#the houses october built 2 (2017)
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SUMMARY: Recovering from the trauma of being kidnapped last Halloween by the Blue Skeleton, five friends head back out to visit more haunted house attractions. But when signs of the Blue Skeleton start appearing again a new terror begins.
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splatteronmywalls · 1 year
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made another video in time for halloween! enjoy some creepy clowns 💀🤡🖤
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My Ultimate Found Footage Horror Movie List:
The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014)
Be My Cat: A Film For Anne (2015)
The Tunnel (2011)
The Visit (2015)
Cloverfield (2008)
Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
Creep (2014)
Creep 2 (2017)
The Dirties (2013)
Rec (2007)
Rec 2 (2009)
V/H/S Anthology
Butterfly Kisses (2018)
Willow Creek (2013)
The Sacrament (2013)
Lake Mungo (2008)
Apollo 18 (2011)
The Fourth Kind (2009)
The Den (2013)
Exhibit A (2007)
The Bay (2012)
As Above So Below (2014)
Jeruzalem (2015)
Megan is Missing (2011)
The Possession of Michael King (2014)
The Houses October Built (2014)
The Devil Inside (2012)
Unfriended (2014)
Horror in The High Desert (2021)
Horror in The High Desert 2: Minerva (2023)
Hell House Trilogy
Behind The Sightings (2017)
Bigfoot: The Lost Coast Tapes
Grave Encounters (2011)
Grave Encounters 2 (2012)
The Last Broadcast (1998)
The Atticus Institute (2015)
Curse of Aurore (2020)
The Last Exorcism (2010)
The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2007)
Afflicted (2013)
Paranormal Activity 1-4
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones (2014)
Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension (2015)
Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin (2021)
Descent Into Darkness: My European Nightmare (2013)
Amber Alert (2012)
Exists (2014)
Incantation (2022)
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All Along the Watchtower (Chapter 2)
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Pairing: Captain John Price x Fem!OC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 4.7K
Warnings: brief mentions of past sexual activity, brief mentions of past violence, smoking, British slang, *English Premier League discussion as banter/flirting
Minors DNI
Summary: Rory and Price set off on their mission, meeting with Nikolai to get them into Russia. Once at the safe house, the air is cleared...
A/N: Rory Sinclair is a dual citizen (both Canada and the UK) who's been living in the UK since she was 14. She is 28 at the time of this fic, Price is 32. This series is set in 2017 before the events of the first MW game. Rory's thoughts are bold and italicized, other italics are used for emphasis.
also available to read on AO3 (edit: link should work now)
October 14, 2017 08:00 - Verdansk, Kastovia
The helicopter made it’s descent into an empty lot, beating back dirt and fallen leaves as the blades began to slow. Surrounded by worn apartments built during the time of the communist bloc, it was a sprawling landscape of bleak grey on grey. Parked not too far away was another helicopter, smaller than the one they’d arrived in, and marked with Russian identification. Waiting beside it was a man with dark hair and dark clothes, sticking out amongst all that was drab and dreary like a bruise – Rory assumed that had to be Nikolai.  
The door heaved open, and Price hopped out, ducking as he ran under the blades. This was their stop; their ride would be headed back stateside as Laswell remained sitting. Exiting the helicopter, Rory was hit by the bitterly cold wind, the temperature having dropped several degrees from the maritime temperatures she was used to back home. Her cheeks started to burn, a shiver shaking through her as the material of her fatigues did little to combat the chill in the air, wrapping her arms around herself, trying to keep her core warm, her teeth began to chatter. She followed closely behind the captain, keeping her pace measured, noticing his stride – it was strong, resolute – the man had places to go, and she was along for the ride, but whatever the next steps in the plan were, she hoped it included a coat. 
Nikolai crossed his arms over his chest, giving the nearing guests a nod of his head. “Good to see you again,” he called out in a thick Russian accent. 
“Always a pleasure, Nik,” Price said, returning the greeting. 
The Russian reached into the open door of the helicopter and retrieved two large black duffel bags. “Everything you asked for, Captain. Should be place to change inside.” He tipped his head towards one of the buildings while passing the bags to the two soldiers. As Rory took the bag from his hands, Nikolai looked at her appraisingly, “She’s new.”
“She’s on loan.” 
She couldn’t help but give Price a sideways glance, wondering if he was second guessing Laswell’s decision to have her join the mission. It wasn't uncommon for people to assume at first glance she wasn’t made of the right stuff to be a soldier. That was exactly how she got her call name in Iraq.   
“Not SAS?” Nikolai asked.
“No,” Rory answered before the Captain could, shifting the heavy bag on her shoulder, the strap digging in. “SRR. Sgt. Rory Sinclair. It’s a pleasure,” she said with a nod.
Nikolai’s brow rose, a half grin spreading across his face. “So polite too, nice change of pace.” He looked over at Price with a sideways glance. “Good to meet you, Sergeant.” 
Price patted Nik on the shoulder and started to make his way towards the buildings in the distance and as Rory’s boots thumped against the pavement behind him, he looked over his shoulder at her, his hat tipped forward covering his face in shade. “You speak Russian, Sinclair?”
She’d learned several languages since joining the army, Russian hadn’t been one of them. “No, sir, but I’m a quick study.” 
“Good.” He walked a little further before speaking again. “Sergeant?”
His pace slowed, allowing her to move up to walk by his side and she could feel his eyes on her. Perhaps something had finally clicked for him as well. Fixing the strap on her shoulder, Rory held the bag a little tighter to her to stave off the cold before tucking her loose hair behind her ear and looking up at him. “Yes, sir?”
The huff of air that escaped his nostrils streamed out into the early morning air in a fog. A smirk crinkling the lines around his eyes. “You can drop the sir when you’re with me, just Price will do.”
She nodded, clearing her throat of the cold. “Sure.” She bit the tip of her tongue, trying hard not to let the ‘sir’ stumble out. It had been trained into her; most officers expected that sort of respect. It was refreshing to have him be the opposite. 
The building they entered was abandoned, practically derelict. Concrete walls crumbled around them to show exposed rebar, the stairs had nearly collapsed. It was a death trap waiting to happen. Her eyes roamed around the entrance, that little voice in her head telling her to check her corners despite not being in a combat situation. 
“We’ll get changed here.” His voice cut through her thoughts, and she watched him bend down and open the duffle, pulling out civilian clothes appropriate for the especially cold weather including a toque and coat. Following suit, she opened the bag she was carrying to find her own set of clothing and supplies. Blue eyes met her, gleaming in the dull morning light as he grinned, his moustache curling at the corners of his lips “Hope it all fits. Didn’t have the time to get your measurements before we set off.” 
“I’m sure it will be just fine, Captain.”
Rory was no stranger to sharing facilities with the opposite sex, but she’d be remiss to not appreciate the fact that in a situation like this she was glad to have taken part in the SAS interrogation training protocols. Having to show no fear in the face of different stages of undress amongst strangers or otherwise helped her remain calm while unbuttoning her jacket, even as her fingers locked up with the cold. Stripping the jacket off her arms, her eyes dragged sideways at the tear of velcro that filled the room, and she watched Price toss aside his tactical vest and pull off his top, his skin beneath marked with scars and the trail of hair that led down to his...Not right now, Rory. Her eyes fell and she steered her focus back to her own clothing. Pulling her pants down her thighs, untying her boots and kicking them off to remove her lower layer. She grabbed the pair of jeans from the bag and pulled them on, a bit snug in the hips, but she’d make do.  A chunky knit sweater was the next thing she slipped on, and immediately she could no longer feel the bite of the cold gnawing at her. The coat was the cherry on top. Slipping her feet back into her boots, she looked over at Price as he adjusted the beanie on his head.  
“How do I look?”
“Certainly not like a soldier.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Tossing his gear into the duffel, he threw it over his shoulder before turning back towards the door. “Come on.” 
Holding the door open for her, Rory tossed her fatigues into her bag and carried it with her, following him out the door. Even without the stuffy uniforms and gear it was still clear they were two people on a mission, crossing the lot towards Nikolai’s helicopter in a near sprint. 
Price’s words were clipped as he spoke to her, giving orders, “We’re about to fly over into Russia. Nik’ll drop us off at his airbase and then we’ll make our way into Moscow. We’re going to be sticking to civvies as much as possible, Laswell doesn’t want us starting a world war over this.”
“Good girl.” 
Her brain short-circuited for a split-second hearing that phrase be used by him and his hoarse rumble of a voice, but she bit her tongue and carried through. It shouldn’t have had the effect on her it did. If it was anyone else, they’d have already received a bollocking for it, but in this case, she let it slide. 
October 14, 2017 09:30 - Russian airspace
“About to set down, Captain,” Nikolai called out over his headset as they neared the airbase. 
Rory had gone several hours without a cigarette by this point, only surviving by breathing in the secondhand smoke that Price filled the air with from his cigars. Starting out a mission irritable was hardly the preferred method of doing things, but she had few options until they were firmly on the ground and she could grab the pack in the pocket of her fatigues. Instead, she sat with her legs out the door, her feet floating over nothing but air, the land several thousand feet below as she took in the sights.
“How we doing back there, Sinclair?” Price asked, looking back at her as she held onto the slip of thick material provided as a handhold.
Watching as they lowered, her hair whipped around her face with the upstream winds that blew at her, turning her nose red. “In dire need of a fag,” she said with a soft chuckle looking back at the Captain, “but otherwise looking forward to my first visit to Russia.”
“Hopefully not your last,” Nikolai said. 
She smiled, there was something rather charming about the Russian, it wasn’t surprising to her that he and Price would be friends. 
The descent was quick as Nik sent the helo into a nosedive, and Rory held on for dear life, her heart racing in her chest. She hadn’t felt adrenaline coursing through her like that in some time. The safety of a desk had become far too comfortable but being out in the field felt like coming home. 
Upon landing, it was clear that the airbase they’d landed at was relatively remote, with whole hangars left empty. There wasn’t the same sort of military presence here as she had come to expect during her military career, an RAF base was usually teeming with personnel. It was quiet here, vehicles able to come and go as they pleased, a suitable operation for those who apparently weren’t so closely tied to the Kremlin and the powers that be. 
Reaching into her duffel, Rory dug through the pockets of her fatigues until she found her cigarette pack and lighter and rested against the outside of the hangar. Placing one of the cigarettes to her lips, she lit it and breathed the warming smoke down into her lungs. Fucking euphoric . Her eyes fluttered shut as the neurons in her brain were given their shot of nicotine, exhaling streams of smoke through her nostrils to burn away the cold that stung at it. 
“Careful, Sergeant, those things’ll kill you.”
She opened her eyes to find Price standing beside her, lighting up his own cigar. “I’m not too worried about that, I’m quite sure the job will get me first,” Rory said with a quiet snort. 
“You’ve lasted this long.” His black peacoat flapped in the breeze and he tucked the collar up around his neck to guard him from the cold. “Nik’s getting us a vehicle prepped, and then you and I are headed to Moscow. There’s a safehouse waiting for us there.” He took a drag from his cigar, and then blew out the smoke, continuing, “It’s going to be a long drive.”
Looking out at the distance, it was hard to believe she was quite so far from England, and especially to end up somewhere so completely vast in comparison. “Almost makes me homesick, a quick train ride and I can be back in London in a few hours from Stirling Lines.”
“You still call London home?” He asked, shifting his weight, stuffing his free hand into the warm, woolen pocket of his coat. 
Her brow furrowed slightly at his choice of word. Still , it was small, barely noticeable, but an odd choice to slip in. He had to remember her, he just wasn’t letting it on, or at least he wasn’t being obvious about it. “It’s where my father lives, right near Craven Cottage.”
The cigar glowed bright as he took another drag from it. “Fulham supporter?”
“Too right.”
“Well, I suppose I should just be glad he’s not with Everton,” he muttered, giving her a smirk.
Rory laughed, the countless hours she’d spent with her father watching football and listening to her fellow unit members keeping up with their teams despite being hundreds of miles away in a desert wasn’t lost on her. “Liverpool?” she asked, returning his smirk.
“The only reds worth a damn.”
“So, I shouldn’t tell you I’m a United supporter then?” Her grin grew wider as she brought the cigarette to her lips again.
“Are you taking the piss, Sergeant?”
She blew out the smoke with a stutter as she coughed out a laugh. “My father would disown me if I supported anyone but Fulham.”
“Well at least I won’t have to be worried about your black and whites ever taking the Premiership.”
She crossed her arms over her chest, giving him a mock scowl. “Low blow, Price.”
“I’m sure you’ll get over it, Sinclair.” Tipping his head in her direction, he looked up at her through his brow, his forehead creasing as he teased her. “We’ve got an entire mission to complete together after all, can’t let a little old-fashioned rivalry get in the way.” 
She flicked the ashes off of the end of her cigarette and brought it back to her lips. “Good competition’s never held me back, sir.” Rory looked at him with her large hazel eyes, a smokescreen billowing between them barely hiding the promise in her expression and her words. 
“I’m glad to hear it.”
Their eyes met and her heart thundered in her chest, her ears burning but not necessarily from the cold. She was supposed to be professional; it wasn’t like her to flirt with a superior officer, let alone the commanding one, and yet here she was. The mission seemed to already be anything but protocol, and the guilt that should have been there was absent, especially as it was blatantly obvious the Captain didn’t seem to have a problem with it either, joining her in the behavior. 
She cleared her throat and straightened up against the wall, dropping the butt of her cigarette onto the tarmac, stomping it out with her boot as Nikolai rounded the corner of the hangar, a pair of car keys in his hand. Now was neither the time nor the place for stoking a flame that had flickered a long time ago. Mind on the mission. Her mind always had to be on the mission. 
October 14, 2017 22:30 - Moscow, Russia
He hadn’t lied about it being a long ride, thirteen hours later, spent with their legs squished up in their seats, she was thankful for being able to stretch them and work out the charlie horse that was desperate to settle into her hamstring. A quiet ride with the Captain at the wheel, she spent much of her time looking out the window, watching as the wide-open vistas shrank into yet more grey of the concrete filled cities. Once they reached Moscow things were different, there were lights and sounds that reminded her more of being in the middle of London. The heartbeat of the city beating into her. 
Price had the address and the keys to a safe house but parked several blocks away from it. They couldn’t simply park out front without burning themselves and anyone else that might have been using the place. Out in the night they blended with the masses that flocked to the city center that Saturday. Eyes barely landed on them, and the ones that did were put into question. The eyes of the Kremlin weren’t so far away, and working in intelligence Rory knew that no matter how off the books an assignment was, there was always someone with their ear to the ground. They might have let them slip past for the time being, but the moment they became a threat the noose would come falling down. They walked through the streets, heads kept down to pass by sight unseen, their hands in their pockets as the blustering wind bit at any exposed flesh. Price trudged forward remaining quiet, always focused on scoping out any possible threats, he didn’t bother to make small talk, and she certainly wasn’t going to sidetrack him. 
Several blocks later, they stopped outside a building that was once a hotel, its facade run down, the bricks greying and chipped with age. Price and Rory stood holding their bags, looking up at it. She was used to safe houses being less than desirable places to stay, it seemed to be a constant no matter where a person was situated. As if for a place to be deemed forgettable and well-hidden it needed to be on the verge of crumbling if a strong wind blew past. She could only hope it was slightly more inviting inside, but she sincerely doubted that. 
Climbing the steps up to their assigned suite as noted on the address, Rory was quick to get a beat on her surroundings, scanning for points of entry and available exits. It may have been a safe house, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Ingrained in her to check her corners, to be wary of anything hidden in the shadows, to keep her head on a swivel, Rory’s hand landed on the grip of the handgun tucked into the back of her jeans. Ready for anything. 
Price reached the door and swung it open, revealing the room inside to contain only two beds and a bathroom. It was small, the carpets old and worn, and there was one small window with an old radiator below it. They’d be sharing the space for the length of their stay. He peered in, his jaw tightening. “I suppose Nik assumed –”
Rory drew closer to the door, letting her coat fall back over her weapon as she pulled her hand away and stood beside the Captain. She wasn’t surprised this was the situation they’d find themselves in, from a safety standpoint it made more sense for them to share a room, rather than be separated. “It’s fine. I’m not bothered. Hell, I shared a single tent with several people in the middle of the desert. This is nothing. At least this time there’s running water.”
Entering the room, she took off her coat and tossed it onto the bed closest to the window along with her bag, and that same thick lump she had at twenty-three climbed right back up her throat as she turned her head over shoulder and noticed Price’s gaze roaming over her. Rory made a quick exit, moving to the bathroom and turning on the light. The fluorescents above the sink flickered as they slowly filled the room with cool white light. She stood at the sink and turned on the faucet, letting the water run before splashing her face and refreshing herself after being cramped inside a car. Taking a deep breath as the drops ran down her skin and plinked against the basin, the urge for a cigarette came over her once more and she rubbed at her brow, looking up into the mirror – it was time for the pep talk, the conversation she had to hold with herself to get a grip. She could handle this, she’d been in this situation before, minus the fact that there was a history there that neither of them was willing to mention. 
As she came back into the room, he had already lit a cigar and had it chomped between his lips, the embers at it’s tip burning bright orange and reflecting in his eyes. Taking a drag of his cigar, he blew out a stream of smoke with a clenched jaw. Chewing on his lip, the wrinkles around his eyes grew deeper. "Shall we deal with the elephant in the room?"
Her mind raced and a wave of tension hit her, flooding every nerve in her body with the need to run. Leaning her shoulder against the door frame she tried to appear casual, bringing a towel to her face to wipe off the water that fell from her chin. “What do you mean?”
He shifted his jaw back and forth and cocked his brow. "Rory Sinclair, you thought I wouldn't remember that name? It's not exactly common.”
The rumble of his voice made her legs shake, purring out her name like no one else could. She huffed out a sigh, a nervous smile pulling at her wind bitten lips. “Well, you certainly didn’t act like you did. Figured my point had been proven about you having a port in every storm back then.”
He took a deep breath, shaking his head as he grimaced, “I assure you, fucking in a bathroom stall was not my go to move.”
“Sure. I’m not going to hold it against you,” she said with a shrug. “We were in our twenties. Even if it was –”
“It wasn’t.” His eyes became steely as he looked at her, inhaling the smoke from his cigar. 
Her brows rose and a small grin threatened to break through as she bit down on her lower lip. “The Captain doth protest a little too much, I think.” Moving from the bathroom entrance, she sat down on the edge of her bed and ran her hands through the roots of her hair, pushing the hair to part in the opposite direction. She stared up at him, a sense of relief hitting knowing this was just as awkward for him as it was for her. “Is this going to be a problem? Because if you don’t want me here just send me back to the midlands, I’m sure you can find yourself another soldier.”
His brow furrowed and he pulled the cigar from his mouth, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re just gonna give up that easy?” Looking down at her through his brow with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
She scoffed, her hands falling to either side of her on the mattress as she leaned back. “I don’t give up on anything, but I refuse to be a distraction.”
“You won’t be.” He puffed out his chest as he stretched out his back. “I’m a professional, been at this a while.” His eyes narrowed at her as the smirk pulled at his lips. “I think I can handle having you around, Rory.” 
“We’re on a first name basis are we now, John ?”
He rolled his eyes and scratched at his beard. “These are extenuating circumstances,” Price clarified.
Huffing out a laugh as the awkward tension finally broke, she rubbed at the bridge of her nose. “Indeed they are.” 
He sat down on the side of his bed, sitting across from her as he took another deep inhale from his cigar and pulled off his beanie, placing it on the bed beside him. “ Fucking hell ,” he muttered while rubbing his hand through his hair, brushing out the hat head. Price’s eyes rose to meet hers once more, surrounded by deeper lines and tired bags than had been there before, but she could swear she still saw some of that same desire she witnessed back then. 
She shifted in her seat and straightened out her back, holding her head up high, putting on the posture of a soldier standing at attention. “I have no problem with having you as my commanding officer. I’ll still have your six, I can follow orders, you’ll have no reason to complain. This doesn’t have to be weird unless we make it that way.” That’s it Rory, confidence is key. This is nothing. “It’s been five years; we’ve moved on with our lives. Besides, it was one night. Surely, we’ve both had other partners since then, it can’t have been that memorable,” she lied to herself as much as she was lying to him. Rory’s career had been so much of her focus for so long that settling down, finding a partner, it had all taken a backseat. There were still times on a lonely night when she’d think back to the way he looked at her, the way he touched her, his voice in her ear, but she couldn’t let that get in her way. This was a chance to prove herself, to prove that she didn’t have to resign herself to a desk job already, that she could keep up with an SAS officer in the field. 
“Well,” he exhaled slowly. Deeply. As if a weight had been lifted. “With that out of the way, perhaps we should get back to work?”
“Absolutely.” She nodded, her face returning to its usual stoicism. 
“Good.” John slipped the cigar back between his lips and stood up, pulling a tablet from his bag. “Nik got us some intel on our friend, Igor. Apparently, he has a penthouse suite not too far from here. He’s also been spotted visiting several known businesses in the area with ties to organized crime,” he mumbled around the Villa Clara.
“Checking on his investments, I assume.” Rory asked with a lift of her brow, “Do we know the window of opportunity we have here? Does he have a schedule when it comes to these rounds? Or does he like to keep it random so that he can’t be tracked?”
“Mr. Zorokov has a set of brass bollocks, I doubt he’s too worried about being tracked.”
Rory dragged her palms up the thighs of her jeans, bringing her hands to her hips as her shoulders started to slump. “That makes our job a little simpler. Something can be said for men with egos that big, makes them fall that much harder.” The corners of her lips curled into a smirk. “At least that’s always been my experience.” She reached into her coat pocket and pulled out her pack of cigarettes and the lighter. Slipping one from the pack, she brought it to her lips, cupping her hands around the lighter as the flame flickered and sparked smoke into life.
Price continued the briefing, “We’ve already hacked into his security systems at his penthouse, that way we can track when he comes and goes. And Laswell’s working on putting a trace on his phone. I want to stay a step ahead of him whenever and wherever possible.” 
Passing her the tablet, Rory scanned through the list of Zorokov’s businesses in the area. Her eyes narrowed as she held the cigarette to her lips and inhaled deeply. “ Jesus .” Blowing smoke through her nostrils, the cigarette hung from her lip, bobbing up and down as she spoke, “This bastard’s into human trafficking, allegedly , right? One of these is a gentlemen's club.” Her gaze flicked up to look at Price as she pulled the burning cigarette from between her lips. “How much do you want to bet that’s not staffed entirely above board? Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen that sort of thing.” 
His face became stern, “You’ve seen that sort of thing before, what the hell kind of missions were you on?”
“Ones that involve people up at the top of the food chain aren’t usually very pretty, especially when you’re working off the books and with the CIA. There’s a reason why they’ve been deigned deserving of a sniper round in the first place and it’s not always because they’re a loose end or your usual sort of threat.” Her hazel eyes turned dark, hinting at the ghosts in her past, ones stricken from her file or so far out of reach they’d never see the light of day. Things she’d seen and done that would leave a mark, things that made her realize what she was really fighting for and just how far she’d be willing to go to make the world a safer place. “Permission to speak freely, Price?”
“Go on, Sergeant.”
“That’s the one we go to first to find our way to cut off Zorokov’s funds.”
“Is that experience talking, or something else?” John leaned forward, his shoulders hunched, and his forearms pressed to his thighs. He stared into her eyes, trying to get a read on her. 
Hazel eyes fell to the ashes of his cigar that dropped to the floor at his feet. Biting at the inside of her cheek, clenching her jaw, she knew why he asked the question, as her commanding officer it was his duty to make sure she wasn’t some sort of loose cannon who’d go off the rails or turn vigilante, he needed someone who’d follow his commands. She could do that, she knew she could, but she couldn’t deny that there were personal motivations there as well. “Bit of both, if I’m being honest.”
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blake-arachne · 7 months
Because of the countless retconed on where Saint Seiya takes place i decided to Give each series their own time period, this could be from how Kuru and Other Authors can’t make up their mind about some numbers but whatever here’s my headcanon on what time does each series takes place.
•Original Manga, Next Dimension (Present): January-April 1990
(Originally it was 1986 but because of Next Dimension saying that it’s set on the year 1990, the dates had changed. Nevertheless, all arcs like Sanctuary, Poseidon, Hades takes place in just a few months. Why I say this simple I calced the dates using Julian Solo’s birthday (March 21) as Reference and the dialogue that was said that it’s been a month since the 12 houses Battle and it was 10 days after the world wide flooding started in March 24. So doing this Math it would be in April 3. So the Sanctuary Battle took place in March 3)
•Episode G: Spring 1979
(In the first chapter said March 28, 1979, and in the original summary said it’s 7 years before the events of Classic but Okada used the old Date of 1986 as guideline)
• Next Dimension (Past): Spring 1750
(It says that it’s been 240 years instead of 243, so by that logic it’s in 1750 where the Holy War of the 18th Century takes place. Now why Spring? Simple the Holy War of the 20th Century took place in April, 1990.)
•The Lost Canvas: Spring 1747
(Since LC is said to be an alt version of the Holy War of the 18th century, you could say takes place around the same dates however in the epilogue it said 243 years, so LC’s Holy War is 3 years earlier than ND’s Holy War)
•Saintia Sho: December 1983-March 1984
(Ok I know it’s said that Saintia Sho takes place around the Sanctuary Arc and Before the Poseidon Arc. However there are some issues like Baby Shoko and Kyoko escaping with Mayura during Aiolos escape (Which I said in a previous post took place on September 12-13) and their Birthdays are on December 10, so Shoko is 9 months older than Saori and Kyoko 2 years and 9 months and they were 13 and 15 respectively at beginning of the Story. And why 1984 instead of 1990 or even 1986? In Saintia Shoko memories the invitation of the Galaxian Wars said the date 1984, now this could be a mistake of Kuori, but till it’s changed. Saintia Sho takes place in the early 80s)
•Episode G Assassin: 2013
(It’s said in an interview that GA takes place post 2012 as the Tokyo Tower has been built and Smartphones are a thing so it should be set in 2013 at the very least)
•Episode G Requiem: 2014-2017
(The first part it’s said to have happened 1 years ago after the end of EG Assassin, and then there was the 3 year time skip)
•Dark Wing: 2020
(Ok I know in the prolouge it’s said it’s been 1 year since the accident but we are told that because the Elysium has a different time space continuum, it’s been a year in the Elysium while in the real world it’s been only a month)
Now with the mangas now dealt with, let’s go with the anime continuity.
Classic Series and Movies: October 1986-April 1987
(I say that the Classic Anime started in October 1986 and ended in April cuz that’s how it emited in TV. Besides even trough there were countless changed from the source material after all they were made around the same time. But I still keep that the Poseidon Arc ended in April 4th)
Hades OVAs: April 5th-April 16th, 1987
(I’ll explain in Soul of Gold the time you see, I say that Hades happened right after Poseidon so literally the next day they had to fight against the Specters)
Soul of Gold: April 13th-April 16th, 1987
(Apparently in the Underworld and Elysium have different time flows as Lyfia told Aioria that the Grand Eclipse has been on Earth for a Week. While Hades said that it would take a few minutes to be completed. Nevertheless because the events of the Asgard Arc of the Classic series was taken in account takes place in the same continuity)
Tenkai Hen Overture: April 1987
(As Omega said be taking in account this movie. The start of the Battle between Athena vs the Gods will still take place in April of the same year)
Saint Seiya Omega: Dec 1988-Jan 1989/2002
(Ok this is gotta be the most tricky one so far as there’s no confirmation of the dates and no, that whole takes place 25 years after the Classic Series doesn’t apply as doesn’t exist from all I have searched. But since the Saints of Omega are from the 21st Century at very least should be the 2000s. Why the early ones well I used the whole 13 years stuff that we were told. Assuming that Ryuho Bd is in libra like his dad, would mean he was born in October 1989. so he would be 12 in April 2002. As we are confirmed that Koga entered to pallestra post Spring Break. Since i don’t think a year passed between Season 1 and 2 I’ll say that took place in the same year)
Saintia Sho Anime: October 1986
(Even trough it doesn’t form part of the anime canon due to it’s contradiction of the ending of Sanctuary. Sho should be in a parallel to the events of it.)
Gigantomachy: Summer 1986 (It’s suppossedly said that takes place between Poseidon and Hades however in the first Chapter it says it’s in Summer instead of Spring. So this can’t be, neverthenless due begin a parallel World it doesn’t take place in the series but likely used the old date as refence)
Legend of Sanctuary: Sep 1998-Sep 2014
(I’ll say that Legend of Sanctuary takes place in the date it was debuted begin of 2014 as we are told that Saori had become 16 years old. Assuming her BD is the same (Sep 1), we could say that the Escape of Aiolos happened in September 1998. The ages of the Bronzes are Seiya and Shun at 16, Hyoga and Shiryu at 17 and Ikki at 20)
KOTZ: 2019
(Same statement as LoS i think that the KOTZ CGI series takes place in 2019. Saori/Sienna is confirmed be 20 so the escape of Aiolos happened in September 1999. The ages for the Bronze are Seiya at 18, Hyoga/Magnus, Shiryu/Long at 19, Shaun at 17 and Ikki/Nero at 20)
Live Action: 2023
(Due to begin the most recent new product the Live Action movie takes place in 2023 with Seiya at 18 and Saori/Sienna at 17-20)
Anyways those are the dates so far, i might do a redo in the future but oh what the hell, enjoy
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horrororman · 1 year
The Houses October Built 2 was released on September 22, 2017.
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Lost in the Middle ‘Verse Timeline
Summer 2005-Part 1 of “Five Times...”
Fall 2008-Part 2
Spring 2010-Part 3
January/February 2011-Of Crash Mats and Calamity
Summer 2012-Part 4
Winter 2012-Part 5
Late Summer 2013-Part 6/+1/Natalie
Christmas 2013-Christmas with Nat
July 2015-Sister Night
Late April-Late July 2017-The events of Lost in the Middle
September 2017-The Ropes
Mid-October 2017-A Football Game
Late October 2017-Early February 2018-Even When You’re Gone
Summer 2018-At the Drive-In
March 2020-Back Off
Fall 2022-Moving In
Summer 2023-Baryshnikov
August/September 2023-3 Months & Not Yet
November 2023-American Thanksgiving
August 2024-I’m Coming Out
September-December 2028-The Nutcracker
December 2028-Christmas at Home
2035/2036 (I’ll eventually narrow this down)-Piper
September/October 2038-Halloween!
August 2042-We Built a House!
September 2042-Movie Night
Summer 2043-James
June 2046-Jess
September 2046-RJ
October 2049-Wren
Early 2050-Noah
Fall 2050-Leaving Home
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bamboozlemint · 7 months
Jeff T. Killer (born October 12, 1992) is an American actor and serial killer. He began acting in the early 2000s and appeared in several commercials and minor film and television roles before gaining prominence in his teenage years with main roles in Little Manhattan and Zathura: A Space Adventure (both 2005), RV (2006), Bridge to Terabithia (2007), Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008), and The Kids Are All Right (2010), as well a string of nationally covered homicides.
In 2011, 18-year-old Jeff landed the leading role of Peeta Mellark in the top-grossing film series The Hunger Games, released yearly between 2012 and 2015, for which he won three MTV Movie Awards and a People's Choice Award. In the same period, he also played a lead role in Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (2012) and voice role in the animated film Epic (2013). By this point his body count included thousands of innocent children.
Since this period, Jeff decreased his workload for a few years, appeared in several independent films, and killed only sporadically. On television, he starred in the Hulu comedy series Future Man from 2017 to 2020 and voiced the lead character in Ultraman (2019–2023). He has since starred in the commercially successful horror film Five Nights at Freddy's (2023) and action film The Beekeeper (2024).
Throughout his career, Jeff has expressed an interest in filmmaking. He has served as an executive producer for Detention (2011), The Forger (2012), and Escobar: Paradise Lost (2015), while also playing a lead role in each film.
Born in Union, Kentucky on October 12, 1992, Jeff is the elder son of Giveue Ipp (née Vagunna), a former Delta Air Lines employee who now assists with Jeff's career, and The Killer. His parents, who were also born and raised in Kentucky, met in high school in Dry Ridge. He has one younger brother, Liu (b. 1996, d. 2005).
Jeff's interest in both killing and acting developed as a child despite his parents' concerns about the professions. According to the killer himself, he had "loved the entertainment industry" from the age of four, and had always been a "big fan of the Zodiac Killer." His father said that his son was compelled to attack people from a very young age, possessing a personality that attracted people's ire. His mother said that he "bugged us so much" into becoming a murderer, but believed it was a phase he was going through and would grow out of. At age eight, Jeff went through the yellow pages and contacted an acting agency.
Most of Jeff's childhood was spent on film sets rather than in a classroom. He attended Gay Vampire High School in Kentucky until he began his career at the age of nine, after which he began homeschooling, with his mother as his teacher. He later returned to Kentucky to attend Gay Vampire High School for one semester. Jeff played on the high school's soccer team and has been a keen sports enthusiast since, also displaying a passion for football and tennis. At the age of 13, he participated in a triathlon and began killing for sport. He later said of his schooling experiences, "I know it's something kids have to deal with every single day but getting up at the same time every day and having to listen to teachers talk about things I could learn so much more easily on my own, I hated it. How's that for motive to kill, eh? Eh?"
Jeff currently lives in Los Angeles, California. In May 2012, he purchased the 1,861-square-foot (172.9 m2) $2.5 million former house of Heath Ledger in Laurel Canyon, Hollywood Hills, a small ranch built in 1951. He professes that fame has not changed him as a person, stating, "I love my job more than anything in the world and I could never imagine doing anything else. So this whole thing is a very small price to pay compared to someone who has to go to an office to work."
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Stats from Movies 101-200
Top 10 Movies - Highest Number of Votes
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The Thing (1982) had the most votes with 2,313 votes.
The 10 Most Watched Films by Percentage
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Shaun of the Dead (2004) was the most watched film with 69.30% of voters saying they had seen it.
The 10 Least Watched Films by Percentage
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The Wicker Man (2006) was the least watched film with 67.02% of voters saying they hadn't seen it.
The 10 Most Known Films by Percentage
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Friday the 13th (1980) was the best known film with only 1.04% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The 10 Least Known Films by Percentage
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The Doll Master (2004) was the least known film with 88.49% of voters saying they'd never heard of it.
The movies part of the statistic count and their polls below the cut.
The Faculty (1998) You're Next (2011) Matriarch (2022) May (2002) Black Christmas (1974) Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006) Friday the 13th (1980) Jason X (2001) The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016) The Tunnel (2011)
Scream 2 (1997) Climax (2018) Raw (2016) Tusk (2014) A Serbian Film (2010) Waxwork (1988) American Mary (2012) In the Mouth of Madness (1994) The Fog (1980) The Mist (2007)
Ginger Snaps (2000) Scream 3 (2000) House of Wax (1953) Shaun of the Dead (2004) Night of the Living Dead (1968) Basket Case (1982) Malignant (2021) Attack the Block (2011) Insidious (2010) Trick 'r Treat (2007)
The Wolf Man (1941) The Invisible Man (1933) The Invisible Man (2020) Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) Scream 4 (2011) The Last Broadcast (1998) Dark Water (2002) Dog Soldiers (2002) One Missed Call (2003) V/H/S (2012)
The Houses October Built (2014) Occult (2009) Willow Creek (2013) Savageland (2015) The McPherson Tape (1989) Waxworks (1924) Scream (2022) Possum (2018) Cemetery Man (1994) The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
The Thing (1982) Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) Night of the Lepus (1972) Puppet Master (1989) Gargoyles (1972) From Dusk Till Dawn (1996) The Fourth Kind (2009) Dead Silence (2007) The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) American Gothic (1987)
Netherworld (1992) The Bad Seed (1956) Satan’s Triangle (1975) The Creeping Terror (1964) The House That Would Not Die (1970) The Wicker Man (2006) Scream VI (2023) From Beyond (1986) Castle Freak (1995) Beyond the Gates (2016)
The Phantom Empire (1987) The Evil Clergyman (1988) Would You Rather (2012) Chopping Mall (1986) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986) [REC] (2007) The Bay (2012) Happy Death Day (2017) Happy Death Day 2U (2019) Mayhem (2017)
Child's Play (2019) Freaky (2020) X (2022) Pearl (2022) Possession (1981) Possessor (2020) Hush (2016) Us (2019) Creep (2014) Creep 2 (2017)
The Witch (2015) Eyes Without a Face (1960) The Void (2016) Annihilation (2018) Color Out of Space (2019) The Thing (2011) The Relic (1997) The Doll Master (2004) Hellhole (2022) The Howling (1981)
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splatteronmywalls · 2 years
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wikibiofact · 2 years
Eva Marcille Net Worth 2023: Biography, Husband, Movie, Age, House 
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Eva Marcille net worth is of $7 million dollars — she is an award-winning actress, model and television personality. She has become a role model to many aspiring women across America,
From being crowned Miss USA to landing roles on hit TV shows such as The Young & The Restless; Eva Marcille’s journey to fame was no easy path.
But having dedicated herself to hard work since she was young, it’s no surprise that this phenomenal woman has achieved so much throughout her life and continues to do so today.
So what exactly does Eva Marcille’s biography look like? What drives her ambition and how did she manage to accumulate such wealth? Read further for all the details about Eva Marcille’s impressive career and net worth!
Also Read- Ella Balinska net worth Also Read-Noah Jupe net worth
Eva Marcille was born in Los Angeles, California on October 30th 1984. She attended Clark Atlanta University and majored in Business Management. Eva’s career began when she won third place in the third cycle of America’s Next Top Model.
After her victory, she signed with Ford Models and then went onto to appear on magazine covers such as Essence and King Magazine. Her success has led to a successful modeling career that spans over decade and has earned her an impressive net worth estimated at $4 million dollars.
Moving forward, Eva made the transition into acting with appearances on shows like Tyler Perry’s House Of Payne and The Young And The Restless. This marked the beginning of her rise to fame.
Unlike her early life and education, Eva Marcille’s career beginnings were far from conventional. She first rocketed to fame after winning the third cycle of America’s Next Top Model in 2004:
1. Winning a $100,000 contract with CoverGirl cosmetics;
2. A fashion spread in Elle magazine;
3. Six-page spread and cover for Beauty in Vogue Italia.
This win opened up doors for her as an actress, model and television personality. Her acting credits range from guest appearances on shows such as Smallville, Everybody Hates Chris and Tyler Perry’s House of Payne, to recurring roles in The Young & The Restless and Girlfriends.
From there she moved onto hosting duties on BET’s Rip the Runway show, co-hosting 106 & Park alongside Terrence J and Rocsi Diaz, becoming a correspondent on Extra TV, among other things. With each move proving successful, Eva Marcille has solidified her spot at the top of entertainment circles across multiple disciplines.
As her success continued to grow so did her net worth which is estimated to be around $4 million dollars today. This sets the stage for exploring Eva Marcille’s impressive list of acting credits next!
Eva Marcille’s acting career has spanned over a decade, with notable appearances in many television shows and films. She began her professional acting career following the success of America’s Next Top Model in 2005.
Her first role was as Tyra Hamilton on The Young and the Restless from 2006–2008. Since then, she has gone on to appear in several other productions including Tyler Perry’s House of Payne, Who’s Your Daddy?, and Love by Chance 2.
​​​ ​​She also starred alongside Idris Elba in the American romantic comedy film Baggage Claim (2013) and portrayed Rachel Robinson in the biographical sports drama 42 (2013).
In addition, Eva had recurring roles as Megan West in Meet the Browns (2010–2011), Tondi Weakleyin Let’s Stay Together (2012–2014), Donna Duncan in Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce (2015–2017), and Layne Keefe in Ambitions (2019).
Moving forward into modeling work, Eva Marcille continues to be successful both on screen and off.
Aside from her diverse acting roles, Eva Marcille has also built a successful modeling career. In 2005, she won the third cycle of America’s Next Top Model. She then went on to become a face for CoverGirl Cosmetics and gained contracts with major companies such as:
* Toyota Motors
* Red by Marc Ecko
* Samsung
She was even featured in magazines like Vogue Italia, IONA, King Magazine and so many more. Additionally, Eva signed an exclusive contract with visionary icon Tyra Banks which granted her numerous opportunities within reality television.
Eva Marcille has had several reality television appearances over the years. She began her career in 2004 on America’s Next Top Model, where she won the third season and launched her modeling career. Her win also earned her a CoverGirl cosmetics contract.
After that, Eva appeared as a guest judge on ANTM for seasons 10 and 17. In 2007, she was part of The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast from its fourth season through its eighth season.
In 2010, she participated in VH1’s Scream Queens to support breast cancer awareness but ultimately did not make it into the final round.
During her time on the show, however, Eva made an impression with viewers due to her comedic timing and willingness to test boundaries when it came to performance artistry.
This led to other opportunities such as acting roles in series like Smallville and Single Ladies. As well as hosting duties on BET’s Rip the Runway and 106 & Park: Wild-Out Wednesday.
With all these accomplishments under her belt, Eva has managed to amass a sizable net worth throughout her long entertainment career thus far. Transitioning now into Eva’s music career…
Marcille’s foray into music began in 2005, when she released her debut single “Luv Ya Girl”. She followed this up with a full-length album titled “The Eva Show” the same year. The album featured collaborations with artists such as Fabolous and T-Pain, and it peaked at number 59 on the US Billboard 200 chart.
Marcille also toured extensively to promote the album, performing at several music festivals across the country. After taking a break from music for a few years, Marcille returned in 2018 with her second studio album ‘Songs of Eva’.
Despite receiving generally positive reviews, the album failed to make much impact commercially due to lack of promotion. Nonetheless, Marcille has continued to pursue her musical career over the years and is currently working on new material.
Her estimated net worth stands at around $2 million dollars, mainly accumulated through her reality television appearances and music career.
With an ever expanding portfolio of business ventures, there’s no doubt that this figure will continue to rise in coming years.
Eva Marcille’s estimated net worth currently stands at a whopping $2.5 million, and it continues to grow with her many business ventures.
One of the most successful was the launch of her own clothing line in 2018. The collection included stylish lounge-wear for women that sold out within its first week on the market.
She has also partnered up with major fashion brands like Revlon and Pantene to help promote their products. |
In addition to these partnerships, she is also an ambassador for several different charities and organizations such as Mentoring USA and Dress For Success.
These efforts have helped her become even more successful in her career while making a positive impact in the world around her.
With all this success behind her, it’s no wonder why Eva Marcille is considered one of today’s top entrepreneurs. Transitioning now into discussing her philanthropic efforts…
Eva Marcille has been actively involved in philanthropic efforts throughout her career. Her work with the following organizations have helped to make a difference in many people’s lives:
1. The American Red Cross
2. St Jude Children’s Research Hospital
3. Susan G Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
4. Feeding America
In addition, she regularly volunteers her time and resources to help support causes close to her heart such as child homelessness and cancer research.
Eva also started an organization called ‘The BOSS Network’ which provides mentorship for women entrepreneurs of color who are looking to break into the business world.
She is truly passionate about making an impactful change in other people’s lives and does so through her various charity initiatives.
As we move on, let us take a look at awards and accolades that Eva Marcille has achieved during her lifetime.
Marcille’s achievements have been nothing short of staggering, as she has achieved a level of success few could dream of. Various awards and accolades are testament to her hard work and dedication.
She received the 2017 Women’s Entrepreneurial Achievement Award by the Young Professionals Network for her business accomplishments in fashion and beauty.
In addition, Marcille was presented with an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series for her role on The Rickey Smiley Show.
Her impressive résumé also includes being named one of Ebony magazine’s Power 100 honorees in 2018, a BET Honors awardee in 2019, and an International Social Icon at the Global Beauty Awards held in Monaco that same year.
Her career successes prove that she is an unstoppable force who continues to break boundaries within both Hollywood and beyond. With such tremendous success, it is no wonder Eva Marcille’s net worth is estimated to be $4 million dollars.
As if this wasn’t enough, she paves the way for other women to do more than what society expects from them. Taking all these accomplishments into consideration, Eva Marcille stands out as an inspirational figure whose influence will continue to grow even further over time.
Seamlessly transitioning into marcille’s personal life, let us now explore how much she values family above all else…
Eva Marcille has had an interesting personal life. She was previously married to Kevin McCall and they have a daughter together, Marley Rae McCall. They split in 2014 after numerous public disputes between the two.
She is currently married to Michael Sterling, the two married in the year 2018. Eva’s been overjoyed with her relationship with him and often speaks about how much she loves him publicly on social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter.
Overall, despite previous issues in her love life, Eva seems content with where it stands today. Additionally, Eva is active philanthropically and works closely with organizations like Dreams for Kids DC which helps encourage youth leadership development through service learning experiences associated with community service projects.
Her passion for helping others shines brightly through these endeavors. Transitioning into recent projects, Eva…
Eva Marcille has been busy lately, proving that her star power is still on the rise. She’s been a force in the entertainment industry since she won the third season of ‘America’s Next Top Model’ in 2004.
Recently, Eva has taken on numerous projects that have earned her both fame and fortune:
* Hosting Fox Soul’s ‘Dish Nation’
* Co-hosting NBC Universal’s syndicated show ‘The Real’
* Starring as Tyra Hamilton in BET’s comedy series ‘In Contempt’.
Additionally, she penned a book about motherhood and released two fashion lines — Minnie Rose and Tori Hendrix by Eva Marcille. Her business acumen is evident from these ventures alone.
As if all this wasn’t enough, Marcille recently served as an executive producer on the Netflix film ‘Breaking Brooklyn’.
This was just another example of how far-reaching her career aspirations are; it seems there isn’t anything Eva can’t do! Moving forward to her estimated earnings and net worth, we can see where most of this success came from.
Eva Marcille Net Worth and Earnings
Eva Marcille boasts an impressive estimated net worth of $7 million. The majority of her fortune comes from her career as a television host and model, with additional income sources being endorsements and business ventures.
In terms of modeling, Eva has landed high-……..Read more
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bobyseo · 2 years
Chandrababu Naidu Unveils Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park in Andhra Pradesh
The state of Andhra Pradesh achieved a significant milestone in renewable energy output with the inauguration of the Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park (1000 MW) in Orvakal, Kurnool district on January 8, 2019. The solar park was inaugurated by N Chandrababu Naidu during his visit to the Kurnool. This solar park is the third-largest in the world at a single site, after the Tengger Desert Solar Park (1547 MW) in China and the Bhadla Solar Park (1365 MW) in India. The solar park was built in a record time of 24 months with a total investment of Rs. 7,143.77 crores on 5683.22 acres of land.
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Under the guidance of Nara Chandrababu Naidu, The Andhra Pradesh state government acquired acres of land for the solar park in a record period of nine months without disturbing a single lodging house Government assigned land to comprise 91% of the land, which cannot be farmed. Andhra Pradesh state and the central government collaborated on Kurnool Mega Solar Park. It is a collaborative venture between the central government and the state government that is implementing the project. Its implementing agency is Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Corporation Pvt Ltd (APSPCL). As much as 50% of the shares, APSPCL is controlled by the national Solar Energy Corporation of India, while 41% are controlled by its state power generation company, APGENCO, and 9% are owned by its state New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation. For more Live updates and developments of TDP visit the official TDP website.
To develop the solar park, the Indian government allocated APSPCL 2 million per MW. Adani developed 50 MW of the park's 1000 MW, GreenKo developed 500 MW (transferred from Sun Edison), Soft Bank Energy developed 350 MW, Azure Power developed 100 MW, and GreenKo developed 350 MW. Over 700,000 tons of carbon dioxide were saved by the Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park by October 2017. As part of how the park addresses water deficiency concerns, a reservoir created for rainwater harvesting meets all of the park's water needs.
The Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park is a significant achievement of the TDP government under the leadership of N. Chandrababu Naidu. It has also created job opportunities for the local population, with a total of 282 jobs generated. A total of 499 jobs will be created for experts, 228 for semi-skilled workers, and 555 for unskilled workers.
In conclusion, the Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park in Andhra Pradesh is a remarkable achievement of the state TDP government and the central government's collaboration. This solar park is the third-largest in the world at a single site and was constructed in a record time of 24 months. It has created job opportunities for the local population and has addressed the water deficiency concerns through a reservoir created for rainwater harvesting. The solar park has also contributed significantly to India's efforts in accelerating solar energy and moving towards a sustainable future.
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mina-van1104 · 2 years
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Please read my whole post on March 25, 2023 Statue of Liberty post. IMPORTANT INFORMATION. I was born & raised in Nevada. Proud nurse, proud coach. When I got back home from New York mainly visiting September 11th 9/11 memorial, some of my newer neighbors have been verbally harassing me & my family again at our house. Calling me “Jihad Misfit!” “Die Asian!” “F*ck Mina!” “You’re not real, demon!” “You’re not a cheerleader, idiot!” “You’re not even popular, Idiot!” “Nobody cares!” “Die neighbor!” Etc. I reported it once again. They’re just jealous, racist people!
I know that 2 of my neighbors got arrested in the past doing that. Their other family & friends are doing it again ongoing ever since 2017 when their son trespassed on our property verbally harassing us caught on my camera. They been driving behind my backyard which is Sparks Blvd & yelling towards my house disturbing my peace again.
Sometimes they use their speaker phone device to yell those things at us. Please spread the word & help me report them.
The most likely suspected neighbors lived on 2225 (Hammonds) on my street they moved out in July 2022. The main boy-their friend about 16 or 17 now police told me he lived in Sun Valley in 2017. It’s his family & his friends verbally harassing us & don’t know who else. I want to prosecute them!
The other suspected neighbors are 2266 (Zimmermans) green colored house. The 3rd suspect lives on 2265 (Clarks) grey/pale blue colored house diagonally across from OUR house that’s yellow & blue with white picket fence with cute american flag ribbons hung on the white picket fence.
When I was running 3 miles with my dogs after work 2 days ago in my pink nurse scrubs, Clark family yelled “Special Ed!” at me & I yelled back at them “You’re just jealous because you have no college degrees!”
They also purposely left their kids’ toy car on the sidewalk because they know I like running in the neighborhood Clarks only moved here in 2019. They don’t own the sidewalk!
We have a nice & a safe neighborhood except for the newer neighbors verbally harassing us. Our cars got shot by a BB gun in January 2020 & November 2020 (my birthday month).
I told my close white neighbor friends about them. Especially my best white neighbor friends named Sue & AJ.❤️ Sue knows about them since 2017. I tell Sue everything.
My family & our friends have been living in the same house since it was 1st built in 1990 before me & my older sister (Catherine Van-Schwartz-former local news reporter & Gonzaga University Post Graduate 2012) was born, this is our family house from our grandma’s legacy when she died in our house how dare they keep disrespecting us! They’re literally gang-stalking us & targeting us again. Arrest them.
It may be some other people not even related to my neighbors. Please if anyone has any information & know who they are, please report who it is so I don’t get the wrong person. I want them arrested! Spread the word about this to everyone in Sparks,NV 89434.
I KNOW it sounds unreal & didn’t think it was possible but it’s happening to us. They also hacked into my devices including my phone, computer, & even TV, harassing us, threatening us. But when I put in money in my bank last month, that same day they stole $400! Had to get my card replaced again & also happened again like in December 2022. Please help me get them arrested whoever they really are. This is really serious.
My family has been living in Nevada since 1979 (44 forty-four) years! Half my family is white half my family is Asian. I’m an American Born Chinese with some small portions of European descents. My best friend of 16 years is white my other best friend of 16 years is Indian American! We all did track & cross-country. The guy I’ve been dating is white & we have been talking to eachother everyday since October 8, 2022! I’m so grateful for a good family, a few good close friends, & good people in my life.
Those who knew me & my family WELL, they all always liked us. Also during my trip to New York, thanks to everyone for the kind text messages & messages from close friends & people I barely know. Thank you for the sweet messages. There should be more people like them who are TRULY good people.
I’m friends with people of all races/ethnicities/descents! My family is not racist like my newer neighbors & their friends & whoever else is involved.
Asian hate is real! Stop being racist! In front of my house I’ve had a sign since 2020 saying: “Black Lives Matter!” “Blue Lives Matter!” “Stop Asian Hate!” “No Human Being is Illegal!” “Women’s Rights are Human Rights!” “Science is Real!” “Love is Love” “Kindness is Everything!” “End Racism!”
I’m not ignorant nor racist. I don’t judge people! There’s good & bad in every race/ethnicity. The kids are on Spring break & they have nothing to do other than verbally harass us again. I’m glad I’m not low lives like them. I’m glad I’m well educated 3 college degrees, 3 medical licenses. GOD sees everything! Me & my family who are TRULY good people don’t deserve this hate-NOBODY does. Please spread the word & help me report whoever else is doing this.
✞♡ # Selfie #StopAsianHate # NativeNevadan # JesusChrist ✝️🦂# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 3CollegeDegrees # 3ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
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Watson Hopper GXXTA Workover Rig in Good Condition
Watch video on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/dR4oQKXnzMc https://inventory.freeoilfieldquote.com/product/watson-hopper-gxxta-workover-rig-for-sale Name : Watson Hopper GXXTA Workover Rig For Sale Code : 07748656 Type : Standard Brand : Watson Hopper Category : Rigs subcategory : Workover / Well Service Rigs Price : $495,000.00 Unit : Each (Each) In Stock : Yes Location : Wyoming, USA Condition : Good Available Quantity : 1
Watson Hopper GXXTA Workover Rig For Sale • Built 1980, 102 Feet x 260,000# derrick, factory rebuilt Detroit 8V92T engine installed April 2010, inframe on motor 2015 derrick sandblasted and magnafluxed July 2006, new chain on main drum October 2017, brand new rear end and rear drive line and axels Sept 2016, new drill line and winch line November 2017. • Bowen 2.5 power swivel Rebuilt Feb. 2013 • National JWS 185 mud pump, new fluid end 2007 with 180 bbl. Flat tank, new charge pump 2014. several jts. Hard line with 5000# guiberson unions, 4-2 inch 5000# hoses 15 Feet long with 5000# guiberson unions, 6- 2 inch swivel Chicksans with 5000# guiberson unions • 40 Feet 2 inch 5000# Kelly hose with 5000# guiberson unions Kelly hose new 2017 • Set pipe racks with catwalk • 2-3/8 tbg. Elevators New April 2013 • 2-7/8 tbg. Elevators New April 2013 • 3-1/2 tbg Elevators New April 2013 • (2) Cavins type C slips • Set 2006 Gill tbg. Tongs (Fosters) with heads 2-3/8 to 3-1/2, 4 1/2 with air backups • Set Oil Country tbg. Tongs for parts. • Extra large work floor with stairs and handrails • Base beam • 2000 DCT tandem axle trailer • 1994 DCT tandem axle trailer • 2011 Spirit tandem axle dog house • 2007 Quadco pad weight indicator with new pads • 2007 Quadco deadline indicator (new) • Pennant pad indicator with pads • Geolograph Pioneer pad indicator • Set BJ rod tongs with 3/4-7/8 & 1 inch heads & backups • Set weatherford rod tongs with 3/4-7/8 inch heads and backups • Rod backoff tool • 2- 3/4 -7/8 rod elevators • 1 inch rod elevators • Rod tongs • Light tower (not working needs repair) • Several obannon rod fishing tools • 150 ton McKissick 6 line block Rebuild 2013 and magnufluxed with new bails & rod Basket. • Operator Platform can be moved to 3 different levels additional platform that can be put on at 22 Feet for snubbing with stairs and handrails. • Sinkerbar and jars, swab mandrills 2-3/8, 2-7/8, Double oilsaver with pump • 1-depthometer • 2-Several tagged chains and slings • Good tires on steering axles • Several spare parts • May 2008: New sand line • July 2012: Steering axles completely rebuilt • January 2018: New Brakes and Drums on tag axels and main drive, New hoses to tongs, New hose to hydraulic tank to rig up panel
from Oilfield Equipment Manager https://rignetwork.wordpress.com/2023/03/17/watson-hopper-gxxta-workover-rig-in-good-condition/
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mandeeptoor · 2 years
In A Desirable East-End Hamilton Neighborhood Spectacular Detached House Built By The Owner (Solid Bones) On The Corner Lot Next To Ravine, Over 3000 Sq Ft Living Space With 4Br, 4Wr & 2Kitchens & 3Rooms In The Finished Bsmt., Bsmt. Separate Entrance Through The Garage. Triple Wide Driveway, 2 Garage Spaces, Carrier Furnace & Ac November 2014, Hot Water Tank Owned, Leaf Filter March 2021, Humidifier October 2019,Corian Kitchen Counters June 2017 And Much More Cloth Washer And Gas Dryer, 1 Gas Stove And In Basement For Stove Gas And Electric Both Connections Available Near Public And Catholic Elementary Schools And Pharmacy. Inclusions:2 Fridges, 1 Stove, Dishwasher, Microwave, Electric Light Fixtures, Window Coverings, Garage Door Opener & Remotes, Freezer Chest In Basement, Furnace And Central Conditioner, Hot Water Tank Owned.
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