#that sound very pretencious
There is something extremely romantic and dark academic about studying greek in a house near the sea, hearing the waves in the background, muffled by the sound of Achilles Come Down playing in your earphones, and focusing on your illegible notes and your vocabulary as old as time. 
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unkownknowledge · 2 years
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madame-fear · 2 years
Hello friend! I have another request. I couldn't stop thinking about your laser tag imagine with Gotham! Jonathan Crane and I was hoping if you could actually write a little story of it. 😍
-Love Vinca ^^
Hello my dear Vinca! 🥰 As always it's a pleasure to receive your requests! I'm glad to hear that you liked the imagine haha, hope you like it my dear! 😍💖 (p.s: I'm too bad at finishing fics so I apologise haha)
Laser Tag Date | Gotham!Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader
Out of all the places your boyfriend could've chosen to have a date with you, he decided to take you laser tagging.
You had a very slight idea about laser tag, but you weren't entirely familiarised with it, so you thought to yourself that maybe after all it would be a fun and original idea if you two had a laser tag date. So, of course, you agreed.
At the present moment, you were walking around the dark environment, your black clothes matching the whole place. You were being very slow and quiet as possible, and all your senses were activated. For you, even if it was a game, the adrenaline of the moment was thrilling to you.
You slightly jumped and quickly turned around when a familiar voice suddenly appeared from behind you. "What a pleasant surprise, (Y/N)." It was your boyfriend. You pointed your laser gun at him as you rolled your eyes to his teaseful comment. "I'm kicking some asses over here. Don't try to distract me, Crane." You boldly spat as you walked a few steps backwards, since he was walking towards you. "Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to distract you, I just think you look very pretty all dressed in black, especially with that competitive personality."
Your back finally hit the dark wall, so you were pressed against the wall and his tall body. "You're not going to shoot me, are you?" He said teasingly. His cockiness was a sign that his Jonathan Crane persona was fading away, welcoming his Scarecrow personality to completely take over him...and you loved it. You couldn't manage to say anything to him, due to his hypnotising personality and enchanting blue eyes.
Your recently tensed body was now relaxing, and you gently put down the laser gun that you were strongly holding against your chest in a self protective manner as he sweetly caressed your cheek with the back of his index finger. He leaned in and gently kissed your lips as you entirely immersed yourself in it, cupping his cheek and simply forgetting about the rest that surrounded you. As he kissed you while you were pushed against the corner, you petted his long, brunette hair. Suddenly felt something cold and hard pressed against your chest, and out of nowhere your protective vest began to loudly sound. He had taken advantage of the situation, and shot you.
"Pew pew." He broke apart the kiss, not taking too long for his lips to form into a smirk at the sight of your perplexed face. You opened your mouth to complain against it, but before you could say anything he shushed you by kissing your head. He turned around and began walking away, leaving you like a confused blushing mess.
Before he fully walked away, he turned around to look at you with a pretencious smile. "You know, love, for being a newbie you're good at this game. But I just couldn't let you win." He sticked his tongue out in a joking manner and continued walking away. You were speechless as you watched him walk out of the room as if nothing happened. You weren't able to even protest against it and you just awkwardly stood in the corner, processing the situation.
Eventually, a few seconds later, your lips began forming a big smile as you quietly giggled to yourself, and your cheeks intensified their reddish colour. Sometimes, he could be very cocky when his Scarecrow persona took over, but you certainly loved him that way, and you would never change him for someone else. He was your cocky little fear reaper.
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dutchandstuff · 3 years
Lesson 1: Introductions!
Hi! Well, welcome to my sideblog were I aim to teach you, my dear follower, the best Dutch I can! Just for background, I speak Dutch natively and just love teaching. This will be a little series of small lessons compiled by yours truly. With every lessons having some vocab and verbs to learn and a grammar point.  There will also be a series about specific grammar points in more detail, with the one about present verb conjugation coming soon!
So, for our first lesson we will learn about:
Naam – Name
Wat – What
Leuk - Nice
Zijn – To be
Ik ben – I am
Jij/U bent – You are
Hij is/ Zij is / Het is – He is/ She is / It is
Wij zijn – We are
Jullie zijn – You are
Zij zijn – They are
 (The difference between Jij and U is that U is used for people older or superior to you. So, use it only in very formal situations to prevent being seen as a bit pretencious!)
 So, today we will learn a simple but clear self introduction in Dutch. Mainly, how to say “I am”
It is quite simple, really! Dutch, like English, is a SVO language. Which means that sentences follow the structure of Subject – Verb – Object.
So, to say “I am [Your name]” you only have to take the correct verb (Ik ben) and just plaster your name behind it!
I am [Your name] would be – “Ik ben [your name]”!
Easy, right!
But, perhaps you would like to ask the other person for their name as well. How would you do that? Well, for that we will also have to talk about the possessive form. Which is as simple as memorizing a row
Mijn – My
Jouw/Je/Uw – your
Zijn – His
Haar – Her
Zijn – Its
Onze – Our
Jullie – Your
Hun – Their
(De jouw/je/Uw choice depends on how formally you are speaking. But, as we are talking about introductions I suggest choosing jouw, as uw may sound a bit too formal. Jouw is the safest option for all cases.)
You can read in vocab what the words for name and what is. Just remember, this is a litteral translation from English to Dutch, no changing sentence structure. What do you think it is, then?
If you answered “Wat is jouw naam?” you would be correct!
So, to make this sound a bit more natural we can use some standard greetings like “hallo” (formal) or “hi, hai, yo” (informal) to add in front of our greeting!
Now, for the last thing to add to our great Dutch greeting. Let’s translate “Nice to meet you” which is a bit harder and will be explained in a later lesson. For now, the answer is just “Leuk om jou te ontmoeten”
Now, lets write a contextual dialogue!
I made two, one very formal one, which could for example happen at work when you are talking to superiors, and one more informal one, for talking to classmates or distant family.
A: Hallo. Wat is uw naam? (Hello, what is your name?)
B: Mijn naam is Bart. Leuk om jou te ontmoeten! (My name is Bart, nice to meet you!)
A: Hi! Wat is je naam? (Hi, what is your name?)
B: Mijn naam is Bart. Leuk om je te ontmoeten! (My name is Bart, nice to meet you!)
 Well, that wraps up todays lessons. Let me know if you found this useful and I wish you a good day and happy language learning!
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mallmarrdlc · 4 years
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‘Good evening, gentlemen.’ Elsa smiled brightly at the two men opposite her. Her voice was overly sweet and there was something unsettling about it. ‘Although, I’m not sure if gentle is the correct term in this-’ she pointed at the criminals in a very pretencious matter.
‘What do you want, missy?’ Sebastian hissed. Elsa gave him a deadly stare in response.
‘Chill, brother. I’ll deal with her.’ Spencer made a few steps forward, cracking his knuckles. Elsa smirked, her eyes as cold as ice.
‘Well, I wouldn’t try anything if I were you.’ she said, vaguely. ‘I believe we can help each other.’
‘How so?’ Spencer crossed his arms, measuring Elsa from head to toes.
‘I know about your little deal with the Vatores.’ Elsa shrugged, putting her umbrella away. ‘I can give you something much better than the thing they promised.’ The brothers looked at each other and decided to listen to what the woman had to say. ‘I can make you two the most powerful beings in this world. This way, you’ll never be threatened again. And you’ll keep the gold that you promised Caleb. Doesn’t it sound just great? Power and riches?’
‘It does, I suppose.’ Spencer nodded. ‘But such things don’t come for free. What’s your price?’
‘And now we get to the fun part.’ Elsa grinned evilly. ‘You see, my daughter ran away with a man a week ago. That man happens to be Flynn Rider.’
‘Rider!’ Sebastian growled but Spencer quickly waved his hand to hush him.
‘So here’s the deal. I only want my daughter back, you can take Rider and do with him as you please. And besides that, you get the power and riches, as promised.’
‘Hmm... We can kill two birds with one stone.’ Sebastian nodded. ‘What do you say, brother?’
‘I don’t know. How can we be sure that we can trust you? Who are you? Besides, what kind of power can someone like you even hold?’ Spencer measured Elsa again and smirked.
Elsa looked at him with a piercing stare and didn’t turn her gaze away until the man whimpered in pain. It felt as if there was an invisible knife, cutting through his back down to top.
‘Argh, okay!’ he growled.
‘Perfect!’ Elsa smiled brightly and spoke with her voice sweet all over again. ‘Now, why don’t we head back to my place to discuss the details?’
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thegothicviking · 5 years
I was tagged by @reeshs @ofmemesandbands to do a little "get to know me ask thingy". Thank you for that, you beauties! 🖤 Excuse my long answers but I think you'd be entertained anyway! (I hope?)
Nickname: Mary Cemetery, Mary, or simply Viking/The Viking.
Real name: That will remain a mystery/a secret but I can reveal that it begins with M. (But it's not Mary or Mari or anything similar) and I do have the word "Viking" in one of my last names (I have two surnames because my parents were not married and wanted me and my big sis to have both of their family names. So yes! A little part of my name is Viking-[something]from my mother's maiden name/original family name. Meaning YES I am indeed Viking!
Zodiac: Taurus/Tyren/El Toro
Favorite musicians or bands:
- The Bauhaus (or Peter Murphy as solo)
- The Sisters of Mercy
- Lords of The New Church (or Stiv Bators as solo)
- Feeling B & Magdalene Keibel Combo (Flake and Paul are my bois!)
- Rammstein (also nice bois!)
- David Bowie (Rest in peace my sweet boi!)
- Dissection (Rest in Chaos Jon, even though you were a homophobic lunatic/Asshole I still liked your music. Swedish Satanic Black Metal)
- A lot of deathmetal
- Skeletal Family (many 80's goth rock bands really)
- Eisbrecher
- Stahlmann
-Deine Lakaien
- Scorpions
- Depeche Mode (anything from the 1980's really)
- Classical compositioners like Edvard Grieg/Beethoven/Bach and a little bit of Mozart or Vivaldi
- KSMB. Swedish punk rock/German punk rock or Swedish metal (yes...I am a Norwegian that prefers SWEDISH Black Metal. Shoot me if you must!)
- Rosetta Stone
- Pretencious Moi? (Their lyrics are like an unfinished story and you can fill the gaps!)
- KNORKATOR (absolute insane and silly bois, I love them!!)
- Rozz Williams (Rest in Peace my sweet beautiful boi!),
- INXS (Rest in Peace M. Hutchence my beautiful boi!)
- Die Ärzte
- Skitarg (like a Swedish ICP but of course a lot better and with funnier lyrics!)
- Danzig
Favorire Sports team: Team Bisexual! 💜
Other Blogs: Not yet. I still need to learn how to add other blogs and then I will do one specifically about my Liebeslied Rammstein fic series and the character's. And maybe also my poetry in there too. Or maybe not.
Do I get asks?: Sometimes. Mostly I get questions about being Norwegian/Scandinavian or someone make rude Anon comments about one of my posts and I have to defend myself and my opinions. But a part from that; No. Not that many.
How many blogs do I follow?: 132
Tumblr crushes: Yes.
Lucky Numbers: 13 (After I won a non-smoking contest in class and my name was number 13 on the class list) I have also always liked the numbers 8 and 0. I prefer even numbers.
What am I wearing?: Comfy plain black suit/tracksuit looking pants that are both stylish and comfy AND has pockets!!, and my black long sleeve Feeling B jumper, no socks and no bra and black hotpants (knickers. I hate wearing thongs/g strings!)
Dream Vacation: I long to go back to Prague, and I want to visit Egypt and the Pyramids, Berlin (because we only got to stay in the city for a couple of hours..ugh!) I also long back to Auschwitz....(yes. I do. I was there in 2007/2008. I am a WWII history nerd!)
Dream car: Either a very old school and dashing Ford Model T, a hearse or a big brutal Panzer Tank. There is no in between!
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Favorite Food: Anything that doesn't contain too much garlic (Iiiish!), raisins, Olives, Pineapples (NO PINEAPPLES ON PIZZAAAAAA!), coconuts or too much spices/chili/Soy (I am allergic to Soy) And don't worry you can feed me Vegetarian/Vegan food too! I won't try to bring my own meat and I will trust your cooking skills as long as you don't feed me any of the ingredients above!!
Drink of choice: That depends on the situation/disaster/time of the day and mood. Is it a good day? Then Water, Corona (the beer not the virus!!) or Energy drinks. Is it morning? A good Landersino (weak capuccino but strong milk coffee) Is it Evening/night time? Then a nice cup of tea. Has it been a terrible day? Then Gin & Tonic, Vodka & Redbull, A really strong Long Island Ice Tea or Rum & Coke.
Instruments: The horrible cat shriek sounding Recorder Flute. That is the only instrument that I am rocking at the moment! (I will play the Titanic song for you if I truly love you!)
Languages: Norwegian Nynorsk, Norwegian Bokmål, my dialect, English, Swedish (Gothenburg dialect or Scaania/Malmö dialect), Spanish and I am also trying to learn German and Welsh (yes. Welsh. It is beautiful but impossible to learn!)
Celebrity Crushes: David Bowie (rest in peace sweet alienboi!) Stoya (female pornstar), Till Lindemann, Noomi Rapace (Swedish Actress), Michael Nyqvist (Swedish Actor. Rest in Peace my sweet boi!), young Kate Bush, Antonio Banderas, John Maclean (discovered this divine creature on Youtube recently!), Rozz Williams (Rest in Peace my sweet boi!), Peter Murphy, Emilie Autumn (but I don't listen to her that often anymore), Adora Batbrat (Gothic Youtuber but I am not that fan of her anymore), Razor Candi (Gothic Model but she has gotten some more surgeries now that I don't like), Salma Hayek, Shakira.
Random Fact(s):
A little gross but I have basically no nails on either of my pinky-toes. I was born that way and I am the 5th generation woman on my mother's side that doesn't have pinky toe nails! (I miss the upper part so trying to cut them is always a game of Russian Roulette...will I be able to cut it? Will I cut my skin, bleed and die?? I'll have to cut and see because the tiny little stump/piece of nail is still jabbing me if it gets "too long" :)! )
I was also born with a more inward bent spine/back and I was told by my Chiropracter (or how you spell it?) at the age of 10 that if I didn't do exercises/wore a corset..(at the age of 10!?!?) for my back then it would break/snap should I ever want to get pregnant (even though I always look pregnant when I relax and walk "normally".....*sigh*). So yeah I need to work up my core! (But I am too lazy to do so ...)
I know how to belly dance (not that many moves but I'm still learning from online classes)
I can write and read in the Elder Futhark runes without cheating!
I am a natural cold blooded bitch with a normal temperature of 36.4 °C, instead of the standard 37.5°C. (Once again this is from my mother's side)
I did amateur acting from the age of 6-19 and in 10 out of those 13 years/plays I had to be a boi/man because we were always in short of bois and I have a deep voice I guess.. (so yeah for 10 years of my childhood I was basically a boi/man!)
Despite enjoy dressing up in skirts and dresses and do my makeup I have a very butch/masculine personality (I was a tomboy as a kid) and both men and women are either terrified or confused by this (as they expect me to be just as feminine as my looks/makeup. Which is silly!)
I am sadistic (in my writing and in my thoughts) and one of the reasons why I write is to be able to TORTURE and/or KILL "people" without getting arrested :)
Ok so I am not gonna tag anyone in particular. If you would like to answer these questions then go right ahead and do so!
Uki. Takk! Det var/va alt! (Ok. Thanks! That was all!)
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Movie! Robotnik headcanons PART 2!
This is a collab with the certified Robotnik lover @jasminerobotnik ! She shared a lot of Quality Robotnik Headcanons™ for this post, so i will list mine and hers. Hope you like it!
My headcanons
-He is extremely obsessed with order and organization and needs every single tool on his lab to be in the specific spot it belongs, otherwise he becomes very irritated.
-Ivo's main inspiration for becoming a scientist and inventor (besides his late grandfather) was Nikola Tesla. He saw himself through this brilliant mind who was ahead of his time and based his image and behavior on his hero. He often refers to himself as a "modern day Tesla".
-His IQ isn't actually 300, it's 289, he just lies about the number because 300 sounds cooler.
-The scientific community isn't very fond of him, most people on the field treat him as a pretencious and self absorbed joke. Ivo interprets this as others being intimidated by his ahead of time mindset and plans to get back at them someday.
-Holds grudges very easily for very petty reasons. Actually has a list of every single person who has wronged him at some point and who will pay for their transgressions.
-Despite being possibly the smartest man alive, he's not actually well known, far from it. He has yet to make the big invention or discovery that will make his name known and get him the love and respect he rightfuly deserves.
-He's secretly really bored about his current life as a brilliant yet unreconized super genius and desperately wants to find anything or anyone that will pose a challenge to him, bring a little excitement to his life.
Jasmine's headcanons
-He scams the IRS so he gets bigger tax returns, which is how he's able to fund most of his non comissioned proyects.
-He and Agent Stone actually exchange gifts every Christmas, however, Ivo always regifts what Stone gave him last year.
-Really hates being in crowded areas, unless he's the center of atention, of course.
-Has a bad habit of not sleeping when he should (that's sort of linked to his growing caffeine adiction). He often stays awake from days until invevitably passes out from exhaustion and Agent Stone carries him to his bed.
-He ALWAYS needs to get an answer or a solution to whatever problem he's having, no matter how small it is, and will never stop until he gets it.
-Really dislikes small children (well, children in general), their hands are always somewhat dirty and, to him, they are just mentally underdeveloped humans.
Feel free to add your own headcanons!
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furunain · 6 years
#KamukomaWeek Day 1: [Comfort/Recovery] (Translate!)
so hey,
this orginally was written by this awesome guy.
i only translated it.
He felt how somebody was coming, that person's footsteps sounded more and more impatients. He descarted the option that maybe were one of the guardians who keep an eye on him, or it was someone related to the project. Even though the big metal-made door made him impossible to look towards the hall, he could feel the caracteristic aura that has his -now- habitual visitor.
It didn't took time to him to listen the sound of the control panel in his room's door, and after a few seconds this boy made his appearance with a plastic bag in his hand, and closing the door that was behind him.
"Kamukura-kun," the visitor left the bag above the nightstand and then he sit next to him. "Did you miss me?"
He thought it wasn’t necessary to answer, so instead he just stared at him; this person was pale and fragile as he always was, and even so...
"It was very pretencious for me to ask that, right?" the boy half-smiled him. "Ah, whatever."
The red-eyed followed him with his gaze when he got up from the bed where he was sitting, and started searching something in the bag that had brought with him. After a moment, he pulled out bandages and a couple of plastic containers.
"Good!" the person approached again. He had to admit that feeling the slight heat of that person's body didn't bother him. He didn't even flinch when he felt his white hands removed the bandages that sorrounded his head with the intention of replace them with new ones.
The silence broke with the slight humming of his companion and self-appointed carer. It was a song that the long-haired had heard from him several times in the past.
He felt how the gray-eyed's fingers were tracing the scar in his forehead, carefully and slowly, as if he was in a trance. He had something in his eyes, something that he hadn't seen before. Pity, maybe? No, he already knew how pity looks like.
"Nagito Komaeda," Izuru called him. The albino separated from him, and made a sound to indicate him that he was paying attention. "What is the purpose of all this?"
"Hm? What do you mean?" Komaeda answered him with another question.
"You come here every afternoon even if it's not in your obligations, buy food just for me and try to entertain me," his eyes went to perch on what the boy had brought for him that day: mochi. A bit of interest woke up inside him. "You aren’t related in any way with the project, and I don't remember asking for your company, either."
"How cold of you," despite that he received that cold words, he gave him a smile, "I just want to make sure you're comfortable. After all... you are this world's hope."
That was the excuse he always said, and Kamukura had never bothered to discuss it even though if he knew there was something more. Perhaps the intrigue of knowing what it was kept him entertained, or maybe he was afraid that the albino would stop visiting him if he found out.
Whatever it was, he stay quiet and deigned to taste something of what the boy had bought to him while this same boy was busy untangling the knots in his long dark hair.
What Komaeda was doing for him was meaningless and unnecessary, but for some reason he felt his heart sink a little when the thought of stopping reciving his visits reached his mind.
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icharchivist · 7 years
@adorablegorilla replied to your post “@ikarikari replied to your post “oh my god Icha you gotta watch 1999...”
The dub is actually pretty good imo at least, just somewhat cheesy. But yeah, there's lots of original stuff in the 1999 version, some good (the yorknew city arc has a great forboding atmosphere that isn't present in the 2011 anime or manga, Kurapika's character is explored more, Leopika is more strongly hinted at), some bad (arcs dragging on, some ooc moments), and some just... weird (the boat ride part of the Exam is... interesting). I hope you like it anyway tho :)
Hhh ye but I’m. Really too much of a “but in the manga” person to even be completely into “positive” addition. Like I know they show say, Gon’s breakdown after he met against Hisoka in the forest but like... I don’t like what it implies on a character standpoint since it wasn’t exactly the vibe about it.
I ama huge Leopika shipper, but I especially love their dynamic in the manga (hell it’s when I read the manga I started to seriously ship them). The issue is that, I saw a few Leopika scenes from 1999 and they’re cute, but at the same time, this is not what I fell in love with y’know? And I hold issue with some of the portrayal it implies at time. 
I tend to overthink characters and scenes and dynamics a lot. And that’s an issue in those cases because then the slightest changes makes me think about what it changes for the character.
Which is why I really need to watch 1999 when I’m in a  mood of not thinking about all of that. Especially for Kurapika, Gon and Leorio (*coughs* i’m sorry i love Killua I swear I just don’t overthink him as much (but i also heard so much about Killua’s changes in 1999 that I’m seriously scared because he seems to have suffered the most of ooc-ness))  that I spent time and time to overthink when I read the manga. 
It sounds very pretencious to say I guess kdjhfkdf I should be able to just, not think about it, but even the slightest changes, even if positive, can irk me. (and it’s not just 1999, I have a few grips against 2011 - of course for Leorio and Kite, but like I could also go on about slight changes this is terrible never let me talk about this kind of things because I’m a killjoy)
So ye I really need to be In a Mood when I’ll watch 1999 where none of this would matter to me, or at least, not as strongly. I know I can get there eventually, but I don’t want to rush in just yet. If I go right now, I’m pretty sure I’ll dislike it just out of spite which is sad, because I really want to see and enjoy what it can bring.
But ye, when i’ll watch 1999, I’ll probably liveblog it anyway, so everyone will see o/ I’ll try to be nice and not be that person who still brings up “but in the manga though”. I’m not making any promise but... I’ll try ;O
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liljakonvalj · 7 years
5 things meme
i was tagged by @tinyconfusion. I am weirdly honoured by this, so, ehm, thank you!!
5 things you’d find in my bag:
menstruation pads - i like to always be prepared for when the flow hits
my calendar, i need to always have it with me or else i would forget to go to work or something else important
most of the times you’d also find me with a lunch box, if it’s full or not depends if i am on my way to work or if i have left it
a book. Right now it is Bad feminist by Roxane Gay
a fold-up umberella.
5 things in my bedroom:
my bed that is the most constant thing in my life and the one of whos company of which I never tire
my comfy chair that is used as a place of storage more often than not
my printer that helps me print and copy things. Its’ biggest fault is that it cannot scan things, but i am forgiving of that
my plants that astound me every day by still living. I am a very bad plant-caretaker, yet the most of them has managed to survive for years. So far i’ve only had one of them die of missmanagement which never ceases to amaze me
my china cabinet, because where else should one keep their china than the bedroom?
5 things i want to do in life:
own a house. apartments are great and all, but i want a house of my own someday.
I totally stole this from tinyconfusion, but to have a dance battle with a complete stranger sounds hilarios
have cats
be happy and satisfied
i’d like to visit japan and new zeeland one day.
5 things that make me happy:
my friends and family (ofc)
reading fanfic
5 things i’m currently into:
reading the bible
midsomer murders
pride and prejudice
5 things on my to-do list:
give more to charities
honestly to better myself as a person. I think I am a pretty decent person, but I think it is important to always better yourself and look over how you act around others. I know this is a super pretencious answer, but i am serious in this. I want to become a better person.
Getting a job i actually want
become better at praying
not to cry so often
(because i am a rebel like that who likes to overshare) to buy a new phone, because mine is dying at an increasingly rapid pace
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