#the animation in the preview looks amazing I am excited
morgenlich · 1 year
new kuroshitsuji anime ????
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
what are some upcoming xiyouji media that you’re excited for?
Here are a few!
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2020 Journey to the West: Conquer the Demons 西游降魔篇 - I think this is like a re-write of the whole Chow Xiyouji films into a tv series!
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2020 I'm Not a Great Sage 我不是大圣 - the Six-Earred Macaque being seen as a hero when he is trying so hard to be a villain. (Correction there are two movies with the same name and I got the poster for the wrong one whoops)
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2021 Seven Sages 七圣 - a movie all about Wukong's brotherhood like with Snub-Nose Monkey King or Flood Dragon King!
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2021 Sun Wukong: Heaven Devourer Monkey孙悟空之噬天魔猴 Trailer - the animation for this looks AMAZING AND I CANT WAIT!!!
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2022 King of Confusion: The Rise of the Great Sage / Four Monkeys in Confusion 混世之王:混世四猴 /混世之王之大圣崛起 - Super excited to see Wukong and ALL THE SPIRITUAL MONKEYS!!! FINALLY THE WHOLE GANG IS HERE
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2022 Bajie: Movie Preview 八戒:電影搶先看 - I am a huge Bajie fan and this just looks ADORABLE!
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2022 The Lower Boundary of the Canopy of Bajie八戒之天蓬下界 - Another Bajie love story and honestly this one looks precious, he really trying to just get his weapon back but oh no he is being WOOED!
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2022 Red Boy: Newborn Calf红孩儿之初生牛犊 - super fun animation! Really want to see the back story in this one!
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2023 The Legends of Monkey King 凌云志 - This was based on like a web novel and it sound more insane that it should be. can't say it is "good" but it def sounds interesting at LEAST.
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2025Monkey King: The Havoc in Heaven西游记之大圣闹天宫 - I have heard that THIS is going to be a prequel to the 2015 Hero is Back Movie SO !!!!!!!!!!!! WOULD LOVE TO SEE MORE HERO IS BACK WUKONG HE IS LIKE MY SECOND FAVORITE!!!
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2030Monkey King: Flame Mountain孙悟空之火焰山 - the animation here just looks so interesting and Wukong looks so uncaney valley I'm really interested about this one.
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NullThe Monkey Prince - this one is kinda a cheat but it is a WUKONG-inspired character and honestly, this looks like a lot of fun!!
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NullJourney to the West - I can only PRAY that the art style of the poster for this movie is the same as the animation. I have NEVER seen a Xiyouji movie done by the French but if they make it this whimsical and colorful attitude I'm HERE FOR IT.
Needless to say, I'm excited about a lot of things.
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Preview for the next episode. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t read the novel / manga.
It is a fact that the anime writers added Yukiya’s appearance announcing Wakamiya’s intention of choosing an empress. Is he going to accompany him the whole time? I am excited what else are they going to alter (add, edit, omit) and what’s the aim in the end.
… the one they were waiting for more than anything in the world was freely settled there—His Highness, the heir to the throne. The young gentleman turned out to be a young man with unimaginably correct facial features. The hair of the same black colour as his bird feathers framed the white face of a real aristocrat. The look of too black, sparkling, like amethyst, eyes, unlike anyone else, was amazing. ( x )
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5-pp-man · 7 months
another tierlist because ppl actually liked that first one;
the crème de la crop;
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the first 2 eps i thought it was fine, but it didnt really captivate me as much as id hoped. but then ep 3 changed everything for me. i started to think "how could living armour work logically? everything so far has been edible, so this must be too, right?" i actually managed to think of the exact thing that this series did. that really made me realise the worldbuilding in this was something unique, and it only got better and better with each episode. its really managed to captivate me and i look forward to "delicious donderdag" every week :)
ANIME ORIGINAL LETS GOOOO absolutely bonkers show that almost slipped by me because it initially tried to fool its audience into thinking it was a regular dramatic military show. it still is but theres also a giant robot who plays by saturday morning cartoon giant robot rules. if that sounds like tonal whiplash to you, trust me, it is. and its amazing. have i mentioned how homoerotic this one is as well? yeah. originally a tier below this one, but immediately after finishing this post i watched the newest ep. i had to make an exception and edit the list because ep 9 changes everything. i havent been gobsmacked by a show this hard in a while.
(return of the) show(s) that execute their own premise very well;
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i havent read the manga for yubisaki to renren so i cant compare, but the quality of this adaptation has been very consistent. you need a little sweet romance every once in a while :) this is one of those series where the characters really grew on me the longer it went on. im always a fan of mixing realistic struggles with romance and this one has been doing it well so far
adaptations that are ok (i read the manga for both of these);
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i've been a mashle fan since before s1 aired. and the anime has some good changes and additions here and there! but its not very consistent in terms of quality, it does that shonen thing where the animation quality suddenly spikes for certain action sequences, but it also frequently had a lot of scenes where they recycle shots a lot and nothing interesting happens on the screen for a considerable amount of time. still! its a fine adaptation. and yeah the op for this. blew tf up lmao? very strange to see happen in real time
i actually rlly like the manga for this one. i read the whole thing up until vol.6 before the season started (all that was available back then) and it made me cry multiple times throughout. i was sort of missing that connection with the show, though some of the later episodes still hit. its mostly to do with the animation quality, which isnt that great unfortunately. the voice actors are knocking it out of the park though
wghere am i;
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is this show good? i. uh. will you hate me if i say yes...? objectively, i know its not that good. especially in the animation department. but if you like other Umatani shows, you'll like this one. it's got the same brand of goofy reactionary humour mixed with gimmicky tacky characters and crazy stupid plot twists. ive been faithfully watching this one each week and I'm afraid i've become very invested. overscientific indeed
bro you fell off...;
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i was so beyond excited for this one. i replayed the op a million times, watched each preview, rewatched multiple episodes. and then. ep 5 happened. and i started to realise. oh this show kind of sucks doesnt it? the pacing of the first ep was great, but the rest? way too fast. it became clear with ep 6 that theyre trying to do a double cour show with half the length, which is why they started hauling ass plot-wise. now. i was an arajin apologist for the longest time. but at that point i honestly started to loathe him. even when he stepped up, his praise still felt sort of unearned. and to top it all off, shindou's motivation sucked so he felt like a lousy antagonist. ep6 was better than 5, but it really made me lose my enthusiasm and hope for the series. and right as we were talking about them probably not having time for a filler ep, ep7 happened. feels like a waste of time to do an ep like that when you've still got a whole 2nd arc to go through. but who am i
it started off pretty good honestly. but then chris went to the hospital and it kind of just dwindled from there. this season does so much with characters that have not even been properly introduced like how am i supposed to care about these people if i barely know who they are. the stuff with finn and leo respectively was good though. but the lore dump? lord help me. also vijay just kind of. exists to be there in the background huh? i would not call him a main character they never give him any attention. wendy had another ep again and he didnt get shit. again. also i think finn was stupid as fuck for not listening to lala but again. who am i. i know we cant destroy high card because we need a show but. cmon man.
i am severely behind on these;
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reason why im behind is because most of the eps are a bit heavy so i kept. not watching them. its starting to get rlly interesting though so i'm def gonna catch up this is one of those robo-racism shows so i have to really watch out to see where its going. dont want another marginal service situation...
sorry this is just. a little too boring for me. its charming, sure. but i think this wouldve worked better as something with an 11 min timeslot instead of 23 min. theres just a bit too mu- or well, too little for me to rlly get into this. i think reading it would be more fun for me personally
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impromptu-sketches · 1 year
Buddy Daddies, final thoughts.
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I had such a fun time watching this show one episode at a time every Friday morning. I haven’t been this tuned in to an anime in a long time but I was so excited about this one from the beginning!
It’s so weird thinking back to everyone saying “it’s like Spy x Family with two guys” because that became inaccurate so fast haha we really thought it was going to be a light-hearted comedy... they really got us.
I loved the Wednesday previews, the music (especially the lofi remix!), the instagram posts, the notes, and whoever started the bingo, bless you! ♡
Overall Buddy Daddies was a rollercoaster (not ferris wheel thank goodness)! I really could not guess where it was going from episode to episode, it could have gone in a million different directions, but I am so happy that this is the story we got.
The way Miri burst into everyone’s hearts from episode one ♡ and for a four/five year old, was shown to be such a great kid who wants to be accepted, wants to make friends, who sticks up for others, and who tells people when they’re doing something wrong.
Rei starting out as a stereotypical quiet mysterious dark haired character but becoming SO MUCH MORE. Sure it took him a minute but he was the one who FOUGHT for their family the most - he became the GLUE. We all thought it was going to be Kazuki, but it was Rei. He said ‘I want to be a family’ and then they DID.
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Kazuki on the other hand, the overprotective mama hen, he created their family. He CHOSE Rei, chose to move in, chose to take care of him, to buy him a couch, cook for him, and stay with him. He took one look at Miri, smiled and chose to run after her - he didn’t have to do that during their mission. He chose to risk the mission to save her, to call himself her papa, to take her home. This means so much more knowing he’s an orphan who never had a family - he went and created one.
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About the queerness specifically ~
From what I saw -from the show- if I knew nothing about it and just hit play and watched all the way through...
Rei seemed ace/aro to me. He’s not shown to have any romantic or sexual relationships past, present, or time skip. This guy grew up with ZERO affection so it’s either he doesn’t know how, can’t, or isn’t interested. But there’s no attempt or interest, so aro/ace it is! Even with Kazuki, we see him accepting help, them clearly forming a bond to be living together for three+ years and be partners doing dangerous work together - that requires a lot of trust and we finally see that trust and teamwork in episode 12 - but it’s unspoken between them. They’re not affectionate with each other, not physically close, etc. (that we see anyway).
Kazuki definitely seems bi or pan. He’s obviously into women, but he also does this thing where he’s kind of flirty with guys in a joking way? (see images below) To me that’s nervous bisexual energy. That’s just the overall vibe I get from him too. Also that look he had on his face when he first saw Rei... suspicious.
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Would I have liked it if they showed each other more affection? Yes! Especially in the later episodes. If their relationship was canon? Hell yes! Because I like BL and I think it would’ve been cute and also made sense and added to their character development. 
There’s ~plenty~ of room to read into queerness in this show... I actually think it would be an even better story if they were in a relationship for a few reasons.
For Rei, finally being free to be his true self, being with someone for love and not for the family bloodline, to accept love and affection. And Kazuki, forgiving himself, letting himself be happy again, finding love again. I think that’s an amazing story for the both of them!
But they didn’t make it that way. This show isn’t (technically) a BL and that’s okay. They still both found happiness and family - and that’s what’s most important.
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Buddy Daddies was FUN and that could have been it but it was deeper than that, watching all of them grow and change together. The ending made me cry tears of joy and relief that they’re all happy and safe.
I have a few tiny things I didn’t like or would have changed, but they’re so minor looking back at the show as a whole.
I do wish they spread out the story, either with more episodes, longer episodes, or both. I wanted to see more small moments, more fluff, more day-to-day family activities, more Rei & Kazuki being friends and having regular conversations, and more assassin scenes with them working together like in the beginning of ep. 1 and in ep. 12. We mostly saw them mess up their work... I wanted to see more action!!
But the show did SO MUCH more than expected with this story. 
The ending episode was AMAZING!! We got to see them fight together for themselves and their family, we saw them being there for Miri, and the time skip!!!! I CRIED EVERY TIME I WATCHED THE TIME SKIP SCENE!!! Miri growing up to be a lovely happy healthy girl. Rei & Kazuki owning a diner at the beach. A simple life full of love and acceptance.
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From episode 1, did I think Buddy Daddies would make me cry? NO
Did I think I would post this much about this show? NO I wasn’t planning on posting about it at all!
But here we are crying and spending all day/night on tumblr sharing our thoughts, reading the thoughts of others. It’s been a blast!
*Update ~
I wrote all that ^ the weekend after ep. 12 came out and now it’s almost a month later.
I’m so happy to see everyone still posting about them ♡♡♡
Lily is still posting drawings - we’ve gotten so many great ones, official images from the DVDs are coming out, and I’ve seen so much fanart and fanfiction going around! Amazing!! Thank you to all of the creators out there!!
Shoutout to some fanarts on twitter I’m loving!
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@KMRbd5118 ^
@tamsekai​ | twitter
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Devlog #32 | 06.27.23
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Hi everyone!
I'm here! With an Update! This is an exciting one because I am Finally releasing a Full! Game! <3 I will obviously still be talking about Alaris, but I am vibrating with excitement because I can't wait to release intertwine to you all! THE RELEASE DATE APPROACHES
Because we entered crunch mode for intertwine, this month was mostly focused on continuing to fill out Druk's route and my dissertation.
I didn't make as much progress on Druk's route as I would've liked (I was hoping to FINISH it, but Otojam crunch wrecked my ass). But I do have most of the route finished! At this point, I only have the final chapter to go, so we are Very Close! Druk's route is shaping up to be a really fun one. I like to sprinkle humor into all the routes, but because of Druk's character, there are a lot of funny (at least to me) cast interactions. I hope people enjoy it as much as I do because I have a big fat crush on him now!
Regarding editing, we are just about rounding out the last of Fenir's developmental edits (courtesy of local superhero dev Wudgeous of Herotome) and Kayn's line edits (courtesy of local royalty IF writer Vi of Next in Line). With Fenir's script coming up on the last of the developmental edits, that is basically two routes that are going to be ready for beta-testing after the updated demo, which is very exciting! I am extremely happy with how Fenir's route has turned out after some developmental revisions, and I hope you all like the sweet little (grumpy) baby's route!
Again, most (all) of my attention was on intertwine art assets this month. I was focused on the rest of the GUI, sprite expression, and CGs so that the game will be ready for release at the end of this month!
I'm really happy with how intertwine has come out visually considering the two month time crunch! Many of the playtesters mentioned how they liked the GUI and overall aesthetic of the game, which---for my pea-sized brain that has no object permanence when it comes to compliments---meant the world to me!
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Review of intertwine Screenshots (left to right, starting at the top row): Main Menu Screen, Options/Preferences Screen, In-Game Dialogue Preview, Exhibit Preview
For Alaris, I did still get some new backgrounds from Vui, and while they are beautiful, I can no longer share them since they venture into spoiler territory. Sorry folks!
I have a sneak peek of a little Something Something.
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Adorable emotes for a certain Something Something! That's all I will leave you with for now <3
Additional Notes
I spent A LOT of this month coding. I re-entered programming hell to get intertwine up and running. There were a lot of features that I coded for the first time, like a texting interface, some animations, and one Special, Very Game-Centric Feature That I Can't Disclose Due to Extreme Spoilers. It was really rewarding to see it all come together, and I am pretty happy with the end result ^^
You don't even know the hell I went through to customize this texting feature
We also have a lovely voice actor for Van, which we revealed on Twitter. Max has been an amazing talent to work with, and I am in love with the way he brought Van to life!!
Finally, I spontaneously ended up working with Orpheo Fenn and Kija of Faefield Productions for a custom intertwine soundtrack. I've been wanting to work with them for a while, so I'm so happy we were able to collab!
No market research this month, except for the fact that I played Tears of the Kingdom a little bit in my free time ^^ I am so in love with Link. Also, I didn't see the appeal to Sidon in the first game, but for some reason in this game, It Clicked. Like I Get It.
That's all from me for this month. Look forward to an intertwine release in the coming days! I'm excited to get back into Alaris full-swing this upcoming month. I didn't think I'd feel this way after feeling oversaturated with them for a hot minute, but I miss my Alaris gang <3 See you all next month, and stay safe!
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Hello friends and fans!! I finally have some updates for ya’ll!
I’ve been working on this project alone for months, specifically since the day Pixelberry announced they will no longer continue forward with Immortal Desires. I was so crushed and saw so many other players and fans feel the same way. So, I decided to start messing around with making my own fan sequel after seeing @itlivesproject @thedistantshoresproject and @nightboundthesecond doing so well and seeing amazing products. I’m going to school for a BA in Game Art and Design, and my minor is Creative Writing, and I thought this would be a good go for my first video game. And I couldn’t be more excited to see things falling into place! I now have a writer onboard! Meet Mir! @timetravesty​ Hey everyone, I’m Mir and I’ll be helping out with the Immortal Desires 2 project! I’m a writer here on tumblr (couple of months till I hit the 1 year mark😯) and am really excited to be a part of this amazing project with everyone, but more importantly, helping deliver an amazing story to a series that ended too soon! Since we might know each other for a bit, some fun facts about me 🤔I’ve wanted a dog since I was around 6. I probably listen to my Spotify account 20/24 hours in the day.My favorite video games to play are animal crossing, stardew, undertale, Minecraft, and I was pretty into Haven recently, which I highly recommend 😌My favorite ghibli movie (since I had a marathon recently) is spirited away.I’m very excited for the future of this project and please look forward to future updates! 😗Nice to meet you all!
We’re still slowly moving, but, Mir and I have started expanding upon the plot points I’ve had planned for a while. We’re confident we’re going to be able to work well together to deliver a wonderful, full story for all of you.
And I couldn’t forget Ally! @fuckyeahilovemarcolinfan​
I’ve been a long-time fan and player of Choices; I started playing in December of 2016, but I started getting into the fandom somewhere around the end of 2018, and started on an IG that I created way back in 2014. I didn’t really intend to make my IG account about Choices, but I wanted to connect with people who have the same interests as me, and to share my ideas and opinions about the book releases. A very dear friend of mine started teaching me how to collect assets at some point in time, and I’ve been kind of considered a Spoiler Queen ever since then lol. I focused on posting premium scenes because I want everyone to see those scenes since not everyone can afford them. I started making edits way back in October 2019 because I really wanted people to distinguish me. All in all, I’m very fortunate that my best bud showed me how to access these assets.
Ally has been wonderful in helping me acquire assets and just being super supportive and so helpful. She is so enthusiastic about this project and has been just giving the best vibes!
Now that you’ve met the team, time for some awaited updates for ya’ll! First, lets start with the preview!!.
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So, to state the obvious, this is everyone in their formal wear! I have also given all of the side characters formal wear, but I felt like these are what the people are screaming for! And of course, we have our lil Sethy-poo included in here too and he got a makeover! If you would be so kind to click play at the video at the top because it’s featuring a rough draft of the title song. It’s my own lil creation, however, I’m recruiting folks from my local music scene to not only help out with this project, but to help support their bands and their projects!
Super bummed that the quality of these dropped because of the formatting, but I have included all three of the new expressions I’ve created: playful, shy, and disgusted. All of the main and primary characters have these faces! I have also gotten all of the female MC sprite sheets done, most of the female clothes, and all of the hair; I’m so excited to give you guys that update in the future!! From here, Mir and I will be working on a very rough draft of the story. I will continue working on assets for the MC since almost all of the primary/main characters are done. 
The next update will likely be a few weeks from now; I’m not sure what I’ll have for ya’ll quite yet, but please stay tuned and ask any and all questions. Thank you all for the overwhelming amount of support and love; it’s greatly appreciate between me and the team.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Extraordinary : The Sandman x chronicles of Narnia crossover
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YAY! Here we go!
Please do not get attached to the timeline, I'll work it out in time :D
This is just a little preview, let;s see where it takes us.
Every living being has to dream.
A human. Sure, but it’s not the only one that populate the world.
An animal. Obviously, however it’s not scientifically proven that those are capable of dreaming.
But what if we dare to think bigger?
What if we reached beneath things that are possible and actually exist to the point when we can see them with our own eyes?
Do you believe in magic?
Can you imagine that somewhere beyond reality, there are multiple fantastic realms and creatures only waiting to find them?
Would you dare taking such an adventure?
How about we take a couple steps into an empty room in some old mansion on the suburbs. Nothing exceptional, really, just four corners, a floor and a ceiling. And a wardrobe, nearly as ancient as the house itself, full of winter coats, half-eaten by moths. Can you feel this characteristic smell? Isn’t it strange how all of a sudden the fur seem like branches of trees, gently tickling your skin? Don’t you think it’s amazing how with every move the wardrobe is expanding and a few minutes later you are no longer inside an aged building, but in the middle of flowery meadow, full with sunlight and with few ethereal human-shaped entities. Nymphs? Dryads? It’s your choice.
“A daughter of Eve” whispers not louder than a breath of wind barely reach your ears and leaves you bewildered. You ask no questions just watching this delicate beings gather round in anticipation. No one dares a move to prevent this silent, fleeting moment from being disrupted.
Do you still remember where you came from? Or did you already forget the reality? No one would blame you for that.
 “Where am I?” you finally murmur to the group in front of you.
“You are in Narnia” the boldest and most beautiful of them steps forward. “Welcome, traveler.” She nods her head slightly and almost hypnotized by her graze and nobility you mirror the move “we shall take you to King Aslan. He is the one who summoned you here.”
“Summoned” you slowly open your eyes wider trying to adapt this information “why?”
“That is a question you should be asking our King, dear. If you allow me, I will show you the way and escort you to the palace. You are a guest here.”
With another gentle movement the nymph takes you hand. Her touch feels like a silk on the forearm and when you lock eyes you have no further wish to leave. Your plain clothes are now changed into long, blue robes – a skirt and an oddly comfortable corset and your hair are no longer a messy bun but beautifully braided and pinned in elaborate headdress. You fell calmness and peace. Everything laying in front of you – you are more than ready for this adventure. Let’s take the path winding through the forest. Let’s dare a walk through the palace, surrounded by the nymphs and their joyful, happy presence.
“King Aslan will see you now” as you reach the gates of the chateau your companions disperse back in the forest leaving you by yourself.
Do you feel that tingle in the fingertips?  That little thrill of excitement as you ascend the steps? A bit of trembling in the legs and the fastened heartbeat making the heat rise to your cheek?
“My child” deep, silent and royal voice comes from the right. Is that the King himself?
How do you imagine him?
Tall, golden-haired, blue-eyed?
Dressed in magnificent robes, similar to yours? Sitting on the throne looking down at your figure on the steps?
He is all of it. And nothing at the same time.
The giant lion with rich mane blowing in the wind coming from the window. Lightened by the sun, making him look almost unreal.
This is real. You see him and he looks at you with the most gentle and regal expression.
“King Aslan” you bow you head in respect.
Is it not amazing how quickly you adapted to the place you arrived at? How fast you accepted this place as yours.
“Raise, my child. I summoned you here for important matter. I believe we shall discuss it in details. Take a walk with me. “
And that is how it all starts.
Do you remember what I said at the beginning of this adventure?
There are multiple mystical Realms.
Hundreds of supernatural creatures.
And all of them has to sleep. And dream.  
I'm tagging everyone who were interested in this story under one of my previous posts, but the list is always open so just let me know if you want in or out.
@somest1 @pinksirensong @farintonorth @damianodavidhands @alrendriablaze @arim0895 @kiwiiiiiiluk @fizz-flat @sorrowfulfragmentation @moonstarjas @shadowsholdsecrets @urshowercurtain @chatoicboy @superwholockbooknerd526 @tree-of-blue-squirrel @starlightaurorab @pearlstiare @deniixlovezelda @hikariasanare @readingreaver @c0tt0ntailbxnny @disapproving-ghost @sammydami @blueroseabundance @noachingu @aletheiarynne @cheech-11
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//kicks in door heavy breathing
brought to you by the The Character They're Finally Fully Canonizing Into The Mainline Games By Acknowledging Him In One Instead Of Ignoring His Side Game Twenty Whole Years Later Is One I've Been Not Normal About Since I Was Nine
now write him a better ending SEGA you owe me that for my emotional distress and rearranging my brain chemistry at NINE
Hold on a second... Lemme find it...
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The animation is beautiful, and I love the new voice for Maria! And EMERL is back in the spotlight after all these years?? And bringing Shadow back to his core characteristics?? Are we back in 2001-2006 again, because, yo, I think we're back in the Era of Shadow!
I am hyped for the game, I absolutely loved Sonic Generations when it came out ((and one of my fastest 100% of a game in the series when it comes to every mission and task)). With the Xbox 360 becoming a dying hardware, it's likely my game won't last forever and even though I got the Steam release to preserve a copy for my game collection, it's nice that this well deserved update is coming, and I want to grab it when the initial release time is over because I want to see how stable the launch release is... I sorta got spooked the last few times I attempted pre-orders on games with those game breaking bugs... I'll wait for them to be ironed out, it's not like I don't know half of the game's story already, lol.
But yeah, Shadow's version should be amazing. Return to Space Colony ARK, fight against old foes, re-experience the start of friendships and becoming allies again, run through the old Amnesia arc again maybe..? Imagine getting to re-experience the moments Shadow realized that he had true friends in Rouge, Omega and even Sonic? What about fighting Biolizard again?? Face off against the Shadow Androids for the first time since ShTH?? Black Doom's encore?? Mephiles back in glorious HD??
I'm ready to be a young teenager again, looking at Shadow with the same excitement as I did when this trailer dropped in the beginning boot up of loading a Sonic X DVD I was borrowing from a friend who was introducing me to the 3D era of Sonic after I'd been playing the Genesis games for years:
This trailer did irreversible damage to my young brain, but probably because it was already primed by "What I'm Made Of" from Sonic Heroes and already dipping toes in listening to Linkin Park and Evanescence. Seriously, that cluster of time was such a core memory of my coming of age, I can't wait to feel that Ow the Edge era again with this new game. 🥺
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lavenderjewels · 10 months
JJK season 2 episode 20 thoughts! Only three episodes to go
(Manga spoilers too)
I’ve said this a few times, but this is one of the best episodes in the series. It has the best combination of hope, despair, fighting, dialogue, voice acting, etc. that really shows the best of jjk and why I love it!
(Spoilers for the next episode preview below + a screenshot with ID in alt) I just hope that next episode is just as good because the preview looks like it’s covering the rabbit and wolves scene! This content onwards until the end of Higuruma’s trial is my favorite stretch of chapters, so I’m beyond excited. Fingers crossed for a Kenjaku cliffhanger (although I just remembered that Mei Mei scene with Ui Ui in the bed 🥴)
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I MISS todo. Before Gojo was unsealed, I remember posting something about how Nobara and him were characters that made it seem like things could be okay and generally give some lighthearted levity. Todo is similar for me, in that his appearance brings a lot of hope and confidence. That said, that’s exactly why I’m not too surprised none of these characters are involved in the story, but I still think we’re way overdue for an actual update on Nobara and Todo. I don’t want their status to be an afterthought at the end of the series or never even touched upon. There’s even Nita’s brother in the recent chapters, but no Todo!
Todo is a fantastic mentor for Yuuji. I’ve already talked about this, but Yuki’s influence shows a lot once you know more about her character. In that way, it’s beautiful seeing him pass that along to Yuuji with his own interpretations and will.
Kinda continuing that, but with Yuki being his mentor, it did remind me of episode 5 of this season, both with Todo and Yuki’s ‘advice’ to Yuuji and Geto, and seeing Geto and Yuuji’s ideals and beliefs be challenged to a breaking point. I love how the anime portrays this—Geto makes his decision, whereas Yuuji’s shadows are still flickering when Todo talks about how they should approach the deaths of their comrades and that Yuuji doesn’t have to fully form a choice right now.
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The VOICE ACTING!! Mahito’s VA outdid himself. He’s such an incredible villain and that came across in his voice cracking while berating Yuuji, then his quiet, serious moments. Mahito’s always been a perfect contrast to Yuuji and I love how explosive he gets around him. The VA does great in making Mahito so evil, intelligent, and childish at the same time.
I am obsessed once again with the animators making the line art sketchier to show Yuuji’s emotions!! The range of art from scenes like this to Miwa’s scene was amazing. While there’s been a few times where I preferred the manga in how the show was adapted, I endlessly love how experimental the animators get, since it creates beautiful moments like this entire episode.
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Also I love the incorporation of the city shot from the first Jujustu Kaisen opening with the title card. That, and adding in the physical location of the ending for this arc at the end of the episode with the music over it. Such a fun adaption tbh. I wasn’t a big fan of the OST in the Nanami episode, since it was abrupt and didn’t hit as hard as the manga for me, but this episode’s music and lack of it was everything
I could go on about this episode, but I’ll stop myself. Just needed to do my weekly ramble because I can’t get JJK out of my mind
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
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I was so excited when one of my favorite manga, Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~, got an anime adaption. I haven’t done a spotlight on this one just yet, mostly because i waited too long and didn’t want to seem like someone jumping on a bandwagon when the show dropped, but i am very glad that i waited because the anime adaption is bad. I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too is one of the laziest anime adaptions of a rather ambitious manga, I've ever seen in my goddamn life and i hate it so much. Seriously, i love this story a great deal and, while the narrative changes aren’t too egregious, the rest of the production kind of s. Actually, i can’t even say that because this thing i animated beautifully, most of the time, but nothing f*cking happens. Like, we are, what? Nine? Ten episodes in and nothing is happening. Not a goddamn thing.
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Listen, o the top, the manga adaption of this light novel is exceptional. I can’t even front n that. The art is exception and the overall character designs come across as inspired. Minatogawa Kazuomi’s art reminds me a lot of Oh! Great but with a much more subtle use of movement and perspective. his book is f*cking gorgeous, man, and i look forward to every update i get. That said, it’s not like the plot is trash, either. Listen, this is an Isekai power fantasy. If you're a  fan of anime or manga, then you know all the hallmarks by now: Overpowered protagonist, multiple heroines, spirited away into a brand new world where our mild mannered, yet, socially righteous lead character finally get recognized for the hero they always have been. By this point, it’s borderline cliche. However, the devil is in the details. It’s how you execute that Isekai formula and i think Miku does an excellent job of doing just that. Cheat Sill isn’t doing anything new with the genre but it does deliver a solid narrative with realized world and strong characters. SO why does the show suck so f*cking bad?
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Anime adaptions are always hit or miss but, lately it’s been all hit. My Dress Up Darling, Overlord, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Murder Mittens (Reincarnated as a Sword for those of you who don’t follow me and wouldn’t understand that reference), Spy x Family, Uncle From Another World, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War; All released last year, all straight up bangers in their own right. The future looks amazing, too. The previews for Sentai Daishikkaku and Mato Seihei no Slave look fantastic. Slave is actually on the same list as Cheat Skill and i actually did give it a spotlight. Long story short, sh*t real good. Feels very Nineties with the action and fan service. Looking crazy forward to how that one is received in this day and age, but i digress. How is it all of these other adaptions turned out so fantastic and the one i was looking forward to the most, is ass? Like, it’s not CG Berserk ass but, i mean, sometimes it is. Like, the scenes where you’d think the animation can really flex, I'm talking fantastic fantasy battle sequences or a straight up fist-to-fist scrap, the production values drop off a cliff!
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I sh*t you not, when the protagonist travels to the fantasy world and dons his undeniably dope armor, his character model switches to CG and the quality of everything immediately drops. There is no dynamism in the way those models move so trying to actually animate them in a frantic, chaotic, bloody, clash with, say, an ogre, just doesn’t f*cking work. That sh*t should be the stuff you actually hand animate or, at the very least, render your obviously cost-cutting models better. People give UFOtable sh*t about their use of computers but i defy you to give me a better example, in modern anime, on how to blend that CG sh*t with proper animation and produce a product as clean as Demon Slayer or any of the Fate adaptions they’ve made. Bro, i know Heaven’s Fell is a film series but those production values were goddamn brilliant. That’s the type of sh*t i want out of my CG animation, not these overly stiff, action robbing, computer models every studio looking to save a penny or two, seems to default on. It’s so frustrating to seem especially coming from a studio like TMS Entertainment. They’ve been around since the goddamn Forties! You’d think they’d have enough experience in the industry not to release such frustratingly mid content! Seriously, if you’re interested, at all, in I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too, read the manga. The anime does not do these characters, that narrative, or he entire world any justice.
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borntodeal · 2 months
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I am thrilled to share an incredible opportunity coming up! I will be spending the next several days with the talented film director and dear friend Anthony DiBlasi, my director for the film "Malum," where I portrayed Officer Hudson. We will be heading to San Diego Comic-Con on 7/25 and 7/26 to spend time at Steven Shea's booth (1901). Anthony will be autographing an exclusive limited edition preview comic book for Steven Shea's exciting animated film "Isla Monstro."
It is an amazing chance to catch up with friends and make new ones, including some of the top talents from "Isla Monstro" like Juliana Harkavy, James Schrader, Harry Lennix, and other incredible talents.
Reflecting on my public speaking at Comic-Con exactly 20 years ago and being a keynote speaker for eBay University in 2004 at San Diego Comic-Con, this will be an exciting reunion after all these years.
For current and would-be "Malum" fans, I will have a complementary bit of swag for you. Track me down to score it.
Looking forward to an unforgettable experience!
#SDCC #Filmmaking #Animation #IslaMonstro #Malum #ComicConReunion #ActingLife #FilmDirector #AnimationFilm
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ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
Thank you for saying that ☺ Yeah, you did and that’s why I said you were pretty right but still sucks that you had to find out you were right like this. And was that request detailed about the spoiler then, beause that’s just horrible? Yeah, four to six hours doesn’t sound like all that much. I do get more but like I said, I usually end up being quite tired the next day. And I see. But it’s nice that caffeine can help you so much like that. Okay. Sounds good. Looking forward to your replies and am hoping that I actually manage to write something by then 😅 I see. The protagonist did look like the protagonist from One Punch Man, but not only that but when I saw the poster, I was like “Reki, is that you?” because the red haired guy really does look like Reki from Sk8: The Infinity. Like an evil version of him or something. And I’m so glad to hear that you loved to series. And thank you. I probably will since the premise is quite different than normal anime that I’ve watched before so yeah, looking forward to that. The series hits us all in the feels, I see. And yeah, I can’t blame you for having a soft spot for Azula because same here. It was really horrible seeing how things turned out for her, even though it’s also understandable. Though out of everyone from the royal family, Zuko’s my favourite beause gods I relate to him on so many levels. Like the way he goes about things and so much. No, sorry, I should have worded it clearer. I meant it as in ‘last season that’s out’. The movie that I saw is like the preview of the first episode that will air later this year, May 12th and that’s the last but one arc so it will probably end some time next year or the year after that, depending on whether they decide to split the final arc into two parts or when it starts airing and all of that. Thank you. Not only that, and I’m not sure whether I mentioned this, but another one of my favourite Japanese voice actors, Karma’s voice actor, voices a character that plays a major role in that season, though he doesn’t properly appear until a few episodes in but when he did and he started talking, it was just so nice to hear. Like he sounds  a bit like Bakugou, but not as rough and he’s letting his naturally soft sounding voice through and it’s just so nice 😭
Yay 😄 Thank you so much for saying that. I see. After I read everything you said, I went to look up the Bount arc beause I couldn’t remember what it was about and I really feel like it’s been erased from my memory because even the pictures didn’t help jog my memory. Oh that’s cool that the English VA’s also sung the songs and it’s great to hear that it’s solid throughout the show. Also, just knowing that the voice actors sing is exciting since that means I’ll probably (or hopefully) get to hear more of Lawless’s VA and will undoubtedly be hearing Hinata’s VA sing.
It isn’t and yeah, it’s all good now. Yeah, and the extra bits are done very well, though the art style is slightly different. Thank you so much for your understanding. Yeah, true, and that’s why I’m not as harsh on the second part of the fourth season as I am with the OVA’s and what recently came out because I still really can’t understand that decision. It’s like they decided to do a movie summary before releasing the actual season. Thank you so much for saying that 😭 Yeah, you’re an amazing friend who’s just so easy to talk to about anything really. Hinata’s precious and it’s interesting that his type is the one you dislike or find boring. What about that kind of character usually bores you? And also, yeah, hell yeah to you adoring Hinata. He’s so great and I love him so much and I’m so glad that he is who he is.
Yeah, me too. And fair enough. I also don’t go to the end of the series with some of my stories so it’s very understandable. Thing is, I’m not even sure she truly considers it ‘picking on him’. Like for her, she’s just stating facts, but the way that she says them and everything around it is just so rude that I can’t help but hate it. And that is a good opinion to have. Thank you so much for saying that 😭 And that as well. Like I said above, I got to hear Karma’s voice actor being great in Demon Slayer so that definitely helped. Also his character’s fighting style is just so cool and different from the others that I really love seeing him in action as well. McCain cake, ey. That sounds nice. What kind of flavour is it? Oh the bloating strikes yet again 😅 Will you post all of the chapters then? Because the request does sound like loads of fun to read about.
Of course 😊 And you did amazing about not letting on what I was right on, since I made a couple guesses as to things that will/could happen in Jujutsu Kaisen and I wasn’t sure at all, so like always, you always are so respectful about not spoiling anything! And it was detailed enough for me to know what exactly happened before I reached those chapters (what happened, who did it) so again, not a cool thing to have happened but I’m also not assuming any malicious intent on themselves, just a blanket statement that if I say I’m currently reading something, please don’t send spoilers! For those curious though, I’ve finished the Jujutsu Kaisen. Nowhere close to being done One Piece though, haha, so I’m working on both One Piece now and the Persona 3 manga (it only has 38 chapters in my app, so it’ll be a quick one to get through and I’m looking forward to reading the story!). It’s really not, haha. I went to bed last night at 11 and then was up again at 4, working away little by little at writing commission related stuff since I have a long day at work today (hoping I don’t need to stay late again though so that I can get even a little bit more done, though I’m really hoping to get a crap ton done during my day off tomorrow 😊) So I know come tonight I will be exhausted but my body just wouldn’t sleep. Caffeine is god and helps a lot. I’m already on the last of my pot now, haha. I’m happy that you’re looking forward to my replies and don’t worry about it if you can’t write anything! The protagonist definitely looks like the love child between Mob from Mob Psycho and Saitama, but you are right on Dot (the red-head) too! He looks a lot like Reki but he also reminds me a lot of Lavi from D. Gray-Man. Definitely not evil, just…kind of stupid, haha, and I adore him. I’m glad you’re looking forward to that series and feel free to let me know what you thought of it when you do get around to watching it! A:TLA definitely is one of those shows that I don’t think I’ve heard of too many people being completely normal about, where they watch it and are just like ‘meh, it’s an okay story, I guess’. Like, it’s just too well-done that most people have at least one character or aspect of the show that they get so worked up about or entirely love. I’m so glad that someone else understands my soft spot for Azula, and I also adored Zuko so much. His was one of the best done redemption arcs I’ve seen in any media. I’m pretty sure Sokka was my first initial favourite though in the show.
Ah, okay! Thank you so much for explaining that and that’s great to know. I hadn’t realized the end was so close though. The source material isn’t near as long as I imagined it then, nothing like the long-running shounen of previous years then. Do you hope for them splitting the final arc up? Like, is there enough happening for it to make best sense that way? You had mentioned that!! That’s so great that he plays such a major role in the season since you’ll get to hear him so much! I can’t wait to hear him when I get to watching it 😊
The Bount arc being bad enough for you to erase it from your mind makes complete sense. It happened earlier in the anime and just was such crap, very forgettable and pointless. I would take Fairy Tail’s fillers over Bleach’s overall, and neither of them I felt had amazing filler. It was amazing to hear these songs translated, because when I hear them in Japanese I always do wonder what the lyrics mean, tell myself I’ll go look them up, and then never do! I know back in nostalgia times, like with YYH and Ronin Warriors, they either translated or had special English songs done for the openings and closing, but I’d never seen anything where there were also English songs here and there throughout the episodes! Iruma is very musical, for a shounen show, and it’s one of the things I love about it. You will definitely hear Hinata’s voice actor sing and it’s super adorable. One of my favourite songs of the entire series is done by that character.
I’m glad the extra bits were done that well, but yeah, I completely get it. That seems like such a weird decision with little sense behind it. If they were to make a movie, they should have gone all the way and written a movie proper, with actual storylines, plots, and such. I’m sure the manga had enough source material to do so, so just having that kind of movie summary before a season would have been disappointing to the fans who were so looking forward to it! Thank you so much for the compliment! That made me smile for sure. Hinata’s really adorable but at the same time, he can be really badass. I normally find those ‘I’m a happy ball of sunshine’ characters very one-note, where they’re always happy and energetic and normally kind of stupid and that’s all they ever really are. They normally just bore me because of how one-note they normally end up being, but Hinata definitely has different sides to his character. He’s definitely energetic and very cheerful, but he can get serious, he’s really ambitious, he’s got a lot of social intelligence. He’s not as one-note as I was expecting and I really appreciated that about his character!
Thanks! I’m glad it makes sense and again, I’m so sorry about it. Some people really are very blunt and don’t realize how their words come off, so I hope she either starts to realize that it’s hurting others or that she finds many less things to pick at people about. You’re welcome 😊 I’m excited to see Karma’s VA’s fighting style for that character, if it’s so different and unique! You make me so excited for the character, honestly. The cake was coconut vanilla – I had bought it for a friend coming over and then I just ate the leftover couple slices out of the container because I didn’t want to dirty dishes, haha. Haha, yeah, the bloating always strikes, doesn’t it. I think I’ve just grown so used to that fact. I’ll definitely be posting all the chapters on AO3 once I figure out the end and then will just link it to my dash to answer the question! It makes it easier for everyone to read.
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smokeybrand · 1 year
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I was so excited when one of my favorite manga, Isekai de Cheat Skill wo Te ni Shita Ore wa, Genjitsu Sekai wo mo Musou Suru ~Level Up wa Jinsei wo Kaeta~, got an anime adaption. I haven’t done a spotlight on this one just yet, mostly because i waited too long and didn’t want to seem like someone jumping on a bandwagon when the show dropped, but i am very glad that i waited because the anime adaption is bad. I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too is one of the laziest anime adaptions of a rather ambitious manga, I've ever seen in my goddamn life and i hate it so much. Seriously, i love this story a great deal and, while the narrative changes aren’t too egregious, the rest of the production kind of s. Actually, i can’t even say that because this thing i animated beautifully, most of the time, but nothing f*cking happens. Like, we are, what? Nine? Ten episodes in and nothing is happening. Not a goddamn thing.
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Listen, o the top, the manga adaption of this light novel is exceptional. I can’t even front n that. The art is exception and the overall character designs come across as inspired. Minatogawa Kazuomi’s art reminds me a lot of Oh! Great but with a much more subtle use of movement and perspective. his book is f*cking gorgeous, man, and i look forward to every update i get. That said, it’s not like the plot is trash, either. Listen, this is an Isekai power fantasy. If you're a  fan of anime or manga, then you know all the hallmarks by now: Overpowered protagonist, multiple heroines, spirited away into a brand new world where our mild mannered, yet, socially righteous lead character finally get recognized for the hero they always have been. By this point, it’s borderline cliche. However, the devil is in the details. It’s how you execute that Isekai formula and i think Miku does an excellent job of doing just that. Cheat Sill isn’t doing anything new with the genre but it does deliver a solid narrative with realized world and strong characters. SO why does the show suck so f*cking bad?
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Anime adaptions are always hit or miss but, lately it’s been all hit. My Dress Up Darling, Overlord, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, Murder Mittens (Reincarnated as a Sword for those of you who don’t follow me and wouldn’t understand that reference), Spy x Family, Uncle From Another World, BLEACH: Thousand-Year Blood War; All released last year, all straight up bangers in their own right. The future looks amazing, too. The previews for Sentai Daishikkaku and Mato Seihei no Slave look fantastic. Slave is actually on the same list as Cheat Skill and i actually did give it a spotlight. Long story short, sh*t real good. Feels very Nineties with the action and fan service. Looking crazy forward to how that one is received in this day and age, but i digress. How is it all of these other adaptions turned out so fantastic and the one i was looking forward to the most, is ass? Like, it’s not CG Berserk ass but, i mean, sometimes it is. Like, the scenes where you’d think the animation can really flex, I'm talking fantastic fantasy battle sequences or a straight up fist-to-fist scrap, the production values drop off a cliff!
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I sh*t you not, when the protagonist travels to the fantasy world and dons his undeniably dope armor, his character model switches to CG and the quality of everything immediately drops. There is no dynamism in the way those models move so trying to actually animate them in a frantic, chaotic, bloody, clash with, say, an ogre, just doesn’t f*cking work. That sh*t should be the stuff you actually hand animate or, at the very least, render your obviously cost-cutting models better. People give UFOtable sh*t about their use of computers but i defy you to give me a better example, in modern anime, on how to blend that CG sh*t with proper animation and produce a product as clean as Demon Slayer or any of the Fate adaptions they’ve made. Bro, i know Heaven’s Fell is a film series but those production values were goddamn brilliant. That’s the type of sh*t i want out of my CG animation, not these overly stiff, action robbing, computer models every studio looking to save a penny or two, seems to default on. It’s so frustrating to seem especially coming from a studio like TMS Entertainment. They’ve been around since the goddamn Forties! You’d think they’d have enough experience in the industry not to release such frustratingly mid content! Seriously, if you’re interested, at all, in I Got a Cheat Skill in Another World and Became Unrivaled in The Real World, Too, read the manga. The anime does not do these characters, that narrative, or he entire world any justice.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
"Final Fantasy XVI | State of Play | April 13, 2023 [ENGLISH]" by Playstation
Well, that was nice. I'm still probably not going to buy the game tho.
I am still continuing to REALLY like the combat, the more i see it. You can really tell Square got help from some Capcom action devs. This is right up my alley.💕
But I'm glad there are lots of options to help FF/turn-based veterans. Interesting to see the approach of equipping items that automate dodge or slow action sequences, vs the approach FF7R went with. I wonder what other approaches games will have in the future. Surprised that story mode gives more crutches on top of all that, but I'm glad FF veterans only used to turn-based have less obstacles. (Again, if you miss turn-based, there's still a lot of Persona, Shin Megami Tensei, Octopath Traveller, and rereleases of older games, like Skies of Arcadia, Baten Kaitos, etc.)
The Icon battles look like a lot of fun. Like suddenly playing a kaiju arena fighter or arcade/Galaga style shooter. The gameplay variety sounds like it'll be a refreshing change of pace each time. Like Kingdom Hearts' final worlds or Nier Automata. Maybe I'm just getting nostalgic, but i couldn't stop thinking that if this was 20+ years ago Icon battles would totally be QuickTime Events. lol Just look at Kingdom Hearts II.
But i still cant get excited for this art direction. The world environment, the costume designs, the character designs...It all just points back to plain medieval fantasy, to me. I prefer more crazy anime designs, more stylish opulence. My first instinct is to blame realism. But FF15, FF7R, DMC5, & Nier Automata, all also used such realistic renderings, yet their art style was so stylish too. I just don't see any stylishness in FF16. Even zoom out to just Clive walking around, and everything just seems overall like big swaths of brown and gray. Even the Icon battles loose any interesting details in the creature design during combat. Which sounds like too much to ask for, but then so many other games deliver in that, from the Kingdom Hearts to Devil May Cry series. I dunno...Maybe my eyes are just getting more nearsighted, and maybe FF16's details look amazing even during Icon Battles. But i still can't get excited for this overall art style.
I'd also much rather have magic mixed with scifi, like FF7, rather than FF16's lean more towards plain medieval fantasy. But there is a whole set of FF7 games upcoming for people like me, so i can't complain. And though this preview's quick mention of "the Constructs of The Fallen", apparently being giant armor/mechs from an ancient civilization, might give me hope for the usual FF, midway story twist of scifi injection...FF16 still just seems not quite for me.
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shadowynn · 2 years
Yay I’m so glad you answered about anime! Violet evergarden is one I’ve seen circulating but I’ve never gotten around to watching it but I’ll add it to my list! It sounds emotional and I tend to really enjoy anime that makes me shed a few tears haha. I like a little bit of everything but definitely started off with shonen and it showed me how cool the anime community could be. Hunter x hunter is one of my favs as well I hope to one day read the manga for it when I have more time on my hands! The phantom troupe really is such an interesting bunch but my favorite character has to be kruapika, his development in the first half of the show was unmatched I think he’s such a cool little guy even though he scares me with how passionate he can be lollll
Soy family is awesome!! I haven’t caught up with the newer episodes but I love it sm it’s made me laugh so much and I originally started it bc I needed a break from some of the more serious and heavy animes I was watching at the time. I have a fat crush on yor she’s so sweet and beautiful but also something about a woman with knives gets to me LMAOO
Chainsaw man is one that I read the manga for recently after taking a break from manga/anime and it sucked me right back in its so good and has such a unique storyline imo!!
Yeah, Violet Evergarden just popped up on my Netflix one day and I watched the preview and I decided to give a try because it looked interesting and was sooo pretty. Binge watched the show in like a day. Very glad they ended up making a few movies afterwards. The ending of the series was good, but not quite what you want, so when the movie came out I was so excited and it was just a perfect ending. Cried a lot, some happy and some sad.
And I agree about wanting to read Hunter x Hunter some day, but it’s so daunting with the amount out. I want to, but it’ll definitely take a lot of time but I think it would be worth it to read.
Spy x Family really is amazing! And I want to read the manga for it too! It’s just a nice break from other shows and always just makes you feel all warm. I absolutely adore all the characters (except Fiona) and agree with your sentiment on Yor! She’s probably my favorite, though Anya is a very close second. And I love their relationship with each other. It’s so sweet.
And I haven’t made it too far in Chainsaw Man yet, but I like what I’ve seen so far! I love the wackiness about it so far, and reminds me a little of Dorohedoro in feels of weirdness and I am here for it!
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