#the Doctor is literally inhuman in terms of intelligence
yoonyia · 4 months
you know what's insane
my iq and cat 4 scores and stuff
like I'm in the top 4~1%
of students and intelligence and stuff
but only in cognitive tests
like my school test scores suck
but like I'm still put into the same help course as like 7 other smart kids
and they get like flying colors
I always knew my brain was pretty ok because genetics and stuff
like my parents are like 138 and 146
so me having an iq of like 135 isn't actually that good considering my genes
but like
my mom is top 0.1% of iq apprantly
and she's just a normal person
she's super smart
but shes just some guy
I have a technical miracle living in the house and her favorite snacks are shrimp chips and she does sky yoga
my dads a doctor yea
he's probably the most wise person I know
he's super intelligent
and like
in a room of 100 people by each percentage he's the smartest
my dad loves anime and hates taking out the trash
he's the smartest in a room of 100 people????
I mean I guess that makes sense
I would find like minimum 35 people smarter then me
probably closer to 60
I dont
get it
I know iq and that bullshit dosent matter
but like getting put in the same group as these smart fucks who gets insane grades and have all these ambitions drives me insane
one of them gets nearly straight 90+ (it's myp so that means 7 and up) and I'm here getting 50???? (5 in myp) LIKE
one dude named lucas
this bitch got sad he didn't get a 8 in math
he got a 7 and sulked
he was my teammate in wsc and let me tell you this bitch is smart
he won best scholar
he's subpar at debating but that's because he's just very likeable and polite
if this dude had even the tiniest bit of fury he would be the most charismatic person in the world
while I'm here with my makeshift political speeches having a mental breakdown because I sound like trump
"to create commercial spacecraft for permanent or long term stay and travel is not only putting the people into inhumane situations akin to that of prison and is merely abandoning our responsibility as earth's citizens, it is also a grievance against humanity itself. And you, for supporting this ideal, is cursing the remainder of civilization to die." IS WHAT I SAY AND THEN HE ACTUALLY HAS POINTS
another one is my friend who does every extra curricular possible and still gets good grades
I'm sorry
I do literally nothing other then choir and wsc
and I get overwhelmed and tired and die by the end of the day
I cant get to 4th period without being reduced to mush
what do you mean you do 4 hours of tennis everyday
I'm not using this brain of my mine for anything useful
I dont get why I'm here
I litterally had to go to the hospital because I slept too well and my brain created too many hallucinations that made me do face in palm shrimp back for too long that made my spine bones compress and paralyze my leg
I do stupid shit like this and I'm put in with litteral smart people
I'm a dumb idiot
I feel like Nikolai in enders jeesh
I know I'm not that stupid
but something is making me think i was placed here for some fucking reason
I dont belong here
I'm gonna cry
I dont get these smart people
why am I here
what did I do to even make the teachers give me this tests in the first place
gosh I'm tired
I need to sleep
but not too much or else you'll get night terrors and wake up at 5am in shock and horror but remember nothing
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collymore · 1 year
Sentient but unborn babies have legal and moral rights too; like not to be killed, Carla Foster!
By Stanley Collymore   That child was capable of a life,   that you most callously and   very deceitfully deprived   it of Carla Foster, and as such you’re a   pitiless murderess, quite deserving of   a jail sentence, which you discernibly   very clearly reassuringly got, but one   far too leniently so I personally think   because the dreadful suffering, very   obviously and so cruelly endured by   your baby, and rather unnecessarily   so, is to any intelligent, and equally   conscionable mind rather similarly   patently, thoroughly unimaginable.   I say and write this because I’m   unequivocally pro-choice and   rather distintinctively so, as   regards women even within honourable   bona fide marriages as it’s undoubtedly   their own bodies; and both naturally, as   well as unquestionably, in my plausible   thinking; coercion of any kind, oughtn't   to be a part of their criterion, in having   or raising children. However, distinctly   when a woman literally gets pregnant,   quite regardless, of the means of that   happening, voluntarily or involuntarily,   being the case; then rather knowingly   does carry that child almost full term   only to then callously, or indifferently,   or even on a whim then dispose of it   as you’ve basically and malevolently   done; that in my conscionable mind   is clearly, cold-blooded murder pure   and simple; and the court custodial   sentence that you were then legally   and morally given, although strictly   in principle spot on, and irrefutably   perfectly correct was basically too   significantly so child's play literally   in relation to what you should very   obviously, clearly have been given.   For you knew all along Carla Foster,   now a publicly known convicted   baby killer, how significantly   advanced your pregnancy was; just as   you were distinctly aware of precisely   what you were clearly both criminally   and immorally doing; an evil state of   affairs that judge both sensibly, and   morally recognized, and thus rightly   punished your discernibly arrogant,   high handedly malevolent, plus too   your demonstrably, actually selfish   and odiously, egregious action! As   is in the irrefutably laudable name   of everything, that's fittingly moral   and decent, 20 weeks is distinctly   a long enough period distinctively   for any genuine characteristically   responsible mother to truly make   a quite rational decision, whether   to abort a pregnancy or basically   carry on with it, as do millions of   quite ordinary pregnant mothers   globally and give birth to a baby!   (C) Stanley V. Collymore   13 June 2023.   Author's Remarks: I don't see how Carla Foster was ever vulnerable! She's fully an adult not a frightened teenager and moreover is already a mother of 3 children. Why then was she allegedly "embarrassed" to go to her doctor in the appropriate time to request a termination of her pregnancy?   To terminate what is very essentially a human life even though it is basically a baby but unborn at 8 months, is clearly just plain barbaric, and those who're in the process of supporting Carla Foster, doing so with all their distinctly inane arguments that aren't rationally in any realistic way arguments of any kind are very effectively no better than this very immoral, rather deceitful and distinctly lying woman herself. And undoubtedly like her are just as callous and horribly inhumane to such vulnerable and also crucially unborn babies.   And essentially therefore for each and every one of you literally intellectually challenged morons this was effectively about the ending of a very vulnerable human life! Predictably so as life is all very cheap these days and accordingly there's no respect for it, transparently so, by scum like yourselves! Precisely, as it was in Victorian days; and, as is blatantly self-evident in Brexit cesspit Britain, retrogression and manifestly not progression is quite self-evidently the order of the day.   Finally, contraception is quite readily available and abortion is legal also in Britain up to 24 weeks so distinctively there's actually no excuse to terminate after the legal deadline.   I'm positive that Carla Foster has heard of the concept of adoption as are those that are quite idiotically supporting her vile killing of her unborn baby; so why was that option not utilized by Carla Foster if for whatever personal reasons she didn't want to have that child?   Yet when a very sensible and intelligent articulate white Caucasian female who is similarly British like Carla Foster but very categorically states that she really doesn't want to have any biological kids of her own and furthermore never has done, a decision that her husband also consensually and lovingly supports, yet this lady's mother-in-law is obsessively doing all she can to force her to, in spite of her coherent reasons for not having any children rather clearly outlined by her, we nevertheless have the same vile idiots who're now actively supporting Carla Foster were the very ones rather publicly castigating this young married lady and even branding her as selfish and a traitor to the white race and also the future white generation in Britain, and ostensibly the world, for not doing her part to sustain the white Caucasian race. How more stupid can you get; but that's Brexit Britain for you; thick and toxically verminous as fetid shit!
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twitchesandstitches · 6 years
Crossthicc Mega Man - Character summations
A general rule of thumb here. The different series of Mega Man translate to different bodies for the different characters. Even if that character doesn’t exist in canon for that series, they still have a body to match there. In general, Classic is their ‘default’ bodies; they’re not the most powerful but they’re the easiest on resource demands, very adaptable, and tend to be smaller and cuter. The X series bodies are extremely powerful, often larger than a human, and tend to be the most inhuman looking. The Legends bodies are effectively gynoids and androids; largely indistinguishable from regular humans, save for being generally better, and are subtly superhuman, able to shift into more powerful modes for bursts of power. They can have different forms to match different species, generally ones that fit their aesthetic. Mega Man, Protoman and Roll tend to skew towards human because of their father, Light, but the others tend to do their own thing. Finally, the EXE line isn’t really a body for them at all, but represents them digitizing themselves and uploading them to exist as informorphs, or information-based entities, and going full cyberspace.
Now, the actual characters!
The Robot Masters: All robot masters, Maverick bosses and similar characters are freed from being underneath Wily/Sigma’s control, and stay with the Fleet; either traveling with them or living on their planets. The gender ratios are different here, with most of the robot masters being women. They weren’t designed like that, but chose to alter themselves after feeling very at odds with their own identities following their freedom from Wily’s control. The Mavericks from the X series are the most likely to serve on the Fleet proper, but any of them might opt to travel with the Fleet for a while, in search of adventure or friendship. Several Mavericks and Robot Masters may have gone to the Stingers or even more antagonistic factions; but in general they’re not usually too nasty.
Protoman: Likely the main character of the Mega Man family, so to speak. He’s a blend of the helpful and protective, if aloof, big brother he is in canon, and with the tranquil fury of his Megas counterpart. He was the first true modern robot Light and Wily built, designed using lost technology that is now irreplaceable, particularly a power core said to be as powerful as a sun that may still incinerate him if he’s not careful. He has a terrible phobia of people trying to kill him and tear him asunder for his parts.
He and Zero, in all incarnations, are the same character here. In his base Protoman model, his platform has a really hard time channeling his power core’s energies and they tend to burn out fast, but have a lot of firepower. His small size, stoic demeanor, and adorable appearance tend to make him popular among Endowed of a protective mindset. He has a series of larger bodies termed his Zero series, ranging from a human sized war suit to a full on mini mech-class robot juggernaut, all of which favor the use of shields, laser swords and close combat. These tend to work better with his power core, and he has something of a thing against long range for this reason. He does have a Legends counterpart here: a stunningly handsome bishounen-looking guy with a massive mane of blonde hair, a truly massive pompadour, and a silent traveling swordsman motif.
He is a loyal big brother to Mega Man, even if he advocates a harsher response to enemies than his forgiving younger brother, he has a lot in common with his sister, Roll, and he tends to be a big brother to pretty much anyone around him; he’s a bit of a hidden romantic, too.
Mega Man: Or Rock, to use his personal name. Somewhat complex in that he is an avowed pacifist that detests killing for any reason, and yet is an incredibly skilled warrior with a pretty loose grasp on restraint. He really doesn’t like fighting and would rather be a helper to everyone around him, but he is compelled to help people in need, and may have a bit of a fatalistic streak that makes him gloomy at times. His strong sense of morality, status as a robot paragon, and mot of all just how dang adorable he is makes him VERY popular on the Fleet, particularly with the Smash-derived ladies.
In his base form, he’s not even four feet tall, very compactly build and seems designed to be as cute as possible. His X forms are closer to human size, a bit below average height, but tend to be constantly shifting form as he adapts to every available combat source. Larger X-models become progressively less human like, the biggest being giant-size mechs that resemble slender bipedal tanks with hulking cannons for arms. In general, though, he prefers elegance and understated friendliness to looking particularly fearsome. In Legends form, he’s a lot more charming than he normally is, shamelessly flirting with all the big ladies and even his enemies, and he’s certainly extremely pretty and non-threatening, even in battle. He is so very, VERY popular on the Fleet, you don’t even know.
Roll: She takes a much more active role here compared to canon, and is explicitly older than Rock and often acts as a quartermaster/administrator aboard the Fleet, taking charge and bossing people around in a helpful, gentle way. She’s more of a tank compared to Protoman’s glass cannon or Mega Man’s jack of all trades, and tends to move fast and hit really, REALLY hard. She tries to stay positive a lot, but she’s a lot more cynical and jaded than she lets on, feeling they should try to do the moral thing when they can, but if they can’t… well, it's out of their hands. She is definitely Endowed herself.
Though her brothers have more cutesy, tiny forms, even Roll’s baseline platform is taller than human average, almost seven feet tall, though this is appallingly tiny for an Endowed heroine. She makes up for it with her fembot body having absolutely massive breasts and hips, to the point that she is technically a shortstack in terms of body proportions despite her height. Her X-class bodies are way larger; even the smallest and most humanoid are over thirty feet high, with progressively more extreme boob/butt sizes that correspond to her firepower. She can synch up with other robots to boost their power, though this temporarily lowers her curve size. Her largest ones vary between either fembot bodies that are hundreds of feet tall, or literal walking tank mech forms that are not particularly humanoid in any way at all. They still tend to develop huge curves, due to her nature as an Endowed, but she can’t help it.
Her Legend form has to have height calibrated to the standard of whoever is around, but she can vary from several dozen feet to hundreds of feet, depending on what the general average is; she generally likes to be just a bit taller than other girls, if she can help it. She also has a LOT of hair, and likes to wear it wild and free. Her curves in this form tend to be pretty big: boobs as large as her upper torso, butt so large it doubles as a small chair.
Doctor Light: With the original Smash Fleet, he was a science hero and champion of robot rights, even donning a mech suit to fight for justice (and which has been the prototype for the Mega Man redesigns), but he was a young man in those days, and he’s settled down to raise a family (his one from the EXE series, specifically) and his youngest descendant, Lan, is a recurring partner to his… ‘brother’, in a complicated sense, Mega Man. He’s a robotics expert and often asked to lend his expertise to investigations. Usually he’s an elderly man, but he might take a longevity mod to return him to the prime of his (extremely handsome) youth.
Tron Bone: Older than in canon, impish as heck and something of a recurring, harmless antagonist. She is a gynoid similar to the ‘can pass as human’ platform the Light family robots employ, and appears to be something of a knock-off of the Light robots at first; she wasn’t made using the same processes as them, and her sapience coding is different. Her family of robot space pirates, who made a living by pestering archeologist who went to the ruins of ancient civilizations and pilfering the good technology they found, were all robots of various types who created new robot offspring by mashing up the stuff they found, and Tron Bonne was made using the Light robot positronic processor with various auto-factory gadgets and a humanoid frame. She’s a very intelligent woman, and regularly mass produces an army of tiny servobots in a process similar to organic hyper pregnancy.
She’s extremely attached to Mega Man, and despite being older than him and more experienced, she’s very immature and doesn’t really know how to communicate her feelings properly, so she makes do with half-hearted teasy rivalries and schemes to get his attention. Roll personally disapproves and would prefer her to grow up a bit first, but wouldn’t mind her being a sister in law if she can just mature a bit.
Tron Bonne’s robot family has, since she became its matriarch, joined up with the Cobalt Stingers and never looked back. She’s since been given the resources to design herself different bodies and platforms, and she switches between them so fast they’re like clothing to her. She has an analogue to a Classic body, and it's very similar to Roll’s; a human-sized and hyper curvy form that isn’t quite as massive as Roll’s but respectable Huge. She has a number of more powerful X-class fembot bodies that are obviously mechanical, and on par with Roll for sheer curve size. She doesn’t have many mech-class bodies, though, as she is very attached to her particular humanoid look. She’d rather pilot a mech than BE one. She can upload into data networks, EXE style, but she’s not too experienced with it. In general, her default form is modeled after her Legends look but is about twenty feet tall (with smaller variants), a little less hyper huge than Roll (proportionately speaking) with more of an extreme hourglass build.
She manufacturs her Servobots inside her body, and the overall effect is pretty much hyper pregnancy; her belly can get as large as the rest of her body from their sheer weight, and she becomes ravenously hungry for raw materials. She can also produce any weapon, robot, or complicated mechanical design as long as there is a schematic for it to be uploaded to her mind, but producing anything like this will make her insatiably hungry to eat things to use as resources. She can produce as much as she likes, but again, she is limited by available resources.
Wily: He used to be an extremist advocate for robot rights, and indeed his initial acts of violence were on behalf of that goal, but he’s fallen far from those lofty heights. At some point he did show signs of wanting to turn back, filled with remorse, and yet he’s redoubled on the cackling supervillainy. Something is very wrong with Wily, and he seems proof that the Maverick sickness can affect humans and other organics as well as robots, and provides a case study for its effects. Presently he works with Miscella Inc as a weapons designer, seemingly indifferent to them using robots as slave labor, but he has a lot of Wily robot duplicates around who all think they’re the real Wily, so he can pop up, anywhere, if a mad scientist antagonist is required. Sometimes he hangs out with his mad scientist buddies, including Liv Octavius, who is increasingly concerned by his downfall.
Sigma: He used to be an honorable and strong-hearted robot who aspired to nothing more than cataloguing archeological data and he certainly showed no indication of being anything other than a humble, helpful civil servant. That was before he worked with the Maverick Sphere and became… corrupted by it. He is a vector of it now, perhaps even an extension of it. There may yet be a way to save Sigma from its influence, but if he is still there, he is buried deep, and drowning. He essentially exists as a mobile incarnation of the idea of Robot As Threat, popping up wherever people fear machines that can think and feel, and he corrupts them into madness and violence, either bringing their fears to live for or antagonizing robots to the point that they lash out in self-defense. This factor is not well known, however; it's just known that no matter how many time he’s been killed, he always comes back, spreading yet more chaos for no apparent purpose, and every time his reasoning is completely different.
Other robots despise Sigma, even if they don’t know about the whole ‘driving them berserk’ thing. Many beings expect robots to be treacherous serial killers in any case, and he is making them look absolutely terrible. Organics detest him for the monster he has become, though there is an edge of pity from those who know his backstory. Sigma was a victim, yes… but so are those he torments, kills and corrupts.
Due to Sigma’s ever-shifting sense of identity and limitless supply of spare bodies, plenty of them might be uber-thicc fembots suitable to compete on the same level as Endowed heroines, Vriska’s chosen, or other super curvy ladies. Depends on Sigma’s mood, really.
Bass: One of the few Light robots who chose to follow Wily without having to be corrupted, and harbors a hyper violent fondness for battle that gets exacerbated with his upgraded forms into full on bloodlust. He’s a real black sheep to the Light family, and doesn’t really seem to care about much of anything but fighting and finding ways to improve himself. He hopes to attain what he calls the Strength Singularity, where he will achieve strength so immense that he will be the most powerful robot that could ever exist, and he is absolutely obsessed with this strange goal. He particularly has a grudge against Protoman, Mega Man and Roll, but any robot with great strength is a target to him, specially the Dinobots (who like to troll him by pretending they don’t know who he is), or the likes of Aradiabot and her follow robot gals.
Bass’ base form is small but extremely ferocious, but his upgrades make him progressively more violent to the point that they don’t really have higher reasoning, just combat awareness and a love for hurting things. These much larger and armored forms have been called his Vile forms, generally with a bit of a cyclops theme and big shoulder cannons. These range from nearly human-sized to terrifying engines of hyper-violence that are nearly as big as some of the spaceship-sized MILFs; however at that extreme, there is little left of Bass but bloodlust. He does have an android form, in the style of Legends, and mostly uploads into it to take part in tournaments and prove to himself that he can take on any organic even by limiting his power.
Rush, Treble, and others: this covers animal-like robot sidekicks such as those two, and characters that generally follow under their motif. They’re around and largely unchanged from canon: Rush, for instance, is a loyal robot dog who can shapeshift pretty freely, and he usually takes upgrade forms that complement Mega Man’s; a mech suit that another mech can pilot or wear as armor, for instance. In general, they have the same form options as the other characters listed. Their X-forms, however, are animalistic humanoid robots similar to the Mavericks.
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nanbaocprison · 6 years
Oc Creation: Names
the writing took longer than I expected but I’m done with the first part all thanks goes to ayalaatreides for proofreading and editing.
When naming, its very self explanatory, they have to have at least a number in their name. Since numbers are the central themes, it's no surprise that's what all the characters are named after. There's a heavy use of Japanese mythology and folklore in the series. They have a pattern, it’s fun and easy once you get the hang of it. Let’s begin with the inmate side of naming: the inmates go by aliases instead of their real names, for instance in flashbacks no one referred the characters by their current names. In a post I explained cell 13’s Jyugo,Uno Nico and Rock’s names; as I said before, naming can be fairly easy once you get the hang of it.
The inmates’ names are from their id number, but it could also be something deeper. With Jyugo, “Jyugo” is the Japanese number for “15”,  his cell number. Uno is Spanish for “one” from the card game, citing his gambling habits and part of his id number “11”. Rock, when pronounced in Japanese, is “Rokku”, “ro” meaning “6”, “kuu” meaning “nine”, together mean “69”. Rock could mean as “strong as a rock”, like his inhuman strength would suggest. In Nico’s name, “ni” means “2” in the Japanese language, and “ko” is the phonetic symbol for “go” meaning “5”. Nico’s name means “second child”, his status being the youngest and most childlike out of all of his cell mates as well as his second personality that comes out later in the series. His name has different meanings attached, which are “smile” and “sunlight”, like his bright and energetic personality.
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You have to remember. you can count numbers many ways in Japanese, for example Tsukumo’s name means “99” in Japanese. In naming, take apart what's in the name, Rock’s  “rokku”, “ro” being “six”, “ku” being “nine”. When it comes to a character’s kanji look at Kusatsu and Fujisan’s names. Kusatsu’s name in kanji is taken from Kusatsu, a town known for its hot springs. “Ku” means “9”, “Sa” means “3”, “Tsu” could mean “2”. Don’t believe me? Look at the kanji. As for Fujisan, it's a play on the term “Fujisan”, another notable hot spring, “fu” comes from “futa” meaning “2”, and “ji” like Nico, “ji” is the phonetic symbol for “shi” meaning “4” and “sa” = “san” meaning “3”, fitting since they both love hot springs so much.  
Now time for the inmates from the other buildings. I’ll start with building 3, inmates Trois and Honey., “Trois” is french for “3”, his nationality being french. For Honey, the Japanese pronunciation is “hani”, “ha” from “hachi” meaning “eight”, “ni” being “two” like his cell number. Another american, like Rock whose name is in Japanese pronunciation.
In naming, look at their nationality when naming your inmates. If that's the case, then why is Musashi given a Japanese name instead of  a German name? Easy: it's to represent the building he resides in. Building 4’s theme is culture, since it has Japanese culture it’s made to reflect the theme of the building. Musashi's name is broken up into “mu” from “muttsu” meaning “6”, “sa” being “san” meaning “3”, “shi” being “4”, like his inmate id number 634. His name comes from Miyamoto Musashi, the author of the Five Rings, a renowned Japanese swordsmen.
Last but not least: building 5 inmates Upa, Liang and Qi. Their names are reflected in their nationality being Chinese. Liang’s name is Mandarin Chinese for “2”, his cell number. For Qi it’s  “seven” like part of his cell number “7” in 71. As for Upa, “pa” is read as “eight” in Chinese. Like Nico, Musashi, and Uno, he has other meanings in his name as well., Upa’s name came from isha upa yoga (a form of yoga) referring to how he first appeared meditating, and also a buddhist monk, Upagupta. Qi’s name came from “Qi”, or “the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong.” This links Liang, Upa and Qi together due to them having martial arts,qigong and medicine in their characters.
Now I’m done with the inmate side of naming; time to move on with the guards. They take another step but it’s lot of fun.
Let’s start off with the guards of building 13, Hajime Sugoroku. Hajime means “begin”, which is used in traditional martial arts such as karate,judo,aikido and kendo, matching Hajimes speciality in combat where he uses his fists for fighting. The kanji in his name means “one”, him being the number one man in Nanba prison. Sugoroku is a traditional Japanese new year’s board game. For his family, his brother Hitoshi’s name means “benevolence”, showing contrast to Hajime’s short tempered and violent temperament. Hitoshi can be spelled as “hitotsu” in different kanji meaning “one”, showing a connection to Hajime being his family.
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Next is Seitarou Tanabata. His surname comes from the tanabata legend, and Tanabata’s a star festival held in japan. “Sei” means “star”, “tarou” is used for boys in japan and could also mean “eldest son”., Iif you look closely, his name could have a number if you look at “tarou”. Yamato’s name is from a Japanese battleship, and Yamato is an ancient alternative spelling of japan. The kanji of his name Godai means “five great”, named after the japanese elements from Japanese philosophy.
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The guards of Nanbaka are named from characters in Japanese folklore and legend, like Momoko Hyakushiki, Samon Goku, Kenshirou Yozakura, Kiji Mitsuba, Mitsuru Hitokoe. Momoko, Samon, Kenshirou and Kiji are an allusion to the legend of Momotaro. Momoko being Momotarou, Samon the monkey, Kenshirou the dog, Kiji the pheasant. For their names, “momo” in her name is another way of saying “a hundred” in Japanese, and “ko” is used for girls in Japan. “Hyaku” means “a thousand”, “shiki” means “command”. As her name suggests she's a commanding presence in Nanba prison and warden of Nanba prison.
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Samon is named after a character from the Chinese novel,  Journey of the West, the Monkey. “Go” means “5” citing building 5 the building he is supervising.
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In Kenshirou, “ken” means “dog”, which is his motif in his design, “shi” means “scholarly officer” referring to his intelligent and informed personality, “rou” is a last name usually given to boys in Japan. Yozakura means “four cherry blossoms”. Taken from “yozakura”, an event that takes place after hanami, cherry blossom viewing at night, and “yo” in his surname means “4” referring the building he is supervising.
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Kenshirou’s guard dogs of building 4 are named after flowers with numbers., In Japan people use flower language to convey emotions to each other. Since building 4’s theme is culture, it talks about japanese culture which uses hanakotoba (the language of flowers) which is proxy used in japanese culture. The guards are dogs that are different breeds, and they have flowers in their names I = one Ni = two Shi = four “no” is a naming particle using “of” when writing Japanese. Their last name “hana” means “flower” in Japanese. For tThe head guard dog Genrou Byakuya, Genrou’s full name means “mysterious wolf” and “Byakuya” means a “hundred nights”.
Next is Kiji Mitsuba. “Kiji” is Japanese for “pheasant”, “mitsu” is Japanese for “three”, “ba”  meaning “leaf”, his surname together means “three leaves”, a japanese parsley which is a vegetable in Asian cultures. “mitsu” means “3”, which refers to his building that he supervises.
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The guards of building 5 are named after characters from the Journey of the West novel. Inori’s name means “wild boar”, “nori” meaning “hicklish”, his surname means “eight commandments”,  taken from zhu bajie a character from Journey of the West who shares the same personality traits as Inori. Part of Houzuki’s name means “law or buddhist”, referencing his outfit, “zuki” means “moon” and “Hou” is another way of saying “Hōshi” , “gen sanzou”. “Sanzou” is taken from “genjou sanzou”, a Chinese buddhist and the monk from Journey of the West, the wandering priest. For the Daisen brothers’ names, “dai” means “great”, “sen” means “sage”. The brothers are named after some of the characters from the Journey of the West. “Roku” means “6”, “koko” means “9”,  “you” means “8”, “riki” at the end means “power”. Rokuriki is named after the immortal of elk power, Youriki after the immortal of antelope power, and Kokoriki the immortal of tiger power, as seen again with their weapons. Ruka’s name means “flow of the river”. “Go” means “5” and “jo” means “pure clean unspoiled”. Ruka’s surname is taken from Sha Wujing, a river ogre from Journey of the West that accompanied Sanzou on his journey. Hachiman is an inmate whose name means “eight thousand”, he's named after a synthetic divinity of archery, and his power hungry nature references this. Also named after Zhu Bajie, the pig, encompassing his violent traits.
For the supervisors of other buildings: for the supervisor from building 1 Tomato Ichijou, “to” means “rabbit”, and in his kanji “ma” means “ten thousand”; “ichi” means “one” and “jou” means “streak”. “Ichi” in his name references the building he supervises. Nijimasu Nanairo means “seven colors”, his whole name together means “7 colored rainbow”. “Nana” meaning “7”, the building  he’s supervising. For Mao, a deputy supervisor, his name “mao” literally means “cat” in Chinese; his surname “ni” means “2”, “ji” means “dance”, “ma” means “under”, and “2” in his surname references the building he is working in. Mao is based on the nekomata, a cat demon with 2 tails for being from building 2. Also a reference to it his love for money, a  reference to another legend, the legend of maneki neko which is seen holding a coin.
To the staff: for Mitsuru Hitokoe, “mitsu” means “3”, “tsuru” means “crane”, “hito” means “one”, “koe” means “voice”. Mitsuru is taken from the folklore “Tsusru no Ongaeshi, the crane returns the favor”. The doctor’s name “okina” means “old man”, “o” means “drive or manage”, “to” means “ten”, “gi” means “justice, righteous”. His name’s taken from “Taketori no Okina”, the adoptive father of Kaguya Hime from The Tale of Princess Kaguya.
Kazari means “to decorate”, and Kagu 8 is an allusion to Princess Kaguya who was adopted by okina, and had many suitors wooed by her beauty. “Kagu” means “god,diety”, and “8” is another way of saying “ya”, the number 8 in Japanese.
So when naming your characters, look at the pattern from their names and how they are arranged closely: they have numbers like the title suggests.
Inmates Jyugo = 15 Uno = 11 Rock = 6,9 Nico = 2,5 Tsukumo = 99 Fujisan = 2,4,3 Kusatsu = 9,3,2 Trois = 3 Honey = 8,2 Liang = 2 Qi = 7 Upa = ba = 8 Musashi = 6,3,4
Guards For guards, they have numbers and are based on folklore
Hajime Ssugoroku = 1,2,6 Yamato Godai = 5 = Japanese battleship Yamato Seitarou Tanabata = 1 = Tanabata legend Okina Otogi = 10 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya Kazari Otogi = 10 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya Kagu 8 = 8 = the Legend of Princess Kaguya
Momoko Hyakushiki = 100,100 = Llgend of Momotaoru Samon Goku = 3,5,9 = Legend of Momotaoru = Journey of the West Kenshirou Yozakura = 4 = Legend of Momotaoru Kiji Mitsuba = 3 = Legend of Momotaoru Mitsuru Hitokoe = 3,1 = The Crane Returns the Favor
Mao Nimaijita = 2 = Nekomata,Maneki-neko
Tomato Ichijou = 10,000,1 Nijimasu Nanairo = 7
Inori Hakkai = 8 =  Journey of the West Houzuki Sanzou = 3 =  Journey of the West Ruka Gojo = 5 =  Journey of the West Kokoriki Daisen = 9 =  Journey of the West Youriki Daisen = 8 =  Journey of the West Rokuriki Daisen = 6 =  Journey of the West Hachimen = 8,10,000 =  Journey of the West
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imspardagus · 6 years
I look into the mirror. The face that stares back at me is tired and wary around the eyes. I recognise it as my own while recalling with a ripple of regret that it used to look younger and more confident. In almost the same instant, and in the same features, I also glimpse my father, even though his Brilliantined hair, always precisely parted and regimentally slicked back from his forehead, remained a rich black all his life where mine is now a spikey, snowy white.
But my brain hasn’t finished with me. Indeed it has hardly even started. Without my asking it to, it has registered the shades of blotchy pinks, yellows and sallow browns of my ageing skin, the shapes of my features,  and reported to me that the face in the mirror is classified as white, and not just Western European, not even British, but English. It has determined that I am male (and fired a small salvo of regret through my mind). It has picked up an insecurity about who and what I am, somewhere between the sad compression of the lips and the illogical but patent wish of my reflection’s eyes to avoid looking back at me.
I realise that my brain is doing this all the time, as I move around. It is like having a scanning and recognition unit constantly at work inside my head. As people approach, in the street, in shops, bars and restaurants, driving cars, riding bikes, I am made aware of age, sex, orientation, bearing, mood. An assessment is made of the risk to my safety and comes through as a prickling tension.  An appraisal report reaches me as to the racial or ethnic background of the individual: Irish, Latin, possibly Romanian, Polish, Mali, Muslim, Hindu, Scandinavian. All in a split second.
I have no need for this speculation and, most of the time, no way of checking its accuracy, but, in all my years, I have never found the switch to cancel the operation. It is occurring well below the level of conscious control.    
Perhaps the racial side of this acute awareness is a product of my upbringing. I grew up in the Fifties in an Essex town on the fringe of London in a country imbued over centuries with a sense of its own supremacy. We did not think of ourselves as discriminating. The word “racist” would not be coined for another 20 years. But we had a name for every version of humanity that wasn’t “us”. Mostly not kind words; epithets and abbreviations that reflected not merely that we had noticed their differences but that we regarded those differences with disdain, if not active hostility. It is tempting now to list them but I will resist. I know better, even if my brain doesn’t.
It is easy to say we did not mean any harm. We were just doing what we had been brought up to do, generation following generation. But harm was done. Oh, yes, harm was done. In a world where racial, and sexual, inequality was (and is) rife, it is an awful irony that the best equality our racialism, and sexism, has generated has been an equal and opposite reaction in those of whom we mis-spoke and whom we routinely ill-treated; a claim of right to behave badly based this time in victimhood and vendetta: because your people abused and oppressed my people now I am entitled to abuse and oppress you, and you just have to take it.
In our relatively comfy suburb, I recall, we allowed ourselves a low-hate version of discrimination. We didn’t have misogyny. Men and women simply “knew their place”. We weren’t in your face xenophobes. We would go out of our way to remark of any Irish or German or Italian or French, or whatever, person whom we actually encountered (as opposed to generality of their kind) that they were really nice “all things considered”. We would allow an Indian doctor to practise medicine on us, noting that he had “such nice manners for an Indian”. If we ever encountered a brown face we would exude a post-colonial patronising condescension. It wasn’t as if they wanted to move in next door – yet. We weren’t in the frontline. All these people who were “not us” were so rare that we had the time and space to flatter ourselves that we were good people, tolerant, benevolent, even while we reminded ourselves that they were a lesser version of us.
The problems came later when they gave up the pretence of feeling gratitude for being patronised and started demanding to be treated as equals. Which, of course, they were.  And right then, if we had been the decent, tolerant people we thought we were, it should have been possible to see that we could equalise up. But just that very proposition made many of us feel like we were having to give up something vital to our own well-being. Our sense of self-esteem was not founded in our own worth as people but in our perception of the inferiority of others.
Though the terms of abuse were evenly spread across the nationalities, fostering and supporting the sensitivity to origin that I still find going on in my head, it was, of course, easier to identify those whose cosmetic and physical differences stood out from our pallid, mousey, beige norm: the gingers, the fuzzy-haired, the olive and brown skinned, the sari wearers, the hooded and turbanned. These we clumped together with obsessive efficiency and, regardless of their individuality of experience or culture, proceeded to stereotype into threats to “our way of life”.  
I don’t know why I didn’t have that mindset. I certainly had the racial awareness. It didn’t stop there either. As a boy and then a man, I also had an awareness that I was supposed to be better than the female half of the species, too.  And, as homosexuality became visible, the assumption that I was a straight man should have led to my regarding those who weren’t as deviant. As, nominally, C of E, I was supposed to revile the rabid, God-bothering servility of Catholics. As a nominal Christian, I was supposed to despise the money-grubbing, wily, Christ-denying Jews. As a nominal God-fearer, I was supposed to scorn the heathen antics of Hindus and Muslims.  Most people around me did. I didn’t because I couldn’t. Simply, I could not make it consistent with what I saw in reality. Quality, decency and beauty, and their opposites, worthlessness, inhumanity and ugliness existed in all of us, regardless of race, religion, sex, gender or orientation. That much was, to me as I looked around, obvious and undeniable.
But what I could never lay aside, though it upset me, and still does, was the recognition process. And like a persistent journalist, its presence badgered me, and still does. If I was constantly racially aware, how could I be sure that I wasn’t quietly xenophobic? If I was always aware of the physical differences that men and women manifest, how could I be sure that I wasn’t an unconscious sexist? If I had a part of my brain pointing out other people and whispering to me “gay”, “lesbian”, “tranny”, how could be sure that my behaviour towards them wasn’t affected by the perception? If I thought belief in gods was delusional, how could I be sure that I wasn’t allowing that to colour my judgment of those who believed?
I couldn’t. I can’t. All I can do is be aware and do my best to neutralise it. I think that is right. All the sense I can make of it is that the process is too deep-seated to be excised and yet too dangerous to be ignored.
This process comes down to us from the earliest of our sentient ancestors and it is not confined to our species. Discrimination, the process by which we identified small differences in the landscape and creatures around us and learned to link them to degrees of risk was a matter of survival then. As we evolved in a challenging environment, where territory, holding it, losing it, could make the difference between abundance or scarcity, literally between life and extinction, belonging to the group was core and being cast adrift was a death sentence. Identifying with the tribe was vital and mistrusting the outsider, the interloper, the non-conformist, was its counterpart.
But that doesn’t make it right now. It just goes some way towards explaining where the propensity for these uncomfortably pressing intolerances comes from. There are so many of these residues of our distant past wired into us which would be unacceptable if given free rein now. We have mostly learned to suppress or redirect them. The vast majority of us do not kill other humans (not by direct action, at least) and most of us believe that to do so is wrong. The vast majority respect other people’s property though we may covet it and though it would be so easy to join together to relieve them of it.
It goes further, into the positive. That feeling of fairness and unfairness which guides most of us to want to help those in need though they are unrelated to us in any close way, and to decry the oppression of those whose awful lives do not affect us beyond allowing us to source an abundance of cheap goods, that feeling is an extrapolation of another deep-seated instinct, the feeling of community, kinship, that we had when we lived in small mutually-supporting families and tribes. It is called empathy, or sometimes now, emotional intelligence. We have taken a very old human trait and, tearing down its former boundaries of familial extent, applied it, more or less, to the world.  
It may simply be impossible for our brains to stop noticing differences in our looks, our preferences and our behaviours. But if so, then then it is essential for us to keep noticing our brains’ noticing. We must demand of our conscious minds that they act as custodians and monitors of the unconscious. Awareness is key to preventing the misapplication of our natural and primitive responses. Awareness gives us the choice of doing the right thing for the right reason. And thus to make our old responses work for a better world. We need to train ourselves to understand that the colour of a person’s skin is of no significance as a measure of that person’s character or intellect or propensity to harm us. That the physical differences between a male and a female body are purely functional and not indicative of any comparative value or merit. That the attraction that occurs between people is simply that, and not indicative of the quality of their morals or righteousness.
And then, when we have taken to heart the lesson of the speciousness, and the downright wickedness, of such superficial associations, we have, consciously and deliberately, to accept and understand that most of what actually divides us is cultural and to insist on not making colour, ethnic origin, sex or sexual orientation a cypher for culturally-derived behavioural choices. While the content of religion is a cultural and political construct that we are entitled to challenge as an argument, the need to believe, the need to create ethical structures strong enough to make us feel secure in our relationship with others, is human and universal, even among atheists.
But above all, we have to see that we, ourselves, are both individual and universal. There are only people. We are one family, one race. But we are a race the diversity of whose members runs into billions. Diversity does not threaten us, it sustains us. We are diversity.
The word “kind”, meaning benevolent and well-disposed, has the same root as “kind” and “kin”, meaning family. Just as we are one kind, one species, one race, one family, we need to learn to be kind to each other. If we do not, if, in this crowded world, we allow false and unsustainable notions of the significance of difference to divide us, then belonging becomes baggage, weighing us down, impeding our progress, preventing us from solving the real problems that we have. If we can be kind to all mankind, if we consciously and conscientiously belong to the world, then the world and all its problems will come right.
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