#that accident wrecked him in every way
vladdyissues · 11 months
What would Vlad do if Danny accidentally got turned into an actual badger?
The user 穴熊 (Anaguma, aka Badger) on Pixiv has drawn a supremely cute mock title card of Danny in just such a situation!
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As for Vlad, I don't think he'd be in any hurry to change Danny back. He'd probably go full-on Badger Dad, green and yellow frilly apron and all, and simply relish giving Danny little therapeutic flea baths, combing his fur, trimming his claws, buying him all sorts of pet toys and fancy food and water dishes, and best of all—no smartass comments.
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entitled-fangirl · 8 months
So guilty.
Felix Catton x reader
Summary: An accident happens and the reader dies. Felix blames himself for it.
Words: 1,959
Warnings: spiked drink, death, drowning, cursing, makeout session, skinny dipping, guilty conscience
Author's note: Idea came from this request!!!!
Masterlist <3
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Felix and his girl had been together for what felt like an eternity. Truthfully, they'd been together a little over two years. But she spent many of her breaks at Saltburn with him, and his family adored her as one of their own. 
That’s what made things so difficult. She was practically one of them. 
Felix loved her more than the moon and the stars. She was his everything. He would eat, sleep, and breathe her if he could. She was his reason for waking up in the morning. And she was a beautiful sight to wake up to, indeed.
Like this morning.
Felix opened his eyes to see the sun peeking through his window, illuminating the bedroom. He leaned on one elbow to admire the sunrise before ultimately laying back down on his back. His head looked directly to his side to see his beloved girl. His angel.
She laid on her stomach, her face turned in his direction. Her cheek was slightly squished against the pillow, her hair an absolute wreck. But he found it so alluring. So perfect. Heavenly. Her pretty face lit up by the sunlight was the best thing his brown eyes had ever had the joy to witness. He let out a soft breath at the sight. One that woke her up.
Her eyes flickered open, before quickly closing again after seeing the sun in her eyes. She let out a light groan. “Mmm… ‘Morning, love.”
He grinned, his voice gravely from sleep, “‘Morning, angel. God, you’re such a pretty girl.”
She smiled, rolling over onto her back. A hand of hers came up to cover her eyes as she lightly rubbed them with the back of said hand. 
He wished he could save this moment in time forever.
But, like all good things, it must come to an end.
Duncan’s voice was heard outside the door. “Master Felix, breakfast is in thirty minutes.”
He leaned up on his elbow, his voice echoing, “Thank you, Duncan.”
They heard his footsteps retreat from the door.
Felix’s attention turned back to the girl in his bed. Her pretty face. Her perfect body. Her sweet sweet soul. “What do you wanna do today, angel?”
A silence fell over them before she opened her eyes again, staring at the ceiling. She thought for a while before turning her head to look at him, “Let’s drink the day away, huh? You and me?”
He didn’t need to be told twice. His lips pull into a grin before he gently kisses her forehead, “Anything my angel wants.”
Hours after breakfast, the two sat in the library, sharing a bottle of liquor. 
Felix’s parents didn’t mind. Not at all. They were the parents to encourage drinking in the house rather than out in bars and clubs, claiming it was best for them to realize their tolerance when safe at home. Felix didn’t care what morals they tried to teach. They could drink in the house, and that’s all he needed to know. 
The bottle sat half empty, the two feeling buzzed as they talked for hours. 
It didn’t really matter what the two talked about. Not at all. Felix could listen to her speak the alphabet for four hours and still think she was the most precious thing on earth. 
But it escalated after a while. The two lay on the couch, their bodies close as they made out. 
His hand was up her shirt, her hands pulling at his hair. He would never get tired of her pretty body. The small noises she made in pleasure. The way her body would react to his touches. He loved every second of it. 
She pulled away from him suddenly, her eyes staring at his lips. “Let’s… let’s go sw… swim, yeah? C’mon Lex.”
He takes a moment to consider, or as much as he could in his drunken state, “you sure, angel? It could be kinda cold…”
She nodded, “Pl…Please, Please Lex. Wanna swim… Wanna swim with you..”
He nodded, letting his fears go before they even became present.
She pulled him across the dock excitedly. 
He set their basket and bag down before setting up their picnic. Well, as much of a picnic they could put together by themselves, two drunk college kids in love.
He laid out the blanket before setting down the other alcohol bottles he brought. He let her take a look at the bottles as he set each one down on the blanket. “Now, let’s waste the rest of the day like you wanted, angel.”
She quickly pulled off her swimsuit cover, revealing the cute red bikini she was wearing. 
He couldn’t help but stare. God, she was such a pretty thing. Too pretty. How he got her, he’d never know. She must’ve felt his stares because she grinned. “C’mon, Catton. You promised a swim…with…with me.”
He nods, opening one of the bottles in front of him. “I did. Just wanna… wanna buzz a little before I do… just…go…go ahead, baby girl….”
She didn’t need to be told twice. She grinned, running off the dock into the water. 
He grinned, laying down on the blanket and pulling the bottle to his lips. “Talk to me…”
She splashed the water around her, “Oh, Lex. This is incredible. This... yeah… good idea…”
His head nods, even if she couldn’t see it. He pulled his sunglasses on, not wanting to look directly into the sun above him. “Well… wasn’t my idea but… I’ll take… credit if it makes you happy…”
She giggles, “It does.”
Felix let the silence fall before changing the subject. “D’ya think Oli’s alright? He was acting weird yesterday…. Should… Should have I invited him to swim with us today?”
He could practically hear her grin in her voice. “Oh, Oliver doesn’t want to be here… this is for you…and me.”
He grinned, “What… what d’ya mean, angel?”
He’s hit in the face with a cloth. He pulls it up.
Her swimsuit pieces. 
He sits up, holding the pieces in front of him with a shit-eating grin. “Fuck, angel. You’re quite… quite wicked… aren’t you?” He took another swig of his bottle. 
She giggles from the water. “Aren’t you glad Oliver’s not here?”
He scoffed, “More than fucking happy… no one gets to see this but me, huh? Such a pretty girl…” He stood, stumbling slightly. How much of that bottle had he drank?
He shuffled forward on the dock until she was in his line of sight. The sight of her bare shoulders sent him into a frenzy. “Fuck…” He wished, just for a moment, that they were in a clean pool so he could see through the murky water. See her pretty body on display for him. 
She grinned, “Ya coming in, Lex?”
He let out a breath, “Jesus, angel. Yeah… yeah I…. I’ll be there.. Give me… give me a second.”
He walked back to the blanket, struggling to take off his shirt. He does so, tossing it in the bag before taking another swig of the bottle in front of him. 
He sets the bottle down and walks back to the end of the dock.
Where was she?
Oh, Fuck. Where was she?
No response. 
His voice grew louder, “C’mon, angel. This isn’t funny.”
When he was met with silence, his mind quickly sobered him. His voice was loud, calling out desperately, “Angel… ANGEL!”
When no answer was heard, he jumped into the cold water. 
He surfaced, his head swiveling around to look for her. Any sign of her. Where the fuck was she?
His heart told him it was just a game, that she was hiding somewhere, but his head said differently. She didn’t play games like this. Not the worrisome kind. 
He began to swim further out in search for her. He hit the middle of the pond, looking around desperately. 
He had only turned his head for a second. A second. And she was gone. 
She was gone.
His family heard his heartfelt screams from the house.
A few days had passed, and Felix was beyond disrepair. His hair was unwashed, his facial hair grew in, and his eyes held a dull look compared to the bright shine they used to have.
He felt guilty. So guilty. 
He had killed her.
As much as people tried to convince him that it wasn’t his fault, that he didn’t do it, it didn’t matter. He still believed that he killed the one thing he lived for. And he killed himself in the process.
With Oliver’s party coming up, Felix couldn’t care any less. He felt guilty for not entertaining his guest, but what was he supposed to do? The poor mourning boyfriend couldn’t even sleep at night, his night terrors becoming worse every night.
Oliver broke the boy’s train of thought. “Felix?”
He looked up from the bottle in his hand, “…what?”
Oliver was saddened by the tired, heartbreaking look in Felix’s eyes. “I’m worried about you. You don’t sleep. Don’t eat… This isn’t what she would’ve wanted.”
“How do you know what she wanted” Felix’s voice growled. His hand tightened around the bottle. 
“I… I don’t know… It was just a thought, Felix. You really do need to care for yourself…”
The poor Catton didn’t even look up from the bottle this time, “You don’t know anything about me, Oliver. Now, get the fuck out.”
Oliver stumbled back, surprised by his harsh words before obeying them. 
Felix sat against the base of the statue in the maze. His eyes closed in thought. He should be happy. Partying. Having fun. Enjoying life. 
How could he enjoy his life when he ended hers?
He reached over to the newest bottle next to him, taking a big swig. 
He was a disgusting human being. How could he even be around a party after he did this? After he lost her? His angel. God, his fucking angel was dead. 
He finished off the bottle quickly, throwing it into one of the hedges. His head fells against the statue, his body relaxing. 
He heard rustling and opened his eyes.
Oliver rounded the corner of the maze, meeting Felix’s eyes. 
“Thought you’d be here…”
Felix’s eyebrows furrowed at the sight of Oliver’s antlers. “…the fuck you… you wearing, Quick?”
Oliver’s head tilted, “It’s for the party? How much have you been drinking, Felix?”
The boy’s shoulders shrug, “Doesn’t fucking matter….”
Oliver nods, “Well.. you have the wings on. I’m not that strange for my antlers… unless, of course, you’re too drunk to remember putting them on?”
Felix turned her head to look. Sure enough, a pair of gold wings were on his back. When the fuck did they get there? This whole time? He let out a groan, “I’m fine, Oli…”
Oliver sighs, “Yeah, sure bud.”
Felix noticed the mostly full alcohol bottle in Oliver’s hand, his eyes wandering to it. 
Oliver noticed it too. He held it up. “You want this?”
Felix nodded, holding out his hand.
And Oliver happily handed it to him with a shit eating grin.
“Just… don’t drink too much too fast, Felix. Got that?”
Felix nodded, “Fuck off. I… I’m fucking fine…”
Oliver nods. “Alright. I’m gonna go back to the party. Just… sorry, Felix.”
Felix took a large drink from the bottle, “What the fuck for?”
Oliver shrugs, “Everything, I guess. You got handed the wrong cards in life.”
He scoffed, “Go back to your party.”
Oliver does just that.
In the morning, Felix’s body was found in the maze, exactly where Oliver had last seen him. The bottle laid empty in his hand.
Oliver found peace knowing the two lovers were reunited in a much different place.
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theemporium · 1 year
💰 with sugar daddy Carlos, you get in an accident in one of his expensive cars and freak out thinking he’s going to be pissed but instead he just worries about you?
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
It happened so fast that you weren’t even sure what happened.
Carlos had been so insistent that you take one of his many cars. You had been stubborn for the best part, far too attached to the crappy car you saved up for and bought after almost a year of working your ass off and saving every penny. It was your baby even if it took more effort and money to keep running over the years over buying a new car, and you weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. 
But then Carlos had seen you taping your side mirror back on (again) and had to practically beg for you to use one of his cars. He even promised to keep your car in the garage amongst his multiple sports cars and high-end names that you still thought only existed in James Bond movies, and in return, you took one of his cars out when you needed to go to work or run errands.
And that was exactly what you had been planning today.
It was meant to be a quick errand run: mostly grocery shopping, picking up a few things from the dry cleaners and popping into a few other shops you had been meaning to visit the next time you were out. And everything had been going fine until you were on your way to the food shop before you returned home. 
You didn’t see him coming. You didn’t hear him coming. You didn’t even know what happened until the ringing in your ears stopped and the taste of metal was prominent in your mouth. 
Ambulances and police were called to the scene. You were pulled out of the wrecked car by a paramedic, only to let out a sob and almost fall to your knees when you saw the damage. It was honestly a surprise it was still in one piece, but it was mangled and you hated to think about how much repairs would cost. 
And despite your deepest wishes, the police had to call Carlos since his name was not only under the main driver of the car but also as your emergency contact. 
Your stomach was in knots at what he would say. He had many cars, far too many for a single person to have but he adored every single one. The memory played on a loop in your head of Carlos telling you why he bought each car, when he bought them, the special occasion they were linked to. Each car had a meaning, and you had completely shattered one of them.
You were on the edge of throwing up the whole time you sat in the back of the ambulance, clutching onto the blanket they placed over your shoulders and trying to bite back the tears when you realised this was it. 
This would be Carlos’ breaking point. This would be the reason he needed to break up with you. This would be too much even for him, even if it would barely dent his bank account to repair the car. This would be a step too far in his eyes and he was going to leave you. 
“Where is she?!” 
Your eyes clenched shut as you heard his voice a few feet away. You could hear the commotion like muffled voices underwater, but it took less than thirty seconds before he was rushing towards you. 
“Mi amor,” he breathed out as his hands cupped your cheeks, his eyes glancing over every inch of you to make sure you’re okay. 
But his touch was the last thing you needed before you broke down. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry,” you sobbed as the tears began streaming down your face, blurring your vision of the Spaniard standing in front of you. “I didn’t see him coming and he just came out of nowhere. I didn’t mean to crash the car, Carlos, I promise. I-I’ll help pay for—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” he murmured, his thumbs wiping away the hot tears running down your cheeks. “Breathe for me, amor, breathe for me. Deep breaths. Just….breathe.” 
Your breathing was still shaky and shallow as you shook her head. “But the car—”
“Fuck the car,” Carlos said, a frown downturned on his lips as he softly squeezed your face. “Mi amor, I don’t fucking care about the car. I just care if you’re okay.”
You blinked. “Really?”
“Yes,” Carlos murmured, and it was only now you could really see the fear and concern written all over his face and shining in his eyes. “Those cars mean nothing to me. They can be replaced. But you can’t.” 
“Oh,” was all you could reply with.
“I was so scared when I got that call, I—” he let out his own shaky breath as he shook his head, leaning down to press his forehead against yours. “I thought I lost you.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered. 
“Stop apologising, amor,” he murmured before lifting his head to press a lingering kiss on your forehead. “C’mon, let’s get you cleared and then I’m taking you home and not letting you out of my arms for at least three months.”
“I’m serious, mi amor, don’t fight me on this.”
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
Can you please do an Alexia x reader x child? Maybe its the child's first day of preschool or something? Thank you!!!
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Off to Preschool
Alexia x reader x child
Summary: Its your sons first day of Preschool and your wife is not handling it very well.
You and Alexia had been married for six years now. You had met when you transferred to Barcelona, and she immediately fell in love with you. She had proposed to you on a vacation to Greece four years ago. You didn't think it was possible, especially when she is grumpy, but you continue to fall more in love with her with each passing day. Three years ago, you expanded your family when you welcomed your baby boy Leo. He is the best son you could ask for, and you love seeing Alexia be a mother. Leo is a mini Alexia in almost every way, and when you don't find it frustrating, it is incredibly adorable.
You had found out you were pregnant with your second child three months ago. Leo was very excited to be a big brother, and you and Ale were very excited to expand your family.
It was today, though, that Leo would officially start preschool. You wanted him fully in preschool when you get into your later months of pregnancy and when you first had the baby. Alexia agreed with the idea but was also a nervous wreck. Normally, you took Leo with you to practice, and one of you or a teammate would watch him, but with having another baby, you figured it was time to start him in a school with a regular environment. This would be Leo's first time not being with his parents, Alexia's mom and sister, or close friends. He had grown up constantly surrounded by friends and family, so Alexia was nervous for him to be away from them without anyone familiar for the first time.
You and Alexia had toured this preschool and decided it was the best one for your energetic son. It had a large outdoor playground and many hands-on learning activities. Leo was very excited after his visit and learning about all the things he was going to get to do.
You had to leave in an hour to drop him off. You decided today was going to be his first day because you and Alexia both had a rare day off in case anything came up, and you needed to go get him.
Leo was currently sitting on the couch eating a bowl of fruit and watching his favorite cartoon, practically bouncing up and down with excitement.
You stood in Alexia's arms in the kitchen as she voiced all her concerns like the overprotective mom she is.
"What if he gets hurt, or sick, or needs another set of clothes? Oh god, what if another kid is mean to him? What if he has an accident? He has only been potty trained a couple of weeks. What if he can't nap, and it throws his schedule off? What if he..." Alexia looked very stressed as she ranted, her arms practically clinging to you. Your presence was the only thing keeping her from fully panicking at this point.
"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok, amor. Breathe for me, please." You told her as you tried to calm her down a little. You watched as she took a deep breath and then held her face in your hands, moving her so she was looking directly into your eyes.
"Everything will be ok, amor. Leo is a very smart kid; he knows how to advocate for himself, and if anything happens, they will call us immediately. It is only a ten-minute drive, and we can go pick him up." She nods, feeling a little more reassured, especially by how confident you sounded that he would be ok. Alexia looked over to her son and saw how excited he looked and remembered how for the past couple of days all he could talk about was how he wanted to go to preschool.
Feeling the gazes of his mamas, Leo turned around on the couch, kneeling and leaning over the back. "Mama, Leo go to school now," Leo asked in his adorable little voice.
"Soon, bebé. Why don't you run upstairs and get your Spiderman backpack so we can make sure you have everything you need," Ale replied as Leo jumped off the couch. He brought his now empty bowl and used the stool you had in the kitchen for him to put his bowl in the sink. You ruffled his hair as he raced passed the two of you upstairs after saying, "ok, I be wight back." You were still working on his pronunciation of the letter "r."
"See, amor, he is going to be just fine. Why don't we have a relaxing day while he is gone? We can go to that cafe that is a block over from the preschool that we have been wanting to try, and then we can go for a nice walk. There are a couple of stores I need to go to. Leo needs some new pants because he is getting so tall, and we still need to buy a double stroller for when the baby comes," you said to her as you pecked her lips.
"That sounds good, amor. We will be right by the preschool in case anything happens, and I can spend a whole day alone with my sexy baby mama. I don't think we have spent a whole day alone since before Leo was born." She leaned down to peck your lips again as you heard Leo race down the stairs with his backpack on.
"I want kiss too, mama."
"Of course, mi bebé," Alexia said to him as she picked him up and placed kisses all over his face. You loved watching them both as they giggled and Leo wriggled in his mother's grasp.
"Mommy, save me, mama attack me," He squealed out as you reached out and took him from Alexia's grasp, joining in the laughter.
"Do you want to wear your Batman or Superman shoes today?" You asked him as you set him down and checked that everything was in his backpack.
"Superman," He yelled as he raced off to put his Velcro shoes on.
"On the other feet, mi amor," Alexia called after him as she went to help him.
You grabbed his backpack off the counter and went to get him a sweatshirt, knowing it was a little chilly today, even though he most likely would refuse to put it on.
"Ready to go?" you asked him after you had put on your own shoes. He nodded his head enthusiastically as you opened the door heading towards the car.
Alexia lifted him into his car seat. "Leo try, mama." Leo told her, attempting to buckle himself in. Ale chuckled as he somehow got it twisted around his arm, helping him start over before he finally buckled himself with a triumphant grin as he said, "Leo big boy."
"You are, baby," You replied from the front seat.
About an hour later, you and Ale were sat in the cafe you had talked about earlier, you thoroughly enjoying your kid-free meal and coffee, relishing in the calm atmosphere and having one-on-one time with your wife. Ale, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck, biting her nails and checking her phone every two seconds to make sure she somehow didn't miss a call from the preschool.
"Amor... amor..... amorrrrrrrrrr," you said to her. She finally glanced up at you, seeing the small smile on your face.
"What?" she asked as she asked confused why you were smiling and staring at her.
"He is ok, mi vida. He is probably having the time of his life doing a science experiment or kicking a football on the playground."
"I know, I know, I just can't help but worry. He is my baby boy, and I can't stand the thought of something happening to him."
"How about after we pick him up, we take him for ice cream at the park? We can even invite Mapi and Ingrid. I haven't seen baby Hugo in a few days. Maybe he'll take his first steps today; Ingrid said he was really close."
"That's a good idea, amor. I will text Mapi right now. Leo will like that too; they have the chocolate ice cream that he likes."
The two of you finished your coffees and pastries, enjoying your time together and laughing at memories you have shared like your first date and your very awkward first kiss.
You were incredibly grateful for the love you and Alexia shared and how much you balanced each other out. You both couldn't believe how amazing your little family is. You loved Leo so much and were excited to see him become a big brother.
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impyssadobsessions · 7 months
DPXDC Prompt: Who is Danny Fenton?
Warning: This one will be dark as it contains character deaths and violence.
Danyal replaced Danny Fenton a long time ago. As in the original died and Danyal needed a place to hide.
He could have killed him or maybe there was an accident. But he's been masquerading as Danny Fenton for a long time.
But imagine Danyal Al Ghul did kill a kid to take his place. Or at least might have put him out of his misery of something tragic that happened.. as if he wasn't stalking homes to try and pretend to be someone's else's child after leaving the league.
Wasn't "his" fault the kid was stupid enough to cross paths and get hurt.
Though guilt does follow him as he pretends and easily slides into the kids life. Reason he "starts" to drift from Jazz, she's the only one that eyeing him too closely and he doesn't like it. Blame it on her being a nag.
Its why he survived the portal incident. He was already contaminated.
All this to avoid having to fight his brother and being kicked around by his grandfather.
Only to have karma bite him in the ass. Not only he failed to come back fully- unlike the pit rage that made you forget yourself- this form seems to make every regret and terrible action dig its claws deeper in every painful way.
Even worse if you play the whole phantom is a ghost combined with Danny.. so phantom is danny fenton.
Now he's lost anything he could have pride in. Thanks to his accident, he's had harder time controlling his body.. especially with his powers. Clumsy. Uneven. He knew he was out of sorts from not practicing but he doubt he be this bad.
His life forever now half of either existence. He couldn't pretend anymore. Once his new parents find out- they would try to kill him.
Back to square fucking one.
And this time. He doubt even his brother or mother would lend a pity hand. Not like he would want it.
AMG just now thought maybe he would go to Gotham after he killed Vlad and was caught by the Fentons.
He warned Vlad and told him he was getting onto his last nerve. Even told him that Jack wasn't his dad and Maddie wasn't his mom, hell he wasn't even Danny Fenton. But if he had to tell him who he was he was going to regret it.
Vlad went even harder losing interest in Danny- only for Danny to make a sword with his powers and show Vlad WHO he was.
He was trying to be like his father- batman. He is the grandson of the demon king- and former member of league of assassins.
Vlad begging when he realizes Danny been holding back and actual death is on the horizon. "I'm Danyal Al Ghul. And I'm tired of you."
Danny did do it to save everyone permanently but after brutally killing Vlad- is when first his friends show up to warn him about his parents just to see what he done.
Danny laughing awkwardly like.. you-you saw that.. didn't you? heh- Then Fentons barge in. Jack is emotional wreck.
Actually getting a few good hits in, before Danny decided to play dead again and let Jack think he destroyed him.
Flying back to gather his stuff to leave permanently. He couldn't take the guilt of looking at Jack's face. Danny Fenton is dead anyways.
Only to be confronted by Jazz later who shakily asks if Danny is her brother.
Danny being honest, "no."
"For how long?" Jazz saying she knows it had to be before the accident.
"…we we're 8."
Jazz asking trying not to sob did he kill him.
"Mercifully." Then explains he was going to die anyways-
"You don't know that-"
"Actually I DO. I know what it takes to KILL someone, what could allow someone to live. That's something I DO know. And if he had managed to live he would be a vegetable." Explaining how the injury to his spinal cord was not recoverable. just imagine its so bittersweet, because Jazz does love her brother still. But Danny has been a lie this whole time.. or at least being Fenton was. Most of the laughs have become real, jokes, the friendship.
But Danny knows he can't fix this.. so he leaves.
Jazz torn whether to beg him to stay or to go.. and just ends up choking up watching him leave.
thus Danny not sure where to go decides its bout time he at least sees his father.
whether he let him see him or not is undecided.
Jack will either be blame for the murder of Vlad, or Phantom will be exposed.
Either way. Danny knew he royally fucked up.. again.
Ooo what if Danny does join the bats but insist he just wants to be a normal teen. Has a fully researched and planned backstory… mostly leaving out things because its "hard" to talk about. How he lived from foster home to foster home pretending to be different children until he just escape.
Until Jazz , Sam , and Tuck come to find him. Having audio where Danny stated he was the son of batman. Danyal Al ghul. So they figured if they find batman. They might find Danny.
Sam and Tucker want answers.. also mixed about Danny.. but dammit they been through so much.. HOW COULD HE keep that from them? They're not going to let him runaway from this. Tucker also adds unless he threatens to kill us.
Jazz had resolved her feelings. Analyzing everything since Danny was 8. When the switch happened. What was him acting and when the real Danyal appeared.
And had decided she didn't care. Danny was her BROTHER. And honestly is the only thing she has left right now. And she wants him back. Wants to help him heal, wants to help him.
Sam and Tuck want their answers then decide what to do from there. They don't WANT everything they knew to be a lie.
And now Batman is aware of more of his son- Damian knowing more of what his twin been up too.
Its a race to get answers out of Danny before he figures it out and disappears for good.
Can see Damian being the best to help Danny through this. Especially since Jon and Dick helped him not feel so bad about the league.
Danny though pointing out- "Difference, the league didn't make me kill a kid, nor a pathetic billionaire."
"You're right. It would have made you kill me."
Danny just breaks.
Thus finally able to admit all his guilt and how terrible he feels about himself. How he TRIED to be like Father but.. he failed so hard. He failed. He failed EVERYTHING. Just a loser. A failure. A waste. Only to be reminded that if he was one- he wouldn't have so many people wanting to know him. He's scared to face his friends' and sister. He knows its gonna hurt. And it does. But even though he isn't forgiven there is hope things can move on from it. Sam and Tucker will have some serious trust issues and take a while to decipher what part is Danny and what isn't. Meanwhile, yes Jazz feels betrayed. She understands and mostly just want to get to know HER brother more.. Danny more. Hope this opens up the wall she wanted to break down this whole time. And as long as Danny shows her who he is, and tries to work on himself. She doesn't care who he was or how he got there. Also he has to show her what he done with her little brother's body and give it a proper burial. Which Danny happily will- giving it a proper burial.. not showing jazz. He's still afraid she'll immediately hate him once she does. Also can see Bruce being so conflicted but Damian, Dick, and Jason all standing up for Danny. Especially Jason once hearing why Danny killed Vlad was to PROTECT his family and town. He gave him fair warning.. So imagine Bruce and Danny having hard time getting along after everything is revealed. But more so just Bruce unable to comprehend the conflicted emotions. Danny tried to emulate him.. but failed. But he tried to do good.. yet he still killed. So its more so awkward than anything. Bruce still wants to give his son the best. Then I can see Danny helping out- though he keeps phantom a secret from the public. He's always invisible or barely seen.
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agender-alien · 8 months
Blitzø’s self hatred has literally destroyed/ is in the process of destroying every good thing in his life. It destroyed his friendship with Fizzarolli (more in that later), it likely contributed to his fear of intimacy which is what destroyed his relationship with Verosika, and his fear of intimacy, which is fueled by his self hatred and fears of intimacy often are is drives him to talk to M&M and all his other friends like shit.
Blitzø’s deep and utter hatred of himself is actively preventing him from reciprocating Stolas’s genuine affection and letting him enjoy his relationships in general. And it seems like Blitzø has always been this way.
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This man’s hatred runs deep, and it’s so intense he literally scribbles his face out of every photo of himself. He obviously cares about the people around him, he keeps constant reminders of the people close to him. The photo wall at home, the bobble heads of M&M in his office.
I think most people assume that this hatred of himself started with the fire. That his guilt over the accident is what led to his belief that he didn’t deserve to be happy, that ultimately destroyed his relationships. But i don’t think this is the case. I think his guilt over the accident definitely fueled his self hatred for a long time but i don’t think that’s the root cause of it.
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In this scene it���s a teenage Fizzarolli’s birthday, and a teenage Blitzø appears to be going to hand him what appears to be a love letter, but upon seeing Fizzarolli surrounded by family and friends celebrating he becomes self conscious and throws the letter in the ground and walked away. I believe his internal thought process was that Fizzarolli already has all these people that care for him, why would he want Blitzø around?
I don’t believe this was cause of jealousy, that was fizzarolli’s interpretation of events from his perspective. I think this is one of the first example of Blitzø wrecking his life over his own self hatred.
And i think the most tragic part of this is that he has people in his life that definitely love him. Millie and Moxxie are his employees but they are obviously his friends and do care about his general well-being, Loona is a shit-heel most of the time but she also cares about how Blitzø’s well-being on some level. He has just re-kindled his friendship with Fizzarolli, and Stolas is so head over heals in love with him it’s insane.
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Look at this man, so absolutely fucked. And Blitzø is going to be utterly incapable of reciprocating these feelings or even acknowledging that someone is capable of loving him until he actually starts accepting himself.
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cameronspecial · 7 months
The Speed Of Light
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: All Y/N wants is to be in Rafe's arms and he is prepared to do that no matter what it takes.
A/N: Inspired by this post.
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Distance from Rafe isn’t something Y/N often struggles with. Sure, she likes to cuddle with him and be in physical contact with him, but she doesn’t need to do it every second of the day. She likes to have her alone time and Rafe respects that need. However, something in her today just craved to be in his hold and unlucky for her, this wasn’t his day off. In fact, he is supposed to stay late to help his dad with paperwork. She knows she shouldn’t ask him to come home, yet all she wants is to be in his arms right now. She takes her phone out and sends him a text: Are you coming home soon? His reply is just as quick. No, Bunny. I’ll probably be home past dinner time, so you can eat without me. 
Why oh? Is everything okay?
Everything is fine. I just miss you. That’s all. She quickly follows the text with I won’t bother you anymore. I’ll let you get back to work.
Rafe is already standing at his desk and heading to his dad’s office before she can send the second text. “I know I said I would work late tonight, but Y/N needs me. I’ll finish it tomorrow morning,” he informs his dad, not asking for permission because he doesn’t care if he has it. Ward looks up from the report he is looking at, “Okay, that’s fine. Say hello to Y/N for me.” Rafe nods, going to his car without thought. I’m on my way, Bunny. She can’t hide her massive grin once she sees the message. It’s been around thirty minutes and Rafe isn’t home yet, which is strange because it should only take ten minutes to get here from his workplace. She grows worried that something happened to him, so she calls him. “Hi, Bunny,” he greets through the speakerphone. She sighs in relief, “I thought something bad happened to you. Why aren’t you home yet?” “You are very clingy today aren’t you, Bunny?” he playfully teases. “I’m sorry I scared you and I’m not home yet, but they closed a bunch of roads and there was an accident. Apparently, the Outer Banks can get pretty bad traffic.” 
“Well, can’t you use your boyfriend or Cameron's powers to get you through?” she pleads, kneading at the pillow. He chuckles, “I don’t think they can do anything about the traffic, Bunny. I’m sorry. I will be there at the speed of light though, I promise. Why don’t you go get ready? I’ll take you out to dinner.” “Hmm, I don’t want to go out for dinner. Can you pick up something at the Wreck instead? I want to cuddle,” she explains. He shakes his head with a smile, “Okay, I can do that. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” “Thank you. I love you. See you soon,” she states. His heart swells, “I love you too. Bye.” He hands up the phone. 
Ten minutes later, which is way faster than Y/N thought he would be coming, she hears his truck in the driveway. She flings the door open to see him with his arms held open to her. She runs into his arms, giving him a tight squeeze. He presses his kiss to her temple. She takes in the scent of his colognes, “How did you get home so fast?” “I told you I would be home at the speed of light,” he recounts. “Plus, I guess my Cameron powers were better than I thought because I was able sweet talk Shoupe to open up another road and Mike owed me a favour so he got our food out real fast.” She looks up at him with big eyes, “You did all of that for me?” “Of course. I would do anything for you, Bunny. Now, come on. Let’s eat,” he says with his lips against her forehead. He takes her inside and flops on the couch, throwing his arm over the back of the couch so she can settle in beside him. That night is spent cuddled up on the sofa, eating and watching TV. 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 9 months
Of All The Places to Meet
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Summary: When the reader gets into a bad accident, she doesn’t expect to meet her true mate at the same time...
Pairing: Alpha/Firefighter!Dean x Omega!reader
Word Count: 2,500ish
Warnings: language, car accident, major injury
A/N: Enjoy!
“She’s fucking jammed in there good. We need to cut her out.” You blinked open your eyes slowly, very aware of how…off the world seemed. Your head was killing you, that was for sure. Something about the fact you were upside down in your car told you that had something to do with it.
Lazily you turned your head at the scent of vanilla and tobacco, humming at the pleasant smell in the otherwise metallic and burnt rubber scented air. Beside you, crawled in your passenger window on his back, laying on top of your roof was a pair of gorgeous green eyes staring back.
“She’s awake!” called the man, his attention on you the whole time. “Hey, sweetheart. You were in an accident. I’m gonna get you out of here.”
“Smell pretty,” you murmured, fighting off the urge to pass out again. “I’m gonna…”
“Miss. Miss, try to-”
Dean’s POV
“Fuck, she’s out cold again,” I said. I could see where her door was pinned against her left side. It’d be a miracle if she hadn’t shattered her hip or femur. My stomach churned once more, hands gripping the center console that was partially cracked and pushed forward. 
This was not how this was supposed to happen. You don’t meet your true mate in a goddamn car wreck when she’s critically injured. You just don’t.
And now there was another problem.
Alpha’s were notoriously protective of their mates, especially true mates. That instinct skyrocketed when they were injured, even something as small as a cut thumb.
Seeing, smelling, my true mate when she was broken and battered and hurt out of her mind?
Yeah, there was no way I was going to be able to physically get away from this little omega.
“Winchester! Let the medic get in there and we’ll work on getting the driver's door off,” called Benny. My gut said to stay but I also knew she needed someone more qualified than me to attend to her at this moment. Reluctantly, I climbed out and ran around to the outside of the car, a few guys already working on ripping the metal apart.
“She’s got the neck brace on!” called the EMT. “We’re ready for whenever she’s loose.”
Twenty minutes later we finally had the door off, a backboard slipped underneath her and she was being pulled out of the vehicle.
The EMT’s packed her up and somehow she wasn’t bleeding out. There was always the chance for internal injuries though. I wandered over to the back of the ambulance, climbing into the back much to the displeasure of the two EMT’s.
“What the hell are you doing Dean?” said Benny. I chucked my helmet at him, Benny barely catching it. “De-“
“She’s my true mate. I can’t…I need to go.” He sighed but nodded. 
“Let him ride with you. I’ll pick him up at county later. Dean?” I nodded as they started to close the doors. “Listen to the doctors and stay out of their way. That’s how you can keep her safe.”
I nodded as they shut the doors, my focus going to the woman strapped to the stretcher. She looked so broken, covered in blood and scrapes.
I squeezed her hand, a gentle twitch of her finger in my palm. 
“You’ll be okay, Omega. I promise.”
Reader’s POV
You blinked open your eyes slowly, grateful this time you were right side up. The bed was soft and warm even if your body felt achy. A buzz was thrumming through your veins as you looked down, the drugs in your system keeping you calm as you took in the sight. 
Your entire left leg was bruised. Literally every spec of skin was bruised. 
And then you saw the monstrous contraption encasing it, pins holding your thigh in place. Beeping rang through the room as your heart rate shot up, eyes fixated on your wiggling toes.
“Okay. Okay, I can still walk,” you breathed out, inhaling deeply. “Hopefully.”
A wave of exhaustion hit as the door opened, an Alpha!nurse walking inside. “Well good evening Y/N! How are we feeling?”
“Shitty.” You frowned and closed your eyes again.
“Do you remember what happened?” he asked, checking the monitors and then bending your arms. 
“Uh. I was driving on the highway and then I woke up here,” you said, nose twitching. “Something smelled pretty.”
He just hummed and checked your leg that wasn’t secure, offering you a smile. “I’m going to check a few things and then I’ll bring the doctor in.”
An hour later you were laying back in bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to wrap your head around everything the doctor had said. Intensive physical therapy would be needed for months and even then your leg may never be a hundred percent again. You had a concussion and wouldn’t be able to drive a car for six months most likely. You’d need to take a leave of absence from work. Although that one might not be that bad actually considering how stressful it’d been lately.
On top of all that, apparently there was some creeper Alpha firefighter hanging out in the waiting area. 
Waiting for you.
Because your day hadn’t been unsettling enough as it was.
Before long you were fast asleep, hoping that tomorrow you’d wake up and find out this was just a nightmare.
“Good morning Y/N!” said your nurse, Alfie. You twitched your eye, not deterring his chipper mood one bit. “Feeling any better today?”
“We’re going to have problems if you’re always this bubbly when I wake up, Alfie,” you grumbled, sighing as pain shot up your leg. “If you could just do me a favor and cut off my leg, that’d be appreciated.”
“Oh, don’t be drastic, Y/N. I know the doctor wants to wean you off the pain medicine as soon as possible but it shouldn’t be that bad.”
“Did he shatter his femur yesterday? No? When he does he can talk to me about taking away my pain meds,” you said, hitting the button for morphine but nothing coming out. “Alfie. I need something.”
“The doctor gave strict orders to have you on only over the counter-”
“It fucking hurts!” you shouted, surprised at how agitated you were. Normally you were always kind and polite to strangers. But this? You were in pain and you didn’t have the patience to be a socially acceptable human being today.
Alfie looked sympathetic but his reply was cut off when a man with disheveled hair and dirty clothes came barging in the room. Strike that. The creeper Alpha firefighter that was stalking you outside was suddenly barging in the room.
“What are you doing to her?” he spat out, venom in every word. You could hear him audibly growl as he stalked over to Alfie, the poor Alpha shrinking back like he was an Omega cornered in a dark alley.
“Hey! Get out of…” you paused when you caught his scent. The heart rate monitor beeped dangerously fast, both of them turning to you. The scary Alpha firefighter suddenly made you calm, his scent giving off clear signals.
Relax Omega. You’re safe and protected.
“You can’t be in here,” said Alfie as he got his wits back. He grabbed the firefighter, shrieking when the man growled so loud it sounded like he’d gone feral. 
“Alfie’s right,” you said, pain filling your heart as you breathed deeply. You had no idea who this Alpha was but you knew his instincts were in overdrive. “You’re filthy and this is an ICU. Go home and clean yourself up. Come back this afternoon and we’ll talk then. That’s an order, Alpha.”
“Yes, omega,” he said softly, nodding once. “Are you okay?”
“Later, Alpha.” He apologized briefly to Alfie before leaving, Alfie relaxing when his scent went with him. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I don’t know how you got him to believe you like that. He was this close to snapping.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s my true mate.” Alfie raised his eyebrow and cocked his head.
“We can do a blood test. And make him take one too before we let him back in. On second thought, that’s absolutely happening.”
You raised a hand, wincing as pain pulsated through your leg. “Tell him I asked him to please take the test so he doesn’t take it out on the staff. Please.”
“Will do.” He paused as he exited the room. “I’ll talk to the doctor about your pain meds, see if we can make the steps down not so drastic.”
“Thanks Alfie.”
You were tired when you woke up after lunch and physical therapy. So much so you could barely open your eyes. You wouldn’t think you could be all that physical with a damn broken femur but after they moved and worked you to the point of shouting, you’d changed your mind quickly.
A large, calloused hand stroked your cheek, wiping away a stray tear that fell. The air smelled sweet, like pine and vanilla. “Omega. How can I help the pain?”
“You being here helps,” you murmured, his long fingers brushing away more tears. You squeezed your eyes when pain ripped through you. “They say I don’t need the morphine but I only can sleep today when I’m exhausted from the pain. I don’t know how I’m supposed to get through this.”
“With me, Omega. I’ll talk to the doctors. You were injured only a day ago. They must  have missed something if it hurts so badly.” He bent down and kissed your temple, your eyes fluttering open. “Please don’t worry. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.”
You stared up into his green eyes, surprised to find him smiling at you. “Why are you so handsome?”
“Makes up for my lack of singing ability,” he chuckled. He brushed your hair behind your ear, his scent coming off in powerful waves to soothe you. “I’m sorry for scaring you earlier. I know you don’t quite know me but I was one of the responders to your accident and when I scented you…my instincts went a little crazy.”
“It’s alright,” you whispered, a flash of pain rising up again. “Can you find the doctor?”
“Yes Omega,” he murmured. “Try to rest.” He got up from the nearby seat and hummed. “I’m Dean.”
“Y/N,” you said, shutting your eyes once more.
“I’ll make it better Y/N. I promise.”
Two Weeks Later
“Hey,” said Dean when he entered your hospital room. “I heard you’re getting discharged today.”
You grumbled from bed, wearing one of his fire station hoodies. He pulled the curtains open, smiling wide as you tugged the hood up. 
“Aren’t you excited to be getting out of here?” He had a point. You were happy to be leaving, with some pain medication too. But your leg was still incredibly fucked and you couldn’t go back to your apartment. Not when it was on the third floor. Dean luckily lived in a ranch style but you hated imposing on him.
“I wish I didn’t have to move in with you.” His smile fell as you groaned. “I meant like this. Because I’m hurt and can’t be alone. I wish we could be like a normal pair of mates.”
“Hey,” he said. He sat on the edge of the bed by my good leg, lightly stroking over the bonding gland in my neck. “We are normal. We just need to practice a bit more patience than other true mates.”
“You mean how I can’t have sex for months until my leg is healed. It’s going to drive both of us crazy to wait.”
“We can bond, just without the knotting. We’re already scent bonded and as long as we don’t stay away from each other for too long-“
“You mean an hour tops? You’re stuck by my side for the next three months minimum. I might not walk correctly again. I might always-“
He put his hand over your mouth, annoyance rising in your veins. 
“I’m your Alpha, even if you don’t bear my mark yet. I never want to hear you say you think I’m stuck with you. Being with you is the only thing I could ever want. We will figure this out and I will not mate you until you are fully recovered. Am I clear, Omega?”
The use of your title from his lips sent fuzzy, calming feelings throughout your body, your head nodding without thinking. Large fingers gently stroked your cheek, a soft hum escaping him.
“Are you ready to go home with me?” 
“Okay, Alpha. You can take me home.”
“You all set?” asked Dean later that evening. You were in bed, leg propped up on some pillows. Dean had spent the day with you, helping you get discharged and set up his house so it was a bit more friendly for you to get around in. 
“As good as I can be,” you said, watching him disappear into the closet, returning in a fire station shirt and a pair of skinny black joggers. “You have work?”
He chuckled and shook his head. “No, no. Just getting comfy for the night. I can order us some food. I’m sure you’re starving.”
“A little,” you said, Dean sitting beside you, urging you to curl into his side. “Thank you for helping me that day. The accident.”
“It’s my job, sweetheart,” he said, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple. “I’m just happy you’re still here. You got lucky.”
“Hell of a way to meet your mate.” He hummed, quietly stroking your bare arm with the tips of his fingers. “I’m really glad I’m not doing this on my own.”
“You’ll never be on your own ever again, Omega. I promise.”
“I know, Alpha. My leg might never heal the same way but at least I got one good thing out of this situation.” He smiled, brushing your hair behind your ear. “This comfy ass bed.”
He rolled his eyes with a smirk, kissing the top of your head before he got up. “Alright. With that, I’m off to go be your manly Alpha and hunt down some food for us.”
“You mean order takeout?” you teased. He tossed a pillow at you, laughing lightly.
“For that I’m ordering pineapple on the pizza.” You dropped your jaw, Dean laughing a bit harder, his scent the calmest you’d ever smelled it. “I’m kidding. I’m not deranged.”
“Good cause true mates or not, that is not happening,” you said. 
“Glad we can agree on it,” he said. “What about a supreme?”
“Now we’re talking,” you said. He left the room with a nod, returning a few minutes later with a soft smile. “What?”
“Nothing. Just really glad to finally have found you. It’s…easy with you.”
You knew what he meant, patting the spot next to you. He returned to your side with a smile, pulling you to rest against his chest. His scent filled the air, a relaxed cozy feeling settling in your bones.
“Yes, yes it is Alpha,” you said, taking a deep inhale, exhaling slowly. “It absolutely is.”
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Friends to lovers headcanons with Tyler Harrison (gender neutral Reader)
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Teasing! So much teasing and playful banter. Literally EVERYONE knows it’s flirting and they poke fun at you both. “God, just make out already.” “Get a room, you two!”
Tyler likes to rough house, and you have no problem playing rough right back.
Maybe because it helps you cope with those goddamn butterflies in your stomach every time there’s any physical contact between you two.
But sometimes the rough housing goes a little too far by accident. Generally, when it comes to you, Tyler pulls his punches. He doesn’t want you to get hurt, especially not because of him.
When you catch an elbow to the face though, GOD, HE FEELS SO GUILTY. He immediately screeches to a stop and checks to make sure you’re okay.
When he cups your face and angles your head to look at him…brain.exe has stopped working, error 404 not found. You’re tongue tied like an idiot.
Bjorn often talks smack about you, but Tyler doesn’t tolerate it. He’ll snap at Bjorn to shut the fuck up and leave you alone.
You get to see a side of Tyler that no one else gets to see. He shares his insecurities with you, his greatest fears, his worries, his nightmares - all of it.
The first time he did it, he swore you to secrecy. You could tell that he was worried you would blab to other people.
But you never did. You kept his secret, and he gradually opened up to you more. Late night chats were a common occurrence between you two where you would just talk about anything and everything, spilling your guts. And in the morning, you felt lighter, knowing you had each other’s backs.
If you get harassed in a public place - on the street, at a shop, on market day, etc - Tyler won’t hesitate to pretend to be your boyfriend. Slinging an around your shoulder or waist and pulling you into his side protectively.
“There you are, babe. Been looking everywhere for you,” he says with a kiss to your temple and a glare at the offender who has been pestering you.
Afterward, Tyler is absolutely insufferable. He’s so smug about it!!! Gloating like, “I was a pretty good boyfriend back there, huh?”
Neither one of you will admit your feelings for each other though. You just can’t take that risk. You don’t want to ruin your friendship.
The two of you can’t deny it anymore when Tyler gets into a fight over you.
Someone on the street made an inappropriate, crass comment toward you.
Tyler saw red.
The next thing you knew, you had to drag him away with bloodied knuckles and a black eye, otherwise you were scared he might kill the guy with his bare hands.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Ty? I’ve never seen you like this!”
“He shouldn’t have spoken to you that way!”
“That doesn’t mean you pick a fight over it!”
He storms off, and you’re left there bewildered, wondering what the hell was going on.
Later that night, Tyler knocks on your door. He’s quiet, head bowed, hands braced on your door frame.
“I’m in love with you.” His voice sounds utterly wrecked. “I thought - I thought it would go away if I ignored it. But I…it’s not working.”
You stand there gaping like a fish. He looks more and more green around the gills by the second.
“Say something. Please. Tell me I didn’t just make the biggest screw up of my life.”
You step forward, sliding your hands inside his coat, around his waist.
When you press your lips to his in a kiss, Tyler sighs with relief and you can feel him smile against your mouth as he kisses you back.
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aureentuluva70 · 5 months
Looking at Sauron in the tale of Beren and Lùthien, and I gotta admit there's something about him that's almost a bit...goofy in a way that he's just not in other stories. Specifically the strong "cheesy 80's cartoon villain" vibes I get from him. I mean just look at him:
His precursor was a giant talking feline called Tevildo, Prince of Cats, via the Book of Lost Tales.
His original name Thù basically means 'stinker'.
He lives in a dark creepy tower on an island he took over as lord of werewolves and vampires, is a shapeshifter and even transforms into a werewolf and vampire at one point in the story.
He's described multiple times in the Leithian as a wizard, and Tol-in-Guarhoth as the "Wizard's Isle". He's straight up the classic evil sorcerer type.
In the Leithian he has an 'evil laughter moment' in nearly every scene he's in. First when he tricks Gorlim, second when he's interrogating Finrod, Beren and Co, and third when he overhears Finrod reveal his and Beren's names by accident while imprisoned.
He's Morgoth's number one fanboy, so desperate for his master's attention to the point that even Morgoth finds it annoying("Tidings enough from Sauron came/but short while since. What would he now?" LOL).
He wears a dark cloak and hood even indoors("wrapped in his cloak and sable hood/in his high tower...").
After being defeated by Lùthien and Huan he flees to the dark, creepy forest of Taur-nu-fuin and proceeds to make it even darker and creepier, never mentioned in the silmarillion again up until long after the War of Wrath.
And last but certainly not least, he mocks Gorlim's love for his wife, and then later proceeds to get absolutely wrecked by the power of True Love.
This guy is such a comically evil dork on a whole other level its hilarious.
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Rambles because I’m just thinking about introducing some of them to your family.
It started with Jason. Because look, this guy in my canon is RICH. He’s your boyfriend but he’s also your sugar daddy and it becomes obvious when you start wearing much nicer clothing and bringing home expensive gifts and eventually you’ll show up to your parent's house wearing a custom made outfit and they’re gonna have questions. So, you pull up with Jason one day when it’s time to introduce him, and he’s wearing what is obviously luxury clothing. He tried to tone it down, but it’s still obviously very luxurious, and his long ass hair is exquisitely done and he probably looks like he could be royalty, and your family is probably expecting him to be snooty and a bit arrogant, but he’s SO NICE?? Jason tries SOOO desperately hard to get your family to like him, so he is on his 100% best behavior possible. He helps set the table, he helps clean up after dinner, he takes an interest in everything your family says, and he’s sociable and sweet (not that he’s not normally like that around you) but it’s a bit of a shock. Needless to say, he makes a fantastic impression.
But then there’s someone like Jeff. He asks you if he should try and hide his scars, but you tell him not to. You’ve explained to your family that he was in a horrible accident and his body has suffered some bad scarring, but they don’t necessarily expect him to show up with a smile cut up on his face and burn scars across his whole body, along with other scars obtained from the job. He’s obviously a nervous wreck, he even tried to dress up, but his speech is pretty rugged and he’s obviously kind of rowdy and anxious, but that comes off as very down to earth. While your family was a bit nervous at first with his size and clumsiness and the concern about his scars, it’s very clear that he cherishes you so much, especially considering he goes out of his way to make sure you’re comfortable all night. He helps clean up, he even offers to grab everyone drinks throughout the night even though it’s not his house every time he gets one for himself, and once he settles down he starts cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. Despite starting off rough, another successful pass.
And then you have a guy like Tim. Well put together, nicely groomed, and well dressed, AND he shows up with a freshly baked pie. He’s sweet to your family, he offers to help with dinner, and he makes great conversation. Tim is an absolute gentleman and incredibly homey, and he gives off a very charming impression. God forbid you have a relative that loves fishing because my Tim is obsessed with fishing and he will sit there talking about different fish and rods and tackle and fishing spots for literal hours, and he’ll pull out his phone and show off all his photos of fish he’s caught. His fresh baked pie is absolutely loved and he even gives out the recipe and offers to leave them with other recipes as well. He’s well spoken and respectful, and Tim would literally pass any situation with flying colors when you’re introducing him to anyone. He promises that when next he visits he'll bring some fresh caught fish and make a fish fry for everyone to enjoy so they don't have to cook anything, and perhaps another freshly baked dessert.
Then we have dear sweet Toby. He’s an absolute nervous wreck. He’s worried about his Tourette’s bothering someone, he’s worried about saying something stupid, he’s worried that everyone will hate him and that they’ll demand you break up with him, and despite you reassuring him that would not happen, he’s anxious. He puts on his nicest shirt and some new pants, he brings flowers, and he hopes to God that everything will go well. Luckily, it does. The flowers are well received, and with how sweet and respectful he’s clearly trying to be, he’s welcomed in kindly. None of his tics or stuttering bothers anyone, and everyone treats him well, so he starts to relax. His more boyish side comes out, and his excitement is very endearing, and with him constantly asking if he can help out in any way, it’s obvious he cares about making a good impression and being there for you and your family. Yeah, he might have accidentally knocked a few things over and dropped some stuff on accident, but he's quick to clean stuff up and he always apologizes and makes well, and nobody really minds. He’s got a smile on his face pretty much the whole night, and before he knows it they’re already inviting him back again, and Toby didn’t know it could possibly feel this good to be accepted by your family.
Finally, I’m pulling in Slender. Obviously, he goes in his human form, and he goes by a human name, but the guy is classy. He’s very refined, wearing a freshly ironed and well put together business casual outfit. He brings gifts and is gentlemanly right off the bat. Slender is refined and graceful, and he commands the room in a very subtle way, making sure to be kind and not intrude on anything, but also making it quite obvious he’d like to get to know everyone. He makes intelligent conversation and offers assistance, complimenting your family on their home and any food he’s provided. It’s hard not to be charmed by him, with how knowledgeable and alluring he is, and the entire night goes off without a hitch. He asks your family what kinds of things they like, and promises to bring more gifts the next time he visits. He probably discusses things like books, maybe even shows or movies, and says he’ll look into anything recommended to him, and he does, and he also promises to send you home with anything he’s recommended to them as well. He comes off very well, his hundreds of years of age making him appear as what we’d call an old soul, and your family will probably ask you how you found someone like him in the first place.
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sumaneun-stars · 10 months
'Usual White Sheets'
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Pairing. Bf!Jay x fem!reader
Genre. Established relationship, fluff 
Warnings. Mentions of blood, reader is on her periods
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Even with your eyes closed, half dead, your body searched for Jay's. When your arms reached out to every corner of the bed and found nothing, no one, you opened your eyes.
“What the…'' you mumbled, looking at a probably new bed sheet, by the looks of it. Not the usual white sheets of his bed.
Adjusting to the morning light that shone through your window, you slowly sat up.
New pajama shorts.
A cloth under your lower half
No- It can't be.
Your hand searched under your pillow to grab your phone. Hurriedly opening your calendar, you groaned in frustration.
You were early this month.
You buried your face in your hands. Jay had probably woken up to a messy stain you caused, and he had changed your shorts too. You're such a wreck, y/n. 
Ignoring the pain in your lower stomach, you slowly got out of bed. While brushing your teeth, you wondered how you could ever show your face to Jay again. This wasn't the first time your boyfriend took care of you on your period, but it was never this bad. Never a stain.
You didn't know if it was your stupid hormones acting up, but you had the urge to punch something.
Careful not to fall, you made your way downstairs, whatever urge you had before vanished when you saw your beloved boyfriend making breakfast. He had his airpods on so he didn't notice when you stood behind him. He flinched a little when you wrapped your arms around his waist, but relaxed almost immediately. 
“Baby, how are you feeling? Do you need any painkillers? Hm?” Jay spoke, removing his airpods.
When he felt you shaking your head from side to side, he realized you were embarrassed,cute. Jay would be lying if he said he wasn't shocked to see blood first thing in the morning, he was mad at his phone for not notifying him about your week. He always took pride in knowing when your period came, he knew how to care for you in those terrible days. 
“Angel, there's nothing wrong in a little accident” he caressed your hand on his waist. He knew you were too embarrassed to face him. And he found that adorable.
“Little? How was that little, Jay? I literally let my disgusting blood soak your bed” you mumbled into his back.
Jay chuckled at your embarrassed state, there were times in his life where he just wanted to wrap you in his arms, squeeze your cheeks, cuddle you and never let go of you, like right now.
“Hmm you're right, so when are you gonna buy me a new bed, love?” he smiled when you laughed at his teasing. He knew how painful these days were going to be for you. He made up his mind to make you smile more. Laughter is the best medicine 
Jay took that opportunity and turned around, engulfing you in a warm hug. Sometimes Jay's warmth and scent was the only meditation you needed. 
“How is it early this time, baby?” Jay spoke while he combed your hair with his fingers. You closed your eyes at the feeling of his cold fingers run through your scalp.
“I have no idea” you cuddled into his chest. He smiled to himself looking down at you when you nuzzled your nose into his chest. Jay loved how clingy you got during your period,one of the many things he loved about you.
“Should we go see a doctor?” He kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering there nuzzling into your hair. Your limbs almost melted at the feeling.
“I used to get irregular periods when I was in high school baby, it's nothing serious” you looked up at him, kissing his chin you gave him a reassuring smile.
You both swayed slowly from side to side, enjoying nothing but each other's presence. Occasionally you felt Jay plant butterfly kisses on your head, shoulder and neck. It amazed you how he knew how to ease your internal pain. No scented candle could beat Jay's natural scent. 
“Honey, I think my curry is burning” he spoke into your hair. Chuckling, you detach yourself from Jay- but he thought otherwise.
You felt his hands under your thighs. He lifted you up and gently placed you on the island of the kitchen. He looked at you with the most ‘husband-material’ eyes, your arms still wrapped around his neck. Jay leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead, his lips trailing down your nose and pecking the tip. You felt a million butterflies awaken in your body to his actions.
He moved back and placed his palm to the side of your face, caressing your cheek.
“I think your curry needs saving, Jay” you raised a playful brow at him.
“Oh my god-” he hurriedly switched the stove off. “No!” he whined when he looked at his now black curry. 
“I made this for you especially” he pouted when you stood beside him examining the ruined matter. Your heart sank when you noticed his disappointed look, his hand still scraping the burnt parts of the food with a spoon.
“Looks like I have to buy new groceries too” you moved closer to him and pecked his pouty lips.
“And a new pan,” 
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
How would the tfp react to the sparkling beans
I have another work that has the TFP Cons reaction to the sparklings you can visit. Now its time for these beans to meet up with the Autobots.
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots reacting to finding a pod full of sparklings
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
For the sake of this writing, the pod crash landed outside their base after a meteor shower. Optimus and Ultra Magnus go out to retrieve the pod. Bulkhead has his wrecking ball out just in case it was another scraplet trap. No one is expecting this pod to be filled with sparklings.
Optimus Prime
Confused sparkling noises
“My children.”--Optimus
“Optimus they all can’t—”--Ratchet
“My. Children.”--Optimus
Oh, he is not expecting this. But this is a pleasant surprise. He is in love with all these little beans. He helps them out of the pod with the help of the other to make sure they are okay in the med bay. Optimus is hypervigilant of each sparkling while Ratchet is checking up on them.
Due to the amount of sparklings, and his lack of more servos, he came up with a new guardian system for the team to use for the beans.
No one is going to say no to this idea.
Prime has a habit whenever he is in the base to pick up a sparkling or two and keep them around while he does work. That doesn’t mean that work is the only thing he does around the sparklings. He finds himself telling them stories he remembers from his days as Orion Pax in the halls of Iacon.
Has given the beans a ride in his alt-mode from time to time.
Giggling sparkling noises.
Mother hen mode activated.
Oh, his stress levels have skyrocketed.
Not only does he have to worry about his team doing dumb things and getting hurt, now he has to worry about a bunch of literal sparklings. He needs a break, but not now, he has sparklings now.
He checks up on every single sparkling making note that they were all right and healthy. Since he spends the most time at the base, he naturally spends more time with the sparklings.
He is thankful for anyone who stays with him at the base to help with the sparklings. His back kibble sub space is usually filled with the beans. It’s easier to make sure to know where they are. Ratchet endless patience with the sparklings.
Has taken some of the sparklings around on ambulance rides when he picks up Raf when Bumblebee can’t .
Beeping sparkling noises
Mimicking same beeping noises
He isn’t the youngest anymore!
He is enamored with the sparklings. He is often found cooing at them and picking them up.
Protective of his little friends. Bumblebee is the first to introduce the sparklings to the kids when they come back. Which was a story all on its own.
He takes his job as guardian seriously with the sparklings, especially if Raf is around too. It makes him one of the best babysitters on the team.
Has taken some around on rides on his alt-mode, does speed up from time to time but usually sticks to the speed limit and smooth driving.
Sparkling noises
“…Oh Primus…”
She is having a time.
Is mentally stressing about the sparklings safety. The war is still going on and the base can only be safe if they keep it that way. Doesn’t even want to think about the sparklings getting hurt.
She isn’t the best at comfort.
But she does her best in keeping the kiddos in check and safe.
Gets Jack to help her with them. Jack is just happy to help, because he is sure that Arcee might have a mental breakdown if one of them got a tiny scrap on their knee.
Due to her vehicle mode not beginning the safest for sparkling travel, she makes up for it doing piggyback rides.
Sparkling noises
“Oh, thank Primus it’s not scraplets…”
He is so relief they are not scraplets.
He wants to be around the sparklings but at the same time wants to keep his distance. Bulkhead has a track record of accidents that happen due to him being a klutz.
Thanks to Miko’s help he does find a way to keep an optic on the sparklings and still being safe around them.
The first on is that he has to sit down with his backside against the wall and have the sparklings around his lap. That way he can tell stories and act as a jungle gym at the same time.
The other option is having them inside his alt-mode while driving.
He takes caution with the sparklings inside, meaning no dune bashing.
Sparkling noises
“I want this one.”--Wheeljack
“Meet Jackie jr.”--Wheeljack
He likes sparklings.
Might have come as a surprise to the others but it wasn’t at the same time. Wheeljack has had experience with kids in the past and he is a good babysitter. One of the best in the entire team.
Reason 1, he knows his strengths and won’t accidentally step on one of them. He gets a lot of ‘uppises’ requests.
Reason 2, he can entertain the sparklings for hours with fun harmless science experiments. They have to be runned by the Doc first. The last time he didn’t do that he ended up with wrench marks at his helm as he was teaching the youngsters how to make a grenade.
Reason 3, he has plenty of stories to share, while keeping them all G rated. He is not dumb enough to tell them what actually happened, he still wouldn’t tell them even if they were older.
Wheeljack has been known to steal certain sparklings and take them out on trips in the Jackhammer or in his alt-mode.
“Hi there little guy!”--Smokescreen
“Smokescreen you’re holding them upside down!”—Ratchet
He is too excited to see the sparklings.
He had never seen a sparkling before, so this was a special moment. Smokescreen is always the first to volunteer to take care the sparklings.
Loves the feeling of being looked up to and lives for it. He wants to be a good role model for them and tries his best.
He does sometimes forget where he might have put a sparkling here and there but that usually happens when he takes too many sparklings that he can handle. Thankfully for the most part he does remember in the end where he put them, or Bumblebee finds them before he can.
Why is it always Bumblebee who finds them, not even he knows why.
He is banned from taking the sparklings out in his alt-mode after speeding too much.
Ultra magnus
Sparkling noises
“I am going to read the entire Autobot code to them when its bedtime.”—Ultra Magnus
He has done this. Wheeljack walked in on him doing this and claimed to the others that he was torturing them with cruel and unusual punishment.
Magnus is not amused.
He is one of the best babysitters on the team besides Wheeljack and Bumblebee. Magnus knows how to be gentle and careful with smaller beings. After all he has had a lot of practice due to his tall stature on Cybertron and on Earth.
He can get the little beans to sleep faster than anyone else. Does not matter if they had a tiring day or are still full of energy, he can make them fall asleep in record time.
He likes to talk to them as if they were fully grown Cybertronians and has held interesting conversations with them. Secretly has a data pad full of the things the sparklings like and dislike.
He has taken a few sparklings out of the base at night and driven around the base to help them sleep better.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
horse girl charlie morningstar, her partner in a cool hat and eye patch vaggie, and the Hazbin Horse Rehabilitation Ranch- where shit people are introduced to horses no one else wants and hopefully no one get trampled to death (niffty this means YOU)
other key features include
vaggie riding a small working horse and ppl keep calling it a pony and she keeps telling them It's Not A Fucking Pony
charlie and her beloved mule, who never listens to her
angel dust wanting to learn dressage bc it looks like "fancy sexy riding" and also he was banned from mentioning the words "bare back" or "bucking bronco"
husk constantly found drunk and asleep in his horse's stall while said horse nuzzles him
niffty obsessing over grooming all the horses down to their individual hairs, yes even the bad tempered horses, yes she likes it when they shmoosh her against a wall or step on her foot
alastor looking calm collected and in control on his horse as he wanders off from the group and never participates in activities bc his horse won't listen to him either and he's too proud to admit it
sir pentious keeps trying to make his horse look and preform the best using his own new designs for tack and gear and it always backfires but he's the go-to one if your saddle needs adjusting or fixing
his egg boiz are a flock of chickens
his horse keeps eating the chickens' eggs and he keeps crying over it, even when charlie tells him they wouldn't have hatched into chicks anyway
lucifer lives in a shack somewhere around here with his collection of customized my little pony brushible toys
the locals in the nearest town still talk about lilith's incredible horse whispering skills before she up and vanished
charlie gushes about these stories a LOT but laughs nervously if asked about her own way with horses
she tries.
her way of making sudden loud squees and eeeks and excited yells and wild energetic movements doesn't fit well with most of the horses
she also slips up and gets flaming mad at anything that threatens her family's ranch or anyone who mistreats a horse
angry charlie is Scary Charlie
her mule doesn't care tho it knows she's a pushover treat giver
when vaggie first figured out what was happening she spent weeks with her own horse slowly getting it used to all sorts of weird charlie-related things, including stealing charlie's jacket a few times to flap it wildly while chasing her horse around the paddock singing loud show tunes
vaggie's horse is the only one that'll let charlie ride it without being a nervous wreck
charlie maybe cried a little when she went for that first ride
vaggie has a shot gun
she spends a lot of time checking on things riding far out and alone and keeps the gun with her just in case
she's never actually threatened any of their human boarders with the shot gun but she does have an unnerving tendency to check and clean it whenever she's pissed and trying to keep some shred of her patience intact
every week there's at least one night set aside for an evening dance after dinner and yes chaggie was doing it long before any other ppl showed up
valentino showed up once and charlie chased him off the premises with vaggie's shotgun
the ranch used to have a television
now it has a radio tower
no one except alastor is happy about it but his radio commercial revenue is paying for most of this so they all keep mostly quiet about their grumbling and record voice lines for ads when he looms over them with a script
vaggie swears the time she shot out the radio tower's windows while arguing with alastor over her and charlie's voice lines was a complete accident
razzle and dazzle are ranch dogs who keep track of the horses when they're out grazing and both are COMPLETELY in tune with charlie, been with her since childhood, the three can basically read each others' minds and watching them all work together is like watching magic
(vaggie also knows how to work with them but has to use more obvious signals instead of just tiny changes in body language)
vaggie keeps trying to gently remind charlie there are events for dog handling she could enter in
but the ranch was lilith's passion and rehabilitating rejected horses her dream and charlie is not not giving up on that OR on the rejected people her mom always was so proud of and charlie is NOT letting herself think for one moment that her mom isn't coming home
speaking of coming home
chaggie met when charlie was out riding after a storm looking for a lost horse and found it staring curiously down at a half dead lady lying in a ditch with a freshly gouged out eye and burns on her back
the half dead lady claimed she shot out her own eye by accident and got hit by lightning
or maybe fell asleep on a campfire uhh
charlie was way too busy figuring out normal social interactions again and also how to patch up a pretty lady without being a complete fool about it to question vaggie's super realistic tale
vaggie was planning on staying just long enough to get on her feet again- especially after she started catching feelings watching charlie being sweet with all the stubborn horsies- and seeing how much charlie was struggling with the ranch without having someone else to look after
she was even gonna steal a horse on the way out
and got caught by charlie in the act
charlie just smiled sadly, told vaggie she was glad she wasn't heading off alone, told vaggie's horse to take care of her, and then went back to the daily chores
vaggie caught up with her an hour later
she'd had to properly put her horse away and get breakfast started first, for after they've finished up the morning stuff
they've been running the ranch together ever since
keekee the cat is the actual boss on the ranch and got her name from how doors always open for her (bc she bothers whoever's around until they drop what they're doing to obey her)
cherri bomb stops by once just to laugh at angel dust and ignore pentious but ends up being the only one who figures out why the new horse is spooking at everything- it's got hearing loss, and she's got it too from doing endless unlicensed fireworks shows, and she's totally just sticking around until the horse gets used to things here. totally
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kneelingshadowsalome · 4 months
könig leaving reader on delivered during his weeks long deployment after a petty disagreement then coming home to her bare, only wrapped up in ribbons that barely cover her chest and pussy and topped off with a ribbon on her head like a present 🎀
Omg are you trying to kill reader??
I gotta say in 90% of the cases König wouldn't leave reader on read because he always has to have the last word and also he has some serious anxious/disorganized attachment style issues going on BUT I will entertain this for a moment because reader is such a brat & therefore has him fuming every other week :)
It really takes König a while to understand that 1. it’s not the end of the world if they have an argument 2. she has opinions of her own and they don’t always align with his (!!!) 3. she’s trying to offer an olive branch here (if he reads the room correctly).
Either way, the situation calls for an urgent mating press, and the only thing left intact is the bow on her head. That poor thing mainly just gets bitten and tugged during the wrecking; he has an urge to use his teeth every time he’s around her, maybe it has something to do with how animals mark their territory or then he just gets cuteness aggression, but be it this way or that, it’s all her fault.
Because why is she so dumb?
And why is she so cute?
What purpose does it serve???
It only gets her fucked, literally, and for the first time ever he actually manages to drool on her by accident. Whatever the argument was, it’s forgotten now. Although… Everyone knows that he is in the right and she got it wrong, as always. He just has to fuck her silly to make her realize that. And he’ll do it, it’s no problem… He’ll do it as many times as he must because he loves her enough to fuck some sense into her ❤️
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luminiscented · 10 months
One big of a deal
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Pairing: Cole x Fem!Reader
Type: oneshot
Status: dating
Summary: You're being a tease to your gentle anxious boyfriend.
Warnings: NSFW/smut, porn without plot, reader is a brat, doggy style, unprotected sex, p in v sex, size kink, no beta we die like Morro
Note: this is pure filth, I was bored in biology and I don't have enough Cole content 😭
He tried to please you, he really did. He couldn't do it, he wasn't that you of guy. Cole was just terrified of hurting you and he was sure he was going to hurt you if you kept insisting. Meanwhile you were in pure bliss at the strong, buff man behind you, naked and gorgeous - with defined, Greek god like muscles. Cole was a massive man and that turned you on so much, while it terrified him. And yet there you were - your head pressed down against the mattress while your back was arched and your ass up in the air, your wet core eager to take his entire cock. You bit your lip at the tension, the smell of sex hanging in the air as the setting sun shines through the curtains and shine on your silky hair.
Cole was not only big as a person, he was big as well..big, twitching and hard as a rock. His tip was rubbing against your slick folds in anticipation and anxiety.
"Come on top, please... I'm going to hurt you on accident.." The ravenhead pleaded quietly with you as his big gentle hands rubbed your waist.
"I don't want to." You bit your lip as you pressed your rear against him just to be a tease. You were going to be the end of him. The master of earth cursed under his breath quietly as he pushed the tip inside you, slowly, he was going so slow and easy on you that you'd think he was doing it just to tease you. You let out a small sigh at the feeling and you gave him a tiny nod to ease his nerves and to motion for him to go all the way in. His rough hand made its way to the back of your head and pressed you harder against the pillow as his other hand squeezed your waist tightly. You let out an appreciative whimper as you felt him slip inside your dripping heat. A feeling of ecstasy ran through your brain at the size of him inside your needy cunt and at the lewd position you put yourself your gentle boyfriend was holding you in, while he was a nervous, horny wreck over you. Cole's hand trailed across your body and squeezed gently at your ass, massaging the soft skin as you let out a needy impatient whine to make him finally start dicking you down onto the mattress.
He started thrusting slowly, his voice war rough and hot as little pants left his plump lips. Your body rocked back and forth as his tip grazed at your g-spot. You put your hands behind your back for him and you bit your lip. God, you're going to end him...the sweet way you bit your lip and you looked at him with glossy half lidded eyes..it made him want to really go down on you, hear you moan and cry in overstimulation, feel your tight pussy cum all over his cock. He finally caved. Cole's muscular hand took your wrists and he started slamming you on his cock hard, fast and precisely where it made you see stars. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as skin slapping sounds echoed across the room.. everything was too much..his hand holding your head down was too much... holding your wrists was too much...his grunts and pants, his fat fucking cock.. you're done, so done. Your whimpers were muffled in the pillow as your heat started squeezing his cock as you got closer and closer, your walls contracting as they tried collecting his sperm instinctively.
The master of earth fucked his length into you harder and harder with every thrust, spanking your ass, his hand gripping a fist of your hair as he came closer and closer before finishing deep inside your womb, thrusting a few more times to finish you off as well. Cole let out pants and gasps for air as he pulled out and watched all of your liquids drip down your thighs. You looked back at him with a teasing grin as you bit your cherry lips.
"told you I could take you.."
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