#that every time I see people on the dash like 'ahh yes the corruption shenanigans' I sit here half chuckling half crying
soulsxng · 1 year
I've already spun the next void and secondary wheel stuff for the new update, and lemme tell ya. It gets worse, unfortunately.
Anyway, I forgot to add this on the last one, but by the time the next spins are posted (thinking Thursday or Friday for that), I'm gonna say that it's been about...two weeks, since the Corruption was announced? Maybe two and a half? So everyone that's already been announced would be at early-mid or mid on the symptom list. And then from there, I'll just add a week per new spin post (or every other spin post, we'll see)
I said this at the very beginning, but I don't actually intend to have any muses (mine or otherwise) get to the late stage automatically. At that point, I might pick one or two of mine, and leave it up to everyone else if they want any of their babies to get to that point too. But like...hopefully by then, the treatment will be figured out, so that won't be as big an issue.
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