#the 90s was whil
alluralater · 5 months
kinda want to start a text post series about the things i've learned/experienced being biracial.
for instance, when i was little i was fortunate enough to have spent plenty of time with my great grandmother in south carolina. she was fully black and she taught me about my heritage, my lineage, where we come from and how we survived as long as we did through slavery and the civil rights movement. one afternoon while at her house she asked me to come sit with her. when i did she seemed hesitant, like she wanted to tell me something but wasn't sure how to do so. i asked her if she needed me to fix her oxygen line and she replied no. it was a long minute or two that passed just sitting there on the couch next to her before she abruptly began telling me what it was like for her growing up.
i had known this particular information already and was prepared to tell her (she was in her 90s and sometimes would forget certain conversations) but then she started telling me what it was like for those she knew that were of mixed descent and the crimes perpetrated against people like me by white people as well as other black people. i will absolutely not be talking about those stories on here because of how graphic and scary they are but i will tell you what she told me afterwards.
she said she was afraid for me. she said that i was loud and outspoken and it was a fine line which i needed to be careful walking. she told me it would have been better if i'd been born black instead, or even just white passing, because my ambiguity put me at risk.
'you won't fit in anywhere. people don't like what they don't understand.'
my great grandmother was a wonderful woman and her fear was held similarly to that of my parents and grandparents. she told me it would be worse as a woman, that my brother would have an easier time because white people would like him and his blackness was less questionable because he was a boy. and she was right of course but i didn't understand why it mattered then. unfortunately i was hurt by many as well as bullied constantly growing up for my looks but i kept that to myself for the most part.
my great grandmother told me i was lucky that i was pretty, because being pretty and sweet might save me. she told me about how she felt when my older sister was born, how angry she was with my dad for having children with a white woman and creating "abominations." that word among others i heard a lot as a child from plenty of people whether strangers or family. she said she hated the idea of us at first but then loved us— me. she had realized most of her hatred was rooted in her fear for what could happen based on the things she knew of and saw in her own experience, on top of things that had happened to her. my dad had previously had a few conversations with me asking if i'd been bullied at school at all for being biracial and i always told him no and lied because i didn't want him to worry. my great grandmother explained to me that it was better to use my cuteness, tone down my intelligence when in the presence of anyone that was not like me, and be careful. she said that i would never be black enough to be accepted fully because i would always be seen as something else, and i would never be seen as white because i didn't look it. i hugged her carefully so as not to pull the tube from her nose. i didn't feel offended by anything she said. the shake in her voice was enough to show me how painful it was for her to say. she loved me and while she said i would have a better life than she did because the world was changing, it would be more lonely.
being biracial i have learned to fit in everywhere and yet still, i fit in almost nowhere. i was a dirt poor kid that wore the same few outfits to school as a child because my mom worked three jobs and barely had enough money for gas let alone new clothes or extra gas to go to a donation center for anything new. i shared a single room with my four siblings and my mom for a long time. while other people were learning to accept their identities and navigate the world accordingly, i was learning to be quiet and blend into the background, not make too much noise in front of the wrong audience, feigning stupidity when people began to see me as a threat as i aged out of the 'cute mixed toddler' category. i was learning to be a mother to my siblings and protect them from a world that hated us. being biracial meant learning that i was seen as entertaining, looked at in the same way as a selectively bred puppy. i learned that i was fetishized by many for my looks and simultaneously looked down on for them. i learned that grown men considered me attractive in a sexual sense because of my mixed looks and had no problem telling me or acting on that. i learned that white women hated me but envied me, cherry picking which attributes they loved about me most and disregarding all others. i learned that being biracial was always about proving myself, justifying my existence to those who wouldn’t accept me fully regardless, fearing the intentions of people who wanted to be with me or have me alone. i learned that many people expected me to pick a side, choose one half of myself and leave the other behind, as if i am not already in existence held together by the parts of my heritage that created me from halves to whole.
being biracial and not passing on either side was and can be very lonely. there were many years as a child that i thought life would be easier if i weren't alive. attempting to find community when you are always seen as 'other' was hard. thankfully when i moved here i met more people like me, and my great grandmother was right. the sense of community i have with people who share experiences like mine is similar to no other. i can be myself, my entire self. i'm black and i'm white, but i am biracial. one day i’ll have to share this information with my children, and even though it pains me to recall these experiences among thousands of others, i understand now why my great grandmother and other family members were so worried for my safety and my quality of life. my experience as a biracial woman specifically is something i don't really ever talk about on here in depth because i have community to have these conversations with irl thankfully and do often, but it matters to me and i'd like to talk about it more.
anyways thank you for reading <3
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carolmunson · 2 years
not givin' it up pt. II (rockstar!eddie x actress!reader)
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follow up to not givin’ it up pt.1 warnings: mentions of active drug use, addiction, drug mentions, withdrawal symptoms, manipulation, fighting, swearing, just like how shit like this goes down, syringe mention, partying, angst, angst, angst, more angst and fluff and feelings and y’know, STUFF. 
It had been six months without contact, the occasional call from the band just to check in. All discussions were between personal assistants. The first few weeks he’d call every hour on the hour so you had to start screening your calls. After that, you just unplugged the phones in your houses altogether. The cell phone was frustrating and bulky to carry, but it was the only way people could contact you where Eddie didn’t have your number. You couldn’t imagine that people thought these things were on the rise – they didn’t fit in your purse your your assistants.  You learned things about him through tabloids just as you were sure he’d learned things about you the same way. It was the 90s after all, paparazzi running amuck with any photo and story they could attach to it. CORRODED COFFIN’S LEGENDARY GUITARIST EDDIE MUNSON ATTENDS REHAB AGAIN: ‘4TH TIME’S A CHARM!’ SAYS THE STAR.  METAL LEGEND CAUGHT STUMBLING OUT OF CBGB DURING AN NYC ROMP AFTER STINT AT REHABEDDIE MUNSON NOT AT OSCARS TO SUPPORT NOMINATED FIANCE 
ROCKER LEFT LONELY: Eddie Munson seen at Grammy Awards with Best Friend Robin Buckley on his arm. Is there trouble in Paradise?  PRINCE OF METAL ACTING ERRATICALLY: Eddie Munson has left the stage in tears for the sixth time during their small East Coast tour ROCK AND ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES? Eddie Munson spotted with middleweight champion King Steve at Hollywood boxing gym. More on what we saw between the unlikely pair on page 96.  IS CORRODED COFFIN’S GUITARIST BACK AS A BACHELOR? The Sun has the exclusive on whether the certified lover boy is back on the market! 
Every headline was about your missing engagement ring, blurry photos of you with co-stars – assuming the worst. It’s not like you officially broke up or anything, you just needed to go away – you felt like you were hurting more than helping. Enabling him to keep getting away with his shit because you kept showing him that no matter what he did, you’d come back anyway He needed to get better because he wanted it, not because you wanted it for him. Eddie had become erratic by the end; angry over everything, incredibly thin, snapping constantly – you should have known, all the signs were there. But, you guess, you just needed to see it happen, needed the real visual proof before you could say ‘Okay, I guess he really is doing this again.’ It was a long six months, but tonight there was no missing him – everyone went to the VMAs.  It was easy before, just to not show up at parties you knew he’d be at. Music and movies didn’t always go hand and hand, they didn’t really run in the same circles anyway. It became a largely spread out waltz, your people calling his people calling the party people, just to avoid each other. You saw Gareth a couple months ago at a coffee shop when you were both in New York for gigs. He said he couldn’t believe the difference in his friend, that you wouldn’t recognize him when you saw him again.  You did though, his smile on the red carpet was unavoidable – and darling as ever. You kept about twenty feet away while Corroded Coffin walked down together, crowds screaming for their attention. Eddie ‘Will Lick A Fan’s Face’ Munson was eating it up with more vigor than he had in years. His eyes were bright, his hair was long and shiny, his skin flushed instead of pale and green from the lack of sunlight. He looked new, like you plucked him right out of the box.  Having a stylist didn’t hurt, either.  You watched as they got pulled in by E! News for an interview, you rolled your eyes at how bold they were for such a new publication. Holding your breath incase you heard any questions about you as you walked by into the building, scanning Eddie over while you did. ‘Cleaned up, but is he?’ seemed to be the look they were going for – tight low rise jeans, a fitted but worn-in Metallica t-shirt, his original battle vest – enough to protect him from the early September air.
They’d won Best Metal/Hard Rock Video (fuck you Pearl Jam) and Viewers Choice Award, you clapped with everyone else — begging no one would put the camera on you for the people at home to see when Eddie briefly thanked you in his speech. You sat a few rows away, for a moment wishing you could be there to kiss him and congratulate him when they cheered. Your baby. Doing his thing for years in a row. Always finding ways to make the music adapt to the time without selling out — he was a genius. You couldn’t help but admire him, neither could the rest of the world.
At an afterparty you sat alone at the bar in your green mini dress, hair coiffed from a hair stylist, makeup expertly applied – but you just couldn’t will yourself to feel good. You felt incomplete. People kept coming over to congratulate your fiancé, ask how you were, ask if you had chosen a date…you ached. Was there still a date? What do you even say? 
“Can I get a glass of Dom, and a water, please?” you heard a familiar voice say from your shoulder. It took less than a minute for both to be in front of you, a ringed hand reaching over to grab the water. The other picking up the glass of Dom by the stem, you turned to look at him. 
“Pretty girls should never be empty handed,” you both said at the same time while he passed it to you. He said that the night he met you at a party in the Hamptons – he was so different then, almost sleazy, almost too confident that you’d go home with him. Tonight it was…gentle, nervous. He’d never looked so nervous to talk to you in his life. 
“Hi,” he said while you took a sip of your champagne. He left a $20 on the bar to tip the bartender, giving him a nod. 
“Congratulations, Viewers Choice,” you said coolly. 
“The kids are alright, I guess,” he smiled, “Glad they still know music when they see it.” 
“More like teen girls know hot rock stars when they see them,” you smiled back. He blushed into his water. 
“It helps,” he shrugged, looking up at you under his bangs. 
“How’ve you been?” you asked, unsure of how to start a conversation after such a long time apart. 
“You know, same old,” he said, “Diving head first into oxy every day.” 
You gave him a look over your glass. 
“Oh, too soon? Sorry,” he smiled, “No I’ve been okay. I um – I don’t wanna have this conversation with you here. If that’s okay.” 
“Yeah, yeah,” you nodded, “That’s okay. I understand.” 
“So I was wondering if um,” he cleared his throat, shifting on his feet, “Could I uh, could I take you out sometime? Like, on a date?” 
“A date?” you whispered back, a blush blooming on your cheeks, matching his. 
“Just a little something,” he said, “If you’re around tomorrow night. I totally get if you’re busy.” 
“I think I can make some time,” you said, “I’ll have my people, call your people.” 
You could see his shoulders relax immediately when you accepted, his bright toothed grin splitting his face. 
“Heard you got a cell phone now? My Wall Street woman,” he said with a wink. 
“Yeah it’s…I fucking hate it,” you laughed, he laughed with you, “And I thought car phones were bad.” 
“The worst,” he said with a furrow of his brow, “Me and the guys are gonna head out to another place, you’re welcome to come.” 
“I think I’m gonna just head home,” you said, half of you wanted to just say yes and spend the night with him anyway. But this is what he needed, what you needed – you couldn’t be worried about him out at parties, and he shouldn’t need you there to keep him honest. 
“Okay, well, be safe,” he said, raising his glass of water, “I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“See you,” you said, your voice almost a whisper as a lump caught in your throat. You both wanted to touch, to hug, to be near each other – but you were so angry, and he was so scared to push his luck. 
You were nervous the next night when you knew you’d be seeing him, but it didn’t make getting dressed very hard. You just so happened to wear his favorite black dress. Short but not too short, crushed velvet that he loved the feeling of, thicker spaghetti straps that we just a hint too big that one would droop off your shoulder. Eddie’s mouth would water every time he’d scoot it back up over your decolletage. 
You might have also made sure to wear the back seam stockings he bought you in Berlin so you could be his ‘little pin up girl’ whenever he wanted. He’d beg you to wear them to everything just so he could trace the line and watch you shiver when he got to your thighs. You paired them with any pair of black heels you could find, your dressing room had been a mess since you’d been flying all over the place these days. (Eddie also loved organizing it for you, and it had been a while.) 
Your heart fluttered when you met him in the foyer, he could barely contain himself. He looked up at you at the top of the left stair case, a lustful smirk blending with a smile while ran his thumb over his lower lip. 
“It’s taking everything in me not to bring you back upstairs,” he said while you reached the bottom step. The familiar roll and grumble of his voice made your heart race. It took everything in you not to let him take you upstairs. 
The car ride was relatively silent, you both were tapping out the melody of Dr. Feelgood on your thighs while it played on the radio at a red light. He turned to look at you, your face illuminated by the street lights, he could tell you were feeling anxious about being out and about with him. Your head snapping to anything that might’ve looked like a flash. 
“Do you wanna just say fuck it to those reservations?” he asked, “Wanna just go to the beach?” 
“In this dress?” you asked, a blush blooming on your cheeks. You had always loved going to the beach with him at night, it was just nice to be quiet together, and to feel small in comparison to the ocean. 
“I mean, you can take it off, sweetheart. You won’t hear me complaining,” he smirked while he took a left towards a different exit. When you arrived, the part of the beach you’d pulled into was pretty empty, the occasional straggler or teens trying to smoke weed without getting caught. No one would recognize you anyway, it was too dark. 
Eddie opened your door for you and you climbed out awkwardly. You crossed your arms while he opened the trunk, grabbing a bottle of wine and two glasses, shoving a blanket under his arm. 
“Do you just keep that in the car just in case?” you asked with a laugh. 
“I knew you wouldn’t wanna go to dinner,” he said, “So I came prepared.” Your heart swelled at the gesture, but you suddenly felt a little suspicious – of course he was going above in beyond. He always did this before there was another crash. 
“There’s a pair of your sandals in here from like, two years ago, if you wanna wear those,” he said, looking at your heels. You huffed and switched them out, holding your heels and your hands while you shut the trunk. 
You set up shop close to the shore while he poured you each a glass of wine, you looked at him apprehensively. 
“I’m not sober,” he said, “I want to be honest with you about that. I’m sober right now at this point in time, on this beach with you, but I’m not like ‘practicing sobriety’. I’m just not doing opiates anymore. I’m not doing smack.” 
You nodded, letting him talk as he needed. 
“I haven’t since you left.” 
“Gareth was telling me,” you said, taking a small sip, “He said you were doing the best you ever had been.” 
“That time you were in New York?” he asked, looking over at you, “I was so jealous of Gare that day. I would’ve done anything to run into you at a coffee shop at that point. I was feeling really good, too.” 
“How come?” you asked. 
“I -heh- I called up Steve. Well, I called up his little cutie of a woman and I asked when they’d be back around or if we’d be in the same places at all. Should’ve heard all those nervous giggles of hers, you know how I love a shy girl, baby–” 
“Get to the point, Munson,” you grinned into your next sip. His cheeks burned with his bright smile. 
“Okay, okay. Anyway, when I was clean for a month I was feeling – rage? I guess. I was so angry all the time and I figured, ‘Hey that guy hits stuff and seems totally stable, maybe I should try that?’ So I talked to Steve and I asked if his trainer knew anyone and he – well he offered to come around when he could and show me the ropes.” 
“So you made a new friend?” you asked. 
He shook his head, “Oh, pfft, no. Definitely not, can’t stand the guy. Don’t think he can stand me either. Think he just wanted a chance to punch me in the chest after he caught me making his girl blush.” 
“You’re impossible,” you muttered, “You really can’t help yourself.” 
“I didn’t go to rehab for ladies, sweet thing. I went to rehab for drugs,” he joked. “But either way, got in the habit of going to the gym which is so unlike me, and you know, finally eating again. I guess you can start calling me Eddie “Hard Body” Munson.” 
He flexed his arms which had become noticeably bigger in such a short amount of time. Your mouth watered a bit at the shape of his biceps, the definition in his shoulders – he’d really be able to throw you around aga– snap out of it.  “You look good, Eddie,” you said, putting the glass down on the blanket and laying down to look up at the sky. You settled your head on his lap where his hand involuntarily reached to smooth over hair. 
“You do too,” he said. 
“I’m sorry I’m not talking much,” you started, the warmth of his lap making you feel safer than you had in the past six months, “I just don’t know what to say.” 
“Talk when you feel ready to talk, baby,” he said, his thumb sliding over your cheek bone, “We have all the time in the world.” 
“You can talk enough for the both of us,” you smirked up at him, he playfully rolled his eyes at you. But it was true, he talked for another thirty minutes about where he’d been, some of the shows he played, about the night at CBGB. 
Then he was quiet, and you both sat and watched the foam brush the sand for a while together. Sometimes it was nice to just be – like before everything else, when you both had done a ton of partying and needed a night to relax, you’d come to the beach at night. Just sit there and hold each other, feel the other breathing – sometimes have quiet passionate sex – but mostly, just be. 
After a while, he broke the silence again, looking serious. 
“I went back to Indiana for a little, after I got out of rehab,” he said, the soft rush of the waves meeting the shore matched the gentleness in his voice.  “Hawkins?” you asked, looking up at him from his lap.  “Yeah, I went to visit Dustin and –” he shook his head, focused on the moonlit horizon, “He has a daughter now. And I was like ‘Kid, you’re too young to have a daughter,’ but, y’know. Suze was raised Mormon so they’re used to doing things a little younger, I guess.” “And I’m watching this 21 year old kid be a father, and I’m feeling awful because I know he told me she was pregnant. I was just too fucked up to care. I didn’t even send anything, I didn’t even fly down when she was born.”  “But I’m watching him and he’s just – Henderson’s just so good. I’m watching him be twice the man I could ever be. He works so hard and he doesn’t let Suze lift a finger – just loves her and his baby girl. And I’m sitting there watching them like ‘I don’t wanna be a fuck up like this anymore.’ I’m watching them and I think about you and I think about us if we ever…you know, if we ever started a family.”  You nod softly while he speaks and he looks down at you, his eyes glassy with tears.  “I don’t wanna be like my dad.” You heart breaks for him, “I don’t think you’d be anything like your dad.”  He starts nodding with a tight, pained smile, “For a while, I was just like him.”  “Just you know, started using to feel something. Then to chase that feeling. Use to not feel anything, then use to just not feel sick. I was just shooting up so I wouldn’t fucking vom. Snorting pills to get rid of a headache – that’s just like my dad. That’s why he left, so he could keep using.”  “I don’t wanna leave to keep using. I wanna stay and get married and have a bunch of babies with you. I wanna go the store at two in the morning when you want pickles and ice cream. I wanna watch you be the best fucking mom and I want to try to even be sort of the best fucking dad–”  “You’d be the best fucking dad,” you chuckled out, a couple tears sliding down the sides of your cheeks to your hair. He swiped his thumbs under your eyes to wipe your tears, doing his best not to smudge your mascara.  “I really love you,” he choked out, tears sliding down his face now, “I missed you so much.”  “You know why I had to go,” you whisper out.  “I know,” his face started to crumple, “Can we just take it slow?”  You nodded, tears streaming steadily while you sat up. He barely gave you a moment to assess before he pulled you onto his lap. You straddled him, both of you looking at each other with tear stained faces. He rested his forehead on yours, his arms heavy while he pulled you tight against his chest.  “I don’t need you to save me, okay?” his voice shook, “I’m doing it all by myself. It’s for me.”  You nodded into Eddie’s forehead, his bangs scratching against your skin. You reached for his face, cupping his cheeks to pull him to face you. You matched his gentleness by wiping his tears away.  “Can I kiss you?” he asked. 
“Such a gentleman,” you smiled through a blur of a cry. He put a knuckle under your chin to tilt you up to him, the way he always did when he kissed you after sex or after a particularly intense talk. His lips met yours, soft and warm as ever – his hold on your body intentionally strong, but more so with the added muscle. He didn’t deepen it more than was necessary, he just wanted you to feel it, to feel him. 
When he broke away, you were both breathless. Eddie adjusted under you, delicately moving you back to the blanket where you sat back on your heels. He reached into his jacket pocket, the velvet box he proposed to you with looking small in his hands. 
“I -cough- I wanted to give this back to you,” he said, holding the box out. 
“No pressure or anything, I don’t have any expectations. I just wanted you to have it, for whenever you’re ready. If you’re ever ready.” 
You took the box and opened it, the ring just as big and sparkling as ever in the light of the moon. 
“I’m sure I’ll be ready soon,” you said, a little laugh leaving your lips, “My outfits have been looking really drab without it.” 
He crawled over and pulled you in close to him, leaving a kiss on your temple, “I promise, you are never looking drab.” 
The moon watched the both of you sit there for another hour or two. Sometimes talking, sometimes staring at the water between soft kisses and touches. 
“I know I got a long road ahead,” he whispered while stroking your hair, your drowsy head back on his lap, “But it’s not scary for me, I don’t think – I think it’s good. I know you’re at the end of it, I know we’re at the end of it.” 
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mysticalchildsuit · 7 months
Top 10 Characters I want to see come to Disney Mirrorverse
I am a fan of Disney Mirrorverse. What impresses me the most about it is the story and most of all the character designs. However, there are a lot of other characters who I think have a lot of potential to come to Mirrorverse, and I'm gonna give you my top 10 characters that deserve to come to Mirrorverse. For each pick, I'll be going over what type of character they would be (Melee, Tank, Ranged, or Support), what they're playstyle could be, and maybe how some could be incorporated in the game. Now, this is my picks and not yours, and your picks can be completely different. Now, let's dive right in.
10. Goliath (Gargoyles)[Tank]
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Starting off with the protagonist of a 90s Disney tv show that helped define a lot of childhoods (along Ducktales and Talespin). Goliath is a warrior that has a lot of abilities, from gliding, super strength, his basic claw strikes to even a bit of magic, a healing factor, and a rage mode. I see him as a Tank character, given he also has super durability, given he's a stone statue by day and defender by night.
9. Namaari (Raya and the Last Dragon)[Melee]
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I had to add a villain to this, simply because we have a small number of villains than heroes in Mirrorverse, and I chose Namaari because not only would she be awesome in Mirrorverse, but it should make sense that she come to Mirrorverse since Raya is in the game. I see her Namaari as a Melee character having a playstyle and appearance of an Assassin, given her skills in martial arts and the use of two blades, but she could have an ability where she uses her crossbow for a ranged attack, and an ability where she calls on her big cat to attack enemies, or she can ride on it for some mounted attacks.
8. Robin Hood (Robin Hood)[Ranged]
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Even though we have an archer in Merida in Mirrorverse, I think the OG archer of the Mouse House should come into the game, heck, Merida and Robin Hood could have a friendly rivalry to see who the better archer is (old school archer vs new school archer). But seriously, he would obviously be a Ranged character were he could have the standard abilities of an archer character in any MOBA/RPG game, from volley shots, charged shots, shooting arrows in a cone, etc., but I can also see Robin have an ability where he tosses out three bags of money and if his allies collect one, the will be healed (think Cupid from SMITE and his ability Share the Love); also he could have an ability where when he attacks an enemy, he has a chance to steal health, items, and of course, currency.
7. Merlin (The Sword in the Stone)[Ranged]
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We all know that Merlin is one of the most amazing mentors not just in Disney history, but in all pop culture history. Being such an amazing and powerful sorcerer, he would be a Ranged character, easily harnessing Stellar Magic to give him access to many different spells, like taking inspiration from his counterpart in SMITE. I could even see him being a chief advisor of the Guardians, aiding some of them in training to giving them some helpful advice.
6. Wart aka Arthur Pendragon (The Sword in the Stone)[Melee]
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When Merlin comes to Mirrorverse, Arthur should definitely join him. Arthur does have Excalibur, and thanks to user s10127470, Arthur's Mirrorverse design could have him wear a magical suit of armor created by Merlin to enhance his physical abilities. Arthur's playstyle could possibly be similar to his SMITE counterpart, but given that Merlin is teaching him, Arthur could also be like a Spellblade or an Eldritch Knight, using a bit of magic to empower his sword fighting. While Arthur is still in training (you know, to be a warrior and a freaking king), he's got a lot of allies who have a lot of experience to help him.
5. Kidagakash "Kida" Nedakh (Atlantis: The Lost Empire)[Melee]
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a very underrated movie, and it shouldn't be, so having someone from the movie come to Mirrorverse would give it some representation, and while Milo Thatch would also be a good candidate, I had to go with Kida. Much like Merida, Raya, and Mulan, Kida is a warrior princess (in Kida's case, a warrior princess turned queen) with a lot of abilities, from using an Atlantean spear, martial arts, throwing knives, and using Atlantean magic, so her playstyle could go from her warrior side or her mystic side, but thinking about Freya, Maman Bridgitte, and Ao Kuang (SMITE), I think that Kida could be like how they play: having physical basic attacks, and having magic abilities. So, a Melee attacks like using Atlantean magic to power up basic attacks, shooting magical shots, place a shield around an ally, or heal them.
4. Tarzan (Tarzan)[Melee]
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Another warrior from Disney that needs to make it into Mirrorverse. He would clearly be a Melee character where he would use his spear for basic attacks, and even an ability were he throws it like a javelin toss, and taking some inspration from Nidalee (League of Legends) and drawing inspiration from a Totem Warrior from DnD, where he could summon a gorilla spirit to attack enemies, and he can also use his signature cry to raise the attack and critical hit stats of his allies. So yeah, this jungle daddy definitely deserves to make his mark in Mirrorverse.
3. Li Shang (Mulan)[Melee]
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I believe Shang could play similarly to Mulan, but with some creative differences. He would be a Melee character where he uses a sword, like Mulan, but he would also use a bo staff and bow and arrow, and his passive could reflect his lack of sense of pain where attacks from enemies that hit him take half the damage they would normally do. He could also use buffs to raise his allies stats like critical hit chance, focus, etc. He could be incorporated in an event where he oversee's the Guardian's training session and personally training certain Guardians.
2. Prince Naveen (The Princess and the Frog)[Support]
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Since Tiana is an alchemist in Mirrorverse, it only makes sense that Naveen to come to the game as a bard, given his love for music and his main instrument being a small guitar. Naveen would obviously be a Support character where his playstyle can take inspiration from characters like Apollo (SMITE) and Sona (League of Legends), using his music to heal, protect, and buff up his allies, while damaging and debuffing enemies.
Honorable Mentions
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)[Melee]
Shan Yu (Mulan)[Tank]
Captain Phoebus (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)[Melee]
Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)[Support]
Pocahontas (Pocahontas)[Support or Ranged]
Darkwing Duck (Darkwing Duck)(Ranged)
The Headless Horseman (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad)[Melee]
Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid)[Melee]
Prince Phillip (Sleeping Beauty)[Melee]
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I had to put Prince Phillip on the top spot because he should've already been in the game when it first came out. I mean, the guy is one of the most proactive characters in the Mouse House and he clearly knows his way around a fight. He would be a Melee character utilizing his classic arsenal: the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, and possibly taking some inspiration from Lancelot (SMITE) and even Leona (League of Legends). Also, since Princess Aurora is coming to Mirrorverse, Prince Phillip needs to join her.
That's it, everyone, feel free to comment, but keep any and all shady comments to yourself, or be blocked. Thank you and God bless.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Parts of the Southern Plains counted the injured and surveyed the damage Monday after tornadoes and other powerful winds swept through, while some Michigan residents faced a fifth consecutive day without power following last week’s ice storm.
In California, the National Weather Service said a series of winter storm systems will continue moving into the state through Wednesday after residents got a brief break from severe weather Sunday.
Parts of the Northeast that have seen little snow this winter were under a winter storm warning. And forecasters warned of continued high winds in parts of the Plains and of thunderstorms and possible tornadoes in the Ohio Valley.
A look at the weather threats around the country:
Police in Norman, Oklahoma, responded Sunday night to storm damage in parts of the city, about 20 miles (32 kilometers) south of Oklahoma City. Officials said there were 12 confirmed weather-related injuries there, none considered critical.
Crews canvassed the damaged area looking for others who might be injured. Possible tornadoes and wind gusts as high as 90 mph (144 kilometers) were reported in Oklahoma, with downed trees and power lines, road closures and damage to homes around Norman and Shawnee.
Frances Tabler, of Norman, told KOCO-TV that she suffered a small cut on her head when a storm hit her home, tearing off much of its roof and sending debris flying. She said it was a miracle her children weren't hurt, although her daughter was trapped for awhile in a bedroom.
“I could hear the wind coming. All of a sudden all the back windows, where the kids bedrooms are, I could hear them just crashing, busting out. And I got up, and then the wind just threw me back, and I’m screaming," Tabler told KOCO. “It was just like a blizzard in the house with all the debris flying. I was screaming for my kids.”
A tornado touched down Sunday near Liberal, Kansas, the weather service said, and more than a dozen homes were reported damaged, according to KSNW-TV. One person had minor injuries, the station said.
There were reports of nine tornadoes in Kansas, Oklahoma and northwestern Texas, said Bob Oravec, a lead forecaster for the weather service. Weather service teams planned to survey storm damage Monday to determine the strength of the tornadoes.
The severe weather threat remained Monday, with thunderstorms expected to produce damaging gusts across the Ohio Valley, according to the Storm Prediction Center. At least a few tornadoes are were possible, especially across Ohio on Monday afternoon, the center said. The weather service forecast strong winds Monday in Kansas and Missouri, with gusts topping 60 mph (96 kph).
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the-firebird69 · 3 months
So there's a few things we need to get going and get out of the way we need these people to stop rubbing their low life high life in everyone's face you look like ignorant slobs you don't look like wealthy people it's not working and you're failing and your pieces of dog shaped willing to do that just to say we took it for awhile and this is what we would do if we actually won and now that we're talking about that we're moving on to an important subject.
- We need our people to be attentive to this we are at war these people are a big problem I see it becoming a bigger problem every day they are planning to invade the Midwest again and they do annually this year they are sending everybody out to try and go back in and it's the Mac Morlock and Morlock to miscellaneous and also demons. The Max stayed behind foreigners and us and we're going to wipe them out we need to have stuff and they're fools they comprise almost 50% of the population and they lost like 25% of it they were horrendously huge and everything was kind of droll and drab and overcast and oppressive at the same time during the 70s it wasn't as bad The agents became a little bit worse but it was concealed who was doing it why and it was not that bad but really bad for you the 90s things were getting a little bit rancid and people were talking about it on purpose and entering the 2000s it's completely rancid and Trump nailed it out there and exposed everything and tons you started dying pretty soon all of you will be dying and it's not a good scene if you go ahead and examine it you're gonna find that you are not doing the right thing. There's not enough of you for this behavior there was but it doesn't seem to be working anymore and it's your bosses that are dying quite rapidly and once they're gone you won't have much control the reason I'm saying This is your about to fight us and foreigners on top of the max who you're still scared to face and we don't think that you're going to not fight them you're already engaging them it's kind of a huge thing to do and we find what you're doing and saying to be horrible in that we don't think you have much of a chance. Now I noticed that you are saying You're gonna move your fleet in if the final round after your three coming upcoming volleys tonight fail and you're not going to be allowed to in the Pseudo Empire is against you too and you will be stopped cole and it happened in the Revolutionary War and you were kicked out and it's gonna happen again you were kicked out and you were forced to W and you were making fun of everyone and it looks like you won really you're fighting your own overlords it's just a lousy act it doesn't do anything because you don't do anything with it. That's basically what I wanna say and my son and daughter say some will hear it most will not and recently and for years they totally ignored because it's their plan and I'm aware that but boy they had a line and it didn't help them it constantly announced it it's gonna be horrible and it's coming up real soon as in today and tonight and tomorrow. As we said sometime from July 5th to around July 3rd we suspect that giant attack will take place on whatever groups are out there on the Yucatan and other areas and they'll be wiped out with nuclear weapons and we think that movies like Mad Max occur and other nukes are set off and Sherry drives right through a cloud of radiation that's why the group of trumps just look for bodies to inhabit because their bodies are being destroyed she becomes bigger and is in several movies as a good sized woman and larger OK is a different character and people are gonna look for it and it's not Suzanne Somers and it's not the girl who fights trump with the water wheel not Carmen Electra not she hulk anyways james Bond that's one of them and she's actually in the right place he says sort of and they're forced into it and it's true but she's pretty big there's several movies where she's like that and it goes on for a while and she starts getting a little bigger and she's like how am I gonna take over that if I'm huge and it becomes an issue so she wants him to be bigger and see I just grew and it says the water got better. She's smiling and laughing and saying boy that's fun and we're gonna need it cause Mac proper are gonna come in and actually pseudo empire she says that's nice but true you're not enemies of hers and she has to be able to do it you know some work that comes up. we're gonna print and we have more to announce
Thor Freya
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vkq103487428 · 6 months
Week 6: The key to the Slow Fashion Movement is... Influencers?
The history of sustainable fashion
The first instances of sustainable fashion emerged in the 60s as a way for counter culture groups such as hippies and punks to rebel against the norm, rejecting the mass consumerism popular at the time for a more unique and sustainable lifestyle, using secondhand clothing (POMP MMXIX 2023).
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Then, in the 80s, vintage clothing became even more popular among the general public. Another core contributor to the rise of sustainable fashion was the various anti-fur movements of the era, spearheaded by activist groups like Trans Species Unlimited (TSU) and the Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (CAFT) (Last Chance for Animals n.d.).
The 90s marked the start of businesses using sustainability as a selling point, as more and more consumers started making more environmentally conscious purchasing decisions. Sustainability movements also started gaining a lot more traction.
Then, in the 2010s, an event took place that would embed the dark side of the fashion industry in the collective consciousness for the foreseeable future. On 24 April 2013, Rana Plaza, located in the Savar Upazila of Dhaka District, Bangladesh, collapsed, killing 1,134 people and injuring over 2,500. The incident was a major turning point for the Bangladesh garment industry specifically, and the fashion industry as a whole, as it brought to light the poor working conditions of sweatshops around the world, as well as various other secrets of the industry. This event was the catalyst for a new age of consumers, who demand more transparency from brands in regards to their practices (Aizawa & Tripathi 2015).
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Now, in the 2020s, the amount of environmentally conscious consumers is at an all time high, and the market for sustainable fashion is seeing unprecedented growth, which also means there is higher demand than ever before for authentic sustainability.
Which leads us directly to...
The Slow Fashion Movement
Slow Fashion is a movement that has been gaining traction in recent years in the fashion industry. It revolves around producing and consuming clothing that prioritizes sustainability, ethical practices, and longevity.
The movement represents the need to adopt sustainable performance and a change in core values in the fashion industry.
Ultimately, the goal of the Slow Fashion Movement is to encourage brands to embrace a quality based instead of a time based business philosophy (Domingos, Vale & Faria 2022).
While the movement has gained quite a bit of traction in recent years, it's still waiting for a push, an opportunity to truly embed itself in the public consciousness, something like...
Influencers and the influence they could have
Online influencers are a largely untapped resource when it comes to aiding the Slow Fashion Movement. They represent a new type of independent third party endorsers, who can shape audience attitudes through blogs, tweets, and the use of other social media (Freberg et al. 2011).
Since influencers share more personal content that revolves around their lifestyle and interests, they have the unique power to forge deeper psychological bonds with their followers (Audrezet et al. 2020).
Influencers also belong to a group that already play prominent roles in the ecosystem of the fashion industry, as they are often given front rows seats at fashion shows, as well as wear branded designer clothes in publics (Wissinger 2015).
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With this information in mind, it is quite clear to see that influencers have a huge impact on the mindset of consumers who follow them, and if done correctly, they can provide a much needed boost to the popularity of the Slow Fashion Movement.
So, what can influencers do to aid the Slow Fashion Movement specifically?
Influencers' Role in the Slow Fashion Movement
Influencers can play a significant role in aiding the slow fashion movement by using their platforms to promote sustainable and ethical fashion choices. While different people can help in different ways, listed below are 3 specific actions that any influencer can take.
1. Raising Awareness: Influencers have the power to reach a wide audience and raise awareness about the negative environmental and social impacts of fast fashion. They can educate their followers about the benefits of slow fashion, such as reducing waste, supporting fair trade practices, and promoting sustainable materials.
2. Advocating for Ethical Brands: Influencers can use their platforms to highlight and promote ethical and sustainable fashion brands. By showcasing these brands and their practices, influencers can encourage their followers to make mindful purchasing decisions and support companies that prioritize sustainability and ethical production.
3. Sharing Sustainable Fashion Tips: Influencers can share practical tips and advice on how to embrace slow fashion in everyday life. This can include styling tips for creating versatile outfits with fewer pieces, showcasing wardrobe essentials, and promoting capsule wardrobes. By providing inspiration and guidance, influencers can help their followers adopt more conscious and sustainable fashion habits.
It's important to note that the effectiveness of influencers in aiding the slow fashion movement depends on their authenticity and commitment to sustainability. Genuine passion and knowledge about the subject matter are crucial for influencers to have a positive impact and inspire meaningful change among their followers.
Aizawa, M & Tripathi, S 2015, ‘Beyond Rana Plaza: Next Steps for the Global Garment Industry and Bangladeshi Manufacturers’, Business and Human Rights Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 145–151.
Audrezet, A, de Kerviler, G & Guidry Moulard, J 2020, ‘Authenticity under threat: When Social Media Influencers Need to Go beyond self-presentation’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 557–569.
Domingos, M, Vale, VT & Faria, S 2022, ‘Slow Fashion Consumer Behavior: a Literature Review’, Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 5, p. 2860.
Freberg, K, Graham, K, McGaughey, K & Freberg, LA 2011, ‘Who are the social media influencers? A study of public perceptions of personality’, Public Relations Review, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 90–92.
Last Chance for Animals n.d., ‘Last Chance for Animals - History of Fur Free Friday’, www.lcanimal.org, viewed 20 February 2024, <https://www.lcanimal.org/index.php/campaigns/fur/fur-trade-facts-2#:~:text=In%201985%2C%20two%20activist%20groups>.
POMP MMXIX 2023, ‘The History of Sustainable Fashion’, POMP MMXIX, viewed 20 February 2024, <https://pomp.store/blogs/journal/the-history-of-sustainable-fashion>.
Wissinger, EA 2015, ‘This Year’s Model: Fashion, Media, and the Making of Glamour’, JSTOR, NYU Press, viewed <https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt15zc744>.
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university-dayz · 1 year
study surroundings : part 2
in this part I will be talking about what I liked and disliked about the study spaces I have used over the course of my foundation year and which ones I will continue to use going into my first year of zoology
public library
There are fewer distractions as I am by myself in an area that is designed to increase focus. The noise level is relatively low there are tables and chairs to sit at and complete work and they are not normally busy.
Over the last year, I made use of the public library in my home town and in the city I was studying. I found that the public library in my home town (which is a small coastal town that very few people have heard of) tended to be busier than the one in the city. Because of this, I found it easier to put my thoughts into sentences easier than I would have at home. At this point, I should say that the one in the city is significantly larger and has more floors. so it might look like the library is less busy since there are more floors and each floor is larger
In addition to this transport to and from the public library was easy no matter where I was. When at home I had to walk a short distance to the bus stop and then travel on the bus for ten minutes to reach the library. When I was at university it was easier to just walk which took no more than 15 minutes
but like with everything there were some negatives to studying in a public library. The first is the fact that the library holds numerous groups throughout the day. The ages of the participants range from about 4 to 90 so, as you would assume, multiple groups meet throughout the day and when they do, they can be very distracting. It is almost impossible to prevent a fussy and/or crying child from crying but it is distracting. and, Due to a limited amount of table space, and the uncomfortable nature of the chairs, the option of moving away from the group was not always possible
Additionally, whilst studying in the public library, I was unable to use the resources available as they were mostly for leisurely reading. As there weren't any books related to the field of zoology, I relied mostly on papers and articles I could find online. but unfortunately it was not guaranteed that the internet would be fully functional upon my visit
university library
This location was by far my favourite to work at solely due to the relaxed atmosphere created by the students and the librarians who were okay with me asking my questions. The books, in my opinion, are far superior to those in a public library as there are books that are specifically tailored to the courses offered at the university and books that are there for casual reading as well
The one factor that separates the university library from a public one is that there are designated areas for each situation. if you are meeting with a group to practice a presentation you can book a private room (or there's a building that has a floor with screens that you don't need to book but I won't be talking about that here), if you are in a group working on individual assignments you can go into the quiet study area and if you're by yourself you can go to the silent study zone. These zones can be used at any time since students can access the library 24/7 with the use of their student ID
Next year, due to living on-site, I will be able to make more use of the library on-site and hopefully improve my grades
Although it makes for a good view, to get to the library you have to traverse 5 flights of stairs. More often than not the lift is broken to the point where it looks like you are stepping into your horror movie scene. once you are situated in the library you might find that, because of its size and the poor organization, it is hard to find the books for your course. if you are anything like me it will not help that you never want to disturb anyone but, honestly, talk to a librarian, they don't mind helping and they're the best person to go to.
some times whilst studying in the university library, you may encounter a group of students that are slightly too loud for your comfort (whether they mean to or not). unlike a public library, there are plenty of tables available so moving away from the problem will not be as hard
dining room
I have a table in the dining room that remains unused and it seemed like an appropriate place to get work done. when it comes down to it all a person needs to work on an assignment is a laptop, an internet connection, and a thing to put the laptop on. but it also helps that all of my stationary is already in there
Over the years it has become increasingly difficult for me to GET to the table due to it being the household junk room. My dad places, what seems like, everything he owns on the floor, in the doorway and yes on the table. I have found out that I find it hard to work in a room that is cluttered and for this reason I have only been using the table during meals. but even then I am worried about the table and chairs collapsing due to age and loose screws
As an individual with ADHD, I know that if I am working on something that I don't want to do any minor distraction could mean that I've finished working on it for the day. Some of the distractions I have faced in the past include being called into a different room by members of my family, the TV in the dining room, the pots in the sink and people walking into the kitchen (which is joined to the dining room)
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manjeeth-salian · 2 years
Jaguar Unveils I-PACE Concept Car through Worldwide Virtual Reality Experience
Jaguar has unveiled the I-PACE concept car, a revolutionary electrified five-seat sports automobile, using an innovative and first-of-its-kind worldwide and networked virtual reality (VR) experience. The combination of virtual reality provider HTC, computer experts Dell, and creative firms ReWind and Imagination allowed for the reveal. Using HTC Vive Business Edition headgear and Dell Precision workstations, more than 300 visitors from VR hubs in London and Los Angeles were able to fully immerse themselves in a lifelike virtual environment and communicate with one another in real-time. The reveal, which is thought to be the biggest live and networked VR event of its type, will provide attendees a memorable and cutting-edge view of the technology and design behind the car. 
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The goal of the virtual reality experience was to give viewers a futuristic impression of the ground-breaking Jaguar I-PACE. The prototype car might be seen being constructed all around the participants, racing in their direction, and appearing to have come from another world. They were also able to explore the car's inside, find out about little details, and feel what it was like to be in the front or back seats. The participants gave their real-time impressions of Jaguar's first-ever electric vehicle while fully immersed within the car.
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The introduction represented the first time in history that a major automotive brand used completely immersive VR to introduce its newest vehicle, according to Ross Wheeler, head of automotive at Imagination. He continued by saying that the launch went far beyond any new automobile experience customers had previously had by enabling them to connect in real-time, get completely immersed within the car, and share their impressions of Jaguar's first-ever electric vehicle. 
Customers can now experience the I-PACE Concept at home with the help of a customized Jaguar app on Viveport thanks to the VR content from the reveal. The virtual reality (VR) debut of the Jaguar I-PACE serves as an example of how VR technology may be utilized to overcome geographic constraints and provide immersive experiences to a worldwide audience, boosting marketing events and producing life-changing experiences for customers.
Tech Details:
The creative agency Imagination needed to use advanced technologies to verify that their most recent project reached the highest standards of excellence. The project required an unusual 66 HTC VIVE headsets, an unparalleled amount for a consumer product launch, and 114 PCs, one for each seat at the presentation table. Using motion-tracked handheld controllers, users were able to roam around and interact with objects in the audience area thanks to these headsets, which transformed it into an interactive 3D space. Each headgear was tracked by a server like to those used for Massive Online Multiplayer games, which communicated the coordinates across oceans to link London and LA via a virtual private cloud. 
The team at Imagination used Unity's real-time rendering engine, which is renowned for its outstanding capabilities, to push the boundaries of what was feasible in VR and meet the high standards set by the client and international media. Although it was essential to delete 97% of the data from the high-resolution CAD model of the car provided by Jaguar in order for the Unity games engine to run at 90 frames per second, the Unity engine simplified the data and allowed for great visual quality. 
Instead of the 'push to talk' button found in video games, audience avatars and spotlights promoted conversation during the event. The immersive theatre background of Imagination assisted in stage managing the show and bringing the many components together due to the issue of audio time delay brought on by the 5000 miles of cable between countries. The usage of open-back headphones allowed participants to remain engrossed in the whole experience while hearing ambient sounds, the primary experience background track, and important presenter announcements. Imagination's utilization of cutting-edge technology made the project a huge success overall.
Source: Reference:
www.campaignlive.co.uk. (n.d.). Event TV: Jaguar unveils electric vehicle with VR experience. [online] Available at: https://www.campaignlive.co.uk/article/event-tv-jaguar-unveils-electric-vehicle-vr-experience/1415613#:~:text=Jaguar%20revealed%20its%20I%2DPACE [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
‌imagination.com. (n.d.). Jaguar I-PACE VR Product Concept Launch | Imagination. [online] Available at: https://imagination.com/work/jaguar-land-rover-i-pace-concept-launch [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
Magnopus. (n.d.). Jaguar I-Pace: Global Social VR Launch. [online] Available at: https://www.magnopus.com/projects/jaguar-i-pace [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
‌www.immerseuk.org. (n.d.). Immerse UK → Jaguar, Imagination and REWIND. [online] Available at: https://www.immerseuk.org/case-study/jaguar-imagination-and-rewind/ [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
‌Squarespace-cdn.com. (2016). Available at: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/618131cf8cd8e779321e9666/1678357213959-OY50NX3QPPGWSMXNPUPI/jagipacedesertreveal3rdpersonpov14111601.JPG?format=2500w [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
Squarespace-cdn.com. (2016). Available at: https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/618131cf8cd8e779321e9666/1678357215893-6WT3LUQNJGVL5CYIRMSG/jagipacevrexperience141116015+%281%29.JPG?format=2500w [Accessed 25 Apr. 2023].
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toostarlightkitty · 2 years
Vaginal Cancer: Symptoms And Causes
Vaginal cancer is a rare form of cancer that develops in the muscle tube connecting the uterus to the outer genitalia, or vagina. The vagina, also known as the birth canal, is lined with cells, and these cells are where vaginal cancer most frequently develops. The likelihood of a cure is highest when vaginal cancer is discovered in its early stages. The treatment for vaginal cancer that has spread outside of the vagina is substantially more challenging. We will discuss vaginal cancer treatment and causes in this blog and all it's challenges.
Types of Vaginal Cancer
Vaginal cancer comes in various forms. The following are the common vaginal cancers:
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
The flat cells, or squamous cells, that line the vagina are where squamous cell cancer originates. The most typical kind of vaginal cancer issquamous cell carcinoma. It represents around 90% of all instances.
This type of vaginal cancer is found originally in the gland cells of the vagina and commonly affects the younger age group. There is a special variety of vaginal cancer, clear-cell adenocarcinoma. This happens in women who were exposed to a medication diethylstilbestrol (DES) while they were still within their mother’s womb. Paradoxically, this was a medicine used to treat miscarriages till late 1970s. Now it is banned.
It usually starts within the cells that provide colour to the skin neighbouring vagina (melanocytes). Vaginal melanomas are very rare.
It develops within the connective tissue and muscle tissue that make up the vaginal wall. Vaginal sarcomas are uncommon, just as are vaginal melanomas. Sarcomas come in a variety of forms. The most frequent type is rhabdomyosarcoma, which primarily affects children. While leiomyosarcoma is a disease of middle-aged women.
How Common is Vaginal Cancer?
True vaginal cancers are rare. Vaginal cancer makes up about 2-3% of all gynaecological cancers. Vagina is commonly affected with cancer from other neighbouring organs. These are not primary vaginal cancers.
Who Develops Vaginal Cancer?
The risk of developing vaginal cancer rises if:
The woman is over 60 years old.
If the women develops persistent human papillomavirus (HPV). These infections does not give symptoms.
The individual is diagnosed with vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia (VAIN).
The individual has experienced cervical dysplasia or malignancy.
Women who came into contact with diethylstilbestrol (DES).
Women with smoking habits.
Symptoms of Vaginal Cancer
Early vaginal cancer may not show any symptoms at all. Vaginal cancer may manifest as the following signs and symptoms as it progresses:
Unusual bleeding from the vagina.
Watery or unpleasant vaginal discharge.
Pain in the pelvis.
Pain during sexual activity.
Difficulty in urinating.
Feeling the need to urinate while having an empty stomach.
More urination than usual.
A lump in the vagina.
Cause Of Vaginal Cancer
What specifically causes vaginal cancer is unknown to researchers. Vaginal cancer and high-risk HPV strains are likely linked, just as they are with cervical cancer. It is considered HPV vaccines will also protect against vaginal cancers.
Transmission Of Vaginal Cancer
Cancer cells in the vagina behave like all cancer cells. As the cells grow in uncontrollable fashion, tumours develop. These tumours may invade adjacent healthy tissue and metastasize (spread to other parts of your body).
Diagnosis and Treatment
The following tests and procedures are used for the diagnosis of vaginal cancer:
Pelvic exam
The healthcare professional will visually examine the vulva and feel for any anomalies by inserting two fingers within the vagina. The vagina is spacious. Sometimes the two walls can be temporarily gently separated using a device known as a speculum, making it simpler to see the cervix and vaginal canal.
Pap Smear
The healthcare professional will scrape cells from the cervix while holding the vagina open with a speculum and a spatula-like tool. For indications of malignancy or HPV, these cells will be examined in a lab. It takes a few seconds to take smear.
The doctor will examine the vagina and cervix using lighted equipment called a colposcope or vaginoscope to check for abnormal cells.
It is frequently performed by colposcopy. In order to check for cancer cells, the healthcare professional will collect a pinch of tissue sample. With friendly advanced local anaesthesia, it is painless. The treatment is determined by the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, and the patient's age. Precancerous cells are typically treated with removal, laser surgery and topical therapies. Surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy are frequently needed to treat invasive vaginal cancer. There are several therapies that you might get.
Wide local excision
The tumour and some of the surrounding healthy tissue are removed.
Vaginectomy (Partial or Radical)
Depending on the size and location of the tumour, the doctor may remove all or some parts of the vagina. The doctor may advise having the lymph nodes, uterus, and cervix removed (lymph node dissection), depending on how far the cancer has spread (hysterectomy).
Pelvic Exenteration
This is needed in advanced cases. This procedure removes several organs, including the bladder, uterus, cervix, vagina, ovaries, and adjacent lymph nodes from the pelvis. The gynaecologic oncologists in saltlake, Kolkata will create an opening in the abdomen for urination and bowel movement (called a stoma or ostomy bag). This surgery is recommended if someone has cancer that keeps coming back.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation kills cancer cells or prevents them from proliferating by using focused energy beams, like X-rays.
External Radiation Therapy
High-energy radiation beams are focused on the tumour by an external machine.
Internal Radiation Therapy
Radioactive materials are inserted into or close to the tumour in the vagina using catheters or sealed wires. These give short doses of radiation and are removed after each dose.
In this, cancer cells are killed using medications.
Clinical Trials
World is advancing quick to find novel cancer treatment. Without the help of patients this cannot be achieved. The doctor might offer the patient to enrol in a clinical study to check out innovative cancer treatments.
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Dialogue Prompts
aka College Prompt List pt. 2: second semester edition. it's been a chaotic year
send a number and pairing/dynamic and I'll see what I can do
“A cute person just complimented me and the sound I made was Not Human and I don’t want to think about how gay I am.”
“Hey did you know that it’s possible to bruise your ass? Because it’s possible to bruise your ass.”
“Yes I’m in college, yes I just built a pillow fort, please don’t ask because I don’t know either.”
“I’m going to get sent to counseling if I turn this in.” “English paper?” “Yeah.”
“You don’t know if that chicken has body dysmorphia!”
“Did you name your cat after Puff the Magic Dragon?”
“This professor just heavily implied that he and the head of my department get drunk when they grade student projects and I honestly don’t blame them.”
“How did you do that?” “You taught me how to do this two days ago.” “Not that, the voice thing.” “You mean… vocal mimicry? I’m ADHD man, I don’t know.”
“I’m being stupid right now and I think the person I’m talking to is going to be disappointed in me.”
“Why did they put cinnamon on zucchini? That’s a terrible idea, did they think it was a sweet squash?”
*shrieks* “WHOSE CAT IS THAT?” “Oh there you are, Zazu.” “... you named your cat Zazu?”
“I just had to break the news to someone that their favorite singer got arrested so if you’ll excuse me I need to go take a nap.”
“How do we feel about a murder-themed wedding?” “I’m gonna regret asking this. Why?”
“What do you mean that was real? I thought that was a low quality meme!”
“Hey I’m back- What happened here?” “They may have had an aneurysm because of how horribly this paper was written, please hold.”
“Violence… can be good for your mental health.”
“Your favorite Avenger is Hawkeye? Are you okay?”
“I don’t care that he’s your boyfriend, he called Sam Wilson irrelevant and therefore he has to die, those are the rules.”
“Are we talking about super soldiers? No? Then I don’t care.”
“I’m not gonna lie I think I almost died yesterday, but I got my homework in on time so-”
“It’s 10 a.m., I have not had a cup of coffee yet, and I just had to explain to two 20 year olds how to use Google Slides. This is the third time in six months. No I’m not okay.”
“Hey, do you remember that time I almost got stabbed?” “It’s 2 in the morning.” “And? I’m writing an essay. Do you remember or not?”
*hears someone scream Mothman three times* “Oh hell no, that’s some horror movie shit I’m not fucking with that today, no sir no thank you.”
*R2D2 shriek* “...Dear lord.”
“Have you even seen Avatar? Don’t you know how important the moon is?”
“Sororities are a cult.” “Explain.” “No.”
“I don’t like the way you just implied that I have a praise kink.”
“Why wasn’t I a business major again? No offense but I would rather punch a frat boy in the balls than write another email.”
“Non-Newtonian physics is really fucking hard.” “This is an English class?”
“This is painfully on-brand for me, but I almost just told a cop to go fuck himself while making a professional phone call and I can’t imagine that would have ended well.”
“Swords are a short term solution. I need a baseball bat.”
“I’m not your personal tech support hotline, you know.”
“The statute of limitations for spoiling that movie expired about 20 years ago.”
“I fucked up.” “What did you do?” “...I fucked up again because I don’t want to admit this to you either.”
“If you drive a Ford Focus, you legally cannot have The Audacity™. It’s too easy to crush your car babe, don’t think I won’t.”
“You sound like a turtle having sex.”
*cat noises* “Shhhhhh, we have to be quiet.”
“I am dark and edgy and have no weaknesses and you have to help me move across the country because I just baby talked a dog in front of someone I know and my reputation is ruined.”
“Yeah I flew through a hurricane once. It wasn’t as awful as the time we almost crashed in Boston, but that’s another story.”
“Every 90s movie was made while the entire production crew was on crack.”
“Don’t touch my food. I am holding a very large knife and I don’t want to stab you.”
“Honestly I just saw a person carrying a whole television set through the park so the concept of normal is kind of lost on me.”
“Why does every 20 year old I meet not know how to use a computer? I’m going to break something.”
“Look in theory I would have shit done by now, but I also died a couple days ago so please excuse the fact that I decided to live.”
“Getting aggressively misgendered was unironically the funniest thing that happened to me today.”
“That man gave off John Mulaney energy and I’m living for it.”
“First of all, that’s not my name, why did you put a D in it? Second, he’s not a girl and if you think he is, your opinion is irrelevant.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like the exact type of person who wouldn’t mind getting their hands dirty for the sake of finding something interesting.”
“Turns out my breaking point was in fact trying to do my laundry at night. My bad.”
“I’m gonna get arrested because I keep giving cops attitude and I didn’t even mean to do it this time.”
“I’m convinced this one city block is cursed but everyone I talk to about it just tells me another thing that went wrong, so I have more questions than answers and I’m terrified of all the buildings there.”
“Okay, I’m hearing what you’re saying, but everything you’re saying is hot garbage so I’m gonna need you to shut the hell up.”
“Are you doing okay?” “I’m eating peanut butter from a spork. What do you think?”
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jimsmovieworld · 2 years
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90 Sci-fi comedy about a group of wannabe superheroes that want to go pro. They all have very unusual or often useless powers. For example the guy who can control cutlery but not knives. After the city is attacked by the supervillian Casanova Frankenstein and the actual superhero Captain Amazing is taken out, they band together to save the day.
Found this vaguely amusing for a little whils but then lost all interest in it. Really wasnt very funny at all. The cast have confirmed they would fight constantly over what the tone of the movie should be. A fight between Ben Stiller and Greg Kinnear got so bad Stiller tried to quit the project.
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purewhitewolf · 3 years
"empty bottle" to anyone character of mine Kaitlyn wants to drunken ramble to
Here have several scenarios: Kaitlyn wobbled home and immediately stumbles over towards the couch to pinch Past's cheeks "ThOsE little cheeks are sooOoooOooo irresistible~ hehe~" Suddenly pounces and pins her down with a purr. "We had this couch...this couch for so long. S...So many memories were made m-made on it~ This... righht here. Thish ish where I fell for yah. This is where we held each other for our beginning, thish ish wheres we puppy kissed and played, thish ish where Ezzy and I made Zekeyyyy, thishhh is where Charlotte was made." Bringing up Charlotte's conception seemed to make Kaitlyn pause a bit before rambling on that topic. "Bunpup, I-I k-keep remembering that night differently. Sometimes I remember a potion or spell backfiring thing and you were still uh... still recovering from your full moon wounds on the couch and were out cold... sometimes though s-sometimes I remember us both being fully awake making love, but I know that one's definitely not right... I... I now n-now Ish wemember it like-like this... t-that on another...another full moon... we did it as wolves... t-that big feral me shrunk down to make it work... Maybe that's why Charlotte looked more wolflike as a baby than Clementine does.... o-or maybe my mind is... making stuff up again to lessen guilt of not really remembering much and lack of known consent? All... All I really remember is that it was on this couch... you were either out cold or not quite awake... and I was leaning over you, kinda how I am now. ...I don't know what really caused the blur of memory or what initiated me doing anything. I wasn't quite myself either, that I know too... My... My mind keeps trying to romanticize that night to be more pleasant t-than it probably wassss... I just don't understand the shift in my behavior then... I-In the past... I was even afraid to touch you then despite my attraction out of r-respect of your trauma... I love you sssooo much I didn't want to hurt you. But... I did anyway... ....B-BUT much has changed and... we are better than where we started..." There was a long pause as she drunkenly stared at her wife "G-gosh I really want you right now~...."
Before she could lean forward to give a kiss, she collapses onto Past and was out cold for the rest of the night.
A very underdressed Kaitlyn laying on her desk covered in beer bottles "Xandyyyyy~ Wha? I ain't druuuunk!" She playfully boops his nose "I was just... just celebrating a-and thinking about a lot of stuff. Ya know... thinking about how much things have changed and how I treat you. hehe Ya knooow, I was initially confused about my feelings towards you. At first... I really wanted to kill you. I blamed you for breaking my family up. But... it wasn't you that made it happen. You were just the final straw after playing on Past's insecurity of feeling useless. No... Past and I broke our family then. We were naive children when we had kids and had to learn a lot of our foolish flaws the hard way...... Then I guess you could say I had a little crush on you after a while, but even after those feelings faded... somewhat, 90% anyway, Dragonhubby~... I still had a strange fantasy about marrying you. I then realized...realized it wasn't a romantic desire. I had no desire in actually dating or anything like that. No...no no no no.... It was a protective desire. I wanted a reason to be able to nag you to take care of yourself. I wanted to stay near you in case there were any threats or someone trying to take advantage of you. ...Because you're my little shadow bro. A brother that I must protect. ...Yeah, sure, I may've banged my actual brothers and have a messed-up view on family because of it, b-but this is different. You...you reminded me... of a younger me. A younger me... that was a puppet for others... obedient to my monstrous grandfather... I...I wanted to... set you free. After we broke your curse, honestly while you were crying I...I wanted to hug you. I didn't because neither of us were in the right headspace... but I regret not doing it then. I wanted to give you a long sisterly embrace. Give you comfort and pure affection you hadn't had in a long time. I wanted to let you know that everything... everything will be alright. .......................Anywaaaay I'm glad you made me a godmother and tolerate my antics."
Kaitlyn puts down her twentieth glass finally feeling the buzz she wanted. Her face quite flushed as she stares at Brooke. "heheheHEHEhe Goldilocks, would you believe if I told you I had dreams of us drinking together like this? I know I at least told you about the romantic dinner fantasy, right? I did, right? Well, either way I always had these little funny thoughts in my head even when you hated me. Thoughts of eating out together and checking out hotties, thoughts of hunting prey like a wolf and fox, thoughts of trying out some new clothes and styles, thoughts of kissing and affectionately biting you all over~, thoughts of... thoughts of bringing Shadow out more for ya since he seems to make you happy. Heh... Although lately... I really want the kids to get to know their grandma more. O-Oh yes! I just remembered that Zeke made some art for you, and I think even Charlotte made a character based on your appearance. I should show them to you tomorrow... unless you wanna come over tonight? We have a guest room. I-I know the cabin isn't a five-star resort, b-but you'll be able to see Clementine some more! of course I understand if you don't... I even understand if I'm being too weird and repulsive right now... I'm always flirtin' at ya after all, even through Shadow, through him I am flirting at ya. I-I... I just really like spending time with you and want to let you have a chance to bond with the kids...."
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kenmas-videogame · 4 years
Umbrella| Akaashi smau!
13. profiles / masterlist | previous |
In the mist of transferring to a new school y/n get’s dragged into being part of the volleyball team’s manager group.
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“put your head on my shoulder” you hummed as you put on your coat and grabbed the umbrella that was hanging from the rack in your living room. you smiled while remembering that Akaashi had given you this umbrella a couple months ago when he walked you to the station. The umbrella was black with a blue handle and a yellow button. It was really pretty and was also very durable, many times when it rained the strong wind would hit you but the umbrella never broke.
“I’m heading out!” you informed the semi empty house hold.“hold me in your arms” you sang while locking the door. There he was akaashi was leaning on the fence while scrolling through his phone. You would have never imagined that he was capable of being so straightforward. Three months back akaashi was very timid and was also very distant, but now three months foward he was very lively and loved to laugh at everything you did.
“Akaashi!” you yelled while waving at him. He looked up from his phone, smiling at you “oh hi, you look.. amazing!” he said while rubbing the back of his neck. His eyes followed you as you walked down the steps of your home, admiring you from your head to your feet. “you look great too!”
There was a moment of silence, it wasn’t awkward silence, it was comforting. The type of silence you get when you’re at peace and relaxed. “oh, we should go!” he said while laughing. “oh you brought the umbrella I gave you! I thought you said you didn’t want it~” he teased while you both walked to the station. you took a glance at the umbrella that hanged from your wrist“I never said that! I only wanted you to take it back.. because it’s yours” you argued back. “yeah yeah..” he smiled.
The walk to the station wasn’t a long one, everything was going perfect until the station decided to close due to an accident that happened on the next town over. “wait maybe we can go through another way..” akaashi reassured you while looking at the map app on his phone. ‘fuck’ you heard him curse under his breath, it was the first time you heard him curse. It wasn’t like the guys from fukurodani weren’t fond to vulgar language, on the other hand they would curse all the time during practice.
This was different though, akaashi never saw the reason to curse, not at someone, not at something so something must have happened for him to find the need to use such language. “Is everything okay keiji?” you asked. he gasped while looking at you, he looked back at his phone while smiling as if he wasn’t just mad a couple seconds ago. “keiji huh?~ guess we’re on first names basis now.” he teased. “you always called me by my first name–“
“you’re right, It’s just that your last name was similar to someone I know and it was weird.. I apologize”
“Don’t apologize!”
“No, I have to. The roads are closed, the station is closed and it wont open for another hour or so.. I’m sorry..”
Akaashi bowed in a 90 degree angle while bystanders watched. you started to panic while you nervously laughed “hey hey! you don’t have to.. listen we can go to my favorite cafe! it’s near my home and then we can go the park!” you reassured him while patting him on his back. “are you sure?”
So then you guys walked to your favorite cafe, he ended up paying for your meal and also bought you dessert.
“oh look it’s a pair of swings!!” you told akaashi who was now holding the umbrella. “let’s go on them!”
you and him raced to the swings, the night was perfect, he was perfect. “look y/n, there’s some fireflies..” he said while pointing at the bugs that surrounded the swings. The night went great, by now it was 11pm and akaashi was trying to find a way to get home. “I’ll order you a taxi!” you said while taking out your wallet. “you don’t have to! I’ll walk home.. I mean after all my home is around an hour away from here.”
“That’s dangerous!”
“oh well..”
and then it’s started to pour, you both looked at each other while laughing. The umbrella was finally going to come in handy. “well aren’t you lucky I gave you this umbrella” “shut it akaashi, it was just a coincidence.” you argued back. “so you’ll take the taxi now..?” “fine.”
you both started to walk back to your home, the thing the umbrella was resistant against was the thing that ended up destroying it. Akaashi’s your umbrella had broken, and it was being dragged away by the wind. Both you and akaashi chased after it, getting drenched by the raging drops of rain that covered the city.
“look it broke, our umbrella broke..” he replied whil picking up the heavily damaged umbrella.
“our umbrella?”
“yeah, Hmmh..” you laughed at his silliness while you took it away.
“well it’s time to say bye to your umbrella..” you said while walking towards the trash can that stood in the middle of the sidewalk.
“no, let me keep it..” he responded while tugging it in his direction.
“because it’s ours..”
“but it’s yours—“
and then everything happened fast, you don’t know what happened all you knew was that you could feel butterflies and you could see the sparks. Your vision was blurry, ans your thoughts were fuzzy. Nothing was there at that moment. It was just him, the rain, and you. you were both the stars of the cliché movie that played in theaters.
a kiss in the rain
“go out with me...please.”
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tag list; @krxstynnn @manq-fandoms @zoppzoop @shinsvu-talks @svtbitch @miigoth @mikkasquare @therealwalmartjesus @wpspl-dda @pinkdohnuts @shi-dripdrop @bobothecircusclownn @kasandrafaye @schrodingersships @taylordenae @alexa360b4st @help-error @hqmakki @akaashisbih @authentictiramis @smellybananas @enchantedsoulgarden @lovnthunder @tehehaikyuu @bubbleteaa @soumynonasstuff @littleblackpheonix @watevermelon @adoring-obi-wan
and that’s wrap! umbrella is officially over! I’m currently thinking about doing a kageyama smau! but right now that is in the drafts! Thank you all for supporting this smau that started off as something that i thought of while it rained.
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genius11rare · 4 years
AH ChitChat Notes 3 22 21
Chitchat 32221 with Jeremy , michael and matt ft disembodied voices of lindsay and maybe kaden , gus in chat and joins
Jeremy: Kaden spoke up because of donuts earlier… Michael: Jacks time is over now… but he will be on stream later. Jeremy: oh yeah schedule. Slight last minute changes doing Fall Guys first cuz S4 came out… me michael  lindsay and matt did a letsplay in it earlier today … gus will be doing fall guys this stream (eyyy)... oh yeah and i wanna impersonate what jack does. Matt: do it. Jeremy: and if you're watching on the site we can see your chat like FatHippoHippo wrote BET in all capitals … yeah i just wanted to get into the spirit and be like “what would jack do, what would he think is funny” and that was it. Lindsay: alsoone of those WWJD bracelets from the 90s What Would Jack Do… (matt: ive repurposed them) Jeremy: so how are you doing? Lindsay: good weekend i guess , just telling Matt we watched Big Hero 6 yesterday (Jeremy: aw hell yell) still an awesome movie , kids loved it. Jeremy: where they scared of - idk if he has a name the kabuki villain… *looking it up* apparently its Yokai… guess they never really say it cuz that's generic. Lindsay: that's VERY generic. Michael: IVE GOT TO TAKE THIS CALL *facecam becomes void* Jeremy: ok spoiler alert for Big Hero 6 but just looking at the wiki… it makes an audacious claim. It says “professor robert calahan OR ALSO BETTER KNOW as his villain name Yokai”... is it? Lindsay: well its based on a comic right so i guess canonically he has a name…. But to answer your question No they werent scared … anyway something we noticed upon rewatching is that 2 characters before a MAJOR event happens to the fistbump… but DON'T do the explosion… like oooohhh foreshadowing. Michael: not really foreshadowing if they keep doing it throughout the movie , if anything its foreshadowing that like… hell… whats the robots name - baymax learning it… not really foreshadowing the building explodes (gen notes MAJOR EVENT) … what blew my mind was that movie has a post credits scene. Jeremy: oh yeah was it like with the dudes father. Michael: Fred yeah! Remember remarking upon them entering the house theres a portrait of the dad and i just went “his dads just Stan Lee… just a portrait of him” Post credits scene and guys talking to painting and - wasn't paying attention but he like hits his head on it and the wall opens up to show a superhero room with paraphernalia everywhere and Stan Lee walks in like “son we got a lot to talk about” Jeremy: Chat asking about if i watched the wrestling PayPerView… remember how i updated you last that the guy died in the ring after being set on fire (Michael: lemme guess hes a zombie now) - yep exactly last night a hand reached up and grabbed someones leg , he came out of the smoke with a melted messed up mask so yeah…. Hes a furry (i think?) zombie clown Michael: hey wait a minute let me read the chat , someone named Gus said “whoa no idea there was a post credit scene”  “what is a fastfood restaurant combo wish would open” Lindsay: Miss my KenTaco Hutt… Michael: idk im usually just in the mood for SOMETHING , not looking to combine , only time is when i want a certain food and they don't have the same sides i want other places have . like Sonic is amazing for sides , apps and drinks… don't care for entrees , but if i could get Sonic sides at McDonalds or Taco bell or something.. Jeremy: guess in the same vein id combine Dairy Queen with a lot of places (Matt: i was about to say) to get a BLIZZARD with whatever. Matt: that's how it usually goes anyway , you get the food , you drive by the Dairy Queen and get a desert - you don't get the food at Dairy Queen cuz why - just why Lindsay: i mean theres icecream but there isnt really fastfood places for other deserts… like theres not really a Cake or Cupcake place (Matt: not yet *tilts head at camera like “you know what i want”* ) there IS the cupcake ATM Matt: alright checking the google… Michael: Matts checking the driving distance. Jeremy: another questions whil matts looking up cakes (Matt: oh i already have it) nevermind then. Conware asks “what is your fave controller for console and whats fave controller you own” Jeremy: Idk really… i know for a while everyones was the Elite 2 Michael: yeah just most comfortable. Matt: well that's like a specialty type… if its a stock one then the switch pro controller is pretty good. Michael: i mean i also have this 8Bit do SNES bluetooth controller thing , love it Lindsay: i love the nintendo switch controller grip… makes it feel like it curves comfy around your palms Jeremy: the XBOX sea of thieves one is great (Matt: i was about to say…) got a glow in the dark skull in the middle , RT is like a gold tooth , is partly see through Matt: and it comes with some exclusive stuff for Sea of Thieves Lindsay: yeah like Motion Sickness. Matt: i got one that's just a donut. Lindsay: gave me an idea… you know how theres Pez Dispensers (matt: heard of them) yeah and how you don't really even use them right you just eat the candy and play with the thing  ( *matt nods approvingly* yeah about right) what if we invent a controller where every once in a while it opens up to give a snack. (Matt: yeah like everytime you get an achievement, Jeremy: yeah i did good! Just go up to the controller and eat it) “You Are Good Boy” Matt: be funnier if it just throws at you “everyone have a fave seasons and followup do you like seasons where you grew up or where you are now?” Jeremy: i mean springs probably my fave its easy to be outside , not boiling hot nor snow everywhere… great time to camp and fish , falls cool with changing colors… texas is like “do you want REALLY hot or hot?”  Michael: i do really like Fall on the East Coast but its like - yeah i miss it and its nice to be there when it happens where its light jacket weather. I used to wear sweatshirts all the time - i don't bother with long sleeves in texas cuz i know im taking it off within 30 min…  never knew about the Water Cup thing until i lived in texas where restaurants just HAVE water cups… blew my mind its free  - because people will drop dead . noticed they just have this seperate stack of clear cups which is i guess like “i BETTER not see any soda in that cup THAT'S  A WATER CUP!”. I don't like it when its 105 degrees but i do like being able to just wear Tshirts most of the year and not dealing with snow Lindsay: i like Fall the most cuz like its blend of i guess i embrace the basic bitch stereo types of fall , want my pumpkin spice latee but ALSO i know halloween is coming and ive said before how THAT'S like my religious holiday so like… i come alive. Matt: probably fall , maybe winter. I don't go out much but fall is like the right amount of cool but not TOO cool. Jeremy: over the weekend me and kat went to a town called rockfort (i think?) which is like right on the ocean , the weather was a little cold for it , like 50 maybe and the sea breeze made it chillier… im not really a beach person just more water. You say beach and you think  like Boogie Boarding Bros (Michael: whoooaah boogie. Lindsay: beach volleyball) yeah .. id reather be on a rocky shore than a sandy beach. Michael: youd rather be like a mermaid sitting on the rocks *jeremy laughs loud* is that what you're saying Jeremy: yeah Matt: attracting sailors to their DOOM Lindsay: i gotta send you a link but theres this one TikTokker i guess that i watch that talks about that an eastern european beach she went to and was like “i cant wait to go on my beach outting yeah!” and she gets there its rocky , really windy , noones there and goes “ooh its really cold” Matt: depends the kind of beach to me… for me East Coast beaches SUCK *jeremy nods yep* its water you cant see anything in its terrible Lindsay: that's also texas beaches , all brown. Matt: its just one of those things where you get in the water and your like “ok… at anymoment i could be attacked by everything around me”  Michael: well that can happen on land too matt (Gen Notes WELCOHME TA JOISEY!!!) (paraphrasing jeremy here) Jeremy: theres this guy who flys a drone out over beaches into the ocean , and he released the footage… apparently due to there being a lot less people now theres just Great White Sharks that go relatively close to beaches now… there are times where hes filming people playing and like 10 ft away is a fucking shark ya know just swimming. And cuz they're really far away hed be like “id see it , film it , then go to a lifeguard and show it like “oh btw…” “ Michael: so you know 2 hours ago someone may have been eaten. MattL he should put a speaker on the drone to like announce the sharks like HEY! DEATH OUT THERE!. Lindsay: “whats that Dronie? Theres a shark in the water?!?” Jeremy: and it was funny seeing that behavior where everyonce and a while a shark would be swimming then someone would do something near it not seeing the shark and the shark just goes “fuck dat” and swims away MattL god dude…. So close to death *gus joins* Lindsay: oh you're the guy who was like Texas beaches have Tar Gus: oh yeah i grew up in texas and i thought all beaches were like that just “oh you don't sit on the tar”
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Hot take i know, but rumble and frenzy are 90% of soundwave's impulse control and not in the sense of they're holding him back, but more like if they don't wreck shit up once in a whil soundwave will do so
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thebleuroseproject · 4 years
Name: Ludus
Nicknames: Many, but none that really stuck
Pronouns: They/Them, He/Him
Gender: Genderfluid
Sexual Orientation: Marsic, but money is money.
Age: 23 (Lifespan 90-150 years)
Class/Status: Moderate. He gets by and has a little extra from time to time.
Physical Description: 
Height: 6’5”  | Weight: 10.5 stone
Ludus is wiry purple hellspawn with pupiless green eyes that can leave his face hard to read, as it’s hard to tell where he’s looking specifically. He’s hard to miss in a crowd, being tall, often covered in jewelry and clad in provocative clothing that colour-matches well with his skin. A prominent feature are his horns, small and neatly pointed; they curve around his skull elegantly, ending just a few inches in front of his forehead and sitting just above his browline like a sort of natural crown.They are a deeper purple than his skin, and are often covered in various tidbits of jewelry. His lips are naturally purple, only a little darker than his skin, but Ludus is rarely seen without black lipstick, as anyone with a true sense of style knows that this is peak fashion. 
He looms over most people, with his intimidation showing not through his weight or size (because his ribs almost show through his chest) but through his cutting sarcasm and high perception when it comes to people, which some do fear him for. He isn’t afraid to get into people’s personal space when he wants to - which can leave many feeling unnerved, either by the lack of space, the headiness of the scent he wears or by physical attraction to him.
His physicality could still be seen as intimidating in some ways, as it’s clear there is some muscle behind those legs. Where one would expect those legs to end in feet, as they do on MOST humanoids, they instead end in a very solid pair of hooves inset with gold filigree - which look to be very painful if one was to be kicked by them.
There is no beauty without pain, and while Ludus has no tattoos (they don’t always match with their clothes), he has plenty of piercings from his ears to the tip of his pointed tail which he puts in or takes out to match with his current style. His thick black hair is shaved into a mohawk and grown from there, often braided and intertwined with yet MORE jewelry and dip dyed in a bright colour of their choosing. Like every part of Ludus’ body, it is cared for meticulously with an efficient routine. Only the best to look the best, he doesn’t care where it came from. If he needs to kill a puppy for good skin cream, then to the dog house Ludus shall go. 
Quirks: Despite his best efforts, Ludus cannot stop chewing his nails. He often does it unconsciously and then becomes angry at ruining his own manicure. As a result, his nails are always short which is just as well really -  it’s best they are to avoid any unnecessary injury in his line of work. Hellspawn nails, or rather claws at a certain point, can get VERY sharp. Aside from this, Ludus is a very clean individual - a very important habit as a sex worker.
Ludus ALWAYS buys gold jewelry but keeps (and wears) any he is given regardless of colour. He doesn’t mind silver, but in his opinion it doesn’t pop as much as gold does on purple skin.
He doesn’t have a phobia of anything as far as he knows - but he hasn’t exactly gotten out enough to find or SEE a lot of things to be scared of and is drunk most of the time due to his alcohol dependence. One thing he will flinch at occasionally, is someone raising their hand that he interprets to hit him. It’s a reflex at this point, and he hates it but isn’t sure how he can train it out of himself.
Morality: Neutral -   “You do you and I’ll do me - unless I want something from you, or you’re being a shithead to something I personally care about.”
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{Art by Kerry}
Strengths: Perceptive, Bold, Enthusiastic 
Ludus, despite his lack of a formal education, is a very quick learner - although this mostly applies to things of a sexual nature. They will learn very quickly how you like your blowjobs, or what exactly to say to get the job done as it were. His line of work has led him to be flexible and open minded in more ways than one, a fact they are very proud of. It's also given him an excellent fashion sense, although it does lean heavily into sexual wear. 
When it comes to his work and his skin care routine, they are extremely diligent - and perhaps with the right call to adventure, this could be applied to other areas of their life.
For the most part, Ludus is reliable. If you need something done that fits in with his schedule and that he agrees with, he'll get it done. It can be difficult to negotiate with him, but 95% of the time, they're easygoing. The other 5% is when they’ve lost their temper - or when they’re paid to be the dominant or similar.
This easy going nature really does show in Ludus' enthusiasm and lust for life. They are ALWAYS down to party or throw down, and this energy can be very infectious in others. This doesn't mean that Ludus is loud and bouncing off the walls, but he’s definitely the type to have a small crowd around him at a table. He’ll often go with the flow and the desires of the group - but if uninterested, he will just leave. There’s no chance of them slipping away after all, so Ludus will just state his disinterest and take his leave if it’s something he’s not in the mood for.
Ludus is also bold, he is not scared to do what needs to be done (in his opinion - which can lead to trouble). They have NO shame or concern for their well-being or social grace, he grew up as a despised minority in a brothel after all - but please, don't punch the face.
Despite this mostly fast paced lifestyle, mostly given to him by his work, Ludus CAN be caring and does know when the party needs to stop. If he sees someone in trouble or someone that's clearly overworked and/or tired - he will slip them a mug of water or something to help them along. He often did this for his co-workers at the Lupanar, it has almost become second nature to help those struggling from fatigue or hangover.
Weaknesses: Insecure, Impulsive, Complacent 
Ludus is not very forthcoming with his emotions due to his insecurity, and this shows through his flirting outside of work, which could be taken as platonic or sexual. He is bold, but he doesn’t think he’s worthy of actual love, and protects himself by being somewhat of a shy tsundere when it comes to people they like. They will help someone (eg, carry them to bed if they fall asleep somewhere) but will never admit to actually doing so.
This insecurity has led to a tendency to stagnate and just accept abusive relationships and situations as their lot. This has led to slow processing of trauma, and the unhealthy handling of it via the consumption of alcohol like it was water. Despite being a functional alcoholic, he is still a lightweight due to how little he eats, combined with his slim frame. As a result, Ludus is actually drunk most of the time, but you would find it hard to tell due to his experience in being drunk and due to the fact he is absolutely just as bold when he is sober.
He can be kind, but the side that shows most is the one that is judgmental and critical of others which leads to him running his mouth at the wrong time. You would think he would learn after getting hit at the bar/brothel every time he did so, but he doesn’t. He sees it as part of his ‘charm’, some clients like a challenge after all and he sees it as an integral part of his identity - one that he will never let go.
In spite of having a bold and outlandish personality - Ludus is not a leader. He loves parties, but he is not the type to plan them, purely because he is uninterested in the effort that it takes. He brings his ass and the wine, which is all he and anyone else needs (in his opinion). In non party situations, the lack of desire to lead due to effort remains. He’s no babysitter - he would just prefer to point out what’s wrong and let others fix it - rather than having to fix it himself. No one wants to be that sucker in the group project that ends up doing everything after all.
Self taught makeup artist
Knows first aid.
Dances wonderfully
Decent pickpocket
Can use a knife as a weapon - their fighting almost looks like dancing.
Can tie all sorts of knots.
Has the ability to give almost anyone a makeover.
Good bartender, excellent mixologist, amazing dancer (modern).
Education: Ludus has never had a formal education, having been working from a very young age. Of course, his coworkers felt an obligation to teach him the basics (reading, speaking, basic numeracy) as well as skills required for the role (dancing, basic sewing, self defence)
His bardic powers were found by accident in his youth - and he doesn’t know too much about them or the extent of their abilities - he finds knives do the job in most situations. Ludus is very materialistic and prefers things he can see; he would need guidance to really start to focus on magic.
His intelligence comes from his love of gossip and people watching. They spend a good portion of time gathering information by loose lips either in public or the bedroom, and Ludus is often amazed at what people tell complete strangers.
Likes/Dislikes: In their spare time, Ludus can often be found at a bar. They love the taste of alcohol, especially STRONG sweet and fruity drinks. You’d NEVER catch them with an ale or similar unless they were paid handsomely to drink one. His casual drink is a GOOD red wine though, as they’re a bit of a wine snob and he always makes sure to stock up on bottles where he can.
(Fantasy note: Ludus would most likely have an unending flask of his favourite red wine.)
Since he isn’t a fan of eating unless he needs to, Ludus’ preferred side dish with his wine is a good old bitchy gossip. He loves hearing other people tell him about their lives and bitch about their problems, it fuels him somehow, makes his problems feel smaller - just for a little while.
When he’s not drinking and/or gossiping, Ludus is probably shopping. They love looking at clothes and perfume. He’s a fan of deep heady scents, such as jasmine and he likes people around him to be entranced in one way or another, as it’s easier to get what you want that way.
Ludus has learned to love certain parts of his work, even in his free time - he does enjoy good recreational sexual acts or even as a work around to get past certain people barring his path from certain things. In Ludus’ opinion, if you have a resource like money, make sure to use it.
There are other aspects of his work that he does not tolerate while off the clock, and one of these is rude clients - he is a gossipy bitch and a bit of a ‘mean girl’, so he does expect rudeness to be directed at him BECAUSE of this, but if there is no reason then Ludus will lose his temper very quickly. Being rude to those providing you a service or to someone you’ve just met is abhorrent, an attitude that has mainly developed not from rudeness towards him, but from the protectiveness he feels towards fellow sex workers. Ludus EXPECTS to be slapped and then to charm the slapper anyway, but the same treatment should not be given to workers just doing their job. He has no fear of any kind of bigotry, and will happily challenge anyone who doesn’t think his sexuality is ‘right’.
He’s also not a fan of anyone who doesn’t think or do anything for themselves, as they remind him of himself in the past before he realised the truth of his situation, and now this quality in others repulses him. This attitude has now resulted in Ludus doing things by himself as much as possible to the point where he rarely asks for help - even when it may be needed.
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Ludus was born a hellspawn to two highly religious humans, who were immediately appalled by what they had produced, as hellspawn were seen as an extremely bad omen, especially when brought into the world this way. He was immediately sold to the only person that would take him, the local brothel owner known as ‘The Wolf’, who “raised” them and set them to work in the brothel far, far earlier than they should have.  
To keep Ludus, the Wolf kept a close eye on what Ludus learned and knew, forbidding them to ever leave the establishment due to hatred of his species and that he, as his guardian, had ‘saved’ them, rather than it being a rather cruel and illegal transaction. Ludus does not remember anything about their parents, and has no interest in ever knowing them after knowing what they did. He assumed the Wolf knew best, and followed his every order and command. Ludus knew no life outside of the Lupanar and didn’t need to - here they were lavished with many gifts from many appreciative ‘sugar’ clients and praised for being pretty. It was true that he was beaten occasionally, isolated outside of clients, and had to do things he didn’t want to do sometimes - but wasn’t that just life? Here, Ludus had everything he needed.
As a result of this lifestyle, Ludus became very materialistic and became obsessed with the things that earned him praise: his body and skill. After all, the prettier they looked, the less they got hit and abused because after all, people wouldn’t want to hurt such a pretty face. He became dedicated to dance practice and his skincare routine, and obsessed with what he ate for fear of getting fat - so he rarely ate at all - but drinking was often just part of the job. When he was being difficult, the Wolf would often get him drunk or drug him, so that the client could be satisfied. Ludus was assured that this was for ‘his own good’.
The Wolf and his coworkers were the only family he had, and while not all the other workers were complacent in their treatment - they had no choice. Bound by magical contract, blackmail or under similar delusions as Ludus, they were a tightly knit group who took it upon themselves to help and teach each other. This group was the closest Ludus ever had to a school, from them he learned to dance, to have sex, to read, to write, to sing and to defend themself when required with knives or information. The Wolf kept a close eye on all this learning, making sure Ludus believed he could never work or be anywhere else. It wasn’t safe, he was too stupid, he was only good here - so Ludus stayed. 
It took many years for Ludus to build up the desire as well as the courage to rebel, and it was for the reason that there must be better wine out there. At age fifteen, they started to sneak out and rebel a little, frequenting other bars and offering their services and their discretion rather than the Wolf’s. While there he often got drunk and told his stories, to the horror of most who heard them. A child doing such things, and to sound happy about it, was horrific to witness firsthand.
Ludus was taken aback at these reactions as they told him what was done to him was wrong, abusive, illegal even!
No, that couldn’t be true…
With the seed of doubt sown, Ludus started to worry about his situation, but didn’t know how he could possibly leave a job he flourished in as well as his family. All he could think of was to gather information from clients, a task he had already been assigned to do by the Wolf. Sex workers were one of the ears of the city and their clients often had loose lips, or were persuaded to have them with pleasurable means. Ludus now started to hoard some of this information for himself, learning anything he could that could possibly be useful for an escape. Blackmail, ships, people of interest - anything he could find. He still had to tell the Wolf enough to satisfy him, but now Ludus did not tell him everything. Stealing spell books from clients and discovering that through his dancing, he could manipulate magic, he honed his talents in secret.
It took many years for an opportunity to arise and for Ludus to feel comfortable enough to leave. He started to distance himself from the other workers - passing it off as being too busy or too tired from work, but it was really just to make the ‘goodbye ‘ easier. On the week of the harvest festival, at the age of 22, Ludus disguised himself and “persuaded” the head of a large entertainment (the music and dancing kind) to hide him in their trailers so he could smuggle out of the city with a nary a word to anyone. He needed to leave the Lupanar at all costs.
While travelling to the next town - he met a couple people he liked and has so far stuck with them, although he is now developing the thick skin some of his other ex colleagues had and not getting too attached to anyone. Being on the outside and talking about his past is continuing to teach him the depths of the evil done to him, and he is not coping well. His trauma response so far has been to drink even more and in order to regain control over his body, he has taken to hypersexuality to do his old work on HIS terms alone. 
Unfortunately, he doesn’t ask for help and often will push people away with a stubborn “I can do it myself” or “I don’t need help” which has led to a lot of trouble and members of the troupe having to drag him out of it. Ludus is strong though, and he staggers (metaphorically) along as best he can, determined to overcome his past.
Profession: Sex Worker | Dancer | Bard
The Lupanar
Ivellios | ‘The Wolf’ | Male High Elf | Age ??? | Max Lifespan: Around 750 years, presumably.
Ivellios ‘The Wolf’ - A High Elf Wizard that was disgraced from his settlement and family due to his dabblings in the slave trade. He decided to continue this work regardless, branching out into the sex industry. Starting small, he bought others and made them work for little profit until he could purchase a large building in a major city, naming it the Lupanar and really spreading his wings as a pimp that specialised in magical contracts. Ludus was sold to him after he had owned this building for twenty years, having quickly made a name for himself through this brothel. He raised Ludus for his own means with a combination of emotional, mental and physical abuse, forbidding his little toy from leaving the establishment and closely monitoring what Ludus consumed from outside those walls, shaping them into the perfect sex worker. He never thought Ludus would need a contract to stay but underestimated his quarry massively.
Kuqi | Stripper Name: Cookie | Female Goblin | Age 18 | Max Lifespan: Around 60 years
“Come and get your milk and kuqi’s!”
Kuqi ran away from her clan at age 5 (middle aged for an average goblin) before she had to mate with a variety of goblins she really didn’t like. Goblins usually live and die quickly, and there were not many of her clan left so as one of the remaining females, Kuqi was expected to be a brood queen to get the clan back to full strength. Unfortunately for the clan, Kuqi wanted something better, and so she ran away, eventually arriving at the city the Lupanar was based at. Ivellious was amused by her plight and so took her on as a worker at her request - the conditions of her contract being that as long as she continues to work, she gets bed, board and birth control and as a bonus - a longer lifespan than the average goblin.
Ludus was ten when she arrived, and the two have an odd relationship due to the drastically different age rates of their species, and arguably their heights as well. The relationship fluctuated from little sister to maternal figure for Ludus, and back in their youth they got into all sorts of trouble, both having a strong streak of mischief in them. He misses her terribly some days, but knows she wouldn’t leave the Lupanar as she is VERY grateful to Ivellios and LOVES her work.
Mival | Stripper Name: Angel | Male Aasimar | Age: 60 | Max Lifespan: Around 160 years
Born into a superstitious and  mostly human community, Mival was revered strongly as a blessing and a saviour for their small village. He was commanded to do all sorts of petty tasks - ones he found hard to refuse with his polite and mild mannered self. As he grew older, the pressure grew on him - and eventually, he cracked. At age 17, he ran away to the city and he found himself with no shelter, no job, no long term means of survival. But he was very pretty, and a brothel was looking for workers. With no long term goals in mind and wishing to hide from his village - Mival made a pact with Ivellious. In exchange for his service, Merval would be hidden from the village and the people there. Of course, he can leave if he wishes, but his old village isn’t far from the city and he’s not hard to miss with his stark white hair that almost glows in the light. Not knowing what else he could do, Mival stayed.
As one of the first workers hired for the Lupanar, he was age 37 by the time a baby Ludus arrived in Ivellios’ arms. Horrified at Ludus’ treatment, but bound by contract to stay, he did the best he could to be a proper father figure to Ludus. Despite being asked to by a variety of clients, he never touched Ludus sexually and even was known to lose his rarely seen temper when pestered about it. He’s a gentle man, living up to his alias and race and there is not a day where Ludus doesn’t feel like he’s disappointed him during his struggle. A little of Ludus’ strength comes from the gentle faith that this man placed upon him.
Haze | Stripper Name: Haze | Agender Changeling | Age: 55 | Max Lifespan: Around 100 years
Haze is a mysterious figure whose past is unknown, but arrived at the Lupanar at age 32, covered in blood and looking for work… or as they put it..’something better to do’. Ivellios doesn’t like hiring anyone without a contract, but made an exception for a Changeling who he knew would make him a LOT of money in this business and that he could always get dirt on them for a contract later. To this day he hasn’t succeeded in getting Haze to sign anything, and it’s driving him to new levels of repressed rage.
Ludus was 16 when Haze arrived, but Haze had a tendency to keep their distance from everyone - despite being extremely charming while they worked. Haze’s ability is where Ludus got the idea to disguise himself to leave and he often finds himself wondering who Haze is and where they came from.
The Moondroplet Entertainment Company
The M.E.C is full of hundreds of entertainers, but Ludus travelled in the same trailer as these two and so often pairs with them as their dancer to make their performances more visually interesting. Each split off troupe has a quota to make each day and with Ludus’ “extra services”, his group surpasses that easily, and the three of them get on well enough although Henk and Ash have known each other for about four years.
Henk | Flute Player | Male Orc | Age: 28 | Max Lifespan: Around 75 years
Henk was previously a nomadic tribal orc, but was ostracized from his tribe due to a gentler nature than the rest of his species. One day, while out scouting for food he saw the line of trailers and caravans and saw an opportunity to leave his tribe for good. It took some time to convince them he came in peace, but eventually after a few days of camping nearby they allowed him to camp with the rest of the troupe even later, join them. He learned to play the flute by shaving his tusks - and now regularly makes a habit of doing so or removing them for better airflow. When people meet him, they are surprised by his gentle nature and his excellent flute playing.
Ashley/Ash | Lyre Player | Female Fire Genasi | Age: 26 | Max Lifespan: Around 120 years 
You can’t miss Ash, she’s loud, proud and will bowl you over with her sound. The lyre player of the three, her playing is filled with fast, energetic melodies that Henk struggles to keep up with and Ludus relishes dancing to. Ludus and Ash bounce off each other very well, their banter often inducing a laugh out of their audiences on the streets and she’s even known to stoke a rare smile from Henk sometimes.
Ash rarely talks about her childhood, preferring to focus on the present with a crass and blunt attitude - but she does talk about her supportive, ex adventuring mother who told her to chase her dreams of being a musician. She regularly sends money back home to support her mother in her old age but curiously, does not speak of her father - who is rumoured to be a Fire Efreeti.
Location: ????
Previous: ‘The Lupanar’ - a large and well known brothel, owned by an elf known as ‘The Wolf, who has been in the business for many years.
Religious Beliefs: DND: Would most likely be a fan of a Dionysian type god, such as The Moonweaver. If there are no tangible gods like there are in DND, he would not give a toss. Money and himself are their gods then.
1) To start living their life for them.
2) Finding other things to enjoy.
3) Learn to interact and bond with people outside of a sex work setting.
Other | Trivia
CANON VOICE: Toddrick Hall. Singing and Speaking. (was Alaska Thunderfuck)
Character influences: Mollymauk Tealeaf, Angel Dust, Irene Adler
Physical Afflictions:  N/A 
Mental Illnesses: Body dysmorphia, PTSD
Ears, both sides: Earlobe x4, Helix x4, Industrial, Tragus
Nose: Nose piercing, stud on each side. High Nostril, stud on each side, Septum.
Face: Eyebrow Piercing, one on both sides. (he wears the left the most.)
Lips: Snakebites, Medusa
Tongue: NONE - he has so many things in his mouth going in and out it’s dangerous.
Genital: Frenum ladder.
Tail: Eight, four on each side. Often studs, sometimes rings.
Other: Nipple (both), Hip, Collarbone, Naval.
He’s an aspect of me: Ludus is a fragment of me, specifically the part of my sexuality I can’t express because I’m not brave or attractive enough - so I made a character that was. He also got my eating issues from my youth, I didn’t eat sometimes because I didn’t want my father and brother to mock my cooking or what I was eating or because I just simply didn’t have the energy. I personally still have body issues but I’ve largely given up because I don’t want to exercise in a gym or people to look at me. Ludus is essentially made partially of a person I wish I could have been, mixed with my own repression. They’re their own person though, but they’re very close to my heart.
Ludus dances because I find good dance beautiful, it’s one of my favourite youtube rabbit holes I go down. He was made almost exactly a year and two months after a traumatic event, and I’m not sure if he’s a response to that yet. I think he’s mainly a repression response.
He’s attracted to power and people puppet masters but he knows they’re bad for him. Actual kindness is what he wants, to be someone's pet yet valued for who he is as an individual.
Intimidates others for power - Think IRENE ADLER
But they’re still mostly a sub and have to know they want something first, which is rare because he still doesn’t know what he wants.
He developed blackmail as a way to keep himself safe in the bar because no one else was gonna do it for him and it’s not like he could work anywhere else (well, that’s he was trained to believe).
Rarely shouts.
Can sing.
Urban Fantasy Setting Notes: His phone is black but usually has a bright pink bedazzled phone case with a pop socket. He adores it. Plays guitar in private (prefers acoustic - gentle vibes). Probably interested in learning piano. Has an OnlyFans and NSFW twitter under LEWDICROUS. 
Fantasy Setting Notes: Dance bard. Fond of using daggers. Rogue /bard? 
The Moondroplet Entertainment Company is indeed named as a nod to The Fletching and Moondrop Traveling Carnival of Curiosities.
The lipstick comment “but Ludus is rarely seen without black lipstick, as anyone with a true sense of style knows that this is peak fashion” is absolutely a Homestuck, specifically a Kanaya reference, well, as close as I could get.
He was named on 27/07/2019 which is his sort of birthday, and he was tangled in with the “essence” of Lux for the longest time - I thought they were the same person. The original character idea was a half gnome/half tiefling bard with purple skin, and gold teeth. They were an absolute gremlin, but I couldn’t hone in on them because there was just nothing there - and then over a year or so Lux and Ludus developed. Arguably him and Lux are twins (not story wise tho), which is an idea I quite like.
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