. You must see it.", his brother insisted. "She has plotted against you since the beginning and only sought her own selfish benefit in gaining you and princess Helaena's trust. From the very moment she stumbled into your bedroom that very night and soothed poor sobbering Helaena. She is a fraud. And will be punished. I promise, brother."
Aemond shook his head before leaning so close that his brother saw the deadly fury in his eye.
"If what you say is true, brother ? Do not worry about punishment. I shall be the one to flay her bloody—as she deserves."
Aegon pressed his lips tightly together in discontent, but didn't dare voice his disapproval out loud. He only smiled and shrugged.
"As you wish, brother. But, remember...Don't let your little plaything trick you again."
Aemond glared at him and waited until Aegon was out of the room before letting his rage run unbridled. He unsheathed his sword and brought it down mercilessly on the furniture all around him. He didn't want to believe that you would abandon him, but it was hard to consider any other alternative as each day passed by. He fell to his knees and pulled out the sapphire necklace he had barely succeeded in saving from the fire. It shone brightly and filled his heart with hope. He refused to believe you would leave. He was convinced that he knew your heart and that it beat the same rythm as him.
"I still believe, my love. I'll find out the truth. I promise." He kissed the bright sapphire, imagining it was your lips he was devoting himself to rather than the jewel.
Back to the present :
Aemond had spent 3 whole months searching for you and it was on one faithful morning that he received a raven from King's Landing, putting an end to his misery.
You had been found.
There was no word to describe the shock and utter relief he felt at the news that you were alive. He ran to Vhagar and climbed on her back in one stride—eager to be reunited with you. He thought you would be able to explain your behavior and it would end up being a sort of misunderstanding. He was never prepared for the disappointment, as the first words he heard from you were a confession—but not the one he wanted.
"It is true. I have conspired against the crown. I had in the intention of tarnishing the prince's reputation and his family by seducing the prince and befriending the princess." It had the effect of a cold blade piercing through his heart and he couldn't utter a word as you confessed everything he had feared to be true. You even refused to look at him, your eyes fixed on the floor. Aegon smirked in satisfaction at your confession and didn't hesitate before sentencing.
"You ought to be flayed 30 times for such insolence and betrayal." You nodded submissively and thought you would at least be given the respite of being punished out of sight. But then, Aegon stood up and beckoned his personal guards in.
Your eyes widened as you realized what was about to happen. You opened your mouth to beg for mercy, but one of the guards suddenly pulled you up and brutally ripped the fabric of your dress without a second thought. The guard then carelessly threw your trembling body to the ground before the king—as you desperately tried to hide your modesty. Tears of rage and sorrow ran down your cheeks as you looked up at the people you were keeping quiet for.
Aemond remained motionless, so did princess Helaena. They were both devastated by the news of your betrayal and you knew there must be a great turmoil brewing inside them..You smiled weakly at them.
It wasn't their fault.
You knew you needed to be punished. You had fallen in love with the wrong person, and fate was cruel to those who diverged from their path...Princess Helaena did have the decency to look away to hide her sorrow from you—but Aemond didn't. His lonely eye didn't leave that bluish color on your shoulder—conjured by the brutish harshness of the guards. He thought about cutting their hands for daring manhandling you in such a way, but it was quickly dismissed at the reminder of your betrayal by the king and the feeling of his mother's hand on his shoulder. He had to stay, he had to endure the sight, even though it hurt him to see you in such a way.
When the first blow of the whip hit your skin—it didn't hurt as much as knowing you had broken the trust of the two Targaryens who mattered the most to you. You looked up and sought princess Helaena's eyes, but she still had her face turned away. Princess Helaena didn't want to look at you. She had the same expression she wore the time you had found her wandering in that corridor—broken to the point of complete numbness.
You then looked at Aemond—but you didn't see any emotion in his eye. There was nothing but contempt. The perfect picture of indifference on his face, as he didn't even turn his gaze away as you were being punished—surely enjoying the very object of all his pain being so severely reprimanded. He stared. He stared at you with such coldness, it froze you to your very core—making even the tears on your face turn to frozen lakes.
You wanted to scream and shout at them to look at you—really look at you. You wanted to tell them you loved them, that everything would be alright, that you understood their pain, that it killed you not to be able to embrace them...But, the next blow of the whip tear a gut-wrenching scream from your throat instead—one that rendered you silent as blood started rolling down your back. Princess Helaena's eyes filled with unshed tears as she forced herself to look away, even though your screams were torture for her. She had learnt to see you as a sister. Why did fate have to be so cruel ?
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However, Aemond didn't turn away. He counted the 30 hits and with each one, his anger boiled wilder in his veins.
You had betrayed him.
You had dared seduce him and use him.
Use his sister.
You deserved to be punished. You deserved to suffer. He watched as drops of blood glistened down your back and—to your utter horror and mortification—commanded.
"Harder." His tone left no room for discussion—as even his own brother looked at him with a slight worried frown.
"Brother. She already received 30 blows. If we go on any further, she might..." He warned—but Aemond silenced him.
"HARDER !" He cut him off and his maddening eye turned towards Aegon with a challenging stance—daring him to defy him again. Bile rose up to your throat as the order was finally granted and another cough threatened to spill, but it didn't—only screams of pain and the sound of the whip being mercilessly used on you troubled the deafening silence of the throne room. However, Aemond—who was tired of being a mere bystander—walked down the stairs with a resolute stance and your eyes widened as he extended his hand forward to grip the guard's hand. You thought it was to stop him—you thought wrong.
He took the whip and the guard immediately stood aside as the prince took his place. He then leant forward to whisper in your ear—words that left you shivering in fear.
"You are going to accept everything I give you, little mouse. Every single blow. You'll take it all, and thank me for it. For that is what you deserve for all the suffering you caused to me and my sister." He spat venomously and you closed your eyes. You felt numb. His words left ice in their wake. Your lips trembled as you braced yourself to be punished by the man you loved. You thought the first few hits were the worst, but it wasn't true. The last hits were worse—so much worse. They left your body trembling in pain and whenever your consciousness threatened to slip away, you would be awoken by yet another blow. Your throat felt sore at the end—you didn't even have the strength to scream anymore. Finally, once his anger slightly reduced, Aemond released the whip that fell to the floor and walked away.
He didn't even remember his own command, not until you muttered weakly.
"Thank you...my prince."
He stilled and glanced back at you with his lips tightly sealed and saw the pain in your eyes—but decided to ignore it. You shakily tried to reach for his leg, but he pulled away from your grip and offered you a cruel sneer.
"Wrench." He spat cruelly and walked away—not sparing you a second glance. He took back his place beside his sister and then announced.
"I shall go back to the Free Cities and finalize our alliance to Lady Aslana of Mesclun."
Lady Alicent smiled—satisfied by her son's decision while you glared up at her. She had lied to you. Aemond hadn't married anyone yet.
She had tricked you.
But, you knew better than to open your mouth now.
Who would believe you ?
"Aemond. Since you are going away on your trip to the Free Cities. Indulge me in giving me that lovely servant of yours. I am sure she will be of great help to me." Aegon suggested and you could feel his eyes dig holes at the back of your neck. You shuddered at the prospect alone. You prayed the Seven to give you mercy, but the gods must have been inattentive that day—for the prince's next words left you paralyzed.
"Fine. But, her maidenhead is mine. A weak compensation for what she did to me..." Aemond declared and you closed your eyes. He was being so cruel. He wanted to take the thing you had only ever wanted to give him. When you raised your eyes, he met your gaze unashamedly with a large cold grin that didn't quite match his eyes. He was furious.
Outside of the throne room, you found Linda waiting for you and the moment her eyes settled on you and your hunched figure—she rushed by your side.
"My daughter. My darling one." She embraced you tightly and you sobbed.
"You were right, Linda. I'm so sorry. I should have listened to you. This family is cruel. They are all monsters. I should have remained a little mouse, nothing more..."
Linda tugged the top of your head under her chin and looked up at the sky—sending a silent prayer to the gods to protect you.
"Aww..My poor child. I am so sorry. I should have been more careful. But, nobody will ever hurt you again. I promise." She murmured and stroked your hair soothingly. You didn't even have the strength to protest, as you knew Linda had little power on how the Targaryens ruled. She was an old maiden who had surely seen her fair share of broken hearts and could recognize the symptoms at first sight. She shushed you softly before leaving a tender kiss on the crown of your hair.
"It will go away." She finally said assuredly on your way to the kitchen in an attempt to reassure you—but good Linda didn't know of the suffering you would go on to face. For Aemond was not done taking his revenge on you, and it wouldn't be the last time you would be reminded of the costly price of his loathing.
The very next day :
You had spent the day running around the city, Aegon relentlessly and purposefully asking you for the impossible and beyond, only to lose interest in a second when the task done. He was making your life hell, and you had no protection from Aemond anymore. But, you couldn't complain. It was the price to pay for his happiness. Let them all hate you, if only for Aemond and Helaena to find peace in your hours of torture under Aegon's intransigent and constant demands.
When Aegon beckoned you to the room where the family was supposed to share a meal, you had completely discarded the thought of your current state and only rushed in with the hopes you wouldn't be noticed. Luckily, Aemond was talking and your sudden appearance didn't disturb his speech as he declared.
"...Our alliance with the Free Cities is going to change the odds in our favor. I shall marry lady Aslana of Mesclun tomorrow and in a week's time, our victory will be assured. We will have our hand on the Free Cities and none shall contest our authority."
At the news, you closed your eyes and apologized to the Seven for the foolish thoughts running wild in your head. You wished you could be the one betrothed to Aemond and waiting for the moment your hearts would be linked forever...You failed to hear the end of Aemond's speech and as he raised his cup—you didn't fill his cup. Suddenly, all the family members' eyes seemed to converge towards you and even though it had only been a day since your flaying—you weren't about to tempt fate to give you another. You leaned forward and filled his cup—but too late.
Aemond's hand grabbed your arm and you met his gaze with big frightened eyes. He had never seen that look in your eyes before and it made him snicker.
"After all this time, I see you for what you truly are. Thank the gods I could come back to my senses before I was completely lost." He seethed and let go of your arm. But, it was only to publicly shame you even more.
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"Well, if it isn't her ladyship the loud mouse herself ?!" He then noticed your dirty dress and gave you a disgusted expression, "Where were you all day ? The pig house ?"
His joke resulted in an irruption of laughter from the crowd while you glared at him. It hurt. He didn't know how much it hurt you. You had failed your heart—you had failed him.
"Don't worry, my lord. If it is my muddy dress that bothers you, I shall remedy to it at once." You quipped back and his smile immediately fell as you unashamedly tear the bottom part of your dress—your decision welcomed and whistled appreciatively by all the men present. You acted self-assured and even when you felt Aemond's disapproving look on you—you didn't return it. You were no longer afraid of him—and if he thought he could control you ? He was dead wrong.
"Of course not, brother. She must have been frolicking at the pleasure houses. It was high time she would find some other cock to hang onto, don't you think ?" Aegon mocked and it made you snap your eyes at him with so much loathing, if your eyes had been arrows, he would have been dead where he stood. Aegon's jeering had the effect of a knife being plunged deep within you chest—cutting your breath momentarily. He dared question your whereabouts—when he was the one making you run errands around town from the first glance of sunlight 'till dusk..
However, you did notice how Aemond's smile seemed to turn placid at his brother's nasty comment. It mended your heart a little to think he had not fallen so low as to agree with his majesty the Kingly prick..
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"Prick..." You cursed under your breath—thinking no one would pick up on it. But, you were not so lucky. Aegon's expression crestfallen and you knew here and then that you had signed up for your own demise as Aegon stood up and seemed to lose all composure.
"YOU ARE TO RESPECT ME, OR DID YOU FORGET WHO IS YOUR KING ?!" He yelled and you flinched at his loud voice. He was being cruel and even though you had heard rumors, you had never been on the receiving end of his fury. You had always remained a mouse in the castle—until Aemond had decided to give you his cursed attention. You wondered which one was worse ? The petals suffocating you, or the indifference of your prince ? You looked up at Aemond and tears shone in your eyes as you smiled at him through your tears—not sparing a glance to Aegon that you felt seething beside you.
"You may be the king of this realm, but my heart only knows one true king..."
There was no doubt as to whom you were referring to and Aemond's valid eye widened for a second. Even after all this, you still wanted to show him your support. You may not stand next to him when he would finally reach the throne, but you would be there every step of the way until your own death...Aegon's face visibly whitened at the implication and even though you didn't care about anyone else knowing about your feelings, you could feel another set of eyes on you. Queen Alicent was looking at you in warning, not to say anything else if you still wanted to live and die on your own accord. You clasped both hands over your mouth, finally considering who you were speaking to, who was present. You had gone too far...
The whole room fell silent and you knew—you had opened your mouth wrongly so. Aemond had remained impassive all this time, why couldn't you have done the same ? You wanted to protect him, but found yourself the very reason for his misery. No matter if you were trying to stay away or remain unaffected, the mere thought of living in the same castle as him was enough for your heart to seek him out. However, you then felt a cough rising up your chest and when Aegon came close enough, you didn't hold back. You coughed and let all the black blood and flower petals splatter all over him. He wanted to have you ? Then, he would have it all. Aemond hadn't been repulsed by your sickness, but you knew all too well what the rest of the family's reactions would be. Queen Alicent screamed, Otto turned away in disgust and Aegon screeched.
You didn't mean to laugh. You swore you didn't. But, the mix of Queen Alicent's bewildered look, Otto's mortified expression and Aegon's twisted face of fury made it impossible not to. You guffawed. You had nothing left. No one. Aemond hated you. Helaena had excused herself—to cry her sorrow in her room no doubt—and you just knew you had to get everything you had to say out of your chest before the young king's sword was to pierce you through and through.
"Pitiful excuse for a family." You spat and your eyes then swept mercilessly over all of the people gathered around the table with a mocking sneer. "You know...I've served and watched every single one of you Targaryens for years. I always thought being a Targaryen was a blessing, but seeing you all—huddled up in your misery—I see now that it is as much a curse as mine ! And I rejoice the day there won't be a single one of you left ! For your curse lies even deeper than mine ! It lies in your blackened hearts devoured and putrified with greed and power !"
Now, it wasn't only Aegon who was seething—all the Targaryens seemed about to stand up and cut you in two. Good. Let them be angry. Only the truth hurts. But, none of them seemed willing to take a step towards you. You wondered why until you realized that the only person still seated was Aemond, staring at his own family in warning as to anyone would dare attempt to your life.
You smiled and found your affection grow tenthfold, as even after your so-called betrayal, he was ready to defend you. You turned around and stormed towards the door, but Aegon's voice still made its way to you.
You huffed a laugh and didn't even turn around before shouting back.
If any of the Targaryens wanted to follow you and bring an end to your life, then so be it. You had nothing left to say. You then heard the king hit the table in his haste to come after you, but then recognized Queen Alicent's voice behind you.
"That's enough, Aegon."
The queen knew what you had sacrificed and it was in her best interest to keep you alive—for now. She would certainly let Aegon do whatever he wanted to you once Aemond would be married to lady Aslana. They had already punished you more than any other being could have handled—they had flayed you, disgraced you and made your life hell.
Your tears had run dry. Your punches would only accentuate Aemond's hatred for you. Words were the only thing you had left to throw at them. You turned a corner and suddenly stopped. You had arrived at the library...No matter where you wanted to go, your feet seemed to always end up in front of the majestic door. The very place you had first met the prince face to face. Did you love him ? Assuredly..No doubt about it.
You thought none of the Targaryens would follow you—you thought wrong.
Aemond had followed you and grabbed your arm to drag you inside the library without a word and once you were both inside, he closed the door behind you.
"Do you have a death wish ?" He hissed—his voice a mere whisper and you shrugged.
"I do not have an answer to give you, my prince.."
It was true. You had no answer to give him.
When he turned around, you could feel he was enraged and it did make your heart skip a beat at the pure hatred visible in his valid eye. He was angry, and you knew better than anyone why. He had every right to be. You had hurt him and even though involuntarily, had been confusing him. Even if you had shown up that faithful night, you would have stolen him away from a life with his family. A good life. Your eyes softened and your lips parted slightly as you thought of the millions of things you wished to tell him—but remained quiet.
He wouldn't understand.
He couldn't.
"Fine. You don't want to talk. I'll make you scream then..." Your brow furrowed in confusion until he pulled you towards him and sunk in to claim your lips. You let out a surprised squeal as you tried to push him away. He clasped his hands on either side of your face and devoured your mouth as if it was his to take. Your tears didn't help as his nails dug in the flesh of your cheeks. It wasn't what you wanted. You loved him. You wanted him to kiss you, but not like this—not out of hurt and hatred. You had sacrificed your own happiness for him to find his. You wished for him to find his place and forget about you, but you had failed it seemed.
"Treacherous mistress." He hissed spitefully and you closed your eyes at the hurtful words and gentle kisses. Aemond was still so gentle with you, even after everything. He didn't touch your back where he knew remained the pain of the whip and even traced circles on your skin while he hid his face in the crook of your neck.
He seemed so broken.
"Did you...Did you ever think of me during your time away ?" He asked—his voice shaky. He sounded as if he was about to break into tears.
'Every second of every minute of every day.'
You wanted to answer, but knew the repercussions of such admission. You closed your eyes and shook your head negatively. Aemond remained silent for a moment before laughing bitterly.
"Of course you didn't.."
When he pushed you back and you fell on the table behind you, he crawled on top of you and started leaving kisses on your face and neck. He made quick work of the top buttons of your dress and left a few hickeys on the exposed flesh.
"...I made things too complicated for myself. Thinking you were honorable. I should have simply taken you from day one and everything would have been settled. I should have heeded Aegon's warnings and play with you until you were no longer interesting. I get bored easily, you know."
Aemond single-handedly untied the laces of his breeches and his mouth curved into a cruel smirk as he felt the tears on your face. He pulled your skirts up and in a moment of self-awareness, you bit down hard on his hand. He hissed in pain and you sought to flee, but he grabbed your hair and yanked you back against him. However, instead of continuing his vile actions, he simply wrapped his arms around your waist and stilled.
"M...My prince ?" You frightfully asked—your whole body shaking as you perfectly knew what he wanted. You wanted to disappear. You had only thought about him for the past three months, only to come back and find out that your prince had been searching for you for so long that his heart had turned to stone.
"Oh. So, now I'm your prince ?" He replied with a small taunting smirk—his eye gleaming in the darkness of the library. Was it already so late ? You tried to dissociate your mind from your body in order to forget that it was the love of your life who was now threatening you. But, Aemond wouldn't let you. He grabbed your face and snapped it back so you may see the fury in his gaze.
"You know what you are, Ethel ? A vile temptress. Daughter of Despair. Cruel mistress of Deception; malicious beyond compare and terrible plague that has infested this household with the fleas of my own destruction...Shall I go on ?"
You gritted your teeth and couldn't hold back the tears from falling down your face—hot lava against your frozen cheeks.
"Are you going to beg me to let you go ? Or, not to taint what has been so far unspoiled ?" He inquired in a whisper—his fingertips leaving imprints on your skin. He wanted to mark you, carve his touch into your skin.
You clenched your fists and looked away—not dignifying him with an answer. But, Aemond wouldn't let you as he grabbed your jaw once more—making it pop as he dug his fingers in your cheeks to make you understand that you were to keep your attention on him.
"Answer me...whore." He seethed in a low and threatening tone.
You remained silent.
He then plunged his tongue down your throat and your eyes widened at the sudden intrusion. You tried to struggle against him, but his training had helped strengthening his body, while you had strengthened his mind. You cursed yourself at finding yourself in this situation and Aemond stopped instantly as soon as he noticed you were unresponsive.
"You...You were my everything" He whispered and took a shaky breath, his touch tightening on you as tears started dripping down his face onto yours.
"My heart. My soul. My very first love and you...you..." He glared at you with such intensity it paralyzed you. "You betrayed me."
Your eyes softened and you finally wrapped your arms around his neck. You didn't say anything, but you still wished your prince to feel better. There was nothing you could do that would make any of this okay, but it hurt you to see him in such a state.
"Get out..." He whispered—so low you thought you had imagined it. You remained frozen and Aemond clenched his hands into fists as he gritted his teeth. He wanted to make you suffer, just as much as he had. But, he couldn't deny that he still felt attached to you. So, he could only push you away before restraint would no longer be possible.
"GET OUT !" He shouted louder and you gathered your skirts to run away. Aemond watched you flee and once the door was shut, he covered his face with his hands and let out such an horrifying painful gut-wrenching scream, the whole castle heard it.
Why did love have to hurt so much ? He had tried to be happy. Just once. And it had turned out to be a mistake. Tomorrow, he would return to the Free Cities and remain there. He would forget about you—or at least he hoped.
The next day :
Aemond prepared his leave and settled on Vhagar, but then noticed someone hidden in the shadows. He rested his hand upon the hilt of his sword cautiously, but then the strange red-headed boy beckoned him forward. He hesitated before indulging, only to chase said boy all the way to the very werehouse you had been held by queen Alicent until your concession to her demands. He caught up with the boy and held him up by the collar with an unamused expression.
"If your plan was to waste my time, boy...You'll be hanging skinless from the Red Keep !" He threatened and the boy seemed on the verge of breaking into tears as he stammered back.
"N..No, my pr..prince ! I would never ! M..My name is Gavdiish and I..I came to you to get s..something out of my chest. I just heard Y/N was f..flayed and I..I'm sorry. I just..I was worried about her and..wanted to help her. Tell the truth. But, your m..mother wouldn't allow it."
Aemond frowned in incomprehension at the boy's words and tilted his head to scrutinize the boy further. He didn't seem to be a threat and if he was lying—or the whole things turned out to be a scam—he would simply put his earlier threat into execution. He let go of the boy and asked.
"Tell the truth ? What truth ?"
The boy gulped before pointing to the werehouse behind him and explained.
"Th..This werehouse has been in my f..family for years. Queen Alicent asked me to k..keep her there..Ethel. She had to t..tell you she b..betrayed you. But, she d..didn't."
Aemond looked at the werehouse and felt his heart ache at the idea you had spent 3 months in there.
"How can I be sure that you are telling the truth ? And why didn't you say anything before ?" He asked the young boy suspiciously who looked away guiltily.
"The q..queen told me not to and that pr..prince Aegon would p..punish me. Ethel coughed a lot of blood and flowers. I still have them in a bucket. Queen Alicent said she was c..cursed. B-But Ethel called for you. Every night. In her s..sleep. That's why I c..came to you." Gavdiish stammered back and Aemond's eyes widened at the realization. Suddenly, everything made sense. His mother knew that to win the war ahead and put Aegon on the throne, they needed a strong alliance. She was going to force him into a loveless marriage to keep the Targaryens on the throne and keep the legacy clean.
It was only at that moment that Aemond understood his mistake and ran back to the castle. His Ethel...You had never wished to deceive him—but save him. You had simply feared it would end in a war where he wouldn't have survived. He ran even faster and wished upon all the gods—the old and the new—that he wouldn't be too late.
His heart squeezed in his chest at the selflessness of the one he had dared called selfish.
"Hold on, my love. I'm coming."
Back at the castle :
You were walking around the castle and taking care of the walls—making sure to avoid any Targaryen family member on the way. You were almost finished with the dining room when you heard the door slam open. You froze and looked up—only to see Aegon standing there.
"Ah ! Here you are !"
You shivered at the notion that he was looking for you and cast your eyes downwards to avoid the prince's gaze. You had done everything they wanted. You had broken Helaena's and Aemond's trust. What more could he possibly want from you ?
"You were in my brother's company yesterday...He took your maidenhead, didn't he ?"
You didn't answer—but the prince was stubborn. He grabbed your wrist and made you look at him before giving you a malicious grin.
"Remember. My brother did promise I could do whatever I want to you once your virginity gone. And, now that it's out of the way ?" He slammed your head against the mahogany table and your air supply was cut off. "I can do what the f*ck I want with you..."
Tears brimmed in your eyes and you clutched your fingers tightly. He was a beast. It wasn't even a few hours after Aemond's leave, and Aegon hadn't wasted any time to put his threat into execution. He was going to have you. And the worst part was, you couldn't even protest.
"...Now, how about you apologize for your last night's behavior ? Or, do you value your life so little as to refuse ?", he taunted and you closed your eyes. You had been stripped out of all dignity and now, he wanted you to apologize.
You turned around to refuse, but before you could, prince Aegon had slammed your head against the hard surface of the mahogany table. You were so shocked—you didn't even think of resisting against his iron grip.
"APOLOGIZE !", he seethed and you closed your eyes before finally submitting.
"I..I apologize, my king." There was great shame in capitulating in front of Aegon Targaryen. He had beaten up Helaena, he had threatened you more times than you could count and the sole knowledge of his existence made you feel sick...
"Nah. I don't believe you. Maybe, you could do something else to show how sorry you really are ?" He emphasized his intentions by pressing his back against your rear and your eyes widened. You reached forward for a flower vase to smash it upon his head—but Aegon anticipated it. He grabbed your arm and no matter how much you cried or begged, he didn't let go. You wanted to turn around to slap him—but he held in a vicious grip. You wanted to scream and call for anyone to save you—but you knew nobody would. Aemond was gone. Helaena wouldn't help you, and Linda would only be executed for interfering.
You were alone.
Or, so you thought...
"UNHAND HER HIS INSTANT, YOU PIG !" When Aemond entered the room, his eye bulged out of its socket at the sight of his brother on top of you. He immediately pulled him off you and sent him flying against the nearest wall.
King Aegon seemed terrified now and Aemond barely had the time to make his way to you that you collapsed in his arms. He sat you down on a nearby chair before returning his hateful and merciless gaze on Aegon. He wanted to kill him. He had thought of it many times before..But, it was the first time he was actually considering giving in to his selfish desires. He wanted him to crawl for forgiveness. He had dared tried to convince him of your treachery—when he was the most treacherous of them all...
"Aemond ! What is the meaning of this ?!" Queen Alicent came in, having been alerted of the commotion—followed suit by Otto. Aemond was furious and could only see this room filled with traitors and sinners.
"Ah ! Mother. Grandfather. Welcome. You're just in time. I was about to call you to claim a felony. The worst kind. A conspiracy to get me away from Court."
Alicent's eyes widened and she tried to interject, but Otto stepped forward instead.
"Aemond...Why do you speak of treason ?" He asked—more intrigued than angry.Aemond sent a nasty glare at Aegon and jutted out his chin before seething through gritted teeth.
"King Aegon admitted being the active participant of a plot to get rid of me."
Aegon's eyes widened in shock and he shouted.
"LIES !"
Aemond huffed a bitter laugh, as this was the very word he had shouted the day he had announced him of your so-called betrayal. However, Aemond then added.
"He stole my heart and locked it away so I may never find it again. He spread lies about her and made me forsaken her when she was only trying to protect me...He wanted me to go. He wanted me out of the kingdom, and he wasn't the only one..." Aemond turned towards queen Alicent to glare at her with his teeth clenched together. "...Isn't that right, mother ?"
Aemond had only ever had love for his mother, but he was now seeing a part of her he had failed to notice. He had been blind...But, Alicent Hightower was as much a dragon as the rest of them. She just hid her scales and fangs better.
Queen Alicent didn't look away, she jutted out her chin and took a step forward—unashamedly admitting to her devious plot.
"Yes. I was made aware of your foolish plans to run away together. I had to act before you did, as it would have tarnished our reputation. A prince. My son. Running away with a servant. A nothing." She spat angrily—her true face being unveiled to her children who witnessed the monster behind the glamor. Aemond stared at the red-headed monster before him and took a step back in disbelief. So, it was true...All this time. All those secrets...You had been innocent from the start, and he had defiled you with his words and acts—when he should have showered you with love and affection.
Aemond didn't even realize when he drew out his dagger and let anger get control over him. His eye bulged out of his socket as he gave a circular glance around the room. None of them seemed surprised by the news. None of them were innocent...His mother. His brother. His grandfather...Liars. You woke up just as Aemond raised his dagger and was prepared to kill everyone in the room—starting with his mother. But, you suddenly lunged forward to stop him. You wouldn't let him kill his own mother to save you.
"NO ! DON'T !" Your words seemed to bring him back to reality as he felt your hand wrap around his wrist. You had awoken and had tears in his your eyes. Tears...Oh. Sweet Seven. He had brought tears to such lovely eyes, he had called you awful names, made you crawl on the floor...He had defiled you.
You loved him.
You always had. And he had dared punish you. He had dared taint your wings with blood and sorrow.
His dagger clattered to the floor as he wrapped his arms around you, shaking and out of breath. He had turned worse than his own brother—who was now standing near their seething mother with a self-satisfied smirk.
"So...Is that what you have been reduced to, Aemond ? Threatening your own family because of some girl ?"
Aemond glared up at him and his anger turned into venomous words that he hoped would choke his brother to death.
"It is no threat. I shall kill you, brother. You dared hurt and threaten to take something that was rightfully mine. We are far beyond threats now..."
Suddenly, his brother's smile faltered before he huffed a laugh of disbelief.
"You wouldn't..."
Aemond suddenly pulled away from your embrace and stood up before Aegon with a defying glimmer in his eye.
"I am a kinslayer. Remember. What is one more Targaryen out of this world, hmm ?"
Aegon was about to answer when Helaena entered, her brow furrowed as she saw her family reunited and yourself—your eyes puffy and red. She was about to ask what was going on when Aegon suddenly grabbed the dagger that had fallen earlier and pulled you against him to put the sharp end against your throat.
"Brother. Husband. What are you doing ?" Helaena gasped in horror.
"Shut it ! I do not owe you an explanation !" Aegon spat before turning towards Aemond. "I AM THE KING ! I WILL KILL HER ! I WILL SPILL THIS WHORE'S BLOOD ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND YOU WILL ALL BE A WITNESS TO WHAT HAPPENS TO PEOPLE WHO DEFY THE KING !"
He was guided by survival instinct and fear. He knew Aemond was strong and could easily kill him, but he would take the source of all his problems with him. He was tired of all this pretending. They weren't even a real family. He never even wanted the bloody throne. He had even offered it to Aemond, but the fool had refused. Too bad. He would have maybe done a much better job than him.
All of the other Targaryens were now focused on the both of you. You knew Otto and Alicent wanted him to put an end to this madness and kill you, but Aemond wouldn't let him live if he was to kill you. It would be a lose-lose situation for him—no matter the outcome.
"Aegon...Drop the knife." Aemond said sternly, but Aegon shook his head—his own eyes filling with tears.
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"I am tired...brother. I am not as strong as you. I wanted what you had. I wanted someone to love me...Why is it that you always get the good things ? I am the king, am I not ?" His voice broke at the end. He had seen the joy in his brother's eyes, thought he could feel the same...But, all he felt was that same terrible feeling of emptiness inside.
"Why bother ? That's what you wanted, isn't it ? Well...Let me give it to you, brother. Let me give you my throne. My life. My CURSE ! IT IS ALL YOURS !" Aegon suddenly released you and, before anyone could stop him, slit his own throat. But, he didn't feel the pain. He only felt bliss. It was over...A blissful smile took over his features as he tumbled forward. It was over.
Alicent was the first to react as she let out a blood-curdling scream and cradled her boy's face in her hands.
Your eyes watered and your hand flew up to your mouth in horror as you slowly turned your face towards Aemond who was staring at his brother's body with a wide eye. When your eyes met, your whole body shook by the blank expression on his face. He was livid and you thought he was about to pass out at any moment. He hadn't meant to go this far.
You knew and both Helaena and yourself came to his aid as you kept him straight. For the first time, he didn't try to hide his emotions as a single tear rolled down his face.
"Gods...What have I done ?"
You and Helaena looked at each other and nodded in agreement before carrying him outside. But then, Alicent's wrathful gaze fell on you and she roared.
She took the dagger from her son's hand and stood up—rage blinding her. Her eyes were glassy and seemed to gleam with insanity as she pointed the dagger at you. Her hands were strained with blood that she already wished to coat them with another. She was truly a formidable woman...But, you wouldn't let another person die tonight—that it'd be yours or any other.
You stood forward, but Otto who had stayed silent so far, spoke up.
"Daughter. Stop this instant."
Alicent's eyes didn't leave yours as she spat with a pain-filled voice.
Otta sighed and—to everyone's surprise—took his daughter's wrist and forced her to drop the knife. She was about to protest when she saw the look Otto was giving her. It was one she hadn't seen in a long time...Since her mother's funeral.
It was one of defeat.
"It is over, Alicent."
There was a finality to his tone and finally, everything clicked. You now knew that all this hadn't been Alicent's doing, but Otto's. The puppet master. He had planned to get rid of you and had convinced the rest of the family to end your relationship with Aemond so he may become but another pawn to this sick game if thrones. Your fists clenched as you glared at him, but he only gave you a mild look of indifference in return. He wouldn't answer for his felony. You knew as much.
And now that Aemond may become king, he had to switch strategies. It was all just a game for him and when he suddenly bent the knee in front of Aemond—you could measure just how much the man's shadow seemed to extend, twice as big as him. Backstabber.
"Long live, king Aemond Targaryen."
Aemond's eyes widened at his grandfather's words and when he looked up at you, the smile you gave him didn't match your eyes. The bastard had won anyway. Now that Aemond would become king, there was nothing you could do...You would never be able to run away together.
Otto looked up and saw the silent exchange.
He smiled.
Long live the king indeed...
@01am21 @genderenvyeveryone @sarcasticsweetlara @saensenthessis-saskia @iveofficiallylostmymarbles @hi-im-fan-trash @boldstarks
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august126 · 1 year
The Shower of yearning (1/2)
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Harry Potter x female reader
Summary: Harry Potter likes y/n, although he won't admit it. y/n likes Harry Potter, although she won't admit it. Hogwarts Castle is sick and tired of it - and decides the two need some help, forcing them to shower together again and again.
warnings:Hand Jobs,Shower Sex and Accidental Voyeurism
The first time it happened, it was mortifying.
Harry was standing in the shower, under the hot spray. y/n had been right - it was a privilege to be able to use the Prefects Bathroom as Gryffindor’s new Qudditch captain. And while he didn’t have time to have a bath every night he now favored nightly showers in the grand shower room for the boys. It was much better than sharing a bathroom with Seamus. He was coming to the end of his wash - soaping up his armpits, when all of a sudden there was a loud pop.
Standing in front of him was y/n. More important, standing in front of him was a very wet, very naked, and very soapy, y/n Since she had been in the middle of washing her hair - her eyes were closed and she did not immediately recognize their predicament. Instead Harry was treated to five glorious seconds of his friend’s nude body. His eyes devoured her. Running from her feet, up her legs toned by years of climbing staircases, to the tidy patch of hair that covered her sex, and then he looked up to her breasts. Her naked breasts. He watched a soap suds trickle down the curve of one, ending perched on a nipple.
y/n eyes opened and they stared at each other in mounting horror.
Before Harry could even think to do anything chivalrous - or even cover up his rapidly hardening cock - y/n had squeaked like a mouse, threw one hand over her breasts and another in front of her sex, and ran from the shower. So stunned by it all, Harry didn't even think to turn and look at her ass as it scurried away.
He regretted it for the rest of the night.
The second time it happened, it was awkward.
Harry and y/n - both pink in the face throughout all of the next breakfast - had snuck away from Ron and Hermione to have a quiet conversation before class. They worked out that they had both been using the showers at the same time, y/n in the girls’ and Harry in the boys’, and they decided it must have just been some strange jinx. Another mystery of Hogwarts. They promised that it wouldn’t ruin their friendship or make things uncomfortable.
And for four nights they were right. Harry showered in peace and solitude - and while a part of him wished he could see y/n naked again he was glad not to endure that embarrassment again. Anyway, his dreams took care of his desires. He had woken up most nights now with a raging erection and a faint memory of a nude y/n. He tried to ignore it. She was his friend. Nothing more.
Still, his heart thundered in excitement when he heard that loud pop again. He knew what happened last time he heard that sound - and sure enough y/n was suddenly in the shower with him again. Except this time, she wasn’t washing her hair. She was washing her legs - bent at the waist as she soaped up her calves. Standing behind her, Harry was presented with the greatest view of his life. His eyes followed up her legs, over her thighs, to her plump, round bottom presented to him like a five course meal. He devoured the view - each soapy, wet asscheek there to be squeezed and kneaded.
“Oh Merlin” he babbled.
y/n stopped washing her legs. She went very still and then realizing her position she quickly stood up. She did not turn around however - instead standing facing the wall, letting Harry bathe in the view of her delectable rump. “Harry?” she whispered with uncertainty.
“Yeah. It's me” Harry said. He begged every power in the universe that y/n didn’t turn around. Partly because he wanted to continue to stare at her ass. Partly because his cock was so hard now it could cut stone.
They stood together in silence for a while - only the sound of the shower covering their breathing. Harry’s cock twitched as he watched a droplet of water run down the curve of her back and dipped between her cheeks, vanishing out of sight. Then y/n finally said, “could you leave this time? I still haven’t finished washing. If that’s ok?”
Harry gulped. “Sure” he said, backing out of the shower, not letting his eyes leave her ass until they had to.
The third time it happened, it was explosive.
Harry and y/n had again managed to find an excuse to leave Ron and  Hermione at breakfast the following day and had a hurried conversation in an abandoned classroom. They worked out that it only seemed to happen when they were showering at the same time - and so the obvious answer to their problem was to make sure their schedules never aligned. Harry felt a stab of disappointment as they agreed, but he supposed it was for the best.
For a week then - Harry enjoyed his showers in peace and quiet. Enjoy being the right word because whenever Harry was alone under the water, his hand always dropped to his cock, stroking himself, jerking his shaft until he spilled his cum against the wall. He only ever thought about one thing. Her breast,.Her bottom. Her legs. Her back. Her wet hair and face. The visions came to him as he pumped himself, always concluding with a grunt of relief.
On Monday night then he had quickly washed - ready to engage in his new past-time - when the loud pop filled the shower again. He stumbled back, caught by surprise. There was y/n in front of him again. She was naked again. Her body glistened with the water again. Her face was already pink and her breasts were already heaving as she breathed heavily - as if she was trying to control herself after a long run. “Oh sorry!” she squeaked. “I thought you were finished!”
Harry had no reply at first. He found it hard to think of anything but the word “tits” that was currently doing laps around his brain. He wanted to squeeze them. He wanted to kiss them. It was only when he realized with mounting horror that he was now hard - fully erect, aching for relief - in front of one of his best friend did he finally return to earth. “Ok” he said. Trying to remember how English worked. “I wasn’t done.”
“What did you have left to do?”
It wasn’t the question Harry expected y/n to ask. Did she think that they should simply both finish their showers and pretend this was normal? More to the point, it wasn’t a question Harry wanted to answer - since there was no polite way to say “all I have left to do is jerk myself off to the memory of your naked ass.” Still he found himself looking down at his cock - still hard, still pointing directly at y/n. She followed his gaze and let out a little squeak. “Oh. Ok. Here, I have some soap.”
It was at this point Harry was certain this was a dream. It had to be a dream. It couldn’t not be a dream. Because y/n had just reached forward with a soapy hand and wrapped her fingers around his penis. He grunted. It didn’t make any sense. He had touched his own cock a million times before and somehow it never came anywhere near as good as y/n soft, dainty fingers pressed against his flesh. For a moment she simply held him, cock in hand, her eyes looking up at him. And then she started to move. As if this was normal. As if it was perfectly innocent for her to wash his shaft clean. Her arm gently pumped - her breasts bouncing with the movement - as she started to stroke his cock, lathering him up. Harry lasted for all of about ten delirious, delicious and delectable strokes until with a shuddering groan, he came. His seed splattered against her naked thigh.
“Finished?” Asked y/n breathlessly.
Harry nodded and took that as his sign to leave.
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gojotojis · 4 months
Dracula pt.2
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part one
summary: because of yours and Sukunas actions, there’s a consequence that threatens to ruin everything
pairing: sukuna as Dracula x fem reader
content MDNI: abuse,Dracula, vampires, unplanned pregnancy, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, death, mentions of abuse, violence, fingering, arranged/forced marriage,
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Your hands cling to the ring handles of the door as Naoya grabs you by the legs in attempts to pull you away. You refuse to let go as your wedding guests watch you throw a tantrum. You scream loud enough to pierce the air like a banshee and everyone’s clutching their ears.
Mitsuki stares at you, like you’re the most amusing human she’s ever encountered. Your legs kick at Naoya but your grip doesn’t loosen.
“How is she so fucking strong?” He hisses using his body weight to pull you and you scream more, you don’t care how insane you look. You’re not leaving with him and nobody can make you.
Devastation hits you when strong hands grab yours and easily pluck them from the door. You claw at him until your arms are wrapped around his neck, feet kicking Naoya in the face so your legs are free to wrap around Sukuna.
You cling to him like a monkey that was nearly drowned. His arms remain at his sides as he walks with you. The guest in attendance stare in shock that he’s allowing this.
“Must you be so difficult?” He asks with amusement in his voice.
“Please don’t make me go, please. I’ll do anything, I’ll behave I promise, I’ll stop leaving books everywhere and I won’t laugh at you ever again” you plead.
“You knew the deal,” he says.
“You’re The Count, deals don’t matter unless you say so” you remind him and he hums.
“Nine and ten moons acting like a child, what will your husband think?” He asks.
“It’s a good thing I didn’t marry him to think” you say and his chest vibrates, you think he’s going to laugh but he doesn’t as his hands grip your thighs to pull you off of him. You squeeze tighter.
“Come on little mouse, it’s time to go” he says using his genuine strength to pull you off of him. Naoya pulls you to him and Sukuna walks away.
“Sukuna” you cry and for the briefest of seconds he pauses.
You’re hauled into the carriage with no one to save you.
4 months later
Your feet hit the dirt, dress snagging at the branches from the trees. Your lungs burn as you watch the flames from the torches disappear. You can still hear the shouting and the hounds sniffing for you.
“Come out murderer!” Naobito yells. You tremble feeling the ice cold air freeze your skin. Thunder rumbles and you panic as rain patters, beating against your flesh.
“She’ll freeze to death, let her die out here” Jinchi says as you hide behind a tree, hand clasped over your mouth.
“She killed my son”Naobito grits.
You try to think of what to do, one thing comes to mind and it’s easily the worst decision you can make but the only one that may protect you.
You run for Sukunas castle, hissing as twigs and rocks imbed themselves in the soles of your feet. Your dress is shredded by the time you reach the massive double doors. Your fist beat against the door as you freeze to death. You bang desperately until Mitsukis opening the door, she pulls you in as water drips from your body creating a puddle on the floor.
“You’re freezing”she says guiding you up the stairs and to your old room. She pulls out one of your nightgowns and strips you. She inhales at the bruises that cover your body. Her fingers graze your black eye and then your busted lip, eyes lingering on the purple hand print that marks your neck.
Her eyes widen when they land on your stomach, round and swollen. You turn away from her and slip into the dress. You climb into the bed shaking and she sits beside you.
“What did you do?” You hear his voice before you see him striding into the room shirtless, drops of blood on his bare chest.
“I slit his throat”you breathe. Your husband was violent, and the night he realized you were pregnant with a child that wasn’t his, he beat you for it. Then he beat you to force you into obedience.
“Let me heal you”he says and you glare.
“I don’t want your blood, you’ve done enough. I begged you not to make me marry him, I begged you not to let him take me and you did. Now I’m as good as dead once the Zenin find me,” you hiss as he bites into his wrist.
“Still a volatile little brat” he says, gripping the back of your head and forcing you to drink from him. You fight against him but his strength is too much. You feel the liquid slide down your throat and you become delirious. Your head hits the pillows as your eyes close.
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Your eyes open to three women staring down at you, fangs on display as they twist and tug on the strands of your hair. One pokes at your cheek and they giggle.
“She’s pretty” one whispers.
“She smells so good” another moans.
“She’s pregnant” the third says, her claws drag up your belly and you smack her hand away.
“What did I tell you about touching things that are mine?”you hear from the doorway and the women pull away.
“But we’re hungry” they cry in unison.
“Then chase a goat, I’ve had it up to here with you three”he says and they run off.
He walks toward you, eyes narrowing in on your protruding stomach. Your arm wraps around it, refusing to let him near her as you crawl to the furthest part of the bed.
“You sleep like the dead” he comments but you don’t answer him nor do you look at him and it drives him crazy.
“You can ignore me but we’re stuck together till that brat is born”he says and your head snaps to him, eyes enraged.
“She’s not a brat, she’s just a baby and you will not have her for she does not belong to you,” you say watching him stalk to your side of the bed.
His fingers lift your chin up and his claw taps the skin.
“There’s nothing in this world that’s going to stop me from killing it, not even you can save it from that,” he says, his voice is dark and any traces of Sukuna are gone, this is solely Dracula talking.
“She’s not Naoya’s” you whisper and his brows raise.
“You were unfaithful?” he asks, that doesn’t sound like you but then again what did he know. You despised your husband the moment you met him, it was clear you’d never love him.
“No, I’ve only slept with one man” you breathe and the air escapes his lungs. His eyes flick from yours to your stomach and then back.
“She’s yours, Sukuna”you say hesitantly grabbing his hand to splay it across your belly. Something appears in his eyes but is gone as soon as he pulls his hand away like you’ve burned him.
“What did you do?!” He yells and you flinch.
“I didn’t do anything, it just happened. You were there just as much as I was. You can’t hurt her, she’s your daughter” you whisper.
The word feels foreign, mundane and prettifying.
His instincts are to wrap his hands around your throat but he fights them and leaves the room.
“He won’t hurt her, he won’t” you tell Mitsuki at dinner. She’s still in shock at the news you’re carrying her niece. Sukunas never slept with someone and not killed them after, this is the consequences of his actions.
“He killed our family, if you think a child will change that then you’re mistaken,” she says. She’s never been one to sugarcoat anything and you like that about her but in your heart you believe she’s wrong.
When Sukuna had hurt you, he fought against his very own nature to be gentle, to kiss away your tears and apologize, not once but twice. There’s a part of him that cares and you know it, you’ve seen it.
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At five months pregnant you grow concern, she still hasn’t moved. You thrum your fingers along your belly, gently tapping in hopes of getting her to kick but she doesn’t.
You whisper to her at night and sing to her but she’s unresponsive.
A sigh leaves you as you climb out of bed, and walk to the room down the hall. It’s been a month since he’s spoken to you, you don’t push it because you believe with time he’ll love her too.
The times you’ve been so close to talking to him at night, you hear the grunts from his room and turn away, certain he’s inside another woman but you shouldn’t care.
The door pushes open and to your surprise he’s alone sitting on the edge of his bed. Your eyes trail his muscular body and you hate how responsive it makes yours. Pregnancy’s made your lust grow, and not even your fingers are able to dull the ache between your legs.
His eyes look up and find yours before they stare at your belly. You slowly walk toward him to stand between his spread legs. He’s never been a weak man but there’s something about you that has him turning to putty in the palm of your hands and it’s not your blood.
He feels your belly pressed against his chest and he smells it, that sweet scent coming from your daughter. His eyes close, and your fingers slide their way through his hair, nails gently grazing his scalp.
“She’s not moving” you whisper and his eyes open.
“It’s fine” he says, listening to the steady thump of her heart mixed with yours, it’s like a melody. You sigh in relief as he stares at your stomach, there’s so much turmoil in his eyes.
“I want to name her Katalina, it means pure” you admit and he stiffens against you.
“You’re growing attached” he says and your fingers pull away from him.
“Why wouldn’t I? She’s our daughter,”.
“It. Is a mistake,” he says and you shake your head. You don’t regret any of it, not when you feel her grow inside of you. You grab his hand and force him to feel her.
You gasp when she kicks against his palm for the first time. The feelings is strange but beautiful. His face is stoic but his eyes look conflicted and she kicks again.
“She likes you,” you smile feeling his thumb graze over the spot she kicked.
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“Don’t wander far” Mitsuki says as you walk along the garden. You nod in response kneeling to pluck flowers for your room.
“Do you know how to ride?” She asks as she pets the black mare named Juniper.
“No” you answer, gently setting the flowers in a basket.
She wants to say she’ll teach you but there’s no point, after Katalina’s born, they’ll send you away.
“She likes Sukuna” you tell her and her brows raise.
“And how would you know that?”.
“She only kicks for him,” you smile and her face softens. She finds herself wanting to care for the baby as much as you do but it’s useless. Sukuna has never had an issue killing his own flesh and blood, this will make no difference.
“Would you like to pet Juniper?” She asks and your ears perk up. You nod as you stand, holding your belly. You’ve never pet a horse before.
“Can I bru-“ your words are cut off at something hissing through the air. Pain explodes in your chest, you look down at the arrow protruding through your skin and blood pools from your mouth.
“Sukuna !” Mitsuki screams as your body hits the ground with a thud. Red eyes appear above you, his lips are moving but you can’t hear a word as you choke on blood.
He yanks the arrow from your chest and you scream. His fangs dig into his wrist and he holds them to your lips. There’s too much blood pooling in your throat for you to swallow.
Your brows pinch in anguish as your skin pales. He can hear your heart slowing before he drags his fangs across your wrist, splitting the skin open. Your wrists touch and his blood seeps into yours.
His hand rests against your belly and Katalina kicks, the thump of her heart so strong that he finds himself sighing in relief.
Mitsuki tears though the Zenin mercenaries sent to kill you as you roll on your side and cough out the blood. You gasp when you can breathe again.
“Is she okay?” You choke and he nods, lifting you into his arms and carrying you back inside.
“You care” you weakly smile, eyes closing.
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The sound of lightning striking the ground has you tossing and turning until you’re out of bed and walking toward his room.
Only a few candles light the room as you enter and walk toward the bed. You pull back the covers and climb in. He turns to face you, and fingers graze your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, the concern to clear on his face. He’s losing this war.
“I can’t sleep” you say innocently.
“Katalina?” He asks and you smile wide.
“You said her name,” you point out.
“That doesn’t mean anything” he says making you shake your head.
“It’s okay to love her, I know you want to” you confess feeling his fingers brush against your belly under the covers. Katalina kicks and you giggle, his hand moves and she kicks again.
“She only kicks for you, she loves her papa” you say looking into his eyes. He’s scared and you can see it. You lean forward and gently kiss him, slowly pulling away. War is over when his lips find yours, his fingers run circles into your belly as your daughter kicks.
His tongue forces its way inside your mouth and licks at it, letting him get drunk off the taste of you. You moan against his lips, feeling him move to hover over you. Your legs spread to accommodate him and he breaks the kiss to pull your dress up.
His eyes look over your belly and his hand presses against it. Katalina kicks up a storm and he does the most human thing you’ve ever witnessed, he smiles. He hesitantly leans forward and presses a kiss to the skin earning a kick from his daughter.
He looks up at you and lets himself feel. You’re the most beautiful creature he’s ever laid eyes on, now full and carrying his child. He’s been utterly seduced, taken down by the one thing he was meant to kill.
His fingers touch your core, feeling how soaked you are. You inhale as he pushes a finger inside of you, eyes holding yours and you moan.
“There’s not a day I haven’t thought about this” he says pressing a kiss to your cunt and you bite your lip. He adds a second finger, moving slow and deep inside of you, pressing kisses to your belly and your inner thighs.
His thumb rubs furiously at your clit and you cry out, feeling yourself clench onto his fingers. Your legs shake as he continues until it’s too much. You slump against the bed as he moves to lay beside you.
“I need you inside of me” you say feeling his lips graze your forehead.
“I don’t want to hurt her” he says, thinking about how rough he had been taking your virginity.
“You won’t,” you assure him, he hesitantly gets back on and between your legs. He’s too far gone, with you and your daughter. He couldn’t hurt her if he tried, she’s a part of you that he’s grown to love. In those months you were away he was miserable and when he believed you to be pregnant with Naoyas child, he felt anger.
He can’t hate something that you made.
“Hurry” you say and his fingers graze your neck.
“Little brat” he says lining his cock up to your hole and gently thrusting home. The stretch will take getting use to but you moan once he’s fully inside of you. He doesn’t move and it annoys you as you sit up on your elbows.
You roll your hips and moan as you feel him deep inside of you. “So impatient” he whispers pulling out and thrusting in. You shake as he repeats the action over and over. Your hands reach for his and he laces your fingers, listening to your whimpers.
“Harder” you beg, you want to laugh at how afraid he is of hurting your daughter.
“Always demanding”he grits, hips pulling from you and slamming into you hard. You gasp and he does it again feeling you clench around him.
He skin slaps against yours lewdly as he builds a faster and hard rhythm of fucking into you. One of his hands leaves yours to roll your nipple between his finger and you cum around him gasping.
He lifts your leg up and pulls you impossibly closer, burying himself in the depths of you, feeling you cum again. A scream leaves your lips mixed with his harsh grunts.
His thumb drags across your clit, working circles into it. He grips the back of your head and pulls you as close as he can, lips locking with yours. Your breathless gasps hitting his lips, your nails claw at his arms when he hits your cervix and you both cum arms wrapping around him to steady yourself.
You fall to the bed drenched in sweat as he pulls out of you. He kisses your sweaty forehead, listening to Katalinas heartbeat.
Minutes pass and you get up, grabbing your gown and putting it back on. You start to leave until his hand clasp against your wrist.
“Stay” he says and you swallow roughly, climbing back into the bed. He pulls your back against his front, hand splaying across your belly. Katalina kicks and you laugh.
“Does she ever rest?” He asks.
“No,” you answer.
“A brat like her mama” he says and you roll your eyes.
“What are you going to do about the Zenins?” You ask, they had been so close to killing you, to killing Katalina.
“Wipe them from the earth” he says and you frown.
“Some of them are good people, very few but some. They shouldn’t suffer for the sins of their family” you say feeling his lips press against your shoulder.
“That heart of yours bleeds for all the wrong people” he whispers, feeling your hand cover his.
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Sukunas still trying to wrap his head around becoming a father, it’s not easy fighting your instincts or changing your beliefs.
He fears now, it’s strange but he does. He fears everything that could go wrong, how either you or her could die, potentially both. He worries he’ll corrupt her, or she’ll grow to hate him. Often times he feels like he can’t breathe, lying awake at night listening to your breathing and her heartbeat.
He nearly had a heart attack the other night when you almost tumbled down the stairs, now he insists on escorting you everywhere and holding your hand.
He slaughtered most of the Zenin clan besides the servants and a few members you asked him to spare. Dracula didn’t spare, only one person was ever spared and that was your mother. He spared her for his own selfish tendencies, but you simply asked him and he obliged.
He feels like a puppet and you his master, he fears when Katalinas born he’ll be wrapped around her finger just as he is yours.
Mitsukis still hesitant, fearing his mind will change. She finds herself touching your belly from time to time, Katalina doesn’t kick of course but Mitsukis trying to learn to love her.
You’re getting so close to giving birth, you’d be lying if you said you’re not scared. Your mother died giving birth to you, a burden you carry with you. You talk to Katalina all the time, incase something goes wrong, you hope she’ll remember your voice.
Sukuna watches you waddle toward the bed, you’re hissing with a limp and he’s instantly at your side.
“What’s wrong?”he asks, kneeling infront of you, hands kneading your belly.
“My feet” you whisper and he looks down to your swollen feet, a sigh leaves you as he begins massaging your right one. His lips kiss the arch of your foot and you giggle as his fingers dig into the flesh. You’re so ticklish but it feels really nice.
He moves onto the other one, repeating his actions as you cradle your stomach.
He leans forward and presses a kiss to your belly button earning a little foot pressed against the skin.
“You’re hurting your mama” he whispers to your belly and you feel a sharp kick to your ribs making you inhale.
“Behave little one” he whispers tapping your belly, feeling Katalinas foot press against his finger.
“Sukuna” you say and he hums, looking up at you.
“If anything happens to me, you have to take care of her. You have to love her, unconditionally” you whisper and he tenses as you speak his worse fear into existence.
He palms your cheek and you lean into it. “I’d turn you before that ever happens” he says. You blink, not having considered that as an option, not sure if that’s what you’d even want.
“I don’t know if I want that, I don’t want to become-“.
“A monster?” He cuts you off. You feel guilt at the admission but he’s not a good man, he’s the reason several children grew up without fathers, the reason your people would hide in their homes and barricade themselves. He’s the reason your mother was unable to flee and be with your father.
He’s done so many horrible things but despite them you find yourself loving him. He’s given you something so precious, something equally you and him. He needs you, he needs her.
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Pain erupts in your stomach, hands clutching it as you wake up with pinched brows and you cry out. You feel the liquid running down your thighs and Sukunas immediately awake.
“It hurts” you cry, his hand grabs yours and you clench it. His lips kiss your temple as he yells for Mitsuki.
She rushes in with your midwife and you feel your legs being pried apart. You’re scared, wide eyes looking to Sukuna. His jaws clenched, a face of indifference but his eyes tell you he’s worried.
“She’s not fully dilated yet, it could be hours” the midwife informs.
“Hours of suffering?” Sukuna grits and you squeeze his hand to be nice to the woman merely doing her job.
“It’s okay” you whisper, kissing him. You press your forehead against his, he has to know. Incase these are your last hours with him, he has to know.
Mitsuki and the midwife rush off to fetch towels and water while Sukuna pulls you between his legs, your back to his chest. His fingers pet your hair as your body aches, preparing to deliver your daughter.
“Sukuna, I love you. Incase we don’t have more time I want you to know that. I forgive you for everything and I don’t regret anything. I’d do it all over again to have her, to be with you,” you say and he stills. He doesn’t reply, he can’t bring himself to utter the words. His hands rub your belly and he kisses your temple.
When Mitsuki comes back, you requests a moment alone with her.
“Thank you for everything, for showing me kindness and compassion in the darkest of times. For being my friend, I don’t hold anything you did against you. You love your brother fiercely and I can only hope Katalina receives that same love,” you smile at her.
Hours pass and Mitsuki holds your left hand, Sukuna your right as your Midwife kneels between your legs.
“She’s crowning” she says and a scream leaves your lips as you push, it’s painful. Mitsuki rubs circles into your hand and you watch tears fall from her eyes. You kiss the top of her hand and smile weakly at her, the sister you always wanted.
Your body feels broken the harder you push, sweat coating your skin.
“I love you, I loved you the moment I heard you tell those villagers you were born of fire and blood. How something so vulnerable and beaten could say something so deranged and laugh. The way you showed me not an ounce of fear, sending you away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and easily my biggest regret but I love you” he says in your ear and you smile giving one last push.
An earth shattering scream pierces the air. Katalina enters the world covered in blood, fists curled. Sukunas bites his wrist and offers you his blood but you shake your head.
“I want to feel this, at least for a few more minutes” you say, he doesn’t understand but he nods as the midwife cleans your daughter and cuts her umbilical cord.
She wraps her in a pink quilt and you sit up, weak and tired and so desperate to meet the little girl that’s completely changed your life.
You sob at the sight of her, her father’s twin with two crimson red eyes. Her hair a mass of pink curls as her fists curls around your finger. Mitsukis crying, fingers grazing Katalinas curls but the baby’s eyes seek out her favorite person. Her eyes land on Sukuna, big and curious.
His whole world stops when their eyes meet, time stands still and suddenly that cold organ that thumps in his chest is filled with so much warmth it’s overwhelming. He leans down to kiss her little fingers smiling, surrounded by his three favorite girls.
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Eight years later
Glass shatters and a scream erupts, you’re climbing out of the bed immediately with your husband following behind.
Thunder rumbles outside and you can hear the pitter patter of feet. Your eyes follow the trail of muddy foot prints downstairs and broken pottery. Books thrown everywhere, red and yellow painted handprints coat the walls and you feel on the verge of a heart attack.
The footsteps lead to the kitchen, cupboards open and pots scattered everywhere.
Sukuna spots the pink highlighted head of hair and snatches her up, she screams and her little feet kick at him. Chocolate covers her mouth in a ring and all over her grubby hands. He pretends to bite into her neck and she giggles, feeling him attack her with tickles.
“Papa no” she gasps, hands clawing at his face, coating it in chocolate.
“Come out, now” you say, and watch three heads peek out around the corner. Paint covers them, feet coated in mud and you pinch your nose.
“Mama…”Katalina starts and your brow raises.
“Soreena started it” Adrian accuses pointing to the little girl in Sukunas arms. Her eyes, one brown and the other red widen.
“No I not!” She shrieks.
“Papa, she chased us with paint” Katalina says walking toward her father, eyes big and pleading as she leans into his side and clings to his free arm. Soreena attempts to kick her in the face but he holds her little feet down.
“The truth or you all are sleeping with the horses” Sukuna says and their eyes widen.
“Soreena” the three siblings say.
“Katalina,” he warns and her eyes look to the floor.
“We just wanted to have fun, mama won’t let us outside” she sighs.
“It’s raining, I don’t think I’d like my children being burnt to a crisp because they couldn’t outrun lightning” you say.
“Papa would save us” Nikolai says and you roll your eyes, you swear you’ve raised a cult obsessed with your husband.
“Well I would” Sukuna agrees looking to you and your children grin.
“Told you!” Nikolai says, six years old and the perfect combination of you and his father.
“That’s fine, because of your actions, papa won’t be reading to you tonight” you say and they groan. Soreenas eyes water as she starts to cry.
“Mawma pwease” she begs, you sigh kissing her forehead.
“It’s okay” Sukuna says stroking her hair and kissing her little tears. Her lips pout and her little fangs poke out.
“Where’s Elena?” You ask looking around, Soreena never goes anywhere without her twin sister.
“Here” Mitsuki calls from behind you holding the sleeping three year old. The only child of yours that’s obsessed with you.
“She was behind the sofa” she says as you take her from her. Her cheek rests against your chest as your hand rubs down her back.
Sukuna kisses her chubby cheek, careful to not get chocolate on it.
“You gave birth to demons” Mitsuki says eyeing the mess your children have made, and you can’t seem to argue with her.
“Mimi” Soreena says giggling at her aunt, earning a smile and pat to the head.
“Let’s get you bathed and in bed, papa can read to you but this gets cleaned tomorrow” you say and they nod their heads furiously before running into their father.
Once the kids are bathed and in bed, Elena rests between you and Sukuna with Soreena on his chest. They’re the spitting image of you save for the streaks of pink hair and the one red eye.
His hand trails up and down Soreenas spine as he stares at you three.
“I’m glad you killed your husband” he says and you laugh.
“Which one?” You ask, turning to face him.
“Both,” he says watching your eyes twinkle.
“The verdicts still out on you” you tease and his chest vibrates, making Soreena lift slightly.
“To die by your hands would be the sweetest death” he whispers grabbing your hand to kiss it.
“I love you” you smile.
“I love you to the ends of the earth and beyond that”he says leaning to kiss you. You break apart at the creaking of your door to see Katalina rubbing at her eyes with her stuffed bunny Mitsuki had made her as a baby.
She walks toward the bed and you expect her to go for sukuna but her arms wrap around you.
“I love you mama” she says climbing over you and laying between you and Elena.
“I love you too my angel ,” you say arms wrapping around her. You hear two sets of feet and your sons climb into the bed.
You kiss their foreheads and look at Sukuna and smile, your fangs on display.
“I knew it’d be impossible for you not to fall in love”.
“I never stood a chance, I was already defeated from the start. The bride of Dracula, the cruelest of creatures”
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Note: I really enjoyed writing this though it was stressful. Their children are half human half vampire, their vampire traits are more dominant than their human ones like their immortality, aging, healing etc.
Human wise they are more human than animal so not like the instincts sukuna was born with and also have an appetite more for human food than blood.
Adrian is five so he’s the the third oldest and looks like Sukuna in the same way Katalina does. They adore their mom but Sukuna is just the fan favorite. Elena is a mommy’s girl through and through though. Reader has heterochromia not sure if that’s obvi, one of the reasons she was accused of being a witch and her children aside from Katalina and Adrian inherit that from her.
I picture Soreena and elena to have black hair like I do the reader with pink highlights like draculara from monster high kind of look. Nikolai’s hair is mostly dark with pink frosted tips. Sukunas features are more dominant thus the pink hair and red eyes but the twins look like the reader in every other aspect.
Though reader is a vampire, her blood is still the same and addictive to him as is their children’s but he doesn’t crave it anymore, he’d never let his bloodlust bring him to kill his family, at least not again! And he does feed from reader during sex, it’s a kink ;)
Also I was gonna kill her off but I started crying too much lmaooo.
@firefly-333 @idkkkkd @bluebirdhangingonawheepingtree @chxrv @bubb13gumb1tch @kiki17483 @xra1 @berries06 @ilestreign
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spencerreiddddd · 4 months
No second chances • 2
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Content: Angst, NO HAPPY ENDING.
Gist: Part 2 of “No second Chances”
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You held your head in your hands, it had been 3 hours here at the BAU base and you were genuinely loosing your mind.
Your past had been something you had successfully buried, you moved on. Yes,of course it took time… 2 years to be exact to even be able to trust a man into your life again. To show vulnerability emotionally and physically in your relationship, but James waited he was patient, he took care of you, he never made you feel unworthy, if your being honest that’s what made you fall for him.
It took you 2 years to build your trust with James, he proposed and you accepted. He offered you stability, he offered you everything Spencer didn’t.
A loud knock comes from the door snapping you out of your thoughts. It was Spencer….
“Can I come in?” He said quietly like a mouse being caught when the lights turn on. “Yeah, sure.” You say moving over on the couch in the break room. Spencer walks over and sits down, leaving a gap between you and him.
“Owen is your spitting image.” Spencer says breathily. “He really is, everyone always tells me, However he has his dad’s brains.” You laugh quietly smiling at the image of Owen in your head.
“Are you happy?” Spencer blurts out, looking at your face searching for something to tell him you weren’t.
You look at him, annoyance flashing over your face making Spencer cringe. “I am, I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world.” I say directly looking at him in the eyes.
“How long did you wait?” He asks cupping his hands together and looking down at his feet. You grew angry, Spencer had no right to interrogate you on how you moved on from him.
You got up and moved to face him. “Stop it Reid. You have no right to ask me how long it took ME to move on. You have no right whatsoever when YOU were the one that took everything we had and threw it away for another woman.” You say anger brewing in you eyes, you might even say a bit of disgust for this whole situation your in right now.
“But I’m here, I’m standing here in-front of you now. I regret what I did every single day believe me Y/N.” He says now standing up and towering over you grasping for your hands. “Let me fix this, let me fix us.” He continues desperately looking into your eyes. However those big puppy dog eyes did nothing to you now as they once did before.
“You’re here now?!” You scoff almost laughing. “You’re here now that I’m married to a man who treats me the way I should be treated and more?! You’re here now that I have a child who needs me?! Who needs their dad?! You’re here now?!” You stare at him in disbelief.
He looks at you pleadingly. “I love James, I do. It would be unfair to him for me to ruin a healthy marriage, and destroy my son’s life, it not worth it because you are not worth it.” You say almost spitting at him.
Spencer flinches at your words, he was looking at you but he didn’t recognize you….You were no longer that lovestruck girl who bought him mismatch socks for his birthday, you were no longer that girl who read the books he talked about so he could be able to discuss them with you. You weren’t showering him with love after a long case.
Reality set in, he didn’t know you anymore and worst of all you didn’t want him anymore. He searched in your eyes and he couldn’t find any love you held for him. All he saw was anger, his consequences had caught up to him.
“Is everything alright in here?” James said making you and Spencer flinch. “Yeah, just catching up with Spencer.” You say putting a smile on your face as you turn to look at James.
James had a confused and concerned expression on his face, he could clearly tell by your body language that you were uncomfortable. That told him enough and he walked into the room and handed you a coffee while placing his hand on your waist and walking you out the room.
Unbeknownst to you James stared at Spencer the whole way out of the room with a look that let Spencer know James had caught on, and that he wasn’t welcomed.
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Thank you so so sooooo much for the love and support on the first part, I genuinely had no idea this would blow up the way it did and I am entirely grateful. Hopefully the second part wasn’t a let down but I think Y/N was in the right for not falling into Spencer’s pleads and not ruining what she has now.
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ja3hwa · 1 year
♡ 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟐: 𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤/𝐒𝐢𝐳𝐞 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 - 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢 ♡
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【sʏɴᴏᴘsɪs】 : Your two professors were more than happy to show you some tips and tricks to help you study.
『ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ』 : 1.36k
-> ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: Colleg Au. Suggestive. 
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Professor!Yungi x Student!Reader 
[ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs] : Swearing. Pet names. Hints of sex. Teasing. Dirty talk. Some man handling. Mingi and Yunho are HUGE.
Thank you, @mixling-blog, @yugy-oh, and @senpai-of-doom, for requesting Mingi and Yunho for this day. ♡♡♡
Note: I actually forgot to finish this day, and I'm so sorry. So I'll be making a part 2 once kinktober is done cause I had this whole idea but i just lost track of all the fics and this one got put on the bottom of my list by accident ahhhh.
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There was a secret code in college, an unspoken rule if you will. Never, ever, by any means, fall in love, or sleep with your professors. And yes, they might be handsome, and they might be only seven or so in age difference. But never, EVER, be romantically or sexually involved.  And this rule stuck by most students and more professors. There were young girls who always fawned over the brooding, tall, and mysterious drinks of water known as their music or mathematics teachers. And boys that would whisper among themselves who was the hottest, Ms. Kim, the science teacher, or Mrs. Park, the criminology professor.
But you? You swore the minute you only got barely accepted to the college―since you were late for the cut―that you would not look at your teachers in such an inappropriate and unprofessional way. Besides, you were one day going to be joining them as a professor once you pass your training exam. You always wanted to teach visual arts and Theater and this college has allowed you not only to study such majors and degrees but also train so that one day you’ll be able to teach them yourself to others.
You worked hard, studied instead of sleeping. Sleeping instead of hanging out with friends. Your life revolved around your work, and yet when you met the stand-in, since your normal teacher was away for a couple of weeks. It was like your brain no longer understood how to function. And the worst part…
Theres two of them.
Both are strong, tall, and deviously handsome. One had a voice so deep you could feel the vibrations of his vocals every time he spoke, and the other had eyes as piercing as the sun and a smile that could kill. To say they were your ideal type would be an understatement. And what was the icing on the cake? They are huge. Beefy broad shoulders, thick biceps and thighs, heavy chests. They were like super soldiers, and oh, how that made you swoon. Wanting nothing more than for them to pick you up and throw you around as if you weighed nothing. If you were to stand in between them, you surely would be caged in the best way possible.
You met them during the first term, six months ago. And every day since was a little unspoken game of cat and mouse. You didn’t flirt at first, still wanting to be professional but as your late hours at the library grew or the time spent sitting in an empty classroom for some quiet as your dorm was too loud to considerate became more common. Mr Park and Mr Jung came to your aid to help you with your studies, of course. First, they would sit at the front of the classroom while you were at a row of desks. They would explain about being a teacher, cheat sheets of sorts, and tips for when to do your first training shift. Helping you understand the ins and outs of navigating college students. And then it slowly moved to one of them sitting next to you, Mr Song, you could smell his cologne, the musk of his natural scent. His arm would brush yours, occasionally making you see how his large biceps were. And they were definitely the same if not larger than your thighs. Your body felt so small next to him.
And then Mr Jung sat on the other side of you. The feeling of being caged was coming to reality, and it was burning a fire inside of you. You tried to brush away these feelings. They are your professors, after all and one day, co-workers, not some school crush to dot over. But they were so smooth-talking, charming, with flirtatious smiles, and your mind couldn’t help but wonder since they are so naturally big, were they big else where…
“You get all that peach?” Mr Jung’s voice snapped you out of your lewd thoughts, redness suddenly pooling on your cheeks. You see that’s why Mr Jung had given you such a nickname, Peach, was because of the shade of pink your cheeks would be whenever he made eye contact with you. Deep down you knew your professor shouldn’t be nicknaming his student but then again you didn’t take the classes they taught, and the longer you thought about it, the more okay it was to flirt back. After all, you were all adults.
“You seem a bit distracted today?” Mr Song grumbled behind you, making a shiver dance down your back. My god, if that man sounded like that on a regular, you wondered what his bedroom voice sounded like, or even better, his morning voice. “Is something bothering you?” he asked, placing his large hand on your shoulder, stopping you from turning to the side to see him. No, instead, he slowly rubbed his fingers deep into your tense muscle, making you feel relief surge through you. You almost forgot to answer the question, too focused on the older man's hands doing wonders on your shoulders.
“I-I uhmm…” You were lost, suddenly feeling Mr Jung’s hand grip the top part of your thigh, rubbing circles on your exposed flesh where the hem of your shorts are. “It’s just. M-mr Jung…”
“Don’t worry, Peach, and I said already. Call me Yunho. We are going to be co-workers soon. You should address me and Mingi as such.” He included his friend and co-worker at the end, letting you know what you’ve been told for the thousandth time, call them by their first names. “You seem tense, darling. What could ever be the cause of so much tension in this pretty body of yours.”
Your eyes snapped open now, looking at Mr Jung―uh you mean Yunho―in his intense stare. Did he just call you darling? Now, your face was definitely redder than a tomato at this point. “Y-Yunho…”
Yunho groaned, biting his lip while rolling his eyes slightly. he had to pull back for a second before returning his hand to your thigh. “God, my name sounds so good when you say it.”
You looked away for a moment, feeling your heart was going to beat right out of your chest. The next thing you knew, a pair of large beefy arms pulled you by your waist until your ass was placed onto a board, hard, lap. “Say my name Doll Face. I wanna hear what my name sounds like coming off your pretty lips.” All barriers were gone and lines were being crossed. But none of you cared anyone. The flirtation became too much, more so for the men it seems and with Mingi’s lips finding the sweet spot behind your ear you couldn’t help but moan;
“Fuck, that’s it. Such a good girl.” The hold Min had on you got tighter, and his huge biceps caged your back against his heavy chest. Your mind was spinning at the sheer thought that all Mingi and Yunho had to do was squeeze you tight enough that you’d break. They are so much bigger than you, stronger than you. They could throw you around and do as they pleased to you and all you could―would―do is lay back and take it.
“We knew you’d be such a good girl for us peach. Just look at you, head empty already when we have barely touched you.” Yunho chuckled, squeezing your thigh, letting his long fingers slip towards where you needed them most. “you want us to touch you, darling? Teach you some real lessons?” He emphasized the word ‘real’, all knowing that He and Mingi were going to teach you anything but a real lesson in this moment.
“Please…” you retched out for Yunho, gripping his perfectly iron button-up, pulling him towards you. “Please show me…” He drew his lips to yours quickly as Mingi’s bit down onto your shoulder while his hands loosely move to open your legs, letting Yunho cup your entire wet cunt with his huge hand. You were most definitely in for a night of your life.
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skzdarlings · 10 months
vexatious vixen ; felix x reader ; part 1/2
You always get what you want. When an unassuming security guard named Felix stops your latest venture, you escalate the stakes until he has no choice but to put you in your place.
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pairing: lee felix/reader content info: romantic comedy. strangers to enemies to lovers. handcuffs. cat-and-mouse. eventual smut will be kinky dom/sub dynamics, dom!felix and sub!reader. (chapter word count: 7400 words.)
Seungmin is one of your best friends and also a conniving master of manipulation.  Being a malevolent source of wicked verbal wizardry, he convinced you and Minho that it would be totally super easy to sneak into the Hwang Hyunjin concert.  It’s only the final night of the pop-star’s sold-out world tour and the most anticipated concert of the year.  What could go wrong?  
It sounded like a good idea when Seungmin said it.  Now the three of you are standing in a pushy crowd of overeager fans with some very intimidating looking security guards at the end of the queue. 
“Reconvene,” you say.  You grab the boys by their scruff and drag them out of the line. 
“Ah, hey!” Minho snaps at you like piranha.
You release him to grab Seungmin by his collar.  “You better have an idea for getting us past security,” you say, “because I do not like the look of the Incredible Hulk up there.”
The three of you look at the shortstack beefcake who looks like he could bench all three of you at the same time. 
“Yeaaaah,” Seungmin says.  He flashes you a not-so-innocent smile as his strawberry-pink bangs flop into his eyes.  “I didn’t really think this far ahead.  I thought you’d have a plan.”
“Why would I have a plan?” you ask.  “This whole thing was your idea.  Seungmin.”  You drag him close so your noses touch, going cross-eyed at the proximity.  It does not lessen the severity of your frustration when you state, “I waxed for this.  And you know how I feel about waxing.” 
“You waxed?” Minho asks loudly.  It draws a few glances your way which might be because Minho is so loud, or might be because he’s so good looking, or a combination of the two.  His dark eyes narrow at you like you’re a completely alien creature.   “Why would you wax for a concert?” he asks. 
“Wax,” Seungmin parrots.  Your hands are on his collar like you intend to shake him up but it doesn’t deter him asking, “Like… like wax-wax?  Like your human body waxed?”
“Like your human pussy?” Minho asks.  “For a concert?  What did you think was gonna happen?”  He is on the very visible verge of hysterical laughter when a thought lights his eyes.  “Wait,” he says.  “I know how we can get in—”
“Oh my god,” you say.  You shove Seungmin and grab Minho by the collar instead.  “I’m not fucking our way in.  And I waxed,” you drop your voice, “just in case.”
“Just in case…?” Minho tips his head.  “Just in case you had to fuck your way in…?”
“Oh my god,” you say.  You push him away too.  “Never mind.”
“Did you think Hyunjin was going to summon you out of the crowd for a green room quickie?”  Seungmin asks with a shit-eating grin. 
Minho cackles.  “No way she’d even go,” he says.  “She doesn’t get summoned.  She likes to be chased.” 
“She is walking away now,” you say.    
“Bet she’ll walk away quickly,” Seungmin says.  “She waxed so she’ll be aerodynamic.”
You stomp away from the stadium but only make it a few steps before Seungmin runs in front of you. 
“We can’t just give up here,” Seungmin says.  “We made it this far already.”
“One bus stop?” you ask dryly.  “We literally live like five minutes away—”
“Exactly!” Seungmin says.  “That’s called destiny.”
“We might as well try,” Minho says.  He cups a hand over his eyes to look at the stadium in the fading light of the sun.  “We all got dressed up.  Seungmin skipped a class.  You waxed.” 
“There’s no way we’re getting through those doors,” you say. 
“We’ve done it before,” Seungmin says.  He turns you to face the stadium and massages your shoulders like a boxing coach, all the while regaling you with tales of your past victories.  “Remember all the other concerts we snuck into?  The sports games?  That celebrity wedding—”   
“Well,” Minho interrupts, “we did get arrested at that one.” 
“Yeah and we got arrested together,” Seungmin says, “because that’s what friends do.” 
“I don’t know why,” you say, “but for some reason this is working.”  Maybe it’s Seungmin’s words, or Minho’s cologne, or maybe it’s the soft glow of a perfect summer sunset as it pours over the stadium like a pink-orange waterfall.  Or maybe it’s because this really is the concert of the year, and you love a challenge, and you fucking waxed. 
You throw your head back and sigh, soulfully resigning yourself to your imminent fate.
“Fine,” you say.  “So how are we doing this?”   
“Don’t worry,” Seungmin says thoughtfully.  “I think I have a plan.”
Seungmin proceeds to explain the plan.  It is hardly the pinnacle of heist endeavours but is more feasible than rappelling down the stadium walls into the concert arena.
Basically, the plan is to find a group of people with a solitary ticket holder and leech onto their tail with the hopes security will miscount the party and let you sneak past.  It means you will have to split up because security will definitely notice three extra people.  You will then hopefully reunite inside the arena.
You scamper around the periphery of the stadium, perusing lines for oblivious groups of excited fans with an e-ticket-wielding ringleader.  You also double-check which security guards seem the most lax or checked out. 
“I get that one,” Minho says. 
He points to a trim, athletic guard with floppy brown hair and a giggly smile.  You and Seungmin protest because that guard is an easy mark so you all want him, but Minho takes off running for the queue. 
The thing about Lee Minho is that he never hauls ass.  He coasts through life with a casual slouch, but he is completely capable of annihilating everyone if he deigns to do so. 
He does.  So he did.
You and Seungmin look around.  Your grin widens when you spy the next easiest target.
“Aha!” you say.  “I call dibs on that one!  Good luck, Seungmin!”
“Hey!” Seungmin bellows.
He is far too late.  You are already booking it towards the line with a pretty, chipper, skinny security guard.  He is in jeans and a loose windbreaker that says SECURITY across the back, about the only indication he is a man of any authority.  His hair is a vibrant, neon blue and is delicately styled, long enough to pull back in a pretty half-ponytail.  His features are sharp, cheekbones sloping, but there is a natural tenderness to his whole countenance.  He doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. 
Also, he really is lean.  Worst case scenario, you can probably push your way past him and disappear into the crowd before he can do anything about it.  
You find a group of girls to sidle alongside anyway.  You are satisfied you will easily slip into the stadium. 
The group reaches the front of the line, a couple of them giggling at the security guard’s friendly attention.  His name tag reads Felix, a cute name for a cute guy.  Up close, you can see a smattering of dark freckles across his face, as well as a few playful glitter stars for the concert.  He is admittedly pretty but as a professional gate crasher, you refrain from distraction.  You successfully avoid his gaze and stick close to the girl in front of you. 
Felix gives them each a friendly nod, smiling brightly.  He laughs at one of their comments and it’s a charming, low sound. 
“Enjoy the show, ladies,” he says, his voice about a hundred decibels deeper than you expected.  
Maybe that’s what trips you up.  It has to be something, because you were doing everything right.  But just as you go to follow the girls into the arena, a skinny arm shoots out and you smack right into it.   
“Sorry,” Felix says.  He drops his arm and smiles.  “I just need to see your ticket.” 
“My…?”  You look ahead at the group of girls, but they are already gone.  Oops.  “Ha, ha,” you say, looking at Felix. 
He is staring back at you, still smiling a close-lipped smile.  He blinks a couple times then lifts an eyebrow.
“Uh, ticket?” he says.  He holds out his hand.  
“Right,” you say.  You smile at him with all the saccharine sweetness you can.  “I have funny story about that, Felix,” you say. 
“Hm.”  His smile turns into a line, eyes narrowing as he looks at you.  “And what’s that?” 
“Well, you see…”
It’s all you say before you bolt, fast on your feet.  You sprint for the entryway behind the guarded queue.  There’s a crowd inside and you’re an expert at disappearing into a crowd.  You just need to get in there and find your boys then you are home free.  Hwang Hyunjin, here you come. 
There’s just one problem.  
Felix is fast.  
Like, track star fast.  Like, road runner fast.  Like, you’re that dumb coyote getting an anvil dropped on your head, except this anvil is a skinny blue-haired Australian with a voice like a god and the apparent hidden strength of one too. 
You make it a few desperate steps before Felix literally sweeps you off your feet.  You shriek when he hauls you under his arm, dragging you away from the stadium door.  He deposits you a few feet from the queue then swiftly resumes his position. 
“Hello,” he says to the next person in line.  “Sorry about that.  Ticket?”   
Your mouth is agape.  
No one has ever got the jump on you like that.
“Hey!” you say, but Felix has moved on.  He is smiling at the next guest as he checks their ticket, not paying you any mind.  “Excuse me,” you say, despite the people between you and him.  “I think there’s been a misunderstanding.  I do have a ticket.”
“Uh-huh,” Felix says.  He doesn’t look at you, scanning someone’s e-ticket with a little device.  It lights up green and he smiles at them.  “Enjoy the show,” he says. 
You jump into the queue, cutting off the next person.  Felix’s smile vanishes and is replaced with an astoundingly sassy expression.
“Uh, this line is for ticket-holders,” he says. 
“I have a ticket,” you say.  You unzip your purse and spend a minute rifling around, ignoring him when he sighs.  He apologizes to the people behind you.  You turn and offer a tight-lipped apology of your own.  “I was in line,” you say, as if they didn’t just witness this ten-pound bully haul you around like a sack of potatoes.  “There was just a misunderstanding.”
Felix rolls his eyes. 
You pull out your cell phone and flip through a folder of fake screenshotted tickets, hoping at least one of them marginally resembles the tickets for tonight.  You pick one and flash it at Felix. 
“Happy?” you say with a lot of false indignation.  You turn off the screen when Felix goes to grab your phone.  You give him a snooty, squinty-eyed look, then saunter right past him. 
This time when he comes after you, you are better prepared for his speed.   You zig-zag and he stumbles, cussing very unprofessionally.  You make it all the way to the door before he grabs you.  You have no idea where he is getting all that muscle because he feels like a sturdy stick when you grab at him, but he puts you over his shoulder like it’s easy. 
“Um, excuse me!” you shout.  “Hello!  Someone film this!  I’m being assailed!”
Felix intentionally jostles you on his shoulder.  He is even less gentle when he drops you this time, though you do manage to keep your footing. 
“Try that again,” Felix says, “and it will be trouble.  Got it?” 
Felix is very good looking.  He’s an incredible combination of pretty and handsome, not to mention that voice, guh.  But what gets you going is how much you are clearly pissing him off.  It’s hot.  Out of nowhere, the freckled sunshine sweetheart is just oozing confidence, standing square and pointing at you with a very stern expression.  And if you get a little hiccup in your blood, a little skip in your heartbeat, a little stampede southward that makes your pussy hum like the interested kitten it is, well.  That’s not your fault.  It’s his.  Asshole.
You flip him off.  He ignores you, shaking his head as he returns to his position.
“Sorry,” he says to the queue.  “Some people are so inconsiderate, aren’t they?”
Ugh. What a sexy bitch. 
You text to check in with the boys.  Minho made it inside, no surprise, but apparently Seungmin is also struggling for an in. 
what is with these security guards, Seungmin writes, are they military trained? fuck 
maybe you’re both just losing your touch, Minho replies.
never, you say.  we still have lots of time.  we'll get in there.  seungmin, meet me by the benches.  we need another plan.  
Usually, the best way to crash an event is with minimal attention and no theatrics.  It’s all about pretending you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  If you act like you belong, then you will.  
A spectacle is a desperate measure, but you are desperate people.  After a few hushed whispers on a bench, you and Seungmin spring into action. 
“Help!”  Seungmin shouts.  “My wife needs help!  Please!” 
“Your wife?” you whisper through gritted teeth, opening one eye to look at him.  You are currently laying on the pavement in a dramatic swoon, Seungmin hunched over you. 
“My companion of ambiguous relationship is hurt!” he says.  “Ouch,” he adds, because you swat his arm.
Fortunately, he does draw attention.  A few people run over, the beefy security guard one of them.  His nametag reads Changbin and he is in a black t-shirt at least two sizes too small.  You do not begrudge him this, as you would do the same if you had biceps like that.  
“What happened?” he asks, crouching down beside Seungmin. 
“My friend just passed out,” Seungmin says.  He hoists you into his arms as your tongue lolls out of your mouth.  “Is there somewhere inside I can take her to sit down?  I think all the chaos out here overstimulated her.” 
“One second,” Changbin says.  He pulls a walkie-talkie out of a holster.  It buzzes with static as he turns it on.  “Hey, we have a collapsed woman in front of Entry Door B.  Can I have back-up clear a path, and someone with First Aid training?”  The walkie-talkie buzzes again and Changbin puts it away.  He stands up, waving away the small crowd that has gathered.   “Yah, everyone back up!  This is an emergency!” 
“It’s really not,” Seungmin says.  He scoops you into a bridal hold then struggles to lift you off the ground. “I just need – whew – somewhere I can – agh – put her down.  I can just – AH! – carry her myself.”
Naturally, it is at that moment a familiar voice descends from above. 
A familiar, deep, Australian-accented voice.
“Move aside, please.”  
“Oh no,” you say, eyes closed.   You open them just in time for a glitter-faced, freckled, blue-haired pretty boy in a SECURITY windbreaker to cut through the crowd.   
Unfortunately, Felix is just as good looking at this angle.  He waves away the gathered onlookers as he approaches, but looks at Changbin first. 
“I have First Aid,” he says.  “What happened?”
“I just found her collapsed,” Changbin says.  “Her friend thinks it’s the crowd.  Should we bring her inside?” 
Felix looks at you.  The concerned furrow in his brow immediately gives way. 
You smile innocently. 
“No,” Felix says, frowning.  “We shouldn’t.” 
“Oh come on,” you say.  You smack the ground.  “I collapsed!  I need help!”
“No, you need a ticket,” Felix says.  He crosses his arms and stomps a foot.  “Seriously, what is wrong with you?  Some of us have a job to do, you know?”
“Naaaur ya need a ticket, mate,” you say in a mockingly deep chest voice. “Some of us have jobs ya knaaaaur!”
“Do you guys know each other?” Changbin asks, looking between you and Felix – who is growing increasingly red in the face and breathing much harder. 
“I have no idea who this guy is,” Seungmin says. 
“Ah!”  Felix yells, spinning to Changbin.  “She doesn’t have a ticket!  She’s just trying to sneak in!”
“She doesn’t have a ticket?”  Seungmin asks, gasping.  He drops you onto the concrete, ignoring your yelp of pain.   “But I thought she – she told me we – I – I –“
You watch in betrayed horror as Seungmin pretends to faint, flopping down beside you on the concrete.  You sit up, very tempted to slap him across the face but not wanting to give Felix more reasons to accost you. 
“Seungmin,” you say.  You grab him by the shirt and rattle him around like a ragdoll.  “Seungmin, you bastard, don’t even think about it!”
“You.”  Felix stomps up behind you.  “Get off the ground and come with me.” 
“No,” you say.  “I don’t want to and you can’t make me.” 
You shriek – again – when Felix grabs you under the arms and hoists you to your feet.  He manhandles you with only a modicum of effort, dragging you away from your stupid traitorous best friend. 
You step on Felix’s foot deliberately and he swears.  For such a pretty thing, he sure has a filthy mouth.  You grab a fistful of his hair and tug, to which he cusses up a storm and pries your hand off his head.   
You hear the distinct buzz of Changbin’s walkie-talkie.    
“We have a collapsed man in front of Entry Door B.  Can someone who isn’t going to start fighting the patrons come help me move him?”
“He’s faking it!” you cry in protest, watching Changbin scoop Seungmin off the ground. 
Changbin disregards your outburst.  Seungmin gives you a thumbs up behind his back.  Felix, of course, doesn’t see it because he’s too busy dragging you away.  You are left to sputter in bewildered protest at the injustice of it all. 
Felix marches you to the sidewalk, far away from the stadium queues.  You are both out of breath by the time you get there.  Even so, you attempt to manoeuvre under his arm to run away.   In a few quick moves, he knocks you onto your ass. 
 “Holy fuck!”  You are panting now.  A line of sweat dots your hairline.  You wipe at it and stare morosely at this stupidly competent minimum wage security guard.  “What are you, like some kind of karate master or something?”
“Taekwondo, actually,” he says, brushing off his jacket.  Then he tips his head and stares down at you.
You would be lying if you said the intensity of his stare didn’t have your heart racing for an entirely new reason.  Danger and desire have always danced a close dance for your tastes.  Felix is not helping matters, tucking back loose strands of vibrant hair as he looms over you, wetting his bottom lip and staring. 
You cross your arms and feign nonchalance, but you can’t look away from him.  When he crouches down slowly to meet you at eye level, everything below the belt goes pitter-patter. 
“No ticket,” Felix says slowly.  “No concert.  Do you understand me?” 
You stick out your tongue.
“Wow, mature,” he says.  His departing farewell is another snarky eyeroll.  He shakes his head as he stands, muttering to himself in obvious frustration. 
So much for not a mean bone in his body.  That bully is all business.   
So hot. 
You huff and puff for a bit.  Your phone is going berserk in your purse, probably the boys trying to reach you.  Eventually you succumb to the necessary confession of your twice thwarted efforts.  Minho teases that you are losing your touch for real.  It makes angry little fireworks pop out of your ears.  
Plenty of occasions you have assessed a situation and deemed it unreasonably complicated, but quitting while you’re ahead is not the same thing as admitting defeat.  You do not lose.  This isn’t even about the concert anymore.  Fuck Hwang Hyunjin, he was never worth the pain of a wax in the first place.  No.  This is about your pride.   This is about your dignity.  This is about your honour. 
You are getting into that concert, one way or another.   
First, you gather intel.  This comes in the form of snooping, running between queues to figure out the easiest mark.  You don’t judge the guards by their appearances this time, because apparently this security team has secret taekwondo masters hidden in their midst. 
You watch their every move, calculating and determining your odds therein.  Based on visual research and Minho’s confirmation, it seems your best bet is the smiling guard who let Minho through.  His nametag reads Jisung and he is a veritable flirt. 
Flash him your tits, Minho texts.
Uh, no, I’m not that desperate yet.       
Second, with your intel now acquired, you get into the dwindling line.  The sun is almost set and a breezy summer chill dances across your cheeks.  The concert will be starting soon.  You shuffle behind the other stragglers, adjusting your outfit.  The jean shorts hug your hips and flash a nice chunk of thigh, and your shirt is already low cut but you figure another tug won’t hurt.  You also pull your flannel down your arms to look as flirtatious as possible. 
Jisung is barely looking at the tickets as he scans them, chatting merrily to the guests as he lets them through.  You pull up a random ticket on your phone, something to hold out while you distract him. 
“Hi,” you say. 
His eyes flick down to your chest, then back up.  He smiles brightly.
“Hi!” he says.  “You look nice.  Excited for the concert?”
“Oh, absolutely,” you say.  “You have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this.  It wasn’t easy to get in.”
“I know what you mean,” he says.  “Tickets are hard to come by, and so expensive!”
“Ugh, tell me about it,” you say, leaning in while he scans your phone.   This was a bad idea because he looks down at your chest again, just in time for his little device to flash red.
“Oh, oops!” he says.  He smiles at you as he shakes his device.  “Sorry!” he says.  “I think you showed me the wrong ticket.  Could you pull up the right one?”
“Ohhh!” you say, looking down at your phone with fake surprise.  Life is so unfair.  “I’m so sorry… Jisung.  Hehe, that’s such a nice name.”
“Haha, thanks,” Jisung says.  “My parents picked it, but, yeah, it’s cool.  Anyway.”  He wiggles his device.  “Ticket please!” 
You keep smiling and giggling, even as you turn around under the guise of searching through your phone.  You glare down at the stupid device, keeping your back to Jisung while you do so.  How the fuck are you getting out of this?  You flip through screenshots then open your text messenger.  Minho’s last words of wisdom blink up at you. 
Apparently, you are that desperate. 
With a sigh, you put your phone in your purse and zip it shut.  You shrug your shoulders and plaster that fake smile on your face again.  With a swift of flick of your thumbs, you lift your shirt and bra up over your tits and spin around to look at Jisung. 
“How’s this for a ticket—”
Jisung looks surprised and delighted.  Jisung, however, is standing a few feet back.  Probably because he was told to step back.  Probably by Felix who is standing in front of you with his arms crossed and an unimpressed look on his face.  
“Wow,” Felix says.  “Just committing crimes now, are we?”  
You shove your tits back into your bra indignity, not even embarrassed, just annoyed. 
“Tits aren’t a crime,” you say. 
“Public indecency is,” he replies.  
“You’re… publicly indecent…”  Not your best comeback.  You glare at him while fixing your shirt.  “There’s no way they pay you enough to be riding my ass this hard.” 
“They don’t,” Felix says, grabbing your arm.  “Believe me when I say riding your ass has been my pleasure.”
“Twisted fuck,” you reply. 
You wave at Jisung as Felix tugs you away.  He waves back but does nothing to rescue you, because all men are traitors. 
You groan loudly as Felix leads you away from the stadium yet again.  “Just let me innnnn,” you whine.  “Why do you hate meee.”
“I don’t even know you!” Felix says.  He deposits you on a bench and takes out his phone.
“What are you doing?” you ask, eying the device.
“What do you think I’m doing?” he asks.  “You tried to break into a ticketed event three times.  You faked an injury.  You flashed yourself in a public place—”
“I wouldn’t have done any of that if you just let me through in the first place!”
“You cannot be serious.”  Felix looks ready to rip his hair out.  “You don’t have a ticket!  Why would I let you in, why would I – AH!  Why am I arguing with you!  Be quiet, I’m phoning the police.”
“The po— the police?!  How dare you!” You try to stand but he pushes you onto the bench one-handed.  He holds you there, palm on your shoulder, still way stronger than someone this scrawny should be. 
“Fine!” you exclaim.  “Fine!  You win!  I’m sorry, Felix, I was wrong.  I was wrong and you were right.”
Felix pauses.  “Really,” he says, sounding unconvinced. 
“Yes!”  You look up at him with the saddest, most watery eyes you can muster.  “I just wanted to see the concert but it was stupid to think I could break in.” 
He turns off his screen.  Success.   You watch him slip his phone in his pocket. 
“It’s not about being smart or stupid,” he says, the ire gone from his voice.  It takes a lot of willpower not to bite his fingers when he pats your shoulder.  “It’s about the fact we can’t always get what we want,” he says kindly as he crouches in front of you.  His hand goes from your shoulder to your knee, still patting it in a friendly manner. 
You bite your tongue because you want to tell him you liked him better when he was being a mean bitch, but that would be counterproductive to your escape attempt. 
It turns out, you don’t need to say anything, because he decides to be a bitch again anyway.  Felix looks at you with a too-sweet smile and says, “It’s about time someone taught you that lesson.”
“Um, excuse me?” you say, aghast.  You clasp your hand over your heart.  “Just who do you think you are?  First of all, you taught me nothing, I’m still a horrible bitch and I lied when I said you were right.  Second, you absolutely can get everything you want, you just have to want it enough to get it.  But you wouldn’t know anything about that.  You know why, Felix?” 
He rolls his eyes and shakes his head like he expected this, which he probably did, but you’re too far gone to retreat. 
You reach out and cup his face in both hands, turning it to you.  Those sharp eyes are unflinching, even with your fingers on his face.  You try really hard not to gulp. 
“It’s because you are a good boy,” you say.  “You always do what you’re told.  You always follow the rules.  I bet everyone thinks you’re the nicest guy on the team, don’t they?  I bet they call you cute little nicknames and all the nice little girls think you’re a sweet, innocent baby.  And you are, aren’t you, Felix?  You’re just such a good, good boy.  But me?  I’m not good.  I’m not bad.  I just like to win.  When I want something, I get it, because I chase it, and I don’t stop until I get it.  Until it’s all mine.”  You lean in close.  “Get it?” 
His gaze darkens, brows pinching.  You take his fleeting moment of vulnerability to shove him onto his back.  He sprawls on the ground with a surprised yelp.  You sprint away at top speed and flip him off over your shoulder. 
It’s a haphazard ploy at best but you are fresh out of plans.  What you need is distance between you and Security Guard of the Year, a breather long enough to come up with a final plan.  Maybe you can physically break in somewhere: an office window, a janitorial stairwell, something.  
You keep an eye out for potential openings as you run. 
And run.
And run. 
Hmm.  You’ve been running a long time.   Even with the head-start, Felix should have caught you by now.  You doubt he would have truly given up.  Felix had a deranged look in his eye, similar to the one you get when someone is trying to beat you at your own game.  He doesn’t want you to win anymore than you want to lose.  You suspect it isn’t about the concert for him either; this is a personal battle. 
You come to a gradual stop, hands on your hips as you catch your breath.  It’s quiet on this side of the stadium as the queues were on the opposite end. 
Quiet, yes.  Too quiet.   
There’s a stairwell that leads to second level just above your head.  Felix is good.  You have to give credit where credit is due.  If you weren’t a scheming nightmare with a penchant for con-artistry, he probably would have caught you.  But without turning around, you know he booked it up the stairs and is two seconds from springing an attack. 
You take off running, just in time for him to thump into the grass beside you.  You laugh at his strangled cry of frustration as he scrambles to his feet. 
Around the next corner is the parking lot.  You stop a split second to look over your shoulder and see him hot on your heels.   He discarded his jacket and is in a loose sleeveless shirt, revealing he does have some light toning to his lean body.  But you don’t stop to measure how proportionate it is to his strength, because he is focussed on you like a laser. 
Then he smiles.  A slow, slinky smile like a cocky predator about to swipe at its prey.  That cat has claws, nasty ones, and you almost want to get tangled in them.  Almost.  You want to win even more.   
And he just set you up for success.  There’s a SECURITY jacket on the ground somewhere nearby.  That’s your ticket in.  You just have to lose Felix in the parking lot and loop back around to find where he tossed it. 
You spare no time setting that plan into action, giving Felix a smile of your own before you run.  He thunders after you.
The pair of you weave in and out of parked cars.  He disappears for a second behind a row of trucks.  You whip your head around to figure out where he went, only for him to summersault around the corner and cut you off.  You yell instinctively but narrowly dodge his reaching hand.   He curses, running after you with his arm outstretched.   You duck behind a trailer and lose him, scurrying between some SUVs.  You peek at him through the windows, watching him turn in a circle to find where you went.  Smiling to yourself, you quietly but quickly back away.  
You leave the lot and run back the way you first came.  You find Felix’s jacket draped on a random bush. 
Your heart is practically singing with adrenaline.  Victory is in sight.  You push yourself to run faster and reach out with both hands –
— only to find yourself rolling in the grass, Felix’s arms tight around your middle as he tackles you to the ground. 
You push and pull at each other, cursing and scrambling very ungracefully.  You get out of his arms but he climbs on top of you, then you knee him in the gut so he rolls over, but when you start crawling he grabs your ankles and drags you back. 
Ultimately, he Taekwondo Masters you onto your front, hands clasped behind your back.  You kick your feet and wail despondently into the grass as he kneels over you, breathing raggedly and swearing again. 
“You’re a monster!” you shout.  “You’re a tyrant and a bully and you have no right to – HEY!”
He handcuffs you.
“Ha.”  He leans in close, speaking right into your ear.  “I win.” 
“That’s not fair,” you say.  “You can’t just—ahh!”  You wail in petulance as he lifts you onto your feet.  His grip on your bicep is unyielding so you are forced to stomp alongside him as he escorts you…
…back to the sidewalk.
“You’re not busting me?” you ask in confusion.  You thought for sure he was going to drag you into some shady office and plop you in a chair until the police arrived.   He would probably be super boring and professional about it, staring at you with his dumb horny eyes but not doing anything about it.  Nothing sucks more than being all trussed up by a pretty boy with manners. 
“I just want you to go and never come back,” Felix says. 
“Fine.”  You turn around and hold your arms straight behind you.  “But I’m like a wolf, Felix.  I have your scent for life.”
“Yeah, sure,” he says.  “Not how wolves work by the way.  But fine.”
“Oh wow, sorry.  Didn’t realize you majored in Wolfology.  You got any other fun facts?”  
“You are so—”
You smirk at his grumbling.  You are just biding your time until he uncuffs one wrist, then you whip around faster than he can compute the action.  With one cuff still attached, you grab the second and clamp it down on his wrist.  He sputters in bewilderment, at which point you snatch the keys.
“What are you doing—”  He tries to grab them but your joined hands make the angle too awkward.  You spin around together in a few circles, bonk heads twice, until finally you reel back and chuck the keys as far into the distance as possible. 
He stands there, mouth agape.  You tap your foot impatiently. 
When he realizes what has happened – that you have handcuffed yourself to him and thrown away the keys – he looks at you with fiery eyes, fierce enough you stumble.  He yanks your joined hands, the chain ungiving.  You watch as he goes through several stages of grief in a matter of moments.  Then he closes his eyes and breathes in and out.    
“Why,” he says slowly, “did you just do that?” 
“I dunno, Felix,” you say.  You plop down on the ground and sit cross-legged.  It forces him to bend over, your cuffed wrist dragging him down.  “Guess we’ll have to go inside and get some back-up keys.  And when I’m in the stadium and you uncuff yourself from me, I promise not to run away.”   
“That’s your plan?” he snaps.  “That’s your plan?” 
“What, is there an echo out here?”
“That’s your plan?” he asks again, his deep voice pitching up an octave.  He crouches down and shoves his free hand into his hair, shaking his head.  “This can’t be happening,” Felix says, more out loud to himself than you.  “Why is this happening.  Oh my god.” 
You squeak when he tugs on the chain, yanking you close, nose to nose.
“What if I just called for back-up?” he asks. “Or skipped that and went right to the police?  How would you get out of that?”
“Wait,” you say.  “Why aren’t you doing that?” 
He leans back as far as he can, sitting on his heels.  You duck your head, trying to meet his eye to no avail.  He clenches his jaw.
“Felix,” you say.  “Why aren’t you just calling for back-up?”
“Because,” he says through gritted teeth.  “The handcuffs.  Are.  Not.  Regulation.” 
You look at each other.  There is a long moment of silence. 
Then, “What!”  You cackle with complete and utter abandon. 
A very unamused Felix glares at you while you throw your head back and laugh. 
“You?” you cry, poking your finger against his chest.  “You?  You?  You are just walking around with a pair of handcuffs that you aren’t supposed to have?  What the fuuuuuck—”  You think you might die laughing. 
“Jisung gave them to me before our shift!” he exclaims.  “It was a joke because— Never mind! I don’t have to explain myself to you!  Hello.  Hello.”  He grabs your chin with his free hand and turns your face roughly to his.   He jingles your joined hands.  “Not regulation,” he says.  “There are no other keys in this building.” 
Silence falls again. 
Then, “Oh.”  You stare at him.  “Shit.” 
A minute later, you and Felix are scuttling around trying to find the key.  You must have a very good arm because it landed near the stadium and disappeared in some bushes.   
You and Felix keep forgetting your wrists are connected, reaching in opposite directions only to snap back together.  You are certain you are going to end the night with a few bumps and bruises. 
The entire time you are searching for the key, Felix is grumbling irritably.  He tears his way through a bush, his deep voice pitching up with a miserable whine when he can’t find it. 
“This is so stupid,” he says.  He throws a stick at the wall.  “I am a good worker.  I never break the rules.  I am not getting in trouble for this. You did this.  You did this to me.” 
On he goes, grumble, grumble, grumble, bitch, bitch, bitch. 
“It’s not like the key disappeared,” you say, pushing some pebbles around.  “It has to be here somewhere.” 
It is starting to get dark, the sky a deep purple.  The stadium lights blare down on you.  Felix uses his phone flashlight to beam extra light at the ground.  The only time he stops grumbling is when the noise in the stadium changes, the concert clearly beginning.  He takes time out of his busy searching schedule to give you a mean smile. 
“When we find those keys,” you say, “I’m handcuffing you to that railing over there and leaving you to freeze to death in your stupid tank top.”
“It’s not a tank top,” he says.  “It’s a t-shirt.  I cut the sleeves off.  And when we find those keys, I’m handcuffing you to that railing over there and phoning the police.”
“Well then,” you say, “may the best key finder in a slutty tank top win.” 
“It’s not a tank top.”   
You continue to search.  It is utterly illogical that the keys would just vanish but the longer it takes, the more concerned you get.   It just doesn’t make sense!  Things don’t just disappear!  The keys landed somewhere over here, so they have to be…
You see it first.  You sit there in a stunned stupor.  You swat at Felix with your cuffed hand.
“What?” he says without looking at you.  You continue to slap him until he forces your hand down, tangling your fingers with his.  “What!” 
You point.  He crowds in behind you to look over your shoulder.  You feel him exhale. 
“Please don’t tell me…”   
You both lean to look down the sewer drain.  He flashes his phone light over it.  Something silver glints back in the darkness. 
“Fuck!” Felix says.  He doesn’t stop there.  What follows is a string of cusses so unbelievably foul and complex that you honestly believe it should quality him for Pulitzer in poetry.  When he has exhausted every expletive in several different languages, he plops down on his ass and stares up at the sky with mute despondency.   
“So what happens now?” you ask.  “Do we fuck?”
“What?”  He looks at you with utter bewilderment.  “What the fuck?  Why would you suggest that?  What would that solve?”
“Nothing,” you say.  “But it would kill the time and couldn’t make things worse.” 
“You are insane,” he says.  “I am handcuffed to an insane person.” 
“Hey, ‘mate’, you were the one with the non-regulation handcuffs in the first place.  I could solve this problem real quick by phoning the authorities myself and saying some crazy guy put me in cuffs.” 
“I dare you,” he says.  “Try.”
“No,” you say.  And not just because you have a record with the police and they would never take your side.  But Felix doesn’t need to know that.  Well, you suspect Felix is smart enough to guess it, but he doesn’t need the confirmation.  “I’d rather make you suffer,” you say instead.  You sit back in an insouciant slouch like the whole circumstance is beneath your attention.  “Figure it out, pretty boy.” 
“Well,” he says, “apparently if you break your wrists then you can force them through the cuffs.”
“Ew!” You push him in the middle of his chest.  He doesn’t fall, but he does glare at you.  “We’re not doing that!  What a stupid plan!  You’ve been guzzling the hair dye fumes, buddy.  Think of a plan that doesn’t involve injury, thank you.” 
“I didn’t want to do this,” Felix says with another put-upon sigh, “but fine.  I have another pair at home so the keys—”
“Wait,” you interrupt.  “I thought someone gave you the cuffs today?  Why do you have another key at home?”
“I have another pair,” he repeats, “of the same handcuffs.”
“Already own a pair, yes, move on.”  He aggressively pushes hair out of his eyes.  “He clearly bought it from the same place so my key should work for this one too.”
“So despite your uppity school boy routine, you do own non-regulation handcuffs and not just as a joke.  Wow, Felix.”  You giggle helplessly.  “Be careful or I might start to like you.” 
He is glaring at you, no surprise, but the tips of his ears blush pink. 
“Let’s just go,” Felix says.  “The sooner I get you off, the sooner I can forget about your existence.”
“You can get me off as fast or slow as you like—ahh!” 
Once more, the secret superman is manhandling you onto your feet.  Without pausing for breath, he turns and marches away.  You are forced to stumble behind his swift strides, your hands swinging close enough that your fingertips brush every so often.   
“How do I know you’re not gonna murder me?” you ask.
“You don’t,” he replies.
“How do you know I’m not gonna murder you?” 
“I don’t.”  He sounds more annoyed than afraid.  “But it sounds better than being cuffed to you forever.  I’ll take my chances.  Come on.” 
“Not like I have a choice,” you grumble. 
He comes to an abrupt halt and you crash into him with a sharp exhale.  He grabs your hand and tugs you close. You blink at him with surprise while he tips his head in that studious way.
“You’re right,” he says. “You don’t.  In fact, it’s almost nice, you forced to finally do what I’m asking.  If you’re not careful, it might even make me like you.” 
It is so cold and sarcastic. 
It gets you so hot. 
Seriously, what is with your stupid brain?  How does it cross the wires of fear and desire like that?  Felix is speaking at you with that deep, dark, nasty voice of his and your heart should be skipping beats in concern, not because you think he’s sexy when he’s being a bitch.  
You hide it from him well enough, glaring at him like he glared at you.  He just snorts and shakes his head. 
“What?” you ask. 
“Interesting,” he replies.  “Very interesting.”   
“Nothing.”  He smiles politely, for a moment looking like the unassuming pretty boy you thought he was.  He bats his long eyelashes at you, smiles a coy smile, and squeezes your hand.   “Come on,” he says.  “We tried this your way and it got us in trouble.  Time to be a good girl and do it my way.  No, stop, don’t say anything.  Be quiet.  Just walk.  Let’s go.” 
You stumble when he tugs you after him.  Your mouth is hanging open yet again.   
You are proud to say that in your many years of bad girl shenanigans, you have never truly met your match.  You’ve played pretend a few times, let a couple losers think they won, if only because you liked the game of it.  But no one has ever really taken control.  No one has ever really beat you.  No one has ever come close. 
No one.  Until today. 
You glare at the back of Felix’s head, brain stampeding as fast as your heart.   Because finally, you’ve found him, your perfect match.  Lashed to you through the metal manifestation of fate’s red string. 
You didn’t know what game you were playing before, but now you do.
And you’re going to win.  
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r0ttenhearts · 1 year
Words On a Screen
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streamer!scaramouche x reader
angst, established relationship, no comfort, fem reader
part 2
“scara! dinner’s ready.”
you walk into his streaming room excitedly, waving a hand to the webcam as you set down his dinner on the side of his desk. “careful, it’s hot.” he mumbles a thanks as he waves you off.
you frown, the food you had worked so hard to perfect for him would go untouched for hours, you knew at this point. you walk out of the room and let out a deep sigh. he had been this way towards you for the past few weeks. you figured it was scaramouche being scaramouche, but this time he wasn’t letting up.
this time it was, different.
he had gotten distant, and not his normal distant. he avoided your gaze, slept on the very edge of the bed, flinched away from your touches that you worked so hard to get. he didn’t even sit at the same table for dinner with you anymore.
you knew something was up, and tonight was the perfect time to find out. scaramouche had a hangout planned with his streamer friends where they’d fawn over the newest games and latest streamer stats, things you didn’t pretend to be very interested in.
once scaramouche left the house with so much of a goodbye you made your way to his “office” as he called it. you sat down in his computer chair in front of his curved monitor, biting your lip at the password box.
“what could it be..”
you typed in your name, anniversary, and even his birthday. none of these registered as your last attempted came.
“archons, what the hell is this man’s password…” you mumbled to yourself before typing in the date of the day you both adopted your shared cat, minki. much to your surprise, the home screen popped up. you clasped your hands together happily, before turning your attention to his open applications.
you held your breath as you clicked open discord, quickly setting him on idle as you read the names through his dm list.
your eye caught the name of a familiar green haired girl who had met scara a few times at his local meet and greets. “haypasia? what could they possibly be talking about..”
you clicked open their dm to be greeted with obscene photos and texts. your eyes widened as you put a hand against your mouth, choking back a sob as you read the messages between them.
your eyes watered the more you scrolled up.
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it had been going on for the past year? how long had he been hiding this from you? you trusted him, so you never thought he’d betray you in this way. you angrily scrolled back down to the current day, reading the earlier messages.
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you scoffed. your grip tightening on his mouse as you let out a scream. your cat jumped at the sudden loud noise, scurrying off as you held your face in your hands as angry tears slipped down your cheeks.
he played you for a fool, and you stupidly believed he had loved you. had he ever loved you? even before moving in together? you didn’t know, and you didn’t care to question him as you went to your shared bedroom, packing up your belongings in a backpack and a duffel bag.
you couldn’t bear to part with your cat so you took him with you, safely putting him in his carrier in the backseat of your car. you didn’t have anywhere to go, no plans, much less of a heavy income to fall back on. scaramouche’s streaming career helped with most of the bills. but you didn’t care. you couldn’t sleep next to a man that had lied, cheated, and betrayed you for another night.
your eyes burned as you leaned your forehead against your steering wheel, sobbing as you took it in. scaramouche probably wouldn’t care for your absence anyway. you were just helping him speed up what was coming.
you pondered if haypasia was the only one, she couldn’t be right? surely a man like that couldn’t be satisfied with just two, he’d have to have more, right?
you shook your head, reaching in your pocket for your phone. you tapped on kazuha’s contact, pressing your cold phone to your ear.
“hey (y/n)! what’s up!”
“kazu.. can i come over..?” you choked out, feeling the pain in your heart multiply.
“of course, i’ll be here waiting.”
you drove over to kazuha’s house, carrier in hand, as you sobbed on his front doorstep. he welcomed you in with a hug as you retold him the events that had occurred for the past few hours. kazuha tenderly listened to you, eventually handing you a cup of coffee to relieve your throat of your sobs and screams.
you spent the night in kazuha’s house, sleeping in his guest room as your phone was blown up with messages from none other than scaramouche.
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1K notes · View notes
thepastdied · 1 year
Do You Feel It p.2 (18+)
Word Count: 5.5k
MDNI. 18+.
Part One <- I’m not happy with how this came out (literally wrote it at 3am) so you can skip it if you want I guess. I added some things in p2 that aren’t in p1.
sadistic!crazy!virgin!eddie munson × reader
tw: cnc (kinda? you're basically playing cat and mouse)
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Eddie hungrily crawled on top of you and crashed his lips into yours, groaning as he opened his mouth and huffed out a maniacal laugh. You could feel his breath at the back of your throat from how hard he was breathing, vibrating right down to your core.
"I told you you'd give in, didn't I? Look, you even spread your legs for me… I didn't even have to ask." He brushed his nose against your cheek and whispered into your ear. 
Your chest tightened as he mouthed behind your ear, one of his hands clutching your waist tightly.
This is so fucked up. It's not like you were paralyzed in fear of what he may do to you. No, you were willingly letting him touch you because you wanted him to. You just felt ashamed.
"Eddie." You whispered.
He hummed as he continued to kiss at your neck.
"S-stop" You placed your hands on his chest and lightly pushed. He didn't budge, he was like a brick wall. To no avail, you strained your arms more and pushed harder.
Eddie released a loud, exasperated sigh and sat back on his heels. 
"I'm done with your teasing, y/n." He scowled down at you, slapping his hands to his thighs as he stood up.
"Get up." He motioned his hand.
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Your pussy throbbed at the view from this angle- Oh God. His shoes were just barely touching your arm as he stood over you with those long legs, messy hair like a halo and eyes darkly blown out in lust as he looked at you over his cheekbones.
You shook your head, still needing more convincing- enough that it wouldn't make you a sick person for letting the guy that broke into your house fuck you.
"No? Did you just-" His teeth clenched as he screwed his eyes shut and huffed, hand fisting up in anger in front of his face.
"You." He irritatingly jabbed his finger down at you and then toward the ceiling. "Up. Now." 
You bit the skin on the inside of your lip and took a shuddering breath, slick pooling in your panties. Keep going, please.
You sat up and slid yourself into a seated position, back against the railing as you clasped your hands on your lap, flashing your innocent eyes up at him. You were skeptical about giving in too quickly- it would be too easy for him, and he did not deserve that one bit.
Eddie growled and placed his hands on his hips.
"Gonna need you to try harder, Eds.." You mumbled, voice mocking yet still timid.
His tongue ran along his bottom teeth as he bent down, hands on his knees as he looked at you condescendingly.
"If you don't get the fuck up, I'll have to get a bit more rough." His face was stoic and tone thickly sweet in an eerie way, it made you gulp nervously as your confidence wore thin and his eyes bore into yours.
You must have been in your head too long before you were yanked to your feet with a yelp, his arms wrapping around your waist as he threw you over his shoulder and roughly smacked your ass before walking toward your room.
"Y'know, I was really trying to be nice, I was. But you just had to test me, didn't you?" He tsked.
You hit your hands against his back, squirming around for him to release you as you began to slip out of his grip.
"You fucking-" He caught you just before you were able to hit the floor, letting you kick away from him and sit against the wall that was directly in front of your bedroom door.
"B-be nice, Eddie.." You mumbled, voice higher in pitch and pleading.
His eyebrows twitched as he looked you over. He didn't want to be nice. But you were just too cute, and he was just too sick to keep his emotions in one place.
You slowly spread your legs when you saw his face soften and fists release, hips moving up as you flashed him your clothed pussy that was wet with your arousal. 
His eyes bulged out of his skull as he crouched down in front of you, slowly crawling toward your open legs. He was practically drooling at the sight, looking at you pleadingly when you placed a foot on his shoulder to stop him from moving closer. 
You trailed a shaky hand over your breasts and down to your lower belly, fingers playing with the hem of your panties. You painfully throbbed as you watched him get pussy drunk over just staring at you, his eyes glazed over in lust. You wanted him so bad it actually hurt, really ached.
He whined when your breath hitched as you pulled at your panties to feel some pressure. You closed your eyes, fantasizing about his hands on you- teasing yourself just a little more.
"Mmm.. I love your hands, Eddie." You breathed, rolling your hips up into your hand and dipping one finger into the side of your panties. 
Eddie moaned and shifted, but you kept your eyes shut in fear of losing your confidence. The noise made you buck your hips again, and your eyes snapped open when you felt his jeans rub against your calves.
You gulped, his eyes were wild and almost unrecognizable as his fingers lightly brushed up the inside of your thighs.
"Wait.." You whispered.
"No more waiting, princess." He huffed a laugh before grabbing your waist and pushing you to lay on your back, fervently unbuckling his belt.
"E-eddie, not ye-" You anxiously sat up on your elbows and eyed his hard on through his boxers.
Eddie's eyes angrily snapped up to yours, nostrils flaring as he shoved you back again and placed his body over yours, gripping under your chin hard.
"Shut. the. fuck. up." He hissed in your face through gritted teeth, each word sharp and progressively louder.
You whimpered and tried to turn your head away. That's what you were supposed to do, right?
Fuck no. Please, keep going. 
"But, you said you wouldn't force-" You started, hips bucking up into his when he gripped your jaw harder and forced you to look at him.
"I'm not forcing you, am I?" He ground his hips down and you moaned in unison. 
"Just accept it, sweetheart. You want me inside you, don't you? C'mon, be a good girl for me.." His nose brushed against yours before he gave you a feather light peck to the corner of your mouth, smirking when he noticed your breath hitched.
"C-can we at least go into my bedroom?" You pleaded, wincing as his fingers continued to dig into your jaw.
He thought for a moment and sighed.
"You're really dragging it on, huh? Fine." He stood and stretched, cracking his back. 
This was probably the only opportunity you'll have to get out of a situation you'd regret. You could run, forget how he is putting you in a choke hold for his dick, or do the moral thing of at least trying to escape. 
Your heart pounded in your ears and you didn't even realize that your legs  began to pathetically stumble toward the stairs. You don't *want* to leave. But you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you decided to stay.
Eddie cackled, head falling back as his shoulders shook, hair swaying as he shook his head.
"Welp, that does it." He walked up behind you and grabbed your ankle, pulling you down the hallway and ignoring your annoying yelping.
"You know.. I thought I was a little nuts. But you.. fuck, hun, you can't even make up your mind." He pushed you onto the floor beside your bed and kicked your bedroom door shut so hard that it knocked down a few pictures.
You were reaching your limit of no return and couldn't take this anymore. Fuck morality.
His hand snaked to the back of your head into your hair, pulling it back so your neck craned to look up at him.
"You love my hands?" He grinned at you as he used his other hand to pry your mouth open, sticking his fingers inside and pushing as deep as he could go. He ignored your gagging as he feigned deep thought and pursed his lips.
"Hmm…. Oh, yeah. It'll definitely fit." He nodded, sure of himself, and started to push his fingers in and out of your mouth. "I'll make it fit."
Your eyes watered as you watched him, moaning as you sucked his fingers and pushing your body up to chase his hand when he started to pull away.
"What, you want it now? Fucking slut." He pulled your head back and cringed at you.
"Eddie.." You licked your lips and stared at his own, your eyes blown wide. You let your hands claw at his jeans, trying to bring him closer when he held you back.
His grip loosened and he swallowed, eyes searching yours.
"Really..? No more bullshit?" He whispered back, stepping forward when your fingers hooked onto his belt.
You nodded and inched higher on your knees, lightly kissing his pelvis as you lifted the hem of his shirt up. He remained frozen and let out a shuddering breath when you nibbled on his skin. You slowly got to your feet and kissed him hard, getting drunk off his spit when he shoved his tongue into your mouth. You felt the most overwhelming sensation shoot throughout your body, feeling almost animalistic just by knowing you're both going to get what you want. No more resisting. God, this felt just so right...
You had to pry your mouth from his, moving down to his jaw and neck, biting onto the soft skin there and harshly sucking hickeys down to the neckline of his shirt. 
"Holy fuck.." He panted, hand sliding from your hair to your lower back.
You slid down to your knees again, pulling the front of his boxers down without warning and giggling when Eddie almost lost his balance in surprise. 
You tried not to show too much of a reaction, but his dick was pretty and just made for you. 
He mumbled something when your lips brushed the base of his cock, your breath fanning across his sensitive skin. 
"You'll make it fit, right?" You asked, opening your mouth and rubbing the underside of his tip across your bottom lip. 
"Y-yeah…" Eddie choked out, eyes roaming your body in search of where he wanted to start. He began to break out in a cold sweat, suddenly feeling not in charge anymore. He couldn't let that happen. He grabbed your hair again, more roughly than before, and pulled it back. He quirked up an eyebrow as he looked down at you and grabbed his dick with his other hand. You winced and gulped as Eddies fist tightened in your hair.
"Stick your tongue out." He said sternly, his voice flat and deep. 
You felt a chill go down your spine at his sudden change in attitude, hesitating before slowly sticking your tongue out.
Eddie nodded and lightly slapped his dick against it, rubbing back and forth as he hummed. He slapped it again, harder this time, causing you to flinch. He smirked before pushing your head forward and putting just the tip between your lips. His head fell back as he groaned. 
He took a breath through his teeth and pushed it deeper past your lips, his mouth slightly parted in awe as he licked his bottom lip. You moan and lean forward to take him deeper, to which he yanked your head off of him and leaned down a little closer to you.
"I didn't ask you to do that."  He seethed at you as he watched your thighs clench, feeling your nails dig into his denim covered thighs. He huffed out a laugh.
"Fucking slut." He shook his head, as if disappointed in you, before rubbing his tip against your lips again.
You blinked up at him and waited for him to continue. He wordlessly nudged his chin forward, a sign to open your mouth again. And once you did, he let out a long, satisfied sigh. 
"Goddamn, you're a good girl.." He nodded to himself before pulling your head forward and shoving his dick into your mouth. You squeezed your eyes shut as you gagged and clawed at his thighs and tried to push away, but he aggressively pulled your head back and forth before pulling you away until only half of it was inside. He jerked your head back and forth, laughing in pleasure when you began to move your tongue around before he shoved it deeper again. Your gagging was like music to his ears. He fucked your mouth for a moment before yanking your head back.
"Fuck, I almost just came…" Eddie breathed as he looked at the cieling and squeezed his eyes shut.
He pulled his boxers up slightly, his dick still hard as a rock and sticking out of his waistband. You were roughly pulled up from your knees before he shoved you onto your bed by your hair. His eyes made your skin crawl, and it almost made you scared. Almost… no, not almost. You were scared.
He put his hand up to silence you as he walked toward your dresser and rummaged around, pulling random clothes out as he searched for something and tossing them carelessly onto your floor. His eyes lit up when he found your panty drawer.
"Oh, shit. Gotcha…" He looked around and inspected a few pairs before putting one in his back pocket. He suddenly paused his movements and slowly looked over to you where you lay on your back, propped up on your elbows. His eyes trailed to your thighs, feeling guilty once he remembered the cut there, before shaking it off and looking in between them where he could just barely see your underwear under your oversized shirt. Eddie dipped his head down and shamelessly looked closer, scoffing when you pulled down the shirt.
"Move your hand." He pointed at your hand with a ringed finger and stepped up to the edge of the bed.
"I said… Move. Your. Hand." He eyed you, waiting.
You felt so small under his gaze, every ounce of confidence you have ever had completely gone. Fuck.
He angrily grabbed your ankles and pulled you down the bed, ignoring your yelp as he grabbed onto your panties and ripped them down your legs. Your eyes were wide as you pulled your shirt down again. He didn't care and instead inspected your panties and chuckled. 
"Holy shit, you're soaked." He looked down at you condescendingly before licking the wet spot on your panties and moaning, his eyes locked onto yours. Your mouth hung open and your eyes glazed over in embarrassment. 
Eddie pulled his boxers down slightly before rubbing his shaft against your panties. His eyes stayed on himself as he spoke, focused on your panties.
"I'm gonna soak these panties in my cum, and then you're gonna choke on them while I fuck you senseless. Okay?" He started to pump his dick, hissing as his precum dripped onto the wet patch of your panties.
You stared at his hand as it gripped his dick tighter and moved faster.
"Hello? Are you gonna answer me?" 
You looked up and he was now looking at you. You cringe in embarrassment as he smirks, only giving him a nod. He nodded back before letting his eyes roam your body.
"Two fingers." He looked down to where your hand was covering between your legs. 
You reluctantly dipped your fingers down, coating them in your juices before slipping two fingers inside.
"Jesus, you're almost dripping." He laughed and shook his head as he pumped faster, his breathing getting faster. He looked down again, taking his lips into his mouth as he took deep breaths through his nose.
He leaned forward and pushed your hand away from your pussy, replacing it with his own and scooping up your juices. You gasped and let out a moan at the sudden feeling, his rings almost ice cold against your sensitives skin. He removed his hand, rubbing your juices onto his cock as he continued to pump himself. His hair hung around his face as he groaned loudly.
 "F-fucking hell, sweetheart…" His dick throbbed as cum poured out, soaking your panties. You watched as he shivered and mumbled filthy things to himself. Something along the lines of  "Good girl… gonna fill you up… gonna split you open…"
He heaved as he tossed your panties onto the bed.
"Give me 5 minutes, and I'll be rock hard again." He said, his breath still heavy as he grabbed your waist and pulled you to the every edge of the bed, quickly getting down to his knees and licking a stripe from your knee, to your thigh where he kissed around your wound, and without hesitation wrapping his lips over your pussy.
"Oh- oh my god!" You jerked forward, sitting up slightly as you looked down at him. Your breath shook as you choked out moans, your neck going slack as you hung your head back and bite onto your lip.
Your mind was goo- it was unbelievable, you refused to believe he'd never done this before. There's no way. There is no-
You hold your breath when you feel his fingers start to rub at your hole, slowly pumping his fingers in and out inch by inch.
"Gonna open you up for me." He mumbled against you, the vibrations making you moan again.
Your hands make their way to his hair as you pull him closer, slightly tightening your thighs around his head. He chucked and moaned, his free hand painfully gripping onto your hip. 
He added another finger, causing you to wince before looking at him and blushing when he looked back up at you, slowly continuing his movements as he kept going for a few more moments until you moaned again pleasure. Alright, I think she's ready. He pumped his fingers faster, mouthing more at your pussy and going even faster when he felt your legs shake.
"Fuck- fuck, fuck fuck… Oh god." You panted as you flopped back onto the bed, your hands leaving his hair and grabbing at the sheets as your back arched. 
It was like your brain short circuited, and every cell in your body turned into a warm static. He pulled away after a moment, his fingers very slowly pulling out of you. He gave you a minute to recuperate, grinning with pride as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He waited for your breathing to slow before standing and grabbing the panties he came on earlier. Your eyes flickered over to it.
"Yeah, I didn't forget." He snickered at you before grabbing onto your waist and flipping you over, wrapping his hand around your neck to pull your head back, and shoving them into your mouth. Your tongue was instantly coated with his cum and you shivered, feeling between your legs get hot and even more wet. 
"Oh? I don't think I pushed them deep enough." Eddie reached over you again, stuffing his fingers into your mouth and shoving the panties a little deeper, just enough that your mouth was full. 
"Much better." Eddie smiled sweetly before smacking your ass hard, laughing when you let out a muffled yelp.
"Ass up. Come on." He tapped your hip impatiently, watching as you clumsily moved your knees up and arch your back.
You heard him release a breath as he gently smoothed his hands all over you. From your thighs to your ass, lower back, shoulders, and all the way down again.
"You know, I've jerked off so many times to the thought of this. Like, I want to fuck you until you cry for me to stop." His voice was low, as if he were saying it more to himself than you.
"I can't promise it won't hurt, but…" He trailed off. "No backing out, okay? I fucked your throat- you came in my mouth and I drank that shit up." Eddie smacked your ass hard again and you groan in pain at the harshness of it. 
"You're mine now. How's that sound?" He leaned over you, and you could feel the metal of his unbuckled belt pressing against your ass- the zipper of his leather jacket cold and scraping against your lower back, and his hair ticking the side of your face. He was waiting for an answer, so you simply nod and muster out a muffled "Mhm".
"Good… but just know…" His breath was so hot against your ear as he whispered that it made you whine, feeling even more excited as you attempted to discreetly push your ass back into him.
"You're gonna have to tolerate the pain, alright? It'll be quick, sweetheart. Then it'll feel so… so goddamn good." You could feel his lips curling into a smirk as he spoke. 
You held your breath, feeling confused and anxious and scared, but nonetheless turned the fuck on. You meekly nod again, blinking a few times as your eyes slightly watered. You felt so many emotions, you couldn't even describe it.
He hummed before kissing your cheek, moving his hips against your ass and pushing you more firmly into the mattress. He moaned quietly and kissed your shoulder, lightly biting down before licking over the spot and then biting down again. You wince, and instantly regret it when he bites harder. His hands hold tightly onto your arms that are on either side of your head, and you start to squirm underneath him. You let out noises of discomfort and start to struggle more, about to scream when he suddenly lets go. You heave through your nose, your coughs muffled.
"That'll bruise quickly." Eddie ran his finger along his teeth marks, rolling his eyes when you jerked your shoulder. 
Moving to stand behind you again, he guided your hips back, moving his own against you. He hissed when your pussy lips slid against the underside of his dick, instantly soaking it in your wetness. 
"God fucking damn…" He breathed out, tilting his head to the side to look at how soaked you were, smoothing one hand over your ass before moving it toward your pussy and rubbing his thumb between your folds. He shakes his head in disbelief. "Soaked, absolutely soaked… Dripping. You're dripping, baby."
You close your eyes and move your hips further, chasing the feeling of his thumb running through your folds and dipping in and out of you teasingly. You swallow the saliva that was building in your throat, moaning when all you could taste was his cum. The panties were so soaked with a mixture of your spit and his cum that it started to dribble down your chin. Your eyes snapped open at Eddie's sudden outburst.
"FUCK… j-just… FUCK." He yelled, gritting his teeth as he removed his hand from your pussy and aggressively grabbed onto your hips. 
He slapped his dick against your pussy a few times, moving it back and forth fast to coat it more with your juices, before pushing inside you. "Un-fucking-believable.. Just... look at you all open just for me... I just wanna..." He moaned, head falling forward as he shivered, his breath shaky as he mumbled to himself. You were pinching your eyes shut tightly, whimpering as you fisted the bedsheets in discomfort. You jerked at a sudden sharp pain, moving forward.
"No- NO." Eddie held your hips still with one hand, using the other to push your head into the mattress before moving his hips against you, moaning as his cock slid in and out of your sopping pussy.
"Shh… shh, it'll feel good soon.." He whispered, moving his hips back to pull out until only the tip was in, before pulling your ass back toward him, and repeating again.
You didn't know you were crying until you involuntarily sniffled. It did hurt, of course. But you felt untouched from the lack of affection and just... You didn't feel any affection coming out of him. But, fuck… it was starting to feel good.
Eddie breathed through his teeth again, letting out a long airy "Ahh" as he pulled you back rougher, his own hips snapping against yours. He paused before doing it again, grinning when you grunted, and then moaned in pleasure.
"Yeah? You like that?" He licked his teeth before putting his weight on you down and fucking you into the mattress. 
He was relentless with it, completely animalistic over how good your tight pussy felt wrapped around his dick. 
"So…tight…" He panted in between thrusts, groaning obnoxiously loud as he pounded into you. The bed squeaked loudly as it scraped against the floor, the headboard hitting the wall and already starting to scratch at the paint. 
His breath huffed against the side of your face, his curls sweaty and sticking to his face and now to yours as he leaned more into you. 
"Mine… all mine… you're filthy now, no one will want you after this… I'm ruining you… you're… you're a dirty whore… my whore…Making me fucking crazy" He babbled, his eyes closed as he reveled in the feeling, in a complete state of euphoria as he fucked roughly into your gushing hole.
Your grunts turned into moans, high pitched and whiny, pornographic, dirty. His eyes snapped open as he looked at you, not even halting his rough thrusts. He laughed, grinning like the sick fuck he was.
"Yeah? Man, you're somethin' else…" He observed how your body jerked with each thrust, your hair moving, and how your body dipped into the mattress each time. 
The dried tear stains made you look even better, and that drool running down your chin was enough to make him cum on the spot. His eyes were dazed as he looked at you, his eyes stayed on yours as he set his jaw tight and wrapped his fingers in your hair, pulling your head more to the side before taking the soaked panties out of your mouth as he rammed into you. "Did you like drinking my cum?" He pulled you up so your back was against his chest, your head dipping back as he held onto your throat and kissed you sloppily. You moaned into his mouth, feeling his own vibrate as a groan bubbled in his throat. Warmth bloomed across your chest. This is what you wanted. Eddie kissed you with hunger, passion, and a possessiveness that you now know of. He pulled away from your lips, his thrusts slowing before he let go of you, causing you to fall forward onto the mattress with an oomph. You moved onto your side and looked up at him, your eyes pleading. He motioned his finger around, signaling for you to lay on your back, to which you did. 
"... Not that I care, but… you good?" He flickered his eyes down to your pussy. 
You bit onto your lip, not sure how to respond, but honestly, you didn't know. Were you?
He leaned over you, one hand resting on your pelvis gently before bending down and placing a few gentle kisses there. Your eyes watered, feeling fuzzy and lovesick. And that was a problem.
He glanced up at you before standing up again, licking his bottom lip as he rubbed his tip against your pussy. 
"Gonna fill you up with my cum now.." He murmured quietly, you barely heard it. 
He sunk into you and you watched his face carefully as his eyes screwed shut, your eyes widening at how good he looked. You can only imagine how he looked when he was railing you from behind moments ago.
"So good, sweetheart…" He opened his eyes lazily, moving in and out of you at a steady pace, smoothing his hands over your stomach and to your chest where he grabbed at your tits. Eddie's eyes looked empty as he stared at your body, your face, your being. It's like he was in his own little world, worshiping your body like you were a Goddess.
"Uh-huh… that's… Mmm.. my girl… she's all spread out for me… knew you would come to realize that you're mine, huh?... Knew you would accept it…" He whispered in a hushed tone again, his head drooping forward as he watched his dick pump in and out of you, his cock glistening with your slick. 
You watched in awe, trying to commit this view to memory. His fucked out face, the pure bliss that was etched all over it, his messy hair that was all frizzy from sweating and sure to have some of your cum in it, his face and neck glistening with sweat and his t-shirt clinging to his body. Your eyes moved to his as he whispered again, toward you this time.
"Right…?" His voice was shaky, his thrusts becoming more sloppy as he stared into your eyes with an intensity that made your legs clench on either side of him, your hands grabbing at the waistband of his jeans to pull him closer.
"Your girl…" You reply just as quietly. 
He nodded clumsily, his breath hitching as he started to do hard but slow thrusts.
"A-again…" He pleaded, his arms shaking when he leaned over you and held himself up. His eyes screwed shut when he felt your pussy clench around him. He was rubbing against you in just the right way, rubbing right against your clit and his cock deliciously sliding in and out of you. You moved your hands to his hair, pulling his lips to yours as you moaned, your hips grinding up into his desperately as you felt yourself getting closer to cumming again. Eddie began to fuck faster into you now, going as fast as he did before. Though, this time there was more emotion. He licked into your mouth and groaned, the sound husky and deep in his throat only making you approach your climax faster and cum harder. He tore his lips away from yours again, moving a hand to your throat, his eyes wild.
"Mmm.. You're my filthy whore. Say it." He growled at you, his nostrils flaring as he groaned and continued to fuck into you while looking at you expectantly.
You look into his eyes, gasping for breath once before you spoke.
"I'm…" You swallowed. "I'm your filthy whore." You managed to croak out.
He licked the inside of his cheek and chuckled as he nodded. "Yeah, I thought so." He set his jaw as he shut his eyes again, moving his hand from your throat to your cheek and running his thumb over your lips.
"Mmm… fuck, those lips felt so good against my cock… can't…" He stared at your lips as he swallowed, his lips parting as he quietly moaned. "can't wait for… to do it next time… gonna cum in your throat…" He nodded to himself as he choked out a moan and rolled his eyes back before screwing them shut.
"Shit- fuck, fuck fuck…Mmm.." He shook his head quickly, trying not to cum just yet. He wanted to hold it just a little longer, just a little. 
He gasped loudly when you took his thumb into your mouth.
"Oh- oh god.." Eddie whimpered and babbled as you twirled your tongue around his thumb.
"It's s-so warm… Jesus H Christ, g-gonna make my cum pour out of you for days… gonna make you stay with me forever… gonna keep cumming in you over and over and over and-" He moaned loudly, voice cracking. "a-and over and over and you're always gonna have a part of me in you… Ahhh, fuck… gonna be full of my cum everywhere, all the time…. all the time…"  
His jaw went slack as he fucked into you roughly for a few moments before exploding, pumping his warm cum into you with hard thrusts. You could hear the squelching sound with every thrust.
Eddie stayed hunched over you for a moment before shrugging off his jacket and shirt. He rolled it up into a ball before placing it over your pussy.
"Keep that there…" He said, voice tired as he panted to catch his breath. "Don't want all the cum to spill out." He slumped onto the bed, laying right beside you on his back.
You glanced over at him and let out a sigh of relief when he was already staring back. He moved closer to you, placing a kiss on your cheek and then your lips. 
"I meant it." He said as he looked into your eyes, still a tinge of that possessiveness in his own.
You nodded, understanding what he meant, before leaning forward to kiss him again as you craved more affection. He moved his head back slightly, tutting.
"Wait, sweetheart. Say it." He looked at you with seriousness.
You licked your lips before speaking, keeping your eyes on his lips. "I'm your… dirty whore." 
"Yeah? You are?" He grinned from ear to ear, noticing how you kept staring at his lips desperately. "And what else? Are you my sweetheart, too?"
You nodded before blinking at him pleadingly.
"Alright, alright…" He inched his face closer to yours, kissing you passionately for several seconds before pulling away.
"Gotta get you cleaned up. I think you're full enough that it won't come out for a couple days." He smirked at you, trailing his fingers over your pelvis. "I'll run the shower for you, 'kay?" He gives you a peck before rolling off the bed and standing in your doorway.
"By the way…" He lifts a finger. "You're sick in the head." He grins mischievously at you before disappearing down the hallway.
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Tagz (also tagging some moots): if you asked to be on the tag list and aren't listed, it's cause I couldn't tag your user.
@edsforehead @f-cklife @alyisdead @stephanie-nicks76 @tlclick73 @brainwashedkitten @thoughtsoftheantagonist @emma77645 @50shadesofuncomfortable @alanamariel @batkin028 @eliasgroversgf @akiratoro420 @emmyshortcake @ali-r3n @chrissymjstan @screammunson
960 notes · View notes
goldsbitch · 7 months
Right? p6
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
summary: Y/N is a photographer for McLaren F1 team. Hard working, goal oriented professional who would never put her career in jeopardy for some stupid crush, right?
warning: smut
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Life in formula was a fast one. But alas, there was finally a moment where a date had been set for your first official date indoors. Two week break between races provided a nice opportunity.
You were based in the UK, but one little Monaco trip didn't hurt anyone, right? No hotel room. Zero back up plan. It was strange how complicated it was for you two to get a moment for each other. You were not even sure what make of this little crush. Whatever. In the end it was a nice little trip.
So there you were, standing in front of an address he shared with you - casual elegant outfit, newly done hair and just a little bit of more than you got to do during busy work days. It was more for yourself than for Lando really. Everyone likes to feel like the it girl sometimes, right? This whole affair was a nice detour from the goal oriented life you lead every day.
There you were, standing in the open kitchen in Lando Norris's apartment. You could care less where the two of you were - as long as there we no prying eyes and you could look at each other with lust in your eyes without needing to hide anything. Teenage hormones overtaking the adult brains within milliseconds.
The looks. The random touches. The abnormal proximity. Nobody to hide from.
He ordered take out, as cooking was not a thing any one of you found to be interesting. He had obviously made some touch ups to the place, dimmed lights and all cleaned up, he had a nice elegant shirt on and the kind of messy hair that screamed "I actually spent an alarming amount of time on it". Both of you playing a little game, as if fooling each other was even an option at this point. Light innocent conversation felt like a like dance - who is going to break the rules first?
"Mr. Norris, this is all very nice," you pointed out, "but I believe we are here to review some photos."
He took a napkin to clean up his face and played the game along. "Oh, silly old me. Must have forgotten. Of course. To the screening room."
The two of you got up from the table, Lando's hand on your lower back and his cologne hitting you in the face in the best way possible. Oh why, oh why, why were you getting into this mess? You wanted to be taken into his arms like a naughty teenager kissing her classmate for the first time. Letting him guide you into pleasure. You finally explored how his skin covered his perfect face structure, there was nothing hiding his features. And unlike with your pictures, you could actually see how his jaw moved when he spoke, especially with the perfect light hitting him now. He got you. He understood your need to aesthetics. You could take a photo of his right there. Preferably without clothes hiding his body.
He turned his projector on. This was all part of the cat and mouse game.
"I need to see the pictures you have first. You owe it to me at this point."
He closed the distance between the two of you, looked you deep in the eyes, his blueish greenish ones filled with a need and after long minutes spent with a dinner, that none you actually wanted, he kissed you. Differently that ever before. This was tender, not slow, but somehow free. His soft lips caressed yours and you could have melted right then and there. Only then you understood why all the singers praised the first kiss - this felt like one. He was not afraid to explore, to observe your reaction and feel proud for making you feel that way. He was speaking to you in a language only touch could understand and his words were loud and clear - I want you. And there was absolutely no way either one you would wait a minute longer. Not after how he touched you at the gala. Not after all the meeting he had to sit with his dirty thoughts making it impossible for his to concentrate. Not after all the night you wished he was on top of you. Not after how you mesmerised him while taking photos of him. His hands grabbed your waist firmly, wrincling your dress and sending thunders through your body. You grabbed his hair, pushing him even closer, as it that was even possible. If desire was a color, there would be no other color present in the whole city. Your bodies seemed to understand each other, there were zero thoughts going into your movements. You roamed around his shoulders, he wandered off to touch your ass and slowly started to pushing you towards the couch. You never felt anything as comftable as this specific couch - but one would say it was Lando's body pressing on top of your that was the selling point. His chest touching your boobs, his waist pressed on your and you could feel his erect dick begging to be touched too. Hot blood flowing inside both of your bodies. You started working on unbuttoning his shirt and he smiled into your kiss, not having parted your lips since he first locked them with his. You knew he wanted to say something, so you stopped him by biting his lip and sticking your tongue into his mouth. All bets were off tonight, you both knew why you were there. So he helped you with his shirt, the with a swift motion got you out of your dress before you could even notice, and started working on his pants. It was all very quick, passionate and hard. This is not how you're suppose to be acting towards your team driver. You're not suppose to be fucking him. You're not suppose to be stroking his dick. Oh, but how good it felt to hold him in your hand. Finally, right? It will just be this one time, right? But if it was just this one time, you'd make it a good one. You didn't even know when he stuck his fingers into you, because they felt so natural, you might have thought they were always supposed to be there. Oh, but it felt good - so good - too good. You could have gotten of just with his light motion, but that was not in his plan for tonight. He watched you, being totally present in that moment, right there and then, and he got drunk on the way your body reacted to his actions. When he knew you were more than ready, he finally entered you and one could write a single chapter on how exctatic that felt to him. You were quickly put into some sort of trance, cause by his motion. It was like being on a different planet. In that moment the only thought you could gather was why the fuck did you ever had sex before meeting him and if your previous experiences could even count as such. You got locked in the moment, focusing only on his moves, closed eyes and having touch as the only source of your sensory receptors. He on the other hand let your soft moans in to get him going, moans that only seemed to get louder and higher with every minute that he fucked you. He moved faster, than slower, than faster again. He wanted to try different positions with your, but he wanted to take this view of you bounding under him, to his memory so desperately that he did not dare to endanger the moment you two had.
It could have been minutes. It could have been hours. Time stopped being a reliable way to measure this moment. You came twice, he pulled out and came all over your chest. The two of you laid next to each to other, as much as the couch allowed, trying to catch your breath. There was only one thought on your mind. Fuck. How were you suppose to walk past him now?
You both were riding the pleasure high for few moments. Hearts slowing down, taking in what just happened after weeks of built up tension.
You stayed naked in each others embrace. You traced Lando's freckles, creating shapes and constellations. He was way less subtle and focused on light touches of your nipples. It felt fragile, tender and intimate. Pure contrast to the vibe you had just minutes prior.
"I know it's not ideal," he spoke softly. You froze, not knowing where he was heading with this. He noticed and continued immediately. "Not ideal because of McLaren and stuff." You nodded, not wanting to continue this conversation. But he did. "However...I am having a nice time. And I hope you're too," he waited for your answer, which only came in a nod. He gave you a weak smile. You just didn't feel safe yet and he understood. He leaned in to kiss you - at least that what you were expecting. Instead he stopped right before your lips and whispered. "I was promised some super secret photos, wasn't I?" You smiled, happy that the tension got broken again. Flirty was something you knew how to do with him. "Only if you show me yours too, sweetie." "Oh, I am so ready to dwell into the beauty the two of us are," he sighed and finally kissed you.
part 7
@i-wish-this-was-me @lqvesoph @ophcelia @noneofyourfbusinessworld
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elliesfavbae · 3 months
Summer camps and dead mouses, Part 2 SERIES
Summer camp with enemies to lovers Ellie Williams
part 1, part 3, part 4
synopsis: This summer, you go to a summer camp for the first time. You've met so many new people, but one of them stands out for being a total jerk. Unfortunately for you, you run into each other all the time. Is that just a coincidence?
pairing: mean!Ellie Williams x reader
warnings: use of y/n, Ellie is still a bitch, swearing
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Ellie is crouching ahead, probably tying her shoe, just a few feet in front of you. She hasn’t noticed you yet. You sneak up slowly from behind, almost there... And then you step on a dry stick buried in the grass.
A crack echoes in the surroundings. Ellie turns around in less than a second. She stands up and reaches over for your lanyard, but you're quick too. You deftly avoid her grasp, spin around, and start to run. A plan forms in your head. You notice her chasing you—perfect.
You dash towards the main building, bypassing the main door for the entrance to the basement, hoping it’s empty. Luckily, it’s unlocked. You silently thank Olivia for showing you this route earlier.
Of course, Ellie is still in pursuit. She rushes through the door behind you.
The room isn't large, rectangular with a shelf in the middle. You sprint to the end of the basement, hiding behind the big shelf while Ellie positions herself on the opposite side.
“What’s your plan now, hm?” she says with a smirk, raising her eyebrows.
You catch your breath. "Well, we’ll find out who’s more agile."
A while passes before Ellie decides to rush towards you, and you start running away from her. Suddenly, you turn around, hoping to catch her off guard.
But she’s ready. She tries to grab your name tag, but you manage to grab both of her arms. She falls onto you and you both collapse to the floor. She lies on top of you, momentarily still, seemingly processing what just happened. You continue holding onto her arms, feeling the tension in her muscles beneath your fingers. Unfortunately, this distracts you from everything else. It’s as if the world stops for a moment. You feel her heavy breathing on your face, so close to yours. Her hair falls onto your face and—snap. Ellie takes advantage of your distraction and tears the name tag off your lanyard.
You look up at her; she’s wearing that familiar smirk again.
“Bitch,” you murmur under your breath. She’s still lying on you and clearly hears it, raising her eyebrows, still smiling.
She gets up from the ground, and so do you.
“Got any more tags?” She reaches out her hand.
“No,” you roll your eyes.
“Shouldn’t have challenged me if you couldn’t keep up.”
“I would’ve caught you if you—” You don’t finish the sentence out loud. “—if you weren’t so... attractive,” you conclude in your thoughts. You cringe; it sounds cheesy even inside of your head.
“If I what?” She asks, playing with your name tag. “Whatever. You better stay away from me next time; you’re honestly pissing me off,” she sighs as she heads for the exit without looking back at you once.
She closes the squeaking door. You leave the basement soon after. A campfire awaits near the main square for those who lost. You drag your feet towards it, anger filling you. It’s not just about losing the game; it’s about Ellie, her attitude. She’s so proud and haughty, you wish you could wipe that smirk off her face one day. 
And the fall? Her body on top of yours? Did she do that on purpose? What? Of course not, why would she? Or maybe? You saw her being quite successful with the counselor earlier…  A flood of questions occupies your mind. You can’t help but replay the moment one last time, still feeling her hands on yours and yours on her arms. Her heavy breath hitting your forehead and auburn strands of hair falling on your cheeks. Snap out of it, you tell yourself. You still dislike her, especially when you replay all those moments when she acted like a bitch—and there are so many, even though you’ve only known her for two days.
You arrive at the campfire and notice all your roommates are already seated. Actually, a lot of people are here. Maybe watching the sunset took longer than you thought.
You sit next to friends from your cabin and sigh. The warm flames nicely warm your body.
“Y/n, you died too? Well, at least you were the last of us,” Emma, one of your roommates, points out.
“Yeah, I guess. But the way I died was so embarrassing,” you groan.
“Why, what happened?”
“Do you guys know Ellie?” You look around, seeing mostly confused faces. “The girl who took the mouse out of our bathroom yesterday? The one who was late to the assembly?” Heads finally nod in recognition.
“Well, what do you think of her?” you decide to test the waters.
“I mean, she helped us with the dead mouse yesterday... And the way she pissed off the director was kinda funny,” one of the girls remarks.
“Yeah, but doesn’t she seem, like, super bitchy to you?” No one agrees except Olivia.
“Yeah, sometimes she looks at me like she wants to kill me,” Olivia chuckles. “But I guess I don’t pay much attention to her.”
 Are you seriously the only one she irritates? Maybe the problem is you, not her… 
“I shared a kayak with her today, and she was a total ass, seriously.” You try to defend yourself.
“How so?”
“Like... um, I can’t remember her exact behavior right now, but she was just straight up mean,” you admit, feeling a bitter pang in your chest. Not because of someone’s harsh words, but because you feel like you made a fool of yourself. Does no one else find her infuriating besides you?
 “Yeah, I asked about her because she killed me in the game,” you clear your throat, “and who killed you?” Changing the subject successfully.
You enjoy the rest of the evening; it’s peaceful, and eventually, your mood improves. You’re so tired after the first day that you don’t even join your friends when they sneak out of your cabin to hang out with others; you collapse onto your bed and fall asleep immediately.
The next morning, an alarm clock wakes up the whole room. Since you got the most sleep last night, you are the first to actually get out of bed and have plenty of time for yourself. Looking at your other roommates, you doubt if some of them got any sleep at all last night.
You walk towards the main square with them as they discuss the events of last night.
“Seriously, y/n, it’s a shame you weren’t there yesterday. You should totally join us tonight,” Mia playfully punches your arm.
“Yeah, we had to sneak around so the counselor wouldn’t catch us. We made it to Lily’s room, and at first, we just talked—”
“Yeah, but then we started playing spin the bottle, you know. We only managed like two rounds before we heard the counselor coming, and we had to bail.”
“Mhm, we’re planning on continuing the game tonight. You’re in, right?” Mia asks.
Thinking about it now, you regret not joining the girls yesterday; you usually never say no to fun.
“Of course I am. I wish I had been there last night too,” you admit with a smile, and the girls get enthusiastic as well.
You’ve already chosen the activities for the day. First is swimming, then sailing, and lastly, rock climbing. Olivia is supposed to accompany you on each activity too.
You change into your swimsuit and wrap yourself in a towel. You join your group in the assembly area, recognizing some familiar faces. As you walk towards the lakeside, you pass by the horse stable. Looking closer, you notice Ellie cleaning one of the horse stalls—yesterday's punishment. You try not to burst out laughing with Olivia when you see her.
The first activity is nothing special; as soon as you get into the water, instead of swimming, you start splashing around with the cold water. Since it’s early summer, the water has barely warmed up from the sun. The rest of the activity is spent either tanning on the shore or occasionally dipping into the water, only to quickly run back to dry land as others splash you.
Since the next activity is sailing, you don’t bother changing out of your swimwear, assuming you might get wet again. However, it’s just the start of camp, so the instructor begins with theory lessons on land: boat construction, the wind rose, basic maneuvers. By the end of the lesson, all the new information begins to blur together in your mind. There’s too many. 
It’s alright, you calm yourself down; you have the whole month to learn.
After lunch (it was spaghetti today!), you spend the break reading a book in your room and hanging out with your roommates.
Now it’s time for rock climbing. It’s your first time trying it, but you’ve always wanted to try it. You change into more sporty clothes and follow Olivia to the main square. You join the crowd until you arrive at the climbing wall. You look up; the wall is about 50 feet tall—is that a lot for a climbing wall? You have no idea; it looks average.
The activity starts with the instructor’s introduction and a little theory, but fortunately, it doesn’t take up all the remaining time. First, everyone who wants to climb has to pair up with someone heavier and more experienced to belay them.
You look around; Olivia is about the same size as you, so she wouldn’t be the best match. You turn and spot her: a girl wearing a black tank top with smooth blonde hair in a single braid. She looks much more muscular than you—perfect. You approach her.
"Hey, do you mind belaying me?" You ask Abby, who looks at you with a neutral expression at first.
"Sure, why not," she responds with a warm smile lighting up her face.
The instructor gives you a bit more instruction before helping you with the climbing harness. Abby, clearly more experienced with this type of equipment, manages hers effortlessly.
"Tell me when you’re ready." You stand facing the wall, Abby behind you holding the rope to belay you. As you look up, the height suddenly seems much more daunting than the supposed 50 feet. Okay, you can do this. That’s what Olivia next to you reassures, too.
Around you, some people are already climbing, while others watch from below. You take a deep breath and grab two handholds above your head, placing both feet on lower holds. With your hand reaching for another hold, you feel the rope tighten, lifting you slightly higher. You adjust your foot and continue upwards.
The holds require more strength than you anticipated, but you push through, climbing a little higher. You’ve moved about five holds up already. Your fingers of both hands reach another holds, but they’re too small and you feel them slipping on the polyester resin slowly— you know it's only a matter of time before you lose grip.
Just before you fall, you glance down. You let go of the hold, and Abby’s rope catches you, holding you at the same height for a few seconds before she carefully lowers you to the ground. She helps you remove the harness.
"How was it?" Abby asks kindly.
"I didn’t realize climbing was that hard," you admit, your hands sore and muscles tense.
"Was that your first time?"
"Was it really that obvious?" You whine.
"Well, you got pretty high if it was your first time. Most people are too nervous to even attempt the wall," Abby encourages.
You look at the climbing wall and the point from which you fell. You climbed about, wow shocking, 7 feet. You know Abby is probably being just polite and not honest, but it's still nice of her.
"I was only up there for like 5 minutes, but thanks anyway… Do you climb often? Sorry, that's a dumb question. You look… well, clearly experienced," you say, noticing her muscles.
"Yeah, I swim too, but climbing has always been my favorite," Abby admits.
The counselor announces the session's end, and people begin to head back to their cabins.
"Well, I’ll see you around," Abby waves with a smile, leaving you and joining her friends.
You gather your things, and Olivia finds you.
"Abby, huh?" she grins teasingly.
"What do you mean?" you shake your head.
"I saw the way you were checking her out. Interesting, wouldn't have pegged you for being into the head counselor’s daughter…"
"What? No, it's not like that! Yeah, she's attractive but—" You stop short, processing her words. "Wait, did you say Mr. Anderson's daughter?!" Your eyes widen in surprise.
"Shh, not so loud. Yeah, she’s Abby Anderson. To be honest, they do look alike, kind of," Olivia laughs.
"No they don’t! Gross! She’s cute, I guess. But definitely not my type," you assure her, the rest of the walk filled with idle chatter. You prepare for dinner and head over with your group, sitting together at a table.
"Mrs. Miller told me we're playing Treasure Hunt tonight, but she said not to tell anyone, so be quiet," Leah, your roommate, reveals while eating.
"That children’s game? Oh God," you groan, anticipating it'll be boring.
"No no, it's different here. It's actually quite fun," Olivia chimes in mischievously. "Once it's dark, everyone gets paired up randomly and gets just a flashlight and a treasure map. The treasure's hidden somewhere in the woods…"
"Yeah, and the first pair to find it gets a prize." Emma adds.
"And what's the prize?" you inquire, starting to get curious.
"A fancy dinner or something, but that's not the point. It’s about being out in the dark with just a flashlight and possibly some… hot company," Olivia explains, winking at you.
"Yeah, some people really… well, they take full advantage of the occasion, you know two people left alone in the dark" Emma smirks.
"What? The way you put it sounds pretty horrible," you admit.
"No, it's thrilling!" they try to convince you. "Plus, the counselors try to spook you. Come on, it's so much fun…"
"I guess it could be fun…" You're still unsure, particularly about being alone in the woods with others trying to scare you. But you're up for new experiences, right?
"If you give up on the treasure hunt idea, we’re moving Spin the Bottle to the woods. We’ll meet by the pond."
The after-dinner break is longer than usual, you have to wait till the night comes. Three hours later, everyone gathers in the main square. Leah was right; the counselor confirms it’s Treasure Hunt night.
The rules are reiterated, although you’re already familiar with them. Finally, the pairs are announced.
"Y/n and Amelia Oakley."
You walk to the center and see Amelia approaching. Short brown hair, glasses— right, you met her at Arts and Crafts yesterday. She seemed nice. You both approach another counselor who distributes flashlights and the treasure map.
"Hey, we met at Arts and Crafts yesterday," you initiate the conversation.
"Yeah, I remember you," she says warmly.
She might not be the "super hot company" your friends were telling you about, but the game should still be enjoyable with her as a partner. At least you didn’t end up with a total nightmare like Ellie for example. Phew.
You all gather at the main gate, waiting for the game to commence. It’s a serene night; the sun has already set, and while it's dark, it’s not completely pitch-black yet. The stars are beginning to twinkle above, and you can hear the rustling of leaves and the breeze through the trees.
The director opens the gate, and as everyone prepares to dash off, he speaks up.
"You have to be here in exactly three hours, or sooner. Whistles will blow 10 minutes before the end. Don’t even think about leaving the designated area; the counselors will find you anyway. Remember, we have eyes and ears everywhere." You gulp, recalling the stories your friend shared about counselors lurking in the dark woods. "Let the game begin!"
The rush is palpable as the crowd surges toward the nearest path. Amelia grabs your hand, and you both join the sprint. Initially, everyone follows the same route, but as time passes, the group thins out as people take different directions.
"Let's turn left now!" Amelia shouts above the din, and you follow suit. After a few moments, you stop to catch your breath.
"Okay. What's our plan? How do we find this treasure?" you ask, still panting.
"Well, according to the map," she shines her flashlight on the paper, "we need to head to the west side of the woods. But are we really here just for the treasure?"
You look at her, confused.
"What else would we be here for?"
"I mean, for many, the appeal of this game is the freedom. For one night, you’re left alone in the woods. It would be a shame to use that time only to find some hidden treasure," she suggests, her face softly illuminated by the flashlight.
What are her intentions? Hopefully just friendly…
"Yeah, I guess… But what else could we do?" You were kind of looking forward to the treasure hunt before.
"Some people form groups and hang out, others like to spook the other campers," Amelia explains.
"That sounds more interesting than the original game," you admit.
"Okay, but how do we find them?" you wonder aloud.
"Well, we either stumble upon them, or we could sit quietly and listen for any approaching footsteps. Though that might seem a bit creepy," she laughs.
"I suppose we could try the first option…"
You start walking through the woods, unfortunately without encountering anyone. It’s now completely dark; your flashlight is your only source of light. It’s getting chilly, and you regret not bringing a hoodie.
"You know, thinking about it now, letting teenagers loose in the woods all night seems like a pretty risky idea. What if someone goes missing or something?" you voice your concerns.
"For the past 30 years, it hasn’t happened. And the counselors are everywhere. They might even be right behind you," Amelia says, sending a shiver down your spine. "Don’t worry, if you were to yell for help, three of them would probably appear instantly."
"That's a little unsettling," you chuckle nervously.
Suddenly, you hear the crackling of leaves behind you. You whip around, and Amelia grabs your hand. Both of you freeze, listening intently.
The sound comes again— louder, closer…
"RAAAAAH!" a scream echoes right behind you. Startled, Amelia lets go of your hand and bolts. You run after her, the creature in hot pursuit behind you.
You continue running until you reach a fork in the road. Glancing back, your flashlight reveals two human silhouettes giving chase, they’re so close now. You turn back, noticing Amelia is missing. Fuck, she has already chosen a path, but you’re unsure which one. Deciding quickly, you turn right, hoping to meet her there.
You shine your flashlight ahead but see no sign of Amelia. After a while, you can’t hear footsteps behind you either. Turning around, you realize you’re now alone. Alone in the woods with only your flashlight, you’ve lost the treasure map long ago. That was probably the fastest you’ve run in your life.
"Fuck…" you curse under your breath, standing still to catch your breath. You look around, finding no one in sight. Your first instinct is to backtrack to the fork in the road, but as you start walking, you realize you lost your way in the heat of the chase.
You're on the verge of calling out for counselors, as Amelia suggested, when a distant flashlight catches your eye. At this point, you're indifferent whether it's the chasers, Amelia, or anyone else; you just can't stand being alone in these dark woods anymore. Flashing your own light a few times, you hurry over to the source. As you shine your flashlight in their face, you realize it’s… Ellie.
"For fuck’s sake, can you stop blinding me with that damn thing?!" You would’ve recognized this tone everywhere, even if you didn’t know it’s Ellie.
"No way," she groans, hiding her face in her hands. She realizes it’s you who she has bumped into. "I've been wandering alone for twenty minutes, and you are the first person I meet?"
"Why are you alone?"
"I ditched my partner ages ago. At first, I was scaring the other campers," she smirks. "It was hilarious— they were all pissing their pants. But then I got bored and headed towards the pond."
Right, you remember. Your friends mentioned they were meeting there. A thought appears in your head.
“I was walking towards the pond, too”
"They invited you to play too?" she sighs, clearly mad. "I was hoping to leave you here once you’re done talking."
"Not that simple, Williams," you reply, feeling just as displeased about the reunion. "Do you know the way?"
"It’s on the map, genius," she scoffs.
"Well, I lost mine. Looks like we're walking together," you say, hearing Ellie emit another groan.
For a while, silence hangs between you both. It's not exactly awkward—more like a mutual animosity. 
"I lost my partner when we got chased," you eventually mention.
"I don't care," Ellie cuts you off with a sharp tone, prompting a sigh from you.
"Ellie, what is your problem?"
"My problem? What do you mean?" Her tone betrays her disinterest.
"You are such a bitch to me. Since the first time we’ve talked."
"Answer me, Ellie," you insist, growing tired of the tension.
"You annoy me. Your face, your voice… I don’t know. What do you expect? Maybe I'm just a bitch," Ellie sighs, revealing a glimpse of vulnerability.
In the distance, you hear murmurs of human voices from behind the trees.
"Looks like we're here," you comment as you and Ellie approach the gathering.
You see about ten people gathered in a circle. Spotting your friends, you walk over to them.
"Hey, Y/n! We've been waiting for you!" They greet you eagerly.
"How long have you been here?" you ask, settling down as they make room for you.
"Not long. Just got here about five minutes ago. We're still waiting on a few more," Olivia informs you.
You glance around. Someone has cleared the leaves and sticks for seating so the ground is clear. Some people have placed their flashlights on the ground, while others still hold theirs. A greenish pond shimmers a few feet away, reflecting all of the lights.
After a while, five more people join the circle. Despite the dim lighting, you manage to recognize some faces, including Abby, the girl who belayed you while climbing earlier.
A deep voice cuts through the murmurs. "Quiet, everyone! Let’s start the game."
Taglist: @littlelittlebear
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simpleeindulge · 5 months
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The Beast and The Mouse🔞
Info: KidxFem/reader, too lazy to mention everything but this chapter is for the mature only!🔞 Hints of rough sex, slightly forced, cussing and some foreplay.
Warning: Long! I probably should have cut it in half, but after the hiatus, I figured a long chapter wouldn't hurt. I hope you enjoy it!
Please keep in mind that this is the first time I have written smut with Kid. Enjoy!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Part 4: The One in the Mask
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@ella157 @bdudette @faetoraa @elen-alambil @buckysxgal @ryuv1i @ilovespicykimchi @stuckinthewrongworld @ninablue @kookydoesstuff @Kimyk10br
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The energy on the ship felt strange but Y/N supposed it couldn't be helped. After all, she did stab the captain.
It didn't matter that she didn't kill him. It didn't matter that he had asked, no, commanded her to do it, and it certainly didn't matter that he deserved it. She stabbed Eustass "Captain" Kid, the bastard.
Her attack on Kid gave Y/N mixed notoriety among her crewmates. There were some in the crew would questioned whether she could be trusted. Others saw it as a right of passage and that the Captain wanted to test her even though he never tested anyone before.
Whatever they choose to believe, they all agreed it was best to stay away from Y/N. At least the men did anyway. The women, on the other hand, had their own opinion that Kid got what he deserved for pushing a knife into Y/N's hand.
"Don't sweat it, love! Kid is too stubborn to die from a knife wound. Everyone in the crew knows that!" A tall blue-haired girl named London said as she threw an arm around Y/N.
The other women in the dorm laughed as they passed around a bottle of cherry whiskey.
Quincy giggled and commented slyly, "Yeah, it's not like you damaged anything important! That would be a tragedy!"
The others snickered as they made lewd comments, then went back to settling in for the night. Y/N blushed as her gaze dropped to the cup of booze she held in her hands.
"I don't understand why he is so mean to me," Y/n said softly.
Dive gave Y/n’s knee a gentle pat as London waved off her comment.
"What can we say?! The guy is a jerk." London said casually, then held up her glass and cried, "But he is our jerk!" The other women cheered and drank to her words.
As the other women returned to their own gossip, London and Quincy moved closer to Y/n when they saw that the toast didn't cheer her up.
"I just don't get it. It's like he wants something from me, but I don't know what it is." Y/N said her thoughts out loud as the trio listened. "Every time I think things are better between us, Kid does or says something that destroys any progress made."
Quincy and London looked at each other with brows raised as Dive patted Y/n's knee again.
"Kid is like that, and you can't take it personally. Besides, if he didn't want you here, he would have gotten rid of you long ago." Dive explained.
“Yeah,” Quincy nodded with a grin, “He would have literally tossed you overboard.”
London seemed to agree but added, “I think Killer would give you the courtesy of a heads-up before it got to that.”
Y/n sighed since Kid did try to get rid of her on her third day aboard the ship, and Killer was trying to talk him out of it. The reasoning back then was that Kid didn’t think she could handle it, but hadn’t she proven herself to him by now?
"I guess not, but what is it going to take?" Y/N thought as she took a sip of her drink.
“Hey, Y/n, have you talked to the Captain since stabbing him,” London asked with a curious glance. Y/N sighed and shook her head no.
Y/n hadn't heard or seen him for three days while sailing. Even her training with Killer had stopped, so she chose to train on her own. The ship had stopped at an island the day before for supplies, so Kid spent most of his time on land exploring.
The rumors she overheard from the male crew members about Kid's time on the island made her feel sick. He apparently visited a popular establishment on the island and was seen drinking with women, then taking a few of them to the rooms above the bar. Y/n knew it was silly to feel upset or betrayed. The first time she saw Kid, he had a woman in his lap. Still, it was hard not to feel a tight knot in her chest when she thought about Kid with other women.
Y/N tossed back the rest of her drink, hoping the cherry-flavored alcohol would knock her out so she could wake up with her common sense restored.
"What we need," London said brightly as she stood up and put her hands on her hips, "Is a girl's night out! We get to go ashore tomorrow night, so let's live it up!"
From her back pocket, London pulled out a flyer with gold lettering that read, "The Garden." Quincy grinned at her and said, "Now that's an idea! I've heard rumors about that place."
She turned to Y/N, saying, “This is exactly what you need!”
"Why do I need to go to a bar? I can drink on the ship," Y/n said with a smile.
Quincy rolled her eyes. "It's not just a bar. It's-"
“A brothel,” Dive gasped and laughed as she pointed at the name on the flyer. "That's the place the Captain been going to!"
"A brothel," Y/n said blushing as she stared at London's and Quincy's wide grins. "I thought that…"
“What? That only men go to brothels?" Dive snickered.
"I'm mean..."
Y/N looked between all three and realized how naive she still was about the bigger world outside her own experiences. She then picked up the flyer and read the short, punchy description.
A place for all to gather and share their hidden desire. All are welcome. Women drink for free.
Y/N frowned at the "women drink for free" line and read further down in smaller lettering that women who help entertain or keep company for a guest drank for free.
She shook her head and said, "I don't know, isn't there another place we could go to have a girl's night?"
London grabbed the flyer and pointed to it, saying, "Free, Y/N! Free!"
"Only if we entertain!" Y/N said as she blushed.
Quincy smirked and said, "Oh, I've been to one of these places.” She then looked at Y/N and said, "You don't have to sleep with anyone. Just be friendly if someone talks you up or asks for a dance."
"And if you meet someone you want to sleep with, then the guy pays for use of the room." Dive finished explaining with a grin.
Y/N paled as Quincy grinned back at her. "Best part is that it's lady's choice of whose company she's keeping."
“But I-”
“Come on, Y/n! You worked at a bar! You know how to talk to drinking men! And it's not like you have to sleep with anyone!” London said as she pleased with her eyes.
“Unless you wanted to,” joked Dive, who gave her an encouraging look.
"It is a great stress reliever." Quincy sighed, then shrugged, "If the guy is good, anyway."
Y/n looked at her new friends and sighed.
"I guess I can give it a go."
The trio cheered and hugged Y/N, promising she wouldn't regret her trip to The Garden.
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Kid scowled as his skin prickled at the energy of the place. Ordinarily, he would be excited to come to a brothel and find a woman or three to spend the night with. Now, the idea turned his stomach, and it annoyed him.
Why should it bother him to pick up women?! Killer was right! This was what he needed. The night before was...not a success. Yes, he drank with a few women and took them to a room, but his damn body wouldn't cooperate! So he drank the night away and passed out, but not before threatening the women into silence.
What he needed was the right woman to get over his desire for Y/N. It irritated him that not just any woman would do. He thought about finding someone with the same hair color or body type as Y/N and was immediately repulsed by the idea. No way could Kid settle for anything less than what he originally desired. What he needed was someone better than Y/N. Kid scanned the room as he and Killer walked to an empty table.
"We could ask the proprietor if she has any suggestions." Killer suggested to Kid, as a masked barmaid brought their drinks.
Kid scoffed and tossed back his drink. He then looked around the large bar. All the women were dressed in simple white or cream dresses and different color masks. The men could dress as they pleased, but women were required to wear this uniform if they wished to participate.
A clever scheme since a poor drunken bastard won't be able to tell the difference between a whore from the brothel and a woman just looking for a good time till it was too late. Kid took another drink as Killer waved over the Madam of this "garden."
"Hello, gentlemen; how may I be of service?"
This woman wore a golden cloth mask and a dress with her hair pulled back. Her both her eyes and voice gave away the maturity of her age. Kid ignored the woman as he sipped his drink and watched the women in the bar and then the men. He usually could go either way, but that damned 'mouse' was fucking everything up for him.
"I see," The madam mused. "I think have what you are looking for in my garden this night."
"Forget it, I don't pay for sex."
The woman stiffened, but she stayed cool as she studied Kid. Her sharp eyes and years of dealing with men told her just about everything she needed to know.
She smiled cunningly and said, "You were unsatisfied with your choices last night, so how about this? I bring you a woman who fits your needs. If she satisfies you, you will pay for the use of the room. If she doesn't, then you pay nothing at all."
Kid peered over at the woman and then scoffed. "I'm guessing the price of the rooms just got marked up."
The woman shrugged her shoulders as she held her smile. "Well? Do you agree?"
Kid looked at his drink and said, "Throw in a few free rounds for me and my buddy Killer, and you got yourself a deal."
Killer had to give credit to the woman. She felt any irritation she hid it well.
"Very well," The madam replied, waving over a girl from the bar. The girl hurried over and placed two new drinks on the table. "Enjoy, gentlemen, and leave the rest to me." She walked away with an equal calmness that showed how long she had worked in this business.
Kid then picked up his second drink and began to work on it as Killer studied the people in the crowd. Killer didn't want to bring up Kid's mouse problem, but his buddy's behavior was concerning. He knew what happened last night, and that wasn't all like Kid. They needed to get rid of the girl Killer thought as he took a drink.
"Maybe this is a good place to leave her."
Killer nearly choked and glanced at Kid, glad that he didn't have to bring the idea up to him. It was odd to see a woman get under Kid's skin so easily by simply existing. Since the incident with the knife, Kid had distanced himself from Y/N, but he wasn't the same. Getting rid of the girl would be for the best and it was better to let it be Kid's idea.
When he didn't say anything else, Killer carefully agreed with him.
"It's not a bad town. Plenty of work. Not a shit hole."
"Nope, definitely not a shit hole." Kid agreed and chuckled. He took another long sip and stared at the women and men gathering at the bar. "Looks like some of our crew is here." He grinned, pleased to see them having fun. He then frowned as he searched for Y/N among the masked women. He could pick out London, Quincy and Dive, but not Y/N, who he knew hung out with them.
"She's not here, Kid. I saw her working in the sickbay before we went, and the other women said they couldn't convince her to come."
"Fuck," Kid growled as he ran a hand through his hair. This was agonizing. He was supposed to be having fun and not giving a shit about anything. Later, he would have more important things to think about. This was no time to lose his grit over some girl. Kid tossed back his drink as he made up his made. Y/N will leave the ship tomorrow, and he will be the one to kick her off.
He set his empty glass on the table and stood up. Kid didn't feel in the mood to be out drinking, but he didn't want to go back to the ship just yet.
"You alright?" Killer asked.
"Peachy, I'm going to go for a walk. Tell that woman to forget our deal and to shove it up her ass if she complains."
People moved out of the way as Kid cut through the bar space and into the hallway leading to the exit. The entrance hall had two winding staircases leading to the rooms upstairs. As Kid moved closer to the middle of the staircases, he saw the madam of The Garden at the bottom of the left staircase.
He noticed she was speaking to a woman standing further up the stairs, and as he moved by, he couldn't help looking up at her. One look and Kid's blood went cold.
There was no way. Killer said that Y/N was back on the ship. Kid stared at the girl wearing a black cat mask over her face, but he swears that it was her. But her hair color was different from Y/N, and it was styled. Her body shape looked the same, but he doubted that his 'mouse' would have the nerve to dress provocatively and look at ease while out in the open for all to see.
The madam seemed to be instructing the girl as she talked in a low whisper while jesting with her pointed fingers. The girl nodded obediently and then turned to walk up the stairs. As she turned, her eyes caught Kid's staring at her. She was too far, and the mask made it hard to see her eyes as he tried to make out their color. She stilled, her red lips parting in surprise. Kid felt his blood heated back up, and his mind sped up.
This was the woman he was looking for to release his frustrations on.
The woman then looked away and continued to climb the staircase as if brushing him off. Kid growled and started to follow after her.
"Ah, you saw her." The madam cut in front of Kid, sounding pleased with herself. "She is fairly new in my garden, but I think you will find her satisfactory."
Kid glared at the woman, but she didn't flinch or move out of the way.
"She's one of yours?" He asked angrily, staring her down to see if the madam was lying.
She only grinned and nodded, then replied coolly, "As I said, if you find her pleasing, then you only need to pay for the cost of the room, but as you had mentioned earlier, the price will be triple its worth."
Kid grunted and then looked to the exit. He had no real reason to return to the ship, but something told him he should forget about the woman's offer. Kid moved to the doors, but then thought about the woman waiting for him upstairs.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!" His mind yelled at himself for being played. Just this once, he told himself, just this once he will have the fantasy.
Kid didn't look at the madam as she called out the room number he needed. Couples moved out of Kid's way when they sensed his aggression while heading to his room. The lights in the halls on the upper floors were dimmed, and as he passed door after door, Kid could hear muffled sounds, but he stayed focused on where he was going and what he would do. When he saw the door with the number he needed, he walked in as if he owned the small room.
Candles lit the room's corners, and a small fireplace cracked as it provided the only other light source. The woman spun around, her feathered bottom robe swaying around her nylon-covered legs. She had a hand holding her robe closed in front of her as she eyed Kid and said nothing as he entered the room and closed the door.
He stood across from her and looked her over to see if he could identify her, but she was a stranger to him. From where he stood he could see that her eye color was different from Y/N.
"Mask off," he then ordered.
The woman tilted her head at him, then opened her robe and let it slide down her arms to show him the lingerie on her body. Her top was bare, with only her lower half dressed. Kid grinned as his eyes traveled from her collarbones, over her curved chest, and to the sheer black panties that hugged her womanhood tightly. It was a perfect sight to his curious eye.
"Very nice, but I want the mask off."
The woman straightened her head and lifted her hands to the back of her head. She first let down her hair and then untied the mask. Kid stepped forward as the mask loosened and fell into her hand. When she looked up at him, Kid was annoyed to see a second mask, like the ones the women at the bar wore, still covering her face.
His hand moved to snatch it off her, but she caught his wrist. She then stepped forward and let go of him. Kid stared coldly at her. He remembered Killer telling him this place was popular with the locals because of its discretion. Meaning if a noblewoman wanted to know what it was like to be with a pirate or a marine with a pirate, it was possible here.
Not that this woman was either, but he doubted a whore cared about her identity. The clever madam could have lied about this woman being one of hers, but as she started to remove the last bit of lace from her body, Kid decided it didn't matter. Her skin was smooth and healthy looking, and she had the right amount of curves and fat on her body. And most importantly, his cock was willing as it started to stir in his pants.
Without thinking, Kid pulled the woman to him and put his mouth on her neck. The woman gasped and moaned as her head rolled to the side. Her nipples tightened with excitement as his hand ran down her back and slid over the curve of her hips.
"Fine," He whispered into her ear. "Keep your silly mask, but you better prepare yourself if you're going to fuck around with pirates. Especially me."
Her breathing became shaky, but she didn't speak or pull away. Kid smirked and sucked harder at her neck, making the woman release a surprised cry. The sound made his cock jump, making him want to hear more of her voice. He then lifted her and dropped her on the bed. She made a sound that was a mixture of surprise and annoyance as she bounced on the mattress. Kid only chuckled as he moved over while undoing his pants.
If this woman was looking for something slow and easy, she made a big mistake, Kid mused maliciously as he moved over her on the bed. The woman's eyes widen as she becomes trapped underneath him. Kid thought she was going to protest, but instead, she ran her hands over his chest and then dragged her nails over his shoulders.
Her nails bit into his skin, leaving angry red lines. Kid found the stinging pain a comforting release. His breath shuttered, and his eyes closed as her lips went to the base of his neck. As if paying him back, her teeth press into his skin hard enough to leave an imprint.
Kid shoved her back down, and the woman glared at him, but he ignored it as he lowered his head to suck at her breast. His tongue licked hard at her nipples, and the woman struggled not to make a sound as she gripped his shoulders. Her nails dig into his skin and Kid let out a breathy laugh, liking the treatment the woman was giving him.
He sucked harder at her breast, making the woman toss her head, and then forced a choked cry from her when he pulled at the other tight bud with his fingers. When his teeth scraped a nipple, she yelped and tried to smack Kid's face with her hand.
Kid moved away and chuckled at her. Whoever this woman was, she was gusty. A shiver went down his spine when his eyes met hers. They challenged him, but Kid could see a hint of anxiousness. Though they were a different color, Kid couldn't help thinking of Y/N.
He growled and roughly flipped the woman over to her stomach. He needed to stay focused and remember why he was here: to get laid and back to normal. The woman tried to lift her head, but Kid pushed on her upper back to keep her still.
"Stay down." Kid growled gruffly at her. And don't look at him with those damn eyes!
Kid shoved a finger in her to see if she was wet enough. The woman grunted and huffed but she didn't move to look at him. Kid was surprised to feel that despite his rough treatment of her, she was wet.
"You like it rough, I see," he said with a grin as he traveled down her back and over her ass. "That's good because it's going to get rougher."
The woman peered over her shoulder at him, then wobbled on her hands when Kid pulled one of her legs to make room for him. He then pressed himself against her sensitive flesh. Kid grinned wildly when he heard her take a breath and purposely thrust forward without any warning.
The poor woman choked on her exhale as Kid gritted his teeth to hold back the groan that wanted to crawl up his throat. After weeks of no relief, this was the sensation he was missing; this was what he needed. Kid wanted to dive further into her without caution, but her small size could only take so much of him without more preparation. The woman gasped and moaned as she tried to twist herself away.
"Fuck me, I bet she's a virgin," Kid's mind cursed as he slid back and tried to push more of himself into her, only for her to cry out in pain.
To Kid, virgins were only fun in theory, but in practice, he found them to be too much work and needy. He snorted and told himself that it was not his problem if she planned to have her first time in a brothel with a stranger.
Kid gripped her hips to hold her still as another groan threatened to escape his throat when she whimpered and tried to get away from him. The sadist in him was loving this. He saw no reason to be gentle with a woman who allowed herself to be put in the hands of a pirate. Kid was ready to start satisfying his lust when a part of him that he wasn't familiar with took possession.
Both he and the woman stilled at the calm tone of his voice. Kid blinked and allowed himself to be possessed by whatever secret entity moved him to be gentle. He bent down and said huskily into her ear, "Just relax."
The woman seemed to side-eye him as her hands gripped the sheets, not completely trusting him as she tried to relax her body in his grasp.
The asshole in him wanted to take advantage and force himself into her, but instead, he reached around and rubbed his fingers on her clit. She let out a gasping cry and began to moan as her body wiggled and relaxed further.
“And people say I can’t do anything nice”, he thought with a pleased chuckle as he milked moans from the trembling woman under him.
The woman struggled at first not to let out her voice, but as Kid teased her by stimulating her clit and slowly pushing his cock forward, she gave up and let her breath do what it needed to keep her alive. Kid swallowed thickly and even groaned as the woman clenched and relaxed around him. A dark chuckle escaped him when she pushed herself back onto his cock to try and take in the rest of him.
This is enough of a warm-up for her; time for the real fun, Kid thought as he changed his pace.
He pulled her closer and drove himself deeper into her. She screamed into the air as her pussy stretched and held him in her. She then made a slight laughing sound that stroked Kid's ego. He grinned at the back of her neck as he began his thrusting. Fuck, he thought as her body took him with no issues, fuck, fuck, fuck. This was what he needed.
Kid couldn't remember want else happened from there. All he knew was that the woman didn't fight him as he slid in and out of her in a heated frenzy. He lost all restraint and used the woman to get the relief he desired for weeks. When he finally came, he hardly cared that he filled the woman's aching pussy with his cum.
He then pulled away and staggered to the door as he pulled up his pants. Kid didn't bother to look back at her. He opened the door and went out into the hall. He needed a drink and a long nap. As he walked back down the stairs, he was the brothel owner with a calm smile on her lips. Wordlessly, she held out her hand to Kid. With a grunt, Kid handed her the money and went to look for Killer in the bar.
The madam then went up the stairs to check on the new girl she had given to the pirate. The woman in the bed waited for Kid to leave before she got up from the bed just as the madam entered the room. She had a thick robe that she threw over the woman's shoulder.
"Come, I will help you." The madam said softly to the woman.
"I have to get back." The woman replied worriedly.
"I will help." The madam repeated and guided the woman out of the room.
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Kid and the rest of the crew didn't return to the ship until late at night. Y/N woke up to London, and the others laughed as they crawled into bed. Sighing, Y/N got up and went to the infirmary to set aside all the ingredients for the tonic she would have to make for everyone in the morning. She then winced and reached for a jar of her freshly made ointment.
The ointment was cool on her fingertips, and she carefully spread it on her shoulders, neck, and chest. She knew that Kid would be rough, yet she had a feeling he tried to hold back, at least initially. She huffed and shook her head, then winced again. No, she got the Kid treatment, and she should be lucky that he went easy on her based on the stories she had overheard on the ship.
What she did was crazy and stupid. Even the madam of the brothel thought it was risky. Her abilities to disguise Y/N would disappear if Kid found her out and said her name. There were times that Y/N feared that he had in that small room. If he ever found out…
“But he won’t. He can’t,” She whispered as she put the jar back on the shelf. Y/N took a deep breath and went back to the women's quarters.
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fyodere · 6 months
gakuen!fyodor smut pt. 2 for you freaks <3
all my warmth is inside of you
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﹙ 💬 ﹚── parings: fyodor dostoevsky x fem!reader ♡
₍^. .^₎⟆ ── content warnings / tags : nsfw content (mdni), high school!au, fyodor is mean, misogyny kink, corruption kink, academic rivals, petnames, virgin!reader, degradation, fyodor is a sadic, dumbification, spanking, underage (you and fedya are like 17), dirty talk ♡
﹙ 🔪 ﹚── synopsis : Being alone in the library with Fyodor was uncomfortable. After all, you always had an complicated relationship with Dostoevsky. He is the student council president and future valedictorian — and he takes his role very seriously.
You are indeed one of the best students in the whole school. Fyodor would never say it out loud, but he feels threatened by you. So, he always try to sabotage your school life with his little games to keep you in the second place. Oh, and he doesn’t mind get his hands dirty if it means that you won’t me a bother anymore.
That leads you to your current situation; you’re alone with Dostoevsky in the library, doing your homework silently while he was reading something 20 feet away from you. You don’t know why, but you can feel his gaze piercing your back.
﹙ 🩸 ﹚── author's note : promised y’all part 2 and here it is !! i’m very happy with all the attention you guys gave for part one <3 seriously i smile when i remember all the comments and stuff ! so thank you ! i have many smuts in my drafts but i don’t wanna post all them bcs i don’t wanna burn you guys out of me
Being alone in the library with Fyodor was uncomfortable. After all, you always had an complicated relationship with Dostoevsky. He is the student council president and future valedictorian — and he takes his role very seriously.
You are indeed one of the best students in the whole school. Fyodor would never say it out loud, but he feels threatened by you. So, he always try to sabotage your school life with his little games to keep you in the second place. Oh, and he doesn’t mind get his hands dirty if it means that you won’t me a bother anymore.
That leads you to your current situation; you’re alone with Dostoevsky in the library, doing your homework silently while he was reading something 20 feet away from you. You don’t know why, but you can feel his gaze piercing your back.
Fyodor feels ashamed of himself. Last night he had a wild dream. A dream that he feels the urge to cover his face every time he remembers about it. Fyodor is usually confident and calm, but you’re slowly taking control of his feelings.
Suddenly, without warning, Fyodor slams his book shut and strides over to where you're sitting. His eyes, usually calm and calculating, are ablaze with fury.
"You think you're so clever, don't you?" he growls, his voice low and menacing. "Always trying to outshine me, always one step ahead."
Before you can react, he grabs you by the shoulders and presses you firmly against the wall, his grip like iron. You can feel the hard surface digging into your back, making it difficult to breathe.
“Hey, what are you—“ He cuts you abruptly.
“Ah? Do you really think you can get on my level, darling?” Fyodor laughed sarcastically. He could be really mean sometimes. “Do you really think a pathetic girl like you could beat me? What a foolish desire you have.” He said angrily. "I won't let you win," he hisses, his face inches from yours. "Not this time, not ever." His words are filled with venom, and you can sense the intensity of his hatred burning like a fire inside him. It's clear that Fyodor will stop at nothing to maintain his position of power and control.
Fyodor smirks. He always has this smug face that deeply get on your nerves. “Mhmn… looks like my pathetic mouse is scared.” His breath is touching your sensitive skin, giving you chills. “Don’t tell me you’re scared of your rival.” Dostoevsky gives a sarcastic laugh. God, he loves how vulnerable and pathetic you look. His perverted thoughts are going wild. “That’s my dumb little girl.”
“Who are you calling dumb?” You whispered dangerously, sightly afraid of Fyodor. “As I remember, I had beat you on the last exam—“ He slapped your face.
“As I know, I have beat you in the last three tests. Do you really think you can get on my level?” Fyodor bites his thumb as he laughed. “You’re more pathetic than I thought, woman.” You felt inferior when he called you simply woman.
Fyodor can feel it, how easily he can control you. Fyodor smiles at your softly and whispers into your ear again. “You sure seem to get excited when you’re around me, don’t you, my dumb little girl?”
“What the hell are you saying?” Fyodor shuts you up, kissing you.
Dostoevsky chuckles, breaking the kiss. “You don’t know all the fantasies I have about you. Our stupid rivalry always get on my way.” He whispers again, his voice is filled with an almost menacing tone. “Should I just turn you into my little messy thing or be gentle?”
The moment your lips met, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the sensation of his soft lips against yours. Time stood still as you both shared this intimate moment, but as you finally parted, you found herself gasping for air, your chest tight with the overwhelming rush of emotions. It was as if the sheer intensity of your connection had momentarily stolen your breath away, leaving you longing for more. You’re breathless.
You were alone in the library, class time had ended and it would soon be curfew. Your heart was beating fast. Fyodor kissed you. That's right, he kissed you. The smug, pseudo-intellectual boy in your class had kissed you like there was no tomorrow, and you had liked it. I mean, how could you not? The tension between the two of you was so tense it could have been cut with a knife. Fyodor simply did what you secretly fantasized about every night. He cupped your face using his free hand, squeezing your cheeks, forcing you to look at him.
“You’re so pathetic and useless, only a little toy that I can mess with.”
“Oh yeah? Show me what you got then.” You whispered, with a smirk and you’re ready. You are ready to take everything Fyodor got.
He kissed you again, your bodies collided in synchrony. Tongues twisting and eyes rolling. Fyodor breaks the kiss grins. There was something lustful on his gaze, you couldn’t help but get embarrassed. Dostoevsky had this provocative yet enchanting aura.
“Stupid little girl, now, open your mouth and stick out your tongue.” Fyodor commanded once more in a commanding but still seductive tone. Dostoevsky was loving this, the power is was feeling. His smirk grew as he continued, he was loving every second of this. “My pathetic little girl…” Fyodor’s eyes were dark and sinister now, He seemed so in control now. He loved it.
You did as requested, then he sucked your tongue. It was so naughty, so delicious. You couldn’t help but let a moan slide.
“Good little slut. You’re such a good fuck toy, aren’t you?” Fyodor's voice was deep and seductive, it was hard not to be affected by his charm. “I bet you love being called a slutty little bitch, don’t you? You’d probably even suck my cock if I told you to, wouldn’t you? You’re such a pathetic little whore, aren’t you?”
“And what if I wanted to suck you off?”
Fyodor's eyes widened in shock. "Oh, oh, oh!" Fyodor gasped, completely taken aback by your question. He looked at you with wide-eyed wonder, unable to believe you had said those words. Will you be this easy, seriously? "I... I..." Fyodor stammered, clearly caught off guard. "Well, well, well." He snapped his fingers, trying to regain his composure. "What an interesting idea, isn't it? You want to be my little bitch, do you?” Fyodor laughed, he didn’t believe you would dare to say such a thing. But as he saw your expression change, he was intrigued. “Oh, so you want to be my little slut, huh? I’ll teach you a lesson, little dumb girl.”
“And what type of lesson you want to teach me, Fedya?” You said biting your tongue, trying to control all your desires.
Fyodor chuckled, “I want to teach you that you should learn to obey a man like me, little mouse. You need to know your place, as a woman, and it's not as the top student, it's as my little toy, and you better accept it.” He squeezed your cheeks again. “As a woman, you will always be inferior to me. Always.”
Fyodor had never been one to back down from a challenge. He was determined to break your will, no matter how long it took. And if you tried to resist him, he would only grow stronger. He could already see himself being your master, controlling your every move. He could even force you to be his little plaything. But he knew he had to be patient. He couldn't rush the process. He would need to win your trust first. And then, he would take you over his knee and teach you a lesson you wouldn't forget.
“You want me to fuck you senseless, hmm? You want me to own you completely, don’t you, my dumb little girl? To make you my little messy thing?” He said licking his own lips. “I bet you can’t resist me, dumb little girl. I will take you right here, right now, and no one will ever find out. I promise you that.” Fyodor Dostoevsky grins, he was enjoying the thrill of the moment. The power he felt over her made him feel alive “You’re so adorably cute when you’re flustered, little one.” He grinned down at you, his eyes filled with lust and malice. He let his hand slide down your body, fingers grazing your thigh. “And, well, I’ve never been caught before, so there’s no need to worry.”
You moaned when Fyodor's lips came into contact with the warm skin of your neck, leaving trails of kisses and bites all over the area. The empty library held his two bodies. His cheek pressed against the icy wall, his wrists pinned behind his back, being held by one of Dostoevsky's large, icy hands.
“Please...” You let go with difficulty, feeling your face throbbing and your belly throbbing. “Fedya—” You call out to him one last time.
The voracious eyes focus on you, turning your face slightly to observe you, a few strands of hair falling on the small visible part of your face, causing a victorious smile to appear on Fyodor's face. His grip around your wrists tightens, this time he uses his knee to spread your legs further apart with the dress bunched up around your waist – only your delicate white panties visible together with your skin in the middle of an empty library, where at any moment someone could arrive and catch you in the act.
“Fedya...” He tastes the name with some contempt, letting out a nasal laugh. “What kind of idiot would help a little slut like you, dumb thing?”
You moan, feeling your body being pushed harder against the wall. Fyodor's knee presses against the wet spot on your panties, making you try to somehow close your own legs. In response, a sharp, heavy slap is placed on his right buttock.
“Be quiet, dammit!” He grunts, opening his own zipper with some difficulty due to using only one hand. His pants slide down his thighs, his boxers are too tight and he almost sighs in relief when his erection comes out, slamming roughly against your ass. “Such a helpless girl...”
His panties are easily torn. Your lips part and your eyes close tightly at the sensation that Fyodor's cock causes you as it enters your pussy with surprise. You contort your own hands, pressing your nails against his palm, letting out a contained, desperate, relieved moan.
“No… Oh my God.” You sigh.
“I like it that way, you know? When you struggle to come and still accept me like a little whore” He whispers close to your ear, his lips sliding down the back of your neck. “I like taking advantage of little girls like you. Ask me to stop... Isn’t that what you want?”
"Deeper!" You almost command in an authoritarian way, having yet another slap brutally delivered against your skin.
“Speak to me in the right way, stupid woman.” He warns in a slurred manner, pushing his own hips against your body, sinking deeper and deeper inside you. Your free hand tangles in his hair.
You nod your head in confirmation, pushing your own body against his trying to close any space between the two of you, if that were still possible. A smile appeared on Dostoevsky's lips, causing him to pull his hair, bringing his body back only to see the redness on a part of his face before pushing him against the wall again, hearing a painful groan leaving your lips from him.
"Good girl."
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rabioa · 2 days
First Cut
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Alastor x Nurse!Reader - Fluff - Gender Neutral
Alastor has never cared much for the residents of the hotel, but with you, he couldn't help but grow curious. You were so attentive to everyone's health so would you care about him as much? He knows you're scared of him just like everyone else, but maybe your generosity outweighs your logic? Oh, that would be so delightful. You had a bleeding heart so aren't you a helpful little doll! You ought to be rewarded for your boldness, truly
TW: Alastor gets a cut on purpose for your attention, any Hazbin Hotel warnings
My first short fanfic about Alastor!! I love him so much omg :3 i intend to make a part 2 where Alastor returns the favor. I hope you enjoy this and as always, any feedback would be super appreciated!!! Remember to hydrate and remember that you are loved!!!! <333
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Imagine you were a nurse while you were alive, and for whatever reason you ended up in Hell. Despite your sins, you still wanted to help others. It's that desire to heal others that led you to the Hazbin Hotel. You had been staying there for a few weeks now, getting used to the new dynamics of everything.
Alastor definitely took notice of you; you weren't quite an employee, yet you somehow became the resident nurse. You fretted over everyone: constantly providing hangover cures for Husk, painkillers for Angel Dust after a filming session, band aids for Niffty, and other medical attention as needed for everyone.
Although you were initially shy around Lucifer, you eventually got comfortable enough to take care of him too. You ensured he got food in his system and some fresh air, even after he locked himself in his room all day.
Much to Alastor's amusement, you wormed yourself into everybody's heart besides his. He noticed how formal and stiff you were around him, growing meek in his presence. You were intimidated by him. It didn't stop you from being polite and sweet though, you just tried your best to slip out of the room whenever he appeared. He was trouble, and you knew that.
Imagine one day though, you're both in the kitchen. He was cooking something for the hotel, a luxury he blessed the hotel with often. You were restocking some ice packs (because a certain spider demon wouldn't return them to their place after each use!). You kept your distance, quiet as a mouse as you placed the melted packs into the freezer. 
Alastor observed you, the way you nervously worked. Your hands would fumble in their rush to be done. He had to give you credit though, you looked composed compared to most other demons.
He continued to chop some vegetables. He was skilled with a knife, moving with lethal efficiency. It was something you noted with apprehension. Still, you focused on your task, not wanting to interact with the terrifying Radio Demon.
Unfortunately for you, he found you amusing. You were bold enough to demand the king of Hell himself eat three square meals a day, yet you were a shivering mouse under his gaze. He briefly wondered though, despite your fear, does your kindness extend to him? 
He decided on an experiment. He was no coward to pain; he had been cut by a blade many times in his life. To become both a skilled chef and killer took trial and error with knives. That was why when he sliced his hand, he didn't even flinch. It was a meager gash on the back of his hand. He let the knife clatter against the counter loud enough to draw your attention. 
“Hmmm,” he let out a disapproving hum at the injury, not so subtly forcing you to see his wound. A performance of sorts. 
“You're injured!” you noted with surprise. Your first reflex was to step closer to him, the ice packs now forgotten. Then you looked at his face staring intently at yours. Oh, this was Alastor. Did you really want to risk angering him by fretting over him? But then again, he was hurt, and you were never one to turn a blind eye to someone in pain. 
Alastor's grin widened when he watched your eyes bouncing back and forth between his hand and his face. He could almost hear the gears in your head turning, trying to figure out if your fear would overcome your morals. He knew human nature well; you might put on a brave front, but just like all the others, you're a meek little ant in the face of his power. 
“It appears so, dear. Would you care to do something about it?” He prompted you, glee in his voice. 
The joy in his voice was undoubtedly a red flag in your book, but you gave in. You let out a huff, a sound you often made when dealing with troublesome patients, before finding the kitchen medical kit. You moved with familiarity, placing the kit on the counter and gently guiding his hand towards you.
Although he expected the kit, he didn't expect you to gently grab his hand and bring it towards you. On instinct, his hand twitched closed around yours for a moment, his claws warning you of how easily he could tear you apart. Your breath had hitched, but your plan remained.
“We need to disinfect the wound first. That knife could've been contaminated,” you muttered. It was mainly to fill up the silence lingering in the air like an insistent plague. His hand relaxed, appeased by your explanation. 
You grabbed an alcoholic wipe and carefully cleaned the wound, the wipe turning red. Your face was still, focused. 
Alastor watched in small surprise, not expecting you to be so attentive towards him. He was so used to other demons being too scared to think straight, yet here you were, touching him so casually. Your touch didn't even feel too incredibly invasive. Instead, it felt professional, but not cold.
You were glad the sting didn't make him react too much, disinfecting the wound going well. You then pulled out a strip of bandage. “The cut isn't too big, so it just needs to be covered as it heals, but I know you wear gloves, so it needs to be extra secured so the glove doesn't mess with it,” you explained. You carefully wrapped it up, and finally finished with your work. You looked up at him, gauging his reaction. 
He tested the treatment, clenching his hand a few times. That seemed to satisfy him. He looked at you and you couldn't help but fidget, averting your eyes. He was still unnerving as fuck, but at least he didn't try to eat you alive?
You began to put your supplies away, but his voice demanded your attention once more. You shifted your gaze over to him when he began to speak.
“Well, aren't you a helpful little doll! You ought to be rewarded for your boldness, truly,” he mused. He picked up the knife with his good hand. You stumbled back a little, bumping into the counter. He twirled the knife as you watched with wide eyes, oh God, maybe he was going to kill you now? Or torture you? You really were bold, oh God. 
He twirled the knife in his hands, the metal glinting menacingly at you. Then he angled it away from the both of you as if holding up a finger. “I'll make you some Gumbo!” He grinned merrily at you. Your paled expression during his teasing had him absolutely delighted. He couldn't help but poke some fun at you, scaring you to your wit's end. 
“O-Oh, thank you… sir,” you let out the breath you were holding, relief flooding your system. 
“Now why don't you go rest up and I'll call you when supper is ready?” He ordered you, waving you off with his bandaged hand.
“Ah, sure, after I finish my-” you trailed off as you looked towards the freezer. Black inky tentacles glowing green were doing your job, placing the ice packs in neatly. “Thank you,” you muttered in surprise. That was one job finished.
“You are quite the diligent little mouse! You should take a break and take care of yourself,” he hummed, leaning against the counter as he watched you. 
Shivers went up your spine, the hairs on your neck prickling. You sighed, forcing the tension in your body to disperse. “Thanks. I suppose I do need to take a break,” you agreed. You didn't have the best sleep schedule, and you could go for a nap after staying up a bit late tending to Husk and then getting the scare of your death. You shuffled out of the kitchen.
Now that Alastor was alone, he began to reflect. You weren't boring, that was for sure. He would definitely have to tease you more. You looked so adorable when focused, why he could just eat you up! He looked back down at his hand, looking at the carefully bound bandages. You remembered he wore gloves. You even took it into consideration. How awfully kind of you. Well, he took it upon himself to reward your kindness with relentless teasing from him.
After all, you were like a shiny new toy for him to bat around. He would see how long it would take to get you around his finger. He clenched his fist, ignoring the pain erupting from the cut. He readied his knife and grabbed his half-cut vegetable to continue his work.
He was getting ahead of himself, getting so excited over his future plans. First, he needed to make some Gumbo.
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whathorselegs · 3 months
If Not For You
Summary: A short two part fic of Dazai and Chuuya comforting each other through Dazai's unconventional expressions of emotion. Part 1 is teen!skk after the Dragon Head conflict. Part 2 is 22!skk Title taken from Maneskin's song 'If Not For You'
Pairing: Skk (Dazai x Chuuya) Can be read as a platonic or romantic.
Inspired by @unicornpopcorn14 's post about Dazai's unconventional shows of emotion
This was supposed to be silly but it ended up leaning way more into emotional hurt/comfort
Part One - If Not For You
Despite his small stature, Dazai had never found it difficult to locate Chuuya. If anything, it was harder not to notice him with all the noise he was usually making. Exclaiming at this, yelling about that, stomping about, sometimes- on the off chance Chuuya saw Dazai first- he’d still fling himself at Dazai with his gravity. Of course, that was usually when Dazai had played some prank or other and Chuuya was actively hunting him down.
Lately though, Chuuya had been disturbingly quieter, and just like Dazai was just about to now, he was increasingly finding Chuuya curled up in some secluded corner of an empty room, sulking.
No, not sulking, he reminded himself.
Dazai had never understood why people mourn the dead so intensely, sure, it was sad, but most things were. He thought it was the strangeness of having a person suddenly not be there at first, and that people in the mafia- who were used to losing people- would be just as unaffected as he was. Turns out, he was alone in that here too. Frequent exposure to death didn’t stop people mourning, it seemed. Especially not Chuuya. This was the second lot of friends he’d lost and whilst Dazai didn’t understand the reason behind people’s mourning, he had enough sense to show them a little more grace than he normally would.
So when he came across Chuuya, huddled up and alone in an abandoned meeting room for the third time this week, Dazai was also quiet. He could have yelled Chuuya’s name, made a joke about him hiding away like a mouse in the walls, something of their usual games, but they all just felt intensely wrong in this situation. As much as he would like to force their normal routines back into place, he knew that wouldn’t help.
He sat down on the floor beside Chuuya, who had his knees up to his chest, leaning against the wall and idly looking out the floor to ceiling windows. Though Dazai doubted he was actually taking anything of the scenery in.
“You’ll get a hunch if you keep sitting like that.” Dazai said, choosing a soft tone for the teasing, offering a branch for Chuuya to take if he wanted to reach out for normalcy. 
Instead Chuuya sucked in a short breath, tensing up, like he’d only just noticed Dazai and shot him an annoyed glare in warning.
No games then.
Dazai leaned back against the wall as he formulated his next move. He was supposed to be bringing Chuuya to a briefing, however, in the mood he’s in, Dazai didn’t fancy his chances trying to tell Chuuya to do anything. He needed to get him out of this funk first, clear his mind.
His head tilted to the side as he pondered whether it was possible to clear the mind of a skull that’s already empty. Any other situation and he would have said that out loud. Just right now, though, Dazai didn’t feel like getting pulverised. Trying to be sensitive to people's feelings was giving him a headache. He needed to relieve the tension building in his temples. Looking around, Dazai noticed this room had a sofa, perfect for curing his headache, but then he couldn’t just ignore Chuuya, still curled in on himself in the corner. That would make for a terrible sight.
And then it hit him, he could solve both problems at once.
“I know what you need.” Emboldened by his plan, Dazai went as far as to prod Chuuya’s side, earning him another glare. “You need to clear your head.”
After a moment of just staring sceptically at Dazai, Chuuya responded with a strain in his voice he couldn’t quite hide. “What?”
“Come on, I know a great method.” Not deterred by Chuuya’s lukewarm reaction Dazai grabbed the sleeve of Chuuya’s jacket and attempted to pull Chuuya up. The arm moved, but the rest of the boy remained sat where he was, like the immovable rock he was. 
“Why would I do anything you tell me to do?” Chuuya snapped, trying to yank his arm back and failing.
“Because, I’m right. Always. My methods have never failed us once. Ever.” He tugged at Chuuya’s arm as he spoke, seeing Chuuya subconsciously uncurling from his position, torn between ignoring Dazai and trying to shut him up. Dazai just had to toe the line between just annoying enough to motivate him to move and not enough to get his nose broken. 
Finally Chuuya stood up. “You smug little- You’re not always right.”
“Prove me wrong then.” Dazai dangled the opportunity in front of Chuuya, a bet was always a good motivator for him.
“Fine. Show me your dumb method and I will.”
He led them to the sofa, trying not to be too obvious about how pleased with himself he was. “This always clears my head.” Dazai informed Chuuya and he knelt on the sofa facing the backrest. When Chuuya didn’t do the same, he pointed next to him on the sofa. “Do as I do.” He barely managed to bite back the dog nickname.
Chuuya huffed, rolling his eyes before mimicking Dazai’s actions and mumbling something about how stupid this was under his breath. Instead of calling him out on it, Dazai let it slide and lowered himself backwards on the sofa, letting his legs hook over the backrest and his head dangle off the end of the sofa cushion. Chuuya looked at him like he’d just contorted himself into a pretzel rather than sat upside-down on a sofa, but he did follow Dazai’s actions.
“How is this suppose to-”
“Shush!” Dazai hushed him. “Just look out the window and be still.”
The familiar tingle of blood rushing to his face, the tickle of his hair slowly falling down and the dull pulse of his blood in his ears steadily began to build. Dazai felt his lips and fingertips turn numb as he watched the clouds pass outside the window and soon, there wasn’t a single thought in his head. No frustration, no confusion, no strange ache to somehow share in Chuuya’s pain, just the sound of his own heartbeat and both their gentle breaths. 
After a minute of quiet, he glanced Chuuya's way to find him staring out the window, face ridiculously red and expression almost blank. It may have actually looked blank to most, but Dazai had learned to see the subtle wonder with which Chuuya’s eyes saw the world. Wonder that those eye’s seemed to have been lacking recently. It made his all too loud heart flutter to see even the faintest hint of it’s return.
“See clear head.” He said quietly, or hoped it was quiet, hard to tell with all the blood in his head. “Bad thoughts are heavy.”
Chuuya only briefly met his gaze before looking out the window again with a deep, tired breath. “Yeah.”
“They fall right out your ears this way!”
At that Chuuya snorted, almost falling off the sofa.
Part Two - I Couldn't Get Off This Floor
Chuuya always locked his door. That simple fact was undeniable. His apartment contained too much sensitive information to be forgetting to lock his door. On the off-chance Chuuya thought he’d forgotten, he always turned around to double check and it was always locked. Which is why it was becoming an increasing annoyance to return home and find his door unlocked. Despite him having the only key.
Knowing the exact cause of this conundrum only aggravated Chuuya further. He hung up his coat and hat before removing his shoes and made his way into the front room ready to give said ‘cause’ a piece of his mind.
He halted immediately when he saw Dazai lying face down on the floor. Perhaps if this was any other person on the floor it might have been more alarming, but this wasn’t the first time Chuuya had witnessed Dazai in this state. Despite himself, Chuuya found his earlier annoyance melting away, his shoulders drooping as he took in the sight for a moment. Then he quietly made his way over to Dazai, grabbing a couple of cushions from the sofa as he got down on the floor with Dazai.
“Floor time, huh?” He said softly, poking Dazai’s shoulder. To which Dazai hummed in acknowledgement before turning his face in Chuuya’s direction. His forehead was marked by a shiny red square from where it had been pressed to the floor. Chuuya suppressed the desire to laugh at the sight and pushed one of the cushions Dazai’s way. It was accepted silently as Dazai tucked his forearms under it and rubbed his face against the soft fabric. No thanks, Chuuya noted, no words at all. So Dazai really was feeling off today.
Chuuya lay on his side, facing Dazai, resting his own cushion under his head. After watching Dazai a moment longer to see if he’d come out of his shell, Chuuya decided he was well and truly jammed in there. He reached out, pushing his hand under Dazai’s cushion to find the fingers hiding there and hooking them around his own.
“Have you eaten recently?” He asked.
There was a delay before Chuuya felt Dazai squeeze his fingers. Once for yes. 
Another single squeeze.
He couldn’t help the doubt in mind, Dazai was notorious for forgetting to feed himself when got like this, but Chuuya didn’t push it. He’d promised and doubting Dazai’s promises right now would only make him feel worse.
“Want to move to the bed?”
Two squeezes. Which meant no. 
More accurately this meant Dazai felt like he couldn’t move yet, he’d described it like the feeling of being trapped behind his eyes once, like his own body no longer obeyed him because of the sheer exhaustion that overcame it. So Chuuya wouldn’t pester him to move before he was ready.
“What about some music?”
One squeeze, yes.
One squeeze, yes.
Two squeezes, no.
There was never a set rule as to what exactly helped Dazai in these situations, Chuuya simply memorised which suggestions most often helped. Music to quiet the thoughts, blankets for comfort and occasionally, physical contact like brushing his hair helped. The last one was the least likely for Dazai to say yes to, but in recent months there had been an uptick in yeses, so Chuuya always offered.
He stood up again and set about completing his tasks. He chose a soft classical CD to play, one he imagined Iceman would have enjoyed listening to. No words, the perfect selection of songs to just rest your mind to. Then grabbed a blanket from the bedroom and returned to Dazai, draping the blanket over him and lying back down at his side. Even if Dazai didn’t want physical contact, having someone’s presence beside him, not judging or trying to force him to move, just understanding and being still with him helped.
Chuuya closed his eyes, letting his own mind settle as he listened to the gentle music. Honestly, he knew he shouldn’t, but his work day had been so long, he could have fallen asleep right there.
A hand found his own again and when re-opened his eyes, he found Dazai watching him with his hand loosely wrapped around Chuuya’s. Dazai’s index finger tapped at Chuuya’s knuckle. Morse code he realised.
Thank you.
“Sure thing, partner.”
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I loved your high school sweethearts imagine and I was hoping if you could do that with Nate jacobs? But like Nate and the reader have 3 kids ( 2 boys 1 girl the girl being the youngest) and the reader is pregnant again with another boy so like the little girl is Nate’s little princess? :)
Till death do us part- Nate Jacobs x female reader
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Spending your high school years in an off and on again relationship wasn’t how you would imagine high school to be. 7years later your best friend Lexi invites you to her engagement party, now the real question is are you and Nate still together?
Warnings: the reader and Nate having a bad relationship in high school, brief smut MDI (I needed it to set the beginning of the story), alcohol, mentions of Cal, toxic masculinity (for context wise Maddy didn’t date Nate in this) super fluffy Nate towards the end
A/N: aww thanks I’m glad that you loved high school sweethearts. I loved writing this, and it maybe a little bit self indulgent by having Lexi and Maddy being the reader’s best friends as they are my favourite characters. This is my first Euphoria fic so I hope that you enjoy it and I’ve done it justice. Sorry if some parts sound over British as I’m from the U.K. apologises for all spelling and grammatical mistakes as I’m super dyslexic, enjoy
You gasped for air rolling your eyes into the back of your head as Nate thrusted into you, moaning your name as he spilt his seed across your velvety walls.
You both panted as you recovered from your climax. Nate lifted his fingers brushing away the strands of hair that clutch to your forehead from the exhaustion you’ve just experienced. He pulled out of you, you both whimpered from the lack of contact.
“This shouldn’t happen again”
“Babe you say this every time”
You panted trying to regain your breath. Trying your hardest to regulate your breathing into a normal rhythm. Nate knew how to make you feel so good to the point that you were putty in his hands.
But you’ve been broken up for over 2 months you should allow yourself to move on but it’s hard when Nate narrows his eyes, locking you in his gaze swatting off all men that ever showed the slightest bit of interest in you.
You broke up for a reason as he was the biggest asshole you had ever met, he was controlling but yet you couldn’t let go. For Nate is a siren drawing you to your untimely death. With a face as pretty as his, he could make the grey thrashing waters appear blue and tranquil. One thing about Nate Jacobs was once you were under his spell it was impossible to escape.
“I mean it Nate, we’re supposed to be over. I can’t move on when you scare off every man who shows me the slightest bit of attention. I’m not yours anymore you have to let me go” you sighed, allowing your head to slump into the plush pillow of your bed. Pinching the bridge of your nose, praying that he actually got the message this time, not continuing this nauseating game of cat and mouse which had been happening for weeks with you always ending up underneath him.
“Babe..” his head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his arms wrapped protectively over your body. Almost chaining you to the spot, limiting your movements, hoping to silence your following words.
“Nate I mean it. Please you’re going to have to let me go-“ your words were cut short by Nate throwing you out of his embrace, as if your body was a poison that burnt him to touch. He scurried around your room collecting his clothes from the heap on the floor , as when you were both deeply in the throes of lust to care where they ended up, you just needed the clothes off your body as soon as possible.
Nate made a point of crashing his foot upon the wooden floorboards with each step he took, over exaggerating how pissed off he truly was. Like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.
His eyes couldn’t bare to look at yours, his jaw clenched so tightly together that a vein pulsed on the side of his forehead.
He said nothing as he exited your room, the only sound that broke the deafening silence was the loud slam of your door. You flinched upon hearing the loud slam and the rattle of the metal hinges, he slammed it with such ferocity you were amazed that your door was still in tack.
Safe to say that Nate got the message, he was finally going to leave you alone. You could finally move on, you wanted this right? So why does your heart feel like it’s crumbling into tiny pieces? Why are tears pouring down your face? And why do you feel empty, so incredibly empty and alone?
Y/N: I finally did it, he got the message. I can’t help but feel like I’ve made a mistake
Maddy: honey no, you haven’t made a mistake Nate Jacobs is a toxic asshole. He should of treated you right but he never did, it’s his loss to loose such an amazing person
Lexi: Y/N I agree with Maddie, don’t you ever let him make you feel like this was a mistake. You deserve way better and you can do way better
Y/N: why do I feel like this is a mistake though? I still love him and girls this hurts, this really fucking hurts
Lexi: oh Y/N :( I know it’s hard but you will get through this. I’ll be there in 5
Y/N: Lexi I can’t ask you to do that as you’re going on a date with Fez tonight
Lexi: too late I’m on my way, my girl needs me
Maddy: I’ll be there in 15, Ive snuck a bottle of my parents wine
Y/N: I love you guys so much <;3
The rest of the weekend was spent either pouring your heart out to your two friends, while Maddy continued to pour you drinks to help numb the pain. The pain didn’t lessen as each drink only made the hot tears come down like a torrential down pour. You couldn’t talk without your words becoming slurred by the overwhelming grief you felt for knowing that Nate is officially out of your life, but also from the copious amount of booze Maddy was supplying you with.
The two girls nodded sympathetically when they were needed to be, swigging back the bottle to try to conceal their true emotions about the situation. They were secretly overjoyed that you and that toxic asshole were no more.
They reassured you that it was the best thing to do, Lexi allowing you to curl up on your bed with your head in her lap. She stroked your hair, telling you that it was okay, not caring that your tears was dampening her jeans.
By the following Saturday the two were able to convince you to go to a party, claiming that this is the perfect way to finally get over him.
“Oh my fucking god! Y/N you look stunning!” Maddy gasped as you entered her bedroom, wearing her pastel blue dress , it just about covered your ass and boobs. But then again Maddy wouldn’t wear anything that left anything to the imagination, but if you have even an ounce of the confidence Maddy exudes you would too.
She wondered towards you and sprayed your whole body with a bottle of perfume , you had to take a step back as the floral smell was making you light headed. She moved your chin with her index finger admiring her handy work, she did the most intricate blue eyeliner with stick on pearls to truly accentuate your eyes.
“You look so hot” Maddy smirk lifting a shot glass full of clear liquid to your face. Weakly smiling as you shot back the glass that felt like it could have been filled with straight ethanol from your visceral reaction.
She whipped her phone out from her right pocket, holding you close to her as she angled her phone to capture you both in the most flattering angle. Maddie pouted her lips tilting her head to face yours, so unsure what to do in this situation that you followed precisely what Maddy did. She posted the photo on her story adding a caption saying “single and ready to mingle”
You reposted the photo on your story and not even a second after posting you swiped up out of curiosity to see who had viewed your story, straight away you saw
@nate.jacobs has viewed your story. Rolling your eyes, you threw your phone in your purse. Ready to forget about him for the night.
“You look amazing y/n” Lexi smiled bringing you into her embrace, her arms wrapped tightly around you.
“Thanks lex you too”
“Lex told me about you and Nate, I’m sorry about that. He’s an asshole and I have no problem punching him again if you need to” fez offered as he patted you on the shoulder. His jaw clenched as he said Nate’s name, swallowing down the anger he has for him.
“Thanks fez, as much as I’d love to see him with a bloodied nose again, I don’t think that will be necessary-“
As you finished your sentence it dwindled away into thin air as you locked eyes with Nate, who had his arm tightly wrapped around the shoulders of Cassie. When his eyes met yours, he placed a kiss to Cassie’s temple, as if to wound you for wounding him. He quickly looked away as they both walked towards the kitchen to search for something to drink.
You felt your body shaking in a mixture of anger and despair. Every mussel in your body strained as you were trying to contain yourself from punching Nate yourself.
Fuck you Nate Jacobs!
“Y/N are you okay-“
“Lex did you know?”
“No I didn’t Y/N I swear, I’m so sorry” Lexi desperately called after you but it was too late, as you slammed the front door behind you.
You leant against the side of the house, letting the tears you’ve been holding in slide down your face. You didn’t want to give Nate the satisfaction of seeing you cry.
It was a mistake you showing up tonight
Y/N it’s me Lexi, I firstly want to apologise for losing contact with you after graduation. It was hard with you moving to college and I was dealing with Fez’s arrest and the death of ash. But I saw your mom when I was grocery shopping and she gave me your new number. Me and Fez got engaged, can you believe it? He proposed last week at this fancy restaurant. I wanted to invite you to our engagement party this Saturday. You can bring a plus one if you’re dating someone, I can’t wait to see you as I miss you.
“Who’s that babe?”
“Lexi just texted me, she’s inviting us to her and Fez’s engagement party this Saturday”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea? She’s not exactly my biggest fan” Nate sighed, as he sunk down the couch beside you. Placing his hand on your thigh, rubbing soft circles on the fleshy part of your thigh. He chewed his lip as he was overthinking about every possible way this party could end in disaster.
You were the only one who could vouch that he wasn’t the same Nate Jacobs he was in high school. While they were all left with the bitter taste of his name in their mouths, despising the person he once was.
“Y/N you coming to the graduation party?” Maddy asked, readjusting her cap that tilted to the side of her head, slightly messing up her perfectly styled curls.
“Great come to mine for 8, Lexi and I are pregaming before our final ever high school party” Maddie squealed in excitement over the big day, you both are finally going to leave East Highland behind. She pressed her glossed lips on your cheek before running off to get some more pictures before the school kicked you out.
“Y/N can we talk?”
Your body stiffened momentarily, your nostrils flared as you forced yourself to breathe. Rolling your eyes as you prepared yourself to engage in conversation with the one person who you really didn’t want to speak to right now.
“I don’t have anything to say to you” you sighed, not even turning your back to look at him
“Y/N please?” Nate’s voice quivered as he was trying to compose his emotions. He was having an internal battle, he wanted to get on his knees begging for you to hear him out, but his dismissive tough outer exterior was telling him to run away to save his pride.
You turned around to face him, you could feel your eyes prick with tears as you look deep into his.
“What did you want to say?” You tried your damn hardest to sound cold with a dash of hostility, but looking in his eyes opened that part of your heart that you tried to kill. The part of your heart that still loves him. Looking into his deep hazel eyes it brought back all the emotions you tried to suppress.
Nate took a deep breath and swallowed down all the negative thoughts that tried to sway him from confessing how he truly feels. It’s hard when you’ve grew up with an emotionally absent, extremely toxic farther, that it’s hard to express your true emotions. His farther taught him how to only express anger, that men don’t allow themselves to cry, men speak with their fists or with their dicks. Cal was so heavily blinded by toxic masculinity that he couldn’t see the effect it has on his own son, or that he simply didn’t care. The most “love” he ever received from his dad was a pat on his back after he won a football game.
“I’m sorry” he pressed his lips into a thin line, closing his eyes to contain his tears. He felt his breathing hitch, being emotionally vulnerable felt uncomfortable that every part of him was screaming at him not to continue further. But he pushed all this down for you, he loves you and he can’t picture a life where you’re not in it.
“Nate I-“
“Please let me speak, I need to say this now otherwise it will eat me alive till the day I die” Nate choked back a sob as he forced these words out of his mouth.
You looked at him with confusion, you’ve never seen Nate in your whole relationship being so vulnerable as he is right now. You nodded your head, holding your breath awaiting what he had to say.
“I’m truly sorry Y/N. I truly fucked up, I have no excuse for the way I treated you. I can see you walking out of my life and I’m scared, I love you and I’m scared that you hate me. I won’t blame you if you do, I don’t deserve you, you were always too good for me. Ever since I called the cops on my dad, I realised that I’m turning into my worst fear, I’m turning into him. I hurt you so badly and I can’t even look at myself in the mirror. My dad was a worthless piece of shit, I believed that I had to grow in his shadow, I had to be the man he wanted me to be, so I hurt those I love because I’m so used to anger that I don’t know how to express how I feel about you. But I do love you, I love the sound of your laugh, I love waking up next to you, I love how you can make this shitty world okay” Nate’s body convulsed as each sob coursed through his body.
He couldn’t hold his tears back anymore as they slid down his face, he buried his face within his hands, hiding the tears from you. He felt a small sense of humiliation about you seeing him like this, he could hear his father’s voice ringing through his ears telling him how pathetic he was for shedding a single tear. But he didn’t care as right now he could possibly lose the love of his life forever and that scared him more than any tears would.
You looked at him with concern as your heart broke to see him so fragile, his body shaking as his hands muffled the series of ‘please don’t leave me, I love you” escaping from his lips. In your whole relationship you have never seen Nate cry, to the point that you believed that he was incapable of feeling such intense sorrow. In this moment in time you saw the fragile broken side of him that never sees the light of day.
Yes he broke your heart but you still loved him, humanity in itself is never black and white, we’re all intricate human beings with flaws and scars and Nate was no exception to this. He was flawed and broken but he also made you feel like you were the most beautiful person whenever his eyes fell upon you, how he could make all of your problems slip away into thin air whenever you were wrapped in his warm embrace.
Fuck you still loved him!, you were willing to give him a second chance. Sure there’s a lot to work upon to have even an ounce of what you once had, but if Nate was serious about what he had just said he’d gladly put in the work.
“Baby” you called out to him, just as you expected he remained where he was, still trembling with his face buried within his hands.
You stepped towards him and gently peeled back his hands to reveal his tear stained face. He looked at you with his eyes filled heavy with a deep sadness. You wiped away a hot tear that fell down his cheek with your thumb, placing a kiss where the tear used to be.
“Okay, you fucked up badly. You hurt me, but I can’t help but love you. Even when my heart was breaking I still loved you. When I once drunkenly told you that I couldn’t imagine a future without you in it, I still mean every word. But baby if we’re going to work I need you to prove to me that you’d never hurt me this badly again because my heart can’t take another heart break. I want to give us another chance, but please promise me baby that you will do anything to make us work again?”
“I will I promise, I love you Y/N. Thank you, I don’t deserve you” he weakly chuckled as new tears flooded down his cheek. He gently kissed your forehead, as he pulled you into his arms, inhaling your perfume that he had missed for it was the only thing in his life that brought him any form of comfort.
“Don’t make me regret this baby” you whispered
“I would rather die than to ever make that happen” he whispered back to you, placing another tender kiss against your forehead. Smiling for the first time in days that the love of his life was finally back in his arms.
Lexi sighed as she got Fez to rearrange the silver banner which read ‘happy engagement’ for what felt like the hundredth time.
“A little to your left Fez, it’s still off centre” she groaned, massaging the stress out of her temples.
“Look angel , no one is going to care if the banner isn’t exactly central” Fez groaned, his back is aching from arching it to place the banner exactly where his fiancé wanted it.
“Why don’t you get yourself a glass of rosé and try to relax?” He soothed, massaging her shoulders that became raised from her over thinking. He kissed the side of her cheek as he felt her shoulders release.
“I know, it’s just that I want tonight to be perfect, everyone will be here. Plus Y/N will be here who I haven’t seen in forever, sorry babe it’s just that it’s been a lot of stress for me” she pouted, chewing on the inside of her cheek from overthinking the entire party.
“I know angel, but trust me tonight is going to be great. And fuck it if it’s not for I’m finally engaged to the hottest woman I have ever met who made me the luckiest man in the entire world” Fez smiled as he turned Lexi to look at him, he lifted her head to look at him as he brought her Into a passionate kiss.
“I love you” Lexi breathed after she had to pull away from the lack of oxygen to her lungs
“I love you too”
The two lovers were interrupted by a loud knock at the door, the person behind the door was growing impatient by the second as the door was rattling against its hinges.
Lexi rolled her eyes, growing more frustrated by the person’s persistence. When she opened the door she was met by her sister wearing a skin tight baby pink dress, barely covering her ass.
“Wow Cas you look good?” Lexi stuttered upon seeing her older sister so dolled up, Lexi snickered as she joked, “dressing for anyone special?”
“Nate could be here” Cassie smirked as she soothed down the limiting fabric of her dress
“Excuse me?”
“Last thing I heard was that Y/N dated Nate in college, if by some miracle that they’re still together, I’ll show him what he’s been missing” Cassie stated, as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders making a beeline for the kitchen for something to drink.
Fez noticed how Cassie flounced in here without acknowledging the two hosts or why the party was arranged in the first place. He rolled his eyes as he brought his beer to his lips.
“Remind me why you invited her?”
“She’s my sister, plus she’s delusional that Nate will be here” Lexi groaned also rolling her eyes, they say that you can’t choose your family but it’s moments like this that Lexi wish that she could
Plus her sister was full of shit, there was no way that you would ever give Nate Jacobs a second chance right?
As more guest arrived they all congratulated the happy couple and wished them both a lifetime of happiness.
Rue stood in the corner listening to Kat as she told her about her newest work in progress. Rue is gladly 7 years sober from all substances, she’s done so well that she now helps out at the local clinics that once saved her life. Rue rarely dated after her relationship with Jules, needing to find her feet and especially within her sobriety. She had finally healed the relationship with her mom and younger sister.
Kat on the other hand became a successful author, writing about steamy erotic stories which soon made her the best selling author of that genre. Fans go wild over her books, claiming her to be the queen of smut. Kat finally found the confidence she thought that she lost in herself and for once was truly happy in her skin.
Ethan spent a large majority of the party catching up with Lexi as he just came back from tour. Unsurprisingly Ethan found his love of acting through being in Lexi’s iconic play. He studied at Juilliard where he became an up and coming Broadway talent, he recently came off tour with Dear Evan Hansen and was happy to be home for a few days. Though he has been avoiding Kat all throughout the party like the plague, some wounds will never heal.
Jules arrived to the party with Kat who were still good friends and kept in touch regularly. Jules became a therapist helping queer and trans kids, she became an activist for trans rights and in result gained a huge Instagram following. Jules used what she went through in the past to help those she can, believing that no one should experience the trauma she had faced alone.
Cassie stood leaning against the wall watching the door like a hawk, every few minutes readjusting her hair or applying another layer of
Gloss, determined that Nate was going to walk through that door. Lexi and Cassie’s relationship was rocky, but for the sake of the family Lexi invited her here tonight.
Lexi felt her heart drop as she checked the time on her phone, you were officially an hour late. The guilt started to eat her alive as she twirled the pretty diamond ring that laid upon her finger. She drummed her fingers against her thigh trying to relieve her anxiety that was raging through her body. Her brain went into overdrive, imagining all the ways that you probably hate her for loosing touch. She kept on staring at the wooden frame praying for it to knock at any second.
“Okay you can choose one toy each” Nate stated at Harrison, Noah and Lilly who were sat crossed legged on the floor of their playroom with multiple toys strewn around the room.
“But daddy Rosie needs Daisy” Lilly pouted as she held up two princess dolls from the same set, she gave Nate her best puppy dog eyes and quivered her bottom lip.
It took Nate less than five seconds to cave into Lilly’s cute pouting face which made his heart melt. Nate swears that she gets it from her mother. Lilly truly was Nate’s little princess and dangerously he was wrapped around her little finger.
“Fine” Nate sighed “only two”
The three kids let out a laughter of glee as they reached for another toy.
“Are you ready to go?” You asked resting your head in the crook of Nate’s neck, wrapping your arms around him pulling him closer to you. It must be your hormones or Nate’s irresistible nature that made this pregnancy resulting in yourself to be attached to his hip, you became more clingier but Nate found that adorable. Especially when you pouted at him if he hasn’t given you enough affection, Nate wouldn’t change it for the world for he had the life he dreamt about, a beautiful wife and 3 happy healthy children with one more on the way
Lexi felt her heart flew out of her chest when she heard a knock at the door. She squealed loudly as she passed her glass to Fez, who was looking at his fiancé with a bewildered expression from her sudden outburst. Her body shaking with delight as she practically launched herself at the door.
Maddy saw Lexi’s commotion and quickly followed suit with her face beaming over the thought of seeing you again.
“I missed you-“
The two women’s eyes grew wide as they looked at your stomach that was carrying your fourth child. Lexi cupped her hands over her mouth and squealed again in delight.
“Congratulations Y/N who’s the lucky guy?”
“My husband-“
“Oh my god! You’re married?” Maddy smiled as she wrapped her arms around you in a tight hug, but not tight enough as she was weary of your bump. Maddy was overjoyed that you are finally in a healthy relationship ever since the shit show her and Lexi had to endure in high school, the two were so used to seeing you in tears with a broken heart. It warms her heart that you look happier and you were practically glowing, pregnancy really did suit you.
Lexi shared the same feeling of elation for you but she was momentarily sad when she found out that you were married, not that she wasn’t happy for you but she wished that she could of been their to celebrate your big day with you. Well at least you can now attend hers.
3 kids came running up behind you, your twins Harrison are Noah were 7 while Lilly was 5. Lexi and Maddy waved at the three kids, gushing about how cute they were and how much they all looked like their mom. Both women were crouched down listening intently as each kid introduced their toys to them, laughing as Lexi and Maddy shook their hands and welcomed the extra guests to the party.
When Maddy looked up to you, her smiled faltered as she choked on the air overcome with shock from who just appeared and placed a kiss on your cheek. Lexi looked at Maddie eyes wide with confusion till she turn to look in the same direction, Lexi rapidly started blinking not fully processing what she’s just witnessed.
You and Nate Jacobs were still together! Not only that but you were married to him with kids.
None of the pieces were adding up in their heads, they were completely baffled by the entire encounter. Last time they saw you, you were crying over him hating him for breaking your heart. So what the hell has changed for you to look totally infatuated by him?
After you graduated from university Nate proposed with a beautiful delicate diamond ring. Saying that you were the love of his life and the only one for him.
You both had a small private wedding reserved for only close family and friends, for you wanted your big day to be spent with those who you loved. You did wish that Lexi and Maddy could be there but you all loss contact so it was impossible to contact them.
You both moved far away from LA as possible, both wanting a fresh start and especially when Cal was allegeable for parole. Nate wanted to be far away from him as possible, especially a few months after the wedding you fell pregnant with twins. Nate wanted to live somewhere safe with his family and to be the farther he never got to your twins (and Lilly who came two years later and baby Jamie who is now on the way).
He became a football coach at the local high school and you worked in the art department. It was sweet that you both worked in the same place which meant that you could have cute lunch dates together away from your kids as much as you loved them.
Nate was a great farther he was nothing like his dad, he was kind and patient. Completely different to his former high school self, where he didn’t know how to communicate his emotions. They built up inside of him till it came out into this fiery rage that could make anyone’s blood run cold, so unused to feel love so when he felt it he felt like he needed to push them away as he believed he was unworthy of feeling such a thing.
Seeing the way he was acting was hurting you, the love of his life. Watching you nearly walk out of his life was the worst pain he had ever felt, it felt suffocating, like every part of him was breaking. That he knew he had to change, and he wanted to change if it meant that he could keep you in his life.
Yes it was hard for him to begin with but he slowly let down his guard, the one his farther installed in him to make him ‘more of a man’ even though it made him seem cold. He started to let you in, he started to communicate about his feelings rather than to wait till they reached boiling point.
Nate was a doting husband, he brought you flowers every Friday and hires a sitter just so you two can have your regular date nights. He loved you with all his heart and never missed an opportunity to show that to you. You were both finally happy. —————————————————————————-
“I can’t believe he’s changed?” Lexi exclaimed lifting her glass to her lips, still in complete shock over what she’s just heard.
“I love you Y/N but he was a dick in high school I’m having a hard time believing that he’s such a loving husband” Maddy added watching in amazement as Nate sat with his children on the floor. Laughing with them and joining in their make believe game, watching as Lilly giggled with glee as her dad gently kissed her on the cheek.
“I know if I wasn’t married to him I’d have a hard time believing that too. But I truly couldn’t ask for a better husband, the smallest things make me nauseous nowadays. So Nate now carries water, mints and ginger tea incase I need it”
“Stop it that is too cute” Maddie gasped.
Both her and Lexi shared a look, maybe they were both wrong about Nate Jacobs? Seeing you so content ,watching how good he is with the kids and how he looks at you like you are the most beautiful girl in the world (which caused Cassie to roll her eyes and huff in annoyance seeing how in love with you he was). Nate Jacobs was your perfect match.
“So Y/N I wanted to ask if you would be my maid of honour at my wedding”
“Oh my god Lexi, yes I will” you smiled as you quickly pulled her into a warm embrace.
“I need my best friend there on my big day and it wouldn’t be the same without you”
They say that the best love is fast and intense, maybe that was true to your high school self. But the true, real kind of love was consistent and giving, forever holding onto that initial spark. Now you know exactly what that love felt like as you found that in Nate.
A/N: I hope that you enjoyed this fic. I’d had to make Ethan an actor especially after his incredible performance as Nate in the play. He also gives me dear Evan Hansen vibes I don’t know why. My requests are still open and I’m currently working through all of them
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Hi there! I was wondering if I could request a scenario for Identity V? Specifically for Norton? I love the way you write for him!
Okay so, it’s safe to say that since Norton and Fools Gold are basically the same person, they feel the same way about things, including people. What if the reader (female or gender neutral) discovers Norton’s feelings toward them after having a match against Fools Gold and confronts him about it? Like rather than chair the reader, FG acts possessive toward them and teases them? Confrontation with Norton could end in fluff or NSFW, up to you!
Thank you!
Fool's Gold be normal challenge part 2 lol but im mad i lost my idea midway (curse u adhd!)
Rated Mature | Warning: relationship -in psychologist voice-
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With how long you have been running your chest is starting to hurt, which does not help the limited places to run are getting smaller and smaller. Luckily, the map is Chinatown and there are plenty of places to hide. Not so lucky, as the hunter is well aware of those places. Not a rare map to be placed in but frequent as the Arms Factory or Sacred Heart Hospital. 
With a dash upstairs and your legs give out, your chest burns but your heart does not stop racing as the hunter is still nearby.
You have been tunnel-hunted before by hunters, never for a reason-- Sometimes. However, you have never felt like a mouse in a game of cat and mouse, there is a teasing nature and you hate it. Fool’s Gold can be mean but he is no Ithaqua or Ripper, still for him to get seemingly off on you running away— His laugh loud— Worries you. The costume he has on does not help as he looks like a demon from the seven hells ready to claim your soul!
“Sparky, where are you~!” In a sing-song voice as he comes up the stairs. You go still, your dark costume is to your advantage as you hide behind a mannequin. The heavy footsteps have you holding your breath as you emerge from the stairway. His eyes looked around, his intimidating height towering above everything. He turns in your direction, golden stylized pickaxe but then lowers it as he hears a cipher pop.
“I will be back for you later.”
You have experienced fear but the rush of it never gets easier.
The hunter throws his weapon before using the magnetism to pull himself out of the opening in the store. You dash immediately out the other way refusing to just pray he forgets you.
He does not, he waits for you to be rebirthed by Embalmer's casket. You stumble out still hurt but alive, Fool's Gold leaning against a wall cleaning the caked-on blood on his hand, his pickaxe nowhere in sight.
“Only Norton calls me that.” Getting ready to book it.
“I am Norton.” Stepping forward, “Better than that brat.” You step to the side.
“No, you are some fucked ‘what if’.”
Fool's Gold stands at his full height, his one eye glowing almost brighter in this dark area, “Careful, sparky, I can let you escape through the dungeon if you behave.”
“I will hit you.” That makes him laugh, “I have one fuse left, we can go together.” Because you are not above being crazy.
“That I do not doubt,” Closer but you stand firm, “But you used all your tools. Too bad it didn't help that prison rat.” When you actually attempt to hit him, he is careful not to use his solid hand. His deformed hand holds you in place, the magnetism holding it together is used to keep you on the table as you try thrashing about. “You could've left him alone!”
“Yeah? Maybe you should've let me have you.” Standing over you, “Kiting me only pissed me off.” It is true the time he had you in his sights you made your business to be annoying. He scares you! Like right now. Being pinned down on a table with him between your legs. His solid hand traces your face.
“He didn't mark you.” Spoken when he yanks down your top to expose your neck and part of your chest. The marks on your skin are always from Norton, friends with benefits arrangement.
“What, you plan on doing it for him?” Playing fearless but you are fearful, this is the darker part of Norton. The demon everyone tries to hide made manifest, Norton hates it— Hates him.
“Why else do you think I have you here and not bleeding you out.” As if he would waste his time bleeding out anyone, maybe himself but that work he does not feel like bothering with. “Are you going to fight me?”
You weigh your options, “Mess around and find out, sport.”
His grin is wide, His teeth look sharp, and your inner masochist is excited.
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He let you go via the dungeon, your legs hurt and you know your chest and neck must look like a mess. Easy to hide until you find Norton in your room waiting. He hates it when you have matches with his counterpart, especially the tunnel-hunting you most of the time.
“(Name).” Standing up the moment you entered, he put down the charm you made him on the bed where he was sitting.
“We should talk.”
Talking usually with Norton means he has to sit and listen and consider things, you only inform him so he has time to process and return to you. However, given the things Fool's Gold— Other Norton—was open about. Details are murky as he is not exactly like Norton, but the raw feelings are there, all laid bare because he refuses to standby and let his other self be an idiot.
The conversation is long, but no tears, and a few awkward silences but it ends with an understanding. Sex does not happen, Norton learning the ability to be grateful does not mean sex. Plus, the prospector is conflicted about how his other self thinks he has the right to touch you.
“I mean he is you?”
“I don't care! You're mine.”
“Oh, can you say that again for me, sport?”
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