#the key chain is cu te thou gh!!!!!
candyredappledragon · 9 months
Pelipper Mail!
There’s a small box containing multiple Chamomile teabags and a small pokeball keychain along with some fresh dango. There’s a note with a small sakura blossom on the back.
“I’ve heard from Altaria that you’ve have having trouble with having energy, I’ve provided some tea that I’ve found in Kalos which helps with energy. I always find Chamomile tea nice with 2 cubes of sugar and a small splash of milk but you can have your tea as you like. I hope the dango is a nice snack for the tea, and I hope you enjoy the small keychain.
If my Altaria has came by to visit you, I hope she hasn’t caused any trouble, like I mentioned last note she acts motherly so do expect some affection and cuddles. Alas, if I do ever make a trip to Kitakami, I’ll be sure to have the rest of my team stop by to chat. The rest of my Pokémon are interested to meet you. Do tell if anything troublesome comes up and I’ll help as best as I can from a distance. -Blaze.”
.. wo ah.. t h ank you !!! hghhhhh
i m sur rp rised altaria d idn t bar ge in haha.
. ho w do ma ke tea?
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