#the color puzzle in the church was fun tho
stophangiingdjs · 2 years
going from silent hill 1 puzzles to resident evil 4 puzzles to resident evil 5 “puzzles” is very fun
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twinvictim · 3 years
your opinions on each of the post team silent games and a rating out of 10. hand 'em over
Uh really long post oops. for reference, my rating for the first 4 sh's are as follows
Sh1: 9/10 Sh2: 7/10 Sh3: 9/10 Sh4: 9.5/10
Silent Hill 0/Origins
overall score: 7/10
Alot of the games issues can of course be attributed to it being a psp game, and while i won't excuse everything bc of that, j have to be honest and say I think it had so much potential as a (very) late ps2 game. Not to mention, the game ON THE PSP functions as it should. (The ps2 port does fucking not tho..oops) ans you'll see that this is...a rarity post team silent.
The story has alot of potential, Travis as a character is interesting and sympathetic and j think his dynamic with alessa js super fascinating to dig into, both of them being abused children and there was alot of intrigue regarding his powers, the game feels like a smaller more watered down she, and for that I can't fault it too much. The weapons system isn't my favorite but the combat itself is reminiscent of 1 and 2 and I really like a good chunk of the monster design, there was clearly thought and care put into it, nurses and strughtjackets/lying figures be dammed. The unlockables are pretty cool though and alot of the environments look pretty cool for a psp game, hell i LOVE the theater level its super unique, I would love to see it in (actually functional) better graphics. I also think the puzzles are pretty solid, not hair pulling like sh1 even if they're not quite as clever as say sh3.
My biggest criticisms come from the reuse of sh1 characters (just alessa and Travis would've been fine, maybe dahlia and some more org characters would've been better) the bad ending being straight up bad writing. Not to mention they did the sh3 thing of "kill too many monsters and get the bad ending" which is...stupid. The foreshadowing of the butcher being? He's just kinda there, I like the lead up but it would be more interesting if the butcher represented something from those years between Travis' father dying and him being an adult. And while there's more replayability imo than sh2, it doesn't have difficulty sliders and that makes it kinda hard to come back to quite as often. Not to mention unlike sh1, 3or sh4 there's not as much horror focus and random events.
Overall, solid game its fun to play, very silent Hill and if you're willing to look past a few continuity errors and accept its a little different and slightly derrivitive at the same time, I like to say I had alot of fun with it and still do. (Maybe I just like Travis alot...idk)
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Overall score: 6/10
Once again most of the issues here are gonna be corporate fuck ups, but I'm also not gonna beat around the bush, this game isn't like...good. its bad actually. "But you gave it a 6/10?" Yeah bc its not NEARLY as bad as some other games I've.. experienced.
The negatives here are, many and vast, so let's run them down. Firstly the games performance is janky on console (ps3 at least) and abysmal/unplayable on PC, what with framerate issues that are detrimental to game play on pc and make the third boss impossible. That said on console it is completable and not even too terrible...usually. Scarletts boss fight however is terribly unbalanced and broken on all skews so :/. The combat is...functional but not anyone's favorite, it's difficult to use any actually strong weapon and you can pretty much strong arm ur ways through shit with just the knife (except scarletts first form..don't try it, it won't work) for some people this will be borening (not my opinion but w/e). Most of The puzzles...leave alot to be desired. I hate sliding block puzzles. Also no run button? At all?? No easy mode? Ok... also what is this.. wheel design for the inventory...im accidentally using my serum..what is serum also? And why is the item pickup noise like...bass boosted.
The character models look awful most of the time, and comically unfinished other times, some human models are just grotesque, (judge halloway, Adam shepherd, mayor Bartlett. .you get it) and yes...there are sexy nurses. Bc of course there are. (Whole ass out???) They did straight up have some terrible endings for this game (ph ending for one, the way you get the ufo? Hell the ufo ending is kinda boring. I like the in water ending here too but. Yeah.) the story has some, problems. To say the least.
However, while the performance is bad its not the worst I've played (on the ps3 once again..unplayable on pc) and I hardly noticed the framerate when I was just running around, I personally found the combat kinda fun, between trying to dodge accurately and still attack and not use all my health items (bc those and ammo are actually rare! Unlike some games...) it is kind of a challenge and reminds me of a much worse sh4. And hey, the health items both heal an understandable amount of health that i can easily read with a bar (unlike 1-3) and they're not a complete joke (unlike sh4...) i find the exploration really fun and sure the characters look shit but the environments are Fucking great. The church is one of my fav sections, short as jt might be and yes it stole the confessional scene but its pretty well written and acted I think. The monster design is pretty fucking rad too honestly, I like the schism, siam, I like the DESIGN of the needlers even if they make me so mad to fight, and hey the nurses and ph don't show up that much to be too aggregious. The boss monsters are also fantastic design wise, very unsettling and the boss rooms are interesting as well.
The story has problems but it also has alot of potential, the concept of people sacrificing ther children for silent Hill and being overcome by their own pain and guilt is pretty fucking cool, and alex is a good character they did a good job of giving him personality, ppl bitch about him being a soldier but a) he's not and b) soldiers are people too, and a sh game that could tackle toxic masculinity, be critical of the military, and also tackle abusive religeious parents is pretty intriguing, not to mentions themes of brotherly love that's complicated bc of how they clearly favored Josh . Sure, it misses the mark, but I like taking the potential and thinking about it bc its compelling to me. And like I said, i like alex alot.
Overall, bad game yes, but not the worst as it has enough good for me to honestly really enjoy it, besides it is pretty funny when it is bad. Don't play the pc port tho
Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Overall Score: 8/10
Unpopular opinion im sure but honestly? I find this game ALMOST on par with the team silent games. Its really that good, yes its a wii game, so this is my score taking into account the motion controls BTW.
For the good, man where do i start. Its BEAUTIFUL for a wii game and esp for a post team silent game, the graphics are nice and Constsitent, the environments are pretty and it has a pretty nice cold color pallet to contrast the warmer tones the series tends to skew towards. The acting and intrgrige are all on point and the WRITING is fantastic, its one of those games you play the first time not knowing the twist and play the second time picking up more and more clues and things that strengthen that twist so much more. Like sh2 its a simple story told in such a clever and interesting way that you'll probably be too invested to put it down, I beat it in one sitting in 6 hours bc i was so engrossed in the narrative. And the Puzzles man! The puzzles are phenomenal and fun to accomplish and there's even a little bit of variety in a few places on repeat playthroughs. The level of detail in this game is insane really, the things that change with the different psychology answers are pretty cool too and tho it all plays out relatively the same its still fun to see the different things you can get to happen. The gimmicks like the phone as an object, taking pictures, sneaking and zooming in, they're not too intrusive as to take away from the exploration or other game play but not completely useless and have some pretty fun Easter eggs too. The game plays sort of like a worse outlast with good puzzles and for that I do have to commend it. Oh and the fucking MUSIC is INCREDIBLE idk something ab this soundtrack has alot of heart put into it clearly.
Now, it's not perfect. The thing is, it is a WORSE outlast type game, in the running and hiding sense but well, the hiding is completely useless, its a run away game, which is ok, but I understand that people aren't gonna be a big fan of that when silent Hill has always balanced combat ad puzzles and exploration. The running segments are..aggravating, mostly bc its hard to figure out where to go, not to mention using motion controls that don't like to work half the time to fight the monsters off of you. Also, the monsters are not scarey in the slightest and the raw shock scream is actually enragaging if you've died one to many times, there's also...not really any penalty for dying. And once you're out for these running segments,there's no danger, no monsters, nothing to hide from despite having a hiding mechanic. Its not really a horror game more of a psycological thriller and I understand that the fact that its not horror can be disappointing. The psychology things might be a bit overhyped And yeah fine, the wii foreplay scene...well yeah its weird but it IS also funny as fuck.
That said, there's still alot thats good and alot thas unfair criticism lobbed at this game. Harry didn't have much of a personality in sh1 bc he's a ps1 character and sm really fleshed him out well, not to mention giving cybil some nice characterization, and they did some interesting things with dahlia and kaufmann. And Lisa.. well I'm gonna be honest I never found Lisa all that interesting in sh1..so it doesn't bother me that she's the way she is in this game. I know people hate the "horny" aspect of it but to be completely fair, YOU choose to make the game that way, don't answer in a sexual manner or look at boobs or anything else and you won't have an overly sexual game, its...literally that easy. Its given as an option for the play id they want to go for what is arguably another joke ending. (You cannot tell me sleeze and sirens is meant to be a real serious ending to the game. Cmon) and you can complain about the innacuuracies if you want but its a spin off, a retelling of the original game. Its not canon, and it didn't change the original game. It just took the ideas presented there and made them more human and lest fantastical, there's some supernatural elements but it takes a backseat to the human moments. And its honestly really cool.
Overall, great game, i reccomend it if you don't mind some slight jank with the motion controls and honestly? Look up directions on where to go for the running segments and you'll have a pretty good time overall.
Silent Hill Downpour
Overall score (so far): 7.5/10 *to be noted i haven't finished actually playing it yet but I know the basic plot and some of the details so I doubt it'll change
And so for the final silent Hill Game, I have to say, i don't think it deserves NEARLY the hatred it gets, there's alot about it that i find really cool and even fun and I think its a solid entry, a little better than origins in some parts and its downsides are both unfortunate and once again, mostly Konami's fault . That said, I'm also not gonna kid and say its a good game, just that I like it alot and we should be nicer to the last silent Hill game were probably ever gonna get.
Downpour has a pretty good, original story overall, there's alot to it, alot of intricacies and intrigue to it that honestly make it a pretty sold silent Hill game. Its different enough from the others to stand out but not super far removed from its themes and messages. I like that it doesn't try and lean into the cult aspect and tries to do something else with it, it doesn't try to explain silent Hill, but just use it to torment the characters, as it should be. There's tragedy ad human feelings here and some of them aren't the most...sensitive but they are pretty reasonable reactions id say. Playing as someone who's odds are stacked against him from the beginning as he's a prisoner is a cool way to open the game, someone convicted and you must discover if he is a good person or not. Themes of revenge explored more than in sh3 which is pretty cool. The environments look pretty nice, and i like the look of the otherworld, once again being unique with its cooler color pallet, but without the ice so it really feels like its own thing. The EXPLORATION is awesome with an actual open world which I think works well, there's alot to do in town (unlike sh1 and 0 on limiting hardware and 2 which just pretends you can explore to town but you cant) there's alot for cool little stories and sidequests to do, my favorite so far being the cinema (which has a section of ACTUAL fixed cameras like old Resident evils which is smth SH has never done and its super fucking cool!) And all the sidequess help strengthen murphy as a cheacter and argue for his innocence or complexites. The weapons system is pretty cool, picking up items and attacking with whatever you might find, finding cool Easter eggs with exploration and having fun noticing things. And it does honestly have the strongest side characters outside of SM. The puzzles are pretty solid and fun to figure out with some cool mechanics and the seperate difficulties is a great thing to bring back (actually done well like sh3) I also kind of like the method of triggering the night world/rain/monsters, and silent Hill really feels likes its constantly punishing Murphy, as it should. The music might not be Akira but its still pretty damn good, and fuck yall I like the Korn song, and you CAN press start and skip it yknow. (Thx tomm hewlit)
The negtitives tho, well they are there. For one it has the worst performance of any sh game outside of pc homecoming and like...the hd collection, the framerate like to shit itself alot lmao, its not usually detrimental bc I've played re2r with similar framerates but, yeah its not great. Not to mention while the models look better than hc they don't animate well or often at all, and the game has trouble loading in the models as fast as they should. The sound mixing could use...some work too, poor murph sounds like he's eating the mic. While I find the games exploration really fun, murphy also has the issue of not running very fast so it can be a little annoying to get back to a place you want to be when you can't run that fast, not to mention the loading times. The monster design is def the worst in the series, maybe on par w SM. Which is disappointing bc there's some pretty good moments here and there, but not nearly enough to make it scary and there's so much you can do with monsters with this premise. Also, the running sections in the otherworld are better than SM ad even more engaging than the brief ones in 2 and 3, but still, I'd prefer to do puzzles or fight a boss or smth. I will also say, the endings are, iffy while the main 2 endings are really good and Anne's bad ending as well as the joke ending are great, murphys bad endings are weird and ooc for the muphy you come to know in the game (even more so than Origins) plus, idk that the writers knew all that much about prison andbprison culture, nobody in a real prison would be mad ab Murphy killing a pedo (there's some racist implications here and there too which is. Unfortunate and disappointing. I like Howard and Robbie but they are a bit tropey, esp Howard) that said Anne is a compelling albeit unlikable character and thas pretty cool to see pulled off.
Overall, while it has downsides, I don't think Downpour is worthy of all the scorn it gets, this can have problems and you can point them out without disregarding the good parts and while it is unfortunate it doesn't run better and have some extras and didn't handle some things great, I still think its worth a playthrough, esp if you go out of your way to do the sidequests.
Bonus round
Book of memories is not a game I intend to play bc I don't wanna get a vita and can't imagine I'm missing much. It doesn't look bad pwr say but I'm not interested tbh
Fuck PT. :)
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thysurveys · 4 years
survey by lilprincess
Approx. Time you began this survey: 12:54 pm.
Describe your mood right now: Pretty okay.
Spell your first name without vowels: Jssc
Age you will be on your next birthday: 26.
Zodiac Sign: Aries.
Do you believe what your horoscope says about your sign? Not really, no.
What state/region do you live in? Vic, Australia.
Height: 5′2″.
Do you smoke? A few a day. 
Do you drink? Rarely.
What’s your ethnic background? Australian.
What’s your religious background? Baptised as Church of England, but I don’t practice any religions. 
What’s your natural hair color? Brown.
What’s your natural eye color? Green.
Do you have any bad habits you want to break? Probably.
Name a few of your positive habits. I can’t even think of any right now. The only one that comes to mind is I need a shower every single night...? lol
Have you ever lived in a foreign country? Nope.
Did you vote in the Nov. 6 2012 presidential election? Not American, so no.
Are you even eligible to vote? Yeah.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right.
When you write, is your penmanship usually neat or do you tend to scribble? Bit of both.
Have you ever experienced an accident? (of any type): I can’t really think of anything major.
Do you have/want children? I have a daughter.
Are you environmentally conscious? I wish I was more.
What’s your favorite mode of transportation? My car.
Do you prefer 80’s - 90’s music compared to today’s music? Yeah.
Are you more of an introvert (quiet/shy), or extrovert (social butterfly)? 100% introverted. 
What’s your favorite emoticon? I don’t really know. Haven’t put in any thought.
Do you miss the good old days of hand-written letters? Doesn’t worry me.
Do you enjoy receiving or giving more? Giving.
Are you good at keeping secrets? Yep.
Do you take or give advice more often? I don’t give any unsolicited advice. No one really gives me any either and if they do I guess I don’t pay attention.
Do you have your driver’s license? Yeah.
Would you rather be poor & happy or rich but miserable? Poor and happy.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? When I was younger, then after that I was obviously trying for a baby so.
Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook? Yes.
Do you think recreational marijuana should be nationally legalized? I’ve always had bad experiences with it so as much as I’d want to say yes, but I’m gonna have to say no.
Describe your perfect first date. Honestly, it doesn’t worry me. As long as we’re having fun.
Have you ever been high? Yes.
Have you ever watched a NC-17 rated film? Nope?
If you ever become reincarnated as an animal, what would you want it to be? Hmm. As weird as it is, a mouse. They’re small, fast, live anywhere lol.
Do you remember where you were/what you were doing on September 11, 2001? Yep. I would’ve been in bed. But when I woke up for school, I remember it being all over the News.
Do you ever wish you were of a different nationality/religion? Not really.
Are you more of a junk food addict or health nut? Junk food addict. Kinda wish I wasn’t tho.
Do you believe Antarctica should be considered the 7th world continent? I kind of already thought it was oop.
Describe your own sense of humor in 1 word: Stupid.
Have you ever quoted the Bible (or any other Holy Book)? Nope.
Have you ever completed a Sudoku puzzle? Yep. Plenty of them lol who am I.
Would you rather be a nuclear physicist or marine biologist? Marine biologist for sure!
Do you have a deep, dark secret you’re hiding from every one? Probably lol
Would you rather be able to soar like an eagle or swim like a dolphin? Can I do both?
If you wanted to learn a foreign language, what would it be? Honestly, anything!
Are you bi-curious? Don’t really label my sexuality. It is what it is.
Did you watch the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon more as a kid? I was a Disney Channel freak honestly. But I did like Nickelodeon every now and again as well like Camp Orange and Zoey 101 omg memories lol.
Name 5 films that were made the year you were born: I have to Google this one. 
Billy Madison, Babe, Toy Story 1, Braveheart and Clueless. 
Did you have a lot of friends in high school? From like year 9 to 11 I did.
Do you rely more on the newspaper, Internet or TV as your news source? Neither. Don’t really keep up with it. It comes up on Facebook every now and again, but that’s all really.
True or false: Bigger is better. Not always?
Do you think religion is the primary cause of war? Nah.
What’s your favorite pizza topping? Sauce and cheese.
Think of your wardrobe. What color do you wear the most? Black.
Have you ever been to a planetarium? Yes.
Do you feel like you connect more with animals or other people? People.
Do you feel like sometimes you have to lie in order to protect yourself? Not really, no.
How often do you exercise? Never.
Can you swear in a different language? yeah.
Do you think teachers/doctors deserve to get paid more than pro athletes? To an extent, yes.
From a scale of 1- 5, you would rate this survey: 5. 
Do you think most of these questions were more original or more ordinary? It’s a bit in between.
Approx. time you completed this survey: 1:08 pm.
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Ryan’s Top 10* Video Games of 2019
I don’t write blog posts but it’s time for Video Game Top 10 Lists for 2019 and I have no where good to put it! So congrats tumblr you get it. I’ll also tweet about it but in a much smaller scale. Anyways if you don’t care that’s fine! But if you do! It’s under that read more baby!!
*there’s always more than 10
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First, some honorable mentions.
Dragon Quest 1 
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Dragon Quest 1 is the oldest JRPG (I won’t check if this is true) and I finally got around to it this year when it come out on Switch. The nice thing about Dragon Quest 1 is that it is masterful in its simplicity: you are one person. You fight one monster at a time. You go to one town at a time (mostly). You are on one quest (again, mostly). There’s only a few handfuls of anything like weapons, items, spells, monsters. They all work really well in concert with each other, and the package as a whole is this cozy, comfy less than 20 hour JRPG experience that I really enjoyed.
Best MMO I Refused to Get Addicted to in 2019
Final Fantasy XIV
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I sure did hear a lot about Final Fantasy XIV this year. From podcasts to people just talking about it on twitter it seemed to be in the cultural zeitgeist this year. I downloaded the client and put about 15 hours into the base game. If I would have had the right combination of time/money/depression at that time I know I would have gotten deep into it. I’m fine that I didn’t, I think. But the potential was there.
Okay list time here we go:
10. Baba is You
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Baba is You is this a coding game? You’re manipulating verbs that are represented by blocks, and pushing them next to noun blocks, to make the objects in the world do things, so that you can get Baba to touch the win object, usually a key. It’s great fun! It got really difficult around the third world and I had to put it down but boy did I like messing around. There were several wonderful “YOOOOO” type moments, and the puzzles when you solved them were great for making you feel very cool and smart. 
9. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is From Software doing From Software shit in a way I wanted to like way more but ultimately it’s Here on this list. I liked Sekiro fine but it didn’t click with me like Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne has in the past. The best parts of Sekiro for me were nailing difficult and tight blocking windows, which gave me an absolute rush every single time. I only got to what I assume was about half way through the game, so I don’t know if this changes later, but for a From game where the bosses were for the most part A Person, the boss encounters were interesting and varied. Also the world design was stunning.
8. Dragon Quest Builders 2
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Dragon Builders 2 rules, first off. I wanted to put it higher on this list but I think it fell short because it was so heavily iterative and didn’t do a whole lot to progress itself from the first game. But, there were several quality of life improvements, and there was a big cool area to build in that was permanent and part of the story. I think if they added some more cool things, and made the dialogue not be such a slog to get through, this could have been way higher up on this list.
7. Kingdom Hearts 3
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God, Kingdom Hearts 3. I was convinced for about 7 years that KH3 would not only never come out, but it would keep getting bad handheld games until I died. But they finally did it, they made the thing. It felt like a PS3 game which is the wildest thing. (It probably was a PS3 game for a while). It was very fun to play mechanically; the part of KH that was always pretty good was the action RPG stuff. The story is bad tho! The reasons you go to the different world’s is the thinnest it’s ever been, and there’s almost no real lore until the last two hours where you get all of it at once. KH3 was clunky, but I still liked swinging the keyblade and shooting fireballs.
6. Judgment
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Shout outs to Judgment: I own it. I never played it. It is number 6 on my list. This probably says more about how I felt overall about games this year than it does about Judgment. Judgment comes from the Yakuza studio, and by all accounts it was so close to that vein, that I am confident and comfortable putting it at this number 6 spot without having ever launching the game. I have second hand accounts that it slaps, and will do for me everything Yakuza does for me, which is fine. I just ran out of time. 
5. MiSTer FPGA
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I love MiSTer. Wow do I love MiSTer. It’s got everything: old games, tinkering, assembling parts. If you are unaware of the MiSTer device, it’s a custom FPGA board with add-on boards, that developers have written Cores for classic consoles that all run in this FPGA environment. As opposed to emulators, an FPGA as I understand it is mimicking real hardware and then running games ontop of it. It’s a great device, and plays the things it plays (NES, SNES, Master System, Genesis, Game Gear, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, NeoGeo, loads of Arcade games,and more) really well. I have really enjoyed playing games on it, and tinkering with it this year. I spent a lot of my time this year with it. 
4. Slay the Spire
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This is where the list starts to get Real. Wow does Slay the Spire rule! Holy shit. Rogue like, deck building, choice making, hard as fuck, big time strategy, unique characters. It’s really got everything. And it’s dense. This was absolutely my “just one more X” game this year. I put hundreds of hours into it. The way all of the cards interact with each other, the way you can really craft so many kinds of specific decks in each character, in each run, really worked for me. The ever-growing engines you could make, and the way that, even if you have a not great deck, it never feels bad. It’s one of the few rogue likes where you feel like when you’ve lost it’s your fault in a good way. It’s tuned to feel good no matter what. It’s tuned to feel tense. God Slay the Spire rules. And there’s a new character on the way? fuck.
3. Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
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I loved coming back to Monster Hunter so bad y’all don’t even know. They added a ton, so many good monsters that I love to fight. Tigrex? yes. Zinogre? Yes. Velkhana? YES. The variant monsters are great, too. I just love Monster Hunter World so much. The clutch claw rips ass. This game is so good, and chunky, and feels good to play. I really mastered the bow this time around, but I started off with Hammer again because I will always have a torrent love affair with Hammer. Clutch Claw Grab with the Hammer is the best feeling you can get from video games. 
2. Pokemon Sword/Sheild
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Good Pokemon games! They’re good! It was nice to go through all the motions of a new pokemon game this year: rumors, leaks, having a reaction to all the starters and their evolutions, getting my hands on it, catching them all. It’s just a good Pokemon game. It’s not the best one (Black and White still got that crown) but it’s good. And I like a majority of the new designs. I like how they culled the dex to a nice, satisfying but manageable number. Anyone who’s mad please fuck off.
1. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
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WE ALL KNEW THIS WAS COMING. Anyone who follows me on twitter, you know. God where do I start. So, I played all the way through Three Houses six times. I did two runs of Golden Deer, two of Black Eagles, one Blue Lions, and one Church of Seiros. I love all of my students. This game hit hard for me for a few reasons: they did Fire Emblem again, but its bigger and there’s more moving parts. More need for spreadsheets, which is stuff that I eat up. Yum yum good. Adding an overworld even in the scope that was as small as, the Monastery School, to this Fire Emblem was a BIG risk because they have been down this road before, and have not really nailed it. But I think with Three Houses they struck a really good balance, and it never overwhelmed me. They took a big page out of Persona’s book here which did wonders for me. You have this big map and it LOOKS scary, but in reality with fast travel and the limited number of actual activities/quests, you can do everything you want very quickly. 
The thing that shined that brightest was the characters. I love them all, even the ones that aren’t cool, and even the ones that are Bad. I love all my kids. I have a lot I could say about how having all of these story routes, with their inconsistencies and their only slightly subtle variations bummed me out, but I did think if you take a macro look at the plot, this is one of the only well-written Fire Emblems ever. There was like, magic and dragons and things like this, but the thing that worked for me was their commitment to keeping the story grounded in the people that were in it? It was a story about three lands, vying for power in their own ways, and the actions/consequences that would follow. They really leaned in to the human part of it. It was not as much Kingdoms doing Politics, it was people doing things, and I think that worked for me.
Honestly the weakest parts of FE:3H was the Fire Emblem parts. The classes are just okay, and they took out a lot of the limitations of weapons/magic and so it was really a class change system about skills mastery, which I think they didn’t hit a home run here, but it was fine. And I liked doing it, clearly. The maps were a little samey in, especially in the first Part of the game. 
All of this said, FE:3H slaps so much fat juicy ass and it is absolutely my game of the year for 2019. 
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ionlydatesassyelves · 7 years
Hi, new follower here, so sorry if you've had these sort of asks before! How did you get into drawing? How did you get into Mario? What is your favourite Mario platformer? Then whats your favourite Mario game in general? WHy do you like Dimentio so much? (Not a jab, I like Dimentio a lot too just wanna hear your reason) also I hope you feel okay soon *hands you some tea and cookies*
Hi hun, welcome aboard! Let me see...I picked drawing up from my best friend in 3rd grade. I always wanted to do what she was doing, but it stuck with me. Mom says when I was really little I did a lot of stuff like in coloring books I would be coloring the really tiny details of the girls make up or dress laces, instead of big color patched. Found out at scad being hyper detail oriented is a symptom of sequential artists, which is what I ended up majoring in.There were kinda 3 stages of mario. Stage one I went to a friends house sometimes after church and we played mario bros 3. I was bad at it, but she "made me be Luigi" like it was less good than mario. Did some spiteful soul bonding with those green pixels. Later, luigis mansion comes out, stage 2, and I wanna have another adventure with my homie. I was bad at it, but I got really excited about it. Stage 3, for Christmas I got superstar saga, which sucked me in hard. I'll go into that in a sec.Super paper mario i think is a platformer right? I assume, you jump on platforms. But that one is so near and dear to my heart for such a long list of reasons.Superstar saga is my favorite in general tho. I have very vivid memories of when I first played it and it changed the way I think about video games. It was an unravelling story instead of a series of problems to solve. It presented the mushroom kingdom as a functioning monarchy in a weird but believable world. It made me consider character development and lore and got me invested in the story. This was the game that lead me to fandom, drove me to create fanart and write fan fiction. I'm not as great at keeping up with either of those things now, but that's such a significant part of why I create stories trhe way that I do and why I'm interested in creating stories at all. Plus on top of being such a fun and silly time, I have a lot of dear memories tied to that game.My dude I wish I had an answer. I don't know? At this point if I could take a step back and look objectively, he's having to fight harder to keep his spot at favorite. But I'm sentimental about him for a lot of dumb reasons. And kindsa like superstar saga, he changed how I think about things. I know fandom can have less than great interpretations of him and mine have been shit before. But dimentio is not a character that presents himself at face value. Hes terrifying in a way we don't usually consider to be scary, by being cute and silly and playful while behaving an absolutely horrifying way and finding no fault in it at all. I like that he's interesting, and maybe I read too much into him, but I like characters that make me think. Despite years we've spent together, dimentio is a new puzzle to solve every time I go back to him still.And thank you so much hun, that's very sweet of you. These were really great questions, thanks so much for asking.
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izzyspussy · 7 years
1: Age Group   For fic tbh whatever, I know a lot of people in fandom are underage and are exploring and figuring out what they like, etc. Plus not all my stuff is explicit, and some of the stuff that is still isn’t porn so. As for original stuff that will likely all be explicit as well, so an adult market audience.
2: Genre   Usually fantasy, sometimes science fiction.
3: Big Idea or Detail Oriented Outlining   binch i cant outline for absolute shit. I guess big picture but like…. ?? the biggest possible picture, almost to the point of being useless lmfao. someone help me.
4: Line Editing or Plot Revision   I prefer line editing for fics because I’m lazy and it’s for free, but overhaul type revision results in a better finished product so I use that for original stuff (and commissions).
5: With or Without Deadlines    With deadlines, definitely. I can crank out 1k in an hour if I have a deadline, but without one it can take me 2 years to write just as much (see: Zwangsneurose, started the second I got home from seeing The Winter Soldier, still not finished, word count at ~800 lmfao).
6: The Biggest Compliment   I love it when people mention details that they noticed! Or if god forbid I was funny once.
7: Current WIP Length   I have 12 fic WIPs right now and the longest one is 7.7k. I have 4 original WIPs right now, but they are all in development stages, with no word count yet.
8: Author Comparison Goal   @neil-gaiman 110%. He is my ultimate goals and a huge inspiration, not to mention just a plain cool guy. I also would love to be compared to Rick Riordan or Gillian Flynn.
9: Biggest Struggle   Foreshadowing probably. I sort of wing it as I’m writing, and I can’t do a very good outline like I said, so it’s tough to get good hints and clues as to what’s coming. That’s part of the reason my originals are taking so much development (not just because I have to fill in all the worldbuilding that is already mostly done for fic).
10: Brainstorming With Others or Alone     I like to do a bit of both. I really appreciate input, plus talking things out can really get the creative ball rolling. But I like to get into Deep Shit on my own too, especially with worldbuilding. I’ll always share with others though, even the stuff I wanted to come up with all on my lonesome.
11: Characters Based on Real People     I’m sure there are aspects of people I know, and of myself, in every character I create, and likely even in characters that have already been created. What you know will always leak into your writing. However, I don’t usually base a character fully (or purposefully) around one real person. I do namesakes though, but they’re almost never modeled after that person, it’s just a shoutout to someone I find inspiring in some way.
12: Writing Space Clean or Cluttered     cluttered af binch u been here & seen it smh make me drag myself in front of everyone……
13: Character Driven or Plot Driven     Always character driven!! what kinda question
14: Favorite Writing Related Quote     “Stories may well be lies, but they are good lies that say true things, and which sometimes pay the rent.” - guess who lmao
15: My Characters in Someone Else’s World     I would transport my characters into (brace yourselves for a shock lol jk) American Gods, primarily so that they could get some good old fashioned “help” from the Big Guys.
16: Movie or TV Show     Well two of them have pretty finite endings. The romance legend could be a tv show but with a limited amount of renewal, ala A:TLA (but I’d like it better as a graphic novel). The vampire tragedy has a very finite ending so that would make a better movie. And the witch noir and girl gang are both a bit neverending-WIP-ish so they’d make pretty good shows.
17: Soundtracks     Yes! They help keep me focused and writing in a cohesive tone when I have to leave and come back. Y’all can listen to the playlist I have for witch noir here. Eventually I’ll split it up for character and/or scene mood, and I might add some scene suitable ambient noise tracks too.
18: One Song to Sum It Up    witch noir - Temptress, S.J. Tucker    romance legend - Take Me to Church, Neon Jungle    vampire tragedy - Bodies, Celia Pavey    girl gang - Weapon, Bastille & Angel Haze & FUGZ & Braque
19: Me There or Characters Here     …me there, I guess? In the romance legend, vampire tragedy, and girl gang not anything would really be different, but in the witch noir I’d probably have inherited some sweet powers. Not many of my characters are very friendly tho lmao.
20: Most Wanted Adaptation     Probably (a piece of) the witch noir. It’d be neat to actually see all those neat film noir lighting tricks.
21: Finish     Uh. I finish one shot porn a lot? lmao. Other than that, damn… no.
22: Made Myself Cry     lol yah
23: Proud or Anxious     usually I’m more proud, but sometimes when it’s something that’s very deeply personal or controversial I can get anxious.
24: When Did I Become a Writer     tbh sometimes I think I came out the womb that way. I don’t remember not being a writer, and I know I had legit novel ideas as early as like 3rd grade, and was making shit up with pretty words even earlier.
25: Must Reads in My Genre     three guesses what i’m bout to say y’all. Literally anything by Gaiman. Cornelia Funke’s Inkheart series. Any Pratchett. Donna Gillespe fucked me up with The Light Bearer. Bear Daughter by Judith Berman (although that is kind of a tough read, so I wouldn’t necessarily recommend it for everyone).
26: My Genre Needs More…     Diversity in general, specifically more people of color, queer people, and people with disabilities (that aren’t magically erased). Also in my opinion there needs to be more things in between grimdark and go-lucky fairytale.
27: Inspiration Source     History, anthropology, and pseudoscience.
28: Character Naming Stress from 1-10     Probably about a 2 or a 3. I use behindthename.com which can be searched for meanings, sound patterns, usage, and origin, and has a handy “name themes” search algorithm. I also recently found the legit U.S. census thanks to @peppersandcats helping me out with search terms, and that can be sorted by ethnicity, gender, time period, and geographical location. So I’ve got names pretty well covered!
29: Underwrite or Overwrite First Drafts     It could go either way, but generally speaking unless I have a word limit I usually like to add more during editing. Except when something is confusing or too complicated, then I’ll cut it.
30: Calming or Stressing      Not really either tbh. I enjoy it a lot, but it’s mostly exciting! Not calming or stressful, but either a fun adventure or a challenging puzzle.
31: Favorite Trope     Tough to pick just one tbh. I love tropes when they are done “right”. Even tropes done classically can be great (as long as they’re not -phobic of some sort), but I especially love when they are done satirically or inverted.
32: Backstories for Side Characters     Guilty af. Even characters that might not even make it into the finished book have backstories, personalities, and quirks.
33: Characterize Before Writing or Develop with The Story     A little bit of both. I like to have a solid character to work with at the beginning, but for in-text character development I like to let that unfold with the plot and the other characters.
34: Old Writing in One Word     Prolific
35: Villains or Heroes     I like them both pretty well, but my favorite characters of all time are always a little ambiguous so if I had to pick just one kind that’s what I’d go with.
36: B&W Morality     No way! I live in the gray area.
37: Advice     Have fun! Be proud of yourself for what you come up with and celebrate your creativity even if you think it doesn’t compare with other writers. The happier you are to create, the more creative you’ll get. Also, like with any other kind of art, pick a couple role models to emulate and that will help you develop your own solid style.
38: Advice I Fail At     The first draft doesn’t have to be perfect. I spend too long line editing while I’m writing my first draft and that makes it a lot harder to finish anything.
39: Importance of Positive Reinforcement     I’d say reasonably important. Definitely helpful. But I know I’ll keep writing even without it.
40: Question for Favorite Author     How much difference is there between how his creation is in his head versus how it came out in the words, and does he ever think about rewriting things that are long finished?
41: Distracting to Read While Writing     Actually, no. Reading other comparable works helps keep me motivated, inspired, and focused.
42: Motivated or Discouraged by Critiques     Tbh I don’t think I have ever received a real in-depth critique so I’m not certain? I’ve had idle “I liked this, but I didn’t like/understand that” type of feedback, and that has usually been pretty helpful and appreciated. If nothing else it lets me know what parts of the story might not be as accessible to an audience.
43: Protagonists in My Likeness     Yes, there’s a little of me in very many of my protagonists, and often even in fic characters that I write. But, like with other real people, they’re not usually modeled after me, we just have some stuff in common because I leak over into them (and sometimes they leak over into me) when I’m writing them.
44: Choosing An Idea      This is something I struggle with, really. My process is usually to try writing a bit of it, and if I hate it it’s probably not viable.
45: Harder or Easier While Stressed      It’s usually a harder to write when I’m stressed, and what I do manage to write doesn’t have as much quality.
46: Sort Protagonists      !!! There are too many!! these are just the Big Ones (so far) in witch noir      Gryffindor - toots, eddie, maddie, anca, seth      Hufflepuff - lily, charisma, s.j., angel, iris      Ravenclaw - fred, ariel, dido, father piero      Slytherin - evelyn, jessica, sloan, clara-claudia, aixa
47: Five Year Goal     Hopefully I will have fucking finished something. Maybe published? Or maybe getting my manuscript looked at. (I have a humble-ish time frame, I think. Writing is a lot of work, and five years is a lot less time than it sounds like.)
48: Co-Writing     I’m a huge control freak, so probably not. At least not with original characters. Maybe for fic tho, because that can be much lower stakes lmao.
49: Fast or Slow     When I’m in The Zone I speed thru, but it can take me a while to get started and I come up on blocks pretty often so I’m a slow finisher.
50: Worldbuilding or Characters     Shit man, that’s a tough choice. I guess characters? I don’t know.
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cerealmonster15 · 8 years
if red vs blue characters went to Hogwarts witch houses do you think they`d be in?
i gotta say i’m fighting the urge to throw the entire bgc into hufflepuff bc lbrit’s the perfect house for ~misfits~ [im p sure in one of the hufflepuff descriptions they literally say theyll take you if you dont fit anywhere else]
a refresher of traits from the wiki-
Gryffindor: bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry
Hufflepuff: hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play
Ravenclaw: intelligence, knowledge, and wit
Slytherin: ambition, cunning and resourcefulness
the wiki also said gryffindors tended to be buds with hufflepuffs and ravenclaws were with slytehrins so u could totally put the reds in gryf/huff vs the blues in raven/slyth lmfao [both bc colors and personalities]
i’m only gonna stick with the bgc for now so lessee:
Red Team:
Sarge- Gryffindor, probably, with his  “brave/bold/daring” traits. mr macho action man lmfao. he probably could also fit in slytherin for his intense ambition for BEATING THE BLUES
Grif- tbh i feel like he’d be a good slytherin because of the lengths he goes to get out of work. he seems like he’s pretty cunningish and resourceful when he wants to be. i could also see him being a ravenclaw sheerly by like, finding “loophole” answers to the dorm door’s questionscould also be hufflepuff if the hat felt the others didn’t work for him/”plz put me in hufflepuff they live near the kitchen”
Simmons- ravenclaw or hufflepuff. he seems to be pretty booksmart and probably does riddles and puzzles for fun. he’d probably either be really good or really bad at the door riddles. hufflepuff works too bc he does seem to work pretty hard and is loyal(ish??) to his team (???) (simmons confuses me sometimes) (hes got that superiority complex so i shrug)
Donut- my biased hufflepuff heart really wants him in hufflepuff, and tbh i do think he’d fit really well in there, but i also think he’d make a really good gryffindor. hes pretty down to do whatever and really likes action and adventure. he took down freckles and threw grenades at tex robots, but also is a friendly dude  who loves his pals (”CANT YOU SEE YOURE TEARING THIS FAMILY APART-”) and just. my baby. gryffinpuff :’)
Lopez- please put lopez in slytherin lmfao, or maybe ravenclaw? super early on, back when lopez was like, ride or die for red team and loved them as his creators, he woulda fit more in gryffindor or hufflepuff, but now im feelin the other two a bit more. hes definitely a skilled dude and very full of snarky wit (tho in the last few seasons he stood by his team when they had to fight so shrug)slytherin probs first but ravenclaw or gryffindor would work for him too
Blue Team:
Church- I see alpha more as slytherin and epsilon(i said bgc but shhh) as a little more gryffindor. kinda hard to explain with him tbh but. i FEEL it.
Tucker- hes another one i cant pin too well lmfao. I feel like he could be a Gryffindor, esp with the chorus arc shaping him up to be a LEADER. love my son and his character development. Slytherin is mostly bc of his stupid schemes to get ladies to date him ;p but maybe also again, chorus attack plans and ideas and stuff were sometimes pretty crafty? i cant really decide if his recent behavior would be more gryffindor or slytherin (slytherin turned griffindor?) but like. i could also totally see hufflepuff tucker Just Because. hes like, sitting there trying to argue with the hat like “no fuckin way put me in something cooler” but the hat sees Great  Things for you young boy. into hufflepuff you goit grows on him
Caboose- hufflepuff first bc of his loyalty to his friends and his willingness to befriend anyone (does that count as patience)(like it must take the most patient person in the world to be bffs with church). he works hard to help his friends and i just think that’s perfect for him. he arguably might also fit in ravenclaw (he has good ideas sometimes and definitely thinks outside the box) (he and grif probably come up with the more creative door riddle answers) and possibly gryffindor (hes the TRUE WARRIOR and led his own team so?? idk lmfao)
Tex- Slytherin. I feel like the quote “No, scheming looks different. That’s definitely plotting,” says it all. I love her
Kaikaina/Sister- hufflepuff or gryffindor. she seems pretty go with the flow but also ready to stick to what she puts her mind to. she seems like she’d be a good leader and would be a kickass loyal friend
Captain Butch Flowers™- probably slytherin considering all those season 14 antics we got to see with him and vic behind the scenes. hes a sneaky man and definitely could pull the wool over everyone’s eyesgranted, i could also see him as a hufflepuff. aside from the whole Secret Director Stuff, he does seem like a pretty genuine and good dude who cares about his men (”i wasnt planning on having any of my men get killed! that would just be bad leadership :)”) and is all about them gettin their “mission” done and working well together or whatever. hes good for morale lmfao. slytherpuff
Sheila bc why not- i feel like slytherin would work for her. shes smart and sneaky and sarcastic and Good at Things. idk man i just think it Works for her
Doc- hufflepuff bc hes Bad at everything. hes one of the ones in there because he doesnt fit into the other houses, but also seems like a hardworking/patient dude at times, doesnt get into team rivalry and just wants people to get along without violence (usually)
Bonus O’malley: either a slytherin bc of all his evil schemes, or that kid that wants to be a “slytherin villain” but gets put in hufflepuff immediately lmfao
Bonus Wyoming: Slytherin, also. a sneaky bounty hunter with the time travel/cloning manipulation stuff? he was a pretty formidable foe at the time so i’d say he’d do well here
i was gonna say i fear people will be mad at me for sorting people wrong but like. i couldnt even pick just one house for a n y o n e so
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