#that's like the vaguest thing lmao
its-tortle · 7 months
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in preparation for tonight ✨️✨️
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andie-cake · 1 year
the last couple of lines of dialogue in chapter 1 of changed like a remix excite me bc i'm imagining people who know nothing abt ybc reading them and thinking "hey op. what the fuck do you mean by that".
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saltinesinsoup · 2 years
augh god. i need to rip something apart with my teeth i think. or shower
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billdenbrough · 3 months
@naturecalls111 prompted me kevaaron + massage when i needed a warmup prompt bc she is the best. waves hands this is a vague au and heads up for some suggestive content ahead but it's just prelude vibes lmao
The thing is. The thing is that Aaron’s hands, while smaller than Kevin’s, are firm. It was a fuck of a thing, coming onto this team after two years of Volshan’s huge, bone-cracking hands, and being told this small blond with sharp eyes and a clever, pretty mouth would be the one helping Kevin with keeping his body well-tuned.
He certainly feels like an instrument right now, strung too tight. Everything is taut. He’s only halfway sure it’s his muscles. The rest of it might just be him, here, right now, in this moment. 
“God, what have you been doing to yourself?” Aaron mutters. He digs his thumb in deep, and Kevin can’t help the low, guttural groan that rings through the air. Aaron pauses. Kevin buries his face in the bed.
“Well, clearly that needed some working out,” Aaron says. He resumes his motions, pausing only to re-lotion his hands, and it’s just - Kevin is just -
Kevin is a fucking professional, okay? You don’t get onto as many teams as he has—let alone at the international level—without going through the team PT’s hands a time or twenty. But it’s just.
Aaron’s kinda funny, see. He's got this dry, quiet humour, usually pretty cutting, and these blunt remarks that make Kevin snort even when the recipient of such a remark sends him an injured look. The breakdown in relations with his teammates is worth it when Aaron sends him that little smile. And Aaron is smart. Obviously, medical professional, but he likes trivia and has opinions on the best way to hide a body (“My something-in-law,” he says once, in the world’s vaguest lore drop. “He’s got a variety of skills.” Which, like, ominous? If Jean were here, he’d be telling Kevin that the fact that Aaron clearly being related to some sort of serial killer isn’t flagging his boner at all means Kevin truly has taken too many Exy balls to the head. It might be true. Doesn’t change the fact that his boner remains undaunted and his neck prickles whenever he hears Aaron enter a room, so aware of him) and confiscates Kevin’s Exy racquet when he catches him at the court too late, but doesn’t make him go home. 
Which is how they end up here, actually.
Aaron says, you’re going to injure yourself, don’t be a fucking idiot. Kevin says, I need to get better. Aaron says, you’re already the best person on that court, you perfectionistic fuck. Kevin grins at him, quick and fierce, then remembers himself, and says, I can always get better. Aaron arches an eyebrow and says, not if you blow out your knee trying to conquer the world. Kevin wants to argue, but Aaron reaches over and tugs his Exy racquet free, placing one hand on Kevin’s bicep as he does so. Kevin is so struck by it that he lets him. 
Aaron says, you don’t have to leave if you don’t want to go back home. Kevin doesn’t ask how he guessed or what he’s implying. Kevin asks, what are you doing here? And Aaron says, checking the office. Thought I could get some paperwork done.
And Kevin asks, do you want company? And Aaron looks at him, expression a little unreadable, then says, yeah, okay. Come on, Kevin Day.
And he goes. And Kevin follows. 
And now here’s Kevin, getting an impromptu massage because Aaron narrowed his eyes at the way he was moving his left leg. And now Aaron’s fingers are moving up the back of his thigh, digging in, and all Kevin can think about is how badly he wants those fingers to be digging in because he’s holding on. Because he’s pulling Kevin down on him, clutching at him because he doesn’t want to let go. Or because he’s clinging to Kevin’s shoulders for dear life while Kevin proves to him that all his chat about the stamina of champions isn’t just chat. Kevin’s not picky. He’s just losing his mind a little, maybe, with how it all feels right now.
“Did you want me to do the front?” Aaron asks. “I can check your knee.”
Kevin shakes his head quickly. “It’s fine,” he says, but Aaron is frowning at him. He moves around the bed to face Kevin, and Kevin can’t escape his gaze, lying down as he is.
“Are you sure?” he asks. He presses the back of his hand against Kevin’s forehead—if he thinks Kevin has a fever and benches him, Kevin is going to be absolutely insufferable, especially because he’s fine, he’s just horny. Then he does something so completely unforgivable, and flips his hand absentmindedly, cupping Kevin's jaw. 
Kevin lets out a low whine.
Aaron steps back, and Kevin goes, “Shit, sorry, it’s—Keegan bruised me there earlier.”
The look Aaron gives him is unconvinced, but he nods. “Okay,” he says. “I'll just do a warm down then, if you’re sure.”
Kevin swallows, nods.
But then Aaron's hands are back on him. Gentler this time, for the most part, but digging into softer flesh, more tender spaces, and then—
Kevin makes a kind of gasping noise as Aaron’s hand slips a little, a little too slick from the lotion. Aaron’s apology is swallowed up by the gasp, but then cut off completely as his hand brushes against Kevin’s hard dick.
“Oh,” Aaron says, and then, “Is this why you were being so—Kevin, it’s fine. This is really normal. I promise I've seen it before.”
Appallingly, Kevin’s first instinct is to indignantly ask “Who?!”; however, cooler heads prevail and he says, “Uh huh.”
“No, I promise,” Aaron says. His voice is a little strange, but there’s sincerity in it, Kevin can tell that much. “I know it’s just a reaction, it doesn’t mean anything, it’s natural.”
Kevin blames Jeremy, who is the least honest but most sincere person he knows, for what comes out of his mouth next. Jeremy, who never tells anyone shit but is always so encouraging for people to be open with their feelings. It’s his fault, Kevin decides, because Kevin’s stupid fucking mouth decides to say, “I wouldn’t say anything.”
Aaron goes really still for a moment. Kevin is still not looking at him, so he only knows this from the sudden lack of breathing. Then, finally, “What?”
Kevin huffs, then turns over. No point hiding it now that they both know he’s hard as a rock.
It's embarrassing, but he’s said it now. He can’t unfuck that. So he stands his ground instead. “I wouldn't say it’s entirely meaningless.”
Aaron’s looking at him. Mostly his face, but he glances down at his dick, and Kevin feels it stir with interest beneath the attention. He's about to feel embarrassed, but then Aaron tilts his head, and his eyes darken just a shade, and Kevin thinks—oh. Kevin thinks, maybe this isn’t such a lost cause after all.
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elviraaxen · 5 months
ive really been loving the pacing of your story and i enjoy the concept and the bits that have been released about the plot! youre doing really well, and i admire it greatly!!
ive been having trouble figuring out an overall plot in my own work, i just have character ideas and the vaguest idea for a storyline. i try to just write but then i usually end up taking a break (re: dumping it) because i don't have anymore ideas for how to complete the plot. i've laso been curious about how you go about writing for a comic (do you write then do thumbnails? do thumbnails then go back to figure out dialogue? a third thing?) so i was wondering if you had any advice or resource tips for writing? both for comics and for overarching plots, if that's okay
if you don't have any ideas tho, no worries. i was just curious. good luck with Felt World! i love everything that's coming out so far, thank you for gifting us it!!
Oh thank you so much!! I can't say I'm a comic book artist at heart because I really don't have much experience, I was only an illustrator for a short while and never wrote anything myself, but learning from past mistakes (i.e. I don't stick to plans), I've so far done this and it seems to work:
I'm one of those that don't like to plan strict layouts for the entire thing, because chances are I will not stick to it, so what I've done for felt world is just write a sketch for the overarching plot, the b-plot and c-plot, with rough estimates in what order I want the major plot points and settings to be. My current sketch looks like this;
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(which is done in Miro) and as you can see there aren't that many plot points, because I want to have the wiggle room to come up with something on the spot. And also, my comic focuses a lot on interpersonal relationships, character development, and themes rather than the plot, which means it needs to be concise or else the comic is gonna take 6 million years to finish.
And now,, I think this might just be how I work, but I think it's easier to be creative when you have strict restrictions rather than all the choices in the world.
for me, personally, I restrict an update of 10 pages tops, because instagram only allows max 10 images per post! This means I have to 1) fit all I want to say in 10 pages, 2) it has to be concise or else I infodump on readers, and 3) I have to answer some sort of question within the update, or else I said nothing and I start over.
As for scripts, I tend to write one or two sentences of what's going to happen for the update, and then I get to thumb-nailing and sketching right away! I come up with most of the dialogue on the spot too.
And also, I think what's most important, is that you take your damn time! If you aren't immersing yourself in your own world, how do you expect your readers to do the same?
I'm very much a believer that the stories you are telling are something that comes to you naturally if you just sit with it and listen rather than demand that it makes itself known to you. When I brainstorm for felt world I quite literally sit in my bed and go "omg!! And then what? :0" TO MYSELF LMAO as if I'm not making everything up myself! I think that's extremely important that your story is engaging to you first and foremost!
And as for more practical tips
carry a notebook with you or use your notes app AS SOON as you get ideas to write them down! No you will not remember, lol.
set rules of what you're not allowed to do with your story so that you don't fall into lazy trope territory! You can do that when you brain storm, but finesse the story post brainstorm to just make it.. smarter.. if that makes sens For example, don't kill your gay characters, don't make sensitive men the butt of the joke, don't make your women fight over men (unless it's the point), etc.
set physical restrictions! For example, max amount of pages per upload, max amount of pages for the whole story, max amount of characters, etc.! That literally forces you to problem solve, which by definition is creativity! Like, oh you can't do this the obvious way? Do it the creative way! That's way more fun!
I could probably go on, but this is too long already! But I hope it at least helped somewhat!
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mintmoth · 14 days
Your oc's are so cool!! It's such a surreal feeling to get back into a fandom and wake up up find that one of my favorite artists is also there. Say, quick question do you plan on making executions for your oc's or do they survive? Well whatever you do I hope you'll have fun with it and as always remember to be well hydrated and take breaks, I hope your doing well mint.
BXDISBSK OH HELLA!! Also thank you 😭😭 I'm glad you're enjoying my silly dr2 art and my oc planning lmao
Honestly I was originally planning on having only 2 ocs specifically because I wanted one to kill the other in order to maintain the same group of survivors in the end lmao. I'm still trying to fully work out the setup and inevitable execution because the plot writing for dr2 is really tight and well progressed imo, so I feel like adding anything would weaken it-
BUT I'm also just having fun and being silly so I know it doesn't have to be perfect it just needs to let me have fun really lmao
I'll add a readmore but I'll ramble about each of them a little if anyone has any interest
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First up is the first one I made, Haruka (forgive all of their basic bitch Japanese names, I can't do the fun wordplay to the level I wish) they're the ultimate ballerina, and by extension also nonbinary kind of feminine leaning androgynous but can be masc if needed because they can do any kind of role required of them for a performance
When they're tossed into the dr2 mix they'd probably be found being a third wheel to the dynamic duo that is Akane and Nekomaru, since they're also technically more athletic and would be stretching and practicing every day. I want to sit down sometime and draw them and Akane engaged in a flexibility battle and Kazuichi walking in on them and screeching because they look so creepy
Haruka is planned to be a murderer and I'll definitely get some drawings out once I flesh out my concepts for their execution more
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Next up is Nao! She's the ultimate sharpshooter and yes that is a little vague but it's because this includes bows and such on top of typical guns. Hell, she probably even does well with throwing stuff if there's enough focus
With the dr2 cast she'd be mostly a friend to Ibuki and Kazuichi, their eccentricities are endearing to her, plus if either of them just want to ramble about something they're working on she's gonna listen for hours. Honestly they're such a movie night squad to me. Also post game I feel like she's like a girl in the same way I still see Kazuichi a guy, like in the vaguest terms cuz they're both just Themselves and are gonna have fun with it now since they're apart from society. Ibuki isn't included only since I feel like she'd struggle less, but this is the bi/pan gender fuckery trifecta of the group to me
Oh yeah and Haruka kills her. I've got the death already planned out and ideally I wanna do a cg style emulation for it but idk if I can swing it lmao I'm not very good at style emulation tbh
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And last but not least is Tōru. I didn't plan on her existing so idk how I'm gonna get rid of her in time for the end hmm. But she's the ultimate tattoo artist and has the most fleshed out backstory of the three but it's embarrassing and I know it LMAO
Basic run down- and stick with me here- she lives with family that work under the Kuzuryu clan, so she's done a lot of sick yakuza tats, partially because of her skill and mostly because this shit is so good that her tattoos have like, an "aura" that influences the viewer a little. So these dudes have extra intimidating tattoo bullshit going on- BUT ANYWAYS so things start and she can recognize Fuyuhiko and Peko and knows what's up with them, but neither of them have officially met her so she's like "oh thank fuck they have no idea that I know who they are I'm gonna avoid these assholes like the PLAGUE"
But of course that won't hold forever but it just makes me laugh like chapter 3 Fuyuhiko trying desperately to be kinder to everyone like "yeah, maybe I'll see if you're good enough to tattoo me some day" and she's choking on her drink because Haha About That-
But yeah hopefully I can rope one of my friends into having their oc knock her off because I think that would be funny like, getting down on one knee please kill my oc tragically
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will-die-for-janus · 6 months
Not exactly related to the episode but I’ve been thinking about this and I need to share it with someone.
What if Janus was scared of the Orange side? Like what if he was doing his best to hide O from Thomas not because of personal motives but because Janus fears O’s power and is trying to protect Thomas? If that’s the case, what kind of powerhouse would O be to be worthy of even Janus fearing him? Logan is the last roadblock between O and Thomas. Once he breaks down (and he’s clearly very close to it), then O comes into his full power.
This is barely a theory this is just an excuse to see angsty Janus. I like watching calm and collected characters have a breakdown. I wanna read this fic so bad
Ok I love theories it’s like my favourite thing (still emotionally devastated over matpat I can’t handle change lmao)
Entertaining this idea, Janus is the representation of Thomas’ self-preservation, he had been allowed to lie to T about HIS OWN existence. The only other dark side we know is Remus and in his introduction he mentioned Janus allowing him present himself to T as he was accepting the darker sides to himself. Yet we have seen only the vaguest of hints about this Orange side, event after J has been accepted by Thomas and Patton. This means the orange side would either disrupts the tentative peace they’ve built so far OR Janus has reasons (self-preserving) for not allowing the introduction of O.
Another thing we have to keep in mind is Logan, most people have determined Logan is either the orange side, linked with the orange side, or is acting as some sort of barrier between O and Thomas. I am leaning more towards Logan might develop into the Orange side, mostly because the rainbow doesn’t have 2 blue colours 🌈. Yet Lo taking one for the team and maybe having the orange side try to come out or influence him but not allowing it to happen just to protect everyone else, this includes not showing/feeling any emotions (especially the ones that come more naturally to him like anger), it’s very heroic and something I wouldn’t mind.
Angsty any side is definitely my shit (only if there is a happy ending cuz i’m a damn baby) This fic concept is definitely something i’m intrigued by, if I end up using it as a writing exercise on my fic account i’ll give you all the credit!!
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meapistrash · 1 year
On Shoko Ieri and Silent Grieving
[minor manga spoilers]
One of the things that struck me with JJK s2 is how DIFFERENT Shoko looks. I'm a manga reader, but it's been a while since Hidden Inventory Arc, and I only remember the vaguest bits about Shoko's design in that arc, but just from ep 1, there’s so much more screen time for her in the OP and ED, a complete stark difference to her adult self in s1.
With Geto and Gojo, we know how they become who they are in JJK 0--it’s the entire plot of the Hidden Inventory Arc. But with Shoko in the manga, we don't know as much, and i like to think that all her jaded looks of nonchalance developed in her adulthood as slow process.
If Gojo and Nanami changed rapidly in their griefs, then Shoko kinda just sinks into it slowly. Grieves silently, bit by bit. Lights one cigarette more than usual. Stays up one hour more than usual. And then another and another, until one day, there are blue veins under her eyes that cant be hidden by makeup. Her being recognisable by the scent of cigarette smokes. All of the changes minuscule, but dragged on for years.
No one notices it much because of that, but clearly she grieves because there’s no denying how long she spent with her own thoughts and and chose to hold it in by doing other things, to the point where the way she copes normalizes into habits. Her jaded gazes developed from years of consoling herself over the loss of her friends and her own youth. Which makes her statement in the manga "I was there, wasn't I?" all the more poignant.
(This is edited from my original thread on the bird app, right after i finished episode 1 days ago lmao)
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meanbossart · 9 months
i’ve been binge reading your DU drow fic, which has been absolutely lovely so far, i’m thoroughly invested in the story and i love your characterization of everyone. i especially like the way you write dialogue, and i was curious if you had any ideas/references as to what drow’s voice would sound like? i can’t help but think about how his voice compares to the others, especially since i’ve heard them plenty in game. this question might not garner much of a response but i’m curious regardless!
Thank you so much for giving it a try!!! Hope it continues to be an enjoyable read B)
I picked Voice 5 for him at the character creation (I believe that's the default for The Dark Urge) And very much still write him with that voice in mind for the fic! I heard "Wretched thing, pull yourself together" enough times that the cadence is burned into my brain.
Also I get a lot of entertainment out of the fact he has this arresting, commanding tone only to say the dumbest, vaguest shit 80% of the time in the story lmao here's a refresher at 2:16.
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angels-and-demons · 1 month
How’s life going ? I’ve been busy but every now and then I check the Nicoby AO3 ship tag to see if the numbers have changed lmao
I know you’re alive thanks to Deadpool & Wolverine (RIP Peter i guess….)
Since it’s been months since the last update for the Arranged Marriage! AU do you plan on making changes to the future elements in the story that you’ve mentioned before that are planned out?
Or do you already have the FULL story planned out and don’t have the time to continue updating it due to IRL things?
Either way, I’m glad you’re alive !!
Hi! I've got a vague plan for the arranged marriage au, but on the whole, each chapter is written kinda one at a time.
I am working on the next chapter, I promise. Its just the lack of motivation getting to me.
There is a plan, I know vaguely where the story is going, I swear.
Also, the vaguest description of the next couple chapters is as follows:
Nico and Toby go to the underworld. Toby is alone while Nico works for his father.
They go to CHB/The surface in the spring. Some slight getting to know each other.
Slender mansion in the summer. They have a fight/argument.
New Rome in autumn. Planning for the wedding. Something big/scary happens with one of the grooms. And then some slight bonding.
Also: here are a couple snippets from the next chapter that I really like:
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asya thoughts dump 💌
1. Asya and Tre could be so. EIRGJRVRIEDH !! not to suggest like, the vaguest notion of romance (asya is probablyyy aroace, or in any case, far too occupied with guaranteeing her survival to devote her time and effort into something so frivolous and intangible), but in the sense that their feasible relationship could divulge so much about asya’s character. i assume they could be like, acquaintanced by their guardians (in asya’s case, her benefactors)— and Asya would find him to be totally insufferable LMAO but would endure his company on the hopes that their (albeit, begrudging) acquaintance might elevate her social standing.
2. in addition to the prior thought, i TRULY hope to convey how far-flung her character is from a measly, goody-two-shoes, saintly, meek, church-girl. i think her major character flaw would be how she would venture (and if the situation necessitates, guarantee) harsh lengths to ensure her own survival— even if it meant compromising her morals— and y’know, consequent to compromising her morals, she’d be jeopardizing her relationships with people— potentially using them for her benefit, and subsequently discarding of them once they exhaust their usefulness.
3. another point i’d like to pose, i think asya would be reluctant to associate (or in the very least, be seen) with Scraps when in the witness of the public eye. her whole shtick is that she’s like this “miracle golden girl”, a “treasure” amidst a city sunken in filth, or “the one good thing that could come out of the streets”, a supposed exception. her general trajectory of thought would be like— how she shouldn’t identify with the very thing she desires to escape from. this general notion could be conceived in her head independently but would probably be validated (consequently exacerbated) by her benefactors thay are so ardently keen on exalting her !!
4. if asya is aroace (tentative fact) she’d probably take on a celibacy vow as a means of circumventing around feasible suitors pining for her hand WITHOUT compromising the public’s desire for her and instead, actually further emphasizing this “unattainable and elevated ideal”. she would probably say it would be “most appeasing to the Father to witness the practice of prudence sustained amidst modern decadence” or something something super ecclesial and pretentious but would really just be sick of entitled rich boys LMAO
5. characters i was inspired by while developing her !! (enumerated by order of left to right: Ethel Cain- Preacher’s Daughter, Hilda Furacao- Hilda Furacao, Liliko Hirukoma- Helter Skelter, Sandy Collins- Last Night In Soho, Tomie- Tomie, Lux Lisbon- The Virgin Suicides, Nina Sayers- Black Swan, Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette- Marie Antoinette, and Mima- Perfect Blue)
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kinda wanna expound on how much i relate Anastasia to each character above BUT ERM that’s it for now before i talk everybody’s ear off !!
NEVERTHELESS thank you for indulging me everyone !! making a tumblr account was legitimately probably one of the best decisions i’ve ventured this summer LMAO 😭😭 school starts for me soon, but i’ll do my best to stay active when i can !! i’ll be posting more irl stuff on @grandmythologizing if u wanna keep in touch :))
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ursafootprints · 5 months
for the ask game: 28, 29, 31?
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)? [+ what made it difficult and how did you power through it?]
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
If you're stuck on a fic, write out your vaguest plans and ideas for it super informally like you're telling them to a friend. (Or like, actually tell them to a friend, but sometimes we're lone fandom warriors or shy or don't want to give spoilers etc. etc.!) Or even talk through it out loud à la rubber duck debugging!
Our brain genuinely processes information differently when we're translating those vague ideas/impulses into actual words (and esp. when you add the 'out loud' component) so a lot of the time it can help you make connections that you wouldn't have otherwise to help you get unstuck!
The informality is an important bit, though– if you try and make your outline all ~writerly~ then you're just going to get stuck over word choice like if you were actually trying to write. Be sloppy! Be messy! Skip over the parts you don't have figured out with "and then stuff happens and–!" Make meme references! The point is just to get your brain chugging at the idea from another angle, not to do the actual writing. My own outlines are suuuuper informal for this reason.
29. What's the hardest thing about writing?
Motivation, lmao. But aside from that, on a technical level I find transitions difficult, especially when I need to communicate that there were some things that happened over the time period I'm kinda yadda-yaddaing over– figuring out what details are important enough to actually show vs mention is tough!
31. What was the most difficult fic for you to write (but in the end you made it)? [+ what made it difficult and how did you power through it?]
YNYD was the toughest just on the sheer basis of organizing, planning, committing to and executing a fic of that length! The final chapters in particular were tough just because I had a lot of fallout to cover within just the two chapters, in a way where I was balancing doing the scenes justice with not having both Peter and Tony have the same exact conversations over and over again with multiple characters, so that was hard. But it's my baby and I was very determined to see it through, so I stuck it out!
Other than that– the last two chapters of double-blind were also tough because I needed to figure out when and how much information to give about Tony's plans without it being a huge exposition dump, and I also needed to seed the hints about Peter's plan without making Tony look totally stupid for not catching on himself. But I rubber duck debugged that one with my sibling lmao (I told you it works!) and figured it out!
And for a totally different variety of "tough," something chronic (bit demonic) ended up hitting a lot closer to home than I realized before I started writing, so I was in a bit of a different headspace for that one than I usually am when writing angsty stuff, but it was ultimately very cathartic, haha.
Thanks for playing! 💖
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Darkolai for the ship game
Darkolai 💖💖💖💖
1) So LB gives us NOTHING absolutely NOTHING about how these characters ever thought about each other, or if they did at all. Even in KoS and RoW when they actively interact, she tries to skirt around giving them an established dynamic as much as possible. Probably because it would make it super clear how little political worldbuilding there is and how flimsy her existing groundwork is. But like I find it impossible to believe that they never had the vaguest opinions about each other?? Sure Nikolai went off to “university” and hadn’t seen Aleksander in ages but he literally grew up in Os Alta lmao, he’d at least encounter him in his father’s orbit. I find it so fucking funny and interesting that he grew up with this weirdo goth vampire wannabe just… there! I feel like we can pretty much guess Aleksander’s POV (entirely, high handedly dismissive) but like what does Nikolai think! Especially when he’s old enough to at all consider politics. He’s not stupid. He can see there’s this scary, very pretty, majorly untrustworthy, IMMORTAL wizard with an entire separate army running the country for his shitty-not-actual-father, who’s at least a century overdue on pulling a coup. Like what are the vibes!! I’m shaking LB by the shoulders to tell me about the vibes!! Anyway I find the above prospects very intriguing and fun!
2) I love the resentment inherent to it! Like I said, I think it’s really easy to surmise that Aleksander just never remotely considered Nikolai a threat. So I think there’s some really entertaining bitterness to him being brought down so low and meanwhile Nikolai has succeeded him as Tsar. Or there’s even a lot that can be done with him returning to life entirely powerless, and yet some of his power still lies dormant in Nikolai? There’s a lot of room for raging, fixated jealousy. That brief period in RoW where Aleksander’s in his little Hannibal Lector glass prison thing is so good. I want an entire book about him being the really mad, pet villain Nikolai has stashed away in a zoo. The fucking indignity of it all sjdhfffdehdhd
3) I’m also obsessed with the Sea Whip segment tbh. Who even first thought to approach the other? Did Nikolai-as-Sturmhond get his people to seek him out? Was it Aleksander’s bright idea to hire him?? What was his reaction when, well after the fact, he realized he’d enlisted a fucking prince of Ravka. Did he feel stupid? I hope he felt stupid. Aleksander camping out in the woods for a couple days because he wanted to time his big dramatic attack on Nikolai’s birthday hits a similar note for me. I just love the idea of them getting into fucking coyote and road runner shit but over like the fate of the fucking country lmao
Send me a ship and I’ll list three things I like about it regardless of my overall opinion about the ship
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tvirus-arts · 2 years
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I have this on going au(mainly posted a lot on my twitter in the vaguest of pieces) where wesker does survive the volcano, or well a vague idea of chris and jill feeling like they're becoming bad people for doing what he would do and also the trauma of getting rid of yet another stars member. So in his dying state kind of collect him back and throw him in whatever Lab Rebecca works for and she basically made a treatment or "cure" that helps him get rid of uroboros. And since I automatically make rebecca and claire bffs of course Claire would be there. But also out of the people Wesker would tolerate seeing as he becomes conscious and is being treated, it would be them. So I took inspiration from diabetic patches for his cure patch but also inspired by Jills p30 thingy so its connected to veins through those tubes. The treatment did help restore any physiological defects like obviously uroboros made him fucking insane lmfao. The thing I forgot to mention is he has temporary amnesia for a bit so hes almost child like- or like edward scissorhands-esque where hes explained his situation and hes just like okay ill listen. (Definitely inspired from Eric Northman from trueblood in hindsight hahahha) because once he is aware their affection and the way that they handled him while recovering still clicks with him. I didn't have the idea during this time, but ive decides in future posts in regards to this AU he would have bionic legs and his right arm, anywhere the Uroboros was pretty severe! I do have some sketches about this where Rebecca's just an op scientist by this point LMAO
Also to address the tattoos. Around this time he is coherent and its been some time. But does tattoo a big snake to represent rebirth and the oroboros snake , which should be obvious why!
Sorry for rambling! Twitter doesn't let me do that
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ink-flavored · 1 year
ask game ask game! 🐙🧠👩‍💻
thank you! gonna do P&J since it's what I've worked on most recently
🐙 share a snippet where the character is being a brat/smartass
Envy narrowed her eyes, ashy smoke pouring over her flawless platinum curls. “Listen, I didn’t come here to bitch, but I’m great at it.” “Oh, please,” Pride scoffed. “I can bitch way better than you. I’m the bitchiest. I can bitch you in circles. Bitch.”
I used to have a joke about "the Bitch King of Angmar" in there before I realized Pride wouldn't know what Lord of the Rings is.
🧠 share a snippet where the character realizes something important
“I also have a good time goading people into public arguments. Come on, you knew who you were inviting.” “I know, I guess I…” Justice leaned against the wall, brow furrowed. “I was trying to prove something to myself.” “Like what?” He didn’t answer right away, picking at his nails. “I know you don’t want a relationship with God,” he said, slow and deliberate, “and that’s fine. I would never ask you to. But I don’t think that means you have to be abandoned by me—by us. We can still get along, we don’t have to be separate to coexist. Does that make sense?” Pride worked his jaw for a second or two. “Not really.” Justice slumped, wearing a resigned smile, and he rushed to add, “But thanks. You know. For trying.”'
Pride realizing people care about him for real <3
👩‍💻 share a snippet that you worked on for a long time or struggled with
Problem is that most P&J things I have written are in a partial state of completion—but here's the most recent thing I've written that I've wanted to write for a long time but for some reason just didn't until like last night lmao
Pride rolled the offered cigarette between his lips, letting his lack of lungs make up for the fact that he didn’t know what to do with it. The woman slouched back, sighing a cloud of smoke, and carded a hand through her short, electric blue hair. He inspected her a little more, up close and personal with a human he didn’t immediately despise for the first time. Sitting next to her, the blunted tips of spikes on her the shoulders of her jacket came into view. All the colors and odd shapes were patches sewn into the leather. A flag with rainbow stripes sat on top of her shoulder. Another flag on the opposite shoulder had pink, blue, and white stripes. A small white circle on her chest read SHE/THEY in black thread. He scanned the collection of patches he could see—ACAB, read one. NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF, read another. PROTECT TRANS KIDS, “QUEER” AS IN “FUCK YOU”, symbols with arrows, fists, and a large “A” in a circle. Pride had only the vaguest idea what any of it meant. “What?” she asked, guarded. “Nothing,” Pride replied. He tried to copy her, blowing a cloud of smoke. “I like your jacket.” Whatever she’d been guarding behind her intensity, it melted away. “Thanks. I made it myself.” “All of it?” “Most of it—basically anything with a picture I had a friend help me with, I can’t draw for shit.” She pointed to the patch with the drawing of a fist, raised to the sky. Pride nodded along. “Cool.” “Yeah, thanks.” She stuck out a hand suddenly. “I don’t think I ever got your name. I’m Olivia, friends call me Ollie.” He took the hand to shake. “Pride.” It must have been a weird thing to say. Olivia gave him a funny look. “’Pride’ like—” “Like the sin.”
[send me a snippet ask]
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emeraldgreaves · 3 months
Also I’d love to hear more about Gwen! What is she like? How is her relationship with her parents? 🤗
my beautiful girl who has done nothing wrong ever in her entire life (incorrect)
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(lovely art by @thenightdayblogger!)
i wrote one of those little character blurbs for her at one point:
Headstrong, principled, and impatient, Gwen is fiercely dedicated to her career with the Shepherds. Her tall, wiry build, mane of auburn hair, stubborn chin, and keen grey eyes lend the general impression that she’s not easily controlled—a reputation backed up by her considerable talent at wild magic.
a random collection of Gwen Facts:
has run around the compound for most of her life (the inner circle strikes me as very much an It Takes A Village situation, especially while DIYing their own government), so was raised by her parents, her ten weird aunts and uncles, and occasionally was babysat their kids.
if you ask her where she learned to fight, she'll say she has an older brother. what she'll neglect to mention is that she also has several alder & aescar cousins who are much better combatants than markus, a very sweet guy who tends to walk into solid walls.
prefers partial wild-magic transformations: think morphing your hand into panther claws or briefly growing bat ears to eavesdrop. she used to do this to hunt down cookies in the kitchen and now she uses it to find criminals
definitely inherited red's mild vanity. is it inconvenient to have beautiful long curls in battle? yes. does that stop her from doing so? not exactly.
as a child she once got into a fight on the playground because someone said there was no way her mom was the hero of haven. was sent to the principal's office as a result. guess who arrived to pick her up.
somewhere on the vegetarian/pescetarian spectrum. she can eat meat if pressed, but morphing into a prey animal kind of causes you to lose your taste for it
i have the vaguest of inklings that she'd eventually end up with one of briony's kids because they're the only ones in her age bracket who can keep with her athletically LMAO but that's out of scope for this
Red and Gwen have a fairly uncomplicated father-daughter relationship! he's probably the parent she's closer to/the one she talks to first when she has a problem, though sometimes she'll tune out his nerdier digressions. I don't see Red as being one to really restrict his kids' chance to try new things and make mistakes--I think I wrote that his bar for teenage/young adult shenanigans was "don't do anything I wouldn't do", which leaves actually quite a lot of leeway LMAO. but he's definitely had to play switzerland more than once between her & moira and has been gently trying to nudge them towards a better relationship, which is a point of slight contention for Gwen.
Moira and Gwen's relationship is a little more turbulent. moira committed herself to the shepherds so that others wouldn't have to, but she knows firsthand what an incredibly risky career it is, and gwen turning around to join the shepherds is a choice that she struggles with. ironically it's their similarities that make them clash--Gwen inherited Moira's strong moral principles, her undying loyalty, and her earnestness, but Gwen's impulsivity and self-sacrificing recklessness makes her chosen career a source of anxiety. the love is absolutely there, it's just wrapped up in a complicated difficulty to accept that your children will make choices that are sometimes hard for you. I like to think that Gwen resembles the person that Moira might have become if she hadn't been variously forced into hiding/on the run/general pressures of growing up under an oppressive regime. there's a lot of parental pride and anxiety and love all swirled together in there.
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