#the andro swag too
strix-brigade · 2 months
akechi is enchanted by rens leftist swag and crushing social anxiety
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nightswithkookmin · 2 years
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Is thinking Jungkook would have killed Vibes 😔
Vocally at least. That pop groovy style is so Jungkook. So it surprised me when I read reviews from other blogs and they are all seemed to suggest that Taeyang stepped outside his comfort zone for this. One of these days I will sue auto correct.
The song in its entirety is reminiscent of BTS's recent pop songs and style. I swear I could hear and feel BTS in the song. Or perhaps it's because I'm used to listening to JMs voice intertwined with V's Jin's and Jungkook's. But I also wondered if whoever wrote the song had BTS in mind. Won't be surprised.
It reminds me of My Universe. The drums, the beat the pauses- especially towards the end of the song.
But this Taeyang person brought something to the table. He sounds very seasoned and confident and I love his swag. It's everything the song needed to be transformed.
Looking at him, I think of Suga and Namjoon and even Hobi. Not sure if it's because he's mature and a hyung but I think he shares a similar style of delivery when it comes to his swag.
I always say this, in my head of course, most of what excites me about the hyung line is their attitude, their delivery and then the whole package.
Jungkook has swag but he has a lot of humility too. Not sure if performance wise he would have been able to pull off that swag and attitude and bravado this song needs.
Jimin himself seemed a little reserved in the performance. Except for the opening. And a few sprinkled moments here and there.
I've seen Jimin go crazy on a track during performances on stage. I've seen wild hip thrusts, and sexiness and Diva vibes and energy and seduction and oomph.
It's frustrating when he tries to be gentle won't lie
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And it's crazy how he complains of muscle aches but will keep going and pushing himself. He's so disciplined and such a professional.
Vibe is a Vibe.
I wish Jungkook leaned a lot more into himself.
I want to see sexy, and swag and attitude.
I remember he said he struggled with filming his part in Dynamite. Seems he struggles getting it up sometimes.
See this why you gotta sniff some shit sometimes. Wash it down with Heineken and go your merry way. I'm a blogger and sometimes even I have performance anxiety 🥴
Don't do drugs kiddos. Drug bad😌
During dreamers he said he wasn't even nervous which is awesome. Can't wait for his turn when it's time to do promos and release his album.
My obsession with Dior.
People don't seem to understand why Jimin's dior is such a big deal for me. Sometimes I forget we all have different experiences and joined the Fandom in different time lines.
Jimin's dior is a big deal because Jhope's dior was a big deal for me and for the Fandom.
Remember this?
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Yall remember this epic dior moment??
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This moment shook the entire Fandom and had us talking for years unend. I still remember this sensation like it was yesterday.
This is the brand JIMIN IS THE FACE OF
The biggest moment in fashion history
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And for them to crown JM 👑 as ambassador implies so many things. The spoils go to whomever they felt represented the brand well, whomever slayed, whomever wears it best- yall see where I'm going with this???
Toxic I know but someone has to say it😫
Won't lie, Jhope's Dior outfit was a killer moment
It gave Micheal Jackson level insane
Thriller king of pop energy
But then there's Jimin in all his andro glory
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What a cultural moment whew take me back
What I'm saying is Dior is the IT BRAND
We talking top of the top tier
They scream daddy
They are daddy what's up
And yes, Jhope could have easily been the first Asian male artist face of Dior. He killed that look. But it's not about that one moment of daddiness kiddos. It's the aggregate. The sum of all the daddy moments
Jimin is so Daddy he makes daddy look like baby.
Whoever this Kim jones person is they are not Just PJM they are PJM vvip. Classy.
Just as I didn't shut up about JHope and that dior moment, expect to hear about JM and dior as long as I'm out here😓
It's like they were waiting for him to go solo to snatch him off the streets. I'm not mad at that🤭
Yes, grab a seat I'm letting it all out.
I've said nothing about this because truth is I'm nervous 😅
I don't know what the reception will be like. Sometimes his own fans will turn around and say they didn't like it 🤷🏾
People like to set themselves up for disappointment by having expectations and when those expectations aren't met they get disappointed.
I'm doing the opposite of that. I don't have any expectations whatsoever. I want to go in with a clean slate and consume whatever he has made objectively. He might try something new, something old, introduce us to new things, remind us of old things, reminisce, give us butterflies in the stomach and make us feel nostalgic.
Some of his songs will make us dance, some will make us cry, some will be on replay on the drive or it won't. Regardless I will be so happy and excited for him because this is his first project.
It's not a make it or break it situation. He will have so many years ahead of him to make new songs different songs and so many opportunities redeem himself or make hit songs.
I don't want him to feel a sense of pressure thinking he has to get it right. He is simply making a foray into new territory. No body will judge him based on his first album. It's his second that matters. And even that the third will matter more and the forth and the fith.
You can't live in your past glory and whatever you do today is already gone.
If you mess up today tomorrow is an opportunity to redeem yourself. You just have to try and keep going.
So no, I don't have any expectations. Whatever he has done is already great and I know in my hearts of hearts I will enjoy it regardless.
Well done Jimin.
Keep going.
Keep making songs.
We have your back.
Just do a live often chilee😩
What's a kpop idol if you're not vliving like crazy.
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ezradogteeth · 1 year
heyo james, I've got a question for ya :) (pls feel free to not answer if it's too personal!)
So, I've finally started making calls to get top surgery, and I was really excited! like wow this thing I've been looking forward to for years is finally gonna happen, i'll get to wear shirts without having to constantly think about how i look, etc.
but then I started thinking more about it (i guess because its becoming more Real?), and I'm more conflicted about getting rid of my chest. like, hairy tits go kinda hard actually, and like sensory wise they are fun for stimming. plus i feel INFINITE BUTCH SWAG with them. if it was just me by myself forever, I feel like I could be happy with them, but I also find myself yearning for like, being able to be shirtless in public and also having a smooth surface to run my hands down. stuff like that. (also especially the "not worrying about how I look when i put on a t-shirt thing)
so here's my question: I remember you making a comic about how happy you were to have had top surgery, even if u still missed your old chest sometimes, or felt conflicted about it. what do u miss about your old chest? do you ever feel dyphoric with ur current chest? if u have any other insights or things to say, pls do
(p.s. i am considering non-flat surgery, but i don't know how i feel abt that yet because currently I think it'd be the worst of both worlds for me. i don't think the results would be what i actually want: flat chest that's just slightly rounded across the whole thing so it's soft and kinda andro looking)
hi moth yayyy so exciting!! ty for ur question!! longish answer so its under the cut
first i wanted to say that when i first decided to look into having top surgery, after my consultation, i got wigged out and decided to hold off on it for a while. talking to the surgeon made me Really understand that it is a major surgery and everything that entails. a lot of it freaked me out and i ended up deciding to go for it almost a year after that, and i'm glad i took that time to reconsider.
second, i totally relate to the butch swag thing and sensory thing. since having top surgery i've seen a lot more art and photos and people irl who are transmasc/genderqueer with boobs, much more than i did pre-op, and it makes me feel very happy and i wish i saw more of it back then bc it wouldve made me feel a lot better.
i do think that inherently, i would have been able to make peace with my body as is and not had surgery. i was never super dysphoric about my chest and i liked having partners who found it attractive. like you said, if it was just me by myself, or if i was only ever around people who wouldn't see me having boobs as contradictory to me passing as male, i wouldn'tve minded as much.
but unfortunately it doesn't exist in a vacuum like that. the body is a public form, it's how you engage with the world. similar to what you said, i wanted to be able to be shirtless, not wear a binder, be able to pass sometimes, etc. i also wanted the sensory experience of like, laying down flat on my chest, or running without breasts moving which was always uncomfortable for me esp since i hated wearing bras.
i don't feel dysphoric about my current chest, it's more like a passing wistfulness for how my chest used to be or would've been now if i hadn't had surgery. sometimes it's just the feeling of absentmindedly holding my own boob i miss lol. since i had surgery pretty young there's things i feel like i might've missed out on. i live in a wayyy more transsexual ass place now where it's way more normal for a man to have, and show off, breasts, and for it to be attractive, and not negate his identity at all. and i think i would've slayyed like that. alas! on the day to day though, i've also been working more physical jobs where i want to pass as male, so binding would have been very uncomfortable and i'm glad i don't have to do it. and i get a ton of euphoria from being flat chested, and i'm lucky to be around people who find post-op transmasc chests cool and attractive. as much as i liked having partners be attracted to my chest pre-op, i've also learned that there Are people out there who find flat chests just as attractive, and i love having partners who are attracted to the masculinity of my body, because previously i'd often felt like i had to be feminine to be attractive
and re: a non-flat surgery option, i do think it's something to look into! i never really considered it cuz for me it wasn't really the size of my chest that mattered, more like entirely having breasts or not, and i didn't want to go thru the whole ordeal of surgery just to be dysphoric again or end up wanting to get a flat chest later on - though many people do get a reduction/semi-flat surgery and later have full top surgery and it's totally cool!!!
feel free to send a follow up if i didn't answer something in particular or you want me to elaborate on anything ^_^
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streetwiseangel · 2 years
I’m so sick of the wallowing & constant self victimization surrounding any aspect of gender identity like “u guys hate masc people” or “it’s so hard to date as a (insert self identifier)” cuz it’s gender nonconformity people hate, not individual gender identities. it’s pushing against the status quo. rocking the gender boat. that’s what the culture hates, not cologne and button-ups. fuck sake look around any public space for 2 seconds and realize that it’s not this misandrist mommy domme hell scape that you all seem to be imagining. we are in an extremely misogynistic time. but individual relationships and physical chemistry is personal. no one is oppressing u cuz they don’t find u attractive or bc u suck at dating. it’s sexy to be andro/nb/gnc cuz it tends to mean ur too fucking swag to be held back by dumbass gender and presentation and because you’ve already accepted that no one likes you (or has to). don’t act like we’re more “popular” than trans women as a result of some greater axis of oppression or cuz “nb people tend to be afab” bc it’s not fucking true.
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air3d3lalm3na · 3 years
“they hate him for his transmasc swag” shitpost but actually sincerepost lmao. like……….they can’t handle someone being sexy in two genders in one lifetime (and at the same time if youre andro looking), when they’re fundamentally too boring to waste time on, in just one
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afroandrostyle · 8 years
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Too much swag by @youngjonn the wicked producer. We love it! Afro life, Andro living. 📷: @emilynkanga ------ #AfroAndro / #Afrocentric / #Androgynous / #Style / #AndrogynousStyle / #StylishWomen / #StylishMen / #ThisAndrogynousLife / #WhatIWore /#AndrogynousFashion / #ProudlyAndrogynous / #Slay / #Dapper / #StyleDiary / #StyleInspired / #OurAndrogynousLife / #Stylish / #StyleBlog http://ift.tt/2jCXEZu
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