#the Mun Speaks
thebearmage · 2 months
I was curious as to why my Umbrella Academy fics were getting so popular. Then I watched Season 4, from start to finish.
Now I do not.
Don't worry guys, I gotcha. More fics coming soon, I promise. (Here is a link to a poll for what fanfic you guys want me to write)
I think we all need them right now. If anyone wants to talk about it, feel free to DM me.
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agooberscast · 1 month
Hoooooray! Today is another birthday! Today, it's that icy little imp's day. Come wish Aiko a happy birthday and maybe do some shenanigans with her. She definitely won't mind it~!
Today is very hot and dangerous to go out today, so I will also be trying to catch up on sleep cuz it's too hot. So poke me if you want, but I may be napping lol.
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soothedcerberus · 3 months
My birthday in 6 days huh 😭
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we-are-blacksmith · 10 months
I am not dead! Just severely exhausted. These past few years I've been crunching to grind out my prerequisite classes for my radiology program, and by the end of the year, after a rigorous entrance exam, I may well yet be admitted into the program! So while my posting might be severely delayed or spotty, I haven't forgotten this place.
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dragonsongmakhali · 6 months
I have returned from Japan! Currently catching up with stuff, so please bear with me while I journey through my notifs and dash ❤️
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manturneddemon · 3 months
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Mobian roy o3o
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This blog is now an archive. Find me at @formaechao
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atangledfate · 7 days
caught a cold from family, might be slow or not active tonight dunno feeling pretty bad.
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formaechao · 2 months
How my blog works!
Hey! I'm Josh, the wheelybard. I write my rambunctious boys, ocs and canons.
As many of you know, I have recently converted to a queue method of blogging. And god, is it easier.
I'm a wheelchair user with a desktop computer in my office. Ergo, I'm always writing on tumblr in my office.
The queue makes it easier to stagger posts, for when i'm busy or not in my wheelchair.
I can't write in bed anymore for personal reasons.
However, tumblr im is on all the time, wheter by phone or computer.
I hope everybody understands the way I blog now.
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hriobzagelthewanderer · 2 months
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[So, Its been a while. I haven't been fully dead, but for all intents and purposes I've been on hiatus for most of the year now... and while I will not give details I have no doubt that a lot of you - at least those I actually talk to regularly enough over Discord - already know the whys and hows. But, let's just say that I haven't been fully comfortable on the site for a bit after a certain incident took place back in February, whose aftermath and fallout are still around to be fair, if at more tolerable levels at long last.
[I won't be making promises, but since my time shifting focus to RP over Discord instead of here has taken off a fair bit, I will still try to at least interact over more short-form interactions here when I feel up to it, such as Ask Memes, Dash Quizzes, and maybe the occasional Loredump or full thread if I can get it going and I have the time and energy. I am still more easily reachable there than here regardless, at least when it comes to OOC conversation or Plotting overall, but I'll be seeing about getting to be less... distant here going forward, real life permitting.
[I'll also likely go over my blog pages and rehash a LOT of the older stuff on here. Hopefully not fully delete some things, but several items need to be updated if not revamped entirely in the coming weeks.
[All in all, this is me saying 'Thank You' for those still watching me here, waiting for me to finally do something giving your silent or not-so-silent support of my long-standing hobby all the same. Here's to staying on her a bit longer than I already have!]
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demacianhcart · 9 months
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thebearmage · 17 days
Reborn - Five Hargreeves x Dolores - Chapter One
Rated 18+/Mature
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(Chapter One) (Chapter Two - coming soon)
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Chapter One - Awake "Do you trust me?"
"Viktor!? What are you doing!? Stop her!"
"Allison, don't do it!"
"Allison, wait!"
The entire universe goes dark as if someone turned off the power on an old TV - there's a beat, then two, then three. 
She startles awake with a gasp, breath filling her lungs, looking up at the white ceiling tiles. She's laying on her back, trembling, body working overdrive as it struggles to grasp its new mechanisms. 
Everything is too bright; everything is too loud. Her head hurts, her body hurts, and everything felt constricting and too loose at the same time. Before they can process what's happening, they turn onto her side and vomit. 
It's mostly bile, for her stomach has nothing in it, never has. She pants roughly as spots dance before her vision, black threads falling into her face as they attempt to push themselves into a kneeling position. 
A hand is on her back. She looks up to see a store worker - a kind-looking woman, pear-shaped, with gray hair and soft eyes. 
"Are you alright, honey?" She asks, "Did you fall?"
The words sound like gibberish for a moment, her neurons firing faster than ever before. They blink in confusion for a moment before the words finally register. 
She turns and coughs as soon as she tries to speak. Her throat feels like sandpaper; she grips it softly as she coughs, and the woman rubs her back. 
"Easy, now, take it slow. You must have passed out," 
The store worker helps her to her feet, and she has to grab the clothes rack next to them in order to stand properly. Her legs felt weak…unused. 
How…how did she know…anything? She didn’t know what a store or clothes were; she knew nothing 30 seconds ago. But now she has all this shit in her head, thoughts pounding against her skull as she tries to make sense of it all. 
"Oh honey," The worker helps balance her, "What happened?"
They don't answer her at first, looking behind her to see small platforms. Two nicely dressed mannequins occupied two platforms, but the third - the one in the middle - was empty. 
Thoughts come streaming together in a whirlwind, causing her head to hurt. They look down at themselves: black and white polka-dot t-shirt, black pencil skirt, pale skin. 
They look to the side to see a black beret and matching shoes near the base of the middle pedestal. Her breathing picks up. They grip her arms so hard they feel her fingers dig into her skin. Panic starts to rise within her, and the worker gently grabs her face to make eye contact. 
"Sweetie, look at me," she instructs softly, "Can you hear me? What color is my jacket?"
Her eyes flicker down to the woman's vest, "B-blue," her voice is raspy as if she's never spoken before.
"Good, what color is your skirt?"
"Very good," the woman smiles as they slowly start to calm down, "what color is the floor,"
The woman helps them take deep breaths, and soon, her pounding heart slows. 
"Now, what's your name, darling?" the woman asks again. 
She blinks before answering, "Dolores,"
»»———— ★ ————««
Dolores sits in the department store's break room. She looks at her reflection in a little mirror. She guessed the women used to correct their makeup during their breaks. 
Dark hair and green eyes looked back at her; her face was not too angular but not round. Her eyes lidded but not tried looking. Her cheeks were rosy, and her lips a soft pink. Dolores's dark hair stopped right at her shoulders, straight but with a slight wave. 
It's not what either of them imagined. 
Dolores breaks the intense eye contact with her reflection to look at the cup of a dark liquid in her hands. 
Coffee…right… it's called coffee. 
Dolores, curious, raises the drink to her lips and takes a sip, nearly spitting the bitter liquid out. 
"Not a coffee fan?"
They looked up to see the woman before walking into the room. Dolores tried to smile. Her mind was slowly piercing itself together, memories fitting back into place. She didn't know how it happened, but she was alive. Plastic was replaced with skin, and a hollow torso was replaced with organs and blood. 
"Not really," Dolores laughs softly, coughing a bit. Her vocal cords were still not used to working. Or rather, she was still getting used to having a voice.
"Well, it'll help either way," the woman sits in a chair across from Dolores, looking at them softly, "That was one nasty fall you took there,"
Dolores nods, "I remember…"
"What happened?"
Dolores takes a moment to answer, her newly born thoughts firing rapidly. What happened isn’t normal. She isn’t normal. She can’t tell the truth. She’d be accused of being insane and convicted. She had a lie. To hide. Protect herself.
"I was trying to see the hat the mannequin was wearing. I was too short, so I stepped up on the platform to see. I slipped," Dolores took another sip of the coffee, wincing at the taste again, "It was stupid, I'm sorry,"
The woman looks sympathetic, "Well, you're okay, and you learned not to do that again," she laughs softly. Dolores smiles. 
"Is there anyone I can call for you?" the woman presses. "Family or friends?"
Dolores shakes her head, "No,"
"Spouse? Wife? Husband?"
A face flashes in her mind - well, two faces: an old man and a teenage boy. But Dolores knew it was the same person. It was--
"No," she says, "I'm…alone,"
The woman looks concerned, "Are you--"
"Thanks for the coffee," Dolores gently cuts her off, "And for helping me, but I better get going,"
The worker sputters as Dolores exits the break room, walking down the aisles to the door. 
Dolores turns back around to see the woman hobbling after her, "Are you sure you're okay, honey? I can call someone to help you,"
"Yeah, I'm fine," Dolores tries to smile, "Thank you again,"
The woman looks like she wants to protest, but Dolores turns away and slips out of the store. 
»»———— ★ ————««
Dolores doesn't know how long she's been walking. Her feet were starting to hurt, but she felt like she couldn't stop. She's never been able to move, walk, or pose independently; she's always been guided by someone else to pose silently, frozen. 
What was she going to do? She had some understanding of how the world worked; he would keep complaining about it to no end, and he sometimes brought her to different places, riding around on the back of a wagon…or was it a bike? Maybe both?
Should they go to him? Ask him to take them in?
Dolores shook the thought away. No. Hell no. They were not going back. Every time they were around him, they got shot at, thrown, used as leverage, or abandoned. Yeah, no fucking thanks. 
So what are they to do? They need a job, a place to live, food and water. 
Dolores noticed that it was getting dark out. In a slight panic, they looked around, seeing they were in the…darker parts of town. 
The only establishment nearby was a club, and there was nowhere else to go. Dolores crossed the street and entered. As soon as the door closed, she felt eyes on her. Most of the patrons were men, with scarcely dressed women dancing on poles, serving drinks, and even sitting with them. 
Dolores felt uncomfortable but knew she couldn't back out—not with how the men looked at her. Most were older, with graying hair and crooked teeth. Some were younger, middle-aged, and handsome, with evil glints in their eyes. Dolores felt like…she…they were looking at her as if she were a doll again. For a brief moment, Dolores thought she had turned back, only to snap back to herself when a voice behind her went. 
“You going to walk in, missy, or keep blocking the door?”
Dolores paused; she also didn’t have anywhere else to go. So, holding her head up high, she walked to the bar at the end. 
"Hey, sugar, what can I get ya?" The bartender asks, looking happy to serve someone other than a sleazy older man. 
"Just water is fine," Dolores answered, and the woman nodded and walked away. 
Dolores nurses her water for the next hour, ignoring the men talking and staring at her. She needs a job, but what sane person would hire a woman with no history - no birth certificate, no social security number, no driver's license, no fucking proof of identification. 
This…was going to be a lot harder than they thought. Dolores sighs, racking her head. Many of her memories were fuzzy and incomplete, but a few were vivid and clear. On top of that, she had a lot of information flowing into her head like a river, as if someone had activated the default settings on a video game character. 
She knows what a video game is…?
"Hey, princess!" A gruff voice calls out. Dolores looks up to see a nicely dressed older man in a crimson suit looking at her. He was big, with graying hair, flushed skin, a double chin, gold bracelets and necklaces, and a golden tooth. He beckons her over. 
"Come sit next to me, darling. I wanna get a good look at you," 
Dolores' eyes narrow, and she sips her water without breaking eye contact or moving. The man's smile is full of false warmth. 
"Oh, come on, princess. I won't do nothin' honest! Just wanna get a closer look at you,"
Dolores was about to refuse when she noticed the fear on the bartender's face. They made eye contact, and the woman gestured for her to go over. With a sigh, Dolores took her water and plopped down beside the man. 
"There we go. That wasn't so hard, right?" The man leans closer to Dolores, who leans back a bit, "You're a pretty one, all right. What's your name?"
"Dolores," Dolores answers shortly, "Yours?"
"They call me Mr. Higgins. A pleasure to meet you, Miss. Dolores," 
Higgins takes Dolores' hand and kisses it. They want nothing more than to rip it away. They steel her expression and sip her water. 
"So, Miss Dolores," Higgins speaks casually, either not noticing or ignoring her discomfort, "What does a pretty thing like you do?"
Dolores sees the trap before it's laid, but they also see an opportunity, "I don't have a job right now,"
Higgins has the decency to pretend to be shocked, "Oh? Well, that's a shame. How do you pay for your house?"
Dolores starts to wonder if this man has been following her, "I don't have one,"
Higgins gasps in fake horror, "You're homeless? Oh princess, that's not right," he retakes her hand, "Let me help you, darlin'. I can help you get back on your feet! Work for me. I'll let you stay in one of my backrooms," Higgins's smile is full of malice. Dolores can also see the sharp teeth, "Nobody like you should be wandering around alone, I'll take good care of you,"
Knowing this was a bad idea but desperately needing the money, Dolores struggled with her decision. She knew she was walking into a trap, but the allure of a job and a place to stay was too strong. She plastered a grateful smile on her face and nodded, "Thank you very much! I'd like that!"
As she agreed to Higgins's offer, she felt a surge of anger and frustration. She wanted nothing more than to punch that wicked smile off the man's face as it grew in triumph. But they knew they had to play along, for now. Dolores was determined to find a way out of her current situation, no matter what it took. 
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agooberscast · 7 days
This time, it's the hero-in-training, Donnie! He's the little guy trying to prove that his Empowering wasn't a mistake and that he can make the most with his abilities, but he seems to have a bad luck streak...
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soothedcerberus · 7 months
Gonna be able to post my oc comic tomorrow!! 😭🎉🎉🎉
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mages-pandoras-box · 3 months
Hiatus...sort of
Hey guys, I know I've been gone a bit, dropped off the face of RP Earth. I should have posted this sooner. I just thought I'd get over things. I haven't.
Before people assume and freak out. I am fine, everything is fine.
I've simply been dealing with burnout and changing hyperfixations. What that means for me is that I don't have muse for a LOT of my characters, which is a problem.
I could try to force myself, but that leads to responses I'm not proud of. So, for now, I am marking this blog 'Little Activity' - not an official hiatus but a pause until my hyperfixation and muse comes back.
Thanks for reading,
- Mage
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dragonsongmakhali · 13 days
[People I'd like to get to know better]
Tagged by: @sealrock (ty! ;v;)
Tagging: @otherworldseekers @uldahstreetrat @eorzeanflowers @umbralaether @starrysnowdrop
Last Song: Zenzenzense from Your Name - we have the OST cd playing in the car, and I really love that song in particular, so now it's playing at work.
Favorite Color: Black mostly, red as an accent. I also love dark greens and blues.
Currently Watching: Newer Futurama seasons- we didn't watch them when they came out, so we're catching up now. Love a good Futurama.
Last Movie: My Neighbor Totoro - we're on a working vacation in a remote mountain town in NC, and have been playing Ghibli movies in the evening when we're in for the night because they're so fitting thematically.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet. I wish it weren't so, but I am a squad of sugar ants in a human-shaped package.
Relationship Status: Happily married to my best friend :>
Current Obsessions: Kind of floating in the 'old hyperfixation petered out and new one hasn't taken hold yet' gray zone at the moment. Got a lot of life stress that keeps overtaking anything fun. When I get a break, I am excited for my upcoming arcadion scheming though :)
Last Thing in my Search History: 'zat gun', because I had named it in conversation and wanted to confirm I was correct. The gun's full name is the zat'nik'tel, but I didn't remember that far.
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