#that light blue haori
ervans · 10 months
Care for You (Mizu x F!reader)
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warnings: mentions of blood, wounds, and violence, soft sex, fingering (r! receiving)
a/n: wow. it's been a minute since i've truly sat down and wrote something. i'm absolutely obsessed with BES and mizu, i haven't felt so passionate about something since TLOU. this is my adaptation of what seems to be the most cliche scenario in this fandom so far: reader finding an injured mizu. i'm a bit rusty when it comes to writing so any and all feedback is welcome and appreciated, follows and notes as well. i have more ideas for works surrounding mizu (including a brothel fic muahahaha) so keep your eyes peeled for my posts :))
The sound of your sandals shuffling against the ground and your heavy pants were the only noises that pierced the otherwise quiet night. The moon, stars, and faint glow of your home in the distance were your only source of light as you trekked up the hill where the soft orange hue was coming from. The walk up this specific hill usually caused you no trouble, having done it dozens of times; however, this time was a tad bit different. Why? The limp, unconscious body that was currently draped over your shoulder.
Earlier in the evening you had heard a commotion down at the lake below the hill your home rested on. It was normal for stragglers, crooks, and opium addicts to travel through this part of Japan and mixing those groups of people usually ended up in some sort of fight. You had paid no mind to the noise, continuing with your cleaning. It wasn’t until you realized you needed more water for your tea that you made your way down the hill. As you reached the shore and saw the mess in front of you your stomach lurched.
Four bodies laid lifeless in front of you on the sand. From what you could tell they all had various stab and slash wounds across their bodies. Fifteen feet away from the tattered bodies lay another smaller one clad in baggy black trousers and stockings, a dark blue haori, and white scarf around his neck with a brown straw hat, round glasses with an orange tinted lens, and a sword, the telltale sign of a samurai on the ground beside him.
 From where you stood you could see his chest still moving as he tried to shallowly breathe in oxygen from the air surrounding his struggling body. That brings you to where you are now, struggling up a damn hill trying to save this unknown samurai’s life. Was he responsible for the four bodies you had pushed into the lake? It didn’t matter to you; you weren’t one to judge in a world where it was kill or be killed.
You push the door to your house open and lay the injured stranger onto your mat near the fire. You start to boil water to disinfect whatever wounds he had and open a drawer to grab a needle and thread just in case stitches were needed. They very much were. You quickly realized the source of what seemed like never-ending blood on the top half of his body as you stripped the bloodstained clothing away. A gash about 4 inches long and deeper than you’d like it to be starting towards the base of his ribcage, skin around it starting to turn a yellowish color. It almost distracted you from the way the stranger was wearing chest wraps. Almost.
You frowned looking down at the shallow breathing of the samurai’s chest. Why would he need chest wraps? You thought, fingers brushing over the once white cloth now stained. Unless? You slowly started to undo the bindings, telling yourself you needed to anyways to properly clean the wound. As the cloth unraveled in your hands your small suspicion was confirmed. Two small breasts sat atop the chest of the slender samurai that laid before you, nipples hardening as they became exposed to the air. Your eyebrows raised, head tilting slightly to the side. A female samurai? How? Questions began to fill your mind as you started to clean the wound, gently washing it with the now hot water. It was unheard of for a woman to even touch a sword as it was said to make the blade impure. Where had this woman gotten her sword? Who did she get taught by? Clearly from the mess on the beach she knew her way around a fight.
You finished cleaning and stitching the larger wound and got to work on disinfecting the smaller cuts and scrapes on the upper half of her body. Once you were satisfied with your work, you began removing the woman’s trousers and stockings, revealing another deep gash running from the top of her knee down to her shin. Sighing you started the same process as her chest and prepared yourself for the unknown amount of time you would be caring for this mysterious female samurai.
It took three days for the samurai to fully regain her consciousness. In those days you had changed the dressings on her wounds, forced broth and water down her throat for some form of sustenance, and carefully studied her whenever you found the chance to. You noticed small things others would easily miss. The way her face seemed like it was always in a permanent frown, her subtly toned muscles from what had to be from years of training, how her calloused hands would twitch in her sleep, stress being the cause of it you had concluded after watching her for a good hour whilst you sipped on your tea, and how insanely handsome she was. Wait what? Handsome? That thought scared you so much that you had refused to watch her for the remainder of the evening besides checking her wounds thoroughly before you went to bed. But you couldn’t ignore those thoughts that plagued your head as your touch lingered for more time than it should’ve.
You were sat cross-legged waiting for your tea to steep when you heard a thud from behind you. Quickly turning around to find what the source of the noise was, you were met with the samurai staring back at you, blue eyes shining in the dimly lit space. And oh, were they blue. You had never seen or known something could be as piercingly blue as the eyes that met yours.
“Who are you? Where am I?” The samurai demanded in a gravelly voice that sent a shiver up your spine. You couldn’t bring yourself to answer right away, mouth slightly agape with shock at the stranger who had, just minutes ago, been passed out. “I asked you a question, now answer it.” She said sternly after a beat of silence between the two of you.
You blinked, raising an eyebrow and rising to your feet. “Well that’s no way to talk to someone who saved your life now is it?”
The woman, stern frown never leaving her features, quickly looked around the room taking in her surroundings. She then looked down at herself, usual blue haori missing and replaced with a softer red one. You hadn’t wanted to leave her bare in the middle of your home and opted to dress her in one of yours while you worked on scrubbing the stains out of hers.
You saw her tentatively try to move, and the flash of pain the appeared on her face for just a second didn’t go unnoticed by you. She pursed her lips and looked back up at you. “Thank you for stitching me up, but I would rather not stay a hostage here any longer. I have more important places to be.”
Your eyes widen and you scoff. “Hostage? Are you fucking serious? By all means you can leave, makes my life ten times easier if you do.” You were lying, you quite enjoyed caring for the handsome samurai, but you would never admit that to her. At least not now. “Good luck walking on that knee by the way, I’m sure it won’t be any trouble for you though.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against the wall as the blue-eyed woman looked you up and down once more before attempting to get up. After a few minutes she was standing, hand against the top of the fireplace to keep her from falling over. You could see her chest rising and falling quickly from the struggle of just standing. She looked back over at you, still leaning with your arms crossed. “Where are my belongings?”
“On the table to your right.” You responded, eyes never leaving hers. You watched her glance over to the table. It was about five feet away; it should’ve been no problem for her to walk over and grab her things. Should’ve. It took her almost ten minutes to reach the edge of the table, her injured leg making it difficult to have a full range of motion. She opted to shuffle inch by inch over to the edge. By the time she got there she was out of breath, looking down at her hands placed on the wood in front of her. You hadn’t moved at all, the only change being your expression shifting from annoyance to amusement as you watched the fit samurai struggle.
After a moment she let out a shaky breath. You saw her knuckles tighten as if she was having an internal battle with herself. “Can you help me back to the mat?” She asked so quietly you almost missed it. You pushed yourself off the wall and walked over to where she stood, taking notice in the way her legs were shaking from lack of use over the past three days. She refused to look at you as you placed her arm over your shoulders and helped guide her back to the mat on the floor. “Thank you.” She muttered.
You looked at her, worry spreading across your features. “Of course. I’m here for anything you need. Consider me your personal caretaker.” You joked. “Although, a good caretaker should know her patients name.” Your words hung in the air for a moment before she responded.
It had been three weeks since Mizu had introduced herself to you. She didn’t talk much about her personal life, which you respected, instead filling the silence between the two of you with your own stories from your childhood. In that time her leg wound had been healing considerably quick, mostly due to the bedrest you ordered her to stay on. The only time she was allowed to move her legs was when she needed to relieve herself or when you would do small stretches with her to keep her blood flow moving. After some time, she was able to get up and walk for short periods of time on her own. The only problem with her quick recovery in her leg was the fact that her chest wound had hardly any progress to it.
Since Mizu couldn’t walk for some time, she exerted all her energy to her upper half, much to your dismay. She would sit up on the mat doing stretches on her arms and shoulders, sometimes raising them so far up you were afraid a stitch was going to pop. It did.
Mizu had been practicing arm movements with her sword, stating that “If I want to achieve my goals, my skills must always be honed and sharp.” Bullshit you thought. She just wanted to aggravate you. How could you tell? The small smirk that would grace her lips whenever she went to pick up her sword, even after you told her it was dangerous, and she could hurt herself anymore. Alas, she was a stubborn woman and it’s how you ended up rushing inside from chopping wood after hearing a sharp yelp from inside your home.
She sat on her mat, one hand clutching the spot above her wound while the other reached for the needle and thread you always kept close by. Once you realized she was going to try to stitch herself back up you rushed over to snatch the needle from her hands and straddle her lap, careful of the wound on her knee. She looked startled for a moment before her whole face turned a deep shade of red once she realized the position you both were in. You had a faint blush as well as you plucked the thread from her hand as well.
“I’m not letting you stitch yourself. You’re going to make your injury worse.” You said looking down at her. She looked up at you with those damn blue eyes you could get lost in for ages, cheeks still red but an amused expression on her face.
“You don’t think I know how to stitch myself up?”
You laughed awkwardly. “Well, no. I just…you just…you just popped a stitch by doing something I told you not to do! How can I be sure you’ll do it correctly?!” Mizu laughed. A sound so beautiful you were sure it would play through your mind for months to come. “I guess you have a point. C’mon then doc, fix me up.” She smirked. You felt your face grow even hotter.
Still straddling her you pushed her robe off her shoulders revealing her chest wraps with blood from the reopened wound soaking through them. You gulped. To stitch her back up you’d have to remove her bindings. And this time she was awake. And would definitely take notice in the way your eyes would roam her chest. Sensing your hesitation, she smiled looking up at you. “What? It’s not like you haven’t seen them before, obviously you have, or I wouldn’t have stitches here.” She was teasing you, you realized. “Here I’ll make it easier for you.” Her hand reached around to begin to undo her wraps. You sat there dumbfounded as they fell to the floor and her breasts were exposed to you once again.
“You just gonna stare sweetheart or are you gonna patch me up?” Mizu’s teasing question broke you out of your trance as you swallowed thickly and got to work on restitching her wound. You felt her piercing gaze on you the entire time and did your best to try and ignore the warm feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Later that night after the excitement of the day you sat sipping on your tea while Mizu slept next to the fire. You couldn’t stop thinking about her. Those beautiful blue eyes, the way her lips turned up into a smirk whenever it seemed you were flustered, and the sound of her laugh plagued you. You hadn’t felt like this in a long time.
Suddenly Mizu woke with a gasp, shooting up from the mat. You turned to her startled as you took in her appearance. Eyes wide with fear, chest heaving up and down, and her hands gripping tightly onto her blanket. “Nightmare?” You asked softly as to not startle her even more than she was. She just nodded as she looked at you, eyes bright in the darkness.
You softly rose to your feet, padded over to where was sat up, and sat down next to her. Her eyes had never left your figure as you made your way to her. You looked down at the blanket, then back up to her asking a silent question.
Slowly she lifted the blanket up and laid back down, giving you room to scoot in next to her. You wrapped your arms around her and brought her closer to your chest in the most intimate position the both of you had ever been in. You had never slept as well as you did that night.
It had been four days since Mizu’s nightmare, and every night since then you two had slept together, arms wrapped around each other. The dynamic between you had changed drastically, lingering touches and glances to each other becoming a new normal.
Tonight was no different to the past few. You lay facing Mizu while her back was turned to the fire, tracing circles into her rough and calloused hands. The silence was comfortable, but you chose to break it in that moment.
“When do you think you’ll leave?” A flash of hurt ran across Mizu’s face.
“I can leave whenever you want me to, I think I’m healed enough by now. Would you like me to leave tomorrow?” Your heart clenched at the sadness in her voice. You didn’t want that at all.
“No,” you whispered. “I don’t want you to leave me. Ever.” Her eyes softened, moving closer to you she brushed her nose against yours.
“Then I won’t.”
Your lips met her soft ones in a searing kiss, one that knocked the air right out of your lungs. You let out at soft noise as she titled her head, running her tongue across your bottom lip to deepen the kiss and ask for permission to enter. You parted your mouth for her, tongues running against each other as she rolled on top of you, straddling your hips. Her fingers ran down your sides and under your top, tips of them brushing the underside of your breasts as you pushed your chest up into her, silently asking for more.
She pulled away from the kiss, a trail of spit the only thing keeping you connected, and smiled. “I’m going to need you to tell me you want more. Tell me you want it and I’ll stay.”
You moaned at her words. “Yes! Mizu please I want it, I need you.” She leaned down to kiss you once those words left your lips, fingers moving up to circle and pinch your hardened nipples. You let out a gasp into Mizu’s mouth at the sensation and she smiled into you, moving her head to trail kisses down your face to your neck, sucking a purple mark just below your ear.
You raised your arms over your head as she stripped you of your top, eyes lingering on your now bare breasts. “Beautiful.” Was all she said. You let out a whimper at her words. She kissed down your shoulders to your breasts and licked a long stripe up your nipple, the sensation causing you to moan and buck your hips up into hers. As she continued her assault on your breasts, her hand traveled lower down your stomach and slipped her hand into your trousers to run a finger through your slick folds.
You were a moaning, withering mess below her at this point. Between her mouth on your tits and her finger slowly brushing against your clit, you weren’t sure how much more you could take. “Please Mizu. I need you, please.” You begged, grinding your hips up into her hand hoping she got the message. She did. Slowly she pushed her middle finger into your wet heat, savoring the noise that left your lips as she did. Experimentally she curled her finger, finding that spongy spot at the front of your walls.
It wasn’t enough for you. “More, I need more.” You whimpered. Smiling against your breast, she pushed another finger in, thrusting at a quicker pace. You were close, she could tell by the way your pussy clenched around her digits. You just needed one last thing to push you over the edge. Removing her mouth from your nipple, she brought her forehead against yours admiring the way your mouth was slightly agape and the furrow between your brows.
“Open your eyes. You’re to look at me when you cum.”
At her words and her thumb suddenly circling your clit matching the pace at which she thrust, your eyes shot open meeting her icy blue ones, the last thread keeping you from falling snapping.
“‘m gonna cum Mizu, fuck m’ gonna fuckfuck-“ You were sent over the edge, cunt clenching and gushing around her fingers while your back arched off the mat, eyes never leaving hers as she guided and talked you through it.
As you caught your breath, chest heaving, she peppered soft kisses all over your face causing you to giggle breathlessly. She smiled down at you as you looked up at her still panting. “Give me a second, let me return the favor.” She leaned down capturing your lips once again as she removed her fingers from your core, wiping the slick on her pants and rolling to lay next to you. She pulled you into her chest and nuzzled her nose into your hair.
“You’ve taken care of me these last few weeks, let me take care of you. We have all the time in the world, I promise I’m not going anywhere.”
And Mizu always kept her promises.
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tohokuu · 1 year
jjk men zipping up your dress
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warnings : suggestive, light fluff, tension
a/n : something i did to my girl bestfriend the other day and it made me gay. also i didnt k is what to call this so… the name is misleading but 🧍🏽‍♀️
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“satoruuuu, can you please help me?” you whines prettily. gojo straightened up, looking at you away from the netflix tv show that kept him occupied.
“yeah. what’s up, baby?” he asked. you came closer, tiny little crop to sticking to your skin while the material of your jeans hugged your hips a little too tightly.
“i think i got them a size too small, baby. they won’t fit and i don’t wanna wear any other jeans with this top.”
gojo motioned you forward, leaning over to work his thin, long fingers around the buttons of your jeans.
these weren’t regular jeans. they were the ones with four buttons as a replacement for your zipper.
your panties peaked from underneath, if they could be even called that. you wore your thong out of your jeans today, showing off the cute dior imprint on the sides.
“toru, hurry up. i’m getting late!” you whined. gojo ignored your protest, squeezing your ass closer to him to make it fit inside your jeans.
“babe, if it wasn’t for your ass, this would’ve gone in perfectly ya know?” you rolled your eyes. fingers slowly trailing into his white hair, you tugged lightly while he worked four buttons through each hole.
you leaned back, getting annoyed at how long he was taking. you swung your hips side to side, a small habit when you felt bored.
but you were knocked out of your gaze when gojo pulled you roughly by the belt loop. you heard a thread snap and you looked down in shock.
his blue cerulean eyes stared up at you, blown wide open with lust and dominance.
“stop. moving.” he repeated.
you listened to him. not moving another inch as he pulled you closer using a finger hooked around a belt hoop.
“tojiiiii, can you get this for me?” you said as you went up to your boyfriend. you turned around, showing him the extremely backless dress you wore. he raised his eyebrow, smiling to himself.
“you goin’ somewhere, pretty?” he asked. you nodded your head.
“i’m going out with shoko and utahime.” you chirped.
“mmm, dressed like this? coulda thought you was out to fuck other guys.”
his comment left a sour taste in your mouth. pulling away, you looked at him sadly, lip a little wobbly because how could he think of you like that?
he smirked at your distressed expression.
“i’m only messin’ wit ya.” you crossed your arms over your chest, still mad.
but toji knew how to make it right. he grabbed each wrist, pulling your arms around his neck and lifting your chin up so you could look up at him.
“look at me, babygirl.” he spoke in his husky voice.
you looked up, eyebrows still furrowed.
“you’re so fuckin’ cute with that face, ya know that? thinkin’ that it’ll really make a difference at all.” he crooned.
“shut up, toji. it wasn’t funny.”
“i think it was, babydoll.” he leaned in to your neck, pressing soft kisses around the column of your neck, right below your ear. you found it difficult to not gasp, breathing a little heavier as you tried to push at his shoulders.
toji wrapped his hands around the silky thread that ran across the span of your back, tugging it tightly while pulling you against his chest.
you gasped.
“ ‘m not done yet, where you think you’re goin’?” the deep timbre of his voice made your thighs press together, trying to hold in a squeak.
you felt your dress stick to your body tighter and together until a small snap was heard and your dress was all good to go.
toji pulled away, raising an eyebrow at your now pushed up tits.
he flicked your forehead softly, walking away to go back to whatever he was doing.
“kuna, how do you do this??” you asked.
you walked up to him, almost tripping in the cloth that pooled around you.
he looked down from his throne, brows squinting as he saw your tiny form in a haori that was much too large for you.
he sighed..
“why are you wearing my haori, you bumbling fool?”
you tilted your head, looking down at the cloth that was wrapped around you, engulfing you in linens and silks.
“what?” you chittered.
“what exactly are you trying to achieve, brat?” his voice low and venomous.
“i just wanted to look pretty in a kimono.” you cried.
“well, that isn’t a kimono, for starters.” he sighed, watching your eyes tear up a little at the little mistake you had made.
within seconds, he appeared before you, a deep red kimono in hand.
his calloused hands pulled down his haori, exposing your shoulders to him. you blushed now, feeling more than exposed.
“k-kuna, what are you doing?” you asked.
“shut up. i’m aiding you.”
you kept quiet, fidgeting around a little until he raised his eyebrow at you, silently telling you to stop moving.
the haori was long gone and your body was naked and bare before him. he didn’t dare touch you slyly, though. his hands only grazed where needed and his eyes never left the fabric, not daring to look at anything he wasn’t supposed to.
his hands pulled the kimono taught around you, fixing it around your shoulders and then taking the obi to wrap around.
“life your arms.”
you did as told, lifting your arms and making a T-pose.
he worked the obi around you neatly, finishing off with a small brush to your side and a step back to admire his work.
“you look… presentable.” as he cringed.
you knew he just meant that you looked beautiful.
your roommate was the only available help you currently had. it was an awkward situation you got yourself stuck into.
“hey uhh, geto, can you please uhh zip this up?” you asked meekly.
he got up quickly, coming around so you could see each other in the mirror. you moved your hair to the side so it wouldn’t get stuck in the zipper.
he inhaled sharply, staring at the tramp stamp at the end of your back. it was cute, he thought.
he pulled your body back roughly, “sorry, my bad.” he wasn’t sorry.
you nodded, letting him carry on with the annoying zipper that just wouldn’t go up. his cold hands touched your back, making you arch away from him.
“sorry.” once again, he was not sorry in the slightest.
his heavy fingers played with the zipper a bit, trying to even it out so it could move up and down smoothly. a part of him could feel in his chest that you did this on purpose.
you probably wanted him to lay his plush lips along the juncture of your neck, kissing the skin and marring it with reminders of him.
but he pushed those thoughts away, reaching all the way down to where the waistband of your panties were, playing around with the zipper until it finally came up.
“mmm, there you go.” he said, but not before giving you a look through the mirror that made you regret not grabbing and kissing him.
you decided to head to the beach with your boyfriend today. you were tired and figured you needed a day off before getting back to work.
you packed your skimpiest bikini that left little to the imagination and left for a two hour beach drive.
things would’ve gone smoothly until the elastic on your swimsuit snapped.
you rushed across the sand, running to your boyfriend.
“choso, choso, my swimsuit snapped!” you whisper shouted.
he got to work quickly, putting a hand on your waist to pull your back against him. something about how rushed his actions were did something to you. a fire brewed in your belly as you thought that other people could see how close he was standing next to you, more than half naked while your tits almost flew out of your swimsuit.
“mm, maybe i’ll have gojo rent a private beach for us.” choso hummed behind you.
“why’s that?” you asked.
“so i can fuck you completely naked on the beach, obviously.”
your face turned red. “choso!” you shouted. he chuckled behind you, bending down to kiss at your neck. he bit the skin lightly, nipping just enough for you to let a small moan out.
“mmm, you’re not ashamed that others could hear, princess?” you shook your head, knowing he’d find it cute if you tried to lie.
“i should just untie this thing and fuck you right here.”
you were excited to wear a ball gown today. it was the first ball you were attending as kento had been invited and you were his date.
he purchased a beautiful white gown with golden accents. “for you.” he had left it on your bed with a note asking you to come down once you were done getting ready.
but if only it were that easy to wear a ball gown…
the top was a corset and you honestly had no idea how to even wear a corset. you whined as your arms got tired and you gave up trying to put this damn thing on.
there was a knock at your door.
“y/n, what’s going on?”
it was nanami. you felt a little hot. your boobs and your back was nearly out and he was the only one who could help with this current dilemma of yours.
you shook the thoughts from your head, reaching forward to open the door to let him in.
he gasped.
he spoke. you cringed, letting yourself curl inwards. “do i truly look that bad?” you asked.
nanami shook his head. “not in the slightest, but darling what’s going on with the back of the dress?”
you sighed, “i don’t know how to wear a corset.”
he chuckled, walking behind you and facing you in the mirror.
there was something intimate about this moment.
he used his front to push you straight against the dressing table, your mouth letting out a gasp. he pushed you down by the shoulder, acting calm and collected while your panties gained an extra layer of wetness.
you watched him in the mirror as he wrapped his hands over and over the bands of the corset until he finally pulled back really tight.
you felt the wind knock out of your legs, but you weren’t sure for which reason.
was it the lack of rooms your lungs had or how tight you were against nanami’s back?
he chuckled, tying the strings at the bottom of your waist, pulling away with just a gentle kiss on your temple like he wasn’t just in perfect position to fuck you.
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taglist form.
©️ tohokuu. do not steal or plagiarize.
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eevees-hobbies · 4 months
Watching Fireworks with Your Hashira Boyfriend
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Content Warning: Fluff. Reference to intimacy with Gyomei but nothing major. Also, gender neutral.
Contains: Obana Iguroi, Kyojuro Rengoku, Tengen Uzui, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima & Giyu Tomioka
Obanai Iguro
Isn’t this the spot…? You find yourself questioning your conversation with Obanai as you look around for any sign of the Serpeant Hashira. You’re standing on the only small hill that overlooks the Hashira Estates; you both agreed to meet at this exact location to get a better view of the fireworks.
Blue and yellow dual-colored eyes look down at you, amusement hidden by the bandages wrapped around the lower half of his face. “When will you stop falling for this trick?” Obanai’s smooth voice travels from above you, and your head snaps up.
Fuck, when WILL I stop falling for this trick? 
“I knew you were there along! But hey…I thought we were watching the fireworks together?” 
“This angle is far superior,” he responds cooly, his gaze never leaving you.
You huff and look at the ground. Guess we aren’t sitting next to each other for the show. Your sulking session is interrupted as the ground disappears beneath your feet, and your nose is unexpectedly pressed against his uniform. For an instant, you feel like you're floating until Obanai sits you carefully on the thick branch that originally housed only him. Your brief disappointment in not having his arms wrapped around you quickly dissipates as the first firework launches into the sky, illuminating his face a dazzling yellow.
“You’re right. This is the far superior angle,” you smile and take his hand into yours. 
Kyojuro Rengoku
Kyojuro Rengoku is a pure romantic, so it’s no surprise that he approaches you first about the fireworks show before it even crosses your mind. 
“Y/N! You must accompany me on a date to see the fireworks!”
You enthusiastically agreed, but when you offered to bring snacks to share and enjoy while you watched, Kyojuro insisted that you should not worry about planning anything.  
You wait patiently at the agreed-upon location, but Kyojuro is nowhere to be found. Ten minutes pass before you see him heaving two large baskets in your direction and a large blanket under his arm. “Sorry, I’m late! Turns out packing a basket with copious amounts of food is its own skill!” He drops both baskets at your feet with a loud thud.
“Kyo! A picnic. I’m flattered, but you could have asked for help.” Kyojuro spreads the blanket out before you both and carefully unloads the baskets' contents. He’s brought all your favorites—sweet, fried, salty—and even has warm drinks in small thermos containers.  
“I did not want you to worry about anything, my flame! Please sit.” He pats the space next to him; you lower yourself onto the blanket and lean your head on his shoulder. “I love you,” you whisper as a cool chill makes you shudder. Not missing a beat, Kyojuro whips his Haori from his shoulders and transfers it to your own.
“Kyo, you’re perfect, you know that?”
He blushes but smiles at you nonetheless, “I’ve never thought of myself as that, but it pleases me that you see me that way! Now, what should we eat first and might I be so bold to ask you if I can feed you?”
Tengen Uzui
What’s flashier than fireworks? Only the God of Festivals himself! Tengen is fucking stoked for the firework show and lets you know that it’s his tradition to watch them every year, and while none of his wives like to attend, he’d enjoy it if you watched with him! 
Unfortunately, a Kasugai crow arrives two days before the light show, instructing Tengen to head North in search of a demon that is hunting children in a small fishing village. Duty calls, but of course, it’s a significant blow to your intended plans.
Tengen leaves on his mission but only after telling you that you should watch the fireworks anyway. Who knows, depending on where he is, you both might be watching at the same time, and that’s kind of exciting, too, right? 
So, on the night of the fireworks show, you perch yourself on a small wall and look up at the sky, your mind wandering and wondering what Tengen is doing at that exact moment. You shiver, a sudden presence envelopes you and pulls you into an embrace from behind. 
“Hey, beautiful. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” 
Your body melts into his chest as the first fireworks fly into the night sky. You don’t have to look back to see the joy that overtakes his features—you can just feel it.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
Does Sanemi enjoy fireworks? Not especially. He thinks they’re too loud and hates it when the air gets polluted with so much smoke it makes his eyes burn. Those may seem like silly reasons, but there’s also a more relevant explanation for his disdain, which has to do with demons. At one point, he fought a demon that was using the cover of fireworks to devour villagers; the loud pops and smokey environment created the perfect storm. 
Regardless of those reasons, he’d never tell you that he hates fireworks, and as he glimpses over at you, the pure joy written all over your features as a firework whizzes into the air and explodes into blue-like gems that cascade downward from the sky. He thinks that, in some instances, fireworks may be okay. 
Sanemi pulls you into his lap and rests his face in the nape of your neck. “Nemi!” you protest, “you’re going to miss the show.”
“Naw, I’m good like this.” He snakes his arms around you and allows himself to exist—and relax—in this moment with you.
Gyomei Himejima
“That one was beautiful, Gyomei.”
“Describe it to me.”
You search for the right words to describe the light show in front of you—you always thought you were decent with words until you met Gyomei who made it a habit of asking you to describe things that had always felt painfully ordinary. It wasn’t until you started to describe the world around you with vibrancy and depth that you began to appreciate the beauty of the world around you. 
"Well, those lights, in particular, were a bright orange and crimson color and…you know how when we wake up in the morning, you can feel the sun touching your face as it peeks in through the window; how the rays feel gentle, warm, and exactly like what you need to start your day on a good note? That’s what those colors feel and look like, to me.”
You blush, hoping your descriptions are enough to paint a picture for him. Gyomei doesn’t need you to describe things to him, especially with his enhanced senses, but your honeyed voice never ceases to stir something in him, so he makes you narrate—a lot.
Gyomei hums approvingly, “thank you, my sweet girl. But I hate to admit that when I wake up every morning, I no longer associate the sun with warmth. For me, you and your presence embody every bit of warmth I feel.” 
“Gyomei,” your voice dripping with warning. “Keep talking like that, and we’ll be cutting this show short.”
Gyomei chuckles, knowing that you’re half teasing and half threatening him—and while usually, he’d never turn down a heated romp with his beloved—he’s enjoying being here with you in a rare moment of respite from his Hashira duties. He takes your hand into his, rubbing his thumb gently against your palm. “My apologies. I’ll contain myself for now. Please, don’t stop. Keep describing them to me.”
Giyu Tomioka
“This is a date?” He says in his deadpan voice. You suck in a large amount of air, getting ready to verbally admonish him for being such a smart ass, but the corners of Giyu’s mouth twitch upward, “kidding.”
“You’re not even as remotely funny as you think you are, Tomioka.” You turn back to the night sky, which is littered with explosions. You feel your cheeks growing hot and your temper flaring, frustrated at Giyu’s inability to take something so meaningful seriously.
“Ouch, my last name. Like I said, I was only kidding.” You refuse to relent, your arms crossed over your chest. Giyu sighs loudly, “look at me, Y/N. Of course, this is a date. I…I’ve been thinking about this since you asked me to come with you and that was weeks ago. I’ve never felt so nervous and excited at the same time before.”
You turn to Giyu, your eyes shining brightly at his openness and confession. " Do you mean it?”
“Yes, now be quiet; I’m trying to watch the show.” And before you can huff, he leans back and lays his head on your lap.
“Do that thing I like, Y/N.”
You pull the tie from his hair and rake your fingers through his dark blue tresses. 
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tofuxtea · 8 months
𝟗:𝟓𝟏 𝐚𝐦 | 𝐏 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 — mizu x fem!reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 — nsfw, oral (f!receiving duh lmao), sub!mizu, thigh riding/humping, reader eats mizu out and she is whiny af, dom-ish!reader, bottom!mizu, top!reader, inexperienced-ish!mizu again, idrk how to tag this ngl
𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 — 818 words. basically with this treasure i summon subby, whiny mizu while she gets eaten out !! not proofread lol
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i feel like she would be so squirmy when you’re peppering kisses on her neck and your fingers hastily worked at the tie of her worn blue haori. you would slip a few times and whisper for her to hold still, but she just fucking couldn’t.
not necessarily because she was naturally stubborn but because she’s just so sensitive. you could tell that she was still holding back though, her sharp gasps and tense groans getting caught in her throat.
“c’mon, let me hear you.” you murmured against her skin.
you gently peeled away her haori, the fabric pooling onto the ground underneath her. her sarashi followed, your hands coming up to toy with her hardened nipples. she gasped when you took one into your mouth, and her hand flew up to cup the nape of your neck.
her fingers laced into your hair, gently tugging with each strained moan she let out. “fu-fuck,” she hissed.
your stomach fluttered at the sound of her voice, quivering and cracking from how fucking aroused she was. you’d suddenly shift ever so slightly to straddle her thigh, mizu hardly noticing until you nudged your leg out from the break in your kimono and pressed your knee into her wet cunt.
you wish you’d seen her expression just melt at the feeling. her eyebrows tent upwards, her eyes clamp shut and her lips part in a broken moan. you felt her hips roll against your thigh, aching for friction.
your lips came off of her nipple with a gentle pop. “so needy.” you observed with a smug grin that mizu didn’t have the strength to roll her eyes at.
you pushed your knee into her in time with each fervent roll of her hips, watching her face twitch and listening to the gorgeous moans she was letting slip. it seemed so foreign, you almost questioned if it was really mizu you were looking at.
the stoic samurai who carried herself with such a hardened, masculine demeanor now fucking herself on your thigh.
“can i taste you?” the question rolled off of your tongue before you could fully grasp it yourself, and mizu caught your gaze with widened eyes. she searched yours almost to make sure you were serious and she hadn’t heard wrong. “please.” you begged her.
she nodded, shuddering as you pressed your lips to the valley between her breasts, trailing down to her toned stomach, then just below her navel. your eyes flickered up to hers, your eyelids low and your pupils blown wide, and mizu groaned.
you nestled between her thighs, gently running your fingers along her smooth skin. mizu whined when you began to kiss at her inner thigh, a wordless plea for you to stop teasing her.
really, you weren’t doing it intentionally. you wanted to take your time with her, see what made her tick and what made her scream.
with one hand, you began to circle her clit. mizu would instantly rut against your fingers, gasping and whining amidst pleas for more. “fuck, right there, right there.”
she was so vocal, you almost considered telling her to quiet down to avoid complaints. but just the sight of her body writhing and the look on her flushed face outweighed all of it.
she damn near came when you started lapping at her cunt, her thigh tensing against your hand. her cries went impossibly higher and you swore you saw a tear run down her cheek in the dim light as her eyes screwed shut.
her fingers messily carded through your hair, swiping strays that blocked her view of your face away. it was obscene, a sight that made mizu’s face burn with shame. the way your face shone with her slick, the way you panted and moaned against her pussy so fucking desperately.
mizu’s hips gently bucked against your tongue with frantic gasps. “don’t stop, please don’t stop — fuck!” she babbled over and over, tears now staining her glistening face.
you could tell she was close; her pussy spasming around your tongue and her thighs quivering in your grasp. her chest rose and fell in jagged breaths.
when she came on your tongue, her bright blue eyes would roll up and her lips would part in a high, breathy moan. her legs went tense and her body arched into you.
god, she looked so fucking gorgeous. you wanted to praise her and tell her how good she was for you, but her hand held you firm between her legs.
even after she came down from it all and her hand had moved itself to the ground to hold her upright, you stayed lapping at her cum. mizu whined at the overstimulation, but she wasn’t yet strong enough to push you away.
her hand swiped at her tear-streaked face when you finally came back up, a teasing grin on your face. “all that ‘n i didn’t even get to use my fingers.”
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lowkey ass but idc i needed to get this off my chest.
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greycaelum · 9 months
I have another question, sorry if I'm spamming 🫣 but I was wondering if Kouki has ever attended meetings with his parents as the heir to the Gojo family? And how are Reader, Kouki, and Saiki treated in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen as the wife and children of the "strongest" ?
Kaleidoscope Series—Clouds and Mochi Chapters: { Field Trip }
—Gojo Satoru X Wife Reader
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𑁍 Genre: traditional clans, politics, parenthood
𑁍 WC/CW/TW: (1.2k)—/timeline where Satoru managed to accomplish his goal of resetting the jujutsu society, remnants of traditionalist clan, politics, Y/n's role as the Madame of Gojo Clan, Kouki and Saika are candidates for being the next clan head—/
𑁍 A/N: will be catching up to the piled-up asks one by one~
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If someone told you a decade ago you will be seated in meetings of the Gosanke, meet and discuss matters with the prime minister regarding matters with the jujutsu society, or the one overseeing the Gojo Clan in Satoru's stead, you would laugh at them and tell them they got their heads in the clouds.
Yet perhaps, one cannot really talk with finality because fate seems to always like bending what seems to be impossible to possible.
After all what would they expect from a human with a not so significant amount of curse energy to manage the top family of the jujutsu clans? Much more to be the drive behind movements in the Gojo Clan, resulting in movement in the stagnant jujutsu society.
Many traditionalist clans spited Satoru for such "preposterous" action. While the minority saw it as progress. Either way, they have not much of a choice but to address you accordingly as the Madam of the Gojo Clan and treat you as the wife of Gojo Satoru.
"If you don't feel good, you can excuse yourself and go with Yuta Onii-chan. He's guarding outside." You held hands with an eight-year-old Kouki who is wearing his light blue traditional haori and hakama with the Gojo Clan crest whereas you wear a kurotomesode with five Gojo Clan crests signifying the formality of this meeting. "Whatever you hear in the meeting must stay in that room and will never be brought out, do you understand, sweetheart?"
"I will be fine. I will sit beside you and protect you, Mama." Kouki looked at you with a determined look on his face so much as if you were looking at Satoru.
"Really? Mama feels safe having you beside me today sweetheart." You gently pat his head and motion for your bodyguards to stand outside as you enter the meeting chambers of the Three Great Sorcerer Clans and the Higher-ups.
You walked in with a stolid greeting to everyone as you found your seat on the round table and Kouki sat one step behind you in an impeccable seiza form he perfected in his etiquette classes.
It seems no one has expected the young scion of the Gojo Clan today and didn't take long to point out your son's presence. The others greeted Kouki as he returned them politely, the others took some time to eye the son of Gojo Satoru before turning to you.
"This isn't a playground for kids to easily enter."
You glance at the vicious tone of a minor clan head, one of the few traditionalists who survived the crusade.
"He is eight years old, and done with his hakama-no-gi." You glance at your son wearing his kimono like any adult in this room, then back to the older man. "Borrowing my husband's words, it's a field trip."
"Gojo Y/n, this meeting is not for kids to attend. This regards confidential matters of the Jujutsu administration. What are you trying to do?" An elder man seconded the motion.
"Young as he is, my son is one of the candidates as heir to the Gojo Clan. He needs to learn. Unfortunately, my daughter is still young so she cannot attend yet." You smiled.
Kouki saw the disagreement and unsatisfied looks of the people around them.
This is probably why his father always looks haggard when talking about this formal stuff. Clenching his fists he kept his mouth shut and looked at the people around the table, imprinting their faces in the back of his head. If he wants to protect the people he loves, then he will need to do better than this. He needs to protect his Mama.
"Oh, Kouki. Are you here to accompany Y/n-san?" Maki, in her hakama and haori with the Zen'in Clan crest, entered the room and was surprised to see the kid sitting behind you.
"Maki-san, good morning." Kouki promptly nodded at his elder sister who sat beside his mother after ruffling his head.
"Y/n-san, good morning. The hamburger steak you sent yesterday was very delicious. Thank you." Maki smiled brightly at you and looked at the people around the table with narrowed eyes.
"The Daiginjo Sake you sent last week was so good too Maki-kun." You chuckled at the younger girl and whispered. "Satoru was knocked out with just one shot."
With the landscape of the Jujutsu clans extensively reformed from the succeeding wars and tragedies that rocked the society's long-term traditions and foundations, it has also been quite rocky but more open for change regarding the stigma and decisions the higher-ups must execute for more viable options regarding the non-sorcerers and sorcerers welfare.
You were focused in the meeting and had long discussions with the people present. Sooner or later you know Kouki will grow bored and you don't fault him if he wants to leave, after all, no matter how good a kid your eight-year-old son is, he is still a kid, too young to sit on seiza for hours straight.
"Kou-kun? Do you want some onigiri?" Yuta sneaked in a rice ball on the boy who sat straight with his hands on his thighs. "We can go out if you want."
"I will stay with Mama." Kouki couldn't fully understand what the elders were discussing but all he cares is that he can see you work and hold your ground in front of all these people so gracefully. You look so effortless as you handle the matters being thrown at you regardless of how heavy the topic is. You've always been a good communicator, unlike his Papa who can be very nonchalant.
An hour later the session took a break and everyone went out to get some fresh air.
"Sweetheart, your legs must hurt from all the sitting, let me see." You were surprised that Kouki managed to sit through the meeting without being fussy.
"Mama, when I grow up, I'll be like you." Kouki scrunched his nose when he felt how numb his legs had gotten from sitting like that. Your surprised eyes met his determined ones.
"Like me? You're gonna handle clan matters, Sweetheart?" You chuckled and took some snacks for Kouki and Yuta to eat.
"No... I'm gonna be calm and smart like you." He met your eyes. "And I'm gonna protect you."
"You don't wanna be like your Papa?" Satoru popped out of the corner, one hand tucked in the pockets of his slacks, the other carrying your four-year-old daughter with her glittery backpack and frilly yellow dress. "Don't you wanna be strong and handsome like Papa too, Kikufuku?"
Satoru walked by your side and set down Saika who immediately ran to hug you.
"Mama! I missed you."
"Satoru..." You hugged Saika but then sighed at your husband. "Why did you bring her here?"
Satoru shrugged, pulling up his blindfold, and exchanged it with his black glasses. From the slit of the glasses, he swept a sharp glance over the spectators who gathered on the corners since he came with his daughter. It was enough to turn them away. He's just making sure no one would bother you and his son and at the same time make a statement to anyone that would dare that he's watching over his family.
Satoru looks back at you and puts an arm around your waist. He glances down at his son who notices the people watching them as well. The boy certainly is observant more than what's expected of him. Good boy... He returned his eyes to you and just grinned.
"For field trip..."
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Hakama-no-gi: Five year old boys celebrate this. When wearing a kimono was commonplace, boys would start wearing the hakama and those boys from a samurai family would wear a haori (jacket) over the hakama. This signifies that the boys have started their journey into adulthood.
Check out the Masterlist for more
All rights and credits of the Jujutsu Kaisen character(s) mentioned images(s) and songs(s) used, belongs to their respective owner(s)
General/Kaleidoscope Series Taglist: @ice-icebaby @aeanya @gummy-dummy @tender-rosiey @lexiene @nevermoresworld @loml-riri @pelicanpizza @emichou-chan
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mizuseyebrows · 7 months
a love letter to mizu —mizu x f!reader
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warnings: if i did my writting well, you'll cry like i did lol. not proofread. fluff. mention of sake. she/her pronouns for mizu. crying, sobbing.
includes: (tipsy) sweet, devoting and loving fem!/afab! reader. sensitive, insecure mizu. word count: 3.8k
summary: things were about to heat up but you both ended up making love in a very different way.
a/n: I would definitely cry (I already do) while telling mizu how beautiful she is.
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This felt like heaven.
When you arrived at the room a little tipsy from the sake you had been drinking in the business below the hotel, you didn’t expect to end up with her like this.
She was wrapping her hands around your back, pulling you further against her. Her lips tasted sweet like the dangos you ate in the evening. The passion between you too was a bit aggressive despite your quiet body language. She kissed you more intensely, not pulling away for a while, while her tongue played with yours. You could feel her body start to loosen up as she relaxed.
Mizu held you against her body, her fingers making you sit above her more firmly. Her kisses kept up their vehemence not letting you get a breath as she devoured you. After you let out a soft moan, she placed her hand on the back of your head to press you further into the act of exploring your cavity.
You whimpered against her tongue at the exact moment her hands traveled under your yukata until they reached your buttocks, which she began to gently knead. You clutched your hands at the blue haori that she prized so much, beginning to feel the heat swirl between your legs.
When Mizu felt your thighs begin to squeeze her hips, she pulled away from the kiss with a seductive snap and a sly grin on her face. You didn't open your eyes, just slowly licked the remains of her saliva from your lips, which made your whole body tingle.
She chuckled quietly to herself, her blue eyes shining in the dim light. She placed her fingers against your cheek and caressed it softly, the sensation of her lips still lingering on your mind.
"You're too good for this, you know?" she said calmly, her breath a little heavy. She looked at you as if you were the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.
You languidly opened your eyes and stared at her, her eyes shining beautifully from the moonlight coming through the window. "Too good for what?" You asked with a giggly smile.
She laughed at you again, her blue eyes sparkling. For me, she said in a teasing tone, giving you a quick kiss before pulling away and leaning back slightly so you could clearly have a view of her face.
"I mean it, ya know, you're too sweet, too perfect, too... everything" she slurred, her left hand still caressing your cheek as she spoke. "I don't wanna ruin you"
"Why would you ruin me?" You rested your face on her palm, still looking at her with a sweet and serene expression.
She sighed, looking back at you in a calm manner as well. "I'm just not cut out to be what you deserve" she said, giving a smile that was part-sadness and part-contentment. "I'm too... flawed, too rough, too aggressive, too... me." she chuckled softly and shook her head. "I don't want to taint your innocence"
You moved your head slightly to give her a kiss on the center of her hand. "I don't care about any of that, you treat me well and make me feel... pretty." You chortled, blushing.
She laughed at you, her expression becoming soft as she felt the warmth of your lips on her hand, the feeling of it made her heart flutter in her chest.
"Just so you know, you ARE pretty..." she whispered, her hand rubbing your face softly again. Her fingers caressed the curve of your cheek, caressing it fondly. "You really are gorgeous, you know?"
You shook your head and wrinkled your nose, closing your eyes as a sugary giggle let out. "I'm not... I'm normal."
"Oh no" she smiled, as her knuckles came up to your chin and turned it up towards her eyes so that she could look into them once more. "You're not normal, honey..." she said, her voice a bit deeper now as she leaned in a bit. "No one else in this world is like you... no one else is as beautiful and precious to me as you..."
"You're just saying that to embarrass me..." You mumbled against her lips, pouting deeper, and nuzzled her cheek.
"Oh no I'm not..."
She breathed, letting go of your face before gently biting your neck just under the ear. It felt like a slight pinch, sending a shiver up your spine. "I'm being serious... you're the most precious thing in the world to me, darling... I would never say anything that I don't really feel..."
You whimpered at the twinge and tightened your  hands around her clothes again, tilting your head to the side. "You're gorgeous too, honey...”
She giggled at the reaction you gave, feeling her heart beat faster admiring how sensitive you were to her touch.
"You're so cute..." she whispered, giving you another bite on your neck with just enough pressure to feel it without being overly painful, though it still caused you to wince slightly. It felt like she was playing with you.
You lowered your head slightly, still some pitch sounds camping out of your mouth. "Your eyebrows and your eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen..." You gasped sincerely, placing a small kiss on her collarbone. “I hadn’t realized that blue could be such hot fire until I saw your eyes…”
Mizu blushed slightly at your comparison and was grateful to be in the crook of your neck to hide her nervousness. She even shivered a little bit.
"Oh honey, it's not only my eyebrows and eyes that you like..." she teased, placing her hands on your butt again and slowly slid it through her thighs. She could see you squirm a bit from her touch, which caused her to chuckle again in amusement.
"Your hands too, I love the tickling that your calluses give me and how long your fingers are... Gods, they make my whole body shake." You gasped loudly, remembering how good Mizu's palms felt running over your body made you want to let out a real moan.
She smirked at you, her fingers continuing their slow exploration down your body. She was taking as much time as she possibly could, enjoying the feel of you beneath her hands and seeing how easily you were flustered by the touch.
"And... my lips..." she whispered, her voice almost a tremble as she placed one finger on her own mouth, tracing the shape of her lips.
"Oh, your lips... Gods, your lips!" You threw your head back, letting out a loud moan.  
You clenched your fists to her haori tightly as you remembered the early kiss. "I love how wet they are after our kisses, how they fit perfectly with mine... Baby, your kisses can turn me on in seconds..."
Your eyes glazed over slightly, after opened them again, it was the alcohol that had you in this state—in addition to Mizu's attitude. Your emotions were a confusing jumble at that moment, were you horny or did you just appreciate your girlfriend?
"Baby, I want to cry just thinking about how much I adore you." You sobbed softly. Your eyes studied her face, lingering on each of her features. "The way your cheekbones stand out, the shape of your eyes, your lips, your naturally pink nose, your eyes... Damn, your eyes..."
Sake always turned you into a whiny drunk and you always ended up lamenting over anything that seemed cute or beautiful to you.
She was shocked by your sudden display of affection, she couldn’t even smile. She felt a bit flattered and embarrassed by your outburst, yet she was also touched by the fact that you had such strong feelings for her. She placed her hands softly on your cheeks and caressed them, her thumbs brushing to wipe away any tears that may have spilled over.
"H-Honey..." she stuttered breathily, looking into your eyes with affection and a bit of sadness. She squeezed you a bit tighter against her body, caressing the side of your face.
You sniffed and pressed your lips together in a line, slowly feeling your skin heat up from embarrassment. "Sorry, I think the sake went to my head." You tried to smile, shrinking against her.
"It's o-okay..." her voice is comforting and gentle as her body started to shiver lightly. “A-And you know what? I want…want to cry thinking about how much I l-love you as well" she whispered, her shattered breath brushing against your neck as she spoke.
Her own eyes also filled with tears after hearing you speak so lovingly about her face, her biggest insecurity. No one had ever expressed to her that she was beautiful in some way and to hear the person she loves the most say she wanted to cry just by the simple act of loving her, made her heart ache with devastating force. She didn't think she would end up weeping on the night she felt her desire for you burning the most. But there she was, trying to hide her sobbing.
She tried to remain composed and confident, but the violent spasms in her limbs were complicating everything. Maybe holding in what she felt was hurting her, but she was much more terrified that you would see her in that state.
You heard her try to hide herself and looked up with concern, pouting again. "My love, please don't cry..." You plead with a snivel caught in the lump of your throat, feeling your bottom lip tremble. "What's wrong?"
She couldn't help but be touched by the way you cared for her, being so concerned and loving about what she was doing. Even while she was sad, you found the strength to be worried about her feelings.
"It's nothing... I'm just..." she couldn't find the words for it, the feeling was too strong for her to simply say what it was. She wanted to cry because of how much this meant to her. The fact that you loved her this much touched her so deeply that she could never explain it to you in words.
"Everything's okay, yeah?" You straightened up in her lap and brought her face to your chest to stroke her hair. You cooed her with encouraging words, letting her release everything she was feeling. Even found yourself crying from seeing her being so vulnerable, but your tried to look serene for her.
She nuzzled into your chest, her breathing becoming more and more unstable as she started to sob more intensely. Seeing you so caring and trying to look strong for her while being so close to breaking down, also made her sad.
"It's just... No one has ever..." she tried to find the words to explain what was wrong. "No one has ever thought my eyes or my lips are pretty... Or that I'm lovable..."
You pouted again, feeling your heart break. How is it possible that your beloved was not considered a work of art for others? She is the perfect embodiment of the crisp February chill that welcomes spring.
"They are all losers who don't know how to appreciate you. You are beautiful everywhere, from your hair to your feet." You nodded firmly and gave her a kiss on the forehead.
She smiled at you, though it was just a small, weak one. Her tears were still flowing strong and her breathing was still heavy, despite you holding her lovingly and giving her comforting words.
"They all called me a monster..." she said with a shaky voice, her fingers still clinging on tightly to your yukata. Her voice broke as she continued speaking. "They-They all thought I was an abomination…and that I'd never deserve anyone... That I'd die alone because of my looks...."
"No, baby, no." You shook your head effusively, eyes filling with many more tears. Those words hurt you like they were stabbing you in the stomach. "You are not a monster, you are not an abomination. You deserve everything you want in life, yes? You deserve to be happy and live in peace, without insecurities or sadness."
Her eyes widened as you spoke such reassuring way, her heart beating rapidly as she clung to you, feeling every bit of relief that those words gave her.
She buried her head into your chest, her face becoming so warm, she felt safe and secure in your arms. She felt protected and sheltered, she felt loved and cared for. A feeling she thought she'd never have the chance to experience. The moment was incredibly intimate and she was feeling all the emotions of the moment as she let them all pour out.
"If I had the power, I would make all those people who hurt you disappear. It's not fair that they treated you so badly." You adoringly brushed her hair and massaged her scalp, while kissing her forehead and whispering how much you loved her against her skin.
Mizu let some more tears fall onto your chest, her hand now resting on your back. She could feel her heart ache at the same time that she felt the relief and love for your affectionate and lovely words.
"You're too sweet to me" she breathed in between her sobs, shakily as she let out more of her sadness. You could tell that this moment was much bigger than her and that she had been repressing these feelings for so long that it all came out now.
"You deserve nothing less."
You caressed her cheek and left a kiss between her eyes, feeling the salt of her tears on your lips. She leaned into you, her heart beating a bit faster from the affection you are giving her. She couldn't feel anything except the warmth of your touch and the love that you gave her.
All those other experiences that she had before you, all the people who had hurt her before you, she felt as if all of it was painfully fighting not to be erased from her mind. Your affection for her seemed to want to defeat them in that battle. This was a new feeling, this is a completely different type of love, one that she had never experienced before. You could tell she was trying really hard to calm down her sobbing.
"My precious Mizu does not deserve to have heard those ugly comments.”  You blubbered brokenly, the pain in your throat being too much to bear.
» "My precious Mizu deserves to be adored like a queen, to be treated well and be reminded how beautiful she is every day..." You rambled against her hair, brushing your fingers through her soft, dark strands. "My precious Mizu deserves all the love in the world, yes, she does..." Maybe you were a little gone from the distant effect of sake on you.
She was blushing now from your praiseful words, her cheeks turning a nice bright red color. A huge smile did not leave her face even though his eyes continued to wet her entire face.
"You're gonna make me cry again..." she whispered, trying to hold in her own sobs now, her breathing still shaky and her eyes shining like a pair of diamonds.
"No more crying, honey. Your eyes shouldn't cry." You caressed the temple of her head and kissed her forehead again. "You should always smile and laugh, that's why you have teeth and a mouth… Also to kiss me." You chuckled between sobs and nuzzled her hair.
She smiled at the comment you made, her face softening a bit from the affection you were giving her. The small kisses that you gave her made her feel comfortable and warm. She nodded her head up and down as smile again, her heart beating quickly, her breath still shaky.
"I promise I won't cry anymore" her eyebrows tightening slightly, trying to suppress her emotions. She looked at you and gave you a small kiss back, her lips feeling slightly dry from the amount of crying she just did.
"If you cry again, I want it to be with me so I can hug you and be with you during that moment, okay?" You gave her another peck on her lips and sighed as they felt a little salty from her tears. "You even look beautiful doing that."
"You'd really hug me if I were to start crying again?" she asked in an affectionate voice, her eyelids fluttering slightly as she tried to hold in the tears.
"I'll hug you anytime, I love hugging you." You rubbed your nose tip against hers. "Your nose and hands are always cold, but the rest of you is warm and comfortable."
"Do you like that my hands are always so cold?" she asked, biting her lip slightly while she spoke. She was starting to feel insecure again.
"The question would be: what I don’t like about you, Mizu?" You sighed and hugged her tighter. You were loving the fact that even though you were on her lap, she was the one who was being small.
She giggled at the answer you gave her, feeling pleased. She was kind of appreciating the feeling of being vulnerable with you and wanted to feel your kindness and tenderness even if it meant being small and defenseless like she was. That's what made her feel safe and loved in your embrace.
But suddenly, you started laughing out of nowhere, remembering what had happened before everything came to this, and then you buried your face in Mizu's hair. It smelled like the oils you used to wash it as an excuse to see her with her hair down.
She smiled when she felt your breath against the top of her head, and the warmth that your body irradiated against her made her feel protected.
She looked up at you with bright eyes and giggled. "What?" She asked surprised by the sudden change.
You shook your head against her hair and sighed. "Nothing, I just remembered that I moaned a while ago thinking about your lips... I'm so stupid." You giggled.
She blushed a bit at the reminder, and looked away embarrassed before speaking. She couldn't contain her own giggle, feeling a bit flustered and silly.
"You're not stupid" she whispered, looking back at you with her bright pink eyes. "Just, a bit of a tease" she joked lightly, giving you a kiss back.
"No, that's you." You responded with a pout and cupped her face to look into her eyes.
She chuckled.
"No, it's definitely you" she mumbled, trying to maintain her composure but failing as she started blushing even more.
"No, you." You touched her lips with your index finger and continued pouting.
She giggled softly, her pink tongue coming out and licking your finger before she continued speaking. Oh, your face just light up on fire.
"I can't compete with you. You're too good of a tease" she admitted teasingly.
"S-Shut up." You stuttered and hugged her tightly by the neck, hiding your face in her hair again.
She grinned. She could find your flushes to be extremely cute and it made her want to kiss you even more. "Stop being such a blushy mess!" she mumbled, her thumb stroking your neck softly.
"Yah! Stop it!" You clung closer to her and closed your eyes tightly, your cheeks had nothing to envy of a burning coal.
She loved every second of your timid demeanor.
"No, you're too cute" she said as she started stroking your back, enjoying the feeling of the fabric beneath her touch.
"I can play turning you into a blushing mess too." You came out of your hiding place and looked at her with a pout. You tapped her on the shoulder playfully. "Don't be mean to me."
That was indeed a cute look to see you pout like that, as if you were really hurt or offended by her teasing.
"Or what?" she raised an eyebrow, leaning a little bit as she tried to get a closer view of your face.
You made a sad face, teasing her, and played with your hands. "Are you going to be mean to me after all the nice things I said to you?"
She laughed happily and nodded her head, her smile spreading wider and wider.
"Yes, I am" she stated softly, her hands coming to your cheeks and stroking them lightly. "Because you're being too cute for me to resist. You're making it difficult for me to not have you blushing all over" she said playfully, she was indeed having a lot of fun.
She began to tickle you, marveling at hearing your immediate loud laughter. She took advantage of the fact that you were a bundle of chortles on top of her and threw you on the bed to continue playing with you. She began to nibble your cheeks lovingly and give you little kisses all over.
You laughed happily at her display of affection and tried to get away from her, but in reality you really enjoyed this playful and childish side of Mizu. You managed to stop her by taking her face in your hands and smiled affectionately at her from below. "I love you." You whispered, your breathing a little quickened.
She blinked her eyes when she heard, her heart beating rapidly once more.
"And I love you." she breathed back to you, her eyes shining and her smile lighting up your face. She leaned in for a kiss, wanting to express her feelings.
You kissed her back, hugging her neck, and pulled her closer. It was soft and slow, the passionate way in which your tongues touched each other was not with ulterior motives but with the complete willingness to show what you felt for each other.
She enjoyed this immensely, her lips tenderly pressing against yours and her tongue meeting yours and intertwining with one another. She felt the devotion behind it and knew that you wanted nothing but to express your love and affection towards her.
You tangled your hands in her hair, with your head tilted to the side to feel her better. Although you didn't expect to achieve anything more with her, you couldn't help but feel the desire to merge together to never let her go. You didn’t want her to be alone or feel alone again, you didn't want those bad comments to keep running through her head. You wanted her to feel safe with you and be able to trust you to be there and hold her when she needed it most.
She adore the sensation of your hand running through her hair, it made her feel sighed against your lips. She enjoyed every minute of it, enjoying the feeling of your body pressed against hers, enjoying the warmth behind your affection.
You were definitely making her feel safe and she trusted you, a feeling that was very important for someone like her who had been alone and isolated for so long because of the real monsters in her past life.
This totally felt like heaven.
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thank you so much for your support guys, I already hit 100 followers!!!! THIS IS A GIFT FOR YOU ❤️❤️❤️
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tanishark · 3 months
𝐴 𝐷𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛:
𝑻𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒂 𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒅𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒊'𝒔 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒖𝒛 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏.
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Tanisha Chōdhori (長泥 - 谷西砂, Chōdhori Tanisha) is a Human that is a Fullbringer with Shinigami powers, she is the former warden of the central great underground prison, notably the warden of Muken and the former 5th seat of the First Division Of the Gotei 13 under Captain- Commander Shunsui Kyōraku. She is the current Saikyō No Josei and 22nd head of the Chōdhori Clan. Tanisha is also the Chairwoman and former Vice-Chairwoman of the Saisei no Mori Medical Institution which was founded by her father, Raiten Chōdhori. She is also a doctor and a neurosurgeon. Tanisha is married to Sōsuke Aizen and they have three children named Kai Aizen, Aria Aizen and Silvie Aizen.
Slender and abundantly endowed, Tanisha possesses a complexion of light hue coupled with onyx orbs. Approximately fifteen years antecedent to Aizen's emancipation, she habitually dons the conventional shihakushō attire. Adorning her locks with a black headband, Tanisha arranges her jet-black hair that had dark blue layers into a slightly disheveled bun, secured by the sealed state of Kurisutaru no hōyō, manifesting as a resplendent amalgamation of blue and amethyst crystalline water lily ornament. Her attire is further accentuated by diminutive boots and ebony arm bracers.Three years antecedent to Aizen's liberation, during her tenure as an officer, Tanisha adopts a sleeveless variation of the shihakushō attire, augmented by a lengthy iteration of a scarlet haori, bedecked with the emblem of Mizuhanakagami, symbolizing the water lily emblematic of the Chōdhori lineage.
Subsequent to Aizen's liberation from the depths of Muken, Tanisha's luxuriant ebony tresses cascade freely, framed by curtain bangs framing her visage. While retaining the shihakushō garb, she accessorizes with a chain-bound belt, clasping the Muken Jūkyū no Kagi about her slender waist, complemented by thigh-high obsidian boots.One year post-Aizen's emancipation, Tanisha opts for a light azure blazer accompanied by coordinated trousers, occasionally donning her physician's coat during her sojourns within the human realm. Within the confines of her abode, she favors a resplendent silver robe, securing her tresses in a casual ponytail, occasionally embellished with sapphire droplet earrings, likely bestowed by Aizen himself.
Tanisha is blunt as she can come off as stoic or robotic-like at times because she has the idea not many like her personality because of what she went through in her childhood, being silenced and scolded at. Criticism from those around her affected Tanisha deeply, having developed a mental detachment and mental exhaustion early on. Due to her early indifference to the emotions of others, she was quick to judge others and to think of ways she can bend situations to her advantages. Tanisha looks down upon anyone who's weak or someone she thinks of a rival, such as Sui-feng, whom she feels is inferior to her.
Tanisha was originally an extraverted, bold and ambitious personality and got along with almost anyone in the ranks of soul society or in the human realm. In her early days, she'd create conflicts and drama about the Gotei 13, which earned her some -what of a bad reputation and exasperation from Nanao Ise and many of the captains. Tanisha felt pressure to change from the Gotei 13, already having been berated for coming from the Chōdhori clan that has an infamous history of sabotaging the Shiba clan. This led to Tanisha shutting everyone off, therefore developing her mental detachment. However, she started reverting to her previous personality when meeting Sōsuke Aizen who lifted her condition through his influence.Like most other shinigami women, she is a member of the shinigami women's association. She's infatuated with Aizen and her loyalty to him is unwavering, she grew up hearing stories from her father of Aizen's manipulations and defection from the soul society, Tanisha grew up believing him to be a legend which drove her to her later ambitions.As Kyoraku's pupil and then his 5th seat, Tanisha treasured their time together. Kyoraku taught Tanisha many of her abilities she's most proficient in now, such as her mastery and knowledge over Kidō and all the spells in existence. However, Tanisha felt what she and Kyoraku had was nothing to what she could have with Aizen, thus freeing him when she was appointed the warden.
Tanisha Chōdhori was born on November 3rd, 1998 as the daughter of Chairman Raiten Chōdhori and Journalist Shuhua Chōdhori in Kagamino City. Her brother Daisuke Chōdhori was born four years after her. Tanisha and Daisuke grew up in their family's Hidden Estate in their early years. Without notice, Tanisha would regularly visit her father's workplace, the Saisei no Mori Medical Institution which was situated on the outskirts of the city, approximately 10 miles away from the Hidden Estate. Since the Saisei no Mori Medical Institution is actually a refuge and clinic for exiled Shinigami to heal, Tanisha was exposed to spiritual power from the age of four, this led to her father coming clean about her background and heritage.
Her father would also teach her stories about the Soul Society. At the age of five, Tanisha and her family had moved to Karakura Town as Raiten believed this was a good move to expose Tanisha further to her heritage and where she can learn more about Spiritual Energy. Through her childhood and training with her father, Tanisha mastered Reiatsu control. Tanisha had fully developed her Fullbring ability, Shitai Asobi and was already developing her Shinku No Chinura Reta Ami and Midori No Kurisutaru Fukusen techniques as well.
After completing her education at the Mashiba J.H School, she also had enrolled in Karakura High School and took an internship in the Karakura Hospital under Ryūken Ishida as she aspired to be a doctor from a young age. Tanisha also had unlocked her Shinigami powers when Daisuke was attacked by a hollow, she manages to defeat the hollow and saved her brother with the assistance of her Zanpakuto spirit, Kurisutaru no hōyō.Around this time, a researcher of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute took interest in Tanisha's crystalline based abilities that were unfamiliar to the shinigami, the member of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute had experimented with Tanisha's DNA and remnants of hollowfication, creating a hollowfied and replicated clone of Tanisha who Tanisha herself had to beat by achieving her bankai, Kesshō Korosu Hakai as the clone shared merely the same shikai abilities as her, but not her bankai.
After this battle, Tanisha was taken under Captain - Commander Shunsui Kyoraku's wings as he saw her potential and she studied under him temporarily for twelve years until the age of twenty-seven. Tanisha had also been a subject of skepticism for her powerful yet innovative inventions in Soul Society.Tanisha eventually became the 5th seated officer for three years and a Kidō instructor at the Shin'ō Academy. Tanisha was bestowed the title, "Saikyō no josei," due to her unparalleled power and strength. She had also completed her medical studies and became a surgeon specializing in Neurology. Tanisha moved back to Kagamino City and started residing in the Hidden Estate once more, though alone as her parents and brother remain traveling the world. Tanisha also became responsible for managing the Saisei no Mori Medical Institution, initially as a Vice-Chairwoman and eventually as the Chairwoman in her father's absence as the Chairman.
TCACLOM Novel Plot:
Three years after Tanisha is discharged from her position of the 5th seat of the 1st division, she is appointed the warden of the Central Great Underground Prison, particularly the lowest level of the prison, Muken. Shunsui Kyoraku gives her authorization to the nineteen keys, the same keys capable of undoing Aizen's seals and straps placed on him. Initially, Tanisha felt excitement and a tinge of guilt for planning to betray Kyoraku, but nevertheless, she goes on with her plans.
The time Aizen and Tanisha first meet, Aizen is curious as to why he suddenly has gained a warden. Tanisha reassures him that the central 46 had passed a judgement to keep Muken secure, and they had chosen her as the warden through Kyoraku's suggestion.
However, Aizen, ever keenly observant, could tell Tanisha had a secret grand plan. Aizen is guarded against by Tanisha for an unexpected extent of 15 days. Those days, Tanisha would closely guard Aizen and question him about his fate, his plans, and his goals all while she is managing and overseeing correctional facilities; administering policies and procedures; directing security, housing, and facility operations; and supervising the central great underground prison to see if he aligns with the idea she had of him since she was a child, learning his manipulations and power over the Gotei 13.
On the fifteenth day, Tanisha snook into Aizen's cell, claiming she will free him and that he will achieve his redemption, as she firmly states no being like him should be pulled down to such a lowly place. Tanisha mused to Aizen how she'd give him a life hidden from the soul society, but on one condition; he must escape and elope with her. Aizen is taken aback before he regained his composure, agreeing to the deal they had sealed. Tanisha undid the nineteen keyholes on the ground with her nineteen keys, which she then bent and destroyed with her immense spiritual pressure.
Whilst leading Aizen out of the central great underground prison, they encounter Kyoraku and Shinji and they have a confrontation and fight. However, Aizen and Tanisha had the upper hand and won. Tanisha and Aizen make their escape and elope to the hidden estate, her later taking Aizen's name.Months later, during the births of Aizen and Tanisha's children, the newfound and inherited ability named, "Saimin Saikuru," (Hypnosis Cycle) was established within the Aizen family. This is due to Aizen being fused with his own zanpakuto, Kyoka Suigetsu. His children, Kai, Aria, and Silvie had all inherited the essence of Kyoka Suigetsu, thus inherited the Complete Hypnosis, "Kanzen Saimin" technique that Aizen's so well known for.
Chūsei Bakuhatsu (中世爆発, Neutrality Blast): This spell engulfs the opponent into a massive column of reiatsu in zero gravity, anyone who gets engulfed will be electrocuted and their energy is stolen.
Mon No Gādian (モンノーガーディアン. The Guardian's Gate): Tanisha had created Mon No Gādian from Bakudo-inspired barriers to design a barrier that is completely under her control to protect The Hidden Estate from infiltration.
Gyaku No Kanzen Saimin (逆催眠, Reversal Of Complete Hypnosis): This technique is basically a contra to aizen's shikai, so aizen's shikai doesn't work on Tanisha at all. Tanisha developed this technique as a way of stating her decision to free Aizen was her own, not through Aizen's hypnosis.
Kesshō No Hahen (結晶の破片, Crystalline Shards): Tanisha wears her Kesshō No Hahen up in her voluminous sleeves as backup. These shards are sharper and cut deeper than knives, they inflict major wounds at opponents with a mere strike.
Gomakashi Reiryoku (ごまかし霊力, Spiritual Power Subterfuge): This technique is capable of manipulating the Reiryoku within other souls, Tanisha is able to completely shut off the Reiryoku of her opponent so her opponent would not be able to power their attacks. Tanisha is also capable of inserting or extracting Reiryoku within a soul's body. However, Tanisha is only capable of manipulating the Reiryoku of a single opponent, meaning she can't use this technique on multiple opponents.
Modified Human Shell Gigai: Tanisha modified Kisuke Urahara's Gigai by adjusting the Gigai to include sensor blockers through an embedded Reiryoku matrix, meaning the Gigai now has a complex network of Reiryoku channels embedded within its synthetic flesh. These channels would be attuned to the Shinigami's specific spiritual signature and continuously reinforce their powers, making it difficult for the Gigai to deactivate the Shinigami's powers. This ensures the Shinigami in question would have no risk of losing their powers.
Muken Jūkyū no Kagi (無間十九の鍵, Nineteen keys of Muken): The Nineteen keys of Muken used to be hung from Tanisha's chained belt, the keys were evenly distributed along the belt, each hanging independently. The belt has a secure clasp mechanism, ensuring that the keys remained in place while allowing Tanisha easy access when needed.
Powers & Abilities:
Master Swordsman: Tanisha is master of swordsmanship, possessing flawless skills while being able to perform lethal attacks.Whip Expert: Tanisha's blade undergoes a shift into the form of a long whip that Tanisha can use for long range attacks. The whip is infused with an unfamiliar energy that is capable of exterminating attacks.
Whip Expert: Tanisha's blade undergoes a shift into the form of a long whip that Tanisha can use for long range attacks. The whip is infused with an unfamiliar energy that is capable of exterminating attacks.
Kidō Master: Tanisha has incredible skill and power in Kidō. She can cast several high-level spells in quick succession and has immense intellect in the art of kidō, having mastered all spells including Hado, Bakudo, and Kaido through her training with kyoraku, however having not yet mastered Hado 90 Kurohitsugi or Hado 99 Goryūtenmetsu. Tanisha became a common practitioner of Hado 78 Zangerin which she had adopted from Kyoraku. Tanisha taught her self-made spells, Chusei and Chusei Bakuhatsu to Sosuke Aizen. Sosuke Aizen had taught Tanisha Kurohitsugi and Goryūtenmetsu, thus establishing her reputation as the master of the kidō arts, having learned every spell in existence.
Hadō (破道, Way of Destruction): Tanisha is highly proficient in Hadō, having mastered spells graded on a scale of 1 to 99.
Gisei Hadō (犠牲破道, Sacrificial Way of Destruction): Having mastered forbidden spells such Ittō Kasō, Tanisha can sacrifice a certain portion of herself order to use it.
Kaidō (回道, Turn Way): Tanisha is proficient in restoring reiatsu in the patient's body, and she is capable of healing efficiently.Bakudō (縛道, Way of Binding): Tanisha excellent in the category of defensive spells which block/repel attacks.
Barriers (結界, Kekkai): Tanisha has shown efficiency in focusing her spiritual Energy formed into a solid form of energy as a barrier. She demonstrated this ability when she had created Mon No Gādian as a barrier for protection against the outside world.Seals (封, Fū): Tanisha is proficient in her sealing as her seals are usually unbreakable.
Hanki (反鬼, Reverse Demon): This technique is used by Tanisha in most her battles. It nullifies an opponent's Kidō by hitting it with a Kidō of perfectly opposite speed and energy. The technique can neutralize an opponent's movements.
Kidō Creation: Being well-versed in the branches of Kidō arts and knowing every single spell ranging from the scale of 1 to 99, Tanisha can create her own Kidō creations. She demonstrates this by creating original spells such as Chūsei Bakuhatsu, Mon Nō Gådian, and Gyaku Nō Kanzen Saimin.
Genius Intellect: One of Tanisha's prominent traits is her tremendous intellect. She is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of Soul Society, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, she is well-versed in the abilities and powers of her fellow allies and adversaries alike, knowing their hidden moves as she has memorized the information about their records, hidden strengths, and weaknesses through years of investigation since she was a mere child.
Master Strategist & Tactician: Tanisha is a highly perceptive fighter, almost immediately determining an opponent's attack patterns and weaknesses. She is a crafty tactician and an strategize on the spot.
Immense Spiritual Power:: She can exert tremendous levels of Spiritual Pressure that can be felt from a great distance, and it has the tendency to make people perspire in fear Her reiatsu is distinctly silver.
Shunpo Master: Tanisha's shunpo is extremely fast, as she and Sosuke Aizen were able to evade from Captain Shinji Hirako and Captain Commander, Kyoraku Shunsui during their confrontation after tanisha freed aizen from muken right away. Tanisha and Aizen managed to escape faraway estate hideout in the human realm due to Tanisha's shunpo matching the agility of Aizen himself.
Hakuda Master: Tanisha can take on average armed opponents or those that are many times bigger than her size, she can dismantle her opponents weapons and grab them with a mere finger.
Hiraizumi (平泉, Level Fountain): Hiraizumi is the hakuda technique the Chōdhori clan specializes in, the term evokes the calmness and stability within during the intense combat. Hiraizumi enables members of the Chōdhori clan to swiftly incapacitate opponents with pinpoint accuracy, exploiting their vulnerabilities with surgical precision in a calm state of mind and soul. Tanisha, as a Chōdhori, is able to perform this technique.
Immortality: Once Seishin no Eikyū is activated, Tanisha becomes effectively immortal. Her soul and life force are perpetually sustained by the crystalline energy within her, preventing natural aging and rendering her immune to death by conventional means. Even if her physical body is destroyed, her soul can regenerate a new body from the crystalline essence, ensuring her continuous existence.
Shitai Asobi (死体遊び, Corpse Play): Tanisha's Fullbring grants her the extraordinary ability to manipulate and utilize any form of a body as an object within matter, she does this by utilizing either her or her opponent's bodies as the object on the receiving end. With a profound connection to the essence of life and decay, Tanisha can harness this power for nurturing, healing, or controlled decay—a practice that extends to both regeneration and reverse regeneration through crystallization.
Shinku No Chinura Reta Ami (深紅の血塗られた網, Crimson Bloodied Net): Tanisha injects crimson crystalline energy into her bloodstream, allowing it to intertwine with her blood. Subsequently, when her opponent inflicts injury upon her, causing her to bleed, the mingled crimson energy within her blood reacts upon contact with the opponent, transforming the spilled blood into a blood net that ensnares and induces decay upon the trapped target, effecting a reverse regeneration process.
Midori No Kurisutaru Fukusen (翠のクリスタル輸液, Emerald Crystal Infusion): By harnessing the crimson crystalline energy within her body, Tanisha is capable of transmuting it into vibrant green waves of crystalline energy. These waves flow through her body, serving to heal and regenerate her injuries, ensuring her swift recovery during combat situations.
Seishin no Eikyū (精神の永久, Eternity of the Spirit): After marrying Aizen and having a family, Tanisha was driven by a need to achieve Immortality to forever live with her husband and children, therefore, she developed this technique. Seishin no Eikyū, allows her to achieve true immortality by binding her essence to the crystalline energy within her body. This process involves the fusion of her soul with her crystalline powers, creating a self-sustaining cycle of life and regeneration.
Kurisutaru no hōyō (クリスタルの抱擁, Crystal Hug): Kurisutaru no hōyō is usually depicted as a katana. Kurisutaru no Hōyō, in its sealed state, takes the form of a blue and amethyst crystalline water lily hairpin on Tanisha's hair, the stem is gold with embedded diamonds and carvings of crescent moons. In it's unsealed state, the blade takes the form of a Katana, the blade itself is a pristine crystalline structure, giving off a faint, ethereal glow. The hilt is wrapped in a luxurious deep green leather wrap, providing comfortable grip for tanisha when wielding. The only decoration is the tsuba, which is a hexagon. The two sides parallel to the blade are long, whereas the four sides above and below the blade are shortened, making it into almost a diamond or prism-like shape. It has a green handle. The tsuba, in harmony with the crystalline blade, features hues of silver and translucent greens, mimicking the colors found in natural crystals. The green handle complements the overall design, providing a subtle yet captivating contrast against the radiant crystal blade.
Shikai: It is triggered by the command, "Crystallize!" (結晶化する, Kesshō-ka suru) Tanisha runs her hand through her blade, causing the blade's hilt to turn silver and for the entire blade to become cold to the touch, embodying the essence of crystals that are naturally cold to the touch due to thermal inertia. With the release of the blade, a subtle jangling of crystals announces the use of the blade.
Shikai Special Ability: The special ability of Kurisutaru no hōyō is Kanzen'na Kesshō-Ka (完全な結晶化, Complete Crystallization); It can manipulate crystals and crystalline essence with endless possibilities, however it has seven main functions and techniques. Tanisha is able to perform offensive attacks or defensive barriers and structures, also being able to utilize the sound, temperatures, environments, reflections, glass, transparency, and illusions all at once through the manipulation of crystal elements.
Kyokushō Kesshō (極小 結晶, Miniscule Crystal): Kurisutaru no hōyō traps the air molecules in miniature crystal shards in the atmosphere of the skies and shattered the air molecules, causing all the force to repel to tanisha's blade as she uses this force to use her immense gold reiatsu to land blows fused with the impact of the force and reiatsu.
Tōmei No En (透明の円, Transparent Circle): Tanisha draws a circle on the ground beneath her using her blade, the circle radiates immense reiatsu when the technique is released, but the circle is outlined by transparent Crystals with fewer defects, impurities, or irregularities in their structure that make them transparent to the Naked Eye. The crystals are summoned and grow in the circle whilst being transparent, they repel to tanisha's blade's newfound chains hanging from the Hilt of her blade at her command. Tanisha utilized these transparent crystals into her offensive attacks by weaving the sharp shards of the transparent crystals into her slashes and blows against the Opponent that won't notice her transparent crystals hanging from a chain on the Hilt of her blade that manages to severe the attacks because the opponent can't see the crystal.
Han'ei suru (反映する, Reflect): Kurisutaru no hōyō is adorned with reflective crystals could deflect or redirect magical attacks. Tanisha as it's wielder could use these blades strategically to bounce spells back at her opponents.
Kesshō Sen (結晶鞭, Crystal Whips): Kurisutaru no hōyō is capable to take on the form of a crystalline whip, the whip appears as if it's crafted from fragile glass, when in contrast, the whip leave permanent damages and harsh wounds that are unhealable. The whip also branches out into multiple smaller whips, creating a cascade of strikes that overwhelm opponents as they experience the excruciating sensation of shattering glass coursing through their body, inflicting pain as sharp and piercing as shards of broken crystal.
Suishō no oto (水晶の音, Sound Of The Quartz): This technique utilizes Crystals that resonate with specific frequencies could be incorporated into Tanisha's blade. When swung, Kurisutaru no hōyō can emit powerful sound waves capable of disorienting or incapacitating foes or objects and Kidō. This technique's sound waves are so strong, they can break out of the hardest barriers or even Hado 90 Kurohitsugi's black coffin.
Kesshō no sakkaku (結晶の錯覚, Illusions Of The Crystalline): This technique of Kurisutaru no hōyō uses Crystals with illusionary properties that could create illusions or mirages during combat, confusing enemies about the real location and movement of the blade.
Hōkai Saisei (崩壊再生, Crystalline Disintegration & Resurgence): Tanisha taps into Kurisutaru no Hōyō's power to de-crystallize objects, imbuing them with a new animated existence. This technique allows her to selectively disintegrate crystalline structures, turning them into animated entities under her control. The de-crystallized fragments, now released from their rigid form, take on new life. The crystalline essence is transformed into animated entities, ranging from small constructs to larger, more intricate creations.The effectiveness of Hōkai Saisei is limited by the complexity and size of the original crystalline structure. Extremely intricate or massive structures may require more skill and concentration to animate successfully.
Bankai: Kesshō Korosu Hakai ( 結晶殺すハカイ Crystal Kill Destruction): It is triggered by the command, "Shatter, Kesshō Korosu Hakai!" (砕け, 結晶殺すハカイ) Upon uttering the release command, Tanisha infuses her blade with an overwhelming surge of reiatsu. As she runs her hand along the hilt, the katana undergoes a profound transformation. The blade extends into an elongated, wider version of its original form, emanating a radiant glow that casts a luminous sheen across the battlefield. The once compact katana transforms into a more formidable weapon with an extended and wider blade. The crystalline structure becomes even more intricate, reflecting the mastery of Tanisha's spiritual power. Five chains, each adorned with crystalline lanks, dangle from various points along the elongated blade. These chains serve as conduits for the crystalline energy and play a crucial role in Tanisha's ability to shape and control the metaphysical. In Tanisha's bankai form, she goes through a transformation. Tanisha's outfit is composed of a pristine white corset, an off-the-shoulder ruffled blouse, and a flowing skirt, all crafted from various delicate fabrics. She also wears a necklace. The structured corset, featuring vertical boning and adorned with silver buttons, creates an hourglass silhouette, while its scalloped, lace-trimmed edge adds femininity. The blouse's voluminous ruffled neckline and long, fitted, ribbed sleeves contrast with the sleek lines of the corset, extending into subtly flared wrists, complemented by soft white fur accents that evoke a sense of luxury. The skirt, made of lightweight fabric, features a high slit revealing a portion of the leg, lined with intricate lace that matches the blouse and corset. Expertly draped and ruched, the skirt enhances the body's natural curves with gentle folds and pleats, creating dynamic texture. She also adorns white thigh-high boots which compliments her outfit. The outfit's white color palette, with shades and textures of white, and silver details, emphasizes its pure and angelic theme. In contrast to the overall white theme, three crystalline rose ornaments adorn Tanisha's hair in a rose-shaped bun.
Bankai special ability: Tanisha gains the power to crystallize the impossible and metaphysical. She can create objects, weapons, or constructs of incredible complexity and imagination using her crystalline energy. Tanisha's crystalline energy holds destructive potential. She can shatter and disintegrate both physical and metaphysical barriers, rendering seemingly invincible defenses into fragments. Objects and weapons formed from crystalline energy materialize at Tanisha's will. This ability allows her to summon intricate structures, weapons of unique design, or even beings made entirely of crystalline energy.
Seitoshi no subete ga kesshō-ka shita kesshō hime no tamashī (生と死のすべてが結晶化した結晶姫の魂, The Soul Of The Crystalline Princess, Life And Death Has Been Crystallized): Tanisha gains the power to encase her opponents' souls in crystal, effectively immobilizing them and rendering their abilities useless. Additionally, she can channel the energy of these crystallized souls to enhance her own strength and speed, making her a formidable force on the battlefield. However, the true mastery of her Bankai lies in its ability to purify corrupted souls, restoring balance to the spiritual realm and bringing peace to both the living and the deceased.
Hearing Requirement : For the 5th technique, Suishō no oto to work, the technique should be used on opponents who can hear well. This technique will not work if the opponent in question is deaf.
Tanisha told Aizen she'd free him from Muken on one condition; if he'd marry her. This was because Tanisha being initially detached from emotions, hadn't felt emotion in a while until her meetings with Aizen whenever she'd guard against him and because Aizen would manipulate her feelings and desires, she felt clueless to navigate these emotions again, but she knew she'd be able to explore her feelings with Aizen if he were to stay by her side. In return, she offered him freedom and liberation from Isolation in Muken.
Tanisha nicknamed Kai by "Sosuke Jr." Aria the name, "Natori" and Silvie the name, "Cherine".
Tanisha was referred to be the "Warden Of Muken," more than "Warden Of The Central Underground Prison," as she was only guarding Muken, as the other levels of the prison were clear of criminals. This is also why Tanisha only carried the Muken Jūkyū no Kagi (無間十九の鍵, Nineteen keys of Muken.)
As a child, hearing stories of Sōsuke Aizen from her father, a younger tanisha would come to the conclusion of Aizen being a lonely individual that was lost in his pursuit of power, she claimed he sounds like a lost bear cub, therefore playfully nicknaming Aizen, "Mayoguma".
Tanisha's childhood role models were Ryuken Ishida and Uryu Ishida, who inspired Tanisha to pursue her medical studies and eventually, her career as a doctor.
The theme song chosen for Tanisha is 'I' by artist Taeyeon.
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ashxketchum · 7 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
YSIK Masterlist // Next chapter
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A Cherry Blossom is a pretty flower, Blooming in the spring and representing renewal and joy. However it is quick to die out in the winter, Shrivelling up with it's beautiful colour following with it. Leaving the memory of it gone yet never forgotten.
The moon shun bright in the obsidian black sky.
The light that came down illuminated a small, yet well kept gravestone.
It was old, Ancient probably, Cracks were illustrated boldly into the corners and wrapped around the granite like spider webs. it seemed it was about to fall apart at the seams, yet held strong.
Flowers of all colour bustled around the bottom, Fresh, Newly planted.
A man sat on his knees in front of the stone, the only motion he made was the light breeze running through his hair, making his ponytail sway in the wind.
This was no man but instead a demon.
All six of his eyes lay transfixed on the carving written dead-centre on the tombstone, Carved with great care and precision to get it just right.
'[F/N] Tsugikuni'
The mans face was stoic and unreadable, but his eyes were filled with great sorrow and regret.
Kokushibo's arm reached out to the stone, Clawed hands tracing over the lettering carved out.
He asked himself
'How did it come to this?'
A young girl in a blue dragon-patterned haori called out from a distance, She could of only been about four or five yet her little legs were fast and let her catch up to her older brother.
Michikatsu turned around, Mildly surprised at his sister's sudden appearance he stopped in his tracks letting her finally reach him.
"[F/N]. I thought I told you to stay at home and help mother today, You know she needs someone to help her out." Michikatsu said, A little white lie.
His mother, While she wasn't in the best condition, Didn't currently need any help and even if she did little [F/N] would not of been able to do much about it. After all, She was still very young.
[F/N] heaved trying to catch her breath from all that running.
"I know Michi-Nii! but I wanted to come watch you fight!" [F/N] said excitedly, A big expecting smile on her face.
Michikatsu looked into [F/N]'s big puppy dog eyes and sighed. He just couldn't resist.
"..Well alright.. But for the record it's not 'fighting' it's sword training, I'm not fighting anyone, Just preparing for the day when I do, When I become a samurai!" Michikatsu said triumphantly.
[F/N] squealed.
"That's so cool! When I'm a big kid I wanna fight with swords and become a sam-u-mai!" She exclaimed.
"Samurai" Michikatsu corrected.
"Samai!" She responded.
"Samurai" Michikatsu said, Extra slowly so [F/N] could pick up the syllables.
"Samrai!" She said with complete confidence.
Michikatsu snorted and ruffled the girls hair, Who laughed in return.
"Nevermind, Let's get a move on then."
The sun was high in the sky naming afternoon.
[F/N] sat on the grassy hill next to her brother, Yorichii.
They sat together watching Michikatsu over yonder train his sword swings by hitting dummies out in the field. She watched in wonder at his determination and focus to his craft
Yorichii was the middle child of the family, Michikatsu the oldest and [F/N] the youngest.
Yorichii was a mute. Never spoke or made any motion to communicate, However that never stopped [F/N]'s undying attempts of trying to.
This mostly just consisted of [F/N] following him around, Sleeping in his futon when she had a nightmare or just simply talking her little heart out to him, To which he'd always respond with a little smile and a nod, Showing that he was listening.
He was usually a daydreamer, But today he seemed just as transfixed as she was at their older brother's training.
"Yor-Nii, Where are you going?" [F/N] asked as she watched Yorichii wander down the hill towards Michikatsu.
As usual she got no answer, So she got up and followed him down.
Michikatsu was so fixated on his sword swings that he never noticed Yorichii standing behind him.
So when the physics of one of his sword slashes brought him back stumbling into Yorichii that snapped him out of his training fever.
"Yorichii? What is it?" Michikatsu said surprised. His brother had never interfered while he was training
Yorichii stood still and took in a deep breath, He clenched his fists as if bracing for impact. He opened his mouth.
"...I want to be a samurai like you!" Yorichii stammered not only in his speech but also in his stance.
Michikatsu's sword dropped to the ground with a clang!
A shockwave went through both Michikatsu and [F/N], Their brothers first words to them leaving them speechless.
[F/N] however was the first to speak up.
"Yor-Nii! You can speak! Now we can really talk to each other!" She proclaimed excitedly, Making Yorichii wobble when she jumped to hug him.
Michikatsu stood there, It was hard to tell whether he was shocked at Yorichii's sudden speech or the proclamation of his goal which happened to coincide with both his and [F/N]'s.
"Yorichii.." Michikatsu said just above a whisper.
Yorichii looked back at him with a shaky determination, it shook and swayed but despite the odds it stood strong.
Michikatsu's form deflated, Going back to his calm and stoic demeanour.
"Yorichii. You know what will happen when you're ten, Right?" He said quietly, Only hinting at Yorichii's fate as [F/N] had no idea.
Yorichii nodded. Only taking a glance down at [F/N].
"I know. But I still want to be a samurai, I want to be like you." Yorichii said, Still not given up.
[F/N] perked up.
"Me too! I wanna be a.. samurai too! Like Michi-Nii!" She said, Making sure to pronounce 'Samurai' slowly to pronounce the syllables.
"Hey, You got it right" Michikatsu pointed out, Mildly proud.
Yorichii looked down at [F/N] who still was hugging his waist, He smiled.
"Really? All of us want to be swordsmen?" Yorichii asked now a bit more reserved. He scratched the back of his head.
"Swordgirl!" [F/N] said confidently.
"Swordswoman" Both Yorichii and Michikatsu corrected at the same time.
This will take a while.
A good few years have passed since then.
The five-year old little girl [F/N] had grown into a blossoming young woman and is now a little younger than her big brothers were back then.
She still wore a resized version of her blue dragon-patterned haori, The only thing that really stayed the same and came with her through her walk of life.
"You know [F/N], I could convince your father to buy you a new haori" Akeno Tsugikuni, Her mother said to her while running a needle through her haori, resizing the fabric to fit [F/N]'s bigger self.
"This is about the fifth time I've had to refit this old thing. I'm sure your dad would prefer you to have a new one, You are coming up on marriage age after all" She softly spoke to [F/N], But her eyes were fixed on the fabric, Stitching with care.
[F/N] shook her head nonchalantly.
"No, Mom. This was a gift from you, It was homemade. You can't just buy that kind of thing from a tailor." She huffed.
[F/N] sat on the edge of her mothers sick-bed, Her mother laid propped up so she could
Akeno smiled.
"Besides, I don't even think I'd want to get married. I like how my life is right now and you know I still want to be an onna-musha, right?" [F/N] said.
True, Even after all these years [F/N] still held onto the goal of becoming a Female samurai, An onna-musha.
However it seemed like a pipe-dream. With her father's influence and strength she had never picked up a sword, No matter how hard or surreptitiously tried to steal or borrow one of her brothers swords she was always caught in the end and given a right punishment for it.
Still, This never changed her mind on the matter.
"I see... Still haven't given up on that dream, have you?" She hummed.
"Well anyways, If you're so invested into my own sowing then maybe-" Akeno broke out into a fit of coughs, She dropped the needle in favour of covering her mouth.
[F/N] quickly rushed over to her side.
"Mom? Mom, Are you alright" She said, Lightly patting her mothers back.
Akeno stopped sputtering out coughs but still softly wheezed during breaths.
"I'm.. Fine, Sweetheart" She spoke, However her hoarse throat said otherwise.
"No, You're not! You don't need to fix my haori, We can continue later but right now you should lay down." [F/N] worried.
Akeno shook her head.
"I said I'm alright but.. could you go fetch me.. Some water?" She breathed heavily as if all the air around her had thinned.
[F/N] quickly nodded and rushed out the room to complete the task.
She swiftly opened the shoji doors to her house and made her way over to the water-well sat upon the hill. She hoped to the gods above that the well hadn't dried up in the early summer heat.
She reached the small little well and peered inside, The water in the well was plentiful. [F/N] sighed in relief and proceeded to wheel the bucket on the rope down the stony passageway.
[F/N] jumped at the sound, Letting the rope slip from her grasp she watched the bucket fall from its steady pace and hit the water with a loud splash!
"No!" [F/N] yelled. The well was too far down for her to reach the bucket. She cried out in frustration and looked over at the source of noise that dominoed the bucket falling.
Over in the valley beyond the hill was Michikatsu, Still out training with his sword. It was fairly early in the morning and judging by the sweat-beads on his face and the mess of his clothes [F/N] could tell he's been up training since six at least.
That's right, Along with her, Michikatsu had changed as well.
From the strong yet stoic young man that [F/N] had grown up with he had festered into a more strength obsessed yet quiet young man than what he had been before.
[F/N] knew the catalyst well, He was her brother after all.
Yorichii from that day he proclaimed his want to be a samurai, Had demonstrated an inhuman talent for the skill. A man who was working with their father had humoured Yorichii and decided to teach him a basic stance.
However to everyone's surprise, Yorichii had landed four blows on the man and swiftly defeated him. Which is something that Michikatsu never could.
From then on Michikatsu grew a bit darker, Maybe not noticeably. Not noticeable from her father, mother or even Yorichii. But [F/N] could tell.
She barely saw him anymore, Well it was more of she never talked to him anymore. She still watched him train, at least from afar.
An idea clicked in her head.
The bucket in the well was too far down for her to reach, Yes. However it wasn't too far for Michikatsu who was a foot taller than her.
She walked down the hill, Calling out for him.
"Michi-Nii!" She called out to him.
Michikatsu stopped swinging his sword and turned around to look at his little sister with an annoyed scowl on his face.
"What? Can't you see I'm a bit busy at the moment" Michikatsu hissed.
[F/N] froze for a moment.
"I just need a little help, the bucket in the well fell into the water" She explained softly, Scared to entice her brothers wrath.
Michikatsu groaned.
"Alright." He said simply and quickly headed over to the well. [F/N] followed after, Smiling.
"Thank you, Michi-Nii!" She said thankfully.
[F/N] grabbed onto his hand to hold it, But she was shaken off by Michikatsu.
"I told you to stop calling me that, It's stupid and childish" He said, grimacing.
[F/N]'s smile was put out like a light, But she nodded. Trying to respect his wishes.
They got to the well and Michikatsu fished out the bucket with ease and handed it over to [F/N] who bowed down in thanks but with much less emotion put into it.
With that, Michikatsu walked away without a goodbye. Off to go and continue training for the rest of the day and coming back home in the dead of night, Just to go to sleep and repeat the process over and over again.
[F/N] frowned but took the bucket of water back to the house.
Sliding open the Shoji doors she entered the house, remarkably more downtrodden than before.
As she walked the halls towards her mothers room she heard two voices arguing in a hushed tone.
"She doesn't want to get married."
"Too bad. She's coming upon marriage age and if she doesn't want to disrespect this family she will do as she's told and marry the man we've picked out for her"
The two voices, Her mother and father.
She slipped quietly behind the half-open shoji door, Intently listening in on their conversation
"She want's to be an onna-musha, You know." Her mother admitted.
"An onna-musha. Really." Her father responded, A tone full of disgusted shock ran through his voice.
"That girl is too weak to even tend to the horses. Not to mention the girl's only worth will be to marry her off to a nobleman. Her being a samurai along with the men would just be wrong" He said.
There was a silence not just between [F/N]'s parents, But her too.
She's known her father hadn't particularly paid attention to her nor did he show any affection but to think he thought this lowly of her was a gut punch to the stomach.
"Don't say that, Akuhei. She could be listening" Her mother said in a whisper.
"I hope she is. She needs to learn the truth sooner or later or she'll grow up and be delusional to the real world."
[F/N] let tears flow from her cheeks, Dripping down onto the floor.
If she couldn't even get a bucket out from a well, Could she really be a swordswoman?
Something wasn't right.
It had been a good few hours after [F/N] had eavesdropped on her parents conversation and it had fallen into night-time.
[F/N] had long gone to bed but she wasn't able to fallen asleep easy. It was strange, No matter the situation she had always had no issue with falling into unconciousness.
She rolled and scuffled around on her futon uncomfortably. Could it of been the conversation earlier? No. Couldn't be that, It was something else.
[F/N] rubbed her eyes and got up from her futon. She shuffled on her sandals and quickly draped her newly-sized blue dragon haori around her figure for warmth.
She decided to go for a walk to clear her head.
[F/N] walked softly in the darkened hallways of her home, The soft moonlight illuminated her pathway through the house. She was lost in her own thoughts from the events of the day.
Her father's words, Michikatsu's attitude, Her mother's illness. It all swirled in her mind like a hurricane.
"..I like my life how it is right now"
The words she had told her mother. A lie.
She hated how everything was right now. Her dad saw her as an object to be bid on. Michikatsu acted like she was nothing but a burden to him and Yorichii was nowhere to be found.
Besides, Even if Yorichii and Michikatsu weren't talking either they were obviously the more important in the family.
They were the Sun and the Moon, Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi.
[F/N] wasn't a celestial deity or a celestial body, She was just the terrestrial afterthought. Yorichii and Michikatsu were both skilled and talented in their own rights, They were fawned over by the girls and even some of the boys in the village. They were praised and respected.
[F/N] wasn't even allowed to leave the house.
Now that she thought about it, There was only was her and her mother.
Her mother.
While walking she had stopped in her tracks. Light shone in through the hallway from an open door.
Her mother's door.
[F/N]'s brow quirked. Was her mother up this late as well? She should be asleep, She was very ill after all.
[F/N] peeked through the doorway, Her eyes widened.
Yorichii stood over the bed, Her mother layed motionlessly on the bed.
"Yor-Nii?" [F/N] asked.
Yorichii turned around, A strained look in his eyes. His jaw stood locked tight as if there was something painful he had to say.
"Mother has passed on" Yorichii whispered.
No, No. No no no no no. That couldn't be right, No. It couldn't be right.
[F/N] stumbled over to her mother, Shoving Yorichii out of the way to whom backed off.
"Mum, Mum. Wake up, Hey. Hey, Do you hear me?" [F/N] cried, She grasped onto her mother's limp hand, She shook it in futile attempt to wake her.
"Mum you can't, Mum please." Tears started rolling down her cheeks now, Her breathing laboured.
"Yorichii, Please did you try-"
She turned around, Yorichii was nowhere to be seen.
He had left.
He had left and hadn't even bothered to try and comfort her.
She stared in shock, Not believing her situation
She was brought back by a hand squeezing her own.
She snapped her head back down to her mother, Whose eyes lain weakly on [F/N]'s. A soft yet painful smile appeared on her face.
"Mum!" [F/N] choked.
"[F/N]..." Akeno whispered. "Come closer.."
[F/N] Nodded and leant down closer to her mother, Kneeling down now to listen closely. Her eyes never leaving her mothers
"I never wanted to be married... My father had sold me off at a young age as well." Akeno started.
"I had a chance.. Once.. To leave this place, To get out of my marriage but do you know what happened?" She asked, Looking mournfully into the eyes of her youngest, Who was now choking on her sobs and tears rushing out from her eyes.
Akeno didn't wait for an answer
"I didn't take it.. I was too afraid." A sad smile came upon her.
"My life had ended right there since I never took that chance.. And the only good thing to ever happen after that... were you three."
"[F/N].. Yorichii.. Michikatsu. My beautiful children" Akeno let tears roll down her face now, Reminiscing on her life that was flashing before her now.
"Please.. You now have a chance. Get away while you still can.." Her other hand wiped the tears off of [F/N]'s face weakly, However her hand started to fall.
"Run.. and I promise I will see you again, The kami will reunite us... I love you, [F/N]" She whispered, Her hand falling to her side and the others grip becoming limp. The light in her eyes fading.
"Mum... Mum! No! no no!" [F/N] sobbed, Shaking her mothers now lifeless corpse she collapsed to the floor and cried out for her mum to come back, to speak to her.
"Run, You still have your chance"
Her mothers voice rang in her head, It echoed throughout her entire being.
And with love and tears, She kissed her mother on the forehead and closed her dead eyes. Akeno's face displayed rest, peace.
She said her final goodbye's to her mother and left the room to go back to her own.
And with a heavy heart and a rucksack full of essentials, She climbed out her rooms window and left in the dead of night.
[F/N] trudged through the woodlands.
It was now daybreak, The sun rose upon the distance and shown through cracks in the tree's.
Through all that time [F/N] never stopped walking, Never took a break. The only thing on her mind was escape to a better place.
It was only once she appeared upon a clearing did she stop walking.
In front of her was a rundown Shinto shrine placed upon the mountainy and rocky terrain of the woods.
It had obvious that people hadn't been here in decades by the dust, cobwebs and poor conditions of all the archways and cracked stone lanterns lining the pathway up to the shrine entrance.
Back in it's heyday it would of been grand. A massive shrine that could of held a good few hundred people, As there was a large amount of corridors and a second floor.
Not to mention the vast courtyard [F/N] now found herself standing in.
She breathed in the highland forest air, Took in the birds chirping and the warm light of the sun on her skin.
She looked upon the sign hanging from the archway.
"Inari Ōkami"
The kami of Foxes, Agriculture, Fertility, Tea, Sake and Swordsmiths.
[F/N] frowned at the state of the shrine, Thinking of it as a great disrespect to Inari.
Another thought ran through her mind.
Home. A rundown one for sure, But nothing she couldn't fix.
And that's what she did.
For the next ten years that's what [F/N] did. She fixed the Archways, Refilled the stone lamps, Rebuilt the structuring, Cleaned up the cobwebs and dust all until it looked newly built.
Everyday since she came across it she would give offerings to Inari Ōkami. Ranging from nuts and fruit she would pick up while scavenging to Flowers and pieces of jewellery.
She'd light candles in their honour, Pray to them not for good fortune but for the reformation of the shrine.
She'd grown attached to the shrine, So much so that she had completely forgotten her goal of becoming a swordswoman in favour of being the sole shrine-maiden.
And in that time she had finally bloomed into a beautiful young woman and if anyone should come across her they would describe her as such.
Not that anyone came along though, The shrine was in the middle of nowhere and [F/N] had seen no one in the past decade.
As [F/N] got up for another day to tend to the shrine she wondered what her brothers were doing now.
[F/N] carried her basket full of fruits, Satisfied from a successful scavenge.
She headed back up towards the large archway that was there to greet people into the temple. It use to be covered in splintered wood but thanks to the efforts of [F/N] the archway was restored with a fresh coat of paint and smoothing of the wood.
When she got up there she stopped, Her eyes widened.
The massive wooden doors to the thick stone wall gate were left wide open.
She was sure she had closed them when she had left.
Her body stiffened and her palms became sweaty.
Who could be in her shrine? Nobody came up the mountains and the nearest village was a good few dozen kilometres away on the far other side of the forest. No one who was just wandering could come across the temple.
[F/N] slowly put the basket of fruit onto the ground, Making sure not to make a sound.
She unsheated her Kaiken from her obi and slowly made her way inside to the courtyard, Which seemed empty.
But she looked upon the main building and just like the gate doors the shoji to the main building were left wide open.
[F/N] confirmed her suspicions. Someone was definetly here.
She made her way inside, Checking the main hallways she found no one around however that never made [F/N] let down her guard.
[F/N] flinched. The sound of an object knocking over came from just down the hall she was facing. Gripping her Kaiken tighter she moved forward towards the sounds
As she got closer, She heard a duo of voices arguing.
"Stop moving, Brother."
"Argh, If you'd let me do it by myself this would go much faster."
"No. You're injured, let me do it."
"I'm told you I'm fine. It's just a cut."
Those voices..
[F/N] lowered her Kaiken. She stood, legs shaking. Heart pounding as she slowly called out.
"Michi-Nii? Yori-Nii?"
A sudden shuffling was heard in the room across from her.
The semi-shut shoji doors slammed open and out first came Michikatsu, Who had a semi-wrapped bandage around his arm with Yorichii following close after.
They were in their twenties now and were much older and their faces had changed a lot. But no matter how much they had physically changed [F/N] recognised her brothers, Who both now had surprised yet unrecognisable expressions in their face.
[F/N]'s mouth was open, Her eyes wide and sparkling with recognition.
"[F/N]..." Yorichii said.
"Yori-Nii! Michi-Ni-" She was cut off by the sudden arms pulling her into a tight hug. Michikatsu had moved so fast that she didn't see him move.
"[F/N].." He stuttered, Swaying back and forth while hugging her.
"Nii-san.." [F/N] cried, Gripping the back of his purple hexagonal hakama tightly as she buried her head into the side of his neck.
"You've grown so much.. And look at that" [F/N] grazed the hilt of of his sword, taking in the craftsmenship.
"You've both become swordsmen. I'm so proud, I wish I could've been there to see your ceremony" She whispered.
Michikatsu never responded to her words, instead going into a speech of his own.
"[F/N].. I lost you. You disappeared out of nowhere.. I searched for you for years.." Michikatsu was lost for words. If [F/N] didn't know better she could of sworn he was crying.
"I'm sorry, Michi-Nii. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I went" [F/N] whispered.
The bear hug grip on her got tighter.
"Never. And I mean never leave me again. You have no idea what you put me through... You better promise" He scolded. [F/N] nodded vigorously.
"I promise."
"So this is where you've been living for the past ten years?" Michikatsu asked, Looking around the haiden.
The place was a massive hall dedicated to worship of Inari. at the very end was the main worship shrine, Which was bustling with hand-woven straw baskets filled with offerings and lit candles in Inari's honour.
"Yeah.. When I ran away ten years I came across this place and made it my home. Been like that ever since." [F/N] smiled, Proud of the hall.
It was indeed very pretty, The new refurbished decorations of flowers, candles and banner-work created a grandiose appearance. The wooden pillars supported the tall height of the room and had beams at the top connecting them all with baskets filled with flowers hanging from them.
The entire room looked like it was built and cared for by an entire team of shrine maidens, Not a single dust spot to be seen.
Yorichii and Michikatsu stared in awe at the work.
"And you maintained this place all by yourself?" Yorichii asked, Genuinely in wonder at the décor.
"Well.. Apart from the occasional seller I meet when I'm scavenging for food nearest the road.. They sell me candles, Banners and other things needed for maintenance.. It's all done by me." [F/N] explained.
"It's.. Impressive. To think how you learned all this.." Michikatsu said.
"I get all my information from the shrine's library, From then on you figure it out on the way." [F/N] responded, Completely humble to the praise she received.
She turned around to her brothers with a smile.
"What about you two? Tell me what's been happening, And how'd you get that cut?" She asked innocently, Pointing to Michikatsu's bandaged arms
The two twins looked at each other, Having a silent conversation with each other. Contemplating what they should tell. Both of them very apprehensive, they shared a knowing look between them.
[F/N] frowned.
"..Is it not something you want to tell me?" She asked.
"Well.. It's hard to believe but-" Yorichii started.
"It’s just a mistake from sword training. Don't you worry about it." Michikatsu finished.
Yorichii looked over at him, Surprised at his sudden interruption.
[F/N]'s eyes narrowed. She felt curious but decided to drop the subject.
"Well anyways.. I need to go retrieve my fruit basket from outside and do my morning rounds around the shrine. Feel free to have a look around, Just please don't touch anything " [F/N] said, bowing her head low and heading towards the exit.
"Hold on, I'll come with you" Michikatsu said, He went to follow after his sister but was stopped when a hand pulled him back.
"Go on ahead, [F/N]. Michikatsu-Nii will catch up." Yorichii said. [F/N] nodded.
She said goodbye in the form of a hug, Michikatsu then Yorichii.
Michikatsu shot Yorichii a scorning look.
"What do you want?" Michikatsu hissed, The usual irritation of his brother turned up a notch.
"We need to tell her, Nii-san. So we can help her set up wisteria around the place." Yorichii argued.
Michikatsu gritted his teeth.
"Wisteria would be a good idea. But we don't need to tell her about demons, I mean look at her! She's still young" Michikatsu said, exasperated.
"She's eighteen, Nii-san. More than old enough to know about demons, about how to protect herself." Yorichii countered.
"She won't need to learn how to protect herself If I'm there to do it for her" Michikatsu hissed.
Yorichii's face scrunched up. He took a step forward towards Michikatsu and stood steady.
"Nii-san, I know you and [F/N] were attached by the hip when she was young but you can't always be there for her, She's strong enough to survive on her own but not strong enough to survive a possible demon attack, So we need to inform her. She won't let us plant wisteria around the shrine without a very good reason " Yorichii argued, His point stood stronger than he did.
Michikatsu's teeth gritted and his face was a visage of concealed anger like they were standing in the eye of the storm waiting for the inevitable onslaught.
"You always need to know better, Don't you Yorichii?" Michikatsu spat in a low tone.
Yorichii was surprised at Michikatsu's sudden animosity towards him, He was confused. This had never happened before.
"What do you mean to imply by that, Nii-san?" Yorichii asked, Slight worry coming over him for his brother who seemed restless.
Michikatsu suddenly became aware of his sudden outburst, His shoulders dropped from their previously stiff position. He sighed.
"Nothing... I shouldn't of spoke out like that." Michikatsu said, Quickly bowing his head to Yorichii he began to leave the shrine hall.
"Where are you going?" Yorichii called after him.
"To go find [F/N]. And make sure she's alright" He responded, Leaving the hall in search of his little sister.
Michikatsu looked around the shrine for [F/N].
He walked the halls, checked the empty rooms, searched the courtyard, looked around the perimeter of the shrine and scoured through the shrine's impressively large and overflowing gardens but turned up empty.
He was frustrated. Where could she be? The forest surrounding the temple was fairly thick and shading and who knows? A demon might of been able to cover itself in the foliage and maybe she had left the shrine to pick up her basket only to come face to face with the monster and-
Michikatsu couldn't think anymore about it.
Sweat beads started forming on his head, What if she ran away? She couldn't, she sworn to him that she'd never leave him again. She couldn't of done that to him! What if she wasn't happy to see him and took the chance to leave while he was being lectured by Yorichii?
Did she favour him over Michikatsu? When you were hugging him to say goodbye he could of sworn you had hugged Yorichii just a little bit tighter than him, Smiled a little bigger, Looked a little happier.
As he searched the halls for a second time he felt another burst of envy rise up in him, Something that had been occurring more and more lately.
His thoughts stopped when he stepped on an uneven dip in the ground. He felt around with his foot and outlined a frame of sorts.
He looked down to see he was standing on a rug. He then looked up realising that he was at the end of the hallway.
He reached down and pulled away the rug revealing a trapdoor, Assumedly leading down to the basement of the shrine.
A basement? Shrines don't usually have basements, He thought to himself.
He noticed the padlock on the handle was unlocked It was also spotless without a trace of dust, Indicating that it was used often.
He opened the door with a small creak of the wood. It revealed a short stone staircase which lead down to a low-ceiling hallway.
Michikatsu raised an eyebrow. He looked left and right before going down the stairs slowly. One step at a time.
He got down to the bottom of the stairs. The ceiling was certainly low as it grazed the top of Michikatsu's head making him feel uncomfortable in the small passageway.
He walked along the tunnel, each of his footsteps producing a faint echo as he went along. The tunnel was comparably cold to the early summer heat from up top.
At the end of the passageway was a wooden door, It looked old and rigid. Looking at the rest of the shrine this was a surprise for Michikatsu as the rest of it was pristine and in perfect shape compared to the derelict looking door.
He reached the door which he now realised was opened just a slight amount.
He pressed his ear to the door, Listening intently.
The sound of cloth on metal sounded on the other side. It was a sound he recognised well, It was polishing of a sword.
He pushed the door open to find [F/N] sitting on her knees with a strange looking sword in hand, a dry cloth in the other.
"Michi-Nii!" [F/N] jumped in surprise and dropped the cloth.
She sat in a much wider room than the hallway. The stone walls were filled with holding frames and shelves, The majority of them empty but still a good few holding rather precious looking trinkets.
At the end of the room which was facing the door and [F/N] held a sort of table harbouring a headpiece stand, Which was obviously suppose to hold the sword in her hands. It was also home to a kitsune mask hanging above it with eyes that looked like it was staring right through him.
"How'd you find the room?" [F/N] said rather surprised.
"Never mind how I found it. Why are you here?" He asked sternly, As if he was scorning a misbehaving child.
"Why am I in a room inside my own shrine?" [F/N] scoffed lightly.
"More of why didn't you tell me where you were, I was worried and I couldn't find you anywhere." He asked more forceful in tone.
[F/N] seemed confused at his reasoning but chalked it up to him still being a little shaken by their reunion.
"...I'm sorry... Coming in here to tend to the artefacts here is apart of my weekly rounds." She explained. A meek look appearing on her face.
Michikatsu sighed.
"Alright then. But please, Tell me next time you wander off into some hidden basement." He said in a softer voice leading to [F/N] calming down.
"What is this room anyways?" Michikatsu asked, Examining the room.
[F/N] peaked up, A sparkle of excitement in her eyes.
"Oh! Well according to the blueprints and builders logs I've found in the library this room was specially built to hold the shrine's treasures. Oh! Wait, hold on!" [F/N] exclaimed.
She reached over to the table in front of her and pulled out a fairly tiny roll of parchment paper, Unfolding it she displayed it to Michikatsu who looked down reading it.
"Apparently one of the noble-clanswoman paying for the building of the shrine here had a really steamy affair with some hot-shot samurai who use to gift her a TON of gifts" [F/N] explained with a passion, Her eyes held a glint of story.
"So to hide them away from her husband she built this little hidey-hole so he wouldn't discover them" She finished.
"What happened to her?" Michikatsu asked, Entertaining her passion.
She only shrugged though.
"No clue, The rest of the parchment was torn and I haven't found the other half..." She said, Disappointment filling her voice.
Michikatsu nodded and looked towards the sword in [F/N]'s lap.
"I can understand the other little objects around here but a sword?" Michikatsu said dumfounded.
[F/N] shook her head.
"No! No. The only two items in the room that weren't a gift was this sword and the kitsune mask hanging over there" She said, Pointing towards the kitsune mask hung by rope.
"Then what are they doing here?"
"They're the shintai that were suppose to be worshipped here at the shrine." [F/N] stretched over and tugged the hanging mask off the rope and presented both it and the sword to Michikatsu, Signalling him to take it.
As he did she told him to be careful while holding them.
The sword was nothing similar to any Katana he's wielded, Nor was it like anything he'd seen in the country. Instead it was built like a very large medieval English sword with the only hint of Japanese influence being the blue hilt which resembled the typical katana.
One side of the sharpened blade was covered in a sort of second sharper metal which glimmered azure in the dim light of the room.
The mask however was oddly designed compared to the usual festival mask. It was made of porcelain and its eyes were carved in a sort of wide eyed stare, The whites of it being a dark black and the pupils sapphire.
Thick cerulean marks adorned the mask, Swirling around the mask and centring at the bullseye of the mask. Except for the ears which were deeply patterned with swirls and flower-esque designs culminating at the covered tips.
The two items radiated a sort of energy from both which Michikatsu couldn't place.
"They're twin artefacts. It's said in the shrines folklore that they belonged to Inari Okami themselves gifted to them by their father, Izanagi. And from the heavens above they dropped them on accident and both the sword and the mask fell to here, The mortal realm" She explained with low wonder.
"The sword is named very bluntly as "The Soul Sword". It's called that because it's said by the previous shrine maidens that when a person is killed by the blade the soul of the person is absorbed into it and prevented from passing onto the afterlife. An eternity in the blade." She told as if it was rehearsed, It probably was.
She pointed to the Mask
"The mask however isn't named but it's said to warp the body of the user to their desire, Disguising themselves completely." She said.
"And does it work?" Michikatsu asked, Studying the mask.
"Haven't tried. It's a sacred artefact of the shrine. It would be a disrespect to Inari if I did." She stated.
Michikatsu examined both of the artefacts as [F/N] rambled away on the tale of the two, They were very well kept.
"You really know a lot about this stuff. Don't you?" He said more of to himself.
[F/N] nodded.
"Yeah. I guess it's just something I'm passionate about" She muttered.
Suddenly, Their conversation was interrupted by a voice upstairs calling out.
"Nii-San! [F/N]!" Yorichii called out from up above them, Voice faint and muffled from the thick stone walls.
Michikatsu groaned being mildly annoyed at being interrupted by Yorichii. [F/N] perked up however.
"That's Yorichii. Better go see what he needs!" She said. [F/N] grabbed both the sword and the mask from Michikatsu's grasp and settling them back with care onto their designed positions, As well as rolling up the parchment paper and putting it under the table
She dusted off her beryl coloured haori and got up from the tatami mat she was sitting on.
"Come on, Better not keep him waiting!" [F/N] said making her way out without waiting for Michikatsu, Who quickly followed after.
They made their way back up the stairs to find Yorichii a few metre's down the hall. He was standing there watching them come up with an arm stretched out, A crow perched neatly on it with a small roll of parchment paper tied to its neck by a string.
"What is it, Yorichii?" Michikatsu asked eyeing the crow.
"Oyataka-sama has summoned us to the headquarters, Urgent meeting." Yorichii said, a tint of unhappiness in his voice.
Michikatsu's face scrunched up in resentment, Obviously not excited by the news.
[F/N] frowned.
"..You've got to leave?" She asked looking up at Michikatsu who looked back with her with an expression saying that he didn't want to. But Yorichii's voice maintained importance.
"..I suppose so.." He said reluctantly. Not wanting to leave his sister alone. His eyes expanded with an idea formed in his head.
"Why don't you come with us, [F/N]?" Michikatsu asked going to stand next to Yorichii. The crow once perched on his arm squawked once. And with a flap of its wings it took off out an ajar window.
[F/N]'s palms suddenly got sweaty at the thought. Her shoulders felt heavy and slumped down with her face portraying one of heavy adversion
She shook her head, Michikatsu's face fell.
"It's not a long trip if that's what you're worried about, If you get tired we can get a horse or I could carry you-" Michikatsu was cut off by [F/N]'s hum of disapproval.
"It's not the trip. It's just I really don't want to leave the shrine unattended y'know?" She asserted. Evidently after spending an entire decade in it's walls she had grown dependant and attached so much to the point she couldn't journey far out of it.
"You can leave the shrine for a few days. Just please come with us, It'll be fine." Michikatsu reasoned, a small ounce of anxiety rising up into his chest at the thought of her being left.
[F/N] shook her head again.
"No, I'm sorry. But it's not forever, You can still come visit!" She spouted in an asking tone, Waiting for him to confirm.
Michikatsu shared a look with Yorichii. Yorichii's look told him he agreed with their sister while Michikatsu's only told of aversion.
However feeling outnumbered in the situation he reluctantly sighed and agreed to [F/N]'s proposal.
With a heavy heart and bag of food [F/N] prepared for their journey, Michikatsu spared one last look to see her before heading out into the forest.
In the five months that passed from that day forward were probably the happiest days of [F/N]'s life.
Every few days her brothers would come and visit her at the shrine after a mission and they'd stay for around two days before the crow came along and the process started all over again.
She'd even arranged them their own little rooms and the crow would come in advance to announce their arrival so she could prepare them food.
It was nice to be reunited with her family after a decade of solitude. The routine they got into was nice and became sort of domestic.
Though, Over the months [F/N] couldn't help but notice a sort of tension between Michikatsu and Yorichii however it was one-sided. Only Michikatsu initiated it while Yorichii was none the wiser.
It seemed more aggressive as the months went on. Michikatsu focused more on his training similar to what he did when they were younger. He'd have more hostility towards Yorichii and weirdest of all he seemed much more clingy and possessive towards her.
However [F/N] didn't like to think of it. While she knew it was there and she knew they'd have to talk about it at some point, She decided that it'd be better to wait for the right time to bring it up.
Everyday [F/N] would get up at around seven in the morning to do her rounds, Collect food and pray to Inari for an hour or two before going out to the main wooden shrine steps to sit and wait for her brothers to return.
When they did they would eat together, They'd tell stories of their mission no matter how surface level and vague they described it. They'd train outside in the courtyard while [F/N] watched from the steps in awe at their skill.
She recalled back to her childhood and her dream of becoming a samurai like her brothers, While it was true she now favoured the shrine over that old fairy-tale it didn't mean that she still didn't ponder over it often, Daydream while she brushed the floors, Envision the swing of a sword when she spun the brush around.
However of course, It was just a pipe dream. Just a silly pipe dream. But often she asked herself: Why not both?
[F/N] watched Michikatsu from the steps as he practiced sword swings in the shrine courtyard, Taking occasional glances at his sister to make sure she was watching him. The thought ran throughout her head. While she hadn't picked up a sword before other than The Soul Sword (Which at times, She lightly swung it around before setting it down. Then right after feeling ashamed for using a sacred artefact she proceeded to pray for forgiveness at the altar)
She was sure she could try.
While Michikatsu was swinging his sword she had got up from the step with a stumble. She wobbled a little and grabbed the handle bars to steady herself.
She took a deep breath and slowly walked down the stairs which suddenly seemed like a herculean task.
She set her sandal-covered feet onto the courtyard with an unnecessary effort and started walking towards Michikatsu who was only a few metre's ahead of her.
With every step she took her body seemed to get heavier. It felt like weights were being tied to her ankles every time she lifted her foot.
The distance seemed to widen between her and her brother. Her eyelids seemed to get heavier too.
And with another single undignified step her knees collapsed on her. She fell down to the floor with a thump! as her body relaxed and crumpled over on the ground.
Her eyes got blurry as she saw Michikatsu rush over to her tired body and listened to him shout out something she couldn't hear
She closed her eyes and untensed her body. Falling into the pitch black void of unconciousness.
[F/N] lay motionless in her bed.
A wet cloth lay over her forehead and a light blanket was lain on top of her.
It was two months since that day she collapsed. She was carried by Michikatsu and was rushed to the nearest village where she was seen by a doctor who gave her the diagnosis.
It was her mothers illness, Turning out to be hereditary and passed down onto [F/N]. However this seemed to be more severe and had developed into later stages quickly.
The doctor had said that she should be put in bedrest but despite Michikatsu's yelling and paranoid yelling there was no cure.
The first few days consisted of Michikatsu being hunched over her bed refusing to leave her side. Over the two months he had grown even worse than he did before.
He was angry before. Competitive, Hostile, Aggressive you name it. But now?
Now he was paranoid, Jumpy, Clingy piled on with all of those traits before.
Yorichii couldn't get through to him, He didn't hide his ire towards Yorichii now and hissed insults at him whenever he tried to speak to Michikatsu.
The first month was Michikatsu searching for a cure. He'd travel from village to village trying to find a doctor who could cure [F/N]. He scoured the Shrine's libraries and had gone mad trying.
Four days ago he had told [F/N] that he was going out again and that she was not to leave her bed unless she was going to get food or do her prayers, Which [F/N] had begged to be allowed.
He had stocked up enough food and water in the pantry for his trip when he left.
He told her that he would be back in two days, It was four now. Yorichii had been with her the first month but after he was called out on a very important mission he never came back.
When she asked Michikatsu what happened to him, He wouldn't tell her.
To say [F/N] was worried was an understatement. Michikatsu was never late, He'd always sent his crow to let her know even if he was.
Suddenly she was aware of a loud creaking. The main shrine gates.
Michikatsu must be back, [F/N] thought. A rush of excitement ran through her and overpowered the cold sweat of her sickness.
She'd gotten up from her futon and wrapped herself in her blanket to prevent the cold winter air from bothering her too much.
It was snowing outside. A blizzard had grown strong while she had slept earlier. Before when she was well in the health department she had prepared well for the winter and could survive during it, Making the inside of the shrine warm all throughout the season.
Now however that she depended on her brothers who were nowhere to be found the cold permeated the hallways and stung the tips of her fingers and nose.
She shivered and slid open the shoji doors to hobble through the hallways towards the courtyard, Ready to greet Michikatsu.
However when she quietly opened the door she wasn't greeted by Michikatsu. But instead two strange men with swords standing in the snowstorm. who hadn't seem to notice her yet
"This is it? Seems rundown." One of the men said
"According to his crow this is where he has been staying for the past few months. He must be here, Someone must pay for what he did and hiding here won't prevent what's coming to him." The other growled, Anger etched onto his features.
[F/N], A little insulted at her shrine being called run down, Made herself known by letting out a loud cough.
"Who are you? And what are you doing at my shrine?" The girl asked
The two looked up at the source. Their hands jumped to their sheathed swords as they looked up at her in antagonism.
They slowly approached her, So much so that they were now standing under the wooden porch roof.
[F/N] stumbled back in a way of getting distance between her and the men.
The one that called her shrine rundown stepped forward. He bowed down in respect to her.
"Greetings there. We're sorry to trouble you but we're looking for a man. His name is Yorichii Tsugikuni. He wears hanafuda earing's and his hair in a ponytail. Have you seen him anywhere?" He said.
Swords. Right. These must be Yorichii's colleagues. [F/N] relaxed slightly.
"Oh, You two must be his co-workers!" She exclaimed, Relief flooding her system.
She curtsied in respect.
"My name is [F/N] Tsugikuni. I am his younger sister, Unfortunately I haven't seen him for a month or two and I don't know where he's been. Apologies." I sighed.
The two men looked at each other.
"Sister? You're his sister?" The angrier one said, A hint of hostility in his voice.
Suddenly a chill ran up her spine, Something was wrong.
"Uhm.. Yes." [F/N] said with caution. Though she was tempted to lie, It just wasn't in her nature.
The angrier man now referred to as Man A gripped the hilt of his sheathed sword tighter.
"Well. I don't know if you know this but two months ago your brother... Messed up, Per se. Causing a great loss towards the demon corps..." He said. His words implied something unknown to [F/N]. The corners of her lips twitched. Demon corps? Messed up? The meaning eluding her.
"A lot of people got hurt. Including our father." Man A sneered. His face the exact visage of vengeance.
Man B behind him wasn't as such but still held a face of stone.
The realisation of what was happening hit [F/N] like a freight train. Her hands grew sweaty as they quickly rushed the shoji doors.
"I... I am so sorry to hear that. B-But unfortunately my brother isn't here right now... I've got to go tend to the haiden. Please, Come back later." Her voice trembled and shook despite how much she tried to keep her tone steady and confident.
As her hands tried to quickly shut the shoji doors the metal of a sword stopped the doors from opening fully.
[F/N] yelped and stumbled back from the door. The two men forced their way into the shrine hallway. [F/N] felt her back hit the wall.
"I'm sorry about what is to happen. But Yorichii Tsugikuni needs to pay for what he did and the death of his sister will bring about our revenge. Please forgive us." Man B said finally unsheathing his sword.
[F/N]'s feet grew light as she took off down the shrine hall, The two men hot on her tail as she careened round the corners and throughout the shrine.
She felt her heart pound heavy in her chest. Both from the almost paralysing fear and the illness coursing throughout her system.
Her legs felt weak but carried on. Her pace just a little bit faster than the men behind her despite all odds, She unconsciously thanked the hours she spent out in the woods running around for resources.
Tears burst like a dam from her eyes and flew from her eyes as she sprinted. Choked sobs periodically interrupted the heavy breaths she took from running.
The faster she ran, The more corners she turned the more thoughts ran rampant throughout her head.
Exits? Only the main gate which she was currently running away from and were closed on the way in, It takes too much time to open those doors and the men would catch up to her in no time. Convince them to stop? Impossible. The men seemed determined in their goal and no amount of talking would change anything. The hidden room? On the other side of the shrine and she didn't have the key on her
[F/N] had gained a bit of distance from the men at this point, Having shook them off her trail for a very short amount of time.
She ran to where her heart took her, To the place she felt safest.
The offering hall which use to look bright and full of flowers, baskets of food and was spotless now was empty and cold. The candles went long unlit and a bit of dust built up and went into the air when she slammed open the doors, Making her cough.
[F/N] ran to the altar with her legs trembling. She fell to her knees in front of it crying her eyes out. Her body positioned into its usual prayer formation as she choked out her sobs.
"Please! Inari. I-I'm going to die... I haven't asked for anything from the day I've got here... Please spare my life.. L-Let me live! I don't want to die, Inari. Please.. Please.." [F/N] broke down in front of the altar as she chanted please over and over again like a sacred sutra.
She wailed quietly in front of the shrine letting all her emotions out from her eyes.
She never noticed the men standing behind her as she prayed. Their expressions serious and unaffected by the girl's unheard prayers.
Man A raised his katana. Holding it in his grasp he raised it high above his head.
And with a yell he swiftly brought it down.
Blood splattered the offerings room. Drenching the two men and the girl below, The blade going straight through her back.
It was so cold.
The men had left her there bleeding, How long ago she didn't know.
She had made her way out of the shrine. Past the main doors, Past the entrance gate and the pathway and out into the main part of the forest.
The blade had went right through her chest out the other side, She gripped it tightly while the blood stained her dragon-patterned haori colouring it crimson.
It was a miracle she had got this far out into the blizzard. The tip of her nose had frozen and her jaw chattered letting out cold air.
She weakly turtled into her haori for warmth however it proved futile.
The white snow behind her left a red trail as she walked.
Soon enough it was too much.
Soon enough, She collapsed.
Quickly throughout the forest, Kokushibo ran quickly up the mountain through the unrelenting blizzard, Which never stung him in the slightest.
It had only been a few hours since he woke up from consuming that man's blood. His appearance now changed from the transformation which took three days to complete.
He carried a vial of that mans blood in one of his hands. He remembered the deal vividly in his mind.
Strength for him, A way to become stronger. Stronger than his brother. A way to avoid the eventual fate of all those who bore the demon slayer mark.
And a vial of that man's blood to save his dying sister.
He ran like hell. Snow crunching from the rapid footsteps behind him.
He stopped however, When the faintest scent of blood invaded his senses.
All three sets of his eyes widened.
He picked up his pace again. Now heading toward the smell.
His heartrate picked up. It couldn't be. It can't. [F/N] was alright. She was okay. Even now after becoming a demon, He still felt possessiveness affection towards his sister.
He came to a halt.
His heart dropped to his stomach as he tried to comprehend the sight in front of him. His eyes widened and his jaw slack open.
There in the snow, Lay a body curled up in a fetal position.
Snow had built up on it. It lay motionless buried in the snow.
He recognised it as [F/N].
"[F/N]!!" He yelled, running over to the body.
He fell to his knees in front of her and shoved off all the built up snow.
He pulled her body so her head was laying down on his lap. He shook her gently.
"...[F/N].. Wake up. Come on." He whispered. His shaking now growing more frantic to her lack of response.
He looked at the vial in his right hand.
Opening her mouth he popped open the seal and poured the red liquid into her mouth.
He watched it pour onto her tongue and down her throat. He waited for the reaction.
However, Nothing came.
He waited and waited. Nothing.
He felt his eyes water and flow out from them as the dawning realisation hit him.
He was holding his little sister's corpse in his arms.
He couldn't protect her. She had died and he wasn't there to protect her.
He yelled, Screamed and cried. In anger, Frustration, Sorrow, Guilt and mourning for his loss. He couldn't do anything.
However when he finally noticed the stab wound he realised this was murder. He could do something.
He carried his sister's body in his arms and pulled her close to his chest as he quietly grieved for her.
He brought her body back to her beloved shrine and set her down at the head of the shrine where she loved the most.
He'd deal with her body later. But for now he had to get revenge for the death of his little sister.
Using his blood demon art to make a sword he gripped it tight.
He set off into the blizzard already with a scent on the targets.
He looked back once at the shrine. The last remaining parts of his humanity dying in there with his sister
And with that he left. Never to look back again.
It was five hundred years ago.
Kokushibo began reminiscing when he sat in front of her gravestone. What he did that night.
He had gotten his revenge, The two slayers slowly tortured and then eaten by him. Their screams and their pleads for mercy when they showed [F/N] none.
He had started with the fingers and toes, Then he moved up to the lower limbs, Slowly he ate them alive. He made one of them watch him while he ate, All before he moved onto them.
He made them confess who killed her to which after a little persuasion they admitted easily.
They got the worst of it, He didn't even eat him after the torture. Just left him pinned to a tree bleeding out. He had put him up high only giving him the options of freezing to death, bleeding out or dying from the fall.
The memories rewound in his head like a film. Flashing memories of when she was born and he got to cradle her in his arms. All the way up until he only held her lifeless corpse, Killed too soon.
He had mourned for a long time after that, Never really getting over her death, Not even now as he set down the new flowers on her grave built near the house they grew up in.
He couldn't bring himself to consume her body, He could never. It was too much.
He got up and dusted himself off, Just like she use to do.
He turned away and walked into the night, Melding into the shadows as he went off to find his next meal.
The morning rays shun down on the Ubuyashiki Estate. Flowers in full bloom with wisteria ripe in the air.
Birds chirped and grasshoppers hummed in the bushes. The neatly trimmed and well kept garden a fit home for them
The Hashira had gathered and stood in front of the porch awaiting the arrival of their master. They talked amongst themselves in the meantime.
Mitsuri, The Love Hashira tugged on the hand of another. A soft smile gracing her face.
"Fujimori-san! You should really come out with me sometime, It's been ages since we've done something together!" Mitsuri teased lightly.
Fujimori laughed lightly from behind the kitsune mask with cerulean markings he (he?) wore. The medival english looking sword positioned in front of him pointing downward, His two hands gripping the katana-like hilt.
He was tall and muscular but had more of an athletic build. He had tattoo's from his neck to his lower arms describing pictures typically seen in shrine art.
His blue dragon-patterned haori that was draped around his lower arms lightly wove in the wind along with his [H/C] locks tied into a ponytail.
"What do you mean? We went on a mission together last week!" He chuckled.
Mitsuri huffed and lightly gripped his hand
"When I mean spend time together I mean like we should go to a hot spring or go out to eat together or-" Mitsuri continued rambling on as she listed off possible activities they could do together.
Fujimori, [F/N] listened intently onto her as she talked.
She (She? She.) however was only thinking of his visions: A sick woman, A woman with fox markings and a man in a purple hakama.
She'd need to figure it out later.
Next chapter
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beer-anon · 1 year
Clingy and relentless
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Tomioka Giyuu x Fem! Reader
Prologue can be read but doesn't have to be. Background: You're the Moon Hashira
NB: I moved account to @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi
Tags: drunk sex, mild coercion?, body worship, minor voice kink, porn with plot (?)
Word count: 4k
I promised to tag you long time ago, but I never got around to finishing/posting so here it is @crimsonkenjii-writes
The izakaya was rowdy, the ‘Welcome, new Hashira!’ party was in full swing. You’d been pulled along by an excited Mitsuri, Uzui pushing your smaller figure forward. The dubious seat of honor was between those two. Each egging you on to drink shot after shot. 
Soon enough, it was getting too noisy and too energetic for you, so you’d excused yourself to get a little breather outside. You felt quite flushed, this being perhaps the second time you ever drank in your life. It was actually pretty surprising how well you held on. 
Soft evening breeze cooled down your heated skin. You sighed in relief. You didn’t know how the Hashira managed to stay in their uniform and haori inside the hot pub. You had only ever worn your uniform, and even now, you’d discarded the jacket, leaving you in the white button-up and dark pants. Despite that, you had to cool down. 
The moon was bright in the night sky, and if you hadn’t been in a lit village, you would see the stars too. The whole night was beautiful. 
You wanted to get lost in it, to forget about the guilt weighing you down, and most of all, you wanted to belong. You wanted to be comforted and to feel safe. To take a deep breath into your lungs unobstructed, without the worries pressing down on your chest.
A loud laughter echoed from the inside. You figured your mini pity party should be over. You needed to return before someone came out to drag you in. 
The short time you were gone saw some seating changes. Rengoku sat in your spot next to Uzui now, and the only two free seats were next to Kocho. It would be weird to sit one seat away from her, so you took the one right by her. 
“Ah, [L/n]-san, nice of you to join me,” her smile seemed dim compared to before. Maybe the alcohol had something to do with it. “You should drink some water too. The sake seems extra strong today.” 
You took her advice and the two of you started talking about poisons. You used to be interested in it when you were younger due to your true crime obsession. 
A few minutes passed by when the Water Pillar took up the seat next to you. You glanced at him. His usually unreadable face was a little flushed. How much had he drunk? 
“Ara, ara, Tomioka-san, you’re quite the light-weight, aren’t you?” 
His lips pressed together in a tight line and the corners were a little downturned. It was the biggest reaction he gave the whole day. 
“Uhm, Kocho-san, perhaps you shouldn’t make fun of Tomioka-san,” you intervened. His dark blue eyes shot to you in surprise, but you weren’t looking at him. You were frowning at Kocho. 
And just like that, you became on her hit list for teasing. “Oh my, [L/n]-san, I never took you to be friendless too~”
The hell? That hit home. She didn’t have to say it out loud though.
You pointedly turned away from her and leaned closer to Tomioka. “I heard you created a new breathing form, right? That sounds amazing. Tell me more about it, please.” 
His eyes darted behind you before his full attention was yours. The flush on his cheeks was worse than before. Did he drink another shot while you weren’t looking?
The rest of the night was spent quietly talking at the edge of the party. You switched to first names somewhen along the way. Giyuu was very nice, and it seemed the alcohol loosened his tense mask a lot. Your thighs touched and you sat closer than appropriate perhaps, but his voice was so pleasant and low that you couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
At the end of the night, it fell on you to escort the woozy Water Hashira home. Since your home was much closer, you decided that he would be better off sleeping at yours - the Moon Estate. 
It wasn’t much of an estate and more of a family house. It used to belong to a Hashira fifty years ago but fell into disrepair since. Ubuyashiki honored your request for something smaller - perhaps he really cared… 
(And you betrayed that trust-
Sit with me.
-like the fraud you were.)
The house was hastily repaired and prepared for you. Unlike the Wind estate or Flame estate with at least five workers each, your home had only one attendant - a quiet woman in her late forties named Sakura. 
Your attendant was already asleep by the time the two of you stumbled through the gates. It was probably a good thing. If she saw the two ‘admirable’ Hashira struggling to support each other while drunk, she’d get a heart attack. To be fair, Giyuu was more of a lightweight than you so he was the one leaning on you really. 
You sat him on the engawa to take off his shoes - no need to make Sakura angry by tracking dust and mud in the house - but he swayed and fell back to lay there instead. 
“Mhmm, your bed i’nt comfy,” he mumbled. “Should’ve gon’ to m’ home. M’ futon is the best.”
You hummed in agreement to entertain his thoughts. After slipping off your shoes as well, you dragged him onto the wooden floor properly and urged him to get up, much to his protest. 
The way he acted and talked was endearing, until you had to wrestle with him to get him in the guest room and undressed out of his uniform. It was official. Tomioka Giyuu, the great Water Hashira, turned into a clingy baby when drunk. It took ten minutes to pry his sleepy death grip on you off so you could go to your own room. 
You really hoped he didn’t remember most of it. You were sure he would be embarrassed.
✿   ✿   ✿
Giyuu remembered everything. Giyuu wasn’t the type to get black out drunk and forget. No, Giyuu was the type who lost his inhibitions, “Liquid Courage” living up to its name for him.
In the morning he laid in the guest futon for a while longer, thinking. The scent of you, despite the smell of izakaya and alcohol, was intoxicating. The warmth of your body was heavenly against his. He wondered how you tasted, how would it feel to kiss you, to devour you.
He wanted more, but he wasn’t sure how to get it. It’s been some time since he had to scratch that itch and he would make sure to make it worth it for you. The night, and morning after, would leave you breathless. He was confident in that - if you wanted him, that is.
And if it was good for you both, maybe more nights and mornings to follow.
The birds screaming outside for attention only made his throbbing headache worse. 
The headache also gave him an idea though.
You didn’t seem to mind taking care of him while he was drunk. Maybe he could test out the waters while under the influence and if you didn’t want it, or him, he could blame it on the alcohol.
Mind made up, it was time to face the outside world.
✿   ✿   ✿
The next time the Hashira went together for a little drinking party was when Rengoku retired. His skirmish with Upper Three left him on a long road to recovery, which he planned to use to train up more young demon slayers in his stead. Everyone, except Muichiro, had a cup of sake in hand and was in a jolly mood. Some disciples of Rengoku were there as well, though they also didn’t have any alcohol. You sat next to Giyuu again, Shinobu on your other side, and the little squad was right next to him. It was strange seeing a demon in the middle of the party, but at least you weren’t in public. This time, you were at the Ubuyashiki estate. 
“That’s really interesting. She just sleeps?” You raised your eyebrows in surprise. Apparently, your promotion to Hashira happened just after the ‘trial’. 
A loud laugh echoed from the other side of the room. Uzui was the source, as Rengoku’s stomach wound prohibited any sort of laughing, which had to be a bit painful. That man was made of sunshine and laughter. At this moment, he had a shit-eating grin on his face though.
“Yeah, she slept for two whole years while I was training under Urokodaki-san,” the boy with the hanafuda earrings, Tanjiro, said fondly while looking at his sister. She was staring at Mitsuri, and occasionally glanced at you, probably because Mitsuri braided your hair for the evening as well. 
“I see. Urokodaki-san also trained Giyuu-san, right?” you turned your attention to him. His face was flushed with alcohol, his eyes bright as they met yours. A high-pitched noise left him, and it took a second to realize it was a whine. “Giyuu-san?”
His lips parted, and closed, before he said, “Yes, he did.” 
Tanjiro giggled. You tilted your head to look at him with a confused frown. “Is something funny?”
The teen immediately tensed up and pressed his lips in a tight smile. “Nothing.” An obvious lie.
A tug on your sleeve distracted you. It was Nezuko, and her wide innocent eyes made you melt. “What is it, Nezuko-chan?”
She made some grumbling noises and gestures but you got the gist of it. She wanted you to braid her hair like Mitsuri’s, and yours. 
“Alright,” you shuffled out of your pillow seat, a difficult motion in your yukata, and patted it. “Sit here. I’ll braid it for you.” You knelt behind her and started to part her hair into two sections. Two braids would be better. Her hair was thick. 
Clothes rustled, and you glanced up to see Tanjiro staring intently at your hands as you worked. Giyuu got pushed out of his seat to let the young man watch but seemed fine with a cup of sake in his hand. 
You felt… content. For once.
Much later, Giyuu leaned heavily against you. You took it as a sign to get up and guide him home. This time, his home was closer, and that’s where he guided you as you supported him.
“[Name], are we friends?”
You looked at him confusedly, “Yeah, I consider you a friend.”
“Good, b’cos Shinobu is always like ‘Aww, Tomioka-san, you have no friends! Tomioka-san~’ and it’s annoyin’,” he pouted, half hanging onto your figure as you trudged through the streets towards his estate. “Now I can tell her I have you, and when she says ‘Oh, but no one likes you Tomioka-saaan’ then I’ll tell her-” he hiccuped “- I’ll tell her you like me and that will show her!” 
The flush on your face wasn’t to be blamed entirely on alcohol. At least it was dark enough that he couldn’t see. 
He saw.
You said nothing as you dragged him through the gates. Giyuu continued his rambling as you forced him to take off his shoes before walking in. 
You sat him down on the engawa and he lied down, much like last time you were helping his drunk ass into bed. 
“Wai’, are we at your place again? Why ain’t we at mine?” he whined.
You snort in amusement. Giyuu truly was a baby drunk. You frowned. Your stupid sandal wasn’t coming off. Did you tie it too tightly? 
“Hey… don’t ignore me,” he breathed against your ear sensually. 
A shiver ran down your spine. When had he moved?! “Giyuu, the hell?” you flinched back with a deep blush. “You scared me.”
His pout was criminally adorable. “You were ignoring me.” 
“I’m just getting my shoes off so we can go in. This stupid tie won’t budge though.” You went back to fighting your sandal.
Warmth enveloped you from all sides when he embraced you from behind. You tensed up but let him do as he wanted. His nimble fingers reached for the tie on your shoe and tugged it free in just a second.
He would never admit he re-tied it tight while you were distracted braiding Nezuko’s hair. His knots were the best, he knew.
Giyuu stayed glued to you for a few moments longer, breathing against your neck.
“Giyuu?” Goosebumps rose all along your skin. “Are you awake?”
He huffed. “Yeah.” The pressure eased and cold evening air stole all the body heat provided to you.
The both of you got to your feet, Giyuu more unsteady than you. He wavered and you immediately supported him. “Well, which way?” 
The room he led you to smelled like him. There was a big futon already prepared on the tatami mats.
“Alright, this is your stop, buddy. Let me set you down. Which way to the guest room?” 
Giyuu looked at you like you were stupid. “You’re staying here, with me.”
“I’m what?” You blinked. “You know what? I don’t really care at this point. I’m too tired to search for it by myself and I don’t wanna wake up your attendants.” 
You left him to steady himself and took off your outer yukata. The white juban was staying on though, despite being tied a bit too tight. You couldn’t risk anything with how clingy Giyuu was. With that, you crawled into his futon, leaving enough space for him to comfortably rest in.
It was silent for a little while.
You heard the rustling of fabric before it fell to the ground. He only wore a yukata before, so if some cloth fell, he had to be naked right now.
“My eyes might be closed, but, please, put your clothes back on…” Your face felt heated and you tried not to think how he looked naked. Your throat felt dry.
Two uneven strides, then: “I want your attention, [Name]...” He ignored your command.
You kept your eyes closed as you felt the covers move. “You have my attention.”
“Open your eyes.” 
A finger poked your shoulder. “[Name]...”
You turned so your back faced him. You thought that was the end of it, but then you felt his body slide against yours, the heat scorching against the thin fabric covering you. 
“What- on- Earth- are you doing right now?” You ground out. You were getting a little annoyed. You were horny, frustrated and a little under the influence of the consumed sake and you were not having it with Giyuu.
“‘m huggin’ you, whaddya think?” he mumbled. The arm he draped over you pulled you closer. You squirmed a little. His hand slid up and cupped your breast.
“Alright, that’s it! You have my attention now,” you huffed and pulled at the hand to stop touching your chest. It didn’t budge, it just squeezed a little. You wiggled and fidgeted, trying to get loose when your butt brushed against something that was not his leg. You froze.
Giyuu’s breath hitched. “Baby…”
His grip lost its strength so you turned around to face him. Soft moonlight was enough to see his flushed face.
“I could kiss you right now…”
“Giyuu… You’re drunk,” you pressed your lips in a tight line. You yourself felt much more sober, yet intoxicated at the same time.
If the walk home helped or not was anyone’s guess, but he rolled over to pin you to the futon. The blanket slid down his back to rest at his hips. You practically stopped breathing and were forcing your eyes to remain on his own. You couldn’t glance down right now.
“I could kiss you right now,” he repeated. “...maybe add a little tongue…” Your face had to be as flushed as his. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Giyuu…” Protests died in your throat a miserable death when he leaned closer. His breath smelled like sake.
“Give me you body… your love… your lips.” The words entranced you. The pace and anticipation were killing you. You never knew Giyuu knew how to be soft, how to express himself in such a way. “You’re so beautiful.” The kiss was barely there, yet it sent a shiver down your spine. 
You sighed against his lips as if in relief, unsaid tension released, and all thoughts left your head. 
He rolled you both so you were under him, shifting so only one of his arms supported his weight off of you. The hard-on you discovered a few moments ago pressed against your stomach. His free hand pulled a few stray hair strands behind your ear and lingered there as he stared at you.
Every second stretched out into infinity. 
Hesitantly, your hands trailed up his bare sides. A violent shiver was your reward. ���Baby…” he breathed out harshly.
You remained silent and traced gentle and winding lines across his chest with your nails.
Giyuu let out a strangled moan. “...your touch…” He didn’t elaborate but swooped down for another kiss, this one more insistent and deeper. A scorching heat built up inside of you. “Intoxicating. You’re like- a drug… my drug…” 
The uncharacteristic possessiveness drove you nearly feral with need. “Giyuu, please…”
Your plea was rewarded with a shaky breath from him. He slowly trailed his way down to your neck with his lips, feather-light and teasing. He kissed your pulse point.
He nibbled on the vulnerable flesh while humming in pleasure. The low vibrations of his voice made goosebumps spread all over you.
“More… Stop teasing,” you whined. At this point, you weren’t sure if you were dizzy from alcohol or his touch. Your hands gripped at the futon in an effort to ground you.
Giyuu must have felt merciful, as his sweet worship ran down your body in slow motions. His hands joined in the silent conquest, broken only by his and your shaky breaths. He untied your juban easily - How did he do that? You were sure the knot was too tight - and pulled it open as he went lower and lower. 
Before you knew it, your panties were gone as well and you were as bare as him. He took a deep Breath and dove in with the hunger of a starving man. 
His hands reached up to hold your thighs apart, giving him access to your most sensitive spot. His tongue expertly flicked and teased at your clit. He continued his gorging, building up a rhythm that drove you closer and closer to the edge. 
Just as you were about to cum, he moved his tongue down to lap at your entrance. You whined his name at the ruined orgasm, frustrated. Giyuu didn’t care and continued his assault of your pussy lips, loud slurps and licks echoing in his room.
He added a thumb into the mix to stimulate your clit again. A few light circular motions and you were at the brink again. Just a little more- just a second-
-and you were lost. The intensity of the pleasure pulsing from your pussy was all you could focus on as you trembled from head to toe. Your chest heaved with deep breaths. He continued to lick you softly, clearly still lost in the taste.
“Hmm, delicious…” He licked his lips, before he realized what he just said. “Oh no, I’m starting to sound like Rengoku right now.” His horrified expression, drunken flush on his cheeks, face half wet with your pussy juices, everything about this situation was hilarious. You started to laugh. “Babyyy,” he whined quietly. 
“Sorry,” you giggled breathlessly. 
Giyuu crawled up your body with a pout, holding eye contact, his hips slotting between your thighs easily. “As you should be.” His cock slid over your lower lips easily, wetly humping against you and letting you feel just how massive he was. “Can I…?” 
Instead of answering, you reached down to position his tip at your entrance. He got the message and started to press in, releasing a long shaky groan. His eyes became shiny, too shiny, while he stared into your soul.
You clenched your teeth to stop any noise from spilling past your lips. He filled you in all the right places, the stretch burning slightly. You hadn’t truly realized his size until he fully slid in, pressing against your cervix harshly. Your mouth opened in a silent scream at that, a full body twitch overtaking you, still maintaining eye contact as tears gathered at your lash line.
“Don’t… don’t look… babe…” he exhaled harshly in pleasure, eyes tightly clenched shut and tears finally falling down his face. Your pussy was heavenly warm and snug around his cock. “Don’t look at me.”
You’d always been a little rebellious. Your eyes remained open, short nails digging into his biceps and you urged him on with a low grind of your hips against his. The hitch in his breath gave away his desperation.
The first stroke was drawn-out, Giyuu struggling to breathe properly at the feeling. However it wasn’t long until the pace became a harmonic gooey pat-pat-pat of pleasure. 
“Fuck, Giyuu…” you lost your composure and stopped holding back your noises, sleeping attendants be damned. Every time he bottomed out, he brushed against your clit harshly and his tip smooched the entrance to your womb. It sent shocks through your body, centering in your stomach like a tight knot.
He groaned breathlessly as your walls tightened around him gradually. “So- fucking- perfect- Ah!” The pulsing around his cock was almost mind-numbing. Tears still continued to fall from his eyes slowly, the pleasure overwhelming his drunken body. The drops fell onto your own chest, neck and face with his motions, like the first dew in spring.
Giyuu opened his eyes to watch your face as you got lost in ecstasy. He suddenly gripped your legs and nearly folded you in half. The new position allowed him to thrust against something that made you cry out at first contact. Your hands tried to find purchase in the futon again.
“Y’ like tha’? Like me makin’ a mess of you-?”
Moans were all your throat could produce as an answer.
The heat shared between the two of you built and built, like a simmering pot left unattended, ready to burst at any second.
His pace grew sloppy and uneven, yet it offered no mercy on your puffy pussy, bullying any semblance of sanity right out of your mind. Giyuu seemed to be losing his strength. He leaned down, his body dwarfing yours, and supported his weight on his forearms above your shoulders. He panted and whined right into your ear, the sounds sending electric shocks of pleasure right to the still-tightening knot in your belly.
“Ngh- fuck- ‘m close-!” he grunted, rolling his hips, more grinding than thrusting now. The stimulation on your nub in this position was unreal.
You thought you would explode, but instead went out with a whimper. Eyes unseeing, ears ringing, thighs quivering, you lost yourself in the kaleidoscope of pleasure rolling through your body.
Giyuu suddenly slammed into you with the power of a tsunami, sending another shock through your body. You could scarcely breathe - was it just another wave or was it another orgasm entirely? 
Twice more did he strike just as forcefully before he released a shaky moan, hilting as far as he could. His breath stuttered. Hot spurts of cum started flooding your pussy in the rhythm of his erratic heart. It dripped around his length and out of your ruined hole. He continued rutting into you, as if to fuck his semen deeper into you.
He had ruined you, ruined you for any other man. 
You keened like a wounded animal when he finally pulled out slowly, your gummy walls scraped raw from his cock. Like a broken dam, his cum leaked out of your pulsing pussy. 
He rolled over with a relieved sigh. You could finally unwind from the near-impossible fold he had you in. There was a slight ache in the small of your back, but a good night sleep could fix that… probably. If not, you could always demand a massage.
“Don’t you dare leave me,” Giyuu demanded in a soft whisper after he caught his breath, pulling you close. 
Your face was smushed against his collarbone but you figured he would let up once he fell asleep.
He kissed the crown of your head tenderly. “Never leavin’ me. Not allowed.”
You could hardly protest, as tired as you were from your activities. 
“Please… date me…” he mumbled. Right after, soft breathing indicated he passed out. 
You smiled tiredly. “What an impossible man… Not even awake to hear my answer…”
✿   ✿   ✿
Will be cross-posted on AO3 soon
I'm also writing a bonus scene / part 2 but idk when it'll be done
Next up: Obanai
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xxlady-lunaxx · 23 days
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Obanai finished his missions quickly that night. As he walked, there was a slight crinkling sound from the letter he’d tucked in his pocket prior evening. He was heading towards the written address, anticipation turning his stomach and making his heart rate refuse to calm even after the he’d left behind the excitement of his mission minutes before.
When he arrived, he noticed the place was empty. He must be early.
Taking out the letter just in case, he squinted as he tried to read the agreed time on the paper. It was too hard with just the dim light of the moon and he sighed. As he went to put it away, he froze, swiveling quickly around to see—
“Tomioka,” he breathed. “You’re here.”
Giyuu’s silhouette nodded, the movement shifting his hair. “I’m sorry if I kept you waiting.”
“You didn’t. I was only here a minute.”
In the dark, Obanai could barely make out a small smile that formed Giyuu’s lips.
“I’m glad. It’s good to- to be here with you again,” Giyuu murmured. He settled down at the base of a nearby tree and Obanai quickly joined him. “Kocho was making a fuss about my lack of self preservation earlier.”
Obanai snorted, leaning against Giyuu. Kaburamaru made the quick trek from Obanai’s shoulders to Giyuu’s, moving slowly around the red side of his haori as he got comfortable.
“What did you do now?” he asked.
Giyuu glanced down at him, contemplating something before patting his lap. Obanai stared at him.
“Sit here.”
Obanai hesitated, then stood, brushing himself off. Then he lowered himself carefully onto Giyuu’s lap, facing away from him. He sat so his head rested against Giyuu’s shoulder and his back to his chest, tucking his legs up slightly to encompass Giyuu’s.
Obanai nodded as Giyuu wrapped his arms around Obanai, pulling them back slightly so they leaned against the tree. He sighed contently and Obanai imagined him closing his eyes as he spoke again.
“I got hurt on my last mission. It was a minor thing but she wasn’t happy,” Giyuu murmured, head tilting back. “She wasn’t in a good mood.”
“Sounds like it. Where’d you get hurt?” Obanai asked. He gazed up at the sky, feeling warm where he nestled in Giyuu’s arms. Even with his naturally cold body and the chill of the air, it was comfortable here. And a feeling almost akin to safety accompanied the thought, making a smile form under his mask.
“My face. You probably didn’t see it since it’s on my cheek and my hair usually blocks there. And she put a bandage on it,” Giyuu responded, after a beat of silence. They spoke quietly, as to not disturb the sleep around them, but their voices were clear. Giyuu’s voice was beautiful.
“We can match,” Obanai joked.
Giyuu hummed, resting his cheek against Obanai’s head. “I prefer you without the bandages. Then I can see your whole face.”
“I’ve never shown you my whole face in the light.”
“I can see fine. You’re the one with bad eyesight,” Giyuu said, a smile distinct in his voice.
“Oh, shut up.”
Giyuu went quiet, most likely thinking. Sometimes, they sat together for hours without speaking. Sometimes they walked. Today seemed very slow, albeit in a perfect way. Drawn out in intricate letters.
“Can I see your face now?”
Obanai hesitated. “You sure?” He was afraid Giyuu would leave early if he showed him in the beginning of their rendezvous. He was never sure if he’d stay. He always did, though. But there was still room for worry.
“Of course.”
Obanai turned in Giyuu’s lap until he sat facing him, legs wrapping around Giyuu’s waist.
“Can I help you take it off?” Giyuu asked. His bangs obscured his eyes, hiding the deep blue eyes Obanai wished he could see better.
Giyuu moved slowly, hands gently unwrapping the hastily done mask and revealing, centimeter by centimeter, the toughened tissue that dug a rivet across Obanai’s jaw. When he finished, draping the bandages over Obanai’s should like Kaburamaru liked to lay, he gazed at him for several moments, not speaking.
“Tomioka?” Obanai mumbled uncertainly.
Giyuu cupped his face, brushing his thumb along the edge of the scar. Inadvertently, Obanai shivered at the touch, something warm and fuzzy taking over his mind. Giyuu’s lips took on a soft smile and he pulled him closer until their noses touched, eyes meeting in the dark.
“You get prettier every time,” Giyuu whispered, pressing his own lips against the ruined ones Obanai held. The wounded ones Giyuu loved.
Obanai relaxed in his hold, leaning into the kiss. When they pulled apart, he stared at him, something too intense to put into words mulling in his throat.
“I… I really like you, Tomioka,” he murmured.
“Giyuu. There’s nobody here. Call me Giyuu.” The aforementioned man smiled at him, eyes alight despite the dimness of the night.
“Giyuu. I love you, Giyuu,” Obanai said. He felt like the words were hardly enough to explain what he felt. But they would do for now.
“I love you too, Obanai.”
They sat quietly like that for an indescribable amount of time. Comfortably. Contently.
When the sky began to brighten, they stirred. Kaburamaru had fallen asleep on Giyuu’s arm and Obanai gently placed him on his shoulders where the bandages had laid moments before—now wrapped carefully around his jaw, tucking away the kisses that peppered the scar he hid.
As the stood, walking down a jagged, manmade path, ready to part ways, Giyuu stopped Obanai, giving him a quick hug.
“I have patrol tomorrow, somewhere further. So we can’t meet then,” Giyuu told him.
Obanai nodded. He brought up a hand, shifting Giyuu’s hair away from his cheek. A bandage peeked out from under the dark locks and he brushed his finger against it.
“This where you got hurt?” he asked.
Giyuu assented. “It’s nothing.”
Obanai stood on tiptoes, pressing a kiss blocked by doubly the bandages on his cheek where the healing wound lay. Giyuu rewarded it with an almost shy smile and Obanai could see now the light blush that dusted his cheeks. He returned the smile before he left, making his way down the path away from Giyuu. Away from the little secret he hoped to never lose.
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this is actually part of smth else I’m writing but I loved it too much nd it works fine as a stand alone
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arataka-reigen · 8 months
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He might have reached his limit here, guys
[ID: three GIFs from The Apothecary Diaries. The scene starts with Maomao, a young woman with light skin, blue eyes and dark green hair styled in two low ponytails that she has draped over her shoulders, and a small bun, spinning through pink light, her hands against her cheeks in delight. She is wearing a green shirt and maroon bottoms. The first GIF ends with Maomao bumping into Jinshi and turning around with a gleeful smile on her face.
In the second GIF, Maomao greets him with a joyful glimmer in her eyes, the screen around her turning pink and sparkles flying through the air.
The scene cuts to Jinshi, a young man with light skin and long purple hair, in a blue Kimono and dark blue haori. In the last GIF, Jinshi turned around and began hitting his head against a bedpost. /ID end]
ID provided by @autistic-brainbug thank you
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midniiights-garden · 8 months
A Porcelain Doll and a Blade [2] - Mizu x Fem!Reader
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Summary: The Beauty has a temper and the Beast is unwilling to deal with it. When morning shines upon them the Beast does not transform into a beautiful woman (she already is one). But the Beauty does somehow get more hostile.
Possible TWs!!: A lot of swearing, sexisim, threats of violence, canon typically bloodshed, a little bit suggestive?
Morning comes. You do not feel any better.
With a grunt you turn in your small futon, your eyes squinting in the harsh light of day. Much to your luck the sun is shining straight into your eyes, causing you to be even more irritated.
On the otherside of the room Mizu is already awake, dressing herself. Of course, considering that she was in disguise she usually took little to nothing off of her whilst she slept- just her plain kasa, her cloak and her haori. Everything else she kept on her. Upon hearing your disgruntled noise she turns to your direction, raising her eyebrow. And you, sensing her gaze, respond back.
"...what the fuck are you looking at?" You growl, your voice still raspy with sleep. Mizu has to fight back a chuckle. You look utterly ridiculous right now. Your dark hair is a mess, equally dark circles underneath your eyes and a prominent scowl on your face. You were almost as bad as she was. However, Mizu manages to control herself. She doesn't feel like fighting a brat like you first thing in the morning.
Unfortunately, you already took offense to her silence and so, with combination of pent up frustration and irritation you come up to her, poking her chest.
"Could you quit that?" You hiss, trying not to completely lose your cool. "If you're going to stare you could at least speak to me like a normal human being."
Mizu is yet again stunned by you. This was the second time you, with no hesitation, proceeded to approach her first. Not only that, approach her with the intent to argue with her. Even if she was a woman as well it wasn't often she saw another woman, much less one as small as you, be willing to pick arguements with someone who presented as a man.
So, she responds.
"I have nothing to say to you," she says, rolling her eyes.
You do not take this well.
"If you have nothing to say to me then do me a favour and keep your eyes to yourself," you hiss, yet again trying to calm yourself down. God, you really wanted to walk out into the cold right now. Something you had never wanted to do before.
Mizu just scoffs at your response.
"The world doesn't revolve around your whims," she says.
"You're right, for once," you respond snarkily. "It doesn't. But you needn't stare at me for as long as you have."
Your response has Mizu both amused and irritated yet again.
"Am I meant to not look at you?"
"No," you spit. "You're meant to not stare at me. They're two different things."
The arguement goes on for a while, clearly not going anywhere. You have half a mind to deck this weirdly attractive stranger in the face. Unfortunately for you, Mizu seems to have gotten tired as well. So, she lunges at you, pinning you to the floor in the hopes of scaring you enough to get you to shut up. You do not, in fact, shut up. In fact, this seems to only fuel your already raging temper.
The both of you toss each other around along the floor, each one not wanting to give up. Internally, Mizu was scolding herself for getting into such a petty scuffle. It was unlike her to do so but something about you just intruiged yet pissed her off in a way no one else had managed to do. The fact that you were putting up a decent fight did not help her lose interest in you.
It takes a good ten to fifteen minutes of scuffling before you run out of stamina. Although you managed to hold up decently against the blue eyed stranger your stamina was weak in comparison, leaving you struggling and out of breath beneath her. Your breath his ragged and so is hers, not as much but still noticeable. The both of you lay there, Mizu pinning you down to the now messy floor as she tries to actually justify why she had attacked you. You were left staring at each other, not really remembering why you were fighting in the first place.
You sigh, finally calming down enough after the fight to speak without wanting to rip Mizu's face off.
"...truce," you mutter, squirming a bit under her piercing gaze.
"...truce?" She asks, wondering where your initial spite had gone.
"Yes, truce. Are you deaf?" You ask dryly.
Oh. There it was.
You continue. "I know a losing battle when I see one. You've won this round."
Mizu is speechless. This weird little stranger can admit defeat so gracefully? Without throwing a hissy fit? She just stares down at you, not really understanding.
"I... so... you admit you were wrong?" She asks you.
"No. I was not wrong. I am admitting that the physical scuffle was immature of me to indulge in and we should quit this. We both look stupid."
Your blunt response actually gets a chuckle out of Mizu and she finally gets off of you.
Oddly enough you miss the stranger's warmth.
(A/N: AAAANNDDDD that's it for tonight. I am trying not to make the MC too mean or bratty 😭😭. Like, I want her to be understandbly irritated but also like... reasonable? yknow?? idk if that makes sense. also i may or may not just be too tired to continue writing for today. As usual, any feedback or other requests are welcome!! thank you for reading darlings <3)
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kokushibosbestie · 10 days
Meet タチマリ・ヤスオ, Tengen's Son ☁︎
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A/N: I LOVE YASUO SO MUCH ALREADY IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY. But seriously, this oc is everything I wish I could be. This is an oc that was solely created to be an s/o for @matthew-knyshait's oc, but I've grown so attached. `(*>﹏<*)′
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• Full name: Yasuo Tachimari / タチマリ・ヤスオ • Gender Identity: Cis male, femboy ? - Pronouns: He / Him • Romantic Preferences / Sexuality: Gay / Homosexual - Ship / Romantic Interest: Maitsu Gahamoki (@matthew-knyshait's oc) - Species: Human • Birthday: December 14 - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn -------------------- • Age: 14 y/o -------------------- • Personality Traits: Understanding // Kind // Loving // Cheerful // Lovable // Caring // Extrovert // Tanjiro Type (reference to S.4) -------------------- • Appearance: Darkly colored skin, four pupils with two in each eye, light blue hair, painted nails - Hight: 5'2" - Weight: 124 lbs. (56.2455 kgs) - Body Type: short, small -------------------- • Hair Color: Light blue || #ace4fa - Hair Length: Short, side swept - Hair Condition: Sharp looking, soft -------------------- • Ocular Color ( Eye Hue ): Light pink || #FFB6C1 || Brown || #300418 -------------------- • Usual Style / Outfit: Work - Demon Slayer Uniform // An altered white male uniform top, dark bluish-purple puffy shorts + large bow tied in back + beltish thing around hips || dark blush-purple sailor style scarf with yellow tied bow + golden purple gem earrings + bow hachimaki headpiece + tan boots with white lacing || Haori is placed over shoulders and has two layers consisting of the top layer, a large dark bluish-purple drape with golden accents that falls just to the upper calf in back but only to the upper thighs in front + the lower drape, a smaller grey drape with Japanese Text in gold accents all over it • Ranking: Kinoe - Breathing Style: Cloud Breathing -------------------- • Activity / Hobbies: Doing really anything with Maitsu involved. Hanging out with his stepmothers, Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma. Ex: Letting Suma do different hairstyles and makeup looks on him / Making food with Hina / Training with Makio. - Pet(s): Kasugai crow named "Yaoi" • Extra Information: He was adopted by Tengen before S.2.
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Official Appearance:
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Taisho Era Secret: Yasuo used to have a crush on Muichiro because Tengen introduced Yasuo to all the Hashira. Though, Muichiro never showed much interest in being Yasuo's friend, so he naturally stopped liking him.
BONUS: Yasuo is cis male, but does like girly things and is currently trying to grow out his hair. Tengen doesn't know this yet, but Makio does. (I'll explain how this happens later on!)
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@ayunakatsukiwolfhashira @stellapuffs @kitkat-moon @mitsuriswingwoman @giyuus-little-helper @giyuuswifey @larz-barz This is NOT proofread, please forgive any grammatical errors I may have. DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THE ART / PICTURES USED ARE MINE. ALL CREDITS GO TO RIGHTFUL OWNERS.
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changewingwentz · 2 months
This took a week but here it is vessel wears a kimono specifically for spring-autumn season :D!
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It looks plain at first but you’ll see tentacles on the shoulders if the lightings juuust right
Watch as I ramble (too long abt the design) here’s another version without the Haori !
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5 days from a family trip suddenly falling ill for ii days as I’m writing this, wanted to give up after thinking “man it kinda looks ass now” or looking at it too long but I’m too stubborn for my own good lol
Randomly remembered a YouTuber Im following already has a vid abt male kimonos so this is where the inspo started !
I use red, black, blue, yellow(gold) undertones trying my best to make it as close to the color palette of the band aesthetic as possible also I associate blue with Ves a lot haha, the spine probs came from the tomb brainrot, you can’t see it but the end of the sleeves has waves representing the track visuals, and cylcamen attached as a reference from @/chrishardy.design 's post from ig months ago after looking up the meaning both floral language& Hanakotoba , I gotta include it in someway…
The Haori-himo ( the string attached) has 12 beads representing how each 3 albums has 12 tracks, like the 3 blue diamonds (also ascensionism reference for fun) jokingly it can represent his bandmates cuz they all got blue eyes idk, originally it’s supposed to have the runes spelling out “worship” but felt like I’m adding too much besides male kimonos have pretty simple designs and I’m trying my best not to go maxilism grind mode in every character design:p
Oh yeah if you’re wondering abt the scarf it’s here!
alright that’s all! it was fun but I’m finally done whew😭🗣
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hauntedfoxhut · 1 year
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Muzan falling for a human
-He saw you in that pretty Blue dress 🩵
-He decided to take a walk around the city, the yellow lights, the people, the smell of food ( and human flesh ) on the air, he even gave a small smile to the world around him, he felt like he was alive, just for a couple of seconds but he smiled
-But that girl… is that… oh it’s you! That blue dress with a black haori looks amazing on you, and Muzan just could stare at you, he analyzed you, from your simple slippers to your glowing hair, his dead heart even skipped a couple of beats
- The world around him stopped, he kept starring and you, but now he’s walking, getting closer…
- and closer…
- and even more closer, but when you least expected, he touched your shoulder, gently and soft
- But your eyes, those eyes hypnotized him…
- “Sir, are you alright? Do you need something?” You said, but he just ??? BLUSHED??? He couldn’t believe that he was turning red…
-“I’m sorry, but, are you single? Because I would love to take you out…” he sounded honest and calm, even with that brilliant red cheeks
- and of course you said yes, how could you resist it, he looked so cute!
- He took you out to eat at the most expensive restaurant he knew, he treated you like a goddess, when he had to say goodbye he didn’t believed it, he just found the love of his life…
- and he can’t loose you…
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