#the galatical adventure
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Comic of my OCs, Lawrence and Star! Star is an alien... so she doesn't understand much yet.
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galacticstationsblog · 10 months
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only 90's kid will remember them
Gave them but a slight revamp to both their styles and story since alot has change these past year
(also my computer is back from the dead just on life support)
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flo-aroma · 1 month
I want to read the manga eventually I think! The newer arcs especially look like a lot of fun :o
I think I've read up to the sixth volume? And then the majority of the Diamond and Pearl arc (I do not know the official terms my b)
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starsodor · 4 months
⭐Hello, you arrived with new adventures and I am also new, I present to you a Thomas galaticos and stars of the great sodor, I hope that my adventures bring you joy⭐✨☄️🌟✨
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ravenalla · 1 year
Okay I swear this will be my last rant post before the next episode airs but I have to get it off my chest cause I keep seeing the argument made that people disappointed Din gave the darksaber away are forgetting the lack of plot in the previous seasons, which I very heavily disagree.
I can’t speak for everyone, but at least for me when I’m saying I’m disappointed Din did not become Manda’lor I am not saying I hated the adventure of the week side quest format they had. That’s what I liked best about the show! It was great in season 1 feeling like Din was just the random guy off on his own adventure with this baby he found, I would have loved for it to have kept that small space western feel. Season 3 becoming this big interconnected universe with a corrupted New Republic plot connecting to the sequels is what I was most worried about just because I personally don’t like that direction. The more they’ve tried to go the Andor route and make this show about the Galatic politics, the worst it’s become imo (we literally have two white dudes writing a plot point about droids liking being underclass and serving the soft democratic people that is ruled with the help of a former Nazi, but ohh it’s okay it’s Jack Black and he’s funny and the Space Nazi and the Space Nazi doctor are really sorry for what they did, look the New Republic is just as bad as the fascist imperials 🥺🥺)
What some people are not getting is that the darksaber is ALL. DIN. HAD. LEFT. There was no driving force or goal for him after episode 2, they reunited him with his child in a spin-off show, they have him redeem himself fairly easily without any emotional impact, and now they took away the opportunity to do one last interesting thing with him. Din does not have his own actions or thoughts throughout most of the season, and when he does it’s just retracing the character development they already gave him in previous seasons (i.e. the whole droid fiasco). He’s a plot device, meant to further Bo-Katan’s character and help her with her goals or have him in danger so she can save him. It was okay if Din did not become Manda’lor, but they can’t just make him having the darksaber out to be a huge deal, show him trying to learn how to train with it, and give it up so stupidly through a loophole just so Bo-Katan can lead again when she has done nothing to actually earn it or apologize for the way she disrespected Din’s entire culture again and again. She was a terrorist who has done a 180 into suddenly being an honorable character just because of a few action scenes, no introspection or interesting conflict between her and the covert about their differences, nothing about her actually thinking about her past mistakes, just the covert being there to look like dumbasses who settled on a dangerous planet where their children get eaten so Bo can lead missions, look a million times more competent in comparison, and suddenly be the one who deserves to lead.
There doesn’t have to be a big plot each episode, but it’s not being executed well like it was in the first two seasons. The goal was getting Grogu to a Jedi, and we were given the interesting side adventures on that journey. Din needs to find somewhere he can lay low, he goes to Sorgan and becomes tempted by a domestic life. Din needs credits, he takes a job with some old acquaintances and sees what kind of slimy person he could have been. Din needs to find other mandos to help him find a Jedi, he runs into a small town desperate for help with a Krayt Dragon and showcases his pride in being a Mandalorian but his respect for other cultures and his willingness to do the right thing. He travels to a planet ruled by an former Imperialist because the Jedi he was searching for was there and helps her to save a town both for their sake and his need to give his son the best life he can have. See the pattern? They were side adventures, but they weren’t a random hodgepodge of ideas, they fit the story and the tone, giving us interesting side characters and helping to develop our main characters. Din showed his leadership, his growing kindness, his frustrations, his annoyances, his fears, Grogu becomes more adventurous, vocal, and attached to who he’s starting to see as a father figure. They both aren’t talkative characters, but they had feelings and personalities we saw. They had moments between them that wasn’t just exposition for the plot or a push towards an action scene, it showed their lives and values, their relationships. Little moments like Din being happy to hear Grogu’s name, Cobb sharing his story and why he valued the armor, Omera talking with Din about his life and wondering if he could stay, Frog Lady wanting to get her eggs safely to her husband and Din comedically trying to make that happen. The story was driven by these characters decisions and their personalities.
Season 3, on the other hand, has taken away all the life of these side adventures in its goal to tie in a larger Star Wars narrative that connects to other shows. They are not character driven anymore, and instead the characters are being twisted and molded to do and say stuff that’ll get us from point A to point B instead of the other way around. The point of Din breaking his creed is not to see what that would mean for his identity or how he wants to live with Grogu by his side, the point is to take him to Mandalore so that he can ultimately get trapped and fall down a hole so Bo-Katan can see the Mythosaur. The point of Bo-Katan’s crew leaving her and her staying in a random castle for no reason doing nothing all day isn’t for her to recognize her past failings or show us what their relationship was like and what it meant to her, it’s to have an easy offscreen explanation so that she can come to the covert without anything challenging in the way. The point of Din’s coverts staying on a monster-infested planet where Paz’s son is kidnapped isn’t because it makes sense they’d be there or that Paz suddenly even has a son we’ve never seen before, it’s so they can put in CGI monsters they thought were cool and have Bo save the day so they can have a flimsy reason she does need to be leader again. The point of spending time with the covert and having random pirates attacking Nevarro wasn’t to develop the other mandalorians as actual characters, it was to have them accept Bo easily so that she can “walk both worlds” and give Carl Weather’s character more screentime. And so much more.
Things are happening, but it doesn’t matter whether they make sense or fit the characters anymore, because all the side quest are focused on is bending over backwards trying to make you believe this Bo deserves the darksaber narrative. Before that it wasn’t like the Covert was planning to take back Mandalore, Din wasn’t planning to take back Mandalore, Bo didn’t tell anybody what she saw so there was no real stakes for anybody. Nobody in the main plot has had any purpose as more than side characters besides her. Din may have been the main character, but the people he met on his journey didn’t just do stuff to contribute to his own character or finding a Jedi. Omera had her own goals, Cobb had his own goals, Fennec had her own goals, Boba had his own goals, and they all still worked well with the narrative without diminishing each other, Din developed on the way by learning from the other characters and them him. What the fuck does Din want this season? Paz? The Armorer? The answer is whatever will make it easiest for the plot to retake Mandalore and have Bo be the Manda’lor for these writers, despite it being shown previously they have no reason to care or like Bo-Katan.
Like, some character moments are there. Bo is changing. I’m not saying that’s not happening at all. But it’s being done in a way that is sabotaging every other aspect of the show to force this plot that they wanted, the sidequest are feeling duller because they aren’t for these characters to have fun adventures we get emotionally invested in that simultaneously furthers the actual main characters goal, it’s let’s just have a CGI dragon, let’s have Lizzo and Jack Black guest star, let’s have Zeb from Rebels be in there for no reason. Unless again you count Bo as the main character, but like honestly she’s not even having natural character development. She went from being an antagonistic ex-terrorist to suddenly being kind and charitable with hardly any buildup or insight into her feelings. It doesn’t feel organic. I know she lost everything, but they still made it seem like she blamed Din for it only to have her rescue him once and completely abandon that hostility. The best we really have gotten is Grogu remembering his past while with the armorer and setting up his future as a Mandalorian, but even that feels cheapened when the armor he was given isn’t even talked about with the person who he shares the symbol with him that signifies their relationship, making me think it’s just another merchandise decision.
We wanted Din to learn to rule because, even if we did have to say goodbye to the adventure of the week type format, it would have been in service of his character evolving into something he doesn’t think he deserves or is good at. It would have been the next step in his journey, accumulating everything he has learned, the growth he went through using both diplomacy and his skills as a fighter time and time again. Instead, they chose to really quickly ditch any of the conflicts he had so they could have him free to do this instead. If they had waited one more season, this could have possibly been done well imo. Din’s arcs could have been brought to a meaningful and satisfying conclusion, and then you could have made him and Bo-Katan become co-leads. It wouldn’t have mattered as much then if they decided to focus a little more on her. But instead they essentially abandoned Din’s story they’ve spent two seasons creating to go ahead and tell her own.
The side quest aren’t what people are complaining about. It’s that they have no meaning for our characters other than having everybody circling around Bo most of the time or creating some big connection to the sequel triology and setting up the Star Wats MCU, which wasn’t the style of writing this show did. I don’t care how many ways people want to argue against it, Din is not the main character in this season, which is not what they have been selling us all year, and he doesn’t even have any engaging story or arc as a side character either. That is the problem, and that is why these side quest and the lack of an actual plot do not work.
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callistocalavarni · 3 months
Space Bounty Hunter dr
This post is going to be long cuz ive inserted pics that remind me of this dr... I just wanted a place were I can discribe and info dump about the places I have and am shifting to. I thought about starting a page on shifttok...but its tiktok.. and I don't like the people on there lol. They all have weird takes; ex; the constant hate on perma shifting. Not only that but they hold their opnions up like they are truth, everyone puts creators on a high horse and they are just insufferable. So instead im here, on a hopefully way more chill platform.. Anyway i'll stop yapping about shifttok and get on with the actual post.
I have a large amount of space dr's one of them being a bounty hunter reality with a metroid, sci-fi comic, farscape kinda of vibe to it. I'd also compare it to cowboy bepop.
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All of my adventures take place in the milky way far far from earth. I'd say for earth its around the 1990s, I've scripted out time diliation when travling far because I just don't want to deal with it. Keep in mind some of the physics and logic is different from this reality. Earth is unware of any alien species, space travel and literally anything outside its solar system. Even with earth being oblivous to the intelligence out in space people still travel to the planet. And Its the way my grand-parents traveled out into the universe. The Neashe (na-shay) have helped and rescued people from earths many wars (without earths goverment knowing) promising them a new life in the aven section of the galaxy. Lazuo is the native planet to the naeshe. Being one of the most technologically advanced planets it exports the most weapons and ships among the star systems. It has the highest population including its moon ilumi. The naeshe are welcoming & peacefull species beliving in the search for life in the universe. The reason the Naeshe have not tried to contact the goverments of earth is because of the leaders constantly engaing in war. There is many other planets that I might mention so if its a word you don't know or you get confused its either a planet, its species, or some galatic goverment name.
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For many years there has been an alliance between planets called "aven" the Adu word for friend. Adu is a water planet, its culture built on avation, exploring the depths and its diverse sea food. Since this alliance was formed interseller ships from all over travled to and from planets, exporting and importing goods of all kinds. Even though this guild was there to hold a title of saftey and peace it sprouted a problem. Space pirates, criminals, theifs, whatever you want to call them started to raid and attack these ships. Law enforcers failed to keep up with the rapid apperence of these pirates resulting in high rates of crime. Fed up with the persistent violence, people from all different cultures and planets volunteered to help capture these criminals. An association of bounty hunters was formed named space stalkers. Contractors from major companies started to pay space stalkers for their part, devolping a large influx of hunters. Being a space stalker is dangerous but since I have free rain in what I can script I find it fun.
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My name in most of my dr's is Callisto Calavarni and thats the name im going to use on this page.
My mother Estette Calavarni and father Castor Calavarni are alive and well in this dr. I know shocking... I didn't script a traumatic backstory, GASP!!!! They rasied me opposite of helicoptor parents, encouraging me to take risks and learn as much as I can about the world. My friends are Wesley Starkov an astrobiologist from the planet Kelzo. Anvi An, a female doctor who mostly works on hospital ships. And Niko lovell with a John Crichton personality from earth. I also have a pet! A fluffy tuxedo cat named Miso.
I have a deeper connection to Anvi than anyone else, we have been friends since the terrible twos lol. But I have more amusing stories with Wesley. I prefer to work alone as working with some hunters can be risky. I remember I needed help with a bounty and had told Wesley that I would give him half the check if he assisted me. Long story short the hunt didn't go as planned and I had to run to our vehicle and jump through the window like a loony tunes cartoon lol. I ended up kicking him in my uncoordinated climb through the window and he's never helped me with a bounty since -sob-
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Thanks for reading, if I spelt anything wrong ignore, science is what im good at not english haha. This is my first post and im still new to tumblr so please ask me questions and tell me what kind of stuff you wanna hear about my dr's! Happy shifting!
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eway · 1 year
Copy and Pasted from a Discord convo. Just what I said tho
I came up with a Pokémon Anime AU that involves Ash Wanna hear? Basically, Ash has a brother. He's 14. And his name is Red! He is Red from the games!
He doesn't talk much but he and Ash are close. He doesn't join Ash on his Journey until Ash meets Goh because Goh is a rival brother (haha funni)
Also. Red often sees Ash while disguised to avoid attention. And outright adopts Iris as a sister. And Red "politely asks" the press to stop posting things about Ash being Red's loser brother whenever he loses a tournament. Just "politely asks" No threatening going on here. Nope.
Some interesting ideas I came up with for each season involving Red
Red comes to see Ash at the finals, and we see him with his team about to kill a reporter for insulting Ash. Not much but fluff
Diamond and Pearl though. This one is interesting Remember the character Pokémon Hunter J? She was an original character for the show. Was pretty evil. Helped out Team Galatic? She is commissioned to take Red's mons. And no one in there right MINDS is gonna face RED head on. This is after her debut episode, so she knows Ash. And kidnaps him to trade for Red's Pokémon. She kinda forgot that not only did Ash have friends. But she also pissed off Team Rocket last time
Red climbs Mt. Silver to escape pressure. This leads to a mini arc of Ash trying to find him and helping him out
Hoenn: Aqua and Magma are fighting and Red jumps into to help, meeting up with Ash
Black and White is ALSO interesting
Red is in Unova for the Pokémon World Tournament (a thing from Black and White 2) and is jealous of Ash. Remember when Ash befriended Meloetta? This takes place during that. Red may be a champion, near undefeated. But Ash has met and befriended SO many legendaries! In a twist from the Diamond and Pearl thing, after a falling out, Red leaves without his Pokémon, where he runs into Team Plasma (being evil because I'm using the concepts that got scrapped for the Black and White Anime given that earthquake and banned episode) and Ash has to save HIM!
X and Y
Red is there at the Summer camp and is a Serena x Ash Shipper and will not stop teasing him. Ash brings up Red's own crush on Leaf (female player character from FireRed and LeafGreen)
In Alola, Red is there for the Battle Tree, but joins the school. He gets stuck in Ultraspace at one point
Journeys Ash and Goh's dynamic seemed brotherly to me, so Red sees Goh as someone trying to replace him, so he joins Ash and Goh on there adventures, becoming a main character!
Red is eternally 14 as Ash is eternally 10. His starter was an Eevee that evolved into Espeon (in his Pokémon Crystal boss fight, he has an Espeon. It's the only version where he does). His team is always different per region, save Espeon. Anyway, that's my pitch for an Ash/Red Brothers AU
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briar-craft · 2 years
Pokemon ideas
Okay, so recently I've been playing Pokemon Black 2 again, and had an idea for an older trainer/ranger. Now, imagine a young boy living near a nursery, where one of the pokemon there was a Leavanny who has eggs of her own from time to time because hey, just part of pokemon. He wants to go on an adventure when he grows up, so his parents decided to let him have a pokemon. He's so excited until they bring him a Sewaddle. He knows Grass/bug types are really weak, so he's pouty for a while, until he sees how scrappy the Sewaddle is. The Sewaddle, while loving his mother's creations of clothes and such, is not the best at it himself, but loves to battle and wants to get stronger.
While at home, Sewaddle's clothes stay in shape because he has his mom around to help. But, once it's time to go, it starts to get ripped here and there. He at least keeps it in tact enough to wear and not look strange, but the patchwork jobs he does is patchy, and is noticeable over time.
Finally, he is now a Leavanny himself, but he still has no sense of mending his own clothes. One time while they were at home visiting, he was sitting and watching his mother when she collapses. She's older now, frail, but she helps him accept nature and death. Since then, his clothes are his most prized possession, even though they are tattered and patchy, holding onto his mother's love while walking beside his trainer. Though sometimes he'll be taking a nap while his trainer is getting berries or something, and passing by trainers think he's hurt just because it's rare to see Leavanny's clothes having small holes and large chunky patch jobs.
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And now a bit of "what if" for the protags of Legends. Spoilers to come under the cut. And for the sake of making things flow better, I'm going to refer to Dawn as the protagonist, but if you wanted to do something with them, you can swap in Lucas if you want.
Now, what if at the end of Legends Arceus, the protag actually does get to go back to their time. Sure, a bit hard at first, but they missed their home: Twinleaf Town.
Even though they are older, I believe the game says 16 or so, they can no longer just sit at home in their tiny town anymore. So they set off the Diamond and Pearl plot basically. Now before, they don't really react to Professor Rowan just because they knew about him through the tv programs, so they knew he was the descendant of Kamado. Dawn is a little caught off guard at Lucas' appearance, just because Rei didn't really seem that interested in a relationship with anyone, and just focused on his work as a scout. But whatever happened, doesn't really concern her anymore, she's just happy it seems her friend found someone.
The first time she's really thrown for a loop is meeting Team Galactic. And not in a good way. She's a bit more fired up due to them using Galaxy Team's emblem to cause trouble.
Then, she starts to meet the commanders. Mars and Saturn she knows, but not really Jupiter, but that doesn't stop her from trying to have Team Galatic change their ways with mixed effects.
The biggest obstacle she faces though is when she sees Cynthia for the first time. Volo had betrayed her in a way she could never forgive, not to mention the terrifying pokemon that was Giratina had flashed in her mind first seeing Cynthia. I would say there's a good chance she had no idea about Cynthia before this due to Cynthia not being on TV as much as the professor, plus she apparently wasn't interested in becoming a trainer until after her trip to the past so she wouldn't look into the champions of the regions.
Whenever Cynthia does come up, Dawn is so carefully guarded against her considering Volo was nice in the beginning too but turned out, from her perspective, to have a hand in almost destroying the world just because he wanted to meet Arceus and had grown power hungry.
During the fight with Dialga/Palkia, she's calm, collected, because she knows the true kind of power they could have in them but they don't have access to it. But then, when she gets to the Champion's room, seeing Cynthia there she gets chills. It's made all the more worse when Cynthia sends out Spiritomb first and it all rushes back at Dawn ten fold.
The sickening power running through the air. The look of excitement in her eye. The cry of the ghost/dark pokemon in front of her. She gets overwhelmed, passing out from the rush itself, the fear of seeing those red eyes once again in front of her. She later wakes up in the infirmary of the Pokemon League. Barry is right by her side, and he's freaking out, wondering what the hell happened in the champion's room. She apologizes and explains everything that happened when she had disappeared. She never told him as it just sounded insane to herself, and she was the one that lived through it. But she lays it all out to him there. Turns out Rowan and Lucas were just behind the door, listening as well, and Rowan comes out to offer Dawn some time on Cynthia's behalf, not having to face the E4 again before challenging Cynthia herself again, to recover from such an experience with therapy. Maybe going to another region to clear her head. Maybe she'd meet a train master who lost his brother while doing so.
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General Information:
Full Name: Anthony Kūrosaki
Nickname(s): Tony, Ant, ShortStack
Age: 18-24
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Sinho
Date of Birth: 2.12
Star Sign: Aquarius
Species/Race: Human
Occupation: Trainer currently investigating disappearances around unova (possibly)
Status: Active
Height: 5"1-5"3
Weight: 19–24 possibly 107–135 lb
Skin Color: fairly pale
Hair Color: Black (dyed including the red and purple highlights), Brunette (originally)
Hair Style: messy long down to his back
Eye Color: silver
Clothing: black and white jacket, black tie, white shirt, black and white cover shoes
Accessories: black left glove, white right glove, black spikey choker, lip piercings, ear piercing, and nose piercing
Features: three black dots (trust me that's important) with a small black upside down heart
Fighting (in this case pokemon team)
Starter: ✨️Hisui Zorua ✨️♂️ (Gift from his cousin during his 10th birthday)
Secondary Pokémon; Snivy ♂️ (nicknamed; Boop Noodle)
Third Pokémon: Mimikyu♀️ (nicknamed; Spooky)
Fourth Pokémon: Eiscue ♂️
Fifth Pokémon: ✨️Deerling ♂️ (nicknamed: Bambi)
Final Pokémon: ~unknown~
Family: Zerø ( Cousin), Unnamed Father, Unnamed Mother, Zack Kiryuin (step brother), Unnamed adopted Father
Love Interest/Crush: Saturn (formally), Guzma (best friend/roommate)
Friends/Allies: N (friendenemy), Saturn (ex-boyfriend went from allies to enemy), Mars, Jupiter, Pierre (bomd together over pictures), Guzma (current roommate), Newton Graceland (family friend)
Enemies: Team Plasm, Team Galatic *mainly Cyrus *
Before Zorua: Anthony, even as a toddler, he grew up with night terrors for an unknown reason, hence why Zero never once left his side. To him, instead of a cousin, Anthony was more of a little brother. He wanted to give a better chance at having a family , neither of them got to have.
Present day: His journey didn't start until his fourth grade year when Zero and Newton decided to study the reverse world. Zero always took Anthony with him being his legal guardian (especially since Anthony's adopted parents always neglected him throughout his childhood while his biological are presumed dead or missing) even got Anthony the zorua for his birthday to keep him company during the danger parts of research. As time went on, Anthony noticed a slow change in Zero as sanity was slowly disappearing to the point when he hit fifteen years he walked out and started his journey with Zorua. He didn't have a rival until he hit 16-18 when he met N starting off as enemies. The two always buttheads against another, only occasionally helping each other with certain events. At age 18 he temporarily went to Sinoh desperate for a job to take a break from traveling (and desperate for pokemon food to feed his team) and end up joining team galactic training with one of the commanders and eventually grew close with them and at his early 20s they began to date only for an unknown falling out Anthony betrays team galactic finding out the truth giving him some major trauma. After Saturn, Mars and Jupiter went to jail while Cyrus fate was unknown. To step away and get away from that traumatic event, he ran away back to unova in the hope of forgetting that part of his life only to bump into guzma at a concert and befriending him. Time went on, and the two became roommates helping each other out through bills, food, etc. until one faithful day,the mystery began the mysterious disappearance. Anthony knew this wasn't the first time this had happened and the police wouldn't help from how normal its gotten so he went out of his way begin thr investigation on his own with his pokemon and Guzmas help.
Anthony is an adventurous, curious person. However, a highly dangerous person with a hidden criminal background only Guzma knows about, and because of that record, he feels very haunted and had maniac highs and lows causing him to laugh and cry at times, when he has those moments Guzma and Zorua stays by his side until hes better. He may have a joking personality, but he uses that personality to hide his depressive state around the public up until he gets home. Because of that, zorua never leaves his side and stays out of his poke ball to comfort and take care of his human. However, when battling all of this personality drops and he gets serious and cocky even more so when he's winning sometimes this cocky attitude causes him to lose. Another thing about Anthony is that he's also very hyperactive and full of energy on his good days.
"Let's go Zorua let's show these bitches who's the fucking boss!!"
Other Information:
Likes: Apples, Drawing, walking around the park at night, beaches, singing, playing piano, the smell of coffee shops, coffee, Guzma terrible jokes, Pokémon, sweets, sour candy, battling, Pranks, Zorua playful personality, cursing (guzma had to tell him couple times to watch his language before giving up ironically), junk food, crossdressing,occasional cosplay,the smell of weed, clothes shopping with Mae's, reading fashion magazines, painting nails with juniper, hair designing, going to concerts woth Guzma, Pierrs band music, photography.
Dislikes: Team Galactic, Team Plasm, anybody stealing Pokémon, homophobes, drug addicts, taking medicine, being late, night terrors, the disappearance case getting ignored, alchohol smell, being around people unless it's guzma and his friends he's personally close too.
Hobbies: Drawing, singing, dancing, investigating situations authorities ignore, pulling Pranks with zorua and guzma.
Goals: Find the reason for his Night Terrors (on going), Find the missing people and the reason why this is happening (on going)
Unhealthy- Chewing nails when having an anxiety attack, chewing his pencil, shopping spree.
Healthy - occasionally exercising at home, train zorua trying to get his team stronger, and spend time with his roommate.
Fears: Saturn finding him, being abandoned, being in total darkness, Guzma possibly getting disappeared by an unknown entity, ultra beast that guzma told him about (specifically the roach), Someone may take zorua away from him specifically team rocket or plasm or galactic too punish him, women on their minstrel cycles.
His voice actor is Adam Lambert, he enjoys punk rock music including hard metal, guzma helps him heal from his past just like Anthony helps guzma, despite his past with Mars and Jupiter he knows the girls are trying to redeem themselves and trust the two like his sisters however when they're having their monthly thing he avoids them at all cost using the ' I ain't dealing with that shit' excuse, he is terrified of roaches so you can see his reaction when learning about Pheromosa from Guzma, he is canonicaly gay.
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picturejasper20 · 2 years
A Rick and Morty Critique
Rick and Morty is one of those series i always heard others talking about for years but some reason i never bothered with watching until recently. Around August from this year (2022) i decided to give the series another try. To my surprise i really started enjoying it.
It kept me interested in seeing what was going to happen each episode, which twist the premise was going to have and which direction was going to take. What it’s more, i really found myself liking the characters and their dynamics. I liked how the series would have some episodes exploring their psychology, sometimes them changing along the way.
However, i also started to notice i had a bit of frustration with the series while i was watching it. These issues weren’t big enough that they ruined the experience for me but they were things i kept noticing from time to time.
Here are the major issues i found in the series:
Lack of identity and direction
Rick and Morty is one of those cases i find myself questioning what the writers really want to do with it. There is a lack of consistency of what direction the show is trying to follow and what the arcs are going to be. I think this can be tracked back to the writing staff changing constanly each season and thus there isn’t a established writing team because it is always changing.
During the first two seasons and part of Season 3, it felt like the series mostly stayed focused in wacky space adventures mixed with slice of life sitcom moments. In some episodes it would get a bit more serious where it explored the psyche of the characters, such it is the case of  ¨Auto Erotic Assimilation¨ and ¨Pickle Rick¨. During that era the show had a clear identity most of the time.
Then in Season 4 and Season 5 is when the show started to get more experimental, something i usually support since it can lead to great concepts. The issue is that the narrative elements kept constanly changing in way that felt distracting. I mean, in one episode the characters are in a Lord of Rings world, in another is some sort of weird parody to media tropes and then there is another one about galatic wars against an alien snake species. It’s difficult to get an idea of what it wants to be if it keeps changing every episode. Not that doing different things is bad, my issue is this lack of consistency i mentioned.
Another thing related to this point it’s that there are times it feels like the writers don’t have a real plan, an end goal for characters and arcs. There are some instances of the show leading the audience to believe that there is going to be real consequences from some event only to backtrack on that promise. One of the biggest examples is  "Forgetting Sarick Mortshall"(Season 5 Ep 9). At the end of that episode Rick separates from Morty because he realizes that his relationship he has with his own grandson is toxic... this lasts less than an episode.
I can forgive a few things like this since ¨returning to the status quo but not completely¨ is common in TV animation. Rick and Morty is not exclusive to this problem. Still, i have watched other animated series sitcoms that they commit to changing in the status quo for multiple episodes or permanently. To give some examples: Craig of the Creek, Big City Greens, The Ghost and Molly Mcgee, Bojack Horseman, Inside Job.
...In spite of all this, Rick and Morty appears to be fixing this issue on Season 6. This Season had a mini arc about Rick not having his portal gun working, which is quite challenging considering the portal gun is one of the core elements from the show. The ending of Season 6 also teases the series becoming more serialized with Rick getting obesessed with killing Prime Rick. It’s certainly interesting for Rick’s character to have a clear goal.
I’m intrigued to see if they stick with this concept for one or two seasons. It would be the right direction for the show to take.
Secondary characters aren’t allowed to return or get developed more than their debut episode.
This is another rare issue i found in Rick and Morty. For some reason many secondary characters that are interesting and have potential to add more to the show they usually  either die or dissapear after the episode they get introduced. This is a weird writing choice because this is not what it tends to happen in other animated shows i watch.
I hold this opinion that if a show is a semi-episodic sitcom it does needs to have a good support cast. It makes the world of series feel richer and more alive than just having the characters interact with whatever they stumble themselves into. Note that i’m not saying that they should develop to every secondary character, that would be too complicated. My point is that they should be allowed to return for more than one episode.
There are a few examples of Rick and Morty doing this with some characters. One of them being Birdperson, who got a great episode in Season 5 actually developing his character. Before  "Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort" Birdperson was only know as someone who was a close friend to Rick, not much else. There is the president who got some development across the seasons. In season 6 Dr. Wong returned because Rick decided to go to therapy for a while. That episode, ¨Analyze Piss¨, is probably the best episode in Season 6.
So, yeah, it goes to show that Rick and Morty is able to explore its support characters for more than episode. It would be nice if the series continued to do this with other characters as well.
Lack of subtlety when it comes to references.
This is a problem i started to see more in the later seasons. Instead of having the characters going on an adventure that resembles a well known film ( See Lawnmower Dog for instance) and that you can fun without having watched said film, it feels like it has to remind you every two minutes or so that they are making a parody of a film. This can also be applied to other media that series makes reference to.
Some episodes in later seasons it has become less about the characters going on crazy adventures and more like ¨What if Rick and Morty were in a Lord of Rings world?¨ ¨What if suddenly Rick found Voltron robots for some reason?¨. It has become annoying and the episodes turn more about making references than trying to be entertaining.
Like, there are ways to make reference to things without having to constanly name them again and again. Other animated shows i watch do make reference to anime or older films, it’s that they are lot more subtle about it.
This aspect seems to have been toned down in Season 6 with "Rick: A Mort Well Lived" having Summer repeating that she was imitating the film ¨Die Hard¨ tons of times and then again that wasn’t the main plot of the episode. Then there was the Season finale with Morty literally getting a light saber from Star Wars.
I do hope the writers keep up with toning it down and focus in the episodes being fun rather than making references like the first three seasons used to do.
Excessive use of incest jokes
Okay, this one is a bit obvious. It doesn’t need much explanation and everyone agrees that it has to go. Like, the the first three points of this critique are something a person can agree with it or not, but, this point it is an aspect that bothers most of the fandom.
I’m not sure why these jokes keep being pushed in the show. If it’s because some executive demand it thinking it is funny. Or that the Rick and Morty crew thinks it is funny. Honestly, i don’t know.
Here is the thing: The series always has had incest jokes. The key difference was that they were things that lasted a few seconds, they weren’t the plot for an entire episode. In my case i can let it pass if it is a one line joke that doesn’t have any importance in the story since this is an adult animated show. I draw the line if it’s the plot an entire episode.
If it’s one thing that has to be fixed from the show it is this one, which it’s a very easy thing to do- just don’t do that type of plotline. Nobody in the fandom wants it, it isn’t funny, it’s gross and people are tired of it.
Well, these are the main issues i have with Rick and Morty. I’m sure i have a few more that i don’t find that big as these ones. A lot of this could be fixed if the series tries to be more serialized in future seasons. Maybe it could have two episodes of random adventures and one episode about the main story arc. As long as there is better continuity, it shouldn’t be a problem.
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sugarcream-sims · 15 days
hello and welcome! i'm milk (he/him) and I play the Sims 4— but to what end?
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Magical Boy Sugar Cream is an anime-inspired, queer/poly sims story about learning to love yourself and other people, presented in the style of a visual novel. It features magic, cute boys, hot girls, and pretty scary monsters. 18+, some NSFW Genres: Romance, Action/Adventure, Urban Fantasy/SciFi Currently ongoing! I try to update on Sundays Episode 1 - Everything is Trash: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Character Profiles can be found here Weird, Boring Lore can be found here About the Author can be found here For all the rest (CC finds, themes, trigger warnings) please check out my blog. I'm open to asks about anything, including in-character story questions. Send me whatever, I'm chatty!
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my tag list: Magical Boy Sugar Cream • Answered • All CC Finds Sims 4 Story Recs OC: Sugar Cream • OC: Galation Sweet • OC: Vikram Singh OC: Sascha Brandt • OC: Joanne Russel • OC: Brannan Ward block Not Sims if you don't want any non sims stuff block Self Reblog if you don't want to see repeat posts
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star, lawrence, mary and leslie... the galatical adventurers.
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geekvibesnation · 5 months
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"when the light of the of the blood moon comes down and selects two lucky souls, binding them for eternity in its hypnotic glow"
Yes this quote came from Svtfoe Blood moon ball epsiode just with small changes any ways some moonbloodAU content
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yellowieart · 4 years
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Dumb sketch tht will never finish so help yaself here
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Standing on the shoulders of GIANTS @realmichaelfrederickmarcotte #divinemasculine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #empowerthyself #knowthyself #lifeactivation #galacticactivation #galatic #couples #prayer #divineunion #godswill #loveislove #healthy #heal #lightworker #adventure #adventuretime #beauty #thebest #healersacademy #joy #selflove #bliss (at Majestic Palace Hotel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca22ib3ONxs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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