#that was the best prize giving ceremony ever
Hello again everyone! Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support for the last part of the "Merlin accidentally conquers Camelot" au! I've had so much fun writing this au, and I'm so glad that you've all enjoyed it too! This will probably be the final part of this au (for now), since I have more au ideas to share with you all, but I'll probably revisit this au some day! For now, I'm approaching two pretty big tumblr milestones, so I'm working on an extra-special au to post in celebration of those (and I won't give anything away, but I think that this new au may be my best one yet, so stay tuned)!
Also, warning, this one is a long post! Be prepared!
Now, onto part four of this au! You can find part one here, part two here, and part three here!
As it turned out, planning a royal wedding was no easy feat.
Merlin had thought that simply adding a quick and (hopefully) painless wedding ceremony at the end of his coronation would make everything go smoothly. After all, the castle would already be decorated, they'd already have all of the important lords in attendance, and everything needed for a consort's coronation ceremony would already be there.
However, when Merlin announced to the lords and the steward in charge of preparing his coronation ceremony that he'd also need a quick wedding and coronation to take Arthur as his consort, they reacted with so much shock and horror that Merlin thought for a second that he'd accidentally announced that he was ordering their executions instead. The only person in the council room who didn't look like death itself had just appeared before him was Gwaine, who took advantage of he shocked silence following Merlin's proclamation to start laughing so uncontrollably that he doubled over and had to grab the wall for support.
Merlin had expected some shock and pushback from the council at his decision, not... this. All of the lords on the council had gone as pale as parchment, some trembling in their seats with fear. What on earth...
"Sire," the ever-unflappable Geoffrey called out, jolting Merlin from his confusion at the state of terror that had gripped the other council members, "while such a marriage would not be unlawful, it would certainly be unprecedented. I'm not questioning your judgement, I know that establishing yourself as a strong ruler this early in your reign is paramount, but are you sure that this is the best way to go about it? I'm certain that the citizens of Camelot will accept you as their rightful ruler as soon as they witness their true power for themselves, so taking the former king as your war prize isn't entirely necessary to show your dominance over the land."
The lords grew several shades paler at Geoffrey's words, and the trembling councilman sitting next to Geoffrey leaned in to fearfully hiss something into the librarian's ear. Merlin watched with growing confusion as Geoffrey's eyes went wide at whatever had just been whispered to him, and he rushed to speak once more.
"Of course, if this decision was made as some form of revenge or humiliation towards the Pendragon line, that is well within your right as a conqueror, Your Majesty. We would simply advise you to take the disgraced king as a concubine, perhaps, instead of your official consort. As a ruler, you must now also consider the issue of one day producing legitimate heirs, which can only be borne to you through your consort."
Merlin blinked, desperately trying to follow whatever logic Geoffrey was using. Take Arthur as a concubine?! Had the old man gone insane?! And Merlin certainly wasn't concerned about heirs, since if he got his way, then his reign wouldn't last longer than this week!
Still, with most of the council looking like they were being plagued by waking nightmares, they weren't likely to listen to Merlin's very reasonable objections to being king in the first place, so Merlin just had to get them off his back until the wedding.
After a deep sigh, which made most of the council members flinch back with a still confusing amount of fear, Merlin addressed Geoffrey's concerns.
"Thank you for your input, but I'm afraid that my decision has already been made on this... issue. I will be taking Arthur as my consort at my coronation, and my decision is final. And don't concern yourself with the topic of heirs, that will be sorted out shortly."
Several lords choked on the air at Merlin's last comment, with a couple outright fainting at his words. Merlin's brows furrowed even more with befuddlement. What... what had he said that garnered such a reaction?! He was just telling them not to worry about it!
(Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Merlin, the lords had a very different idea of what their new king- a powerful, brutal warlord and sorcerer- had planned. They interpreted Merlin's intent to marry Arthur as an act of revenge against the son of the man who killed off so many of his people during the purge. It apparently wasn't enough for the mighty Emrys to defeat his enemy and leave him with nothing to his name. No, this ruthless new king of theirs planned on forcing the former king into a life of humiliation and servitude in the court that was once his own. To a king, that must be a fate worse than death.
These lords, who were some of the most active and complicit members of Uther's purge, looked at the punishment that Emrys had planned for Arthur and thought if that's what happened to the king, what's he going to do to us?!)
The days went by quickly after that meeting, with Merlin's time being filled with a never-ending list of his new duties and things that needed to be done before his coronation, not to mention organizing the coronation itself and the subsequent wedding (which Arthur didn't know about yet, as Merlin had been deliberately avoiding the dungeons after his last conversation with Arthur).
It took the better part of a week for everything to finally be prepared for the official coronation ceremony. The ceremony itself would consist of Merlin being crowned in front of the court (a nauseating thought for Merlin himself), the vassal lords and knights willing to swear fealty to him taking the oath of loyalty, and finally Arthur being handfasted to Merlin and crowned consort.
Merlin was, for once, thankful for the amount of work that he had to do over the days leading up to the ceremony, as it kept his mind busy and his thoughts away from the pit of self-loathing that had taken up permanent residence in his head. After all, what kind of friend stole everything from the person they love the most in the world and then turns around and forces that same friend (and unrequited crush) to marry them?!
Merlin had attempted to rationalize his selfish decision to keep Arthur in the dark regarding his plan to reinstate him as king by telling himself that if Arthur didn't know about the wedding until the last minute, then he would spend less time worrying about it in the long run after he was king again! Besides, if Merlin's plan worked, they would only be married for a day or two, so there was no reason to get Arthur worked up over that by telling him earlier!
Truly, Merlin was not being a complete scumbag by doing this, he was just looking out for his friend's best interests and mental wellbeing! This would all blow over in a a matter of days anyways, Merlin was certain of it.
Still, Merlin found himself anxious and pacing the floor of his room on the morning of the ceremony. He had sent a team of servants and guards to retrieve Arthur from his cell and prepare him for the ceremony, so he likely wouldn't see Arthur until he was brought into the great hall for the handfasting ceremony. However, he still worried over Arthur's reaction when he learned what exactly when was being prepared for.
This worry lingered in Merlin's mind and consumed his thoughts throughout the entire day and into the coronation ceremony, so much so that his own coronation seemed like a blur to him. One moment he was standing in the great hall in front of the assembled crowd of lords and knights, and in the next, he was sitting on Arthur's throne with Arthur's crown on his head, with the crowd shouting "long live the king".
The sound of it almost made Merlin sick. Those words should never be directed at him, but he'd make this right soon enough. He just had to suffer through this ceremony to appease those disloyal lords who had turned their backs on their true king.
Perhaps the worst part of the coronation itself was the ceremony in which the lords and knights willing to pledge their fealty to him took an oath declaring such. It was no surprise to Merlin to see those weasels on the council of lords pledging themselves to save their own skin, but the knights who showed up to pledge their fealty were... very unexpected.
Look, Merlin had assumed that it would just be Gwaine and a small handful of guards and younger knights that he had roped into his mischievous scheme swearing loyalty so him. All of the other knights with their wits intact would surely still be down in the cells of the dungeon, holding true to their prior oaths of loyalty and keeping their true king company.
What Merlin did not expect, however, was for nearly a quarter of all of Camelot's knights to take a knee before him and pledge their loyalty, led by a highly amused Gwaine, who was no doubt enjoying every minute of this. Merlin quickly scanned the crowd of knights, trying to take count of who all had turned their backs on Arthur and could no longer be trusted.
Gwaine, of course, came at no surprise. Many of those assembled were commoner knights whom Arthur had taken in, including Percival, but the giant regularly got pulled into Gwaine's nonsense, so this wasn't truly that much of a shock if Merlin thought about it. There were a fair number of noble-born knights in the crowd, including all of those whom Merlin had noted had a softer outlook on magic. And then, of course, there were a decent number of pompous, high-born knights who had never given a lick about magic or loyalty, they just wanted to preserve their own wealth and power no matter the cost.
Merlin narrowed his eyes at the cluster of those knights. All the rest had logical reasons to side with Merlin, between Gwaine's persuasiveness, solidarity between the lower class, or a connection or sympathy towards magic, so they would be allowed to stay in court after Arthur had retaken his rightful throne. But these knights? These cowardly snakes had to be dealt with at the first opportunity. But how could he get rid of them without people becoming suspicious?
... Wait a minute, Merlin was king now! He might only have that title for a day or so, but in that time, he could certainly use it! (And he absolutely was not using this as a tactic to prolong this part of the ceremony so that he had a few more minutes of peace before the wedding began.)
Right, but how was he going to play this? He couldn't exactly just announce that he wanted those knights to leave because he wanted them gone before Arthur took over again.
Merlin narrowed his eyes at the group of treacherous knights and noted how they squirmed a bit under his gaze, with even some of the people around them shuddering. Right, he looked like a ruthless and powerful sorcerer to them now. He could use that to his advantage.
As the knights finished reciting their oaths, Merlin held up his hand, signaling for them to stay in place. The knights did so, but a confused and concerned murmuring started buzzing around at this strange departure from the normal ceremony. Slowly, Merlin lifted his hand and pointed at the assembled group of knights in the back.
"You lot. In the back."
The murmuring died down the instant Merlin opened his mouth and was instead replaced by an oppressive dread weighing down the ornately decorated hall. If Merlin wasn't trying so hard to keep a straight, intimidating face, he would have winced at causing such a wave of fear with nothing more than a few words.
Hesitantly, one of the called out knights stepped forward, addressing their new king.
"Yes, your majesty? Is there something you require of us?"
Merlin held back the urge to smirk as an idea, and a very satisfying one at that, formed in his head. He quietly cleared his throat and put on his most imperious "Emrys" voice that he could muster.
"I can sense insincerity in your hearts with my magic. Just as you abandoned the previous king, you would also turn your backs on me at the first opportunity to do so. Do not even attempt to deny it, you know just as well as I do that this true. I cannot trust any such men as knights of mine."
The group of knights went pale as Merlin called them out for their flimsy loyalty, and at once whispers began fly in the crowd. Perhaps they were intrigued by this show of his "powers"? Were they scandalized by this public shaming of a group of high-ranking knights?
Either way, the knights immediately began groveling, begging Merlin to let them keep their positions, their wealth, their power, but Merlin dismissed them with a wave of a hand and publicly revoked their knighthoods. The murmuring of the remaining people in the great hall grew louder as the disgraced former knights made their way out of the hall, no doubt intimidated and scandalized by how quickly their new ruler was purging his court of the disloyal.
However, with the loyal knights having taken their oaths and the untrustworthy ones having been cast out, the coronation ceremony was now officially complete, meaning that Merlin could no longer stall what would come next.
Merlin sat still on his stolen throne, trying his best not to fidget with nervousness as Geoffrey gave some traditional speech that had to be done before the doors of the great hall opened to let consort walk down the aisle to the throne.
After a couple minutes, Geoffrey's monotonous voice became nothing but a buzzing in Merlin's ears as he stared at the doors of the hall, desperately trying to imagine any scenario where those doors wouldn't open to an Arthur who was filled with nothing but rage and betrayal.
All too soon, Geoffrey's droning speech ended, and the trumpets in the hall announced the arrival of the soon-to-be-consort and signaled for everyone of lower rank to stand. Merlin's heart leapt to his throat as he jumped to his feet, even though he was the only person in the room who didn't need to. Ever so slowly, the doors to the hall swung open, revealing... Arthur.
Merlin damn near choked on his own saliva at the sight of him. He had seen Arthur in a wide range of states over the years as his manservant, ranging anywhere from sleep-rumbled to solemnly prepared for battle. But this... he had never seen anything like it.
Merlin couldn't decide if whoever had been in charge of dressing Arthur and preparing him for the ceremony ought to either be promoted to Arthur's personal tailor or immediately banished. In place of Arthur's usual surcoat and chainmail for official ceremonies, which was what Merlin had foolishly assumed the servants would dress Arthur in, there was... a monstrosity that would haunt Merlin's dreams for the rest of his life.
Merlin didn't even know how to begin to describe it. The garment that the servants had no doubt forced Arthur into, as Merlin knew that he would never wear such a thing of his own accord, was somewhere between a set of intricately intertwined robes and a dress, which hugged Arthur's shoulders, upper arms, and thighs, highlighting the muscles there. Most of the outfit appeared to be made out of a rich velvet, dyed in a majestic royal blue that both looked entirely out of place on Arthur and brought out his eyes like nothing Merlin had ever seen before. And dear gods, was that lace on there?! And why the hell did the outfit need elbow-length lace gloves?!
(The servants who had been in charge of dressing Arthur for the ceremony had assumed that their brutal new warlord would probably want his war prize to look as far from a warrior as possible, in order to further prove that he had beaten the previous rulers. So, they selected a delicate and elegant outfit for Arthur in the hopes of appeasing their new king.)
Merlin swallowed dryly as Arthur slowly began making his way down the aisle with measured footsteps. The movement snapped Merlin out of whatever temporary madness the outfit had sent him spiraling into, and Merlin finally locked eyes with Arthur.
Merlin winced at the sheer amount of rage that Arthur managed to fit into one glare as he took another step towards the throne that was rightfully his. Merlin tried to give Arthur his most reassuring smile, but he was almost certain it only came across as a nervous grimace.
Just go along with this, Merlin tried to beg of Arthur with only his eyes. Their bond had always been one that allowed them to communicate without words, and Merlin prayed that their connection would hold strong once more and get his message across to Arthur.
Neither Arthur's impressive glare nor his furious scowl let up though, but he kept his pace towards the throne steady, which Merlin decided to take as a good sign. After all, if Arthur truly did not any merit to this impromptu plan, why would he still be walking of his own accord towards the altar?
Still, as Arthur grew closer and closer to the altar prepared for the handfasting, his eyes became darker with rage as Merlin winced. Yes, this would certainly be harder than it needed to be, but this had to be done to get Arthur back on the throne! Surely Arthur would understand that!
After what must have been an eternity, Arthur finally reached the altar and, ever so slowly, walked around to stand at a fidgeting Merlin's side.
As Geoffrey began yet another speech that had to be done before the handfasting took place, Merlin quietly turned to Arthur and gave him a small smile, trying to a least let Arthur know that everything was alright, that everything would turn out fine.
That little smile, it seemed, turned out to be the final straw for Arthur. Merlin wasn't even entirely sure how it happened.
One moment, he was standing next to Arthur in front of the altar, with the only sound in the room being Geoffrey's boring voice. And in the next, there was a savage war cry coming from Arthur, who was now armed with a sword, and a decent amount of screaming coming from the crowd.
It spoke volumes about Merlin's state of mind that his first thought upon seeing Arthur run at him with a blade in hand wasn't get back, dodge! but was rather that dress is tight, where on earth did he hide that sword?
However, Merlin's sense of self-preservation wasn't nearly as terrible as Gaius accused it of being, as his second thought was I should probably try to avoid getting stabbed at my own wedding.
Reluctantly, Merlin gathered his magic, ready to disarm Arthur and hold him still if need be. Arthur could stab Merlin later if he really felt like it, but Merlin needed to at least officially make Arthur his consort and heir before Arthur did that!
However, to Merlin's surprise, rather than trying to run Merlin through, Arthur instead stabbed at the wooden handfasting altar, sinking his blade deep into it. Merlin carefully kept his eyes on Arthur as the other man viciously pulled off one of the dainty lace gloves and threw it on the ground at Merlin's feet.
Dumbfounded, Merlin stared at the thrown glove on the floor and then looked back up to stare at Arthur, not quite getting what Arthur was trying to tell him here. Did he just really hate the outfit? Or was it this whole marriage plan that he objected to?
"Pick it up."
Arthur nearly started growling, his rage apparently rising with Merlin's confusion.
"It may not be a proper gauntlet, since you have denied me such a dignity, but it will suffice for this. Pick it up, King Emrys. I challenge you to a duel in single combat for the throne of Camelot. You may have defeated my sister, but you did not defeat me! I am no prize for you to claim!"
Merlin simply blinked, completely thrown off by this turn of events, while loud shouts started erupting from the crowd. By the time his mind caught up to what Arthur had said, Arthur had taken up his sword from where he had struck it into the altar and was pointing it threateningly at Merlin again.
As Merlin's shock wore off and he finally understood what exactly Arthur had just done, he had to fight back the urge to scream into the sky with frustration as yet another one of his plans to reinstate Arthur as king had just been ruined by the obstinate clotpole himself. Couldn't the prat just let Merlin help?!
With his frustration rising, Merlin glared down at the thrown glove. While a duel would certainly allow Arthur to retake the throne, Merlin wasn't entirely sure how his magic would react to such a fight. Merlin would never consciously hurt Arthur of course, but who knows if his magic would strike out in self-defense?!
And, besides, formally accepting and preparing the duel would take days. And, in Merlin's opinion, this whole farce has gone on for long enough.
"No. I will not accept your challenge."
Arthur's face went red with anger at Merlin's refusal.
"You are just as much of a coward as the rest of your kind, sorcerer! You would not even grant me the opportunity to take back what's mine!"
Merlin bit back a frustrated scream at that. Arthur would be getting his throne back if he just followed through with any of Merlin's plans instead of ruining threm!
Merlin took a deep breath and sighed on the exhale, trying the rein in his own anger. He just needed to go through with this ceremony, and then everything would be fine.
With a quick flash of gold in his eyes, which had Arthur flinching back (and didn't that just sting?), Merlin turned Arthur's blade into dust had Arthur's glove fly back onto his hand, setting everything right as it had been before Arthur had pulled out a sword and all hell had broken loose.
"That's enough! I've been trying to restore you to your rightful position as king this entire time, and yet you push back at every opportunity! I am not about to let you sabotage your own destiny! So, here's what's going to happen!"
Distantly, Merlin heard the wind outside whipping around, like his own frustration and stirred nature itself into a frenzy.
"You are going to stand here, complete this ceremony, be named my heir, and then retake your throne when I abdicate! Are we clear?"
Arthur, who still looked rather shaken at Merlin's display of magic, scowled, but still nodded his head. Merlin, satisfied by this, turned back around to face the shocked crowd.
"And do I make myself clear to all of you?! There will be no more interruptions of this ceremony, and Arthur will take back his throne!"
The frightened crowd went silent at Merlin's outburst, seemingly relenting to Merlin's demands.
Merlin then turned to Geoffrey, who was still standing in front of the handfasting altar with the rope in his hands.
"Now, Geoffrey, I would greatly appreciate it if you would get a move on here. I don't want to wear this stupid crown for any longer than I have to."
The only indication that Geoffrey gave that he was surprised by Merlin's outburst was a mere uptake of his eyebrows, rather reminiscent of Gaius's signature look. Without further ado, Geoffrey tied Merlin and Arthur's hands together, declaring them to be now married in the eyes of the gods of the Old Religion.
(Merlin tried to ignore the hurt and longing that built up in his heart in that moment. How many times had he dreamed of something like this? But he never wanted it to happen like this. This was Merlin's dream come true, but it was all wrong. In that moment, Merlin didn't dare look at Arthur, too afraid of what his dearest friend thought about this grievous overstep of boundaries.)
Immediately after Geoffrey untied the handfasting knot, Arthur's coronation as consort began. The ceremony itself went smoothly, but Merlin's heart broke both at the sight of Arthur kneeling before him, waiting to be crowned, and at the furious glare Arthur gave him as he gently put the consort's crown upon Arthur's head, officially naming Arthur as his heir.
As soon as Arthur stood from where he was kneeling, applause broke out from the crowd. Someone (Merlin heavily suspected Gwaine) started a chant of "long live the kings!", which caught on quickly. Merlin winced again at the chant, not daring to turn and look at Arthur's face.
Still, Merlin reminded himself as he took a deep, calming breath, everything was coming along. Arthur was now officially his consort and heir, and all that was left to do... was the copious amounts of paperwork finalizing his abdication.
Yeah, no. Merlin wasn't going through that process when he could just take care of it here and now.
"Citizens of Camelot, on this most joyous day, I, King Emrys, abdicate the throne!"
Even though he had made his intentions clear only a few minutes earlier, shocked whispers flew around the crowd, like they hadn't truly believed that he would go through with it.
Merlin couldn't help the grin that was forming on his face. Finally, everything would be set right again!
"I am no longer your king, and as per the laws of the kingdom, the throne now rightfully belongs to your true king, Arthur Pendragon!"
With that, Merlin reached up and yanked the crown off of his own head, marched over to a dumbfounded Arthur and, without any hesitation, replaced the consort's crown on Arthur's head with the true crown.
"There, that's much better," Merlin whispered to himself as he gazed upon Arthur, finally looking like himself again, but he was certain that Arthur must have heard it too, as Arthur's eyes went wide at his words.
But that was a conversation for another day, as Merlin was now done here. This entire calamity was over, and now Merlin was going to savor its end.
Merlin turned back to face the crowd once more with an undoubtedly crazed grin.
"Goodnight everyone! Be sure to obey your true king! In the meanwhile, I'm off to bed for my first full night's rest since this nightmare started!"
And with that, Merlin merrily skipped out of the great hall, made his way to his cramped room in Gaius's chambers, and slept soundly.
Bonus Scene!
Arthur: Busts into Merlin's room
Merlin, unwillingly woken up from the best sleep he's gotten in years: Ugh, what do you want you prat?! You're king again, aren't you?! Don't you have kingly duty to be attending to?
Arthur: Merlin you idiot, you abdicated the throne.
Merlin: Yes, and now you're king again. You're welcome!
Arthur: But you never dissolved our union!
Merlin: Huh?
Arthur: A divorce can only be granted by the same ruler who authorized the marriage! You know what this means, right?!
Merlin: Yeah, that you can just declare us to be not married anymore and we can all be on our way.
Arthur: No, YOU were the ruler who authorized the marriage, and now that you've abdicated, you can't dissolve the marriage! Legally, no one can!
Merlin, turning pale: What?
Arthur, looking weary: Yes, apparently it's some legal technicality that Geoffrey cited from Bruta's code. I've spent all morning arguing with him, but there seems to be no way around it.
Merlin: So... what you're saying is that we're stuck being married to each other.
Arthur: Yes, you buffoon, that's exactly what I'm saying! Now, get up!
Merlin, feeling incredibly guilty over this entire situation: Arthur, I'm so sorry, I take full responsibility for this, I never should have forced you into-
Arthur, cutting him off: Let's go. We don't have much time before the rest of the castle is up and about, and I'd rather us not be seen here.
Merlin, confused but complying: Arthur, where are we going? Why don't you want us to be seen here?
Arthur, blushing: It would reflect poorly on the king if word got out that he let his consort sleep in this dirty broom closet on their wedding night, wouldn't it?
Merlin, blushing: Ah, I suppose it would.
And that's a wrap for this au for now! I hope you've all enjoyed this story!
A huge thank you for everyone who asked for this continuation! (and holy cow there were a lot of you!! Thank you all so much!)
@magic-mushroomss @miyriu @whole-buncha-snakess @achillesuwu @aerismoon
@tidalwavesandthunderstorms @marki9 @isaidno @retro-wallflower @samwinjester
@lascienzadellafantasia @sugar-coated-prat-dragon @theoldfroglady @ryeallytired @mind-of-a-crow
@whynotreinventmyselfeveryday @likeapaperplane @odinjm @orliththedragon @aglmry
@caraspud @aostrek-236 @justaz @slippysalt @coffee-shop-gay
@the-king-and-the-druidess @theroundbartable @fanfic-library-for-me @linotheghost @scuttlingsleipnir
@guiltyscarlet @cinnabon-sweetroll-tiramisu @247merthur @veryroadpartystatesman-blog @verxen
@lascienzadellafantasia @jareicanon @arrowlovesdragons @juliairian @thesuperstitiousoldelf
@lovermyme @bootprivileges @rem-the-moth @hippielittlemetalhead @ole-to-you-nonetheless
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@wheneverfeasible @savlikesbluengreen @fuckingdeadinsidetm @notquitehumanwrites @purplesandwichtiger
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@spiralingtowardtheabyss @mundaneone @anxiousdragoncollector @catface233 @bennedict
@elementalpirate4 @bertolio @vadis-protenus @chaosofbelievers @floating-on-avalon
@merthurogies @justaz
And, as always, thank you all for reading through my ramblings! :D
I'll see you all next time!
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hemmingsleclerc · 8 months
Best Price and a Trophy┃MV1
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The grand ballroom of the prestigious FIA Price Awards event sparkled, as motorsport's finest gathered to celebrate the year's champions. Max, who won his third Formula 1 World Championship, was the center of attention. Dressed in an elegant suit, stood next to his long-time girlfriend, Y/N, whose eyes shone with pride.
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Liked by 248,593 others
f1.updates Max and Yn at the FIA Price Giving tonight!
The couple walked the blue carpet, with cameras snapping photos of them every minute. Max couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the importance of the moment, so when they entered the room, Y/N squeezed Max's hand and silently offered her support and love.
The ceremony unfolded with the announcement of several awards, but anticipation for the highlight of the night grew. When Max's name was called, the room erupted in applause. The Dutch driver took the stage with a mixture of humility and pride on his face.
Standing in front of a shiny trophy, Max took a deep breath before expressing his gratitude. "It's been an incredible journey and I owe a lot to the incredible team behind me," he said, acknowledging the work and dedication of his racing team. The crowd cheered in response.
However, Max's gaze drifted to Y/N, who was watching him with the audience's adoration. A warm smile spread across his face as he continued, "But there is someone special who has been with me through thick and thin all these years, someone who deserves more credit than anyone."
Y/N's heart pounded as Max turned to her, a gleam of love and appreciation in her eyes. The room was silent, hanging on every word.
"My girlfriend, Y/N," Max said, his voice firm and sincere, "she has been my support since my beginnings and without her I probably wouldn't be standing here tonight. This trophy is as much hers as it is mine."
The smile on Y/N's face was huge and even more so when the audience burst into applause again. Max came down from the stage slowly with his trophy in hand and returned to his table to be greeted with a big hug from his partner. He took her hand and kissed her softly.
''I love you, and I'm so proud of you maxie''
''I love you too mijn liefje'' (my love)
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Liked by redbullracing, schecoperez and 1,998,492 others
maxverstappen1 I won the best possible prize and also this trophy today!
username STOP IMMA CRY 😭😭
redbullracing Best couple ever!!
landonorris parents
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 1,953,739 others
ynln beyond proud of this beautiful human 💗🥲
maxverstappen1 ❤️
carolamtz1 👏👏
redbullracing mom and dad
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jiminrings · 1 year
478 drabble: the baby blue couch sex
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alternatively, jungkook gifts you a watch and you repay him with something of his choice.
[ 99% smut but of course there’s still plot, oc is the one who’s a little mean this time, 478jk asks to be choked, he says the word mommy one (1) time, they r so in love it’s almost annoying ]
[ 478 masterlist ]
Jungkook’s your cheerleader.
He does what’s given to him with grace and giddiness, sometimes going so far as to do things without actually being asked to. He’s been planning your celebratory party ever since it came out that you were nominated for the Daesang for your role in your latest drama. Without fail, Jungkook’s been praying for your win everyday since then, even if he wasn’t the type to.
Was he completely ambitious (he calls it a feat of manifesting) to start planning your celebratory party even before the award ceremony itself happened? Completely. But was it a far shot for you to win the grand prize? Absolutely not, Jungkook argues. You’ve peeked over his shoulder a week before the ceremony and scolded him for being presumptuous that you’d automatically win, but he only turned the tables and scolded you for being too hard on yourself.
You won last night, and everything felt like a fever dream; from the way you’ve bested all of the veterans you went up against, to the whole public roaring in cheers, to you crying to your palms and Jungkook sobbing even harder than you did. You won the Daesang just last night, and after weeks of preparation and second-guessing himself, your husband throws you a party larger than life tonight.
To be completely loved by everyone in attendance made you feel extremely warm and grateful, the whole night revolving around you just like how Jungkook planned it to be.
“That’s my wife for you!” Jungkook must’ve uttered atleast a thousand times tonight, because as much as he wanted to be glued to your side the whole time, he can’t complain because seeing you getting whisked at every direction with praise had put a permanent grin on your face. 
Your husband’s social battery conveniently runs out when the last of your guests leave, unable to recall a time that he’d been more eager for people to stop complimenting the foyer on the way out. He finally breathes a sigh of relief now that the two of you are alone, immediately untucking his polo and undoing the first few buttons of it.
“Isn’t it so crazy how we’re still so hyper?” you blurt out at the same time as him, making him blink because he doesn’t exactly know what we were you referring to. He’s not sleepy but it’s clear how you’re the one who’s more energetic between the two of you. “Are you hungry? Do you want takeout? Wait, what if we cook? I think-…”
Jungkook tunes you out, not out of irritation, but out of clear realization that he’s forgotten to give you his present. He finds you adorable when you’re droning either out of sheer excitement or fatigue, but in this light where you’re hit just perfectly in front of him, hands on your waist and silhouette illuminated, Jungkook blanks out.
For a lack of a better method to catch your attention, Jungkook tugs you down to his lap, his abruptness almost making you stumble with your high heels. He doesn’t even look the least bit sorry; in fact, he looks a little nervous.
“Bought you a watch,” Jungkook mumbles, spawning a box from right behind the couch when you weren’t looking. It was the only hiding spot he could think of this morning, albeit a risky one to think there were hundreds of people that have piled in and out of your house tonight.
You’re a little bit perplexed, both from the whiplash and how Jungkook hid it (you’re nosy and it’s physically impossible for him to hide a large Rolex box in his pocket… right?), but you move on as soon as your eyes land on your husband.
He actually looks nervous, his eyes practically glistening when they look up at you with more trepidation the longer that you don’t open his gift.
“Kook, you didn’t have to,” you start, the smile that forms in your face widening when you finally open the package. It’s the Lady-Datejust that stares right back at you, the white gold casing and the pale pink watch face reflecting your awed expression. It’s the same watch that Jungkook stumbled upon in your old Pinterest board before, dating back to the year where you started taking your acting workshops and wanted to take note of all the things you wanted to buy when you make it big.
You did make it big, yet truth be told, you’ve almost entirely forgotten of the things you used to dream of. Your old to-buy lists and manifestation boards come back right to your head with Jungkook’s gift, the memory and sentiment he has for these sorts of things– for you— making you reel back.
“It’s so pretty,” you speak at last, making your husband sigh a breath of relief because he thought you completely hated his gift. You take the timepiece out carefully, looking at Jungkook playfully as you do. “Is this why my debit card was missing the other day?”
Instantly, Jungkook rolls his eyes and shifts suddenly, joking to drop you from his lap as if he’d ever let it happen. He rests his chin on your shoulder as you wear the watch, his large hands running up and down your bare legs. 
“Bought it with my own money, silly,” he answers, voice lilting when he presses a kiss to your shoulder. He noses the curve of it up until he reaches your earlobe, the low giggle that erupts from him in faux arrogance making you shudder. “The couch we’re sitting on? My money too.”
“Your money,” you snort suddenly, the mischievous upturn of your lips making him raise his brows in provocation. He’s a little tipsy and with just the tiniest bit of alcohol in him, Jungkook’s filter is nowhere to be found. He makes it known that he’s entirely amused, even when you’re poking fun at him. “From where, baby?”
You already know where Jungkook could’ve possibly gotten the funds to buy you a luxury watch, especially since he worked for a large firm after college and was thrifty (maybe too much, even), but you wouldn’t be surprised if he does surprise you with a different answer entirely. 
It just happens that you love playing with Jungkook as much as he loves riding along.
Jungkook chuckles again, squeezing your arms with his hands. He figures that you have goosebumps because the airconditioner you have on works extremely well so he keeps touching you, but unbeknownst to him, its his ministrations in the first place that are making you shudder. 
“Well against my dignity, I became Jimin’s virtual assistant. Did the bookkeeping for like, decades worth of records.”
“My Jimin?” you ask in surprise, voice pitching because as much as you expected Jungkook to surprise you, you didn’t think it was to this extent.
He’s unfazed by your reaction for the most part because after all, he did confess to working with your manager behind your back, but what Jungkook really takes offense to is the way you word your shock.
Your husband flicks your forehead as gently yet as pettily as he could, the roll of his eyes coming like clockwork. “What do you mean, my? He’s just your manager.”
You laugh at the brief childish display, not being any better, when you gently pull on his hair. You’re occupied with getting back at him that you don’t notice the hitch in Jungkook’s breath; how his eyes close briefly in bliss. 
“Right. Sorry, accounting nerd.”
“This nerd got you a couch and a watch.”
The hum that leaves you is playful in good nature, and if Jungkook didn’t want to ravage you alive at the moment, he would’ve cackled. “That’s cute. I got us a house.”
“Mhmm, yeah you did. Pretty house,” he instantly agrees, closing his arms around your waist before he leans back on the baby blue floor couch and takes you with him. “It’s like you’re my sugar mommy, but we’re in love and we’re married and we’re not only fucking.”
“Greatly put, Kook,” you chuckle, the new position you have making the hiccups of your chest from your laughs reverberate right through Jungkook’s.
He’s still amused with you, the glassy look on his eyes evident not just from the liquor and the banter, but from the pure need in his chest. He zeroes in on your face when you look back at him, the intensity in his stare shutting your laughs up effectively.
He looks you over like it’s the first time he’s ever did this night, the desire in his eyes trumping everyone else’s who had looked at you in wholehearted yearning and jealousy — he figures that everyone knows and should know that you’re taken by him. 
Jungkook traces you from your high heels, to your stunning legs, to your pretty face, and finally, to your wrist that bears his gift.
“Thank you for the pretty watch,” you mumble, lost in the way Jungkook’s drinking in your appearance.
“You’re welcome. It’s pretty, isn’t it?” he hums, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. Jungkook’s speaking an afterthought, one that’s the only thing that’s been plaguing his mind recently. “Maybe you should choke me with it on.”
The skip that your heart makes isn’t out of fear, but instead, it’s out of excitement. Your sex life with Jungkook is the furthest thing from boring, of course — it’s just that this is the first time he’s ever pitched the idea to you and you want to kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner.
Against the popular misconception of your closest friends (and even non-close, prying people invested in your life too), it’s actually Jungkook who follows your lead. It’s proven by how he clung to you even from a distance during your break, to how he waits for you to come home from work and adjusts to your schedule, to how he craves your validation, and now, to how he wants you to choke him while wearing his gift on your wrist.
“Yeah? That’s what been in your mind all night?” you lick your lips, the drag of your teeth against them assuring you that this is actually happening and it’s not just a lust-crazed dream.
Jungkook’s mind cannot be any more present than now, the nod that he gives you highlighting his desperation. “Heels too, please,” he mumbles, chest starting to rise rapidly in anticipation.
You squint at the volume he regards you at, the way you tower over him as he’s sitting on the couch making him violently shudder. “What’s that? Don’t mumble if you want something, Jungkook.”
Jungkook snaps out of pent-up neediness, the roll of his eyes unmistakeable. “I said, keep your watch and heels on when you fuck me.” He blinks slowly the more that you keep your face straight at him, realizing his mistake belatedly so he rectifies his request sheepishly. “Please.”
“Could’ve said that without the attitude.”
“My fault,” he tests you purposely, knowing that you hate it when he doesn’t say sorry in verbatim. It’s a way of getting to you and on your nerves that he’s mastered. “You should choke me as punishment.”
As much as you try to feign indifference, an amused smile keeps trying to break out of your lips when Jungkook utilizes your moment of silence to scamper out of his clothes quickly, getting out of them in record time. The temperature the room is in should technically make him shiver, and yet the cold doesn’t get to Jungkook at all when his skin’s already hot just by thinking of you getting your way with him.
He has both arms leaned against the cushions, deceivingly composed when everything that’s just running through his mind involves you left alone in your watch and your heels. You undress in front of him like you’re bored and just want to get it over with, and even if it’s merely a show of your pride, it oddly makes Jungkook want you even more.
“I’ll use you however I want,” you croon, testing the waters that Jungkook’s already drowning himself in. He feels woozy already, the manicured nails with the color he picked out scratching against his chest. You’re perched on his thighs and not on his cock and so he bucks up into nothing, the realization that he’s not the one calling the shots making him hiss.
“Y-you’re right. I’m sorry.”
Jungkook’s docile underneath you, prim and proper even when he’s hard. The tiny nudge you give his chin makes him immediately look up, eyes attentive and pleading.
“It’s okay, baby,” you give in, the gentleness of your tone almost making him forget that he’s not dying for you to ride him already. “Wanna be a good boy for me?”
The question barely manages to come out of your lips fully before Jungkook leaps to kiss you, sloppily and messily. He’s whimpering with his mouth open, brows furrowing in frustration when you take control but it’s just not enough until he fills you up.
He’s noisy now, even more vocal than before. You inch closer to fill the space in between the two of you, and even if you aren’t sitting on his cock just yet, your clit brushes against the underside of Jungkook’s cock and it automatically makes him arch, the choked-out groan that comes from your throat making him whine.
Your pussy throbs at the mere attention but you’re sure that neither of you are gonna last either way, making the most out of the little room Jungkook has left before he cums. 
“I know, I know,” you hush Jungkook when you finally line your dripping hole with his cock, the combination of the easy slip and his tip maxing out in your core making him see white. He clenches your hips so hard that you involuntarily squeeze around him, his eyes almost bulging out of its sockets.
“Too — you’re too perfect for me,” he wheezes out when you grind against him before bouncing down again, riding him like you mean it. You’re flush against him, tits against his chest and mouth painting hickeys on his neck like he couldn’t feel any more insane. 
Jungkook makes the sweet mistake of looking away from where the two of you connect and onto the couch, seeing that you did keep your heels on and it makes him choke up over nothing. You pull away briefly from his neck just to see what his attention was on, and you realize that it’s one of the two things he asked you for.
“You’re making this too easy for me,” you huff, the roll of your eyes looking too genuine that your husband’s heart skips. He’s too preoccupied in his pleasure and the feeling of you that he momentarily forgot what he even asked of you in the first place until your hand comes up to his throat. Jungkook gutturally moans at your first, slow squeeze, eyes rolling back immediately.
Even if he hasn’t cummed yet, Jungkook looks completely unraveled beneath you, his moans and whimpers unlike any other. “Tighter. I-I can take it. I’m not gonna break,” he convinces you with his lips trembling, the nod that wracks his head making him even more dizzy.
Your grip on his neck momentarily loosens and Jungkook was just about to whine for more like the brat he is, but he stops in his tracks when he feels you gradually increase the pressure. “But what if I do wanna break you?”
“Gonna– gonna be the fucking death of me,” he whimpers, voice pitching out highly to the point it’s almost recognizable. The groan he releases next scratches the undeniable itch in your brain, setting goosebumps all over your bare skin because Jungkook’s possessed with pleasure. “I’ll let you. I want you to.”
His lips part open without you even saying a word, blinking up at you wordlessly and you take it as your cue to spit in his mouth. Jungkook whines because your hand temporarily betrays his neck to grip his chin in place and so he attempts to move it back himself, only to be swatted.
His eyes are blown-out with nothing but pleasure, snapping out of his daze when you go back to choking him. Jungkook plain-out mewls as your fervent bouncing on his cock transitions back to slow, deeper stroking against your walls. 
Your hand presses down all the right points and Jungkook feels like he’ll go cross-eyed just looking at the watch on your wrist that glints, the slight tremble that’s starting to wrack his body making you realize that’s he’s close to cumming.
“Read the time,” you practically spit as you slowly go back to bouncing on his cock at an angle, the fit tight and obscene with how your walls squelch around him. He’s inside you so deep that you feel the tip of him brush against your cervix, each thrust being the equivalent of you coming closer to being undone.
Jungkook’s close to incomprehensible, his breathing all over the place. “W-what? The– t-the time?” he squints, the tears of pleasure in his eyes making it harder and harder to see.
You bite back a moan when your other hand descends to your clit, digging yourself a grave as you tease. “Read the time, Jungkook. Do it correctly.”
“B-but I can’t-…” he starts to blubber, able to look down on your watch when he cranes his neck down enough, but unable to read the time when he’s this teary and close to cumming.
“Stupid,” you huff, making him whimper. You forego rubbing your clit in favor of roughly pulling his hair back, making him look at you even with the tears in his eyes. “Told you I wanted you to be a good boy. Not a stupid one. Can’t– fuck— can’t even read the time, baby?”
Jungkook’s mouth dries the more that you harshly ride him with no reprieve, the whimpers coming out of him being too high that they barely make a sound anymore. “I-I feel so good that I c-can barely see.”
He shakes underneath you, cock starting to twitch uncontrollably as you rock your hips to a rhythm he can’t keep up with. It feels too good that it’s paining you, swallowing your moans instead by taking out your pleasure by choking Jungkook. “Read the time correctly and I’ll let you cum.”
He feels like bursting already but he wants to please you still, gathering every last bit of clarity in his head. “It’s — t-the time is-…” he stutters, chest rising up and down rapidly. “12:45. It’s — shit! It’s 12:45 i-in the morning.”
You hum, finding the newfound energy to tease him before you see yourself ultimately crashing in the next few seconds. “I don’t know, Kook. You’re off by a few minutes.”
Jungkook’s so frustrated that he can tear his hair out, a new wave of tears running down his cheeks as he repeatedly chants under his breath. He’s begging and pleading and whining underneath you, lip jutting out in an insistent pout. “Y/N, m-mommy, please.” 
“What did you say?” your jaw snaps, the breath in your throat hitching that it makes your hand loosen up slightly on his own. Jungkook’s insistent for your hand to remain though, shaky hands darting up to keep the pressure there. “Where’d that come from, baby?”
“Huh? What did?” he mumbles, so blissed out and lost in pleasure, he feels drunk and sleepy at the same time. 
You finally take mercy when the knot in your stomach starts to unravel out of control, breathless when you take the last step to tighten your hold on his throat. “You think 12:45’s a good time for you to cum, baby?”
“It’s perfect,” Jungkook manages to get out, his vision turning white now that all it takes is one final roll of your hips before he cums inside you.
“Let go, baby, hm? Don’t stop cumming until I tell you to.”
Jungkook finally gets his release and his cum bursts in waves inside you, setting off your own orgasm. He shakes and cries continuously, whining as you slowly rock back and forth through your high as if you’re soothing him. He screws his eyes shut the moment that you grind against him, beyond sensitive to the point of no return. “Can’t — I c-can’t stop cumming! I-…”
You catch your breath as you cease your movements, feeling your husband tear it all out beneath you. “Just until the minute is up,” you assure him, your own vision hazy from how hard you came. “You can take it, crybaby.”
“I can, I can! I’ll be good,” Jungkook whispers, the very last few spurts of his cum draining everything from him. The two of you are completely fucked out, one more-so than the other.
You’re convinced that your husband has already succumbed to sleep if not for the small deep chuckle that escapes him, eyes glazed and slitted.
You don’t hold back this time, indulging Jungkook fully because this time, he says the right thing at the right time.
“If I get you a bracelet next, how far can that take me?”
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fallingstqrss · 10 months
what about us?
summary: you had always assumed coriolanus was your future. that was until a certain tribute from district came around.
a/n: i'm not sure how much i like this so i might rewrite it or edit it later but i felt like writing and i wanted to post something. so i hope you guys like it! <3
warnings: idk really if i forget any please tell me. just coriolanus like actually being nice?
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Around the Academy, many knew Coriolanus Snow as someone driven purely by ambition, someone who inspired insecurity and tension among many of his classmates. Yet, to you, he had always just been Coriolanus, a boy you'd known since you both were children, someone who you'd give anything for.
Ever since the end of the war you and Coriolanus had been inseparable. He was your best friend. However, that blossomed into something more when the two of you started the Academy. As soon as you and Coriolanus started dating you knew he was the one for you, you couldn't picture yourself being with anyone else.
With the Plinth Prize announcement looming rumors of his stern demeanor circulated. However, in your eyes, Coriolanus remained the ever-constant presence of kindness to support you throughout all your highs and lows.
You could almost sense the tension that grew in the air the with announcement of the Plinth Prize looming. Coriolanus, usually the picture of composure, seemed on the verge of unraveling under the weight of his expectations for himself. You could tell his nights were spent sleepless and days were consumed by worries about his grades, the Plinth Prize hanging over him like an oppressive cloud.
You understood this event's significance and the importance of the prize to Coriolanus. The sacrifice of time spent together was one of your last concerns compared to the challenges presented to him.
However, the day had finally come. It was now the day they announced who had won the Plinth Prize.
As you walked into the hall you found Coriolanus, amidst a sea of your peers. Coriolanus couldn't see you, his back turned. However, as you approached, taking his hand into yours, you were greeted by him with a smile, him squeezing your hand in silent gratitude. Your presence offers a momentary respite from the relentless pressures that bore down on him.
But, the two of you didn't have time to say much, as music sounded throughout the hall, signaling the beginning of the reaping. You took your place a couple of seats behind Coriolanus, placing a kiss on his cheek before separating from him.
The Dean's voice echoed throughout the hall, outlining the new conditions for the Plinth Prize. You watched Coriolanus, sensing his tension from the announcement. Sensing his realization, the realization that his future was dependent upon the outcome of the Hunger Games.
Tensions reached their peak as the reaping continued, district after district being assigned. Coriolanus' name remained uncalled until the 12th district. You felt bad for Coriolanus watching as an emaciated girl in a rainbow dress walked onto the stage.
You shared in Coriolanus' disappointment, you felt how big of a burden this was to him. However, the atmosphere drastically shifted when this girl dropped a snake down one of the girls in the audience. Coriolanus shot up from his seat, eyes fixated on the screen.
You watched him, your own emotions in a whirlwind. The twist left everyone in shock but Coriolanus' reaction hinted at something else, something deeper. Noticing this sent a pang through your heart, the way he smiled at the girl, watching her with a sort of amazement as she began singing. You felt something that could only be described as jealousy.
This was a new feeling for you. There had been times when other girls had hit on Coriolanus. But, you had never had a reason to be jealous, Coriolanus had always remained loyal to you. However, for some reason, this felt different to you.
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Following the end of the ceremony, your classmates began to speak amongst themselves but you knew you had to get out of there, these emotions being too much to bear in the midst of you classmates. You needed space, making a hasty exit through the back door.
Coriolanus, of course, noticed your departure, pausing his conversation with those around him to follow after you. Your shift in demeanor was obvious to him.
Outside, the breeze offered a momentary break from the tense atmosphere in the hall. You took quick steps, the need for solitude guiding you. Coriolanus, determined not to lost sight of you, caught up to you and closed the distance.
His hand closed around your wrist, gently turning you to face him. Concern was etched onto his features as he pushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.
You stood there, suddenly being faced with an internal debate. The silence stretched between the two of you, Coriolanus' furrowed eyebrows revealed his growing concern. Ultimately, you decided to shield Coriolanus from the petty feelings of jealousy that gnawed at you.
"Nothing, I just don't feel well. I'm just gonna head home," You assured him, summoning a smile to mask the turmoil within you. Coriolanus, however, wasn't very easily convinced.
"Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?" He pressed, the concern in his voice undeniable.
"No, I'll be okay. Just go work on your mentoring abilities," you insisted, offering a quick, reassuring peck on his lips before turning away. As you walked away, the faint echo of concern lingered in Coriolanus's eyes, but you couldn't bring yourself to burden him with the trivial pangs of jealousy that wrestled within you.
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Things between you and Coriolanus had been okay since the reaping. You had been continually growing more and more jealous of his tribute, who you came to know as Lucy Gray, the Songbird. However, you put your feelings on the back-burner, reminding yourself that this was for Coriolanus. However, your feelings came to a head when you heard about a particularly nasty rumor from on of your classmates Festus.
It was the day of the Hunger Games, the day that the tributes went into the arena. Festus had approached you before the games started, pulling you into a quiet corner.
"Y/n, there's something I have to tell you." Festus spoke, his seriousness concerned you, nervousness growing within you as you questioned him.
"What is it, Festus? What happened?"
"It's about Coriolanus," Festus spoke, you felt your heart drop. You had a feeling that news like this was coming but you couldn't bear to accept it as truth. "I saw him and Lucy Gray last night, at the zoo. They kissed," Festus spoke quickly, hoping to deliver the knews as fast as possible.
The blow hit you like a sledgehammer, shattering the fragile façade of composure you had clung to. The news of Coriolanus and Lucy Gray, the Songbird, sharing an intimate moment at the zoo cut through you with a sharpness that left you breathless.
You fought against the denial that arose in you. This was your Coriolanus, he would never betray you. However, things have been different lately. He'd been spending more and more time with Lucy Gray. The shock immobilized you for a moment, leaving you in a disorienting fog. The world around you seemed to warp and twist as you grappled with the harsh reality that Festus presented.
"He wouldn't do that to me," you whispered to yourself, a feeble attempt to convince yourself that this was a misunderstanding. Yet, Festus's words lingered, a relentless truth that threatened to unravel the foundation of trust you had built with Coriolanus.
Your steps faltered as you re-entered the main area, a numbness settling over you. The buzz of conversations around you became an indistinct hum, drowned out by the storm of emotions brewing within. The other seniors, talk amongst themselves in the stands.
You found a seat among them, sinking into it as if the weight of the revelation bore down on your shoulders. Tears welled up, blurring your vision as you fought to hold them back, even as your emotions threatened to break through. The haze of disbelief and betrayal clouded your thoughts, leaving you adrift in a sea of confusion and heartache.
However, the sight of Coriolanus in the front of the room, standing among the mentors, was a fresh stab to your wounded heart. The pain intensified as you realized you couldn't bear to watch him mentor Lucy Gray from his computer, knowing the betrayal that had transpired between them.
As you hurried up the stairs and out of the door, Coriolanus noticed your swift departure. He called after you, a note of desperation in his voice. Ignoring his pleas, you didn't allow the tears to fall until you were safely outside, the cool air providing a stark contrast to the turmoil within.
"Y/n! Y/n, what happened?" Coriolanus's voice echoed behind you, the urgency in his steps matching the acceleration of your own. He caught up to you quickly, positioning himself in front of you to halt your retreat. The tears that stained your cheeks didn't escape his notice, and a pang of remorse struck his heart at the sight of your pain.
"You know, Coriolanus. You know what you did," you managed to say, your words carrying a weight of hurt and betrayal. In your distressed state, you threw a punch at his chest, a futile attempt to channel the frustration and anguish within you. However, Coriolanus, standing firm, felt the impact but remained unyielding.
"No, Y/n, tell me, please. What did I do?" Coriolanus pleaded, genuine confusion etched across his face. The realization that something had gone terribly wrong dawned on him, but the specifics eluded him. The raw vulnerability in your tear-filled eyes, the pain reflected in your every gesture, sparked a pang of guilt within him. He desperately sought answers, trying to make sense of the sudden shift in your emotions.
"You and Lucy Gray, at the zoo last night." You responded. The hurt in your eyes was palpable as you confronted Coriolanus with the words of Festus. Coriolanus' confusion mirrored your own as he took a step forward, a gesture of comfort that you skillfully evaded. The revelation hung heavy in the air, a tense pause that finally broke as you accused him of kissing Lucy Gray.
"What? What about me and Lucy Gray?" he questioned, he seemed genuinely confused, which threw you off, but you were staying true to the information provided by Festus.
"You two kissed, Festus told me." You responded.
"Y/n," he sighed, "Lucy Gray and I were just talking about strategies. I'll admit we were close, but it was just because I didn't want the other tributes to hear. She leaned in but I pulled away, Festus might have left before I did. Trust me I told her there was only one woman in my life." Coriolanus explained, his heart pained at the fact that you believed he would ever cheat on you.
"So you and Lucy Gray didn't kiss?" you inquired, a yearning for reassurance in your voice. Coriolanus's response was swift and sincere, a promise that cut through the doubt and uncertainty.
"No, and I never would. I'd never do that to you. I love you, Y/n, you're the only one I want to be with," he affirmed, closing the distance and bringing a hand to cup your cheek. The touch wiped away the lingering traces of tears, and his words began to mend the fractures of trust.
As realization dawned, you spoke words weighed with guilt and remorse. "I'm sorry, Corio. I shouldn't have believed Festus. I should've just talked to you," you admitted, your gaze falling to the ground. Coriolanus gently lifted your chin, ensuring your eyes met his.
"No, I've been so distant recently with the games I've given you few reasons to trust me. But, believe me, as soon as these games are over, and I win the Plinth Prize, I'm going to spend the rest of our lives making it up to you," Coriolanus declared, attempting to lighten the atmosphere with a touch of humor. Your laughter, a melody that resonated with forgiveness, filled the space. Your hear swelled as Coriolanus mentioned the potential for a life together.
Seizing the moment, Coriolanus leaned down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. The warmth of reconciliation enveloped you, and the weight of doubt lifted. In that kiss, you felt the promise of a renewed connection, a shared future that transcended the shadows of misunderstanding. The world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you and the unspoken vow to navigate the challenges ahead together.
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hollyoongs · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
"Nothing will ever come between us 'Cause i'll be standing right next to you"
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: non idol boyfriend!jay and fem!reader 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: SURPRISE MY POOKIE (a.k.a @glitterjay)! This is a little late, but some of your moots decide to surprise you with this gift...
💌 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀 [𝟓] @st4rwon: congrats on hitting 1k c!! you definitely deserve it 🤍 i absolutely love all your works and am so proud to see that they are being appreciated ! keep up the amazing work :) @hollyoongs: this drabble is for… jupi! I'm so glad I can have such a nice and lovely friendship with you and to be present in this big milestone, you deserve it so much and tbh I can't wait to see what the future holds to you, such an amazing, wonderful and incredible human being, congrats my 5'7 jupi! 💟 @kwiwin: Hey C! Congrats on reaching 1k, it's freaking awesome how so many people recognize real talent out there. Even if we've been moots for just a little time I am proud of you and what you have achieved! Keep stunning the world with your (beautifully written) stories ♡ @heeslut4life: hi c! congrats on hitting 1k!! i’m so proud of you<3 you’ve done so goddamn well, you have amazing fics and you are an amazing person:) i know we don’t really interact a lot but i hope you know that i wish nothing but the best for you💗 keep going, you’re such beautiful and wonderful person<33
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 2: this is also a short drabble and you will definitly find some stuff here ;), HAPPY MILESTONE! 𝘄.𝗰: +1.8k
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"And the first place, being voted on by 1128 judges, goes to..." 
And then your name was announced with your university, making you stand up after a few seconds of shock.
As you walked up to the podium, the weight of the moment settled on your shoulders like a comforting embrace. You couldn't believe it—your name, your university, Decelis Academy, being called out as the winner. It felt surreal, like a dream you never dared to have. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the faces of the cheering crowd into a colorful mosaic of joy and pride.
Glancing at your friends, their beaming faces illuminated by the glow of their phones capturing this momentous occasion, you felt a surge of gratitude. They had been with you through it all—the late nights, the doubts, and the struggles. And now, here you were, basking in the spotlight of recognition.
"Jay, look at your girl!" one of your friends shouted amidst the cheers, drawing your attention to the sea of faces. You couldn't help but smile and offer a small wave to the camera, feeling a rush of affection for your supportive circle. They had been your pillars of strength, propelling you forward even when you felt like giving up.
Reaching the podium, you accepted the prize with trembling hands, the weight of it sinking in with each passing moment. More than a thousand people had chosen your work and had seen its value and its impact. It was a humbling realization, one that filled you with a sense of purpose and determination to continue pushing the boundaries of your craft and enjoying it while doing it.
After the ceremony, the celebrations began in earnest.
The celebrations continued long into the night, transitioning seamlessly from the pulsating energy of the dance floor to the intimate ambiance of a lavish dinner party. Your friends, ever the consummate hosts, had spared no expense in creating a feast fit for royalty. The dining table, adorned with flickering candles and delicate floral arrangements, beckoned you and your friends to indulge in a culinary symphony of flavors.
As you settled into your seats, the clinking of glasses and the gentle hum of conversation filled the air, setting the stage for an evening of heartfelt camaraderie and celebration.
"So, my dear," one of your friends began with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Tell us, what's next for the illustrious winner of the Decelis Academy? Any plans to conquer the world?"
You laughed, the sound bubbling up from deep within you like a spring of joy. "Oh, you know me," you replied with a playful grin. "I've always been a dreamer. And now, with this recognition, who knows what the future holds? The world might just have to brace itself for what's to come."
The table erupted into laughter, each of your friends offering words of encouragement and excitement for the journey ahead. They had seen you weather the storms, witnessed the unwavering determination in your eyes, and now they reveled in the triumph of your success.
"I have no doubt that you'll conquer whatever comes your way," another one of your friends chimed in, her voice laced with genuine admiration. "You're a force to be reckoned with, my dear, and I couldn't be prouder to call you my friend."
Touched by their words, you raised your glass in a silent toast, the clinking sound echoing through the room like a symphony of celebration. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the promise of tomorrow, you felt a profound sense of gratitude wash over you.
"To dreams realized and journeys yet to unfold," you declared, your voice tinged with emotion. "Thank you, all of you, for being a part of this incredible journey. I couldn't have done it without each and every one of you by my side."
The sentiment was met with nods of agreement and murmurs of affection, a tangible reminder of the bond that held you all together. As the evening wore on and the laughter flowed freely, you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment settle in your heart—a feeling that, no matter what the future held, you would always have these cherished moments and these cherished friends to light the way.
As the night wound down and the last revelers bid their farewells, your friends exchanged knowing glances and shared secretive smiles. "Come on, let's take you home," they said, linking arms with you as they guided you towards your apartment. 
The car trip to your apartment was a whole carpool karaoke, playing your favorite songs and making the night more magical than it already was. There was only one thing missing, and it was your boyfriend.
Jay and you were a couple for three years already, both meeting at university by a mutual friend, who clicked almost immediately. From the moment your eyes met, there was an undeniable spark, a magnetic pull drawing you closer together. His presence illuminated your world, and his smile lit up even the darkest of days. In his arms, you found solace, warmth, and an unwavering sense of belonging. Jay was not just handsome and intelligent; he was the embodiment of kindness, his gestures tender and sincere, and his words a soothing melody that danced through your soul. With him, you felt like you had won the grandest of lotteries, for in his embrace, you found not just love but the truest essence of romance.
But the only problem was his usual business trips with his dad to help the company that owns Mr. Park, which you understood. You were okay with him not being there because he was always present, but it was hard not to feel sad about it.
As you stepped out of the car and approached your apartment building, a wave of exhaustion washed over you, mingling with the residual excitement of the evening's festivities. You bid your friends goodnight with hugs and promises to meet up again soon, feeling grateful for their unwavering support and the unforgettable memories you had shared, but being slightly weirded out by their suspicious smiley faces.
As you entered your apartment, the familiar surroundings enveloped you like a warm embrace, wrapping you in a cocoon of comfort. The gentle glow of lamplight cast soft shadows across the room, imbuing the space with a sense of tranquility that was both soothing and welcoming.
With a contented sigh, you kicked off your shoes and made your way towards your bedroom, eager to sink into the welcoming embrace of your bed and let the events of the day wash over you like a gentle tide. But as you pushed open the door, a gasp escaped your lips, and your heart skipped a beat.
There, standing in the center of the room, was Jay, your boyfriend, looking every bit the epitome of charm and sophistication in his sleek black suit. His eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and adoration as he held out a big bouquet of white tulips, their delicate petals swaying gently in the air. No wonder your friends were smiling like that.
"Jay? What are you doing here?" You exclaimed, your voice a mixture of surprise and delight. You couldn't believe your eyes—just moments ago, you had resigned yourself to the fact that he was miles away, attending to his father's business affairs. And yet, here he was, standing before you like a vision come to life.
With a smile that melted your heart, Jay stepped forward, his eyes alight with warmth and affection. "I couldn't stay away any longer," he confessed, his voice a soft whisper that sent shivers down your spine. "I wanted to be here to celebrate with you, to share in this moment of joy and triumph."
Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you struggled to find the words to express the overwhelming rush of emotion coursing through you. "But I thought you were..."
"Surprise," Jay interjected, his smile widening into a grin that tugged at the corners of his lips. "I wanted to make this night even more special for my sunshine, to show you just how much you mean to me."
With trembling hands, he offered you the bouquet of tulips, their sweet fragrance filling the air with a heady perfume that made your head spin. "To the sun I rotate to," he said, his voice filled with tenderness as you laugh. "To celebrate your incredible achievement and to remind you of the beauty and grace that you bring into my life every single day."
Overwhelmed by his gesture, you reached out and took the flowers, holding them close to your heart as if they were the most precious treasure in the world. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for being here and for being a part of this moment with me."
But Jay wasn't done yet. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he gestured towards the bed, where a small pile of gifts lay waiting, wrapped in elegant paper and adorned with ribbons and bows.
"I couldn't come empty-handed," he said with a grin. "I wanted to shower you with tokens of my love and admiration, to show you just how proud I am of everything you've accomplished."
With trembling fingers, you reached for the nearest gift and began to unwrap it, your heart pounding in anticipation of what lay hidden beneath the layers of paper. And as you peeled back the wrapping, revealing the contents within, your breath caught in your throat, and tears of joy welled up in your eyes once more.
Inside was a beautiful necklace, delicate and intricate in design, its sparkling gems catching the light and casting a mesmerizing rainbow of colors across the room. It was a work of art, a testament to Jay's impeccable taste and his unwavering devotion to you.
"Oh, Jay!" you exclaimed, your voice barely above a whisper. "It's…it's beautiful."
But he wasn't finished yet. With a smile that made your heart skip a beat, he reached for another gift, presenting it to you with a flourish that made you giggle like a schoolgirl.
"And there's more where that came from," he teased, his eyes dancing with mischief. "But you'll have to wait and see."
"I need to kiss you so bad." You didn't wait too much; Jay did that for you. His hand being placed on his waist and the other one moving some strings of hair from your face, lips connecting with yours in a tender kiss, you missed each other so badly that you could feel other hearts from that simple action.
As you separate, he touches your forehead softly with his eyes close as you feel the warmth of his love.
"Remember that I don't care about how far I am or what I'm doing; I'll drop anything for you, darling."
And as you stayed there, surrounded by the warmth and love of the man who meant more to you than words could ever express, you knew that this night would be one you would cherish forever—a night of love that knew no bounds.
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
✾ Happy Bday To A Sweet Lil Kit Named Liv ✾
Therefore I present to you:
♕ The Brother F**king Incest Spectacular ♕
For u bb @fairysluna
Rating: Explicit
Tags: TW: incest, non/con|||dub/con, degrading language, bastard hating, DAERON IS AGED UP!!!!Greens won AU, Jace’s sister reader, gang bang, so much Incest, cunnilingus, sloppy seconds, double penetration, oral sex, pnv!sex, erotic crying, humiliation, Daeron is actually scared but likes her so they run off and be happy duh, Aemond and Aegon are Insane, multiple orgasms, rough sex, m/m/m/f, Jace is broken, why is there kinda angst? Idk
A/N: I don’t tend to lean toward non-con but the brother fucking incest spectacular had been brewed so read the warnings!
“Little Lord Strong,” Aemond sneered from the lofty bed, looking down with a haughty look on his sharp features. Jace squirmed and hissed at the one-eyed prick. His dear sister was pinned between Aemond’s lean legs, face red and teary.
Daeron was quiet, a terrified look on his face as he watched the scene.
Aegon, ever the deviant, palmed himself through his breeches, other hand petting Jace’s poor sister’s hair. He was grinning wildly, violet eyes fervent with glee. He giggled as his younger brother prattled on. Aemond cocked his head towards his siblings and said, “Well. You know what they say about bastards. Lustful, devious sort. I bet she’ll open up like a Lyseni pillow girl.”
Jace barked, “Fuck you! All of you are the deviants! Defiling my maiden sister for what?”
Aegon snorted, “She’s a lovely vixen, we won and you didn’t. Therefore we get our war prizes. Wanted to see what your cunt of a mother was so infatuated by a house as shite as the Strongs.” Jace grimaced and squirmed under his bindings, chest aching at the mention of his true father. The one who had taught him to be a man. He didn’t feel much like one.
Aegon yanked back her hair and got a good look at doe brown eyes, watery with tears, lips swollen more-so than usual. She pled, “Please, please, I cannot help being o-of this nature. Have mercy my king, have mercy!” The giddiness of Aegon’s face morphed into anger.
He hissed in her face, spittle flying, “Did your lovely mother and the rogue cunt give my children mercy?”
She wailed in sorrow, apologizing for something she had nothing to do with. Aemond was wielding the Valyrian ceremonial knife, pointing it towards Jacaerys. He sniffed, “Yes, Lord Strong, was there mercy when your dead brother took my eye, slaughtered my kin, set the kingdom aflame for a seat that belonged to us trueborn?”
Jacaerys remained silent, fidgeting in his bonds, trying to find a way out. There was murder and kinslaying on both sides. The bastard thought he was justified for little Luke. Jace was angry and humiliated. Tears fell down his darkened cheeks. Daeron spoke up, a soft lilt to the youngest brother’s tone.
“You won’t get out of those. Learned the best knots down on the docks of Oldtown. Best if you just sat back and let it get on with. Customary,” he nervously looked to the elder blondes, “Customary right?”
Aegon popped up from his spewing of vitriol, laughing as he reached for more Arbor Red, “Yes, darling Daeron, customary to make sure any dragon blood gets more seed. We have to repopulate. Sorry you must get the leftover bitch as wife.”
Aemond shrugged, “She’s pretty. Had a Strong bitch in Harrenhal, witchy sort, but couldn’t trust a wench that played with magicks.” He began to take off his loose blouse, exposing pale scarred skin, lean and toned. Daeron was stockier, like Aegon but if the eldest didn’t overindulge. The king was a juxtaposition of tight burns and soft overfed flesh. Never a warrior, Jace knew that much.
Jace watched in agony as the boys divested their clothing. He sister wept and shook on the mattress, begging Daeron now. The youngest looked guilty, mouthing, “I’m sorry.” Aegon smacked the Prince from behind the head and chided, “This is your whore for tonight. Quit being the pansy.”
Daeron grumbled back, staring with flushed cheeks. Aemond pulled her ass up roughly, spreading tanned thighs, shapely from dragon riding. Jacaerys howled, “You accursed demon!” The one-eye hummed, “I’ve heard worse, Strong. Enjoy the show.”
Aegon was at full mast, eagerly stroking his thick cock, “As the king I get to fuck those pretty lips,” he smirked, “Aemond you can get her cunt. Daeron it’s either her ass or wait your turn. Feel her up a little, I don’t know.” Daeron’s lilac eyes bounced around the scene, pupils blowing at her gorgeous body, full breasts hanging below, obscene lips covered in drool.
“Go on Daeron, she’s drier than the Boneway,” Aemond frowned. Jace could hand the bastard that, he couldn’t bear to watch her be torn to shreds. Daeron’s body came closer to hers, a calloused hand tentatively rubbing her soft skin, pressing a kiss to her shoulder. She relaxed a smidgeon, nervous eyes peeking around. The brunette had pretty lashes.
The daring himself murmured, “I shan’t treat you like this my lady, we’ll go back to Old Town. J-just feel me and the sensations. Please. Please.”
She whimpered quietly at Daeron engaged her in a gentle kiss, his hand finally coming to knead and tweak her pretty tits. “This isn’t amateur hour, back off, acting like Florian and Jonquil.” Aeg snatched her jaw and ordered, “Open, bastard whore.” She did so, shaking as Aegon dropped his spit into her mouth, easing his thick cockhead into the warm opening.
“That’s better, fuck,” Aegon moaned, eyes lolled. Aemond waited patiently, while he grinned at Jace. He mused, “So easy, so pliable. That’s why your mother liked it. Wanted to control everything, the bitch.” Jace gritted back, “Your mother was a stone cold bitch and we all knew it!”
The Velaryon fumed with anger, eyes flickering to where Aegon was moaning with delight, Daeron caressing and kissing on her smooth skin. His cheeks reddened at where his thoughts were going. Merely a Targaryen instinct— inclination for the blood.
Daeron’s insistent kissing and licking had the princess biting off whines around Aegon’s cock. The king laughed, “Ah, there she is, little slut loves it after all.” Aemond played with her other entrance, feeling wetness begin to gather and dribble delightfully. He backed up and motioned towards the youngest.
“Actually, I want her wetter. Use your tongue Daeron.” Aegon giggled with glee at the idea, Jace groaned, and Daeron swallowed heavily.
He shuffled to her slit, pale eyes boggled at her most private part. His thumb slid through the moistened entrance, cock jumping in surprise. Daeron held up his thumb and suckled the essence off, eyelashes fluttering as he moaned.
“She taste s-sweet, hm?,” Aegon panted. He wouldn’t last long. Never did by all rumors and accounts. The slick noises of her mouth and Aegon’s lurid chattering was making Daeron grow impossibly hot under his skin. He grabbed handfuls of her pert ass and licked at her pretty petals, grinding into the bed.
“Seven hells— the mouth on this one!,” he giggled, “Lick at that bud Daeron, raa-right at the top, make her squeal and slick up.” The youngest did so, suckling on the hooded bud above her opening, inhaling her perfect natural scent. She squirmed and shook, crying out around Aegon. Daeron didn’t stop, intoxicated by his beautiful niece’s noises. She arched her back helplessly, whining.
Aegon gasped and pulled at her thick brown locks, shoving his cock deep into her throat— met with no resistance. He threw his short curls back, belly bouncing, lips agape. The king cried out, “Fuuuuck yess!” Jace saw his uncle’s balls draw tight and he emptied down her once pristine throat. He closed his eyes and whimpered, willing away the indecent thoughts. He could hear her coughing in the background.
Aegon, fuck dumb and lazy, pillowed himself back. He halfassedly gestured for Aemond to have her mouth. The lean man smirked as having her from this angle meant he could torture Jacaerys more. Daeron was busy exploring her, sticking fingers in and lapping excitedly.
“Slow down, you’ll blow before you get your cock in her cunny,” Aegon snorted.
Aemond easily got access, the Princess obediently opening her mouth, eyes far away and hazy. Cum was still wetting her chin, mixed with drool. Aemond wiped it away with the nearest cloth, finding a distaste to be so close to Aegon’s glob of spend. He tilted her head up so the taller Targaryen could ease his long cock down her throat.
“Stick your dick in already, she’s wetter than the Greenblood,” Aegon snapped, greedily gulping wine. He shouted, “Isn’t this just wonderful Jace! Maybe we’ll cut your cock off and make you a handmaiden to this lovely girl.” Jace whimpered, utterly broken and confused. He was so hard it hurt, yet everything disgusted him.
Daeron held his cock, lilac eyes focused on her hole, dipping the tip in, before getting shoved further by one of her frantic hands. Aemond laughed, “Mm! She likes you. We’ll all have to take a test filling her cunt up. Make sure the seed takes.”
The youngest brother’s vision grew blurry as he registered the delicious feeling surrounding his cock. It was better than anything he had tried on himself. She was warm, tight, and pulsing around Daeron’s member. He gripped her hips and fucked wildly, groaning and panting her name.
“Should have taken his virgin ass to the brothels in Old Town when we visited.”
“All the more fun, two little virgins, isn’t that right Lord Strong?,” Aemond jabbed in glee. Jace let out an agonized moan, his balls aching and full. His sister’s gorgeous cries and debauched frame was making him feel insane. Aegon’s nonsensical laugh broke through the haze, making Jace more ashamed…more aroused.
Daeron panted and laid kisses up her back, breathlessly praising, “Oh you feel so good, tell me what to do, please?” Aemond, snapping his hips into the Velaryon’s mouth jeered, “Listen to what the wretch had to say, touch her button.”
Aegon slurred, already stroking his cock again, “When she comes, s’like heaven, milking ya’ cock.”
Daeron reached around to settle between them, circling around her swollen nub, feeling her cunt pulse and hearing excited keening. He pinched and pulled harder, the cries turning into little whimpers as she drew tighter and tighter around him. Daeron felt his eyes crossing at the pressure, fucking harder in a last effort.
Aemond pinched a bouncing teat of hers and ordered, “Come now, Strong slut. Serve your superiors.” He pulled out and watched the scene, on his haunches. The brunette was wailing and crying Daeron’s name. “Oh Gods please, don’t stop, f-fa-feels s’good! What’s- oh my- happening?”
Jace never wished he could be freed more than now, eyes glued to her twitching body, plump lips shining in the dull light. His cock was leaking profusely, needing an outlet for his swollen sac. Daeron gasped as she gushed all over his cock, sniveling and sucking in breath. Tears leaked down her gorgeous face.
The youngest Targaryen just sat in a daze, her throbbing pussy hitting him with wave of wave of ecstasy, his cock unloading all he could have carried into her womb. He selfishly hoped his seed would take, so that his wife’s child was truly his. He kissed and rubbed on her until Aegon cast him aside, laughing, “My turn, lover boy.”
Daeron’s eyes flickered to Jace, whining softly with a red face. His cock had soaked the front of his small clothes, huge member swollen and needy. Gods, the depravity. He absently wondered if the girl was supposed to be Jace’s if it weren’t for the twins.
Aegon was a lazy fuck, making the girl get on top of him and ride and ride until her shaky legs gave out. The king smacked her ass roughly, barking, “You can do better than that with all that dragon riding. Lazy whore.” She whimpered and bounced harder, squeezing Aegon’s soft midsection tight. He moaned, “Soooo much better. Good little bitch.”
He filled her up next with a sloppy finish, leaving some on her belly and legs, proposing, “Since Jace is so needy, we should make him clean her up.” Aemond seemed to love that idea, eagerly fucking her into the soft bed, her legs thrown high up his long body.
He bit and sucked a collar of markings around her neck, snarling, “You belong to us now, no black, no-ngh, fucking greens, just the Targaryens.” She whimpered, “Yes, yes, I belong to you, the rightful family.” Aemond smacked her around some more, around the ass and thighs. He pumped with long strokes, powerful and measured.
Daeron was taking notes. Because she was heaving and clawing his shoulders, mewling when he’d plunge into her ruined cunt. Blood had already dried on the bed. Aegon crawled over and pointed her wet eyes to Jace.
“You want brother dearest to clean you up after? Lick your sore cunny up, coddle you? Or Daeron?”
She scrunched her face up, obviously distressed. Jace whined pathetically, “Sister, sister please, let me, let me?” He was humping the air now, utterly broken and debauched. Aemond smacked her cheek none-to-hard and smarted, “Your king asked you a question!”
She wailed out, “Both! Need both! Gods please! Mmmm!” Aemond’s one eye rolled up at her releasing yet again. She still had some in her, coating his long cock with the gorgeous essence. The long haired prince pumped her for the final time full of his cum, slapping her ass another time for good measure. She shivered and cried, Daeron already to the rescue.
Who knew such a powerful fighter had such a weak heart. Aegon laid back like a cat who got the cream, watching Jacaerys sob and shiver. He’d cum. The evidence was sticky and soaking his small clothes. The princess took one look and begged, “C-can he join? Lick me up like you said my liege?”
Aegon shrugged, “Aemond and I will watch for safety. Can’t believe Lord Strong came in his small clothes watching his sister get fucked by the enemies. I thought we were fucked up.”
“Like you’ll do shite you oaf,” Aemond muttered as he slit the ropes binding Jace. The brunette stumbled to his sister, squatting between her soaked cunt. It was still a bit stretched, puffy and oozing copious amounts of ‘dragonseed’. He began to cry in shame as he cleaned her up.
Daeron softly murmured, “I’ll take good care of her, you’ve been good. So good.” Jace blushed and kept licking, eating up his sister’s sighs of pleasure, Daeron’s long fingers in his dark hair. What a fucking mess this was.
Aegon and Aemond merely laughed like devilish imps. Sadists. “Oh she’ll take the seed alright, she better or we do this again,” he tapped his chin, “We can’t taint her bastardized blood further, so just licking cunny for you dear nephew.”
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sugar-plum-writer · 8 months
The Serene Peony Of Winter
Paring: Sukuna!King of Curses x Fem!Geisha Reader
Tags: Slight! mention of violence; Fem!reader; Sukuna!imagines; will be 18+ as more chapters come; slow!burn, [I want to have a good build up!], an ancient Japan romance through time with darling reader~
[If you all like it, please heart and reblog the post! to know you want to read more~ and follow for chapter updates! or leave a comment to tag you when I put out new chapters~ I will do my best to roll out UPDATES ASAP!] New Chapter! @naoyagasm @janeaugustine @teonawrites @periwinkless-universe @rosemaydone321 @may-machin @annoyingstrawberryballoon
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Warm gazes of the sun poured in and illuminated the room, as a gentle breeze carried the air of summer. Laying beside him under the sheets you caressed his face with moments of the previous night playing in your brain.
"If anyone had told me this is what my geisha life would have come to…I would have ignored them and laughed"
Where is my life going?
Deep in thought, all memories of the past flooded your brain. It felt like a play of sorts, the only difference being that rather than a story with a happily ever after it had no route
It was like a wandering boat in the ocean-going where the wind led it.
Many days had passed, and now you were his lover, not just any lover, one of his most if not the only prized lover of the one and only Sukuna 'The King of Curses'.
Many things had happened, and many people had died. The Shogun was pressured by not only the Emperor but also the Big Sorcerer clans- Gojo, Zenin, Kamo, Fukiwara, Inumaki, etc to find who it was. You had stopped being a Geisha, as well he would have killed them if you had continued; accompanying him wherever he went in your Hikizuri holding your Wagasa above your head making the days pass by peacefully.
Recently you and Sukuna decided to go to a mountain. It was nothing too big, just a short walk to enjoy the scenery of summer, it was a bit isolated so that sorcerers would not track him down, he did not care- but well for your safety he kept an eye out.
"It sure is quite sunny today", you muttered as you walked beside him lifting the hem of your Hikizure to not stumble.
Unexpectedly he stops causing you to lift your head to where he is looking making your eyes widen in shock as the scene unfolding is unusual and it was quite peculiar.
Huge trees stood on both sides of an entrance, there were men bridal carrying their wives up the steep stone stairs, and many more couples shyly held hands.
"Hm…Interesting", he smirked curiously
As you and he stood looking at what was going on a couple approached you
"Excuse me? Is this the 'Sakurasou Ceremony' Shrine?", the man enthusiastically walked holding his wife's hand
"The, 'Sakurasou Ceremony', what is it?", intrigued you and Sukuna looked at the couple
"Oh! It's your first time here?"
"It's a ritual, where the husband carries his wife up the stairs of the shrine, it's a steep climb of 450 stairs, sincerely without stopping or any tricks! It's said that whoever completes this ritual has their souls forever tied together till the end of time!", chirping in the lady laughed
"It's a ritual that can only be done once in 100 years, to do it again you need to wait 100 years! Rarely have people been able to complete it because you cannot stop and even rest! once you start there is no stopping~"
Soon a voice is heard and the couple walks away happily, giggling and chatting
"Humans sure are unique, a ritual like this?", he laughed intrigued
"It is…can the people who complete it really have their souls… tied together forever?", giving him a small smile your eyes traced the stairs which looked never-ending in wonder
"Let's do it shall we?" with a smirk he grabbed your wrist
"W-Wait what!? Are you crazy!? we are not even married!", your eyes widened in shock as you implored him to think again, but he continued walking without hearing anything
"Sukuna!" with a scream you pulled your hand away from his grasp
"We are not…married, are you sure?" you gazed at him with your hands trembling protesting
"Does it matter? Is marriage needed for me to love you forever Y/n? And I am curious so what do you say?" Grabbing your wrist his eyes looked into yours unwaveringly
"Alright…", with a whisper you tried to hide your blush and your heart pounded in your lungs threatening to blow up.
This is crazy
Walking together you made your way to the entrance, your hand intertwined in his as the Sakura petals fell from the trees gracing a journey. Arriving at the entrance, the first step.
With a smirk he pulled you towards him, swooping you off your feet into his arms, with that the climb started; 450 steps non-stop.
Beads of sweat glistened and rolled down his forehead to his neck soaking him, the sun was scorching hot shining above both your heads with your hands wrapped around his neck.
Using his ability he would have completed this in no time but- to think he was obeying the rules and following the process of carrying you, him a god-like figure was obeying the rules of a mortal ritual.
With the sleeve of your Hikizuri, you wiped the sweat off his face with worry in your eyes.
"What?" with a smirk, he kissed you
"No need to worry, what are you worried about?"
"I am The King of curses after all", picking up pace he continued climbing
Some hours passed and you both took the final step reaching the top, and completed the ritual. The priests were stunned to see someone being able to complete it and hurriedly rushed to offer glasses of water.
"To complete this you sir have gained my respect! haha!", one priest laughed as others chatted
He simply stood smugly beside you with pride bathing in the praises and his ego inflated to the moon.
His hands wrapped around your waist looking into your eyes, seeing him like this you could not help but smile and kiss him. It got a bit sensual as his hands started roaming around your body.
"So.." the head priest coughed, "How long have you two been married for?"
Before you could speak Sukuna spoke
"We are not married"
Causing the priests to gasp in shock as an old lady stepped in front of you both
"Would you like to get married?" with a warm smile she looked at you both holding her walking stick
"No-No it's fine" you chuckled nervously shaking your head
Your body shook, goosebumps spread across your skin causing your hair to stand on end. A shock so deep your bones felt rattled, feeling your legs give out hearing the words that came out of his mouth.
"Yes, we shall"
"W-Wait…Sukuna! I-"
The old lady went to fetch some items from the inner sanctum of the shrine with a smile as other priests began preparations for the ceremony.
"Y/n…I don't need marriage to know you are mine and I am yours, but..", he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ears smirking
"I found a wish list of yours, and one of them was getting married. Mortal rituals mean nothing to me but…since it's your wish I will grant it today"
Stunned feeling all air leave your lungs as you stood steeled on the spot looking at him; feeling time stop and the breeze coming to a halt.
Before you knew it the ritual had started
"Groom, do you Sukuna, marry this woman and become her partner. Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, love this person, respect this person, comfort this person, help this person, until death, do you promise to fulfill?"
"I do even beyond death"
"Bride, do you Y/n, marry this man and become his partner. Will you in peaceful times, during sickness, love this person, respect this person, comfort this person, help this person, until death, do you promise to fulfill?"
The shimmering sake poured from the Heavens down to Earth, overflowing with a fate sealed forever. No matter how many flowers bloom, wither, and turn to dust, this thread of fate has forever been tied even beyond the universe itself. "I do forever"
Footnotes: >Such a ritual does not exist in Japan the 'Sakurasou' is actually a flower meaning 'Eternal love' hence 'Sakurasou Ceremony Shrine' literally translates to 'Eternal Love Ceremony Shrine'. >But such a ritual does exist in India I stumbled across it as I was searching romantic rituals related to carrying brides and whatnot all over the world. It is their in a temple where the groom literally has to carry the bride 450 steps to reach the temple since many people are not able to do it 5 steps have been kept as minimum. If you wanna learn more just look it up lol I thought it was very romantic~ hehe~ I added some of my own stuff to the original ritual! So yeah! >The wedding vows written here are real that is done is Japanese traditional marriage~
>Check out my masterlist for all chapters and other works!
Authors Note:
[Sorry for the late update! My college is killing me lol but fret not! I now have study leave for my semester exams so! I will put out chapters frequently~ and thanks for more than 80 followers like damn...I am shook...I might do a q/a and open my asks for all of you! I will tell you all when I do! Might even do an introduction! haha!]
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ad0rechuu · 1 year
★ MILKY WAY. ━━ (00i) csn route: what makes him, him
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WARNINGS. fluff! san is just v san what can i say
credits to @ari-shipping-stuff for being my beta reader / writer <33
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All the contestants had packed the stage for the award ceremony. Ateez stood pretty far away from the crowds eyes, unintentionally shielding you from their vision.
None of them had spotted you until they were announced as the winners of the silver prize. Yeosang somehow saw your figure in the hoards of people, waving with excitement.
The seemingly innocent action also brought you into his view.
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Choi San is currently freaking out, the image of your flawless smile etched deeply into his brain.
While thinking about you might be his favorite pastime, he really wishes that he could muster up the courage to go up to you and spill his heart right now.
Sadly, that won’t be happening. Even if he wasn’t so scared of the potential rejection, who says you would even agree to see him?
He lets himself fall on the couch with a dramatic sigh. Until suddenly, he hears the loud voice of his best friend. San doesn’t think much of it because Wooyoung has never been one to follow the rules of basic social etiquette.
“Yeah, San says he wants to talk to you.” He hears Wooyoung say as his voice gets closer.
Before he can even begin to decipher what that’s suppose to mean, San is greeted by you holding a small stuffed animal, and being pushed trough the door by Wooyoung.
He quickly rushes to his feet as you take a confused look around the dressing room.
“You didn’t have to push me. I would’ve come willingly.” You say with a small chuckle as he walks over to you.
San is about to open his mouth when he he’s interrupted by the voices of Seonghwa and Mingi yelling, “Good luck Sannie!” as they close the door.
A wave of both relief and embarrassment washes over the poor boy, who’s now blushing profusely.
You smile and give him a questioning look. “So what did you want to tell me?”
“Oh. I didn’t ask Wooyoung to go get you, he made that up.”
As your face facial expressions drop and disappointment spreads over your previously cheerful features, he realizes his mistake.
“No no no, wait, I didn’t ask him to do anything but.. but I still want to tell you something.” He stutters.
You don’t say anything, only nodding for him to continue.
He takes a deep breath, his dark eyes meeting yours.
“Yn, I.. I like you. Scratch that actually, I.. I love you. Yes, I love you and I’m sorry that I lied to you. I can’t deny that I’ve been a fan of yours for a long time, but I promise that my feelings for you are real!”
The sheer amount of passion in his voice pleasantly shocks you. You’ve never had anyone speak to you with that amount of love.
“San, I—”
Before you can even start your sentence, he’s clinging to your waist, hugging you like this is the last time he’ll ever see you.
“You don’t have to say that you love me back, I understand, I promise but I— I just needed you to know how much you mean to me.” He breathes out.
You laugh at his words, quickly rubbing his shoulders. You feel them tense up at your reaction.
“If you had let me finish, you could’ve saved yourself that whole monologue.”
He pulls away to give you a confused look. You continue to hold him close.
“I feel the same way, San—"
Once again he cuts you off, this time by placing his lips on yours.
The action catches you off guard, but you’re quick to return the affection. It’s as if San tries to put all his emotions for you into the kiss. His warm hands find their way under your shirt while your own hands cling to the fabric of sleeves.
He chases your lips when you part from him as air runs out, much to both your dismay.
You smile each other, love writing in both of your looks.
“You sure have a thing for cutting me off, huh?”
He laughs shyly. “I’m sorry.”
You don’t say anything. Eyeing the toy on the ground, you bend down to retrieve the stuffed animal you had dropped in your passionate exchange.
San whines at the momentary loss of contact.
“Here you go.” You hand it to him, returning to your position.
He stares at the cat plushie in his hands before breaking out into a big smile.
“I’m gonna name it Yn Junior.” He smirks, and you have to fight the urge to facepalm. You might shoot him a disappointed look, but you both know that you don’t mean it.
San might cut you off and name a cat doll after you but all those traits make him.. well, him— the milky way you’ve been searching for.
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NOTES. fun fact! san will bite whoever touches yn junior other than u (yes he stuck with that name 😮‍💨) ! also please comment ur fav san moment of this fic
TAGLIST. @bunnystrm @seongwin @aestheticsluut @meginthebuilding27 @gaebestie @stopeatread @pr1ncessm1ng1 @persphonesorchid @se0nghwaswife @seonghwasslytherin @leeknowsnothing @alixnsuperstxr @bluehwale-main @miriamxsworld @tocupid @rieuvie @sunoo-bby @jcngh0-hq @dudufodd @nikisbf @mrowwww @end0rchans @qtdenks @mintgki @dear-dreamie @leo-seonghwa @evilsailorsenshi @seonghwaddict @choichaeyiul @iw4milf @yunstarz @cvberidiot @not2daym8 @tubatu-wari-wari @sunshine1438 @jaehunnyy @brrrkdslek @whippedforbeomgyu @amara-mars @crvzy-fujoshi @hyuk4ngel @atinyinateezverse @nickiminajleftasscheek
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emmawithtwoms · 11 months
The Gryffindors win the House cup, so Remus thinks Sirius deserves a reward
Sirius is a good girl and Remus fucks her brain out in the room of requirements
Wolfstar (Fem!SiriusXRemus) 🔞
Words: 3357
Little disclamer: this is my first e ever smut, so it might not be all that good, BUT I tried my best, so any advices, tips, corrections (since English is not my native language) are always welcome <3
That being said, enjoy and let me know what you think
The final Slytherin Vs Gryffindor match was a rush: the whole team was in perfect shape, they had been training the whole year for that game.
Sirius and Marlene were playing in perfect sintony, beating bludgers with extreme strength and precision, not giving rest to the Slytherin seeker (Reggie) and chasers.
James was uncatchable: flying faster than ever, scoring points over points, keeping constantly high the moral of the team, until finally three quarters of the Quidditch stadium exalted and everyone heard Gilderoy, from the reporter stand, scream: “And finally the Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch, although I would have personally caught it ages ago if it was me on the field, but Gryffindor wins the 1978 Quidditch cup!!” Sirius couldn’t believe it: they had won, they had really won.
She rushed back to the ground to be caught in a bear hug by James, and they started laughing together, hugging, crying and falling to the ground. Soon the whole team joined, and in the rush of happiness Sirius caught sight of Regulus mouthing; “Bien Joué, grande soeur” and her smile only grew bigger.
As Dumbledore started the award ceremony Sirius couldn’t help but look at the stands, searching for a nice pair of hazel eyes, sandy curls and a cute dimple on the left cheek, but couldn’t find any.
Her smile slightly faltered, when suddenly she felt a pair of big hands grabbing her waist and turning her around, and her mout met a pair of hot, soft lips on her. Sirius couldn’t stop smiling even in the kiss, and she immediately wrapped her arms around Remus’ neck, standing slightly on her tiptoes to reach her boyfriend better. They separated after a long moment, framed by Sirius’ teammates whistles and shouts, and she nuzzled her face in Remus’s neck.
“You were amazing out there baby, I’m so proud of you”
Sirius heard a little mischief in her boyfriend’s tone, so she grinned and whispered in his ear:
“Are you saying I was a good girl?”
Remus chuckled
“The best girl, and the prettiest player”
“And does this pretty girl deserve a reward?”
Remus cradled her face in his hands and kissed her again, slow and sweet
“My pretty pretty girl deserves her pretty pretty prize”.
Sirius’ pupils were completely blown out, and she could feel her panties get already wet with anticipation for that night, when she heard her best friend’s melodic voice screech from the other side of the field:
“Oi you two lovebirds, leave effusions for later, we got a victory to celebrate!!”
Remus blushed and Sirius barked out a laugh
“Come on Potter, as if you aren’t ready to jump at Evans the moment we leave the field”
“At least I’m not about to shag my girlfriend in the middle of the quidditch pitch, bloody exihibitionists!”
“You say that only because nobody would wanna look at your hairy arse out in the open of the pitch, me and Remus, on the other hand, are a show people would be willing to pay to watch, right Moons?”
Remus laughed and shook his head
“Yeah, but sadly I don’t like to share, especially the prettiest things”
Sirius shot a wink at him
“My my Moony, you really know how to woo a girl” said James, dragging Sirius to finally grab the beautiful, golden, shining Quidditch cup.
The celebration party was wild that night, helped by the fact that is was Friday. Everyone was happy, drunk, dancing and laughing. Almost the whole school went, and Sirius found even Regulus in the crowd, who raised a glass at her. Celebrations dragged on until late at night, and Remus and Sirius danced together a lot. Finally the crowd started to leave the common room, leaving only Gryffindors in the after-party mess. Remus and Sirius were still dancing, hugged tightly and swaying at the music, when finally they noticed everyone had left: James was upstairs, probabily with Evans, and nobody wanted to interrupt them. Marlene was down in the Dungeons with Dorcas, Pete fell asleep on the couch, someone (definitely not Marls) drew some obscenities on his face with some ink. Mary was in her dorm room and all the other guests had long left the party. Sirius stared up at her boyfriend, meeting his gaze. There was so much love she could have combusted. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed, chastly, her lips. Sirius lifted her arms around his neck and parted her lips, deepening the kiss. When they separated they were still smiling, and they touched their foreheads, closing their eyes, breathing the same air.
Sirius started
“Can I have my reward now?”
Remus grinned, and Sirius shivered in anticipation
“Everything you want baby, let’s go”
Remus kissed her and took her hand, leading her towards the passageway behind the portrait
“Wait, where are we going?”
“The room of requirements, obviously”
Sirius started to really like where this was going, and happily followed her boyfriend outside the common room.
The couple had to be extremely careful sneaking to the seventh floor, since they left Prong’s cloak in their dorm, but that did not stop them from stealing kisses and laughing along the way, still slightly tipsy from the party.
Finally they reached the tapestry of the dancing trolls, and Sirius couldn’t stand still waiting for Remus to cross the corridor three times before an enormous wooden door materialized from the wall.
“Allright baby, let’s get you your reward”
Remus took Sirius’ hand and led her inside. They couldn’t even wait for the door to shut completely before being all over each other.
They were kissing hungrily, discarding the other’s clothes like their life depended on it, stumbling towards the big bed at the center of the room. Sirius took a glance at the environment, it was simple but still romantic: a nice fireplace with a soft rug in front of it, a big red couch and an enormous king sized bed right at the center. It was perfect.
By the time they reached the bed they were almost completely naked, standing only in their underwear. Remus interrupted their kiss and took a step back, staring at his beautiful girlfriend: her shiny black hair was messy and wild on her head, thanks to Remus running his hands in them. Her gray eyes were almost black, pupils completely blown out, swallowing her iris, glazed by pleasure. Her cheeks were red, her mouth was parted, a stream of saliva dripping from it, her lips were red and swollen and she was breathing heavily.
She was perfect. Remus’s gaze lingered on her for another moment, on her eyes, then her lips, then down on her neck, her collarbone, then her breasts, still covered by her black lace bra, then lower to her waist, her strong tights, he imagined himself crushed between those thighs, suffocated by their strength while eating his girlfriend out, enjoying the moans and the obscenities coming out of her mouth, and coming to a halt on her panties, a set with the bra, black and laced.
Sirius blushed, grinning, enjoying her boyfriend’s gaze on her, opening her arms and twirling, giving him a full view of her body.
Remus whispered, stepping closer to her
“My perfect pretty baby”
Sirius looked at him, kidnapped by his eyes. Remus took her face in his hands and kissed her again, first on the mouth, and then trailing a way of wet open mouthed kisses along her body. First he kissed her jaw, then he slowly crept down her neck, biting and sucking at the little spot that always made Sirius crazy. Sirius whimpered, softly, and the noise went straight to Remus’ cock. He sucked a bruise on her neck, then kissed along her collarbone while his hands moved behind her back to discard her of her bra. The bra went flying somewhere in the room and Remus moved once again to admire his work: Sirius’ neck and collarbone were now sprinkled with red and purple bruises.
“Look at you”
he said awestruck
“You are so beautiful, so prefect, all for me”
Sirius took his face with her long fingers, kissing him tenderly on the lips
“All yours”
she whispered in his mouth
Remus fell down to his knees, gazing up at Sirius from the ground. He looked at her like she was his everything, worshiping her and her body, trailing his hands up her waist to hold on her breasts.
Remus quickly went back to his work, starting to suck on one of her hardened nipples, while with a hand he played with the other. He licked and sucked, nipping at it with his teeth, and soon enough Sirius’ hand crept in his hair, pulling lightly, while she started moaning and panting, whispering his name in between breaths.
Finally he started moving again, kissing at her stomach and her belly, going lower and lower,until he finally reached her panties, he breathed hot and wet on them, and Sirius felt it through the soaked fabric. Remus stood again then, kissing Sirius hungrily, this time it was need, it was tongues and teeth and hunger and heat. He picked her up by her thighs and she quickly closed her heels behind his back. Remus moved on the bed, placing Sirius on the pillows, never once breaking their kiss. His cock was hard and swollen in his boxers, but he ignored it: tonight was all about his pretty pretty winner.
Still kissing her, Remus moved his hands down again, getting rid of her panties, throwing them somewhere just like the bra. Sirius hummed happily in his mouth at the motion, opening her legs further, and Remus slowly brought two fingers down to her pussy. Remus happily felt how wet his girlfriend was, and slowly started to move his fingers up and down, collecting her slick and taking it to her clit. With every motion he could feel Sirius moaning in his mouth and her finger tighten on his hair.
Remus broke the kiss and moved down Sirius’ body, leaving some other kisses on the way. He positioned himself between her legs and glanced at Sirus while holding her thighs open with his hands. Sirius was a panting mess:
“Moons, please I-”
“I know baby, I know, don’t worry”
and he started kissing her thighs, slowly, leaving some bites that made Sirius gasp, and then finally he reached her cunt. Remus was in paradise: Sirius was already so wet, he could taste her on his tongue while he started licking stripes from her hole to her clit. Remus did this motion again and again, while Sirius struggled trying to close her legs around his head. Then Remus moved his mouth upwards, focusing only on her clit, and Sirius grasped his hair with her hands, pushing him harder on her. He would suck and then release her swollen clit, following Sirius’ moans and gasps, again and again, sending his girlfriend in a state of constant edging.
When her legs started to shake he stopped, resting his head on Sirius’ thigh, looking at her beautiful face: her eyes were closed, with tears of pleasure streaming down from them, she was panting heavily. Sirius opened her eyes and looked down at Remus, trying to speak
“Remus please, please I wanna come”
Remus smiled at her from between her legs
“Alright baby, you deserve your prize”
And then he went back sucking and licking her clit, between every lick he would murmur “good girl”
“Such a pretty girl”
“So good, all for me”
And Sirius grew crazier and crazier at every praise
“You are doing so good baby”
“Remus please”
“Yes baby, anything you want”
Remus slowly slid a finger inside Sirius, while still licking her clit. Sirius moaned harder and harder, she was so wet that Remus quickly added a second and third finger, sliding them inside and out of her, curling them upwards to reach that spot that always made her scream.
Sirius’ moans and breath became more frantic, her hips started moving trying to follow Remus’ movements, her fingers tightened in Remus’ hair and, finally, she released with a scream. Remus raised from between her legs and cleaned his wet chin with his hand.
Sirius hauled him up and kissed him hungrily, tasting herself on his tongue. Remus chuckled in the kiss when he felt a hand trailing down to reach inside his boxers, gripping at his cock and slowly starting to stroke it. He broke their kiss and moaned softly at the motion, trying to stifle his sounds kissing his girlfriend’s neck
“Remus, love”
Said sirius, lifting his head with her free hand
“I want you to fuck me, please”
The last word was whispered in his ear, and that did it for Remus, he was a weak, weak man. His underwear quickly reached his girlfriend’s somewhere on the floor and he positioned himself on top of her. He collected some of Sirius’ slick on his finger and smeared it around, making sure that she was still wet and ready, then he aligned his hard cock with her entrance and slowly penetrated her, taking his time to make sure she could adjust to the presence. Sirius closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her boyfriend inside her, she closed her legs on him, locking her heels together, and used them to push him deeper in her cunt.
“Look at you, baby”
Remus started rocking faster and deeper inside of her
“So eager to just take my cock, are you?”
Sirus moaned loud and nodded
“You want to be fucked for good tonight, right?”
Sirius nodded again
“You know the deal baby, you have to use words”
“yes Remus, please”
“Good girl”
Remus didn’t stop fucking her with strong, deep thrusts that reached just the right spot for Sirius to cry out in pleasure
“You do know that only good girl get fucked for good right?”
“Y-yes, I know”
She slowly started to not make much sense anymore
“Were you a good girl today?”
“Yes, Remus, I was good, I was a good girl”
Remus chuckled and gave a stronger thrust that made Sirius scream
“That’s right, you were. You were the best girl today, and you deserve a reward. Say how good you were”
And then Remus started to really fuck her. It was strong, fast and deep, every push reaching deeper, coaxing screams and moans out of Sirius. Her heels were digging in Remus’ back, leaving a bruise.
“I was good, I was good, I was good”
Sirius was repeating that as a mantra, it was the only thing she could elaborate with Remus so deep in her. She was rhythmically hitting the headboard at every thrust, she had tears running down her cheeks from how good she felt, and Remus was kissing, biting and licking every inch of her neck, whispering in between how good she was, how well she played and how proud he was of her. It was all so much and not enough for Sirius, she wanted more but didn't know if she could have handled it, she was scratching Remus’s back with her nails, leaving big red marks over his scars, unable to control her body anymore.
Just as she was about to come again, Remus stopped. Sirius could have cried. He pulled out and She felt empty at the loss of her boyfriend’s cock inside of her.
“Remus, what? Why? I was good, I was being good, why would you-”
Remus Kissed her
“I know baby, I know, you were perfect, but I really want you to ride me”
Oh, that changed everything. Sirius’ eyes glinted as she watched her boyfriend lay down on his back beside her, and she slowly crawled on top of him. She settled on her knees, hovering over his wet, hard erect cock and licked her lips. Sirius did not waste time and sat on it, taking it all inside of her in one swift motion. She arched her back at the pleasure, throwing her head back and screaming at the feeling. Remus moaned and grabbed her hips, encouraging her rocking on top of him. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He moved his hands up to grab her boobs, squeezing and massaging them, making Sirius moan more and more. It was perfect, Sirius started bouncing up and down on Remus’s cock, and he would watch how her cunt swallowed his cock at every thrust. He could see how every time Sirius dropped back down on his cock there was more and more slick collecting at the base. Sirius clenched her pussy, and Remus was in heaven, it was perfect.
“So tight for me, baby, so perfect.”
“Remus, yes, yes, please touch me more!”
Sirius was pleading, begging and screaming in between moans. Remus left one of her boobs and took his hand to her pussy, starting to massage her clit in time with her thrusts.
“God Sirius you’re so beautiful”
Remus was finding it harder and harder to talk because of how hard he was breathing. He kept touching her clit with circular motions, moving his hips to meet hers. It was perfect and beautiful. Remus pulled his chest up, wrapping the hand that wasn’t touching Sirius around her, and planted an open-mouthed kiss on her mouth, swallowing all of her beautiful noises, their tongues met, dancing in her mouth, she was screaming in the kiss because of how good she felt. Sirius’ movements were becoming more frantic, faster, she was losing it, almost at her climax with Remus’ cock stretching her, his hand stimulating her clit and his tongue in her mouth, that was it. She threw her head back and screamed, coming on Remus’ cock. That did it for him: he came hard inside of her, filling her with his sperm, moaning hard and loud. Sirius hugged Remus tight, hiding her face on the crook of his neck while Remus planted small kisses on her bare shoulders, praising her.
“You did so well baby, you’re perfect, my perfect pretty baby, I’m so proud of you.”
They stayed like that for an indefinite time, just existing as one, feeling only one another, Remus still buried in her, with his come slowly dripping out of her pussy. Slowly they separated and Remus moved Sirius under him to lay her down, kissing her lips, exiting her cunt with an obscene sound and observing his cum mixed with her slick dripping out of her stretched, red pussy like it was the most beautiful view in the world. Remus used two fingers to push it back inside of Sirius, to then watch it drip out of her again, he then used the same fingers to coax a bit of that beautiful mixture and brought them up to Sirius’ mouth.
“Have a taste, baby”
Sirius parted her lips and Remus pushed his fingers inside of her mouth, depositing his cum on her tongue, then kissed her, tasting them both from inside of her. It was perfect.
Remus then left the bed to retrieve his wand and cast a quick scourgify on Sirius to clean her. They would have had to take a nice hot shower the following morning, but at the time neither had the strength nor the will to do it. Remus then pulled the covers from under Sirius, positioned himself beside her and covered them both, wrapping her in his arms. Sirius still had her eyes closed, spent from her intense orgasms, but she hugged Remus and put her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat and taking his smell in: he smelled like home. Remus started planting kisses on the top of her head
“You were such a good baby, so so good, I’m so proud of you. I love you so much”
“I love you too, Remus”
Sirius whispered before drifting off, Remus chuckled and closed his eyes, falling asleep with her, legs tangled together and heartbeats in sync.
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jikookiekosmos · 2 years
Seneschal || jjk (Part 1)
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➥Pairing: vampire!jungkook/reader, former prince!jungkook/reader
➥Summary: Having been burned by the rest of the world, Jungkook was content to watch it go up in flames. Or, at least, he was until you gave him hope for something new. As plans are set in motion to unite your rival kingdoms, unforeseen circumstances arise. In the midst of the chaos, Jungkook is sure of one thing: he’d be damned if he let you get burned, too.
➥Genre: strangers to lovers, angst, slow burn, (eventual) fluff, (eventual) smut, royalty au, supernatural au
➥Rating: 18+
➥Words: ~6k
➥Content Warnings: a bit of angst, no smut in the first part but there is a little bit of nudity mentioned, blood and violence are mentioned, vampire lore(?), swearing, this is more of an intro chapter than anything else so there isn’t a whole lot that happens
A/N: so uh…it’s been a while, yeah? I haven’t updated any of my BTS fics on this blog in over a year due to a lot of life things (you can read here if you’re curious as to why), but I finally had a little time to sit down and dedicate to this idea I teased back in November 2021. As mentioned in the content warnings, this is more of an intro chapter so there isn’t a whole lot going on…definitely will be more happening later.
Anyways all that to say thank you to everyone who has supported/is still supporting me and my writing even during my hiatus. It means the absolute world to me 💜
(Also special shout-out to @dntaewithluv for listening to me ramble off idea about this for a literal year, I love you so much and appreciate you immensely ❤️)
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seneschal [sen-uh-shuhl] (noun) an officer having full charge of domestic arrangements, ceremonies, the administration of justice, etc., in the household of a medieval prince or dignitary; steward.
Otherwise known as Jungkook’s consolation prize when he was coerced to step down from the throne.
It had been 2 years since the…incident occurred, but Jungkook could still remember it as if it had just happened.
Which is exactly what he was reflecting on as a vial was being thrust into his vision.
He blinked rapidly a few times before staring up at the person holding the vial out for him, their face a mixture of excitement and mild impatience.
“Well? We don’t have all day. Drink up, Jeon.”
Jungkook glared.
“My apologies, please drink the potion, Mr. Jeon.”
“Jimin, you know how I feel about you and formalities-”
“It just so happens that my manners come out more as my patience grows thin.” Jimin teased. “So,” he tried once more, “drink it.”
Jungkook sighed and shook his head, knowing it was better to leave well enough alone.
“Are you sure this is safe,” Jungkook asked as he stared hesitantly at the vial filled with blue liquid just inches away from his face.
Jimin rolled his eyes before grabbing Jungkook’s hand and closing it around the vial. “Yes, for the billionth time I wouldn’t give you something I thought might harm you.” He took a step back and crossed him arms, waiting patiently for Jungkook to do something.
With a sigh Jungkook carefully brought the vial to his lips, swallowing the liquid without putting too much thought into it. The taste was bitter, but not wholly unpleasant, and a few more moments passed before either of them spoke.
“And the verdict is?” The genuine curiosity in Jimin’s voice was something Jungkook had always found to be endearing.
Jungkook chuckled. Jimin may have still been a wizard in training, but he always had Jungkook’s best interest at heart.
“How am I supposed to know if anything happened? You tell me.”
Jimin blinked before the realization set in. “Oh, right.” He stepped forward once more, peering into Jungkook’s eyes as best he could in the dim lighting of the room.
Jungkook already knew the results before Jimin could confirm them. The way his face dropped said it all.
“They’re still red. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, I’m following all the rules-”
“Maybe the spellbook is outdated, you know? This is the only one I’ve ever seen anyone else use, it must be centuries old at this point-”
“Jimin,” Jungkook stated more firmly this time, clapping his hand on the other’s shoulder to keep him from pacing around more. “It’s fine.”
Jimin groaned. “But it’s not fine, what kind of a supposed ‘wizard’ am I if I can’t even do a simple eye color changing spell.”
“You’re one that’s trying and that’s what matters.”
“Yeah, but,” Jimin broke off, pout prominent on his face. “you shouldn’t have to wear contacts all the time.”
Jungkook offered a gentle smile to his downtrodden friend. “There’s lots of things I shouldn’t have to do, but I do them anyway. It’s only a slight inconvenience, not a big deal.”
Jimin didn’t seem convinced. “I don’t know why you need to wear them in the first place, does it really matter if people see-”
“Yes,” Jungkook cut him off with a tone of finality. “We’ve been over this. It’s best for everyone if they don’t figure it out.”
“So you’re honestly fine with everyone thinking you did something horrible enough to make you step down from the throne? You’re ok with letting people drag your name through the mud constantly?”
Jungkook shrugged. “It’s just better this way.”
Jungkook could swear he heard Jimin growl. “It’s not right and you know it. You’re just too set in your ways about not wanting to bring dishonor on your family. Which, by the way, not sure if you noticed but they aren’t the most honorable people.”
“Don’t.” Another statement with a stern tone. This time, Jimin obeyed.
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, letting the dark curls fall at their own leisure. “I need to get going or I’ll be late.”
If he left now he had just enough time to stop by his room and grab his contacts he’d left behind on his way to see Jimin, as per Jimin’s request.
“I’ve got it all figured out, so you won’t even need them this time!” Jimin had promised.
Jungkook had hope that one of these days Jimin would be victorious in all of his spellcasting endeavors, and he’d be there to support him the whole way through.
Right now, however, he had bigger matters to attend to.
On his way back to his chambers he saw Seokjin, who he figured was en route to go check on Jimin, seeing as he was the appointed court wizard and Jimin was his apprentice.
Jungkook nodded at him as they passed by each other, but Seokjin calling out for him had him turning around.
It was then that Jungkook could see just how tired Seokjin looked. “Lord Jeon requests your presence before your meeting with the king.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow. “Did he now? He bother to tell you what it was about?”
Seokjin shook his head, brows somewhat furrowed. Jungkook sensed that he seemed tense overall, and Jungkook didn’t like it.
“He didn’t. He just said it was important and had to be done as soon as possible.”
With a deep sigh, Jungkook relented, mumbling a thank you to Seokjin as he changed the direction he was walking. His brother’s chambers were located in a completely different wing of the castle, but he still had enough time to stop by his own room afterwards if he played his cards right.
He could hear the noises before he even approached the door, faint enough to go unnoticed by other passerby, but due to his heightened senses he had the unfortunate luck of not being able to remain oblivious. Jungkook knocked on the door despite the urge to just barge in; protocol was a big thing here and it was best for him to keep that in mind.
When he got no answer, he knocked once more before he squared his shoulders and turned the knob to open the door.
Without waiting for a greeting, he walked in, fully prepared for what he might find, seeing as it’d happened before.
Sure enough, the sight he was met with was exactly what he expected.
“Ah, so you finally came,” a snarky voice called out to him, slightly muffled. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he waited for the other party to get situated.
“What do you want, Yoongi?”
The blonde man in the bed not far from Jungkook smiled as the sheets fell around his waist. The woman next to him had even less shame, not bothering to cover her naked torso.
It wasn’t like Jungkook had never seen it before, anyway-
“Now is that anyway to address your superior?”
Jungkook gritted his teeth. “It is when my ‘superior’ is my younger brother.”
Yoongi tutted disapprovingly. “If you recall, you’re still only 24 years old-”
“Which makes me the older brother now since I just turned 25.” he flashed a grin and the woman beside him snuggled up to his arm, still not completely covering her breasts. Jungkook looked away.
“So,” Yoongi continued, “you care to try that again?”
“I don’t, thanks. What do you want?”
Yoongi huffed, clearly unamused. “What I want is for you to tell our father what my requests are for the event we’re holding.”
This intrigued Jungkook enough to turn his sights back to his brother. “You’re not attending?”
“Unfortunately, no,” Yoongi feigned remorse. “I have more important matters to attend to.”
Jungkook watched in disgust as Yoongi grabbed a hold of the woman’s chin to turn her face so that he could kiss her. He closed his eyes and let out a deep breath.
“So you’re not coming then?”
“Oh he’s not, but he will be,” the woman ran her hand up Yoongi’s arm. Long, teal hair covered her shoulders, reminding Jungkook of when it was first dyed. He’d been there with her after all, so of course he’d remember it.
She giggled at her own joke while Yoongi laughed boisterously, 2 sounds Jungkook wished he’d never have to hear again.
He’d never been that lucky.
“I don’t have time for this,” was his only remark before he turned on his heel to exit the room.
Jungkook ignored Yoongi’s calls for him to come back, instead taking longer than necessary strides to put as much room between him and his brother as possible.
A low growl died in his throat as he pulled on the edge of his chain dangling from his neck. It looked like an ordinary chain necklace to the untrained eye, but it was long enough to where the end of it could fit in Jungkook’s pocket. From his neck, the rest of the chain disappeared beneath his shirt, covering the length of his chest.
It was a safety measure more than anything, something Seokjin and Jimin had helped him come up with following the ‘incident.’
“Silver has been known to cause excruciating pain to vampires,” Seokjin had explained, “but this is a special chain, charmed with a spell that dulls that effect.”
“It doesn’t get rid of it completely?” Jimin’s confusion was evident alongside his concern for his friend.
Seokjin shook his head. “It won’t, only because that was Jungkook’s request.”
Jimin’s worried stare shifted to Jungkook, who was sitting on one of the tables in Seokjin’s chambers. His shirt was shredded, and his chest was stained scarlet: souvenirs of his most recent outing.
He went out to feed, traveling several towns over, and ended up failing miserably. Jungkook maybe got a few seconds of satisfaction before he was being ripped away from his willing victim and promptly beaten by 3 other men.
He absolutely could’ve taken them, but he was already ashamed of what he was doing in the first place. He figured that this was punishment that he had coming in one way or another.
That night when he stumbled into Seokjin’s room, bloodied and defeated, they put together a plan straight away.
Jimin asked to sit in and observe, since he was still unfamiliar with certain spells, but he missed that part of the conversation when he was fetching supplies.
“I don’t understand, why do you want the chain to still be able to cause pain?”
Jungkook sighed, wrapping part of it around his fist and noticing instantly the slight burn the metal singed his skin with. “Because the pain will hopefully be enough to stop me.”
“Stop you from doing what?”
Jungkook slowly raised his eyes to look at Jimin, a small, sorrowful smile stretched across his face.
“Something I regret.”
The familiar sting of the chain branded the inside of his palm with invisible marks, and he kept it curled inside his hand until he was in front of his own chamber doors. He was really pushing time now, close to being late for his advisory meeting, but he’d risk a slight delay in the start of the meeting versus having to explain why his eyes were crimson colored.
Once he had his contacts fixed, he all but jogged to the large meeting room down the hall. A few guards and his father were already there, waiting on him as it seemed he was the last to show up.
“You’re late,” the king greeted, a hint of disappointment in his tone.
Jungkook was used to that by now.
“Sorry, Your Majesty, I had to run a few errands first. Shall we start?”
The king cleared his throat and nodded, holding out his hand to the guard nearest him. A scroll was placed into his large palm before he quickly unraveled it.
Jungkook watched his eyes flit across the parchment, and when he deemed it satisfactory, the king handed it back to the guard so he could pass it down to Jungkook.
“You’ll find the agenda there for tomorrow’s event. I’m entrusting you, as usual, with all the planning so you can make sure everything is taken care of.”
Jungkook hummed as he read through everything. It all looked to be in order: designated time for the other guests to arrive, instructions for what catering needed to be prepared, an outline of what was required for Yoongi’s meeting with the princess-
Jungkook read that line again. And another time. He ground his teeth together as he looked back up at the king whose eyebrow was raised as he waited.
“Well? Is something the matter? You look perturbed.”
“This is an official meeting, boy. No informal titles allowed.”
Jungkook’s jaw was clenched. “Your Majesty,” he tried again, “what is this last portion here about a meeting with a princess?”
“Ah yes, that.” The nonchalant answer made Jungkook’s anger rise even further. “The meeting between their princess and our prince is what will be the defining moment for the entire event.”
Jungkook had known there was some sort of event happening that was supposed to – hopefully – demolish the rivalry between the two neighboring kingdoms. There had been bad blood for far too long, and it sometimes made it difficult to retrieve supplies from other areas without conflict arising.
Jungkook had been tasked with planning everything for the guests arrival, as his job required him to do. Despite being kicked from the royal lineage, he was allowed to stay a part of the royal court and act as a steward of sorts. It wasn’t always the best, but he figured it beat being exiled from the kingdom entirely.
He worked tirelessly over the last several months to ensure that all boxes were checked for this gathering. But this new information blindsided him, and now it suddenly made sense why his father and Yoongi both seemed so cocky and sure that this would work.
“And no one thought it pertinent enough to tell me that this would be happening?”
Of all things he could’ve done in that moment, the king had the audacity to shrug. “You won’t be present for that bit of it, so we didn’t feel it was necessary to tell you.”
“Then why isn’t Yoongi here for this instead of me,” Jungkook tried to keep his tone respectful, but even he couldn’t stop some of the malice from slipping through.
“The prince” the king put heavy emphasis on the title, “is busy carrying out other affairs, so it didn’t seem important to bother him with this.”
“Yeah, affair is certainly one way to put it,” he mumbled, crossing his arms as he looked to the side.
“I beg your pardon?”
 Jungkook exhaled through his nose. “Nothing, Your Majesty.”
The king stared at Jungkook for a few more moments before he dismissed the other guards in the room.
“Gentleman, if you’d kindly take your leave for a moment – I need to have a discussion with my son. Two of you may remain posted at the door in case you’re needed.”
The guards obeyed quickly, bowing as they exited.
Jungkook scoffed. “So now I’m your ‘son?’ I’m surprised that word still exists in your vocabulary where I’m concerned.”
“Jungkook, be quiet!” The king raised his voice as a warning and slammed his fist against the table, stopping Jungkook’s jabs in their tracks.
“Regardless of your faults and any heinous acts you may have committed, you are still my son. Whether I like it or not.”
Jungkook hated how those words caused a dull ache in his chest.
“And because you are my son, that is why you are still allowed to be here in the first place. Do you ever think about how easy it would’ve been to toss you on the street like some mere commoner,” the king spat, his own outward frustration mirroring what Jungkook felt on the inside.
“You only tell me every chance you get, how could I not?”
“Watch your tone with me, boy. I am not above throwing you in the dungeon for insubordination.”
Jungkook was well aware. At this rate, he had his own personal cell with how often his father (and more so his brother) felt the need to send him there.
“Can we go back to what this ‘meeting’ is supposed to entail? Why is their princess involved?”
The king squared his shoulders and smiled. “They’ve offered a marriage proposal.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened. “I’m sorry, a what?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. The king’s eldest daughter, Princess Mina, is being offered as a marriage candidate for Prince Yoongi.”
“And Yoongi agreed to this?”
The king frowned at Jungkook’s continued lack of formality before he nodded. “He’s been preparing for it for a while now.”
Jungkook clenched his fist under the table.
“Fucking unbelievable,” Jungkook muttered, a few seconds from leaving the meeting altogether in order to give the prince a piece of his mind.
“Language,” the king reminded him sternly.
“Look, fa- Your Majesty. With all due respect to you, I think this is a terrible idea.”
“Please do enlighten me as to why you feel that way.”
Jungkook sighed as he rubbed his temples. “Arranged marriages amongst royals never seem to work out well from what I’ve seen. Arranged marriages amongst anyone just seems like a poor idea.”
“Your mother and I married as part of an arrangement, and we turned out fine.”
Jungkook would beg to differ, but that was an entirely different conversation for some other time.
“I just think it’s odd that he would accept this proposal when he’s already involved with someone else.”
Finally, it was the king’s turn to look taken aback. “Whatever do you mean?”
‘He doesn’t know,’ Jungkook realized.
“Don’t worry about it, I just assumed he already had someone in mind is all.”
“Unlike you, the prince seems to be able to keep his mind off of finding love amongst the common rabble outside the castle walls.”
Jungkook winced.
“Additionally, if he did already have someone in mind, I’m sure I would’ve heard about it by now.”
“You know better than I would,” Jungkook lied. He knew that Yoongi kept many, many secrets from their parents, which is why he’d always been the favorite. They never got a glimpse of his true nature, but unfortunately for Jungkook, he got to see all of it.
“Indeed,” the king said with finality, marking the end of that conversation. “Now, back to the preparations for the event-”
“I’ll handle it,” Jungkook sounded much more deflated than when he entered the room. Animosity exhausted him.
“Good. I expect nothing less of you. I don’t expect much from you to start with, but I at least anticipate you will do your job.”
Another mindless insult. Jungkook stopped keeping count of how many times his father shamed him years ago after the scandal first broke.
If anyone asked him, he’d even go so far as to say his father’s love for him died the same day his human life ended.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, the queen and I have other matters to attend to before tomorrow.” The king got up from the table and walked off, not even bothering to see if Jungkook would also make way to leave. Before he exited through the door, he turned back one last time to look at Jungkook.
“Don’t make me regret letting you stay here. This is the most important thing the kingdom has faced since you were a child, and if you mess it up somehow, being exiled will be the least of your worries.”
Jungkook received the threat with a solemn stare, no more words spoken as he was then left alone in the large room.
On the way back to his chambers, Jungkook had a lapse in judgment. He turned and let his feet carry him to his new destination, landing three hard knocks on the door before it opened quickly.
“What?” An annoyed tone filtered through the open doorway. “Oh – it’s just you.”
Yoongi’s hair was less disheveled than it had been earlier, but it was clear he was now trying to get himself ready for later activities in the day.
“What do you want?” Yoongi crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorframe, not allowing Jungkook any space to enter the room.
Not that he really wanted to, anyway. He just needed to know one thing.
“Does she know?”
Yoongi blinked in confusion. “Does who know about what? You gotta be more specific, I can’t read your mind-”
“Does she know,” Jungkook interrupted, more sternly this time. “What’s happening tomorrow. Does she know?”
He had to ask. As much as he loathed her now, he still thought she deserved better than to be cheated on and discarded like she was nothing.
Even if that’s exactly what she’d done to him.
Jungkook watched as Yoongi’s eyes sparked with amusement when he finally understood. “Aeris? Yeah, she knows. She actually just left by the way; sorry you didn’t get to see her again.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows furrowed.
 “So she knows and she’s fine with it?”
“Yeah, I mean – she gets it a ‘thing’ I have to do. It’s completely transactional and I’m only doing it for the betterment of the kingdom.”
Yoongi was lying through his teeth and Jungkook wanted to wipe his smug grin off his face. His entire life Yoongi had been selfish and only looked out for himself, so this idea that he was doing it to help the people living in the kingdom?
Absolutely preposterous.
Jungkook needed a fucking break. He needed to get away, clear his head before he had to come back and deal with everything else tomorrow.
He walked off without another word, something he knew Yoongi hated – which is most of the reason why he’d done it.
“You know,” Yoongi shouted after him, “I think bitterness suits you. It’s a good look since it matches the rest of your miserable demeanor!”
Jungkook ignored him and continued walking, not stopping until he reached his favorite spot in the entire castle.
He would often come up to the highest balcony, somewhere he could be alone with his thoughts and not have the added stress of other’s opinions for a short while.
The balcony was all but abandoned as he was the only one to frequent it. The only crime he’d ever say he committed was stealing the key to the door that granted access up here. After a while, everyone else forgot about it, so he was able to keep this spot hidden. A place of his own, where he didn’t have to worry about being found.
A place of his own where his thoughts could run wild. A place of his own where his demons continued to follow him despite his best efforts.
A place of his own where he could just be alone.
After all, that’s what was best for everyone, right?
Jungkook couldn’t help but wonder, as he’d done many times before, what his life would be like now if he hadn’t been attacked. His entire life – as a prince, as an official royal family member, as a living, breathing human – was cut short in the blink of an eye. His humanity as he knew it was gone in an instant.
If it hadn’t happened, though, where would he be now? Would it be him getting ready to marry someone for political gain instead of his brother?
He shook his head as he let out a humorless chuckle. He knew he’d fight that decision with everything he had, and for he first time since it had been stripped away from him, he was relieved he wasn’t in that kind of position anymore.
The thought of sharing his life with someone he didn’t truly care about, whether it was for the greater good or not, just didn’t seem right, nor did it seem fair. Not to mention the fact that it didn’t just include him: someone’s else’s life would be affected just as much as his.
It dawned on him then that he was standing here, genuinely putting thought into how he would handle such a situation. He wasn’t some cold, heartless being. He still had the ability to care for others, and that alone gave him some sort of hope.
He looked up at the moon, admiring how the light spilled through the branches of the tree overhead.
“Maybe I still have some humanity left after all.”
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lady-in-waiting (noun) a woman of noble birth who serves a female monarch as a member of the royal household.
“Please hold still, Your Highness,” you huffed with thinly veiled frustration as you tried to lace up the corset you were currently working on.
You made a mental note to go shopping later in order to find better dresses for the princess. They still would be ones that were just as extravagant, but hopefully didn’t give you a blood pressure spike to assist with.
“Oh please, what’s with the formal treatment? It’s just us right now, you don’t have to do that, you know.”
“Yes, but,” you tugged once more, finally letting out a sigh of relief when the strings worked how you wanted them to. “With the event happening soon, it’s better for me to get back into the habit.”
Being best friends with the princess granted you some privileges that you were grateful for. When it was just the two of you, you didn’t have to uphold this extra formal, fancy attitude and instead you both got to be much more laid-back. You knew she appreciated it just as much as - if not more than - you, since she was held to a higher standard and scrutinized more heavily.
However, by the kingdom’s definition, you were first and foremost her lady-in-waiting, which ranked above any and all other duties you had in the royal court. Which, unfortunately, meant that at certain times your role took precedence over your friendship, and that was just the way it had to be.
“Ugh, I can’t wait for all this stupid royal relations stuff to be over.”
She held up a hand. “Let me get it out, then you can scold.”
You waited patiently, fixing the other parts of the dress while she rambled on for the umpteenth time about her dislike for the event happening soon.
“…I mean this is a rival kingdom, we don’t even like them, so why bother. You know?”
“Mhm,” you hummed as you agreed honestly. It did seem like a stretch for your kingdom to try and force relations with one who had been a long-standing rival. The way you saw it, if after all these years and prior failed attempts had yet to work, what made the king think this would be any different?
Of course, there was now the added factor of a new bargaining chip: the king and queen were offering one of their daughters as a potential marriage candidate for the other kingdom’s prince.
Mina, being the oldest princess in line, begrudgingly accepted for the sake of the kingdom.
The plan had been set in motion months prior, but it was all finally happening tomorrow – both you and Mina were on edge, anticipating the worst but hoping for the best.
What was supposed to happen seemed simple enough: the king would accompany the princess on her visit to the other kingdom, escorted heavily by guards and with you at her side, as you always were. She would meet the prince officially for the first time, and both kings would try to strike up some sort of arrangement.
You figured this would actually be more beneficial for them, seeing as their kingdom was still recovering from a huge scandal that happened a few years ago. You remembered it vividly, taking note of how the abruptness of it all never sat right with you.
The eldest prince stepped down from his position as next in line for the throne, following some sort of act that was only described as ‘utterly disgraceful’ and never really elaborated on in the public news.
Before the news broke, the kingdom was well known for its power and influence all over the land, and the downfall from it all landed a huge blow to their standing. It aided your own kingdom in rising above them in their rivalry, but it appeared that now your own monarchs wanted to put everything behind them and unite for…whatever reason.
You tried not to get too deeply involved in the politics. Your duty was to serve Mina, and the royal family as a whole – this didn’t leave you much room to voice your own opinions.
 Mina’s soft calling of your name pulled you out of your thoughts.
Any frustration you had left from the dress fiasco quickly evaporated when you saw her face. She was biting her lip, and in that moment she looked very meek, small. Very unlike the exuberant, confident young woman you knew.
“I’m scared.”
You sighed at that, pulling her into a hug that she gratefully accepted. This was this first time she had outright said it, but you could tell she was terrified from the moment she was first told about this arrangement months ago.
“I know,” you patted her back. You wanted to tell her everything would be alright, that it would all work out, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
Lying to someone to provide them comfort was never something you could get behind, and you didn’t plan to start now.
“I promise you, though, that whatever happens, we’ll get through it together.” You didn’t feel bad saying that because it was the truth; you were ready to face anything when it came to Mina, and you’d do anything for her.
She was basically the most important person in your life, and you’d be damned if you let anything bad happen to her.
Well…anything short of letting her go through with a marriage to a man she’d never met.
Just as your duty to her came first, her duty to her kingdom came first. You knew it and respected it, even if you didn’t always like it.
Mina giggled, her frame shaking slightly in your hold. “It almost sounds like you’re the one I’m supposed to be marrying,” she teased.
You joined in her laughter. “I mean, I don’t think it would yield quite the same results-”
“We both know we’d be arrested before we could even say ‘I do.’” Mina joked, despite her dark attempt at humor having a level of truth to it.
“A princess marrying her lady-in-waiting?” You covered your heart and pretended to be appalled. “Imagine the scandal!”
Mina shoved you lightheartedly, her laughter echoing off the walls. She looked miles happier than she’d been a few minutes prior, and you were relieved to see it.
“C’mon, help me with my hair or we’re gonna be late.” Mina collected her hairbow from her dresser and handed it to you so you could tie up her hair in the back. When you were done, she glanced quickly in the mirror and nodded, pleased with the result.
“Is there anything else you need to do?”
You gave yourself a once-over in the mirror as well and decided that your outfit would have to do. It wasn’t bad by any means, but if you had a little more time, you probably could’ve spruced it up some more.
“All good here. After you, my Lady.” You made a grand gesture out of letting her go first, which earned you another light shove.
“Cut that out! We still have a few minutes of freedom left before we have to be formal.”
You chuckled. “You got it.”
You accompanied Mina to her final etiquette training before the big day. Everything she learned was more of a refresher than new material, but her nervousness kept her from doing her best, which led to her being reprimanded by the queen.
“How can you expect to marry someone if you can’t play the part of a prim and proper princess?”
Mina bit her tongue, as she usually did with her mother, and you expected to get an earful from her later about the situation. To your surprise, instead of venting, she was quiet and calm upon returning to her chambers.
Before she was ready to sleep for the night, you checked in one her one last time. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”
With a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, she responded. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
You had never woken up more stressed out in your entire life.
All your training had culminated in this moment. You were to make sure that the princess arrived safely along with her appointed guards, and it was also up to you to make sure that everything went off without a hitch.
Such a small responsibility, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Well, for starters-
The castle you found yourself in was much larger than you anticipated, which was saying a lot considering the castle you lived in was already rather large.
Also, you weren’t the best with directions, but as long as you and Mina didn’t get separated, that shouldn’t be a problem.
And it wasn’t a problem…until it came time for her to meet the prince.
“We’re sorry, miss, but only high-ranking royal officials can be present for this meeting.” A guard held out his arm, blocking you from following Mina into the room. She frowned and tried to protest on your behalf, but her father wasn’t having any of it.
“She’ll be fine, we need to get a move on.” He grabbed a hold of her elbow and ushered her along, and you got one last look at her worried countenance before the doors closed.
Now was when the panic set in.
“I-I need water. Or just- something.” You said it aloud but didn’t really know if anyone would hear you or help you for that matter.
Thankfully, the guard who had just cut you off was kind enough to give you directions to the kitchen and dining area. You’d been there not too long ago when everyone was eating the meal that had been prepared, so surely – you thought – it wouldn’t be an issue to stop by and get a drink to calm your nerves.
That plan worked for all of about ten minutes before you re-entered the hallway from the dining room only to find nobody was around. No guards, no passerby, nothing.
It didn’t help that, from what you had seen, most hallways looked nearly identical.
You were officially lost. Alone, panicking, and lost in a castle you’d never been to before with no one in sight to help. Unsure of what else to do, since walking around aimlessly definitely did not seem like a good idea, you did what any normal person would do.
You sat down on the floor and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on top of your knees.
This had to be your worst nightmare. You were separated from Mina, the one person other than yourself who you were responsible for taking care of, and you were also stuck in unfamiliar territory which was one of your biggest fears.
None of your training ever prepared you for this-
“Are you alright, miss?”
A soft voice filtered through your thoughts, making your head snap up. Your breath got caught in your throat.
There was a man kneeling down in front of you, his hand extended as he offered you a gentle smile.
Suddenly, your situation didn’t seem like such a nightmare anymore.
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A/N: thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
permanent taglist: @inlovewiththemoonn​ @lavienjin​
fic taglist: @veronawrites @thisartemisnevermisses​ @outro-kook​ @cravingforhotchocolate​
please let me know if you want to be added or removed!
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toomuchracket · 8 months
re: kieran culkin emmy speech — i 100% agree and like the long list for women’s prize for fiction is coming out soon i feel like girlie deserves a place on it honestly (side note: i’m so excited to read the shortlist, one of mg fav times of the year)
yes! (i am also excited) maybe this is your first full-length novel since you had amy, and it's the fiction piece you're most excited about in a long time, maybe ever. matty's like "this book is a huge deal to you, so you need a present that's a huge deal when you win the women's prize for it-", and you're like "you mean if?"; he blinks at you and says "anyway, when you win... is there anything i could give you that you particularly want?", and you just smirk and trail two fingers up his chest like "weeeeeeeeell... perhaps, maybe, we could have another kid? i miss when amy was teeny tiny". your husband grins and says "that's really what you want if you win?", and you just nod, and he kisses you and says "alright then, darling. i'm sure i could oblige". you make the longlist, then the shortlist - and in the process also several jokes to matty like "maybe you should think about getting the crib out of the garage, babe" - and the two of you get all dressed up and drop amy at uncle ross's for the night so you can attend the ceremony. it's a lovely night as is, getting to dress up and celebrate women's writing and see some of your friends, made even better by the fact you do actually win the award lmao - matty laughs as he kisses you in celebration, and again when you end your speech by saying "and finally, thank you to my husband, my other half, the love of my life, father to my daughter and ken to my barbie, matthew. not only is he extremely loving and supportive of me and my work, he also very sweetly said that if i won this award we could give amy a sibling. well, darling... your wife's a winner. best look out the baby name book when we get home, yeah? thanks again to everyone who played a part in me getting this award, it truly means the world. have a lovely night, everyone!" lol. but matty's a man of his word, so after you get some celebratory pictures taken and head back to see him, he kisses you and murmurs against your lips like "make sure you have an espresso martini or two at the afterparty, darling - can't promise either of us will get much sleep when we get back to the hotel. need to give my winner her congratulations gift, yeah?"; you're like "mmm i love you", and he's like "i love you too. and in all seriousness, babe, congratulations. m'so fucking proud of you" <3
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lady Fortuna
Summary : Story of how Lieutenant Mylène Scholten de Ridder. a.k.a call sign "Petra" comes to know a strange new medic, Freya "Mini" MacTavish and her strange ability.
Pairing : None at moment. Eventual Simon "Ghost" Riley x OC.
NOTE: This is pretty much a self indulgent, crossover fic with @siilvan's OC Petra/Mylène Scholten de Ridder. we been chatting away for awhile how much fun it will be mushing these two in the same universe. so we decided to write a fic each of their adventures and daily life with taskforce 141 :) NOTE NO.2: Also would love to thank @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot and @nrdmssgs, I love how their OC interacts and inspired @siilvan and I to do the same. *salute * Thanks to you two to give us the blessing to do this. Now just trying to find someway to fit their Oc's in.. *burning brain cells *
Warning: Minors/Under 18s Do not interact. M rated. Talks of violence.
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Petra stares at the photo in front of her. 
She will recognise those eyes anywhere. Bright blue innocent puppy eyes that she sees almost everyday. 
Petra quickly glanced at the name on the recruit file. Freya MacTavish?  Petra wonders if she is by any chance related to Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish. The resemblance is way too strong to be just sharing the same surname. 
Only difference is she can sense the innocence behind determined round orbs, no traces of hardlines on her face, untainted by the massacre and killing of the battlefield. 
Not the face of a soldier. 
“Who’s this?”
“Your new medical officer. Combat medic to be precise.” Price replied as he sat on the couch, cup of coffee in hand. “You were requesting for additional medical officers aren’t you? I have found you the best candidate.” 
Petra frowned. Quickly flipping through the fitness and weapon training scores. “She is just a Corporal! She barely passed the minimum requirement! How did she even get selected?”
Flipping through more pages, most of them have a large print of “confidential” or “top secret” word strike through the pages, with half of the pages censored, making it unreadable. 
Who is this woman? 
Cryptic smile creeped onto Price’s face. “There was a lot of bureaucratic bullshit I had to overhaul and pull a lot of favours to get her in.” Price sighed as lean back in the chair. “Trust me on this. You would not be disappointed with her ability.” Price commented. “Comes with MI6 and  CIA’s validation.”  
Why would the Americans be involved with a low rank British soldier? But Price has no intention of explaining it any further. Draining the rest of this coffee, he left the room, but not  without dropping more mysterious words;
“Do not underestimate the power of Fortuna Victrix.”
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“Corporal Freya MacTavish, reporting for duty, ma’am.”  The bright-eyed corporal saluted Petra as Price stood proudly on the side, looking on like a father who is attending his daughter’s prize giving ceremony. 
“So this is the newbie you want me to take in Captain?” Petra’s eyebrow raised as she observed the nervous corporal, who is currently trying hard not to fidget under her scrutinising glance. Price nodded. 
“Well Corporal..”
“Please. Call me Mini.” Freya smiled shyly. “I know I am not much of a soldier…” 
“So you are the Mini that Soap always goes on about.” Petra mused.  
“I hope he hasn’t mentioned any embarrassing childhood story. My brother has also told me a lot of stories about you.” Mini commented sheepishly. 
“ Oh? Stories about how I always give him an earful when he always somehow injures himself with the simplest task??” 
“That too. But that’s him, he is always running into troubles ever since he was young.” Mini laughed, “I always ended up being the one playing nurse to him.” 
“Sounds like he hasn’t changed a bit for the last twenty plus years then.” Petra chuckled. 
“Not a bit. I am still the one chasing his butt looking after him. My duty as his little sister.” 
Despite her initial doubt, Petra slowly warms up to the shy Scottish girl. 
The fierce determination and ability to focus on the task at hand was one of her virtues. She was gentle and the infinite patience with her patient, the smile that would brighten up even the most miserable person in the room ( aka grumpy Captain Price ) never ceases to amaze her. 
The first time she realise what the true meaning behind Price’s cryptic words was when 
Mini was sent along with the squad as the solo combat medic for a black op. . 
“You know we do not have any other medics we can deploy, Mini is the only one available for duty. Everyone else who is experienced has been sent out. And you,” Price explained as he pointed at Petra, ”We cannot let you out on the field this time round, you have to stay back and command the infirmary.”  
Petra was about to protest again when Mini closed the last box of the supply and gave her a gentle nudge on the shoulder. 
“We will be ok, L.T, don’t you worry. I have Soap for that.” Mini reassured her, as Petra fretted over the rookie’s ability to look after a whole squad all by herself. “I have packed extra supplies, but, if all goes well, I shouldn't have to open it.”
Despite the confidence behind her words, Petras was agitated for days. What if something happens? What if she dies during the op? How would Soap react? 
“She will be Ok. just as long as she isn’t left alone by herself.” Soap replied as Petra relayed her concern one day as they sat down for a meal together. “This isn’t the first time she has been in this situation. She knows how to handle herself.”
Well, if Soap isn’t too worried, she shouldn’t be stressed so much right? Plus, Petra tried to improve her basic survival skills by dragging her onto the shooting range and the dojo for sparring practices, the poor girl just doesn’t seem to be able to improve her abilities any further. 
“They said I should survive if I can hit the target….”  Mini mumbled as she lowered her gun, inspecting her result. It seemed to hit everywhere on the board but the bullseyes. 
“Who’s ‘they’?” Petra frowned, overheard Mini’s muttering. 
“Um. My previous hand… I mean superior.” Startled, Mini’s eyes looked everywhere but Petra’s eyes as she tried to find an explanation of her inability. 
“Well, that might be sufficient for a civilian, but not quite good enough as a soldier. Especially one in the special task force! Come on, again!”  Petra childed. 
Petra still couldn’t stop worrying about the shy medic she had come to care for like a little sister. 
The surprise she got when she walked into the infirmary one morning, finding Mini unpacking all the gears.  
“Any casualties to report?”
“None, L.T. the troop returned without sustaining any injuries.”  Mini reported in a light tone as she finished putting away the last of the unused supply. 
“Are you sure?” Petra questioned again as she narrowed her eyes, noticing a visible strain on Mini’s face every time she tried to extend her left arm. 
“The troops are fine. L.T.” Mini took a deep breath in, not looking at her in the eyes. Petra marched forward, took the box away from her hand, and pulled the left sleeve up. She gave Mini a pointed look. 
“... apart from me.” Mini sighed, finally giving up attempting to conceal her injuries. “It’s nothing major. Just a bruise.”
“ A very large bruise, and possible tear to your ligament. Come on, how did you do this?” Petra frowned. Mini grabbed the box back as she turned away from Petra, replied in a resigned tone, “Blame my own stupidity, I should have watched where I was talking when I got out from the helo.” 
“Why does that sound like a very strange lie, the troops treated you alright?” Petra asked again, trying to chase the truth. She is quite sure Mini could stand up for herself,but if any of the soldiers dares to lie a finger on the medic, the one that is supposed to save their life on the battlefield, they would not only have to face her anger, but the wrath of Captain Price and Sergeant Soap. 
“L.T, I am Ok, they are treating me like a princess. One even tried to ask me out on a date.” Mini smiled but immediately turned into a grimace as she pulled her arm again. “This is normal. I am used to it. It will happen again regardless of what I do.” 
And it happens again, and again. 
Every team she gets sent out, will return with minimal injuries. And the one that sustains the most injuries seems to be the medic herself. Petra is absolutely baffled by the weird occurrences. Raising her concern to Price, all Petra gets as a head shake, and another puzzling response.
“That is the fate she has to bear.” 
Mini becomes a hot favourite amongst the troops. Everyone wants her to be their medic for the duration of their deployment. Not only will they guarantee a high success rate of completing the mission without injuries, and the chance of tasting her famous chocolate cookies that Sergeant Soap always ramble on about so much. 
But Price tried to hold onto Mini tight. At Soap’s request. Keeping her close and safe. 
They all know Mini is too soft for the world of Chaos and bloodshed. 
How and why did she get herself into this world?
“Johnny was never pleased that I tried to follow in his footsteps.” Mini complained one day as they sat in Petra’s room, sharing a bottle of whisky she snuck in and some of her freshly baked chocolate cookies. “He never expected me to worm my way into the special forces with my ability.” 
“You seem to have a knack of luck with keeping the soldiers alive and bringing them back home in one piece. Can’t say so for yourself though.” Petra took a sip of the drink , carefully probing Mini. “ I still don’t know how you can dislocate your shoulder when you were trying to put a bandage on a simple knife wound on Gaz’s arm last time you were deployed with him.” 
“ When the fortune rises high, it will have to be lowered. When someone takes all the good fortune, someone has to bear the leftover misfortune.” Mini commented, not giving any more explanation. A phrase that ingrained into Petra’s mind, and the full meaning of it comes hitting Petra hard after a twist of fate event. 
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“WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SHE HAS GONE MISSING?!!” Ghost roared into the comm, demanding answer from the other side of the line. 
Petra never saw Ghost showing so much emotion before, letting along losing his cool. 
If not for the gravity of the situation, Petra would have laughed out loud and teased Ghost for finally showing signs of feeling towards Freya. 
"So, I have seen you eyeing a certain lieutenant a bit lately?" Petra teases Mini as she stares at Ghost who is currently sitting on the other end of the table, who is listening in at a conversation between Soap and Gaz. 
"Hmmm? You? I see you everyday." Mini blinked a few times as she turned her attention back towards Petra. 
"Not me!” Petra rolled her eyes as she let out an exasperated sigh.  "Tall..well built.. brooding.. masked lieutenant. Sounds familiar?" 
Mini diverted her eyes, looking away, " I don't know who you are talking about. "  she mumbled, blushing furiously. 
Petra snorted. It baffled her now oblivious that this young woman can be. And also the aforementioned masked Lieutenant. 
There's countless times she has seen  both of them sneaking a glance at each other, thinking there was no one looking. But Petra always catches them. Drives her crazy that both of them are behaving like teenagers, neither of them are willing to make the first move, to take the relationship a step further. And both will furiously deny it when probed and asked. 
Pair of delayed teenagers.
Back to the present. Mini was separated from the group during the chaos and gunfire when they were suddenly ambushed during a routine patrol. The last person that spotted her was the soldier that was assigned to be her escort under the command of the captain. 
“She ducked behind the wall as I was trying to cover her, I swear! And.. I lost track of her afterwards…” the soldier’s voice trailed off, not daring to comment any further, afraid to incite anymore fury from the masked Lieutenant. 
“She cannot be separate from the group. At least ONE person has to be around her at all time” Price warned during one of the pre-mission briefing. “If you value your own life, protect her at all cost.”  
Price grabbed Ghost’s shoulder as he was about to launch into another tirade down the comm.
“Ghost. Enough. Now it’s not the time.” Price reminded Ghost, “ you can reprimand them as much as you can later. But we need to start searching for Mini, before we run out of time.” 
“Captain…” Soap spoke up, “Would we need to notify the agency…” 
“I would rather not get them involved if we can solve the problems ourselves.” Price growled, displeased with the idea with another agency or group coming in to complicate the situation. “I remember they have placed a tracker on her, I still have the code in the encrypted tracker somewhere… back at the base.” Price slammed his fist on the table, angry at his own negligence of not thinking of bringing the code with him. They were too complacent about their situation. Always expecting the mission will be successful, as long as Mini is with them. 
Soap took a breath in as he looked his captain in the eyes. “We have no choice then.” Silence fell in the room. 
Petra looks around the four men in the room. Gaz frowning, you can almost see the gears turning in his brain, Ghost with his skull balaclava still on, expression unreadable, but from the visible rising and falling of his shoulder, Petra could tell he is tense, and trying hard to keep his own emotion in check. 
Price closed his eyes for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Pulling out the laptop, ready to make a call through the secure line. 
“Get me C. matter of great importance.” Price’s low voice echoes in the room. “Tell him it’s regarding one of the agency’s assets.”
The voice on the other side of the line replied, too low for Petra to catch. Price nodded his head, as he leaned back on his heels, waiting for the otherside to reply again.
“Hello, Captain Price. Long time no see. To what do I owe this pleasure?” the male voice on the other line jeered. Petra’s eyebrow twisted slightly at the remark. There must be a bad history between these two. She thought. 
“Lady Fortuna has gone missing. And we need your help.” 
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The story that Soap ended up telling Mini about Petra :
“So Ghost was waiting at the church for us, but here’s the thing— I’d just been shot, and Petra had been stabbed. Sounds bad, right?? It gets worse! I found a stim and Petra managed to patch herself up, but the Shadows were everywhere. I managed to find the church, but before I could reach it, one of those eejits knocked me down and tried to kill me! She ended up shooting him and saving my arse, but isn’t that crazy?!” "…you always seem to be getting into trouble…"
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sl-newsie · 5 months
Spelled (Carlos de Vil x Sanderson Daughter) Descendants 3- Ch. 11: Time Will Tell
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I can already feel the differences of not wearing the brooch. Not as much power but my mind is much clearer. Now I just need to settle one last request.
Mal walks out of the room just as Hades finishes up talking with Ben’s dad. 
“He left me his Ember.” She holds up the blue stone with a stunned expression.
“Gosh, Mal. That’s… really thoughtful of him. It’s his most prized magical possession.”
Yesterday I would never have trusted her with something this powerful. I hope Mal’s changed as much as she says.
She looks around and leans in to whisper: “Just a little secret: I’m going to reopen the barrier.”
Happiness floods through me and I know I won’t have to ask for the favor after all. My promise to the VKs on the Isle will be fulfilled!
“But you can’t tell anyone!” Mal points a finger. “I’m going to announce it at the ceremony tonight.”
I nod. “Please forgive me for not attending, but I can’t stay here. You know that.”
She understands. Just because I’m not a fugitive anymore does not mean people will look at me differently. I will always be the Sanderson witch.
“You need not worry any more about keeping Auradon safe. As long as I am alive my protection spell will ward off any threats. Happy engagement, Mal.” I look over at her fiancée who’s just joined us. “Happy engagement, Brother Ben.”
He squeezes my shoulder. “We’ll miss you, Sparks. Come visit once in a while. Maybe pull some pranks?”
I try to offer a smile. “We'll see.”
All that’s left here is old memories. I’m not one to feel nostalgic. If nothing is to ever be the same again then I can’t twist my hands trying to think the impossible. There’s just one last loose end I need to tie up.
“Nice jacket, dog boy.”
I find Carlos is sitting in the courtyard with Dude. The place we fought before I left last time.
He spins around to see me and his eyes light up. “I’ve been trying to find you!” He suddenly goes quiet. “I understand now why you’ve been mad at me. I’m your one true love.”
I can’t have the heart to lie anymore. “Yes.”
“And you can never find another?” he asks softly.
A deep sigh escapes me. “No. That’s how it works for me.”
Carlos paces back and forth. “Maybe if I-”
“No. You are happy with Jane, Carlos.” I give him a final soft kiss on his freckled cheek. “I hope you and her find every form of happiness.”
His soft eyes frantically search my face for a second chance. “But what about you? You deserve to be happy too.”
“I’ve survived this long without true love. ‘Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.’  Song of Solomon 8:6. If it’s by only the will of God that I must live, then I cannot change it. I understand, Carlos. I don’t get a happy ending. No matter how hard I try to be good I will always get the short end of the broomstick. But it’s fine. I’ve accepted my fate, and will release you from the empathy link.”
Carlos shakes his head and starts stuttering. “I want to keep it. I’ll feel too guilty knowing that I left you.”
His caring words make me double-guess myself but I put those thoughts to rest. It’s not fair to keep him held to this if he’s already happy.
“You’ve been a very loving friend, Carlos de Vil. If you ever need someone to talk to, send Dude to find Binx. I’ll stay in touch.”
Before I can let myself be poisoned by any more false hopes I tear myself from the conversation and walk away from perhaps the best thing that’s ever happened to me. My true love.
In the end, I thought we were friends.
Then life started up again.
So I thought we’d start anew,
And that maybe you’d love me too.
You skip to your next romance.
Not even giving me a chance.
And perhaps our friendship will be lost,
I’ll still hope one day our paths will cross.
Do the right thing in the right place.
As long as I watch, you are safe.
You taught me how to have fun,
How to make friends with someone.
You showed me how to forgive,
And encouraged me to live.
I’ll just disappear,
And you can forget you ever saw me here.
Don’t regret anything, it’s my fault.
The burden is mine to be taught.
I’ll be ready, I won’t mistake.
You’ve prepared me for the sickness of heartbreak.
For how long, you never knew.
One day I’ll tell how much I love you.
And even if I can’t find bliss,
I wish you every form of happiness.
Back at the palace I see father and Binx have already packed up what little belongings we have here. Travel light, I suppose.
“What’s this book for?” Father holds up my spellbook.
“That is what’s currently holding the Sanderson sisters.”
Father tenses up and holds the book out to me. “I think it’s safer if you hold it. Between you and me I don’t want any run-ins with your aunts.”
“For your return home you’ll be traveling in style,” Fairy Godmother tells me and points to the black limo parked out front. “I’m so proud of you!” She gives me a big hug. “You are everything I ever hoped for in a Sanderson.”
“Does this mean I pass Goodness 201?” I joke.
“With flying colors!” 
I help father carry the bags to the limo and find Remus leaning against the drivers’ side door. He's wearing his chauffeur uniform again.
“Time for a vacation?” he asks as I approach.
“You could say that, Remus. I hope FG gave you your job back?”
“Without question. That and along with a raise," he says proudly. "Now I’m in charge of personally driving Queen Mal to her meetings.”
The news brings a smile to my face. “Congratulations. I hope to see you around.”
The redhead tips his hat. “I wish the same thing. I’ll miss you, Magica. I’m glad to see everything worked out for you. Do you think you’ll ever come back?”
Life can be crazy sometimes. One day shows us everything is planned out. The next it shows that life can erupt into total chaos. Sometimes we’re shown that what we wanted might have been hidden in plain sight all along.
“Time will tell, Remus. Right now I want to live the quiet life I once hated. It’s time to go back to where it all started and remember who I am.”
“Magica Sanderson isn’t the same shy witch I picked up last year,” Remus points out.
I shake my head and look out onto the grounds as the sun begins to sink below the horizon.
“No. This is one Sanderson who’s going to write her own happy ending.”
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jacw212 · 2 months
The Legends of Modern Horizons 3 (fan fiction thread)
It has come to my attention that Modern Horizons 3 showcases a lot of cool characters yet doesn't give them any lore. So I will do it. Feel free to add your own lore for the characters (if anyone else actually sees it)
I will add I will not being doing lore on returning characters. So no Breya, Kaalia, Ashling, Laelia, Rosheen, K'rrik, or any of the planeswalkers or Eldrazi.
Starting off with everyone's favorite bird, Nadu, WInged Wisom
"When Kefnet fell and arose as a God-Eternal, all of Amonkhet wept, except, surprisngly, for Nadu. In spite of being one of Kefnet's most devoted followers, or perhaps because of it, Nadu understood that even the gods have limits, and decided that the best way to honor his memory was to share the teachers of The Mindful with all. Gods may die, but knowledge is eternal"
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Imskir Iron-Eater
"Hailing from a race of metal-consuming demons on Mirrodin, Imskir Iron-Eater was named for his surprisingly picky diet. In spite of his violent nature and lack of any behavioral regulations, Imskir was an invaluable asset in the mining industry, regularly outright eating unwanted iron deposits to make way for the far more precious Darksteel."
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Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd
"Jinnie Fay has had many prized show dogs, but perhaps none as beloved as Phelia. Unfortunately, Phelia never earned a blue ribbon because of her tendency to disappear right before the award ceremony. At some point Jinnie Fay decided to throw in the towel and let Phelia simply run free, and she's only ever been seen for a maximum of 10 seconds at a time after that day"
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Kudo, King Among Bears
"While Ayula is the greatest warrior in the Empire of Bears, her consort, Kudo, is much more interested in diplomatic endeavors. He uses his unusual ability to transform others into bears in order to broker peace deals of mutual understanding. Although, in the events of a truly vile and capricious threat, he is more than willing to let his beloved do what must be done"
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Shilgengar, Sire of Famine
"Angels pose a constant threat to the demons of Innistrad, but many demons were more than content to simply slay them as they come. Shilgengar, however, concocted a plan to slay the angels once and for all. Bringing a great famine upon Stensia, he told a young alchemist named Edgar Markov that angel blood was both nutritious and plentiful in this land (and he wasn't lying either). And as Edgar drank the angel blood, Shilgengar unknowingly created the first vampire, and brought about his own eventual demise"
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Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury
"When the first Therosians discovered how to create fire, they knew not how to harness it. That fire burned and spread for months, murdering countless. In its burning it gave itself form, and thus, Phlage was born. While the Therosians eventually discovered how to properly use fire, how to create hearths and blacksmiths, Phlage would always arrive when it burned too bright, wreaking havoc upon the world until Klothys was born, sealing away Phlage for eons"
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Herigast, Erupting Nullkite
"Innistradi dragons are remarkably rare, and solitary creatures, but perhaps none more so than Herigast. One day while Avacyn was corrupted, it awoke from its slumber and terrorized a small town in Gavony, shocking the townsfolk into fleeing the entire province. Little did the townsfolk know, that Herigast was protecting them. For it knew that an ancient entity was coming, and it would destroy them if Avacyn were to fall. It fell to the corrupting influence of Emrakul, however in its last conscious moments it rejoiced, for its last act was protecting the town that nurtured it to health generations ago"
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The Necrobloom (Thanks to u/FoundWords on reddit for this incredible quote)
"When I die, child, bury me in the foul, fertile soil by the roots of the Necrobloom, that I might return to you once more."
>Note attributed to a "//u/Fo/un//d/Wo///rd/s", found inside an empty casket. Name partially crossed out. Unkown sending address or potential recipient. Requires further investigation.
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Skoa, Embermage
"Born in the great desert of Jamuura, Skoa was always fascinated by the great volcanos and dragons of Shiv but was told it was far too dangerous to travel there. Skoa was never a really good listener. Pledging her allegiance to the plane of pure heat, Wildfire, she hopes to one day concur the mountains of Shiv, not for glory or revenge, but simply because she can"
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tiktokonaclock · 1 year
The Siren and The Demon Chapter 3
Note: Hey! I just want to thank the people who read and comment on this, it really motivated me to return to this fic. I really wonder your opinions <3
Flash forward
“To our prize winning scientist.” Gill raised his glass. "You deserved to win that award."
"Being able to make you say this is the greatest award. "She giggled as she sipped on her drink. "But seriously, thank you for being my date for the award ceremony."
"Well, the Food was great, and the people were better looking than I thought Science nerds would look like"
Her voice went lover as it took an alluring tone. "Oh, trust me, science nerds can be way more promising than you give us credit for." She leaned on his chest slowly. Her right hand went on his knee, her fingers drawing a circle on it. She felt the familiar feeling on her upper legs and groin come back to her once again, now that she was at his presence. “Kazarina, you need to stop doing that.” Gill's voice was raucity.
"Because you'll get us in trouble.”
She lifted herself up. "Let's get in trouble then," She said, enthusiastically. "I want to live a little, don't you? We've done nothing but working and bickering since the beginning of the war." Her eyes widened, her heart beating at her chest. "This is my night, let me have this.”
Gill's eyes wandered on her, up and down. "But there is no returning back from that.”
Kazarina turned around to put her glass on the coffee table, "Okay, you are right. Sorry if I made you uncomfort- “
Her words were cut short as he took her hand and pulled her to himself. Their lips met at the middle. His kiss was fierce, and demanding. She melted into it.
The next thing she knew, they were making out on the couch. She laid on her back, pulling him on top of her. He pulled the hem of her dress up and up, stroking her upper leg. Her legs wrapped around his body, caging him. As his lips made their way her neck, she pressed herself on to him,
Finally, she spoke after kissing his lips two times. Let's gо to the bedroom.”
“No." He replied, trying to catch his breath. "I want you now.”
But she was already getting on her feet. She held his hands and pulled him closer as she whispered: "But I need a big space for the things I am gonna do to you."
It was an enough motivation for Gill. He got up and picked her up like his bride, as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She moaned into his mouth once their lips met again.
End of flash forward
Ren looked around. He was nervous.
The bar was crowded and dimly lit. He had to shout to make his voice heard, because of the loud techno music.
It was impossible for everyone on the table to hear one person speaking, so his friends were talking to each other in smaller groups instead.
He was over-stimulated. All those years he spent In the underworld as a pariah, all alone, he dreamt of having "ordinary" things like this.
He was surrended by people now, he was socializing, as a normal person in his age would. Yet, all he felt was unease.
His thoughts were interupted when a cake with burning candles on it was put On the table by one of the waiters. The cake was made with berries, similar to ones he used to eat in the underworld. Yet, the cake had cream and frosting on it, both of which young Ren would not be able to even imagine.
Despite having left the underworld For a while now, everyday items such as a birthday cake still seemed ailen to him.
“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Zenet
Happy birthday to you!"
With a giant smile on her face, the young girl folded her hands and closed her eyes before blowing the three candles, each representing 5 years of her life.
“This is the best birthday ever!" She bubbled. "Thank you guys!"
"How old are you now?" Mason shouted.
"I am entering 16! "Zenet shouted back.
"So old enough to drink!”
She shook her hand. "Old enough to legally drink!" Everyone laughed at her joke.
"Am I the only one who has never drank before?" Ren asked. The others looked at him like he had four arms. "You have never drank before? Shut up!" Zenet punched his sholder slowly. "Shut up! You're Kidding!"
“I'm not."
“Seriously?" Lena asked. "I was given my first drink in a baby bottle." She reached over to her pack of cigarettes. "That's like… the norm for Gundalian kids."
"I mean, of course she is exaggrating but…” Zenet turned to him, "Gundalians start consuming alcohol pretty young. I'm surprised you did not.”
Lena held out her pack of cigarettes to him, after litting the one she had between her lips. "There's a first for everything, c'mon."
Ren started coughing as soon as he inhaled it. Everyone laughed. Instead of feeling embarrased, Ren laughed at himself with them.
"We don't have time to get lung cancer anyway." He said, causing another wave of laughter.
Zenet pointed at the door. "Imagine One of the 12 orders walking in right now." She said. "Wouldn't that be hilarious? Like, Kazarina walks in. Right now.”
"Her kind wouldn't hang out in a bar like this.” Jesse said.
Lena blew her smoke out. "The only place Kazarina would hang out at this hour is on emperor's lap.”
The recklessnes in the comment and the laughter that followed assured Ren that they all got pretty drunk. It was in that moment that Zenet's phone rang. "Again?!" Mason shouted, reaching the phone before she did. "That's enough!"
Before Zenet could stop him, he answered the phone: "Hey buddy. Could you please be kind enough to stop bothering her? She made it quite fucking clear that she isn't interested."
Zenet's shout was almost like a scream.
After waiting for a few seconds, Mason gave the phone back to her. "They hung up." He said. Zenet snatched her phone.
"It is not something like that.” She said as she called the mysterious person back. "And it's not your bus - hey!" She closed her free ear with her free hand. "Hey, yes. I am sorry. It's just... We are drunk right now, to be honest. I know, I'm sorry. Thank you, thanks, I'm 16 now.. Really? For me? Okay, I'll drop by, Okay, bye."
She hung up and turned to Mason, staring daggers.
"I'm sorry. " Mason put his hands up like he was surrendering.
"Not cool, man. "Zenet said.
"I thought they were bothering you.”
“No." Her shoulders dropped. "It's just a distant relative that lives in the capitol, he checks up on me sometimes. That's all."
"I thought you were brought up in an orphanage." Lena said,
Zenet blinked her eyes. “Like I said."
She got up, as a giant smile spread on her face. She pulled down her strechy dress and pointed at the dance floor. "C'mon. Let's dance like there is no tomorrow," She said. "Because there probably isn’t.”
"Mistress Kazarina. We have recieved the word that the element is headed this way.”Lena said, trying to mask her nervousness.
“Stoica and Airzel have failed,"
Kazarina's abstracted look turned towards the young girl, "Now, it's all on you, Lena." "Me?"
Kazarina got up from her armchair, which was more like a throne.
"The entire reason we don't have the element in the first place is because Ren and your crew blew it when you book over Bakugan Interspace. Think of this as a chance to redeem yourself.”
Just as I guessed Lena thought to herself. We'll have individual trials.
There was silence afterwards. She stood around waiting, ready to recieve orders. She held her head low, making sure she didn't attract any attention. But when she lifted her head, she saw that the older woman was observing her. She wanted to ask what was she looking at, but she kept silent. As if she read her mind; Kazarina explained herself:
"I'm just wondering if any of you will be able to make it into the 12 Orders one day."
Lena looked into her eyes, smiling slowly, "Like a shark, right?"
Kazarina laughed at this. Gundalian press famously nicknamed ruthless and ambitious politicians like her "sharks". She herself was named a shark, Gill was named a shark, Nurzak was named a shark (back in his prime, When he was the right hand of the previous emperor).
"Well.” She said. “Who knows, your crew might have a few baby sharks in it."
Lena blew her cigarette's smoke out as the ship continued to run away from Neitha. She felt more helpless than ever, their inside joke had finally turned into a reality.
As her elbows rested on the safety rail, she could eavesdrop the conversation Kazarina was having with her arch nemesis.
"This is a major failure, Kazarina."
"I know."
Lena didn't need to be there to know that Kazarina was gritting her teeth.
"As a member of the 12 orders you are held to a higher standard. The emperor will be greatly dissapointed I'm sure. Someone will have to answer for these incompetent actions today.”
Lena had no idea why Kazarina was allowing herself to be scolded by him like this.
"Trust me, I'm well aware of that, Gill." She heard her say. "So. If are done satisfying yourself, I'm hanging up now.”
Silence. Then she continued: "I can keep the camera on if you need more material." "Yeah Kazarina, sure." Gill said, hanging up on her.
Lena remembered Gill warning her about Kazarina. “Oh, she can't be trusted. You need to kill her if you want to get out of this alive. Otherwise, she will not hasitate to get rid of you to save her own skin." He had said.
She knew he was trying to get her to do his dirty work. So he would keep his hands clean. Yet, She also knew that he was right. He was right in every word he had spoken to her. So all she did was saying "Yes sir, I understand."
She had understood.
Phosphos jumped behind her, towards Kazarina. He was fully prepared to brutally murder her, to pull her flesh into pieces. They would run away afterwards. Maybe take refuge in Neithia, maybe not. They would figure it out. As long as they were together-
Lumagrowl jumped on Phosphos, clenching his teeth into the hard skin of her partner. The panic she felt at her stomach felt like he was clenching his teeth into her skin as well.
"You've got some nerve, Lena." Kazarina said, too calmly for a person who barely got away from being assasinated.
"Trying to take me out to cover your blunder. How bold of you." Her tone got angrier with every word, as the electricity in her hand kept charging up, reflecting that.
"But also very, Very Foolish." She shouted.
The electric shock was surprising familiar to the physical pain panic caused on her head.
Her glasses fell on the floor, bluring her vision as she lost consiousness.
City lights were leaking through the windows of the Gundalian Palace, illuminating the corridor. It was empty at that night time, the solitude only adding to the dread of the scenary. Gill was alone, for a time. Then he realized the slender female figure walking towards her. She was not her normal confident self, she was hunching her shoulders and dragging the tail of her dress with her. She looked as pale as her dress, and tired. Like she could use some sleep, or a cup of black coffee.
Or a refreshing bickering session.
"Why the long face Kazarina? You still got someone to take the fall for you." He said.
She approached him slowly. “Yes, but not before she tried to ambush me and take me out.”
She stopped next to him and looked forward. Not at him. Never at him. Because they both knew better than to look at each other's face as they were having a dialouge. If someone else saw them face to face, at this ungodly hour, on this hidden hallway, they would have a hard time convincing the person that they are not conspiring anything.
The Court had its rules. Both written and unwritten.
Yet, she couldn't help but tilting her head slightly to look at his expression.
“It was almost like she knew what I had planned For her.” She smiled. "As if someone had tipped her off."
I know it was you. She thought.
"Luckly, you had your wits about you. Next time you may not be so fortunate. In these troubled times you never know who you can trust.”
Kazarina turned her head forward, evaluating the evasive answer she was given.
They were both unaware that they were being spied on.
"Lena.” Ren whispered, wondering if she's in a place where she can hear him. "I'm sorry.”
Zenet walked towards the front door. The neighborhood was immensly upright, one of the nicest places in the capitol. And the house itself was ridiciously beautiful.
Her thumbs danced on the phone screen for a few seconds, texting: "I'm here."
She checked the time. She was there right on time they decided on.
She got a text: "I am not home. The door is unlocked, you can come in. Your present is in the salon."
Concealing her dissapointment even from herself, she pushed the door. Her footsteps echoed on the best quality hardwood.
The house was completely empty.
Her present was waiting for her on the coffee table, in a beautiful and expensive looking box, covered with the pattern of a famous toy brand.
She took the box and sat on the sofa. Then, she opened her present.
“What the fuck?" She murmured to herself as she reached inside the box and took out the mid-sized shark plushie.
A plushie! An actual plushie! For a young person of 16 years! Not a 6 year old child! For god’s sake!
Her phone buzzed.
"Oh, you wonder how I liked the gift?" She said as she pulled her phone out in fury. "Stupid-"
She froze. The text was from Ren:
"We lost Lena. I'm so sorry.”
She didn't know how long she sat on that sofa in disbelief. The thing they were joking about just last night, it didn't seem real back then. But it had become their reality now.
She was squeezing the plushie with all her might. Yet, the shark was smirking back at her.
She needed to get out of there. Her eyes caught the glimpse of the bottle of vodka displayed on the cabinet. Shamelessly, she took the entire bottle with her on the way out.
In the middle of the night, a young girl was waddling on the streets of the Gundalian capitol.
On one hand, she was loosely holding a shark plushie by its fin. On her other hand, she was holding an almost empty bottle. She was sobbing.
It was a strange view, no doubt. Yet, no one stopped to check up on her. Nobody cared.
Good, she didn't want them to. She drank the remaining liquid on the bottle. Then, she threw the bottle to the ground. The glass scattered around in a thousand pieces.
She knew she was so vulnerable that anyone could hurt her on that moment, in every way possible. But she didn't care. She didn't mind being murdered a few weeks earlier.
This was her sweet 16 and she had nothing left to lose.
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primusfortuna · 3 months
Sparrow Hangout Lines ✦ Fairy Marriage
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Start Hangout “I-I'm a little scared to go somewhere that has people... but I'm excited to go out with you.”
“Th-Thanks for inviting me out. I was just in a creative slump for accessory ideas, so... this will be a nice break.”
“Lorea flowers are... very beautiful. If I ever found them somewhere... I'd want to... g-give them to you as a present.”
About Marriage “Weddings are not only fun for the two vowing their love, but for everyone in attendance too? What's so great about them...?”
Choice: A lot of happiness is in the air.
“Happiness, huh...? I don't really get it, but... if you ever married someone and held a ceremony, maybe I'd understand then.” “If you decided to start a new life of happiness with someone... I bet it'd cause an uproar inside our key...” “I don't have any good memories with marriage, so I don't recommend it... but I wouldn't stop you. I just... want you to be happy.”
Choice: The bride and groom are dressed their best.
“It's true I couldn't get enough of seeing those beautiful outfits and accessories... I might be... interested in that.” “Do you dream of wearing a beautiful bridal outfit? A dress...? A kimono...? I'm sure you'd look amazing in anything...” “...I hope one of my handmade accessories can be a part of your finest attire someday, Emma-san.”
About the Contest “If this was before I met you... you'd never catch me in a bridal contest... no way...”
Choice: Are there any other contests you're interested in?
“Now that I'm a little more confident in this... maybe I'd like to take part in one for making or designing accessories.” “And hotel mascot contests... I heard you can get a luxurious hotel stay prize if you win.” “If I won and got the luxury hotel stay, I'd give it to you, Emma-san. As thanks for always being so nice to me...”
Choice: You've changed in a good way.
“I-I changed——I was changed thanks to you and Victor, I think.” “I'm still scared of people, and I can't honestly believe in a lot of things, but... I believe in you with all my heart.” “I-I'll keep working hard... so that I can stand next to you with confidence someday. It'd make me happy if... you kept watching over me.”
Initiate Physical Contact “Will someone like me be able to escort you, Master...? I'm nervous but... I'll give it a try.”
Lay your hand on top of his “! I-I'm a little on edge but... your warmth is so relaxing...”
Pet his tail “It helps me calm down a little to hug it when I'm anxious... If something ever happens, you can squeeze it too, if you want.”
End Hangout “It was so fun walking next to you just like the bride and groom... ――You had fun too, Master? ...Thank goodness.”
“This really cleared up my head... N-Next time I'm in a slump or something... I'd love to go out again.”
“I'd like to go out with you this way all the time... whether it's clear or rainy...”
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