#the control key circus
ctrl-key-glitchyk · 4 months
how does it feel
to know that you’re stuckbwith
your good old coding buddy and pals
like bun and gummy?
“Well… I don’t know em too well. But, I don’t mind. They seem nice. Gummy is.. gay, so is bun, honestly I’m starting to think that me and that one other person are the only ‘odd ones’—“ she said those two words in air quotes, “—that isn’t in love with Jax.”
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lovelytsunoda · 2 months
my fun // oscar piastri
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(gif is by @/oscarcito!)
summary: it’s not every day that a first date lands you in the emergency room, or gives your date a concussion before the food has even left the kitchen
pairing: oscar piastri x female reader
warnings: hospitals, blood, the awkwardness of a first date. low key inspired by season 1 episode 3 of the big bang theory when leonard and penny go on their not-date
yn yln must have been dreaming.
as she sat on one side of the wooden table inside the smokehouse, arms crossed in front of her as she looked over at her date, there was a part of her that kept telling her that there was no way it could be real.
she was quiet and smart, and could recite the entire periodic table in order from memory, and the boy sitting across from her was leagues prettier, with an athletes body and the ability to control a room with one singular lame joke.
he’d moved in across the hall from her earlier that year, and she and her friends had immediately dropped everything to watch shamelessley as the young man and his chiseled athlete friends and carried cardboard boxes up four flights of stairs.
oscar piastri was thinking the same thing. how a big famous athlete like him got someone as sweet and humble as yn to agree to date with him. sure she was awkward, and sometimes very shy, but at her core, she was sweet and funny and kind. not to mention the simple beauty of someone who never wore makeup (not to say oscar wouldn’t have adored it if she did, he just knew that she was pretty without it as well).
neither party really knew what to say, sitting in a nervous silence with the menus spread in the table, a glass bottle of water from the waiter sitting next to two half-full glasses.
oscar reached for the popcorn, a sweet and salty mix he quite enjoyed, trying not to tip the bag over as he contemplated what size brisket to order.
“hey, do you want to see something neat?” oscar blurted, picking out for decently sized pieces of the sweet popcorn. “do you know how to juggle?”
“juggle?” his date asked hesitantly, eyeing him over the popcorn. “you do?”
“went to a circus camp when i was seven.” oscar shrugged. “there’s not much to do in my part of australia to be fair.”
it took a few tries for oscar to get started, but soon enough, he was juggling with the popcorn, the kernels delicately passing through his pale, calloused hands.
and believe it or not, yn was impressed. she broke out in a wide smile, giggling from her seat as she watched the young man in front of her. he had a goofy smile on his face, and seemed well in his element. he caught her eye across the table, stuttering his movements as he shot her a wink, losing two kernels. the kernels rolled under the table, and the boy cursed.
“don’t worry about it, that was really impressive.” yn laughed. “nobody has ever juggled popcorn for me on a first date.”
oscar laughed. “glad to be of service.” he took a small bow before accidentally knocking the steak knife off the edge of the table, wincing at the sound of metal hitting floor.
he cursed, pushing his chair back. “I should probably pick that up, shouldn’t I?”
“can you reach it with your foot? it might be easier.”
“don’t worry, I’ve got it!” oscar insisted, slipping off the chair.
“are you sure?” yn asked hesitantly, bare knees pressed against the cool cast iron that was holding the slats of the table together.
oscar slipped under the table, on his hands and knees in the dark smokehouse as he fumbled around the the steak knife, crushing two kernels of popcorn underneath his khaki pants in the process.
yn, meanwhile, was hyper aware of the fact that her date, who she barely knew, was crawling around under the table, in public, near her slightly parted legs.
oh my god, she thought. do they think he’s going down on me?
there was a bang under the table, the slats shaking. she reached over the menus to grab the glass water bottle as it threatened to topple over.
“oscar?” she shouted “you alright?”
“yeah.” his voice came out strained, almost as if he was hurt. “hey, did you happen to spill any ketchup?”
she felt a sinking feeling in her stomach, as a droplet of something warm fell against her toe through the lip of her sandals. “no. there isn’t any on the table.”
“fuck. I think I might need an ambulance.”
the emergency room is not where she wanted to spend her first date. it smelled like antiseptic soap, the lights too clinical and the plastic chairs too stiff. her neighbour looked pale, skin stained red from where he had bled.
as she understood it, oscar had hit his head on the cast iron hard enough to draw blood, but not enough that he was at risk of trauma or hemorrhaging.
or at least, that’s what the off-duty medic seated two tables over had said.
“how much blood do you think I’ve lost?” oscar wondered aloud, almost certain he was concussed. “if it’s less than a pint, I should be fine.”
yn laughed, rubbing him on the shoulder. “oscar, you’re fine. you still have most of your blood.”
“I’m so sorry our date ended like this. I ruined everything.” he exhaled, leaning to rest his head against the wall, still clutching g the bag of frozen peas given to him by kitchen staff against his cut.
she smiled to herself, reaching for his free hand. “what makes you think you’ve ruined anything?”
“the fact that there’s blood streaming down my face? or that were in the emergency room instead of sharing a hot chocolate fudge cake?”
they both laughed at the sheer absurdity of their situation, and yn resisted to urge to rest her head on his shoulder.
“you’re quite the man, oscar piastri. maybe you can make it up to me? I’m sure the smokehouse will be tripping over themselves to give us a free meal after tonight.”
oscar laughed lowly, a look of pain crossing his eyes. “you’d still want to go out with me after tonight?”
“of course I would, you adorable idiot.”
oscar looked like he was about to say something else when a tired-looking nurse in pink scrubs came rushing out of a hallway.
“mr and mrs piastri?”
yn flushed, her face heating up under the nurses gaze. “oh no, we’re not married. not even together, really.”
with all the energy he could, oscar winked at her before shakily getting to his feet in the sterile room. “wait for me, my love.”
yn laughed, watching him walk towards the nurse.
as far as first dates go, this one wasn’t bad at all, was it?
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stardustizuku · 7 months
Unfortunately I came across a very strange and misinformed video about Black Butler.
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It’s not good. Don’t watch it. Unless you wanna ruin your day, in which case have fun.
Despite it all, I watched it. What left me wondering, however, was how off the mark the person who made the video was on, well, everything.
From their insistence that the Book of Circus Arc theme or point is non existent, to reading Ciel’s character so badly they genuinely thought the Green Witch Arc did nothing for his character development.
While baffled, it also made me think on how someone could read Black Butler so badly.
Sure, you can say that there’s no real way to read or interpret something “in the wrong way” but interpreting The Hunger Games as a pure battle-royale action story would make you believe it’s bad.
“Why are we focusing so much on how the capitol preps them?” Or “Why isn’t Katniss winning everything?” Or “I wanna know more about the rebellion” All questions that miss the actual point of the story - which is criticizing (not solving or ignoring) the way that media distracts us from violence via spectacle.
The same thing applies here. While there is no “right” way to consume media, there’s things that the author makes clear they wanna focus when creating a story. Things that, if you understand, make the story you’re reading actually make sense.
And in Black Butler there’s three things that you have to understand to properly get what Yana is saying.
Sebastian is the protagonist
Ciel and Sebastian’s relationship IS the story.
And that relationship is, fundamentally, a positive one.
A quicker version of it would be:
Black Butler is a love story from the POV of Sebastian, and you have to ship it to get it
- but that’s not entirely true.
You can still look at it as a complex but ultimately positive rship and get in broad strokes of what it’s conveying. It doesn’t have to be romantic. Although, it helps much more than a platonic framing.
(That said, interpreting their rship as father and son, still isn’t the best way to go about it. Mostly because by its very nature of “soul consuming” their relationship is extremely sexually charged. And hey, if you’re into that I don’t judge. However, if you’re desperately trying to interpret their rship as NOT romantic to the point you fall back on heteronormative patriarchal ideals of nuclear familiar as framing device, I don’t think this interpretation bodes with you)
Now, having all that ground work:
Why do I say these are the key components to understand BB?
Okay so, first,
1. Sebastian is the Main Character. The protagonist.
There’s a lot of people who wanna argue against it, claiming he’s either the villain or the antagonist. Both wrong.
He does not function as an antagonist. Even if, and an emphasis on if, you consider Ciel to the protagonist, Sebastian isn’t a narrative antagonist.
If you wanna go back to Creative Writing 101, be my guest. An antagonist is directly defined by the protagonist. It’s the opposing force. If the protagonist wants A, the antagonist wants to stop them from getting A.
Sebastian’s catchphrase is “Yes, my Lord”. He never opposes Ciel, in fact quite the contrary. By the mere fact they’ve created contract, it means that they’ve both agreed in the inevitable outcome.
People want to frame Sebastian as the villain, because Ciel having his soul taken by a demon, would be a BAD END in the context of their moral compass. They see Ciel as a frail victim of abuse, who’s being tricked by Sebastian, who wants Ciel’s soul.
Which is an. Interpretation. A bad one. But still one.
The narrative (and whether the narrative fits your personal moral compass and lack of critical thinking is irrelevant) treats Ciel as an agent in his own destiny. The abuse he suffered was the moment in which he had no control. It’s only after he meets Sebastian that he can rid of both his guilt and his despair, and do what he wants.
In this case though, it’s revenge.
The famous “Asthma” scene shows this. If Ciel is taken back to his past, he becomes helpless. Swarmed with pain and memories that make it so that he can’t even react. Sebastian is his saving grace. If Ciel didn’t have him, and the power he wields to rebuilt what’s broken, he would crumble once more.
If Ciel has a panic attack, because of all the pain he has, Sebastian picks him up and says “you are not a helpless child anymore, you are not a victim anymore, you have the power to do anything. So, what do you wanna do?”
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Ciel’s answer is to kill them.
A proper analogy would be to say that, if Sebastian offers a gun, Ciel pulls the trigger. They are both at fault. Sebastian, strictly speaking, is not here to directly cause Ciel’s downfall, but as a tool Ciel uses to plunge into the abyss.
If, again if, you were to frame Ciel as a protagonist, Sebastian falls closer to the “Voice of reason” character. Not a literal voice of reason, but a literary one. If you have a protagonist and an antagonist exchanging ideals, the Voice of Reason serves to engage with the protagonist on their own ideals.
That said, Ciel isn’t the protagonist. The story quickly falls apart if you interpret it as such.
Things such as Ciel’s character arc being…shall I say odd?
It’s not that his character arc isn’t there, but it’s never lineal. His goals stay the same, the only thing that happens is that we start to peel back the “why”s of his goals. Throughout the series it’s never about Ciel understanding himself better, he knows who he is, he knows what he wants, he knows why he wants it. He doesn’t ever need to uncover these, but simply remember them. Because it’s always about the audience understanding Ciel.
He knows he wants revenge.
In the Circus Arc: He knows that he needs Sebastian because without him, the pain of the abuse he suffered would be too much to bear. But WE are introduced to it.
In the Book of Atlantis: He knows that with this new lease he does not want happiness and peace, he wants revenge. The one being told this is the audience.
In Green Witch Arc: He knows that their revenge isn’t for his family, the real Ciel or guilt. It’s because he wants it. He’s angry, he’s upset, and this is entirely for him. The one being told this is the audience.
Except. Not really. The one either discovering or remembering these key moments - is always Sebastian.
Sebastian is the one who reassures him that he now holds the power of a demon to override the pain. Sebastian is the one who remembers that to override that pain, Ciel wants revenge. And Sebastian is the one who discovers that that revenge isn’t built out of grief or guilt, but for himself.
We are witnessing it all, through the eyes of Sebastian.
This is why we have an extremely vague idea of who Ciel is, Sebastian does not have the whole picture.
If you haven’t been reading this manga with your eyes closed, you’ll realize we have a better grasp at Sebastian’s character than that of Ciel. We get a lot of insight on how he thinks and what he values through light hearted dialogue he has with the servants. You even see the character development in these little interactions.
Think about how when he first arrived to the mansion he magically created food with no regards to taste, but when he meets Bard he states that food is created to see whoever will eat it, smile.
That is character development, more than you will be able to see from Ciel.
Because Ciel’s character, while not static, doesn’t go from point A to point B. Mostly, cause it doesn’t need to. He went through that when he lost the real Ciel and got Sebastian. Everything we are watching is the falling out.
Now, given the fact that I’ve told you that it makes more sense for Sebastian to be the protagonist/main character, and that he 100% isn’t either a villain or antagonist in ANY of the interpretations you can get:
Do you believe me?
If you don’t, you’ll probably believe Yana herself.
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This is from the first Volume, where Yana herself describes the process of making Black Butler. The primary idea behind the creation of BB was a butler as a “hero”.
If you go back to the introductory chapter, you notice that Ciel is barely mentioned. He’s simply the one to give Sebastian impossible tasks and standards that Sebastian must find how to overcome.
Ciel is properly introduced until the NEXT chapter. The second chapter has this formula too, introducing Lizzie as a problem to overcome. Although, to Sebastian the best way to “get rid of the problem” is simply to indulge her.
The issue here being that the problem isn’t as simple as a business meeting but something directly tied to Ciel and Ciel’s past. Each time that Sebastian has to solve a problem, it chips away at Ciel. While with Lizzie he shows a persona, once he’s alone with Sebastian he acknowledges the toll it took on him. It serves to build Ciel as Sebastian’s master, and how some problems aren’t as simple as discarding a tablecloth.
The third and the fourth, are a unified narrative, with a similar premise to the first chapter. Ciel gets kidnapped and Sebastian must find a way to retrieve him without raising suspicions.
If the first chapter is to set up what Sebastian must do as a butler, the third and the fourth serve to set up what he must do as a demon.
The entirety of the volume, and up to Book of Circus Arc, is about how Sebastian tries to follow the increasingly absurd orders that Ciel has - it is not about Ciel trying to solve them.
That’s how they work, we follow Sebastian for the most part, because he’s the one having to come up with the solutions.
If anything, in early Kuro, where the emphasis was more on a slice of life conflict, Ciel is the antagonist. He’s the one creating problems for Sebastian to solve.
What’s more, in the second volume, the very first chapter is one from Sebastian’s POV. So far, we hadn’t gotten an entire chapter from Ciel’s POV. In fact, I would find it hard to point to a single chapter where Ciel is the POV throughout. The reveal of real Ciel and the flashback is the closest contender.
But once we move past early Kuro, and into Book of Circus, this set up changes.
It’s fairly easy to assume that Ciel is the main character, because from this point on the conflict of the plot sorta surrounded him. We spend a lot of time with him and with his story. The enemies start being people directly tied to Ciel and Ciel’s trauma. Rarely, if at all, we get to see Sebastian before he met Ciel.The framing device for the story, is Ciel.
This is where point 2 gets intertwined.
2.- Sebastian and Ciel’s relationship IS the story.
The story begins at the point where Sebastian and Ciel met. Who Ciel was before he met Sebastian, informs why he’s the way he is when he does. You have to know all he went through to understand why he’s a brat, why he lashes out. However Sebastian’s past doesn’t matter…because Sebastian himself doesn’t care much for who he was, before he was “Sebastian”. That’s also part of the narrative.
Unlike Ciel, he doesn’t seem opposed to revealing information from before the contract. He talks about how pets from where he is from are gross, he talks about how he knows how to dance because of other places he’s been to, and alludes to the life he's lived before.
Just that, to him, they're footnotes.
He makes allusions to a very bland, uninteresting life, up to the point he meets Ciel.
That’s why we don’t know more about his past.
As for why we focus on Ciel’s story…okay maybe we need Creative Writing lessons 102
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I studied Dramaturgy for about 3 to 4 years. And something you notice is how play-writing is the quintessential story telling. It’s making it work with the bare bones of a story.
Some other mediums have more finesse, more depth, or more spectacle - all amazing things that work for whatever they’re created for. But understanding a play, how and why it works, helps understand the fundamentals of any derivative story telling medium.
Particularly, conflict.
Conflict is dialogue and dialogue can take many forms. A story, in its essence, is a dialogue between two opposing ideas.
Take Batman, for example, who embodies the ideas of justice and order. On his own, he’s not a well rounded character.
If you ONLY present him, in a vaccum with nothing else, you don’t have a character. You have a list of characteristics that you’re supposed to know.
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You only know who he is when you have dialogue with another character.
I say Dialogue, but it doesn’t necessarily mean spoken language at one another. Dialogue can mean fist fighting, playing tabletop games, talking to other people about the other, or even just a competition. The idea is to simply to compare and contrast both ideas.
If you want an example on how tabletop games serve as dialogue, watch the video “Well, Someone Had to Explain the Liar’s Dice Scene” by Lord Ravecraft
Another example, were we to retake Batman, you have him fight Joker. Who’s the embodiment of chaos and randomness.
In the following picture, you get far more information than the one previously shown. While the Joke fights with daggers and fake guns, Batman only uses his fists. He doesn’t use the tricks that Joker does. His serious demeanor, contrasted with Joker’s glee at the dangerous situation. The fact that Batman has a deathly grip on Joker’s shirt, while the Joker doesn’t, which shows a desperation to catch him.
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You are being shown, through a dialogue, who Batman is.
It’s so much easier and much more effective to explore a character through another character.
This is the reason why Shonen has a tendency to make incredibly good gay ships. If you want to explore Naruto’s personality, and his feelings of inferiority, you HAVE to have him interact with Sasuke.
If you wanna understand Hinata’s passion for volleyball, you have him enjoy himself the most with the only other crazy motherfucker who’s as obsessed with volleyball - Kageyama.
And I think that originally, Yana had this problem.
Sebastian was the protagonist, but she had little room to develop him as a character in the confines of the manor, dealing with random enemies.
She likely tried to create Grell as someone of the same stature as Sebastian. Someone who could be this other person to engage dialogue with and show or allude to his past a bit more.
The problem being that Sebastian didn’t care for his past. Or really, engaging with anyone. He sees everyone as below him, but when confronted with Grell who isn’t below him, he doesn’t wanna talk to her.
So you’re stuck in conundrum.
How do you have dialogue with a character, that as a character trait, doesn’t really wanna have dialogue?
Well, Grell also solves the problem. Because only the moment she gets him to start any semblance of a dialogue - is questioning why he’s serving Ciel.
And this is the moment when it’s perfectly cemented that the focus of the story is their relationship.
Why is Sebastian here? Why does he stay? What did he see in Ciel that made him want this extremely convoluted contract?
THATS the dialogue.
THATS the conversation we’re having in Black Butler.
We need to know Ciel because understanding who he is, let’s us know WHY /Sebastian/ is here.
Then slowly, with the introduction with the Undertaker, we find out Sebastian’s conflict.
Which is…
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He’s scared of losing Ciel. It becomes apparent with the constant imagery of the Undertaker taking away Ciel and at some point even obtaining r!Ciel’s body, that he’s worried it might happen.
But he can only be worried that Ciel might be taken away if he wants to stay near Ciel.
And that’s his character arc.
Realizing that he actually likes Ciel, cares for him and the role he plays a butler that he doesn’t want this to end.
In the first chapters, he doesn’t feel a need to protect Ciel anymore than what’s strictly necessary. Just don’t die, that’s about as deep as his involvement in chapter 4 gets.
But by the Green Witch Arc, he feels a need to protect Ciel from ANY harm.
This is why I also said
3.- Their relationship is fundamentally a positive one.
In broad strokes, Sebastian to Ciel is the person who allows him to survive. He’s not worried about giving up his soul since he’s already dead. While Ciel to Sebastian, is someone who’s making him have fun. He’s slowly becoming more and more attached to Ciel and the life he has with Ciel.
Their relationship is not that of just a predator and prey, but also of master and pet.
In the terms that Black Butler itself would call: Sebastian is a wild wolf acting like a collared dog.
Ciel is aware that the wild beast will eat him at the end of the day, but if he clings hard to leash for now, he might just be able to have Sebastian maul his abusers.
Sebastian as a dog, currently finds that he enjoys being a chained dog.
(This is demonstrated in the Green Witch arc where he quite literally says, he doesn’t wanna be a wild beast and prefers to be a butler)
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And much like the actual DOG Sebastian, Ciel constantly interprets his attempts to get close and protect him, as an act of aggression.
This push and pull of Ciel’s perception of Sebastian and Sebastian’s true motives is what feeds the story.
And the briefs interludes were that isn’t the case (what other people call the “plot”, but I would refer to as the connective tissue) such as Sullivan and Wolfram, the other servant’s past, the grim reapers and the like, serve as a parallel to Ciel and Sebastian relationship. Either to signify how they care for each other, highlight their weaknesses or fears, or explore how they feel.
It’s no surprise that Sullivan and Wolfram are parallels to Ciel and Sebastian. A sheltered sickly child who seeks the protection of a cold hearted machine that only knew how to kill, but who eventually found he cared for her genuinely.
Undertaker and Claudia’s relationship being heavily paralleled with them, even though we aren’t 109% sure what they had but heavily implied it was a romantic attraction from the undead supernatural creature and a Phantomhive.
Everything is a parallel.
That’s why, like the approach of the terrible original video, is flawed.
Trying to interpret Black Butler as action scene after action scene, with mystery after mystery with the only connective tissue being the mystery of who burned down the mansion - is missing the trees for the forest.
That’s not the point.
And if you’re too much of a prude to engage with gothic horror in its gothic horror game, I see little point as to why you even bother to engage with it at all.
A lot of people, including the person who create the video, simply refuse to acknowledge Black Butler IS the story of Sebastian and Ciel as a close and positive relationship, romantically and sexually charged. The reason for it being that they’re “put off” by it.
Part of me wonders how much that is genuinely true, and how much is just performative outrage. It’s like ignoring the fact that Cersei and Jami are in an incestous relationship and try to frame it as “platonic love”, because the idea of it is THAT off putting.
But regardless of that, if you don’t like the fact that it’s as canon as canon can get, I would reccomend you don’t engage with the story at all.
As I’ve explained, the entirety of the series is about them. If you refuse to see Sebastian and Ciel as, at the very least, a duo that cares deeply for the other - you aren’t reading Black Butler.
I have no idea what you’re reading.Perhaps your own biases and subconscious stigma with British aesthetic. At that point, watch the fucking British Royalty Gossip Magazine. You’d find more substance there.
Just don’t be like the person in the video, please? Don’t play dumb. Don’t ignore the fact that Yana is a Shotacon, don’t ignore the fact Sebastian is a hero, don’t ignore the fact that the entirety of the story is based on Sebastian and Ciel’s dynamic.
Because if you do, you are ashamed. You are ashamed of what this story is about. You don’t wanna engage with the text, you want to engage with yourself. You wanna project into Ciel whatever traumas and experiences you have, for the sake a vanity project, where you come out as the morally superior.
You don’t wanna talk about Black Butler, you wanna talk about how good YOU are. How you “don’t sin” by watching it “without all the gross unholy stuff”.
Which is the exact opposite of what BB is about.
So, if you don’t want to, save us all the humiliation fetish and leave.
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breezymichelle99 · 2 months
Pre-Race Nap | Lando Norris
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Summary: A little pre-race nap leads to an unexpected evening for the couple. 👀
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, use of Y|N,hickeys, female receiving, cursing, dirty talk, begging, someone walking in, dom:Lando, frustration, teasing, angryish Lando, fingering, blow job, reader taking control, nipple play, orgasm, denial(brief), hand job(brief), mirror, doggy style, unprotected sex (please use protection kids), established relationship, embarrassed Oscar, semi rough sex, discomfort in the morning.(please please please let me know if I have missed anything. Thank you.) also a bit long. Sorry 😣
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Race day! The busiest day of the race weekend. Your boyfriend Lando Norris; Fresh off his amazing win in Miami was pumped and ready to go win another race. You on the other hand were exhausted. You decided to forgo the media day spectacle down on the grid to catch a little nap before the race. “I can’t believe you are going to leave me alone with the media Circus.” Lando teased you playfully as he adjusted his hat on his head before heading out of his driver’s room.. You smirked at him from the comfort of your blanket. “I'm sorry baby. The last two weeks have been so exhausting. “ you admit as he sits on the edge of the little bed in his Driver’s room, looking over at his beautiful girlfriend. He had put you through so much with the win in Miami and then p2 last week. Finally being home in Monaco felt like just the little breather the pair of you needed.
“I know baby.” he says, tucking you in and kissing your forehead. “I promise I'll be ready to go for the race, just need a few minutes. “ you whisper in a sleepy voice, you hear him chuckle. “Alright baby I’ll come back to get you before the race okay…I Love you.” he says looking at you snuggled in his bed, cursing the media day spectacle for not being able to snuggle with his best girl. “I love you too.” he hears you say before pulling the blankets around you. He sighs as he meets up with Oscar outside of the trailer and they head to the garage to see the cars and chat with the media for a bit.
Lando couldn’t get his mind off of you back in the trailer in nothing but his shirt all snuggled in; warm and cozy. He wished he was there. Hmmm. he thought; was there anyway possible he could cut this media day short and sneak back to his driver’s room for a few minutes of snuggle time with his girl before he went out to try and win another GP? Oscar saw the look in his eyes, the one where he looked miles away and he wondered if everything was okay. He elbows him. “Everything good?” Oscar asks, breaking Lando’s thoughts. He smirks. “Yeah Osco, everything’s good, it’s just been a long couple of weeks and I really just wanted a few minutes of peace with Y|N before the race, but these interviews always take forever.” he sighed again. Oscar got a wild look in his eyes; that for the first time kind of scared Lando. “What?” he questioned him with a boyish smirk. “Go.” he says . Lando looks at him confused. “What?” he says again, not understanding what he was saying. Oscar chuckled. “Go spend some time with Y|N, I can cover for you.” he says. Lando looked at him like he had just offered him a million bucks and the keys to Monaco. “Are you sure?” he asks. “Yes go. I've got you. it’s one interview set I think they will live, plus they want to see the face of Mclaren anyways.” he smirked, beaming from ear to ear. Lando rolled his eyes. “I appreciate this, I’ll owe you one big time.” Lando says, shaking Oscar’s hand. “I’ll take a spin in that new Mclaren of yours.” he jokes. Lando seriously considers it. “We’ll See.” he smirks as he sneaks off back to his driver’s room, trying his best to not be seen by any press or team members.. He checked the clock, he had a good bit before he had to be back to the garage for driver introductions. He slipped out of his shoes and fire suit and climbed into bed with you, pulling you in close to him. “Mmm Lando.” you groan, pulling his body into yours. He smirks into your neck. Both of you fall back asleep tightly holding each other.
It was almost an hour later before Lando woke up again; a wide grin on his face as he watched you sleep quietly next to him. God you are beautiful. He thought to himself as he watched you sleep so peacefully next to him. He was lucky to have you by his side. He ran his fingers across your cheek. He heard you groan. And he smirked. “Time to wake up darling.” he says, kissing down your neck and chest. “Lando.” you groan. But you don’t stop him. “It can’t be time yet.” you whisper, still refusing to open your eyes as you let him kiss his way down your skin. “almost .” he whispers, kissing deep purple hickies onto your chest, in which he knew he would get into trouble for but yet couldn’t bring himself to stop . “mmm.” a moan escaped your lips and he smirked again. “Come on beautiful, open those eyes and look at me.” he whispers against your soft skin. You slowly opened your eyes, meeting his gorgeous green ones, staring up at you as he lay on your chest. “Hey there.” you whisper with a smirk, running your finger gently over the scar on his nose. “What happened to media day?” you ask him softly as his lips still gently kiss on your soft skin. He smirks. “Well…” he says with a boyish grin and you know he’s done something. “I got out of it.” he says keeping it short and sweet, wanting to spend the last remaining minutes he had before he had to be in the garage, kissing you. You eye him. “Hmmm and how exactly did you manage that one baby.” his long fingers caressed your skin and you almost forgot to interrogate him. “Well..” he says looking up at you again with those absolutely gorgeous eyes, that most definitely always get him out of trouble. “Lando what did you do?” you smirk. “I was at driver interviews and I couldn’t stop thinking about you all alone here in my bed, in my shirt and not much else and how much I really just wanted to spend time alone with you and well Oscar he got me out of media day and back into your arms, and I now have to possibly let him drive my Mclaren for a day.” he says with a laugh. “Ohhhh Lando.” you chuckle. “What??? You know I will literally do just about anything to get out of interviews and spend more time with you.” he teases. Before you can respond his lips are on yours. So this was how he planned to play it; make you even more exhausted. God you loved this man.
Before you know it your hands are in his curls and his lips are back on your neck. “God I love you.” he moans between kisses, as your hips connect with his. His hands are under your borrowed shirt and you both know that you need to be getting changed and ready to go but you two just couldn’t help yourselves. Before you know it the shirt was being unbuttoned the rest of the way and his lips were attached to your skin again. “Oh lando.” you call out to him. “I know baby, I know.” he groans, enjoying teasing you. Neither one of you noticed the time. He had come to join you in bed with his compression shirt and boxers on and you could now feel him through the tight material.. You decided to tease him a bit. Your hips collide with his once more, slowly teasing him.. “Mmm.” he groans, biting his bottom lip. You whine at the sight. “Don’t start.” he groans, knowing they did not have much longer. “Says you who already has me in only my panties, Sir.” you tease. “Some of us have a race to win.” he groans again as your fingers caress his tanned skin. “And your point??” you ask licking your lips before kissing down his Chest leaving a hickey just below his collarbone. “You get to be all beautiful and naked and I have to go be all frustrated on the track.” he whines “Well Mr. Norris, you should have thought about that before you started something you didn’t have time to finish.” you say your eyes begging him not to leave you needy and wanting him for the 78 laps. “Mmm well there may be something I can do.” he grins even though he knew what he was about to do would make everything more difficult for him he knew the look of pleasure on your face would be enough to get him through the 78 laps and then back home to play with you; his favorite toy.
He slid down the bed kissing your skin as he went till he was situated properly between your legs looking up at you, panties discarded onto the floor. You bite your lip as you watch him. He throws your leg over his shoulder so he can have better access to you. His lips dance down your thigh. He hears a deep sigh leave your lips as your eyes flutter closed. Lando glances quickly at the time knowing he didn’t have long but he knew what he had to do. He smirked as he watched you as his perfect pouty lips kissed your core gently. “Mmm Lando.” you whine still not opening your eyes making sure to enjoy every little second you had with him. “Shhh pretty girl let me work.” he whispers as his tongue laps at your already wet center. “So wet for me already princess and I have barely touched you.” he chuckles. Your eyes dart open as you glare at your tease of a boyfriend. “Please Lando.” you beg him now as you watch his fingers dance down your thigh and to the place you’ve been needing them most; inside of you. “God Lando.” you call to him, your hands falling into his curls tugging them, making him groan against your already begging pussy. “God you taste so fucking good baby.” he groans breathless as he continues to work his magic between your perfect thighs. Watching you fall apart for him right in front of his eyes. “Fuckk Lando Baby I'm so close, please.” you beg him to give you the release you need. He smirks promising to give you what you need but right before he could make you loudly scream his name, cumming proudly on his tongue the door to his driver’s room swung open. “Lando we’ve got to go you’re going to be…. Oh good God I'm sorry I’ve just come to get you for a drivers meeting. Jesus I'm so…” he couldn’t move it was like his feet were cemented to the floor of his teammate's driver's room he couldn’t do anything. “OSCAR JACK PIASTRI GET OUT!!” you shout. Lando covers your body with his, so his innocent teammate can’t catch any glances of what was his. “I'm sorry I'll wait outside.” he says, turning Ferrari red, and running immediately out of the room. You lean up knowing the moment is over and you’d have to sit partially satisfied for the next two hours.
“And where exactly do you think you’re going? Did I say we were finished?” Lando growls shoving you back down onto the bed. “Lando.” you giggle at his forcefulness as he buries his head between your thighs once more finishing what he started. “Fuck god Lando please mmm yes right there baby.” you scream back arching off the bed and into his skilled mouth as you’d cum for him. His name: a beautiful serenade on your lips that he would hear echoing in his head for the next two hours, calling to him begging to be heard over and over again . He cleaned up the mess you had made with his tongue, licking his lips as he kissed gently up your skin. “That should hold you over for now, my darling.” he smirks, kissing your lips wildly, tasting yourself on his tongue. You can’t help but moan. “Now I have to go, be a good girl and get cleaned up and meet me down at the paddock for driver introductions.” he growls, grabbing your jaw with his long fingers making you look up at him. You can’t help but smirk. “Yes sir.” you say feeling bad that you were the only one that got your insatiable appetite satisfied. You eyed him, knowing he had to go. You watch him slip his fire suit back over his muscled body knowing how uncomfortable he was going to be. He sees you watching him. He looks down at his erection and then back to you, walking to the bed to kiss you goodbye. “Don’t worry baby after this race no matter the outcome I plan to fuck you so hard you wont be able to walk in the morning, and no matter where you go you’ll feel me.” he bites your lip as he kisses you passionately. He takes one last look at you from the doorway picking up your panties off the floor and tucking them into his pocket as a little good luck charm. You eye him catching him sliding your panties into his pocket, you can’t help but smirk at him . “God I love you so fucking much.” he groans again hating how he was having to leave. You smirk. “I love you too, now go win me a race so I can show you some real pleasure after.” you wink at him and he whines “Babyyy….” “Lando seriously.” you laugh. “I'm going I'm going.” he giggles. As he steps from his driver's room to a freaking out Oscar. He chuckles to himself.
“What’s the matter, Osco? Never seen a satisfied woman before.” he jokes as he puts his arm around his teammate. “Lando I'm so sorry, I didn't see anything. I swear I didn't mean to interrupt. Zak was looking for you and asked me to go find you, I didn't think i'm so sorry I should have knocked, I just didn’t think..” Oscar was wondering how long Lando was going to make him beg for his life before he interrupted him. Lando chuckled. “It’s really okay mate.” he says, slapping him on the back. “Lando for fucks sake where have you been?” Zak shouts as they begin their pre race drivers meeting. “I don’t think you want to know.” Oscar mumbles under his breath. Lando grins hearing him.
As for you, you quickly took a shower and got dressed doing your hair and make up as quickly as possible. You stood in the mirror noticing all the hickies Lando had left across your skin. Hmm this was going to make it difficult to find an outfit to wear. You settled on a papaya colored sundress minus the underwear, you smirk, a little surprise for lando later.. you grabbed your paddock pass and headed down to prepare for the drivers parade and the start of the race. Even though your mind was preoccupied with the events of earlier, you couldn’t help but smirk. Poor Oscar you chuckle. He’s probably never going to be able to look you in the eye again. You chuckle again. “You seem in a good mood.” Alexandra says intertwining her arm with yours as you gossip through the paddock stopping every now and then to let Leo get the love and attention he deserves. You talk and laugh and say your goodbyes as you stand in front of the Mclaren garage. “See you after the race.” She waves heading in Charles' direction who was standing outside the Ferrari garage waiting for her and Leo; he gives you a little wave. “I doubt that.” you grin knowing that after the race you would be extremely occupied. A devilish grin crosses your lips as you head into the garage to find Lando.
“Mmmm i know that look.” he grins wrapping his arms around you as if he hadn’t just had his fingers deep inside of you 5 minutes ago. Oscar avoids you like the plague. “What look?” you say blushing. “That look means trouble.” he says, again unable to keep his eyes or his hands off of you. “Does it?” you flirt. Lando eyed you, you giggle. You lean in close to him so you can whisper in his ear without any passers by hearing your dirty words to him. “Just thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you later.” you tease nibbling his ear. A quiet groan resonates in his chest vibrating through his whole body. “Y|N.” he warns his eyes darkening. He leans over to whisper in your ear, nose nuzzled in your hair. “Be careful princess. Before I have to bend you over right here, right now giving more than just, poor Oscar a show.” He growls. you blush looking away from his intense gaze. “Sorry.” You whisper. He looks at you, licking his lips. “Good Girl.” He whispers. you swallow hard.. You knew better than to distract him but you couldn’t help yourself after what just literally went down in his drivers room. His fingers intertwined with yours and you allow him to lead you out of the garage and onto the grid for the national anthem and race start. Neither of you saying another word to each other as you let him focus.
Time for the drivers to get into their cars and for the race to begin. You squeeze Lando’s hand. “Good Luck baby.” you say kissing his lips gently before leaving him behind to get race ready. You smirk at Oscar as he walks by. He turns red immediately and practically runs away. You couldn’t help but laugh. You take your seat in Mclaren hospitality with Lando’s family. The race begins with Lando taking off from his 4th position. You settle in for a long 78 laps. You could tell Lando was having trouble with his car. And from what you heard over his radio they weren't able to find the issue. So he just kept learning as he went. Lap after lap ticked off and he still wasn’t able to get his car out of fourth place. His car was fast but not fast enough to keep up with the cars in front of him, especially Charles whose car was near perfection. In the end Lando wouldn’t be able to catch up and would finish the day in 4th. Charles winning his home race at Monaco. Though you were disappointed for Lando, and you knew he’d be extremely disappointed in himself, but you were also happy for your friend getting his home win. You leave the hospitality suite to head out onto the grid to watch the podium, and cheer on Oscar since he finished second today, knowing that two top tens was good for the team regardless. You waited around patiently, knowing there would be interviews and photo opportunities. You talk with a few drivers that pass, along with Alexandra who was rushing to find her Boyfriend Charles for a big congratulations. “Go get him Alex, congratulations.” you chuckle, shouting after her. She gives you a sympathetic smile and wave, as she passes by knowing the heartbreak you would be dealing with later.
As you stand there chatting away with Carlos, you feel two strong arms wrap around you. “Why hello there, beautiful. “ Lando says in your ear, his face buried in your long hair. You smirk. “Hello handsome.” you say.. Carlos says his goodbyes to you and Lando. You spin around into Lando’s arms. “Hi.” you whisper, your fingertips caressing his cheek, you see the sadness in his eyes but he seemed okay. “Sorry I couldn’t get the win for you today baby.” he says. You kiss his lips and smile. “I know you're disappointed baby, but you did a great job with what the car would give you today. Plus I think I have just the thing to cheer you up.” you smirk that devilish little smirk at him. “Mmm” he hums looking down at you. You lean up to whisper in his ear. “Take me home, Lando Norris.” you whisper, taking his hand. His lips capture yours. “Yes ma’am.” he says, pulling you out of the Garage, headed to his drivers room to grab his stuff and yours and then out to his Mclaren in the drivers parking lot. The two of you barely stopping. His hand found your thigh immediately. “I love you.” you whisper. He smirks. “I may not have won the race today babe but I’ve got the best trophy of all..” he paused for a second looking deeply into your eyes. “You.” he whispers. You can’t help but blush. “Stop it.” you say playfully smacking him. He laughs and your world seems alright despite the tough day. As you drive out you pass the Ferrari team still celebrating their amazing win. You hear Lando sigh. You pat his thigh with your hand letting him know everything is going to be alright. He smiles over at you as he drives you home.
All the way back to Lando’s flat his hand never leaves your thigh. You laugh and talk and those perfect green eyes never stop looking over at you at every red light. As you get closer and closer to home you notice those gorgeous eyes darken and you know he was going to make good on his promise that he made to you in his driver's room before the race. You adjust in your seat, mind full of thoughts of what was to come once you got home. He glances over noticing your clenched thighs and devilish grin. He can’t help but smirk. “Something on your mind, love.” He asks long fingers beginning to stroke your thigh. You swallow hard as you look over at him, so comfortable, so relaxed in the driver’s seat. You lick your lips. “Nothing at all baby.” You grin shyly. “Hmm.” He says quietly, eyes back on the road. You had two more lights before the turn onto your street and you know Lando was going to torture you at each one. He didn’t disappoint. As he slowed the car to a stop at the next light he leaned over to kiss your neck whispering in your ear as he did so. “I think you’re lying my darling” he groans, voice deep and dark.. You whimper at his words and at his tone and you know he hears you. He smirks against the delicate skin of your neck, his stubble grazing roughly against it as he pulls away once more to continue the drive home. Moments later, he separated your clenched thighs with his long fingers. You whimper once more, looking at him desperately. He chuckles, as you so easily submit to him; granting him access to you without question. You watch as his warm hand slides down your thigh, pushing your dress out of the way as he goes, he immediately realizes that you weren’t wearing any panties. He raises an eyebrow at you. “No panties?” He questions wondering if you had gone the entire race watching him without underwear. He thinks back to the pair he had stolen from you earlier in the day, he recalls almost dropping them on the grid as he got into his car, he could have only imagined having to explain that one but the scent of you kept him going through an exhausting race.. You smirk, pulling him out of his daze. You knew he would enjoy that. “The whole race, no panties baby, just me all wet and needy thinking about you deep inside of me.” You practically pant. Lando groans loudly and you see his erection clear in his dress pants and you want to reach across the center console and give him a hand but he had other plans for you. Before long you feel his long index finger and you whine , biting your lip. “Lando.” You beg him breathless already. “Hush baby girl.” He grins as he watches your eyes flutter closed as he works his magic fingers inside of you, thumb slowly stroking your clit now. “Mmmm Lan.” You whine, your hand gripping his wrist holding him steady inside of you, unable to keep quiet, and he knew you wouldn’t be able too, that was the fun of it all. He knew you better than anyone else and he knew his girl wouldn’t be able to Keep those pretty little sounds to herself. “So needy for me princess.” He smirks as he watches your hips buck up into his hand begging for more, needing more. It had been several minutes now, you were so preoccupied with Lando’s hand that you hadn’t realized you were in the driveway, giving your neighbors a show, good thing it was late.
In seconds Lando withdraws his long fingers from inside of you, running them across his pouty lips. “mmm.” He moans licking his lips.. “Lando noo, please baby.” You whine finally opening your eyes realizing you were home. He can’t help but laugh. “Get out of the car y|n, I'm not nearly finished with you yet.” He says as he gets out of the car and stalks to the passenger side of his McLaren, opening the door for you and extending his hand. You take it interlocking his long fingers with yours as he practically yanks you out.. he slams the car door shut pulling you behind him. Before long he can’t take how slow you are walking and he throws you over his shoulder, you giggle smacking his ass. “Lando!!’ You chuckle, unable to stop the laughter now at how impatient he was being. “stop moving.” He commands., smacking your bare ass with his long fingers, for a second you had forgotten you hadn’t been wearing any panties until his warm hand made contact with your bare skin, sending a shiver down your spine and a moan to your lips. “Fuck Lando.” You curse, very aware of the ache between your thighs now. Lando searches his pocket with his free hand till he finds the house key. He opens the door quickly, shutting it behind the two of you with his foot. He doesn’t bother to lock it, he’s a man on a mission he will come down later and lock it, right now the only thing he can think about is how amazing he feels when he’s lost deep inside of you, he’s thought about nothing else since this mornings, little pre-race nap and now it was time to do something about it.
He flips on the light to the second floor as he carries you up the stairs still slung over his broad shoulder. “Ohhhh Lando Norris, please put me down. I have a little something for you if you do.” You sing behind him gently kicking your feet and wiggling around to annoy him so he will put you down. You hear him grumble as you reach the top of the stairs and he shoves open the door to your shared bedroom. It’s there that your feet finally touch the ground. He was standing beside the bed. The pair of you stare at each other for a second, lust and desire burning between you both. But it’s you that makes the first move. All day long you’ve been dreaming about returning the favor to him. Even though you knew he spent all 78 laps at Monaco frustrated and horny you appreciated that he hadn’t done the same to you. So for being such a good sport you planned to return the favor before he could make good on his promise to make you unable to walk.. You smirked. You step before him unbuttoning his white button down the rest of the way leaving it undone but loose on his shoulders, running your fingers down his chest, then you slowly undid his belt and unzipped his black dress pants. He groans at the slow pace but he lets you continue. You smirk, seeing how impatient he was getting. “Patience baby, I promise you’re going to like where this is going.” Your voice is practically a low moan as your dark eyes look into his as he watches every single movement you make. His dress pants fall to his ankles and he kicks them to the side as he stands before you in his boxers. His green eyes watch you closely. “Take off your boxers and sit.” You demand, pointing to the edge of the bed. His eyes widen as he quickly does what he was told, sitting on the edge of the bed as you get on your knees between his thighs. You lick your lips looking up at him through long thick eyelashes and he groans. “God baby you're so beautiful when you’re on your knees for me.” His breath catches in his throat as your fingers wrap around him moving slowly. “Mmm baby.” He moans, head dropping back biting his bottom lip.
You continue to tease him before giving him what he wants. “Since you were so kind to not leave me begging for you for the entirety of the race, I thought you deserved a reward for being so generous.” You whisper looking up at him watching him closely, his eyes are locked on you now, his bottom lip tucked tightly between his teeth as he holds in his moans as he watches you. “Y|N please.” He begs , his hands falling into your hair as your lips wrap around him. His breathing becomes erratic as you add your hand stroking him as you go, tongue swirling around his tip down his length. One hand of his fisting your long hair, controlling your movements just how he wanted them, the other gripping the sheets beside him. Hips buck up into you, you groan against him causing him to curse out loud, unable to control himself with the sensation. The way you look, the way you feel wrapped around him has him cursing your name. “Jesus fuck baby, I can’t handle you like this, mmm fuck right there baby, that’s my good fucking girl, fuck fuck I can’t take it . Please baby I’m gunna cum.” Your mouth hallowed, giving him all you’ve got begging him to cum and it’s not long before does unable to control it any longer. “Fuck babyyyyy.” He whines fucking your mouth through his orgasm. Hips bottoming out beneath you, head dropping back as you swallow, wiping your mouth, licking your lips, savoring the taste of him. you can’t take your eyes off him.
Lando’s green eyes darken and you know he’s about to make good on the promise he had made you earlier today. He tucks his long fingers under your chin, licking his lips as you lean on his muscled thighs making you look up at him. “You looked so good with my cock in your pretty little mouth baby girl, but you’re going to be absolutely stunning with my cock deep inside that tight little pussy. Get up baby my turn to make you feel good.” He says his words basically a moan, reaching down to help you up. His lips crash into yours as you stand, hands roaming your body, his long fingers slide under the straps of the dress you were still wearing, he watches it pool around your ankles. He groans at the sight of you. His long fingers trace over the hickies he had given you earlier in the day; he grins. “All fucking mine.” He growls as his fingers move up your neck gripping it tightly, a tiny moan leaves your lips and he grins as his thumb applies a little more pressure to your pressure point. “Lando.” you gasp your words almost catching in your throat. His tongue runs across his lips. “Fucking gorgeous begging for me.” His voice was a raspy tone that made you whine for him. He chuckled at the sound as he backed you up to your giant king sized bed. “Lay back for me angel.” he says finally letting go of you. You do as you're told and slide back on to the bed, never taking your eyes off of him. At this point after the spanking, and watching him cum for you, you were soaking wet and he planned to tease you about it before he did something about it. “Ohhh baby girl, look at you all nice and wet for me already and I haven’t even begun. Did my baby girl enjoy watching me cum?” he asks. You don’t respond for a second testing his limits. He grabs your jaw tightly. “Answer me darling, or it’s going to be a long unsatisfying night for you.” he growls. You shake your head yes knowing that wouldn’t be good enough for him. He clears his throat looking down at you with a stern look. “Best use your words then, my love.” your eyes widen. “Oh” you think to yourself as you try to find the words underneath the sexy forcefulness of his tone. His gaze is staring right through you as he waits for your answer. “Yes.” you gasp. There is silence for a moment as he watches you, enamored by your beauty and how responsive you are to him.
He leans down, not saying a word in response, his muscled body situated above you, large thighs on either side of you as his long fingers trace your delicate skin, his lips setting your skin on fire with desire for him as he makes his way down your body. Massaging each of your supple breasts with his mouth, tongue swirling around each nipple. Your hips bucking up into him with each little movement of his body above yours. “Settle down doll, i'm only just beginning.” he grins licking his lips. You whine. You were about to cum already and he hadn’t even barely begun, you weren’t sure what that said about you but you knew what it said about him, your boyfriend was absolutely insatiable and there wasn’t a single thing about him that didn’t turn you on and this was the problem. “Fuck Lando, i need you, please.” you beg him wanting him to stop torturing you and put himself inside you like he’d been promising all damn day. “So impatient.” he hums against the inside of your thigh as he continues to kiss and lick down your body. “Lando.” you whine again as he spreads your legs wider for him as he's now firmly set between your thighs. “Mmm look at you sweetheart.” he whimpers licking his lips looking up at you from between your thighs. Though this was a familiar position for him, as he’d just been here earlier this afternoon, something about being able to take his time, enjoy the moment, not be rushed, savor every reaction of your body to him made this even more pleasurable then any of the other times. His green eyes, pupils large with desire for you. His lips trailed down your thigh, you can feel his breath so close to where you want him, where you need him but yet he continues his slow torment. “Lando please.” you breathe. He hums again. “So damn beautiful when you beg for me, my needy little girl.” he whispers as tongue slides down your begging pussy, his perfect nose hitting your clit just right as he goes..
“Ohh fuck, Lando.” you cry out hips bucking up into his full lips begging him for more. He grips your hips tight, holding you into place. “Don’t you dare run from me darling.” he says eyes flashing up at you as he adds two fingers along with his tongue making you wiggle beneath him. “Fuck Lando that feels so good. Mmm baby.” you moan loudly, biting your lip to contain your moans. Lando notices you holding back and he stops . “Come on, pretty girl don’t do that, don’t hold back, I don’t care if the whole neighborhood hears my beautiful girl, come on now.” he says as he continues. You arch your back off the bed into him. “God Lando right there, fuck jesus please please please.” you beg again as you chase him begging for release. He hums against your clit. Making you cry out his name arching your back once again into him. “There's my pretty girl, so close for me now.” he says, his free hand reaching up to grab your breast, squeezing your nipple gently between his long fingers adding to the pleasure he’s giving you. “Lando I can’t please baby, I need to cum. Please.” you cry out to him. “Is that what you want? You want to cum do you baby girl?” he asks, slowing all of his movements waiting for an answer. “mmm hmm please Lando, please..” you continue to beg him. His fast than slow movements have you right on the edge and then back again head spinning but you dont’ dare cum, not without his permission. “Just want you to feel how l felt for 78 laps angel, how horny you made me after our little nap, how bad I wanted to bend you over that little table in my drivers room, how uncomfortable I was for two hours. Having to listen to the sounds of your sexy little moans when you cum for me being repeated in my head over and over, unable to do a damn thing about it. God i wanted to fuck you so bad after the race i was lucky i got you into the car as quickly as I did.” he pauses his movements had practically slowed to a painfully annoying halt. “Lando baby i'm sorry we just didn’t have enough time, please i'm sorry.” you continue to beg as he begins again. “The way those gorgeous pink lips looked wrapped around my cock when we got home, god you’re fucking perfect baby.” he groans finally shutting up so he could finish you properly. “Oh god lando yes please fuckkk mmm right there baby yes come on i'm almost there jesus god fuckk fuck fuck.” your back arches off the bed into him, your hands tangled in his beautiful curls tugging them between your fingers as he finally gives you what you want. “Cum baby.” he groans and like a good girl, you do as you're told. “Fuckkkkk LAND OOO. Ohh god yes fuck I can’t please mmmmmm fuck.” you call out as you cum hard on his tongue. You're breathless below him and you know you’ve only just begun the night. You practically melt into the bed. As you whine as he cleans up the mess he made with his tongue leaving a trail of soft kisses up your body, making his way up to your lips, kissing you hard.
You can feel him on your thigh and though your head was still spinning from your last orgasm you want him inside you, you need him inside you immediately. His lips separate from yours as he looks you over, checking in on his girl.. “”What is it, pretty girl?” he asks, voice low and raspy. You swallow hard, licking your lips. Your beautiful eyes lock with his. “I want you.” you say reaching between your bodies to stroke him with your talented fingertips. “Fuck baby.” he says thrusting his hips into your hand so you feel all of him. “Please Lando.” you practically whisper now needing him inside of you more than air right now. He smirks. “Alright baby but tonight we’re trying something different. Okay?” he asks looking at you for permission to continue. You eye him wondering what he was up to. You shake your head yes. “Trust me baby, I promise you’ll love it.” he grins. “I trust you, always.” you say kissing him roughly, still stroking him between your two bodies making him moan between words, now it was him needing you. “Fuck baby, you’re so god damn perfect.” he says trying not to get too caught him in the moment because he had special plans for you. You wondered what he was up to as he moved around your bed now, pulling himself from your grasp. “Sit up angel, on all fours, facing the mirror.” he commands and you do exactly as you're told. Trusting him every step of the way. You wonder what he’s up to as you watch the scene unfold in the large mirror in front of your bed, perfectly situated on the dresser, to see alll the best parts of your shared bedroom.. You watch him behind you through the mirror as he places himself behind you, watching you watch him. He smirks. Licking his lips. “Want us to be able to watch each other cum baby.” he groans, grabbing your hips, getting the just right position behind you. He lifts your hips up, getting the perfect arch in your back as he guides himself gently, slowly into you. You moan loudly. “Easy pretty girl, just breathe.” he says easing in and out of you, matching your pace to the arch in your back so he makes sure he can hit the right spot to make you cum moaning his name. The pair of you watching each other in the mirror in front of you. You toss your head back. “Fuck Lando please.” you plead as his movement had slowed to an agonizing pace that had you chasing him begging to feel him deeper, needing to feel him. “Mmm look at you baby girl, so damn beautiful like this, begging me to fuck you harder. Is that what you want, princess ? you want me to fuck you harder.” the tone of his voice made you shutter. He chuckled as he noticed your reaction to him. “Please lando!” you say responding to him almost immediately. Still inside of you, nearly stopping.. He loosens the grip on your hips running his long fingers down your back gently watching the goosebumps crawl across your skin. He chuckles. “Stunning.” he growls before slamming into you. You cry out as he finally speeds up the pace watching his perfect girl in the mirror as she begs for him over and over again. “Ohhh god Lando please please.” you cry out as one hand remains gripping your hip the other snaking around your body pulling your back to his chest. The movement inside of you causes him to groan as you tighten around him.. “You fit me so perfectly, baby, so tight and sweet. My everything.” he growls in your ear. “Fuck Lando, I need more please.” you beg him once more needing to cum.
The pace he set had slowed again and you were so close now but he kept you teetering on the edge. His free hand had slid up and down your body. Teasing both your nipples gently squeezing them between his long fingers making you moan aloud. His movements begin again as you watch his long fingers slowly begin to rub your clit as he eased in and out of you again. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, biting your lip. “God fuck Lando right there, please baby ohh jesus god mmmmmmmm yes fuckk you fuck me so damn good. I can’t please.” you cry out into the darkness of your bedroom Lando holding you steady as he puts you back on all fours as he slams in and out of you feeling you get closer and closer tightening around him. “Come on baby, cum for me, be a good fucking girl.” he growls slamming hard into you again again watching as you toss our head back, arching your back into him, the perfect angle sending you both cussing and screaming each other names into the night as you both watch each other cum in the mirrior Lando burying himself deep inside of you, his tight grip on your hips loosens and he gently begins to stroke your heated skin beneath his fingertips, giving you both a second before he eases out of you, you whine at the loss of contact between the two of you. “Shhh baby.” he says with a smirk at his needy girlfriend. You lay on the bed watching him as he dashes out of bed and into the bathroom, coming out with his boxers on with a warm cloth to clean you up. You smirk up at him. His long fingers caress your cheek. “I love you baby.” he says, handing you his shirt, tossing the wash rag into the wash basket and returning to bed with you wrapping you up in his arms. Your eyes haven’t left him. “You okay baby??” he asks, checking in on you, brushing a strand of hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear before running his fingers down your cheek, taking in your beaty and everything that was his. “Never better.” you smirk. “I love you.” you whisper realizing you had not said it back to him from earlier. Your fingers dancing over his lips. “You are everything to me Lando Norris, I hope you always know that.” you whisper, kissing his lips slowly, gently. “You sure that’s not just the mind blowing sex talking.” Lando laughs that cute little laugh of his as you smack him lightly. “No it’s not just that, even though that is a plus.” you pause winking at him.
“I wouldn’t trade this life with you for anything.” you say fingers caressing his chest as you look into his gorgeous green eyes. He smiles. “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you baby, I really don’t.” he says kissing your forehead.” you chuckle. “What?” he asks, loving your laugh. “I wonder how long it will take before Oscar can look at me in the paddock again.” you can’t stop laughing at Lando’s funny face he had made. “I think that one's gunna take him a bit. I think we traumatized the poor guy. You should have seen him after he was apologizing and going crazy. I felt bad, I also noticed when you met me in the garage after he refused to make eye contact with you.” Lando says with a laugh as his arms wrap around you “I'll get him a present, maybe that will help.” you laugh again. “I'm sure he’d appreciate that.” Lando says with a yawn as he snuggles into you as you run your fingers through his curls, both falling asleep.
When you wake up the next morning you groan as you find that Lando is not beside you. “Babe?” you call out listening for a response. But then you hear the shower on. You smirk getting out of bed, groaning but smiling at your achy muscles, chuckling to yourself as Lando had kept his promise to make it difficult for you to walk the next morning, and also that you felt nothing but him when you did. You drop Lando's borrowed shirt to the floor stepping into the bathroom. “You didn’t wake me?” you say wrapping your arms around his body underneath the warm water. He looks down at you. “You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to disturb you.” he smiles, kissing your lips slowly, the warm water falling gently between your bodies. His long fingers trace over the marks he had left on your body from the night before, he bites his lip. “Sorry baby.” he smirks. You chuckle. “I'm not.” you wink at him and his lips devour yours once more. You moan into his mouth before his lips separate from his. “I guess I should take a pre-race nap more often.” you smirk at him as he raises an eyebrow at you. “Only if we have time for both of us to get fucked properly. That race was fucking torture for me, probably why I drove so bad, I couldn’t focus.” he says as he spins you around washing your hair. You always did love the way he took care of you. “Hey don’t blame me, I warned you we didn’t have time, but you insisted.” you argue. He rolled his eyes. “I didn’t hear any complaints from you.” he teases. "Yeah cuz I'm the one that got to cum.” you tease him back, running your fingers through his wet curls. “Point taken.” he says, stepping out of the shower drying you both off, before you get dressed and get ready for another busy race week to begin, both grateful to have each other to navigate this crazy life.
The end
(All photos for the moodboard were found on Pinterest, I do not own)
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creachiergh · 4 months
guys, guys, guys. jax isn't an npc; he's a game dev/mod who got trapped in the circus.
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i'm sure someone has already put forth this theory, but with the series still being in its early stages, it's hard to say exactly which direction it's going. while i don't think the npc theory is bad, i think it lacks a foundation and is more so the fandom's attempt to justify jax's moral greyness or give him depth where there currently isn't any. i just wanted to share some of my own thoughts about what his deal might be.
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firstly, his design, which is honestly just my own speculation but bear with me. i know goose made some jokes about his clothes being farmer's overalls, but when i look at him, i almost get mechanic vibes? like if he wasn't such a prick, he'd be in charge of fixing any bugs that crop up during the adventures, which is pretty much what a moderator does.
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speaking of which, he has keys to all the rooms, which is already pretty sketchy in itself, but it makes sense if you consider that he helped make the circus. naturally, he'd have them on hand in case he needed to access any areas of potential danger. to me, it's a bit like having cheat codes, which definitely gives him an upper hand above the other circus members. (but again, it's not like he's ever going to do his job.)
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there's also the "figurine thing," which is probably either a throwaway joke or a thinly-veiled attempt at foreshadowing the npcs-- since their models resemble figurines-- but it's still worth noting. if we assume that the "figurine thing" is referring to the npcs-- which it probably isn't, but again, bear with me-- then it shows just how much jax knows about the circus. as far as i remember, none of the other characters have ever brought up the outside of the map, but obviously, if jax made the game, he's going to know its layouts and inner workings like the back of his hand. i won't go so far as to say he's all-knowing, but i'm sure he knows a lot more than he lets on, and i have a feeling we're going to see that in later episodes.
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if he really can predict caine's adventures and whatnot, since he designed them, it explains why he's so unfazed by everything that happens at the circus, from zooble getting taken by the gloinks to running into the gloink queen. the only time he really seems to be surprised is when the game glitches-- when the one gloink started bugging out, when kaufmo abstracted, etc.
i think the mod theory explains jax's personality and motivations. when he first arrived at the circus, there might've been a time when he acted more responsibly, fixing all the bugs, trying to stop the abstractions, etc. he could've been caine's right-hand at keeping everything under control. but maybe he slowly gave up these responsibilities when he realized that people were going to get abstracted no matter what, as we can see from the crossed-off doors in the pilot. it's very possible that he became consumed by his mod privileges when he began acting more recklessly and faced zero repercussions for his actions. essentially, he's a step above everyone else in terms of knowledge, awareness, and grants of power-- probably just below caine on the power ladder, though pomni could also rival him as she comes to learn more about the circus. depending on how jax uses his abilities, he could either help everyone find the exit or slowly lead them towards abstraction, and given what goose has said about the future of the series, it's not looking very optimistic for anyone involved.
but what do i know? this theory could be completely nonsensical and riddled with plot holes. i just like to hyperanalyze jokes 🥲
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ewingstan · 8 months
Poster on my right shoulder with a cheap angel wing costume (the one from Oldboy (2003)): "You should write about how Krouse making an unsecured tophat that's constantly in danger of falling off a key part of his costume actually fits his themes really well. You've already written about how his ringmaster getup is part of cultivating a sense of mastery-within-instability; Krouse excels when thrown into a chaotic situation because he can use chaos better than others. Styling himself as a leader of a circus, master and causer of chaos who holds things together just enough to have them culminate in a grand spectacle, shows what type of reputation he cultivates. But that instability is a constant in his life, he seeks it out, it seeks him out, and despite the air he puts on of having everything under control it really is always in danger of falling apart. The tophat can fall off at any moment, the travellers can collapse at any time, the cultivated and uncultivated chaos surrounding their lives can suck them all into the undertow at any time. If you actually write an analysis post fleshing that out it would be an excellent use of your time."
Poster on my left shoulder, taking the form of Judge Holden as he was depicted in Cormac Mccarthy's Blood Meridian: "You should write about how whenever his hat falls off Krouse just puts a rock or large piece of trash on his head and switches them. Fuckin. Eight times during the fight with the Wards Vista had to deal with the fact that she was nearly getting killed by a guy putting a brick on his head. Sometimes he'd throw his hat at you and then put a brick on his head and then swap them and bam you've gotten hit in the face with a brick."
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misshoneyimhome · 1 month
Can you do a pregnancy scare for inexperienced reader X Willy Nylander ?
Of course, I can babe 🤗🌺
Tropes & Warnings: inexperienced!reader x Willy, pregnancy scare, alcohol consumption, soft boyfriend!Willy
Word count: 1.9K
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The hockey season was just around the corner, and everything seemed to be falling back into its usual rhythm. You were back at work, and William was deep into his training, juggling media obligations and preparing for the upcoming NHL documentary. Life felt busy but comfortably ordinary. However, there was one thing that wasn’t within the ordinary—your period.
At first, you tried to brush off the worry. With an IUD, your cycles had always been a bit unpredictable. Sometimes you’d have a light period, and other times, nothing at all. It wasn’t unusual, so you didn’t let it bother you. But as the days turned into weeks and another month passed with no sign of your period, the worry became harder to ignore.
Your mood swings worsened, your cravings grew stronger, and your temper became short. You didn’t even recognise yourself some mornings, struggling to get out of bed. Exhaustion became your constant companion, and when even the thought of walking the dogs felt overwhelming, you knew something was off.
But it couldn’t be.
You were careful, using protection, but the nagging thought that birth control isn’t 100% effective kept gnawing at you. You and William had been more than just active—your sex life was an integral part of your relationship. Whether it was gentle nights where he’d take his time, fingering you before entering you to ensure you both reached a climax, or the spontaneous moments on the sofa where you’d give him a mind-blowing blowjob before riding him to ecstasy, your chemistry was undeniable. There were also those passionate mornings where he’d lift you onto the dining table, enjoying the sweetness of your juices before watching your every move as he thrust into you with an intensity that left you both breathless. Even quickies in the car weren’t off the table, the thrill of getting caught only adding to the excitement as your breaths fogged the windows.
But with all that sex, there was always a risk. You knew that, and yet, you trusted the IUD to protect you. That’s why, when you realised your period was late—really late—you tried to reassure yourself that everything was fine. Still, doubt nagged at you, and eventually, you couldn’t ignore it any longer.
One evening, while William was out, you finally mustered the courage to take a test. Your heart pounded as you waited, watching the seconds tick by on your phone. When those two small blue lines appeared, signalling you were pregnant, your world seemed to tilt.
“Fuck,” you whispered, staring at the result in disbelief. Your mind raced with a thousand thoughts—how could this happen? You were on birth control.
You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything to William yet; he was already dealing with the pressure of the upcoming season and the media circus that followed him everywhere. And you didn’t want to add more stress, especially not when you were still trying to process the possibility yourself.
Yet, not knowing what else to do, you called Sanna, the one person you knew you could trust. As a mother herself and someone who’d been with you through your relationship with William, she listened patiently as you poured out your fears and anxieties. Her calm voice was a balm to your frayed nerves, as she suggested that it might be a false positive—something that could happen. She convinced you to take another test, maybe even a few more, just to be sure.
But before you had a chance to act on her advice, the situation escalated in the most unexpected way.
It was supposed to be just another casual night out, a rare chance for you to relax and spend time with William and some of his Swedish teammates before the season kicked into full gear. The group had decided to keep things low-key, gathering at a trendy but cosy bar in downtown Toronto. The atmosphere was lively, filled with laughter and conversation, but you could barely focus on anything being said. Your mind was still reeling from the test you'd taken the day before, the faint blue lines that had turned your world upside down.
You still hadn’t told William, and every time you caught a glimpse of his carefree smile or heard his infectious laugh, a wave of guilt and anxiety would wash over you. How could you drop this bombshell on him now, just when everything seemed to be going so well?
The conversation among the group had drifted to lighter topics—upcoming games, vacation memories, the usual banter that you normally found comforting. But tonight, you felt like an outsider in your own body, barely able to engage as your thoughts swirled with the weight of your secret.
And then, it happened.
Calle, always the joker of the group, was mid-story, laughing as he recounted how their close friend David Pastrňák had not only tied the knot in a grand wedding this offseason but had also just welcomed a baby. And with a teasing grin, he added, “Seems like everyone’s catching baby fever these days. Who knows, maybe Willy’s next in line for some new adventures, eh?”
The words hit like a thunderclap. The laughter around the table died abruptly, leaving a thick, uncomfortable silence in its wake.
Only Sanna knew your secret—how your period was late, how you'd taken a test, and how the result had thrown your world into chaos. But now, with Calle’s offhand remark and your refusal to drink hard liquor—something that hadn’t gone unnoticed despite your excuse of a light headache—there was no more hiding.
You felt the blood drain from your face, your heart pounding so loudly you were certain everyone could hear it. Panic gripped you, your mind racing to find a way to defuse the situation, to explain the tension that was now painfully obvious. But the words stuck in your throat, refusing to come.
Meanwhile William’s eyes were on you, full of unspoken questions. The room, once filled with lighthearted chatter, now felt suffocatingly silent, as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for what would happen next.
And when you finally mustered the courage to meet his eyes, the mixture of shock and concern in his expression was unmistakable. His easygoing smile had vanished, replaced by a furrowed brow and a tightness in his jaw that you’d rarely seen before. The realisation was there, clear as day. William wasn’t just piecing together the joke—he was piecing together the truth.
You could see it in the way his eyes searched yours, silently pleading for an explanation. This wasn’t like the minor pregnancy scare from months ago, when a false alarm had been met with nervous laughter and relief. This felt real, serious, and you both knew it.
“How about another drink?” Alex, William’s brother, casually suggested to defuse the tension. And fortunately, it seemed to work.
The rest of the evening passed in a blur, the conversation picking up again around you, but you and William were no longer part of it. You couldn’t focus on the jokes, the drinks, or even the concerned glances from the other guys. All you could think about was getting out of there, away from the probing eyes and the suffocating pressure.
When you finally left the bar, the walk back to your condo was filled with a tense silence. William’s hand was on the small of your back, guiding you through the city streets, but the usual warmth and comfort of his touch felt distant. Every step felt heavy, and the closer you got to the condo, the more the anxiety built up inside you.
As soon as you were inside, the tension that had been simmering between you finally erupted. In the middle of the living room, William turned to you, his voice low and controlled, but you could hear the edge of worry. “What was Calle talking about? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself, but your hands were shaking, and the words felt stuck in your throat. You hadn’t meant for him to find out this way. This was supposed to be a conversation you had in private when you could both sit down and talk it through without the weight of an entire hockey season looming over you.
“I was going to tell you,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want to stress you out before I knew for sure.”
William’s expression softened, but the worry didn’t leave his eyes as he stepped closer, gently cupping your face. “Tell me what?”
Your eyes filled with tears as you finally let the truth out. “I took a test, and it was positive. But Sanna said it could be a false alarm, so I was going to take more tests before... before telling you.”
For a moment, the room was completely still, the air thick with tension. You could see the shock in William’s face, the way his eyes widened, then narrowed as he processed your words. His hands fell away from your face, and he ran them through his hair, a sign of his stress.
“Why didn’t you tell me right away?” William’s voice trembled slightly, though he was clearly trying to keep his emotions in check.
Your own voice wavered, heavy with the weight of your decision. “Because you’ve got so much on your mind already,” you admitted, the words almost catching in your throat. “I didn’t want to add to your stress if it turned out to be nothing.”
William exhaled slowly, his shoulders dropping as he processed what you were saying. He looked down, running a hand through his hair again, clearly overwhelmed. “I just don’t get it… I mean, you’re on birth control, right?”
“Of course I am, Willy,” you responded quickly, the desperation in your voice evident. “But… as much as I hate to admit it, they aren’t always 100% safe… and we do have a lot of sex.”
He sighed again, the frustration evident on his face, but as his eyes met yours and he saw the tears that had started to spill, his expression softened.
You could see the conflict in his eyes—the frustration with the situation mixed with deep concern for you. He knew this was nowhere near your fault - if anything it was his, at least both of yours - and that you were just as scared and confused as he was.
So gently, he reached out and took your hands in his, giving them a reassuring squeeze. “We’re in this together, okay? No matter what happens, we’ll figure it out.”
You nodded, the tension that had been knotting in your chest easing just slightly at his words. The fear was still there, but William’s support made it feel a little less overwhelming. “I know. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“Don’t be,” he said softly, pulling you into a tight hug. You could feel his heart beating against your cheek, the steady rhythm calming you. “Let’s just take the other tests and see where we stand.”
In the bathroom, the minutes stretched into what felt like hours as you took the other tests, William pacing nervously outside. Finally, you emerged, holding the results in your hand, as you looked up at him, your eyes meeting his.
“They’re negative,” you said, the relief flooding through you both. You could see the tension drain from William’s face as he pulled you into his arms once more, holding you tightly as if he never wanted to let go.
That night, as you lay in bed together, the fear and anxiety slowly gave way to a deeper conversation about your future, about the possibility of parenthood one day—but not now, not when life was already so full of challenges and new beginnings. And as you drifted off to sleep in William’s arms, you knew that whatever came your way, you’d face it together.
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n0t0lucky · 24 days
¤ Goatman / Jeffrey Bonavita ¤
~~General Headcanons~~
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my first time doing something like that._. /im thirsty for past month in case of his content, art is not enough!!
》he loved working at Hawthorne Exotic Zoo from the stars, eaven before that for sure found stray dog and/or cat as his friends.
》At the beginning of that 'job' had issues with bigger animals during feeding time. Being cornered with a bucket of fish by few bears or tiped over by lions to take steaks just to fight for it among themselves.
》Huge, maybe not super tall, but he's visibly hunged, due to his problem with knook-knee and added weight of big horns, and space in the cage.
》 strong enough to lift a bear or two, did so in the past for sure.
》always wanted to go see the circus, but was threatened by Mr.G that they'll hurt him.
》when he was a bit older, would sneek out at night when Mr.Gardener was asleep, to see the performance at the Hullabaloo Circus.
》he has a dairy with each animal that was in the zoo, theyr own names, preferences, dislikes, specific way of acting and markings to ease recognision, probably gave it few times to his boss, who didn't had much use for it in the end ,and gave role of Beast Tamer to Jeffrey.
》i belive he likes to draw animals, so the notebook had to include some tiny sketchof of them.
》with time, as he helped around the zoo, he grew closer to animals than his caretaker, with resulted in seeing them as his real family and he was the one who needs to take care of them, He was just giveing them a place to be.
》 didn't had much experience with humans, observation was all he did, untill the "meet and great" era, where he lead guests to interact with animals under his guide, teaching mostly younger kids, how to imitate sounds and comunicate with sayd species.
》taught monkey capuchins and lemurs to fetch stuff for him, at the start it would be something simple like a pen, dairy, bag of snack; that would be handet half empty for some reason and keys.
》personally striked Mr.Gardener to dust, for everything he did to him and his 'family'
》Jeffrey is.. people say he's horrendous. But he wasnt always this way. was treated as one of the animals after longer period if being against Mr.Gardener's plans for the Zoo
》He loses control over himself at violet moon (werewolf stye would say). It is rare situation, once in two years, with could be reason of him being chained in the cage durning blue moons phases.
》durning that time, most shows woud be canceled, due too incressed agresion of all animals, including him. Zoned out, acting agresive toward his boss, resulting in being caged together with bigger critters.
》schackles on his wrist, head and ankle are a reminder of what happened, he lost his only family, yet it was a prison. Now, everyone from there is free.. expect him stuck at the mannor now.
》Jeffrey has PTSD, due to everything that happened, he's scared of closed off spaces. pretty ironic looking at his skills, but it triggers "fight or flight" in him. He once again trapped in a cage, having that boiling felling inside.. he needs to strike harder to get freed
》feeds local critters together with Bane at daily basics.
》definitely bff with Morro, both being keept in closure in the past, and haveing animal friends.
》befrends anyone in the manor who likes animals, no matter if they are hunter or survivor. He enjoys sharing his hobby with others.
》for sure has some Cat Lovers club activities on hunters side with Ann and Alva.
》never saw sooo huge Lizard, woud mistake Luchino at first for a comodo dragon in human clothes, will get stared at in disgust. but later happily will listen about all kinds of reptiles from both Professors and Reptilian and would share some of his experiences with haired animals at the zoo, to them.
》when he sees cat's scattered around the map during a match, Jeffrey's sure to give every single one a scratch if he sees one. Durnign chase, after downing survs, woud turn back to spot he saw one and pet it, then later chair his pray.
》Man plays on pan's flute, surely likes to do so in mannors garden, if noticed may apologize for disturbing who found him and move to different spot, he was main performer in Hawthorne Zoo, it is not stage fright.
》 if it's Antonio who noticed him, he will complement the melody and tr to recreate it on his violin. Ifit'ss Frederick.. he's definitely going to call out how bad the notes sound, and he would do it better, making Jeff simply stare at him coldly and walk away without a word. Until the next match..
》if you ask him to stay, he'll asks you if ther are any requests for him to play on the instrument.
~Jeffrey simps ¤ Including Reader~
》 sometimes when you call him, instead of 'what is it?' or 'yes?' You get 'baah' or 'rawr' in responce. Embarrassed about it a bit, not letting you notice, but his ears turn slightly red and start to twitch.
》 not used to physical tough from a human.. but after some time he would not let you go. Could say he's a big cat, with horns ofcorse! you are traped in his grip, until he says so.
》 he has horns as we know, so prepare for some headbutts. Rare but not non-existing urge to smack something with his horns, may be reason he's hiting them with his hand so offten.
》seeing him without the uniform? Oh boy, hes covered in scars on his back. He doesn't like them, but you say they are beautiful and show how much he went through. Bonus: if you try to trace them, he shiverss slightly.
》 instead of kisses would simply rub noses together or his face against yours.
》loves going on night walks with you watching stars, listening to nature surrounding you both, that's what he always wished for; freedom.
If no one got my people, i got them! can we get an amen?
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ctrl-key-glitchyk · 6 months
How does it feel to be trapped in the circus?
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“I mean… it’s not the worst that could’ve happened, trust me. In fact I’d kinda rather be stuck here, a digital domain where I know my way around things.”
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sm-baby · 8 months
Thinking on the Amazing Digital Carnival
So, Pomni’s kinda the failsafe right? Well, the Jester is, but Pomni’s the Jester even if The Jester isn’t Pomni. She’s got ties into the Collar system to keep the AI’s in check, she’s the firewall to keep out viruses, she’s the Intended introductory AI to get you on track and keep things running as they should.
But you can’t just simply have it all in one place, it’s bad design to have everything loaded onto one singular program and expect things to go perfectly, because if The Jester gets compromised everything goes down with the ship.
Which is why she has her own collar… except you can’t just give her the keys to it, that ruins the entire point having a check.
Someone else has to have control over Pomni’s collar. And I’m pretty sure it’s Kinger. It’s likely how he figured out the whole removal process in the first place; he’s already got access to One key, just not his. But it’s enough to figure out some things, even if it doesn’t go smoothly as seen in Kinger’s … most everything.
Furthermore, there seems to be a second failsafe on The Jester by way of her inability to attack. Sure, she can basically disable anyone via their Collar, but that’s only if she’s using the system. Someone can just take her down physically and she can’t do anything about it. Checks and balances.
Course, Pomni’s probably unaware that she’s in fact the biggest potential danger to the Carnival as it is. Almost everyone unlikely to see that danger considering how she’s just kinda… harmless(?) She’s confused and uncertain and very very on edge. Doesn’t seem the type to be able to *yank* their chains and force them back into place.
Makes you wonder how differently things would have run if Pomni had gained sentience earlier. Things would be… quite different.
I sure do love hearing y'alls theories about the alternate universe The Amazing Digital Carnival based on the animated show The Amazing Digital Circus
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cococaffeinated · 11 months
I NEED more Gangle Kinger and Jax content, especially the comics. I got so sad when I read a wiki article on Jax and it said the creators confirmed that nobody in the circus really likes Jax 😔
I try to imagine what it'd be like to actually interact with Jax if I were in any of the other character's shoes. And to be completely fair, Jax makes it super easy for the others to dislike him by being an insufferable jerk 24/7.
Now, that said, imagine if he preferred it that way!
What if Jax was the type of person to be okay with the fact that nobody actually liked him?
Because... if nobody liked him, then nobody will be too devastated by his abtractification (if it ever comes to it). Shocked probably, but not devastated enough to go crazy.
It could be one of the many possible ways Jax likes to be in control of his otherwise uncontrollable situation. By putting people at arm's length, he can keep this illusion of control. He cares enough to have a key for everyone's rooms (to check on and annoy people with, pressumably) but also takes great effort in appearing like the most aloof bastard to ever grace Caine's hallowed circus halls so no one will miss him too much that they'll go insane (like kinger) if he ever abstracts.
Once again, this is all just me speculating, none of the words I'm vomitting are canon in any way or derived from anything super smart! I just love Jax too, jerk mannerisms and all~!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 5 months
This is my tadc swap au.
Bubble 🔄 Caine
Pomni 🔄 Kinger
Gangle 🔄 Jax
Zooble 🔄 Ragatha
Kaufmo 🔄 Queenie
Gumigoo 🔄 Loolilalu
Swap quotes
1.Bubble: Welcome to the amazing digital circus! My name is Bubble. I'm your ring master, and I'm gonna show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Caine?
(Caine flies out of Bubble's hat.)
Caine: That's right, Bubble. I can't wait to see what you're cooking up for today!
2.Gangle: Bubble, is this one of your NPCs, or is this a new sucker. Because if it's a new character, We're gonna have to redo this whole theme song...
Ragatha: I'm not doing that again...
3.Bubble: How about we talk about something else? Like your name.
Kinger: My name? My name is...
(Kinger realizes that he can't remember his name.)
Kinger: Oh, God! Why can't I remember my name!
Bubble: No one can remember their name once they've entered the digital circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can do is help you come up with a new name.
4.Zooble: Oh, wait. We should go check on Queenie. I'm sure she'd like to meet our new friend.
(The glionks take Pomni's pillows.)
Pomni: My impenetrable fortress!
Zooble: Hey, Pomni!
Pomni: Huh?...
Zooble: Want to come with us to go check on Queenie?
Pomni: No, not really.
(Pomni walks up to the others.)
Pomni: I think Queenie's gone insane. The last time I spoke with her, she was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Kinger. You might be going insane too.
5.Gangle: By the way, I may have left something in your room, so let me know if you find it. Say, you're not afraid of scorpions, are you?
Zooble: Gangle! That's literally my only fear. Why would you do this!?
Gangle: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You never know until it's too late.
6.Prince Gumigoo: Here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods. I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hands?
7.Gummyshark bandit(girl): You think your dad's gonna pull through if we get all this back to the village?
Gummybear bandit(girl): I'm sure he will. This much syrup would save hundreds of people.
Loolilalu: We won't be sure until we get back to the village. He's a fighter, though. He taught me everything I know.
8.Gangle: Alright, Jax, when we catch up to them, I'll jump over, crawl inside, and shoot them repeatedly until they're unrecognizable.
Jax: I feel like that violates some kind of convention.
Gangle: You're violating my ears with your clap-back, get driving, driver!
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sunlightmurdock · 2 years
evil be gone, hangman’s coming
aka Katie’s Jake Seresin masterlist
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18+, minors dni. If I notice that you are an ageless / underage blog, you will be blocked
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Ongoing Series
Operation Apollo
After a threat is made against her life, the President’s grown up daughter gets her security tripled. Ex-Navy and current Secret Service, Jake Seresin is devoted to being the best at everything he does. He isn’t going to let a bratty little girl cost him this job.
In Too Deep
Jake Seresin had sworn he was never going to be a father. He liked his life the way that it was, child-free, stress free and chaos free. Free being the key word. After falling for you, it becomes clear that Jake is in for an attitude adjustment, whether he likes it or not.
Safe Zone (+ Bradley Bradshaw)
A team of elite naval aviators holding down the fort at the North Island Air Base while they wait for reinforcements after a virus sweeps the continental U.S. - only, it’s been three months and no one has shown up.
Power and Control
This had been a business deal. An arrangement with strict rules, a written contract and financial ties. One that you had both agreed to. Financial freedom for you, and escape from his life for him. But now, you want more. Sugar daddy!Jake au.
Like This Forever
Being Jake’s tour manager had been a dream come true. Your childhood best friend, the first boy you ever loved — seeing his own dreams come true, the crowds screaming his name. Until those faint pink lines had shown up right before Jake’s six month long North American tour had kicked off. Country-Singer!Jake, childhood friends to lovers, accidental pregnancy au.
Aeterna — masterlist
Eternity and the related concept of infinity. The summer you strayed from home. 70s circus supernatural thriller, also x bradley.
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Drabble Series
The Road Less Traveled
Series of blurbs and drabbles about your dad’s best friend, Jake, keeping you safe through the apocalypse. Zombie au.
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Ego Check
The Last Word
Fair Game
Our Final Night Alive
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does GL have tea parties with Elise and the other children-? Is Mori forced to join the tea parties-? When Mori cant make it who is substituted in for him or do they just leave his spot open?
They do.
Elise, Kyuusaku, Aya, Katsumi, Shinji, Sakura, Yu and Kousuke are having tea parties from time to time. And they often offer GL and other BSD Characters to join them. So, if any of the adults want to join them, they always have an open spot.
Some interesting bits about some characters:
Who joins often:
1. Guiding Light - will tell kids stories from the real world.
2. Oda Sakunosuke - he can be so serious, it looks funny.
3. Ivan Goncharov - he will take tea preparations upon himself.
4. Mori Ougai - will let kids braid his hair or make pigtails.
5. Ranpo Edogawa - need constant supervision, so he won't eat all snacks.
6. Kouyou Ozaki - she is surprisingly good with kids.
7. Akiko Yosano - will insist on more healthier snacks, but, won't spoil the fun.
8. Bram Stoker - will join, only if Aya present. Actually, quite good caretaker.
9. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald - he was a father, so, he knows, how to host a tea party for children.
10. Kenji Miyazawa - just likes to play with kids.
11. Kyouka Izumi - she is on a quiet side, but, will gladly join the tea party.
12. Karma - keep an eye on kids during tea parties.
13. Fyodor Dostoevsky - will join only if you present and if he wants tea. A little bit passive, but, will let kids hide under his coat.
14. Nikolai Gogol - will make a little circus show for kids.
15. Fukuzawa Yukichi and Fukuchi Ouchi - will be bombarded with questions about their past.
16. Dazai Osamu - perfect, if tea party have a role play element. Will be overdramatic, but kids adore him.
17. Atsushi Nakajima - likes to play with kids.
18. Tanizaki siblings - Junchirou will make snacks and use his ability to live things up. Naomi is good at having a small talk.
19. Kirako Haruno, Louisa May Alkott and Edgar Allan Poe - a little bit awkward around kids, but, not against joining the game.
20. Sigma - it was a surprise, but kids always listen to him. Mostly joins for cookies.
21. Flags - good with dealing with kids, especially teens.
22. Ryunosuke Akutagawa - sometimes, can be a good babysitter. Will make a hammock from Rashomon for kids' entertainment.
23. Gin Akutagawa - better, then her brother. Will bring good tea.
24. Chuuya Nakahara - will join, only if GL are here. Will make table and chairs float. Not that interested in game itself, but won't spoil the fun.
Who won't join as often as they can:
1. Doppo Kunikida and Nathaniel Hawthorne - will join only if they are looking after kids today and there's no other adults. Still, they are good at playing along.
2. Katai Tayama - he is not good with kids. But, he will find cartoons or films for kids to watch.
3. Paul Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud - join even lesser, then Kunikida and Hawthorne. Don't think, that they are good with kids.
4. André Gide - doesn't think, that he deserves to join kids' game.
Who are forbidden to join:
1. Tetchou Suehiro - problem is in his eating habits. He did it a couple of times on a tea party and kids decided to copy him. Only Elise didn't get a stomach ache. Since then, Tetchou isn't allowed to join tea parties without supervision.
2. Alexander Pushkin - he is bad in controlling his tongue and will talk about something inappropriate. And we aren't talking about swearing. Pushkin might start talking about neighbors, and who were with whom. And kids are like sponges. When Sakura, after a tea party with Pushkin, start asking Oda and you, if your neighbor really doesn't know, who is the father of her children, and what clients she brings home, you two almost strangle Pushkin. He isn't allowed to interact with kids without supervision.
Who aren't allowed to join at the same time:
Karma, Fyodor and Guiding Light
Because, when Shinji invite you three, that happened:
Everyone: drinking tea
Shinji: talking to you I am so glad, that you three start spending time as family. Finally, you and Fyodor stop neglecting your son Karma.
You, Karma and Fyodor almost chocked on your teas. It takes five minutes for your three to start breathing normally.
Karma is scared and try to hide behind his tea cup.
Fyodor never looked that shocked before. He is looking at Shinji, but can't form a single word.
You were just trying to say something.
You: "Wh... Who? Us... Our? Whom?... Wh... What..? Karma? Ours..?"
Shinji: didn't realize, that situation became this Yes! You wanted to save Karma, and Fyodor did it. You two saved him. Like Oda saved us. So, he is yours now.
Tea party come to an end. Karma couldn't look at you or Fyodor for a week.
Osamu and Nikolai, who, somehow, learn about this situation, were teasing you and Fyodor about, who will be 'stay at home parent' and who will be a 'breadwinner' for the two weeks.
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mysteriousbp · 10 months
I been super busy this week, but yesterday I just had a idea for a Tadc AU that I wanted to draw.
Warning: This AU was created yesterday. So it isn’t very defined or the ideas aren’t very planned out. Also this AU isn’t going to be very expanded by me. So if you like the idea you are free to expand it. Just please credit me… or not. I can’t control what you do.
So in a nutshell the idea for this AU is this:
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So yeah… this AU is exploring the idea of what would it be like if Pomni had to live with another group in the digital circus.
In this AU Pomni is welcomed to the Digital Circus by Kaufmo, Queenie, the yellow dog, worm and the rabbit sock-puppet. (My fan names for this 3 characters are: Max, Wormy and Cotton.)
Kaufmo - Goose has said that Kaufmo did acted kinda like Ragatha. So I made Kaufmo a positive clown that says bad puns in this AU.
Queenie - Queenie didn’t go crazy like Kinger in this AU. But after Kinger abstracted she became depressed, she usually hides her depression when around the others, only letting it out when she’s in her room. She acts like a mother towards the group, specifically Pomni. Queenie has taken has her mission to protect this poor girl. She already lost her love and she just lost the rabbit boy that was a son to her… she isn’t going to lose anyone else… even if it’s the last thing she does.
Max - Max is a energetic dog that actually likes to go on Caine’s adventures. Max is the only human that actually has his mind in check because of Caine’s adventures. Max is always energetic smiles and a adventure spirit on the outside… But on inside… he blames himself for don’t being able to do anything to stop the others from abstracting. He been there since the start… he saw people arriving and abstracting… yet he hasn’t able to do anything but just stand there and watch. But since Jax has abstracted… before Caine could clean Jax’s room, Max took every key from his room. They all sacrificed themselves to find a exit. Max isn’t going to let their sacrifice go to waste. It’s the least that he can do.
Wormy -Wormy is a reserve worm. He tries his best to don’t get into danger or do anything that can make him abstract. Despite this he still goes on the adventures. But not before trying to convince the others to “skip” the adventure. He knows that if he isolate from the others the changes from him to abstract are almost guaranteed. So he goes on the adventures despite the dangers.
Cotton - Cotton is the voice of reason of the group. She the glue that sticks the group together. She isn’t very good at defending herself, but she’s great at keeping the piece in the group. She doesn’t want anyone to fight because… it didn’t end well last time… She misses Ragatha…
Here’s doodles:
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Fun fact: The reason why Max is so stylized is because I spent 3 FUCKING HOURS trying to draw him like how he officially looks but I couldn’t. So I gave up.
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taming-bats · 9 months
Batfam Crime Family Breakdown
I made a Crime Family au for a OC fic I'm writing, but the dynamics were too interesting to pass up diving into.
So, I present to you the Mask Family! #1 Crime monopoly in Gotham. Descriptions for Alfred, Dick, Jason, Tim and Damian are under the cut!
Bruce - AKA Black Mask. Head of the Crime family, and basically king of Gotham. After his parents were killed when he was a young boy and was handed a multi-million dollar company at the age of 9, he had focused on a sense of control. He sees Gotham/Gothamites like they can’t help it, and simply don’t know any better. He will know better for them. Other people might have similar backgrounds or share his feelings on the idea of protecting the city from itself, bu no one has the resources he does, nor the determination to do something. 
He created the alias of the Black Mask and infiltrated every underground and back alley system until he runs them all. Bruce Wayne and Black Mask basically are the monopoly of night and day in Gotham. You can’t go anywhere without seeing their influence. He’s brutal when it comes to insubordination or even the hint of mutiny. Truly thinks he’s doing the right thing to keep crime as low as possible. Think’s he is doing what he can to protect his family and his city. He’s softened over the years due to his family, and because he’s grown his network where he never has to get his hands dirty unless he wants to. Loves his kids dearly though is tough on them when it comes to the family business. 
“Mr. Wayne! Could you give us a comment on the recent movements of the Black Mask? Does it pain you to share your city with such a ruthless man?”
Bruce Wayne gives a smile, that tight, pained one he gives whenever reports ask about the Crime Lord. The media eats it up. No matter what he says, they read into his expression and think it must be heartbreaking for him to know not even he could touch the King of Gotham.
Alfred - AKA Agent Alpha. Like canon, he follows Bruce down the path he takes. In the first couple years of Bruce’s building of the Mask, he voiced his concerns about Bruce’s methods. However, having been trained in special ops himself, he understood that while some situations required a skilled hand, others required a boot to the neck. He adapted and became the guiding hand Bruce needed, and is still Bruce’s number one confidant and ally. 
“Black Mask? Black Mask!” the comm had crackled dead in Alfred ear. He huffs and pushes himself up out of the chair. That boy was going to get himself killed in this mission of his. Drug dealers and gang members- What would Martha and Thomas think if they could see the two of them now? 
Alfred does not let himself linger long on the thought as he grabs the keys and his own version of the Mask. No matter his hesitance at the start, he knew that there was no stopping Bruce now that he has his mind to it. He would save this city or die trying. He grabs his shotgun off the wall. 
Dick - (24) AKA Blue Mask. First to come into the Mask family. His story here is the same for the most part. Some mob tried to take control of the circus- since it's traveling it's not technically in Black Mask’s territory. They are wrong <3. Feeling responsible for not having enough control to prevent the Grayson murders, Bruce Wayne fosters and adopts Dick Grasyon. However, Bruce in this iteration is more open with sharing his secret with Dick as he sees himself in the young boy. He invites Dick to join his crusade to help the city, and let’s Dick be the one to pull the trigger against the men who killed his family. It’s cathartic for the both of them, and a very cementing bonding experience. Dick is Bruce’s shadow for most of his young life, seeing Bruce in his most brutal/hands on years. At some point, Dick “graduates” to having a Mask of his own, and is now Blue Mask. 
Dick stays in Gotham in this au. Dick is the eldest of the Mask family and loves his growing family dearly. He learned quickly about the lengths one should go to to protect the ones they love. To him, all of his siblings are the same age as when they entered the house. They are his babies and he will murder for them. He is Bruce’s number one informant.
“There you go, little wing! Hold it just like that and keep your shoulders back. When you feel ready, pull the trigger.” His hands give an encouraging squeeze to his brother's shoulders before taking a step back. He watches as Jason takes a breath and pulls the trigger. He catches him with a laugh when the kickback jolts his small frame. “Good job! That looked like a headshot to me, you're a natural!” Jason looked up at him with shining eyes, and Dick looked back with all the pride in the world. “Let’s show Bruce.”
Jason -  (19)  AKA Red Mask. Bruce found him on the streets when he was young- Yes, he was stealing from THE Black Mask and yes, Jason fought with a tire iron and claws to get away from him at the start. Jason thought Black Mask would make an example out of him, show that even kids weren’t an exception in Gotham. But Bruce took one look at the small, malnourished but resilient boy and fell in love with him. Jason, to Bruce, represents all the kids that he was too late to save. But he could save Jason. Bruce brought him home and exposed his secret immediately, as if Jason was already his son. The reasons Jason stayed were years behind them now, and he’s proven himself time and time again to be Bruce’s perfect foot soldier. He trained under Dick and Bruce and was rewarded with the title and role of a Mask much younger than Dick. 
Jason and Bruce had a big fight when he was 16 (probably having to do with who would be inheriting the Black Mask role in the future) in which Jason ran away. Knowing all of Black Masks tricks, he’s able to stay under the radar for a little bit less than a year. It breaks Bruce’s heart and infuriates him. He misses his son and is spiraling at the lack of control and is forced to conclude that he’s going to have to punish Jason if/when he finds him. Which he does, but more on that later. At the present day, Bruce and Jason still butt heads in Jason’s attempt to prove that he can be a leader if Bruce just lets him. Bruce is content in keeping the boys in the roles they have for as long as he can. There are many debates on which Mask was the most intimidating, but everyone can agree that you never want Red Mask to be sent after you. 
“I’ll take the lower Eastside-” 
“Good idea.” Black Mask cuts him off, “Blue, you’re with Red tonight.”
“What?” Jason snaps, “No way, I can do it by myself.” Black Mask gives him a look that Jason can decipher even through the unchanging skull mask. This wasn’t the night to start a debate. Jason clicks his teeth, “Fine.” Black Mask gives him a pat on the head as he passes and a burning of embarrassment and fulfillment comes from the approval. He slaps away Blue’s hand when he tries to copy the movement, to which Dick whines with disappointment. 
Tim -  (17) AKA Yellow Mask. When Gotham sees a heavy crack down for a few months, it’s a near complete cut off from the rest of the world. It shows what Black Mask could do, which scares a lot of people. But not Tim Drake. Tim Drake sees the opportunity for what it is. Unlike the rest of the world, who haven't a clue about the why, 10 year old Tim Drake marches up to Wayne Manor and asks to speak to Black Mask himself. Tim, the child, had known about the Mask family identity for a full year. And now Tim, the child, was offering to help Black Mask, the Crime Lord. Because Tim Drake knew where Jason was. Tim had known the entire time (a fact that Tim does not share.) 
(He also doesn’t share the photos. The maps. The red string. He takes his time and eases the family into his presence, and then, into his hobbies.) Tim inserts himself into the Mask Family, brings Jason back, and simply stays. Jason and he have some tension because of this. Tim is happy staying in the shadows of the operation because it gives him a purpose behind all his odd interests and gives him challenges to grow from. He kinda gets the Mask title against his will but secretly is over the moon about it. He wants to be useful. He becomes Wayne Enterprises Co-CEO, and is Bruce’s eyes and ears. 
“That's Debbie. She’s the head accountant on the Relay case, 5th floor.” Bruce nods to Tim’s words and Tim pretends not to preen at the knowledge that someone was listening to him. Bruce gives a hum and an ever-so-slight gesture to a man across the room with his glass of scotch. “Oh, Walter. He’s been skimming funds off his department budget for 5 months now. 14th floor.” Bruce raises an eyebrow and looks at him. “He’ll get cocky soon. See the watch? He bought it this week. That's nothing compared to what his internet history suggests.” 
Damian - (12) AKA Green Mask. There’s not much to change here. Damian came into Bruce’s life at 8, already trained to kill. Something of a gift from the al Gul’s. Damian is just as brutal as Bruce was in his early years, but Bruce focuses on helping Damian be a child again. All Bruce wants is to be close with his son, much to Damian’s early protests. Bruce is terrible about spoiling Damian and letting him get away with things because Damian is the baby of the family. Because of this, Damian is Bruce’s trigger. Especially for the jobs that have to be done swiftly and quietly. 
Damian realizes that there is more to learn then ways to kill, and learns from Dick about the ways of manipulation, how to present oneself to get what you want. With this, Damian often acts younger than he is to appear innocent and lovable. He tried to kill each one of Bruce’s kids at least once when he first came into the house, but after several impressive retaliations, Damian has seen their strength and recognizes how much he can learn from them. The caring nicknames and affectionate hugs were things that he pretends to only tolerate, but he becomes insufferable if he doesn’t receive affection from them. 
“But Father, you promised!” Damian stamps his foot, letting the echo of the cave give the action more grandiose than it actually felt. Bruce responds to his childish outbursts more than his calculative reasoning. 
Bruce sighs, kneeling down and cupping Damian’s face with gentle hands, “Yes, I know, Dami. But that was before you handcuffed Tim to the stairway railing for three hours.” 
Damian crosses his arms and sets a pout to his lips, “He could have gotten out of them if he wanted to,” He mumbles. 
“That is not the point and you know that, darling.”
Damian texting at 1am after not receiving a single pat on the head from his brothers all day: inshallah you will wake in the depths of nightmares most vile
Dick a millisecond later: bb bat wdym?? :(
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