#the last ...accidentally probably implies Perryschmirtz by the song. which was not intended!
rugessnome · 6 years
crack found family ideas for Sidious
Gru-patine: adopts 2-3 children for some unworthy reason, cuteness and fluff ensues, heart melts/grows 3+ sizes, evil? naughty? badness? whatever it is Lilo talks about. level goes WAY down...
family science project: 1 "adopt" a physics or physics-adjacent person 2 do research into the actual power output of Sith lightning
the Doof[us] (~"G. Khan"): acquire adorable but suave Jedi nemesis. they become the closest thing you have to a friend. you start to care about them. And they about you. X') in flagrant violation of accepted conduct, get adopted into THEIR ~ family group
ksfshdsksfdgk Ohio "Damask" (his name. is too long. for the format. So invoking random Muun adoption that makes no sense for the plot.)/burglar: gets way too curious about weird artifact. Possibly gets seriously but not potentially fatally injured. Accidentally joins adventuring party who are just too good natured not to adopt one more and goes on Way More Adventure than intended.
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