#the BEST Villian I love him so much he’s so interesting!!
thekillermaretwinz · 19 hours
(Warning long ass post)
Lunar: So the mod wanted me to rate the Main Characters of TSAMS. So that's what ill be doing. Disclaimer these reviews will be biased as its my opinion on them. Im rating off of looks and personality.
Sun: 7/10
Lunar: A kind, sweet fella who has been through so much yet still manages to keep a mostly positive outlook. That's something i gotta give him credits for, his design is mostly bland ill give him a 7/10
Moon: 7/10 @the-old-moondrop
Lunar: A smart and respectable animatronic. He has also been through a lot and he likes helping his family, he is not afraid to say the truth even if it hurts. Although he may have not been the best person in the past he has changed and he does not expect Sun to forgive him. His design is more interesting than Sun's but ill give him the same rating as his brother, a 7/10
Eclipse: 7.5/10 @aftonparttwo
Lunar: He is smart and manipulative, although he blew up his brother and caused trauma to many, he has recently been less evil as he used to be but he still can be annoying. His design is interesting so 7.5/10
Bloodmoon: 4/10
Lunar: @escapetheslaughter dont get mad at me for this rating dad. Their character is interesting but he is stubborn and pushes people away, he has literally killed innocent children and families, he's probably killed thousands. He is a ruthless killer and is very blunt. His first design was mildly interesting, his second design in my opinion suited his behavior more. You can easily tell he is a sick twisted animatronic. I will give him a 4/10
Ruin: 10/10 @sillytwofaceboi @ruin-loves-tea
Lunar: A very intellgent and a master manipulator, he knows how to play an act well. He is a patient and calm fella, he was a great "villian" in my opinion. I would say Ruin is more of an anti-hero rather than a villian. His design is also very good, i love how he has red eyes and arm sleeves on one side and blue on the other, it suits his 2 faced personality. He gets a 10/10
Jack-o-Moon: 9.5/10 @gremlininthedark
Lunar: He has a good heart but is also very blunt he doesnt sugarcoat and he protects the ones he loves, i gotta respect that. I do love his halloween - esquie design it really suits him. He gets a 9.5
Earth: 7/10
Lunar: She is a sweetheart and cares about her family, it is tragic to see what shes been through and the fact that her father is an evil being. Her design is pretty. She gets a 7/10
The Creator: -infinity/10
Lunar: He is a pure evil bastard. His design is also bland. -infinity/10.
Killcode Moon: 9/10
Lunar: He definitely had the biggest redemption arc, he went from a murderer to an actually kind being. He is like that 1 grandpa who is a sweetheart. Design wise pretty good. 9/10
Dark Sun: 4.5/10 @dark-sundrop
Lunar: Also a master manipulator and incredibly smart lad. He is definitely the most threatening villian in the show so far. His character is unique and he is rather charasmatic. His design is boring. He gets a 4.5/10
Nexus: 5/10 @insane-nexus
Lunar: His villian arc felt rushed in my opinion, his personality- hes a piece of shit. Design wise, very goofy looking but him in the thumbnails it is interesting, i like the mouth. He gets a 5/10
Solar: 9.5/10 @solar-the-mechanic
Lunar: The nice Eclipse, I do not have to say much abt him. He is a good soul and did not deserve what hes been through. I can see why he is so loved. His design is also loveable. He gets a 9.5/10
Lunar: 6/10 @lunarlovesbeanbags
Lunar: Basically the personification of trauma. Design is mid. He gets a 6/10
@animatronic-assistant @liminal---nightmare-aliza @coastxlwaters @librarian-computer @multifandomcutie13 @silly-a-777
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vancruejovi · 3 months
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Alec Trevelyan 🌹
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nerdyramennoodle · 3 months
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Finished TMA, I know I rarely post but here's a WIP </3
Also here's my ratings and some thoughts I had...
S1 8/10
Some of the best statements, slow start and wish we had more time with Sasha and Tim bc of how much we get later on, amazing finale episodes and the second half really picks up by the end I was captivated.
S2 9/10
Amazing starting to learn more lore, loved paranoid Jon and all the Martin stuff we get, the tunnel stuff was actually terrifying and this season really had a great motif with the supplementals idk wether to call this season one of the scariest or funniest. Also Daisy Basira and Melanie slowly becoming more relevant is amazing I love them so much! Also the pay off with Not!Sasha attacking Jon and the Elias reveal is amazing!
S3 10/10
Probably my favorite because of how many gems you get, Episode 100 being hilarious, Michael's backstory, learning Martin and Tim's reasons for getting the job, Tim's connection to the Stranger who has been built up as one of my favorite villians and being personified through Nikola AAHAHH I love this season sm. MY GIRL MELANIE getting so much more time, OMG and the trips Jon goes on to discover more about his connection to the Eye and all the different avatars! Ugh I could gush about this season for hours. The perfect mix of spooky and lore and funny with a tragic ending.
S4 9/10
Still amazing but is docked a point because of how much less Martin and Melanie time you get, also I've never been a fan of the coma trope and was getting skeptical at the beginning but it pays off alot, I love how much Daisy and Basira get here and how much Jon really changes, loosing Tim and essentially loosing Martin is really interesting for his charcter growth and this is the season you can really feel it and SEE it and it also sets up his hero complex he gets for next season, loosing Sasha and Tim really has an important effect on his character. Also they make it so believable how Jon starts to realize he has feelings for Martin and how much he misses him and all the moments you get of him mourning the friendship they had gotten in s3. It's a lot to explore and as much as I was skeptical at first the pay off with Jon changing sm and THE FINALE!! is really worth it. This season also has my personal favorite Finale of all the seasons.
S5 9.5/10
I won't write too much about s5 because I'm still digesting it bc it's alot, but I loved it! The way Jon and Martin's interactions are so realistic and fun to hear, and the impending doom, that you realize half way though, that one or both of them may die is crushing but great. This season also has more scary statments that didnt affect me as much in s4 more like s2 and 3 again. Also love all the stuff the girlies get, and along with s3 hurting my soul so much this season managed to bring me to tears twice, with Daisy, Jon and Martin RIP </3
Overall I love this series so much and I loved listening to it I might listen to protocol now but I need a small break ugh...
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tiedsh0es · 5 months
I’m TIRED of seeing people love Ganymede but hate on Europa and acting like Europa is the worst villian, people don’t understand her, and you know what they don’t understand Ganymede EITHER!! They’re so much more interesting together than ppl realise.
Sure, they’re both the ring-leaders of the moon-revolution, but they want different outcomes from it. Ganymede. Biggest moon in the solar system and he makes sure people know that. I think the quote of him saying “we’re amongst the biggest moons in the entire solar system!” best describes him. He puts himself on a pedestal from other moons because of his size. The exact thing a lot of the moons resent the planets for. What Ganymede wants is respect for himself. He even mentions how he only bothers to remember 4 moons names and doesn’t see it as an issue. He gets names wrongs, constantly brings up how he’s big, he's self-centered… His attitude is just like the planets, his only difference is that he isn’t one.
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He’s hypocritical and that's great! That’s what makes him so interesting.
Europa on the other hand is the smallest out of their little ‘A-Team’. And because of this she’s shown to be the most empathetic towards the smaller moons. She wants an actual change for these moons. She’s bothered by how Jupiter doesn’t care if the other moons were missing, when she asks him if he’ll be alright without them she dislikes the answer that he can’t even feel them there.
While Ganymede doesn’t even care to remember the other names of Jupiter’s moons, Europa goes to mention the smaller moons like her :) and she seems happy about it. Ganymede even nearly loses all of Saturn’s moons support because of his ego, it’s only because of Europa actually giving them a voice that they decide to join.
Europa is part of the moons that have lived under the shadow of the planets, Ganymede? Not so much.
Not that I’m not defending her actions but she at least has more of a right to be bitter.
Anyways They’re fun together :) Europa is a lot better at actually getting people to consider their cause, but Ganymede has the assertiveness to make you feel like you can do it. I love them. Really interesting characters!! SO STOP HATING ON EUROPA.
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rhythmstars · 1 year
Hello!! Just saw that you were writing for Pavitr- and thought I could submit this idea:) soo, I was thinking an Pavitr x reader where some villian finds out that spider man is dating the reader and uses that against him by kidnapping the reader? And Pavitr is just kinda freaking out and Gwen or someone has to calm him down before they go and save reader? Just thought it was an interesting idea and it's fine if you don't want to do it:) remember to take care of yourself and all that stuff<3
A/n: omg i live for hurt comfort!! Also, thank you so much for being so sweet! take care of yourself as well, drink some water!! and thank you for requesting!! <3
i tried my best to write this, i hope you enjoy, I'm sorry for any mistakes or if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to :)
Warnings: minor? gore, panic, crying, hurt (with comfort fellas!), Pavitr being ANGRY, and bad writing.
this is my first fic on Tumblr so pls let me know if you like it and if there are any mistakes :))
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Pavitr Prabhakar x GN! Reader
It was five hours ago when Pavitr received a text from his partner asking him if he is free for the day.
Five hours ago when he replied with a 'sorry but i have a meeting with the others today, maybe next time? will make it up to you i promise <3'
Four hours ago when he got a text from them reassuring him that it's alright and that they can always plan something for some other day, and asking him not to blame himself for this.
Three hours ago, before he got a text from them telling him that they have a sudden change in schedule and that they'll be attending their piano lessons today. A message with the last line being 'don't forget how much I love you, Pav. <3'
It was two hours ago when he got out of the meeting and tried calling his s/o to talk with them about their day and his. Two hours ago when they didn't pick up his first and his fifth call.
It was one hour ago when he asked Gwen and Hobie to help him find his s/o because he was freaking out.
And, it was exactly 30 minutes ago when Miguel called him to the office and told him that his beloved had been walking home from school when they got abducted by some unknown people. When he felt like the world has stopped.
It was exactly now that he was panicking and pacing around the room with uneven breathing.
"Pav, you need to calm down. They'll be fine." Gwen tried to reassure him because she felt like if she doesn't, then Pavitr won't ever stop. He didn't reply though, possibly not even heard what his friend had said. He kept murmuring about the possibilities he had flooding his mind.
Hobie sighed "This is no good mate. You gotta stop pacin' and think for a moment." He tried to talk to him but was met with silence once more. Frustrated with his best friend's antics, he walked towards Pavitr and puts a hand on his shoulder making him still. "Oi! can you stop pacin' around and think calmly for a moment?" he said in a sharp tone.
What he didn't expect was a distraught looking Pavitr looking at him helplessly with tears in his eyes. "Pav..." Gwen was shocked to see him like this as well. A guy like him never liked crying in front of others or talking about his problems, so seeing him like this really hurt them.
Both of them looked at him shocked to their cores. They had never seen this guy so frustrated or angry. This cool and calm guy with a never ending playful persona.
He sighed. "I'm- I'm sorry I just-" he covered his face as he sat down on the stairs. "I- I don't know what to do...i don't know what is happening to them right now or if they're alright. I have no clue where they are and what those assholes are doing to them." He took in a deep breath. "I- You don't know I just- I don't want to think about this- what if, what if they're hurt? what if they're torturing them for being with me? they'll never tell my secrets, they'll rather die and it just, it scares the shit out of me guys i don't know what is going on. what if i never get to see them again? what if they leave me? what if- what if I-" His voice broke and he choked on a sob.
Gwen and Hobie looked down in guilt. They knew that this isn't easy for Pavitr. He truly loved Y/n.
Only a minute later, Peter came running out of the building. "Hey! We found 'em!" At his words, Pavitr got up with the speed of lightning and impatiently demanded the location.
Miguel walked beside Peter, "Do not act irrationally Pavitr, this is-"
Miguel and Peter looked at him in shock. They had never seen him so angry. "The warehouse near the east coast in Mumbattan."
That's all he needed to hear before getting ready to take off. He had waited enough. One more second of delay and he'd lose himself. With impatient, trembling hands, he started using his watch for opening a portal back to his world.
To save his world.
"Pavitr!" He looked back at Miguel when he heard his voice, expecting a lecture on being rational and thinking calmly. But much to everyone's except Peter's surprise, Miguel said something nice. "Good luck."
Pavitr gave him a grateful nod and walked into the portal followed by Gwen and Hobie.
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The three of them stood on a tower standing a few meters away from the warehouse. Pavitr was growing impatient every second and both Gwen and Hobie could see it.
Gwen placed a hand on his shoulder gently speaking, "Hey, it's alright. We're here now right? They're gonna be alright." She gave him a small reassuring smile.
"Yeah mate really, let's just check before getting straight to them, eh?" Hobie gave him a grin.
Pavitr sighed and nodded. "Let's go." They swung by the warehouse and over, trying to search for men possibly on the lookout. When they found none, they landed on the roof of the warehouse. A skylight caught there attention as they walked towards it to look inside. Unfortunately for them, it was too dark.
Too dark for Pavitr's liking.
Suddenly, the door to the warehouse opened and a man dressed in a robe walked in. He had a suitcase in his hand. What the actual hell?
He placed his suitcase on a iron table nearby and walked towards....
Pavitr's eyes widened. There, in front of that man, laying on the cold hard ground, tied to a metal frame, was his beloved s/o. The light coming in from the opened door reflected their bruises and cuts. Pavitr's blood turned cold at the man's laughter.
"Look at you, young gorgeous. Not so gorgeous anymore with all those scars but-" he pulled out a pair of gloves and started putting it on. "Come on dear y/n. We both know he doesn't give a DAMN about you. Otherwise he'd be here by now."
Gwen places a hand on Pavitr's shoulder, trying to ground his racing heart. "He won't even LOOK at you with a face as bruised as this. Just, tell me already." his voice turned deadly serious as he kneeled in front of them, "how. do. i. defeat. him."
That's enough.
Pavitr broke through the glass of the skylight and landed behind the man making him turn away startled. Gwen and Hobie followed after him looking angry. But Pavitr wasn't angry, no.
He glared at the man with so much rage and hatred that even the creepy man felt a shiver run down his spine. "Hah! would you look at that!" The man clapped his hands. "so you DO care after all."
Pavitr rushed forward and punched the man straight in the jaw making him stumble. But he still laughed like a maniac. "Haha! Gosh! You have some strength in you young man!" Pavitr punched him again as Gwen rushed to y/n's side untying their hands and legs. Hobie took his chance and smashed a random discarded wine bottle he found lying somewhere on the man's arm making him yelp in agony.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" pavitr yelled. He held him by the collar of his shirt. "WHY DID YOU TAKE THEM!?" He punched him on the right cheek but he kept laughing. "HOW DARE YOU HURT THEM!" A punch on the left cheek and his laughing turned to choked coughs as he spat out blood on the floor. "HOW DARE YOU!" He yelled and kept punching him.
Gwen, y/n and Hobie watched him with wide eyes. They had never seen him so furious. So vengeful. Gwen looked at Hobie who stood behind Pavitr, giving a look. He nodded before walking forward and holding pavitr by his shoulders. "Hey. that's enough, mate."
But to their surprise, Pavitr pushed his hands away and kept punching the now unconscious man. Hobie frowned. "Pav. Let go man. that's enough." He didn't stop.
Y/n watched. This wasn't like him. He wasn't the sweet, charismatic boy who they knew. No, he was a furious and enraged superhuman who had forgotten about the boundaries of being the friendly neighborhood, Spider-Man.
"Pav..." They spoke weakly but loud enough for him to hear. He immediately stopped his movements and looked at them. They had tears in their eyes as They stared at him with fear. Afraid that he'll lose his humanity. He dropped his hands to the side, his blood and the man's blood mixed, dripping from his knuckles. He swiftly walked towards them and kneeled in front of them.
His eyes scanned their body lingering on every cut and bruise. Y/n slowly raised a hand to his cheek and it was enough to break him. He hid his face in the crook of their neck as the tears escaped his eyes.
Gwen and Hobie shared knowing looks and walked out with hobie carrying the unconscious man.
Pavitr hugged y/n and cried in their embrace. "Hey.... I'm okay... it's okay...Pav..." They whispered gently to him.
The hold on their body tightened as he cried. "I- i thought i- l-lost you.." Y/n felt a ache in their heart. He sounded so broken. "I was s-so scared."
It came as a surprise even to y/n. No matter how bad things got or how scared he'd get, Pavitr NEVER showed it on his face. He always kept a charming smile on his face and a few corny jokes up his sleeve to assess the situation. But seeing him break down like this only because of the fear that he'd lose them, it was overwhelming. It was heartwarming. It was endearing.
They took in a shakey breath and hugged him tighter. "Yeah...me too. But hey" they pulled a little back and looked at him in the eyes, "we're okay. you're here... I'm here...yeah?" a reassuring smile on their face, they tried their best to console his racing heart and shaking body.
"B-but y-you're hurt..." He looked down at their wounds but they held him by the chin and made him look at them.
"I'm alive." Their voice was firm and reassuring. "They....they may leave some scars but, nothing serious. I hope you don't mind a little ugliness, Spider boy." They smiled and joked but their voice held some sort of insecurity and fear in it. This didn't go unnoticed by Pavitr.
He always noticed.
He gently cupped their cheeks and looked softly at them. "You were, are, and always will be the most beautiful person to me. In every damn universe and in every damn reality. I will NEVER stop loving you y/n." His words made the tears in their eyes return as they smiled at him.
How can he be so brutally furious one moment and then so sweet and caring the other? 'This boy... he'd be the death of me.' Y/n thought as they looked at his miraculously perfect face.
Pavitr pulled them in for a kiss and they happily gave in hugging him close. When they pulled apart, Pavitr gave them a small smile.
"Now let's get you home." He gently picked them up in his arms and grinned at them.
" I'm pretty sure you missed your dashing boyfriend."
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kurain-genealogy · 1 year
i said i was gonna post about it and i am. i don't think william afton hates his kids. i don't think william afton is a mad scientist that kidnapped and put children in hallucinogenic gas chambers. whatever the fuck dittophobia said about afton doing all that, plus not stopping/furthering the bullying between michael and cc, is just dumb & wrong. william wanting his kids to fight, even die, is comically evil in the "bad writing" way. him being characterized as someone who experiments on children (including his own with no regard for their lives) in order to achieve immortality or whatever his supposed motivation is, is just really... nothing? as a character there is nothing to make him feel real. in an attempt to flesh out this character, they made him into a cartoon villain with "evil" being his only defining trait. whatever, i could talk for so long about how dumb i think all the dittophobia stuff is but i think most ppl on tumblr are on the same page regarding that.
to me, william afton is best characterized as someone who, at the Very Least, Doesn't Want His Own Children To Die. he can be a shitty father all around, or he can be a genuine loving father who is also a serial killer, as long as he Cares if they Die? most of what makes william afton an interesting villain, and where a lot of people interpret his motivation comes from, is how despite all his best efforts, he cannot prevent the death or downfall of his own family. he is in a tragedy of his own making, a self-imposed hell crafted by his hubris and violence. if you take this away, why should i care what happens to him? william afton was scariest when he was just purple guy and we knew nothing. william afton is most interesting when we have all these relationships and dynamics where we can seriously study and speculate the circumstances behind/around his actions, when he has something to lose (and will lose). william afton is most stale when more things are added to his story without purpose, filling in gaps that were better unfilled or we didn't even know were there – anything after UCN, basically. bro isn't scary anymore because he's either peepaw afton who's brought back despite his story being over, or he's cartoon network's newest over-the-top villian that you can't take seriously.
okay anyway. ANYWAY. william doesn't hate his kids. even if he's a shitty father, i think he still loves his kids. why else would he try and scare his kids away from the robots if he didn't want them to die? why would he design circus baby after his daughter if he didn't care for her, adore her, even? if you believe the theory that he talked to cc through the fredbear plush (idr if that's actually canon), why would he be trying to protect/comfort him?
i don't think he's a perfect, or even a good father, by any means. if you interpret him to be on the better side, that's great and fine. i'd love to hear how other people interpret/characterize afton if you wanna share! continuing on for this post, i'm going to lay out how i personally see william afton.
to me, he is someone who is very concerned and preoccupied with his image and how others view him & his family. even if he's super shitty and awful towards his kids, he at least cares that they all look good as a family unit, that they're well behaved, that he can send family portrait holiday cards to all his business partners and investors.
he strikes me very much as the typical authoritarian parent of the 80s. harsher on his sons because "men don't cry," wants his kids to say "yes, sir," and "no, sir," believes in "tough love," often says "my house, my rules," he has the final say in everything, maybe thinks hitting them from time to time is a normal, necessary punishment. not all entirely malicious, but thinks he's doing what's best, what's right, acting like a parent and father Should act, perhaps how he himself was raised. unfortunately, a very common parental mindset (even outside of serial killers). maybe he was a little scarier sometimes though, a little more unhinged or violently angry. who's to say.
but he's still just a guy who could exist in real life. he still eats dinner with his family every night, hangs his kids' drawings on the fridge, had to turn the car around because they wouldn't stop fighting in the backseat, attended awkward parent-teacher conferences, everything. he was once a new father who happily came home with his first newborn, lost countless nights of sleep over the course of two more, loves them because they're his.
meticulously and senselessly killed children, then came home and tucked his own into bed and kissed them goodnight.
he can be abusive and still love his kids. he can be a murderer and still care for his own kids' lives. maybe the loss of his own kids is what triggered his actions, or maybe it was something else. i'm fine with not knowing because we don't need to know everything, and it's more interesting when we don't.
Something Is Seriously Wrong With This Guy And We Don't Know What or Why. when acquaintances find out he's a suspected murderer, it should be shocking and upsetting. he's such a great man and father, he wouldn't murder those kids! when michael discovers his father's crimes, he should be in denial. sure, he could be scary sometimes, but he wouldn't kill anyone... right? there's a great cognitive dissonance between who he appears to be and who he actually is.
whether william descended into grief-induced madness and obsession, or was just always some kind of freak, or both, i don't think he saw his own family as disposable. even if he didn't truly love them, he at least needed to keep up his own facade as a friendly family man. personally i like to see him as someone who was a shitty father but still loved his kids, because people like that exist, and it makes him a much more interesting, realistic, and nuanced character than if he just didn't care about them At All.
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mewharley · 4 months
it's so wild getting into Sonic little by little and seeing the posts about it on Tumblr without much context ????
like I've only read the idw comics, played the first 3 games, saw like 10 minutes of sonic boom years ago and the rest is Tumblr osmosis
and the most relevant or wildest stuff I've learned is:
sonic was a werewolf (werehog) at some point???? (game????) which was referenced in the idw comic
the whole sonic and the black knight posts ??????????? I'm SO lost (another game ????? an AU made game ????)
the whole thing with shadows backstory which i already read two years ago 💔 but still don't have the whole context so for now he's just a random dude that sometimes appears, he's serious, he's powerful, but I haven't seen a lot and i have no context, like what does he do with his life ??? does he just wander around ??? where does he live ???? same with sonic but at least he likes to run everywhere and go anywhere and helps people, but shadow ??? dude what's your purpose in life ?????
I THOUGHT ROUGE WAS A VILLIAN ???? I mean she's a thief but still ????
knuckles is *not* as beefy as he was in Sonic Boom ???? he's so scrawny ?????
Amy's love for sonic IS NOT a secret ?????? at least in the idw comic
Tails and Sonic are actually brothers 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i thought they were just best friends and he was his sidekick but didn't expect it to be referenced so explicitly 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (idw comic again, idk about other media)
fuck the chaos emeralds in the first games, I gave up trying to get them (only got them in the first game)
are the chaos emerald like the dragon balls? do they randomly hide in the world after "being used" or what ?????
WHY ARE THERE SO MANY KIDS WITH THE REST OF THE CAST??? HOW OLD IS EVERYONE ELSE???? is sonic freaking 15 ????? older? Tails is a kid, Charmy is a kid, Cream is a kid, what's up with that? (at least Cream lives as a kid and Charmy seems to act as a kid, but Tails?? baby noooo 🥺🥺🥺, he's smart, I love him)
First sonic game I played was sonic adventure 1 GameCube version about 3 years ago, but it was so weird, random and hard that i dropped it quickly... but apparently it's one of the best Sonic games ???? so ????? (will definitely try again later)
the sonic franchise and its fandom knows no "cringe" and I admire everyone for that 👊😔, it's just so positive I love it, they're just.. free
haven't tried but I already know i won't be able to draw the characters hahaha, they're just SO dynamic that drawing them all stiff would look weird 💔💔💔💔
are there humans or not in the sonic world???? wait is eggman a human? what's up with sonic adventure having humans? (as far as I remember, I might be confused) do other games have humans? I know sonic is in the human world in the movies but ??
silver my beloved, I've only known him from the idw comic but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
for real, the characters are so likeable so far, I love sonic he's cool, a good lad, he's cocky but he like he's right, you know? and he helps everyone and he knows he's cool and and and I love him
so this is my sonic journey
very interesting
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Im so in love with the narrative use of sentimonsters in ml???? And how it serves as a metaphor for parents who are Wrong??
You have Félix, who’s the most direct case of “parent thinks that having a child is like a little trophy and checkmark on the list and doesn’t want the child to actually be a person or exist or cause inconvenience.” His father literally didn’t see him as a person and based on the fact that he literally broke Félix’s miraculous he seemed to see Félix as either disposable or unbreakable. There was no sense that he needed to be loved or protected.
But then you also have Adrien, who Gabriel *theoretically* loves. I think Gabriel actually thinks that he loves Adrien as a person. But he has this idea that he can make Adrien happy through obedience alone. He thinks he can just order Adrien to be content or to have the same priorities as him. He calls Adrien melodramatic a few times even and it’s like???
Gabriel *theoretically* wants Adrien to be happy but it doesn’t cross his mind that it’s going to take more than him yelling “hey Adrien i order you to be calm and content.” And ordering Adrien to love the career Gabriel Chooses and love the girl Gabriel Chooses for him and the hobbies that Gabriel Chooses for him. And when that doesn’t work he decides that Adrien is just Beyond His Help and will be better only with his mom there.
And it’s like???? Very fun nuance with this idea of,,, you cannot yell or force someone into being happy,,, it doesn’t matter if you have their best interest in mind,,, if you never listen to what they actually want or see them as a human person then you’ll still be the villian in their story
And THEN!!!!! You have Kagami who’s a completely different case even though she starts with the same circumstance. Because Kagami IS treated like a person and has a good amount of autonomy. It’s just all Conditional. She can do whatever she wants with her life as long as its also exactly what her mother wants. And her mother doesn’t always explain why. And the thing with that is!!! It DOES work for a while!!!! She does trust her mother and actually talk to her about things. And she will defend her mother to the ends of the earth.
But all it takes is that One argument where kagami says “hey . please stop making me date adrien. i dont want to . its hurting me” and tomoe TAKES HER RING instead of listening. And its like. Thats IT.
It doesnt matter if you spent years making a foundation of trust in a relationship because Eventually your kid is Going to grow up and theyre Going to disagree with you on Something Eventually. Kagami was so ready to listen to whatever her mother had to say but her mom didn’t elaborate on anything she just basically said “okay if you wont listen without question you dont get to have autonomy” and of COURSE kagami’s gonna be like. Okay. Bye then.
And i just think it’s soooo cool how there’s these different Layers of “parents forgetting that their child is a person and not a tool for your own personal gain” and that ml shows how it can manifest in so many different ways and it shows that it messes ,up trust and relationships and then it also shows that the kids are all okay once they have love and support and someone who treats them as a person with autonomy
and theres this theme of “it is not too much to ask that you be treated like a human person . no matter how broken or how much of a disappointment you think you are. you are still in the right for demanding to be seen as a person.” And i just. I really love my senti kids i love them soooo much
this show really said “it doesnt matter what sacrifices your parents made for you, youll never be an object that they own” and i just,,, yessssss
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wonryllis · 7 months
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( NOTES ) I WILL KEEP ADDING MORE AS I FIND NEW GOOD ONES!! as you can see i seem to have a certain taste for historical and transmigration aus lmao but they're legit all really good i swear i'm super picky when it comes to these things especially with the art style so trust me my recs all have good art if not bombastically fantastic! IM OPEN TO NEW RECS PLS SUGGEST SOME GOOD ONES!! 📌 - very good , 📌📌 - must read , 📌📌📌 - haven't read then die!
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LOVE LIKE CHERRY BLOSSOMS: modern school setting, male lead helps fem lead to score points with the guy she has a crush on and they end up falling for each other, kinda bad boy x good girl, there is also a side couple whose story is absolutely cute, the fem lead's bestie x male lead's older cousin. art and plot is realllyy good. completed, 92 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
HIDDEN LOVE: modern, brother's best friend, age gap (5 years i think) fem lead falls for her brother's best friend at first sight, her one sided crush goes on for years until she gets into uni and they both stay in the same city and start hanging out together. he slowly falls for her and boom they get into a relationship!! super cute and art style is top notch(i find the brother so much hotter honestly), ongoing i think. 📌
ONCE MORE: high school love reunion kinda, used to like each other due to misunderstandings couldn't confess and later reunite as teachers in their high school. adorable story full of fluff. tomboyish fem x popular guy. the second lead couple is to die for, cute girl x tsundere guy, she's a teacher too and guy is fem lead's childhood friend. completed, 156 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
PHARAOH'S CONCUBINE: isekai, royal/historical au, girl is a history major and like really fascinated with ancient egypt so her brother gets her an ancient relic (a snake bracelet) which gets her sucked back 3000 years in ancient egypt and the powerful pharaoh ends up falling deep in love with her. literally the best thing ever the plot is the most interesting and connected in a circle one i have ever read my all time favourite the top one! there are a lot of heart fluttering scenes but also heartbreaking scenes and it's just so damn good! READ IT NOW!! completed season 1 (around 70 chapters) for further seasons there's only novel so far which is in chinese. FAVOURITE!!!!!!.📌📌📌
HOW TO GET MY HUSBAND ON MY SIDE: transmigation, royal/historical au, girlie wakes up in another body who is like set to be the villian of the novel so for the sake of survival portrays herself as a harmless character and throws herself at her husband at any chance to make him think she could never do anything evil to him because she loves him a lot. there's so much fluff and heart fluttering moments but there are some incidents which are kinda angsty but it's worth it! male lead is smitten, crazy over his wife!!! and he's hot! super hot! the best married couple duo ever! he's so protective of her it's crazy. ongoing! one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
YOUR MAJESTY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME AGAIN: transmigation, historical/royal au, girlie wakes up in a noble lady's body in a novel where the male lead is a ruthless ruler who kills all family for the throne, so she becomes his maid/lady in waiting and ends up winning his heart lmao first as a friend when they're literally kids and more as they grow up. plot is interesting becuz girl is always under the threat of being killed by the prince where as he doesn't really have those intentions and just actually treasures her sorta? ongoing.
ACTUALLY, I WAS THE REAL ONE: rebirth/going back in time?, royal/historical au, fantasy, fem lead is killed by her father, the emperor when another girl appears and claims to be the real princess and he believes her because she looks more like the late empress than the fem lead. before her death she finds out she actually is the real daughter. when she opens her eyes she's back years before and this time tries her best to prove the fact she's the actual one, male lead is like not decided between two guys, one is a hot blond magician helping her and the other a head royal knight. ongoing.
I BECAME THE WIFE OF THE MALE LEAD: transmigation, fantasy, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of a really power girl with magic, the villainess. does her best to change her role and it starts with saving the male lead and becoming his friend but oh god he ends up falling for her so hard and girlie is so oblivious. they're a power couple in terms of strength like her magic powers are undisputable and the male lead strength and skills in sword fighting are exceptional. they both are a pair of beauties and male lead is hottttt!! the fem lead's so called father is also super hot man. really interesting storyline with twists, ongoing. one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
MY SECRETLY HOT HUSBAND/MY HUSBAND HIDES HIS BEAUTY: transmigration, historical, fantasy au, fem lead wakes up as the bride of the powerful demon hunter duke known to hide a hideous face behind a mask, she helps him get rid of the curse of family, and helps the dukedom grow and have a name in the kingdom. husband wife who are down bad for each other. completed, 109 chapters, happy ever after ending. one of my favorites. 📌📌
NO PLACE FOR THE FAKE PRINCESS: foretelling fantasy?, historical/royal au, fem lead reads a book where she's the villainness and the fake princess turns out the book shows future events if she continues to live the same way so she changes her attitude and gains the love of her father by being an obedient and capable daughter so when the real princess arrives she will not be killed by her father and get the chance to run away to live a peaceful life but when the time comes and she elopes her father goes crazy trying to find her because he loves her and the same goes for the male lead!! ongoing.
SECRET LADY: reincarnation, transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead could see ghosts in her original body and even after reincarnation as a noble lady of a powerful family she can still see ghosts, these ghosts help her know that the second prince is going to be assassinated so she offers to help him under a guise of a poor maiden. she falls for him while he has always loved her but because of a curse in the royal family their love faces many obstacles. super amazing plot, really really interesting. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS: transmigration, royal/historical au, fem lead wakes up inside a novel in the body of the only princess of the cruel emperor who hates her because the empress died giving birth to her. originally the princess is killed by him but the fem lead tries her best to change the story and her father's feelings towards her by being an adorable daughter who apparently loves her dad a lot. the male lead is a renowned magician like the best one from legends and also the son of a duke, she doesn't choose one by the end but it is heavily shown who she prefers. really great plot, so many twists and turns but so worth it! completed, 125 chapters. happy ending, one of my favorites. 📌📌
BEING A WICKED WOMAN IS COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead enters the body of the villianous and decides to live comfortably by using that role and collecting more money and as said living comfortably without disturbing the main couples. (it's a reverse harem for the original fem lead of the novel but now girlie takes her place) she is known as a stupid person not knowing how to use magic but as a person from modern world magic formulae become his forte and she literally changes so many things and becomes an icon. ongoing.
THE VILLIANESS IS A MARIONETTE: transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of the villian's sister who is known as the her brother's (villian) puppet, she decides to change it all by changing her behaviour towards him and gaining his favor and affection trying to make him the puppet, this gets the male lead, a powerful duke who previously hated her and she had been forcing herself on him romantically(the original character) ends up falling for the new her. plot and art and characters are to die for. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌📌
BABY TYRANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, after dying the fem lead wakes up in the body of the beloved princess of a powerful empire. now she has everything she's wanted but it's hard to accept and with people trying to undo the prophecy of her birth her father makes her the emperor oh god, also the male lead is a like a demon or something i don't remember. ongoing.
INTO THE LIGHT, ONCE AGAIN: rebirth, new family, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead was previously a princess who was killed by her own family because another sister falsely accused her of trying to kill her. betrayed by everyone she loved and thought who loved her, she wakes up as the beloved princess of the neighbouring kingdom where her new family loves her to death, with the help of her brother and the male lead who is the light king, she embarks on her journey of revenge against the evil sister. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
THE SIREN: BECOMING THE VILLAIN'S FAMILY: rebirth/travelling back in time?, kinda historical au? but not, fantasy, the fem lead is one of the last surviving sirens, her father sells her to the emperor who cages her makes her sing till death. before dying though, the male lead goes on a killing spree and kills everyone in the palace and rescues her just because no reason no he doesn't love her at that point. upon going back in time she tries to change things and this time ends up as the male lead's wife and he falls for her hard. ongoing, the art is everything literally the best ever you either hate it or love it, and the plot is sooo good too, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
FOR MY DERELICT FAVORITE: transmigration, rebirth/travel back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up as a noble woman background character in her favorite novel. however after watching her favorite character die of heartbreak she kills herself and when she wakes up she's years back and this time makes sure to help her favorite character live a happy life and move on from the past, by becoming his wife and getting him justice. fan x idol couple lmao she's crazy about him. ongoing. 📌📌📌
SERENA/SELENA: somewhere between modern and historical au, marriage of convience, arranged marriage, the fem lead loses her parents and brother in an accident and then later on married off to a guy of opponent family by her grandmother who passes the family business to him. enraged she's determined he plans to destroy her but later the truth comes ot and they fall in love and oh she takes over her family business a girl boss!! both play hard to get, stubborn characters, enemies to lovers, age gap (5 years) art is so damn good you'll drool, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
I TAMED MY EX HUSBAND'S MAD DOG: rebirth/travelling back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead lives a miserable first life because of her husband who indirectly kills her father, cheats on her, and basically ruins her life. after going back in time she makes sure to do everything to take her revenge and this time she finds and makes allies with her husband's pet like right hand man who is also the male lead, they end up falling in love!! age gap but not much ig i don't remember, ongoing.
I'LL BE THE MATRIARCH IN THIS LIFE: rebirth/travelling back in time?, not kinda historical?, fem lead watches her grandfather die and leave the family business to ruins by handing it to her brothers while she was the most capable one but he realised it too late. after rebirth? she makes sure to make him aware of her skills from early on in childhood so that she can succeed him and take care of the family business herself, her skills from handling the affairs in past life gain her lots of advantage including supporting the second prince who'll become a ruthless king in future by becoming his friend and who also ends up falling for her. ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌
CRY, EVEN BETTER IF YOU BEG: somewhere between historical and modern?, age gap(6 years i think), enemies to lovers kinda?, red flag male lead, he's crazy, so after girlie's parents die she ends up living with her uncle who works as a gardener for the male lead's family. he comes home very summer and everytime they have encounters which screammm red flag but i still love the story. he loves making her suffer. anyway ongoing, one of my favorites.📌
I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT YOU: modern, office au, one sided enemies to lovers, the male lead's parents die in an accident because of fem lead's dad when they're both kids so he hates her while girlie has no idea. later as grown ups she works in his family company. events lead to them interacting with each other falling in loveee yay. ongoing.
AGE OF ARROGANCE: historical/royal au, marriage of convience, the knight commander fem lead marries the crown prince to get the resources to rebuild her region and help her people live well. while he agrees so that he can build up a support group for his succession to throne against his stepbrother. they make a deal to help each other but end up in love. ongoing.
I WILL SEDUCE THE NORTHERN DUKE: isekai, historical/royal au, fantasy?, fem lead finds herself in a different world after falling off a cliff while filming(she's a star actress) things happen and she makes a deal with the northern territory duke to play as his lover for certain reasons while he helps her stay in this world. really really fun story. ongoing.
STAR DREAM IDOL PROJECT: modern, survival show, revenge, and slight but visible romance between contestant and judge. fem lead is the secret daughter of a famous singer (mom, parents are separated) after her mom's death she participates in a famous survival show under a guise to chase her dreams as an idol along road of revenge involving her public power figure father. the romance hints at her and the blunt famous singer judge who keeps criticising her skills because he believes in her exceptional potential. ongoing. 📌
A SIGN OF AFFECTION: modern, college au, opposites attract, real wholesome just fem lead has been deaf since birth and meets male lead on the subway, he somehow makes her feel so warm and different and it's like love at first sight for her. he learns sign language for her and falls for how cute she is. a simple and pure love story? ongoing, anime has 12 eps and really good too. 📌
SEASONS OF BLOSSOM: HAMIN'S FLOWER: modern, high school au, major character death, summer love? so fem lead and male lead are two opposite kind of students at school ml is popular and a topper while fl is kinda average and very interested in arts and painting. for a long while they meet up in the art room during lunch because fl does not have friends and spends the break painting while ml wants to escape the fake people have some time alone. they become friends and ml realizes he really likes painting because it makes him feel free so during summer break he joins her art club outside school and they have their romance? phase after his parents find out he stops and things happen and he commits suicide. fl after years comes as teacher in the same school and through his younger brother finds the truth which is heartbreaking and finally gets her closure. completed, there's a kdrama on this with the same name highly recommend checking it out, though prepare your tissues. 📌📌
ETERNAL LOVE: hidden love brother's story, modern, kinda like frenemies to roomates to lovers?, i don't remember much fem lead and male lead are classmates in high school who used to not be fond of each other and later as adults things happen and he becomes her roommate because his apartment is like undergoing renovations or something? there's some misunderstandings and miscommunications but it's a really good read though the art is changed in this from hidden love. ongoing.
BRIDE OF HABAEK: fantasy, god falls for human sacrifice au??? do not remember much i read it long back but like the fem lead is offered as bride sacrifice to the water god and thrown into some well or something and when she wakes up she's in his realm and he's like a child? he also has his adult form but around her he's in child form and she does come across him in adult form but does not know it's him. i don't remember more details but it's slow burnnnn and interesting pretty different from the kdrama. ongoing or completed? no idea but there's a hella lot of chapters and it's black and white.
GIRL AND HER GUARD DOG: first of all this is not for everyone help,, pls don't judge me for liking it (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) modern, she falls first and he falls harder trope, age gap like 5 years. fem lead parents die in an accident and she is brought to her grandpa's house whose a gangster and he gets one of his beloved men to take care of her. later when she grows up and goes to a distant city for school that man(male lead) follows becuz he's worried she might get in danger alone and enrolls as a student too through connections.
MY IN-LAWS ARE OBSESSED WITH ME: historical/royal, travelling back in time/rebirth, contract marriage, magic/curse. fem lead is killed by her family and husband for father's inheritance by a mysterious poison and when she wakes up again she has travelled back to two months. to protect herself and her inheritance she offers the powerful duke of the kingdom a marriage contract for one year but during that time her actions make her in-laws fall in love with her, everyone just adores her and refuses to let her go after a year. oh and male lead, the duke's family has a curse and she's immune to it somehow? ongoing.📌
will elaborate later on!
broken ring: this marriage will fail anyway 📌📌📌
flirting with the villain's dad
obsidian bride 📌
why are you obsessed with your fake wife 📌📌
i will be queen in this life
the world without my sister who everyone loved
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girltigerclaw · 10 months
breaking into ur house rn
top ten characters and bottom ten. reasons are optional
I just finished this chart thing i think i actually stole from your blog a few months ago <3 Slightly edited to my own prefs.
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If anyone wants the template check the reblogs, and feel free to add you own. I'd love to see. I'm just rambling under here:
Leafpool: She is more special and sacred than the virgin mary. She has everything. Daughter of the first protagonist, ex boyfriend for me to hate, TONS of wlw situationships<3, a lifetime of tragedy, and some of the most gorgeous canon art to exist.
Crookedstar: Crookedstar is a trans woman to me. Her life is genuinely just so tragic and fucked, I love it. The erins asked: “How much truama, death and misfortune can you fit into a single cat?” and then they wrote Crookedstar’s promise.
Tawnypelt: GIRLS WHO HATE THEIR FATHERS. The erins dont love her like I do.
Tallstar: I love old men… I fucking love seeing older characters and how much they’ve changed from their younger selves. Tallstar is considered one of, if not the most peaceful leader in the clans. But also when he was like 19 he went on a quest to fucking murder a guy :3
Cloudstar: I rlly do not care abt anyone in Skyclan(I like Leafstar but she's not a fav yknow?) Cloudstar... he was based as fuck. Why did Starclan get away with this shit for real??
Scourge: It’s fucking Scourge. He’s awesome
Briarlight: I’m disabled and I love her. She has such a consistent fun, sweet personality and she makes me happy!!<3
RavenBarley: It deserves all the attention and hype it gets. Though I wish mlm ships didn’t overshadow wlw ones in this fandom, RavenBarley is genuinely well written and makes me very emotional even if the publisher didnt allow it to be explicitly canon.
CrookedBlue: TRANS WOMEN CROOKEDSTAR YURI. Two leaders having a forbidden relationship and kits is way more interesting than Oakheart. The angst of Crooked and Blue sitting next to eachother every gathering while the entire forest has their eyes on them. Don’t look for too long, don’t let the mourning slip into your voice. You have to pretend your lover is a stranger. You… have become strangers. You can never be together again. You're enemies now. This is what we wanted, isn’t it? …We’ll never be happy again.
Mothwing: Her novella delving into her relationship with Hawkfrost was so good and heartbreaking.
Heathertail: Daughter of leader, sister of a major villian, and former love interest of a protagonist! Why did she fall off the second po3 ended. She’s shown to be very compassionate and willing to put her own feelings aside for the sake of others. Would’ve honestly prefered her as a mate to Lionblaze or get a pov herself over the nothing we got.
Blackstar: *Murders an elderly woman trying to stop me from kidnapping children. Supports a dictator openly abusing/neglecting children and the elderly. Murders a man for refusing to kill mixed raced children- then tells said man’s sister that she will never be safe.* Man…. i sure do feel bad for abusing and killing all of those people…. Good thing I will face no consequences and proceed to be made leader, where I will have even more power over the wellbeing of others.
I hate. This guy.
The New Prophecy: A classic. My first series was actually tnp! i feel more attached to first arc cats tho, if you couldn't already tell by my list lmao
Johanna Map- Best Tawnypelt content out there
BlueQuince: My personal handcrafted, homemade Yuri. Bluefur feels terrible about Tiny going missing and promises Quince she’ll help her find him. They never did, but they had a very… fleeting but intimate relationship. Quince is grieving and Bluefur feels so overwhelmed by the duties in her clan. They’ve always thought of eachother since but never met again.
Tigerclaw: My name sake<3 The angst of his earlier life is so, so facinating to me. Starclan being straight fucked up and decided killing him is their only option? He was a kid and they saw him as a lost cause from the start. They never tried any other methods, never tried to steer him in the right direction or… even just take it into their own hands and kill him themself, which they have SHOWN they’re capable of.
They watched all the the horrific crimes he commited, entirely aware they were going to happen. Thats. Fucking. Horrifying. Starclan is scary as shit… and his death? FANTASTIC. I only wish he’d gotten lives from cats he killed so that him coming back to life to suffer over and over was an actual curse from Starclan and not blessings. They knew how he would die and they gave him the lives to torture him for his sins…
Flywhisker: Adhd girlies. Painfully relate to that feeling of the constant scolding for never being “good enough” because I prefer to do things a certain way or struggle to focus. So, SO happy for her when she left the clans! You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone! Hope she’s happy and warm indoors with her brother💕
(P.S. I was very suprised to find she actually had an official art piece!)
Bluestar: Get behind me women with mental disorders. I will defend you. Beautifully complex and tragic character, my favorite written in the series. Literally can't think of a single other female character in handled as seriously and with the complexity of Bluestar. (Although her super edition was a bit of an L with how others treated her, it ultimately makes her breakdown even more painful.)
Exile from Shaodwclan: Nightstar my beloved! He's such a great guy. The rightful leader of Shadowclan, always and forever.
Crookedstar art: So beautiful. I genuinely think she's one of the prettiest cats in the series. This along with her official art by Wayne Mcloughlin.
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Leopardstar: As a kid I hated her and loved Blackfoot, now I hate Blackfoot and love her. #feminism. But seriously I think she has way more going for her than he ever has. Her father is a medicine cat who hates violence, the DRASTIC change in Riverclan's view of outsiders upon Crookedstar's death and her leadership. Her already having a position of power before proving she's unworthy of it. (Unlike Blackstar who gets rewarded for his racism and violence by being made leader afterwards) and the fact she has to interact with her victims on a daily basis after what she did.
The writings attempts to redeem her are really lame and dismissive of the actually damage she did, but at the very least they TRIED to do something else with her. Personally, I would have loved to see her assassinated by Mistyfoot. Just like her mother Bluestar was almost killed all those moons ago by Tigerclaw... The parallels of violence for power and violence for peace. A victim repeating the actions of the very man who killed her brother to put an end to what he started in Riverclan.... A shadow in Riverclan, if you will. (<-Pretending erin hunter has hired me to rewrite their series)
Windclan: Tunneling as a concept and inviting outsiders into their clan so friendly and casual makes the clan seems so much more diverse than the others. It always stuck out to me!
Andddd there are my current warrior cat options as of 2023! If someone actually read this whole ramble ily<3
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nocreativityfornames · 7 months
Hello! Um, I don't know how welcome you are to asks but I kinda wanted to bring up this little headcanon I have of Michael that you may or may not find interesting? Iv posted about it somewhere on my blog, but to summarize it, here
Consider the potential of a Teenage Michael!
Hear me out! I just think there is a lot of potential, not only angst wise but also narrative wise.
I just love the idea of the head angel of the celetial relm being this scrawny teenage boy with issues.
Not only is he a teenager with the responsibility of being the mature older brother to the other angels, therefore, having to step up more in the absence of lucifer, but also having a lowkey abusive father who burdens him with religious trauma.
And I just loove the trope where it's like:
The younger siblings stays behind with abusive parents left to take care of the rest of their family because their older sibling left to live a healthier life. And resentment builds because they think their older sibling abomdoned them.
Also considering how I don't think the devs will make him a villian, I think it would make Michael look way more sympathetic if he was on the younger side.
Is this accurate to what the game has established Michael to be? Not really but they've retconned things before. Not that I'd ever think they'd go along with a concept like this.
Anyways I'm writing this at like 11pm so exuse the spelling errors, I'm so tired 🥲.
Ps. I really like your content :D
I actually REALLY like that, and the angst oh boy :")
I mean, looking back to NB S1 (spoilers!!!) with this in mind makes everything so much sadder. Like how he disguised himself as Raphael just to visit the others in the Devildom because he missed them and didn't know how to interact with them as himself. And also him giving Lucifer that ultimatum to either come back or make the Devildom an enemy of the Celestial Realm as a last attempt to bring his older brother and brothers back (even though deep down he knew they'd refuse) because he was struggling to step up and handle things on his own after he left, especially since the trauma of the war was still fresh for everyone (including himself) and he had to look after the traumatized part of the family that stayed, like you said.
Which is... heartbreaking.
Funny thing though: I always thought Michael to be the oldest one (or them being twins) and your ask made me start thinking about how that would play out in this scenario with the og game stuff in mind.
So like, the older sibling carrying resentment while also being happy for the youngest because they got tired of the abuse and had the courage to stand up to their parent and leave to have a happier life when he couldn't because he still feels tied to that parent and that it's his responsibility and duty to stay with them no matter what (think of Dean and Sam from SPN, who have this exact dynamic and a very complicated relationship with their father).
And then there's the whole thing about Michael being the one to cast out Lucifer and his brothers from the Celestial Realm, which only adds to this. It's like: the younger brother stood up to his father and was met with rage, so the oldest stepped up and to avoid something even worse from happening kicked him out of the house himself.
(@luckykittysshowerthoughts has an amazing post about this that has never left my mind ever since I read it and I recommend everyone reading it)
So we fast-forward to years and years later where the oldest is still living with their parents looking after the siblings who didn't leave while missing his younger brother, worrying for him, and wanting to know how he's doing. So he tries his best to stay in contact and know what's happening but since their relationship has been strained ever since what happened (because from the youngest's POV his older brother betrayed him by not taking his side and kicking him out of the house, which I think was how Lucifer felt for a long time before he saw the bigger picture as he got older) the youngest rejects his attempts at trying to contact him and the oldest's only way to know how he's doing is by sending his other siblings to check up on him or contact the people close to him.
Does he do it to the point where it gets annoying? Yes. Is his constant need to know how his brother is doing making said brother feel even more frustrated with him and only driving him further away? Yes. Would it have been better if he had left the brother alone and waited for him to reach out on his own? Yes. But he can't find it in himself to do that because he'd worry too much and miss him even more.
Tbh, I can see both of these scenarios being true together. So younger Michael right after the fall is still bitter and doesn't want to admit that he misses Lucifer and his brothers (he didn't seem to like to hear that Luke thought he missed them when talking to him as Raphael) and later accepting that and leaving a lot of that resentment behind to just be happy for them and miss them, wanting to know how they're doing often, etc.
So I definitely don't see him as evil either, but more of a broken younger/older sibling who wants to reconnect with his family and whose intentions are good but don't translate very well in his method of doing things.
Sorry for going on my own rambling here, lol
And I'm more than fine with asks, I love discussing stuff about the game and the characters <3
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idcfriend · 1 year
How do they know?...
[Author here please keep in mind that this is an au and that most of it isn't cannon in either twst or disney, I'm more or less just mixing fact and fiction. SORRY IF It's TOO long]
When Yuu woke up in a coffin they were expecting to have somehow been buried alive not that they somehow got sent to a Disney's equivalent of a modern college. Don't get them wrong they love Disney and everything to do with it but that didn't mean they wanted to apart of it!
But since they're already there they might as well as make the best of it(plus maybe at long last their concerning amount of Disney knowledge can come in handy)
So when Crowley had led them to the...interesting...sight that was Ramshackle they honestly were ready to just role with punches which is when a certain blue flame eared cat appeared they weren't too concerned, not even when they were made aware of their ghostly roommates hell they even befriended them by the time got back having even been told their names which were Michael(skinny one), Anthony(medium one) and Christopher(big one).
And while they weren't pleased at having been made into a handyman/janitor. Which is how they found themselves looking at the statues of their favorite disney villians.
"Hey henchman! Whose this lady?!" shouted Grim ponting at one of the statues, snapping you out of your thoughts of how you ended up in this situation
You looked over seeing him pointing at the Queen of Hearts statue
"Do you really not know who she is?" he asked looking like he couldn't believe someone hadn't heard of the Great Seven.
"Well she's- I can't believe you don't know who the Queen of hearts is!" you were interrupted before you could answer, the person that interrupted being an orange haired guy with a heart over his left eye.
"Well actually- Yeah! Is she some big shot?" you sighed annoyed at being cut off again this time by Grim.
She was a queen who lived in a mazelike garden of roses long, long ago.
She was a strict woman who prized order above all. She wouldn't tolerate a rose being off-color, or her playing-card soldiers being out of step.
"She basically ruled over a kingdom of madness, but not one of her subjects dared to defy her.
You wanna know why? Because the punishment for breaking a rule was immediate decapitation!"
"Woah! that's messed up!" Grim exclaimed looking surprised
"I think it's pretty cool, besides no one would bother to obey a queen if they were kind all the time." said the guy
You zoned out a bot thinking of the queen's backstory and unconsciously saying, "You know it's kind of ironic that even though she ruled over a kingdom of madness she was probably the most sane person there because even though her rules were seen as odd or even downright idiotic they were the only thing keeping her kingdom and its citizens from truly becoming 'mad' for without her rules there would of been no sense of order among the madness. She had a sister who was known as the White Queen who while many thought a good queen preferred to succumb to the madness rather than try to prevent it. While the Queen of Hearts was known to have decapitated many she truly never did so without good reason even if it didn't seem that way, for example she once decapitated three card soldiers for not having painted the roses red but in truth she had done so because not only had they been found to have disrespected the crown but they also had been stealing from the castle, it was also known that is the Queen was ever mad that you should inform the King because while their marriage was arranged they did love each other for he was the only one to be able to calm the Queen, she loved the King dearly for she would even stop a beheading if he asked" when you didn't hear any talking you turned to look at Grim and the guy looking at you as if you had said that the sky actually red and they were just realizing it.
"What?" you asked looking a little nervous, had you said to much? Plus you could of sworn that after your explanation you could feel someone or something looking at you in curiosity from the direction of the Queen of Heart's statue
They both seemed to have snapped out of their shock because they continued to talk
"You know i never thought of it like that, the name's Ace Trappola, first year student as of today, nice to meet 'ya!" he said with a grin that didn't seem all that genuine but maybe you were just seeing things...
"I'm the Great Grim! And this is my henchman Yuu!"
"For the last time, I'm not your henchman Grim" you sighed a bit irritated at being being basically called a servant
"Yuu? that's an odd name" said Ace looking at you curiously
"Sup" you said with a slight wave
"So Ace tell me is the lion with a scar on his eye a famous ruler too?"
"Of course!
That's the King of Beasts who ruled the savanna.
But he wasn't born into the throne - he had to earn it through hard work and elaborate schemes.
When he became king, he decreed that the hyenas would be pariahs no more, and should live among his subjects as equals."
"Sounds like a great guy! Not everyone's able to look past social status like that." Grim said looking at Scar in awe, "Hey henchman what do you know anything about him too?" Grim asked looking at you in question wanting to know more
You thought for a bit thinking of what to say since there's a few different iterations of Scar's backstory, "His original name isn't actually Scar it used to be Askari after one of his ancestors and he used to lead a group dedicated to protecting the Pride lands called the 'Lion Guard' but then another lion told him that he could help him become king but when he refused not wanting to betray his brother the other lion had a cobra bite his eye hence the reason for the scar, then the lion told him that he could cure the cobra's venom in return for Askari's servitude but not wanting to give in and with the cobra's venom affecting his mental state he used what was called "The Roar of the Elders" in a fit of rage. He then reported what happened to his elder brother Mufasa wanting his brother to know of the event but instead of congratulating Askari and helping him with the venom that was still coursing through his veins Mufasa belittled and shunned for his actions which was then made worse when his own brother had given him the nickname Scar which eventually became his only name" you said feeling that even if his actions were a bit extreme Scar's action were still a bit justified
"All in all he was a great leader all things considered" you said with finality feeling a sense of pride emanating from Scar's statue
At some point some students had stopped to listen wanting to know what you were talking about some of which had even heard what you said about the Queen of Hearts.
"Geez sounds like he had it rough, who's the lady with octopus legs?" Grim asked wanting to know about the other statues (more from you rather Ace really)
"Uh she's the Sea Witch..." Ace said trailing off still processing what you had just before shaking his head continuing his explanation (wanting to know what else you knew about the great seven not that he was going to admit it) "who lived in an underwater grotto.
She basically devoted her life to helping troubled merfolk.
If they were willing to pay the price, she'd help them change their appearance, find love, whatever!
They say she was so good, there was no wish she couldn't grant. They also say the price was a tad steep, though.
But she was granting wishes! Of course it was!"
They both then looked in your direction causing you to sigh knowing you were going to have some of what you knew about the others too at this point
"She was known as the Sea Witch yes but not she was also King Triton's sister, where as Triton got the position of King and their father's trident Ursula got magic unlike any merfolk, this cause many to be envious and spread rumors of her being power hungry and dabbling in the dark arts, this lead to her reputation as the Sea Witch to spread which she didn't mind until the rumors became more and more sinister causing mny to fear her so when the King heard these rumors instead of trying to find if these rumors were true banished his only daughter, this caused Ursula to feel betrayed and bitter but during her banishment she took in a pair of young eel twins called Flotsam and Jetsam which she treated as her own calling them her babies, and while still feeling bitter if any of the merfolk seeked her out she would help with her magic but she couldn't do it for free for there must be balance in all things including magic for which she created 'contracts' that way there would be a way for the merfolk to get their wish while keeping a balance but many tried to cheat her contracts causing them to be punished by becoming something similar to 'weeds' due to their magick being sucked dry in order to balance the contract, so many merfolk broke her contracts that she had a sizable garden of 'weeds'"
Ace looked a bit uncomfortable " wow talk about reaping what you sow" he said with a grimace
"The guy with the big hat next!" Grim exclaimed not even talking about Ace at this point but Ace still answered anyway
"That's the Sorcerer of the Sands.
He was an advisor to a total dolt of a sultan. He was a smart guy. Really capable sort.
He exposed this swindler once - some guy pretending to be a prince in order to trick the princess!
After that, he got this magic lamp and became the greatest sorcerer in the world. Then, they say...
... he used that power to become sultan himself!"
Ace said a bit impressed, he then looked at you wanting to know what you had to say
"While Jafar was a well respected individual in Agrabah being the royal advisor and magician second in political power only to the sultan himself he wasn't always that way, infact he used to nothing more but a poor commoner from the worst part of the slums, back then he wasn't respected at all and was nothing more than a thief and a street rat stealing to survive and even if he was looked down upon he didn't give for the simple reason that if he did his beloved younger twin sister would be left alone to fend for herself, one day while trying to steal some bread he ran into a...i guess you could call a scholar who took him and his sister in and taught them and as time passed and Jafar rised in rank the scholar which he and his sister came to see as family couldn't be more proud but one day as a visiting royal visited the palace the scholar caught their eye and so the greedy royal made a deal with the Sultan that is he gave them the scholar he would establish trade with Agrabah, the Sultan not seeing anything wrong with this proposal seeing as they were only a scholar agreed. When the visiting royal and his men came to the scholars house Jafar having heard of the deal refused to let a member of his family be taken but there was nothing he could do and as the scholar said his goodbyes to the two children he had raised and after telling Jafar to protect his sister was dragged away, Jafar swore he would get them back, that he would rise high enough in rank where no one could refute him and his family would never be separated again and that he would make the Sultan regret his decision. Soon Jafar became the Sultan's advisor but when he search for the scholar he could not find them this caused him to despair making him swear to protect the only family he had left and that he would make sure that no one else suffered as he had by advising the Sultan." you finished explaining
"Guess it's true that a mage needs to be an excellent judge of character, huh?", Grim said looking at Jafar's statue with a sense of respect, "And what about this beauty over here?"
"She's a queen who was said to be the fairest in all the land.
In fact, she used her magic mirror to check how she ranked on a daily basis!
When it looked like her position was threatened, they say she'd do whatever it took to keep it.
Can you even imagine the level of dedication it would require to keep a record like that?
Also, they say she was a master of making poisons!"
"You make her sound so shallow" you said scrunching up your nose in distaste, " while yes the Queen valued beauty, she also valued hard work for before she was queen she was a simple commoner and while many claimed she was the cause of her husbands untimely death she truly did love the king but once her stepdaughter started to mature and resemble her late mother more and more each day, she noticed how her beloved king would gaze at the girl she considered her own with eyes no that no father should look at their daughter with and when her daughter for she was her daughter in everything but blood came to her with tears and told her how her father would touch her, the Queen saw red and with a heavy heart called her loyal huntsman and instructed him to take her to the dwarves in the forest and to tell them to keep her safe. Once her huntsman returned the Queen made sure to put a few drops of poison in king's wine for even though he was her beloved husband she would not him hurt her precious child"
"Geez. She's pretty, but that sounds kinda scary." said Grim with a shudder
"Really? I kinda respect it" replied Ace
"F-for sure... Sounds like she fought hard for what she believed in, and never gave up!
And the one there, with the flaming head? Now THAT guy looks scary!" shouted Grim
"That's the King of the underworld!
Single-handedly ruling a kingdom packed with rambunctious spirits - that takes competence!
He may look scary, but he was a straight shooter who worked tirelessly at a tough job he never even asked for.
I mean, this is the guy who was ordering Cerberus, the Hydra, and the Titans into battle for him." explained Ace with a look of obvious respect
"While he hadn't taken his job willingly he still was loyal to those he considered family even is their relationships were strained, working along side the fates while keeping order of the underworld is no easy feat, he wasn't the most well liked in Olympus even though his position was one that could be considered of equal or higher status than Zeus (author note: you can't tell me isn't, he's basically the king of the dead) he also loved wholly and completely as was demonstrated with his wife Persephone the goddess of Spring" you happily explained since he was one of your favorites
"Hmm. That IS something. T'think he could have that much power and not let it go to his head!
And that last one there, with the horns?" asked Grim
"That's the Thorn Fairy who lived on a mythical mountain.
She was noble and elegant, and a master of magic and curses - even by the standards of these seven!
She commanded storms, covered the kingdom with thorns... She could use magic on a massive scale!
She could even turn herself into a giant dragon."
You sighed in relief seeing as this was the last one, " She was an orphan who lived in the Moors and she thought herself the last of her kind, one day she met a young human boy who was trying to steal precious stones from the river, as she grew older her and the boy became closer but, Maleficent had become the protector of the Moors for the neighboring human kingdom wanted to invade the Moors and take it for themselves, but when Maleficent dealt a fatal blow to the human king he announcement saying anyone who brought him the head of treacherous fae would become king. Arthur the human boy now a man Maleficent had met so long ago hearing this announcement traveled to the Moors to ser her, but when Maleficent had fallen asleep Arthur consumed by greed too k out a metal chain but not wanting to kill Maleficent he used the chain to separate her wings from her body and took them to the king as proof of having 'slain' her. Thus when Maleficent awoke to such betrayal her once pure heart became as hard as stone" you finished explaining
"They're all pretty cool huh? Unlike some piddling weasel" Ace finished with a smirk
'you can't be serious' you thought with a deadpan already knowing that this won't end well
(unbeknownst to you quite a few students had stoped to listen to you talk about the great seven, some of which were there to hear you talk about the Queen of Hearts (one of which was even recording), wanting to know more for as far as any of them knew this wasn't information just anybody knew, so how did a magic less nobody like you know? And why when you talked about the Great Seven did you look at their statues with not only fondness but nostalgia and sorrow? (you weren't it's just that talking about their backstories made you remember when you used to watch disney with your family))
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thenameisgul · 5 months
The thing with Castiel is that he had a lot of storylines that had potential to develop, but were cut short for whatever reason I don't understand: like Godtiel, humancas. For example, with humancas, an entire season could be devoted to exploiting that, it could be a separate storyline unrelated to Sam or Dean, he could meet other angels and have to solve problems himself. etc. But no, they abandoned it after a few episodes, for what? to make Dean not look like an asshole for abandoning Cas when he was most vulnerable, so as not to divert the audience's attention away from two brothers? I have a feeling the writers kept Cas/Misha around because of his popularity with fans, but never gave him the status he deserved for a character with so much potential and importance to the story line. I'm only in ss10 and heard that Cas is treated even worse in the later seasons, I don't know if I should continue watching or not.
if there's one thing I realized pretty early on when I was finally watching season 7 after a decade long break, was that in the Supernatural universe, there was no other character that was as interesting and multifaceted as Castiel.
The second thing I realized was that it was not a very good thing for the showrunners to have a supporting character be like that when your entire show revolves around two brothers.
The reason they killed off Castiel in early season 7 was because they wanted the show to go back to being about Sam and Dean and with Apocalypse over, they didn't know what to do with Castiel. But clearly, he was too popular and they brought him back because the network itself told them to bring him back.
Now, a good writer would've been able to find a balance to keep Cas' story relevant and entangled with the Winchesters, as they did in season 6 but with Kripke leaving the show and new management in the writer's room, that didn't happen.
I almost, almost get it? Like, you have your story, you have your lead characters and people love them but suddenly you bring a supporting character who becomes an instant fan favorite, who's, debatably, a lot more interesting because of the history you gave him but never intended to explore and now he's sticking around so you just don't know what to do to make him not take over the narrative? You make him weak.
Cas couldn't have stayed the badass, powerful angel who's lived for a millennia because then that'll require the show to have villians even more powerful than that to be any competition and that leaves the Winchesters irrelevant.
So they tamed him down alot, which in itself wouldn't have been such a bad thing, especially if they went with the human!cas arc for longer like you said but to do that would've meant they couldn't use Cas as an easy way out of all winchester's problems and they needed that too so 🤷‍♀️
My main problem with all of that, mostly comes from the fact that, and I may be wrong here, but it seemed like the writers actively resented misha/castiel for being popular. Like he was, in misha's words "a foil to the boys" and while the writers couldn't let him go because the show would lose ratings, they actively diminished him. The random demeaning comments about Castiel from other characters, especially, from dean seemed a little too pointed. Not to mention how the producers actually publicly said 'misha wasnt a good actor' when he's literally one of the best actors on the show!
So yeah, if supernatural had better writers, or atleast if they kept hold of the good ones (because there were some good ones) they could've given Cas and the show a better story.
I hate to say it but they did it to Sam too. Sam was such an complex character but they just stopped trying after a while with his character. So I guess it was a theme with these writers.
And as a Castiel fan, its frustrating, I gotta say that. But you know what the best part is? that no matter what they did, how dumb the storyline they gave him he still came out as the most interesting character every time. So there you go.
So I'd say watch the show, its really good when it gets good or maybe just open Misha's page on Supernatural wiki and only watch his episodes if that's your thing because tbh, you wouldn't miss much if you left the rest. lol
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Nyota Uhara
She's Spock's canon partner in AOS, and I get it because they're not a great couple, but she gets villianized in fic so much. They constantly make her an asshole (which totally has nothing to do with her being black /sarcasm) and abusive just for the crime of dating a man headcanoned as gay. And I mean, I think Spock is gay and her being a love interest was unnecessary but still! She's cool!
Oh my god so in the Star Trek reboot she’s Spock’s girlfriend and the fandom has no idea what to do with her??? Like she is ALWAYS either such a bitch or like the mom friend? And there is so much more to her character than that? But they always break down her character AND find a quick and easy way to break up her and Spock. I’m not even mad at that but at least treat their relationship with some weight instead of just being like ‘it never mattered’. People can love multiple people throughout the course of their lives. You know that right? Just because you loved someone before doesn’t make your new love any less special. And even headcanoning Spock as gay… you realize he doesn’t need to be attracted to Uhura for their relationship to have mattered, right? Even if he confused friendship for romantic attraction, him feeling such strong friendship and openly expressing it is so monumental for him!!! 
she's dating Spock, who people ship with Kirk, so fans have decided that it's horrible writing and "really, they're just defending her, the movies turned her into just a love interests," which is not at all true. The movies do so much more for her to the point that the fans who have only seen the movies think that the main characters are Kirk, Spock, and Uhura instead of the Kirk, Spock, McCoy of the original series. Also having a black women being shown as being desired and loved in mainstream media, particularly by one of the most popular characters of all time, is a good thing, not making her "just a love interest"
Keiko O'Brien
Certain People I Could Name insist on shipping her husband with the annoying twink doctor Julian Bashir because of the friendship they develop over the series. I maintain that O'Brien would never cheat on his wife, let alone with another man, and the response is often "they're in a polycule together!!!" which is even more out of character. Everyone please show my girl Keiko some more respect 😤
Wife of chief engineer Miles O'Brien, who is shipped with the chief medical officer, Julian Bashir. Show itself veered into misogyny regarding her and her marriage, manifesting as Miles constantly complaining about her and her encouraging him to go hang out with Julian and leave her and their daughter alone. Fandom responded to this by creating the "O'Brien polycule" including Keiko, Miles, Julian, and first officer Kira Nerys (who has another strange semi-romantic subplot with both O'Briens). Really, though, it just exists to have Julian/Miles without reckoning with Miles having to cheat to get there. I, too, was guilty of this in the past. Keiko had the potential to be a very interesting character (and started to be, early in the show) but it was never realized. She deserved better :(
keiko is a lovely lady and astrobotanist who had a whole romance with and married the more main character miles obrien but now frequently people sideline her to (semi-jokingly?) ship miles with his friend julian. she’s not the best written character and she deserved so much more from the narrative, but it still feels weird that the fan joke about her is always how much she is constantly encouraging her husband to cheat on her (which to be fair does happen a few times but not That much)
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aciddaffodil · 6 months
Winter 2024- What I Finished
So as this anime season is coming to an end. Here are the shows I actually kept up with and overall enjoyed immensely.
There will be spoilers so be warned lol
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer
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I have enjoyed this series, the way Rentt is so determined to become a mithril-class adventurer even as an undead. The 3D models for the fight scenes move pretty well with the background matching them, especially in episode 9. This series is a slow-burn, even with the story progression, but I appreciate it because we see so much character growth for Rentt and how he interacts with the people and his friends. The music is fairly average for the series, but it does have some good moments especially when Rentt is in thought or making a choice. I loved coming full circle and him regaining his "human" features even though he still is very much a vampire now. Shun Narita, the composer for the series had some standout moments (fight scenes and contemplativeness) of music throughout the season so hats off to him.
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
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I fell in love with the humor of this series from the get-go and not a single episode is a disappointment. It is so full of life and this past week for episode 11, the line " Now that's the wrong way to use healing magic" was used in a perfect moment. The lead up of Usato's characters growth and seeing all his hard work and "torture" from Commander Rose's training *actually* matter was brilliant. Element Garden has done a great job with the music that just gets your blood pumping. Probably will make a separate post for this series once it's over.
A Sign of Affection
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The shoujo everyone is talking about, FOR GOOD REASON. To see the romance between the leads develop was so satisfying and wholesome. The development of the side characters so far is handled well, and at times the flashbacks scenes take over an episode but they are necessary. The art style and the use of lighting are done so well. It was a very cute show and always will love seeing an adult romance.
Solo Leveling
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What can I say that hasn't been said already? I started reading the manwha in 2019 and have reread many times since. Hiroyuki Sawano was a great choice and the soundtrack WILL be on loop once it's released fully. Smart pacing choices to have it end with him gaining a job, this week will be a blast of an episode. Wish it had been slotted for 24 episodes... The last two episodes KILLED it, the animation, the music?! I was on cloud nine.
Mr. Villains Day Off
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A perfect wholesome background anime, that is just about a Villian who loves pandas on his days off. The episodes where they focus on the Rangers aren't super interesting and makes you question the ethics of the world? It's a very cute show and sometimes, it's just a need in life. Ending was split between resolving the previous episode and the lead up to the Rangers and the Villian's battle.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
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The Isekai'd into an Otome game genre is SO saturated but somehow I ended up loving this show. Yumielle is so autistic coded and straightforward, no one quite knows how to react to her. Patrick is head over heels for her, not that she ever notices, and they're dynamic is adorable. I have laughed watching this show and the only reincarnation anime that didn't bog me down with guessable plot.
Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable!
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I fell so hard for this anime that I binge read the manga...who's art is definitely butchered in the adaption, it's so wholesome but the way episode 11 ends off MY GOD the miscommunication hurts me, and people will definitely riot watching the finale...and then picking up the manga to suffer for 40 chapters...BUT it's worth it. Tsubasa and Fuyuki all the way, they're chemistry is the best in the show as they each influence each other to open up, to be serious about the future and to help themselves grow as people. So sad to see this show go but maybe we'll get another season?
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
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This anime has me kicking my feet in joy and makes me miss my long-distance partner so fucking much. When Kurosawa and Adachi kissed? I was whooping in happiness. Adachi has a lot of room to grow with his communication with Kurosawa but pretty sure the final manga cover is a wedding outfit? My poor notes app I use to write my thoughts/observations as I watch seasonal anime is " SO GAY. KISS PLEASE." for several episodes between them. I loved that the end credits was the wedding but I can't wait to read the manga to compare it!
Gushing Over Magical Girls
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I'm not one to watch ecchi shows but this, THIS is just such a delight to watch. Utena is such a loveable protagonist, a magical girl loving person who gets turned into a villain and has to "fight" the girls she loves. By fighting its not LMAO. I adore all the characters in this show and how fresh the writing for them is. Its beautifully animated and the finale was so much fun to watch!
Mashle S2 - Divine Visionary Arc
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I picked up the first volume at the bookstore halfway through the season to try reading, after Bling-Bang-Bang-Born blew up, and I was not disappointed. Binged Season 1 and caught up in a day. There's just something so satisfying with gag humor and shounen fight scenes. I love everyone (besides for Innocent Zero, fuck that guy) and will for sure be binge reading the manga. The music, as always, is so hype and having rap for the fight scenes is very interesting. The soundtrack for S2 just released yesterday and has some amazing tracks on it.
Shangria-La Frontier
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What. An. Amazing. Show. Never thought I'd like a VR Gaming anime as much as I do now, but this was just so vibrant and humorous. Sunraku's tenacity at gaming and taking on challenges, plus my love for rogue/assassin builds from DND, made him such a likeable character. The entire Weathermon fight to be slotted for 4 episodes was just..gorgeous and stunning. The Music?!? God its perfection. The NPC's of Rabitzu... to have characters and just to not be weird was very much appreciated to me. I sincerely wish it had the fandom that other Fall 2023 shows, cough cough Frieren, Undead Unluck and Apothecary Diaries, has because I just want more merch sobs. The cosplans I have for this show? Too many, and its already in production for another 2 cour season for this fall!!
The Apothecary Diaries
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What a spectacular show and fabulous 24 episodes. The animation, the music (Satoru Kosaki, Kevin Pinken, Alisa Okehazma), the characters, the backgrounds?! I enjoyed watching the characters interact and loved the humor in the animation. I also just read and caught up with the manga in 2 days...so it's that good and a worthwhile watch and read!
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voltrixz · 2 months
The character ask thing
But YOU 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵 can chose the character
WOAH!!! alright then!!! Tssm Electro it is.. (< What a surprise...)
-How I feel about this character: Where do I even start. This guy drives me crazy. There is so much wrong with him. He's a loser, he's terrible. Insanely trans coded. He's kinda like me fr fr.... There is so much story potential for him. I need him. I feel normal about him as you can tell.
-All the people I ship romantically with this character: I SURE DO WONDER!!! (It's Shocker). I sure do love taking 2 of my favorite characters who have interacted once or twice and MAKE THE FUCK UP A RAREPAIR!!! with them. Dunno itd be interesting i think. They've got similar powers and all, they worked fairly well in that one interaction... They contrast each other nicely, idk theres just something about these 2... (< guy who has written literal essays about all the ideas he has)
My non-romantic OTP for this character: ELECTRO AND MYSTERIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best friends of all time (they hate each other /j) Dunno they'd be funny i think. Also their difference in powers would make an interesting team up. Think they'd bond over shared interest in tech and stuff. They probably gossip a SHITTTT ton despite Electro saying he has no interest in it. They're buddies who've got each other's back even if they get on each other's nerves a lot :]
My unpopular opinion about this character: A lot of people. GREATLY MISCHARACTERIZE HIS ASS!!!!!! He is not an uwu soft boy TWINK!!!!!! That is a grown ass man. Sure he's younger then the rest of the 6 BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN HE SHOULD CONSTANTLY BE INFANTILZED. Also. (ok this is more of an unpopular opinion type beat, I just needed to rant about that real quick back there) Make that guy meaner, he is def kind of a prick. He would poke fun and tease the other members, he'd argue with some of them (esp Mysterio and Vulture). ALSO he isnt the brightest. But hes also not STUPID!!!!!!! This guy used to be an electrician, he def knows some shit!!!!. ALSO!!!!!! Redemption plot lines are fun for him, but also. I think he should get worse :], make that guy lose himself to the madness!!! make him completely forget who "max" was, make him give in to the villianous side of him that secretly loves the freedom and just funnn of being a villain (ya know his ass has a little fun with these schemes...)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
So many fuckin things you would not believe. HE HAS SO MUCH FUCKIN STORY POTENTIAL AND AGRHRH. He gets sidelined so fuckin hard. What do you mean the last we see of him is in ravencroft and is just. basically a cameo in that one ep for colonel jupiter or whatever. what the fuck man. ANYWAYYYSSS of course i want to see more of him, like more focus on him. Let me know more of his mental state and how he views the Connors and the people he knew before the accident. I would say let me see him get redeemed and cured but also. LET ME SEE HIM GET WORSE!!!! (as stated previously) grin.
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