#the cousins are so funny in my fic honestly
tragicclownwrites · 1 year
... kind of a teaser? 👀
I know I mentioned I'd post a teaser for my upcoming SquidBob fic in my last writing update, so here are some very out-of-context quotes from SpongeBob's cousins that make me laugh
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I will take this opportunity to say that the fic is about 75% finished! Looking forward to sharing with you really soon. 🤗
In the meantime, hopefully you enjoy my humor, even without knowing what's happening lmao. Or I can cackle to myself like the clown that I am 🤡
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uh-oh-its-bird · 5 months
There are so many naruto time travel fics out there but what I need SPECIFICALLY is an ANBU era team of Kakashi, Tenzo, Itachi, and Shisui getting flung into the founders era.
Like. Ok just looking from the political side of it that's;
A) 2 very young and VERY powerful Uchiha's (one of which is the future clan head!! Politics!!)
B) A very fucked up baby mokuton user who's still in the middle of being deprogrammed and can totally pass for Senju
C) The free wild card that is Hatake clan lore on top of having a stolen sharingan. On top of *that* him being the team leader of a team of kids who, in the time period context, should both be at eachothers throats and probably not be expected to obey the commands of someone not only from another clan but a way smaller one
Theres SO much potential there!! So many political implications in virtually ALL of the directions!!!!
Yk what as I'm typing this out I'm having ✨️ideas✨️ so let's make some story points to sort those out:
• I think itd be neat to have this happen like. A year? Ish? Before the massacre? So age wise, and full disclaimer I'm referencing Google and Wikipedia rn so I could totally be wrong, I think that's :
Kakashi (18)
Tenzo (17)
Itachi (12)
Shisui (15)
Could be wrong about the ages but honestly it's my world you're just living in it, so.
Then me going totally purely off of my own headcannons, were going to say they came in a about a year before Izuna died and place the founders ages as:
Madara (23)
Hashirama (23)
Izuna (19)
Tobirama (18)
Big fan of Tobirama being the youngest between the 4 but projecting the aura of someone as old as like. Idk, however old Madara is. Very funny to me, 10/10
• I'm personally a big fan of dogteeth kakashi so we're running with that all the way home. Also a huge fan of the "Hatake's are a distant, more feral cousin of Inuzuka clan" hc along with some sprinklings of "back in the day they had a bit of a Reputation(tm) for being a 'lill wild, and everyone generally tries to avoid them. Which isn't too much of a problem because theyre a very small out of the way clan from Iron, they just have a big reputation in contrast to their size.
In more modern times tho, along with (obviously) having dwindled down to a single depressed teenager, they've become a lot tamer over the years due to village life. Kakashi is a Hatake, 100%, but he is NOT up to the standards of this time. Which becomes a bit funny when people see him, go "oh FUCK it's a Hatake" and then start edging slowly towards the door like he's about to rip their throat out with his teeth. Meanwhile he's standing there like 🧍‍♂️"am I that ugly."
Give me a scene where, finally used to this reaction to him from the general shinobi population, the team starts to use it to their advantage.
"Give us the scroll or we'll let the Hatake off the leash to have his fun with you. He's been awfully hungry latley you know, hasn't had fresh meat in days"
Kakashi, feeling kind of stupid, gave his best growl.
It caused an almost immediate, embaressed flush to rise to his face, but he didn't let up. It sounded more like an almost pathetic puppy growl than anything to his ears, but apparently it was enough to convince the trembling enemy nin because he slowly lifted the scroll up in offering.
Wow. Now he couldn't tell if he was embaressed for himself or for this guy.
Probably both to be honest.
• So like. Itachi is the clan heir. That's big. That's important. Let's do something with that.
First off, I had a great time reading this one fic (tho I don't even remember what the fic itself was about now, oops) where a plot point of it was how Sasuke is just a walking stereotype of main house Uchiha. Like people look at him and they don't just go "oh that's an Uchiha." They go "oh fuck that's an UCHIHA Uchiha." He's so fucking painfully, obviously related to the very tippy top of the clan that anyone not blind can tell. It's in the way he looks, it's in the way he talks and treats those around him, it's in the way he fucking holds himself. You look at him and every other stereotype about the Uchiha clan is there in big, bold letters. (On top of that he's also a dead wringer for Izuna, which I'm such a sucker for and desperatley wish people would do more with)
So like let's give that to Itachi here because it's so fun for several reasons.
First off; Sasuke in this is like. Straight up a doppelganger of Izuna, just a few generations apart. They could be twins. Itachi, as I'm sure you are aware, is Sasuke's big brother. So let's take some liberties and say that Itachi could absoloutley pass as a blood sibling to Izuna and Madara.
He is however 12, so we're also going to say that the only people who get to make this connection is anyone who's seen the siblings when they were also at a similar age.
On top of that however he has the 'walking amalgamation of all the stereotypes of the main Uchiha house' so anyone who isn't blind will look at him and assume he's somewhere in the sphere of 'important main house person' tho who really knows how distant the relation may be exactly. No one !! That's who !!!
Second; He's the fucking clan heir!! What the fuck!! This bit would have the most impact after all the messy time travel reveals when things have settled down a bit, so it'll sit in the back pocket for a bit. Save it for some fun shaking up later down the line so we don't run out of all the fun reveals too fast and bore the readers, yk?
When it is brought up tho it'd be fun to maybe have some fucky Itachi and Madara mutual understandings of the way things work.
• So. Madara is like a bit of a scary bed time story to Uchiha children, right? Like. "Ooo make sure you don't get too obsessive or fall too deep into your grief and always stay loyal to the village or you'll end up just like Madara!!"
Something something Uchiha-Village relationships are tense as hell, something something Madara fucking over a lot of the clan with his whole. Everything., Something something scapegoat and old stories, something something 'people have probably been talking a lot more about how "god dammit this all started with Madara" in recent years.'
Now with that in mind let's take a look of what our time travelers think of Madara:
Itachi is a good Konoha soldier. Itachi (as has been very much fucking proven) would rather beat a possible problem before it even exists with a hammer till it dies an ugly bloody death than even RISK it blossoming into a proper problem. Itachi does not like Madara. Itachi personally, quietly thinks they should maybe wait till the village is formed then carefully arrange a little accident for him before he goes off the rails. He, even more quietly, maybe even thinks it would be a kindness. Allow him to be remembered well by the village instead of scorned.
Shisui I think is cautiously optimistic about him. He's the kind of guy who gives the benefit of the doubt, who weighs the options, risk and reward, but includes things like hope and compassion in his calculations. Yes, Madara was a uhh. Thing. That happened. But in every story his big blow up always come from one specific event; Izuna's death. So if they stop that from happening, wouldn't it secure both a better future for them and Madara? The history books never went into detail about Izuna, he doesn't know what he's like, but maybe his involvement in the future, on Konoha's side, could lead to even more profits for them long term. At the end of the day he's not against killing Madara (though to be clear, they are at first operating on trying to avoid all interactions with historical events and return home without touching things) but it'd be nice, to manage to get a happy ending for everyone. Unrealistic maybe, but nice.
Mmmm hear me out actually, maybe Shisui, after interacting with him a bit, finds that Madara reminds him of Itachi too. They definatley both have that "I would do unspeakable things to even dream of my loved just one more time" energy, if you know what I mean
Anyways; Kakashi and Tenzo are both neutral on Madara. Yes, they learned about how he betrayed the village when young just like everyone else, but they weren't getting the bed time stories and "do this and you'll end up just like him" warnings like the Uchiha's. They're possibly leaning into negative but are detached from the situation enough to just go "well he hasn't done it yet and his brother is still alive so he won't any time soon" and be done with it
• Now, on the the total opposite side of the spectrum you have Hashirama and Tobirama. People are brought up in Konoha to fucking IDOLIZE these guys. You can not tell me our team of time travelers wouldn't be at least a little awed to speak with them.
I think Tenzo would be the most wide eyed about Hashirama, both for the baseline "holy shit that's the Shodai Hokage" and also that fun juicy mokuton user imposter syndrome he has going on for him. That guys DNA is inside his body!!! Holy shit wait does that mean if someone did a blood relation test with them he might read as being related to him?? Fuck were gonna pocket that for now but like. Mmmmm potential.
I'd say Itachi is the most hesitant about Tobirama but again, village loyalist, so.
You know what tho maybe Shisui is the most hesitant about him (though still largely positive) he both def grew up looking up to him but can also see the anti-Uchiha policies people inact now with the implications that Tobirama would have approved of it. He doesn't know if he would, but like, he has to wonder.
Kakashi is probably the most normal about them (and also has experience in being close to a hokage (Minato) to know that at the end of the day they are painfully human) Don't get me wrong, he's still in some sort of awe! He might get a little lightheaded at the thought of seeing the God of Shinobi in proper battle, or the possibility to see the famed genius of Tobirama with all the different jutsu's he's invented. You can't tell me Kakashi didn't spend a little extra time reading about him when he was trying to make Chidori. Honestly I'm gonna roll with that and say he had a bit of a phase as a kid where he was a total fan boy. Maybe sprinkle in the good old HalfHatake!Tobirama hc to add some faint daydreams a lonley babykashi had after his father's death, about getting to meet him as family. Like cmon, little genius idolizing and projecting on some big history figure only to find out they're actually related? Can you say potential?
Anyways he did eventually grow out of the phase, probably got unattached to it all and lost interest after the whole "losing everything he loved" bit of his life. And at the end of the day, he doesn't have any real complex personal hang ups on the founders like the others do. Thus, most normal.
• And then my favorite most special boy, Izuna !! He's for sure the one they're all most neutral about. He's not actually taught about in the academy? There's probably some throw away line about him in some history books somewhere, but he died young and was quickly buried by the looming shadow of Konoha. The only real knowledge had about him in modern times is just a vague "Yeah he got killed by Tobirama which lead to peace being made but also lead to Madara losing his shit"
Poor Izuna he's the linchpin for it all but was left an unremarkable footnote of history. My boy deserves so much better
Tenzo doesn't actually even know who he is, that boy got bare minimum education under Danzo and Izuna was NOT included.
Itachi and Shisui mmmaybe have some small little fun fact here or there buried in stories from the older members of the clans but like. It's gonna amount to just "yeah he had a great katon" and thats about it.
I WILL SAY HOWEVER. Itachi sees him and instantly is that one PTSD dog meme. Sasuke is a BABY but holy shit Izuna looks exactly like he'd expect him to grow up as and it's making him FEEL THINGS. Also he's so bratty little brother coded !! He's an entire 7 years older than Itachi but Ifachi keeps fucking up and trying to big brother him it's embaressing.
And ofc Itachi didn't go into the first meeting thinking he'd see some weird older mirror version of his beloved baby brother who he misses and worries about very very much. So like. There's for sure going to be some conflict there. If their first meeting is a scuffle (which it probably will be) I think Itachi would keep hesitating to attack. On full run away mode. Which is probably for the best bc he shouldn't try to fight Izuna anyways honey he's like double your bodyweight and you're strong but you aren't THAT strong.
• Pointing back at both the 'Itachi does not like Madara and has quiet thoughts about how it'd possibly be in everyone's interest to just kill him' and the 'Itachi and Madara quietly bond over being clain head/heir during stressful times (w pressure from the elders especially)
I can see 2 outcomes of a potential bonding conversation with them:
1) They come to understand eachother better.
Madara wants to be on good terms, he looks at this kid and sees one of his brothers eyes and the others quiet determination. He can tell Itachi doesn't like him for some reason, and it's frustrating because he doesn't know why. He wants him to like him. He wants to be able to offer his hand and have it taken. It hurts, to be looked at with such suspicion from a face that has traces of Izuna's.
Meanwhile Itachi . . . Itachi looks at Madara and he sees someone who gets it. Gets it like no one ever has. It scares him. He looks up at this man, this horror story he's been told to fear becoming, and he sees himself. And this realization shakes him. It makes him think, makes him wonder. He's so, so sure of his loyalty to Konoha. More sure than he is of anything else in the world. But . . . But if something happened to Sasuke, if he had to choose—
And maybe it softens something in him too, along with the (honestly healthy) dose of fear. It forms a little crack in his shell, just enough to maybe, maybe let Madara through. Just a hair.
Or 2) we pull one of those "The conversation ends with them agreeing verbally but mentally they're on 2 VERY different notes."
Madara, nodding and looking at Itachi meaningfully: "Yeah it can be hard, but all we can really do is try to make the world a safer place for the ones we love. (To create Konoha, to keep my clan safe. Izuna safe. And now to keep you safe too.)
Itachi, nodding slowly: "Yeah. No matter how hard it is (even though I think I understand you more than anyone else Ive ever met) we have to try to make the world a safer place (by killing you in your sleep once Konoha is formed) for the ones we love (My clan. My village. Sasuke.)"
• Also pointing back at the 'Hatake warring clan era reputation,' the 'Tobirama is half Hatake' and also now pointing at Tobirama's title as the White Demon. Small thing but it'd be neat if there was some small throw away line that the nickname lowkey started in part because of the absoloutley terrifying reputation of the Hatake combined with Tobirama's own Everything(tm) like it just had some influence on how some view him. Give me Uchiha's making dog jokes ab him it'll be funny
• Ok but now the actual plot thoughts. Yeah I know I kept you waiting sorry about that.
So time travel! Probably due to a mission gone wrong. Some ruins or some ancient crumbling scroll that wasn't even supposed to do fucking time travel but was so old and corroded that it somehow managed to transform into a whole other seal by pure bad luck. Or good luck I guess, considering it could have just turned into a nuke.
Our favorite team of disasters are very very alarmed !!! What the fuck !!! Obviously they don't default to thinking time travel, but they immediatley know something is wrong. The landscape has changed, though the big landmarks are still there. The mission was complete anyways with no injuries so they just retreat to Konoha. Only oops !! It's not fucking there!!!
Queue alarm.
Shisui is the first one to suggest time travel because he's quirky like that. And there's a very easy way to confirm this theory.
(Also we're going to say that Konoha's location is a valley a few miles out from the Naka River that borders the Senju / Uchiha territories.)
This is convenient because that verification method involves checking in on where Itachi and Shisui know the old Uchiha compound should rest.
They do it in full stealth mode, the second they saw Konoha was missing Kakashi as team leader decided they'd treat the land as enemy territory. They all agreed ofc, for all they knew this WAS enemy territory now.
And, ofc, yeah!! There's the old Uchiha compound!! Being active!!! There are people there!!!
"What are the odds Fugaku-sama decided to have the clan return to their homeland for ahh, cultural enrichment?" Kakashi asked weakly.
"Time travel." Was the only reply he got from Shisui, whispered reverently as the boy vibrated with excitement on the branch.
Itachi just gave him a look, radiating a level of dissaproving disbelief that no normal 12 year old should be able to make. Kakashi would know, he was that not-normal 12 year old once.
From there they decide a no interference policy. Hands off guys!! They probably debate it tho, like, a good amount. They all have ✨️opinions✨️ except maybe Tenzo who's lowkey still in the middle of trying to learn how to be a person and is following Kakashi's lead 99% of the time. Especially since they're still in mission mode and this is like a super serious discussion and he really does know the least ab the founders overall.
They probably debate the merits of going to Uzushiogakure bc seal help but it's really far and they don't actually have like, just any leverage with them. They already decided not to fuck with the future so it isn't like they can trade secrets and warnings. At least if shit happens here they have some plausible deniability, being, yk, 2 uchiha's and a senju-passing guy with Mokuton. Kakashi's kinda fucked tho in that regard but he isn't going to be doing the party ANY favors with his clan heritage.
Which means it's time to potentially get desperate enough to interact with Tobirama !!! Which will inevitably lead to them bumping into a Uchiha patrol or something!!! I don't know honestly
• Anyways want Hashirama and Tenzo to interact. He has so many issues like holy shit. Let Hashirama give him the hug he deserves. I want him to violently adopt him. New brother acquired!!!
I said before but Tenzo is still reprogramming from ROOT. Let Hashirama impact that! Let him help! They can make flower crowns and photosynthesize together idk
Hashirama would be so happy to have another mokuton user, I think they should be able to sense eachother extra strong and like 'ping' off of eachothers chakra, it'll be fun
▪︎ I'm not thinking toooo hard about power scaling and this is fanfiction so a) don't quote me on this and b) for the love of all that is holy don't take my words as gospel
But for this fic specifically I'm ranking the founders and Team Ro, weakest to strongest (in a clean, fair fight head on w no time to prepare) :
Itachi (he's fucking 12 guys. But also he is like. FRACTIONS under Tenzo and Shisui. If he were 13 I'd let him be above or at the same level but like. He's 12. Cmon.)
Tenzo - Shisui (they're like JUST under the next 2 tho like seconds behind)
Izuna - Tobirama
Kakashi ( by the skin of his fucking teeth and the advantage that is his stupid amount of jutsu's and lack of self preservation)
Madara - Hashirama
And again that's not counting like. The specific situations, time given to prepare, potential dirty tricks they could play (I think the Konoha tricks would play a fraction dirtier than the others, who are slightly more used to big open battles vs the ANBU squad who does all sorts of shit in all sorts of places) plus like. Mental state and team ups.
Tenzo or Shisui couldn't take down Izuna or Tobirama but if they teamed up I'd allow it. Kakashi would get his ass kicked by Hashirama or Madara but he could survive a minutes longer than the others would
Itachi is doing his best
But like
He's 12 guys
I love him and he is terrifyingly competent but he won't win 1 on 1 with anyone unless he has some sort of advantage. Minus Shisui and Tenzo who he does have the advantage of regularly fighting, so.
• I think they do get to go back home in the end. It takes a ton of work tho and they probably do need to get Mito's help with it, Kakashi can show them the seal they got brought here with but it's an ACTUAL one in a trillion miracle it didn't fucking atomize them. So it needs a lot of touch ups
Anyways !!!
I have a little more rattling around in my brain but I'm really tired and also starting to think about other things now so I'm gonna stop here. Might come back and add to it later so stay tuned if you're into that
Full disclaimer I'm not gonna write this. I don't have the proper energy and it'd probably end up being too ambitious of a project if I tried. I'd love to see it happen tho, so like !! Big open invitation to absoloutley anyone who might want to take even a fraction of the ideas I've listed.
@ me if you do tho I wanna see the final product
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yexthiccxa · 1 year
The Angel With Horns Pt. 2
summary: the man you despise, satoru gojo is unfortunately your mentor at jujutsu high. he agreed to help you get with your childhood crush, suguru geto, but things have taken a bit of a turn after that last "mentoring" session
this is a continuation of part 1, but if you don't care about plot, feel free to read this as a one shot (:
wordcount: 9.7k 🙃 (i guess i just get carried away. this is also 4 chapters btw)
c/w: gojo/fem!reader, geto/fem!reader, gojo/oc, geto/oc, modern!au, teacher!au, smut, fluff & smut, some plot, plot what plot, rough!sex, flashbacks, asshole!gojo, flirty!gojo, cocky!gojo, soft!geto, rough!geto, cousin!shoko, mutual pining, confessing, teasing, flirting, playful banter, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, sensual tension, sexual tension, pet names, degradation, fingering, f!masturbation, oral, fantasizing, choking, light gagging, multiple orgasms, inappropriate use of cursed energy, inappropriate use of cursed techniques
a/n: hiii thanks for the love on pt. 1! again this is my first fic so feedback is very much appreciated! will be working on part 3(some) ;)
Read Part 1 Here!
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✦✧✸✧✦ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ✦✧✸✧✦
Chapter 5: Regret
I’m alone with my thoughts, trying to stop the embarrassment from consuming me. I look out the windows before peeking down the hallway—no sign of Satoru anywhere. I realize I’m searching for someone who doesn’t want to be seen.
The intimacy I shared with Sugu—I mean, Satoru, has me conflicted. My mind thinks one thing, but my body feels the other, ultimately bringing me right back where I started. But this time around, my thoughts are coherent enough to take over.
If there’s anyone who would leave without saying goodbye, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would be an absolute tease, it’s Satoru. If there’s anyone who would fuck now and not give a shit later, it’s Satoru. After all this time we spent together, I thought things would change. But now it’s crystal clear: Satoru Gojo will never change.
“Satoru is so annoying,” Shoko grumbled as she barged into my room.
“What’d he do this time?” I asked. With graduation around the corner, all I could think about was passing my exams.
“I asked him out, but he shot me down. He told me it’s because he likes someone else,” Shoko revealed. 
To keep our conversation short, I replied with, “Yeah that sucks I guess, but I’m sure you’re better off just being friends.”
Shoko plopped herself onto my bed, lacing her fingers behind her head while she stared at the ceiling. “Honestly, that’s totally fine—but that’s not the annoying part,” she started. “The annoying part is that he won’t tell me who. He talks about all the girls he hooks up with, but now he wants to keep it a secret? I just don’t get Satoru.”
I let out a sigh, “Maybe he’s just messing with you the same way he does with me. After all, Satoru is such a dick.”
I spend the evening doing chores in hopes of forgetting what happened earlier this afternoon. If Satoru is going to be like this, the best thing I can do is to leave the past in the past. With my mentorship being over, I have no reason to even think about him anymore. All I need to do now is stick to the plan and keep my energy focused on Suguru.
Oh, right. Suguru. As the image of him forms in my mind, I’m reminded of our date. I’ve been so caught up with Satoru, I realized that I’m nowhere near prepared for tomorrow.
He said to meet at his place, but are we staying there? Or just meeting, then going out? Should I dress up? Or down? Heels, boots, or sneakers? My internal debate goes on for far too long before I finally decide to give him a call. 
The phone rings and I’m greeted with his signature velvety tone. “Did you miss the sound of my voice?” Suguru asks.
I’m immediately paralyzed, unsure of how to reply.
He lets out a little chuckle, “I’m just kidding. What’s up?”
“Ha. ha. Very funny.” I begin to ease up but butterflies still linger in my core. “I actually just wanted to ask what we’re doing tomorrow. I’m trying to figure out what to wear.”
Suguru pauses for a moment, “I don’t want to give away all the surprises, but let’s keep it simple and say dinner. I can’t tell you where, but just wear whatever makes you feel good.”
A surprise? My body tenses in excitement. “Okay, fine. I can work with this. Thank you! I’ll talk to you later!”
“No problem, see you tomorrow,” He replies.
Before I can hang up, Suguru calls for me one last time. When he gets my attention, he finally says, “I’m really excited for our date. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me too.” I hang up the phone, and I can’t seem to wipe the grin off my face. I’m finally going on a real date with Suguru.
The next day arrives and at 7pm, I find myself standing in front of Suguru’s door. I’m fixing the dress that I picked out the night before. It’s a black velvet mini dress with sheer cuffed sleeves. The sweetheart neck accentuates my chest, while the fitted flare skirt hugs my curves—the perfect blend of cozy, but classy. My nerves increase after the first knock, but it washes away when the door opens and I see Suguru’s face. 
Although the door is only halfway open, his physical presence still commands the space. His smile is pure and his eyes gaze at me with sincerity. “Please come in,” he says.
When I walk inside to take off my shoes, he closes the door and his footsteps echo towards me. I feel his hand cup the small of my back and a shock jolts through my body. His fingers brush against the zipper of my dress. As he slowly leans down to my ear, he whispers, “You look beautiful tonight.” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my heart begins to melt.
“Aww, thank you. You’re looking quite handsome yourself,” I reply, smiling in adoration. 
I take a moment to look around the apartment and my eyes widen. Flower petals line the hallway floor, leading me to the living space. The space is larger than I would expect for a Tokyo apartment. Across the room, windows stretch from the floor to the ceiling, making it feel ten times bigger. The lighting is soft, but the glow from the lamps warm up the space.
My eyes continue to wander until they finally land on his dining room table. Though the table is set for two, it’s completely filled with several plates of food. I see perfectly formed pieces of nigiri, various bowls of soup, an array of grilled fish and meats, and bowls of rice neatly placed on the side. 
“Oh my god, Suguru…did you make all of this?” I ask in disbelief.
He nods, curling his mouth into a smile.
“Do you do this for all your dates?” I challenge, raising my brow.
“Nope, just for you.” He makes his way towards the table. “Since you recently moved back, I wanted to make it feel like home.”
I can feel my jaw drop. I try to speak but nothing comes out. “I—I don’t even know where to start,” I finally reply.
He pulls out a seat and offers his hand to me, “You can start by eating.”
It takes everything I have to resist eating everything in one bite, but the taste is so delicious. Each bite is a burst of flavor that sends me to the moon. Even if our date ended here, I would easily be satisfied. When we finish up our meal, I help him pack the leftovers and clean up.
As we’re washing dishes together, I turn to him. “Suguru, thank you for cooking. You’ve always taken such good care of me. I really don’t deserve you.”
He pauses to turn off the water and wipe his hands. I watch him move towards me to cradle my face while his fingers trace the edge of my jawline. “I told you once before and I’ll tell you again, I like taking care of you. Always have, always will.”
We gaze into each other’s eyes, and for a moment, time stands completely still. I gently place my hands on his chest. His heart beats fast, like it’s trying to challenge my own. Is he just as nervous as I am? As I slowly grasp the wrinkles of his shirt, his pulse quickens and his breath becomes shallow. When I see his smile begin to form, I close my eyes and pull him down to meet my lips.
Suguru’s mouth molds into mine and it’s everything I could’ve ever imagined. I love how his lips are soft and his grasp is warm, nothing in this world can compare. As he guides me to the sink, my back arches and I can feel myself getting engulfed into his body. It’s covering me with comfort and protection. I’ve imagined this moment many times and it’s absolute perfectio—he pulls away.
Suguru walks towards the dining room and he mutters something with his head in his hands.
I follow him, tugging at his sleeve. “Hey, is everything okay? Did I do something wrong?”
He finds his way to the couch muttering, “No, no. It’s not you.” After a moment of thought, he continues, ”Sorry, I just thought I could do this but I’m scared of what might happen to us. I don’t want to hurt you, and I definitely don’t want to lose you again.”
I take a seat next to him, placing one hand on his shoulder, and the other over his knee. “Hurt me? Lose me? Again? Suguru, what are you talking about?”
He brushes my arm, hesitant for what comes next. The room is quiet and I can almost hear his heartbeat with mine. “During your last summer here,” he starts. He takes in a breath and slowly lets his words tumble out. “I was talking to Satoru for you—basically telling him to lighten up on the jokes and all that. He seemed to  take it well, but I remember him saying, ‘Fine. But she’s leaving soon anyways so it doesn’t really matter.’ I wasn’t sure what he meant at first, but he ended up telling me that he overheard you talking to Shoko… about moving away.”
My heart drops as memories of that day slowly piece back together…
“Are you really going to leave?” Shoko asked.
I gave an apologetic nod. “It’ll be good for me to get out there, you know? I’d travel the world, learn from other teachers, see if there are bigger and better things out there for me.” I let out a sigh. “I feel like there’s not much here for me anymore.”
“I get it. Well, just know that I’ll miss you. I’m sure the guys will too,” Shoko said as she gave me a hug.
I laughed, “Doubt it.”
I return to the moment and look at Suguru. When he sees tears forming in my eyes, he wipes them away. His hand tightens around mine before he says, “I didn’t think that was true until you told me yourself. It hurt me so much inside but, who was I to stop you from finding yourself or seeing the world? You deserved to do all the things you wanted to do.”
But all I wanted was you. Are you saying you wanted me too? Droplets trickle down my face, but I keep my eyes locked onto his—taking in every single word.
“After you left, I was a mess. I stopped training, so my cursed energy weakened. Then during one of our missions, I fucked up and part of my soul merge with a cursed spirit. When it took over my body, it was strong. It’s a long story, but the main point is— I’m scared to get too close. I don’t think it’s safe.”
I bring myself in closer, moving my hand to his face. “But Suguru, I always feel safe when I’m with you. It’s always been like that, even now…especially now.”
“Yeah, but that’s because I’ve trained myself to control it. When I lose my senses, it slips out, and when it slips out…it isn’t pretty—it just doesn’t feel like me. Even though I’m still the same person physically, everything else becomes more intense. The rage, the aggression, all the things in between.”
He pauses, placing his hand around my cheek. “I like you, a lot. But if I ever let anything happen to you…or worse, if I let myself do anything to hurt you, I don’t know what I would do.”
My heart is pounding, my mind goes blank. The world goes silent as his voice becomes an echo. Is this…real? I open my mouth to let my words out, but nothing. I eventually muster up the strength to ask a question, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I was going to, but when you said that you didn’t have anything left here… well, I thought that also meant me. I never wanted to be the one to hold you back.” He retracts and his face becomes resigned.
Before he can pull away, I bring my face to his. “Suguru, I’ve liked you for a very long time. And I appreciate you for letting me live my life, but I promise you—I’m ready for this. For you. For all of you.”
His face softens and shows a smile of relief. “All I want to do is take care of you,” he starts. I can feel his hands tremble. “But I’m scared of the person I’ll become.”
“Suguru…” I lift myself up, slowly climbing over to straddle him. His frame is large, but I still feel myself fit comfortably around him. As I settle myself onto his lap, I feel his bulge pulse against my center. The tension in the air grows as I move myself closer. I let my mouth linger inches away from his and whisper. “I trust you.”
He stops momentarily, savoring every last word that fell from my mouth. His eyes ignite and I can feel fire coursing through his soul. In one second, I feel his breath and in the next, I feel his mouth. He plants a kiss onto my lips, letting his hands roam around me.
Unlike before, this kiss is searing with passion. One hand grabs my hair while the other grabs my ass, and he lays me on the couch until his body is covering me. He pulls away for just a moment before he growls, “Then let me feel you, beautiful.”
Chapter 6: Rough
Something in the room has changed, as though the air has warmed up around us. Traces of Suguru’s cursed energy illuminate the room, forming a blue haze that floats above us. I let out a breath of awe—everything in this moment feels like a dream.
My attention floats back to Suguru as his kisses effortlessly consume me. It’s like he knows all the spots that make me tremble. As he kisses his way down my neck, his hands move to the contours of my curves. When he gets to my chest, he uses his fingers to pull down the neckline of my dress. My heart beats out of me as I’m completely exposed.
He stares for a moment, slowly cupping his hand around my breast. His tongue works my nipple, while my hands grab his hair. The tie on his bun slips and I feel his locks gently fall. The Suguru I’ve known has always been proper—pristine, but the way he looks right now makes him absolutely primal.
As his lips are tugging on me, I feel his hand slip between my thighs. They’re large and overpowering, but they feel so soft as they dance against my skin. There’s no doubt in my mind that his touch is absolutely perfect. His tugs turn into nibbles and a surge of liquid gushes between my legs. As my back arches with pleasure, he pulls off my panties and gently caresses my folds. Suguru brings himself up to kiss me and purrs, “Baby girl, you are soaking wet.”
He continues to treat my breasts with care and I can feel him rub the edges of my slit. I relax myself back into the couch and let the rhythmic passes of his fingers take me—teasing me with every stroke.
“Please Suguru,” I breathe. My voice is needy, unsteady.
He picks up his head while the edge of his mouth curls to the side. Easing his fingers into me, he rumbles, “Anything for you, my love.”
His fingers barely enter me, but the sheer size of them is enough to make me whimper. The thoughts in my head no longer exist. It’s just me, him, and the rush of desire flowing through me. As he glides them back and forth I can feel my juices slip out. My walls contract and pleasure grows between my thighs.
He slides in nice and slow, feeling every inch of the warmth inside of me. The ridges of his fingers press against me, massaging every crevice he can find. Oh how I wish this would never stop.
“Do you like when I touch your pussy like this?” Suguru asks. His voice is sultry and slow.
I can’t find the words so all I do is nod.
He slows down to give me a kiss before his smirk grows into a full on smile. He slides down the couch until he’s near my entrance. “Spread your legs and I can make you feel so much better.”
Whenever he speaks, goosebumps travel across my skin.
He lowers his head and drags his tongue across my slit. It’s wet and warm, emulating the essence of the cream between my legs. His mouth moves all over my center and I can feel myself pulsate against him. He sucks me, licks me, completely consumes me, and all I can do is yell his name. I lock my fingers onto his hair every time he makes me moan.
“You taste so good.” The vibration of his words travel through my walls.
Just like his kisses, his mouth is rough and needy, wanting to taste every bit of me. He swallows every bit of liquid that oozes out and I can tell his mouth is drenched because of me.
As he continues devouring me with his tongue, I feel the length of his fingers tease my entrance. He slides them into me and my moans begin to amplify. My back arches further and the tension continues to build.
His tongue and his fingers move perfectly in sync, I can’t take it. It’s wet, sloppy, and the drumming around my clit leaves me enchanted. I can feel myself reaching my limit.
“Don’t stop,” I pant. My moans become louder and I can feel the tingles creep into my core. “I— I’m gonna come.” 
His pace remains steady, but that doesn’t stop the pleasure from climbing. He doesn’t pick up his head to speak, but the way he drives into me lets me know he’s saying, “Come for me.”
The thought leaves me in absolute heat. I let out one last moan and I feel the orgasm flow through my body. Waves of ecstasy slam against every end of my body. For a moment, I stay still, taking deep breaths and feeling every tingle leave my body. The clouds of Suguru’s cursed energy are still floating around us and I remember that this time, it’s not actually a dream.
I keep my eyes locked on Suguru as he climbs off of the couch. His hair is disheveled and his shirt is wrinkled, but he still looks as handsome as ever. He offers his hand to pull me up, and greets me with a kiss. I feel him pull away, but he remains close and utters softly, “I’m not done with you yet, beautiful.”
He gently turns me around and starts to unzip my dress. As his fingers brush off the fabric on my shoulders he tells me, “I’m warning you now… I’ve done my best to remain steady, but if I start to slip I can’t promise that you’ll like who I become. Are you sure you still want to do this?”
My dress drops to the floor and his gaze roams my body.
I slowly lift up his shirt and pull him close. “It’s okay Suguru, I can take it.”
Suguru grabs a fistful of my hair and pulls me into a fevered kiss. His body towers over me as I race to take off the rest of his clothes. When I make my way to his pants, I let my hand graze the length of his cock. He immediately hardens beneath me and the air takes another shift. The haze of blue swirls fade into red and his skin runs hot like fire.
I can barely pull down his slacks before he grabs my waist to pull me up against him. His skin is smooth, his chest is hard, and I can feel him brush against my center. When his strong grip takes a hold of my ass, I wrap my legs around him while he walks us to his room. 
He sets me on the bed and guides me down until my back presses against his sheets. The lights are off, but the red fog illuminates the room—allowing me to make out the contours of his body.
He looms over me and begins to rub my clit. I hum in pleasure and roll my head back.
“You’ve barely even touched me and I’m already breaking,” he growls. He takes another look at my body and I can feel the hunger in his eyes. “You are god damn beautiful.”
Suguru uncovers his cock, and I can feel my eyes widen. He’s big. And I mean big. As he tugs against it, I feel my eyes locking onto him—he’s mesmerizing.
“Is something the matter, princess?” he smirks. His brow arches like it’s a challenge. “Like you said… you can take it.”
I do my best to bite back a smile as my heart continues to race. The haze grows brighter around us.
Suguru lowers himself onto the bed, guiding himself into me. He stretches me so wide, forcing me to moan—but I know it’s only the tip. He continues to ease himself inside and I can’t help but gasp for air.
Once my walls adjust to his size, he grips my thighs and picks up his tempo. I can feel his whole length beat against my cervix. I cry in pleasure as my back arches and my eyes begin to shut.
“Eyes on me, baby girl. The whole time.” My eyes shoot open and see a fiendish smile dance across his face. “Now show me how much of a slut you can be.”
He moves one hand up my body, stopping to stroke my nipple, before landing on the edge of my neck. His fingers gently press on the sides of my throat, leaving just enough passage for air to flow through. His touch is violent, his voice is stern, but all of it has me dripping in delight.
My mind goes numb, registering only the feelings of pleasure and pain. I knew he was large, but the magnitude of his cock leaves me speechless. I keep my gaze fixed on him as he drives inside me, making me cry out louder each time. All I can make out is, “Fuck, Suguru.”
“That’s my girl. Louder,” he growls. “Let me hear how much you need me.”
My moans begin to amplify, but that only makes his thrusts go deeper. I don’t know who this Suguru is, but he tames me like an animal and fucks me like a beast. Everything about this makes me crave him so much more. My thighs clench at the thought, making the juices leave my body. “Fuck—that feels…so—good.” My words are breathy and labored.
“Your pussy is so tight. Fitting for a little slut like you.” He releases briefly and forcefully flips me over. As he grabs a fistfull of my hair to pull me close to his face, I feel him whisper. “Let’s see how well you can take me from behind.”
He keeps his grip wrapped in my hair, and my head presses into his chest. I feel his power surge through me as he pushes his way back inside. My center is so wet, he makes driving into me seem effortless. When he rams into the front of my walls, I feel myself squeeze around him.
Suguru releases my hair, but he wastes no time. His fingers move to hook into my mouth, leaving every part of my body filled. His other hand remains painfully gripped around my waist. I struggle to catch my breath when his pressure doesn’t let up.
“You feel so good, baby girl. I could fuck you forever.” The vibration of his voice tickles the side of my throat. His pace is steady but his movements are rough and relentless.
Every beat has me screaming in desire.
Suguru lets his hands trail from my mouth to my center and uses the wetness on his fingers to rub my clit. I’m overwhelmed with pleasure as I feel my folds throb against him. With my mouth free, he plants hungry kisses onto my lips and I can feel my body wanting to release.
His hips continue to strike into me, causing tears to well into my eyes. They fall down my cheek, but his tongue slowly cleans it up before he returns his mouth back to mine.
The pressure inside grows and I feel my climax calling for me. He’s so good. All of him feels so good. I can’t stop thinking about the way he looks, the way he feels, how perfect he is inside of me. “Please don’t stop, I’m—gonna—” I can barely speak, let alone breathe. “Come.”
“As my little slut should. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” His breath quickens and the way his body moves tells me he’s close too. “Do you want me to come inside of you?”
I moan with pleasure and that’s the only confirmation he needs.
Suguru roars in desire, but the volume of my cry rivals him. I feel him release inside of me as tides of my orgasm flow through my body. My ears are ringing and my fingers go numb.
His come feels hot as it shoots up through me. As his grip tenses around me, I can feel them leaving bruises on my skin. He catches his breath and slowly glides his way out of me. I can feel his liquid dripping down my thighs.
I let myself settle back down onto the bed, feeling the remnants of my orgasm drift away.
Suguru adjusts himself so that his mouth hovers inches away from my ear. “Thank you for gracing me with that perfect little pussy.” he whispers.
No, Suguru. Thank you.
Chapter 7: Relax
The morning comes and the sun beams brightly through the windows. I wake up and see Suguru’s arm wrapped around me. His embrace gives me comfort, and I never want to let go. As I adjust myself to see his face, I notice how the rays of sun bounce off his back. The light illuminates the outline of his silhouette—he is truly an angel.
I think back last night—how raw, powerful, and commanding he was. But as I look at him now, I see that there’s no sign of the animal he once was. His eyes are softly shut, his mouth is calm, and his hair is gently swept across his face. I brush back the strands that have fallen, and place a delicate kiss on his cheek. With one last look of admiration, I slowly inch my way out of the bed to grab a glass of water.
“No, don’t go,” he softly groans. He’s half asleep, but his grasp pulls me right back next to him. He caresses the contours of my naked body, and I’m reminded of how good it feels to have his hands around me.
I let out a little chuckle, “I’m getting water, I’ll be right back.” I give him another kiss and he surrenders. I hear him grumble but he doesn’t fight back as I wiggle my way out of the bed.
I make my way through the living room, and back to the kitchen. Sunlight pours through the windows, unveiling the aftermath of our night. Our clothes are everywhere, the furniture is skewed, and the pillows from the couch have been dumped on the floor.
As I pick up the mess, I hear the door unlock and my heart immediately drops into my stomach. Fuck. I’m completely bare. Running back to the room would take too much time, so I race to put on the shirt that Suguru wore the night before. Who the hell is even at the…oh, it’s Satoru. I forgot they were roommates.
When I realize it’s Satoru, I feel my heart stop and a powerful rage fills me. I’m reminded of the anger, the horror, and the embarrassment I felt Friday afternoon. I thought I could look past it, but I let my emotions consume me.
As the door closes, I hear a vexing voice drifting my way. “Looks like someone had a little fun last night.”
I march up to him as the hems of Suguru's shirt brush against my knees. “What the hell is your problem, Satoru?”
He continues setting down his belongings. “For someone who looks like they had great sex, you seem a little feisty.” His tone is mellow, his grin is smug. It’s everything I hate about him. 
All I want to do is scream, but with Suguru asleep, my voice remains hushed. “One—yes, I did have great sex, thank you for noticing. But two—I’m furious with you. What happened on Friday? You literally just left me there.  And three—What is your problem? What kind of sick person does that?”
Satoru leans himself against the table. “Listen, angel. I did you a favor.”
I rush in front of him to block the noise from traveling too far. “Keep it down,” I snap at him.
Satoru picks himself up and takes a step towards me. His face hovers over me and I can feel my heart shudder. Our gaze latches onto each other as he softly whispers in my ear. “You seemed like you were enjoying yourself there, and trust me… while I would’ve loved to go further, I couldn’t take that away from Suguru.”
My arms cross and my stare remains unwavering. I scoff in his face. “You are so annoying. What makes you think I would ever let you have sex with me?”
“You wouldn’t?” He fires back quickly.
My jaw drops. I want to shoot back, but I’m at a complete loss for words. The hesitation is enough for his look to become even more self-assured.
He steps a bit closer and the heat from his body warms the air. “I’m just kidding angel. Although, I’m sure Suguru wouldn’t mind sharing.”
I push him back with enough force for him to bump the table. “Satoru!”
He makes his way around me and charges straight for the rooms. “You know what? We can just ask him about that right now. Hey Su—”
“Satoru, shut up!” I try to pull him back but his force is too strong.
A raspy voice emerges. “Good morning,” Suguru appears from the hallway leading to the room. He looks at us and breaks into a gentle laughter. “I guess some things never change with you two.”
He walks over to me, wrapping his hand around my waist to give me a kiss. “Nice shirt.”
My cheeks flush as I'm reminded that all I have on is Suguru’s oversized tee. I cling to him in embarrassment.
Satoru watches us move to the couch as he grabs a drink from the refrigerator. His brow perks up with interest. “This is new. Looks like you two had a fun night,” he calls from across the room.
I feel my eyes burn as I glare at him.
Suguru wraps his arm around me as a gesture of reassurance and I settle into his arms. “Satoru, relax. Don’t you have other women to fuck or bother? Leave mine alone.” He kisses me on the forehead and I look up at him with affection.
Satoru grabs his drink and strolls to his room. “Yes, your majesty,” he mocks Suguru lovingly. He turns to me with a sarcastic bow. “Sorry m’lady, please go about your day.”
I roll my eyes at him before directing my attention to Suguru. “How do you do that?” I ask curiously.
“Do what?” he replies.
“I don’t know, wrangle him? Satoru always listens to you.”
“I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life.”
“You’re always looking out for everyone, aren’t you?" I smile because this is the Suguru I know and love. Nothing about him could ever scare me away.
He turns to look at me like I’m the only person in the world. “But it’s only fun when I get to do it for you.”
Our morning together is exactly what I hoped it would be. We spend a good bulk of our time preparing breakfast—grilling fish and whipping up tamagoyaki, just to scarf it down with a side of rice.
Unfortunately for me, Satoru joins us for the meal. However, I’m pleasantly surprised when he decides to keep the conversation tame. As much as I hate the guy, he’s not completely intolerable. We spend a few moments cracking jokes and I watch them playfully argue about who would win in a fight. As I look around the table, I smile. I’m overjoyed with the feelings of nostalgia that whip through my soul.
After we finish cleaning up our meal, Satoru heads back into his room while Suguru and I plop ourselves on the couch. He rests one elbow on the armrest, and the other around my shoulder. I snuggle myself into him and rest my head on his chest. He plants a kiss on my forehead and His eyes light up with his genuine smile.
I've shared many years of my life with Suguru, yet none of them have been quite like this. His cuddles comfort me, his kisses revive me, and his touch—well, his touch ignites me in ways I can’t describe.
“You know, I could stay like this forever,” I say to him.
“What do you mean?” His brow lifts.
“Being cuddled up against you. It’s the best feeling.” I smile because it’s true.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, this is great,” he begins. “But I can think of a couple more things that might feel better.” He moves from the armrest, letting his fingers graze my chest and dance down my body. He lifts up the hem of my shirt.
A jolt of arousal runs through me when I feel the pads of his fingers rub against my panties.
“Suguru!” I playfully push him off with a smile.
He raises his brow and smirks. “What’s wrong? Don’t think you can handle another round?”
“Satoru is right there,” I murmured, carefully keeping my voice down.
Suguru adjusts himself to get a better angle of my lips and presses his mouth against mine. “He can fuck off. Let him see.”
My attention is immediately averted when I hear a passing voice coming from the bathroom.
“I’m right here,” Satoru calls out as he crosses the opening in the hallway.
Without breaking the kiss, Suguru lifts his hand from me, and I shift my eyes to see his middle finger raised at Satoru. I chuckle.
Satoru returns to his room and shuts the door. Once we’re back to being alone, Suguru returns my kisses and focuses his attention back to my folds.
The pleasure rises as I feel his lips part and he slips his tongue into my mouth. He hums against my lips as his fingers gently rub my clit. No matter how many times he touches me, I still feel a rush. My body gets lighter as it drifts away, in search of euphoria and I mutter curses under my breath. I wish this feeling would never stop. My thighs begin to clench as I feel liquid form between them. This is so— 
Buzz. I hear his phone chime on the table. He silences it and stays fixated on me. 
Buzz. He tries to ignore it, hoping it will pass.
Buzz. He hesitates. Now completely distracted, he momentarily breaks away. “I’m so sorry. Do you mind if I take this real quick?”
I nod, moving from him so he can get up to take the call. I can’t really make out the conversation, but judging from his tone, it doesn’t seem great.
He hangs up the phone and shoots me with an apologetic smile, “Yaga needs me to help with some curse clean up, but it shouldn’t take long. I promise. Do you mind if I step away for a little bit?”
My brow furrows. “Why doesn’t he ever call for Satoru’s help?”
“For what it’s worth, he does call him. But have you met Satoru?”
“Yeah you’re right.” I remember our conversation from earlier. I get him out of so many things, he basically owes me for life. Damn you, Satoru. You owe him—or rather me, big time. I let out a sigh as disappointment washes over me.
Suguru gives me a soft kiss, though he knows that isn’t enough to satisfy the arousal between my legs. “I’m so sorry. Feel free so stay if you want, make yourself feel at home,” he starts. “It’s 12 right now, so I’ll probably be back in an hour—two hours, max. I promise.”
As he gathers himself together, Satoru approaches from his room and appears in the hallway crossing. He rests his arm on the edge of the frame and directs himself to Suguru. “Hey, I heard some shuffling, are you going somewhere?”
My eyes widen as I notice Satoru’s body stretched along the wall. He’s only wearing a pair of sweats while his top is completely bare. The sun from the windows hits the contours of his muscles, making his skin glisten. His white hair rests gently on his face as he tilts his head in curiosity. The blue in his eyes are centered on Suguru but the color still pierces my vision from afar.
My gaze goes from the top of the frame and travels down the length of Satoru’s forearms. It reaches the subtle curves of his bicep and slowly creeps down to the lines of his chest and the ridges of his abs. His build is lean, and his body is defined. My eyes slowly roam as they follow the lines of the V-shaped trail that leads right down to—fuck. Stop.
What am I doing?
I snap out of it and return to find myself plugged in mid-conversation.
“...I can go if you want,” Satoru finishes. 
Suguru continues to round up his things, but pauses to place an arm on Satoru’s shoulder and sighs. “I would love that, truly. But no offense, you’d probably get yourself into trouble. Yaga would just call me anyways to clean up your mess too.” He turns to me with a regretful look, pleading for forgiveness. “It’s just faster if I do it myself, I promise I’ll be quick.”
Satoru huffs as he rolls his eyes. “You’re right, but offense has still been taken.”
One more kiss and Suguru heads to the door. “Be a good mentor and take care of her while I’m gone. Try not to be an asshole.” His voice trails, but he stops momentarily to give me one last heartfelt smile. The door closes and my gut churns as I’m left staring at a shirtless Satoru.
Satoru lifts himself off of the frame and heads back to his room. Before the door shuts, he mockingly calls out, “Don’t worry angel, I’ll keep my hands to myself.”
I shake my head and let out an exasperated breath. Even when he’s being cordial, he still gets under my skin.
With Suguru gone, I’m unsure of what to do. My core still feels tight and there’s the lingering arousal between my legs. Satoru has locked himself in his room, so it feels like I have most of the apartment to myself. I use this as the perfect opportunity to draw myself a bath so I can finally relax. 
Stepping into the tub, the immediate warmth cocoons me. It reminds me of being wrapped in Suguru’s embrace. I take a few moments to unwind, feeling the comfort of the water against my skin. My head rests on the edge of the tub as I close my eyes and let my mind drift…
My vision jumps to Suguru as he hums into my breasts and teases my folds. His touch is warm and playful, but it’s no surprise that I long for more. The image in my mind is clear, but the feeling falls short. I let my hands slip between my thighs and let the gentle pressure of my fingers fuel my fantasy.
The image shifts, and I envision how Suguru’s frame completely overpowers me. His shoulders are wide, his muscles are thick, and I let my eyes trail down his beautiful body. The contours of his abs feel like steel, but his skin is smooth as his hips rock against me. My gaze reaches his cock and it’s already trickling in arousal.
He teases me, gently sliding the tip across my slit. I bite my lip to hold back my whimper. When he sees how needy I am for him, he guides his length into me and I feel him expand my walls. I let myself mimic the motions with my hands and a rush of pleasure flows through me.
Suguru grinds his hips, thrusting everything he has into me until my pussy is completely filled. The rhythmic motion leaves me dizzy and I can feel my vision beginning to blur. The tension inside me boils as I imagine the friction of his cock massaging me. All of his ridges compliment my own and I can feel myself drip with desire.
Suguru’s presence invades my thoughts and a moan escapes my breath. As I feel myself pulsate against the pressure of my fingers, a devilish voice drifts through my head. Though I can’t make out the voice, the thought just fuels my fire.
“He would tell you you’re soaking wet,” I continue working my clit until I’m on the brink of pleasure. I squirm as the tingles of my orgasm begin to peek over the horizon.
“He would say you’re god damn beautiful,” The words make my core flutter and my center continues to throb. I’m close, so close. The image in my head flips.
“Does he make you feel good?” Yes. So good. A vision of Satoru pounding into me resonates through my body. I’m about to—
“Yes, angel. Come for—” Fuck.
My eyes immediately shoot open when I realize the narrator of my thoughts. No, no, no, no. That did not just happen. I feel like I just woke up from a mortifying nightmare. But…if it’s a nightmare, then why do I still feel myself quiver? Stop.
I grab my towel and I shake my head to wipe away the image. As I let the bath drain, I find myself deep in thought. Why the hell is Satoru in my head and how do I get him out? I press my fingertips against my temples. Please just leave.
I try to collect myself, but memories of Friday with Satoru flood my brain. I get flashbacks of his fingers pressing into me and I immediately feel weak. I remember his tongue on my center and it makes my heart skip a beat. Stop. In my haste, I bolt out the door and collide into a large figure. 
I lift my head up to see Satoru standing before me. The warmth of his skin bounces off of me. “What the hell are you doing?” My voice is raised, but he doesn’t realize it’s because he invaded my thoughts. 
Satoru furrows his brow with one hand holding a towel around his waist, and the other raised up in defense. “Whoa, can’t I take a bath in my own house?”
My pupils dilate when I realize our towels are the only thing in between our bodies. It takes every bit of willpower to not let my eyes linger below his waist. I decide to keep my head down and swiftly maneuver past him. “Oh, right. Fine, just go ahead.” I get to the front of Suguru’s door, and my hand hovers over the knob.
Before I can turn it, Satoru calls out to me. “By the way, I noticed you were a little loud in there.” I try to move, but my body stands still. ”Were those moans for me?”
I’m frozen in shock. I tilt my head to see if his gaze is darting towards me—it’s not. Instead, all I see is his towel drop, but the door shuts before I can see it hit the floor. Nice ass—Stop.
My cheeks flush, my heart races, and I’m pretty sure my entire soul has left my body. How do I leave every interaction with Satoru feeling absolutely mortified?
Chapter 8: Repeat
Were those moans for me? No. Yes—I mean kinda? So what if they were? Fucking hell, this cannot be happening right now. Stupid Satoru and his stupid charm.
As I struggle to push the thoughts aside, I check the clock and it’s 12:30 pm. It’s only been thirty minutes since Suguru left. That’s okay, I can just relax in his room and avoid Satoru for the next hour and a half. I let out a groan and try to figure out my next move.
I set the towel down and look at my options for clothing—Suguru’s shirt from last night, dirty. The dress that I wore here, dirty. My panties sitting on the floor, soaked… and dirty. With my options limited, I settle for a fresh t-shirt from Suguru’s dresser, hoping he won’t mind. Similar to the last one, this one barely grazes my knees—but it’s cozy nonetheless.
I spend some time mindlessly scrolling away on my phone, until my stomach starts to growl—I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I tiptoe my way to the door and press my ear against the wood to see if there’s any sign of Satoru in the common space. It seems quiet, so I think the coast is clear—but of course, it isn’t.
Satoru is sitting at the dining table with his headphones in. He looks like he’s intently watching something on his phone. His hair is a bit wet, and he still hasn't gotten around to putting on a shirt. Can’t blame him though, it is his apartment after all. After a moment, he notices that I’ve stepped out of Suguru’s room and pauses the video to talk to me.
“Oh hey, you’re alive! I thought you were either masturbating, napping, or dead so I didn’t want to disturb you.”
I give him a half smile, spotting an unfinished plate of food resting in front of him. It reminds me why I went out in the first place.
“You’re probably hungry. Here, I can warm up something for you.” Before I can protest, he’s already up to grab me a plate, some chopsticks, and containers from the refrigerator.
“Oh okay, thanks.” Satoru hasn’t teased me yet. In fact, he’s actually being nice? So far so good. I take a seat at the table and try to figure out what’s playing on his phone. “What are you watching?”
“It’s this movie about some mad scientist who turns—”
“People into worms,” I help finish off his sentence.
He smiles. “Yeah, Human Earthworm 4. You know it? One of my students keeps pestering me to watch it. It’s messed up, but I actually think it’s kinda funny.”
“Yeah, I knew I recognized it! I’ve seen this one before and it’s pretty good. Unlike the others, this one feels more like a romance.” I reply with a laugh. 
After setting down my food, Satoru disconnects his headphones and moves his plate to the spot next to mine. He props his phone in between us and we spend the last 20 minutes of the movie eating our lunch, huddled closely together around his phone. His body heat radiates as our shoulders touch, sending a brief shock through me.
When we finish our meal, I wipe down the table while he washes the dishes in the sink. We laugh about the movie, share sentiments about the storyline, Satoru even comes up with theories on what Human Earthworm 5 would be like. In moments like this, I’m reminded of the times in our mentorship where we actually got along. This is nice—this Satoru is nice.
As I finish putting the last container back into the fridge, I hear him turn off the faucet. I turn around to see him dry his hands and lean on the edge of the counter. I can tell something in his demeanor has changed. His mouth opens to say something, but he decides to keep it shut.
“Is everything okay?”
He looks away, scratching the back of his head as if he’s nervous to speak. “So, you never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“Your bath. Your moans. Were they—”
I immediately cut him off while my eyes roll, and my shoulders drop. I was hoping he wouldn’t bring it up, but I should’ve known better. All Satoru wants to do in life is get under my skin. “I really don’t understand you. I know you’re capable of being a nice and normal human being, so why do you insist on antagonizing me like this?”
He takes a step forward, like it’s a challenge. “You’re not denying it, so I can’t be completely wrong.”
My mouth twitches open, but I hesitate. I guess I’m not denying it.
Satoru moves another inch closer, causing me to take a small step back. His powerful presence is all I can feel. His velvety tone delivers his words nice and slow. “Do you want to know the beauty of the Six Eyes, angel? It means that I can see everything.”
I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I take in a sharp breath. Everything? What does he mean by everything? “Wh—What are you talking about?” I stammer.
His words are paced and methodical. “I see the way your cursed energy changes every time I walk in the room.”
There’s silence.
“...I can see the way it gravitates towards me when I rest on the doorframe, and the way it struggles to hold your gaze up when I’m wrapped in a towel.”
The sound of my heart fills the room.
“...I see the way it vibrates when you try to get a glimpse of my ass.”
My jaw drops open, but nothing comes out.
“...And I definitely see it sync with your heartbeat whenever I whisper in your ear.”
His hand grazes my shoulder while the other gently caresses my waist. I let him. My gaze locks onto his and I’m completely hypnotized.
Satoru slowly leans down and stops until his face is next to mine. “You want me, angel.”
I stiffen my spine, in hopes of him seeing that I won’t back down. But who am I kidding? I’ve already been caught in his trap. As I take in the scent of his freshly bathed body, I feel myself gush between my thighs. In that instant, I’m reminded that my only piece of clothing is an oversized shirt. “So what if I do?”
Satoru smiles, gently pinning me against the refrigerator. He places his forehead on top of mine and can feel his gaze burn through me. “Do you remember the rules I told you about on your first day back?”
One—If you want me, don’t want me.
Two—If you need me, don’t need me.
Three—If you need my help, help yourself first.
I let him lift my chin and gently kiss my lips. “I think they were for me more than they were for you. Because right now, I want you too.” 
When I kiss him back, I feel his touch become more needy. I haven’t said a single word, but he knows my actions speak louder. He grabs my waist and flips me around so that my hips are pinned against his counter, allowing him to go deeper into the kiss. His grip is demanding, desperate to feel every bit of my body.
“I played nice and let Suguru have his fun, but I’m telling you right now—I need you.” He briefly pulls away and I see a rush of desire filling his hungry eyes. “So please angel, help me.”
I direct one of his hands to the bulge of his pants and the other underneath my shirt and in between my legs.  “How about you help yourself first.”
“No panties? Angel, you’re making this way too easy.” Satoru tugs down his pants to reveal his cock, stroking it as he teases my folds. He drops his forehead onto my shoulder and I hear him groan as he pleases himself. The size of his length is enough to make me gasp. I watch his large hands tug on it before my vision is blocked by Satoru pressing his lips into mine.
My arms stretch back onto the counter and I can feel the coolness of the sink spike through my fingers. My head rolls back and the rays of sunlight blind me as Satoru kisses his way down my neck.
“I always thought you were a good girl,” he growls in my ear. “I never expected you to prove me wrong.”
The words send shivers down my spine and I immediately tangle my fingers into his hair. He slides his fingers inside of me and my slick oozes out onto his hands. I feel the warmth of his pads, the ridges of his knuckles, I feel everything. He glides himself in and out, and the pressure instantly makes my walls convulse.
He continues to jack himself off and his breath becomes labored. The warmth in his breath hugs me as his kisses move back to my mouth. He’s desperately clinging to my lips and I can hear his groans as I tug on his hair.
He breaks away, panting, leaving our faces inches from each other. “Do you want to know the real reason I left that day?” he reveals. 
My gaze locks onto his beautiful blue eyes.
“If I stayed, I would’ve wanted more. I would’ve dropped my limitless and it would be over.” Satoru slows down the pace of his fingers, and I feel myself dripping down on him with excitement. I guide the rest of his pants off and he gently lifts off my shirt.
The softness of his skin roams my body, leaving a trail of fire within me. When his hands are done searching, he drags them up to cup my face. “I left because… If I had the chance to feel you, and I mean really feel you, I would’ve fucked you until your legs give out.”
My mouth twitches and I raise my brow to challenge him. “Prove it.”
Before I can even think, Satoru’s hands race to grab a hold of my thighs. He lifts me up until my elbows are resting on the counter and my feet are off the floor. His grip is powerful as he drives his cock straight into me. No easing, no adjusting, just pure thrusting. I immediately throw my head back and moan in sincere delight, knocking over the dish rack behind me.
His hands venture over to my ass, squeezing so hard like he wants to milk every last bit of me. I don’t mind the bruises as long as it showers me with bliss. The pounding of his hips against mine reverberates through the entire room. All I hear is our moans mix with groans and he’s fucking me senseless like a messy symphony of pleasure and pain. 
As his cock drills into me, I feel my back ache as he presses me into the counter. The edges dig into me, but the arousal between my legs overpowers it all. “Fuck.”
When Satoru notices, he eases his stroke to pick me up, and carries me to the table. “Maybe this will be a little more comfortable for you.”
I feel my cheeks touch the surface and slowly lower my back onto the wood. Satoru picks up one of my legs and throws it over his shoulder. Once he settles, he resumes pace and doesn’t let up. Whatever angle he has me at has his cock ramming directly into the sensitive spot in my pussy. I struggle to find a grip on the table, causing the vase of faux plants to crash. 
“Angel, you are so tight.” His words have my moans growing louder by the second. How can I be an angel when Satoru fucks me like he’s the god damn devil?
His pace slowly increases and I feel my orgasm works its way to my core. “S—so close.”
Satoru removes his hold from my waist and brings his fingers to his mouth. He wraps his lips around them, before placing them on my clit. The initial shock stuns me, causing my walls to contract. He works with an even pressure, smearing all of my slick around me. The vibrations of his fingers build up inside of me and I can feel my body on the brink of release. He gives one last thrust, knocking down a chair and shaking the table, and I immediately crumble.
My orgasm shoots out from my core, down my legs, and through my toes. I let out a moan but it feels like my cry can be heard from miles away. The pleasure overtakes me and a rush of ecstasy floods my brain. My eyes snap shut, my body tenses, but as my orgasm fades, I wonder if I just died and got railed to heaven.
Satoru falls over me, panting hard to catch his breath. He lifts his head and curls his mouth into a smile. I return his smile with a complementary chuckle.
I slowly prop myself up when suddenly, a voice suddenly emerges from the hallway. “Satoru, you cheeky little bastard. When I said take care of her, I didn’t mean it like that.” Fuck. Suguru.
My mind goes blank and I can’t even move. Satoru’s head perks up as he turns to face Suguru. The air is tense and the silence lingers for far too long. Time slows down and it feels like no one has moved in what feels like hours. As I focus my attention on Suguru, I’m puzzled to see the reaction on his face. I fully expect anger and rage, but it’s…not?
“Hey, I—” Satoru starts.
Suguru lifts up his brow and the side of his mouth twitches into a smirk. “Well, are you going to let me join, or am I just gonna sit here and watch?”
As my eyes widen, Satoru turns his head back towards me. “See angel, I told you he wouldn’t mind sharing.”
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Read Part 3 Here
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detshin · 6 months
the funniest thing about the cousin reveal is that the fandom in my country has believed kaito and shinichi are cousins for years. there are so many fics about it too, it's seen as pretty much canon to the point where ive seen some ppl say "that's the twist?? that's a boring, predictable twist, do better" and it's so funny to see the western audience's reaction in comparison 😭
Hi, dear!
HAHAHAHA Honestly I believe you.
I don't think it's THAT wild of a discovery either, because well, even if scarce and few, there have been some references to the possibility. Maybe I already perceived them like that so it's not weird to me, I don't know.
I do think that the execution could've been better, of course, but that's now a constant with Gosho tbf
What I'm doing now is laugh because the outsiders from the fandom who are now hearing about the ship are saying they were confused cause they straight up thought kaito and shinichi were the same guy lmao, because I've thought about that too 😂
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11queensupreme11 · 18 days
So I recently introduced Arsenic Blues to my cousin who’s just starting her fanfiction journey and who was looking for Percy Jackson fics cause she’s obsessed with the books. And while I’m the only one who's ever watched/read ROR and read ALL THE PJO and spin off books, my cousin was worried she might not understand since she isn’t that big of an anime/manga person.
I mean she watched the basics like some Naruto, Fairytail, and like three eisodes of One piece (I was watching it on the couch and she was in the kitchen listening to it 😂) but I told her she didn’t have to watch the anime to understand like the background of the story since its that well written that everything is basically explained in the fic.
So she started it a week ago and now she’s obsessed. Honestly, it’s just so funny for me too see her go through the same scenes I did like a year ago and say stuff like “ugh Poseidon is pissing me off (I don’t know how he would ever become a yan) like why would he smash his daughters cookies 😔 she made them for him🥺” honestly she said that was one of her top 10 worst heartbreaks😭 which says a lot cause my cousin likes angst and hurt/comfort stories. Her favorite character rn is Hades and she doesn’t believe me when I tell her he gets worse 🤭🤭. She won’t hear of it. Girl is a hard Percades shipper and she’s willing to die on that hill.
She told me nothing this man does could make her change her mind and I’m like whatever u say fam 😅😂😭.
(P.S. This fic has made her want to watch ROR so now she’s on season 2, my cousin also told me to tell u she loves ur story sm and she’s looking for more fem!Percy fics 💕)
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Fairyseeker & Black Brothers fanfic idea!! (You’re my only fairyseeker shipping Mutual so now you’ll have to deal with me hahaha)
Soo like in this AU the Black Brothers have a bigger age gap like 7-10 years or smth and Sirius hasn’t seen Reggie since he was a literal child and one day he brings Harry to school and he meets a little girl that looks just like his brother, but with blonde hair and he’s just like: 👁️👄👁️
And then the kid introduces himself as a Lovegood (or a Rosier) and Sirius is just like: pff okay I must be mistaken, but NO and the story goes on and on with Harry and Luna making friends, James and Lily meeting Regulus and Pandora and Mary meeting Regulus and Pandora and basically everyone meeting the Lovegood family EXCEPT for Wolfstar and everyone is just trying to stop that BOMB from exploding and then Arcturus Black dies and his money is to be split between the black cousins, so they meet in their old family home ALONG with their partners and kids and old black family plots and backstories are unpacked and meanwhile Draco, Tonks, Harry and Luna (+ baby Delphi But like as Quillkillers adopted kid) are getting to know each other, first fighting but then uniting as a front to help their parents bury their past and just ARGH
And all through it there would be TONS of Fairyseeker romance and BLACK FAMILY ANGST
(If anyone wants to use the idea PLEASE DO)
(I hope this post makes sense and isn’t utter nonsense)
sirius would be so flabbergasted when he finds out who luna is. he would be so confused how and when that happened. Sjsjsoejo I want to see his reaction so baaaaaddddd
also, everyone knowing before him is so true and funny af 💀 remus probably knew too
to be honest, I'm a big black brothers age gap truther 😔 idk why, but I just like the idea of them like that
I love this sm, honestly. I want to read this fic so bad now
thank you sm for sharing, my love <33
(I would add more, but I can't think of anything. you said everything already 😔)
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ab4eva · 2 years
‘Prettiest Thing’
Summary: Austin Butler x Reader / You and Austin slip away during a family dinner for a little one-on-one time in the car.
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ only! Oral (m. receiving)
Author’s note: Y’all. I wrote smut. Honestly, I tried writing this 3 weeks ago, hated it and deleted it. Thought about it yesterday, undeleted it, didn’t hate it anymore and finished it. This is my first time writing smut so….eeeeeee, I’m a little scared to put this out there but here it is. Thanks to the following for their indirect guidance (aka writing some of my fave Austin / Elvis fics that include amazing smut): @elvisabutler @dreamersparacosm @aconflagrationofmyown @missmaywemeetagain
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“This doesn’t feel pretty in my mouth,” Austin says, making a face.
“What, baby?” you say, with an amused smile, looking at him questioningly.
“This salad…I don’t like it. It doesn’t feel pretty in my mouth,” he says again.
You chuckle at the funny expression before a thought pops into your head.
You lean in and whisper in his ear, “I know something that feels pretty in my mouth,” biting your bottom lip as you look him in the eyes. You place your hand discreetly on his thigh under the table and slowly move it up, lightly squeezing his cock through his pants. He’s not wearing any underwear tonight, he doesn’t like being constricted, so he’s bare under his thin slacks.
He goes completely still, the half-smile frozen on his face as he does his best to swallow the bite of salad he’d been chewing and not choke. You give him another squeeze then release your grip and pat his thigh before returning to your own salad.
You sneak a glance over at him - he’s taking a sip of water, a faint blush tinting his cheeks, trying to rearrange his face into something resembling normal before turning to answer a question from his uncle on the other side of him.
You really shouldn’t have been so naughty just then, not at this nice restaurant with Austin’s aunts and uncles and cousins. But sometimes you can’t help yourself…let’s be honest, most of the time you can’t help yourself. You want to jump his bones 24/7 and even when you and Austin aren’t having sex, you're thinking about you and Austin having sex…like all the time.
“Babe,” you say to Austin, an idea forming, “I left my jacket in the car, and I’m a little chilly. Will you run get it for me, please?”
You lift an eyebrow enticingly, making sure he understands your meaning.
He narrows his blue eyes at you, the faint hint of a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.
“Of course, sweetheart. Be right back,” he says as he stands from the table, buttoning his jacket quickly to hide his growing erection. He excuses himself, glancing back at you, a look of arousal and anticipation on his face.
You wait a minute before excusing yourself to the restroom but head to the dark parking lot instead. You find your SUV and pull the back door open, finding Austin ready and waiting for you, long legs spread wide, one hand absentmindedly palming himself over his pants, anything to get a little relief while waiting for you. You smirk at the sight of him.
“So needy for me, huh babe? Couldn’t even wait one minute?” you say as you move his seat back as far as it goes, take your shoes off and step inside the car.
“Look what you do to me,” he breathes, his hands reaching for your hips in the tight space. In the darkness you can see the glint of his eyes, the quick thrum of his pulse beating beneath his jawline.
You hike your dress up around your thighs before straddling Austin and settling on his lap. You can feel how hard he is as he grabs your waist and bucks his hips up, trying to get some friction to ease his throbbing cock. But you lift your hips a little, teasing, not giving him what he wants just yet. He lets out a frustrated sigh and moves his hands up your back to your shoulder blades, and buries his face in your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there, your sweet spot that drives you wild. You gasp as he latches on, sucking hard, using his teeth, sure to leave a mark.
You regain control of the situation, regrettably disentangling yourself from his sweet mouth on your neck and take his face in your hands, desperate to feel his lips against yours. You kiss him slowly at first, taking your time but he grows impatient and deepens the kiss with a growl, tongues and teeth clashing. You rake your hands through his sandy blonde curls and grip a handful at the nape of his neck. A moan escapes his lips and you finally grind down on him, your hot core meeting his hardness through too many layers of clothes.
Realizing you don’t have much time before people start wondering where you two are, you leave the warmth of his arms and quickly kneel on the floor of the car, between his legs. He’s already undoing his belt as you unzip his pants and pull them down a bit, reaching a hand in to grip his heavy, hot length. A sigh escapes his lips as his head rolls back, his hands clenching and unclenching into fists on his thighs.
You smirk as you plant slow, soft kisses across his stomach, blonde hairs tickling your nose, gently squeezing his cock while you do. You run your thumb over his swollen tip, precum glistening in the darkness. He whines a little, hips thrusting up a tiny bit. You’re teasing him, and he grips a handful of your hair, signaling that he needs your mouth on him, now.
“Please, baby,” he whispers, as he looks down at you.
You’re just as ready as he is, desperate to feel his velvety hardness in your mouth. You catch his eye as you lick the tip, swirling your tongue around it, again and again, before licking long, wet stripes up from the base, using your tongue to trace the vein that throbs underneath.
His grip on your hair tightens and he sucks in a hiss as you take him fully into your mouth, wrapping your hand around the rest of him that won’t fit, slick with precum and spit. You move your head and hand in a twisting tandem, a slow rhythm that has his chest heaving and his breath speeding up.
His glassy eyes are locked onto yours in the darkness, his full mouth parted, occasionally biting his bottom lip through the groans he can’t hold back any longer.
“That feels so good, pretty baby. I love you so damn much,” he says between pants.
You reach your free hand up to his and intertwine your fingers, your connection in this moment almost overwhelming you.
You hollow out your cheeks, sucking harder, working him faster with your mouth and fist, head bobbing up and down furiously now. You know he’s close by the way the muscles in his abdomen start to spasm and his breath hitches in his throat. His fingers in your hair are opening and closing in a steady rhythm, pulling at your scalp in the most delicious way.
You feel his cock swell even more and begin to pulsate on your tongue. You grab his ass with both your hands to hold him in place as he adds another hand to your hair and bucks his hips up slightly. You hum around his girth and that’s what finally sends him over the edge with a gasp and a moan that has you clenching your thighs together. His hot seed spills into your mouth and you hold still a moment before slowly swallowing in little increments.
You’re both breathing hard and you lay your cheek on his clothed thigh, still slightly jerking beneath you from the strength of his orgasm. His hand drifts over to your cheek and gently thumbs it as he smiles down at you before closing his eyes.
“Damn, baby. That was so hot. You’re so good to me,” Austin says shakily, voice raspy.
“Prettiest thing I ever felt in my mouth,” you say, and you mean it.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 months
Babs! We need a fic where older Ponyboy (maybe 18, gonna turn 18, let's just make him 18 for now) is in his senior spring break and honestly had no plans. Curly finds him, tells him he's going back to Haiti to see family and invites him along.
Nothing dramatic, just two excited boyfriends going to one of their home countries, Ponyboy gets to hear new languages, see new sights (he loves laying on the white beaches with Curly, listening to the ocean. They usually say nothing during that time--they don't need to) eat new food and of course meet more Shepard family. They're just as wild as the ones he knows in America, but there's such a sense of love and belonging in that home. They instantly love Ponyboy (there's just something about this white boy that ain't threatening.) They already call him names Ponyboy tells himself are just casual endearing ones. (No they've already adopted him, he's their token white boy) Pony wants to compare Haiti to his home, and it's sort of like that, but in it's own unique way.
Also, he learns of Curly's government name. The second he heard it, he felt Curly stiffen as an auntie came over and kissed both his cheeks and spoke about hos tall he was getting. Ponyboy could pratically feel the rage rattling around in Curly's body.
......Curly has a french name. That's why he hates it so much.
Curly gets another tattoo and re pierces his ear, and Ponyboy get his first tattoo, a small thing on his ankle or on his back (someplace he can hide it from Darry till he's 18 and can run away legally). Ponyboy and Curly walking in the streets at dusk to witness the prettiest sunset Ponyboy has ever seen, sitting on the rooftop balcony smoking weed.
It's the greatest memories they'll ever share with each other.
Pony gets into Harvard with his essay he wrote about his time as a 14 year old and how he grew to love himself with the help of a tough as nails greaser who took him to Haiti.
.......forget a fanfic where's the production team to make this movie?
its been so long since someone called me babs, i actually jumped a lil /pos /lh
idk y im getting more asks involving haitian shepards,,but im REVELING in it, im ABSOLUTELY eating this up like im at the last supper
tim, 𝓹𝓲𝓮𝓻𝓻𝓮, angela its even funnier bc i hc angela and curly as twins so its like, they whipped out this french ass name for one kid and looked at the other and just went “yea we’ll call her angela”, but i saved curlys entire life n just say his real name is christopher, i cant have my fav be plagued by the french COMPLETELY
(i also said that he hates it tim and angela would probably go “YO PIERRE U WANNA COME OUT HERE🤔🤔🗣️🔥” over and over)
and pony being adopted as the token white boy is SO real, ik they call him “blan” (if u dont know, “blan” is like, the haitian equivalent of gringo, best way i can explain it)
BUT IMAGINE ALL THE THINGS THEY CAN DO!!! they can get ready for kanaval,,,going to the waterfalls,,,,seeing curlys other family that also live in the more country side,,,they can teach pony dances,,,,they can even go into some caves!!!! they can get fresca,,,,get fruits from curlys cousins backyard,,,go on lil walks w curlys cousins to the store for, the possibilities, anon im gonna scream,,
they even have pics to never forget the memories!!! pony also has a scar bc of a lil mishap w a tap tap, but we dont talk about that❤️❤️
and as for curly getting his ears pierced and getting another tattoo ik he was getting looks and lectures from ppl but he did NOT care and honestly, go him
plus everyones speaking in kreyòl and barely knows a lick of english, curly was def the translator the whole time but thats ok, he thought pony looking confused was pretty cute n funny
i will never forget this, anon
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pascaloverx · 11 months
Part Four
previous part next part
Author's note: This fanfic is set in the creation of Jenny Han. Conrad Fisher and other characters mentioned in the future do not belong to me. I hope you like this fanfic, depending on how it goes, I'll decide if this fic will have more parts or just this one. This fanfic is recommended for all audiences, there will be no adult content in it, only possible inappropriate language and alcohol consumption.
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You and Conrad were basically already dressed appropriately to spend time with Jeremiah and Belly. The couple is putting away all the food that you and they brought. You and Conrad are currently grabbing sticks or anything to start the fireplace. Conrad is silent, as if something is bothering him internally.
"Do you want me to pretend I'm feeling unwell, and we discreetly escape from here?" You say, offering a subtle smile, hoping for a positive response from Conrad.
"And where would we be heading, Miss Y/N?" Conrad says, adjusting the twigs in his arms with a playful tone.
"I'll let you take me wherever you want..." You say, gathering a few more twigs, looking at Conrad appearing excited at the prospect of you two escaping now.
"You shouldn't say that to me, honestly, if it were up to me, you'd be under..." Conrad is about to say something cheeky. You can sense it, perhaps even wish for it. Unfortunately, you both hear Belly calling you to come for dinner.
"I guess you'll have to save that story for later." You say, giving Conrad a peck on the lips, leaving him seemingly discontent as you head towards dinner with Belly.
You both stack the branches and wood you've gathered, and Conrad uses his lighter to ignite the fire. You watch him closely, realizing that he is terrible at making fires but that he is persistent when he wants something. You, Belly, and Jeremiah are already seated, enjoying a mix of soda, snacks, and chocolate bars. Luckily Belly bought marshmallows for you to eat later.
"Well, how did you two meet?" Jeremiah asks as you all eat together this time, Conrad successfully getting the fire going after a few tries.
"Funny story, we met just a few hours ago when I rescued him from some quality alone time contemplating life. But, to be honest, I did it for selfish reasons." You reply, taking a sip of your soda. Jeremiah and Belly seem surprised in some way, but Conrad appears relieved. Did he think you were going to spill about the crisis he was having before you rescued him?
"So, you didn't just bring a stranger to Cousins?" Belly asks, and you feel a bit uncomfortable. Conrad tenses up, while Jeremiah observes his girlfriend's question, clearly coming off as jealous.
"She was already heading this way, and in fact, she brought me." Conrad says in a dry and serious tone. It seems like the campfire atmosphere is no longer as friendly.
"Even so, it's strange that you chose to come here with someone you barely know..." Belly responds, the tension in the air becoming palpable.
"What does it matter whether I've known her for five hours or two years? We both needed company, and that's what we found in each other. And if you ask me, this isn't the strangest thing happening around here right now." Conrad seems more irritated than usual.
"What do you mean by that?" You watch as Belly drops the snack she was holding. Jeremiah, like you, seems to be processing what's unfolding.
"It's obvious that the weirdest thing here is my ex-girlfriend questioning me about coming here with a stranger while she's in the company of her own boyfriend. And, to top it off, he happens to be my brother. Now, Belly, that's what I call strange." Conrad adds, tension escalating around the campfire. The flames of the campfire dance, mirroring the tension among you. The crackling of the fire echoes the discomfort in the air as everyone searches for words to ease the heavy atmosphere.
"Are you doing this to punish me?" Belly questions Conrad, and it seems that before he can respond, Jeremiah intervenes.
"If you want to argue about anything, at least wait until we're not making the new acquaintance feel utterly awkward with your behavior." Jeremiah interjects, trying to diffuse the tension.
"In fact, I think you guys need a family moment or whatever this is. I'll head to my car and see if I can get a signal to call my mom." You say, trying not to let on how uncomfortable the argument was. The worst part is, you're not even sure why it bothered you so much. You get up walking to your car and feel a weight on your chest as if you want to cry. You tell yourself there's no reason to do this and pick up your cell phone to call your mom.
"Where are you, Y/N Y/L/N?" Your mom's tone already signals trouble for you when you get home. What a wonderful day you're having.
"I'm in Cousins, Mom. Don't worry, I'll be home in a few hours." You talk while watching the love triangle talk about something you have no idea what it is from a distance. You observe them calmer than before and from a distance, Conrad captures your gaze, as if he could read your thoughts. His look is intense, and you feel mesmerized for a few seconds until you refocus on your mother, who is complaining about you being out of touch for hours.
"Did you know Noah just dropped by asking about you?" You hear your ex's name, and you automatically feel irritation at the thought of him being around your family. To think he once said dating you was almost like charity.
"Mom, do me a favor. If he asks about me, tell him I'm dead. And don't let him get near my house or you. I just don't want him anywhere near our lives." You speak, trying to maintain a certain softness in your voice, but you really want to scream as loud as possible that you hate him.
"Message received. I'll do my best to keep him out of our lives. But tell me, how are you? Is there someone special, or do you need anything?" Your mother asks with a mix of curiosity and concern in her voice. You're glad to know she cares.
"I'm good and just need some time to clear my head. As for being with someone..." You smile, thinking about Conrad, but try not to let it show too much.
"From the way you answered, I can tell you're already enchanted by someone, whoever that may be. Youth these days, wasting no time..." Your mother uses that tone every mom uses when they want to make a critique without being too direct.
"Not planned, Mrs. Y/M/N. I just happened to meet someone who seems nice. And, to be honest, time is too precious to waste. Before you ask, his name is Conrad, and we're in Cousins. You might remember this place. It's where my idiotic ex brought us to meet his parents." You say as you think about how much you wasted your time with Noah. Your mother sighs on the other end of the call.
"Don't you want to go home and get some motherly affection?" You smile at your mother's proposal, knowing that this is completely out of character.
"Mom, go distract yourself, watch a movie or a soap opera. I'll be fine here, enjoying the beach and the company..." In your head you wonder why you allow yourself to feel all this considering the argument you just witnessed.
"Alright, dear. Take care there, and try to let yourself be loved again." Your mom speaks with a mix of concern and motherly advice.
"Mom, don't go imagining that I'm in some romance. Conrad seems to be... but his heart is already taken, and I just can't deal with that kind of drama right now." You may not be convinced by your own words but what matters is that this is what your brain says.
"If I had thought like you, I would have never met your father. But I'll let you make your own decisions. Call me anytime, and don't forget to eat properly." Your mother says hanging up the call and you turn around, only to be met with a strangely smiling Conrad.
"Did you lose something here, Mr. Conrad?" You playfully ask, trying to pretend you're not dying of embarrassment.
"Fisher. If you're going to call me by name, I think it sounds more charming with the last name included. And yes, I did lose something, actually." Conrad responds, approaching you and gazing at you gently as if he's enchanted.
"What did you lose, Mr. Fisher?" You daringly ask, inching even closer. Your faces are nearly inches apart.
"I lost control over my heart..." He says, holding your waist and kissing you. A spontaneous kiss that makes you lose your balance. Fortunately, Conrad catches you, pressing you against the car door. You allow yourself to get lost in Conrad's lips. When you pull away slightly to catch your breath, Conrad starts kissing your neck tenderly.
"Do you want to get in the car and have some privacy?"You say, opening the door behind you. Conrad nods in agreement and follows you as you get into the car.
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morroodle · 1 year
How I feel about various Morro relationships:
I'm bored and I wanna ramble. I headcannon morro as aroace (definitely not me projecting) and don't really care for shipping him but there are some I don't mind, so I thought I'd share my thoughts on various pairings both platonic and romantic (and some qprs)
Morro and Lloyd (green cousins)
Platonic: yes yes green cousins my beloved they mean so much to me
Morro and Kai (destiny duo)
Platonic: is it really platonic if they hate eachother? God they would be hilarious together. Theyre both little shits and they would bounce off eachother so well
Romantic: I kinda love it. Theyre just,,, "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" and it's so funny. I like it more casually, as a background or light thing, not so much serious
Qpr: they would never
Morro and Cole (ghost duo/sandstorm)
Platonic: they would be very chill friends. Morro helps Cole with ghost things, Cole helps Morro with being alive and they bond over music. Morro isn't cuddly but sometimes he needs Cole to squish him back into his body
Romantic: yea ok. I think it would be sweet and very similar to their friendship
Qpr: oh yea now that's the good shit. Gimme gimme. I am mentally ill.
Morro and Zane (blizzard?)
Platonic: yea ok. I think they could be friends in a very chill way (pun not intended), and morro would love once zane becomes more sassy. They cook together :D
Romantic: ehhhhh??? I don't see it but if it happened to be in a fic I wouldn't care
Qpr: same as romantic
Morro and Jay (storm duo?)
Platonic: not so much a friendship as it is morro constantly terrorizing Jay. Jay loves showing morro new modern stuff but morro is too much of a little shit for that
Romantic: they would never
Qpr: no
Morro and Nya (wojira duo)
Platonic: yes absolutely I love them dearly. They are besties your honor
Romantic: no
Qpr: no
Morro and Pixal (I don't think they have a duo name)
Platonic: yes absolutely. Kinda similar vibes to him and Nya. Morro is absolutely invited to girls night
Romantic: no why
Qpr: again no
Morro and Wu
Your honor that's his dad
Morro and Garm
There's so much potention for fun shenanigans AND emotions. Wu's his dad and Garm's his uncle. Garm absolutely snuck him cookies when he was little
Morro and Harumi (I think they have a duo name but I don't know it)
Platonic: hell yea hating Lloyd besties. They would get along so well when they're both evil and they would slay so much
Romantic: hard no
Qpr: I don't see it
Morro and Echo (citrus)
Platonic: sure. I really like how it's done in the fic too weird to live too rare to die. Echo is wholesome and morro is not.
Romantic: honestly don't care for it. I don't mind it and there's definitely yummy art but I don't know where this paring came from
Qpr: maybe? I feel like they could cuddle
Morro and Benthomar (Seabreeze)
Platonic: similar to echo? Except I understand it less I think. Again no idea where this pairing came from
Romantic: again similar to echo except I think I like it a little more
Qpr: I don't really see it but my mind could be changed
I think that's all the main ones? Idk if I think of more I wanna talk about I'll add on. In conclusion ghost duo qpr my beloved
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consistentsquash · 6 months
5 Meta recs for Friday!
Happy Friday!!! <3 I read some really good meta on one of my fav author's writing process yesterday. So Meta Recs Friday! :D
My Writing Process by @squibstress
My name is Squibstress, and I am an unrepentant pantser.
This post is super poignant and really funny. It really shows fandom esp writing fic can be a lonely hobby and a social hobby at the same time. Also it's a super insightful look at not just the writing process because it's also about how the author thinks about the readers/reading experience.
I love, love, love the thoughtfulness Squibstress has for making reading more accessible. This is something you really only get in fandom. This extra attention to detail because it's a community and fandom is a garden <3 Personally I use a screen reader a lot and I can really tell the difference between fics which are going the extra mile for accessibiity on that.
Also TIL one of my fav authors is a pantser :D
Snarry-a-thon Recs by @danpuff-ao3
This is an incredible rec lists effort. Danpuff is making rec lists for Snarry-a-thon one of the longest running HP slash fests ever <3 Normally I don't have rec lists for meta posts but I feel this is such a brilliant meta level list. It's an amazing look at HP slash fandom evolution and also Snarry evolution. Insane levels of genres/tropes/characterization coverage! If you want to get a big picture Snarry fandom fic history this is the rec list for you!!
About Laugh and Forget (1) by @saehaerys
I am a big sucker for meta esp for fic meta for my fav fics. Laugh and Forget is a really dirtyhotbadwrong and super intense House of the Dragon/ASOIAF darkfic. PforPheobe's writing gives me serious Master and Margarita vibes because of that combo of darkness/humor/intense emotion. I have a Big Crush on their writing. Like I am not even a het incest reader but they sold me with their super dark emotional stories.
A bit under a year ago, one day in February, I had a horrible idea that Jaehaerys had coveted Saera and in his terrible covetousness he messed it all up, sending her away for cold repentance, and she fled from his face in mischief and utter disillusionment of their bond. It became increasingly unbearable for me to regard this passage of faux history.
I love fics written by authors with 100% commitment and love with their biggest Canon Feelings/Character Feelings inside it. This fic totally has that vibe. Really raw and super emotional.
The Lightning Struck Tower: “It is My Mercy, Not Yours That Matters Now” by @ashesandhackles
I really love the canon analysis meta from AshesandHackles. Honestly I am not a big reader of HP meta because it's a pretty old fandom and I feel like I don't really see a lot of value in meta at this point. But Ashesandhackles is brilliant at analysis and I feel like I just find new things to love about my fav characters and their parallels when I am reading their meta.
Harry recognises the flaw in the ending chapters of Deathly Hallows, and wins the Elder wand with an Expelliarmus too. Interestingly, it’s a spell Harry learnt by observing Snape in Duelling Club with Lockhart.
This one has incredible, incredible analysis of Snape, Harry and their relationships with Dumbledore. This is definitely not a shipping meta but I feel it's like 10x more powerful than a shipping meta because it just uses the canon to show the similarities/difference between the characters.
Re: Metrics by eldritcher
This is a funny and poignant personal post on writing stats/fandom stats.
Participating in fandom while refusing to buy into fandom's current metrics is a difficult position to take, because it's led to edgy questions now and then re: what keeps me in fandom since my metrics are pathetic (not my wording; my cousin deems anything below five-hundred kudos pathetic). 
Artists/authors have a lot of emotional connection with stats for lots of valid reasons. I feel bad when my fav authors are worried about stats but also I totally get it. Eldritcher is pretty idgaf about stats except comments because they love being super chatty and meta on comments. But also it's totally impossible to ignore other stats sometimes. The meta has an interesting point. If you are somebody who cares a lot about your progress, then you got to measure something. But like what's the right thing to measure?
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itz-stus · 1 year
Um how about a Indian reader who believes in sex after marriage sooo when they were in relationship gojo has to kinda suffer (in a funny way) being a herbivore and after there marriage he can't just wait to leave the crowd teasing the reader through the function and it would be more fun if it's an Indian wedding cause we all know ristedar picha na shadi ke pehle chorte hai aur na shaadi ke baad 😆
But getting his hands all over her once they leave them alone
I'm imagining his reaction when reader would cry her eyes out during vidai 😆
Btw new Tumblr user here I got excited knowing a Desi gojo fic writer<3
Feel free to ignore tho
Omggg I loved this request it was soo fun!! Like my literal fantasy came to life here!! I did this request so fast in honor of the Goat's homecoming!!
The Wedding Night
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So you two have been preparing for the wedding for months. Since you had to organize two weddings one Japanese style and one Indian style
When he found out honestly he was quite amused of course but he always respected your decisions. Not without teasing you at every given moment from sexy scenes in movies to books if there were any he would always say "Just wait until the day we get married~" teasing you on how you believed in sex after marriage.
Now the day was finally here, Satoru in a beige sherwani with blue flowers and golden kadhai asdfghjkl. 
When you joined the ballroom oh my wearing that royal wedding dress. The red lehenga with gold all over it. Damn, this man fell even harder he didn't even know he could see this day.
After the var mala, You and he sat in front of the mandap now that's where the fun began. 
Satoru's slippers were gone in seconds, even the strongest sorcerer couldn't save them. 
Your sister got a lot of money in return which made you sigh at both of their behaviors
"Where are my slippers?" Satoru said looking around as you snickered and looked at your sisters (now salis) as one of them wore the slippers. "Jija ji~," Your sisters said menacingly as they tapped on his shoulders making him look around "Oh, you found them? Thank you" He smiled patting one of their head, oh this poor boy doesn't know what is going to happen now as the swiped the slippers as he was about to reach them making he raise his eyebrow. The eldest smiled and said snickering "Nothing in return~" Satoru didn't has a single clue about what she was asking and placed a plate of golgappa from the waiter in her hand. Making you laugh and said "Not that idiot, she's talking about money the neigh(idk what you call it but in my family, they call it neigh or shagun ka lifafa)" "Oh!! Here my sweet sisters-in-law!" He said putting his card in their hands making your and your sister's jaws drop to the floor. "Oh, Beh--" You were about to curse as your elder sister (can be cousin too) covered your mouth. "Not today Y/n."
After the faire and pooja, it was time to play the games. The most intense game of no other. Both of you were so determined to find the ring in the bowl. After, 7 rounds you finally won the first game. While Satoru won the rice game.
At the Dinner, he thought this was the time he finally would get you alone. But unfortunately for him all your relatives when to meet you.
You two were sitting together while the whole family sat on the larger table as Indian dishes were served as the relatives started to come from one of your closets first. First were from your mother's house who came and fed you two a bite of the food (The custom where like the relatives feed you one bite showing their love towards the bride and groom) "Hai mera beta itni badi hogayi," Your Mama said feeding you two a bite as you turned to Satoru and introduced him to your uncle " 'Toru, This is My Mama the one I told you about." You said as Satoru nodded and smiled at him "Yes I remember, Namaste sir" "Oh don't call me sir, I'm your Uncle now boy!" You Uncle fist-bumped your newly wed husband welcoming him to the family as he leaned to your ear and whispered "Hindi seekh raha hai?" He asked as you giggled and nodded "Abhi tak sahi chal rahi hai classes"
Oh, that was just one of them, and many more from both your mother's and father's side. You introduced those who were left in the group photos
After the whole dinner, there was part of the vidai when you both were leaving to go to your hotel. After the whole energetic wedding now everyone had a solemn look as he looked at you hugging your mother and crying your eyes out. Much to say he was amused he was omg he was so confused he thought you didn't want to go but you had lived with him in Japan.
Getting in the car this mf would be 100 perc. be dramatic saying that you didn't love him and broke his heart, and like he never knew you didn't want to live with him. As you explained that is why you were crying. As you two drove to your hotel.Now finally married.
Ohhhh! Here's the fun parttt!! The suhag raat!!
Satoru finally gets you alone when he finally lifts your veil like in the old Bollywood films looking at your beautiful face decorated with gold jewelry as he kissed you so softly and passionately which of course you gladly returned. 
The funny part is that he won't still be able to do what he wants, for actually taking off your clothes he and you would take out the jewelry, safety pins, and makeup for like half an hour.
Oh, he would just be soo fucking touchyyy like literally would seduce you when he helped you take off your safety pins. like squeezing your waist or your inner thighs. Well, You know what happened next right? ;)
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omgjayaaa · 9 months
some lego ninjago fanfic recommendations bcoz I can
(very good. Lots of unexpected twists and a fun read that updates consistently. This was honestly so fun to theorize on hehe).
(Super funny. Has green cousins but the movie version. It’s one of my favorite one shots :D)
(Funny asf and has survival shipping ‼️)
(This fic owns my heart. It’s fully completed and Pixal is so wonderfully wrote in this. She’s the best girl <33)
(A dragons rising fanfic that is good as hell. It has all the angst and the writing is just chefs kiss)
(This fic is so damn good ‼️ It’s a rewrite of the lego ninjago movie and it’s a banger must read).
(This fic is a next gen with OCs but is honestly one of the best things I’ve ever read on Ao3. It has ghost Cole but if he would’ve stayed a ghost through hundreds of years. Fluffy but with good angst.)
(Probably one of the more seen fics but this one does not disappoint. Kai is an absolute badass and the best big brother to the movie ninja. Another must read fic :D)
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micamicster · 3 months
Micaaaaaa I am in need of a good TV show. IWTV left me craving for some good writing, please help 💙 I know some of your all-time favourites are Black Sails and The Wire, I gave them a try, but I'm afraid they're a bit too bleak for me :(( Any good recs?
Bestie this is a great question and im honestly a terrible person to direct it to because the truth is I really don't watch a ton of tv! But I'm gonna do my best!
Beneath the cut find a list of shows I think are particularly well written, divided into vague and confusing categories based on how similar to iwtv they might seem?
<3 <3 <3
(Totally get Black Sails and the Wire feeling too heavy. The wire in particular is imo the single most upsetting thing thats ever been put on television so I completely get not being up for it. But if anyone else is looking for shows I think are really well written those would be good places to start! Black Sails would be my first rec for iwtv fans tbh)
Dramas with syfy/fantasy elements:
Russian Doll: for literally anyone other than you (who's already watched it!) this would be my number one rec. One of the best (and specifically best written) shows of all time, has those spec fic surrealist elements, combines comedy and drama, just love it.
Andor: I know, I was surprised too. But despite being a star wars tv show it actually has writers that do a? good? job? And Diego Luna is spectacular. (If black sails was too grim this might also feel that way given our knowledge of the main character's fate, but it might be worth checking out anyway)
I forgot what i was going to put here
Not sf:
Reservation Dogs: Taika Watiti can be hit or miss for me, but this show is the best of his particular combination of humor and pathos. Also he's just really good at writing kids? (I would be remiss if I didn't point out that he has been (rightfully!) criticized for the antiblackness of couple of minor characters who appropriate black culture pretty egregiously, iirc they don't feature after season 1? But it is a flaw to be aware of). Why didn't I put this with the sitcoms? My mind is mysterious even to me
Bad Sisters: great 1 season irish show about a group of sisters trying to murder their sister's abusive husband. Again a really strong writing combo of humor and genuine emotion!
The Get Down: still not over this cancellation it hurt me in ways I can't even begin to explain... anyway a great show about the birth of rap in 70s nyc with beautifully thought out costumes, music, writing, visual style <3
The Americans: two russian spys undercover as an american suburban couple in the 80s is actually a vehicle for a probing exploration of marriage and intimacy. Also pretty grim (the cold war. yeah.) so idk if it would be for you.
The Knick: nobody ever watches this when I rec it because it's too gorey but I don't care! I love it! Period drama about a public hospital in early 1900s new york.
Sitcoms!: (sorry I know you've watched half of these just wanted to include them in case anyone else looked at this list!)
Derry Girls: this show is just hit after hit. Best written show about teens in the world!
We Are Lady Parts: See this entire blog. Genuinely one of the best shows ever made
American Vandal: Ok technically this is more of a mockumentary than a sitcom but i wasn't sure where else to put it. Season one in particular is some of the best tv show writing I've ever watched it is perfect in every way!
MASH: 70s sitcom about a US military field hospital during the Korean War. At its best it's hysterically funny, absurdist, and bitingly furiously anti-war. (At its worst it's racist, sexist, and boring. It was the 70s) This show was a cultural phenomenon, but it has literally over 200 episodes so I would recommend just googling for a best-of list and watching a handful to see if it works for you.
Atlanta: Donald Glover's surrealist sitcom about trying to manage his cousin's rap career in Atlanta. That's such a bad explanation of what this show is about i'm sorry but I'm not sure how to do better.
Shows I've watched between 1 episode and 1 season of, thought to myself "wow! this show is amazing!" but can't in good conscience recommend because I never really watched enough of them to qualify as an expert:
The Sopranos: everyone says it's the best tv show of all time and i watched season one, said wow they're right! and still haven't managed to get back to it! The pilot itself is so fucking funny like... mobster goes to therapy for his anxiety had to have been the pitch of all time
Station eleven: LOVED the book, heard really good things about the tv show, thought the pilot was amazing, got busy and couldn't finish it.
Babylon Berlin: this has the darkly romantic, opulent qualities of iwtv so it might be for you! Unfortunately I've seen less than half of it so I can't promise it doesn't go off the rails.
Breaking Bad: people are right! it's good! It's also (at least in season one, the only season I've watched so far) like someone made a slapstick comedy about a man cooking meth. In a good way!
You might want to just watch a couple gothic romances to scratch that iwtv itch! Check out an adaptation of Jane Eyre or Wuthering Heights!
WOW this is too hard. Just watch supernatural i guess
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fruitcoops · 2 years
I miss my sister so very much (she's in college) so your sibling fics are the ones I revisit the most often, you write them so well! I was wondering if you wanted to write something about Sirius and Reg playing when Reg is just a few months old and Sirius witnesses Reg saying his first word? Or maybe taking his first step, whatever you prefer. Only if you want to ofc, thank you!
Happy birthday, Sirius! Character credit goes to @lumosinlove, but Anastasia is mine <3
There was a birthday cake in the kitchen, Sirius presumed. He thought he had seen a big white box earlier that afternoon, the kind from the bakery that stamped their name in swirly gold letters and wrapped silk ribbon around the outside. The bows were always picture-perfect; the cakes were more shimmery decoration than substance. Sirius had never been allowed to try one, of course, but the poorly-hidden disappointment on guests’ faces upon the first bite told him he wasn’t missing much. Briefly, he wondered whether he should be sad about not getting to eat his own birthday cake, regardless of the taste.
Another round of laughter siphoned from the closed door of his father’s study and he wrinkled his nose. Never mind.
“It’s not my interest,” he declared. That was a big, new phrase Anastasia had taught him just that morning. Seven year olds need to know big words, she had advised with a secret smile. It makes you sound as smart as you are. He wondered if his cousins would find it as impressive when they visited tomorrow. Surely he was much smarter than Bellatrix had been when she was seven.
Regulus stared up at him, squishy and wide-eyed and confused, then burst into a peal of laughter that made Sirius’ stomach feel funny. A happy kind of funny, like when the birds on the electric line all took off at once. He scooted forward on the carpet and reached toward Sirius’ face with a hopeful noise, kicking in excitement when Sirius lifted him to sit in his lap.
“Anastasia?” he asked quietly. She looked up and set her book aside, leaning forward to hear better. Sirius loved it when she did that. It meant she was really listening. “May we please watch cartoons?”
“No, not right now.”
“We have to be quiet.” She tapped her index finger to her lips with a wink. “You’re the big surprise for your papa’s friends, birthday boy. We can’t spoil a surprise this soon!”
Sirius frowned. “But it’s my birthday. I want to watch cartoons.”
“I know, but—”
“It’s my birthday.” Something hot and itchy rose at the back of Sirius’ neck and he scowled deeper, tightening his hold around Regulus’ soft middle. It didn’t feel like angry and it didn’t feel like sad but altogether something bad that he shouldn’t have to feel today. “It’s my day, Anastasia.”
Anastasia pressed her lips together with a look to the study door, then sat down across from him on the carpet. “I can see you’re getting frustrated—” Frustrated, that’s what this feeling is. “—but cartoons will be too loud right now. What if we go upstairs with Regulus and play cars?”
Sirius chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment. Regulus was getting wiggly already, and he did like playing cars. Sitting downstairs until his parents found the right time for the birthday surprise didn’t sound nearly as fun. “Alright,” he agreed, getting to his feet and looking down. “What do you think?”
Regulus held on to the leg of his scratchy pants for balance and toddled a couple feet before sitting heavily on his backside, then reached up toward Sirius once again.
“I know you can walk further than that,” Sirius sighed. Honestly, it was exasperating. At barely a year old, his little brother was as heavy as a Christmas turkey.
“I can carry him, Sirius,” Anastasia laughed when they reached the first landing.
Sirius shook his head and readjusted to hold Regulus under the arms, letting him hang limp and giggly. “It’s fine,” he panted. “I won’t drop him.”
“I never thought you would.”
Regulus decided enough was enough at the top of the second flight and squirmed, kicking his fleece-clad feet and making unhappy noises until Sirius let him down to wobble along the hallway. “He just started doing that last month,” Sirius informed Anastasia. “He’s fast. Maman says I started walking earlier, but I was slower. I think I’m better at it than he is.”
Anastasia arched a brow, but Sirius could see her smiling. “You’ve had a lot more practice.”
He shrugged. “I guess. Regulus, my room, remember?”
Regulus made a noise and turned, using the bookshelf to balance. Sirius heard Anastasia’s surprised sound and looked up at her curiously. “He understands,” she said. “Interesting.”
“Of course he understands.”
Her eyes flickered down to him. “I—well, I didn’t expect it, is all.”
Sirius frowned. He didn’t like it when people said things like that. “Regulus is very smart.”
“You’re both very intelligent,” Anastasia agreed with a gentle ruffle of his hair. “Alright, go pick your cars and I’ll get the map out.”
It had been fifty-three minutes since they came upstairs. They had played cops and robbers, cowboy chase, and city—he had sorted all his cars by color and then by size, and Anastasia taught him the English words for all of the categories. “This is much more fun than a party,” Sirius had declared after a rousing car chase through the plastic zoo animals. Anastasia had looked a little sad, then, but smiled anyway and told him she was glad he thought so.
That didn’t make a lot of sense, if Sirius was being honest. Why would he want to sit in a room of grownups when he could play cars with Anastasia and Regulus? What stupid person would think that was fun? Best to leave the boring stuff to his parents. It was nice of them to entertain the guests so he could go play.
Regulus wasn’t loud most days; he only cried when he was hungry or missed a nap, and otherwise seemed content to stick to his humming or nothing at all. Sirius understood him perfectly fine either way. But he was louder today, pointing to cars when Anastasia named English colors or sizes—small, medium, big, very big—and babbling. They clapped every time. It made Regulus smile, mostly toothless, and that was enough of a reward.
After cars, they watched the snow falling against the sunset, and once it was dark, Anastasia brought them back downstairs for dinner in the kitchen. Sirius suffered through fifteen minutes of being paraded around the guests to be cooed over and get his cheeks pinched by women older than his grandmother before making a quick escape when the conversation turned back to his father.
The moon hung like a silver dollar in the corner of his bedroom window. The three of them sat on the carpet, Regulus in his lap and Anastasia’s arm around him, tucked up cozy under a blanket from last Christmas. “This was a good birthday,” Sirius said, snuggling into her side. Dinner had made him sleepy. Between the two of them, he was sandwiched in warmth; it was too easy to let his eyelids droop.
“Do you feel older? Seven is a big birthday.”
“Is it?”
“Oh, yes. It’s my lucky number.”
“Hmm. Mine is…” Sirius thought for a moment while Regulus played with his hands. “Mine is six, I think. I liked being six.”
“I did, too. That was a long time ago for me, though.”
“It was yesterday for me.”
“I know, Sirius,” she laughed.
Sirius felt Anastasia lean down to Regulus’ level at the same time he did. “Reggie? Was that you?”
Regulus pulled on the cuff of Sirius’ fancy shirt. “Soos,” he repeated, shaking it like a rattle.
“I think…I think he’s trying to say your name,” Anastasia said quietly.
Oh. Excitement leapt in his chest and he turned Regulus around. Chubby fists waved before settling on Sirius’ front; Regulus leaned in and bonked their foreheads together with a shrieking giggle. “Soos!”
“Sirius,” he corrected.
“Soos!” Regulus stretched it out into a half dozen syllables and Sirius turned to Anastasia, beaming, before Regulus grabbed his cheeks and brought his attention back. “Soos.”
“Sirius.” He touched his own nose, then pressed on Regulus’. “Regulus.”
“Close enough.”
“Soos and Goose.” Anastasia shook her head, bright-painted lips in a broad smile, and Sirius saw her eyes go shiny for just a second before she blinked it away. “I’ll have to put that one in the book, hmm?”
“Does it count?”
“As a first word? Of course it does.”
“Well, it’s not quite right,” Sirius pointed out, though he couldn’t tear his attention from Regulus’ careful mapping of his face. He was back to humming, little beeps of sound every few seconds.
“It doesn’t have to be just right. It’s enough that he tried, isn’t it? And we know what he means.”
Sirius considered it. “Is that your present for me?” he asked Regulus. “Saying my name?”
“It counts.” Sirius adjusted his grip so they were eye-to-eye, close enough for Regulus to grab his ears. “That is my favorite birthday present. Thank you.”
Regulus went for his nose next and Sirius jerked back, startled. “Soos!”
“That is not my interest,” he said firmly.
Anastasia’s bark of laughter was louder than any cartoons would have been.
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lucysarah-c · 10 months
Ommgg did you see the stupid leaks about Kenny being levi real father???????
I thought that was the stupidest shitties thing I read .
It is really have no point, Kenny raped his own sister that's xjjdirjriirjrktkrikrjrkei
And the fact that they say levi talking about it to Gabi and falocko how the hell he even know to tell them
Hi! Yes, I actually watched it over a day ago, but I don't usually share "spoilers" here on Tumblr because I'm always scared of triggering someone, lol.
My best take on those leaks? Either they are fake as heck (probably) or someone needs to cancel Yam's HBO subscription… he's been watching House of the Dragon way too much, lol.
At first, I was a bit worried because the person who leaked them on Reddit used to leak manga stuff back in the day, and they were accurate from time to time. But apparently, that person hasn't been around Reddit in years, so there's a high chance it's someone pretending to be them.
Honestly, they make absolutely no sense, hahaha. They make so much NONSENSE that it's actually funny. The whole Kuchel wearing mascara? As if this is… fifty shades of grey, and they're meeting at a ball without knowing they are siblings? HAHA 🚬​🚬​CINE🚬​🚬​
I've seen fics on Wattpad with better and less creepy plots than this… and I've read VERY weird fics on Wattpad.
I love that people are defending that Levi doesn't have problems with endogamy because of "Ackerman's powers" as if they are… I don't know, some magical solution to everything or "CRISPR Cas9."
Not going to lie, usually, endogamy starts to create problems further down in the family legacy when it's done between, well… cousins, aunts, etc. Usually, people think "endogamy = immediate problems," but usually, it doesn't; it takes a few generations of it. But between siblings? lol, there's a high chance that the pregnancy won't even reach term! But this is me rambling as a biotechnologist at this point, lmao.
Another "option" I heard was that they were "re-drawing" the first panels, and it actually was EREN IN THE PATHS watching Levi's life…. my first thought? "Eren voyeur! Watch your own life, creep!" Hahah, can you imagine? Eren there like a stalker watching Levi's life? God… the imagination of this fandom.
Oh well… let's have fun about it while we can and then pretend it never happened, lmao.
Have a lovey day/night! Take care!
P.S: if they someone end up being true and Yams is obssesed with the targaryens... I DEMAND AN OFFICIAL ART OF LEVI WITH PLATINIUM SILVER HAIR.
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