#that shit was invented in the 19th century
jules-makes-stuff · 1 year
If I see one more """"""medieval"""""" fantasy that has chocolate in a literally "nobody can travel here" location in a cold to temperate climate I will scream
Especially sweets like bon bons, like wtf are you talking about
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the doctor setting a world record
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breitzbachbea · 7 months
Oh def don’t worry! If you don’t feel like answering them you can just delete lmao :3
Oh no, I totally feel like answering them, don't you worry, nonnie! With anons the pity is just that ppl don't get notified with answers, so I like to make posts immediately after receiving anon asks for ask games, in case answering them will take longer. Just so that anons like you know I won't have forgotten them!
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transmutationisms · 9 months
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i love to google american snack foods it's always some shit like this. were you even a real eugenically inflected social reformer of the late 19th to early 20th centuries if you didn't invent some manner of cracker chip crisp or cookie
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creekfiend · 9 months
As a history and folklore enthusiast I gotta admit the amount of "ye olde European folk traditions" was actually made up by 19th century eugenicists is very disappointing and makes me engage in the genuine middle ages folk traditions of throwing people into gorse bushes, whilst also asking them why the fucking so-called "master race" needs to sew goat balls into their testicles (the latter part is not from the middle ages)
Like seriously that was a fad in the early 20th century for eugenics reasons. Wtf.
(Sorry I have been researching the history of quack medicine, which turned out to have links to both eugenics and occult shit, and also I am drunk)
SOOOO MUCH WAS JUST INVENTED WHOLE CLOTH BY SOME GOLDEN DAWN FUCKERS BROOOO I think about this all the time. racism 🤝 occultism is the thing.
my view is that you don't need to try to locate some untainted continual practice in order to do stuff like pick a favorite tree and sing it songs or go on walks on the full moon because it's really bright and you don't need a flashlight. or write someone's name on a paper and burn the paper while chanting "fuck this guy in particular"
you know. regular stuff
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bluelizze · 5 months
I want an sir pentious x reader where the reader died in the 18th-19th century.
Like sure, it’s nice to have a reader died in more modern times to teach sir pentious modern technology (nothing wrong with that)
But holy shit it be nice to him with someone who is old fashioned as him. Drinking tea and gossiping, using terms like they are familiar with.
Maybe walking in the garden— even better, waltzing in the garden. Ok maybe it would be a little hard bc of his tail but like you guys don’t care
Main point: you guys do a lot of waltzing. Be it in the hotel lobby even everyone’s asleep. In a secret garden. In sir pentious’ ship even. But no matter the place, it always feels magical.
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Sir Pentious pushing you on the swing like how Kit did with Cinderella (in the 2015 remake). He would like to be pushed on the swing too.
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So many hand written letters. And it’s not short. It fill the pull page. Anyone else would’ve read it and would not understand a damn thing bc you guys wrote in cursive which all the more make it more special bc it’s like you guys have this secret language
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Lots of strolls. You guys would go out and stroll around and just talk about life. Be it each other’s day, some gossip, etc. I think sir pentious likes to talk about his inventions but I also think he likes very deep conversations.
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" Uh...How do I do this again..? "
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"Uh...Hi! I'm Ryunosuke Naruhodo, but you can call me Ryuno, Ryu, or...um...anything basically!..as long as it isn't mean.
I'm a defense attorney, and my duty is to free the falsely accused and seek the truth."
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OOC: welcome to my silly ryunosuke blog!!!!!
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Info about Ryuno:
he/him (subject to change if i feel like it)
timeline tbd, but asoryuu will be the main ship here as my partner has a kazuma blog!! @guy-with-a-red-headband
mod has not seen tgaa yet (sorry :c)!! i've seen like a couple minutes of the first trial but that's it! i've been spoiled a fair bit so i know some big plot points tho
i will be basing my knowledge off the wiki and the game as i play/watch it, but i can't guarantee a full in-character response (especially regarding other characters) D:
list of hcs are at the end!
this will be mainly an ask blog for now, but i might poke in the rp blog territory if i feel like it.
also yesss i knowww its late 19th century japan they didnt have tumblr let me dreammm
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Info about meeee:3
main account is @bitesizedgummie (i mainly post aa stuffs :p)
he/they but a bit more they heavy at the moment
I AM A MINOR!!!! this is different for others, but please don't direct NSFW towards me OR character blogs. >:(
call me pickle!! :3
non-weird interactions are always welcome, even with non-fandom characters!!
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Headcanons (actively working on any that are inaccurate due to mentioned canon info, pls lmk if there are any!)
transmasc!! (top surgery but no bottom surgery, don’t ask me how that works in their time period)
doesn’t like telling ppl he’s trans bc he’s usually met with transphobia
hasn’t told kazuma he’s trans bc of the thing listed above!
actively trying to try new food/cuisine
also actively trying to listen to new music!
tends to snort while laughing
scared of the dark, as well as thunder
VERY ticklish
sometimes (a lot of times) misses jokes
modern slang of any kind confuses the living shit out of him
he does archery as a hobby in his free time
can get thrown off track real easy if u try hard enough
tends to forget/mishear words in english
if u give him food he'll either scarf it down within 5 minutes or eat it over the span of an hour but if he likes it he will eat it just give him a minute
needs glasses but prefers either not to wear them or wears contacts instead (yes contacts were invented in their time period i checked) bc he always breaks them
tends to sing/hum to himself when listening to music? idk how that works considering their time period tho oops
has rlly bad stage fright, especially in front of a bunch of ppl he doesn’t know
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mildlybizarrecorvid · 1 month
Remember how I said I'd talk about the guy who looted the UFO in my Dialtone lore post?
Let's talk about Nathaniel Robot.
Born in the early 19th century to middle classed immigrants, Nathaniel initially led a fairly standard life. Then at the age of 8, they left him behind on a family trip and were so caught up in frontier shit they failed to notice and get him back for two years.
A born entrepreneur, Nathaniel made his first break into business running a way station and general store. He quickly changed his surname to Robot, a set of random letters he got by asking strangers for their favorite letter, from his birth name of Murderface, fearing the effects it may have on business.
Nathaniel made his initial fortune, however, with a different business. He made his journey west, as was fashionable at the time, and he noticed a few things rather obvious nowadays.
1: People are happy to work for you if you treat them well, especially if other places won't.
2: There were a lot of women and minorities who wanted to get into various fields, but were unable to because this was the 19th century.
With this knowledge, he set about founding a variety of businesses with the fundamental principle of hiring and treating people solely off of the quality of their work. As you can guess, he was also staunchly pro-union. Because this is my fun lil oc world and I'm god, this worked great for him.
After some years of success and significantly moving the cultural norms leftward, he moved to Alaska in hopes of high yield snow farming. While there, he discovered an alien space ship which had crashed some years prior. Like any right thinking American, he investigated alone without telling anyone. Some time later, he ran into the nearest town raving of devices 'beyond comprehension' and scheduled a demonstration. Once the day came, he showed off a computer he's fixed up, powered by a solar panel he'd pried off the ship.
After he threw money at someone smart to reverse engineer the technology, he'd essentially thrown technology ahead over a century, furthering his business. Despite this, he made many of the patents public with the logic that if someone added a brilliant extra, he could hire them, or give a grant. He was less a brilliant businessman than lucky, and the type who's willing to throw money at anything vaguely interesting.
While technology was able to extend Robot's life significantly, he eventually passed away in the mid 20th century. However, he went out with a bang, mere weeks after announcements of his company creating the first autonomous computer, dubbed a robot in his honor.
Robot's was also a life-long supporter of civil rights movements, known for bragging about his 'anonymous' donations to whichever groups looked most likely to make an effective difference. These actions by someone with an enormous influence (just look at Edison [fuck Edison], or Carnegie for people who could approximate his status) resulted in much of that world achieving the closest to full equality and equity you're going to get in the late 20th century. A known bisexual, Robot's suspected relationship with gay activist Steven Mandater would likely have resulted in scandal if not for the public perception of him being batshit insane anyway.
Examples of what caused that view were his claim that seagulls only don't talk for fear of paying taxes, his claim to have invented calculus before Newton, and the fact that before anyone told him of motion picture technology he withdrew into his rooms for a week before returning with a full script for what would to a person from our world be recognizable as the original Star Wars trilogy.
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cbk1000 · 3 months
I'm not opening the can of worms that is the Israel-Palestinian conflict on this site, which has some of the worst takes known to man, but one thing that does really concern me, as someone who is a history nerd and has stumbled across many, many examples of antisemitism in my reading, is that some of you do not seem to have any understanding whatsoever of how deep in the heart of human society antisemitism is. And to be clear: this post is not a comprehensive history of antisemitism; that's not my wheelhouse. It is also not a claim that anyone who is critical of the Israeli government is automatically antisemitic. But some of you seem to think that Hitler invented antisemitism, and then it just vanished when the Nazi regime was defeated, and modern Jewish people are being overdramatic? Hysterical? Attention-seeking?? for expressing concerns over the alarming creeping of casual antisemitism back into society.
I have read many books on the Holocaust, but I have never actually read a text that deals solely and comprehensively with the history of antisemitism. When I say I have 'stumbled across many, many examples of antisemitism in my reading' what I mean is not that I was reading about Jewish history, I was reading about the Middle Ages. Or the Victorian era. Or the Russian Empire, and the Jewish pogroms that were carried out there in the 19th century. What I mean is that, as an amateur historian, reading about the Plantagenet reign, and learning about the normal, everyday people who lived during it, going about their jobs and lives, I learnt that Jews were barred from many occupations and trades, for being Jewish. They were pushed into fringe occupations like tax collecting, which was viewed as a sort of necessary evil. Lending money for interest was viewed by the Church as a sin and forbidden for Christians, and so Jewish people did that too, for lack of many options. (Hence the stereotype of the greedy, money-grubbing Jew.) I did not seek this information out: it fell into my lap because it was a notable, prevalent part of the society I was reading about.
The Nazis did not start by slaughtering Jews; they started by isolating them, by turning public opinion against them, and restricting the ways in which they could participate in society. But this was not remotely new. For much of human history, Jewish people have been living in the very narrow margins of society. We hold ideas and stereotypes of them that have been filtered through centuries of antisemitic views held across multiple cultures. My MIL, who is genuinely one of the nicest people I know, and who, so far as I know, does not actively hold antisemitic views, once called her boss a 'money-pinching Jew' to Mr. Jenn because her Christmas 'bonus' was a ten-dollar gift card or something to that effect.
I am not Jewish; I do not talk about Jewish history or practices on my blog. And yet when going through some old, unanswered asks in my inbox, I came across one about Jewish people controlling the media. This is not an idea I have ever expressed on my blog. I can't recall ever even reblogging a post to refute the idea that Jews control the media. I don't think it is something that has ever been referenced, in any capacity, on my blog. And yet this person was not asking my opinion about it and not, I wager from the tone of the ask, even trying to rage bait: they were stating something they felt was a simple fact, to someone who they felt must hold the same view, because it's the reasonable one. 'Jews control the banks and the media' are persistent narratives because they are Bad. Bankers, historically, have done some pretty shit things to economies, that have harmed normal people; and the media is often used as a weapon of propaganda, to try and control what people think. Have Jewish people been involved in these occupations? Of course; in some cases because there was little else they could do. But the narrative of control, of monopoly, is intentionally attributed to Jewish people as a group because it is negative, and because it makes them appear far more powerful, and threatening, as a group, than they are. The Jewish population is estimated at 15.7 million people--that's for the entire world. That's about .02% of the global population. The world Christian population, for comparison, is estimated at about 2.38 billion. There are over one billion Muslims. Hinduism, which is mostly isolated to one single country (94% of Hindus, according to Professor Google, live in India), has 1.8 billion practitioners. These three religions alone make up almost half the world population. Jewish people, practicing or atheist, are a drop in the bucket of the world's society. They are, and always have been, a small people who have had a disproportionate amount of power and malice attributed to them.
In the States, we have white supremacists marching in the streets, and openly endorsing the presidential candidate of one of our two main parties. We have synagogues being defaced, and a general rise in overt antisemitism. Surveys in the States show that antisemitism, once lesser, and weaker, amongst young Americans, has reversed those trends, and now younger generations hold more antisemitic views than older generations. It is willful blindness to deny that this has nothing to do with the way this conflict is talked about by prominent figures in media, or across the echo chambers of the internet.
It is not wrong to support Palestine, or to condemn the actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli government. It is blind, ignorant, and dangerous to espouse the idea that antisemitic rhetoric is and will remain completely independent of this movement, and that bad actors will not take the opportunity to continue to more deeply entrench and legitimize antisemitic views. Did people neatly and rationally contextualize the actions of the Muslims responsible for 9/11, and blame solely them for that attack, or did many of them blame Muslims as a whole, and was there, consequently, a spike in anti-Muslim hate crimes in the wake of 9/11? You can look it up, but I can tell you the answer right now: people, as a group, are dumb, panicked beasts, and they're looking for someone to blame so they can feel more powerful in a world where they are mostly insignificant, and helpless. We can have a conversation, simultaneously, about the rights of Palestinians, and antisemitism. It is possible to acknowledge that this is a shitshow across the board, that innocents on both sides are, as they always are in armed conflict, disprortionately suffering; and that Jewish people have valid concerns about what they're seeing directed at their communities.
Jewish people are afraid because they have good reason to be. The Holocaust was not ancient history; there are still living survivors of it. But moreover, they are afraid because groups have a far longer memory than individuals, and the collective experience of Jews, as a people, is of being outsiders, for most of history, in most societies. There's a reason a Jewish state was created in Palestine in the first place, and it's not because things were going swell for Jews, and they were safe and happy where they were, and decided to just roll in and seize some territory for themselves.
This is a terrible, heartbreaking situation all around. Don't let your ignorance make it worse.
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neathyingenue · 7 months
i got to use my 1890s obsession for good today!! only one of my 4th graders was at school during my last lesson so we just read a few books he had, including one about the invention of the ferris wheel. that led him to ask about the chicago world's fair which i happen to know about because of kaz rowe's youtube video and also a poptropica game i played as a kid and also because it's the 1890s and of course i love that shit! so i basically just infodumped and he was actually interested? (this student usually is super checked out) then the great chicago fire came up so he asked about that and we talked about how the 'mrs. o'leary's cow' thing was anti-immigrant propaganda! never thought i'd ever use my 19th century weirdness in my k-4 literacy tutoring job but here we are and it made my day
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captainmera · 1 year
Well, I was reading about Victorian fashion and tuberculosis and arsenic came out, oh humanity.... and I remembered that you love the Victorian era and I said... we'll talk about your opinion, well if you want to
"Good taste is essentially a moral quality. What we like determines what we are." - John Ruskin. (19th century)
This quote comes to my mind whenever I think about the Victorian fashionista. It rings true for the late 19th century person as they were incredibly materialistic and fond of trends, not at all unlike what we do today.
The industrial revolution changed everything, and the people of the time (much like us now) were rushed through the sudden boon of technological advancement on and in every field.
Fashion, trends, were no different.
Tuberculosis, aside from being an actual illness, was also a popular stylish trend - The modern equivalent would be something similar to Heroin chic. It romanticised the meek and fragility of a sick (nearly dying) person.
There was something, apparently, utterly gothic and romantic about the threshold of death itself knocking on somebody's door. The escapism of imagining yourself being sickly, melodramatically fainting, by your side your lover doting at your every need was.... well, trendy.
There was a ton of short stories and full-on novellas that involved a character (side or main, or romantic interest) suffering with the ailment. Not just women! Sickly men was all the rage as well.
"The green death, a fashion to die for."
Scheele's green was invented by Carl Wilhelm Scheele who was a Swedish pharmaceutical chemist (Note that he was also German and did prefer to speak German over Swedish.) This colour was used in everything from wallpaper to children's toys, to clothes.
Long story short, the paint contains various poisons that does what poison does best: Kill you slowly.
Not only was it highly flammable, it was also a toxin that you could breathe in and get gradually sicker over time of exposure, as well as being potent enough by touch alone that you could get sick from handling it too much.
Children died for licking toys painted in the stuff, for some reason kids also licked the wallpapers(???). Parrots died in rooms where the wallpaper exposed them to the toxic air. This also contributed to the myth that going to the seaside and breathe in the "healthy salty winds" would make you better. Most likely, just holding your breath would do just as good.
Young women not only fainted from wearing the colour, they also caught very easily on fire. Which was already a risk for women, as matches lit very easily and the cringles of dresses often got caught by neglectfully standing by fireplaces. But this shit ignited when exposed too long to the sun or heat.
DESPITE that people caught on FAIRLY EARLY MIND YOU that this new fashionable green colour was HELLA DEADLY...... It was just too bitchin' cool to wear, that most trendy women and men lift their digit fingers and said "worth the risk" and subsequently suffered for the art of fashion.
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is it possible to orgasm just from your hands/fingers? every time i try it doesn’t feel like anything.. as if im trying to tickle myself. i don’t want to get a vibrator ‘cause im scared ill become reliant on it :( sometimes i feel bad cause people my age are making themselves finish. i think im broken. any tips will help.. thank u
hi anon,
in my heart of hearts I have to assume you already know the answer to the first question. humans have been jacking it for longer than we've even been humans, because even monkey brains know that touch genital feel good. there's evidence to suggest that human fetuses may begin touching their genitals for fun in utero, and tons of animals also masturbate - even these cute little guys!
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and you know his rodent ass doesn't have a vibrator.
all of which is to say that the urge to crank it is a powerful and ancient one, and I simply can't believe that you believe that nobody was actually managing to nut until the vibrator was invented in the late 19th century (although that was, admittedly, hardly the first sex toy; there are dildos that are thousands of years old that can attest to that). I suspect the question really bothering you here isn't whether a hands-only orgasm is possible (obviously yes), but whether there's something wrong with you for not having been able to achieve such a thing.
the answer to that is obviously no; I can happily confirm right off the bat that you're not broken on the basis of your sexual function because that's not how that works. there's no singular mode of human sexuality that's the "normal" one that people should be afraid to stray too far away from; what's "normal" varies from person to person, frequently from day to day. what matters isn't being like other people, it's ensuring that you feel safe and comfortable in your own specific relationship with sex.
it seems that you're not at the moment, because of this orgasm insecurity, so I want to talk about that. first off: if your hands aren't cutting it, why not get a vibrator? you say you're scared of becoming reliant on it, but what's the alternative? never coming ever? bullshit. my brain chemistry doesn't naturally balance itself out very well, so I'm reliant on lexapro to be a functional fucking person. that shit's great. being reliant on things that categorically and harmlessly improves your quality of life rules, everybody should do it.
listen, man. everyone has different sexual needs. for some people, it's the intensity and consistency that can only be provided by a battery-powered assistant. I cannot tell you how many people have come to me expressing despair that they can't finish with a partner without also using a sex toy, as if that's not a totally fine thing to need or want. just use a vibrator it's literally fine it does not matter. we're all living on a melting rock ruled by capitalism, just use a vibrator if you want to and if your partner has a problem with it find a better partner.
also. hey. look at me. listen to me. an orgasm does not need to be the single defining factor of whether you're having a good and healthy sexual experience. go read this. I know you're not orgasming when you masturbate, but are you, like, enjoying yourself? does it feel good? because that's really the only thing that matters, and I want you to keep that in mind no matter what you decide to do next in your sexual journey. the point is to have fun, not to reliably produce an orgasm like clockwork.
anyway. you're not broken. get a vibrator if you want; I recommend this one for beginners. stop comparing yourself to others and be kind to yourself.
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wizard-smut · 1 year
from the nonexistence beyond even entropy there sprang from nothingness a cosmos irradiated with magic, whose laws of physics were born with jellied bones, where the rubber of reality stretched with the slightest application of will. the kind of place where misadventures followed the strict moral guidance of 19th century children's fables.
A Shitty Place, by any measure
in one neglected corner of this vibrant universe there spun a planet full of sapient bipedal creatures whose primary concern centered on growing the biggest grasses imaginable. tall grass, wet grass, potato, they had it all.
then one day, one especially unpopular and bad-grass-growing hominid wandered into a weird cave in the side of Only-Bad-Dipshit-Live-Here Mountain.
unbeknownst to this hominid, whose name was Gug but was commonly referred to as Ugg (this is a cultural joke that doesn't translate directly) ten billion years prior a sentient shaft of rainbow light wasn't paying attention and slammed into mt onlybaddipshit, permanently trapping itself in a crystal geode.
well, let's just say Gug made a real Ugg of itself and decided to smash open the ominously glowing crystal wall at the back of a cave full of skeletons of Freaky Space Mammoths &c and other species unknown to Grass Hominids or anything else ever
so Ugg is bathed in scintillating hues, obviously, saturated with colors from out of space, primitive hominid brain awash in magickal powres, gates of perception blown open, yadda yadda yadda, cognizant of all space and time, angels dancing on the head of a pin, and he becomes a wizard
this is just what one DOES
but not JUST a wizard. oh ho ho no. an EVIL SPACE CAVEWIZARD. that is legally the worst kind, according to law. real kill on sight asshoeles.
so Gug, who immediately starts referring itself to Drakenhof Von Vilesmythe, flies out of the cave and starts going full Dresden on the grass hominids. he rains fire, casts lightning, rains snakes, most of his attacks were either weather or vermin-based, just really typical Ugg behavior.
he wipes out the grass hominid society in like, fifteen minutes. there were not a lot of them, and they generally lived under piles of trees, because they were so fixated on big grasses that they never invented architecture.
Drakenhof Von Vilesmythe went ahead and magicked himself up a real nice castle atop Mount Very Normal Crystals, and sat alone on his throne.
as all despots do, he got bored, and wandered into his workshop, where he went about inventing all kinds of new monsters and such. Dracowyverns, Fang Children, Flying Knives, white people, Sexy Elf's, basically the most foul line-up of villains the universe ever seen.
well the universe DID in fact seen, and responding to the laws &c of cosmic narrative functionality, rose up in protest of such evil, and created GOODMAN MCMANANUS, a powerfully Good Cavewizard, and lo they did battle.
they cast fireballs, firesnakes, thunderrats, fought each other in the rain on the side of a tower, took turns hurling each other off cliffs, just really made a day of it
anyway this fighting went on for Way Too Long. the minions and fell servitors got bored and eventually developed their own society independent of the wizard wars. it evolved to exactly feudal medieval european level, or at least what i imagine that was like.
sadly due to the world being a janked up mess after aeons and aeons of Wizard Combat, the heavy background magickal radiation ensured that a higher number than normal of these babies were born with the W-gene.
after getting their shit rocked and re-rocked immediately after unrocking itself, the creatures decided that the safest thing to do was build a giant school for the wizards to fuck around in and just let them do their own thing way over there.
and so, every day, when a denizen of Normalsville turned 18 and started developing Protagonist Thought, they would find their asses shipped off to....
oh also i forgot to mention that all the monsters and wizard servants and stuff, their genes all combined and mixed together and made creatures that look indistinguishable from modern humans. note to clarion workshop scouts, thats the kind of rich worldbuilding and social commentary you can expect to find here at tumblr dot com slash wizard smut.
ok thanks everyone have a good day and dont get diseases
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 months
I looked up why we call mixed drinks cocktails, because I had never thought about it before. My immediate assumption was just that they named them after fancy rooster tails, because they are taking liquour and making it fancy.
But Wikipedia says no. Apparently a "cock tail" is specifically a thing where a horse holds its tail straight up at the base, because, and yes I'm serious, you stick a hunk of ginger in its ass.
Because, children, before TV, inventive animal cruelty was apparently all most people had to entertain themselves. I mean, besides the violent racism.
...Why ginger? Wouldn't a horse do that with its tail if you put ANYTHING up its butt? Also, how long does this last, considering most horses take giant shits like every 20 minutes?
Who was the first weird guy who thought to stick ginger in a horse's butt, and why didn't anyone stop him? And why did he do it?
Everyone in the past was a small pervert who hated animals. ...Or loved animals, in a very gross way.
Either way, the reason we as a society decided to name mixed drinks after abused horse-ass is unclear, but might be because, in the early 19th century, they were pretending mixing whiskey with bitters counted as a stimulant. It was "medicinal," and "cleared your head" and "gave you energy," so you were as perky as a horse's tail is, if you jam ginger up its butt.
Because alcoholics arguing that getting wasted at 10 am is healthy and makes them better people dates back to the end of the first month someone invented beer. And it has never once been true. But they don't care. Because they're DRUNK.
Another possible etymology is cocktail being the corruption of "cock ale," a thing people did where they boiled a chicken in a vat of ale and then drank the ale. Again, as a stimulating medicine. Because sure. Boiled ale mixed with chicken broth was probably cleaner and tastier than most drinking water at the time. And not having dysentery gives you a workday edge over everyone who does, even if you're wasted. Go off, 1806.
...I bet the guy who put ginger in a horse's butt was drunk. Possibly on a mixed drink of whiskey, bitters, and chicken broth. Doing that feels like an idea you'd come up with as you're "avoiding dysentery" for breakfast.
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seeing you talk about russian literature is always so interesting to me because there’s not too much of it in polish schools. and i’m here like Damn what did i miss. maybe i shouldn’t have complained about mickiewicz
i did enjoy the few things they made us read, like crime and punishment or master and margarita.but hang in there for real o7
it’s like. the thing is it’s not even The Worst. it’s not downright unreadable and like i’m sure all of it is Classic(tm) for a reason and hell i even enjoyed reading some of it, like fathers and sons by turgenev. it’s just that when you’re forced to study the same 6 russian authors and over and over again it starts driving you MAD. like it is actually MADDENING. and after 11 years of studying a few 19th century russian novels you start to Get It: this shit is all the same. it’s literally allllll the fucking same u dont even gotta read it. Like i didn’t read crime and punishment OR war and peace (which is like THEEE russian novel) because i was too hyperfixated on my ocs to even Care About Checking Their Summaries. i didnt know anything. but u know what ? i just pulled things out of my ass and reached logical conclusions and literally just bullshitted my way through (They just let anyone graduate frfr) BECAUSE U KNOW WHAT? AFTER 11 YEARS ? U start to realize it’s alllllll the same fucking shit. it’s all the same shit no matter which russian novel u read. it’s always about how love good. OR NO ! love BAD. love HURTS and it KILLS. CHECK THIS OUT! CONVOLUTED LOVE TRIANGLE WHERE THE TWO MEN HAVE A STRANGELY CLOSE HOMOEROTIC RELATIONSHIP! no one is happy. Everyone is really depressed and wants to die. LOVE INTEREST ALERT! SHE IS EITHER GENUINELY 13 OR 18-20 BUT IS STILL DESCRIBED IN SUCH AN INFANTILIZING AND WEIRD WAY AND ACTS LIKE A GENUINE 13 YEAR OLD SO YOU WILL STILL FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE !! Love good tho. oh no sorry nvermind love makes everyone go insane and kill themselves. This character is on a perpetual downward spiral ! new generation GOOD. they have good ideas and they r smart and revolution good . Nvm i changed my mind new generation BAD because they care about NOTHING they invented NIHILISM and now don’t listen to adults. BAZINGA !!! ANOTHER CONVOLUTED ROMANCE WITH WEIRD UNDERTONES !!!!!!!! war bad. Did u know that ? war is bad. and scary. Unless we’re writing about how russia won LOL then war GOOD and SO EPIC !!!! AND THESE RUSSIAN DUDES WRECKED EVERYONE !!! but war bad ok ? promise u will remember war bad. Umm what else. oh! we’re killing ourselves again. ok. did u know the government is corrupt? did u? what if we wrote like 4037394 stories about just that . hold on what the FUCK this love interest is a ….. i cant even say it ……. p p p prostitute …..!!!!! MY GOD !!!!!!! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING !!!! SHE IS SO SICK AND IMPURE WE MUST KILL HER IMMEDIATELY. this character is steadily developing psychosis of some kind. Remember that new generation good unless they’re wrong then they’re bad. what’s the point of life ???? what’s the meaning ?????? let’s find out in this 500k word novel where the character falls in love wiyh a 13 year old and goes to war and then kills himself or something
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owlbelly · 29 days
okay now i'm mad that the horror movie i watched last night that was based entirely on western esoteric nonsense (A Dark Song, 2016) was so damn compelling & well-made
i mean other than the production design for the ceremonial shit, that was as hodge-podge & half-assed as any other movie occultism. lots of copy-pasted 16th-19th century manuscript stuff + random clearly-contemporary horror illustration with asemic scrawlings + totally unnecessary & out of context Chinese or Japanese characters (???)
(though that last bit is actually a thing i'm noticing now - in Hereditary the Solomonic-style book had its Hebrew replaced with Sanskrit of all things, presumably because Ari Aster is Jewish & felt more comfortable using somebody else's exoticized language? lmfao just pick another damn book Ari i promise nobody actually has to keep using the antisemitic demonology bullshit even if you swap things out to make it anti-Asian instead)
but other than that!! the two leads were great, the score was fantastic, the scares were actually scary, the demons when they finally showed up were really unique & then there was an angel i'm almost positive was played by a trans woman! i liked it
if instead of "real" (shitty!) occultism, the filmmakers had invented something original & paid someone good to design it, it would have been fucking excellent
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