#the defense of the marriage institution on this site...
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People on this website really think self-identifying as a progressive means they can say things like "having children without being married is weirdo behaviour"
how about YOU guys get married and leave the rest of us who might consider it only when forced by circumstances, such as when someone hits retirement age, alone
#the defense of the marriage institution on this site...#there's a difference between asking people to understand that you're navigating your country's legal system the way seems best to you#and whatever some of you are on when you start stressing that people need to get married before taking major life decisions#and the only reason people WOULDN'T want to get married is sin--I mean ignorance#it extremely sucks to see because we import all of discource bs from the us so this idiocy is sure to hit the mainstream in a decade#and the idea of people young enough to be my kids being less accepting of unmarried couples with children than my parents' generation...#maybe one day the institution of marriage will be destroyed#imagine being self-confident enough to lecture other adults on how and when they should have kids!!!!
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Uuuuagh it just makes me sick Marriage laws and divorce proceedings often disadvantage women, leaving them financially insecure and at risk of losing custody of their children. Feminists argue that the institution of marriage perpetuates patriarchal control by making it difficult for women to leave unhealthy or abusive relationships. Men 's antagonism toward women 's self-defense strategies reflects their discomfort with female empowerment. When women take measures to protect themselves, such as carrying weapons or walking with dogs, some men attempt to undermine their efforts, which reveals a desire to maintain control over women by keeping them vulnerable. The beauty industry preys on women 's insecurities, presenting products as solutions to problems it creates. Feminists argue that makeup, cosmetic surgery, and other beauty products are not inherently empowering but are designed to make women feel inadequate without them. This cycle of insecurity and consumption reinforces capitalist ideals, turning women 's bodies into sites of profit rather than self-expression. Many radical feminists express exhaustion with online activism, feeling that it lacks the power to effect real change. While digital spaces have provided a platform for feminist ideas, they can also become echo chambers where meaningful action is sidelined. The call to move from online discourse to real-world organizing reflects a desire for more tangible, collective action that can challenge oppressive systems and create lasting social change. sex:i dont slomp anymore i bwip. me:Youve got to sag like you mean it, especially when moids is involved. sex: Its not about slep, its about DIK. me:
#gender cult#peak trans#Get the L out#gender abolition#terfs please interact#woke agenda#terfsafe#lgb#male behavior
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Everything you need to know about NDA
Every year, between 4 and 5 million people sign up to take the NDA test. In India, this test is very important. After you finish your 12th grade work, you might want to focus on getting ready for the NDA test. Then it's a good idea to sign up for a class at a NDA Coaching in Chandigarh.
This brings us to the unique thing that the NDA training centers in Chandigarh have to offer.
The NDA Coaching classes in Chandigarh have become more important in the academic world. Even though it's not necessary, coaching schools have made choices a lot better.
But you need to pay attention to a lot of things, like the plan for getting ready. This means you need to think about what you need to figure out the best way to prepare. In addition, it will make it easier and faster to narrow down the list of Institutes.
Before you sign up for any facility, try to make a list of the things you want your coaching class to cover and the way you want to learn. There are certain reasons why one organization is better than others. Normal NDA Coaching institute in Chandigarh have things like useful study tools, tests often, sessions to clear up questions, sessions to motivate students, and so on.
Things you should think about when choosing an NDA coaching facility:
Image in public:
Look for training centers that have a past of turning out people who wanted to join the NDA and making it. They have shown over and over again that they are the best.
Chances of Success:
Look at how many people have passed the NDA test to judge the coaching center. Chandigarh Career Group is proud of its long history of success, which shows how hard it works to provide excellent NDA training.
Things like buildings and roads:
You should look at the coaching center's physical area and amenities to make sure you will be well-prepared for your tests.
What the faculty has to offer:
Check the teachers' qualifications to make sure they have the right training and experience to help the students do well.
Things that affect sexual health and marriage
The most recent ruling from the Supreme Court raises the age limit for taking the entrance exam for the National Defense Academy (NDA) from 2022 to 2023. This lets single women who are applying who were not previously eligible do so.
For the length of the program and the selection process, all candidates, regardless of gender, must not be married.
We won't choose someone who gets married before they finish their course.
If the candidate gets married while they are in training, they will be kicked out and have to pay for the whole program.
Why the UPSC NDA is a good choice for your future
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You can even take these perks with you when you leave if you stay until you retire. This is good for your health and the health of your close family members, like your spouse, kids, and even your elderly parents. After you leave the military, you may be able to get temporary health care benefits. There are a lot of things that are free, like medical care, schooling, loans, and plane tickets. If you sign the NDA, you can live like this.
You should have learned everything you need to know about the NDA Exam, NDA schooling in Chandigarh and the NDA registration form on this page. Additionally, we tried to talk about the benefits of UPSC NDA as a possible job path. This means that kids could do well on the NDA Exam if they study well.
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(via cat lovers Mask by mohammed elhachimi)
funny, cute, fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future, game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his, a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although, always american among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back, institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave, left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may, civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court, cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree democrat democratic describe design despite detail 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Abkhazians & Ossetians in Georgia. A Short History
In light of the disinformation campaign carried out by Russian information networks and picked up by western media, the Institute of the Georgian History at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has released an explanation as to why the Abkhazia and Tskhinvali regions (incorrectly called "South Ossetia") have always been an integral part of Georgia.
In the remote past, to the south of the Great Caucasian Range and east of the Black Sea, rural clans fought each other for land and mines, making alliances and early states. Two cultures equipped first with bronze and then with iron were established in the valleys of the rivers Rioni (Phasis), Chorokhi (Aphsaros), and Mtkvari (Cyros/Kura). Roughly, the borders of Colchis included the city of Pitius (Bichvinta, Pitsunda) in the North West, Sarapanis (Shorapani) in the East, near the Likhi mountains, which divides Georgia into West and East, and the mouth of the river Chorokhi in the South, near Batumi, Georgia’s main port. Another name for Colchis is Egrisi, derived from the tribal name Margali/Megreli/Mingrelian. The Mingrelian language, very close to the Georgian, is still spoken in West Georgia as a family one, like that of West Georgian highlanders, the Svani. The next country had two rivers, Chorokhi, now mostly in Turkey, and Mtkvari within its borders. Local folk called it Kartli, and the Greeks – Iberia and Iberians. The latter term contributes to Ivirk, Vrastan – Armenian terms; also to Varkan, Gurgan, Gurgistan – Persian terms, which in turn contributes to Georgia and Gruziya.
Thus, Kartli, while comprising the Mtkvari and Chorokhi valleys, was labeled as Iberia, or Vrastan, or Varkan, or Gurgan by foreigners. Gradually, Colchis/Egrisi and Kartli/Iberia became more and more integrated, and Georgian, the language spoken in Kartli, spread to the eastern Black Sea coast, putting the Mingrelian and Svani languages in the position of a family language. From that point on, this new country was called Sakartvelo, a term derived from Kartli, and also Iberia, Gurgistan, Gruziya and Georgia (T. Dundua. History of Georgia. Tbilisi. 2017, pp. 5-22. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
Still, there was another language in West Georgia which was also converted into a family language: Abkhazian. The Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia (Georgia) has Sokhumi as its capital. Sokhumi is the Turkish version of the Georgian name Tskhumi, while the Greeks and Italians called the city Dioscurias and Sebastopolis. People living in its neigborhood in the Classical and Hellenistic periods were the Colas and the Coraxae, obviously Colchian clans. Their names are substituted by that of the Colchians themselves. The first mention of the Aphsils, obvious ancestors of the Abkhazians, near Sebastopolis/Tskhumi, dates back to the 70s of the 1st c. A.D. Soon, their relatives, the Abasks, appear. These two names sometimes disappear in favor of “Lazi,” the name of Mingrelian-speaking people descended from the southern mountains to mingle with the Colchians, thus changing the name of the country into Lazica. In the northern part of Lazica under the local feudal lords, they again call themselves Aphsils and Abasks, when unified with the rest of the country – Lazi. That means that from the 2nd c. A.D., the Mingrelian language was a social one throughout Lazica, while the Abkhazian language was put in the position of a family language spoken near Sebastopolis/Tskhumi. Indeed, the special Mingrelian term for that part of Lazica was “apkha,” i.e. periphery. The periphery of what? That of Mingrelian, i.e. western Georgian, culture. Gradually, Aphsils and Abasks under the local princes also started to call themselves Abkhazians. When in the 8th c., apparently through marriage, their prince found himself residing in the central city of Kutaisi, Lazica/Egrisi received one more name – Apkhazeti. With the Georgian language becoming dominant on the eastern Black Sea coast, the Mingrelian, Svani and Abkhazian languages found themselves in the position of a family language (T. Dundua. Christianity and Mithraism. The Georgian Story. Tbilisi. 1999, p. 6; T. Dundua, Akaki Chikobava. Pacorus, the Lazi King, Who Was Overlord of Colchis/Western Georga. Tbilisi. 2013, pp. 9-16; T. Dundua. Georgia within the European Integration. Tbilisi. 2016, pp. 81-88. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
West and East unified was called Sakartvelo/Georgia. And the title of the kings from the Bagrationi ruling dynasty was as follows: “King of the Abkhazians (i.e. Western Georgia), Kartvelians (Eastern and Southern Georgia), Ranians and Kakhetians (extreme East of the Eastern Georgia)” (T. Dundua. Review of Georgian Coins with Byzantine Iconography. Quaderni ticinesi di numismatica e antichità classiche. Lugano. 2000. Vol. XXIX, pp. 389-393; T. Dundua and Others. Online English- Georgian Catalogue of Georgian Numismatics).
The decline of Georgia towards the end of the 16th c. enabled the Ottomans to increase their territory, seeing them taking control of the cities on the eastern Black Sea coast. Georgian frontier defenses were down. Finding so little opposition, many tribes settled in the districts they had penetrated, a new wave of the Abkhazian speaking clans among them. They made their way from the mountains first to the region of nowadays Sochi (Russian Federation), and then down the coast towards Bichvinta (Pitius, Pitsunda). Those rough highlanders forced part of the local agricultural folk to flee to the central regions. Thus, rural and urban sites suffered much and the links with the rest of the country were badly damaged. The Ottoman overlords also encouraged the slave trade, completely changing the economic visage of the northwest of western Georgia for centuries before the Russians advance against the Ottomans in the 19th c. (T. Dundua. North and South (towards the Question of the NATO enlargement). www.nato.int/acad/fellow/99-01/dundua.pdf, pp.41-42; T. Dundua and Others. The Black Sea – Zone of the Contacts. Tbilisi. 2001, pp. 9-10, 15-16; T. Dundua and Others. The Black Sea. A History of Interaction. Teaching Pack. The Council of Europe. Oslo. 2004, pp. 46, 105. v. Academia.edu/Tedo Dundua).
The Russian Empire annexed eastern Georgia, the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti, in 1801. This paved the way for Russian expansion into western Georgia. In 1810, Abkhazian prince Giorgi (Safar Beg) Shervashidze swore allegiance to the Russian Emperor and in 1864, Russian governance was established in the territory. (Abkhazia in the late 18th- early 19th centuries. Entry of Abkhazia Under the “Protection” of Russia. in Essays from the History of Abkhazia. Tbilisi. 2011, pp. 300-305). Sukhumi military department was founded (M. Lordkipanidze. The Abkhazians and Abkhazia (Georg., Russ. and Engl. texts). Tbilisi. 1990 http://www.amsi.ge/istoria/div/m.lordkiPaniZe_afx.html#90).
Although the process of separating Abkhazia from Georgia was actively supported by the Russian authorities, still Abkhazia was a natural and integral part of Georgia. Perhaps it was for this reason that the Sukhumi military district was soon included in the Kutaisi governorate. Despite the negative effects of the Russian imperial policy, in 1918, the year when the Democratic Republic of Georgia was founded, Abkhazia was a part of Georgia (M. Lordkipanidze. The Abkhazians and Abkhazia (Georg., Russ. and Engl. texts). Tbilisi. 1990 http://www.amsi.ge/istoria/div/m.lordkiPaniZe_afx.html#90).
On June 11, 1918, an agreement was signed between the people’s council of Abkhazia and the leadership of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, where Abkhazia as a part of Georgia gained autonomy.
After the end of Georgia’s short independence in 1921, Abkhazia remained within Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia under a special union agreement, as a treaty republic having a certain type of autonomy within Georgia. In 1931, Abkhazia officially became the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR) of Georgia (Political Status of Abkhazia within the Soviet Georgia. 1921-1937. in Essays from the History of Abkhazia. Tbilisi. 2011, pp. 419-436; Революционные комитеты Абхазии в борьбе за установление и упрочение Советской власти. Сборник документов и материалов. Сухуми. 1961, p. 350). This remained unchanged until the end of the Soviet Union. According to the 1989 Soviet census, the total population on the territory of the ASSR of Abkhazia was 525,061, of which 239,872 were ethnic Georgians (45.7% of the population), while 93,267 were Abkhazians (17.8%) (S. Markedonov. Abkhazia: Historical Context. in Abkhazia Between Past and Future. Prague. 2013, p. 18).
Abkhazia enjoyed cultural and scientific benefits as part of Georgia during the Soviet era. The Abkhazian language was taught at the schools, and university.
Since 1993, the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia has been occupied by the Russian Federation (for the full-length narrative about Abkhazians v. З. Папаскири. Абхазия: история без фал��сификации. 2е изд. Тбилиси. 2010 (with Engl. summary).
The next region occupied by the Russian Federation was the Autonomous District of South Ossetia. The Ossetians started settling in Georgia beyond the Caucasian range in the 16th-17th cc. as fugitives.
After the annexation of eastern Georgia by Russia in 1801, the Ossetian villages were attached to the Gori district of the Tbilisi governorate.
In 1920, the Russian Bolsheviks supported Ossetians living in the Democratic Republic of Georgia, in the mountains north of Gori, to establish the Soviet power there and declare the territory a part of Soviet Russia. This was an abortive attempt.
In February 1921, Soviet Russia violated the agreement of May 7, 1920 by militarily attacking the Georgian state and eliminating its independence. In April 1922, the Bolsheviks granted so-called South Ossetia the status of autonomous district within Soviet Socialist Republic of Georgia. Soviet policy can be regarded as a premeditated attempt to disrupt the future attempts of the Georgians to gain independence and build a stable state as separatism within Georgia would constrain Tbilisi in its actions. The Autonomous District of South Ossetia consisted of a number of Ossetian settlements and a purely Georgian town Tskhinvali.
Thus, in 1922, the Autonomous District of South Ossetia was created in the heart of historic Georgian lands where the Georgian population represented the majority of the population.
It also needs to be emphasized that throughout the Soviet period (until 1991), the Ossetians living in Georgia were granted all necessary legal rights as an ethnic minority. Then Georgia became independent and the Russian occupation of the Autonomous District of South Ossetia began. (M. Lordkipanidze, G. Otkhmezuri. Ossets in Georgia. in The Caucasus and Globalization. Vol. 1 (4). Tbilisi. 2007, pp. 109-118; R. Topchishvili. Ethnic Processes in Shida Kartli (the Ossetians in Georgia). in Causes of War – Prospects for Peace. Georgian Orthodox Church. Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Tbilisi. 2009, pp. 111-138).
Prof. Dr. Tedo Dundua is the Director of the Institute of Georgian History, Faculty of Humanities, at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
By Prof. Dr. Tedo Dundua & Dr. Emil Avdaliani
Photo: Map of Georgian states in 1762. Based on the map of Dr. Andrew Andersen, from Atlas of Conflicts. Author: Gaeser
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Another interesting example is France, where for much of the 20th century, all judiciary officials were graduates of an elite expert college for judges. The study brought in a total of 155 feedbacks, that included 97 in law practice as well as 35 in business legal departments. Several, 43 per cent, worked in a firm or legal department with 2 to 9 lawyers and also many, 57 per cent, had just one workplace. Lawyers in private method normally operate in specialized companies known as law office, with the exception of English lawyers.
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What Type of Lawyer Earns the Most?General-In-House Lawyers came first, at an average annual salary of $128,988. Constructions Lawyers came second highest, at an average annual salary of $124,041. Corporate & Commercial Lawyers come third highest, at an average annual salary of $118,558. More items•
With the region of residential property law and residential or commercial property being essential, these legal aids will can be found in to guide you on clients, programmers, as well as specialists. Family law is established for issues associating with marriage partnership, fostering, child security, separation, splitting up and different other issues worrying relative issues. It manages the young people in addition to with the moms and dads along with their participation.
Lawyers seldom invest alongside their customers in transaction, neither do they seem to have equity stakes in company endeavors related to the practice of law. This is different than various other countries, like Australia, where law firms are noted on the public exchanges. I have had the opportunity to run digital advertising campaigns for a number of the top law colleges in the US-- both for their JD and LLM programs. There are some actually fascinating fads that highlight exactly how demand for law degrees are altering. First, rate of interest in JD programs has actually dropped significantly over the previous 5 years.
The term "medical professional" has actually given that fallen into disuse, although it is still a legal title in Italy as well as being used in lots of nations outside of Europe. In a lot of civil law nations, lawyers generally structure their legal education and learning around their selected specialized; the borders in between different kinds of lawyers are meticulously defined as well as tough to cross.
The vast majority of law firms worldwide are small companies that range in size from 1 to 10 lawyers. The USA, with its large number of firms with more than 50 lawyers, is an exception. The United Kingdom and Australia are also exceptions, as the UK, Australia as well as the U.S. are now home to a number of firms with more than 1,000 lawyers after a wave of mergings in the late 1990s. Subscribe and also obtain breaking information, discourse, as well as point of views on law practice, lawyers, law institutions, claims, judges, and also extra.
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Based out of Canada, Allied Lawyers is one of the fastest emerging global law practice, offering several high-profile customers. The company is in the expansion stage with offices now additionally in UAE, Iraq, and also China. In the context of worldwide law, it concentrates in varied locations, consisting of corporate and industrial segments, property, as well as worldwide trade as well as mediation.
According to this resource, as of 2003, there were 901 law office with more than 50 lawyers in the United States. Some nations, like Italy, regulate lawyers at the regional level, and a few, like Belgium, also control them at the regional level. In lots of nations, lawyers are family doctors that stand for clients in a broad area of legal matters. In others, there has actually been a propensity because the beginning of the 20th century for lawyers to specialize early in their professions. Some territories approve a "diploma advantage" to certain establishments, so that just earning a degree or credential from those institutions is the main qualification for exercising law.
Consequently, even conveyancer as well as business internal advise have to initially get a license to exercise, though they may in fact invest extremely little of their jobs in court. Failure to comply with such a rule is the criminal activity of unauthorized practice of law. In method, lawful jurisdictions exercise their right to establish that is acknowledged as being a lawyer. Because of this, the definition of the term "lawyer" might vary from location to place.
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Rideshare exploded on the scene roughly a decade ago. The concept was a brilliant marriage between technology, and transportation. Millions were now able to hail a ride within minutes, just from the tap of a button. No more grumpy cab drivers, or having to wait long pickup times based on your zip code (i.e. region discrimination). Rideshare work began attracting those in need of supplemental income, entrepreneurs, retirees, and creative types who enjoyed the freedom and flexibility gig work provides. It also attracted women drivers, who are only %14 of all Uber drivers according to Forbes.
What types of violent incidents are reported by female drivers, and at what frequency? How does rideshare driver safety, fare in relation to other occupations for women? Well, unfortunately both companies have avoided sharing any specific information at this time. There are no comprehensive reports, figures, or studies done on rideshare driver related incidents involving violence. We can only speculate these companies purposely omit this data in order to protect their reputation and therefore bottom line. Both companies have recently filed their much anticipated IPO’s.
Taxi workplace violence statistics do remain open to the public fortunately. An article by OnLabor (a workers rights advocacy group) states: “the homicide rate for cab drivers is about 30 times higher than the national homicide average for all workers.” While that statistic is very troubling, rideshare drivers can breathe a collective sigh of relief. Glaring distinctions exist between taxi and ridehare drivers. The most significant being; rideshare drivers deal with cashless transactions, this alone decreases the likelihood of being targeted for cash robberies, a huge motivation for violence against taxi drivers.
Another distinction is: rideshare vehicles are not hailed in a random fashion like taxi cabs. While yes, both are paired with strangers, rideshare fares are hailed specifically via an app, linked to a credit card holder. This ensures more accountability, along with the fact passengers are always under a GPS tracking service (rider/driver at all times). The exception being when the account holder orders a ride for someone else. Passengers do not have to provide their real names and a picture at this time. A petition to require this along with other safety enhancements is trending right now with close to 6k signiatures.
It also cannot be ignored that as women we are more susceptible to becoming victims of sexual assault. According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center “91% of victims of rape and sexual assault are female, and nine percent are male.” Women driving late nights, are often dealing with intoxicated male passengers, placing them in a precarious position. Alcohol consumption increases this risk (for sexual assault), according to a study done by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism; “approximately one-half of all sexual assaults are committed by men who have been drinking alcohol.” Many women drivers are mothers who can only work night hours due to childcare, work, or other commitments. Driving nights is attractive for the better weekly bonuses, traffic conditions and overall earnings.
When you sign on to become a driver, you are prompted to watch a 20 minute Uber training video. It covers basic functions of the app, polices, procedures and briefly mentions for drivers to call 911 if ever in danger. There is a feature on Uber, and free apps like Life 360, allowing both drivers and passengers to share their trip/location with a loved one. One popular way drivers find guidance on navigating safety concerns is through Youtube, and other social media sites. Groups like Lyft/Uber Women Drivers on Facebook has over 11,000 members. Women share their experiences, safety tips, strategies and tools, as well as find support. A frequent question posted is; “what do you ladies carry for safety?” Or “how do you deal with men who hit on you?”
Anecdotal “evidence” via Facebook groups, news stories, or online forums (Reddit, Twitter, YouTube etc.) can help you decide whether or not being a female rideshare driver is a safe. Consider the area you drive, hours of the day or night you’ll drive, and how prepared you are in the event of an attack. Do you own a dash cam, a safety plan, or plan on carrying a mace or a stun gun? Have you practiced using them?
Safety Hacks
Surveillance: Buy a dashcam! By having a dashcam, women are sending a clear message, that they are professionals, who will not tolerate any type of misconduct during a trip. Just like a thief is deterred from stealing a package from a home with surveillance, passengers are less likely to cross boundaries after seeing a blinking camera light. Dash cams are a simple safety tool, and far too many drivers, prioritize frugality, over their safety. Whenever someone shares an unpleasant encounter, they almost always mention they wish they had it on camera. Shop around, even if you end up getting something for $19.99, it is better than nothing. The most popular and recommended by rideshare drivers for safety and surveillance is Vantrue’s N2 Pro. It is a reliable, quality, dual camera. Equipped with infrared sony night vision, 1080×1920p HD loop recording, clear audio, parking mode, 256 GB of SD storage capacity (33 hours of HD recording), G-sensor and more!
Protection: Many women also carry a stun gun or mace. Getting the right kind is essential, and these are very affordable and easy to conceal. You never want to broadcast that you carry these with a passenger. While Uber allows non lethal weapons, Lyft on the other hand, does not, and you can be deactivated. Be sure to check your local state laws as well. Ultimately, do whatever you need in order to protect yourself. For mace, be sure to get a gel or foam type (v.s. the spray) that will not have the “blowback effect”, seeing as you’re in a confined space. You want to hurt the assailant, not yourself! For stun guns, there are effective flashlight combos that blend in with your cars accessories, making it easy to access in case of an emergency. Check with a tax consultant about these items being written off as operating expenses.
Preparation: Staying safe boils down to how prepared you are. Fight, flight and freeze are common responses to fearful or threatening situations. As our primal senses increase, the ability to react effectively decreases. It’s common to hear: “I wish I would have listened to my gut.” Avoid regret by remembering, if you ever, feel uncomfortable or threatened, anytime prior, during or near the end of a trip, you are allowed to end it. How? Practice keeping all your doors locked, look at your passenger before they get in. For example, don’t feel bad for declining a drunk passenger. Always trust your gut. If it feels wrong, leave. Simply hit cancel trip, and move on to the next fare. You will not be penalized on either platform for declining a trip, or passenger that makes you feel uncomfortable.
To end a trip in progress Do. Not. Announce. It. See: Taco Bell Driver Assault video for a good illustration of why. Whenever your ending a ride in progress, make you calmly make your way to the nearest populated, safe location. Never argue with a passenger, since you are in a vulnerable position to be attacked from behind or the side, while focused on driving. You do not need to agitate or argue with someone while your defenses are down. Once you’ve pulled over, turn off the car. Grab your keys, cellphone mace/stun gun and exit the vehicle. If the passenger refuses to exit your vehicle, call the 911. Afterwards be sure to report the incident to the critical response team. Save any dash cam footage.
Is it safe for women to drive Lyft/Uber ? Yes. If women practice the safety tactics in place, they can have a very enjoyable experience driving for Lyft or Uber. Your chances are going to vary, but will likely be pleasant and enriching. Most people are happy to have a quick, inexpensive ride.
If you’re a woman and are currently on the fence about signing up, it’s wise to be concerned about safety, however you can’t allow fear to prevent you from experiencing an opportunity that allows for flexibility, freedom, and great earning potential. Remain vigilant and knowledgeable about ways to stay safe and join a local rideshare group for tips as well as the national women’s support group.
Lyft Sign on Bonus. Uber sign on bonus.
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Portland State University threatens to fire Peter Boghossian for authoring “Grievance Studies” hoax
By Eric London 10 January 2019
Portland State University (PSU) professor Peter Boghossian, co-author of the “Grievance Studies” hoax, is under imminent threat of losing his job in an act of apparent retaliation by the university administration.
On October 2, 2018, Boghossian, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay published an article titled, “Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship,” exposing the anti-scientific and right-wing character of identity politics and postmodernist philosophy. The article reviewed how the hoax’s authors succeeded in publishing intentionally absurd articles in a number of postmodernist academic journals, with editors and peer reviewers heaping praise on the faux-studies.
Shortly after publication, PSU initiated an Institutional Review Board (IRB) investigation that ultimately found Boghossian guilty of “ethics violations” for his work on the hoax. His career is now in limbo as he awaits punishment.
“It’s been stressful, I’m not going to sugar coat it,” Boghossian told the World Socialist Web Site. “They will go to great lengths to get rid of me. I have to walk on eggshells. I’ve faced numerous threats. Someone spat at me in public a few weeks ago.”
The university has barred Boghossian from participating in school-sponsored research projects. On December 17, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies Mark R. McLellan wrote to Boghossian, “I further direct that no sponsored research proposal or program will be approved by Portland State University where you are a principal investigator, collaborator or contributor in any substantial manner…”
In one of the hoax articles, the authors claimed to have observed 1,000 hours of “dog humping patterns” at dog parks and said the data proved that men needed to be “trained” like dogs to prevent rape culture. This article was selected by Gender, Place and Culture as one of the most important contributions in the journal’s history.
Amusingly, PSU’s McLellan notified Boghossian in a separate letter that the university was investigating whether Boghossian harmed any dogs in the course of his made-up dog park study:
“Because one of your articles…speaks of research into animal behavior, whether factual or not, I find that I must ask the faculty Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to ensure appropriate actions were taken as necessary to remain in compliance.”
But the reactionary implications of academia’s obsession with identity politics are no laughing matter. Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay also secured publication of a feminist re-write of a chapter of Hitler’s Mein Kampf and won peer review praise of a proposal to force white elementary school students to sit in chains to be shamed for “white privilege.”
Boghossian has been ostracized by his fellow professors and lecturers at PSU, none of whom have come to his defense on the public record to date.
On November 9, twelve PSU faculty published a letter in the school paper, the Vanguard, accusing him of “fraud,” “self-aggrandizement” and “academic dishonesty.”
The authors—all of whom remained anonymous—employed the tone of inner-departmental gossip and resorted to personal attacks: “Desperate reasoning, basic spite and a perverse interest in public humiliation seem to have overridden any actual scholarly goals.”
They conclude, “These types of fraudulent, time-wasting, anti-intellectual activities are something we are becoming nationally known for under the guise of free speech or academic freedom.”
Under these conditions, Boghossian has come under threat of physical attack. “One guy followed me into the bathroom recently and asked me what kind of car I drove and told me that he would find me,” Boghossian said. “He called me a fascist—the irony, right? When I offered to talk, he said, ‘I don’t want to talk to you, I want to hurt you.’”
Citing confidentiality concerns for Boghossian, PSU’s public relations director told the WSWS the university would not comment on potential free speech implications of the decision to bar Boghossian from further research. PSU issued a statement saying its findings against Boghossian adhere to federal and state law.
The university says Boghossian violated two ethical obligations by (1) falsifying data, and (2) failing to obtain IRB approval for a test of “human subjects.”
The first charge stems from the fact that Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay did not actually view 1,000 hours of “rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon” as the title of their paper states. The latter charge asserts that the Grievance Studies authors were conducting tests on editors and peer reviewers, though these “tests” only consisted of sending them articles to read.
Notably, PSU is not charging Boghossian with plagiarism, although Boghossian, Pluckrose and Lindsay by their own admission plagiarized part of Mein Kampf. But making this charge would be an admission that a peer-reviewed academic journal published the writings of Hitler, the archetypal identity politician—of the “Aryan race.”
In a letter supporting Boghossian, Alan Sokal, whose 1996 “Sokal Hoax” paper consisting of intentionally meaningless postmodernist jargon was published in the journal Social Text, said “it would be a grave injustice to punish Professor Boghossian.”
Denouncing the claim that Boghossian violated academic ethics, Sokal explained:
“Professor Boghossian and his collaborators have a strong affirmative defense on the grounds that their actions were undertaken in the public interest. At no time did they seek to benefit personally—whether financially or professionally—from the hoax. (Quite the contrary, it appears that the fallout from the hoax has had a profound negative effect on their careers and their personal lives.) Their sole aim was to test the intellectual standards in certain sectors of contemporary academia and to draw public attention to shortcomings they might find.”
None of the Grievance Studies hoax authors challenge the right of the IRB panel to investigate ethical violations against Boghossian, but they are each concerned that the PSU investigation was not conducted properly.
“As the anonymous letter against Peter published by the faculty in the PSU Vanguard in early November indicates, the board may be under political or ideological pressure,” James Lindsay told the WSWS.
Boghossian’s co-authors are calling for his colleagues to come to his defense.
Lindsay said, “I think we’re seeing the academic climate changing, as many of the letters of support indicate, and it remains to be seen where Portland State will fall in this. Certainly, I would expect more outspoken support from his own colleagues, and that’s disappointing, but perhaps they’re nervous to speak up, given the circumstances. They are, after all, subject to the same boards, committees, and administrators.”
Helen Pluckrose added, “Twelve of Peter’s colleagues have already demonstrated a very uncollegial attitude with their hit piece in the Vanguard , but there are some who support him and I’d urge them to say so. Not secretly, by email. Openly.”
Boghossian denounced those who have labeled him as right-wing for opposing identity politics and postmodernism. “We’ve been labeled ‘alt-right,’ which is ludicrous. I have never voted for a Republican in my life. I’m a staunch liberal. Socially, I am pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-immigration, anti-death penalty. I’m a militant atheist.”
He concluded: “All these people who masquerade as left are not left-wing. They don’t believe in grand narratives. There is only subjectivity and individual experience.”
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(via cat lovers Pet Bandana by mohammed elhachimi)
funny, cute, fear federal feel feeling few field fight figure fill film final finally financial find fine finger finish fire firm first fish five floor fly focus follow food foot for force foreign forget form former forward four free friend from front full fund future, game garden gas general generation get girl give glass go goal good government great green ground group grow growth guess gun guy hair half hand hang happen happy hard have he head health hear heart heat heavy help her here herself high him himself his, a ability able about above accept according account across act action activity actually add address administration admit adult affect after again against age agency agent ago agree agreement ahead air all allow almost alone along already also although, always american among amount analysis and animal another answer any anyone anything appear apply approach area argue arm around arrive art article artist as ask assume at attack attention attorney audience author authority available avoid away baby back, institution interest interesting international interview into investment involve issue it item its itself job join just keep key kid kill kind kitchen know knowledge land language large last late later laugh law lawyer lay lead leader learn least leave, left leg legal less let letter level lie life light like likely line list listen little live local long look lose loss lot love low machine magazine main maintain major majority make man manage management manager many market marriage material matter may, civil claim class clear clearly close coach cold collection college color come commercial common community company compare computer concern condition conference congress consider consumer contain continue control cost could country couple course court, cover create crime cultural culture cup current customer cut dark data daughter day dead deal death debate decade decide decision deep defense degree democrat democratic describe design despite detail determine develop development die difference different, bad ball bank bar base be beat beautiful because become bed before begin behavior behind believe benefit best better between beyond big bill billion bit black blood blue board book born both box boy break bring brother budget build building, business but buy by call camera campaign can cancer candidate capital car care career carry case catch cause cell center central century certain certainly chair challenge chance change character charge check child choice choose church citizen city, myself name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need network never new news newspaper next nice night no none nor north not note nothing notice now number occur of off offer office officer official often oh oil ok old on once one only, enough enter entire environment environmental especially establish even evening event ever every everybody everyone everything evidence exactly example executive exist expect experience expert explain eye face fact factor fail fall family far fast father, history hit hold home hope hospital hot hotel hour house how however huge human hundred husband i idea identify if image imagine impact important improve in include including increase indeed indicate industry information inside instead, sort sound source south southern space speak special specific speech spend sport spring staff stage stand standard star start state statement station stay step still stock stop store story strategy street strong structure student study stuff style subject, shake share she shoot short shot should shoulder show side sign significant similar simple simply since sing single sister sit site situation six size skill skin small smile so social society soldier some somebody someone something sometimes son song soon, third this those though thought thousand threat three through throughout thus time to today together tonight too top total tough toward town trade traditional training travel treat treatment tree trial trip trouble true truth try turn tv two type, difficult dinner direction director discover discuss discussion disease do doctor dog door down draw dream drive drop drug during each early east easy eat economic economy edge education effect effort eight either election else employee end energy enjoy, onto open operation opportunity option or order organization other others our out outside over own owner page pain painting paper parent part participant particular particularly partner party pass past patient pattern pay peace people per perform, cat, love, success successful such suddenly suffer suggest summer support sure surface system table take talk task tax teach teacher team technology television tell ten tend term test than thank that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think, animal, tie dye hippie hipster rainbow tumblr cool peace trendy colorful cute shaka trending trippy beach blue pastel hippy dye funny hang loose indie jeep ocean tie 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chill out city claire andrews claireandrewss classic clout clout goggles college colour colourful country cowabunga dancing, skeleton dark blue dead head death designs disco dolphin donut doodle dorm down drake dude edm elephant elephants emoji eno equal pay eyes fall fat buddha fist floral flower flowers font four stars fries fruit fry funds fye gd50 girl gang girl girl girls
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CDS Coaching In Chandigarh
Combined Defence Services
The CDS exam as we are all familiar with is the exam administered by UPSC for the recruitment of officers of the Indian Defense Forces such as Army, Air Force and Navy. CDS exams are offered twice a year. Open to young graduates from all disciplines. Once selected, candidates undergo military training at their respective academies.
Indian Military Academy ( IMA Dehradun )
Air Force Academy ( AFA Hyderabad )
Indian Naval Academy ( INA Ezhimala ( Kerala )
Officers Training Academy (OTA Chennai )
CDS Exam Eligibility:
1. Age for 2022:
(i) For IMA - Only unmarried students born before 2nd July 1997 and before 1st July 2002 are eligible.
(ii) For Indian Naval Academy – Only unmarried male candidates born on or after 2 July 1997 before 1 July 2002 are eligible.
(iii) For Air Force Academy – Between 20 and 24 years of age on 1 July 2021, i.e. H. born on or after 2 July 1997 but before 1 July 2001 (DGCA (India)) Beginning in 1995, the age limit for candidates with a valid and current commercial pilot license issued by the United States may be reduced to 26 years old (i.e. born before July 2nd).
Applicants must be under 25 years of age and unmarried. Marriage during training is not permitted. Married applicants over the age of 25 are eligible to apply, but spouses will not be provided with accommodation and family members will not be permitted to live off-site for the duration of the course.
(iv) Only unmarried male candidates born before 2nd July 1996 and before 1st July 2002 are eligible for admission to the SSC Men's Course.
(v) Officer Training Academy – (SSC Women's Non-Technical Course) For single women, widows not remarried, divorcees not remarried, divorcees not remarried. Those born between July 2, 1996 and July 1, 2002.
2. Qualifications:
(i) I.M.A. Officer Training Academy, Chennai – Accredited University or equivalent degree.
(ii) Indian Naval Academy – Technician graduate from an accredited college/institution.
(iii) For Air Force Academy – accredited college degree (Physics and Mathematics Level 10+2) or Bachelor of Engineering. Students who are in their final semester and have not passed the final exam can also apply. You must prove that you have passed the Diploma exam.
CDS Exam Preparation in Chandigarh:
In addition to reviewing past exam questions and preparing for exams, it is imperative that you register with a reputable coaching institute. Most reputable institutions employ highly qualified, educated, and experienced veterans who provide excellent education to their students. Most trainers at these institutions have extensive experience in training students. There are a number of his CDS coaching institutes around the country, but these centers run their own training programs, so it's important to choose only reputable ones to train with.
Chandigarh is the educational center for all selection processes. A student from all over North India comes to Chandigarh to prepare for his CDS exam. The capital of Punjab and Haryana and close to Himachal, Chandigarh is the perfect place for an aspiring student to relax and prepare for his CDS and other defense exams. Students receive quality coaching from world-class institutions such as the Delhi Career Group. With experienced instructors and trainers with a defense background, Delhi Her Career Group makes him one of the best choices for preparing for the CDS exam.
Delhi Career Group prepares students for future officers. Regular meetings with defenders motivate them to give their best. At the Delhi Career Group best CDS coaching institute in chandigarh, students are fully exposed to debates, group discussions and impromptu physical activities part of the hostel's activities. Students are trained here in one of the best learning environments and develop cadet-like qualities. Applicants to the Delhi Career Group should be well prepared for an intensive schedule of written examinations, character building activities and physical training. A candidate has to believe and grow to become an officer in the Indian Defense Forces.
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Classmates in the News
Margaret Elisabeth Jankowski Hunter, Class of 1993
Margaret Hunter Seeks to Divorce Ex-Congressman Husband Duncan D. Hunter
The estranged wife of former Rep. Duncan D. Hunter is suing for divorce after 22 years of marriage — bringing an end to a family and legal drama that saw her cooperate with prosecutors in the East County Republican’s corruption scandal.
According to online court records, Margaret E. Hunter filed for divorce Nov. 20, with a file saying it involved dissolution with minor children. Duncan Hunter turned 44 on Monday.
The Hunters have three children — Elizabeth, Sarah and Duncan. One site suggests Elizabeth is 19. Margaret has listed a La Mesa address while her husband has been reported living with his congressman father, Duncan Lee Hunter, in Alpine.
In August 2018, both pleaded not guilty to using more than $250,000 in campaign contributions for their personal use, including lavish vacations and household items. They entered and exited the downtown courthouse separately.
In a Fox News interview that month, Hunter blamed Margaret — leading to critics’ refrain that he “threw his wife under the bus.”
“I’m saying when I went to Iraq in 2003 the first time I gave her power of attorney and she handled my finances throughout my entire military career and that continued on when I got to Congress since I’m gone five days and home for two,” he told Martha McCallum. “She was also the campaign manager. So whatever she did, that will be looked at, too, I’m sure. But I didn’t do it.”
In June 2019, Margaret changed her plea to guilty on one count of conspiracy.
Two weeks later, San Diego federal prosecutors filed documents suggesting Hunter carried on “romances” with five women starting as early as April 2009 using campaign funds to pay for trysts.
The motion didn’t list names but said the affairs involved three lobbyists, a congressional aide and a member of his staff.
In August, Margaret, 45, was sentenced to eight months’ home confinement and three years’ probation. Duncan Hunter eventually pleaded guilty as well, resigning from the 50th District seat in January.
In mid-March, just before the pandemic shutdowns, the former Marine combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan was sentenced to 11 months in prison.
The six-term congressman’s prison term was to start in late May but was later changed to Jan. 4, with his attorney saying his prison sentence will be served at Federal Correctional Institute La Tuna in Anthony, Texas.
In December, Hunter pleaded for mercy on behalf of his wife.
“Whatever my time in custody is, I will take that hit,” he told KUSI’s Steve Bosh. “My only hope is that the judge does not sentence my wife to jail. I think my kids need a mom in a home.”
Philip Halpern, part of the Department of Justice team that prosecuted the Hunters, reacted to the news Tuesday,
“Obviously, the Hunters’ marriage was not helped by the former congressman’s decision to ground his defense initially in the act of throwing his wife under a bus,” he said via email. “This tactic — coupled with the public exposure of her husband’s various extramarital escapades — would have eroded the stability of even the most solid marriage.”
Halpern, who recently retired as an assistant U.S. attorney, said the true extent of the Hunters’ marital disintegration “became clear for all to see when they entered the court at separate times and sat far apart.”
“My only surprise is that they didn’t move to dissolve their marriage earlier,” he said. *Reposted article from the Times of SD by Ken Stone, December 8, 2020
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The Tower of London Research
When William the Conqueror built a mighty stone tower at the centre of his London fortress in the 1070s, defeated Londoners must have looked on in awe. Now nearly 1000 years later, the Tower still has the capacity to fascinate and horrify. As protector of the Crown Jewels, home of the Yeomen Warders and its legendary guardians, the pampered ravens, the Tower now attracts over three million visitors a year. Here, the Ceremony of the Keys and other traditions live on, as do the ghost stories and terrible tales of torture and execution. But the Tower also has a richer and more complex history, having been home to a wide array of institutions including the Royal Mint, the Royal Armouries and even a zoo. As the most secure castle in the land, the Tower guarded royal possessions and even the royal family in times of war and rebellion. But for 500 years monarchs also used the Tower as a surprisingly luxurious palace. Throughout history, the Tower has also been a visible symbol of awe and fear. Kings and queens imprisoned their rivals and enemies within its walls. The stories of prisoners, rich and poor, still haunt the Tower.
The Conqueror’s fortress
In the 1070s, William the Conqueror, fresh from his victory but nervous of rebellion, began to build a massive stone fortress in London to defend and proclaim his royal power. Nothing like it had ever been seen in England before. William intended his mighty castle keep not only to dominate the skyline, but also the hearts and minds of the defeated Londoners. The Tower took around 20 years to build. Masons arrived from Normandy, bringing with them stone from Caen in France. Most of the actual labour was provided by Englishmen. Throughout history, the Tower has been adapted and developed to defend and control the nation. Henry III (1216-72) and Edward I (1272-1307) expanded William’s fortress, adding huge ‘curtain’ (defensive) walls with a series of smaller towers, and enlarging the moat. In 1240, Henry III had the Tower’s great keep painted white, making it the White Tower.
The Medieval Tower
They also transformed the Tower into England’s largest and strongest ‘concentric’ castle (with one ring of defences inside another). Inside, the medieval kings built magnificent royal lodgings.
Tower of strength
Kings and queens used the Tower in times of trouble to protect their possessions and themselves. Arms and armour were made, tested and stored here until the 1800s. The Tower also controlled the supply of the nation’s money. All coins of the realm were made at the Tower Mint from the reign of Edward I until 1810. Kings and queens also locked away their valuables and jewels at the Tower and even today, the Crown Jewels are protected by a garrison of soldiers.
The Tower’s defences failed once. During the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, rebels ran in through the open gates!
The Bloodier Tower
The Tower of London has also been the infamous setting for stories of royal tragedy and death. During the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI was murdered here in 1471 and, later, the children of his great rival Edward IV – the Princes in the Tower - vanished within its walls in 1483. In 1674, two skeletons were unearthed at the Tower. The bones were re-examined in 1933 and proved to be those of two boys aged about 12 and 10, exactly the same ages as the princes when they disappeared. Henry VI was supposedly murdered while at prayer in the King's Private Chapel in the Wakefield Tower.
The palace guards
The famous Yeoman Warders, recognised as symbols of the Tower all over the world, have been here for centuries. They were originally part of the Yeomen of the Guard, the monarch’s personal bodyguard who travelled with him. Henry VIII (1507-47) decreed that some of them would stay and guard the Tower permanently.
Henry VII's personal guards were the first 'Beefeaters', so named as they were permitted to eat as much beef as they wanted from the King's table.
Ceremony of the Keys
Today the Yeomen Warders or the 'Beefeaters' guard the visitors, but still carry out ceremonial duties, such as unlocking and locking the Tower every day in the Ceremony of the Keys. They wear their red state ‘dress uniforms’ for important occasions at the Tower, and also for special events such as the firing of the huge cannon on the Wharf, known as the Gun Salutes.
Royal life and death
Medieval kings and queens lived in luxurious apartments at the Tower. They worshipped in the Chapel Royal, kept a menagerie of exotic animals (which lasted until the 19th century) and welcomed foreign rulers at magnificent ceremonial occasions. Although long since vanished, there was once a splendid royal palace to the south of the White Tower. Henry VIII modernised the rooms inside in preparation for the coronation of his new bride, Anne Boleyn in 1533. She and the King feasted here in splendour the night before Anne processed in triumph through the City of London to Westminster Abbey. Three years later Anne was back at the Tower, this time accused of adultery and treason. She was held in the same luxurious lodgings before being executed by sword on Tower Green.
Sent to the Tower
For over 800 years, men and women have arrived at the Tower, uncertain of their fate. Some stayed for only a few days, other many years. During the Tudor age, the Tower became the most important state prison in the country. Anyone thought to be a threat to national security came here. The future Elizabeth I, Lady Jane Grey, Sir Walter Raleigh and Guy Fawkes were all ‘sent to the Tower’. Even in the 20th century, German spies were brought here and shot.
The Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula
The Chapel is perhaps best known as being the burial place of some of the most famous Tower prisoners. This include three queens of England: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Jane Grey, all of whom were executed within the Tower in the 16th century. Henry VIII's wives were accused of adultery and treason. Lady Jane Grey was an unfortunate pawn in a plot to replace Mary I and was executed for high treason in 1554, aged only 17.After their execution, the headless bodies of the queens were buried quickly and carelessly under the Chapel without any memorial.
Resting in peace
In 1876, when the Chapel was restored, the remains unearthed in the chancel, including those of Anne Boleyn, were reburied beneath a marble pavement, inscribed with their names and coats of arms.
Legends and ghosts
The Tower has been a visitor attraction since the 18th century, but numbers of tourists increased dramatically in the 1800s. Visitors were fascinated by the stories of England’s turbulent and sometimes gruesome history. Stories of ghosts haunt the Tower. Anne Boleyn is said to stalk the site of her execution on Tower Green. Arbella Stuart, the cousin of Elizabeth I who starved while under arrest for marrying without royal permission, is said to frequent the Queen’s House still. Two smaller ghosts are thought to be the ‘princes in the Tower’, and the Yeomen Warders even tell a chilling tale of a huge bear who occasionally appears to frighten visitors to death.
The Tower today
The Tower of London is still one the world’s leading tourist attractions and a world heritage site, attracting visitors from all over the world. And when the gates are locked and all the visitors have gone, the Tower embraces a thriving community within its walls. The Tower of London is still home to the Yeomen Warders and their families, the Resident Governor, and a garrison of soldiers. There is a doctor and a chaplain. And there is even a pub!
During its 900 years of existence, the Tower of London has earned the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the UK. Thomas A. Becket is said to be one of the first ghosts seen in the tower. When the Inner Curtain Wall was still in construction, Thomas seemed to be very unhappy about it and reduced the wall to rubble with the strike of his cross. The grandfather of Henry III was said to be the reason for Thomas A. Beckett’s death so he built a chapel in the Tower for the Archbishop. People believe that Beckett was pleased with the construction of the chapel because no further interruptions were reported after the incident with the Inner Curtain Wall.
Arbella Stuart is one of the castle’s most famous ghosts. It is said that her ghost stays in The Queen’s House on Tower Green. According to records, Arbella Stuart married the nephew of Lady Jane Grey, William Seymour. The marriage was thought of as a threat because it did not have the permission of King James I. Arbella was put under house arrest in Lambeth while her husband William was sent to the tower. Arbella plotted to get William released so that they could travel together to France, however, William missed the rendezvous. Arbella set sail all alone but she was recognised and was sent back, this time to the Tower. William, on the other hand, made it to freedom. She stayed there until her death in 1615 in The Queen’s House. It is believed that she was murdered in the castle.
The most persistent of all ghosts in the Tower of London is that of no other than Queen Anne Boleyn. She was married to King Henry VIII. She was arrested and taken to Tower Green and was beheaded on the 19th of May 1536. Several sightings of Anne Boleyn have been reported. She appears close to the site where she was executed and has also been seen leading a procession down the aisle of a chapel. Several people have reported seeing her headless body walking the Tower’s corridors.
The Bloody Tower is a place in the castle which conjures up grisly images. There is the story of the two young princes, Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared illegitimate by Parliament and sent to the tower. They were often seen playing around happily in the grounds but suddenly vanished and were never seen again. It was assumed that they were murdered by order of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Two skeletons, believed to be the children, were unearthed beneath a staircase in the White Tower. The ghosts of the children are often seen wearing nightgowns clutching each other in terror in the rooms of the castle. They are also heard throughout the Tower.
There is also the White Lady of the massive White Tower. The White Tower is one of the oldest and most foreboding buildings and it is the eerie haunt of the White Lady. She was said to have stood once at a window waving to little children at the building on the opposite side. Her cheap perfume impregnates the air on the entrance to St. John’s Chapel.
Guards of the Tower of London have reported having a terrible crushing sensation upon entering the place where King Henry’s VIII impressive suit armour is exhibited. A guard who was patrolling the grounds have reported a sensation of someone throwing a cloak over him. When he tried to free himself, the cloth was seized from behind and pulled tightly around his throat by his unseen attacker.
The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It is a complex of multiple buildings set within two rings of walls built to keep intruders out. Several expansions have been made by kings during the 12th and 13th century. Although there have been a lot of modifications and additions to the tower, the original layout of the tower remains. The Tower of London has played a major role in the history of England. It has been a treasury, a public records office, an armoury, the Royal Mint’s home, and the home of the country’s crown jewels.
The country’s history would be incomplete if the Tower of London is not mentioned. The tower has been besieged several times. Kings and conquerors believed that in order to control the country, the tower must be controlled first. During the 15th century, the castle was used as a prison. However, the peak period of the castle’s use as a prison was in the 16th and 17th centuries. Elizabeth I was one of the many prominent figures who were held captive in the tower. The use of the tower as place for captives popularized the term “sent to the Tower”.
Although there has been a lot of talk and a pervading belief that the tower is a place of death and torture, only a total of seven people were executed within the tower, a figure which is low compared to other places. The executions were commonly held on the Notorious Hill of the castle. In a 400-year period, 112 executions took place on Notorious Hill.
Two men, John Taylor and Anthony Salvin, restored the castle to what they believed was its medieval appearance. They cleared out most of the vacant post-medieval structures. During the two World Wars, the castle was again used as a prison and 12 men were executed for espionage. The castle was badly damaged during Blitz in the Second World War but it was repaired and opened to the public. Today, the castle is cared for by the Historic Royal Palace, a charity, and protected as a World Heritage Site. 1483, the two young princes were infamously murdered in the Tower, with their murder remaining unsolved to this day. The shadowy figures of two lost little boys – holding hands – are a relatively common sight in the White Tower, as they drift between rooms and melt into the walls.
In Many other tales of Tower of London ghosts involve Anne Boleyn. Anne was, of course, imprisoned in the Tower and beheaded in 1536. The ghost of Anne has been spotted in many different parts of the Tower of London: both roaming the inside of the buildings, and outside upon the Tower Green. It’s said that her headless torso paces through the Tower at night, and is most frequently spotted in the Chapel of St Peter, where she was buried following her execution.
In 1864, it’s recorded that a soldier guarding the Tower saw the terrifying, headless figure of Anne, panicked, and tried to stab it with his bayonet. The dagger, of course, went straight through her ghostly figure. The soldier fainted from fright, and was about to be court-martialled for being asleep on duty.
However, many other guards came forward and claimed they’d also seen the ghost of Anne whilst on night duty. As a result, the soldier was let off.
As I mentioned above, Anne’s decapitated body was originally buried beneath the floor of St Peter’s Chapel. In 1876, Queen Victoria ordered that the bodies in the chapel should be exhumed, and buried more appropriately.
A short while later, one of the captains of the guard was patrolling the Tower at night and saw a strange flickering light in the chapel. He climbed to one of the windows and pressed his face against the glass. He was amazed by what he saw. Inside the chapel, he saw a procession of lords, ladies and knights in armour. At the centre of the festivity was a small, delicately dressed woman. Later, he identified her as being Anne Boleyn. He remained at the window, transfixed by this strange and otherworldly scene.
After a few minutes, the lights in the chapel faded – and the procession of ghosts disappeared into thin air. The captain of the guard was left gazing through the window of a dark and empty old church.
The White Tower is effectively the ‘keep’ at the heart of the Tower of London.
Here’s a truly terrifying fact for you. Almost every castle keep in England seems to be haunted by one common ghost – a spectre of a woman, either dressed in white or black robes. These ‘white women’ or ‘black women’ feature in countless tales. They haunt all manner of castles – from Warwick to Goodrich, Tamworth to Leeds.
As you might expect, the White Woman of the Tower of London is spookier than most.
Often, visitors only glimpse a figure in white in the corner of their eyes. Then, quite suddenly, they smell the terrible, pungent smell of an old, overpowering perfume. Some visitors then describe the feeling of the world closing in around them; and chills run from their neck down their spine.
In recent years, tourists to the tower have even reported the sensation that something is tapping them on the shoulder. When they turn around, there’s nothing there- just a wisp of white which disappears into the periphery of their vision.
Here’s a very strange story indeed. Edmund Lenthal Swifte was the Keeper of the Crown Jewels between 1814 and 1852. He lived inside the Tower of London with his family.
He recorded a truly spooky experience. In his own words, it happened on a Saturday night in October, at “about the witching hour”.He was in the Jewel House (now the Martin Tower) – the “doleful prison” of Anne Boleyn. The windows were closed; the curtains were pulled over, and the room was lighted by a couple of candles. His family were seated within. Suddenly, something very odd happened. Let’s hear it, in exactly his own words.
“[My wife looked up] and exclaimed, ‘Good God ! what is that?’
“I looked up, and saw a cylindrical figure, like a glass tube, seemingly about the thickness of my arm. [It was] hovering between the ceiling and the table: its contents appeared to be a dense fluid, white and pale azure, like… the gathering of a summer cloud, and incessantly rolling and mingling within the cylinder.
“This lasted about two minutes. [Then] it began slowly to move before my sister-in-law; then, following the oblong shape of the table, before my son and myself; passing behind my wife, it paused for a moment over her right shoulder.
“Instantly she crouched down, and with both hands covering her shoulder, she shrieked out, ‘Oh, Christ! it has seized me!’
“Even now, while writing, I feel the fresh horror of that moment.”
To help give a bit of context to this story, we know that all types of exotic animals were imprisoned in the Tower of London during Tudor times. It was a bit like a modern zoo. Some of these animals still haunt the place. There are many stories describing the roars of long-lost lions, which echo around the Tower at night. Some have also described the phantom shapes of horses, which gallop along the cobbles at night – their eyes a terrifying, blazing red. However, this animal-from-the-underworld was something more ominous altogether. I’ll again quote from E.L. Swifte, writing in the 1800s.
“[One of the] sentries at the [Martin Tower] was… alarmed by a figure like a huge bear [emerging] from underneath the door.
“He thrust at it with his bayonet, which stuck in the door.
“He dropped in a fit, and was carried senseless to the guard-room…
“Of all this, I avouch nothing more than that I saw the poor man in the guard-house prostrated with terror….
“And that in two or three days the ‘fatal result,’… was that he died.”
This chilling tale has been told and re-told over the years, and many now say that the bear was no less than the devil in ghostly disguise, pulling the hapless to the underworld with him.
Have your wits about you when you visit the Tower, because one of its most popular exhibits – the old armour of Hing Henry VIII – is said to be possessed by a particularly malevolent ghost.
To explain, over the years, many guards have reported horrible sensations when patrolling the Tower of London at night. Different men and women have described the feelings of dread or of chills running through their spine when entering a particular chamber. However, some guards have told of truly harrowing experiences. Some describe walking into a room and feeling like they’re being crushed alive.
Some say that it feels like an demon has jumped from the ceiling, has wrapped its arms tight around their chest, and is trying to suffocate them. Others say that it feels like an invisible monster is trying to strangle them. They’ve felt the tight grip of hands around their neck, and have stumbled, gasping for oxygen, into another room. There’s even a tale which tells of a guard being assaulted by a ghost wielding a visible cloak. Again, the guard struggled as he felt the cloak wrap right around his neck. He managed to escape the room – but although his assailant was invisible, the remaining bright red marks on his neck were real. All these stories of suffocation and strangling have one thing in common: they occurred in the room storing Henry VIII’s armour. Wherever the armour was moved in the Tower of London, these terrifying experiences would occur in the same room. Nowadays, the armour is on plain display in the Tower. I’d advise you to be very careful when you pay it a visit – it appears to be home to a one of the most vicious Tower of London ghosts.
One guard patrolling through here in the early hours of a stormy winter morning got a sudden and unnerving sensation that a black cloak had been flung over his head. As he struggled, the cloak was seized from behind by his phantom assailant and pulled tight around his throat. When he arrived at the guard room, after freeing himself, gasping and choking, the marks on his neck bore vivid testimony to his brush with the unseen horror
There is an old prophecy that, if the ravens leave the Tower, the monarchy will fall. These proud territorial birds are, therefore, protected by Royal Decree, and the future of the monarchy is assured by the clipping of the ravens. wings.
Here another tragic resident, Lady Jane Grey, "The Nine Day Queen", was kept prisoner.
On 12 February, 1554, she watched from an upstairs window as her husband, Guildford Dudley, was led, sobbing, to his execution.
Later that same day, the sixteen-year-old girl, who had been pushed onto the throne by an ambitious father-in-law, walked bravely to her own death.
Ever since, her ghost has appeared on the anniversary of her execution as a white shimmering figure that floats from the rolling river mists, strolls sadly around the green or glides along the battlements, then withers slowly away.
You are standing upon the spot where a number of illustrious historical figures ended their days on the headsman's block. Many of them are buried in the church you are facing – St Peter Ad Vincula.
One execution, however, stands out as more shameful and gruesome than all the others, that of seventy-two-year-old Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury.
Her crime was nothing more than the fact that she was the mother of Cardinal Pole, who from his safe haven in France had vilified Henry VIII’s claim as head of the Church in England.
Unable to punish the Cardinal, Henry opted to exact savage retribution by sentencing his mother to death.
On 27th May, 1541, she stepped onto the scaffold and stared contemptuously at the executioner.
When told to place her head on the block she refused. "So should traitors do and I am none."
The executioner raised his axe, took a swing at her, and then chased the screaming countess around the scaffold and hacked her to death.
Her last moments have been played out on the anniversary of the shameful event ever since, as her screaming phantom attempts to escape from a ghostly executioner.
The exhibition inside the Bloody Tower commemorates the imprisonment here of Sir Walter Raleigh, and his ghost seems to appreciate the fact, as it has been seen here on more than one occasion.
But it is the little princes, Richard and Edward, whose tragic tale has given the Bloody Tower its sinister reputation.
The boys were sent to the tower by their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, in 1483 when he became Richard III, both boys mysteriously disappeared.
It was always assumed that they had been murdered on Richard's instructions and their bodies buried somewhere within the grim fortress.
When two skeletons were uncovered beneath a staircase of the White Tower in 1674 they were presumed to be the remains of the little princes and afforded royal burial in Westminster Abbey.
But their whimpering ghosts, wearing white nightgowns and clutching each other in terror, often return to the dim rooms of their imprisonment. Witnesses are moved to pity, longing to reach out and console the spectral boys. But, if they do, the trembling wraiths back slowly towards the wall and fade into the fabric.
Kings, queens, lords, ladies, clerics and commoners would have taken their last look at the outside world from the top of those steps.
The Tower of London has been no respecter of birthright or rank. So offer a prayer for their repose as you shake the dust of history from your shoes and leave this grim fortress to its memories and shadows.
Our first ghost story was pretty recent – only as far back as the mid 1980s. One young yeoman warder was up in the Byward Tower reading the paper. Suddenly, next to the fireplace, the warder noticed a pair of “spindly medieval-looking men” smoking clay pipes. As he stared, one of the men turned and stared back. Then the moment was over, the men vanished. In Yeoman Clerk Wilson’s words, the young man wasn’t sure “whether he had seen the past, or the past had seen the future”.
There have been sightings of two young boys dressed in white gowns wandering aimlessly around the Tower grounds. Even children of pre-school age, who couldn’t possibly know the history, have reported the two melancholy youths in “funny clothes”.
You might be surprised to learn that only six people have been beheaded at the Tower of London. The first was Anne Boleyn, but the second – Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury – was far more gruesome.
Margaret was sentenced to death as a Roman Catholic in Henry VIII’s new Protestant England. But she didn’t go quietly to the Tower scaffolding, claiming her treatment was for traitors and she was no such thing. She broke free of the executioner and ran back towards her lodgings. But the executioner pursued, hacking her with his axe. On the anniversary of her death – which became seen as martyrdom – her screams are said to still be heard at the Tower. More than that, the shadow of the executioner’s axe has been seen cast against the walls.
One quiet day a yeoman warder was in one of the Tower’s rooms full of engravings remembering some of the Tower’s many prisoners. He was approached by a woman and her daughter, who were interested in the room’s sombre decorations. But as he happily explained, the daughter (perhaps 18 or 19 years old) started wailing: “So, so much suffering.” The warder was concerned, but his mother reassure him that sometimes she just picked up vibes and would be alright soon. They then proceeded to an area around a former altar where other interesting engravings were to be found. “So, so much suffering,” the teenager wailed once more. The warder tried to reassure her that they were “all gone now”. “Not him,” the woman replied, putting her hand behind her as if touching a man’s shoulder. She pointed to an engraving reading “Thomas Talbot, 1498″.
Historic Royal Palaces. (n.d.). The story of the Tower of London. [online] Available at: https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/history-and-stories/the-story-of-the-tower-of-london/#gs.kbibi8 [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Exploring Castles. (n.d.). The Tower of London Ghosts: Headless Haunts, Suffocating Sensations and Wandering White Women. [online] Available at: https://www.exploring-castles.com/uk/england/tower_london_ghosts/ [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Richard Jones. 2020. The Ghosts of the Tower of London.. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.london-walking-tours.co.uk/free-tours/tower-of-london-ghosts.htm. [Accessed 02 November 2020].
Haunted Rooms®. (n.d.). The Tower of London, London. [online] Available at: https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/the-tower-of-london-ghosts [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Londonist. (2016). Who Exactly Are The Ghosts Of London? [online] Available at: https://londonist.com/ 2016/10/who-exactly-are-the-ghosts-of-london [Accessed 29 Oct. 2020].
Geographics (2019). The Tower of London: History’s Most Notorious Prison. YouTube. Available at: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ebqW84tH2k [Accessed 29 Oct. 2020].
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(via cat lovers Bucket Hat by mohammed elhachimi)
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(i) I.M.A. Officers Training Academy, Chennai — Accredited University or equivalent degree.
(ii) For Indian Naval Academy – Engineering degree from an accredited university/institution.
(iii) For Air Force Academy – be graduated from an accredited university (Physics and Mathematics Level 10+2) or hold a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Applicants who are in the final year/semester of the degree program and have not yet passed the final exam can also apply. They must provide proof of the existence of a passed diploma exam.
CDS Exam Preparation in Chandigarh:
Chandigarh is an educational center for all competitive exams. A student from all over North India comes to Chandigarh to prepare for his CDS exam. Being the capital of Punjab and Haryana and its proximity to Himachal, Chandigarh is the perfect place for an aspiring student to relax and prepare for his CDS and other defense exams. Students receive quality coaching at world-class institutions such as the Delhi Career Group. Experienced faculty and trainers with a defense background make Delhi Career Group one of her best options for CDS exam preparation.
At Delhi Career Group, students prepare for future officers. Regular meetings with defense officers motivate them to do their best. Delhi Career Group allows students to be fully exposed to debates, group discussions and impromptu physical activity, including swimming which is part of the hostel activities. A student here trains in one of the best learning environments and develops candidate officer-like qualities. Candidates attending the Delhi Career Group must be well prepared for an intense work schedule of written exams, character-building activities, and physical training. Candidates have to believe and grow to become officers of the Indian Defense Forces.
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