#thats the ONLY shit that gets me mad as hell otherwise i just roll my eyes but im never genuinely worked up
oflgtfol · 5 years
hi it’s literally common courtesy to turn your high beams off when there’s another person on the road. if you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere with no street lights then no one’s stopping you from having your high beams on but as soon as you see someone else approaching, turn that shit off!!!
and honestly, if you’re driving in an area with street lights, i dont see why there’s any need at all to have high beams on. especially in a god damn suburban area where there’s constantly other people around you. there’s streetlights and hundreds of other cars with their own headlights on, you don’t god damn need your high beams on
frankly i’d say it’s even hazardous to keep your fucking high beams on in a suburban area. i honest to god cannot see jack shit when an oncoming car has their high beams on. literally, everything else goes black, and the only 2 things i can see are the two head lights. it’s fucking dangerous when i’m driving in a residential area at night and i cannot fucking see anything
if you have your high beams on around me i don’t respect you you’re rude as fuck and just know that i’m yelling at you inside my car
#LIKE NO ONES SAYING THAT COUNTRY FOLK CANT HAVE THEM ON SHUT UP THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU LMFAO#THE POINT IS THAT YOU SHOULDNT HAVE THEM ON WHEN YOU COULD BLIND SOMEONE ELSE#WHICH IS ESPECIALLY A PROBLEM IN SUBURBAN / URBAN AREAS WHERE THERE ARE /ALWAYS/ OTHER PEOPLE AROUND#literally on residential roads with this bullshit like. ITS SO DANGEROUS#the roads are so narrow and everybody parks in the street so when i CANT SEE ANYTHING BUT THOSE 2 LIGHTS#i could very easily just. fucking crash into a parked car that i couldnt see!#or god forbid some idiot's out walking at 9pm for some fucking reason!#OR ANIMALS IN THE STREET!! especially cause no one keeps their fucking cats inside!!#like ppl in the notes really like 'haha sorry i cant see just blind the other people and laugh B)'#like. you can momentarily switch to normal headlights and still see. i promise you#and you say 'i will purposefully blind the oncoming driver' like thats a good thing and not like its incredibly dangerous#like if you excuse this shit sorry i dont respect you and youre one of the few people on the road that i actively get pissed at#i dont get pissed at people often when driving . i only get mad when people have their stupid fucking high beams on#or when they purposefully and blatantly blow red lights#thats the ONLY shit that gets me mad as hell otherwise i just roll my eyes but im never genuinely worked up#like my mom gets pissed at every little thing when driving and like litchrally chill the fuck out. people will be idiots#if you get batshit angry over every little mistake someone makes then you're gonna die of a heart attack at 50#like its literally not worth it#so i dont get mad or even annoyed at 98% of the things that happen on the road BUT THOSE 2 THINGS PISS ME OFF BEYOND WORDS#brot posts
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violetnotez · 5 years
HC: Mineta being a Pervert to the Boys S/o
@dekulover555: Hey could I request something with kamanari/bakugo/deku/kirishima when minnetas being a pervert to a fem s/o and like touching her up even after she’s asked him to stop please and thankyouxx
In which case MIneta can jump off a cliff
Pairings: Kaminari x reader | Bakugo x reader | Deku x reader | Kirishima x reader
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Usually Kaminari is a pretty chill dude
Him and Mineta used to drool over girls all the time- including you
They had talked and made elaborate plans all the time to see if they could somehow get the girls to be shirtless or get to see them in their underwear- but none of their plans would ever work, they were more just like fantasies they would freak out over
When Kaminari started dating you, those talks kinda stopped- he had a girl now! He didn't need to talk about other girls- he had one he loved and cherished and who was already hot!
So Mineta had been pretty deprived of any type of NSFW talk (cause nobody else was willingly gonna deal with his horny ass)
One day, you were sparring with Bakugo in the gym, when his quirk accidentally lit your shirt on fire
You instantly shouted in surprise, ripping off your PE shirt before it could burn you
MIneta-Boob-Radar Activated
“What the hell Bakugo!” you stood there, your skin turning red from the heat so close to your skin
“Well- you should have dodged it dunce face!”
As Bakugo was red in the face trying not to make eye contact with you, Mineta literally latched onto your leg
“No wonder why Kaminari’s dating you- your chest is amazing!” 
You tried shaking him off, but his grip was too strong- he started making grabbing motions towards your chest and you felt your cheeks get warm with anger
“Get off you of me little purple freak!”
Kaminari had been working with Kirishima, not noticing your dilemma until Bakugo had stomped over to tell him what was happening
Kaminari never got angry easily, but the sight of Mineta trying to crawl up your body made him erupt with rage
You were clearly uncomfortable as you tried to cover up your exposed top portion with a clingy MIneta on you
“Please! One touch, thats all!”
“Get the hell off of me Mineta!’
Kaminari ran over to you, yanking Mineta off your leg as Kirishima and Bakugo followed
your in Bakusquad if your dating Denki, its ride together or die together with this group
“What the hell are you doing dude?!” Kaminari yelled at Mineta who literally had tears in his eyes
This grape is way too damn horny oml
You instantly ran to Kaminari, hugging yourself against him- he always made you feel safe
Mineta trudged off, knowing full well he wasnt getting anything more with Bakugo and Kirishima glaring daggers at him
You hugged Denki, a soft smile gracing his face
“You okay babe?” he asked as he pulled away from you slightly, looking at your face
“Yeah, Im fine- I just need a new shirt, that’s all.”
Thats when it fully registered to him that you didnt have a shirt on- he then noticed how your slighty bare chest felt pressed against his chest, and then he looked down- and oh crap he probably almost had a boner right then and there
“I-uh-um-yeah, that’d probably be best!” he would stutter and giggle, feeling his quirk go into overdrive
“But you do kinda look nice like this though…”
“Denki I swear to god I will kick you.”
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Does Mineta want to die?
This boy is POSSESSIVE
You are his girl, his s/o, his lover, his EVERYTHING
If anyone touches what is his he will MURDER them
He overreacts allottt
But this anger definitely comes in handy when you needed a certain pervy grape to get away from you
During a training session, you had the unfortunate fate of being paired with Mineta
It would have been fine, if only Mineta would stop drooling all over you like you were a piece of meat
“You ready, beautiful?” he’d ask before you started your training mission
You rolled your eyes, trying to ignore his eyes practically undressing you as you walked past him
Mineta knows full damn well that by you being Bakugo’s s/o, he would get pummeled for so much as thinking such lewd thoughts about you
But he had been eyeing you for so long, and if Bakugo wasn’t around, he thought  he would be okay and not die if Bakugo wasnt near you
Oh how stupid that assumption was
As you two are walking, he just stares at your ass, keeping a few paces behind to watch it as you walk
“Can you not?” you ask, disgust in your voice
“What?” he asks as if he wasnt doing anything, “Im just walking.”
You fight the urge to kick him
You just sigh, turning around- it would be a long class period being paired with him for a training exercise, but you could manage
Of course this little purple idiot begins to start staring at your rear again
Anger and dread bubbles in your stomach- could he just not be like this for one second??
 You could easily pummel him into the ground- but you didnt want to waste your energy on somebody who didnt deserve to have your energy wasted on in the first place
So you continually took the anger that was caused by Mineta’s perverted staring
The icing on the cake though was when you felt a light squeeze on your rear, making you shoot around in shock
There he was, his hand in midair and this disgustingly blissful expression on his face
“Did you JUST-” you practically yelled out, rage and embarrassment making you begin to turn red
“I couldnt help it- it just looked so touchable-” he said, his hand about to touch you on your ass again
You took off in a run, Mineta making grabby hands behind you
You finally found Bakugo, who was paired with Yaomomo
“Katsuki!” you’d yell, running into his arms
He instantly noticed something was wrong- you were cuddled into his neck, giving a very pale looking Mineta a dirty look
“What the hell is going on?” he asked, his face harsh and serious
“He-he,” you gulped, the embarrasment rising, “he touch my, uh-”
Bakugo didnt need to hear anymore- he was concerned Mineta would do this, and now his fear became into reality
He internally kicked himself- he should have known Mineta would pull some pervy shit like that on you- he should have made sure you would have been okay
But that guilt quickly got overtaken by an incontrollable rage
“Did you just touch my girlfriend you fucking pervert?” he’d growl, his voice dangerously low
That meant shit was going down
Mineta gulped, his face paler than a sheet- Bakugo then grabbed him by the front of his shirt, dangling a terrified Mineta in the air
“Huh?” Mineta asked in fear
“Where the hell did you touch her you idiot?!”
“Her-uh-her-butt-but-” Mineta sqeuaked out, trying to form some sort of excuse
Welp that when Bakugo saw black
You and Momo had to restrain Bakugo as he started going on a rampage, screaming all kinds of profanities
“You fuckng extra!! Im going to kill you! Shes my girl- you have no fucking right to touch her! Do that one more time and Ill blow you ass up! You hear me?! You so much as look at her and your ass will be seven feet under in your own ashes!”
Yeah- Whenever Mineta now sees you he walks the other way, and he hasnt bothered you since
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Deku is very oblivious to Mineta’s harassment
Like- he can’t be that bad right???
*cough cough YES HE CAN
But if you tell him he will be the first to stomp over and give him a piece of his mind
If he sees it- oh he will be so UPSET
Mina has somehow rounded you up into one of her personal projects, in which she was creating an all girl dance
It was you, Momo, Toru, and Mina learning the choreography to a really upbeat girl group song
Tasty Carrots by Shou
You had finally learned all the choreography, now switching into outfits so Mina could put it into her social media
This girl def has a Tik Tok
Mina has put you all in little skater skirts, yours being high waisted, pleated, and reaching just barely reaching your mid thigh
Mina was squealing- “You all look so cute!!! We are TOTALLY going viral!”
Right as Mina started the music, and you began to do a few practice runs, Mineta and Kaminari walking past
Mineta had spotted you all from like a mile away
His literal wet dream- a bunch of girls dancing in little skirts
None of you notice though- you just continued with the choreography, attracting a little group on onlookers from the blaring music-including Midoriya
Mineta had pulled out his phone half way through and instantly started taking pics
At one part of the dance you have a tiny duet part with Mina where you bend down slightly
This perv instantly got right under you and took a whole ass pic
You heard a flash and look between your legs, seeing  the purple idiot
You screeched, your face red as you yanked your skirt down
Mina instantly started yelling at Mineta, trying to catch the little idiot while Kaminari tried to yank his phone away from him
Izuku was filled with raged-how dare he do that to you?!? He was about to give him a piece of your mind, but seeing your embarrassed face made him think otherwise
He ran over, wrapping you into a hug
You were feeling so dumb-you didn’t even notice the little group of onlookers forming, making you feel even more embarrassed
Midoriya then sees Mineta run past, and as if on instinct grabs him by the arm
Mineta squeaks, regret riding through his body-nobody has ever seen Midoriya look this mad
Izuku yanks Mineta’s phone out of his hand, quietly searching through his camera roll
He finds the picture and hi face turns a little red because geez you do look really hot-
He quickly (and permanently) deletes it, so Mineta can’t go into his recently deleted, and hands it back to him
“Don’t you ever, EVER do that again.” The threat seemed simple but the way Midoriya voice was full of ice and his eyes on fire made Mineta’s skin turn cold
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sorry if this one seems longer than the rest!
It was the end of the year and Yaomomo had invited everyone to her house for a big summer celebration pool party!
Of course everyone was excited- Yaomomo was rich and her house was beautiful and massive! Also she was the best hostess anyone could imagine
Mineta was excited for another reason- he couldn’t wait to see all the girls in bathing suits of their own choice, not the dumb leotard-like ones the school made them wear
Secretly hoped they were as skimpy as possible
Momo had invited all the girls the night before to a massive sleepover- you all went shopping for new suits at a beach themed boutique
Of course it was super expensive, but the owners of the shop were friends of Yaomomo’s parents and gave you all a FAT discount
Everyone was super happy with their suits- yours was all red,  with a strappy red top, the bottom also matched in color and were slightly high waisted and showed off the sides of your thighs
The next morning you all spent time getting ready and helping Momo prepare to when everyone else came
Everyone started trickling in and greeting each other, getting snacks supplied by Momo and swimming or dancing to the “Top 50 Songs” playlist blasting outisde
You were in the kitchen getting some punch with Mina when Kirishima and Bakugo came in
Bakugo looked like he would rather be anywhere but there, while Kirihsima was just excited to find you and have some fun!
When Kirihsima saw you- his mouth dropped- you looked seriously stunning and he couldnt make his heart stop pounding so hard
Also your wearing red- he can try to act as chivalrous as he wants but he cant deny that red on you makes him go CRAZY inside
“Kirishima!” you yell happily when you see him, running over to give him a hug
He instantly twirls you around and tells you how pretty you look
You go outside and everyone begins to hang out, playing some games, swimming, dancing, or just plain mingling
Mineta is of course on a mission- he is just sitting in a really dark corner of the party pratically trying to memorize how all the girls look and drooling like a perv, concocting a plan in his twisted head of his
The moment he hears Uraraka yell- “Who wants to play volleyball- Boys vs Girls!” He instantly jumps up- now was time to get his plan in action
You and Kirishima join Uraraka, Izuku, Kaminari, Mina, Bakugo, and Tsuyu in the game
What you all didnt notice was Mineta, who was waiting patiently to pounce on one of the girls- he unfortunately chose you as his victim
When you wadded towards the end of the pool to try and save the ball, Mineta had reached over and pulled at one of the straps of your top, easily detangling it from your chest
You felt something loosen- and then horror rippled throughout your body
You qiuckly ducked under the water, only your eyes visible as your face was on fire
Mineta at first was cheering, your top tangled in his grubby hands, but then everyone started screaming at him, Mina throwing every threat she could think of while Uraraka tried to block you from sight and Froppy got you a towel
What really terrified Mineta was Kirishima- he was desperately trying to crawl out of the pool, all the boys trying to restrain him because he was literally going to KILL Mineta
Nobody had ever seen Kirishima that mad- even Bakugo
Mineta ran off, still holding onto your top as Tsuyu wrapped you in a towel
Kirishima ran over to you, wrapping you in a hug
“You okay? Im so sorry that happened! I’ll get your top back- I promise!”
And this boy did-of course after he calmed down- while Bakugo followed suit
As much as Bakugo hates to admit it, he does like you and you being his best friend’s girl, he protects you as much as Eijirou does
They both found where Mineta was hiding, Bakugo grabbing the little grape while Kirishima rambled on about “how unmanly that was” and how Mineta needed to “respect women and be more chivalrous”
Also may or may have not have told him that if he ever did anything like that again he wouldnt hestitate to teach him a lesson
After that little stunt, Yaomomo kicked him out of the party, all the girls breathing a sigh of relief
Kirishima came back, all the girls sitting around you and giving support-but once they saw Kiri they’d knew you’d be okay and gave you some privacy
This boy cuddled the crap out of you for the rest of the day and didnt wanna let go
Requests open| Matchups closed!
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topsytervy · 4 years
Mob Rafe confesses his feelings
Blurb: After a fight the previous day, Rafe shows up and accidentally confesses his feelings...poorly.
Warnings: swearing, poorly proofread, mentions drinking and driving (DONT DRINK AND DRIVE), i thinks thats it.
Word Count: 688
I realized that I go back and forth between just friends with Rafe and dating Rafe so I was like 'ummm why havent I done him confessing feelings?'. And then this mess happened.
Enjoy :)
You never thought you’d say this, but you truly regretted watching that one ghost show at night. You were now too scared to walk yourself into your room, so you opted to sleep on the couch, curled up in a blanket with your head on your sweatshirt that was acting as a pillow. 
You were just drifting off when you heard a car door slam and footsteps. You jumped slightly and snuggled deeper into your blanket, hoping that whatever serial killer or demon was out there would mistake you as just a blanket and not a body underneath it.
You heard grumbling and swearing coming from outside as they struggled with the doorknob. If you hadn't gotten into a fight with Rafe the night before, you'd call him to come see who the hell was at your door.
But you were stubborn and were refusing to be the first one to call.
"Y/N! Open the door!" You heard the person call from outside and you immediately sat up.
You knew that voice like the back of your hand. 
You stood up and walked over to your front door, unlocking it before turning the knob and yanking it open.
Rafe walked right past you and into your living room.
"Yes. Please come in. It's not like Im still mad at you for being a cockblock or anything." Sarcasm dripped from your voice.
"I need to talk to you." He said, and you rolled your eyes. 
"You can talk to me, but I can't guarantee I'll listen to whatever comes out of your mouth." You responded.
Rafe rolled his eyes as he spoke. "Okay. That was rude."
"No. You dictating my love life is rude." You shot back.
"Oh, my God. Maybe I'm just saving the guys from this bullshit." 
"Or maybe you're just being a jackass."
"I know you think Im being a jackass but I just want what's best for you cause it's what you deserve."
You glared at Rafe. "I don’t really think you have a say in what’s best for me."
"I get that. I really do. But-" 
"I would love for you to tell me why you think it's your business to decide who’s right and who's not.” You crossed your arms.
“Because I care about you!”
Rafe looked down at his hands, fiddling with his fingers.
“And I only want what’s best for you, and it makes me upset when I know that it’s not me.” He whispered.
You felt your heart sink a little at his last sentence. You walked over and threw your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug.
“You’re the best person in my life Rafe and don’t you ever think otherwise or I’m going to put a hit on you.” You reassured him.
“I love you.” Rafe breathed out.
He didn’t mean to say it. It just came out. 
“Love you too, Rafe.” You replied.
Rafe should’ve just left it at that. You thinking that the ‘I love you’ was purely platonic, but he didn’t. He had to open his yapper.
“No. Like I love you, I love you. Like I would kill anyone for you, love you. Like, adopt a dog with you, love you.” 
“That’s cool cause I, adopt a dog with you, love you too.” You grinned.
You leaned in and pressed your lips against his before pulling away, scrunching up your nose when you got a whiff of his breath.
“Are you drunk?” You asked, taking in the scent of alcohol.
“Technically, no. I can still walk in a straight line and recite the alphabet backwards.” Rafe answered.
“You drove home drunk?”
“Well, you were pissed at me.”
“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have picked you up, nimrod.” 
“How was I supposed to know?” 
“I don’t know, by calling me.”
“Okay. I’m sorry for drinking and driving. Can we go to bed now cause I’m beat. Who knew confessing feelings and shit was exhausting.” Rafe whined.
“I’m pretty sure you're tired because you’ve been up all night but fine you big baby. Lets go.” You smiled, dragging him towards your room.
Taglist: @prejudic3 @oleariaux @outerbanx96 @popcrone818 @void-sadie @teenagekook @diverrdown @drewswannabegirl @acvross-the-universe @poguemackin
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spidercakes · 5 years
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It continues!
Edit: my stupid ass forgot the tag list posting so here it is (though some of you still found it lmao): @prettieststarker @readysetstarker @lover-starker @starkerprince @starker-flame @i-am-irondaddy @blush-reincarnated @c6h12o6-work @von–gelmini @caseysroses @darkobsidianquill​
Part One | Part Two
Its been a long time since Tony has done this but sometimes things just feel a little more out of control and this is an easy way to get some of that back ethically. Plus he enjoys it, maybe more than he should. Its not like he’s never considered why he likes the control so much, if that means he’s controlling, and then by extension just like Howard but he’s long ago come to the conclusion that that’s not it. He doesn’t want to control someone per se, what he wants is control over a situation. The fact that other people are involved it more a symptom of how he chose to go about gaining that level of control. And he’s always taken care to not take that away from whoever he’s with because, as Pepper pointed out, he’s not much like Howard if you look further than skin deep.
Still, he hadn’t initially planned to just throw himself back into one of these things, mostly he was catching up with Sam and feeling things out but then he saw Peter. Sam’s not stupid, he knows his type, so he said he’d work something out. And Peter, fuck he’s perfect. A little inexperienced for his taste, and a little on the young side, but Tony is willing to look past that on account of he knows he’s not going to get anything better. He’d done this enough times to be able to pick up on small signs of compatibility and Peter might be inexperienced, but Tony happens to know he’s got more of a submissive side than he knows. Makes sense, for his age, that he hasn’t figured that out quite yet. At his age he’s probably still experimenting with things.
Normally experience is something he prefers but in this case he made an exception. The way Peter responded proved him right enough that he’s not entirely worried about it beyond Peter finding his voice. But the way he’d responded to Tony, handing over his other wrist without him having to ask, lifting his head a little so Tony could put the blindfold on, the way his uncomfortable squirming immediately stopped when Tony had settled a hand on his knee. Yeah, Tony knows Peter will be more than compatible with what he’s looking for.
As it is he’s disappointed that he’s going to have to wait until later to see Peter again but they both have things to do. Maybe this is one of those situations where patience pays off. Tony doubts it on account of he’d be just as excited if not more if Peter showed up now, but he’ll take what he can get. There’s also the slight disappointment of stretching things out a bit, giving Peter time to adjust to something new rather than jumping right into it but its necessary. Tony wants to give him time to gain a level of trust in him before he starts taking away his senses and leaving him to rely more on Tony than not. If he were more experienced it wouldn’t be much of a problem, but he’s not so Tony needs to start fresh.
Not ideal, considering his usual impatience, but he knows that it’ll be well worth it to wait for Peter to catch up.
 Peter bites his lip, unsure what to expect aside from what Tony told him in the beginning. He does have to admit that having his own key is pretty cool, mostly because Tony’s penthouse is nice as hell. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing,” he hisses at Liz over the phone.
She sighs, “didn’t you say he like… gave you an outline of what to expect?” she asks.
He rolls his eyes, “if I gave you an outline of child birth do you think it’d prepare you?” he asks.
Liz snorts, “Peter, that’s such a guy thing to say. This is in no way comparable to child birth. But your point is taken. We should throw a party there, seems like a swanky place,” she says like Peter doesn’t desperately need this job.
“Liz, I have hospital bills to pay,” he points out.
“I’m kidding Peter, mostly. But if he’s a dick we can totally trash the place, you know MJ would do it in a heartbeat.” True, and Peter loves her for it but Tony has been more than polite so far and he’s talked to some of the other people Sam employs. Turns out he’s a real stickler for not being a douchebag and he takes his employee concerns very seriously so he’s gained a bit of trust that this won’t turn into a massive shit show.
“I actually think he’s pretty nice,” Peter says, looking over the directions to the room Tony told him his stuff was in. For an apartment this place is a fucking maze.
“Yeah, he hires prostitutes, how nice can he be?” Liz says, distain in her voice.
Peter frowns, “you know I’m the prostitute, right?”
“Obviously, Peter.”
“Yeah, well acting like only losers and assholes pick up prostitutes doesn’t exactly make the job less stigmatizing. Maybe he doesn’t have time for a relationship, or doesn’t want one, you don’t know.” He does know that Tony doesn’t want a relationship with him, which is fine because he doesn’t want one with Tony either. Aside from you know, a good relationship with the guy who is also his boss, technically. God, this is messy.
The good news is that he finds the room finally and breathes out a sigh of relief as he steps inside and goes on the hunt for his outfit. Thankfully Tony has laid it out on the bed for him so he doesn’t need to go far.
“Okay, but do like… normal guys go to prostitutes?” she asks and Peter frowns.
“Yeah, probably. Why is it that sex for money somehow makes the sex dirtier or whatever? Its not like being in a relationship is free and you’re totally financially independent of them unless you make good money. Even platonic relationships don’t escape that, remember the time we all talked Ned out of moving across the country to live with his girlfriend because we’ve be fucked for rent? Anyway, I just think that paying someone to have sex with you is hardly demeaning or whatever.”
He picks up the white teddy and frowns at it for a moment, unsure how that’ll look on him. The pink frilly booty shorts are cute, though, even if they’re not something he’d pick out for himself. He shrugs and tosses Liz on the bed so he can change.
“Yeah but like. Can guys who go to prostitutes even get relationships?” Liz asks and Peter snorts.
“The sheer amount of politicians that go to prostitutes say yeah, they get into relationships just fine. Like, what is the correlation people draw between prostitution and not being able to get sex for free? Is it really less degrading to pick someone up at a bar when you’ve only known them for a half an hour? At least I get paid for my trouble now, my last Tinder date was shit in bed and I paid for dinner.” That was like, forever ago but still. He’d consider what he’s doing now considerably less degrading than that. Tony buys nice lingerie and, to Peter’s surprise, it actually looks pretty nice on him.
He fully expects Liz to have some kind of response for that but she remains silent for a moment. “I guess you make a point there. Did you figure out where you were supposed to go?” she asks.
“Yeah. Also, turns out I look cute lingerie,” he says.
The squeal of surprise is unexpected but more pleasant than their last discussion so he’ll take it. “Send me a picture!” she says and he frowns. “In like. A not sexual way,” she clarifies.
“Is that like… normal for girls? Do you guys just send each other pictures of yourselves in lingerie?” Because that seems like a dream world to him, throw some guys in there and he’s in bisexual heaven.
“Sometimes. Guys don’t do that?” she asks.
Peter squints as he opens the camera app. “Liz, in what world do guys where lingerie?” he asks.
“This one if you’re to be believed,” she points out.
Right, good point. “You know what I mean. No, guys don’t just send each other random pictures in sexy clothing. I sent the picture and if you make fun of me I’ll move and screw you all for rent,” he tells her.
She remains silent for a moment before she makes a small, approving noise. “That actually does look good on you,” she says. “What the fuck.”
“What the fuck what?” he asks, checking himself out in the mirror. He… didn’t expect to actually like this but he doesn’t mind.
“That style of lingerie looks like total shit on me and I’m mad it looks good on you,” she says. Peter grins because jealousy is a good emotion to have in this case. And if Liz thinks he looks good Tony definitely will.
“Die mad about it,” he tells Liz, who snorts and starts laughing.
“Don’t let the lace give you too much confidence,” she tells him despite the fact that he’s not wearing any lace. Its more of a sheer gossamer material that shines a little and compliments his skin nicely. He thought the white on his pale as shit skin would make him look like a fucking ghost but instead he looks etherial. Huh, so maybe this is why women like lingerie so much.
He chats back and forth with Liz for a few more minutes but she has to do homework and frankly so does he so they hang up to go do that. And Peter means to do homework, really, but the closet beckons and he has to hang up the clothes he changed out of anyway so he goes over to check it out.
His opinions on Tony’s taste mostly improve minus the yellow… thing that’s probably the most hideous shade of yellow Peter has ever seen. But the rest? Its clear that Tony has a thing for red and black, which makes his current outfit kind of a strange choice and that makes him curious but he does like most of the rest of the stuff in the closet. There’s a few things that are… well, strappy enough that he’s confused how to put them on, and a couple things that don’t look that great, but otherwise Tony clearly has talent in aesthetics.
“I didn’t think you’d take to the lingerie,” someone says and Peter lets out an accidental scream and tosses the garment thats in his hand. He turns to find Tony in the doorway looking amused.
“Oh my god, give a guy a warning!” he says, hand pressed to his heart.
Tony doesn’t look any less amused, eyes bright as he looks Peter over. “That looks nice on you,” he says, gesturing vaguely at him.
Peter looks down at himself and grins, “it does, doesn’t it? I was worried I’d come out looking like fucking Casper but thankfully that was not the case,” he says.
Tony snorts and starts laughing, “god, its been forever since someone has referenced that around me. I’m kind of surprised you even know what Casper is,” he says.
Peter doesn’t mean to say it but it slips out anyway. “Okay, boomer,” he says out of pure instinct and thankfully Tony bursts out laughing.
“One, I’m not that old. Two, you always this sassy or is this new?”
“Um. Depends, usually its a comfort thing. Sorry I called you a boomer,” he says.
“Its fine. The youths know how to make a good meme, I’ll give you guys that,” Tony says, smiling still.
“Well, the economy is shit so all we’ve got is depression humor and memes so we gotta make it good,” he says, considering his choices for a half a second before figuring fuck it. He could stay here all day or he could figure out what the rest of the night will be like and go over to Tony, see how he reacts. As it turns out he mostly looks like he wants to devour Peter but he keeps his hands to himself even if his thoughts are pretty obvious on his face. Peter wraps his arms around Tony’s neck, a silent way of giving him permission to touch him, and leans into him. “So we’re watching a movie, right? What am I supposed to expect?”
Tony looks pretty ready to abandon the movie idea but he doesn’t. “Your choice,” he says and Peter grins.
“Star Wars?” he asks excitedly.
“Baby, which Star Wars movie? And if you list any of the prequels I’ll fire you,” he jokes.
Peter wrinkles his nose, “A New Hope, obviously. Ew, why would I subject us to Jar Jar?”
Tony snickers, wrapping his arms around Peter’s waist. “Thank god. I met someone who liked Jar Jar Binks once and I’ve never been the same.”
He’s been staring at the skirt for like fifteen minutes and no one is home. Everyone else has classes or work in MJ’s case so really, there’s no harm if he steals Liz’s skirt from the floor of her room. No one will ever know and he’s never even had thoughts like that before and- well, okay, that’s not exactly true. He’s always liked the aesthetic of skirts, its just that he never really considered them on him before. But the way Tony reacted when he saw Peter in that lingerie, the way he kept looking at him all night…
He didn’t expect to like that feeling so much and skirts are pretty, he’s always liked them…
Fuck it, if he hates it he can put it back and its not like Liz would ever know so he sneaks in, snatches it from the ground, and sneaks back out. They’re probably the same size so this should be fine. Once in his room and slips it on and sure enough, it fits perfectly though it sits different on him than Liz. Probably on account of she has hips and he doesn’t, not really. But it does sit nicely over his butt so there’s that.
He grins, snatching his phone out of his abandoned pant pockets and moving his mirror in front of his bed so he can try and take a decent picture. It takes some finagling and a little work but he finally manages to get a good angle and-
“Oh shit,” he says, desperately snapping pictures as his free hand slips and he falls headfirst off the bed. He sighs, picking himself back up and smoothing out Liz’s skirt before examining the pictures.
He smiles, saving the good ones and deleting the rest before he sends them off to Tony. His favorite is the one with his back arched, the skirt sitting just too high to be appropriate, exposing a little cheek underneath. If he ignores his messy bed in the background its pretty much the perfect picture given the proportions of it. Tony’s response is pretty much immediate.
Wear that tomorrow.
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planetsam · 5 years
Malex! Alex & Rath
The war takes everything.
It’s a miracle they get to the point of peace discussions at all. For most of his adult life Alex has lived in the war. It started with people he thought he knew summoning a force he couldn’t understand. That night changed everyone’s lives. The medals on his chest often feel more like blood money than honors. They’re stained, tainted. Like his father loves to remind him he is. The loss of his leg sometimes feels like a penance. When the orders come that he will be involved in this desperate negotiation for peace, Alex thinks he knows why. But he doesn’t have it in him to refuse. Which is how he finds himself on the Antarian ship. The doors slide open soundlessly as he is escorted into the room, trying to remember every negotiating tactic he ever learned. He’s barely inside with time to strategize when another set of doors open and the Antarian general walks in.
Just like that, he’s seventeen, again, in an instant.
Michael doesn’t look the same and at the same time he does. He wears the Antar military uniform with much more obvious discomfort. Or maybe Alex is just able to read him still. The curls are the same. The scruff is new. He’s still lean where as Michael is stockier but in a way that makes Alex think they’d be matched if he still had both his legs. The pair of them regard each other, both realizing exactly what this is.
“General Rath,” Alex greets with all the formality he can muster for an alien who he made out with in a museum about aliens once upon a time.
“Hey Alex,” Michael drawls like they aren’t on opposite sides of a fucking war, “long time no see. You been busy?”
Fine. He can do this.
“Not as busy as you,” he says, “I’m not a General.”
“Genetics,” Michael says and doesn’t elaborate, “look at you making your daddy proud.”
Alex rolls his eyes at the jab.
“Your last air raid missed him by half a mile,” he says.
“Too bad,” Michael replies, smiling in a way that does not make Alex’s stomach flip flop, “lets get this parent trap shit over with and save your planet,” he says nodding to the table.
Alex sits as smoothly as he can but he’s not great with the prosthetic when he’s trying to hide it. Antarian’s are supposed to have unparalleled healing. But when he glances at Michael’s hand, he sees it’s still mangled and twisted. When he looks up he sees Michael watching him. Alex gives him a questioning look and Michael shrugs.
“Chicks dig scars,” he drawls and Alex agrees with him suddenly.
They need to get this over with.
As fast as possible.
“What the hell, Max?!”
Max waves off the court and clears the room. He still thinks of himself as Max but only two people on the planet call him that. That number is about to be cut in half if the look on Michael’s face is anything to go by. Michael is either going to kill him or never speak to him again. Max holds still and waits for the fury to hit him.
“Alex?!” He demands, “you sent me to negotiate with him?”
“It was my idea,” Isobel says breezing in.
“What the hell, Iz?!” Michael continues, turning towards her.
There’s always been something more polished about her and she’s slid more easily into royal life than any of them. Max has followed but then again, maybe looking emotionally constipated is half the job anyway. Michael’s seen those royals from England. And lastly there’s him. He’s hated earth his entire life, was planning a way to get off the planet when they got found. So there’s an almost vicious irony to him being the one whose has the hardest time adjusting. Or maybe it’s just the fact that Jesse Manes has made him loathe everything the military stands for and he’s come to a planet where he’s some kind of genetically bred super solider.
“What’s the point of peace if you’re miserable on both worlds?” She asks and Michael rolls his eyes. Of course she would equate two worlds with something as stupid as his happiness.
“I don’t know, Iz, millions of lives?”
“Motivation,” she says.
“How were we engaged again?” He demands.
“Dumb luck,” Isobel says, “can’t be so lucky every lifetime.”
“General Rath,” Alex greets. Michael scowls  before smoothing it over with a grin he wants to kiss off his face, “I hope you don’t find this inconveniencing.”
“Not at all, Colonel Manes” Michael says, “i hope you don’t mind holding my hand in public.”
Alex bits back the urge to reply. The photo-op is important and security is tight. As a show even the Antarians are going through the metal detector. Alex thinks it’s ridiculous but he gets the optics. The general public doesn’t know about the Evans’ family vacation to italy that one summer or Michael’s dizzying array of foster homes he’d flown between. Michael nods towards the sign.
“Don’t forget to take out your keys.”
“I’m not going to forge—“ Alex cuts off before he fully replies. Michael does not get to get under his skin like this so easily. The guard waves him through and the thing goes off. He hears Michael chuckle and wishes very badly he was right. “I have a prosthetic,” he says to the guard and feels the tension ramp up.
“I need to scan it,” he says and Alex nods, remembering the world is at stake. He takes the chair and releases the vacuum seal, sliding the leg off with a metallic click. The guard takes it and Alex fights for as long as he can until he meets Michael’s gaze, “sir—“
He’s apparently alone in his care about the world because Michael crosses the detector and comes in front of him.
“When?” He demands and Alex is surprised at the fury in his voice.
“A few years back,” he says, looking to see if they’ve established his prosthetic is not a weapon, “we’re in a war,” he reminds Michael who looks at his leg like they’re kids again and he wants to hurt whoever hurt him. Alex sees the metal detector tremble and thinks of the lives that hand in the balance, “Michael! I’m fine.”
Michael snaps towards him and Alex meets his gaze, trying to convey how fine he is. They need this more than Michael needs to lose it. Michael slowly seems to come back to himself and when they look, the guards are all staring. Michael draws himself up and fixes Alex with the coldest look he’s ever been on the receiving end of. He’s doing it for him, but it still takes Alex’s breath away in the worst way possible.
“I don’t know that name anymore. It’d Rath.”
“Sorry, General,” Alex says instead and accepts his prosthetic back.
They shake hands in front of the cameras, both their mangled and missing parts tucked away.
“You look good!” Liz says, “I mean, you look like you want to die but otherwise—“
“Thanks,” Michael says sarcastically.
“How is he?” Liz asks after a moment.
“I haven’t seen Max,” he says instead of answering. Liz makes a noise, “he’s fine. I’m sure they’re all fine.”
“Alex you know that’s bullshit.”
Sometimes Alex hates how smart Liz is. And how perceptive. Her denial of her feelings is a protection, one she’s fully aware of and seems to be able to flick on and off like its a fucking light switch. Alex feels like his got shut off and he lost it somewhere in the dark. There’s a disconnect. He can’t even blame it on the war. It’s been going on for much much longer than that. War has just made it matter less.
“He saw my leg,” he admits, “he got mad.”
“Of course he got upset,” Liz says.
“He should have thought about that before we were at war,” Alex argues even though he knows thats not fair. Liz does too. “Anyway thats not why I called. We’re supposed to do something and theres a chance Max will be there. Misery loves company, so, you wanna come? Can you behave?”
“Yes and yes,” she says.
“General Rath,” Alex greets, “you remember Liz?”
“Colonel Manes.”
Michael nods but his expression is hard. Alex feels smug at throwing him off his game, right until Max shows up. Every inch of him that’s a king falls apart and its like looking at the sixteen year old dumbass who thought that a backwards baseball cap was a fashion statement.
“Liz,” he says her name almost reverently.
She slaps him across the face.
“Oh shit,” Michael says.
Alex wonders if he’s just ended the world.
In the end he hasn’t but its a near thing. He knows in his gut he’s not the guy for this. When they’re done he wants to leave but Liz has backed King Zan into an antechamber and he isn’t leaving her behind. Michael drops into the chair next to him, still laughing.
“This is great,” he says, “good move bringing her here. You guys might come out of this on top after all.”
“I’m resigning,” he says, looking at Michael.
Michael stares at him.
“What? Why?” Michael demands.
“I can’t do this,” he says, “it’s all of earth. They need someone level.”
Liz appears and Alex thanks god for her timing. He looks at Michael who seems so dumbstruck he can’t figure out what to say. It’s not how Alex wants to leave him speechless but he’s been a coward with him before. So he gets to his feet and does the bravest thing he can.
“Goodbye,” he says.
It tastes like ash.
“I’m coming!” Alex snarls through the wood.
Michael wants to tell him to hurry the fuck up but he’s not going to open the door if he sees him. He’s done is best military style knock in the hopes Alex won’t look. The door opens.
“Wha-“ Alex stops. Emotions fly across his face. He settles on that emotionally constipated look he’s tried to maintain this whole time, “what are you doing here?” He steps aside though and Michael enters.
“Why are you resigning?” He challenges. Alex looks away, “it’s just us in here Alex,” he says, maybe a bit louder than he intends.
“Yeah that’s the problem,” Alex says, “out there, it’s not just us. I can’t negotiate with you.”
“Why not?” Michael presses. Alex looks away, “hmmmm?” Michael says, moving into his space. Alex doesn’t step back, he glares at him.
“Because I look at you and I’m seventeen again!” He says, “and then you look away. And I remember everything, like it’s the first time it’s happening. I can’t think around you. I can’t do my job,” he says, “and if you don’t remember that earth was your planet too, then someone has to step in who isn’t distracted by their feelings.”
Michael can’t puzzle through this. He knows Alex has feelings for him. Loving each other has never been the problem. His fingers ache in a reminder and Alex’s eyes drag towards the hand. Fuck this, Michael thinks viciously and shoves it between them.
“Your dad took my hand, someone from my side took your leg. You want to say we’re even?” Alex scoffs, “I never looked away,” he says, “not really.”
“Bullshit,” Alex says, “you took off for another planet.”
“You took off for war!”
“I didn’t want to go!” Alex suddenly matches his tone. Michael freezes, something cold in him, “you did.”
Michael can’t argue. He did. He wanted to get out of that town, off that planet. He can’t blame his failed whatever with Alex as the sole reason but he can’t pretend it wasn’t a factor. But Alex is Alex and if he tells him that he’ll blame himself for the whole damn war. Instead he takes the accusation and steps up to Alex. Alex regards him like a skittish animal but doesn’t run. Even if this is his room. Michael refuses to linger at that when Alex’s impossibly long lashes lower. It’s been a decade but Michael knows what he’s doing and before he can overthink it, he cups Alex’s face and kisses him.
Alex stiffens and then melts into the kiss. Michael’s glad he snuck away, glad he’s in normal clothes. No, not normal. Earth clothes. Because then instead of dealing with his Antarian clothes Alex can slips his hands under his shirt. Michael hates touching him with his twisted hand. But even that doesn’t seem to matter when Alex makes a noise in the back of his throat and Michael deepens the kiss like he can taste it. They fumble back to the bed Alex lays back as Michael pulls his shirt off. Their bodies are different, he can see the scars that litter Alex’s skin. Antar has healing and he’s whole on the outside, fine except for the scars that earth left on him. Alex cants his hips up and Michael throws caution to the wind.
He kisses every mark, hoping that his desperate desire for Alex to stay will pass through his skin.
He’s too much of a coward to say it again.
“This was your idea,” he tells Isobel when he gets back to their ship. Her first move is to grab the bag he’s holding and pour the acetone down the sink, “damn it!”
“Need you to be on your A-Game,” is her excuse.
“Yeah, well, I need to be drunk,” he snaps, “you shouldn’t have put me and Alex together.”
“You two did that all on your own,” she says, “I already denied his request to be transferred,” she swipes a hand through his curls, “or did you convince him to stay?”
Her guess is as good as his.
“General,” Alex says.
He can do this. Alex has never had to work with someone he’s slept with before. He’s not sure how anyone does this. And okay maybe he and Michael did it as teenagers but that was ten years ago. And it was before the world even knew that there was intelligent life out there. Isobel had suitors who she considered beneath her and Max was always sweet on Liz. Alex has a very sneaking he and Michael slept together first. He may have lost his virginity in the ultimate out of this world experience. He’s like the dirty equivalent of Neal Armstrong. He clears his throat as Michael sits down. He looks surprised that he’s still there. No, Alex realizes, he looks guilty.
“Princess Vilandra  seems to feel I’m best suited for the job. Or so my superiors told me,” he says. Michael at least has the grace to blush, “I guess she still can’t resist meddling.”
“Hey, she doesn’t meddle,” Michael says, “she outright gets involved. Give her some credit.”
Alex snorts in disbelief and Michael chuckles. There’s something familiar about it that makes Alex’s heart ache. He forces that feeling back. That, at least, he’s good at. Lingering for a second too long used to get him questioned and mocked until he proved himself. Though the truth is the guys he felt things for were nothing compared to what he’s always felt for Michael. They catch each others eyes and smooth out their expressions, focusing instead on the last few items for the treaty. It’s the first step in many but it’s a first step. Alex was shipped to war without wanting to go, but he likes protecting people. Likes helping them. He always has. Long before Michael kissed him in the museum that had his family artifacts on display.  The items on this treaty take longer than the others. Alex caves after a few hours.
“I need food,” he says, “you hungry?”
“Starving,” Michael admits.
“Great, what do you want?” Michael does a double take, “you miss something in particular? I’m not picky.”
You, Michael thinks, then puts the thought aside.
They get wings and Michael wants to keel over with how good they are. He’s always loved spicy food. Or convinced himself of it after he learned if food was hot, other people didn’t want it as much. Alex gets beers too and Michael can almost pretend this is what college could have been like if things had gone differently. If he’d taken the scholarship. If the three of them doing something as terrible as burning those bodies hadn’t sent out that beacon.
If they hadn’t led the man who killed them the first time straight to earth.
It’s been ten years of pretending to be something they’re not to take power back. With Isobel at the center of it. He’s got no right to complain about things with what she’s sacrificed. And on the other side it’s Alex and what he’s sacrificed. One of his foster parents told him that all Michael knew how to do was take. Michael knows the guy was a drunk but the words still burned into him. Especially when he sees Alex with hot sauce on his lip laughing one moment and shifting his weight with a flash of discomfort the next. His own hand aches but Michael’s pretty sure that’s in his head.
“What do they eat over there?” Alex asks abruptly.
“Acetone,” Michael lies. Alex’s eyes narrow, “I’m kidding. It’s similar,” he says, trying to think of how to put it, “but different.”
“Descriptive,” Alex says dryly.
“Look, next time I’ll bring something,” he says, “you can try it for yourself.”
“In the meantime come here,” Alex says, “you’ve got hot sauce on your lip.”
He wipes it off with his thumb and Michael understands Max a whole lot better.
Next time turns out to be months later.
They do a good job and then there’s all the god damn red tape that makes Alex’s head hurt. It’s not like Max is going to put up a fight on anything really. Or King Zan. Alex cannot contact the General without risking everything so he doesn’t. The next time he sees him is at the formal signing. Which means everyone is in formal wear. He’s never felt awkward in his uniform. Despite what led him here, he is proud of the lives he’s saved and the service he’s given. He can stand up there with royalty from another planet he just happened to go to high school with.
Michael on the other hand looks like he wants to die.
It’s clear for his genetic breeding or whatever, he’s nervous. The Antarian formalwear is a lot of draping and elegance that doesn’t seem to have much to do with the military, aside from the braided chords that loop around his shoulder. He’s wearing gloves too and Alex finds he wishes that he could see his hand again. Unable to let Michael pace there miserably, he steps forward. Michael whips around at the sound and stares at him like he’s drowning and Alex is the life saving breath of air. His throat is visibly working. Alex might slightly enjoy the sight of him being flustered, something that seems to occur to him because he straightens up. Alex still has a good inch on him in the height department though.
“General Rath,” he greets, reminding himself of their roles.
“General Manes,” he greets back.
Alex might be slightly proud of the title. If nothing else it isn’t one he has to share with his father or grandfather. He is the first General Manes. He looks at Michael who shifts his weight. The cloth he wears shimmers in the light, reminding Alex of those glass shards that were in the museum. The ones that all snapped together the night before the aliens came.
“Nervous?” Alex asks.
“Never,” Michael says, throwing him that macho cowboy swagger smile. Alex might hate him a little for it, “you ready for this?”
“I’m used to the photo ops by now,” Alex lies with a tight smile. He’s better, but the spotlight has never suited him.
“Great, let’s go.”
Before he can ask why Michael looks nervous they’re in front of people. A lot of people. Alex stands straight and schools his expression while Michael waves to the crowd. The sheer number of people this is being televised to is dizzying. Alex fully expects things to go wrong but they don’t. The only wrongness is his anonymity being ripped to shreds. It’s a worthy sacrifice for this, but that doesn’t make it less gut wrenching as he and Michael stand and observe the proceedings. Hardest to bear is Michael’s gaze which keeps flicking towards him. Like he knows this is hard for Alex. Alex stands straighter if possible. He doesn’t want Michael’s—Rath’s—pity. The treaties are signed and ratified and Alex knows now it’s just a matter of full disarming. Fully withdrawing.
“You’re returning to Antar,” he says.
“Yeah, Of course we are,” Rath tells him, “can’t have peace with the aliens running around.”
This hits him like a ton of bricks. Even though he knows what’s in the treaty, the idea of Rath being a universe away is like a gut punch. It’s what he’s always wanted. Maybe now he can have it and find some peace. Alex forces himself to clutch the idea like a hot iron. If he holds it maybe he can cauterize the wound. He grips the pain as he goes through the more formal interactions, desperate to be the one to put a galaxy between them for once. No such luck as General Rath catches up to him eventually. Alex realizes that his work here is done. Which means this isn’t about Generals or anything it’s about General Rath who has the same mop of curls and him who doesn’t even have two legs.
“I gotta go,” he says.
General Rath freezes.
“Yeah I, uh, I gotta go,” he says again, “we saved the world and—“
“You gotta go,” Rath repeats repeats.
Alex nods.
Michael ignores the feelings that sledgehammer into him. Of course Alex has to bolt. Michael could be a General or he could be God but somehow it will always come back to being unworthy of Alex. By now he doesn’t know why it hurts. Yes, he does, it hurts because he’s an idiot whose still carrying a torch for a man who can’t be around him except under very specific circumstances. Circumstances that don’t benefit a General, let alone two of them. So he does the only thing he can and sticks his hand out. Alex grips it and God help him, Michael can’t resist kissing his knuckles just once. Alex stares just at him but Michael’s sure he’s clocked the room for whose watching.
“Pleasure negotiating with you, General Manes,” he says.
“Goodbye, Michael,” Alex replies and Michael watches as he leaves.
“Did you ask him?” Isobel demands coming up to him. Michael watches the corner Alex vanished around, “Michael—“
“This is his planet,” he says, looking at her. Isobel is not thrilled with his answer, “he’s not coming.”
“That’s not what I asked,” she says.
“Just drop it,” he says, “please.”
“He’s not coming, Iz,” he says, looking at her, “can you please drop it?” Something in him feels broken, “and my name’s Rath.”
She stares at him and Michael glares back. He doesn’t want anyone’s sympathy or pity. Especially not from family or from Alex. Deep in his pocket the alien charm he fashioned seems to throb in time with the ache being pumped through his chest. Maybe this is what dying feels like. He straightens up and takes his fingers from it. It’s not going to transport Alex anywhere, least of all to him.
“Let’s go,” he says, “the sooner we get home the better.”
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, EP. 3 (Cont.)
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“aight fellas im here for the fortnite session where we droppin boys”
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Hibiki shows up, ready to participate in this four player game of sociological tension.
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“hope hibiki’s doing okay. im worried about her. ryoko, stop resting your arm on my head.”
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“ryoko does as ryoko pleases baby”
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Vibrates angstily.
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“im missing my wife for this guys please lets just do this”
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“wish i had a wife too instead of this vase filled with fucking ashes” SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORP
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The squad analyzes the statistics of all Noise outbreaks over the last month to see if there’s a pattern somewhere. Somehow, Hibiki is regarded as an authority on this, despite being just a normal girl.
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This is not the face of someone who has a degree in Noisology, let alone even listened to a Noisia album.
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“looking photogenic while this girl describes how these horrible, lovecraftian entities butcher entire populations will look great on my acting resume”
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Strained sounds of holding back laughter at this absolute clownery.
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*coughs quietly*
Exposition goes on about the UN acknowledging the existence of Noise, but them existing for far longer, existing in myths as demons and monsters of long ago. This makes little sense, but fuck it, just roll with it. They also say the Noise is rare, but this being Symphogear, the Noise will be here forever, until the end of time.
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“its like the noise are a metaphor........................”
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Hibiki, looking dead inside as the average overnight studying student would, muses whether someone is behind the noise. She also asks if you can hear the sound of one hand clapping.
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Tsubasa makes a very relevant observation that the school is smack dab at the center of all these outbreaks. In retrospect, you probably should have asked her first. She points out it may be because someone wants their get their hands on the almost complete relic hidden away in the 2nd Division: Durandal. Why anyone wants an old ass french sword is beyond me.
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“yeah i can do exposition too, fuck you”
Finished relics are extremely rare and as a result extremely powerful. Incomplete ones are pretty powerful, but need to be rebuilt a bit.
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“i discovered all this, conveniently, as the only person left to do so! totally not suspicious at all.”
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“anime plot hurting brain. bullshit levels make think no good.”
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“wish i got hired for a macross anime instead, they get to go to space”
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“being meguca is suf- wait, im confusing my roles”
The exposition goes on to note that America wants the relic. This is one of the few shows that depicts America in a very serious and antagonistic light. America never cooperates in any useful way except once.
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“it should would suck if someone was sending us them noise monster all on purpose-like”
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“yeah............! suuuuuure would suck.... mmmmmmmmmhmmmmmmm...”
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Tsubasa and Ogawa quietly plan idol ruminations. This animation used to be far, far worse.
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This is the moment where Tsubasa becomes sword-kin. From here on out, she will always refer to herself as a sword. This is law. Literally every single season has this same deal. She believes she is a sword. I know it’s not literal, but I like pretending it is.
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Succ Intensifies
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“gonna get her number later after the season is over, damn”
Hibiki muses on the nature of war.
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“why we gotta fight”
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“cause yall suck”
Ryoko then says some very not nice things that we’re just going to walk right around because Ryoko is a little bit of a weirdo and should probably keep her flirting to the short haired lady working on the bridge.
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“i will call the cops, lady”
Hibiki starts her next day at school as she spots Tsubasa during her choir class.
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“forget my nintendo switch with the latest smash bros game in the classroom goddamnit”
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“hibiki please tone down the gay for five seconds while we try to get through this dumb singing class in one piece”
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“i smell a homewrecker”
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Hibiki is then fed by multiple classmates for this statement.
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The Anime Janai crew is fond of Hibiki, much like a group of Lords being fond of the royal court jester. Hibiki clowns it up by working on a report she procrastinated until the very last minute. “Your life sure is an anime!”, one of them says. Hibiki then says, “I wish!”. They smile in unison at the irony.
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Look at how they mock the threads of reality. Absolute monsters.
Hibiki nails the report at the skin of her teeth, Miku’s gonna get ready for the meteor shower, everyone’s real fucking happy, the evening looks peaceful, all is well.
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“i cant wait to do all these fun things we promised several times over!”
Unfortunately, the worst case scenario happens.
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Her tiddies start ringing.
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“no.... fuck.... my tiddies... they’re ringing...”
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She knows now she cannot go.
In retrospect, she probably could’ve blown them off. I mean, what are they gonna do? Fire her? She’s practically irreplaceable. Alas, her conscience is too strong. The ringing from her tiddies too loud to ignore.
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“okay im back for the thing you promised we’d do repeatedly that we planned for a good amount of weeks now”
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“i got fucking ghosted didnt i”
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“cannot fucking believe i got ditched on my hot date with hibiki. bet its because her tiddies rang, isnt it. always her and her... GODDAMN tiddies ringing ALL THE TIME. LET ME BE WITH HER... god...”
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“bae. im sorry. the tiddies rang. i have no choice.”
Miku tries to keep it together. Neither of them are happy about this state of affairs, and rightfully so, because it’s fucking stupid. Hell, it would have made more sense of Miku knew but still got jealous anyway, because she feels her job is establishing too much distance! And they talk those problems out instead of issues that only arise if everyone’s a goddamn moron about communication!
“but thats the point of the pl-”
Miku takes the whole thing with grace even though I’m absolutely certain she threw her phone at the wall in raw, gay frustration.
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Hibiki, understandably, is pretty fucking pissed.
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“im gay. im angry, and im gonna fuck yall up for RUINING MY DATE AFTER HAVING FINISHED MY DAMN REPORT”
Hibiki fights the Noise. She’s gotten slightly better at fighting, but for now she’s still sorta trash at it. A grape themed Noise throws bombs and crushed her under rocks from a ceiling.
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You’re a student. You’re the lone survivor of a concert that you got flak about for years. You go to an institution for singing with your best friend and basically get shoved into a life of crime fighting unwittingly. Your only teammate hates you and tried to kill you. You don’t get to hang out with your best friend anymore. Your teachers hate you. And you’re losing against the abominations that may have potentially warped your life negatively, forever.
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This is probably the pivotal moment where Hibiki fucking snaps and decides she ain’t taking shit anymore. She’s not at her strongest yet, but mentally? She has decided to tell the world to go fuck itself.
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My, Hibiki, what big fangs you have. All the more to grit your teeth and beat the shit out of things with, I assure you.
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Needless to say, even without having the skill, she’s starting to understand and get more comfortable with the full extent of the power her suit provides her.
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She’s gotten so mad that even the illustrators are afraid of her.
To note: this isn’t just anime drama silhouette stylization. She is actually physically turning into a red eyed shadow. You’ll know why later down the road.
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Needless to say, her rampage goes on for a while.
She manages to dispatch all the Noise except for the Grape themed one. Up in the hole it made, she sees the meteor fall from the sky...
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Wait, look closer. Is it a bird?
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A plane?!
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No, it’s...!
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“i aint gonna tell her i just did a wish on her”
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“why the fuck does SHE get jetpacks?!”
Hibiki randomly yells out she wants to protect things too, for absolutely no real reason. Who would even break the ice with that. Hibiki, please.
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They sorta stare each other down in a field awkwardly, like a bad high school reunion. But, a mysterious voice breaks out of literally fucking nowhere.
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“didnt know they legalized gay marriage in japan already, otherwise id be showing up to this joke of a marriage sooner, you absolute buffoons”
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“did this bitch just insinuate id waste my time getting married to this complete idiot, let alone even contemplate getting married in a public park as opposed to having a customized karaoke based marriage in the FUCKING HILTON?!”
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“hey time out dont say that shit im already married and my wife already feels enough like im cheating so please keep those comments to yourself okay please”
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“eat my ass, nerds. id tell you to come to the park in 15 minutes for an ass kicking...
but we’re already here, now aren’t we?”
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roseamongroses · 5 years
Antithesis (6): “...”
Summary: For their Junior project, Roman is unceremoniously paired with Dmitri.
He’s hardly interacted with the guy, a strange occurrence since Virgil has had a weird/unexplained hate-hate relationship with him since middle-school. But it isn’t like he’s complaining. Dmitri’s cute, he compliments Roman, and damn can he paint.So Roman may or may not catch feelings, and he may not be wiling to uncatch them anytime soon.–Dmitri returns the sentiment.
[General Warnings:] Misgendering, Past Misgendering, Past Bullying, Mild Sexual Content,  implied emotional abuse, Cursing [Tags/mood:] highschool au, project troupe, fluff and angst but its all good, chat fic, teen stress, its flordia no snow we die like men [Pairing:] Roceit (Roman Sanders/ Deceit Sanders), hinted future/possible logince/roloceit/loceit [Characters] Roman Sanders/Deceit (Dmitri) Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Remy (Sleep) Sanders, Nate Sanders, Dragon Witch (Diana)
(1)(2)(3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: Dm you up for this weekend
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: Bro diane’s gunna be mad if you don’t
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: wow you really playing with fire
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: You still mad about that?
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou:Fuck dude it's literally not that big of a deal??cmon it's not fun unless youre there to piss off
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: and dont just say it's cause youre stufying/ doing work cause thats bs, your just fcking around with that dude
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: it's been a straight up semester cmon
WhyHaventIFuckinBlockedYou: dmitri?
Dmitri scanned the bustle of the afterschool crowd, the dismissal bell still ringing in his ears. With the grace one would expect from a gangly teen, he caught up to the flash of red as easy as one with expect. Only a couple people scowled.
“Roman,” He said breathless, slowing to match their pace, “You free for valentines?”
Roman shifted the bag on his shoulder, “It’s still January, Dee,” He said, bemused, but eyes tired.
“Uh, well,” He glanced away, “Are you free though?”
“Well perhaps if I ask my secretary to reschedule th-” He blinked hard, nearly stumbling into a kid lugging a trombone case, “Fuck, I forgot,”
Dmitri’s eyebrow’s drew together with a frown, “Forgot what?”
“I,” He winched, “I fuckin forgot, every year we take my Mom out to dinner for valentine’s day, “ he said, voice adopting a somber tone, “It’s her wedding anniversary and god-- I’m a dumbass how did I forget-- sorry.”
“Roman, you’re not a dumbass,” Dmitri said, “A dumbass sure, but not a dumbass,”
“That actually makes no sense, I applaud you,” Roman rolled his eyes, mouth still pinched. They stopped to sit on the short brick wall lining the sidewalks to the parking lot, so Roman can wait for his ride.
Roman took the chance to groan into his hands.
Glancing around to see no administrators around that would care about a little PDA, Dmitri draped his around around Roman’s shoulders, pulling him into his chest with little protest.
“Hey are you…?”
Roman voice was muffled, him refusing to look up.
“Roman you aren’t stupid,” Dmitri said, softer, “Roman,” he pushed back Roman’s hair, searching their face. Roman blinked fast, eyebags blending effortlessly into his makeup.
“I fuckin forgot Dee, how is that not stupid.” Roman said, sour, “First I mixed up the deadlines, and just had to slack off, and now I’m behind. To top it all off, I’m a shit son. ”
“You’re doing your best and your grades can afford a hit, ”
“I could do better though,” Roman stressed, looking increasingly desperate, “And I shouldn’t deal with hits, I never see Logan deal with-” He shut his mouth, eyes bright and wide, “Forget that, It’s nothing.”
Dmitri studied him, “You don’t think it's fair.”
“That’s, that’s--” Roman sputtered, “That’s not what I said Dee, it's fair, he’s earned it.”
“He has earned it,” Dmitri agreed, “That doesn’t mean you don’t want it too.”
Roman squinted at that, “Y’know, maybe you getting into philosophy wasn’t such a good idea,” He mumbled, “I expect kisses, not accurate call out posts.”
“So, I’m right?” Dmitri laughed, pinching Roman’s cheek, much to their distress, “You know, you both are in mostly the same classes, it wouldn’t be strange to ask him to help you out and vice versa?” he idly suggested, “Y’all both are ride and die, so it’d be mutually beneficial.”
Roman patted his face with a pout, “No,” he sniffed.
“Why not, you’re friends, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, but he’s closer with Virgil then he is with me, “ Roman shrugged, “Otherwise I think we’d eat each other alive before sophomore year,” he then added, a bit quieter, “So I doubt he’d want to put up with me anymore then he has to.”
“I don’t think that’d be the case,” Dmitri said, “Teaching’s a form of studying, so It’s not like he’d be wasting time.” Someone shouted Roman’s name, and he looked up, finding Remy gesturing to the car that he assumed Virgil was already in. Roman shouldered his bag, “Maybe...I’ll talk to him,” He said, kissing Dmitri’s cheek and hopping to his feet.
“Oh and try to get some fucking rest,” Dmitri called out, grabbing his own keys.
“Sure, sure, sure, ” Roman called back with a wave.
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: bitchhhhhhhh
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: wtf dmitri? Can you take that stick up your ass out for one second??it wasnt even about you??
Theactualdragonthatistillhaventblocked: everybody's so sensitive nowadays fuckin hell??dude you missed my birthday. It shouldn't be that deep we've been friends for years??
Dmitri carefully gathered his freshly snipped roses into the vase, a small smile on his face. Roman had painted the vase earlier that week, the swirling blues and yellows of A Starry Night effortlessly covering up the vase’s cracked and abused exterior. All that was needed was the flowers, which Dmitri graciously volunteered.
He stood, tucking a smaller flower in his front pocket before brushing the dirt from his jeans As soon as he opened the screen door, he froze.
“Dmitri, get in here, we have company!” His aunt called from the other room. Sighing he readjusted the vase in his arms, thoughtlessly following her voice to the living room with a tight lipped smile.
His smile became painted as he realized who the company was, “Diana,” he greeted, her blue eyes narrowing on him pleasantly from behind her tea-cup.
“You didn’t tell me that red-head was Diana?” His aunt faux whispered, her hair piled limply on top of her head, lips a cherry red, and nails done, and she looked genuinely pleased to see him despite being covered in dirt and probably making tracks on her carpet. She must’ve made up with her boyfriend.
Diana batted her eyes pleasantly, “Oh he didn’t tell you?” She said, and his blood ran cold, “ We have a date today, but I guess he was embarrassed,” she leaned in close to hisaunt, “Afterall I had to make the plans, he is rather shy.” His aunt frowned at that, “Poor boy doesn’t have a proper father -figure,” she shook her head, “He was a… crier… when he was younger.” she finished, distaste clear.
It took more effort then he should’ve have to not retort with ‘he doesn’t have a proper mother figure,’ either, but he likes his evenings scream free.
Diana took that time to finish her tea cup, “But don’t worry ma’am, we’ll have a good time,” She stood, slinking to his side, too close for comfort, her arms linking with his.
“Hopefully not too good of a time,” His aunt winked, as Diana none too gently dragged him out the door. As soon as the door slammed behind him, Dmitri yanked his arm from her hold, readjusting his grip on the vase.
“What the fuck, Dmitri?” She spat, face inches from his, “You missed, my birthday, my birthday.”
“What do you want?” he said.
“I want a fuckin’ explaination,” She scowled, looking him up and down, “We want our friend back, not acting pissy and giving us the silent treatment of all things.”
“We?” Dmitri raised his eyebrow, “Nate isn’t even here.”
“Don’t be a smartass, he’s at work, I think. It's Nate, so who knows,” She flipped her hair, “Plus his heart’s too weak for direct action.”
“You mean invading my house?” Dmitri said, irritation rising, “Or perhaps your direct action was quite literally bullying Emile out of our school? You know, Emile who gave you his shoes because you stepped in dog shit, the Emile who baked us cookies for our birthdays? Ring a bell?”
“Your little girlfriend could never take a joke,” She scowled, before insisting, “It was just a joke!”
“It was not a joke,” Dmitri hissed, “You guys tried to fuck over him over for whatever god-awful reason and just laughed at the results.”
“Sure, fine, we’re bullies,” She shrugged, face pinched, “But you were there too, so pull that stick out your ass. You laughed when we laughed, hell, you don’t even defend yourself.”
“‘I’ what? Sure you came out , introduced your little ‘boyfriend,” she bared her teeth, “But you still let that woman walk all over you, still smiled to our faces, then went to bitch about it elsewhere like we didn’t exist. You always fuckin cared more about little Emile, right? Right?” Diana’s voice was strangled, blinking rapidly, “Don't even bother to tell me to fuck off, just don’t. I get the message,”
She turned around, stiff, “You’re a two-faced bitch, Dmitri. ”
Dmitri didn’t say anything to that.
He never does.
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alicezan-ncgred · 6 years
Bleeding Red
Preface: I’ve been bitching around the bush of this long enough. So, I’ve been really silent on a bunch of stuff that’s been eating me alive which has made me both inactive and unproductive. I’m going to get straight to the point, starting off with the TL:DR from my post on my main blog. Context: An anon asked me if I was alright because I hadn’t updated in a while.
TL:DR You probably didn’t ask this to hear about all the bad shit of my life so here’s the short of it. No, I’m not doing fine. I will try get next weeks post out on time and I’ll work on making up on the lost posts. Updates will return regularly, ‘ite.
Time for the thick and thin of it.
Insecurity and being shafted: I’m stoic, even at my worst I won’t say anything. I’ll push through regardless of my current condition and since I’ve gone years like this, it’s not hard for me to do. In my real life situation, I’m currently in a place of social isolation. This has lead to a somewhat near reliance on Tumblr to be my social outlet. This present many issues.
The main one is that I’m quite the isolationist. This has only been reinforced by many interactions throughout the entirely of my life. Because of this, I can’t say I’ve ever had anything really more than two friends at a time. While in a way this has helped me express myself so well through writing, it’s come at the cost of social skill. I don’t talk to anyone.
With this kind of issue you could easily imagine that the THREE PEOPLE (four now, but very limited) to ever directly talk ended up in a way shafting me. The first blocked and disconnected with me without warning or reason. At this point we’ve been talking to each for about a month and we hit it off very well and then one day, silence. Never heard from them again. That fucked me up hard when I finally realized what happened.
The second person left during the Tumblr P**n Purge. We were talking about how to contact each other on other platforms and then they stopped responding. I had already given contact to other platforms of which they pinged me in any way. Another person that I trusted massively on here just abandoned me and I’m still hurting from that. Wasn’t fair at all.
Then the third person was someone that I been following for a while. This person is actually the reason that I’ve been putting this off for so long. I don’t want them to see this post but they will. I got an ask from them that ultimately turned out to be misinformation. I said I wasn’t mad but I was. I was so fucking angry about it and I’m still kinda mad, but I didn’t want problems. I still don’t. I just didn’t want them to worry about it. This will come back later.
I try my best to be as inoffensive as possible. The problem with that is that much of the things I believe or enjoy are highly divisive. Hell, even my own identity can be seen as offence. I’m bisexual, non-binary (I’m currently still questioning this. I might actually be gender fluid but in the overall scheme, that’s worse than being non-binary), and nonreligious. I’m in a very religious area so you I’m still “in the closet” about much of this IRL. I though it would better online but with how much people are saying bisexuality doesn’t exist, or that non-binary isn’t a valid gender (or that being gender fluid make you insane and you should be locked up) and all the hate people who say they are this are getting, the very community that’s supposed to accept me, HATES me. I had a bi pride flag icon last year during Pride Month. I never doing that ever again. It was terrible.
I’m trying my best to come out of my shell like I said I would when I made this blog but it seems I’m just crawling further into it. People I think I can trust keep setting me up to fall, people I know in real life won’t ever accept my existence if they knew who I really was, and my own mental health problem and self loathing are eating me alive. But that isn’t the total of it.
Crumbling Pillar: I’ve always ended up in the position where things were thrown onto me. In which no one wanted to do, I was stuck with. Because of this not only do I have a severe distaste being around my family (beyond everything mentioned before hand) but I grew to have a negative out look on everything. This effect is still quite obvious in my writings, especially my poems. Out of the 14 poems on my poem blog @washed-soul​, only one has a happy meaning.
The one happy poem was called dreams. Under a metaphor it talks about how a demon kept me trapped in a dark space. I start to get better and nearly break free before I have a negative relapse back to my old ways. The poems ends with the demon putting a end to itself leaving the nightmare in which it was keeping me in to slowly fade away, letting one crack of light peeking through to become a window to a door until one day I walk free. When writing this poem, I never thought I would find myself rebuilding the nightmare but that’s where I am.
I’m done with holding things together that other people have placed onto me. Because of this, issues have began showing in my private life. Issues that should’ve been solved decades ago are only now being addressed. This change in the status quo of my life has caused many issues in my productive and mood. Between everything else I’m too tired to do anything.
Is that a reason, is that an excuse. No it isn’t but it’s the best thing I got as a reason. I’m doing my damnedest to do the best I can but of course, when it comes to the thing that matter I just fall short. Big fucking whopha my intelligence and capability does me if I can’t use it for anything that means a damn.
Meaningless Triviality: I’m a very emotional person. I’m very strongly bound to my emotions and if everything above hasn’t given it away, my emotions are very negative prone. But it just doesn’t stop there, it goes back into my memories. I can only honestly place 3 happy memories for certain that aren’t either A) a dream or B) me escaping reality through my mind. Besides that, almost all my memories are negative. 
People like to throw around the word Nihilist to describe themselves because today's culture is very, god while I hate to use this word, edgy. For those who don’t know a Nihilist is someone who views the world as being completely  meaningless and reject all religious and moral principles. I very truly struggle with this outlook of life. It’s a daily for me to berate myself saying “just kill yourself” or “I want to die” or just shutting down and crumpling up while say “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” over and over again. Hell, I did that while writing this. 
I take things very hard, even the slightest transgression. I’m so used to trying to make things perfect and because people have the image that I’m the smart one, the mature one, the capable one, I’m left with the over hanging expectation of excellence. Almost no room for margin of error or being human. Since I’m the silent type, I put up no challenge and work to meet it. Only time I get any praise for anything too. 
I guess as a little self promotion to my main blog, for those that have read the very first few updates of my main blog @the-truth-behind-redacted, or read Defiance’s character sheet, while The Machine and Defiance are separate character, they both share the name Machine. That in part is a reflect of said above expectation. How ravenous and inhuman it can be all under the guise of something human. Those characters are the two sides to the same coin. 
Remember how I said I try to be un-problematical and how I try to avoid any potential conflict. In the first segment I told on how I lied about my feelings just so another person didn’t have to worry over something that honestly, in hindsight, wasn’t even really a big deal. But I also said how it consumed me in anger. I just don’t want to bother anyone over anything. It’s part of the reason why I am writing this post, as some way of a self enforced rehab program to get better. 
This absolute consumption of negative emotion has pushed me into a non human state before. I hit a point of absolute mental exhaustion and in such a self enforced bubble of actual hatred I became completely apathetic. I felt numb to everything. I watched and heard of terrible things happening to people, and felt nothing. I watched people lives crumble before them leaving them nowhere to go and LAUGHED. “Just another worthless pathetic worm on this rotting carcass of a planet being hit with the hard reality that life doesn’t care for them. What whimsical pathetic bullshit they deluded themselves with to think otherwise.” This isn’t an exaggeration on how I thought, this is what I actually thought. Which brings me too.
The Mandatory Sob Story: Roll your eyes everyone and get the tiny violin. I guess in order for everyone to exactly understand the place I’m coming from when it comes to mental health I’ll have to detail my experiences. I have a long standing history with mental illness. I have professionally diagnosed OCD, Bipolarism, Anxiety, Chronic Depression, and visual and auditory hallucinations. I take 600 mg of Seroquel a day as well as Amitriptyline when needed. I’m also still currently in therapy to deal with said OCD, Bipolarism, Anxiety, Chronic Depression, the visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as Suicidal thoughts, and my Nihilism. There’s a reason to why I’m so god damn familiar with mental illness and treatment plans.  
OCD and Bipolarism run in my family on my fathers side. My Father’s Father had them, my Sister has them, my brother most likely has them (however he refuses to see a doctor because he uses said possible mental illnesses as a get out of jail free card. He doesn’t want to be treated and he has FUCKING ADMITTED IT), my father has them, and I have them. I, however, have the misfortune of having it real bad. I said yes to well over half of all the total symptoms when I was being tested (I don’t remember exact numbers but I remember there being three pages worth of common symptoms) which was very worrying to the doctor. I was currently in an inpatient hospitalization program at the time for both suicidal thoughts and actions, and severe depression. 
On that, my graze in with suicide. Before I went into my first inpatient program I was contemplating suicide. I was sat in front of a mirror with a bottle of over the counter medication. It was an unopened bottle of ibuprofen, 1000 200mg tables. What I planed to do was down the whole bottle with benadryl and die in my sleep. I had the small box of benadryl got from the Kroger pharmacy and a hand full of ibuprofen poured out looking directly into the mirror. My suicide note was sitting on the desk on my room with an online copy on my laptop open.
I sat there for an hour in the dead of midnight complicating my life. I had lost all hope in the world, filled with hatred, anger, pain, and despair. I had no god or after life to look forward too, part way hoping that a Hell existed for me to burn in. I hated myself that much. I was close to taking the first handful before before I caught a glimpse of my own eyes in the mirror. In what was in a weird sudden epiphany I realized that I truly did become what I hated but not for any reason I told myself. I became the very bastion of negativity I sought to fight and rid of in what little friends I did have. That was what set off my path to recovery in spite of the medical system. I guess if people care I’ll make a separate post on that. 
Before I move on, I feel I should explain my history with the visual and auditory hallucinations. It should be no surprise that with everything else above, I also had extreme paranoia that led to me having very bad insomnia. Insomnia is, just like most other medical disorders like Depression, Self-harm, Anxiety, OCD,  Bipolarism, is romanticized to hell. Insomnia isn’t having one nights bad sleep where you got 5 hours of sleep instead of 8.
You know what Insomnia is? insomnia is being physical incapable of sleeping despite not sleeping in 2 to 3 day while your body suffers massive agony brought on by this. Muscle spasms and seizing, difficulty breathing, your eyes feeling like fire ants are eating them, and of course visual and auditory hallucinations. Now I already had issues with visual and auditory hallucinations even when I could get sleep regularly but the combined effects of my OCD and Bipolarism made this perfect condition of Insomnia, Anxiety, Paranoia, with the already added in disposition to hallucinations and I felt like I was actually losing my mind. 
My hallucinations presented themselves in three forms. Disassociation of reality, night terrors, or alterations of reality. Disassociation of reality often were complete black out moments. I would lose any perceived connect to reality and enter an episode of my mind. I can’t remember what they actually were but I do remember what it felt like. Cold sweats, anxiety to point where if I didn’t lock up I would vomit, actual physical pain, mind numbing fear, and intense fatigue. 
The second were night terrors often in the form of horrific “things.” I do remember these and most of them were as best as I could describe, forms of things that were vaguely human and formations of industrial machinery. The most vivid one I remember was of a long lengthy apparition that was for the most part human but many locations of it’s impossible physiology were rebar beams and mechanical sockets. It began when I was about to fall asleep and it was next to my window. The thing was making week groaning and gasping sounds before it violently slammed against my window breaking it then letting out a horrific howl that I can’t describe as it tossed itself out followed shorty after with the sound of bones breaking against the dirt. 
Now that might not seem so bad, exspecally with everything that is in horror movies or games now, but keep in mind that was fucking real to me. It was as real as the clicking of the keys of my keyboard as I’m writing this. As real as the chair I’m sitting in and as real as the wall in front of me. As far as my mind was concerned that thing, what ever it was, actually existed. It took me physical touching my window to make sure it wasn’t actually broken and checking outside to see if there wasn’t a body there. This isn’t the type of thing I talk about lightly. 
Finally there is the alteration of reality. This is very simply but it’s something that fucked with me hard. For very little meaning or warning, I would have trouble interpreting the world around me. My hearing and sight would be warped and there wasn’t any real way to tell what I was hearing or seeing was real or not until the episode was over. The way I got through these was the ultimate fake it till you make it. Obviously, very often I failed and this created issue in my schooling. 
Ending Message: I’ve been in a very bad state for a while now and as it is now, no signs of getting better. I also strongly believe my medications are being to fail me which I’ve been telling my doctor and therapist for over a year now but nothing’s been done. Mainly it’s my Depression but insomnia episodes are beginning and my own paranoia been on the rise. It’s gotten to the point where I can’t even look at a creepy image or thumbnail without having a very bad episode. 
I’ve managed to eat something today which was nice but my body is cramping hard. And to possible stave of a possible comment, I’m biologically male. Like I said I’m not in the best head space, or living for that matter. If this gets better, only time will tell. 
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astronomicalegotism · 6 years
Unlikely Partnership
Revenge Is Best Served Together (Book One)
Part Seventeen
Anti snarled and shoved his hands in his jean pockets, glaring at the suit of armour as he passed it. Okay, so maybe when he'd stormed out of the room with Mad and Blank it hadn't crossed his mind that he didn't actually know where Darkiplier's office was and now he may or may not be lost. Whatever, he'll figure it out.
Who designed this stupid place anyways? It's just hallway after hallway after- Anti back-pedalled.
Didn't I literally just pass that suit of armour?
"Oh for fuCKS-" Anti screamed and threw a knife at the armour, only for it to ricochet off and be sent back towards himself. Oops.
Anti quickly glitched out of he way and cursed. He could practically hear Schneeplestein's scolding tone in his head. Anti shivered at the thought. God help me I'm growing attached.
"Geez, you got something against antiques or what?" Anti tensed and snapped his head around to face the unimpressed looking Iplier Ego holding his knife. Anti didn't recognise them at all (Not that he watches Markiplier's videos or anything) so they were probably from one of the one off video ones or something. Maybe one of the ones Marvin hangs out with but always denies doing? He had Mark's black hair that was slicked to the side professionally, although it was actually a bit longer than what Anti remembered. (Must be a prehair dye obsession Ego) He had smart looking glasses rested on his nose and a taunting smirk on his face that instantly annoyed Anti. He kind of looked like a nerdy off brand Darkiplier if Anti was honest, add some monochrome skin and bad temper and you got yourself a double.
Not that that's saying much considering they all have the same face...
"Why are you wearing a suit?" Anti asked bluntly, looking him up and down. It gave the ego a simulationously professional and yet cheap aura. The suit was either second hand or brought from a coustume shop. He was effortlessly trying too hard, Anti had to give him that.
"Hey you don't see me asking why you look like a 90s Halloween movie reject so what give you the right to question my life choices?" Was the snarky response. Great, just what he needed, he'd run into a sassy idiotic side character. Anti grit his teeth. Don't kill him don't make a scene Mad said to do this carefully murder is not careful Anti-
"Touché." Anti forced out, debating whether or not glitching away would count as suspicious activity. The Iplier Egos Probably thought that he was working with Darkiplier, he couldn't give away any clues that suggested otherwise or he'd be done for. Running-No wait, avoiding the Ego for no good reason would make it seem like he was up to something. Or wait, maybe he wanted to look like he was up to something? Fuck this was confusing.
"What are you, constipated?" The Iplier asked, bringing Anti back to earth. Right, staring at someone in dead silence probably isn't normal. Anti opened his mouth to respond (With what he had no idea) but he was casually cut off. Deep breaths. "Anyways! You're Anti right? Wonderful, Absolutely wonderful! Bit of a strange name though, Antisepticeye? Suppose it can't be helped, What with being a fan creation and not an individual idea and that, Though you'd think that maybe thousands of people would be able to think of a better name wouldn't you?"
"Excuse me-" Anti snarled, now clutching a new knife tightly and taking a step forwards threatening. The Iplier Ego's voice heightened in pitch a little at the movement.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you either way, I'm Bim Trimmer of course, No doubt you've heard about me though?" What is it with this guy and rhetorical questions Jesus Christ- "Actually wait, You're not supposed to be here! Septics aren't allowed here, WIL-" Trimmer's eyes went wide as Anti glitched in front of him, covering his mouth and pressing his knife to his throat.
"Don't. Say. Another. Word." Anti hissed. Trimmer nodded nervously before disappearing, now standing a few feet away from Anti and brushing off imaginary dust from his suit, eyeing him cautiously. Anti gaped for a few seconds before throwing the knife at Trimmer, mainly out of frustration. "Oh come on!!" Anti screamed, Trimmer backing away a little bit more.. Of course he could teleport, because the universe just didn't want to give him a fucking break did it?!
"What are you doing here? What do you want?!" Trimmer asked, obviously trying to get his volume down at least. Questions questions questions GOD THIS GUY WAS GETTING ON HIS NERVES! Anti gripped at his hair tightly, his form glitching violently out of anger and Trimmer let out a little started squeak in response. This was ridiculous, this whole situation was completely fucking ridiculous.
"Darkiplier is going to kill all of us and use our powers to get even stronger and control everyone, and you're asking me what I'm doing?!" Anti let out an involuntary giggle at the ridiculousness of it all, although he could feel rage bubbling up inside him. Trimmer  tensed up a little, but his eyes narrowed dangerously. As if he was a threat to Anti. Yeah right.
"Dark is trying to do what?" Trimmer asked, his eyebrows mocking. He scoffed, "You're not serious. Just because you and Darkiplier have this weird thing going on," He used air quotes, who the fuck uses air quotes, "Doesn't mean that he's trying to kill us all. How do I know you aren't just saying this to incriminate him?" We are talking about the same Darkiplier right? God that prick has everyone wrapped around his little finger doesn't he.
"Aw aren't you Darkiplier's widdle loyal soldier?" Anti coed, stepping closer to the Iplier Ego. "News flash numbskull, Your Little Darkipoo isn't everything you think he is." Trimmer swallowed harshly and Anti grinned.
"God you're even more insane then you look if you honestly think I'll believe you." Trimmer snapped, unnecessarily aggressively in Anti opinion. Someone's a little defensive.
"Whatever, I don't have time for this. Do you know where Darkiplier's office is?" Trimmer laughed darkly in response to his question. Hah, darkly. Dark. Get it?
"Like I'd tell you." Trimmer spat, puffing his chest out and speaking like he was doing the world such a noble service by being complete FUCKING ASSHAT-
Anti's eye flashed green dangerously in warning. Time to see if Trimmer really was an idiot or not.
"Guess I'll just have to get the directions out of you another way then." Anti snarled, shrugging causally, his voice distorted and threatening.  Trimmer flinched at him, but didn't move.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wilford's been training me as his apprentice you know? I can create pocket dimensions too and trust me, you don't want to mess that. I mightn't be on the same level as you power wise, but in polecat dimensions I can shift reality however I want, I can amplify my powers to match yours!" Anti eyes widened minusculy. Wilford's Pocket dimensions were what Dark was using to steal their energy or whatever with (Or at least that's what he was theorising, he actually honestly had no idea what was going on) and that's where the Creators are trapped. If Trimmer can also influence pocket dimensions too, maybe Anti could put a stop to all this without being violent? Or well, he'd probably still be violent regardless but the thought was nice. Maybe he should take a leap out of Darkiplier's book and try a little slide of manipulation? Okay uh, he needed to find a weakness to exploit. Trimmer's blind faith in the Heart and Soul of Markiplier's channel maybe? He definitely seemed to hero worship the walking corpse and pink psycho, thats for sure. But maybe he should try find something else?
"Oh really? You? You can manipulate pocket dimensions? Don't make me laugh." Anti tested. Bim's face turned a shade of red and he clenched his fists. Boom bada Bingo, Bim Trimmer is an Ego with an ego problem.
"Yes, me! I bet you don't know the first thing about pocket dimensions!" Oh my god this was too easy. He was starting to understand why Darkiplier tended to take this route. Okay, time to get some answers.
"Oh yeah well, I know that in pocket dimensions, the laws of time and space and shit don't apply, so you can do whatever you want to who ever is in there. And, once you create a pocket dimension, you can pass on control of that dimension to someone else for them to use." Anti smirked smugly. He knew that information from experience, it was what was happening right now so there was no possible way-
"Oh ho ho, Is that so?" Anti's eyes snapped back up to the laughing ego, taken back. "Who told you that garbage? You can't pass on the control of a pocket dimension to some one that doesn't have the ability to manipulate them moron." Trimmer rolled the r's dramatically but Anti couldn't even find himself to be irritated because what the Fuck. Okay yeah, screw manipulation.
"But that doesn't make any fucking sense, then how come Natemare and Shit can supposedly manipulate Wilford's pocket dimensions?! That's a major fucking hole in Darkiplier's plan if the whole reason why he's gathered us is for us to use the dimensions and torment the Creators!" Trimmer's had paled significantly at Anti's words but the glitch demon just ignored him. His mind was reeling from confusion, they apparently weren't in control of the pocket dimensions?
"Wh-What?" Trimmer spluttered. "What the hell are you talking about?" Anti held up a finger to him, squeezing his eyes shut.
"No okay wait, Shut up for once." If What Bim said is true, that means that Wilford was still controlling the pocket dimensions, but if that was the case they would know since the dimensions weren't doing what the wanted them to do, which means that Wilford somehow knew exactly what they wanted to do the exact second it happens and the only way that's possible is...
"Wilford is in our heads. When we're in the pocket dimensions, he's reading our minds. Mad knows that I left the room to go stop Darkiplier and if since Wilford can read Mad's mind he-SHIT!!" Wilford knows that he's going to try stop Darkiplier and of course he would of told Darkiplier since he's his right hand man until the end that loyal bastard!! There goes his element of surprise, Darkiplier probably already knows he's coming. He needed to get to Darkiplier's office now.
"I said SHUT UP!!" Bim's mouth slammed shut harshly.  Anti's breathing was short and quick as his nails angrily dig into his palms. "I don't know what the fuck Darkiplier wants, power, an army, but whatever it is it's not good news, and he's going to be using Natemare, MadPat,  me and that weird Blank guy to achieve it. I don't care what sob story Darkiplier is feeding you, he's bad news got it?! So grow a fucking spine and help me, because no matter how loyal you are to him, he is not the same to you! We're all just fucking toys to him, stepping stones for him to get what he wants and I am not letting that edgy bastard win. So are you going to stay one of his little disposable soldiers or are you going to fucking help me?!" He didn't have time he was running out of time Darkiplier was going to kill him he needed to do it first-
"Wait, Blank?" Anti blinked. That's the part he focused on?
"What about him?" Anti asked impatiently, his foot tapping so fast that it was blurring.
"What about-He's My friend!"
"I'm sorry, How is this relevent?" Anti would never admit it but the dirty look the Trimmer just gave him will haunt his nightmares for a good few weeks.
"I...If what you're saying is true, he could be in serious trouble. He's never been the same, ever since Dark offered to train him which was weird since I didn't think Dark liked Blank but uh...if Blank is involved in...whatever the hell this all is I can only imagine it's bad." Now look, Anti wasn't one to count all his chickens before they hatched but...
"So does this mean you'll help me?" Anti asked, fingers crossed on one hand and the other ready to summon a knife. You know, just in case. Trimmer narrowed his eyes.
"I don't trust you, and I want to hear the full story of what's happening first but, I owe Blank my life. I'll help. But the second I smell bullshit, I'm turning you in to Dark and you can be his problem." Bim pointed a threatening finger at Anti but he couldn't care less.
"Yeah Yeah Whatever, so will you tell me where Dark's office is?" Trimmer frowned, considering which was bullshit because didn't he literally just say he'd help?”
"You said Dark probably knows you're out to get him right?" Trimmer asked, smiling slightly. Why the fuck was he smiling?!
"So, you need to do the opposite of what Dark will expect you to do! Obviously Dark would expect the first thing you would do is barge into his office, knives swinging and screaming." Anti's eye twitched, But it's not like he could deny it.
"So, What do you suggest I do?" Oh yeah, that asshole was definitely smirking now, fuck him. Trimmer pushed up his glasses, the light glinting off them making him look like an anime character.
"We did to do something completely unexpected, something Dark would never think you'd do."
"And what the fuck would that be genius?!" Anti hissed.
"Why, something smart of course! Dark would never see it coming!"  Trimmer flashed him a too perfect smile and raised his hands dramatically and it finally clicked to Anti where he was from. Oh my God I'm teamed up with psychopathic game show host Jr. "Its a good thing you bumped into me isn't it? After all, how on earth would you manage to not royally screw everything up without me?"
Yeah it's offical.
Anti fucking hates rhetorical questions
“Come on Then Turtle Boy! Dark's office is a bit of a walk from here, we can talk about a plan while we walk. Or well, I’ll come up with a plan, you can just nod your head in agreement and compliment me, that works too. Hope it’s not too much work for you though!” As Anti glared daggers into Bim's retreating form, he wondered if stopping Darkiplier was really worth all the trouble. Although since apparently he was the only damn person in the entire world that was actually competent enough to save it, he guessed he didn’t have much of a choice. Besides, maybe if he stopped Dark and figured out what he was doing he’d be able to twist everything around in his favour. He definitely wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity like this.
He just hoped that he wouldn’t give in to the urge to slit Trimmer's throat until he got what he wanted.
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missjackil · 6 years
A Dose of SPN Positivity!
For those who know me, they know I love this show.... flaws and all! im critical sometimes, but not overly. Bottom line, I am addicted to the story and Im in love with Sam and Dean.  With Season 14 about to start, and we’re all getting antsy, too much negativity has been flying around, so I want to share some things i love most about the show, and maybe make some of you reflect for a moment and think “Yeah, that is pretty great” and smile.  Supernatural has been referred to as “The Little Show That Could” and to me, its such a fitting description. Logically, on the surface, it looks like it just can’t. I mean, how can a fantasy/horror show, survive with such a low budget, light special effects, and not very scary most of the time. I mean hell, they dont even have that many monsters that look like monsters, so why has it lasted longer than a season or 2? Let alone, 14 seasons with no signs of stopping yet. First and foremost is obvious. Sam and Dean and the actors who play them.  This essay will be full of gushing about these boys, so if you dont feel like enduring such a hardship, scroll on past. if that interests you.....
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Yes these 2 fabulous men are the life blood of this show. Without them, we’d have nothing. THEY are the reason, this little show can, and does. Even those who like one and not the other, even if they dont realize it, the one they prefer is who they are because of the other. Both of their qualities and flaws can be directly linked to their influence on each other. If for some reason the other was gone for good, the one left will change drastically. As we see when one is dead or in grave danger, albeit temporarily, the other changes. Sam is no longer sweet, laid back and practical, and Dean is no longer funny, charming, and nurturing.  In fact, they both seem to become an amplified version of their brother. When Sam dies, Dean gets quiet, sometimes too quiet. He also gets methodical and focused. You may get lucky and just get shot in the back, but if he chooses to speak, he chooses his words to let you know shits gonna hit the fan. “You have my brother, and you have one chance, just one, to hand him over, and if he isnt in one peice, when I find you, and I WILL find you, I will take you apart” Sam on the other hand is boiling over with emotion. My boy becomes savage. He doesnt always choose a lot of words to say, he gets his whole point across most of the time with “WHERES MY BROTHER???!!!!” This... my friends, is good stuff! These things couldnt be done with such beauty without Jared and Jensen. Their offscreen relationship, whatever it may be, is wonderful. Theres no denying the love and respect they have for each other. They are very supportive of each other, and help make the other better at their job. They’re not typical actors who have a work relationship but otherwise spend time with each other. They genuinely enjoy being together, and this shows on screen. When two people are this good at their jobs, and with each other, you just have to keep watching. Other things I love about the show, are kinda small. Some maybe youve never noticed, but maybe now you will and enjoy them too, like... Brains vs Brawn: At first glance, we all go Sam=brains, Dean=brawn right? But thats not actually the case. Dean is far from stupid, and Sam is nowheres near a wimp. Dean teases Sam about being a nerd, and Sam doesnt mind, he kinda wears his nerdiness like a badge of honor. Dean will never admit to being a nerd, but he is. He’s read Vonnegut, knows every old west cowboy statistic, and likes LARPing. Sam, though a bookworm, is one tough mofo. hes tall and muscular and has shown to be a little freakishly strong. He can also take a great deal of pain. And though Dean is known more to be the fighter, he can be very warm and nurturing. And nerdy Sam can make you shit your pants with just a look if you piss him off just right. I absolutely LOVE this balance!! Its one of my favorite things! Old school vs New; A lot has changed in 14 seasons. The brothers have grown, as well as the story, but their roots are never forgotten. They’re still driving around in the same car. Hell. Baby has become the 3rd lead! Even though they have mom back, they never forgot her, or dad, and both were spoken of often throughout the series. They refer back to old days often, so we can all get a feel of nostalgia when we remember too. Most episodes bring the deep past up in one way or another, I love this! Loss and Death: I know so many of us complain that they die and come back too much, but I have a real appreciation for it, The circumstances are always different, and so are the methonds of coming back. Sometimes the death isnt serious, or they dont “seem” dead, like in First Blood or Dark Side of the Moon, when there may have been an initial “wtf?” we got to see them in heaven, and in first blood, they came right back. However there was deep seriousness in All Hell Breaks Loose, No Rest for the Wicked,  Do You Believe in Miracles, Swan Song, Red Meat and Beat The Devil that you felt the dying brother’s physical pain, and then the emotional pain of the surviving brother.  No matter how many times they die, they still hit these types of episodes out of the park. WE may know theyre coming back, but they dont. it still crushes them and I love this! Sam and Dean’s Sexuality: I love that their sexual natures are different, but theyre both okay. Dean is sexually active, enjoys porn and vocalizes some fantasies, Though Sam can tease him a little, its just brotherly ribbing, its not judgemental or trying to make Dean feel bad. Sam isnt overly sexual, he’s gone many seasons without sex at all. He doesnt appear to enjoy porn, we know he doesnt like strip clubs, and its NOT because he’s unattractive!! Dean teases him but he doesnt try to make him feel bad. When he has heavily suggested that Sam get laid, its just because he wants him to have fun. Dean even said he appreciated that Sam wanted to stay pure and waited. Otherwise, its okay that Sam is (at least kinda) asexual. Neither are shunned or judged because of their sexuality. Winsync: This is one of the greatest things. if they didnt do this, we wouldnt care, we would never say “It would be a much better show if the brothers mirrored each other, or did the same thing at the same time” but for whatever reason, TPTB wanted this, and it works so well! Its an intimacy we can see without the show going OTT bromantic. Its the connection, the closeness, and being soulmates. I LOVE this! Soulmates and Brothers: Normally a show will make soulmates out of lovers. It’s not often they do it with siblings. It helps justify their deep love and devotion. It adds an additional layer to their relationship. It makes them so tied together that they will share eternity in heaven together, and not just in their memories. This was a very good decision made by Kripke and crew, so we will all know they cant live without each other, even if they just lived in different homes. I love this! Meta Madness: Though I dont like all the meta episodes, I do love the fact they can do them, and DO do them. Because the whole premise is the supernatural, nothing is impossible, even AUs and cartoon worlds. Sometimes I might roll my eyes, but its awesome to me that they can experiment this way and see how it goes. I Love this!! The Bros are Oblivious: Sam and Dean have been through basically everything, and have seen and done everything, yet they seem shocked when people say theyre famous, or when they heard people tell stories about them. Occasionally they grasp their importance, like when they tell people they save the world, but they were impressed that Asa fixed killed 5 Wendigo, and had an Angel Blade, and Father Luca met the Pope. I mean God hung out at the bunker and made them pancakes! Their Heads Dont Get Too Big: Every once in a while, TPTB make sure we, and the boys, remember that they are only human. Even if they lock away Satan, kill Death, save God’s life, they’re just men. Remember when Bobby died and Dean was sure he wouldnt because “its just one bullet!” ? I can see how it would seem so silly to Dean, and even to us, that someone who has lived through so much, could die from a stupid little bullet. I think that one of the smartest things the show has done in ages, was to have Sam tortured by Toni and friend. Sam was so bold and cocky (and need I say sexy?) telling Toni he’d been tortured by the devil himself, and what could she do to him... He soon learned Hell torture or not,  cold showers still suck, blow torches to the feet still hurt like hell, and a mortal human can still fuck with his head. And Dean, well he can still be put on the injured reserve list from a jacked up leg. IMO S12 was great for re-humanizing the Winchesters. I love this! Comedy to Tragedy: Some of the best episodes, started out funny and ended in a tear jerker. Mystery Spot, Just My Imagination, and Beat The Devil top my list. I love the emotional rollar coaster, Coming away exhausted from an episode is the bestthing I can ask for! They havent tried it the other way around, tragedy to comedy, and thats good. If you are crying at the beginning and laughing later, it doesnt justify the grief and you may feel let down and hollow after. SPN is great with having some humor in even the most depressing episodes, but they know when using it and leaving it out is best. I love this! Brohugs: My #1 favorite thing, aside from the hug in 6.1, they have all been beautiful. Not once, have the boys lost the love, or even repeated the same hug. Each one conveys a different message, a different emotion, but all say “I love you more than everything” and I wont ever get tired of them! I would do anything for a single hug in my whole life that had such love in it, as any Winchester bro hug! I.LOVE.THIS!! Now I hope if you read this far, you got to smile a few times, and a spark was added to the fire that you fell in love with 14 seasons ago. Here’s to S14, i hope its filled with all of these wonderful things!
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clown-bait · 7 years
29 Neibolt ST (Monster Roommate AU) CH 30
Oh god this one got long but like so much happens man. And before you get mad I’m not sorry for what I did. Also I’m a sucker for Robert getting super proud of his trashpire and being unintentionally supportive. Like he goes out of his way to be a mean evil bastard but at the end of the day he’s secretly gonna be like “Don’t tell anyone but.. I’m proud of you and if anyone says otherwise I’ll rip out their organs. <3” he luv his trashpire. So yeah shit goes down have fun.
music for this chapter:
play at the beginning for maximum comedic effect.
CH 30
Lets Get Ready to Die
“Mmmm Leech you’re so tense” Robert mumbled into her skin. “Do I frighten you love?” he smiled into her continuing his assault on her neck. He pulled slightly away when she didn't respond to his nips “Love?” he removed himself completely and stared at her blank face with a puzzled look. “Leechie?” he waved his injured hand in front of her face. He turned his head to see what had his nosferatu so stunned and before he could react she exploded out of his arms screaming like a banshee.
“ADAM!!!” She howled limbs flailing frantically through the crowd to get to the fleeing ghost from her past. “AAAAADDDAAAM!!! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD YOU SON OF A BITCH” she roared and shoved an unsuspecting Chucky into the wall of enraged muscle that was Michael Myers. Who threw the former doll into the Babadook spilling the grief monster’s drink all over himself and his large new boyfriend Pyramid Head. The two former monsters stared at eachother from across the room and charged. Soon a domino effect of punches began.
“CLUB FIGHT!” Freddy yelled right before Jason broke a chair over him. Robert took off after his mate who could be heard shrieking obscenities over all the chaos around her. As a creature of destruction Robert was a bit impressed that his mate could cause so much discord and pandemonium within a matter of minutes. Maybe there was such a thing as destiny after all.
“I AM GOING TO RIP OUT YOUR ENTRAILS AND WEAR THEM LIKE A FUCKING SCARF YOU POMPUS PIECE OF SHIT” She screeched tearing through people to get to the man trying to shake her off. She finally caught up to him and smashed a bottle on a table pointing it at her ex-lover “I WILL BATHE IN YOUR BLOOD AND MAKE MY MATE LICK IT OFF! GET READY TO DIE AGAIN FUCKER!” Leech let out a roar and charged but was smacked in the ribs by a flying bar stool, her small frame never standing a chance. Adam took his chance to slink into the surrounding chaos and Leech directed her rage at the person who threw the stool. Poor Ghostface didn't realize the mistake he had made till he felt the fist collide with his mask. Leech was fuming mad, how the hell was that manipulative asshole still alive? Ash must have fucked up the words again. This is what she gets for trusting a human. Someone pulled her off the poor serial killer and Leech spun around punching whoever it was in the nose, Freddy stumbled back holding his face “Jesus Fangs its me calm down!” he shouted
“He’s fucking back Fred! HE’S FUCKING BACK!”
“Yeah yeah everyone heard you screaming. You know, you didn't have to break my damn nose!”
“I need to kill him right now. I’m mortal at the moment and theres no doubt he’ll be after me!”
“Look you wanna have your little soap opera that’s fine, but lets focus on getting everyone back to normal first then you can go stabbing anyone you want yeah? I’m fuckin tired of being able to die.”
Leech stared at her friend her chest heaving and fresh blood poured from a cut on her forehead and onto her lip. She shut her eyes flicking out her tongue to taste it. “All right, fine. Let’s find the damn kid so I can get my revenge and get back to my god damn life.” she snarled.
The doors of the club opened and Uncle Bob entered the club with a still very confused Dracula in tow holding a dirty burlap sack.
“Man oh man Drac this sure sounds like……some…..party…what the hell is this?” the scene was pure chaos former monsters revealing their true natures and attacking eachother left and right, there were even a few small fires in the corner. The two stared in shock  “We’re gone for three hours. THREE HOURS and you guys start a damn riot. HOW??”
“Leech did it.” Freddy pointed at the former vampire.
“I…..yeah I guess I did well shit….” she said looking around at the scene. “You know this is actually pretty impressive I’d be proud if the stakes werent high.” she gave the duo a cocky grin to which both elder monsters shook their heads to.
“Jesus Dracula you chose this walking disaster as your apprentience?”
“De ce este totul pe foc?” (why is everything on fire?) the older vampire responded wide eyed.
“I need to have a talk with junoir about his taste in women….speaking of where is the brat?”
“No idea actually…” Leech glanced around the room. “This could be a problem I may have accidently got him shit-faced.”
“You did what now?!” Uncle Bob stomped forward and bore down on her.
“Look I didnt know he was going to be a lightweight in human form!”
“I’m his mate not his keeper.”
“Are you guys talking about Jingles?” Chucky said crawling out with Tiffany from under a table
“We saw him leave out the back.” Tiff said pointing to the back exit.
“Oh god he left the building?” Leech was starting to get worried now. She let her rage blind her once again and it put someone she loved in danger.
“Guys I know we all care about jingles’ well being but we only have a few hours left of halloween and if we dont find that little orange brat were stuck like this” Freddy complained dodging a thrown bottle.
“All right then grab the giant lets get the kid and fix this mess.” Uncle Bob grabbed the sack from Dracula and opened it seeing if there was anything useful to bring him out.
“I thought I saw him before Vorhees hit me with a chair he’s here somewhere.” Freddy grumbled and began to push back into the fighitng crowd the rest of the gang folling him. Leech turned the other direction of her friends heading for the back exit.
“Fangs come on.” Uncle Bob shouted.
“I’m going to find him.”
“Yeah and we’ll have better luck working together come on.” Freddy growled at her.
“No I’m going to find Adam. I’m going to find him before he kills me or Robert.”
“Leech this is not the time for fuckin heroics. Besides thats not really our forte.” the dream demon said stepping forward.
“Who said anything about being heroic.” the vampire said darkly pulling a large knife from her coat.
“Huh i thought this was an edge free event.” Tiffany chimed in slightly puzzled.
“Plucked it off Ghostface before he could use it on me.” she said cooly fiddling with the blade.
“Fine if you want to go save your stupid damsel in distress then by all means go get yourself killed once again because thats probably going to be the result.” Freddy rolled his eyes.
“Are you implying you actually give a shit about me Fred?” Leech smirked.
“Nah, you still owe me for that last half ounce. Can’t have you kickin the bucket till you pay me back.”
Leech smiled at the dream demon. “You know for a bunch of selfish murderers you guys sure are big softies.” the gang grinned back at her “Dont fuck up I expect to be bald next time I see all of you.”  
“Go save your idiot Fangs.”
The former vampire tipped the knife to her head in a mock salute and slipped out the door.
Leech briskly walked through the cool october air behind the night club. It was eerily quiet compared to the chaos inside and the ex-vampire tightened her grip on the stolen blade in her hand. With the 7pm curfew still in effect most people were off the streets at this hour leaving her alone and exposed. She had grown quite friendly with the night becoming nearly nocturnal since the sun rapidly drained her energy. This atmosphere was normally comforting to her but something felt off and she felt vulnerable. Leech approaced an alleyway and proceeded down the poorly lit path eyes darting around in the night. She was desprately missing her heightened hearing and nightvision right now. Something stumbled and shuffled behind her she wasnt alone. The vampire gripped her knife and spun around with a snarl only to have her wrist caught by a large hand missing a finger. Robert Gray held the side of his head and stared into his mates wild murderous eyes. Leech immediately released the tension in her muscles dropping the knife in her hand and falling into him.
“Holy shit youre not dead!” she gasped squeezing her mate tight as if letting him go would cause him to vanish.
“I feel dead” he grumbled his eyes were red and bloodshot he had clearly sobered up thanks to the cold. They broke apart and leech picked up her knife.
“Adam’s back.”
“I’m aware.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Same thing we always do, kill the problem.”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” she grinned at him. “I uh I was worried about you.”
Roberts lip twitched up slightly “Were you now?”
“Don’t make fun of me for it.”
“I’d never.” he smirked shoving her lightly.
he chuckled and placed his hands on his mate’s cheeks his thumbs tracing over a fresh bruise. “Would you like to destroy our enemy with me my love?”
“Mmmmm I love it when you talk dirty to me.” she grinned up at him a slight blush grew on her cheeks.
He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “Its a date then.” robert whispered and pressed their lips together.
Leech followed behind he mate through dark alleyways till they got to the park in the center of town. She lightly touched Robert’s arm as they approached a large tree “Hey. there’s only an hour left of Halloween left and were still not back to normal.” she said with concern.
“If we are trapped like this then we’ll find another way. There’s always another way.”
“I just miss us….and killing things” she glanced off to the side “…but mostly us.”
“I know kitten.”
Robert held Leech close to him and stroked her hair. He rarely ever hugged her like this but figured now was an acceptable time to do it. The former clown sighed and looked up locking eyes with the small boy sitting in the tree eating a pumpkin lollipop. Robert froze in realization.
“You………YOU!” he shouted casting his mate to the side.
“Bob what the he- oh!”
“Grab him!” he hissed
The boy stood up on the branch.
“WAIT DONT LEAVE!” Leech shouted wishing she could still climb walls. The spirit leapt from the branch and Leech sprinted towards him. Robert closed the gap faster with his longer legs racing ahead of her and just barely grazing the burlap mask on his head. The kid was fast, unaturally fast. The former clown dove and grabbed the halloween god’s feet causing him to fall forward and drop his precious lollipop. Robert clawed at him yanking him back into his grasp the spirit began to make strange shrieking sounds reaching out with his small hands. Leech caught up to them panting and Robert pinned the child spirit to the ground in fury.
“CHANGE ME BACK!” he roared. The spirit squirmed and flailed in his grasp. “CHANGE ME BACK BEFORE I SPILL YOUR INSIDES!” the former clown slamed the spirit on the ground.
“Hey not really sure if shake and yell is actually going to work here Bob”
“STAY OUT OF IT LEECHIE!” he snarled at her clearly in a feral mood. The creature under him was reaching for something straining with his short little arms. Leech put too and two together and picked up the pumpkin lollipop. “Robert wait let me try something!” she shouted.
The former monster turned to his mate in fury. “Please! Shake and yell is clearly not going to convince him!” he was fuming mad and panting hard but stopped his assualt his grip still tight on the boy.
“Sam right? This is what you want yeah?” she held out the sucker and pulled it away before the boy could grab it “If I give it to you will you help us?” the spirit said nothing but its hand shot out reaching for its treat. Leech tenitavely held it back out to him and sam swiped it out of her hand. They stared at eachother for a brief second then the spirit stabbed Robert in the arm with the candy. The former clown roared in pain releasing the spirit.
“HEY WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?” she screamed after it as she tried to tend to her mate’s wound. “Don’t let him get away! go!” he shouted at her pushing her off. Leech got up to chase after the creature but before she could catch up to him something smacked it hard in the head with a metal pole. The spirit fell back and pumpkin seeds oozed out of his mask.
“One monster down two to go.” Adam growled and tightened his grip on the rod.
“You bastard!” Leech hissed.
“You’re the one who eats people. You know, the first thing I thought when I woke up was that I was going to rid this town of you horrible creatures. They’ll probably call me a hero.”
“You’re equally horrible Adam!”
“At least I dont kill people.”
“Pff People. What have people ever done for me other than rejected me for who I am? Now they are the sheep and I am the wolf. Its my turn to be on top.”
If there was one thing Leech never had when she was with Adam it was confidence. She had almost none when she first arrived at Neibolt. It wasn’t until she rejected her humanity and began growing close to the clown that she finally felt power. He may not have meant to, but Pennywise made her strong. Now standing in front of her arch enemy she radiated that strength. Leech took a few bold steps forward oozing confidence.
“I am the mate of the eater of worlds. I am the right hand of destruction. Go on,” she said with a wicked grin “Try to stop me, I’ll just kill you again and again until it sticks.”
“You also don’t have a weapon.” Adam smirked and spun the metal rod.
She opened her mouth to speak then shut it. “I-huh” she reached in her jacket for her knife. Leech went still remembering that she dropped it to help Robert. “Well shit.”
Adam grinned and charged her swinging the pole like a bat at her head. Leech braced for impact when a knife blocked the blow. “The right hand of destruction. I like it.” her mate grinned at her shoving her assailant back.
“Its a working title I havent committed to anything yet.”
Out of the corner of her eye Leech saw the little pumpkin spirit stumble to its hands and knees. She glanced over to robert who took a blow to his injured arm. “Go.” he hissed as blood spattered his face.
“Aw but I want to be the one to kill him again” she whined and Robert glared.
“Leechie go.” he snarled kicking Adam in the chest with a spider web patterned boot.
“Hey before I do, dont die all right?”
“Oh that I can promise dear, but you aren’t allowed to die either understand?”
“Been there done that.” she laughed. Robert smiled at her before being smacked in the side with the metal rod. Leech yelled but the look on her mate’s face told her to go and she knew he was right. Robert Gray was tough but he wasnt Pennywise and he wasn’t immortal. Leech began to run following the trail of pumpkin guts and seeds down an alley street.
The trail turned a corner but before she could round it she caught a glimpse of several figures making their way towards her. She spun around only to see several more behind her. The figures came to veiw. They were her fellow monsters from the party, all beat up and bruised being led by the hell priest Pinhead.
“VAMPIRE!” he roared as Michael Myers and Pyramid Head pinned her to the wall, the angry mob of former monsters gathered around them. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?”
“Ok first, you can lead off with a simple hello its not that hard.” Myers slammed her into the wall hard and she nearly passed out from the impact. “Two-fuck-” she wheezed “I didn’t do anything, you all didn’t have to start punching each other.”
“You nearly destroyed my establishment!”
“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad!”
“Chatterer lost an eye!”
“How is that a problem?! He didn’t have eyes before!”
“That’s not the point!” the Cenobite leader growled “You will pay for this vampire. You may be the clown’s mate but you must suffer the consequences for your actions.”
“Now, now friends let’s not get carried away here-“ Leech laughed nervously as the mob closed in.
“Burn her!” someone shouted.
“Cut out her tongue!” came another. Clearly she wasn’t the most popular monster.
The mob drew closer and Leech began to panic. Robert was busy and her friends were no where to be seen. She was done for.
“AHEM!” a gruff voice shouted. Six familiar figures emerged from the darkness.
“If you all want to continue living in our little slice of murder heaven here I suggest you put Fangs down and help us out!” Freddy called out followed by the rest of her adopted family.
“Oh thank fuck” Leech sighed in relief.
“Everyone listen up, we got the pumpkin boy’s magic bag here and I got a feeling he wants it back. We find him, give it back and then we all go back to being our regular old spooky selves yeah? I don’t know about all of you but that sounds like a way better alternative than taking out our anger on a vampire.”
“Also Pennywise is currently fighting to the death out in the park so we kinda have to hurry. If he dies were all fucked.” Leech chimed in and glared at Pinhead. “So whats it gonna be? Cut out my tongue or help fix this mess?”
The hell priest sighed and shut his eyes “Perhaps we will discuss your punishment later vampire. Release her.” the two silent giants obeyed and Leech uncerimoniously dropped to the ground. She dusted herself off and walked to the head of the mob.
“All right everyone follow me.”
Robert coughed and sputtered as he once again fell to the ground. He was injured, hungover and had an extreme disadvantage. The eldritch began to curse this human body’s weakness and hopped for his mate to succeed so he could return to full power. Once back to normal Adam wouldn't have the power of the necronomicon on his side and would be easily dispatched. Robert would just have to survive long enough to regain his powers then victory would be his. A kick to the head drew him back out of his thoughts. The former clown roared and slashed at his opponent with the stolen knife. Adam dodged and swung his metal rod down at Robert’s head who caught the weapon and kicked his enemy back. What was taking Leech so long the spirit was injured he couldnt have gone that far. He glanced over to where his mate had ran off to and saw her pinned to the wall by an angry mob. Fantastic. Of course hed have to do everything himself. Now he had to kill this intruder AND fight his way through an angry mob to save his mate. This day couldnt go any more wrong for him.
“You know clown I must thank you I dont think I’d ever be able to get control of my body back after the two of you killed it and let it become possessed.” Adam began. “The kandarians told me she died shorty after they stabbed her and I must ask you, did you enjoy tearing out her throat just as much as you did making her into a disgusting monster?”
Robert snarled and lunged at him. Adam caught him with the pole. “Disgusting?” Robert scoffed “You were a fool to throw away such a powerful creature, I simply did what you could not and unlocked her full potential. Your failure gave me my queen.” The former clown smiled wickedly.
“Yeah from what I saw over there with the mob, it wasnt much potential.” Adam smirked.
“You’re wrong. I think someone is jealous that their own creation has surpassed them.” Robert growled. Adam threw him off and slammed him into the back of a large tree. The former clown sneered and smashed his forehead into his opponent’s skull. They both stumbled then Adam roared and sprinted forward. Robert snarled back and met his assault with a charge of his own both headed straight for each other in a final burst of energy. With only one coming out on top.
Leech jogged out of the alleyway with the burlap sack slung over her shoulder the little pumpkin spirit nowhere to be found. Her small army of monsters followed behind her if she couldn’t find Samhain at least she could lead her troops into battle. And they would fight, no Pennywise meant no illusions and no illusions meant Derry was no longer safe for killers. She froze when she got to the tree the mob in back of her slowing to a stop as well. A man in a Spiderman costume stood pinned against it. A metal rod pierced through his gut and into the bark behind him. His body hung limp and blood dripped down from his plump soft lips. The vampire’s entire world crumbled in mere seconds. She was too late, Robert Gray was dead.
Whoops I killed the clown.
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a-pretty-nerd · 7 years
Behind the Scenes (Devon Bostick x reader smut)
Request:“can you do one where the reader and devon are working on a movie together but hate eachother and in the script they have to kiss, and later on in the night they end up having rough sex, sorry if it’s too much cx” ~ Anonymous
Too much!? Honey have you read my shit? ✌❤❤❤
Warning: NSFW, and cursing.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There you were, on set. Reading over the script for the 50th time that month as you sat on the side. Watching the crew set everything up, and the director shout at them. An average day on set. Everything was going great. You knew your lines, your character, your blocking, marks. Everything. Your day wouls have otherwise been perfect. Except for the fact, that a certain co-star of yours was lurking around.
You tried your best to ignore the lanky insect, but it was hard when he was so obnoxious all the time. When he was constantly joking around with the other actors and crew. Everyone just loved Devon. Except for you. Something about him made your blood boil. You weren’t sure what it was, but he wasn’t exactly a fan of yours either. It was easy to assume that the feelinf was mutual. What was even worse, was that you had to constantly be around one another. You were cast as the main love interest. Which meant painstakingly long shots of dreamily staring into each other’s eyes. A part of you felt a little pride in the fact that you could act as if you were so in love. And yet hated one another so much.
Today, was a special day. Today was the day you dreaded the most out of all the days of filming. Today, you had to kiss that scrawny, bobbled-head looking motherfucker. Your heart sank into your stomach when a member of the crew called for the two of you.
“We’re ready when you are.” The director stated, before he told you where to stand, what lines to say, and what exactly to do before you practice ran it. Skipping the kissing bit of course. You felt sick, just being so close to him. Your heart raced, and you had to hold back a sneer and force yourself into character.
“Don’t fuck this up.” Devon spoke. To everyone around, I’m sure it looked like he was joking. But to you, it made you want to punch his square in the jaw.
“Fuck off.” You spat.
“Rolling!” The camera man shouted. You straightened, and like that you were in character.
“And…Action!” The director shouted.
“Jesus! Quinn! Are you alright!?” Devon’s line.
“Y-Yeah I’ll be fine, just, go on.” Your line.
“No way. There’s not a chance in hell I’m leaving you behind!” Devon.
“Oh Owen, don’t be a fool! I’m not worth saving! We knew the both of us weren’t going to get out alive. So go, please. Save yourself. I couldn’t bare the thought of you risking your life for a waste of space like me.” You.
“Don’t say that! I’d risk my life for you any day. I’d die for you Quinn! I…I love you. I always have, and I always will! I can’t imagine a world without you, now please. Let me help you.” Devon. He cupped your face, as the tears ran down both of your faces. You looked deeply into one another’s eyes. Before he leaned in, and kissed you. You froze for a moment. Something in that moment struck you. You weren’t sure what it was but it sent a shiver down your spine. Soon, you started to kiss back. For, the sake of the scene of course. When he pulled away, you looked onto his eyes. Looking for an explanation as to what you just felt. Did he lace his lips with something? What the hell was that? That moment played out fast, as Devon, in character, picked you up, and walked you out of screen.
“Cut! Perfect you guys! I think thats it. One take wonders over here!” You sighed a breath of relief as Devon practically dropped you. Quickly, and swiftly walking away from you. You finished other scenes before the day was over. And by the time you were dismissed, it was late in the night. A lot of people had gone home by the time you got back to your dressing room. You took off your costume carefully, and hung it up before changing. As soon as you finished, you heard a knock at the door. You opened, and to your utter surprise, found Devon standing there. Starring at the sign by your door stating your name.
“Can I help you?” You asked, flaring an attitude of annoyance. He bit the inside of his cheek, clearly annoyed with your tone of voice.
“I need to talk to you about the scene from earlier.” He grumbled. “Can I come in? It’s fucking freezing out.”
“Whatever, hoser.” You mocked. You pushed open the door, lettinf him catch it as he walked in and closed the door behind him. You glared at each other, as you waited for him to speak.
“Look, I’m not here because I want to be. Alright?”
“Uhuh, sure.” He shook his head at your tone.
“That kiss…I can’t explain I just…did you lace your lips or some shit?”
“What!? No! I thought you did!” The two of you stared at one another for a moment. Now realizing the both of you felt the same thing. He approached you, pinning you against the wall. His eyes wide, glaring holes into yours as you studied one another for answers. Only to turn up with nothing.
“Don’t play games with me.” He warned.
“I’m not playing games asshole!” You defended.
“You started this shit!”
“I did not!” Before you could say anything else, his lips were on yours once again. Again, that same feeling hit you like a truck. You went weak, against your will. All you wanted, was more. He pulled away after a minute, breathing a but heavier.
“You…feel that?”
“Yeah.” Another kiss. Passionate, and stricking. Automatically your arms were around each other, embracing one another as the kiss became more and more heated. Before you knew it, you were making out on the table where Devon had put you. Suddenly he had taken off your shirt, and then you took of his. Then his mouth was on your neck, biting and licking away. Driving you crazy. Wild with need and pleasure, you wanted him desperately. It was like someone had cast a spell on the both of you, and now you were mad about one another. Now you were almost completely naked, as was he. You could clearly feel his hard cock against your wet pussy. It twitched helplessly as his tongue circled around yours. You pulled down his boxers to release the poor thing, allowing it to spring free. He chuckled into your lips as he gropped your breasts and held you close. All of sudden you felt it, slowly slide deep inside of you. You gasped at the pleasure, a million times more explosive than his kisses. Though they sent little bolt of electricity through your bones, while he started thrusting.
“Christ Y/N…you’re so tight for me.” He whispered in your ear, biting your lobe. Making you moan.
“And you’re big and hard for me baby.” You gently scratched down his back, as he thrusted into you. Slapping against you as he tightly held you hips. “Ohhh fuck Devon.” You gasped, rolling your head back. The pressure building, and building. You were losing yourself to him, as he was to you. The sounds of your cries driving him crazy as he desperately fucked you. Another good minute of relentless fucking, sent the both of you over the edge. You cried out one last time as your climax washed over you, as you felt Devon follow. He panted, and groaned as he shuttered. Relaxing a few seconds after.
“Fuck…That was…uh..”
“Awesome?” You asked. He chuckled.
“Yeah…Yeah that was pretty awesome.”
“Eh, could have been better.” You joked. He shook his head with a smile.
“Shut up.”
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Indie & Rio
Indie: E aí? Indie: when are you done? Rio: Just getting into the last painful hour Rio: cleaning tables and putting up chairs so people take the hint as we speak Rio: what you saying babe Indie: can you be here sooner Indie: cos your hubz is Rio: ??? Rio: are you on crack Rio: who Indie: im being the hostest with the most for him but not that extra Indie: 😂 Indie: Ry's in our yard Rio: what does he want? Indie: 💋💘💍 Indie: you bitch Rio: But actually, why is he there? Indie: reckon's he owes you 💰💰💰 Rio: Right Rio: Tell him he can leave it with you, that's cool Rio: He doesn't need to stay Indie: tried it but he's only gonna put in in your ✋ Indie: got no trust for mine like 😂 Indie: he's all good got him tea & a toke going Rio: Fuck's sake Rio: I'm coming home Rio: give me 5 to sort it Indie: don't be vexed Indie: it's chill Indie: hes down to wait Rio: I'm not at you Rio: It's fine, I'm coming Indie: Safe Indie: hes got a hook up for something sick sounding tonight and he wants to take us Rio: No Rio: It'll be lame, trust Rio: Not happening Indie: he's got no reason to do us dirty, wants to make amends Rio: Regardless Rio: you wanna party with your ex all night? Rio: nah Indie: ex for a reason, yeah? I feel it Indie: dry but ✌ Rio: you've got plenty other parties you can hit Indie: & my own wasteman ex im trying to swerve Indie: me and him gonna hit it without you wifey Indie: gutted Rio: ⛔ Rio: do not Indie: 😂😂😂 Indie: he's giving me a ride im not giving him one, relax Rio: Indie, I'm serious Indie: is it? Rio: Yeah Rio: deadass Rio: why would he wanna party with a random kid? not cool he even invited you Indie: rude Indie: cos im me Indie: what's your beef? I get that he owned you when he ditched but like thats ancient Rio: yeah and who are you to him Rio: it's weird Rio: that ain't how it was remotely but yeah, it's ancient so it doesn't even matter Indie: 🤷🤷 Indie: bait but what do i care for his reasons a ride's a ride Indie: just trying to go somewhere hectic i ain't been Rio: i'll take you somewhere myself Rio: you don't need to go anywhere with him Indie: 💖💖👑👑💖💖 Indie: shit man ele está bolado we're out of these plans Indie: some manz can't handle their 🚬 innit Rio: Shit Rio: I'm omw Rio: do you want me to talk to him, see if he'll wait outside Indie: I got this Indie: boy just needs to kotch for a sec Rio: Not his vibe Rio: if he comes around again don't let him in alright Indie: 🚭 should be his vibe Indie: he's a madness 😂 Rio: I been knew Rio: and I been saying Indie: I hear you wifey Indie: my bad Rio: It ain't your fault Rio: s'all good Indie: gotta get your 💰 tho Indie: can't bounce him out Rio: honestly it's not important Rio: only ever has like 10% of what I'm owed if that Indie: I'll switch on him too then Indie: Slam that door before you come through like Indie: 👼 Rio: Don't get him raging Rio: just go to your room, I'll deal Indie: girl please Indie: this is my drum he can get out Rio: i'm ringing him Indie: watch me 📞 Drew if he keeps acting up ✌ Rio: Not mad about it Rio: rather someone was there with you Rio: what a day to take fucking luas in Indie: babe dont get shook this wasteman ain't gonna do no thing to me Rio: better safe than sorry init Indie: I've belled the man, he's on his way too Indie: It's all good, trust Rio: 🙌✌ Rio: Good Indie: so rinsed, boy making everything long and me look 👶 Indie: vexing me Indie: 😒😒😒 Rio: he's a twat Rio: i'm sorry Indie: not on you Indie: i shouldn't have let him in Rio: you didn't know how bad he is Rio: shouldn't be the deal it is Indie: why didnt you clue me in? Indie: handling it all solo i know you're a bad bitch Ri but Indie: whats your girl for? 💖 Rio: Like you said, so old news init Indie: nah cos he coming to our door now Indie: pass the news on if he hung up still Rio: I didn't reckon on his going that hard Rio: woulda put up a do not serve poster otherwise like Indie: 😂 Indie: I'll knock one up while im waiting Indie: need to get ourselves a Taz bitch Rio: Awh Rio: So cute Rio: I'll start looking Rio: gotta remember to feed the thing tho Indie: when i feed me ill feed it Rio: not that often Rio: 😂 Rio: call it munchies Indie: 😍😍 Indie: that'd be sick Indie: we gotta Rio: motivate me to work out more Rio: we'll look forreal Indie: teach it to sniff out where I've left my stash Indie: never lose it down the back of the chair again Rio: 😂 yeah Drew'll be buzzing, own personal drug dog taking him down at the door, like Indie: gimme that fair warning when he rolling in so I can get the lads out Rio: as long as those lads ain't ryan i'm down for the cause 😏 Indie: nah nah nah Indie: dont do 2nds & he ain't that he's like 4ths or some shit Indie: extreme exes are no mood Rio: No one needs that in their life Rio: 🤢 Indie: can we forreal go out tonight though Indie: ill hit up drew for spends when he shows Rio: Sure Rio: at least he's given me time to get properly ready Rio: thanks for that at least, dickhead Indie: you gotta bring that 🔥🔥 baby Indie: make him cry so Drew don't have to Rio: 🙄 bitch always crying Rio: gurl, if I end up looking as bomb as your daddy, the whole world gon' know Indie: 😂😂 Indie: let's get him lifted from the 24, fucking tourist behavior Indie: get in Drew's boot & dont come out boy Rio: ugh Rio: so ideal Indie: [sends pics of outfits] Indie: which you vibing? Indie: gotta make my own former realize he shoulda treated me 110 Rio: Hell yes, baby! Always and as standard, like 👊💗 Rio: Ooh, I fuck with that black top with the cut out and hoop vibes Rio: not seen that before, defs wear that 💣 Indie: haha i taxed it the other day Rio: 🤙 sick choice babe Indie: my garms gotta cos my hair ain't Indie: wtf is up Rio: i gotchu Rio: won't even hit you upside the head with the brush if you backchat me Indie: you could try sis 💪 Rio: easy Rio: enough fighting for one night yeah 😂 Indie: we'll see what drew's gotta say 😂 Rio: Got his uses Rio: imagine my Da like Rio: 😂 Indie: Bake him a nice pie or some kinda ting Indie: merk him with tasty good Rio: Bless him Rio: Right, omw up Indie: come through Indie: you're sweet your ex didn't smoke me all out Rio: owe drew big time Rio: can give you a party but what am i gonna do for him Indie: start him a tab at work he'd be down Rio: Not the worst idea Indie: innit Indie: need a drink when your missus like that Rio: Bless Rio: not seeing it for either of 'em but go off Indie: forreal wtf man Rio: history init Rio: not keeping it where it should be Indie: my ma's history too but he ain't still pinning for her Indie: its a madness Rio: maybe he is, who knows where his head's ever at Rio: might make it work, like i said, don't see it but Indie: 😂 me bitch & nah he ain't never wanted her when he did have her innit Indie: same for this wife of his Rio: Valid Rio: Try someone new, like, God Rio: Life outside the 24, I know, shocker 😏 Indie: Get them drinks down him & see if he can't be convinced like Rio: 😈 Rio: Soz Auntie Rio: Ma swinging for me, like Indie: be doing her a solid Indie: you'll see when he's free with his chat how he always gets after a few Indie: no 😇 that man Rio: Boy, no one made you get back with her! Rio: It's wild Rio: Truly, now she's babied up and wants to be wifed too like 🙄 Rio: Messy Indie: she likes them wild innit Indie: out here vibing with his mess somehow Rio: we all been there, babe Rio: unexpected freak in the sheets ick Rio: 😬🤢 Indie: thats nasty Indie: like we been knew but we didn't wanna Indie: always them peeps on the low Indie: & me cant get a boy to stay linked w me Rio: putting me to shame okay Rio: rude 😂 Rio: oh baby, don't repeat her mistakes Rio: have fun whilst you're young, don't need NO chains 'less they 💎 Indie: 💔💔💔💔 Indie: sick of them copping on me though then they coming through like thats how i want it Indie: casual don't mean you get to cheat on me rudeboy Rio: 😥 forget them Rio: you gon' have fun tonight Rio: ex who like? Indie: watch me doing the most cos i not at your side 24/7 thats how i do casual Indie: tonight will be lit and so will i Indie: no drama Rio: 🙌 that's what i like to hear Rio: believe it Indie: ✌✌✌
0 notes
raguna-blade · 5 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 16-20
Welp, after last weeks hot bullshit, things have taken a minor upshot. Minor, in that things are still uh... Well.
Episode 16
What hell is coming this time. C'mon. I got it. I'm cool. We're ready.
...Anthy late night infomercials....Uh. Curious choice of entertaintment.
Nanami's about to get called out for infomercial shopping sin't she?
Juri immediately rolls in and styles on everyone.
Nanami's about to try and pass this. uh...cowbell off as jewelery
God. She's trying. She's trying so hard.
And I know anthy is behind this somehow. But damn Nanami. You're...Well...
Ok, so so far the filler hasn't been filler and is she just wearing the duelist suit out and about?
For real though, if the filler thing holds.
Oh she just admits it's a designer cowbell. Ok. Well...Damn. She's got the mad confidence to try and pull this off. Go her then. Fuck all the haters.
But still and for real, it's a cowbell nanami.
Oh hey it's the boy. Mitsuru trying his best.
Utena trying to spit the truth and people pulling bullshit trying to silence the truth.
….What. What the hell is going on here. She got turned into a cow...? There's..There's a song?
And we got the mad silhouettes. Her last meal?
Her last meal? God, i'm not sure I want to try and analyze this episode right now. I'm 100% sure the context won't occur until like the last episode or some shit but.
Is...Is she...Is she turning into a cow...? by wearing the bell...?
muck my life are the filler episodes just supposed to be keys dressed up stupidly so we don't look at em closely.
And they're just..They're just going fucking in on this aren't they.
Why the hell did he go to Anthy and Utena. Mitsuru what do you knowwwwwwwwwwwwww
...Is she legit fucking cursed with this (Apparently?) pretty ass bell.
REAL SHADOW GIRSL? Squeak queak mouse girls...Uh..
Uh...Wait, with anthy as mouse thing last episode what is...what is happening.
Nanami slowly becoming  a cow.
Utena: Take the Cowbell off Anth-Nananmi.
Oh my god it is a fucking metaphor. It's...
Oh my god oh my god it is. Utena's spiel here sounds a lot like STOP PRETENDING TO BE A ROSE BRIDE BEING A ROSEBRIDE OR WHATEVER.
Also...Seeing Red and flipping out is a Bull thing, so the Rosebride thing is 100% and she just turned into a fucking cow..
And the imagery with the cutting the cowbell off and nanami turning...normal reads like a black row.
Chasing Status Symbols is BS: JURI FULL OF THE BLING
Anthy 100% DID THIS ON PURPOSE. The Nose Ring.
Ah next episode. Trifling territory once more.
Episode 17
Old Girlfriend(Crush?) Blues?
Juri just out here beastin on people. So Business as usual.
Oh, that's the face of shit about to go down.
And She just fucking dipped. I'm sure it was fine.
People can just LEAVE Ohtori? That's a thing?
Shiori: I did in fact, fuck up real bad. Also I don't got a roommate which is...
oh Hey, it's Dude Anthy and Utena.
Hurting yourself on Purpose...? huh.
Nanami out here questioning people's gimmicks.
….Is..Is the sword thing supposed to be sexual? Oh god. How the fuck did I miss that. Also Nanami, please stop aping your brother it's weird.
Shiori, you LEGIT stole her man. Which she wasn't even into, but god.
Did that Bird Kill itself running into the window? Uh...? uhhhhhhhhh.
Utena. You..you do not know what you're stepping into god.
Talking about Innocence and purity. UUUUUUUUUUGH.
….Oh fuck is Juri about to get got by the Black Rose jerks?
Oh, this is not how she wanted this to go down
Hated Juri. ok.
What's with the butterfly regression. Dear god. These freak outs are just...
Your only choice is to revolutionze, hey, no, that's super not fucking true. That's some edgecase bullshit. Uuuuuugh.
Uh. Uh. What the FUCK is going on with these roses I swear to god.
….Have all of these been in her goddamn locker?
….Whats...what? Wait did she just acknowledge the shadow girls? Assuming I just didn't miss it is it like...Utena getting closer understanding to...Whatever weird bullshit magic field that exists in ohtori?
….Birds huh. Are the black roses supposed to be like...I guess the Jungian Shadow thing? Huh.
Wait, does sword stealing grant the sword's....owner? Their talent? Anthy...?
Also, are we EVER going to get a reaction to the weirdness.
Bird in the oven. And...Juri just waking up
Wait a fucking second. Anthy just offerred up...analysis? Of a person? Conversation partner.
Episode 18
Nanami out here asking the real fucking questions. WHY SO SERIOUS GUYS THIS SHITS OBJECTIVELY HILARIOUS.
Oh god is Mitsuru the next duelist? Is Utena Going to fight an EVEN YOUNGER CHILD?
ROSES ARE VERY SENSITVE TO THE CHANGES OF THE SEASONS. Given the roses seem to be kinda like...people representatives that's..
Also, Anthy, sympathizing with the boy who wants to be the...servant? Boytoy? What.
Also, why is nanami consistently got the fucking reads when she isn't up her own ass?
Mitsuru ACT LIKE A KID, says nanami.
Mitsuru: It's...Just a banana. I don't get it. BUT THE INDIRECT KISS THOUGH.
Mikage Seminar. AGAIN.
Those Three Dudes. Wait.
...wait elevato-no. But we got a black rose. Are...
Wait are the black roses specific people or are they more generalized.
Mitsuru is trying so hard. He's a hardcore kid, but he's trying damnit.
Girl: This is gonna end badly. You're Real Dumb
Proven Right Immediately. She's got the reads.
Nanami, are you jealous? Of a Kid?
Nanami: you shouldnt be in a rush. You don't gotta be an adult.
Mitsuru has such a crush, it's cute and he doesn't know what to do and he's just gotta ride those feels. Puberty is apparently rough for him.
Mitsuru break the world fuck it.
Uh...the framing here is...um. Disquieting in a weird way?
KNIFE AND SWORD and what the fuck is with the rose...?
Shadow Time: The Metaphor is uh...pretty on the nose here.
And Utena is 100% reacting to the shadow girls.
Anywya, time to beat up a child.
Oh he just fucking oes. Just like Nanami in fairness but.
Wait. Heed your master and come forth. Like the phrasing suggests the duelist but...Anthy is the one who calls the sword. Uh..hm.
Defeat the adults ahead of you that's an adult? Huh.
So, I checked it, but the bodies seem to be mirrors of the people who got dueled. So...That's interesting.
Did...Did nanami just catch feels from the kid? Ok. Well. Alright.
Episode 19
Wakaba Prince Dreams. Nice.
Wakaba gonna make someone a nice wife. Huh. Wakaba, don't take that out of his hands.
Onion Prince.
Brown Rose Wakaba? ok.
You...you gonna give that her? It's for her. Wakab, you of all should know better.
...Y'all got some history wakaba? Oh. She crushed on him when little. Baw.
4 times?
Tatsuya tryin I guess, but hm. I sense a hellavator ride.
Please. Just...get out. I beg you. Anthy's there but...
Wakaba, you've got guts for days, you got this just spit it out.
Utena don't call wakaba out like this.
Also, Her prince is REAL THANK YOU MUCH.
The Utena Tea Sip I need as a reaction gif. Just...
Damn Tats, you dense. Also, dumb. The Indirectness. Kid. Just...Tell her.
...So princes change from person to person? Huh.
THE FAKE OUT. Thank goodness. But Shadow girls. Uh...hm.
Are...are the tires..Princes...? Wha..
her reacting to the shadow girls is weirding me out hard.
Oh god is this gonna be a cute moment? OH THEYRE GETTING CLOSER!
Uh...Uh tats. You...
Wait, is the elevator going up?
Huh. So...The Elevator is praying on darkness? OK.
So...That might work poorly. Or maybe it'll be fine?
That's A Dueling Wakab, so no, not great.
Episode 20
Wait, is Saionji just bumming at her house? Dorm room?
Saionji confirmed to be attractive to many so...MK.
...Are they off campus?
She's legit storing this boy in her room.
I...ok. That home exchange was weird.
I can't tell if Saionji is pulling a woe is me thing or if he's legit had a turn of heart.
I mean I guesss he's had to think things through.
...How is he glistening like that.
But Wakaba, like he's still a dick. So...What...how. Do you just got the bad taste?
As Long as I have this secret I'm special! Oh...hoooooooooooboy.
Oh no, saionji sounds jerky still. Oh no. maybe it's fine.
...Is...Is she his sugar momma. And apparently this caused wakaba to just go super mode somehow so that's...interesting.
The lighting here is making this otherwise innocuous exchange weird.
Why are you doing a back bridge in this room? Also...please. Get out of there.
Saionji...? That's..actually kinda sweet. STILL GOT A BAD VIBE GOIN ON HERE.
Saionji asking bout the student council. And...he asked about anthy. Welp. Welllllp.
Welp. Oh no. wakaba. Wakabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mikage how the hell did you get there?
Saionji, immediately on the uptake.
HELLAVATOR TIME. Also, damn saionji, you given out the same gift?
I seem to recall Wakaba slapping Anthy, so that's just foreshadowing now.
Oh she looks like she's gonna murder.
Saionji gave mikage the thing so....
Marriage uh..ok.
Also, Saionji is, in fact, a fucking dip, but he does at least seem to have a solid grasp on gift giving. Or at least what's owed and such, even if he misses the value of things. So...Ok, credit where it's due.
Wait, that was a shinai right? Is this...is this Utena Vs Saionji from the otherside now? With Utena as the Established duelist with the weird sword?
Yeah that's a face of shock.
Second Duel(?) Utena has won without the cursed ass holy sword thing. I think. Third. Rather.
Saionji feelin himself.
Poor wakaba. She looks so...done.
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jayxtrejo · 7 years
i ment to love you
all the shit you see and hear on social media is bullshit. love is love. It's something no one understands, it's what we as human beings do best, because when we, give we without holding back. It's something beautiful, love hurts, people say "if it hurts it's not love" that's fucking bullSHIT. love isn't a word that is simply defined. There is different types of love, there's different ways to show it. Love is going to break you, build you, mold you & bring you so much fucking happiness it's a hell of a drug. People don't understand how much of us actually fall in love, but also some don't understand some of us just lust. My experience with love is by far the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced. I will never forget the moment i laid eyes on the woman i knew i wanted to be with for the rest of my days. She had me acting a fool i won't deny it. This girl, man oh man, did she have me sprung. She had my writing a love letter and I barely even knew her name. Like all love stories, the setting was normal. Public place, new face. But my love story was something made of dreams. I mean this gal was my muse, her eyes are the size of the moon, such beautiful, breathtaking stars. Her smile is to die for, man did she know how to smile and brighten up my day. From day one i knew she was it. I was to scared to make the first move. So someone else came in the picture, i backed off. Days passed, weeks, eventually months. No matter what she was my girl, i was always in the picture. When she fell i was there to pick her up. We started talking, small talk became 3AM conversations in the car. Those conversations lead to our first date at IHOP. It was my goal to know everything about her. And till this day I still do. All the little things she didn't know i knew about her. Like the way she loved putting a load of ketchup on everything. She laughs when she's nervous. She buys things on impulse. She has anxiety. She likes ugly colors, but that's what made them beautiful to me, because she likes them. She falls asleep when you scratch her head and gets chills and feels relaxed when you scratch her back/give her a massage. She blushes when I called her beautiful. She's not really social, really shy but once she breaks out of that she's one of the most live people in the room. She likes to sing, wow her singing was beautiful. She makes jokes that don't make sense but it's cute. Sometimes I wouldn't laugh and she'd point it out. And I'd reassuringly say "yes that was funny". Or maybe how hard I would make her laugh, that giggle. I can go on forever. Back on track, we did everything together. Literally, there's was almost not a moment i wasn't with her. Either I was at her house or she was at mine. Only time apart was if we were working, sports, friends, otherwise we were together. She was my blessing. My muse. My baby. My future to be. Everything about her was perfect. I fell in love with all her imperfections. I gave myself to her, mind, body and soul. 8 months were spent by her side. I went as far as buying a ring. Put it on her with a promise of an engagement ring on that finger in our near future. i remember the first time i said “i love you” , said it with out even thinking, well, i blurted out. Exact words “i dont like you, i love you”, she could not believe what i had just said, she was so happy and blushing so much she didnt even say it back but thats okay because her expressions screamed “i love you too”. Shes perfect in every aspect, all her insecurities, everything, i came to love. Her company was a must, it was an everyday thing, i didnt want to go a day with out her. hes goofy, she did the most adorable things, the way her nose scrunched up when she laughed to hard. When i tell you this gal was my heart, best believe it. I had soooo much patience with her, she loved annoying me or getting me mad, she would only do that when she was cranky, hungry or sleepy. I miss her. I miss her smile, i miss how peaceful she looked when she fell asleep on the car rides back home. I miss her hugs, her touch, her kisses, her laugh, the way she carried herself, i miss our intimacy, our late night convos at 3AM, late night food runs, i miss you waking me up because you heard something in the kitchen and it scared you, i miss your mad faces, and how you would pout, i miss waking up to you. But then we hit our downfall. Something that could have been fixed so easily took the turn for the worst and she walked out of my life... for 2 straight months day in day out I tried, I tried and kept trying. I did not give up on her once. I never failed her. I was consistent. I loved her with everything I had. Pure TLC. My intention was to love her and care for her. But it wasn't enough. Now, its different. She truly is the biggest part of me, im proud to of had her at my side. She left, and took the biggest part of me with her.. I wish she finds everything she looks for & I hope she prospers. Her happiness is all that matters to me. Now in love a lot of things come into play. But the biggest thing that comes into play is Forgiveness. Don't ever give up on someone you love, even if they do. If you can give up on someone so quick you never truly loved them. As I said there's different types of love. But when you love someone as I did, giving up is not an option. And people always stay for different reasons. It's not easy, love is a complicated things yet it's so simple. Love is love. Everyone wonders why it hurts so much when you lose the one you love, some try denying the pain. Why? Why do you deny the person you would've walked to hell and back for?! Why!? Cry, yell, laugh, cry again. It's okay. It's not an easy thing to over come or to comprehend. That's your baby! That person was your happiness. People love for different reasons. Some to not be alone. Some to find happiness. Some to have an individual to call their own. Some for warmth at night. Some for lust. Some for love. Some for comfort. Some for joy. Some for care. Then there's the ones like me. That love for all those reasons and more. And I will never figure it out, all I know is there's the love that i have, which is eternal.If your looking for the word that means caring about someone beyond all rationality,and wanting them to have everything they want as much as it destroys you, its LOVE. And when you love someone, you, you simply dont give up on them, ever. Even when everyone around you rolls their eyes, call you dumb, even then. Especially then, beacause if i could give up, that wouldnt be love, if i could get up and move on with someone else, that wouldnt be love, that would be some disposable thing that is not worth fighting for.
I ment to love you.
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Ali & Carly
Ali: How's the damage looking in the cold light of day, babe? Ali: Want me to put a hex on her? Carly: yea Carly: didnt remember her going hard but feel it now Ali: 😤 Why'd she have to turn up just to pull up Ali: Got actual issues that one, like Ali: I'll work on something particularly wicked whilst we waiting for karma to smack her one Ali: is you okay boo? Carly: dont need to eye her bf i kno hes not special Carly: fucked some of his mates but not him Carly: you kno made the hanging feel more drastic Ali: Right? Even she don't reckon him that Ali: Just herself, like 🙄 Ali: I'll make you a remedy whilst I'm at it, like Carly: youre too cute to handle this early Ali: Well, lost major points not defending your honour from the ginja ninja last night so Ali: gotta claw it back, ain't I Carly: cant fuck you if youre in prison Ali: Truuuu, ain't my prison wife, this the real deal Ali: did you spot any talent tho? before she tried to claw ur eyes out Carly: nah Carly: you? Ali: caleb cavante was there Ali: he's so fine Ali: but so was his gf so meh, appreciated the view but no more than that Ali: too busy dancing w my main lady of course 😍 Carly: who was he w other than his bf Carly: in love as hard as we Ali: Ain't that the truth 😂 Ali: only got eyes for each other boys, don't front Ali: cute Carly: hes got eyes for me too Carly: 4some? Ali: Yeah? Nice Ali: Not even jealous, get you some wifey Ali: bit of a knob but not as bad as some Ali: I think they're like brothers tho babe??? awks 😂 Ali: otherwise, hell yeah Carly: my bad Carly: spoke to your gf today? Ali: Not yet Ali: She's sulking still Carly: if she wants to take a swing she knows where i am Ali: 😬 your beautiful face, noooooo Ali: she only mad at me anyway, catch us in prison, can't escape each other then, like 😏 Carly joined the chat 2 hours ago Carly: only working to get you to kiss it better tho Carly: could be her way of dumping you w out doing it Carly: sorry Ali: ha, good luck, honey Ali: don't she know I stick like glue? Ali: I'll roll up with all the arrogance of a bitch who's man ain't shit, like Carly: ill let her kno how loyal you are Carly: too bad its only to me like Ali: 🙊 Ali: don't, confirming her argument lowkey Carly: sorry Carly: anything i can do for real Ali: nah 💋 Ali: its sweet, i just gotta stop hiding and tell her how it is Ali: but i'm hiding 'til my head feels better, facts babe Carly: ill whisper Carly: fun tho Carly: w the assault & everything Ali: yeah, what's a decent party without a scrap Ali: tho if my boo gotta be involved imma haffta teach you a few moves, yeah? Carly: im not trying to kiss her while she kills me bitch Carly: whats a sweet girl like you gonna tell me Ali: i know, i'm a lover not a fighter by nature but i'm tough as fuck Ali: trust 🥊 Ali: show you when ur feeling better tho Carly: yea? Carly: aw you gonna protect me Carly: my da will be thrilled Ali: 'Course Ali: let him know just 'cos there's no bloke, can still fuck up the competition and co Carly: we could be renewing our vows at the kitchen table and he wouldnt know it was going on Carly: hes that bloke behind a fucking big newspaper who nods Carly: my ma's the mouth Ali: You're dead good with words Ali: fully got the picture there, like a film or some shit Carly: my life inspoing hollywood, bitch Carly: facts Ali: fr tho Ali: leading lady material defs Carly: you just want that roll credits kiss Carly: come get it any time Ali: only if there's an audience, yeah Carly: aw Carly: you want me all to yourself babe Ali: 🖕 Ali: lose any queer cred I've got if I fuck a straight girl purely for male gaze Ali: hmu when ur feeling it babe 😉 Carly: im always feeling you Carly: honeymoon period not over Ali: 😳😌 Ali: when ur living the bit so hard you can't tell where it ends no more Carly: you want me you got me Carly: thats how it go when you put a ring on it Ali: okay Ali: imma rock ur world then Carly: yea? Carly: good confidence babe Ali: deserved 💪 Carly: ill let you kno if i agree after you hit it Ali: go for it Ali: love ur brutal honesty and I've not got a fuckboy fragile ego like u used to Carly: yea true Carly: whats that like Carly: weird Ali: highly recommend Ali: love knowing what i'm worth 💎 Carly: gotta recommend being treated as a skank Ali: like all the time or in the bedroom 🤔 Carly: interchangeable when you're dtf constant Ali: Oh, babe Ali: you're a princess too tho, you can be both Carly: never been this complimented Ali: You gotta be knowing Ali: all about the balance Carly: aw Carly: what you doing today Ali: Gotta take my lil bro to the park or some shit Ali: he's already driving the 'rents mental Ali: come with? might get u both a 🍦 if you behave Carly: you want me round your littlest bro serious ? Ali: you won't sound so shocked when you meet him Ali: little 💩 Ali: but a laugh, you'll like him Carly: i been in a bitch fight & look it Carly: thinking of him Ali: Fair, if you wanna hide behind your biggest sunnies today and chill, I don't blame ya Ali: he'll think its cool tho, swap war stories with him Carly: im down to come Carly: just making sure you want it Ali: You wanna hear me say your my fave again? Ali: cute 💋 Carly: you kno Ali: swing by when i can convince him to put some clothes on Ali: feeling like a hypocrite lowkey Carly: k Carly: catch me outside trying to clear my head Carly: low key your fault for that image Ali: 😏 i'll take it even though i know its all about last night Ali: get ready to swoon tho 'cos its way too hot for normal clothes, but I do insist on at least partially covering our junk, lil rock Carly: 😍 Ali: you'll be proud, whored it up on my story and everything Carly: I saw and I was Ali: Mission accomplished then yo Carly: your hair is cute Carly: cute isnt the word for that yoga outfit tho Ali: 😘 aww, thanks babe! i was feeling it Ali: you gon' take me up on my yoga offer now? 😉 Ali: show u how flexible i am Carly: might do Carly: not just chat Carly: impressive wouldnt it be Ali: 👏 Ali: never doubted you, babe Carly: catch me in a baby class until i catch up Ali: nah, ask anyone, I'm a great teacher gurl! Ali: and you can be my pet 😻 Carly: aw Carly: you're getting so creative w these dates too Ali: gotta keep it fresh Carly: 💋
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