#the dark crystal is a transformative experience
notmoreflippingelves · 7 months
Obsessed with the dynamic (not romantic, not platonic, but a secret third thing--both and yet neither) between two characters who knew and cared about each deeply years ago when they were both younger and life was much less complicated.
But then, tragic, transformative circumstances separated them. Assuming that this separation was certainly permanent, because how could it not be?
And yet, somehow finding each other again years later, and sometimes they aren't sure whether the reunion that they once longed for with every fiber of their beings is a blessing, a curse, a joke, or a punishment.
Because they've both changed in the intervening years--largely because of the hellish circumstances that caused their separation. They've both changed completely and irrevocably, even if one of them has changed much more noticeably and dramatically than the other to the point of seeming a complete stranger. It is about leaning to see and appreciate all the things that have changed about the other and all the things that have not changed. It's about learning to reconcile beloved, often rose-tinted memories with the complex, yet-equally-compelling reality of the person those memories are about.
#it's the very particular sensation of loving someone who is both recognizably your beloved childhood partner-in-mischief#while also being someone so different (physically; mentally; and/or emotionally) that you can scarcely see their past self in them#and knowing the feeling is mutual#and also knowing that the only person who can truly understand the full extent of the change in you is each other#because their transformation is linked to your own#forged in and through the unique experiences that you shared and the way you were separated#it's the idealized adoration of youthful playmates/pseudo-siblings#transforming into a very different but no less powerful connection in adulthood#that's what really gets me#it's just#*chefs kiss*#estabalena#nahyupollo#jaydick#anyway this post is specifically about estabalena and jaydick#and to a lesser extent apollo/nahyuta#but it doesn't really matter if people tag and respond with other ships#even the narumitsus provided they recognize that not every post was made for them#it goes double for jaydick and estabalena tho since they each have two (2) shared formative and transformative experiences#that few (if any) others can possibly understand#for estabalena; it's the 41 years of suffering in the dark times and the crystal well magic flowing through ones veins#for jaydick; it's the experience of being "Robin' and feeling that the role and all it means was ripped from you too soon#and then it's the experience of dying and your family failing to welcome you back with open arms#because you didn't come back 'right' or quick enough#and that you 'chose' to stay away rather than circumstances forcing the issue#apollo/nahyuta also has the jaydick parallels in terms of bruce and dhurke#it's recognizing that your very human shared father figure failed you in many ways#even as he simultaneously saved you in others#he made you both the best version of yourself while also creating or enabling all of your worst tendencies#just
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕬 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝕾𝖍𝖆𝖉𝖔𝖜 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖐
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Shadow Work is a psychological and spiritual practice that involves exploring the unconscious or hidden parts of oneself, often referred to as the “shadow.” This concept, popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to the aspects of our personality that we reject, deny, or are unaware of. These can include repressed emotions, desires, and impulses that we consider unacceptable or undesirable.
The Purpose of Shadow Work
The goal of shadow work is to bring these hidden aspects into the light of consciousness. By acknowledging and integrating these parts, individuals can achieve greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth. This process can lead to improved relationships, reduced emotional reactivity, and a more balanced, authentic self.
Steps to Begin Shadow Work
Self-Reflection: Start by setting aside time for introspection. Journaling is a powerful tool for this. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, especially those that trigger strong emotional reactions.
Identify Triggers: Pay attention to situations and people that provoke intense emotions or reactions. These triggers often point to unresolved issues or aspects of your shadow self.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your inner landscape and the patterns that arise.
Inner Dialogue: Engage in a dialogue with your shadow self. This can be done through journaling or visualization techniques. Ask questions and listen to what your shadow has to say. This helps in understanding its origins and messages.
Seek Guidance: Working with a therapist, counselor, or spiritual guide can provide support and insight. They can help you navigate the deeper aspects of shadow work and offer techniques tailored to your needs.
Creative Expression: Use art, music, or other creative outlets to express and explore your shadow. Creativity can be a safe way to bring unconscious material to the surface.
Incorporating Shadow Work into Spirituality and Witchcraft
1. Rituals and Ceremonies:
Moon Phases: The waning moon is an excellent time for shadow work, as it symbolizes release and letting go. Create a ritual where you write down aspects of your shadow you wish to address and burn the paper as an act of transformation.
Samhain: This Sabbat festival, marks a time when the veil between worlds is thin. It’s an ideal period for introspection and shadow work. Set up an altar with symbols representing your shadow aspects and meditate on them.
2. Divination:
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use these tools to gain insights into your shadow self. Draw cards with the intention of uncovering hidden aspects or issues that need attention.
Scrying: Practice scrying with a mirror or a bowl of water to tap into your subconscious mind. This can reveal images or messages related to your shadow.
3. Spellwork:
Protection and Grounding: Perform spells for protection and grounding before engaging in deep shadow work. This ensures you are energetically protected and stable.
Shadow Integration Spells: Create spells designed to help you integrate your shadow aspects. This can involve using herbs, crystals, and symbols associated with healing and balance.
4. Journaling and Grimoire:
Keep a dedicated shadow work journal or section in your grimoire. Document your experiences, insights, and progress. This not only tracks your journey but also provides a reference for future work.
5. Working with Deities and Spirits:
Dark Goddesses: Invoke goddesses such as Hecate, Lilith, or the Morrigan, who are associated with the shadow and transformation. Ask for their guidance and support in your shadow work.
Spirit Guides and Ancestors: Call upon your spirit guides or ancestors for assistance. They can offer wisdom and protection as you navigate your shadow.
Benefits of Shadow Work in Spiritual Practice
Enhanced Self-Awareness: Understanding your shadow leads to a deeper awareness of your true self, fostering spiritual growth.
Emotional Healing: By addressing repressed emotions and traumas, shadow work promotes healing and emotional well-being.
Greater Empathy and Compassion: Integrating your shadow helps you become more empathetic and compassionate towards others, as you recognize similar struggles in them.
Empowerment and Authenticity: Embracing all parts of yourself, including the shadow, empowers you to live more authentically and confidently.
Shadow work is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. By courageously facing and integrating the hidden aspects of yourself, you can achieve greater harmony and balance in your life. Incorporating shadow work into your spiritual and witchcraft practices can deepen your connection to yourself and the spiritual realm, fostering a richer, more authentic experience.
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taking-thyme · 11 months
🌅 Lucifer Deity Guide 🌅
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Note: This is inspired by both my own experiences with Lucifer and the information I read on @scarletarosa's blog and her devotional guide to him. Please go read that one too!!
The divine rebel, Lucifer is the light of truth and divine wisdom; an ancient light which shines through the darkness, representing illumination. He is the driving force of innovation, liberation and transformation. According to Scarletarosa, who actively works with Lucifer and was told this by him, he was the first-born god of the Universe created by the supreme deity, the Source. He is so incredibly ancient and beautiful. Lilith was created to be his counterpart, the Queen of Heaven. However, Jehovah took the throne of heaven from Lucifer and cast him and his followers into hell. Most of them lost their connection to heaven and their energy became dark and intense. Jehovah claimed the throne of heaven and set himself up as the one true god, manipulating humans into betraying their original deities. Thus, Lucifer became the King of Hell and has been scorned by Christians for millenia. 
God of: Illumination, Light, Darkness, Change, Rebirth, Challenges, Innovation, Logic, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom, Strategy, Persuasion, Revolution, Luxury, Pleasure, Freedom, The Arts and The Morning Star (“Morning Star” is another name for the planet Venus)
Symbols: Sigil of Lucifer, The Morning Star, Violins and Fiddles (instruments traditionally associated with him)
Plants and Trees: Rose, Belladonna, Mulberry, Patchouli, Myrrh, Min, Tobacco, Marigold, Lilies, Hyacinth, Sage
Crystals: Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Onyx, Garnet, Selenite, Rose Quartz
Animals: Black Animals in general, Dragons, Snakes, Owls, Eagles, Ravens, Crows, Rams, Foxes, Pigs,  Bats, Rats, Moths, Swans
Incense: Rose, Frankincense, Patchouli, Myrrh
Colors: Black, Red, Silver, Emerald Green, Gold
Tarot: The Devil
Planets: The Morning Star, Venus
Day: Monday and Friday
Consort: Lilith
Children: Naema, Aetherea and many others
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How was he traditionally worshipped?
There is not much to say about how Lucifer was historically worshiped seeing as he wasn’t worshiped at all for a large chunk of human history. He seems to have been worked with in some capacity according to the Gesta Treverorum, written in 1231, which is where we first see the term Luciferian being used to refer to his worship. This was by a woman named Lucardis for a religious circle, who was said to lament to Lucifer in private and prayed to him. However, the term Luciferians was later applied to basically any groups Christians didn’t like and wanted to fight, as one might expect. However, the modern Luciferian movement also sheds light on how Lucifer is worshiped. For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. Their basic principles highlight truth, freedom of will and fulfilling one’s ultimate potential, and encourage the same in all of us. Traditional dogma is shunned because Luciferians believe that humans do not need deities or the threat of eternal punishment to know what is good and the right thing to do. All ideas are to be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain critical because knowledge is fluid and ever-changing. Regardless of whether Luciferians view Lucifer as a deity or an archetype, he is a representation of ultimate illumination and exploration in the name of personal growth. 
The Morning Star
The First-born
Prince of Darkness
Son of Morning
The Glory of Morning
Lord of the Lunar Sphere
The First Light
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Red Wine, Whiskey (especially Jack Daniels), Champagne, Pomegranate Juice, Black Tea (especially earl grey), Chocolate (especially dark chocolate), Cooked Goat Meat, Venison, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Good Quality Cigars, Tobacco, Daggers and Swords, Silver Rings, Emeralds and Emerald Jewelry, Goat Horns, Black Feathers, Seductive Colognes, Red Roses, Dead Roses, Crow Skulls, Bone Dice, Devotional Poetry and Artwork, Classical Music (especially violin)
Devotional Acts
Acts of self-improvement, spiritual awakening and evolution, knowledge-seeking and dedication to spirituality ; Shadow Work ; Working to overcome your ego to become wiser ; Defending those in need ; Working to better yourself without being too self critical ; Fighting against tyranny and bigotry whenever you encounter it
Altar Decorations
Black or Red Candles, Snake and Dragon Figurines, His sigil, Roses, Fancy Chess Boards and Playing Cards, Silver Jewlery and ornaments, Black feathers, Goat horns
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For me Lucifer usually appears as a tall light-skinned man with long fiery red hair (so red it looks like it’s been dyed), a sophisticated face with a killer jawline, passionate eyes and dressed in a fancy black suit. From all my experiences with him and what I’ve heard from other followers, it seems Lucifer and most demons dress in full suits and tuxedos. 
Lucifer is nothing if not charming. He’s a protector first and foremost - one that always works to help you better yourself, but a protector nonetheless. He feels like a protective older brother taking care of you while your parents are away. He is a very complex entity, deeply wise and eloquent. He is more serious than one might expect for a demon given their popular depictions in our culture as chaotic forces of evil, but Lucifer is full of courage and love. I often feel him with me even when I’m not doing things related to him. He is proud of his follower’s accomplishments and congratulates them on a job well done, though he also reminds them that the job is never truly over. Growth is constant. Lucifer is the epitome of growth, blunt and gentle at the same time, telling you what you need to do and giving you space to figure out how to do it. 
Lucifer values resilience, the pursuit of self-betterment, intellectualism, courage, open-mindedness and responsibility in individuals and wants to see his followers develop these qualities. He is constantly rooting for you to reach your full potential. He won’t hold your hand the entire way, but he will help you take steps in the right direction. Lucifer, like all deities, is different for everyone and will adjust his approach depending on your needs.
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^ The Sigil of Lucifer
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novlr · 9 months
What are some good ways to write about winter?
Winter. is a season of stark contrasts and sensory experiences. It provides the perfect canvas to paint vivid scenes that range from cosy romances to horror-filled stormy nights.
When writing about winter, it’s essential to capture the essence of its chill and the way it can transform the world. Here are some quick tips!
A blanket of pristine snow covering the landscape
Bare tree branches coated with frost
Delicate snowflakes drifting from the grey sky
Icicles hanging like crystal daggers from rooftops
Colourful clothes stark against the white of snow
Sunlight reflecting off the snow, creating a blinding glare
Animal tracks stamped into the powder
Frozen lakes and puddles
Man-made objects like snowmen and snow angels
Lights shining against dark backdrops
Snow muffling and dampening the usual noises
Boots crunching on the frozen ground
People laughing and shouting as they play
Wind howling through barren branches
Ice cracking underfoot or on distant lakes
The silence of a snow-covered world
Shovels scraping against sidewalks
Snowballs hitting their targets with soft thuds
Branches creaking, laden with snow
The rustle of animals keeping warm in burrows
The fresh, clean scent of snow in the air
Wood smoke curling from chimneys
The earthy aroma of damp wool from coats and gloves
The sharp tang of frost and cold metal
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Pine needles and the subtle scent of evergreen
Baking spices from holiday treats
The slight ozone smell before a snowstorm
Wet dog from snowball fights with furry friends
Leather and polish from well-worn boots
Building snow forts and castles
Ice skating on a frozen pond or rink
Snowshoeing through a silent forest
Curling up by the fire with a good book
Skiing and snowboarding down powdery slopes
Brisk walks to enjoy the winter air
Hiking up snowy mountains for panoramic views
Having snowball fights with friends or family
Feeding birds or wildlife braving the cold
Decorating the home with festive lights and ornaments
Character body language
Shivering and huddling for warmth
Rubbing hands together or blowing on them for heat
Shoulders hunched against the biting wind
Slipping and steadying oneself on icy patches
Squinting against the bright snow glare
Snuggling into oversized coats and scarves
Stamping feet to restore circulation
Clapping hands to keep the cold at bay
Arms wrapped around the torso for warmth
Quick, brisk movements to minimise exposure to the cold
Positive descriptions
The serene beauty of a snow-covered meadow at dawn
The invigorating feeling of cold air filling your lungs
The cosiness of a warm blanket on a frosty night
The joy of catching snowflakes on your tongue
The camaraderie of coming together to shovel snow
The nostalgia of winter holidays and traditions
The satisfaction of making the perfect snowball
The wonder of ice patterns on windows
The laughter and excitement of a snow day
The glistening of a frosted evergreen in the sun
Negative descriptions
The biting sting of the wind against exposed skin
The numbness of fingers and toes in the cold
The dreariness of shortened, grey days
The inconvenience of navigating slushy streets
The isolation of a blizzard keeping everyone indoors
The discomfort of wet socks and snow in your boots
The hazard of black ice on sidewalks and roads
The burden of heavy layers and winter gear
The dull ache of a cold that lingers
The gloom that can accompany the lack of sunlight
Helpful adjectives
Biting, chilly, frosty, glacial, icy
Crisp, brisk, sharp, piercing, raw
Fluffy, powdery, crunchy, slick, slippery
Dreary, overcast, bleak, sombre, grey
Cosy, snug, warm, toasty, plush
Twinkling, sparkling, shimmering, glistening
Silent, muffled, still, hushed, quiet
Fresh, clean, invigorating, brisk, bracing
Nostalgic, traditional, joyous, festive, celebratory
Isolating, inconvenient, burdensome, hazardous, gloomy
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wicksend · 6 months
Wick's End Masterpost
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Set in a fantasy RPG, selfless soldier Glendale cheats death at the cost of living on with a curse. Now 6" tall, he quests with his personal servant Harry (a dog that has mysteriously turned human) and comrade Freya to find cures for their respective ailments.
A lighthearted fantasy adventure story that transforms its zany premise into a meaningful exploration of the burnout experience. Wick's End is SFW and for all audiences, with occasional themes of substance usage.
( Webcomic by @eightyuh - Professional inquiries: eightyuh @ gmail)
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Pilot Chapter 1 (Canon remake of pilot - Coming next) Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 (Coming soon)
Please refer back to this original source of this post for updates!
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What was your inspiration to make this? The story is based off of a dream that I had.
When will the comic be updated? There are 10 planned chapters total, but it will only be updated when I feel inspired to do so.
Can I draw the characters? Yes! Just keep it SFW.
What kind of dog is Harry? He’s an Australian Shepard!
You are welcome to submit Tumblr asks to the characters!
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Glendale Goodwyn (Toyhouse) (Artfight)
Harry (Toyhouse) (Artfight)
Freya Ferguson (Toyhouse) (Artfight)
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Glen and Harry pre-story (2)
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All Alternate Universe depictions are tagged under #WICK'S END AU
Genderbent (2) (3)
Tiny Harry AU (Comic) (Hashtag)
As Dogs
Dungeon Meshi Crossover (2)
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All fan-creations can be viewed under the tag #WICK'S END FANART
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Majora’s Mask, The Dark Crystal, Princess Tutu, Ranking of Kings, Project .hack, Angel's Advocate
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Special thank you to Zoe and Dani, my story editors & info-dumping confidants
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tenderleavesbob · 3 months
By now, Link was far too familiar with the darkness which hid in mortal hearts. He had come face-to-face with his own darkness, and the memory haunted many of his nights. Ghirahim’s magic turned many of his soldiers against their own, but many others turned without the need for force or enchantment. They turned their blades against their own due to greed, due to rage, due to frustration, due to pride.
Whatever their reason, they betrayed the people of Hyrule. They killed the people of Hyrule. Even with the empathy roused by his own experience, Link could not forgive and he could not forget.
But this? Link looked at the scene in front of him with open horror. He automatically stepped forward: to fight or help, he didn’t know. General Impa grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“No, Captain,” she said grimly. Captain, not Link. Impa meant business. “They asked for this fate. Let them suffer it.”
Link didn’t think anyone asked for this. Sick to his stomach, he watched the darkness spread like poison in front of him. He and his soldiers had stormed the fort with the plan to reclaim it. The traitors tasked with originally defending it had killed their commanding officer and claimed allegiance to Ganon. Now Ganon’s dark magic spread, vicious and corrosive, claiming the traitors for his own.
“What is this?” Link whispered, watching the shadows creep up a screaming soldier’s legs.
Impa grunted. She crossed her arms across her chest. There was no pity on her hard face. “What traitors deserve.”
The shadows rose from a strange shard in the middle of the fort. Link could see where several of the soldiers had tried to flee from it, but the shadows claimed them, holding them still. To Link’s disgust, he could see some of them transforming. Their boots were splitting from their feet. Their very flesh was transforming. Was this how Ganon made his monsters?
“No one deserves this,” Link protested. 
Impa shrugged. “They are traitors who believed Ganon would give them power. This is the only power Ganon knows how to give.”
Some of the traitors still had use of their mouths. They were screaming and begging. Link watched human faces above inhuman bodies weep. He had no idea how Impa could remain so calm. Link knew they were traitors and he knew they deserved death, but like this? Surrendering them to Ganon’s darkness?
Link looked again at Impa again. It was clear that she had no plans on yielding. She would wait until the traitors transformed and the magic quelled and then she would order the slaughter.
It looked so easy for her. Perhaps it was. For Link…
Link turned back to the traitors. One met his eyes and mouthed something. Begging, perhaps.
He couldn’t do it. Maybe Impa was right and they had asked for this, but Link couldn’t stand by and let this happen.
“I’m sorry, General,” Link said and grabbed his sword. Before Impa could stop him, Link called upon his magic. 
More importantly, Link called upon the power of the Triforce.
He had only called upon it once before. It had been instinctive. He hadn’t even known what he was doing until he was already standing in front of Impa, the golden shield saving them from Volga’s flames. He had only known that he couldn’t let the general die for his mistakes. Now he only knew that he couldn’t let these fools suffer for their own mistakes.
“Captain!” Impa roared. “What are you doing?”
The power rose, easier than Link expected, easy as breathing. It shone like sunshine, and Link knew instinctively that if he held it too long, it would burn like sunlight, too. “Let them have their trial! Let them be hanged if it comes down to it. But I will not side with the enemy! I will not use Ganon’s weapons for our cause!”
Link didn’t give Impa a chance to answer. He unleashed his magical attack, using not only his magic but the magic of the Triforce, targeting the shadows and the crystal. He knew the moment it struck true. There was an unholy scream and a crackle of power.
Then Link knew nothing else for a while.
When Link returned to his senses, he promptly regretted it. His head ached like a Goron had punched him and his throat felt like he had swallowed half of the Gerudo desert. He coughed weakly. 
“Easy, Cap’n,” Tune murmured. Tune eased him into a sitting position, and Mask curled into Link’s other side, holding a glass of water. Both boys watched him as he sipped it. “Take it easy.”
Mask said nothing. He just watched him, too pale for Link’s liking. Link tried to look him over but didn’t see any visible wounds. “What happened?” he croaked, lowering the glass. Mask immediately raised it to his mouth again.
“Dunno.” Tune reached up and touched Link’s forehead, then his cheeks. “General Impa had you brought in here with orders to rest and then she left. She looked really upset.”
Link lowered the glass again. “Not mad?”
“Nah. Not mad. Just upset.” Both boys watched him unblinking until he finished the water. While Mask put the empty glass down, Tune fluffed Link’s pillow behind him and settled Link on it. It was humiliating, but Link was too exhausted and sore to argue. “No one’s sayin’ anything, but…”
“Everyone’s gossiping,” Link finished. He rested his head on the pillow and sighed. “Great.”
To his surprise, Mask curled up beside him and rested his head on Link’s shoulder. He settled his hand over Link’s chest, directly over his heart. How badly had he been hurt?
When Mask spoke at last, it was so softly that Link could barely hear him. “I’m proud of you, big brother.”
Link swallowed. When Tune nestled into his other side, Link gingerly wrapped an arm around them both. His muscles burned, and his headache was getting worse. 
He thought Mask’s words were worth it all, though. Even a possible court-martial.
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 months
(This is so long, I am so sorry)
So you know how it's heavily implied that illagers do experiments on the allays to turn them into vexes? Yeah, they didn’t just do that to the allays. They also experimented on allay hybrids.
Most hybrids didn't make it. Ironically, their player half is what does them in; player souls aren't really meant to go through the whole allay-to-vex transformation.
But one of them… one of them was different. One survived.
The survivor didn’t come out unscathed. He would never walk again, and his body was covered in scars. So that was what the illagers named him: Scar.
Scar vaguely remembers his time as an allay hybrid: flying through the dark forest, collecting crystals, singing. He never hurt an allay, not even post-transformation, and would kill other vex who dared harm his former friends. Scar misses what he once was, and despises the illiagers for what they have done to him.
Eventually Scar met another vex hybrid: Club. Unlike him, Club was spawned (born) a vex hybrid in another mansion, far away from his. Scar misheard what the illagers were calling his new friend, and started referring to him as Cub. This went on for so long that Cub just embraced his new name.
Upon hearing what the illagers did to Scar, Cub decided to help him get revenge. They attacked late one night, setting the mansion on fire, killing every illager in sight, and freeing the trapped allays. The duo celebrated their newfound freedom by exploring, eventually finding the Hermitcraft server.
Thanks to the efforts of various Hermits, Scar has some of his old allay powers—sort of. He can fly, but he’s not the best at it. He can sing, but never again use the allay’s chimes. He can even use his crystal magic, but only in Grian’s Life games for some reason.
In the end Scar is happy, and Scar is free. -💫anon
Not quite an allay, but not quite a vex anymore either. Scar is just... Scar. And that's good enough for him.
-Mod Mleem
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keepsdeathhiscourt · 18 days
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Pairing: Sephiroth x GN!Reader
Synopsis: On a rare snowy night in Midgar, Sephiroth finds himself mesmerized by the quiet beauty of the moment and the person at his side. As the city’s noise fades under a blanket of white, he’s drawn to a fragile warmth he’s never known, something just out of reach. Vulnerable and uncharacteristically unsure, Sephiroth begins to confront the emotions he's always believed were beyond him.
Word Count: 1,465
Warnings: None. A little angst.
Read on AO3
"I think it's dark and it looks like rain, " you said "And the wind is blowing Like it's the end of the world, " you said "And it's so cold, it's like the cold if you were dead" Then you smiled for a second
"I think I'm old and I'm feeling pain, " you said "And it's all running out Like it's the end of the world, " you said "And it's so cold, it's like the cold if you were dead" Then you smiled for a second
Sometimes you make me feel Like I'm living at the edge of the world Like I'm living at the edge of the world "It's just the way I smile, " you said
-Plainsong, The Cure
The snow, so rare to Midgar, falls in earnest now. Thick flakes that drift from the sky and cover the plate in a blanket of lace. It dulls the noise and fosters a sense of peace, transforming the bustling city into an empty world wrapped in white. It’s surreal, almost–as though time itself has stopped. No sounds of traffic, no distant hum of reactors. Just you and the man at your side, watching silently as the snow falls.
Sephiroth’s face is distant, fixed on something far beyond the horizon. He seems lost somewhere you can’t follow. But you know his mind is closer than that, sharp and tethered to the moment with you despite his stillness. You spare him an upward glance, your breath hitching in your throat. Under the soft reflected light, he’s otherworldly–skin pale as the snow around you, hair a cascade of white-silver that blends seamlessly with the cold of the night.
For a second, you believe he might be carved from ice, achingly beautiful and untouchable. 
But then, his eyes find yours, luminous against the dark.
“I could stay here forever,” he murmurs, voice low as if he’s speaking more to himself than you. “Watching you watch the snow.”
There’s a quiet reverence in his words, a confession so full of candor that you find yourself stunned. 
He’s mesmerized, not by the snow itself, but by the way you experience it–the way your head tilts back to catch a snowflake on your tongue, your soft smile as the crystals melt against your skin. To him, it’s entrancing as it is unattainable. Something delicate just beyond his reach. He’s been a soldier, a sword, a symbol of power and destruction, but this…this simple, human moment feels foreign.
You turn to him then, and the puff of your breath mingles with the night air, swirling up toward him like a ghostly wisp. His name escapes your lips–just a whisper, but full of all the warmth and fragility he’s come to associate with you. The sound of it makes something twist inside his chest, something unfamiliar and sharp.
He reaches for you then, on instinct, his movements hesitant, deliberate. He’s never been so unsure before–never had to be. But now, as his ungloved hand lifts towards your face, there’s a subtle falter in the gesture, a glimmer of uncertainty. His fingers brush your chin, his skin chilled. Even so, you lean into his touch.
“You’re cold,” you breathe against him.
“I can barely feel it,” he says quietly, his voice a mix of apology and longing. His thumb traces the curve of your lip, catching a snowflake before it melts against the warmth of your skin. The pad of his thumb is rough, calloused from years of wielding Masamune, and yet the touch is tentative as if he’s afraid of breaking something fragile.
And maybe he is.
His breath comes shallow now, and he lowers his head just slightly, eyes fixed on where his fingers still rest against your lips. He watches the way the snow clings to your lashes, catches in your hair, and he’s struck by just how gloriously alive you are in this moment, soft in a way he doesn’t understand, can never understand.
In his mind, he knows her shouldn’t linger like this. He’s not built for tenderness, not crafted for this kind of intimacy. His hands are meant to rend and crush, not hold you as gently as he is now. But still, he stays, holding your gaze as if searching for something that might help him make sense of this feeling that’s clawing through his chest.
“You’re warm,” he says simply, awed even, like it’s new to him. And in a way, it is. He, who has spent so much of his life in cold, sterile labs, with only machines and soldiers for company. Far removed from any semblance of softness that your radiating warmth feels like an anomaly, precious in a way he struggles to comprehend.
You smile at him, a patient thing, and it does something to him–unsettles him in a way nothing else ever has. He swallows, his throat tight, and a lump forms in his chest. A sweet ache that catches him off guard.
When did he last feel like this? When did his heart become this scarred, cold thing?
He tries to recall a time when things were different–when he might have been more than this. Maybe when he was a boy, clinging to the idea of a mother he never truly knew. Maybe when he was younger, standing on the precipice of manhood, painfully shy and eager to please, before the weight of identity and responsibility stamped out everything soft inside him. But the memories are hazy, like looking through filmy glass, and he wonders if any of it was ever real at all.
“Sephiroth,” you say again, a half-plea that coaxes him from his thoughts.
His fingers rasp against your cheek, marveling at the smoothness of your skin. It’s as if he fears you might vanish, his touch hesitant, bordering on reverence. And for a moment, he’s not sure if he’s the one melting or if it’s you slipping through his grasp.
But his eyes search yours, and there’s something vulnerable there–something raw and unguarded that tells him that you’re just as affected as he is. He doesn’t have words for what he feels, yet he understands the importance. He’s trying to see through your eyes, to understand what it means to be like you, to imagine to keep your heart open and gentle in a world that’s cold and unforgiving.
Without thinking, he lowers his head to yours, the motion slow, deliberate. His lips hover in that space just inches from yours, and for a heartbeat, there’s a pause, a moment suspended in time as delicate and impermanent as the frozen streets around you. He wonders if this is what it’s like to be truly ordinary–to crave something so badly, to want to feel, even if it’s fleeting.
And then he kisses you.
It’s soft, tentative, as he tests the boundaries of something he doesn’t fully understand. It’s not the fierce, all-consuming kind of kiss he’s seen others share. No, this is different–more poignant, more careful. His lips press to yours, insistent and gentle, trying to memorize the feeling, to etch it to memory for later, so he might understand what it’s like to be close to someone without breaking them.
There’s a vulnerability to it, a quiet desperation that he doesn’t know how to express and so he pours it into the spot where your lips meet his. He’s been strong his whole life but this–this is something else. Something that makes him feel exposed like he’s standing on the edge of an abyss with no way of knowing what’s below.
He leans into you, hands winding into your hair to deepen the kiss, trying to ground himself in this strange new reality. Your mouth is warm, sweet–-overwhelming in its simplicity. For one mad moment, he wonders if this is what love feels like. If this agonizing ache, this sweet sharp pull, is what it means to truly care for someone.
When he pulls away, leaving both of you breathless, he feels a softness that wasn’t there before. He takes in the sight of your swollen lips, your eyes glazed over with desire and feels as though he’s seeing you for the first time. 
He presses his forehead to yours, savoring the air he gets to share with you, the warm, pleasant feeling in his chest.
“I’m not sure how to do any of this,” he admits, his voice thickened with something he can’t name. “If I’m even capable, but I want to try.”
He isn’t sure if he can love–-if he’s built for it. But in this moment, with you in his arms and the snow falling just for the two of you, he thinks that if he could, it would feel something like this.
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santoschristos · 22 days
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The Unveiling of Realities
1. Interdimensional Travel:
- We are on the cusp of a greater innerstanding of interdimensional travel.
Just as waves advance into the ocean of existence and recede into the invisible, our consciousness will increasingly navigate between the physical and the metaphysical realms.
This will allow us to access knowledge and experiences beyond our current comprehension.
2. Immortality Realised:
- The concept of immortality will be redefined. It’s not about living forever in a physical body but recognizing that we are already immortal beings. This profound truth has been concealed, but as we awaken, we will innerstand that our essence transcends time and space.
3. Spirit World Integration:
- The veil between the spirit world and our reality is thinning.
Many have already allowed spirits to weave their way into the mortal realm.
This integration will become more pronounced, and those with heightened intuition will witness and interact with these entities, gaining wisdom and guidance.
4. Intuitional and Spiritual Realms:
- As we develop our casual bodies and quicken our ego’s vision, we will see things as they truly are. In the spiritual world, the divine and human will unify, fulfilling the divine purpose.
This will lead to a profound sense of oneness and enlightenment.
5. Spiritual Manna:
- Higher realms of spirit life are preparing to pour down spiritual manna upon us.
This nourishment will be available as soon as we open up the conditions that render it possible.
The obstructions lie not in the spirit world but within our own mortal limitations.
6. Future Selves and Destiny:
- Our future selves are actively reshaping our destiny.
We are balancing precariously between multiple possible realities, each influenced by our actions. This slipstream into our future offers hope and the potential for a brighter existence.
7. Veil and Shadow:
- The veil between the higher and lower realms, created from the Pythagorean Monochord, signifies the separation of matter and spirit.
As we innerstand and transcend this veil, we will see the shadow of matter for what it is—a projection that can be molded and transformed.
8. Outer Darkness:
- There exists a point of no return, where souls that do not align with the divine purpose will be cast into the outermost parts of the Outer Darkness.
This signifies a purification process, ensuring that only those in harmony with the higher vibrations continue to evolve.
Implementation for the Journey Ahead
1. Expand Consciousness:
- Engage in practices that expand your consciousness, such as meditation, astral projection, grounding, chi gong ! , healthy eating, clean water, and lucid dreaming.
These will help you navigate between realms and access higher knowledge.
2. Embrace Immortality:
- Reflect on the concept of immortality beyond the physical.
innerstand that your essence is eternal and that you are part of a larger, timeless existence.
3. Connect with Spirit Guides:
- Develop a relationship with your spirit guides through rituals, offerings, and communication.
They are here to assist you in your journey and provide insights from the unseen realms.
4. Develop Intuition:
- Strengthen your intuition through practices like scrying, or working with crystals.
This will help you perceive the subtle energies and messages from the spiritual world.
--The Collective Spiritual Consciousness
Corey Foggo
art: Inter-Dimensional Gate
Diego Andrade
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gintrinsic-writing · 8 months
One Week In
For @meanlesbean! CW: body horror
It was an honest mistake. That was the best thing that could be said about the situation. 
“What’s happening to him?” Warriors demanded, staring at the crystal laying mere inches from Time’s shadow-cloaked body. “What is that thing?”
Twilight snatched the crystal up before anyone else could touch it. The urge to transform pulled at him, dark magic prickling beneath his skin. He was able to resist only due to experience. “It’s a magical item. I didn’t mean for—”
“It’s cursed!” Legend snapped. Several of the rings on his fingers flashed threateningly as he took a step back. 
Suddenly, the shadows around Time condensed and sharpened into little black prisms that dimmed the light around them. When they fell away, they dissipated like spun sugar on the tongue. 
Time’s skin melted much the same way. 
“Sweet Hylia,” Sky breathed. Then the screaming began. 
Time doubled over and howled, the sound too guttural to be Hylian. The flesh of his hands peeled and curled, large splinters of wood sprouting from the joints of his fingers. The vertebrae along his back fractured, each loud pop accompanied by a protrusion of heavily keratinized skin. He clawed at the sides of his face as if reaching for something, the pits of his eyes—first blue, then orange, then a depthless black—leaking jelly and blood. He grew and shrank and grew again, his clothes splitting at the seams. The muscles between his ribs parted as though from a sharp instrument, the overlying skin fluttering with every pained, shrieking exhale. 
“The Master Sword!” Twilight ordered frantically, his pulse racing from fear. “Sky, touch him with the sword! Hurry!”
After that, it was over almost as quickly as it began. Sky pressed the flat of the blade against one of Time’s spasming legs, and they all watched in horror as the transformations ceased; scales fell away like confetti, claws sloughed from weeping nail beds, fibrous roots slithered out of abused veins. Time wailed where he lie. 
Before Twilight could summon his wits enough to move, there was a metal rasp, then a blade was held to his throat. “You better have a good fucking explanation, dark,” Legend hissed, ignoring the startled sounds from the other heroes. “I’m not inclined to give a second chance.”
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sabrinathp · 4 months
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Crystals For Your Zodiac Signs 💌
I have been working with crystals for 9 years. The most important thing I discovered was some crystals really don’t work well with certain people. So I found a way to use the energy of the 12 zodiac signs as well as the energy of certain crystals & heres what I came up with:
Carnelian- can enhance your inner voice and block doubt and negativity
Citrine- can increase clarity of thought and assist in manifesting your dreams.
Red Jasper- can move energy throughout the body that can enhance strength and endurance
Peridot- can help you find the courage to go after your hearts desires
Carnelian- energizes your life force while encouraging confidence & passion
Pyrite- can bring blessings & abundance
Jade- can transmute negativity and bring peace within your physical body and emotional state
Rutilated Quartz- can connect you with your highest self, help with spiritual guidance
Carnelian- can support your creative side, bring personal power and joy
Moonstone- can align you with the moons energy, provides womb healing
Red Jasper- ca enhance your stamina and endurance
Abalone Shell- can connect you with the ocean and the energies of the sea
Tigers Eye- can combine energy of the sun and earth to assiduously in your souls evolution
Carnelian- can balance your inner strength
Citrine- can block any negative energies trying to dim your light
Kyanite- can help you align the energies of your chakras
Amazonite- can give your the support you need when experiencing new things
Jade- can bring harmony in your love life as well as bringing prosperity
Lapis Lazuli- can support you with making solid decisions
Citrine- can balance the Yin & Yang energy within you
Labradorite- can clear and protect your aura
Malachite- can support you with the many transformations you experience, brings emotional healing
Amethyst- can clear your aura and open the crown chakra to enhance peace
Citrine- can clear darkness and bring feeling of light, joy & happiness
Bronzite- can help when experiencing major changes
Labradorite- can help you reconnect with your roots and true soul purpose
Turquoise- can enhance your natural intuition
Garnet- can bring serenity by extracting negative energies from your chakras
Azurite- can help stimulate the mind, body and soul
Peridot- can cleanse and encourage openness of the heart
Amethyst- can connect your mind, body & spirit, great form of protection
Yellow Jasper- can help heal old wounds
Aquamarine- can support ideas of community and universal truth
Chrysocolla- can soothe heartaches and support in expressing your emotions
Aquamarine- can offer inside into underlying emotional issues and suppressed feelings
Blue Calcite-can keep you balanced when experiencing vivid dreams
I also did a series on what crystals can match your natal placements, if anyone is interested leave a note of your sun,moon, rising, venus, mars or mercury 💌
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Litha, Summer Solstice, Midsummer – circa June 22
Litha 2024: A Witches Guide to the Pagan Summer Solstice Celebration
Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice, is a pagan holiday celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year, and marks the official start of summer. Litha stands as one of the four 'lesser sabbats,' marking the pinnacle of the solar calendar. In pagan traditions, it is a time to celebrate the power of the sun and the abundance and growth of the natural world. It is also seen as a time of balance between light and dark, and a turning point in the year when the days begin to grow shorter and the nights longer. This holiday is a time of abundance, growth, and light, and is associated with a variety of correspondences, including colours, crystals, deities, traditions, and ways to observe the holiday.
When is Litha 2024
Litha celebration will land on June 20, 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, Litha, or the summer solstice, occurs around December 21st or 22nd. This is when the Southern Hemisphere experiences the longest day and the shortest night of the year, marking the official beginning of summer.
How to Pronounce Litha
Litha pronunciation is "LEE-thuh" with the emphasis on the first syllable. The word "Litha" is believed to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon word for "midsummer" and is still used by modern pagans and Wiccans to refer to this holiday.
Litha Meaning
As a spiritual holiday, Litha is a time for rituals and ceremonies that honour the sun and the energy of the summer season. It is a time to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the beauty and diversity of life. It is also a time to reflect on personal growth and to set intentions for the rest of the year.
Overall, the meaning of Litha is one of joy, abundance, and connection to the natural world. It is a time to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun, and to embrace the energy of growth and transformation that comes with the summer season.
Litha Colours
The colours typically associated with Litha include yellow, gold, green, and blue. Yellow and gold represent the sun, which is at its strongest and brightest during this time of year. Green represents growth and abundance, while blue represents the sky and the waters of life.
Litha Herbs
Litha, or the summer solstice, is associated with a variety of herbs that symbolize the energy, growth, and warmth of the season. Here are some herbs commonly associated with Litha:
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): This herb is often associated with the summer solstice and is believed to have protective and healing properties. It's in full bloom around this time.
Lavender (Lavandula spp.): Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender is often used during Litha rituals to promote relaxation and spiritual connection.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Mugwort is associated with psychic awareness and protection. It's sometimes used in divination practices during Litha.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile is known for its calming properties and is often associated with relaxation, making it suitable for Litha rituals focused on introspection and meditation.
Rose (Rosa spp.): Roses are symbols of love and passion and are often associated with the sun. They can be used in rituals or as decorations to bring beauty and positive energy.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): Lemon balm is associated with the sun and is believed to attract love and positive energy. It has a refreshing and uplifting scent.
Mint (Mentha spp.): Mint is often associated with prosperity and vitality. It can be used in rituals to bring abundance and refresh the energy.
Sage (Salvia officinalis): Sage is known for its cleansing properties. It can be used to purify a space before Litha rituals or celebrations.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow is associated with courage and protection. It's often used in rituals to enhance personal strength and resilience.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula, with its vibrant yellow and orange petals, is associated with the sun and is often used in rituals for joy and positive energy.
These herbs can be used in various ways during Litha, such as in incense, sachets, wreaths, or as offerings in rituals.
Flowers for Litha
Flowers are an important part of the Litha celebration. You can use them to decorate your altar, make flower crowns, or simply enjoy their beauty as a reminder of the abundance and growth of the summer season. Some flowers that are commonly associated with Litha and the summer solstice include:
Sunflowers: These vibrant flowers are often associated with the sun and the power of light.
Roses: With their beautiful blooms and sweet fragrance, roses are a symbol of love, beauty, and passion.
Lavender: This fragrant herb is often associated with relaxation, purification, and healing.
Marigolds: These bright orange and yellow flowers are often used in rituals to honour the sun and the power of fire.
Daisies: These simple yet cheerful flowers are a symbol of innocence, purity, and new beginnings.
Chamomile: This delicate flower is often used in rituals to promote calmness, relaxation, and restful sleep.
Yarrow: This herb is often associated with courage, strength, and protection.
Many crystals are associated with Litha, including citrine, sunstone, tiger's eye, and amber. These stones are said to bring warmth, abundance, and vitality, and can be used in a variety of ways during Litha rituals and celebrations.
There are a variety of deities associated with Litha, depending on your spiritual tradition. Some popular options include the goddesses Brigid, Gaia, and Freyja, as well as the gods Lugh, Apollo, and Helios. These deities are often associated with the sun, fire, and growth, and can be called upon to bring blessings and abundance during Litha celebrations.
Litha Tarot Cards
While there isn't a specific set of tarot cards exclusively associated with Litha, the themes and energies of the summer solstice can be reflected in certain cards. Here are some tarot cards that might resonate with the themes of Litha:
The Sun (XIX): The Sun card is one of the most direct associations with the energy of Litha. It represents positivity, success, and the height of vitality. It signifies the triumph of light over darkness.
The Emperor (IV): The Emperor card is associated with structure, order, and leadership. It can symbolize the power of the sun in providing stability and guidance during the height of summer.
The Empress (III): The Empress represents fertility, abundance, and growth. It is a card that aligns well with the themes of the summer season when nature is flourishing.
The Wheel of Fortune (X): This card represents cycles and the turning of the seasons. It can symbolize the natural order of life and the changes that come with each season, including the transition from spring to summer.
The Ace of Wands: Wands in the tarot often represent fire and energy. The Ace of Wands, in particular, signifies new beginnings, inspiration, and the spark of creativity—qualities associated with the active and vibrant energy of summer.
The Nine of Cups: Known as the "Wish Card" or "Happiness Card," the Nine of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and contentment. It can be seen as a card of celebration, aligning well with the joyous atmosphere of Litha.
The Lovers (VI): The Lovers card represents harmony, unity, and the coming together of opposites. It can be interpreted as a card of balance and connection, reflecting the balance of light and darkness during the summer solstice.
The Four of Wands: This card is often associated with celebrations, achievements, and a sense of community. It can represent the joyous gatherings and festivities that often accompany the summer season.
Remember, tarot is a highly personal and intuitive practice. Feel free to choose cards that resonate with you and the specific aspects of Litha that you wish to focus on in your readings and rituals.
There are many different ways to observe Litha, depending on your personal beliefs and traditions. Some common practices include:
Lighting bonfires or candles to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun
Decorating altars and sacred spaces with flowers, herbs, and other symbols of growth and vitality
Holding outdoor rituals or gatherings to connect with nature and honour the turning of the seasons
Creating and sharing meals made with fresh, seasonal ingredients
Participating in activities that celebrate creativity, such as dancing, singing, or making art. Witches' Sabbath Zakuro Aoyama
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kiirostarz · 4 months
So… I'm a bit shy about this hehe, but I wanted to share a couple of ideas I have for some Disney Mirrorverse characters. They are more like headcanons for my own lore, so let's get to it…
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I'll start with Prince Florian from Snow White, because he's the one I added the most story to and who interests me the most. So… I based it on the discarded idea of him being kidnapped by the Evil Queen. Additionally, in the Mirrorverse, while the Queen is preparing her potion to kill Snow White, she accidentally spills it on herself. So I was thinking that something similar should happen to the Prince while he's in the dungeon. Not exactly the same event, but before the Queen fails the spell on Snow White.
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1. Prince Florian, a young noble known for his bravery and generosity, was searching for Snow White when he was captured by the Evil Queen. The Queen, always ambitious and eager for power, saw in Florian not only a potential husband but a way to secure her dominance over the kingdom and its riches. Knowing that Florian would never accept her willingly, she devised a dark plan to subjugate him. In her quest for absolute power, the Evil Queen sent her servants to search for mysterious ingredients in the mountains. Among the findings, a pair of diamonds caught her attention due to their unusual brilliance. She noticed that her servants behaved strangely and foolishly in the presence of these crystals. Intrigued, she took one of the crystals and immediately felt its immense power. It was a force capable of binding its possessor to a source of dark and mysterious power. Determined to harness this energy, the Queen began experimenting with the crystal. Mixing it with other substances and her own magic, she created a potion that she believed could subjugate Florian’s will and transform him into her loyal servant. Once the potion was ready, she ordered her servants to bring Prince Florian before her. Florian was brought before the Queen, feeling a chill run down his spine as he faced her. The Queen, with a sinister smile, began a monologue about how she planned to use him to destroy Snow White and consolidate her power. Upon hearing his beloved's name, Florian grew agitated and enraged, but he was trapped. The Queen showed him the artifact she had been working on, with the crystal at its center. Before Florian could understand what was happening, he felt a surge of energy course through his body, as if thousands of lightning bolts were striking him at once. When he woke up, Florian found himself back in the dungeon, now in unbearable pain and almost unable to move. With great effort, he managed to stand up and noticed that his hands and some parts of his body felt heavy. Looking at himself more closely, he saw that his skin had purple cracks, as if it were fracturing into some kind of magical rock. The Queen visited him again, reveling in his suffering and assuring him that he would soon fall under her complete control. Florian tried to attack her, but he was too weak. The Queen left, laughing, leaving Florian in his despair. Florian, too weak to resist, could barely understand what was happening. The huntsman told him he was there to help him escape. With great difficulty, Florian managed to walk with his help, as the huntsman led him out of the castle. Exhausted, he passed out and later woke up with his wounds treated as best as the huntsman could. The huntsman introduced himself and explained his remorse and desire to protect Snow White. Though Florian was initially distrustful, he eventually understood that the huntsman also wanted to stop the Queen. Despite his doubts, Florian decided to trust him. The huntsman revealed that the kingdom was being overrun by dark creatures known as fractured, corrupted by the same magic the Queen had used on him. Florian, with time, managed to regain enough strength. However, as the corruption in his body continued to increase, Florian did his best to avoid being seen by people. People would panic when they saw that he looked similar to the monsters that attacked them. He also learned that the path to his kingdom was closed off, which left him uncertain if his kingdom could survive without him. After a period of depression, seeing the huntsman's strong will to help others, even after he had also been considered a "monster" for doing certain tasks for the Queen, made him realize he shouldn't sit idly by. He would do whatever it took to help people and ultimately save Snow White from the Evil Queen.
Powers and Abilities: Being similar to the fractured allows him to infiltrate among them, as they believe he is one of them. Florian can control them as if he were their leader and even make them harm themselves. He also has magical resistance, as being almost "fractured" makes him immune to various damages or attacks from the true fractured.
The next two are shorter: Prince Eric and Prince Phillip. (The art isn't mine, but they look beautiful.)
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In Eric's case, there are already several characters from The Little Mermaid collection, but no one in their bios or story events mentions him. It's also worth noting that in the Mirrorverse, Ariel is now the protector of the sea. She even has her own trident. So, for this story, I thought that in the world of The Little Mermaid, fractured magic has already begun, deep in the sea with Atlantica. That's why Ariel, Triton, and probably her sisters are busy protecting everyone from this corrupted magic. Everyone in the sea knows about this, except for the humans. So, when the prince was celebrating his eighteenth birthday, a terrible storm occurred, ending in a terrible accident. Eric would save everyone, including Max. However, it would be a bit too late for Eric, and he would sink into the sea... This time, it wasn't Ariel who saved him. It would be the strange magic emerging from the depths of the sea. This magic would take Eric's body and teleport him to a different world. He wouldn't remember who he was or who he had been, only his name, as it would be the last thing he heard from the cries of his shipmates desperately searching for him. And so we go from the cursed prince to the lost prince. I've been thinking about which world it could be, but in the end, I decided on a world where Eric doesn't feel so out of place... just a little. And that would be the world of 'Treasure Planet'. Eric would eventually be found by someone near the coast where he was unconscious. Even though Eric had lost his memory, he was still the same humble and helpful person as always, his kindness (and obvious attractiveness) would catch the attention of these people. I'd like to continue more, but I don't remember much about Treasure Planet, so Eric would eventually meet Jim, who would introduce him to his mother, and I'm not saying they won't meet the... bad guy? whose name I can't recall? ... the chubby one. It's just that in the Mirrorverse, their adventure would be different. Perhaps what triggers this adventure is that the fractured have already reached this world. And Jim and Eric will have to go for help, and it's after that they'll meet the guy. I don't have any more ideas... but it would be interesting to see Eric in this world that's almost like his own... just more advanced in terms of technology. Powers and Abilities: Stellar magic enhances the abilities of characters, even if they are not magical or have powers. Eric could have his nautical skills improved, meaning he could use weapons like swords, harpoons, etc., to attack his enemies. Also, his 'nautical intuition' means Eric would possess a natural instinct for navigating and orienting himself in his environment, allowing him to find safe routes through turbulent seas, or even on land.
Now Prince Philip is already known, thanks to the new chapter that the events of the movie have already happened. Aurora mentions several times that she is returning to Maleficent's castle. So, for them the only thing I can think of is that as prince and princess and future kings, they agree to protect their kingdom. Aurora would appoint Phillip as her royal knight, and Phillip would teach Aurora everything he knows about combat. Powers and Abilities: Phillip would be a melee guardian, and I can only imagine that as an expert with the sword, he can attack multiple enemies at once with precision.
Now Ana:
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After the death of her parents, Ana grows up in a drastically changed Arendelle. Without Elsa's presence, the natural elements begin to manifest more evidently in the kingdom, drawing Ana's attention. As she grows, she begins to feel a special connection with nature and the elementals, although she does not fully understand their meaning. When the fractured threaten Arendelle, Ana feels compelled to act beyond her role as queen. Inspired by the bravery of the knights protecting her kingdom, Ana decides to take an active role in the defense of Arendelle. With the support of her subjects and her advisors, Ana assumes leadership of the knights and becomes her primary protector. As Ana delves deeper into her role as leader and defender of Arendelle, she begins to experience mysterious visions and dreams that lead her to seek answers about her connection to the elementals. Eventually, she discovers that she has been chosen by the elementals to be her champion in the battle against the fractured, granting her special powers and abilities to confront the darkness that threatens her kingdom. Driven by the call of the elementals, Ana embarks on a quest to discover the truth about her past and her connection to Elsa. As she unravels the mysteries of her lineage and her destiny, Ana meets her long-lost sister, Elsa, and together they work to confront the threat of the Fractured and restore peace to Arendelle. In this version, Elsa. After the death of her parents she would run away and have her own adventure until the event that she is called by the elements, etc, etc...
And now, last but not least, Jenny and Oliver.
So... what I was thinking is that not all worlds could actually survive in the presence of the Fractured. Some are scarce in magic or abilities to face them. So I took a few creative liberties, and I thought it would be interesting if indeed Mickey and the other powerful wizards made a refuge for all these characters. With the help of the Stellar Mirror. Jenny would be one of these characters, she would be the same as in the movie, where eventually she meets Oliver. In this universe, Jenny would be an adventurous girl inspired by the other Guardians to want to do the same, so one day accompanied by Oliver, she decides to explore the outskirts of the refuge. Obviously, it was a dangerous mission, and because of the dangers of the Fractured, Jenny and Oliver end up separated. Jenny manages to make it back to where her parents and butler would be worried about her (I don't see sense in her parents not being there... since... they are in another universe, you know? Haha, I don't think they need meetings or anything). However, Jenny would realize that Oliver is not there and has not returned. Meanwhile, the little kitten Oliver, scared, runs for his life. He stops to drink some water. Unfortunately, this water was infected with stellar magic, so Oliver ends up turning into a giant and fearsome beast... but he's really still the same little kitten. And stories would be created about a horrible monster lurking in the forest "hunting everything in its path" (that's not true), so that's why Jenny couldn't go out because of that "terrible monster". That is until she finds a couple of Guardians who help her go after him. Oliver would recognize Jenny immediately and vice versa. And so would end the origin story of Jenny and Oliver, until they find a cure for Oliver. In the meantime, Jenny would be just another Guardian. With Oliver, of course. For their powers and abilities, Oliver could have agility, meaning he could attack and dodge enemies easily. I don't think I need to explain much because he's… you know… a giant beast… And Jenny could be a healer who heals Oliver when he gets hurt, as well as her allies.
I don't usually do this, but I used AI to give me an idea of what Oliver could look like. But I really think he should be something like a combination of a lynx, a saber-toothed tiger, and a tiger… In the end, I tried to draw a silhouette of what I wanted.
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And… yeah… I think that's all. I'm not a great artist, but I see a lot of potential in the Mirrorverse story. And I wanted to share it. Byeeeeeee!"
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asimplearchivist · 5 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓡𝓮𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐃𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ] [ AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST ] summary ✨ ⤏ eliana wonders if getting her memories back does more harm than good. pairing(s) ✨ [tba] word count ✨ 3.7k a/n ✨ [header credit] | [divider credit] ⤏ this is mostly exposition, and for that I apologize, but I promise that it will pick up from here! now I've got a couple of chapters pre-written, so maybe I can stay ahead! :) ✨ MASTERPOST ✨ ✨ PREVIOUS CHAPTER ⤎ ✨ ⤏ NEXT CHAPTER ✨
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Whatever Eliana may have expected in her idle postulations about dispelling her amnesia in the long, troubled years she spent without them, she could never have anticipated the conflict that the reality of it, in actuality, brought her. She wouldn’t have expected it all to come back at once, and she’d even had her doubts about how her wish might be answered by Jirachi on her and Lu’s journey home, but she supposed it only made sense that the ability which so mysteriously bound her to Lu and to Grovyle was the very thing that restored her mind to rights. It was…a lot to take in, admittedly, despite it all having already occurred—it was almost like experiencing her life all over again, fresh and new and painful.
To start: her recollections of life as a human in the world from which she was sent. That was an entire can of partially opened worms that she was not entirely keen on revisiting. 
The precious time spent with Grovyle—who, upon their introduction, was a Treecko—was far preferable despite the melancholic connotations surrounding the memories that they’d made together, unflinchingly traveling the frozen planet’s unforgiving terrain with purpose whilst learning to trust one another and—in so doing—built an unshakable bond. With it came an unavoidable toll—Eliana was forced to grieve the loss of her most trusted partner all over again, recalling everything from their first meeting to the split-second decision made to push him away from Darkrai’s malicious ranged attack in the midst of careening through the Passage of Time, with startling clarity. Her being thrown from the Passage, free-falling into a stormy sky, crashing into the churning sea below, bashing her transforming head into a rock to start the entire chain of events that led to her present state…all while Grovyle had been pitched halfway across the continent into the very forest from which he had originated in the dark future, alone and terrified of what became of her.
With that came everything else, too. Precious allies and dangerous enemies made while resolving themselves to a life spent on the run under constant pursual in effort to bring about a peaceful, whole, and better world at the cost of their own lives as well as those around them. Walking miles upon miles to confirm the original locations of the deteriorated Time Gears, painstakingly determining the extent of her inexplicable ability, all while trying to constantly outrun and outsmart their hunters. Wounds incurred for each other’s sake, tense naps taken with rotating shifts (for which the rester usually was never awakened), conversations exchanged that conveyed their deepest thoughts and feelings. Eliana had never had anyone closer to her than Grovyle by the time they were preparing for their journey back in time. Losing him—not once, but twice—in spite of her best efforts to prevent it was the hardest thing she thought she had ever endured in her life.
It also added that much more weight to the recent chapters of her experiences. She mourned the fact that she had failed to recognize him in Quicksand Cave and at Crystal Crossing, regretted ever hurting him due to the lies that had been orchestrated to demonize him and his motivations. She wondered at the fact that Celebi had recognized her instantly, but Eliana hadn’t had an inkling of who she was. She wished that she would have listened to her gut feelings to trust Grovyle sooner—it would have given them more time. It would have spared them some of the heartbreak they endured in the end. (And, if she had trusted her instincts to start with, she would not have been deceived at all.)
But, even still, Eliana recognized that the path she’d traveled had its purpose. She would never have met Lu if things had gone according to plan, after all—and she wouldn’t trade her second partner for anything for all the good that he had done for her (just like Grovyle had, but in different areas—Lu’s innocence and unflinching hope had juxtaposed Grovyle’s timidity and constant hesitation, but both had afforded her room to heal the fractured parts of herself that needed others’ influence).
It took several days for Eliana to readjust. Lu chose some lighter job requests for them to do that would help to keep her busy without any true danger because he had long since learned that she was able to think best while moving and working. He gave her ample space and didn’t verbally press her, but he always stayed within the reach of her voice. She found it difficult to talk much, nearly constantly bombarded by the impressions of her past life as they reemerged from the depths of her psyche while interacting with those from her new one. If the other Guild members had noticed her apprehensive, halfhearted greetings, they hadn’t said anything to her directly about it. She spent a lot of time taking in the brunt of the tide, per se, balancing the influx of emotions that accompanied each wave between acceptance and longing.
If Lu thought anything of her curling up in his bed at night to help fight the additional nightmares that cropped up, as well, he—mercifully—did not voice it.
Eliana thought that she would get used to it. She allowed herself those days to sit back somewhat and let her mind reconcile with the recovered pieces of herself that had been buried. She was grateful to realize that it had not changed her personality in any way, at the very least—now she remembered stories of people acting like complete strangers—but there was something in her that was simply unable to settle. She no longer felt like herself, to an extent, she mused. She had rebuilt an entirely different life here in the past with Lu and the rest of Treasure Town’s citizens, but she no longer felt as intense of a connection to them—as though a barrier had been raised since the full realization that she didn’t truly belong here had struck her. She was never meant to stay here—that a higher power (likely the one that had brought her to this world, she suspected) would grant her the mercy of returning per Lu’s fervent wish was a mercy unrepayable, but it felt…almost wrong in a way she could not articulate no matter how hard she tried. She felt like an intruder, a foreigner occupying space not intended for her. Even though she was supposed to feel complete with the recovery of her whole identity, she only felt even more fragmented than before.
Lu gave her time to broach the subject, as patient and as understanding as he’d always been. He also knew that she didn’t like to discuss things until she was fully prepared to do so, having ironed out her reasoning and line of thought prior. She began to relay some of her memories from the paralyzed, first—the tender ones, the lighthearted ones, and the dire ones that had defined her initial resolve to save the world. She spoke fondly of Grovyle and Celebi, relieved by the assurance that she could share vital information about their histories and personalities with Lu since he’d only known as much as she had. She shared the details that she had  desperately yearned to recall for so long, and he listened attentively without interruption—only offering gentle words of encouragement when she’d get a bit overwhelmed—all while preparing their supper. 
Once she was done, he began to ask questions: what it was like having to defend herself as a human (especially in mystery dungeons), what life was like in the paralyzed future, what remarkable events she witnessed and things she saw. These she answered easily—it was as if he knew how to avoid the topics that would bother her most, carefully skirting the more harrowing memories that had her jerking awake in the middle of the night and burrowing into his side for comfort in breathing in his scent to settle her racing heart. She would rather not think about getting chased by Primal Dialga and the relentless henchmen that followed her and Grovyle all over the continent.
She only felt brave enough to give him her confession once the fire had burned itself to embers and they were curled up in the dark. Restless and gazing out across the sea, Eliana had stretched her foreleg off the edge of their shared mound of hay (since made larger once Lu had figured out that she would need his direct presence if she would get any sleep for longer than a couple of nights) and traced her claws across the wind-swept stone floor.
“…Do you think it’s normal to feel like a stranger in my own skin now?” she asked quietly, barely audible under the susurration of the wind drifting through the open bluff.
Although she had her back turned to him, she felt Lu shift—likely to look at her. She wondered if her aura appeared as much of a mess as she felt. “…I wouldn’t know,” he admitted after a moment, and his paw rested between her shoulder blades. “But it doesn’t surprise me. You have two different halves of yourself that you’re having to stitch back together. It definitely won’t be easy in the long run.”
She’d figured that out quickly. Eliana sighed and curled her tail over Lu’s waist in gratitude. “Do I seem different?”
“Not really. You’ve been a little quiet, but I’m sure that’s a lot to take in.”
“I…suppose.” She swallowed. “Do I look different?”
“Ah. In that respect, yes.”
Eliana frowned and rolled over, studying Lu’s expression in the dim, ambient moonlight eking through the bluff’s gaping maw. “‘Yes’ in a bad way or ‘yes’ in a good way?”
“Neither. Auras are not inherently good nor bad,” he explained, “they simply are.”
He had explained to her it before in passing—or had tried to, since he’d been younger and without near as much knowledge as he had now. Eliana rested her cheek on the hay and gazed up at him with an expectant, inquisitive hum.
“Every Pokémon has a different aura, but it oscillates depending on their moods—that’s influenced by their thoughts or motivations. Yours has always been dark green, but…it was matte, almost. Now it has more depth, like everyone else’s does—so I think your amnesia stifled your aura until your memories returned.” He tilted his head slightly, his ears flopping over the edge of the bed. “I don’t know if that’s direct correlation or causation, but…that’s just what I’ve noticed. I’m sorry you don’t feel well.” He paused. “Is there anything I can do?”
“No,” Eliana sighed. “I guess I’ve just got to…get used to it. It’s a lot.”
Lu offered her a thin-lipped smile. “I’d say.”
Foregoing a response, she closed her eyes and hunkered in, burying her nose into the soft fur of his torso.
Lu draped his forearm over her back and tucked his muzzle behind her ear with a sleepy snuffle. “I don’t see you differently, if that makes you feel better,” he murmured over the crash of the surf against the cliffs far below. “You’re still my best friend.”
“Even with the additional trauma?” she posed wryly.
“Of course. I just hate that it’s causing you pain a second time over.”
“Maybe that just comes with the territory.”
“Perhaps.” Lu yawned. “Nevertheless, sleep if you can.”
“I’ll try. I’m sorry if I end up waking you again.”
“Don’t. I’m here for you. It doesn’t bother me.”
Eliana had her doubts, but then again she’d always had a hard time trusting that people  would sincerely choose to stay with her and had kept most at arm’s length for years. Grovyle had been the first exception to that rule in a very long time. She’d really had no choice but to trust Lu, but fortunate had favored her that day by giving her someone who would protect her when she needed it most.
“Goodnight, Lu,” she mumbled, lulled by the muffled thump of his heart near her ear.
“Goodnight, Eliana,” he returned quietly, pulling her a little closer.
She did manage to sleep—dreamlessly at that, to her immense relief. Lu roused her when he got up, and they went about their morning routine together. She felt lighter than she had in days, finally having released the pressure of her internal turmoil. She even offered to handle their daily Guild errands while Lu prepared for their missions, whereas before she’d clung closely to his side so he could handle the brunt of their social interactions while she found her footing again.
She called down a greeting to Diglett and Loudred as she passed over the security grate, picked her way down the winding staircase, and emerged onto the second floor. A couple of teams were already there conducting their business, and she glanced at both bulletin boards to see if there were any jobs she could add their pending queue.
None. Eliana’s mouth thinned as she tilted her head. She and Lu had opted to take the missions for dungeons most teams didn’t dare enter in order to help those in need, but there was a notable absence of them today. She supposed it didn’t matter. While they had been clearing their chest for the most part, she knew that it had been a trend for influxes of jobs to come in at different times. They had at least a week’s worth left over to do.
Eliana left the Guild to meet Lu at the crossroads, but he was nowhere to be found. She frowned as she stood in the center, squinting up the road that lead into town, then turning and staring down the road that branched off into the wilderness. He wouldn’t have gone into Spinda’s, so that left only one option.
Eliana trotted down the embankment that wound down the side of the plateau towards the beach and wound through the encroaching underbrush that had burgeoned under the summer sun. Team Razorwind usually trimmed the trails around Treasure Town, but she figured they might have been busy lately. Rock crumbled into sand before she emerged onto the beach proper, finally spotting her partner standing ankle-deep in the surf speaking to Lapras, whom they hadn’t seen in several months.
As Eliana approached, the transport Pokémon turned his head to greet her warmly. “Good day to you, Eliana.”
“Hello,” she returned with a smile. “It’s been a while. How have you been?”
“Well. Conducting Master Dialga’s business is time-consuming, but never tedious.” Lapras tilted his head to look at Lu. “I thank you for your expediency.”
Eliana bumped her flank into his hip. “I wondered where you wandered off to.”
“I asked one of the Krabby to fetch the pair of you for me, and he found Lu firs,” Lapras explained. “I bring news from the Hidden Land.”
Eliana stilled and sucked in a breath. The sand seemed to waver under her feet. She looked up at Lu apprehensively.
“The temporal and spatial anomaly surrounding me has finally dissipated completely,” he explained carefully. She couldn’t read his expression for once, and it made her heart beat faster. “But yours hasn’t.”
“As I am certain you are well aware,” Lapras continued, “you did not originate here. Master Dialga is toiling to repair the damages dealt to his realm, just as Master Palkia is his own, but they both have encountered some…hiccups, so to speak.”
“I thought all that was solved since we were able to evolve a long time ago,” Eliana pointed out hesitantly.
“That is true, to an extent,” Lapras agreed. “But Master Dialga has informed me that, in order to continue his efforts to mend the fabric of reality, certain obstacles must be removed.”
Eliana stiffened as the fur along her spine bristled. The last time she’d heard something like that…
Lapras dipped his head in apology, noticing her distress. “Forgive me, I worded that poorly. I only meant that you should be returned to your time, Eliana. Master Dialga instructed that you be brought to the Passage of Time in Hidden Land in order for you to be sent safely back, as the Dimensional Holes—while able to be summoned most anywhere—are far weaker and more prone to accidents.”
“You can go home, Eliana,” Lu added softly. When Eliana returned her attention to him, she realized that he was intentionally steeling his demeanor to hide his inner tumult—he hadn’t done that since he’d finally earned his confidence through their myriad misadventures, least of all towards her. “This is your chance.”
“I…this is kind of sudden,” she offered quietly, looking between them as she sat heavily on the damp sand and curled her tail around her legs.
“I understand,” Lapras said, “and Master Dialga instructed me to tell you that it is not necessary at this moment—he only wanted to prepare you for the inevitable. You will eventually have to return in order for time to be completely reconstructed. Your influence here will continue to cause repercussions into the continuum, which will hinder his efforts more and more. You pose the risk of causing irreparable alterations to the timeline.”
“That was the whole point of me being here, though,” Eliana responded through clenched teeth. “I was returned here after…after the future was healed. I don’t understand.”
“He does not expect you to, as it is an extremely complex subject to mortals. I myself do cannot comprehend it all. Time is by no means linear, and although your interactions with the past have—to present—been beneficial, it could cause deviations in the folding that has occurred. It is a critical, tenuous balance that cannot endure much more tampering.”
“I don’t have a choice,” she surmised lamely.
Lapras tilted his head. “Master Dialga anticipated that you would want to return to your time. Was his assumption incorrect?”
“I…no,” she admitted, “I just didn’t expect it to be motivated by something like this.”
“At least it hasn’t caused anything catastrophic,” Lu told her, somewhat wryly. He placed a reassuring paw between her shoulder blades. “Lapras said we can have a day to think it over. Do you still want to go out today?”
“Yeah. We can…talk about it on the way.” Eliana swallowed. “Thank you, Lapras. You’ll stay nearby, then?”
“Yes. You can give me your decision in the morning. As I said, you needn’t depart now, but…Master Dialga heavily encourages it.”
“Of course.” Eliana allowed Lu to steer her off the beach, taking a shortcut towards the coastal forest that would branch off into the surrounding areas.
“I suppose Jirachi really came through, huh?” Lu mused after a long duration of silence.
“I just didn’t think it would involve such high stakes,” Eliana sighed. “Again.”
“It saves us from the deliberation, if nothing else,” he supposed. “I was worried that it would be the sort of decision we might cower away from.”
Eliana frowned, throat tightening. “I didn’t want…” She swallowed roughly. “…we don’t know how far into the future it is. What if—what if you’re not there?”
Lu stopped. Eliana dropped her head, but he kneeled next to her and drew her into a hug. She sank into him with some relief, squeezing her stinging eyes shut. “I will go with you all the way to the Passage,” he assured her, “but there’s no guarantee I’ll be on the other side. That’s just the nature of time.”
“I don’t want to trade you for that,” she whispered tightly. “I don’t want to lose you.”
“You won’t, even if I’m not there, but...something tells me we can’t be parted for very long. Perhaps that’s silly, but…you’ve taught me how to trust my gut.” He pulled back enough to gaze fondly down at her. “I’ve had the privilege of calling you my partner for this long. I could ask for nothing else.”
Eliana wanted to protest. She had found safety here in the past, with Lu, and she had no idea what lay in wait across the Passage. All she knew is that it would be different, but…
“Consider it another exploration,” Lu said, distracting her from the spiral she was in danger of descending into. “I don’t think Dialga would be sending you back if it were dangerous—he owes you too much for that. You’re the most capable person I know, and if anyone could handle it, I know you can. And if I’m able, I will continue to be there for you.”
She drew in a deep, shaky breath. She wanted so badly to find Grovyle again, but she didn’t want to exchange him for Lu. There was so much uncertainty surrounding the sudden reality of her being intended to return, but…maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. She would just have to deal with any problems that might arise when she got there.
“We would need to tell Wigglytuff and the others,” she said.
“I’m sure they will understand,” he replied. “Although Chatot may not be happy about it.”
“Are you sure you’d be okay by yourself?” she asked softly. “What about our team?”
“I’ve got the Guild,” he pointed out, “and I’m sure you’ve noticed that our types of jobs have been getting fewer and farther between, so maybe I could start looking into doing something else. I don’t know yet. I can handle myself most of the time, but if I needed help I could ask one of the apprentices.”
“…I would miss you,” she murmured.
“I will miss you, too,” he returned, “dearly. But I think this is for the best.”
“I know.” She reached up and squeezed him as best as she was able. “Thank you, Lu. For everything.”
“Save the goodbyes for later,” he chuckled, although she noticed that his voice had thickened with emotion he was concealing for her sake. “…But time is a funny thing. Maybe we should just say, ‘see you later’ instead.”
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olrastrology · 22 days
Exploring the Paths of Lightworkers, Shadow Workers, and Grey Workers
In the spiritual and metaphysical communities, there is often discussion about the distinct roles that individuals may take on in their journeys of personal and collective healing. Among these roles, lightworkers, shadow workers, and grey workers represent three primary archetypes, each with its own approach to growth, healing, and transformation. While these paths share the common goal of fostering understanding and balance, the methods and focus of their work differ significantly.
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Lightworkers: Uplifting Through Positivity and Light
Lightworkers are those who consciously work with energies of positivity, love, and higher vibrational frequencies. Their mission is to raise the collective consciousness by spreading light and healing. Lightworkers often focus on compassion, unity, and spiritual awakening, offering support and healing to others by encouraging a higher state of being.
Lightworkers often work in fields such as energy healing (Reiki, crystal healing), counseling, and spiritual teaching, and they are drawn to meditative practices, positive affirmations, and tools that invoke feelings of peace and love. They are associated with promoting balance through the elimination of fear and negative energies, often creating environments where individuals feel safe, empowered, and supported.
Their focus tends to be on the positive aspects of life—finding joy, expressing gratitude, and aligning with divine or universal energies of love. Lightworkers often emphasize the idea that we are all inherently good and divine and that through aligning with the light, we can transcend lower vibrational emotions like fear, anger, and jealousy.
However, some critiques of the lightworker path suggest that it can sometimes lead to spiritual bypassing—ignoring deeper, uncomfortable aspects of the self or world in favor of a more surface-level positivity. This is where the other spiritual paths, such as shadow work, become essential.
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Shadow Workers: Embracing the Darkness for Transformation
In contrast, shadow workers take a deep dive into the darker, hidden aspects of both the self and the collective unconscious. Inspired by Carl Jung’s concept of the “shadow,” these individuals work with the aspects of human experience that are often repressed, ignored, or deemed undesirable—such as pain, trauma, fear, and anger.
Where lightworkers focus on raising the vibration by connecting with positive energy, shadow workers believe that true transformation comes from facing and integrating the darker aspects of the self. This might involve working through past traumas, releasing karmic patterns, and confronting personal and societal shadows.
Shadow workers often engage in practices that focus on inner work, such as journaling, deep psychological exploration, and spiritual practices that focus on the integration of the whole self, rather than just the parts that are pleasant or desirable. By bringing these “shadows” into the light, they aim to transmute negative energy into something useful and empowering. Shadow work is often messy, emotional, and deeply personal, but it is considered one of the most profound ways to achieve lasting growth and self-awareness.
While shadow workers might be more comfortable in spaces of discomfort, they are often misunderstood, as their path is more about accepting pain, hardship, and imperfection rather than avoiding or denying it. They understand that darkness is an integral part of the human experience and that embracing it leads to deeper healing and wisdom.
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Grey Workers: The Balance Between Light and Dark
Grey workers embody a unique balance between the light and the dark, embracing both aspects of the self and the world. While lightworkers and shadow workers may focus more heavily on one side of the spectrum, grey workers are committed to walking the line between both, integrating light and dark into a harmonious whole.
Grey workers understand that life consists of both shadow and light and that true spiritual growth requires one to navigate and accept both. They don’t shy away from the beauty and joy of light, but they also do not fear or reject the darkness. Grey workers see the duality of existence as something to embrace, rather than something to split into opposing forces.
These individuals are often found working in spaces that require both the compassion of the light and the courage to confront shadows. Grey workers might be involved in alchemy, shamanism, or other paths that require a deep understanding of balance. They work to help others integrate both their positive and negative aspects, promoting wholeness rather than division.
Grey workers believe that neither light nor dark can exist without the other, and that both are necessary for personal and spiritual evolution. Their approach might involve using light to heal, but also descending into the depths of the shadow to confront difficult truths. In doing so, they represent the middle path, where both aspects of reality are honored and embraced as necessary for growth.
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Conclusion: Three Paths, One Goal
While the paths of lightworkers, shadow workers, and grey workers might seem divergent, they all serve a common purpose: spiritual growth and healing. Lightworkers shine a light on positivity and love, shadow workers dive into the depths of the human experience, and grey workers find the balance between the two. Each path offers unique tools and insights for personal development, and individuals might resonate with different paths at different times in their spiritual journey.
Ultimately, the key difference lies in the approach: lightworkers lift with positivity, shadow workers heal through confrontation and acceptance of the darkness, and grey workers balance both in an integrated, holistic practice. Each role is valuable and necessary, contributing to the complex and multifaceted nature of spiritual growth and healing.
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starsodd · 26 days
Proper Pressure OC introduction!
I created this on IbisPaint because I couldn't do the one on Roblox. (Disclaimer, this is genuinely my first time writing an OC's backstory. I usually only ever create designs, not stories. Have mercy. The document was heavily inspired by Sebastian’s and that will be very obvious.)
This contains the topic of murder and cannibalism, it doesn't go into explicit detail by any means but it is mentioned.
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Look below for a better look at the lore, just in case you can't read it.
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Z-49—codename "False Angel," real name "Maria Manice"—is also deemed "KILL ON SIGHT," along with Z-13 or "The Saboteur." After the events of Z-13, she was freed and now wanders around the black site. Her motives are unclear. Unlike Z-13, she doesn't seem to be actively searching for an escape. She has been seen swimming around and interacting with any EXR-P team personnel she finds. Most interactions between her and the expendables she comes across have been friendly, but when pushed too far, her tentacle-like hair strands have been seen to extend and pick up whoever annoys her, bringing them to her mouth as her next meal.
Z-49, before being brought to the Hadal black site, was a popular designer known for her beautiful gowns and looks. At the age of twenty-four, she was wealthy and married to her then-husband, (Redacted), whom she murdered in 2020 along with seven other workers after catching him in bed with one of the housemaids. After she made sure they were all dead, she called the police herself and waited for them to arrive. When the police arrived on the scene, they were met with a bloody sight as well as Z-49 sitting on her couch, eating her husband's heart which she had carved out. She was arrested and later charged with eight counts of murder and cannibalism. During interrogation, she admitted that she never actually loved her husband. He worked as an assistant in her company, catching her eye due to his shy demeanor and overall weakness. After being charged and sentenced to death, she faced a similar fate to Z-13: being given several samples of DNA strands from sea angels, sea bunnies, black sea nettles, and a male anglerfish. Like Z-13, her experiments were considered a success. As of now, in 2025, Z-49's transformation is not considered complete. Her body is still changing and, by the end, will appear more like a sea angel. A week before the site lockdown, Z-49 began avoiding her meals and would instead pick up the guardsmen who were sent in and eat them instead. After being freed she went on a rampage much like the other monsters, and now sticks around to keep feeding. Z-49 is to be killed on sight. DO NOT HESITATE.
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The low-quality badge you’d get for dying to her! How? Well, I’ve been thinking about a bunch of potential functions for her, and I think I’d give her two, much like p.AI.nter. She was asked by Sebastian to help with the process of delaying the expendables’ goal of getting the crystal. The way she does that is in a couple of ways. In dark rooms with non-navigable paths, if there is a window, she will appear and use her light to guide the expendable. She would have a 50/50 chance of leading them the correct or wrong way. If she leads them the wrong way and the expendable falls for it, they’ll be led to where Eyefestation will be waiting. She’d then taunt them and swim off, most likely insulting their intelligence. Another way of meeting could be in a bigger room, much like p.AI.nter (can you tell I’m not exactly original?). She would introduce herself and her purpose. The player would have the chance to ask a few unimportant questions (like maybe “What do you think of Sebastian?” type questions, you know, just to waste time) that she would answer. The way to get the badge is by using the flash beacon on her a total of four times, three being verbal warnings, with her getting visibly irritated each time, until the fourth time when she would snap and use her tentacles to pick up the player and eat them.
~An expendable sheep
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