#the first season’s costumes were ass let’s be real
alectology-archive · 2 years
wait the costumes do look sooo much better for the second season
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
The funniest part to me is even IF Tim had planned on “breaking the Buddie shippers hearts” there’s 0 chance he would give that away to anyone. He knows that a huge number of people tune in for that will they won’t they dynamic. Plus if a BT “I love you” in 8b was really happening they would feel secure…not attacking Ryan.
Here's the thing, objective point of view, coming from me as a writer not a shipper. After the cemetery scene, the show added a lot of space between Buck and Eddie, so much so that we spent a solid amount of time during the last hiatus wondering how they would bridge that in canon, I actually hit a moment of speculation at some point wondering if the plan wasn't to separate their storylines permanently because the opportunity was right there. So "breaking the buddie shippers hearts" could've been very easy to write during season 7. You make Eddie and Marisol real solid, maybe even introduce Buck's bisexuality and give him a boyfriend and drift them apart. But they opened season 7 saying distance? what distance? how about we use this episode that reintroduces dynamics to let everyone know Buck is Eddie's co-parent with all the letters and pretend we didn't create a gap last season? Then we have 704, if the goal was just giving Buck a boyfriend and stir him away from Eddie for real, Eddie wouldn't be as tied to the narrative as he was. They would've made Buck reach out himself, not go batshit insane over Eddie hanging out with his crush. After making it clear to the audience that T and Eddie have similar interests and making Buck act the way he did during Under Pressure, establishing that's how Buck acts when he has a crush and forcing you to reevaluate the way Buck reacts to Eddie at first. Then you have Eddie inviting Marisol to move in and Buck and T going on their first date. Again, they could've made that the "breaking buddies heart" episode, establish that Eddie loves Marisol, make Buck and T THE perfect love-at-the-sight relationship. But what they actually did was make Eddie crash the date, T leave Buck on the curb, Eddie has literal erectile dysfunction about his girlfriend, Buck is more worried about lying to Eddie than being walked out on, and both Buck and Eddie were ready to hide in the loft forever and actually only go back to their respective love interests because the other told them to. Then we have the bachelor party. They could've had Buck and T be all lovey-dovey and Eddie be the odd man out. Again, this is a story, T having to work is a writing choice that works to get him out of the bachelor party AND the wedding. But what actually happens is T doesn't dress up even though they make a point of letting us know how much effort Buck put into the situation, then they make a point of showing us Eddie suggesting matching costumes right after. They make a point of showing us Buck and Eddie getting drunk and stupid, then make a point having Eddie with Buck while Buck helps make things easier for Maddie while they look for Chim. Then they didn't let T be at the actual wedding ceremony. Then Eddie meets a copy of his dead wife and the show makes a point of showing us Eddie lying to Buck about it. Not Eddie's girlfriend. Buck. Then the show made a point of panning the camera from Buck to Eddie. Then, Buck had plans with T that he immediately dropped because he realized something was off about Eddie. An Eddie who immediately gives up his second girlfriend after Buck calls him out on it. Eddie calls Buck for help and Buck is just there no matter what he needs. Then somehow Buck is everywhere while Chris is leaving and no one questions it. Not even Eddie's parents. Buck is there every step of the way to support Eddie and Chris. That scene could've had Pepa or Abuela. Both people we've seen stand up for Eddie before. But no, Buck is the family Eddie needed at that moment. But somehow, I'm supposed to believe that means nothing because of that weird ass dinner when bt hasn't even held hands since the kiss in 706? Oh, be fucking for real. Buck and Eddie are somehow more intertwined now than they have ever been. After they were presented with THE perfect opportunity to separate them. Unless something awful happens, they are not dropping buddie.
And, honestly, yeah, if they are so secure because an "I love you" is coming, then why THE FUCK are they attacking Ryan??????
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low-budget-korra · 7 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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yourlilkaiju · 4 months
Here is the Reason Why I Am Not A Destiel Fan Anymore:
And the reasons I refuse to go back to being one:
So in retrospect, the SuperWhoLock fandom has been by and large a pretty big fandom that has been running a good while. I don't think it's stopped. I have always loved Doctor Who, as that- alongside the works of Mr.Henson and the brilliant creations from his creature shop, were my first introductions to all things weird and other worldly. Horror was another story. I will be more than happy to talk about that another day. So as time went on, in abouts the late summer/early fall of 2005, right before I turned 13, I was introduced to Supernatural. Starring Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles. The person I was watching it with was bouncing up and down, all excited because "Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you watching something other than anime." (The cow.), and because it was nearing Halloween time and it was both of our favorite time of year for two very different reasons. This would end up being the start of my enjoyment of a long running series that had a good premise, but a very confusing story line after season five. (Sorry but it felt...skewed after that point. But I stayed loyal.) In any case, I eventually started shipping Destiel because of the constant queer baiting. Which didn't exactly, idk help the situation? And with that I ended up being a shipper for a good seven and a half, I repeat, SEVEN AND A HALF FUCKING YEARS. Hardly anyone sticks with a shop that long. (But being autistic you kind of stick with a lot of things for a long ass time. *Mumbles something about a certain one winged angel from the nineties*.)
My enjoyment of the ship came to a close when I was at a fantasy convention the spring of 2016. I was at one of the Double tree locations with an ex of mine and dressed up as a fae queen, laughing, having a good time and just having good conversations with the people at our table. I was with a troupe that my ex and I had started and we were initially responsible for acting out as "hosts" for the opening and closing for these events, and even "opening the portals to the realms" 🙄. When out of character we were still expected to be gracious hosts....well, more like I was. The man could get away with spilling a punch bowl over his head while mooning an entire audience, yet still somehow do no wrong. If I complained, or made a peep in my defense, the whole world would come crashing down. Even with some of the people we spent time with. And some of the people we spent time with were Destiel shippers who liked to bring strangers into our space without asking, or without any given warning or invitation. At that time, it'd been Supernatural fans who were not only Destiel shippers....but also Cockles fans.
[I am going to pause for a moment here because I feel the need to emphasize that shipping is fine. Shipping is a great way to escape reality for a period of time and even let loose the pent up need for some sort of intimacy in ones life, regardless of the type that is needed. But to allow it to interfere with reality, to force real people into seeing each other and actually make it so that it can't be left alone for years after? That's where there is an issue. And people who can't see that need to re-evaluate themselves and get some fucking help.]
There were few things that my ex and I agreed on, and one of them had been that uninvited guests had been a nono. However, the rules at play prevented me from saying anything while in costume. He had to dismiss the person. He had to tell them it was time to go and that "appreciated the travellers journey, however it was time for the court to take it's respite." . And yet he didn't. So as these people went on, our troupe laughed and carried on with the conversation. I did my best to segue into a different topic, and tried my hardest not to show discomfort. Because to do so would be breaking the rules. The uninvited guests went on....and on...and on. They ignored my attempts and ignored the fact that I had requested two glasses of wine and a white Russian. They carried on about how Destiel was technically canon, and how Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins were secretly dating behind the scenes. I looked for any reason I could to get the hell out of dodge. And I found my salvation when I found a friend of mine standing over by the bar.
"Pardon me, my dear..." I said, with a soft lilt in my voice. "As compelling as this conversation has been, I find that I have urgent business with a friend of the forest." As bewildered as my poor guest was, I immediately left before they could say anything more. I hated the conversation. I hated feeling trapped. It felt draining and honestly, going to my friend was the best decision I felt that I could make. And when I got to him, he mentioned that I looked like I needed help. And for a man like my ex to not say anything, he was a little disappointed.
Over the next few years, I ran into several more of these shippers at events that I'd helped run. I insisted that the rules be changed, and while he did not like it, he knew that I would not back down on the issue. The same people tried joining our gathering by one of our troupe members behest, and without warning. Upon recognizing me, they grew excited and hoped to continue the conversation from the last time they'd seen me.
"Why don't we talk about something else?" I groaned. I recalled the unpleasant experience I had with them last time as they hardly allowed a word in edgewise.
There was a long pause.
As if summoning a great storm, I was suddenly accused of being homophobic and told that I only played a queen because I whined and sobbed my way into it. And I stood there, allowing the insults to continue until they couldn't anymore. I figured it was just best to let them kick dirt at a statue and smile at them exhausting themselves.
I'm sure some of you may think me a horrible person fo this. I am sure some of you are thinking "why are you telling us this? There's no point."
Because some of you need to know the extent of how some fandoms and their shippers behave.
Back then Destiel and Cockles were as bad as LDS's. Now...well they're still just as bad. But twice as aggressive. And while I was one, I don't think I ever went that far. I would often ask things like "Aren't those two married?" When it came to the Cockles fans. Or say "I'm from way south Alabama and experienced ISA, please stop." To the Wincest shippers. Every single time I would say something like this, some would try to come directly for my throat. Literally. Hell, someone grabbed me by the hair once. All because I dared to disagree.
It's a fucking series.
With fictional characters.
Played by actors.
And all the special effects are done by the crew.
But some people can't seem to grasp that.
I refuse to entangle myself back in that sticky little web and I would rather watch it burn itself out. I would prefer to see it go up in flames as it gets rejected by the fandoms it tries to infect, JUST because it is politely disagreed with.
Because it doesn't leave people alone after being told no or receiving the sense that, maybe, a person is uncomfortable.
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magnolix · 2 years
Hashira x y/n | Halloween Smut Headcanons
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'Tis the season to be spooky! Here are some soft (and maybe spicy) headcanons for how some of the hashira celebrate with y/n
tw: gn!reader, cursing, scary movies, modern!au, daddy kink, smut headcanons, fingering, toys
characters: tengen, rengoku, giyuu,
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he goes ALL OUT on decorating
I'm talking fake spiders, giant cobwebs, light displays, gravestones
once, orders a real-life animal corpse for decorations in the graveyard
the smell was horrible
he's also really big on the dressing-up half
authentic costumes
tailored perfectly to fit you
matching costumes, group costumes, expensive costumes, overly complicated costumes
he loves all of it
sometimes you tease him by wearing intentionally risque outfits
he loves it when you're dressed up as a maid
his favorite is when you're in something soft or with a corset
he couldn't take his eyes off of you when you first did it
"looking flashy, y/n"
despite you both being adults, you still go trick or treating
and when you don't, you're handing out candy
kids always come running up to your door and beg for candy
Tengen buys the biggest bars of chocolate and all the jumbo-sized candy for them
if you guys have a pet, they get an outfit too
no negotiations
when it's just the two of you, it's scary movie night
Halloween, Coraline, Nightmare on Elm Street, IT, Nightmare before Christmas
he uses this time to get you flustered
you'll get spooked and cuddle up to him
meanwhile, under the blankets, let's just say it's not the most family-friendly thing in the world
"Does baby like it when daddy holds them close?" "Yes daddy," you moan into him as he pleases you with his fingers
you two almost never get invited for movie nights anymore
but you don't mind
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he doesn't get to decorate as much as he'd like with his family, but sometimes he and Senjuro decorate the outside
Senjuro loves making homemade ghosts
he hangs them around the house when he can
you once saw Shinjuro smile as he found one
it almost brought you to tears
occasionally you and Rengoku spend the night at your father's home
you watch movies with him and his brother together
never anything too scary (because of Senjuro)
if Senjuro falls asleep during the movie, Rengoku puts him to bed and you two escape to another room
one time, Rengoku got curious and used some decorations as toys
that was quite the talk with Shinobu
during trick-or-treating, you two walk with Senjuro, and sometimes Genya or Tanjiro's group tags along
you, Senjuro, and Rengoku all have matching costumes
you also buy extra candy just in case Senjuro doesn't get a lot
"Hey what's that?" "What?" Senjuro turns around "Must have been a shadow," you say after pouring an entire bag of candy into his own
when it's just you and Rengoku though, much like Tengen, you two watch scary movies
you both make a big ass blanket nest for the two of you to lie in
as you're watching, you start to scoot closer and closer to Rengoku
if you're sitting on his lap or spooning, prepare for botty wiggles
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hates Halloween
he's fine with the candy and costumes
but trick-or-treating is a no no
because he has something else in mind
one day you came home and were scooped up before being taken to the bedroom
he puts on the Halloween movie in the background as you two engage in pleasantries
"You look gorgeous, y/n-" "shut up, I'm trying to watch the movie"
when you two DO do anything festive, it's minimal
you'll dress up for the 31st and put a few decorations around the house but other than that it's pretty tame
he is a big fan of Christmas though
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I hope you all enjoy this one, I know it's short but it was more of practice since I'm working on some other things. I also hope you all enjoy Halloween. Remember to brush all your teeth
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originemesis · 8 months
hc musings - character dive ; //
Judging from season 1, I think it's safe to assume Adam does not like be without his helmet/mask. Sure, he's dressed up for his meetings/in court/for the final battle, which is just about everywhere he pops up in the season. However, he's also briefly shown just hanging out with Lute in heaven and he's still in uniform while she isn't. This is likely their down time, and yet he's still lugging around his massive robes, fully decked out for battle like it could happen anytime when clearly they're in heaven and it can't. So why is this?
Well, when the mask actually comes off (it's forced off and smashed apart just to get to that point), Adam is just 'some dude' under the menacing, manic act he's been putting on the whole time. An act as in when he crawls out of the hole without his safeguard face, he literally just has a melt down in front of everyone where his previous 'cunty charm' and 'idgaf' attitude are gone in place of some caught on the spot, seething human looking dirt bag who's only 'gotcha' is to call the group that's put an end to his reign of terror 'losers'. Just losers (baby ~). If he's not insecure with what he is under that mask (and how could he not be when not one, but two people who were literally created to be his perfect match dumped his ass? Oof.), then he absolutely has an inferiority complex of sorts and its in his 'break-down' moment on screen where it's on full display without the glowing grin and the horns.
To scratch further at that thought- imagine how Adam, the first human/man was essentially created in God's image. He was created to be perfect by heaven's definition, and though he didn't stay that way, he got a taste for what that felt like. Literally anything he does after that point when Eve and him have to leave Eden is (unironically) 'mid' or worse.
HC wise (out of my own musings so don't mind the canon divergence here since s2 is likely uhh...twitterjokes2027-) I'm leaning into the idea that the first two human souls are weighty in the sense that they can't both be in the same after life or it'll upset whatever balance there is between heaven and hell. So at the time of their deaths, it was decided that heaven wanted Adam and so hell would have Eve by default (also she was the one they blamed most- typical fandoms @ female characters amiriteeee). This means Adam who knows he's not perfect anymore, hasn't felt so in a long time- goes to a plane of existence that exudes perfection. They have 'the brightest, the polite-est of the lot and everyone is hot'. And then there he is- just some dude who is none of those things (hates math, innately rude, and well...'just some guy' isn't exactly heaven-scale hot guyyys).
This cumulation of always realizing nothing he does is good enough (because he knows this) and yet being treated like it is because he just happened to be first leads Adam to a state that even Lucifer comments on in their battle in the form of 'oh haha, you really let yourself go-'. Which I take to mean in the sense Adam is up in heaven, holding zoom-style holographic meetings while he probably barely even leaves his room (and never without his gear on), neglecting the 'womanly' deemed things like cooking and taking care of himself, gaining struggle weight for it all, and worst of all...he's in heaven and he's essentially in a depressed state (that let's be real he'd say doesn't exist like the dwightyouignorantslut he is) and that is plastered all over his real face in the form of baggy under eyes and that gross chin stubble he got going on too. And since heaven is full of happy, not depressed- never have a hard day, and HOT people, he essentially stays covered 24/7 in public because people would definitely question why he's there and heaven really doesn't need more people questioning decisions that'll create more Lucifers.
While wearing the mask he's like a kid that won't take his Halloween costume off because it makes him feel cool, and he does get a lot more animated and forgetful of his true insides. He's almost like a school mascot in a way, using his 'angelsona' to amplify his attention-grabbing antics. Take it away and he's very likely much more identical to Lucifer in terms of the whole 'take THAT, depression!' bit. Except for Adam that just translates to him being far less animated, grumpy, electric-guitar to acoustic pipeline, passively aggressive and likely tired, being the source of all humanity and all (man needs to be sucking down that G-fuel hourly).
Additionally: Angeldust and Adam would have the same theme of 'putting on an act' (or in Adam's case- putting on a show) and not letting the real person behind the façade show through. (Though in Angel's case it's for his own protection. In Adam's case it's because man can't cope with his insecurity.) And how Husk sees through Angel's bullshit, Lute does the same with Adam.
Adam's helmet glitched out the same way that Vox's did, so it could very well be a hint that Vox and Adam may have something to do with antagonism in the next season. If Adam came back w/o his mask and this all was applicable ofc, he would definitely team up with or make a deal with Vox in order to get him to fix the helmet (assuming he can based on the idea he might know how it works when put back together since his own tv face has been shown to glitch out like Adam's did) since it would be a necessary competent to bring back the actual 'Adam' he's become after living in discomfort with the one he became after experiencing real perfection.
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oldtvandcomics · 1 year
I binged the entire Good Omens season 2 today, and, well. I certainly don’t have anyone in the Real World to talk to about it, so here is my review. Under the cut, because spoilers.
Good Omens 2 was ALWAYS going to be a hard sell, because season 1 was so damn perfect. It was a closed story, based on a book, very faithful to that book, yet still added enough to keep things interesting. Amazing actors, great costumes and set design, it was funny, it had a great theme, and was very layered.
It is also literally the only time that I saw the kind of relationship I feel like I’d want for my self. Ever. Anywhere.
So yeah. I very much would have loved if the show had just left things there. What I was telling myself is that I trust Neil Gaiman, and that whatever happens, he knows what he is doing and why. I’ll get back to this.
The majority of the season was fun, but significantly less good than the first one. As I said, the standard was very high, so no surprise there. What I was surprised by, however, was just how much the characters who are not Crowley or Aziraphale (I wouldn’t even call them side characters, they are just as if not more vital to the plot) added to the whole. They were not in this season, and the show is definitely poorer without them. Gone with them are the fun and whimsical worldbuilding things that made this story so good, like the witches and the prophecies and the children and their way of making sense of the world. It is also a loss not to have any of those very colourful people mentioned again.
The side characters that this season does have are a lot less interesting than the ones in the previous season. They also don’t seem to add as much to the theme as the old ones did. Every character in season 1 revolved around love, love for humanity and love for someone they were supposed to be adversaries with (looking at you Anathema and Newt). Meanwhile in season 2 we get two shopkeepers on the same street who kind of have a crush on each other. It is much lower conflict, and much less relevant to the theme of the story. Ass far as strength of character goes, I feel like none of them live up to, for example, Mme Tracey.
The scope of the story feels smaller, too, possibly because the action is almost all happening on Aziraphale’s street, while season 1 had a significant part be in Tadfield, and Aziraphale and Crowley were moving around much more. We also get fewer, but longer, history flashbacks, and no voiceover narration or animated sequences to illustrate said narration.
A lot of the plot is ideas that I’ve seen online in the fandom. I’m not sure whether it is because we were particularly good in guessing stuff, if said tropes were already known from previous things said by Gaiman and Pratchett, or if Gaiman got inspired by popular headcanons and used them in his work. I also don’t care where the ideas came from. I definitely enjoyed seeing things on screen that I knew from up here, including but not limited to that one crack ship I used to read some fics about back in 2019 because one of the two partners uses genderneutral pronouns.
Ah, talking about. Gender. And general queerness. It’s there, but feels less overwhelming than it did four years ago. Maybe that’s me, but I definitely did miss the parts where Crowley was presenting as female. Most shopkeepers on that street seem queer in some way, and one of them has a visibly nonbinary partner, but it was all very much in the background. I would have liked these things to be a little more prominent. Season 1, I still go back sometimes and rewatch Pollution’s introduction, just to hear God use they/them pronouns. Season 2 didn’t have any moments like this.
Crowley and Aziraphale. Crowley and Aziraphale... Oh dear. Please let me repeat again that I am not going to be able to be completely objective about them. (Neither is anyone else in this fandom. At least I’m honest about it.)
So I was very happy with most of the season. Not great, but it was nice and fun. And then the ending hit.
As I said, Neil Gaiman clearly knows what he’s doing. What he is doing, is setting things up for a third season. As far as cliffhangers go, this one was very elaborate, instead of just throwing in a scene at the end, but also, I really, really wish that he hadn’t.
I’m not sure that Neil Gaiman understands just how important Good Omens was to many of us BECAUSE of the happy ending. And obviously he doesn’t owe us anything and is not responsible for my emotional reaction, but this doesn’t change the fact that I am very, very deeply hurt, because it feels like we’d been given the perfect fairy tale, back in 2019, and now it all got ripped away. And for what. Also, I do trust Gaiman, but I do very, very much NOT trust Amazon. If he doesn’t get a third season, then I don’t want the story to be left like this.
There are a lot of deep conversations that we could, and should, have here. About streaming shows and their obsession with cliffhangers, about our cultural inability to conceive of two characters who are just together, without any drama, and also love stories that are not about getting together. We could talk about abusive situations and how difficult is to get away and not be dragged in, and how maybe the show will explore that. About queer representation in particular and how tired many of us are to see our few couples being kept apart again and again, with no promise of a further season to fix things (remember First Kill).
I am not going to have any of these here. Obviously.
What I AM, however, bothered by, is just how out of nowhere it seems to have come? I honestly feel like Aziraphale’s character development had been set back to episode 3 of the first season, where he still believed that Heaven was good and worth trying to work with. After that, he realized that it is very much not the case, openly defied Heaven, was almost killed for it, and then got a happy ending by getting rid of them all and being allowed to stay on Earth. WHY IS AZIRAPHALE EVEN SLIGHTLY INTERESTED IN THE IDEA OF GOING BACK TO HEAVEN AND RUNNING THE PLACE?! I mean, that was the whole point of his character, wasn’t it?? An angel who loves Earth and humanity enough to defy the will of God, just so he can stay and spend more time here. WHY WOULD HE WANT TO DO SOMETHING ELSE NOW??! 
So the thing is, I understand why he would want to go back to an abusive institution. I wanted to go back to school, too, after the first attempt almost killed me. The problem is that I did not see this coming. If you want to change a character’s motivation this much, then you need to set it up very carefully. Throughout the season, we’ve seen Heaven be generally kind of awful, and Aziraphale didn’t show any signs of missing being part of it. There also isn’t anything they can really offer him, because he was already together with Crowley. It’s very weird. Gaiman seems to be setting up a getting-together story, but like, we’ve been through that already in season 1? He actually talked about it multiple times himself how he purposefully structured it as a love story? And like, he IS a very talented and experienced writer. He would be absolutely able to set up some interesting conflict for an already-together Azirapahle and Crowley, that doesn’t feel like setting their arc back half the story??
I don’t understand why he chose to do this. I am always very annoyed if I don’t understand where storytelling choices are coming from. It’s why the Supernatural finale pulled me back in so strongly.
I am also very hurt, but mostly angry. I don’t feel like I really have the right to be, but I am.
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
These fans are mad that the writers are lame af because ain't no way they've never imagined they wouldn't do characters dirty for no reason before lol
In all honesty ...
I've never seen anyone or anything get so goddamn feral, so quickly, in my life, than the HOTD fandom did.
We all sort of eased back into the franchise at first after being incredibly let down and betrayed. Then from 1x03-1x05 it was like being a part of the GOT fandom again with funny memes and joking around. People slowly falling in love with Alicent and kinda liking young Rhaenyra. All of us agreeing that Matt Smith is a great actor.
Then, around 1x06 to current day, everyone just lost their goddamn mind.
Suddenly there's this weird cult like hate or adoration of Alicent. Fucking Rhaenyra stans out here screaming the condoning for the murder of children and the need for it. You can't even praise Jaehaera - a sweet and innocent little girl - and wish that she get better treatment without some creepy losers shitting themselves in anger over it.
I was on discord earlier and I was showing them the kind of deranged asks that people send into my inbox and it was a large topic of conversation between people - some who may or may not work on HOTD in some capacity or another - about the level of vitriol and rage that cropped up out of absolutely nowhere.
Reddit is a hive of buzzing angry hornets at the best of times, but the level of hatred and anger in the ASoIaF fandom is just unreal and everyone who is a fan and even people who work on the show are noticing it.
I've got this major fucking loser we were making fun of today who is so fucking pissed off because I have a pet theory of A+C=D and they're so angry and offended by it that they hate read my blog and act like one of those sad pathetic "Reply guys" on twitter at every post.
There's also this person who we tracked down and whose blog we all had a good laugh at reading, who sends absolute vitriolic asks because they refuse to believe that Jessica Brown Findlay was originally cast to play Alys Rivers. There is all sorts of evidence from both Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban following her on Instagram, to the head costume designer and several directors from season 2 following her on instagram, to her even liking several instagram posts from the Costume Designer about cast fittings before someone on twitter noticed and she unliked everything.
But still, this person truly believes that if she "Stans" the replacement actress for Alys, that she's somehow a good and righteous person that can claim internet points for being the first stan.
And I think that's the weird part about this whole thing with fandom that we were talking about.
There's people in this fandom, on Twitter and Reddit, that somehow equate their favs to be linked to some sort of real life virtue. That there some sort of moral equivalency test to liking an aspect or character of this goddamn show. And if you fail it or don't line up you're not just against the tribe, you're all and all evil.
And it's so fucking wild how a fandom went from fun crank theories about Varys being a Mermaid to being evil and awful, because, you talked to someone who was around the volume for Pre-viz who heard something at lunch and you relay what they heard to someone who asked what the word is in the gossip mills these days.
Even when you preface and epilogue the post with it being a rumor and probably not true, they still gnash their teeth and post on Twitter and Reddit trying to get a hate mob together to come after your blog.
Mutha'fucker, I'm a 33 year old man who has been shot at and been in life or death fist fights with dudes twice my size.
All I have to do to kick your ass is ignore an app for a few days while I finish a chapter and watch retro anime and Downton Abbey.
Either way, it's crazy out here, Nonny.
Get strapped and stay vigilante, the hoard of rage zombies are out in force.
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macaroni-rascal · 11 months
Okay, I have to do the men first while they're still fresh in my mind.
Malinin wtf, that's one of the worst outfits I've ever seen. It's giving ClipArt, it's giving shitty MySpace photo edits done in MS Paint, it's giving WinAmp skin. And it's a freaking Succession program - a simple ribbed black turtleneck sweater would've sufficed, but no. At least he's improved his movement quality.
Kevin with the slay of the weekend so far, such a shame it was to Bolero. I had forgotten it was Bolero and then the dread of the realization set in when the music started. His gloves were stained red by the blood gushing from my eardrums. But when he was standing in the middle of the ice, hip cocked, staring down the judges? Iconic. He needs to close his shirt a little bit and it needs some sort of intricate beading or a pattern or something, it's all a bit plain and boxy again and dark. And the hair again - truly reminiscent of some of Scott's worst post-retirement moments.
Shun, if you're gonna skate to the Four Seasons, then why dress like the cracked earth of the Atacama Desert? It looked better up close and I'm sure it looked great as a drawing, but it had these skeletal lines that made me wonder if it was a Halloween costume. It looked like if someone ripped the ruffles off of one of Yuzuru's old costumes and ran over it with their car in the mud.
Nozomu - this costume is too literal and silly and it belongs on a cruise ship show, not a senior GP. If a novice boy was wearing this, it'd be cute, but this is a grown-ass man. I did like the color and beading on the vest upon closer inspection and default bonus points for not wearing black pants, but the music selections were too heavy and dramatic for such a childish outfit. And I thought we'd left the boot covers behind in the early 90s, wth.
An Eteri boy? In this economy? The ripping-open of the shirt is such a cheap Dani G gimmick as to be a parody of itself at this point. And a red shirt for Roxanne? Groundbreaking. At least he's appropriately attired for what he is to his coach - just another Redshirt.
Deniss would be my main B if it weren't for the problems. I love how the audience was creaming itself as soon as he started moving. I looooved the fuchsia color, but let's be real for a sec - that's a blouse. He's wearing a blouse. But I don't care. He looked like a slutty pirate and I'm here for it. That said, his body was performing, but his face wasn't, and I hate that for him, because he's the only boy here who could bomb and still get a standing O.
Gogo's shirt was having an identity crisis. Was it supposed to be kimono-inspired? Is the music from some obscure sci-fi show and this shirt is somehow based on an alien civilization? Because both short sleeves over long ones and a scarf (that's just a little shorter than the shirt) under a belt is a lot to be going on. Was the costume brief "just fuck my shit up"? The color wasn't bad and it suited his complexion, but the gloves were an unnecessary touch in an overall look that followed no rhyme or reason.
Litvintsev strikes again, this time with an overly literal costume and a community theater interpretation of a toy soldier that he doesn't have the rizz to make camp enough to work. The ruffled collar I found to be personally offensive.
Tatsuya wearing a random, loosely fitting tactical outfit and skating to contemporary classical music, because those two things somehow go together. Whatever.
Naumov's shirt I possibly liked best, but that's mostly because it was slim pickings out there. It was more interesting up close, but the little colorful islands of rhinestones just looked like stains in wide shots. I liked the ombre, it was well-positioned and the shirt was well-constructed and fit him well.
Torgs strikes again, this time in a system failure blue crewneck sweater someone tested black and white eyeliner swatches onto. I'm issuing an arrest warrant for whoever is responsible, he should demand his money back. At least he had a redemption skate.
Nordeback with the laziest Batman costume. I can't even be bothered to comment. His performance def was a dark knight of the soul.
I'm gonna give on sentence on each skater along with you, as a fun game.
Ilia: Why, bro...just why?
Kevin: V necks are apparently the reason for the season, but I'm not sure if they are in.
Shun: You nailed it so hard I have nothing to add besides a crisp thumbs up.
Nozomu: Boot covers should be outlawed unless you are skating to Kinky Boots, then an allowance will be made, but only if BOTH skaters wear bright red knee high boot covers.
Eteri boy: Ugh.
Deniss: Oh, Deniss.
Gogolev: Every time he skates I think: does he hate this?
Litvintsev: Camp is only camp if it's camp and this wasn't camp.
Tatsuya: Boring.
Naumov: Pretty solid.
Torgashev: What a choice.
Nordeback: Rough stuff.
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lizziebathory42 · 2 years
Should you watch the 2022 Willow series?
tldr: probably yes, at least give it to episode 3 and don’t take things too seriously
Long answer: (episode 1 mild spoiler alert, I’m being deliberately vague in places)
The Good
Willow (the series) is a fairytale. Every episode starts with a book opening, like old Disney movies, and the first episode opener is narrated by Joanne Whaley. If you love fairytales, you’ll probably enjoy yourself. 
It’s a very sincere series. Everything that someone predicts comes true in one way or another. All the symbols have meaning, dialogue is echoed from episode to episode, setups are paid off. Costumes and hairstyles are used as symbolism and you can dive as deep or as shallow into the lore as you like, it won’t affect your enjoyment if you just want to turn off your brain and watch. 
side note: I am a willow lore scuba diver, let my bias be known
The jokes are quippy (think Buffy the vampire slayer-esque) the cast is gorgeous not that beauty is necessary and is of course subjective but I like em pretty and you can’t tell me the whole cast isn’t a snack, okay and the story is an adventure full of fantastic battles, puzzles, character growth and friendship. The sets mostly seem real and the effects are mostly practical, with just the right touch of CGI for impossible things.
The Bad
The sincerity of Willow has thrown some people off from the reactions I see online. The current climate of media is one of PLOT TWIST out of nowhere. Especially where you, the viewer, find out after the fact what were the motivations and moving parts of a decision made by a character. Willow tells you what will happen before it happens, if you’re paying attention. This is not a mistake, this is by design.
I do find I have issues with the lighting when I’m watching on my phone, and I’ve heard complaints from people who watch on TV about the lighting as well. I don’t have issues with it on my computer screen. Not every episode suffers from this problem, but notably episodes 3, 4 and 6. I wish they’d made the light come from where the music was coming from.
The reactions to the music and dialogue being more modern have been mixed, but it’s never personally bothered me. It was jarring for me when the modern cover didn’t go over the credits for one episode and then went back to going over the credits.
The Best
You don’t need to watch the movie before starting the series. It will give you some additional context and a few easter eggs, but it’s not necessary viewing. Willow stands on it’s own merits.
All the relationships progress in satisfying ways and the party composition is delightful. There are character tropes but they’re subverted in frankly fun ways. 
Take the cocky, arrogant prince/hero and the frivolous princess damsel-in-distress, swap the genders and you have Kit and Airk.
Want a devoted knight? Here’s she is! She’s bad-ass, smart, devoted and quietly in love with the princess.
The “Gandalf” of the group, if you will? Reluctant to use actual magic, is a devoted father and basically mayor of his village.
The reluctant hero/chosen one is a woman who loves a domestic task and wants to marry her love. 
She becomes more powerful by embracing her emotions, ALL her emotions, jealousy, anger, fear hate, the whole dark side. She’s allowed to be a bit of an airhead, indecisive, scared and comes into her power by accepting all parts of herself. It’s really good, yall.
In conclusion, if you watched Willow and you liked it, take a minute to let Disney+ know so we get season’s 2 and 3.
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timemachinereviews · 2 years
Cabinet of Curiosities — An Episode-By-Episode Review
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Lot 36
RATING: ★★ / ★★★★★
There isn’t a lot to say about Lot 36 — of all the episodes, it has the least to offer in terms of scares because the horror elements don’t show up until the last five minutes. Yup, it’s one of those horror stories — the ones where the first 90% is just building up to the possibility of a demon or a ghost or a [insert scary creature here], and then the scary creature only shows up during the last 10%.
Luckily, it’s short, and Tim Blake Nelson does give a good performance — although hoo boy, does his character feel straight out of an after-school special. Did you know that racism is wrong? Because racism is wrong. If you didn’t know that, allow this episode to show you it’s wrong by having the protagonist Nick constantly commit racial microaggressions throughout its runtime.
It really does get ridiculous, especially when (you guessed it) his racism ultimately leads to his demise. Still, it doesn’t exaggerate its themes as much as it could have (see the later episode The Outside for how much worse it could’ve been) and the demon does have a really cool character design. It’s too bad it only shows up by the final few minutes — this episode ends too soon, right when it starts getting good.
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Graveyard Rats
RATING: ★★½ / ★★★★★
If Lot 36’s biggest flaw was that it did too little, Graveyard Rats’s biggest flaw is that it tries to do too much. Without going too much into spoiler territory, this episode starts out with just rats as its main source of horror but then introduces a new supernatural creature during its third act. Really, the rats were enough.
As for its first and second acts, Graveyard Rats flaunts stellar costumes and set designs but is a little hard to take seriously given how unintentionally campy everything feels. Several moments of cheesy acting and dialogue, combined with the Harry Potter-esque look and score and admittedly silly plot about rats stealing bodies from buried coffins, make the episode feel like a children’s tale.
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing — children’s tales can be scary — but this definitely wasn’t what director Vincenzo Natali was going for. (Otherwise, that scene with the neighbors having sex would be quite the decision.) Add to that a couple of predictable scares (Gee, that scary thing disappeared, I wonder if it’s going to show up in the next scene right beside him) and Graveyard Rats ends up being a disappointment all around.
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The Autopsy
RATING: ★★★½ / ★★★★★
Now we’re talking. The Autopsy is Cabinet of Curiosities’s first real sign of greatness, but while it’s a great episode, it makes a few questionable decisions that stop it from being a fantastic one. But let’s start with the great — The Autopsy features some really creative cinematography, along with some likable characters and a strong and alluring “King meets Lovecraft” vibe.
This episode also features some delightfully stomach-turning scenes — if you don’t have the guts for it, I highly recommend you skip this one during your binge. It also ends with a pretty kick-ass ending, easily my favorite ending out of all the episodes in the season.
Unfortunately, The Autopsy is too long for its own good. At nearly one hour, the episode features scenes and storytelling decisions that feel like they’re there only to pad out the runtime. Even the stomach-turning scenes get tiresome after a while. Our protagonist Carl performs an autopsy on a dead body — and then he does so again, and again. After a while, you start to wonder, Are autopsies all this episode has to offer in terms of scares?
Luckily, this isn’t the case, but the episode could’ve easily been shorter with the proper editing in both screenplay and scenes. While it may be too lengthy, The Autopsy boasts inventive shots, great writing, and a dark and thrilling atmosphere.
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The Outside
RATING: ★½ / ★★★★★
Lot 36 may have had one character straight out of an after-school special but The Outside has characters, dialogue, and a plot straight out of an after-school special. See if you can guess what the message of this episode is just from its summary: A bank teller named Stacey starts using a lotion called Alo Glo, a product that the TV quite literally promises will make her beautiful (the commercial stars actually talk to her through the TV), and doesn’t stop using it even if it irritates her skin and makes her itch all over.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to get what The Outside is trying to say, and yet, the episode seems obsessed with spelling out its themes, even going so far as to have Stacey give a speech to her husband about how men can be ugly and nobody cares but women aren’t allowed the same luxury. There is not a hint of subtlety throughout its runtime, it really does lay it on thick with its themes.
On top of all that, this episode is just repetitive and boring. The entire thing is just her using Alo Glo, the product making her skin itch, and her refusing to stop until she becomes beautiful. It’s exhausting to sit through, especially since the premise is just so unscary. (Is lotion supposed to be scary now?) Still, The Outside features a pretty fun Christmas setting and a great performance from Kate Micucci as Stacey.
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Pickman’s Model
RATING: ★★ / ★★★★★
Beautifully shot but suffering from a serious lack of confidence, Pickman’s Model often feels like director Keith Thomas wasn’t sure if his scares would land, so he added loud screams and confusing video effects in order to make the viewer feel even more unsettled. It doesn’t work and instead feels desperate — If the director himself isn’t creeped out by his film’s own scares, why should we be?
Failure of scares aside, most of the episode feels aimless and meandering, not really knowing where it wants to go. A lot of plot points show up only to never get brought up again — were they only there for scary imagery? With no real explanation for some of the nightmares and visions, the entire thing feels directionless, a bunch of elements mashed together with no clear purpose or story to tell.
Still, Pickman’s Model looks beautiful — the costumes and sets all look on point — and there are some stellar performances here, particularly from Ben Barnes and Crispin Glover. It’s unfortunate that the episode feels too half-baked and underdeveloped to keep your attention.
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Dreams in the Witch House
RATING: ★★★★ / ★★★★★
Deliciously gothic and dripping in atmosphere, Dreams in the Witch House is a scary fairytale for adults done right. This episode is a serious high point for Cabinet of Curiosities — all throughout its runtime, I couldn’t look away from the screen. I was in a serious trance.
The only hour-long episode in the season to really feel like it’s earned its length, Dreams in the Witch House doesn’t waste a single minute of its runtime. It has a tight story to tell and tells it well, with great build-up in its first and second acts and a third act filled with tension and thrill, all topped off with a really fun ending (my second favorite ending out of the season).
Really, this entire episode was fun.
Not to mention how gorgeous it all is. The forest scenes, especially, are mesmerizing to look at, and the witch has a fantastically creepy character design, what with her being made out of roots and branches and such. The only thing stopping me from giving this a higher rating is that the cast tends to overact at times (sorry, Rupert Grint) and the witch’s rat looks silly, an odd turnout considering how great the witch herself looks.
But those things are easy to forgive. Should Cabinet of Curiosities get a second season, this is the kind of episode I hope to see more of — tight plotting, strong directing, and creative visuals.
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The Viewing
RATING: ★★★½ / ★★★★★
It might be set in 1979 but The Viewing is drenched in 1980s atmosphere — the neon lights, retro-futurism, and synthwave soundtrack all feel straight out of a movie from the aforementioned decade. Even the camera quality is decidedly low, with director Panos Cosmatos seemingly wanting to really capture the feeling of watching an old movie.
It works really, really well. If I didn’t know any of the people involved and you had told me this was an underrated film from 1982, I would’ve believed you. Unfortunately, all that atmosphere can’t disguise the fact that not a lot really happens in this episode. Similar to Lot 36, this is another one of those horror shorts where the scary thing only appears during the final act, but unlike Lot 36, it’s the last fifteen minutes and not just the last five.
It’s an effective ending but did we have to go through so much talking just to get there? Most of this episode is just the characters sitting in a circle and talking before the viewing finally begins. Half of what they say doesn’t even play anything into the climax, feeling like they’re only there for, you guessed it, padding. Despite that, The Viewing features a stellar cast — and I just can’t resist that 80s atmosphere.
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The Murmuring
RATING: ★★★ / ★★★★★
While not all of them were successes, the last six episodes at least had creative and unique enough horror experiences, so it’s a little disappointing to have Cabinet of Curiosities end with an episode centering around a haunted house. Haunted house films are a dime a dozen in horror these days but that doesn’t mean they can’t be good, especially if they do something new with the setting.
The Murmuring, unfortunately, is not one of those films. Everything about it feels so familiar: a couple suffering from relationship problems moves into an old house (for a short while, anyway) and the wife starts seeing and hearing the ghosts of the previous family who lived there. There are no surprises here — every plot point feels like a box ticked off from a haunted house checklist.
Old letters? Check. Creepy little boy? Check. Husband explaining all odd occurrences away with “logical” explanations? Check.
All that said, The Murmuring still features some really gorgeous cinematography, along with superb performances from both Essie Davis and Andrew Lincoln as the wife and husband. There is some stellar atmosphere here but it’s too familiar to really impress as a finale.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(with no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 1-2
I don't think we give Jay enough credit for his showmanship from his game show to prime empire.
Wondering if he built the obstacles for his game show
“I'm a ninja. And your wearing makeup.” damn Lloyd, let him do what makes him happy
Why is cole shirtless with an axe cutting lumber that is so unsafe my guy. I get that you wanna show off your abs but still.
It's sad that Jay and Cole got sick of each other bc of smth silly.
Jay was a lot angrier when he mentioned he didn't wanna be on a team with Cole. Cole was a lot, sadder. Idk, smth I noticed.
Nickname 1: green machine
Poor Cole he just wants to be some guy. Later on when the ninja get famous he probably hates that.
I hate Kais fighting ring costume sm.
“It should've been me, not Zane.” shit. Thats a lot of baggage to unpack. Kais need to carry burdens, like being the green ninja and depending on himself, is a real older brother trait I see in him.
How long has it been for Zane statue to already have moss growing on it....
His hawk is still there 🥺
Lloyd really just wants his family back. I've talked about this before but I truly think Lloyd just wants to be around his loved ones and not be alone. Sad how it always seems like he's the one who ends up alone, even now.
The noodle shop was probably the exact moment the ninjago writers decided to give cole the classic ‘i love food’ trait that every character in a slightly comedic show has.
Cole and Kai worked so well as a team here love them sm. Look at them. “I would be careful if I were you, he's not great when he's hangry.” Love them
Cole not knowing fortune cookies have fortunes inside and probably eating paper all his life is fucking hilarious to me
The fact that they can get together after months and still act and joke as if nothing happened. True friendship.
Lloyd is so terrible at lying bless him
Kai after seeing everyones wearing regular clothes: See! I told you wearing our ninja suits was a bad idea.
Hes just like me fr
I like their duffel bags that have their symbols on them.
I'll always be salty that their redesigns don't have their of symbols. It was a nice touch. Especially since they used it once like the Batman signal in the sky.
Garmadon: no room? (kicks a fucking guy off the boat) now theres room.
Best decision to have Garmadon as the main ‘sensei’ in this season. Hes more straightforward than wu and just a better character in general i think writing wise.
What even happens to all the elemental masters after this season. Do they just live their lives? Do we ever see them again?
SEE. THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. everytime one of the ninja do something really cool, the other ninjas just fall in love for a second and its great
Why does cole just have his name on the back of his ninja suit doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of the mask and being stealthy 😭
Garmadon: i swore to never return…
Jay: you know, you should never swear. Its a sign of weak verbal skills.
Jay probably refuses to swear and says stuff like
Jay: oh fiddlesticks, that really ruffles my feathers
Kai crying: Please just say fuck
Hes just like his parents
Kai (pushes his friends aside): ladies first
He probably bashes on Jay for being a simp and then goes and does this shit bfjsbtjdnr
Master chen must be DECADEs old if he was garmadons sensei. Do the elemental masters has some kind of longer lifespan????
Pretty kabuki woman come out:
Cole: yeah, whatever they are, i don’t like them.
Be who you aaaare for your priiiide
Garmadon: whatever you do. Dont lose focus.
“Hey! Im kai the master of fire.”
“Im skyler, master of… wouldnt you like to know.”
love her
They tailored the rooms to all the ninjas wants and desires so im not surprised that lloyds room is more ‘homey’ than the rest
Nickname 2: hot tamale
I love cole in this he was just so confused and chill.
he just waltzed to the jade blade with a full stomach, almost vomited from spinjitzu, got a stomache cramp, whined when the others took the jade blade from him, gave up, and just found another random blade. Love him sm.
No matter how much Jay says he hates cole i wont forget how happy he was when he saw that cole made it with the jade blade.
The ninja are just good people in general
Kai hated the guy but still felt immense guilt when he fell through the trapped door
Invisible guy: can i sit here :D
Jay: Scram! I can still see you and this is a private conversation!
Cole: jay that was really mean 🙁🤨
thats how he normally acts Cole.
Theyre really pushing this ‘kais hot and warm’ ‘skylers cold and chilly’ when zanes right there
Jay: you just had to leave me hanging huh romeo.
Jay can be so funny
Cole: god this bed is so soft its amazing! Mines made of rocks! What a crock(Bed flips showing a secret entrance) uh GUYS!
Cant believe Jay and Kai are peeping toms /j
I would immediately be Cole, laughing my ass off if i learned my friend had a crush on someone they didn’t know they were related to 💀
My favorite thing about Jay is that he’ll get excited about something with the enemy if its even remotely cool. Even if its to hinder/defeat the ninja themselves.
Chen (steals metal mans powers)
And this is why you read the terms and conditions people.
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bubbledumbbinch · 3 years
Yandere! Idia Shroud x Camgirl! Reader SMUT
A/N: Hello! This is my first fic I've posted on tumblr, and I'm not used to using it at all. I hope this turned out okay and you enjoy! This is a College AU, implied magicless world, and reader is a camgirl.
This fic is purely 18+, minors do not interact.
Word Count: ~4.4k
Warnings: dubcon, brief mention of blood, non consensual drug use (aphrodisiacs)
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Friday night, 11:24pm, 6 minutes before your scheduled time to start “work”. You had just finished putting on your makeup and outfit, now trying to hype yourself up in the mirror.
'I can do this. This is gonna be a great show!' You told yourself, while staring at your reflection wearing the revealing outfit. Tonight’s choice was a catgirl maid costume; the maid dress just barely covering your body and showing a large amount of chest. A choker with a bell on it, cat ears, and thigh high socks.
Giving yourself a nod of encouragement, you sat down in the chair in front of your desk, where your laptop and webcam were situated, along with your ring lights, one at each side of the desk so you were well lit for the camera. Making sure you were logged into the site, your camera angle looked good, and your laptop was charging, you waited.
You loved your side gig as a camgirl. You were able to appeal to multiple people’s sexual desires while also being able to bring yourself to pleasure, sometimes more than once per stream, if there were enough donations of course. You were also able to make a decent amount of money while doing this side job, paying for college while having fun was a pretty big plus. And, if you were gonna be honest, the validation of being attractive to so many people really made you feel a lot better about yourself.
You quickly noticed your clock switch to 11:30pm. Time to start. You clicked on the set of buttons you pretty much knew by heart to get the show started. Once it did, you started up some music to fill the silence. Just some cute electronic music to dance in your chair to while you wait for the viewers to come in. You didn’t really have as many as the big camgirls but you had a few loyal people come and watch your streams, which set your heart at ease.
5 viewers
cay-kun @ 11:31pm: wooow y/n-chan, you look so cute! excited for tonight’s show~
User18535 @ 11:32pm: fuck you’re so goddamn cute, i love your tits. can’t wait to see what that pussy looks like
10 viewers
You playfully giggled while reading the last message, winking and sticking your tongue out while flashing the camera your panties from under your skirt. While waiting for more people to join, you also made a point to talk to your viewers, asking about their day and what they’ve been up to recently, which they loved you for.
25 viewers
User58273 @ 11:34pm: You look so kawaii, I wish I could have you service me.
40 viewers
Glancing at the viewer count, you decide to officially start.
“Hi hiii~ I’m so happy to see you all here tonight! Let’s have some fun, hmm?” you started playfully. “Do you guys like my outfit?” Messages of “yes” and “yeah baby”s began flooding the chat and you grinned. “Well, I have something that will be a real treat for you all~”
You reached over to grab something that couldn’t be seen by the camera or the viewers.
Idia was browsing through the site full of nude streamers, trying to find a person to watch so he could relieve his tension from this week. It was midterms season and his Computer Science teachers were giving him hell by making him do in person presentations, exams, and assignments that kept piling up. It took a lot of time away from gaming and side projects of coding his own programs. He also unfortunately didn’t have his little brother Ortho with him in college, as the university didn’t allow them both to attend “as one student”. Ortho definitely eased some stress as someone he could trust and talk to, but Idia’s parents decided to keep Ortho at home to “prevent Idia from being distracted”, much to his dismay.
Idia was at least blessed to not have a roommate, so he could at least have his own privacy for nights like this. Idia’s eyes landed on a thumbnail of a girl that was dressed in cat ears and a lewd maid outfit and was intrigued. He clicked on the video icon and was met with your figure bent so that your ass was up and legs were spread on the chair you were previously sitting on. The girl on the stream had her panties down to her knees and was currently lubing up a cat tail butt plug.
“Ah, I’ve never used this before so, bear with me, please!” She pleaded, eyes looking directly at the camera. Idia was intrigued now this was her first time using it. He felt like this was perfect timing, almost like she was doing it just for him. Until he saw the comments flooding in from different people who were probably thinking the same way.
“Put it in already”
“Go slow okay~”
“don’t force yourself if you don’t want to! >//<”
“Tch,” Idia scoffed to himself. “Seems like she has simps already. No use in being interested in someo-“
“H- here it goes!” You moaned, starting to slowly shove the length and girth of the butt plug into your tight hole. “Aaanh~ it’s stretching me out...” Your eyes pricked with tears while your face contorted into pure pleasure with a hint of pain, all while staring at the camera. Every so often he could hear the little jingle from the bell on your choker.
Idia felt his pants getting tighter and his palms were starting to sweat. The face you made at him was just too unreal and he needed more. He palmed at his growing erection while you shivered at the feeling of being filled by the toy. Pulling his sweatpants down to his ankles, he started stroking his cock lightly.
cay-kun @ 11:38pm: oh y/n-chan the way that stretches out your hole is so sexy~ definitely taking a screenshot for later!
User39748 @ 11:38pm: SHIT i wish i was there fucking you with that in your ass
Blushing, you turned around so that one of your legs were in the chair while your other was up, effectively showing the camera a view of your pussy and butt plug. “What do you want me to do? I’ll just play with myself until someone makes a donation and tells me what I should do! Highest bidder within the next minute~.” With that, you looked into the camera again while soaking your middle and ring fingers with saliva and bringing them to your clit, rubbing small circles into it.
Idia realized that, even now, he wanted to have some kind of control over you. He had a lot of disposable income, being from a pretty rich family. The blue haired boy grabbed his credit card and began to type.
Ignia has donated $100!
Your eyes widened and you gasped slightly. Idia bit his bottom lip at the sight. “Ah, Ignia! Thank you for the donation, you’re new here! Welcome, what would you like to see me do~?” You smiled while looking at the camera. Idia felt like you were staring into his soul and he was sweating profusely. He thought for a minute, gulped, and decided to send a message.
Ignia @ 11:43pm: I want you to keep watching my messages and do what I say, kitten. First I want you to grab a vibrating dildo if you have one and put it at the lowest setting, then fuck yourself slowly with it.
Idia would never have the balls to be this bold with anybody. But this is the internet, so fuck it, he’ll be truthful and just say what he wanted.
You nodded and proceeded to grab one from the table of toys you had next to your desk, lubed it slightly, and did what he told you to. You moaned at the intrusion and the feeling of being filled. “Mmh, it feels so good..!” You cried out.
Ignia has donated $50!
Ignia @ 11:45pm: And by the way, call me Master. You don’t get to cum until I say so.
You shivered at this stranger’s boldness and quietly spoke, “Yes, master...” you looked away shyly from the camera and closed your eyes for a minute, thrusting the vibrating device in and out of your wetness. A couple of moans slipped through your mouth as you felt your juices spreading onto your legs.
Ignia @ 11:47pm: Faster. Fuck yourself faster for me, kitten, and put it on the medium setting for me.
You did as you were told, fingers trembling to follow what the stranger had told you. Your (h/c) hair was starting to feel moist from your layer of sweat and your body was heating up, causing your breasts to stick to the costume.
Ignia @ 11:49pm: Take your tits out and play with your nipples
You panted heavily and lowered your chest area’s covering, revealing the sheen of sweat around your tits. Flicking your left nipple while working the dildo with your right, your hands were occupied with pleasing yourself as this stranger commanded, moaning out. “Aah, m-master, f-feels so go-ood~!”
Idia was smirking, stroking hard at his cock at the sight and idea of you actually doing what he said almost made him cum then and there, but he stopped himself. He couldn’t help the rapid beating of his heart when you said the last sentence. Idia felt special. The power he had over you was addicting and he wanted to see you push yourself over the edge under his command.
65 viewers
User58273: Fuck this is so hot, I wish I could be your master too
Seeing this comment somehow made Idia seethe. He didn’t want to share you, even though this was his first stream with you. You made him feel special. He started typing out his draft of what to reply to the thirsty viewers.
Draft: Ignia: You stupid bastards, no, I’m not going to share her.
Before Idia could send the message you spoke up in a moaning voice. “*pant* N-no, my master tonight is I-Ignia, haanh~”. You were still playing with your nipples while fucking yourself well with the dildo, a light blush decorated your face and beads of sweat starting to form on the sides of your face and your body.
Idia’s jaw dropped. ‘Does she actually really want me?’ He was getting hot, too hot for his own comfort. Usually he wouldn’t last this long during his sessions but he really wanted to see you fall apart under his command. He paid for it, after all.
“Master~ I’m getting close, I- I wanna cum soon!” You whined, pleading (e/c) orbs staring into the camera with your mouth open from panting heavily.
“Cum already, don’t hold yourself back”
“Just keep going babygirl”
“Let yourself cum”
Once again, Idia scoffed in annoyance, but he noticed you never acknowledged any of the other commenters, waiting patiently for the words to come from him.
Ignia @ 11:55pm: put the toy at the highest setting, fuck yourself til you cum, then keep pumping it while you ride out your climax.
Upon seeing those words, your fingers work to put your toy at the highest setting inside your dripping cunt. You closed your eyes while you try to imagine the user who was giving out the commands, imagining them slapping your ass and fucking you until you could see stars. The feeling of both of your holes being filled was overwhelming now, and the hot feeling built up in your core faster than you realized. Idia could see it too, the heaving of your chest was picking up rapidly.
“M-,, ma- master.! I’m cumming!!!” You shrieked. Closing your eyes with your tongue unintentionally lolling out, you released a silent scream as soon as your orgasm hit. It felt like a knot inside of your body had come undone suddenly. Your orgasm had your pussy clenching around the toy that was still vibrating intensely inside of you, stimulating you longer and making you release high pitched screams.
Hearing your words before cumming had Idia teetering on the edge, but watching your facial expressions and your moans made him finish suddenly with a grunt, his pale cock spurting thick white cum all over his hand. Still, Idia kept stroking his length while you were riding out your high, overstimulating himself to match your actions on the stream.
You pulled out the toy weakly and turned it off, putting it down on a towel next to your desk.
Ignia has donated $5!
Ignia @ 11:59pm: Spread your pussy lips babygirl, I wanna see your tight hole.
User39748 @ 11:59pm: I agree with Ignia
cay-kun @ 12:00am: ah~ I also agree. Let’s see you spread it, hmm~? Oh, can you also do a lil ‘nya!’?
You checked the chat and blushed heavily, post-orgasm shyness now taking over your mind. You hesitantly shifted in the chair while spreading yourself open with your pointer and middle finger, showing off your glistening folds with your lightly abused hole. “Nya...” you held up your other hand to do the signature “catgirl” pose, playfully sticking your tongue out too.
Idia was cleaning himself off but he could feel himself twitch again, staring at your meek form. You were so gorgeous and he really wanted to see more of you, making sure to press the “Follow” button, so he wouldn’t miss another stream.
After a few seconds, you decide to end your show, feeling extremely tired and needing a shower from sweating so much. “Thank you so so much for joining me tonight! I hope you guys have a wonderful rest of your evening~ take care and I hope to see you all soon!”
Small tips ranging between $1-$10 started to flow in along with messages of “take care~” “see you soon!” “great show baby ;)”.
You clicked off and you sighed deeply. Looking at your earnings tonight, you made around $200. This was probably the most you’ve made in one single stream, and $155 of that was from Ignia, a new follower and the one who pretty much commanded your entire show tonight. It really turned you on to have someone do that for you and it was the first time a viewer made you do something that felt so lewd that made you cum so quickly.
You stood up from the chair, cleaned up your desk and toys, and headed for the bathroom. Taking off your makeup in the sink, you jumped into the shower to clean yourself up.
Idia tentatively bit his shirt sleeve, his blue locks framing his face. Something inside of him told him that he needed to talk to you more. He had already typed out a message to send along with his friend request. He was scared - scared of being rejected by someone as pretty as you, especially now that he had already felt so attached to you, or rather, what he’s seen from the stream tonight.
Yellow eyes closed tightly as he clicked to send the friend request to you.
Jumping out of the shower, you throw on a head and body towel and started to brush your teeth. Walking around the room you realized your laptop was still on, and there was a notification box front and center. Curious, you clicked on it.
“One new friend request and message”.
“Friend Request: Ignia
Message: Hey, this is the user from your stream earlier. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed your stream tonight. You seem nice too, so I’d like to get to know you more. If you’re interested just feel free to add me back, no pressure ofc.
You blinked a few times, pondering what you should do. You had gotten messages from guys before but they only said cheap compliments and asking for private shows. You were single so there wasn’t anybody holding you down and this guy didn’t seem to radiate any bad vibes. His dominant nature over chat really turned you on and you were curious about him, so you decided to accept his friend request and send a reply.
“From: y/n-kitty-cat
Hi there :) I decided to accept your message, cause why not? You shouldn’t be that creepy, right? ;P anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed my stream tonight <3 I hope you can come to future ones too!! I’d like to see you around more ;)
You sent the message and went to the bathroom to finish brushing your teeth and your other nightly routines.
Idia couldn’t believe his eyes - you had actually messaged him back and you were really flirtatious!! That meant he was different in your eyes, right? It has to be true! He was determined to meet up with you, eventually. His dick throbbed at the idea of having you to himself, pleasing him with your mouth, doing all those lewd faces you made on the stream... his mind wandered while he pushed his pants down once again and thought of his muse who was now his “friend”.
After a few days of messaging back and forth, you and Ignia had ended up exchanging numbers and using text to communicate almost daily. You found out things like what your majors in college were, finding out his real name was Idia, which was a pretty unique name, and realizing you were both from the same city. Well, it’s not like Idia hadn’t already done his research - the night he became your friend he had stalked all of your social medias under a throwaway account and scrolled through every photo and bit of information he could find about you. He was becoming so hyper fixated on you he needed to know more, who could blame him? Idia just hoped he would be seeing more of you in your streams so he could watch you get off again, maybe with his assistance.
Unfortunately for you though, you realized you couldn’t stream as much because midterms were also kicking your ass. You apologized to your viewers with a blog post who luckily understood and wished you luck, saying they looked forward to your next show.
Idia couldn’t see your pretty face from the stream, which made him yearn. He told Ortho about his crush on you and when the small boy told Idia to “just tell you the truth and meet up with you!” he wanted to shut down completely. But, he wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of you being in his room, exactly where he wanted you. Sighing, he picked up his phone to send you a text.
Idia: “hey”
Y/n: “hey there! 😉”
Idia: “soo i was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime”
Y/n: “omg 😱 like irl? I’ve never even heard your voice before lol”
Idia: “ik, i’m a bit shy in person.”
Y/n: “i see, so is the life of a gamer and a shut in?😏😂”
Idia: “hah, yeah i guess lol”
Y/n: “soo, what did you wanna do?”
Idia: “idk, anything you want. Except go outside. And be in public.”
Y/n: “pfft, that takes away like any idea at this point HAHA”
Idia: “ya lol i prefer gaming in my room tbh”
Y/n: “oh, then maybe we can just hang out and play games or something like that?”
Idia: “Yeah, why don’t you come over to my dorm, we could game and eat snacks”
Y/n: “Sounds great! This Friday then, 6pm?”
Idia: “Sure i’ll text you the details later”
Y/n: “Awesome :) see you in a couple days then ;)”
Idia: “cool”
Idia threw himself on his bed and screamed silently into the pillow. Idia wanted more than to just be your friend but unfortunately was also extremely shy, especially when talking to new people in person. But as he was sexually attracted to you, he knew he would have a hard time hiding it from you. He had hoped to initiate some kind of sexual interaction when you met up, wanting to indulge in your sinful reactions himself. He didn’t even want to think about anybody else seeing you like that. Idia was growing possessive and realized that if he were to get you where he wanted you, he needed to do a little bit of digging. Which meant searching the web for something that would help make you more agreeable to something sexual. He knew he himself couldn’t make you agree to it, he was too nervous to initiate that! He knew what he needed - an aphrodisiac.
Composing himself, he got onto his computer and compared his options as well as looking for advice on how to please a woman. His eyes widened and lips trembled as he realized he was definitely way too shy to initiate as much as other men do, but he was determined to try anything if it meant your attention.
Today was finally Friday, and the current time was 5:30pm. You styled your (h/c) locks and put on a light amount of makeup, not as much as you would when you streamed but enough to make yourself feel pretty. You also decided that you still wanted to be cute, even if you and Idia were just friends at this point, and wore a tight crop top, a high waisted black skirt, and some thigh high socks since it was a bit breezy outside. You topped it all off with a (f/c) cardigan so you could at least feel comfortable in the sleeves. Packing your bag, you took one last look at yourself in the mirror, did a little peace sign and smiled, feeling cute as hell. You grabbed your keys and walked out of your dorm, heading towards Idia’s campus.
You parked at the place he told you to and gotten out of your car, looking around for him. Shit, you just realized you didn’t even ask him what he was gonna wear or what he really looked like, which was pretty dumb in hindsight. You did catch a glimpse of a tall lanky guy with fluffy blue hair and a striped t-shirt, who was fumbling around on his phone and didn’t realize you was standing right by him.
“Excuse me,” you interrupted his peace softly, causing him to jump up and squeal in fear. “Oh!! I’n so sorry, I’m just looking for someone and I didn’t know if I was in the right place?”
Idia froze. It really was you, in the flesh, looking at him and taking his appearance in. You were gorgeous, even more so than he would have ever thought, and your voice brought tingles to his spine that made him shudder. Idia realized he was being quiet for a longer than acceptable time and he looked away. “H-hi,, y/n...” he mumbled barely even audible.
“Oh!! Idia? Is that you? Hi!!!” You exclaimed, seemingly really excited. Your mouth was curved into a wide smile too.
“Huh, you sound really enthusiastic...” Idia whispered, thinking he really said it in his own mind instead of out loud.
“Of course I am! I’m finally done with midterms and now I can relax and have fun with my new friend!” You said, bumping your shoulder with him, causing him to hold his breath.
Idia gulped when he realized what you said. Friend. Right, that’s all he was to you. At least for now. But hopefully that would change soon, right?
“Y-yeah. Let’s go inside.” Idia muttered, turning his back and walking.
Based on his demeanor, you almost forgot that Idia was the one who was so dominant during your stream the other week, since his attitude was so shy in real life. But, you pushed that thought to the back of your head, today was gonna be a fun day with a new friend, and that was strictly it. You didn’t really want to make your side job as a sex worker into a big thing that would make real life friendships difficult.
After he led you through the halls of the dorm, he brought you to a door and opened it up. Inside it was a bit messy, but an organized mess, one where the owner definitely knew where everything was. He had a pc setup with multiple monitors, RGB lighting which was mostly set to shades of blue, and a really nice gaming chair to go along with it. He also had a shelf with different manga series along it and other consoles for gaming, a bed, a door that led to a bathroom, and a mini fridge. Pretty nice for someone who lived without a roommate, you thought.
You walked over to his bed and flopped down onto it. Idia couldn’t help but think about the many times he had masturbated to you on those sheets that you were now sitting on. He was wondering what kind of panties you were wearing too, when he was suddenly interrupted.
“So! I guess we should get started on some games, yeah? I think I wanna play a fighting one against you! I’m totally gonna win~” You smiled up at him playfully.
Idia let his personality slip when games were brought up. “Tch, you really think you’re gonna win against me ? Think again.” The blue haired boy smirked down at you, which lit up the fire of competition in your heart.
“Let’s go then, dude.”
After about 15 minutes of close battles but still losing every one, you groaned and put the controller down on the floor where you and Idia were positioned in front of a monitor. You had developed a small sheen of sweat on your face from the stress. “Hey Idia, do you have anything to drink? I’m so thirstyy~” You looked at him and pouted, hoping he would maybe have some soda or water for you.
“A-ah, yes I do...” he stuttered a bit, seemingly nervous about something. He shuffled over to a mini fridge near his desk and brought out a cooler bottle. “Here, I made this sweet tea yesterday and you can drink from it...” Idia handed you the cool bottle and you observed it suspiciously. He was starting to feel his breath hitch and wondered if you had caught on.
“Hm~? Drinking from the same bottle already? So intimate!” You teased him, lightly elbowing his side. “Well, here goes nothing.” You tipped the bottle into your mouth and the tea tasted like sweet peach, with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
“Hm, it’s... interesting. What kind of tea is it?” You inquired, looking at the contents and sniffing it.
“I-it’s a recipe I found online! It looked good so, I decided to make it, I- I thought you would like it...” he shyly put down his head, trying to hide his suspicious nervousness from you.
“Okay... well it’s pretty good! I’ll drink some more, thanks for thinking of me~” you said as you gulped down the drink for a few more seconds. “Mmh! I think that cooled me down, let’s play more rounds!”
Idia looked back at you and sighed in relief. “Y-yeah, let’s do that.” He didn’t know how long it would take to work but at least he could distract his nerves by playing some games.
You started to sweat and feel hot. Unbearably hot. You cleared your throat and pulled off your cardigan and folded it to the side, but it wasn’t enough. The heat spread from your head, to your torso, and to your lower regions. Feeling hot and a deep... itch that you couldn't quite reach, in your crotch, you decide to change the position in which you were sitting, from crossing your legs to having them right underneath you, to feel some sort of friction in that area. You could feel yourself blushing intensely while the blue haired man next to you was still immersed in the game you both were supposed to play.
Watching him, you couldn’t help but notice the way his fingers moved on the controller, his thumbs and pointers expertly moving across it. You started thinking about how they would feel playing with your nipples and clit - wait. ‘What am I even thinking about?! Snap out of it!’ But, you also couldn’t help but think about when you were close to beating him during a round, his voice changed to a lower, frustrated one, and he even let out a little growl. Even now you noticed the way his eyes were so glued to the monitor with a small scowl on his face. Thinking about that sent throbs and heat to your growing wetness.
“Fuhehe, I knew I could beat you again~ but for some reason it felt like you weren’t trying as hard this round.” Idia put down his controller, finally took a glance at you, and his breath was caught in his throat.
Your (s/c) body was covered with a layer of sweat, cheeks burning and your eyes looked glossy. You were also panting slightly, rubbing your legs together softly to try to create more friction. “A-ah,, hey... do you think you could lower the temperature in here? It- it’s getting really hot. Maybe I could have more of that cold tea?” You breathed, trying to sound more stable than you were.
Idia was dumbfounded for a second and totally forgot you had drank the tea that he mixed with the aphrodisiacs. He gulped as he leaned closer to your face, observing you. “Is... is there anything else I can help you, w-with?” Idia placed a hand on the floor near your thigh and watched as you tried to scoot away from it.
“D-don’t do that... it’s...,” you whimpered, back now touching the side of his bed as you leaned away from his touch. Since when did he smell so good? His scent radiating from his proximity sent tingles across your body.
“Do what?” Idia experimentally reached out to touch your arm, fingers grazing your back slightly. You couldn’t fight back the moan that slipped out of your mouth. “Haah~ I-Idia...” you breathed, looking at him with pleading eyes. You really weren’t planning on doing anything with your new friend, so why was your body disobeying your mind?
“Y/n... you know you can tell me if there’s a-anything you need.. I’ll help you.” Idia’s eyes were still wide and the way he looked at you made you start craving. You wanted him - no, you NEEDED him to touch you more. You never really thought about it, but, Idia really was attractive. It’s not because of your hazy mindset that you realized it, but the way the blue lights illuminated his pale skin and make his hair almost glow, you were just focusing on it more. He was... cute.
“I-...” you started, looking down at his hand on your arm, and then back at him. Staring at his lips, you felt your arms move around his neck as you pulled him closer. Your lips smashed against each others messily and you released a soft whimper against his mouth. The reality hitting you, you moved your head back suddenly breaking the kiss. Your body was still hot.
“F-first...” Idia was stuttering. “First... kiss...” Idia stared wide eyed at you, lips still trembling. He blushed and turned away, his brows tilted upwards as if he were troubled.
“Oh, oh god, I’m so sorry....” you breathed out, scared you had fucked it up with your friend.
“Haah.. more...” his eyes suddenly turned back to you, seemingly darker than before. “I want more of you, y/n...” with that, he brought his lips to yours again and moved them sloppily against your own. He even took the liberty to bite your bottom lip with his sharp teeth, causing you to yelp. Idia used this opportunity to shove his tongue past your mouth and moved it against your own, causing you to moan in pleasure while you could feel your panties starting to drench.
Idia pulled away from you, cheeks tinted pink. Both of you panted for breath, your clothes now feeling sticky due to sweat. He scanned your blushing figure and saw an opening of your skirt that had shown off your lacy panties. Idia gulped and dove his head towards your clothed pussy, breathing in the essence and shuddering loudly, which made you gasp.
“Idiia, no... we, we shouldn’t...” you whined. But you could feel your body was not agreeing with your words. When the tip of his nose grazed your clit you bucked your hips against his head, letting out a moan at the contact.
He lifted up your skirt to your waist so he could see your facial expressions. Suddenly, his wet tongue experimentally slid up your clothed pussy, piercing yellow eyes locked onto your glazed over eyes. You shrieked at the sensation and felt embarrassed that he could get you like this, and you were still wearing your panties.
“Hhn, you wore these for me, didn’t you..?” Idia said, which made you blush. “No, I- I didn’t...” you muttered weakly, trying to avoid his gaze
Idia’s grip on your thighs suddenly got tighter and he looked up at you with furrowed brows. “Don’t lie to me, kitten. I know you want me, like how you did on the night we met, on your stream.” Idia firmly told you. It seemed like it was more like he was convincing himself. "N-no Idia, I... I don't want to-" you started, until you were interrupted.
Idia’s teeth bit suddenly into your soft thigh, causing it to bleed a bit. You knew it would leave a big mark later. “AH!! F-fuck!!” You grabbed onto his blue hair and felt your pussy clench onto nothing. Why, why are you enjoying this? It was like Idia’s personality had changed, from the shy person you met outside his dorm to a more possessive and rough one. You were a bit scared of him but why was he making you feel so good?
You didn’t have time to think as you felt him move the fabric of your panties to the side so your drenched cunt was fully visible to him. He stared in awe and took in everything - the shape, size, and how wet you were. You brought the back of your hand up to your head and panted with embarrassment. “Idia... mmh...”, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Your body was still wanting more and after your mind was fighting the feeling so much, you decided to let it be. “Please...”
Idia met your eyes and saw how glossy they were. He lifted your body onto the bed so that you were now lying on your back while he was still in front of your crotch. You softly breathed in and out, causing your chest to rise and fall in your sweat soaked top. He snaked a pale hand under your shirt to grope your breast in your lacy bra, cold fingers sending shivers through your hot body. Idia couldn’t resist any longer, he suddenly shoved his wet muscle onto your pussy with fervor. You gasped and threw your head back onto Idia’s plush pillow, and shoved your hand on the back of his head pushing it deeper into your legs. Idia couldn’t contain himself and moaned into your heat, sending vibrations through it. “Oh- aaanh~ Idi-aaa~....” you sighed and whined. He took this opportunity to lower the cup of your bra below your breast and pinch your pert nipple in his fingers.
“Fuck~!” you screamed, feeling hot tears flowing down your face. Your body couldn’t take it much longer. Your core was building a familiar sensation but it was all too overwhelming and coming too fast. “It feels so good!!” You squealed, squeezing your thighs together so you were caging his head. Idia focused his energy lapping hungrily at your clit and then pushed two digits of his free hand through your wet hole, pumping them in and out. Your panting breaths were becoming shorter with each pump.
“Idia~ I’m close!! I’m gonna cum..!” You looked at him between your legs, and he lifted his mouth off of your cunt for a brief second. He stared into your eyes with his yellow ones, which stared at you intensely, licked his lips, and spoke.
“Cum for me then, kitten. Don’t hold back, cum all over my face.” With that, he dove back in and pumped his fingers into your core and flicked his tongue on your sensitive pearl even faster than before. Idia’s hips were rutting on his mattress, precum wetting his undergarments.
“Oh god - I’m cumming, I’m cumming~!!” You screeched and squeezed his head with your thighs, squirting his face and sheets with your cum. His tongue darted around your pussy licking off your juices. You breathed heavily, riding out your high. It took everything in him to stop himself from cumming right then and there - he wanted to save that for later.
Idia leaned up to where you were and kissed you passionately, and you could taste yourself all over his mouth. You moaned at the taste of your own juices on his tongue. Still exhausted from Idia eating you out, your body somehow craved the feeling of being filled. You sat up and got up from the bed and for a second he was afraid you were getting ready to leave. You removed your drenched shirt in front of him as well as your skirt, underwear, and bra. Still wearing your thigh high socks, he stopped you before you could remove them. “I, I want you to keep those on...” he licked his lips as he stared at your socks squeezing your plush thighs, the mark he made earlier with his teeth was visible and bruising now.
Following your lead, Idia was removing his own garments, tossing his shirt to the side. He was lean, not too skinny but not muscular either, pale all over. He also removed his pants and swung them over to the floor. Idia avoided your gaze as his erection was now very much so noticeable in his boxers, and you could even see a dark spot where his precum had made a mark. You felt your vagina tremble at the sight of it. It’s been a long time since you’ve had a partner and the anticipation was starting to get to you. As for Idia, well, everything was his first.
You knelt down in front of his bed and his legs and reached out to touch the head of his penis through the boxers, making him twitch and breathe out. “Mmh,...” you pulled down his underwear to reveal his lengthy cock. He wasn’t extremely girthy but he made up for that in length. The head of it was a shade of pale pink and dripped with clear liquid. You took some of the clear liquid in your hand and began teasing the head of his dick. Opening your mouth, you also gave it a few kitten licks while you pumped the base. Idia let out a few grunts and threw his head back, causing you to grow wet again.
Idia felt himself getting too close to orgasm which made him grab your head to stop you from going further. He lifted you up again and placed you on his lap, your dripping cunt hovering over his standing cock. Your body was hot again as you stared into Idia’s yellow eyes, a pink haze dusting his pale cheeks. Remembering he was a virgin, you looked at him hesitantly. ‘I- I don’t know, are you sure you want to lose your virginity right now?’ was what you were planning on saying, until he spoke up.
“Y/n... I need you. I’ve been wanting to do this to you for a while. I- I'm gonna put it in...” Idia whispered, panting slightly. As he was lowering your hips, you couldn't say anything as you felt his tip graze your wetness and you whimpered at the feeling. He kept bringing your hips down until you felt him all the way inside, head of his dick kissing your cervix. You threw your arms around his neck and moaned into his ear, causing a grunt from your partner. Not giving you time to adjust, Idia started thrusting in and out sloppily into your hole, squelching and moaning sounds filling the air of his usually quiet dorm.
“Oh Idia, please, pleasepleaseplease-!” You screamed, not even knowing what you were pleading for. Your (h/c) hair was sweaty and you felt your eye makeup starting to run with every tear you shed. Idia’s loud grunts filled your ear, causing your heat to build up.
“*pant* Mmh, y/n...” he paused and started thrusting into you slowly but hard, pulling you back so his forehead could touch with yours, blue hair still frayed in his face. “You have, *pant* no idea... I would masturbate to your pictures every. Single. Night. I jerked off on these sheets and used your photos of you smiling, you weren’t even *pant* n-naked... Does that, *pant* make me a sick pervert? No matter, you're here with me now, and I'm mmh, making you feel good, right?” Idia confessed, yellow eyes staring into yours with infatuation and obsession. You felt your breath hitch in a feeling familiar to fear. He was lovesick. Not the same person you thought you were messaging for the past few days or gaming with earlier. He looked deranged.
“I... Aaanh~!” You were cut off by a particularly hard thrust into your cervix. Idia licked your neck while thrusting into your abused hole. “I’m gonna breed you, kitten. W-wanna see you drip with my cum.. mmh, you want that?”
You were so close to your release that you didn’t even care about what he was saying. “More Idia, more!!” You breathed. Closing your eyes and now using your own hips to grind into his cock.
Remembering a particular position that grabbed Idia’s attention, he lifted you up, dick still hard inside of you. He placed your back on the bed, your head on his pillow while he brought your legs up to your chest. Idia continued to thrust into you, your face now in full view. He held your wrists in one hand above your head so you couldn’t hide your face from his eyes.
“Idia...” you breathed out. “I- Idia!!!!” You felt your orgasm approaching fast while he pounded into you relentlessly. “Haaanh~ I’m close!!” You moaned shamelessly.
“Hnnh, that’s r-right, y/n... mm, cum for me...” Idia breathed out in between his panting. With that, Idia thrusted faster until the knot that was building in your lower regions finally released. “Aaanh~!! I’m cumming, Idia, c-cumming all over your cock!!” Your face contorted into one of full bliss, eyes looking straight into his with your mouth in an o-shape. The walls around Idia’s length clenched tightly, milking him of his seed. Idia came suddenly with a groan, pumping it deep within you while riding out his high. "Fuck, y/n!!"
Idia rolled you both to your sides, his dick softening inside you. You both panted hard as you faced one another. You opened your eyes to find him with his eyes closed, blushing at the sight of your naked bodies still intertwined even after your climaxes. “We, we actually did it...” he whispered and opened his eyes. “!!!!” He made a mildly surprised noise, eyes widening and turning away.
“Eeh?! What’s wrong!?” You said, wondering if something was on your face. “N-nothing it’s just.... I’m surprised we... you.. you’re staring at me... I’m sorry, I’m still not used to people doing that...” Idia said shamefully, darting his yellow eyes to and from you periodically.
You couldn’t help but giggle. “Eek!! Why,, are you laughing at me?” Idia frowned and hid his face in the pillow. “Well.. your personality is different when you’re having sex versus not. It's interesting.” you told him, tracing a finger along his arm.
Idia blushed intensely, throwing his arms around your neck and hid his pale face in your neck. "Mmph..! I-, I like you, y/n..." he breathed into your neck. "I wouldn't be able to handle you doing this with another person so... will you be mine?" Idia pulled back to watch your face as you contemplated.
Idia's words from earlier suddenly flooded your memories. He looked insane when he confessed to his perverted actions and it evoked an uncertain emotion akin to fear. Your body felt paralyzed. But in the moment, with Idia's lightly pink tinged skin and unsure eyes, you had to admit it made your heart flutter, too. "Yes, Idia..."
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Stood Up
Pairing: Sero/F!Reader
Summary: When you find your dating making out with someone else at a Halloween party, Hanta swoops in and reclaims your evening, rekindling an old flame.
Contains: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Demisexual Reader, Astronomy/Greek Lore Nerd Sero, Old flame
Warnings: 18+ Below the cut, Minors DNI! Swearing, Demi Problems, Praise/Smidge of Degradation, Name-calling (slut & whore), Pet names (Love, good girl, pretty girl), Car Sex, F Masturbation, Oral M Receiving (Road Head) I think that's everything
A/N: This took me much longer than I expected. It's also my first time writing Sero. Given the season, I decided to add a touch of Halloween and costumes to this one.
If you'd like to read other's in the Stood Up series, here are the links:
Stood Up - Bakugo - WC 3,502
Stood Up - Kirishima - WC 3,612
Stood Up - Kaminari - WC 2,461
Word Count Starting Below: 3,494
Denki Kaminari's annual Halloween bash was in full swing by the time Hanta had arrived. He'd come straight from patrol, wrapping himself up in his own tape making a half assed mummy costume for himself. Not like anyone would notice with the flashing colored lights, loud music, and abundance of liquor.
However, Hanta didn't even make it up to the double glass front doors of Denki's home. Not before doing a double take at the very familiar pirate that ran by him.
"Y/N?" You stopped allowing him the chance to catch up to you, "Holy shit, it is you, when the hell did you get back?"
Three years you'd been gone, working in America. Time differences and busy schedules made it so the two of you barely kept in touch. It was a shame, Hanta thought, considering how close the two of you used to be.
"I- uh- just a few weeks now. I heard you were helping out with the disaster relief after that storm."
It had to be his eyes playing tricks on him, the funny colors of the dancing lights were what made your cheeks look wet, right? Those couldn't have been tears.
"I was, yeah, but I got back yesterday. I didn't know-"
"Get the hell outta here!" His head snapped back towards the front of the house, just in time to see Eijiro, dressed in an impressive werewolf costume, literally throw someone out of the party. The guy drunkenly stumbled off, Eijiro walking over towards where Hanta was standing with you. "Y/N, you good?"
You nodded while Hanta tried to piece together what'd happened. "Sorry, it took me a second to find the bastard. Do ya wanna come back in? I'll make sure he leaves."
"No, Eijiro, thanks though. I'm just gonna head home."
The wolfman frowned but understood. "We'll have a smaller party for ya! Just the gang as a welcome home! You know Denki will look for any excuse to throw a party." He turned his gaze on Hanta. "A mummy, really?"
"You've been a damn werewolf for the last two years! You don't get to give me crap."
Eijiro poked the fuzzy pointed red ears carefully set into his spiky hair. "Mina and I worked real hard on this costume... seemed like a waste to only wear it once."
"We both know you haven't just worn those once, big man."
That got a chuckle out of you while all Eijiro could do was shrug and try to hide a shit-eating grin.
He asked you again if you'd like to stay and once more you said you were going to just head home. It was when you specifically said you were going to be walking home that Hanta spoke up offering to drive you back to your home since it was Halloween and people were creeps.
You were a damn pro hero but he still didn't feel right about just letting you walk home alone.
When you agreed he told Eijiro he'd be back soon and walked over with you to his car.
A part of you missed the old station wagon Hanta used to drive, not that this BMW he now drove wasn't absolutely amazing, you just sort of missed the comfort of the old car.
He waited until he'd reached the end of Denki's long, winding driveway to finally speak. "So, you wanna tell me what happened back there, or am I just supposed to pretend like Kiri didn't kick someone out on your behalf?"
"You could probably just ask Kiri and he'd tell you."
"I could, but, I'd like to hear it from you."
You knew you could tell him, there was nothing you couldn't tell Hanta. There was once a time when the man knew every single detail about your life. Sure, time and distance had put a strain on that relationship but you were back now. There was no reason why you couldn't at least start rebuilding what you and Hanta once had.
"Y/N, if you don't wanna say anything-"
"I was just casually seeing this guy. You know me and dating, how we don't always work out." You said abruptly and he quit talking, "And so, we weren't like official but we said we'd go to this party together. Well, I got here and went looking for him and found him making out with one of Hawks' sidekicks. I got a little upset when he noticed me and, well, he just said he found someone better."
Hanta actually stopped the car, pulled off to the side of the road, threw it in park, and looked right at you because he knew what found someone better meant exactly. You'd used those words in high school when that guy from Shiketsu that you'd been seeing got pissed off that you wouldn't put out and ended it with you. You went to his dorm crying because he 'found someone better', is what you told him. It took him a few hours to get the truth out of you.
You'd always been the kind of person to love with your entire heart but sexually, you'd confessed that you felt different from all the other kids your age back then. Not having the same urges and desires that everyone else seemed stricken with.
"Hanta, it's fine, really. Kiri heard the whole thing and, well, you saw what happened."
"Doesn't make it right! So, you went on a couple dates with a guy, that doesn't mean he just gets to expect you to put out for him! Even if you weren't demi, no one gets to just assume they deserve sex."
His lips were pressed in a narrow line, nostrils flared once in annoyance. He was usually so calm and laid back that you thought it rather cute when he got overprotective. "It's alright, Hants, really."
He still gave you a look that said he disagreed but then shook his head, dropping the subject for now at least.
"Still like those late-night drives?"
"I love them."
Hanta waited for a car to pass and whipped the car in the other direction.
It wasn't long before he had the windows rolled down, conversations filling in the blanks of lost time, in between belting out choruses of your favorite songs. Minutes slipped by the further he drove, you lost track of both time and kilometers, letting him tell you all about the ridiculous antics the group had been up to.
Eventually, you caught the scent of salty air and even in the dark, you had a pretty good idea where Hanta was going. He followed a winding road, making two left turns and then a right leaving you on a stretch of road that paralleled the ocean.
You let your head fall against the seat, eyes falling shut and inhaling that wonderful smell you missed so much. Hanta had just one hand lazily on the wheel, his elbow resting out the open window, a relaxed smile was illuminated in soft orange lights off his dash.
You let your head roll onto his shoulder, not as easily done without the bench seat in his station wagon but it worked nonetheless. "Thanks."
His free hand came to rest on your knee, "Anytime."
He turned the wheel, pulling over and parking in front of a small beach access that you guys had found at 3 in the morning five years prior. Hanta kicked off his shoes, leaving them in the car to avoid them being sand-filled and you did the same with the knee-high boots purely because you longed to feel the sand between your toes.
The wooden planks were worn, parts buried beneath the sand until eventually, none remained. Breaking waves flooded your ears and you made a run for them! Before you could reach the lapping water though, tape had wound around your middle and yanked you backward.
"Not happening!" Hanta said firmly. "Last time I let you talk me into late-night swimming we didn't have a change of clothes either and we both got so sick! I think I might have actually died without Bakugo's soup!"
You chuckled, remembering being nineteen and curled up with Hanta on the sofa in the living room of the apartment you all shared for nearly a week. The sniffles didn't cease for almost three weeks.
"Okay, okay, no swimming." You flopped back down into the sand, his tape still attached meaning the cellophane hero was pulled down with you. "Tell me about the stars then, Hants. Who's out tonight?"
Astronomy was a hobby of Hanta's you learned about after moving into the dorms your first year. It wasn't uncommon to find him out on the roof most nights, laying on his back and looking up into the clear night sky littered with twinkling stars, usually with a joint pressed between his lips. It became almost a habit for him to grab you on his way up, pulling you along because you were more than happy listening to him tell you about each constellation and the stories behind them.
It was around this time of year, in your final year of high school; somewhere between him recalling the greek mythos of Aries and Sagittarius that you noticed your heart beating a little faster. You realized something had shifted between the two of you, and, holy shit, was this what it felt like to have a crush! When the hell did that happen?
You'd entrusted everything to Hanta back then, and now, laying in the sand shoulder to shoulder while he talked about Draco, that familiar feeling stirred again. You remembered what it was supposed to be like when you weren't forcing it for some random guy. How simple it was supposed to be.
You inclined on an elbow and he stopped mid-sentence. "Eh, everything alright?" You nodded but he looked anything but convinced, mirroring your position and asking you again.
It was easy for you to lean forward, to brush your lips against his for the first time in three years. And, when you pulled away, he looked about as shocked as he had the night you'd done it when you were eighteen.
"You- you still like me?"
When you left for America, you'd both agreed to put a pause on your sort of relationship. Free to date and screw whomever you pleased because three years was a long time and it just seemed like a fair decision to make. The realization that he might now have someone else special in his life dawned on you...
"Yeah but I totally understand if things are different now and I shoulda asked- oof!"
He kissed you so hard you toppled back into the sand, quick pecks, one right after another, ending them with a long one that nearly left you breathless.
"I didn't know how to bring it up. I didn't want to make you feel awkward about things or make you think I expected something. I thought that maybe since we didn't talk for a while your feelings might have changed."
"I can say with confidence they haven't."
"Thank fuck." He groaned and captured your lips in another searing kiss.
It was easy to lift his shirt off, the shreds of tape that remained were now covered with gritty sand that clung to your fingers as you traced the chest and torso you knew so well. Gliding over defined muscles, lingering on old scars and mapping out new ones he'd collected in your time apart.
His own hands were busy flicking open the brass fastenings of your corset, huffing about it being so much more difficult to get to your chest and something about it being very unfair.
By the time he'd undone the last one, bright headlights shown across the beach. "Shit."
Giggling ensued from the walkway and you both sighed, at least it wasn't the police or a hero patrol. Hanta gathered his shirt and ran back to his car with his hand in yours.
"I thought our days of being caught were over."
"At least it wasn't Mr. Aizawa this time."
A chill ran down your spine remembering the night and the lecture you'd received when your teacher had caught Hanta sneaking out of your room early one morning.
"So, uh, do you still plan on going to Denki's party?" You asked innocently enough but Hanta knew you far too well.
"I think I'm gonna miss it this year." His hand found a home on your upper thigh. "Apparently, you and I have a lot of catching up to do. Lost time to make up for and all that."
"Too bad you don't have that old station wagon anymore. If you did, we wouldn't have to wait to get back."
Dark eyes glanced over at you not so subtly parting your legs.
"I dunno. It's not too often I travel in the backseat of my own car but I've been told it's pretty roomy. Lots of legroom."
Your hand ran over your legs, dipping down to lightly brush your more sensitive parts, thankful you opted for the thin pair of black leggings rather than the dark skinny jeans. Your fingers danced again and this time you let a soft moan pass your lips. "Eyes on the road, Hants."
"That's a little hard to do when I've got you spread out in the passenger's seat." He grabbed your free hand and pressed it against the bulge in his pants. "You've got me distracted, filthy little woman."
You appreciated him testing the waters, a subtle way of checking if you liked those nicknames he used only in private with you, giving you a chance to protest if your likes had changed. They were one's that only felt right coming from him and you were eager to hear more.
Forgoing your own high, you leaned over the center console as best you could, undoing his belt first, followed quickly by his zipper letting his strained cock be free.
His grip tightened on your leg when you kissed the tip of him. "Just like old times, huh?"
A chuckle turned quickly into a moan, taking him in your mouth, pushing yourself further on his cock, fighting your gag reflex to get him down your throat. Hanta reclined his seat further, giving you more room to work with.
Your legs clenched tighter with every groan you pulled from him, wiggling your hips in the seat, letting a hand fall back between your own legs. There was an attempt of a moan around his cock when his fingers coiled in your hair. "Such a good slut. Keep fuckin' goin'." He let you continue at your own speed, needing to focus as best he could on the road rather than what you were doing but, damn, you were making that increasingly difficult.
He wasn't stopping you though. He rarely did. You'd sucked him off on countless drives before and only stopped when- "That's it." He lifted you off him by your hair at the same time he pulled off the road. There was a convenient turn-off, hidden by overgrown brush you noticed before he shut off the headlights.
Hanta took you by the chin, smearing drool. "Backseat, pretty girl." He reached into the glove box and pulled out a foil wrapper, "What do you say we test out that legroom?"
He wait to watch your smile grow wide before crawling into the back because he had to be the first to go if this had any chance of working. Once situated, pants under his thighs, he patted his lap for you to climb over.
You slid easily onto his lap, hands traveling up and over his shoulders, kissing hard while you rocked your hips against impossibly hard length.
There was so much comfort in the familiarity of him. It wasn't awkward to fall back into rhythm with Hanta, to remember that he loved the feeling of your nails dragging down his chest. And he was just as eager to get your shirt off, reach your breasts he'd missed so much, and get his tongue on your nipples.
Your head tipped backward, loving the pace he set, hips bouncing creating the perfect tug on your nipples between his teeth.
"Love, if I promise to buy you a new pair, can I rip these damn leggings? They're just so thin and-"
"Please." Your breathy moan had him smirking and with a single grunt the leggings were ruined, cool air from the vents had only a moment to touch your bare ass before Hanta's hands reclaimed it.
There was no way he hadn't felt your arousal before ripping your clothes off, you soaked through your panties and leggings, you knew that, but that didn't stop him from commenting on how soaked you were now on his fingers. "Want me inside you, whore? I think you do."
You nodded with a whimper and he slipped a finger in. "Hants, noo- I- I want your cock, please."
"You're gonna take my fingers like a good little slut first." You clenched at the words falling from his mouth. "So fuckin' tight you can barely take a finger. How'm I supposed to fit in here if you can even take a single finger? Need you to loosen up, alright." He pushed another finger in, scissoring the two inside you.
"This gonna make you cum? You need this bad, don't you? Tell me. Tell me how bad you need to cum."
"I want it. Please, please, I need it. I'm so close," You babbled and ripped the foil open with his teeth, rolling it with one hand on his cock. In an instant, his fingers had been replaced with this dick. Sticky fingers on your ass helping you ease down on him with a hiss.
"Fuck," Hanta let out a throaty chuckle, "You still fuckin' feel the absolute best." He dropped a kiss between your breasts, letting you adjust to his girth. "Perfect. Good girl. Such a fuckin' good little slut."
He wasn't about to last long. Not once you started bouncing up and down on him, your tits right in front of his face.
"Couldn't even wait for me to get you home, had to fucking tease me in the damn car." He held onto the fat of your ass, pulling you along him and slamming you down hard.
"Kinda pathetic how desperate you are. Fuck. Kinda hot too."
When the top of your head bumped the roof of the car, he scooted lower, trying to give you as much room to ride him however you pleased.
"What do you need? You wanna cum, don't you, pretty girl, what do you need?"
"Faster, faster please."
Hanta shifted even lower, making you grab onto the two headrests while he thrust his hips up into you at a rapid speed. His thumb on your clit was the additional stimulation you needed to fall over the edge. Nails clawing at the black leather as he continued to moan below you now chasing his own release.
You stayed poised above him, using every last bit of strength to stay upright until his mouth was rambling and his cock pulsed inside of you. Fingers bruising your skin before holding your pelvis snuggly against his.
He was bent in a way that looked entirely uncomfortable and yet he still smiled so widely. Reaching up to brush hair out of your eyes, "You okay?"
"Perfects, Hants. A little sore but I'm sure you are too." He moved off his lap, letting him slip out of you with a groan, "Is your neck gonna be okay?"
"I'll be fine. Having you back, love, is more than worth a little bit of a neck cramp."
As he tied a knot in the condom, depositing it into a plastic bag he had tucked away under his seat, Hanta raised a brow, "Love, really, are you alright? Please, tell me if I hurt you at all."
"No! I'm good, why?"
"You're sitting silly."
You were sitting a little odd, perched on your knees rather than sitting on your ass because the leather was chilly and you told Hanta as much making him laugh. "Wait, I think I can help." He leaned back to the front of the car, flicking a button making it glow. Once he tucked himself back in his pants he hopped out of the car and you could see him rummaging in his trunk through the rear window.
"I keep forgetting to take this out from our camping trip a couple months ago. Guess it turned out to be a good thing." He laid the blanket down over the passenger's seat, declaring that should help a bit.
You wrapped the now toasty warm blanket around your bottom half while Hanta drove back towards the city, your head on his shoulder, his hand on your thigh.
"So, shopping tomorrow? I believe I owe you a pair of leggings..."
"It's a date."
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Euphoria 2x03 Thoughts
Ok let’s see how Cal’s backstory made him all repressed and fucked up
Oh so his dad is more than likely an abusive asshole
Oooh Derek is def jealous
Omg why is them dancing at the gay bar so cute?!
Goddamnit why did you have to make me sympathize with a character I can’t stand?! This is giving TLOU Pt. 2 feelings all over again.
Lmao Rue’s solo is AMAZING! That was so fun to watch!
Fuckin’ A Rue, lying to and gaslighting the people that actually love you ain’t it
Yo but why am I enjoying this Rue/Jules/Elliot dynamic so much? 😂
Elliot is hilarious and serving some excellent banter right now!
No but Rue getting so offended that Jules and Elliot negotiated a secret right in front of her 🤣
Ok so I guess Cal knows who Rue is, which I can’t remember if we knew before now
Oooh Rue & Jules out here getting spicy 🌶
God I hate that they are so cute together but such a recipe for disaster
YES! I am here for Lexi pursuing something she’s passionate about! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
The use of the HBO sounder had me cracking up
Cassie I’ve been trying to defend you but FUCK you are killing me here. He does not care about you. S T O P!
Yup the RJE dynamic is going to be gold until it is not, and then it’s going to get ugly.
Also Elliot wtf did you think was going to happen?! Scat play OMG 😂😂😂
Lmao damn you two, right in front of Elliot’s salad? 😜
Hi Fez! I love you! Thank you for not giving in to Rue’s crazy!
“Hey Rue-Rue” “Hi Cass” idk why but it was cute
Lmao yo has “Oklahoma” ever been said this many times in 30 seconds ever before?
Ok I love how concerned all of them got when Rue said yes to being on drugs.
“Bitch, you better be joking!” The delivery had me rolling!
Ah ok that was a fake out but she still obviously feels like that’s real
Nate: I love how sick you are. Me: 🤮
Oh man poor Kat, that may have been the most awkward thing I’ve seen in a long while
Rue what in the holy fuck are you doing?!
Is Drug Lady serious? Does she seriously think giving this kid 10k in drugs is good idea? There is no way that bitch doesn’t know Rue’s an addict.
This whole scene with Fez, Ash and Cal has me DYING
You’re right Fezco, Nate is a fuckin bitch
Ash is such a gangster holy shit! 😂
“Dial bitch!” I am H O W L I N G!!!
“You tellin me you had sex with Jewel?”
“You didn’t know that you were recording?”
“I fucked up” “Obviously man!”
“Your son? The one that’s in love with Jewel?” Fez is out here serving comedic gold AND tea!
“What kinda weird-ass father-son shit is going on around here bro?” Omg this scene is killing me in the best way!
“You’re confused? I’m fucking confused bro!”
Fez you are officially my favorite character and that was the best scene of this episode. Hell, it may have been the best scene of this show. That was a Gen Z Who’s on First and it was fucking hysterical.
Wow, I knew Elliot was going to get between Rue and Jules relationship but not like this
Elliot is written so well though. He’s def growing on me.
Oh fuck
That scene with Ali legit made me sad
From what I’m seeing so far, Rue is going to end this season completely alone and either in jail, overdosing, badly hurt because of Drug Lady Laurie, or dead.
Ugh of course we’re back with Nate and Maddy. 😒
As an ending side note, in the behind the episode the costume designer basically said the opening with Cal in the 90’s was a period piece and I died a little inside.
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mynameisnowwyrm · 4 years
Spoiler warning
TL;DR horrible adaptation, but very enjoyable on it’s own
(Also just wanted to say I was so sure I was going to hate this bc of what’s different but they changed so much the cartoon and the live action are barely connected in my head)
Okay my review will be split up into two parts: fate: the winx saga as an adaptation and as a standalone work
As an adaptation:
0/10. Maybe 0.5 if I’m being generous.
The things that were unchanged from winx club:
There are characters named Bloom, Stella, Musa, Aisha, Sky and Riven
Aisha, Bloom, Stella and Sky resemble their cartoon counterparts
Riven is an asshole
Bloom is a dumbass
Magic exists
The specialists exist
Main characters go to schools for magic and specialists respectively
The dragon flame is a thing
Witches exist
Other than that it’s a completely different show. The plot vaguely resembles season 1 of winx club only in that Bloom is trying to discover her true heritage. Musa, who is supposed to of East Asian descent is not, Flora was not included and in her place is a different character with similar powers, Tecna was excluded entirely ( I believe this was to distance the show from the futuristic elements of winx club and focus only on fantasy, which doesn’t make sense since they changed Musa’s powers ).
The magic system was changed. Fairies don’t on the regular transform since in the show the know-how to do so was lost, though Bloom does unlock the ability in the finale. Instead of each being a fairy of an individual concept, everyone’s powers ale element based, with Musa’s powers being changed to her being an empath. While this does feel more generic, it makes more sense from a world building perspective and I can see why they changed it.
The fashion is horrible. You will never be able to convince me teenagers dress like that. One of the reasons the original cartoon was enjoyable was all the colourful, fun clothing. The clothes feel dated and too mature for the characters, like I can see a twenty-something person in 2013 wear some of those outfits. It especially feels like a missed opportunity since 2000’s fashion is coming back into style.
The characterization of some of the characters compared to winx club was hit and miss. Riven was an ass and Bloom was impulsive and naive, which is accurate, but Stella, oh Stella was a disappointment. Stella was a jealous, manipulative bitch, which in context of her character backstory makes sense, but is so far from her original portrayal. Cartoon Stella was spoiled and at times self centered, but she was also genuinely kind, helpful and bubbly. To see her character take a 180 and become the all too familiar jealous ex archetype was upsetting.
Now, aaaaall that being said, I don’t believe we should judge this as an adaptation. They changed so much that it is quite literally a new story. So let’s see how it stands up on it’s own.
Summary, taken from the wiki
The series tells the story of Alfea, a fictional boarding school where teenagers study. The world inside this universe is not only magical and full of monsters, but it is also a world of real teenagers who do the most common things: make friends and enemies, go out and of course... fall in love. They are eager to find their place in this world. This universe is different from the one we have all known for a long time.
The attention is focused on a group of proud teens, also well-designed female characters. Sometimes they are heroines, sometimes weak girls. Sometimes they are friends, sometimes rivals. Of course, they are not perfect, but they are real. A group of girls who did not know each other until they are included in the same team inside a school that is strange to them. They will meet forces that are beyond their control and things they do not understand. But, throughout the series, they will find themselves, form an indestructible bond, and transform into powerful and strong girls, ready to change not only the supernatural world, but also ours.
Character summary:
Bloom is a newly discovered fairy from the human world who is attending Alfea college in the otherworld. There she meets her new roommates: chatty Terra, athletic Aisha, uptight Stella and stand-offish Musa. She also meets Sky, Stella’s ex, who is training as a specialist.Shortly before coming to Alfea, Bloom discovers she has magic powers by almost burning her house down and killing her parents. She is distraught over this and it is why she is eager to gain control of her powers.It is discovered that Bloom is a changeling, a barbaric practice where a fairy baby is exchanged with a human one. This leads Bloom on a quest to discover her true heritage.
Musa is an empath, she can feel the feelings of everyone around her. To shut them out and escape she listens to music through her headphones. This leads to her initially coming off as uncaring when Terra tries to get to know her better.
Terra is an earth fairy with a particular talent for making plants grow. She is very nice and chatty, eager to make friends, but not afraid to stand up for herself. She struggles with finding someone to like her and compares herself to “cool girl” Beatrix who has boys following after her.
Aisha is a water fairy who swims twice a day every day. She comes off a a good person who wants to make friends and do the right thing. She also tries to do everything in her power to protect her friends.
Stella is a light fairy and princess of Solaria, the realm in which Alfea resides. She is repeating her first year due to an event prior to season one where she lost control of her powers and blinded her best friend. She is very uptight due to her perfectionist mother and tries to exert control in every other area of her life, when this doesn’t work, e.g. when someone flirts with her on-again-off-again boyfriend she gets jealous and causes trouble. She is also generally rude to the people around her.
Sky is a specialist legacy and Stella’s on-again-off-again boyfriend who has an interest in Bloom. His father was a famous specialist and he was raised by his father’s best friend.
Riven is Sky’s roommate, best friend and a genuine asshole. He insults and antagonizes everyone around him and gets involved with Beatrix. He seems dissatisfied with the life of a specialist.
Beatrix is an air fairy with a lightning powers. She seems mysterious and looks to be the villain of the season. She has enlisted the help of Riven and Dane.
Dane is a first year specialist who first seems to be friendly with Terra but gets sidetracked after spending time with Riven and Beatrix.
What I didn’t like:
The world building is sparse and the magic system is generic. I feel like things could have been better expanded upon. Throughout the show they bring up archaic fairy magic but it’s never really explained how that’s different from current fairy magic.
The interactions between Riven and Dane come off as a bit queerbait-y although they could be setting things up for a second season.
Everyone is constantly so rude towards Terra. Even her supposed friends are mean to her. What gives?
Stella was constantly rude to everyone but by the end they are all the best of friends when she really hasn’t changed much. Also Stella being the jealous controlling ex archetype and not enough people calling her out on her bullshit.
What I did like:
For a Netflix teen drama there is surprisingly little sex between the teenagers. This might be subjective but it was refreshing for me.
Again subjective but I could definitely relate to Bloom’s antisocial teen flashbacks
Beatrix was a fun villain
Though the story might be a little generic, I felt it was compelling throughout. I genuinely wanted to know what happened next.
The story was well paced. It never felt like anything was dragging along
The show was definitely enjoyable to watch. There is a lot of room for improvement. It sometimes felt like different plot lines were unconnected and the costume choices leave a lot to be desired. Aside from that they set up a solid story and likable characters (some of whom I love love and love to hate) which I very much want to see further developed in the future. As a stand-alone work 6/10
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