kernyen-xo · 1 year
Tag, I'm It ;)
I was tagged by @thatsnotyourpurse to answer some questions. Thank you :) Sorry, it's taken me a while. Like you, I had to sit at my laptop for an easy copy and paste scenario. It's hard to tear myself away from my phone :D
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yes. My middle name is after my grandmother on my dad's side.
2. Do you have any kids?
One daughter.
3. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not often. Okay, maybe a little more than that.
4. When was the last time you cried?
I can't remember.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Everything, not just the way they look, but the way they move, their mannerisms, etc.
6. Eye color?
7. What sports do you/have you played?
Sports? What is that, a new dance? Ha. I played softball back in the day.
8. Any special talent?
Not really. I dabble in all kinds of things in a short amount of time to be regarded as a talent...more like an interest.
9. Where were you born?
10. Scary movies or happy endings?
11. Do you have any pets?
Not currently.
12. How tall are you?
5’ 2.5”
13. What are your hobbies?
Read #8, although, reading books seems to be a mainstay. I read about 150 books a year.
14. Favorite subject in school?
When I attended school, I enjoyed history.
15. Dream job?
I really don't have one at this point in my life. I'm just looking forward to retirement.
Consider yourself tagged if you'd like to play :)
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ikkimikki · 1 year
Tagged by the delightful @latveriansnailmail for a little quiz (remember those hideously long ones on MySpace with 200+ questions all pasted together? I loved those! 😀 I knew no one cared about the answers but I found them fun. 😜)
Relationship status: partnered and engaged to marry
Favorite Color: I'll say purple. I really like green but there are many ugly (to my eyes) greens but all shades of purple appeal. 💜
Song Stuck in my Head: nothing before but, since I haven't listened to Oingo Boingo in ages, I'm now thinking of Dead Man's Party 😵 Thanks @latveriansnailmail! 😍
Last Song Listened To: Suga Suga by Baby Bash
3 Favorite Foods: I have many, many favorites. 🐷 quite a few of which I do not eat any longer but will pick some recent favorites. Parmesan garlic shrimp, black & bleu brats, and buffalo chicken salad.
Last Thing Googled: the price range for 3 carat diamonds
Dream Trip: anywhere I haven't been yet. Let's go with a Greek cruise because that has been a pain to arrange even though I've wanted it for years
Tagging: anyone else who misses MySpace questionnaires and, specifically, @edwardabbeyhoffman @thatsnotyourpurse @curvymommy70 @weights-and-horror @thisgingersnapped50
Please tag me so I'm sure to see it!
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abqbox · 2 years
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@snapthistiger kindly thought of me and tagged me for a selfie. So here I am this afternoon trying (and failing) to squeeze in a short nap.
I'll tag fellow pet owners @you-can-call-me-andi , @thatsnotyourpurse , and @trivialsheila to post selfies if they feel so inclined.
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I was tagged as a cat lover to do a 10 song playlist by @iamtheocean .
Take your fave playlist at show us the first 10 songs on shuffle.
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Apologies for the extras. I couldn’t just do 10. Sorry.
Unlike usual, I’m gonna actually tag some folks. Don’t feel obligated, but I would love to see your playlists. @gotankgo @spinningininfinity @thatsnotyourpurse @heatherannchristie @millerflintstone @lioncel @alwaysdearie @foldback @justbeneath-thesurface2 @dociflamingo @mtman1 @roofrabbit
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devastationwagon · 4 years
Seeing dagneyrobertson's wonderful questions about music prompted me to wonder if there's an album or a collection of songs or even a single song that makes you feel like church, like home, exalted, humbled and comforted all at once? Or is all music like that for you? Hope your day into night drinking didn't make you feel like hammered crap!
I slept so much and do not feel like hammered crap. Thank you for asking this question. It’s a moving target, but here I am now, and here’s more information than you need.
“The Final Cut” was cathartic in late high school. The Stax box set that I bought entirely on store credit is a gift that keeps on giving. You know that Akron/Family song in my tags? That is my church, but it’s a three-minute church. I have so many records and songs that just transport me. “Grass” by XTC. “Emmaline” by Urge Overkill.
But I gotta say, “Moondance” by Van Morrison remains a weird church for me. I’m instantly transported to a moment of someone helping me slow the-fuck down and just enjoy the rain. It’s rain church, and I can’t think of a better example.
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millerflintstone · 6 years
thanks! practice makes progress
@thatsnotyourpurse replied to your photo “Plastic circles are my jam. There's not a week that goes by where I...”
That is so impressive! Do you use a weighted hoop?
Hi! A weighted hoop, the heavy bulky looking type, is the one kind of hoop I don’t have. I have a small collection. 
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My heaviest hoops are probably around 2 pounds or slightly heavier but nothing approaching 3 pounds, which I think is where some of those hoops begin weight-wise. 
The one in the GIF is 38″ outside diameter and is made of colored polypro (polypropylene) 3/4″ tubing. It’s light and fast and much more difficult to waist hoop with as opposed to a heavier hoop because you need strong abs and good form / posture to keep the hoop moving.
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mrminty · 4 years
I was tagged by that indomitable @thatsnotyourpurse to do the 10 song shuffle thingy. I don’t have Spotify so here’s my iTunes shuffle.
1: It’s The Falling In Love - Michael Jackson
2: Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
3: Yellow Submarine - The Beatles
4: Over The Hills And Far Away - Gary Moore
5: American Pie - Don McLean
6: Bleeding Heart - Jimi Hendrix
7: Looking For The Summer - Chris Rea
8: This Masquerade - The Carpenters
9: Somewhere Between Highway 61 - Chris Rea
10: And The Beat Goes On - The Whispers
I really enjoyed that, I’ll have to put it on shuffle more often.
Stay safe fellow tumblr’s wherever you are.
If you want to play along consider yourself tagged. 👍🏻
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I have been tagged by @thatsnotyourpurse.
RULES: repost and answer the 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to get to know better (tagging will not occur in my case).
TAGGED BY: @thatsnotyourpurse.
NICKNAMES: I was known as “Enots” and “Wolfman” in school. They are both plays on my last names.
HEIGHT: 6′0″.
ORIENTATION: Sexual? Bi with more than a hint of asexuality.
FAVORITE FLOWER: I do not have one.
FAVORITE SCENT: Girl. Freshly showered or aroused, take your pick.
FAVORITE COLOR: Black, I guess? But I have been making an effort to wear more colorful clothes lately.
FAVORITE ANIMALS: I used to be really into penguins. Now, they’re just aight. I like dogs, cats, elephants; I am basically pro-animal.
COFFEE/TEA OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Tea and occasionally cocoa. Coffee is Satan’s beverage.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Not enough, thus the sleep study I had recently.
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: One blanket, but two or three when it gets quite cold.
BLOG CREATED: April 2010.
NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 1,795, many of whom reblog the same porn pics over and over again.
RANDOM FACT: Captain Crunch does not taste like a naval officer.
FAVORITE BREAKFAST FOOD: Hash brows, then add some sausage or bacon, they throw in an egg and scramble it all up together. Serve with a generous amount of Valentina hot sauce.
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ikkimikki · 3 years
Earlier this week (roughly), I was tagged for a selfie by two fun & amazing men, @maxiemartmanager & @puurple-r3ign. It's been a busy one so I'm just now getting around to responding.
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@somethingwendythiswaycomes is right, my hair is getting really long. I haven't been to the hairdresser in over a year.
Speaking (writing) of, I'd love to see how @somethingwendythiswaycomes and Chewie are doing. Would also appreciate seeing @pinkpixiekitty, @guestonymous, @fatmaninalittlesuit, @grandenoirceur, @thatsnotyourpurse, @evolutionofageek and @curvymommy70 if they have the time and an interest to play along.
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Tagged by the ever lovely @thatsnotyourpurse because I love purple, here’s my proof of life. Filtered for your protection and still in my nightgown. It’s Sunday and it’s raining and I’ve no intent on going anywhere, except possibly back to sleep after I watch the race.
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devastationwagon · 5 years
What are you three favorite dates? What about fires? How about tree nuts? OK, mister, thanks!
Well, hi, @thatsnotyourpurse! I’ve had a nonsense frustrating Saturday filled with work-related frustrating nonsense. I just got up from a hot 45 minutes of nap. Let’s go!
Top Three Dates
1. The one where we explored the abandoned mental hospital.
2. 11/04/2008.
3. The one that started with playing Scrabble and continues to this day.
Top Three Fires
1. The one I’m staring at right now.
2. The piano burning. It’s an annual event, a musical bonfire put on by a friend who has made his living restoring and selling pianos. Listening to the strings pop in a nighttime fireball is a blessing.
3. The fire that makes me get out of bed and try again.
Top Three Tree Nuts
1. The one I just experienced. It might not be tree-related.
2. Are pistachios nuts, because I love those little guys.
3. The smell of green walnuts. I can feel the stain on my hands. Throwable and somehow medicinal, they’re burned into my memory.
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nice-bright-colors · 4 years
I was tagged the other day.
I was tagged by the overwhelmingly wonderful @thatsnotyourpurse to show my face.
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I figured it best to wait until I was showered. I’m not good at tagging people so if you want to post a selfie. I’m about to sativa my head and paint, something I haven’t done in a long time.
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ikkimikki · 3 years
The cute and motivational @puurple-r3ign tagged me to share a selfie. Took today off of work to use my floating holiday before it expires on the 30th. The weather was lovely earlier although it's raining now.
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We took the babies out but swapped so I rode his Shadow and he tried my Sporty. I'm not used to a windshield and it did nothing to impress me. I think I made the better choice. 😍
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May take advantage of the storms to get in a nap and rest my leg before revisiting the doctor tomorrow. It's coming along slowly.
Would love to see @pinkpixiekitty, @thatsnotyourpurse, @thatfriendlyblackguy, @weights-and-horror, @guestonymous, and @darkwizardtheorist .
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I was tagged by the beautiful, intriguing @thatsnotyourpurse to share eight albums that changed my life. Apologies for my verbosity.
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1. Elton John - Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy. 1975. I remember laying in the grass in my backyard with my Dad’s cassette player. You know, one of those plain rectangular things with a handle and all the buttons on the end. I’d lay there and listen to this over and over. As a pianist myself, I fell in love with Elton. Hey, “Someone Saved My Life Tonight”.
2. Ramones - Leave Home. 1977. Yeah. Life changing. I can’t imagine existing without having had the music of the Ramones in my life. The songs were mostly simple, and about things I could relate to. “Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment”. Listening to this with Wen, singing and screaming it together. I had the great fortune of seeing them in a small north Jersey club twice. And I dragged the ex to see them in a small club in Asbury Park. There may have been a fourth time, but my brain is foggy. The very first show I saw, they blew the power out during their first song. Ha.
3. Depeche Mode - Some Great Reward. 1984. I remember being in the bedroom of my first apartment, my tv on in the living room. The relatively early MTV doing its thing. And then I heard, “People Are People”. I had to go into the living room to see who that was. Within a few days, I’d gone to the Sam Goody in the biggest local mall to buy this album. I ended up talking to the manager, Joel, who showed me the earlier DM albums that I then proceeded to buy. Vital listening for me. I had the pleasure of seeing them on the, “Music for the Masses” tour, and a few more times since.
4. Echo and the Bunnymen - Songs to Learn and Sing. 1985. A greatest hits kinda. Went back to Joel and bought the albums I’d missed previously. I don’t remember the first song I heard nor the first time I saw them on MTV. But Mac’s voice has been a comfort to me many times in my life. And that iconic hair. I never saw them live until 2009. But a few more times since.
5. Whirling Dervishes - History Kicks You. 1985. I sat behind the lead singer in my senior year of high school class, “Current American Problems” haha. Too appropriate. Several other members of the band were also in my high school at the same time I was dragging myself through those hallways. Since they were classmates and semi-friends, I had to buy their records at the local record store. When I heard about shows, I tried to see them as often as possible. The night of my first date with the now ex husband, after dinner I dragged him to the Stone Pony to see them play. Let’s just say that my ex didn’t enjoy them as much as I did. He’s Mr Classic Singer/Songwriter Rock. I’m Ms (god, I hate that Ms thing) New Wave/80s Alt Rock (with a touch of goth). 🤷🏼‍♀️ They got airplay on the rock stations throughout the area. And they showed up a few times on MTV. Their version of the Grinch song got national airplay and was actually kinda popular.
6. JS Bach (Itzhak Perlman, Isaac Stern, and Zubin Mehta) - The “Double” Concerto for Two Violins in D Minor. 1983. My parents were huge fans of Time/Life books and record collections, and this “Great Performance” was a record I fell in love with immediately. My love for Itzhak Perlman then inspired me to take my parents and two of their friends to see Mr Perlman perform at a relatively nearby community theatre hall, up close and personal, for about $150 a seat... back then. He was absolutely amazing. Because of this man, I had a great desire to learn the violin. My piano school/teachers had been very against their students dividing their time from piano studies. So I never persued it earlier. I eventually rented myself a violin, but couldn’t find a teacher. Apparently then you were supposed to start orchestra studies in middle school. :(
7. Radiohead - In Rainbows. 2007. I’d been watching, “Rockstar INXS”, and hearing all the contestants attempting to sing, “Creep”. Marty Casey made me fall in love with the song. When I became aware that Radiohead were going to release a new album, I had to have it. When I received the cds, I listened right away. My very first thought upon hearing, “In Rainbows”, was... what the fuck is this shit??? So when they announced the tour for the album, I bought tickets for their show in Bristow, Virginia. Amazingly, I’d become a bit social and made a few friends on one of the band’s message boards (wow, that sounds old). So on Mother’s Day weekend, I drove to Virginia, met up with two women (and one’s husband) I’d become friends with on the board. Hol and I waited in the pouring flooding rain for the gates to open so we could run to our spots in the pit! I bought pit tickets. Standing behind one row of people right in front of Ed, drinking our $10 cans of beer. I was social. I had legitimate friends from the internet. I had a new favourite band. And I saw them three more times on that tour. There were people who actually sincerely liked me. People I’d talk with on the actual phone! Yeah. I’d say this album changed my life.
8. Rammstein - Liebe ist für alle da. 2009. So. Someone on that message board posted a link for Rammstein’s new single... “Pussy”, which the video for was actual porn. Being the hypersexual person I had developed into, I had to buy the album. Then, when a concert opportunity came around, I had to go. December of 2010, I took the train into New York City to see Rammstein at Madison Square Garden. By myself. Gee. Apparently this show was something of a special show, as it was their first concert after being allowed back into the US (they had a few little things go on that got them banned. Them? haha). No doubt it was an incredible experience. I was seated to the side of the stage with a perfect view. Then, that spring, they set off to tour. In May I saw them again, but at the Meadowlands. I had tickets to see them in Philly a day or two later, but I had a major panic attack as I was enjoying a coffee from Wawa before the drive. I ended up just going home, after arguing with myself in the car for a bit. So. I didn’t get to see them a third time, but I was and am so thrilled that I was able to see them... at the age of 49. 💜
All of this would’ve been under a cut, but until tumblr makes it available on mobile, 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sorry.
I really dislike tagging people, so please do this if you’d like to. And please tag me so I can see what changed you guys’ lives. (I almost really showed my Jersey. I almost typed, “youse guys”... not like I’ve ever spoken like that. Who am I kidding? There’s Jersey all over this.).
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devastationwagon · 5 years
19, 20, and 25, please and thank you!
Thank you, @thatsnotyourpurse!
19: What adult responsibility do you loathe?
I loathe all responsibilities intermittently. I mean, for example, I frequently like to cook dinner, but sometimes I would rather die than take the time it takes to plan and purchase and prepare food. 
20: The last time you did shots?
Two summers ago at a little bar in a sleepy town on Lake Michigan. I don’t know if “doing shots” means a certain number. I had three over the course of an evening. 
25: What’s changed the most since 5 years ago?
I tried to answer this one here.
(Questions here.)
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