#the heavy mob
almondpiglet · 1 year
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fav ship for mobtober
wait huh??? serirei? what a surprise!!
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
You’re Mine, Sunshine ❝part eight❞
♡ Pairing: Grumpy!Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Sunshine!Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: After a surprise visit from Pierce, tension arises as he threatens Bucky of his job. Pierce wants to have a talk with you and it doesn't go very well.
♡ Warnings: language, heavy angst, threats, stalking, abuse, fluff, pierce (yes— he's a warning), bucky literally being the loml
Part 9
Trope ⇢ Grumpy x Sunshine | Mob!Au Bodyguard!Au
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Bucky thought he had experienced true fear before— but that was before he was staring into the eyes of a very powerful man. A man who was looking at him with a knowing look— like he knew something Bucky didn’t. Truthfully, he wouldn’t of been nervous if he didn’t already feel indifferent about the man. He also was still in the state of mind from the kitchen. He was about to reveal the stalker secret to you. He would’ve too— if it wasn’t for Pierce.
Like he said— what shit timing.
“Sir, this is unexpected. Everything okay?” Bucky started, keeping things casual.
He had to remember to fall back into a professional bodyguard mindset— not the soft side that he had somehow brought out with you. He found it rather disappointing to hide that part of himself away— he supposed he had to though.
Pierce smiled even wider, motioning with his hand behind him— further into the house.
“Please— let’s talk inside. Too many listening ears out here.” Pierce insisted, waiting for Bucky to step aside to let him in.
Pierce wanted to scoff at the thought that Bucky would keep him out— this house was his. A gift, of course to you— but he owned the house.
Bucky shut the door, not before he got a glimpse of the men outside. All were unfamiliar faces— he wasn’t surprised. Pierce was so cutthroat, he wasn’t shocked if he had to get rid of the weak ones.
Bucky followed Pierce into the living room, sitting down in the couch opposite of him. It was silent for a moment, Pierce just staring at Bucky— like he was trying to get a read on him. The stare only made Bucky uncomfortable— and rather annoyed.
“Mr. Barnes do you think I’m an imbecile?” Pierce broke the silence, startling Bucky with the straightforwardness.
He shook his head, swallowing before speaking.
“No sir.”
“Do you think things can happen without me knowing?” He asked him another question, crossing his legs and leaning back— almost in amusement.
Bucky furrowed his brows, trying to see where this was going but otherwise kept answering.
“Probably not.”
“No— they can’t.” Pierce corrected him. “Mr. Barnes I like you. I respect what you’ve been through.”
Bucky narrowed his eyes at his word choice, the line between what he could take and what was sensitive territory— Pierce was dancing on that line.
Pierce found a sick satisfaction watching Bucky’s jaw clench— knowing he still held all the power. He was tracing Bucky’s weak spots with a knife and he didn’t know it.
“But I have a problem with certain bodyguards that forget their place. You do see where I’m going with this, right?” Pierce asked accusingly.
Bucky furrowed his brows in confusion, not sure what he was talking about— all he knew is that Pierce didn’t look the happiest.
“I’m afraid not sir.” He answered him carefully.
Pierce glared at Bucky for a moment, looking him up and down— like he was sizing him up.
“Then let me make myself very clear,” He leaned forward, “My daughter is not to know about certain things— i’m sure you know what i’m talking about.”
He paused and glanced to the direction of the stairs, careful not to let you hear. Bucky watched as Pierce called in one of his men. He whispered a few things him before the man started walking up the stairs.
Bucky felt his body tense up, feeling unsure about this man that you didn’t know— he didn’t know head upstairs.
“Mr. Barnes, I’m quite aware that you feel it’s only right that my daughter knows about this whole childish stalker situation. You don’t need to try and deny it— I have ears everywhere. Like I said, I find out about everything.” Pierce stated.
Bucky felt uncomfortable, knowing he’d been semi caught— though he hadn’t admitted to anything. Though he felt he didn’t have to, Pierce seemed to know more than he was letting on. But how?
He wasn’t sure why but he felt angered at the way Pierce was trying to control everything. You thought this was your safe haven— this house. But it was more like a jail— at least that’s how it felt right now to him.
“You put cameras in your daughters house or something?”
Pierce’s jaw twitched at Bucky’s boldness, but otherwise kept a poker face.
“No— but that’s a great idea. I’ll put it on the list.”
Bucky wanted to roll his eyes so badly at his sarcasm. He wanted to test the waters a bit, knowing deep down it wasn’t a good idea— but he had to try. For your sake.
“With all due respect sir— shouldn’t your daughter know about a stalker… specifically one that’s after her?” Bucky asked, keeping his voice quiet as to not challenge Pierce any further.
To Bucky’s surprise, Pierce nodded— actually taking a second to think of an answer.
“Honestly Mr. Barnes— no. If I can catch whoever is behind this and eliminate the threat before she ever finds out… she doesn’t have to worry about a thing.” Pierce explained, and Bucky was not surprised by the answer.
Annoyance bubbled up again, forcing him to defend you. He usually wouldn’t stop himself but it was the big boss he was talking to— he had to watch his tongue.
Pierce narrowed his eyes, analyzing Bucky and his posture. The way his jaw would clench every time you were brought up— the way Bucky looked ready to pounce despite his calm demeanor.
“Mr. Barnes I understand if you are infatuated with my daughter— but I hope you know what will happen if you don’t maintain your position as a bodyguard, and try to be something more.” Pierce warned and Bucky felt completely exposed. Pierce knew he’d hit the nail on the head. “All I can say is that it won’t end well for you.”
Bucky nodded his head in understanding but wanted to punch that smirk off his face. Pierce was clearly enjoying Bucky’s inner struggle.
“I get it— you spend all hours, everyday with her. It only makes sense that... something is to be formed. But you better hope that bond, doesn’t become something more. Understood?” Pierce threatened.
Bucky nodded again, slowly feeling his face grow hot. His hands were clenched into fists— his anger consuming his being. It was completely frustrating that Pierce wanted to be a Father now— not when you and him were strangers. He was only now playing the concerned, overprotective Father— but Bucky knew it was an act. Sadly, Bucky knew Pierce didn’t care for you. That much was obvious, and it made Bucky want to punch him even more.
“I apologize if that’s what it looks like to you sir, but nothing has happened or will happen between us.” Bucky promised, although he almost didn’t believe his lie.
“Apologies aren’t worth shit to me Mr. Barnes— either you get your act together or you’ll be gone.” Pierce said lastly, standing up and dusting off his suit.
Bucky swallowed nervously, not exactly the conversation you wanna be having with your boss. He was in a rough spot, and he wasn’t sure what this would mean for his job. He was sure Pierce was already wanting to get rid of him— it wasn’t often that people talked back to him. Bucky had seemed to get lucky this time around.
“You came all this way, just to warn me not to make a move on your daughter?” Bucky asked bravely.
He couldn’t deny the satisfaction at Pierces almost red face, the way his eyes were furious that someone had spoken back to him. Surprisingly again, Pierce took a breath and forced his lips to curve up. Bucky knew that had to be killing him.
“Not quite— I wanted to speak to her as well.” Pierce informed him.
Bucky couldn't hide the distaste from his face, the way he worded it. He wanted to speak to you— not with you. It was so frustrating to hear him speak about you like you were nothing. The way he spoke about you like you were just another one of his clients or someone who is around strictly for business. You were his daughter— it disturbed Bucky that he didn't act like a Father.
"Dad?" Your voice grabbed both of the men's attention, their eyes snapping to the doorway from the stairs. "What's going on?"
You were trailing into the room, glancing behind you skeptically as the man Pierce ordered upstairs followed behind you. Bucky could see how uncomfortable you were from the strange man following you— he couldn't imagine how you felt at the man entering your room if he did. The thought had Bucky clenching his fists more aggressively.
"(Y/n), go back upstairs." Pierce spoke lowly to you, already giving you a cold glare and you had just waked into the room.
You wanted to shrink back at his hostile expression, wondering for the hundredth time why your existence bothered him so much.
"Dad— why is this man allowed to just barge into my room?" You asked, still glancing back at the now smirking guard.
Bucky glared daggers into the guy, wishing his head could explode just by his stare. Man— he wish he could have laser vision right now.
"Don't be such a brat. I ordered him to watch you." Pierce snapped, walking towards you.
You wanted to scoff at his words. A brat? Here you thought you'd be able to talk with your Father— you felt silly now.
"Mr. Barnes, would you please give me and my daughter a minute to talk." Pierce told him, he made it clear it wasn’t him asking.
Bucky hesitantly excused himself, heading towards the stairs to take a seat at the top. Just out of reach to be able to hear. It didn’t help that the guy who had barged into your room was standing at the doorway— staring up at him. Bucky had to ignore the urge to flick the man off.
You walked further into the room until you took Bucky’s seat— sinking into the cushions as you waited for your Father to be seated fully.
Pierce sat and crossed his legs just as he did prior, giving you a once over— almost thinking of what to say.
“How are things?” Pierce asked simply.
The question had caught you off guard. You were expecting to be yelled at— to be asked simply for the benefit of him and his job. Now that he had asked the question you so desperately needed the month of your Mother’s passing. Well… you didn’t know how to react.
“Uh… fine. Everything’s fine.” You barely got out, still shocked from the question.
It was heartbreaking that something so tiny could bring you joy— even if he didn’t mean it. You’d like to pretend even for a moment that he cared about you.
"Peanut, I've come to talk to you about Mr. Barnes." He told you, keeping his voice quiet so only you and him could hear.
You winced from the nickname and furrowed your brows, you felt uncomfortable talking about Bucky when he wasn't around. You wanted him to be with you right now— you couldn't ignore the discomfort from talking with your Father.
"What about James?" You wondered.
Pierce narrowed his eyes at the name you had called him.
"James?" Pierce asked, giving you a judgmental look.
"Father, I didn't want to keep things so formal with him around all the time. I wanted things to feel less forced— so I got to know him better and yeah— I call him James." You explained, twiddling your fingers in your lap nervously.
"Peanut..." You winced again, "He's your bodyguard. Nothing more. You are to stop treating him like he's your friend—"
"Why?" You asked, and Pierce gave you an angered look that had you shrinking back slightly but not backing down completely. "I'm sorry Father, but you can't come here and tell me what to do after ignoring me for months."
You felt proud that you had stood up for yourself— but the mean glare your Father was sending you had you swallowing anxiously.
"Watch your tongue girl." He spit, leaning up in his seat now.
The way he had used girl, was so demeaning. It was almost as if you mean't nothing to him— not important enough to use your name.
"Just take a good second to remember who you're talking to." He warned you and you didn't hide the scoff this time.
The sound left your lips, letting Pierce know his words had annoyed you.
"I know who I'm talking to— my Father!" You raised your voice and stood up, this little moment let you feel bigger— towering over his sitting form.
That was until Pierce stood up now, getting close to you— in your face. You could feel the heat of his breath hitting your face, the burning smell of cigarettes on his breath.
"Exactly! You're my daughter— so you should respect me even more!" He stepped even closer to you, reaching out to grab your arm in a painful grip. "Why do you have to be such a bitch— why can't you just shut your fucking mouth and listen!"
You let out a whine at the grip he had on your arm and suddenly your body filled with fear— fear that your Father was going to hurt you. He already was.
"Father— you're hurting me.." You said clearly, trying to keep your voice even.
"You wonder why I don't want you around— do you not see how you act? Disrespectful fucking brat! I do all these nice things for you— I buy you a fucking house! I provide you with everything you need!" He attempted to keep his voice hushed but the sound was starting to echo throughout the space.
You were suddenly cut off, your head whipping to the side— your cheek stinging. Your mind felt hazy— fuzzy with confusion as you tried to understand what had happened. You just needed a moment to process everything. Through the blood pounding in your ears and the sudden blurriness from your oncoming tears— you had come to the realization.
Your Father had hit you.
You could still hear him talking, but it was all muffled. You were in shock and your body felt frozen, your chest felt like it couldn't expand. At last— you swore you felt your heart shattering and falling to the pit of your stomach. You felt your body jerk into your Father, and thats when your senses seemed to come back to you.
"Are you even listening to me?!" He screamed, pushing you back by your arm— watching you fall to the ground with a yelp.
Bucky had heard from the other room as the conversation— if he could even call it that— increase in volume. He was proud of you for standing up to him— and it felt odd to hear you speak so aggressively. He'd never heard you speak in any other tone that wasn't your usual light angelic voice.
He could hear the clear emotions straining your voice, and he had to hold himself back from running up to Pierce to tell him off.
He had done well to keep himself sat on the stairs, but as soon as he heard you utter the words, father you're hurting me— he got up immediately. He was on his way down the stairs when he heard the loud smack, and the sudden yell from you followed by the sound of a loud thud.
Pushing past the guard that was attempting to watch the doorway, he rounded into the room— his heart breaking at the sight in front of him.
You were laying on the floor, cowering in fear as tears poured out of your eyes. The way you looked so small and terrified as Pierce towered over you, still screaming at you. Bucky didn't think twice and ran over to you, standing in front of you to block Pierces path.
Pierce halted his yelling, and glared angrily at Bucky. Bucky continued to stare him down as he heard Pierce's men enter the room— all surrounding the boss. Pierce let out a dark chuckle— shaking his head in disappointment.
"Who are you to stop me from speaking to my daughter?" Pierce snarled, his men circling around him and you.
"I'm a man doing his job sir— following your orders to do whatever it takes to keep her safe." He snapped back bravely, repeating his words from the first day of meeting each other.
Pierce narrowed his eyes and remembered very clearly at his demand to do whatever it takes to keep you alive and safe— he just didn't think it would be used against him. He kept quiet for a moment, not wanting to admit defeat to Bucky.
"You've got big balls Mr. Barnes— but that might've just cost you your life." Pierce threatened with a smile.
Suddenly there was movement heard from behind Bucky and before he could turn to investigate— you were now standing in between Bucky and your Father.
Bucky's heart swelled at you trying to protect him— he couldn't get over how precious you were. Your heart too big for your body.
"Father— just leave. You've caused enough damage." You spoke calmly, but Bucky could see your body still shaking.
Pierce stared down at you, watching your lip quiver and he almost smiled evilly at the sight. He'd let you believe you won— let your guard down for now.
"Sure thing peanut." He cooed, and you had to fight back the sob that threatened to bubble up.
The nickname was tainted— things that happened today burned into your brain. You wished you could wake up from this horrible dream.
Just as Pierce was waving off his men, signaling to them to go outside. He glanced up to Bucky— not wasting another breath on him. Lastly, Pierce lifted his hand like he was going to reach for you and he felt satisfied watching you flinch back into Bucky.
You gasped and pressed your back to Bucky— your heart pounding in your chest at your Father. Bucky felt your form shaking and he rested his hands on your lower back, hoping it'd bring you some comfort.
"Pathetic." Pierce mumbled as he walked out of the room— making it to the front door and slamming it as he exited.
Bucky felt your body jump at the slam of the door but otherwise noticed you relax as it was just you two in the room now. He walked around to your front, his hands hovering over your cheeks as he waited for your permission to touch you.
"Can I?" He asked.
You nodded numbly and relaxed as you felt his hands cup your face— cradling your cheeks with such gentleness.
Bucky turned your face slightly to the side so he could get a better view of your now irritated cheek, a palm sized mark covering the smooth skin. He winced and anger immediately started bubbling up from the idea that Pierce had put his hands on you— hurt you.
"Oh doll... I'm so sorry— I should've been there." He whispered, rubbing a gentle thumb over your swollen flesh. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry.”
You gazed into his eyes and listened to him apoligize— you wanted to laugh. He had nothing to be sorry for. He stuck up for you— protected you from your own Father. He was a constant by your side and you were happy to have him here with you in this moment. There was no one else you'd rather be with than him.
Your heart started beating fast again, but this time it wasn't from fear or anxiety— it was from the intense butterflies in your stomach from Bucky's gaze. Your eyes darted down to his mouth before they whipped back up to his eyes. Bucky noticed and gave your mouth a once over before he met your glossy eyes.
"Doll..." He warned, though he wanted the very same thing.
He just didn't think it was the appropriate time. You were vulnerable, and he didn't want to take advantage of you.
His warning had you thinking straight and you shook your head, but you still found yourself leaning in. Bucky watched as you leaned in and he kept himself rooted in his spot— making sure you controlled the pace. If this was going to happen— it was because you wanted it to. This would be for you— not him.
To his surprise, he didn't feel your soft lips on his— but instead he felt the plumpness of yours smush against his stubbled cheek. It was quick but held so many unspoken words. As you pulled away, your cheeks were flushed— as was his.
"You don't need to apologize, you were there for me. You're here for me now— so thank you James." You whispered hoarsely, emotions thick in your throat.
Bucky opened his mouth to say something, when you removed yourself from his hold and excused yourself upstairs. He watched with a heavy heart as you walked up the stairs, head hung low. It was clear that you were exhausted from todays events. Just thinking of everything that had happened to you, had his blood boiling all over again.
He couldn’t get the sound of your frightened yell out of his mind— it scarred him and he cursed himself for not being there to prevent it. He heard you— you didn’t think he needed to apologize. But he couldn’t just live on knowing you held the palm sized mark of your Father on your cheek. He felt absolutely terrible and followed shortly behind your form.
He knew you shouldn’t be alone right now— he also wasn’t going to leave your side. You needed someone— needed him. Bucky wanted to remind you that he wasn’t going anywhere.
🤍taglist for this series is officially closed 🤍
TAGLIST: @winters1917@unaxv@sebastianstansqueen@casa-boiardi@sonatabee @nytzirhk @almosttoopizza@erinallene@daddy-dotcom@h0nestly-though@beautiful-loserr@gloriouspurpose01 @lesleurs @justherefortheficandsmut @floralwsloki @dottirose@madi-be-buggin@navs-bhat@happinessinthebeing@ximi1315@buggy14@dancer3205@neeezza101@rovckwells@loki-is-loved@yujyujj@wolfstarrrr@distinguishedbluebirdtriumph@tatianah26@mrs-bucky-barnes-73@lethallyprotected@sadboiabby@ziatracy@doveromanoff@whattheduckisupkyle @buckysgirl85 @etherealdisneyvillainness@doctorlilo @torntaltos @raging-panda @livingoffsavvyillusions @lmao-liz@mishkatelwarriorgoddess @toriluvsfics
@baconeggndcheez @nialiuwanderlust @nabiiturner @nickangel13 @queerqueenlynn @memyselfandi19 @mentalidrainedfangirl @wattpaduser200 @obsessedbutnotblessed @iris-shihabi @thecubanator2 @chloe-skywalker @oatballsoffury @bbiaa420 @vanillascreams @athenabarnes @the-universe-is-complicated @marvel-fandom23 @ilovecliches @frankcastlesbabe @aizawa-emma @shamelesssuitshark @buckyb-stan @pampeop @bruher @reading-n-writin @lenavonschweetz @khypods @himikotoga101 @stefansring @iateall-yourcookies @giftedyoungster3000 @itsmytimetoodream @im-a-marvel-ous-hoe @wintermischief @companionjones @meetmeatyourworst @sebstanwhore @xforeveralonerxx @marziwritesfic @hidden-treasures21 @avenirectioner
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tumatawa · 2 years
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They should frolic more often
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pierogish · 2 years
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cellgatinbo · 1 year
bbh’s absolute heart attack seeing richarlyson almost die in chat
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I rly like how morrowind depicts most if not all organizations and institutions brought over or influenced by Imperial annexation as basically criminal rackets
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wawataka · 7 months
for some reason i can’t reblog a post to attach a video but this is what i was talking about
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mismess · 2 years
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WHOA BUDDY you look like shit, what happened to you??
n e way he's fine
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sallymew4 · 2 months
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i am dying.... take these fem Ritsu s off of my hands (i pas awuay immedaietly)
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manybackflips · 8 months
Heavy Mob Cemetery but Sol goes through a magical girl transformation beforehand to access his gear form.
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janet-the-interplanet · 6 months
i wish mp100 was real bc i know reigen could fix my back problems better than any chiropractor or masseuse out there
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starlit-graves · 27 days
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Just came on here to tell y’all I met my crushhh George Lynch last weekend 😭💜 My heart is so full… I can’t believe it still
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Black Sabbath - Mob Rules
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mariocki · 1 month
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The Brothers Rico (1957)
"Okay, okay, so nobody's blaming you! Let's just say something happened way back, huh? So maybe I am gonna die. But, Eddie, you've got even bigger troubles. You're gonna live."
#the brothers rico#1957#film noir#american cinema#phil karlson#lewis meltzer#ben perry#georges simenon#richard conte#dianne foster#kathryn grant#larry gates#james darren#argentina brunetti#lamont johnson#paul picerni#harry bellaver#paul dubov#william phipps#richard bakalyan#mimi aguglia#US noir adaptation of a Simenon novel; i haven't read this one i dont think but I'd bet good money the book doesn't feature the same#syrupy sweet (and frankly quite implausible) ending. that aside‚ this is very decent stuff indeed. it's character led‚ rather than being#too plot heavy‚ allowing Conte (an old favourite of mine since he stole The Four Just Men tv series away from his international co stars)#to shine in his role as a former mob accountant gone straight but dragged‚ by younger brothers‚ back into the grist of it all#he's brilliant‚ particularly in the early domestic scenes with Foster which are genuinely very sweet and charming‚ with a realism and#natural rhythm that this kind of film so often fails to find in contrast to the stylized violence and hyper cool dialogue of the more macho#setpieces (not that i don't enjoy those too!). nor is Conte alone; this is a good film for actors‚ and every part down to the most minor of#middlemen‚ henchmen and goons (and there's a lot of those here) feels like a fully realised‚ honest creation by a talented actor#the melodrama comes a little thick in the back half and as said the very ending is.. far fetched. but definitely a superior whole of a film
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solradguy · 9 months
Good morning I was going to make a post about how Granblue robbed us of yet ANOTHER big sword dragon man that could have had lizard eyes but doesn't (SOL BADGUY GUILTY GEAR STRIVE), but then I kept scrolling
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They at least glow :) I'll take it
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emisnt2 · 1 year
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i'm so unwell after reading this chapter, anyways all of you should read "Area Hysteria" by @c-c-cherry
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