#thats the cutest thing ever in the world
skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
I'll probably draw an actual thing of this at some point, but here is a musing on Prince/Duke Fernando 🤭
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
what if i watch a spiderman movie or something and live post my thoughts here. what if.
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infizero · 2 years
new icon (and header) ILY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bunnyb34r · 2 years
At every craft show there's one person who shows up and buys like 20 clothespins at once (5 for $1 painted clothespins) and every time when I look at the sales log that we sold 20+ of em "clothespins Georg was an outlier but he counted" sgdgdggd
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killuaisaprincess · 3 months
“Thanks, Sushi…”
“A-Ah, it’s Zushi…”
Killua mumbles into his chest.
“I know that… you’re Sushi, though, and Leorio is Oreo…”
Zushi nods his head, dumbfounded.
Was Killua drunk? Or just tired? Either way, it’s-it’s kinda adorable…
“So, what’s Gon…?”
Killua hums and peeks his head out, his eyes half-lidded.
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agirlwithglam · 3 months
how to stop being so obsessed with them.
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heyyy bestieees! heres a few tips to stop you from being so obsessed with them cus honeyyy its just not worth it. it doesn't just have to be romantically btw!
"she's literally perfect.. like how??" <- affirmations!
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༄ ✬ move on! ༄ ✬
numero uno. move on. okay hear me out! there are 8 billion people in the world. (8 billion freeky deeking people). do yk how much that it? a lot of 0s. and i know for a fact that SO MANY of them would be thrilled to know you, to spend time with you, to love and respect you! if that 1 person out of 8 billion people doesn't seem to recognise your worth, so what?!
"oh but they're perfect and i just love them so much!" ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... sorry, what do you love again? the fact that they don't care enough to return a text, treat you right, make you feel loved?
"i just want them to love me back and treat me the way they treat others because they are so funny and always seem to make me and other people laugh!" oh ma lawd. ur not serious r u? you are?! okokok i won't make fun of you. i can relate to how that feels. but sweetheart, 8 billion. trust me, you'll find a lot more people who are twice as funnier and caring who will love you to the moon and back and make you feel like the most specialist person ever and massage ur crusty musty toes. jk about the last one- unless u want that?
༄ ✬ not everyone will know your worth. ༄ ✬
so asking questions like "but why can't they realise how great i am? or how funny i am? or how loving i am? i would do anything for them, why can't they realise that and treat me the same way back?" im sorry honey but the world doesn't work that way. if someone doesn't feel or treat you as if you're the most glamorous girl in the world, then you need to stop giving them sm energy and importance.
heres an analogy that i got from simonesquared on youtube: in gilmore girls, Rory has this super rich boyfriend Logan right? (who has the most cutest smile ever i might add) and he buys Rory a birkin bag. now to Rory, she doesn't realise the value of a bag like that! to her, its just another bag. she's grateful of course, but she doesn't fully realise the immense value this type of bag has.
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༄ ✬ have a life outside of them.༄ ✬
lemme repeat that. have. a. fleeping. life. outside. of. them. they should NOT be the center of your life or the cause of all your actions NUH UH ABSOLUTELY NOT! its okay to do SOME things with the thought of them, but that part is separate from the rest of your life. your life is your life, not theirs!!
this can mean going to the gym, working out, finding new hobbies, educating yourself, self care, etc etc! but don't go about your life, thinking about them. you go about your life thinking about YOU.
༄ ✬ stop chasing them. ༄ ✬
"gee, thanks vanilla. thats so helpful! how did i not think about that earlier?" im assuming thats sarcasm, but whateverr. okay so if they know that you're chasing them, that you're obsessed with them, yk what they'll think? they'll think that 'oh! this person is chasing me, so she really wants me. so she'll stick around. i dont really need to try too hard to keep her cus i know she'll stay. i'll explore my options in the meantime :)'
GIRL do not so available like this! BE BUSY (which relates to the point before). once you glow up, work on your life, not taking it so seriously, and just being happy and enjoying this beautiful gift of life, they will start to think: 'oh! this person (you) is actually quite fabulous. i better try to make her feel happy/ be friends with her before i miss this awesome opportunity!'
cus girl, cmon, you've got things to do, places to be, and people to talk to. i've got goals and dreams and my bucket list. you don't have the time to sit here and be crazy obsessed. so like, if they just leave, um okay and? "yes, and?" what about it? am i meant to be bothered? likerrr okay, byee? i mean, i've got a lot of things to do so i could try to fit in a "help i need you" session between my pilates class and my cooking class? jk <3
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༄ ✬ give yourself the damn love. ༄ ✬
why are you obsessed with them? why are you head over heels for somebody who literally couldn't care less? its because they have something that you feel like you're lacking.
is it the fact that they always seem so happy and laughing-y with people around them? that they get super high marks on their test? they are attractive? they have a high status? money? what is it?? often, we can actually give these things to ourselves. some, easier than others. but not impossible. if you really wanted to, you would get up, dust yourself up, and give yourself the love you crave. What you want in others, give to yourself first.
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More resources:
How to stop comparing yourself & feel fulfilled without needing external validation.
Thewizardliz: becoming selfish was the best thing i did
Lumma Aziz’s videos
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suplicyy · 4 months
haiii ^_^
can u do a various hq x reader where the reader is a very sleepy bb and the hq boy just absolutely worships them ?
sorry if thats cringe lel…
My Dear Sleepyhead
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Summary — You are a very sleeper person and he loves how cute you look.
Characters — Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Sugawara, Taketora, Yaku, Aone.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader (the image is merely illustrative, it does not mean that it's a fem reader!!)
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If you could list the things you like to do most, the first would definitely be "sleeping". You think it's just so amazing to sleep, imagine sleeping through a boring class and waking up feeling completely refreshed! There's nothing better than this in the world!!! (at least that's what you think)
You always have a sleepy expression on your face, no matter how much you say that most of the time you don't feel like sleeping.
And your boyfriend is grateful every day that you enjoy it, as he loves to see how adorable you look in your sleep.
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Okay, this boy loves you SO MUCH.
If you could see the sparkle in his eyes as he watches you take a nap, you would have no doubt that he likes you.
He would shyly play with the strands of your hair, while looking at you with a smile on his face.
But if you were sleeping more than usual, he would be worried about you.
"Is they overworking themself too much? Has something happened and they doesn't want to tell me? My God, what do I do..." Please make sure you have a healthy routine, or Yamaguchi is going to have a heart attack from worry.
He will always make sure you are eating well and having a regular sleep schedule, and of course, he will always spoil you with some sweets and kisses!
Listen to me, this boy is also a big sleeper like you.
When you are at each other's houses, after a good meal you would take the longest nap of your lives, waking up almost at dinner time (and consequently staying up late because you both are no longer sleepy)
But he would also make sure you are not sleeping too much.
After all, who else would help him with his homework if you were asleep in class and didn't hear the teacher's explanation?
Nishinoya would definitely wake you up with the biggest smile in the world, telling you to walk with him around the school during break time, with the aim of trying to keep you awake.
Upon seeing that you are sleeping, he would initially laugh at the small string of drool that was dripping from your mouth while you slept, but then he would watch you with a kind expression on his face.
He would stroke your head, gently kiss your hand, expect lots of caresses from him!
But make no mistake, he wouldn't let you take a nap all the time while you were in class (he would only make exceptions when he sees that you're too tired), because he would be worried about your school performance.
When you were home, he would let you sleep on top of him while he hugged you. And who knows, maybe he'll take a nap with you, even though he doesn't usually sleep as much as you do, but your presence is so comforting that he can't take it and ends up sleeping with you.
If you ever ended up sleeping on his shoulder, he would freak out.
He just loves you SO much, I swear to you that no matter how you are, he will always think you are the most beautiful thing in this world.
He has lots of photos of you sleeping on his phone, from the cutest to the weirdest (and he begs you to not delete them)
And sometimes he would give you so many kisses and caresses that it would end up waking you up, and then he would begs you to forgive him for "interrupting his queen's sleep"
And if you ended up sleeping in places other than your home, he would be over protective of you, since he saw in a video that the way people are most vulnerable is when they are sleeping. (it was a video about jungle survival...💀)
If you like sleeping in class, I'm sorry but Yaku wouldn't let you do that...
He understands that sometimes you may be more tired than usual and sleeping through a boring class, but he doesn't want your grades to drop drastically because you're not paying attention. (but either way he will always help you study)
But don't worry, he can be a little strict sometimes, but he takes great care of you!!
When you wake up from a nap he always has some water and your favorite snack, assuming you would be hungry after sleeping all afternoon.
He sometimes takes some photos of you while you're asleep, you have such a peaceful expression on your face that he can't stand it because of how cute it is!!
And if any teammates found out and made fun of him (Kuroo and Lev more specifically), they would immediately shut up when they saw the scary expression on his face.
He is definitely the most adorable among all the others above. He cares so much about you and would consequently take very good care of you.
Whenever he notices that you are sleepy, he offers his shoulder so you can rest your head and take a little nap, depending on where you are.
And I can say for sure that he is someone very comfortable to sleep together, he's practically a heater with legs. Just getting close to this boy makes you feel a comforting warmth.
He stares at you a lot while you sleep, and some people who see it from afar might find it scary (especially because of his intimidating appearance) but you know that those eyes always shine with love for you.
Aone definitely has a photo of you sleeping and made it his wallpaper on his cell phone.
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A/N — Tysm for your request!! And I'm sorry if there were any characters you didn't like, but I assumed it was okay since you didn't specify who you like😭😭
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 1 month
More Nekoma HCs
Teshiro’s really good at those pen spinning tricks, the other first-years pop off when he does it. He also has the best handwriting of the first-years and they borrow his notes before big tests. Lev's handwriting is borderline illegible— he claims its cause he's Russian but everyone calls him out on his bullshit ("Dude, your first language is Japanese??")
Fukunaga carries around a slide whistle, when he's not on court he plays it every time someone dives for the ball
Shibayama's the kinda guy to send buzzfeed quizes in the team groupchat and make everyone take them ("Dont you guys wanna know what cat breed you are?"). Most of the team groan but secretly find it endearing. Kuroo unabashadly loves it and commends Shibayama's team spirit
None of the second-years are good students— Kenma spends class playing mobile games under his desk or napping, Tora doesn't listen but even if he did he wouldn't process anything, and Fukunaga's in his own little world 90% of the time. Kenma skates by with general smarts but Tora and Fukunaga are in the TRENCHES. Kuroo and Kai help tutor them when needed
The whole team LOVES Akane, that's their cheer captain!! She gets along best with Fukunaga and Kenma because they're closest to Tora but I think she'd also vibe a lot with Yaku cause they have a similar sassy energy (and height but shh). All of them treat her like an absolute queen, mess with her and you got 10 guys knocking at your door
Tora picks people up a lot, he just grabs them and throws them over his shoulders. The most common victims are the second years but also Shibayama since he's "bite-sized" as Tora so eloquently puts it. He tried it with Yaku a single time which did NOT go well, he hasn't again since
When Hinata's in town to hang out with Kenma Inkuoka and Lev WILL find a way to crash it no matter what. The just happened to show up at the same arcade, what a conincidence!! Kenma gives them the death glare but unfortunately for him Hinata is more than happy to let them tag along
Kai is generally really chill but when he yells he's louder than even Tora. The team finds this out at training camp when they're settling in for the night and the first years decide its a great time to have a pillow fight. One flies directly into a sleeping Kai's face. The other teams can hear the reprimanding through the walls (bro doesn't fuck around with his beauty rest)
Sometimes they do video game nights at Kuroo's but Kenma is either straight-up banned or given severe handicaps. The one time he loses is during MarioKart when Kuroo starts waving his hands in front of his face and Kenma stops playing to wresting him away (he still manages to beat Tora somehow)
Kuroo and Yaku argue all the time but if anyone else talks shit about them they hop to the other's defense immediately. You do not get away with making fun of Yaku's height unless you're Kuroo himself.
Kuroo's the biggest fan of Fukunaga's jokes, as a fellow pun enthusiast he appreciates him keeping the court light-hearted. He laughs way too hard even when they're not that funny and sometimes fires a quip or two back. Also Kuroo's definetly the type to literally slap his knee when laughing
(Ignore the awful picture quality) There's this scene from the Tokyo Battles stage play where Shibayama dances along with Akane and Alisa from the stands and it's the cutest thing ever i'm obsessed. Anyways I think he's the king of the bench cheerleaders, he teaches Teshiro and Inuoka all the little dances and chants
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alright thats it for now, long live Nekoma
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yuitoru · 10 months
Can you do Blue Lock Rin x female reader x Sae? The reader is a very sweet and kind girl. The Itoshi brothers are fighting for her love.
a/n: hi! i got this req twice so ill js answer this one and leave the other. if im being honest i had no idea how to write this and tbh i wasnt that comfortable writing something like this, so im really sorry if it wasnt like how you wanted it to be!!
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incl : r.itoshi , s.itoshi
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the itoshi brothers were known for their similar personalities - mannerisms especially. they shared the same qualities, and they hated each other for it - sarcasm, attitude, dry humour ... sae and rin were one of the same.
so it should have been expected when they both fell for the same girl, as similar as they are.
you were rin's friend initially, with the two of you being the same age and sae two years above you both. most of the time, you didnt speak to sae, either out of nerves, or fear of the older boy. it wasnt like sae had ever done anything to make you scared of him; he was just a lot older, making your younger self tremble in his presence.
however, as you and rin grew up together, he stared falling for you, and he fell hard. it was around halfway through your middle school years when he realised how much he actually liked you; someone had accidentally kicked a ball at your head, and rin took care of you - after having yelled at and punched the person who had hurt you. the thought that you were in pain and he couldnt take it away was too much for rin, and thats when he understood how he felt about you.
so, as any little brother does, rin's first thought is to confide in his brother. one day after school, rin was stood outside sae's bedroom door, his hand hesitating as he went to knock. pulling himself together, rin knocked gently on the door, and at the sound of his brother's voice telling him to come in, he walked into the room.
"i need your help"
was the first thing rin said. sae's eyes widened slightly before he relaxed and sat up on his bed, patting the space next to him for rin to come sit next to him. once he did, sae turned to look at him.
"well, whats up?"
"i think i like someone, and i dont know what to do..."
whatever sae was expecting, it wasnt that, and it showed. the shock on his face was present for a few moments before he calmed down, and ruffled his little brother's hair. by this point, sae had had his fair share of confessions, so he knew mostly how they were done.
"well, whos the lucky girl?"
with that, sae's entire world stopped. he felt his heart slow down and the hand in rin's hair fell limp. rin liked you? why did it have to be you? sae felt like crying in that moment, but he wouldnt let himself; he wasnt about to be weak in front of his little brother that liked the same girl as he did.
sae couldnt remember a time where he didnt like you. from the moment that the two of you met, sae thought that you were the cutest thing ever - a bundle of nerves as you struggled to hold eye contact with him. as the three of you grew up together, sae's feelings for you grew as well, and the fact that you had grown to be so pretty didnt help either. now sae was stuck in the moral dilemma of losing the possibility of you and him, or crushing his little brother's heart as such a tender and fragile age.
"...thats sweet .. rin."
"so, what do you think i should do??"
"just, tell her ... whats the worst that will happen, right..?"
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© yuitoru™ — dont copy, plagiarise, repost, modify and/or translate my works.
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nina-ya · 9 months
Hiii lovvie hope your doing super well. As request are open may I request Nami and robin, boa hancock x male reader with a cute personlity,just too sweet. And loves giving hugs and kisses all the time. In headcanons if thats okey with you.
Thanks in before hand❤
A/N: ooo my first request for the op girlies i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it!! Pairing: Nami x Male!Reader, Robin x Male!Reader, Boa x Male!Reader CW: None WC: 918 Nami:
Nami is initially taken aback by just how sweet you are, but she quickly warms up to the affection, especially when you officially become her boyfriend.
You likely have a million cute nicknames for her, and the act of coming up behind her, wrapping your arms around her, kissing her cheek, and calling her the most tooth-rottingly fluffy nickname has her blushing like a fool, making her day absolutely perfect.
You seem to have a sixth sense for knowing exactly when she needs a hug or a kiss. For instance, after working tirelessly to keep the crew safe from an unexpected weather event, even though she seemed fine, she's truly okay when you bring her in for a hug, holding her tight against you and praising her amazing work.
You are the only person who is not a victim of her endless amount of debt, leaving the rest of the crew jealous of you.
If you thought the jealousy stopped there, wait until the crew finds out that Nami frequently spends her money on you. She gives you so many gifts, and she is absolutely elated to show you what she got on her shopping sprees. You always respond in kind by accepting every gift with a million kisses planted across her face.
She isn’t shy about PDA, so your affectionate personality will not be hidden. Be prepared to always hold hands with her, constantly give her kisses, and receive kisses as well.
Nami takes on a more dominant role in the relationship. If anyone ever bothers either of you, she would be the first to bark out some form of retaliation, defending both of you. You could jump in as well, but good luck with that—Nami has already scared off the foe.
Nami loves teaching you about the weather, map charting, or anything of the sort. She sees how enthusiastic you are about her interests, and it just pushes her to ramble on into the late hours, showing you bits and pieces of the things she knows best. By the end of it, you could honestly become a navigator on your own.
You are the best boyfriend Nami could ask for, and she would not change a thing for the world.
Robin greatly appreciates your sweet and affectionate nature. Your hugs and kisses never fail to bring a smile to her face, and she will always reciprocate with gentle touches and kisses of her own.
One of her favorite pastimes is sitting on your lap, reading a book while you read something of your own. Don’t (do) ask her about what she's reading though because you will have her wrapped around your finger. It's adorable watching her shift in your lap, turning to you to ramble about the contents of her book, and you just sit there, staring with complete and utter infatuation. Who knows what she's rambling about? All Robin knows is that she is very happy to have a boyfriend who is willing to listen to her interests.
You both always look out for each other. Constantly bringing each other snacks and drinks, dragging each other to bed after a long day, and patching each other's wounds up after battle, you two are just the cutest.
Robin is not the biggest fan of PDA. She would rather keep to pinky holding or light touches, but she would never deny you if you were to give her kisses on the cheek.
She truly appreciates the way you can make her smile and laugh at any and all times. You are her ball of sunshine.
Robin is utterly in love with you, and you better cherish it because you will have no better girlfriend than her.
Catch Boa showing you off whenever she can. She will absolutely parade you around, arms locked, her leaning against you, staring at you with heart eyes, making everyone jealous of you.
Outwardly, she is the more dominant one in the relationship, making all the calls for you, but just give her a kiss on the cheek, and watch as she crumbles apart under your touch.
No one understands how you’ve managed to get the Pirate Empress wrapped around your finger, but you did it.
She is a huge gift giver. You can’t leave her alone for one second without her coming back giving you the most extravagant gifts. And she loves that you always respond to her gifts with a smile on your face. You are just the absolute sweetest, and she adores it.
She love love loves the affection from you. You have to hold back the kissing and the cuddling unless you actually want to send her into cardiac arrest.
Boa is so protective of you and gets jealous very easily. You were nice to that random girl who said hi to you? You can't help it! It’s in your nature! Too late though, because that girl is already turned to stone. You are only hers, and you just have to accept that you can't breathe in the presence of other women unless you want them to get turned to stone.
It’s okay, though. You can find a workaround by reassuring her, holding her close, and lining her body with kisses and muttering phrases to ensure that she is the only one for you and you are going nowhere.
Boa really does appreciate and love you. You have captured the most beautiful woman in the world's heart; don't you dare let it get away.
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reidmania · 10 months
Miguel o’hara
summary; both oblivious to each others feelings, you both fuck around with other people to try and forget each other, but it never works.
warnings; mentions of sex but no smut? sexual references miscommunication, swearing, miguel and reader being oblivious, fem reader, angst w happy ending
it was difficult for miguel, watching you with that bright smile on your face, the way your whole face lit up as you danced around the room, hanging up christmas decorations, laughing at jokes others threw your way.
he wanted to be the one making you laugh.
he didn’t even notice the slight smile on his face as he stood in the doorway watching you, everyone else noticed though.
“miggy!” you say excitedly as you pause in front of him, “wanna decorate the christmas tree with me” you say, the cutest smile on your face, he feels his stomach knot.
it hurts him so much.
he pictures what it would be like for you and him to decorate your christmas in your very own home, drinking hot coco, watching christmas movies, cuddle on the couch. he wants to give you the world. he would do anything to have you in his arms, just once.
but he is a runner, these things scare him, and seeing how much control you have over him, scares him, and you have no idea. everytime you mention another guy, or going on a date with someone, miguel instantly assumes you’ve fucked them, and it kills.
he wants to be the one taking you out on dates, treating you as well as you deserve, giving you the world and more, everything, he wants to give you everything.
but if you were interested in miguel, you wouldve made a move by now.
you were so oblivious to his feelings for you, missing how he only smiled when you were around, how his tone got softer if you were in the room, making sure HQ had all your favourite things, and was fit to your standard
he never did that for anybody else, how could you miss it.
he assumed you just weren’t interested.
“sorry darling, i have a date” he said softly, wishing the date was with you, if you asked him once more he would cancel the date instantly, and spend all day decorating the damn tree with you.
he doesn’t even like christmas.
if he looked hard enough, he wouldve seen your face fall for a second, couldve noticed the million thoughts running through your head, but he missed it, and your smile remained.
“oh! thats okay miggy, have a good time” you say, hand now fidgeting with your necklace. he smiles at you.
you two were friends, best friends, ever since you came to the HQ miguel just had a soft spot for you, you were like an angel.
and then that soft spot turned into love.
miguel loved you, there was no doubt. he loved you so much it had begin to physically hurt him, he did have a date, that was true, but not a romantic sort of date. a quick fuck date, one where he hoped he would be distracted from all his thoughts of you, though it never worked, he would keep trying.
he wanted it to be you.
there was a sort of gut wrenching pain, hearing miguel call you darling then say he was going on a date with someone else, a million thoughts ran through your head, was this a new person or maybe an old one.
you new he fucked every girl he went on a date with, a new girl each week, you knew that because he always came back with different energies, and hickeys in different spots.
one girl covered him in them, he didn’t like that, the next left a few on his chest, he didn’t like that either, and the one after that left a few on his neck, and a few on his collarbone, he never seemed to like it.
but you had a conversation with him about hickey’s before, he said he liked them, he liked giving them and liked receiving them, maybe these girls just didn’t have the right placement.
you wanted to love miguel, you do love miguel. and you wouldve taken a chance and asked him out, if you didn’t know how every date went.
he would take them out, fancy restaurant, then fuck them, and ditch them.
and you loved miguel too much to just be used.
maybe he had a thing with commitment, a issue maybe, he was scared of it, or just couldn’t handle not being able to sleep with multiple women.
you refused to be used by miguel, not when you loved him with everything you have.
the next day, you saw a cute christmas sweater on your desk, with a smile you throw it on over your head, seeing others walking around with them on.
“i ordered them in, figured we could all match, but miguel doesn’t seem to think he wants to, can you talk to him?” lyla says, when she sees you, you frown, and nod. “yeah- yeah of course”
walking to miguels office scared you, you wondered where the hickeys would be placed today, if he liked them, you wondered if maybe this girl was different, maybe she was exactly what he wanted.
knocking on the door, you hear a grunt, then a come in, you walk in, plastering a smile on your face. “hi miggy” you say.
he smiles at the sight of you, the christmas sweater was a bit too big, handing down to your mid thigh. “hey darling,” he says, sitting up straighter in his chair.
“youre not matching with us?” you say, tilting your head as you sit on the other side of him, placing your elbows on the desk, holding your face.
“its not my kind of thing” he says. you pout, “come on miggy, its cute, match with me” you say, smiling.
he sighs, christmas always meant wearing whatever you pleased, miguel, obviously chose grey sweatpants and a black compression shirt, making you squeeze your thighs together, but you stayed quiet.
“yeah- okay” he says, turning around to pull off his shirt, you watch his back tense with a smile, as he pulls the christmas sweater over his head. “see miggy! its cute” you study him, unable to find any hickeys
“no hickeys today?” you say softly, “what happened” you asked, knowing it would probably leave you more hurt then you already are.
“i fucked up, and she left” miguel shrugged. he didn’t seem to bothered by it. you hate the fact it makes you happy. “what did you do?” you ask softly, tilting your head.
“said someone elses name” he runs a hand over his face, your jaw drops, as you laugh softly. but it wasn’t genuine, he was thinking of someone else.
“oh that would fucking suck” you say softly, with a smile, he shrugged, “its okay, hey are you coming to the christmas party tonight?” he asks, he hoped you were since he arranged it just for you.
you giggle, “of course i am”
“good ill see you there”
miguel was now clenching the drink in his hand, watching you talk to some guy, some guy that wasn’t him. he hated it. all he wanted was you, even if it was just for one night, he would happily be discarded by you if it meant having you at all.
you refused to be discarded by miguel, you didn’t want to be one of his one night stands, fuck then dumps, you wanted to love him.
miguel was standing outside on the balcony when you came out, “hi migs” you mutter, walking towards him. you looked gorgeous. perfect like always.
“hey baby” he says, cracking his neck softly, as he looks down at you, your stomach flipped at the name, but you assumed he was drunk.
this was unfair, on you and the girl he was thinking about, he thought about her enough to say her name while fucking somebody else, yet he was standing here calling you baby.
your smile dampens, and he notices. “hey hey whats up?” he says, grabbing your chin softly to make you look at him. “nothing, i think im just tired” you say.
miguel holds eye contact with you, heart pounding in his chest. “need me to take you home?” he asks softly, knowing you didn’t have a ride. you smile, “if thats okay- you don’t have to i don’t wanna ruin your night if your having a good time”
miguel shakes his head, “never, come on” he says grabbing your hand leading you to his car.
theres a lot of tension in the car, your not sure why, miguel keeps looking over at you, and you’re always looking at him. his hand is on your knee, this doesn’t feel like a just friends thing.
he reaches your house, and pauses looking at you. “you sure you’re alright?” he asks softly. you nod, looking into his eyes, theres a lot of tension, you don’t reply. “whos name did you say” you ask softly.
“you said someone elses name, fucking that chick last night, whos name was it, whos name did you say miguel”
“it doesn’t matter” he says, shaking his head, looking down at you.
“it does”
“baby-“ you can’t help it, you lean over smashing your lips into his, he is shocked at first, wondering if this was real, or if it was all in his head, but he kisses back, seizing the opportunity, never knowing if it’ll happen again.
he can taste you, vanilla and cherries, so so so sweet against his lips, he wonders if he is in heaven.
he groans, pulling you over the centre console to sit on his lap, your hands are now in his hair as one of his is on your back, pulling you closer, the other on the back of your neck.
its messy, passionate but messy, you roll your hips against him, subconsciously, causing him to groan loudly against your lips.
“baby” he says softly, in between kissing you. “mm” you hum in response, caught in the moment, maybe being used by miguel would be okay.
“yours” he says, pulling away. “what?” you ask confused, “your name, i said your name.” he admits quietly. you pause, in shock.
“you said my name- you were thinking of me?” you ask. he scoffs, “of course i was all i ever do is think of you, all the time, everyday, its always you, i can’t get you out of my head” he says.
you pause. “i- i don’t want to be another girl you fuck then leave” you say, “i- i can’t do it, not when i love you so much” you say, pushing your hands to his chest as you open the car door, climbing out.
he is in shock by your confession, it jabs him in the heart — all the sleeping around he did to forget you, didn’t work, yet it scared you into the idea that you would just be a quick fuck to him.
“no- what no listen to me” he says undoing his seatbelt as he gets up to follow you. “miguel i think its best if you leave- i can’t do this, im sorry but i cant be used by you” you say.
“you aren’t!!” he said, grabbing ur hand pulling you to look at him. “you- fuck, i dont sleep with women to fuck and leave them- i mean thats what ive been doing but i do it to try and forget you, to try to forget the way my heart leaps out of my fucking chest everytime you touch me, to forget the sound of your voice, to forget your cute smile, and pretty hair, i do it all to try and forget how much i love you, and how everytime i am with these women, i want it to be you, i want to be the one to take you out on those cute dates, i want you to be the one i am seeing everyday, i want you to be the one giving me hickeys where everybody can see them, and i hate when other women do it, cause they try to mark me as theres, but im yours. im only yours i want to be yours”
by the end of his rant, miguel is out of breath, everything he had been holding in had come pouring out, standing in the street with nothing but the dim street lamp as a source of light, and how you looked so pretty standing under the yellow.
“i love you” he says, chest heaving, “i love you and i want to love you” he says, you squeeze his hand gently, he knew you were shocked, he knew how you would need a moment to process this, and he knew that you squeezing his hand was to tell him you heard it all, and you were listening, you just needed to process.
he knew you.
he loved you.
“i love you, miguel” you finally say, “i love you, and i want to show you i love you, i want to do all the stupid cringey couple things with you, i want everyone to know how much i love you, i want the yuck feeling in my stomach to go away everytime i hear you mention some other girl, i want to love you” you say, holding his hand to your chest as you hold eye contact with him.
“no one else, no other girls, just us, me and you, just us” he says.
“just us”
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sirenlulls · 1 year
feels like ➞ e. hewson
pairing — elijah hewson x fem!reader (gracie abrams fc)
fic type — social media au
met you at the right time. this is what it feels like!
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♡ liked by gallagher_anais, izzyrichmond_, and 663,982 others
yourusername hello dublin!! i missed u angels sm 🫶 the last time i played a home show it was to a crowd of 200 at most & while i’ll always be grateful for those intimate shows and the family we built, i am so so so grateful and excited to play a sold out 3arena tomorrow with some very special guests ;) see you soon 💋
user SPECIAL GUESTS???? she’s definitely bringing inhaler out for a song or something
user no because didn’t she say on an ig live a few months ago that she helped eli write perfect storm…
joshjenkinson_ LFG!!!! 🤍🤍
evehewson beautiful beautiful girl 🫶
yourusername i love u to the moon and back by gorgeous eve ☹️💗
jordanjoyhewson ⭐️girl!! So excited for you x
user her friendship with eli’s sisters is so special to me
user im so excited i’ve been looking forward to this for months 😭😭
oliviarodrigo sososoooooooo proud of u baby 🥹
yourusername UGH!! my liv my life i love u too much
user you’ve grown so much in the past year im inconsolable
bobbyskeetz they were lovely leaves
yourusername getting the snow angel practice in early x
ynhq getting our bows ready!!
elijahhewson you betrayed me with that picture 💔
yourusername the job of a girlfriend is to humble, i’m sorry babe xx
phoebebridgers 🖤🖤🖤
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ryanmcmahon_15 just updated their story!
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♡ liked by jojolovedog, lizzymcalpine, and 721,798 others
yourusername thank u thank u thank u all for giving me the perfect end to an already perfect tour… speaking of perfect things…. thank u to my angels inhalerdublin for joining me onstage for an encore. i love u guys so much & performing with u was a gift in and of itself 🫶 i’ll miss performing live but i’m so happy to be able to settle down for a while with those close to me. i love u all so so so much. thank u for supporting me 💗💗💗
user do you understand how many lives were impacted by this show.
user this is my boobgenius
reneerapp born to serve 💋
inhalerdublin thanks for having us 🫶❤️
yourusername i was looking at josh when he typed this guys just fyi
ryanmcmahon_15 i, too, ❤️ inhaler!
nieveella stunning beautiful yummy delectable talented showstopping amazing gorgeous perfect (storm)!!!!!!!
yourusername love u sm ☹️💋
user my roman empire
katiegavs can i get a kiss… pls
yourusername anything for u 💋💋
user post concert depression has already started to kick in
user u and eli sharing a mic for the perfect storm chorus had me 🥹🥹🥹🥹 IM UNWELL
stellajones IT GIRLLLLLL
gallagher_anais don’t mind me, just sobbing in my little corner 🥺🫶💗
yourusername ani babyyyyy i love u sm ☹️☹️
yourusername updated their story!
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♡ liked by lilamoss, joshjenkinson_, and 699,810 others
yourusername a special thank u to this loser who means the world 2 me. don’t know why u decided to eat that paper but… i still love u forever and ever and ever and ever and… ever!!!
user omg the last pic in dying did they grow up together???
yourusername we went to the same playschool!! went to different primary & secondaries tho 💔
elijahhewson you love posting bad pics of me
yourusername you’re a leo you’ll be fine
elijahhewson love you and proud of you always 🤍
yourusername ILY BITCHHHHHHH
bobbyskeetz poor lad was starving
maisiehpeters so cute 🥹❤️‍🩹🎀
evehewson My faves ❤️❤️❤️❤️
user my alex turner & alexa chung fr
laufey 🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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hash1ras · 1 year
jjk hcs -`♡´- modern au
part one: yuji, megumi, nobara note: characters are aged up in this, early-mid 20's | banner image made by me ♡
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⋆˙⟡♡ yuji
definitely the comedian of the group, he's always making you laugh
literally has thousands and thousands of followers on twitter, he's so popular fr (but so humble about it)
sweet tooth!!! always eating sweets, one night at a house party you watched him pull pocky out of his jacket & start snacking in the middle of the kitchen like ??? yuji please eat a vegetable im worried about your health smh
literal sweet baby angel
street style fashion king!!
loves hip hop music, his current favs are isaiah rashad & childish gambino he knows the words to every song (yuji’s playlist here)
carpool karaoke sessions w him and nobara!!
he's your best friend, you guys have sleepovers and random day trips together
gives the best hugs!!! (😭)
you two have a joint playlist on spotify
has a polaroid camera that he brings with him everywhere
his bedroom is covered with pics he's taken of you and the group<3
⋆˙⟡♡ megumi
the quiet one (ofc)
has his headphones in almost constantly, its usually deftones or nirvana
he also loves old jazz music????
the type of guy to send you 50 tiktoks in a row but never reply to yours smh
he's your go to video game partner
you love going over to his house just to snuggle with his dogs on the couch
he acts annoyed and gives a little "tch" as he walks by but secretly he thinks it's the cutest thing in the world
he likes playing soccer in his free time, like he's actually an insanely good player (okay go off blue lock)
manga collector
his favorite is berserk, like damn who hurt you bby
when he gets drunk, he's the life of the party and will even pull you out on the dance floor
but then he's grumpy as hell the next day because he's violently hungover and you're showing him videos of the night before (now he's burying his head in the pillow bc he's embarrassed)
his closet is literally all black clothing
you love stealing his jackets and shirts when he's not looking lmao
megumi is the one you go to when you're struggling with anything, he always gives the best advice with 0 judgement
⋆˙⟡♡ nobara
will usually take mall trips with you, she'll facetime you from the dressing room to get your opinion on outfits and now you two are having a virtual date from across the dressing room hallway lmao
fortnite champion
she always kills megumi anytime they play together and he gets so mad, now he's screaming at nobara while you and yuji are dying from laughter on the couch
"the sweetest bitch you'll ever meet"
thats actually her instagram bio
loves cherry coke
club girl, you two love spending your weekends out dancing, occasionally you'll drag megumi & yuji out with you
you know those platonic codependent friendships? like does anyone wanna hang out for 15 days in a row? yeah that's you and nobara<3
has a sanrio obsession & a plushie collection to match (she calls you the kuromi to her melody)
she's a swiftie
her favorite album is reputation
gives the best boy advice
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requests are open!#
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0littleladybug0 · 3 months
haihai :3 could u please do mayhaps a cg!steve harrington x little reader an mayhaps they the little is a bit cranky >:O and maybe just wants extra cuddles and extra baby time w cg stevieeeeeeeeeeee :D I love ur acc btw
this request is the cutest thing ever i love it so much (coming from a girl that gets supper cranky when im regressed 🤭
Cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader
Summary: someones getting cranky and Stevie knows just how to help
Tags/warnings: Age regression, gender neutral reader, tooth rotting fluff from our favorite cg, spelling mistakes if you squint your eyes (theres always gonna be at least one i miss), reader being the most teeniest tinyest baby ever, reader being insecure but dw Steve is to the rescue!, no use of Y/N, ive never written for Steve before so let me know how i did!!
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It wasn't an exaggeration that you were completely and utterly exhausted. Between classwork and picking up as many shifts as you could with your part time job, you were stacked with responsibilities and were constantly busy. Its not like you were doing it all alone though, you and Steve have both been working insanely hard. You both needed and deserved a nice break from the real world.
Your little space was just that, it was perfect for the both of you! You loved being taken care of and Steve loved having somebody to take care of, and he especially loved taking care of his sweet sweet baby.
The only issue however, was that you always had a problem verbalizing what it was you wanted. You knew that Steve loved being your caregiver and didn't mind your regression at all, intact he praised it any chance he could and was beyond supportive of everything, but you just couldn't shake the insecurities away sometimes no matter how hard you tried to.
You had spent all week without slipping into your little space, something that Steve noticed very quickly since you rarely ever go that long without regressing, even if its just for a hour or two. You wanted nothing more then to slip and be babied by your cg, but the insecurities in your head were too strong, and that made you want to slip even more.
Good thing for Steve though, he had an indescribable gift of reading you just like a book. He knew everything and anything about your regression, and he knew that the longer you stayed big, the smaller and smaller you would regress.
So when you came back home from an exhausting shift after your classes, he knew what you were doing.
You kicked off your shoes and flopped onto the couch with a small whine escaping your lips. You were so tired you didn't even see him walking over to the couch, taking a seat right by your feet, rubbing circles on your back.
"Hi baby." he cooed, "lets change you into some jamies and get you some food, how does that sound?"
The idea of being all cozied up in your favorite pjs sounded like a dream, but the thought of having to get up and actually change, you simply just didn't have the energy for that.
you wanted Steve to pick you up and carry you on his hip, change you into your jammies and give you a nice warm bottle of milk.
And Steve always knew what you wanted. Which made you want to stay big even more, but you were beginning to slip and you couldn't help it.
"No, not tiny." you pout, trying to prove your point.
"You mean this itty bitty baby right here, this little one isn't tiny hm?" he asked, tickling you slightly at your sides. "Seems pretty tiny to me."
You giggle and squirm, immediately making you slip completely into your little space.
"Cmere sweetheart, lets get you changed, your to tiny to wear your big clothes, i cant imagine thats comfy."
"Wanna be in my jammies." you nodded in agreement.
Steve got up from the couch, a confused look lacing his face when he turned to see you staring up at him with big doe eyes.
"You want me to carry you, dont you?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer to it.
"Yes please." you said shyly hiding your face.
He chuckles to himself as he put his arms under yours and hosting you up on his hip. "Good job with your manners hun, where did i get such a polite little one?"
God he loved to see you blush and hide in the crook of his neck.
After getting you into some comfy clothes and a snack in your stomach, he knew that you didnt even need a bottle to knock you out for the night. Would you still be asking for one, oh absolutely.
You began to kick your legs when he hovered you over the couch in an attempt to you you down.
"No dada! No couch!" You shook your head vigorously.
"Baby, I gotta put you down somewhere, dont you want something to eat?" Steve asked.
You let out a whine and buried your head back into the crook of Steves neck. All you wanted was to cuddle with your caregiver, you didn't want to think about what you wanted to eat, let alone have the energy to actually do it.
"Just wanna stay with you." you mumbled, your voice soft and muffled from Steves shoulder.
"Ok How about this," Steve began, holding your cheek with his free hand so that you could look at him. "What if i made you some nice *comfort food of choice* and then a bottle after, huh? How does that sound?" Steve suggested, he could tell you were tired and fussy and all down right exhausted. he couldn't imagine all the big feelings you were having right now in your little mindset.
He waiting until you slowly nodded in agreement before walking over to the kitchen, with you still on his hip of course. After the food and the bottle was done, he walked you over to the couch and placed you on his lap. He pulled a throw blanket over your back and made sure your stuffie was close to your side and put on cartoons on the TV. You didnt have to ask him what you wanted, he already knew how to treat his tiny tiny baby.
he blew on your food to make sure it wasnt too hot before holding it out to you on your baby spoon, encouraging you to eat it.
He knew that in such a little headspace the last thing you had was energy to feed yourself. He never minded helping out his baby.
"Its yummy isnt it?" He asked in between bites, never rushing you and letting you take your time with the dish.
You would nod along, clinging to Steves side feeling your hangry crankiness slowly go away.
You giggled when he licked his finger and whipped your checks clean. Your laugher to Steve was like an angle choir, he would do anything to hear that little laugh.
After you were done with your food, Steve had so hesitation feeding you your bottle next. You could feel your insecurities rise again at the though of Steve having to take care of you so much, making you cranky again.
You tried to grab the bottle from Steves hand before he tapped it away.
"Its ok baby, let dada give it to you." he reassured.
That one piece of reassurance was enough to get you back into your baby headspace as you nuzzled your head further into Steves chest with a smile.
Your bottle was quickly finished as Steve reassured you with sweet nothings throughout it. He grabbed your paci and held it out waiting for you to take it. You had no hesitation letting him place it in your mouth. He brought both arms around you now, bringing you into a big bear hug. He layed down on the couch with you on top and ran his hand through your hair.
"Sorry i was cranky today." You mumbled through your paci.
Steve looked down at you at your saddened state. He hated when you apologized for feeling your emotions.
"Hey baby, look at me." He said, bringing a hand to your cheek, brushing it slowly with his finger. "You never have to apologize for the way you feel. Its ok that your not happy and playful everyday. Every baby has their cranky days. And i will always be there to take care of you no mater if your happy or sad or cranky or tired. Im going to be there for you no matter what. Im always gonna be here for my little baby." He kissed the top of your head and tighten his grasp around you.
You nuzzled back into his chest with a soft smile on your lips.
You felt loved. You were loved. Everything was ok.
You both fell asleep holding each other on the couch, you woke up feeling cured of last nights big emotions with the help of your cg and your littlespace. And even if you woke up and you were still little, you didnt worry about being too much for Steve. You knew he would grab you a juice box, set you on the kitchen counter and make you breakfast as you watched.
You truly couldn't ask for a better dada.
But yet again, he couldn't ask for a better little one either.
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kenlvry · 2 years
reader as kennys, tweeks, and butters older sibling!!
an: someone requested this but i accidentally deleted the request i panicked so bad and im sorry!!! butters colour is only on laptop and my laptop is at home rn so for now butters is
gn btw!
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kenny mccormick
you and kenny were inseparable even though you were a year older than him you would still talk to him during recess, even sometimes dropping by his class to annoy mr garrison. when things got tough at home esp when mom and dad is fighting you and kenny would always protect kevin and karen, you two are the most sane people in that house fr.
you were always protective of kenny and would travel to the world and back for him, when he introduced his friend group to you, you were..... shock to be honest. esp the one whos a disrespectful racist sexist person who mocks the jew friend. the others was decent, the most normal friend out of the three of them is definitely kyle, you'd trust your little brother anywhere with kyle. but with cartman? you might have to spy a little.
you sometimes hang out with them! just to protect kenny of course, they dont mind tbh. but you were worried on how stan thinks of you because whenever he sees you he pukes, you tell your little brother but he says to not worry and laughs abt it, you wonder whats so funny about it??
sometimes kenny also follows you around with your friend group, they dont mind, they think hes the most cutest thing ever. they would surround him and compliment him, he definitely likes it.he was protective of karen and you were protective with kevin, you two always try your best to support your other siblings. doing extra shifts just to buy them toys they never got as a kid.
whenever kenny wants to do something you were always there to support it, it doesnt matter how stupid and dangerous it was, you were there to help him no matter what.
you dont remember when kenny dies so whenever he does you'd go livid, you'd cry all day and mom wasn't helping either. who was going to help you support the other two now? who's gonna accompany you when you feel like getting food? you were crying 10 buckets but then just like that you were okay, you didnt even know what you were bitching about.
in conclusion he's definitely your bestest friend. even if he kills someone you'd defend him with your life, you'd do anything for your little bro.
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tweek tweak
ever since tweek was born you'd swore with your life to protect him, he was the cutest thing ever, everyone calls you the perfect older sibling. you were two years older than him, 6th grade.
you were really famous amongst the school, everyone liked and respected you. anyone knows that if they mess with tweek, they mess with you. you'd act all tough infront of your friends but then your lil bro came along and you were all soft petting his head comforting him, giving him coffee candy to calm his nerves. almost every 6th grader loved tweek bc of his older sibling.
at home if he had a panic attack or would get really anxious you'd calm him down with coffee (that you bought yourself so no weird shit in it) you knew what your parents put in his drinks thats why you always tell him to only drink your coffee and not to drink them, he doesn't get it and would still drink it but only if he is realllllyyyy stressed out, he trusts your opinions
he trusts you alot, if he gets worried about north korea attacking again you would def help him.
every morning when he buttons his buttoned up wrong you wanted to help but he'd freak out, boy hasn't had his morning coffee of course he's freaked out. you'd forget to fix it by then so you just let it be.
you love him so much and wouldn't ask for any different younger brother, and he is very grateful to have a older sibling as nice as you.
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leopold "butters" stotch
butters was the sweetest angel and the best younger sibling you could ask for, although you hated your parents you cared for him so much.
whenever your troubling with something he'd always try to help out anyway he can even though he cant help but he'd try anyways. you hated how unfair your parents was towards butters, he'd get grounded for the stupidest shit and you always argue to your dad about how unfair he's being but instead you'd get grounded too.
you always took the blame for him because he's still a kid and needs to enjoy the outside world, not be cooped up in his room. everytime that eric cartman tricks your sweet angel brother to do something stupid, you hold in the urge to murder some 4th grader, you try talking him out of it but he insisted saying cartman was a good person and hes a good friend, oh how naive butters was
he was very grateful to you and whenever he had doubts about something you are the first person he'd go to, it didnt matter how stupid the doubt was you are always trying to help your sweet younger brother <333
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