whittyswifty · 5 years
Secret sessions
The fact that Taylor Alison Swift legit invites complete strangers to her houses and causally spends an evening with them listening to her new music, and provides transportation, food, gifts etc.. ALL FOR FREE..
Like who is she??? That is out of this world kind. A genuine kindness that is SO rare these days. I can’t honestly even say i would be this generous if i was her. It would take SO much effort and time and sadly it’s a huge risk because people can be so dishonest and deceiving these days. But she still does it!! Despite all the those aforementioned barriers, she still does it because she feels the fans deserve it.
Her generosity is OUT OF THIS WORLD.
From a person who doesn’t put much effort in to Twitter or tumblr and therefore will high-key likely never go to a secret session or meet her in general... i have to say that just living vicariously through the fans descriptions of these secret session events is beyond magical. It’s so wonderful to see her fans lives absolutely change in one night. She realizes her influence and she uses it for good. I’m amazed and in awe of it and i look forward to reading these experiences every time her album is about to come out.
Thank you Taylor. @taylorswift
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whittyswifty · 6 years
🐍OHH LOOK WHAT @taylorswift MADE US DO 🐍
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My sister and i have LOVED Taylor Swift for over 10 years now. My sister Tracie (Kanye) went to her concert in a small city named Ogden, Utah back in 2007 in a tiny auditorium. She came Home obsessing over this country singer with long curly hair named Taylor Swift. “Who’s that?” I asked while rolling my eyes. You see i was 16 at this time and Tracie was 11. There’s no WAY i was going to let my 11 year old sister tell ME what was cool or not. She started playing Taylor’s songs on our CD player in the house and i started liking what i heard. It didn’t take long at all for me to be just as obsessed.
Flash forward to 2018, I’m now 28 and Tracie is 23. And to our friends and families surprise, we are STILL OBSESSED.
My favorite album is.. ok it’s a toss up and I’ll tell you why. I LOVED Red when it came out more than i can ever express in words. Picture the feeling when you see a precious kitten and you just want to hug and kiss and sqeeze it to death because your heart can’t take how much you love it... well that’s how i felt about Red when it was released.. times a MILLION. All Too Well is a masterpiece and there’s a reason she included that word in the song. I was hurt during that time of life and this song put words to my feelings. And still do this day i can’t listen to that song without those feelings flooding back. The power it has. State Of Grace is my next favorite on the album. From the best at the beginning, to the the slow ending, I CANT WITH IT. I love the word grace. It’s elegant and classy and the way Taylor uses it in this song is like a state of being. Be grace. Wait for grace. Love is grace. Be the grace. Love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right. UGH. I’m slayed.
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Then in 2017 reputation dropped. At first i was like... huh.. this is interesting. A snake 🐍? What does that have to do with Love? Taylor is always writing my true feelings about Love and heartbreak.. but a snake? She really got me. When LWYMMD was released my jaw hit the bottom of the ocean. Who was the pissed off, dragon slayer, bad ass woman on a mission to get a point across? She’s MADDER than she EVER was. What did “they” do to her?
The music video is PURE GOLD. It’s the revenge we never saw coming. It’s the feeling when you know you’re right and you just stuck it to someone. Its revenge in the simplest form. It’s sitting on a throne looking down at the peasants that tried to de-throne you. It’s to any person that was made to feel they WEREN’T enough. It’s to all the SNAKES (KIM/KANYE/KARYN) who feel the need to BULLY. It was POWER. It was TAKING CONTROL OF THE NARRATIVE. It was telling those bullies that “I AM IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE AND I WRITE HOW THIS STORY GOES.”
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And the rest of the album (except for my personal favorite This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things) was back to TS and Love. But this time it wasn’t about heartbreak. No. This time it was different. She was in love and he was there to STAY. And suddenly i can relate to how delicate a love like that is. How fragile our reputations are and how easily they can affect the opinion of others. What will happen if he believes the lies? What will happen if they get to him? Will i ever be enough? Yes. You are enough. Yes i will be here forever. No i will not read the lies. No i don’t base my opinion of you by what others say. I like you for YOU. I want to be there on January 1st, and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and every single day after. I will pick set the ibuprofen and Diet Coke next to you before you wake up. I will bring you breakfast in bed and lie in bed all day watching movies. I love you. And this is what true love does.
AHHHHHHHH reputation just surpassed and filled my NUMBER ONE spot as my all time favorite album. I didn’t think it was possible to beat Red. But as Taylor is, I’m in a different place in my life and a part of me loves leaving Red back in the past and moving toward.
We LOVE you. We STAY. We are so happy you’re in a better place. Thank you for helping us through our teens and adulthood figure out this crazy thing call LIFE. @taylorswift we can’t wait to see REPUTATION one more time on September 18th in ST LOUIS. We are flying from Utah to see you for the second and last time. We will be seated in section A, row 17, seats 1&2. @taylornation
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whittyswifty · 5 years
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TS7 is
Refer to all the pictures and evidence. It’s gotta be it. There are no coincidences when it comes to Taylor. I feel it in my bones.
Blue is calamity.
Blue is passion and peace simultaneously.
Blue is the version of her she’s always tried to uncover.
@taylorswift @taylornation
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whittyswifty · 6 years
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YOU DESERVED THIS @taylorswift times a million bazillion. You’ve earned this EVERY SINGLE STEP OF THE WAY. Your reputation was destroyed and you single-handedly put your pieces back together. You stood by your fans and we stood by you. You never forget us, we will never forget you. You looked FLAWLESS tonight (disco ball and all) and also so mature, happy, and proud of yourself. I’m SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! You’ve shown me what it’s like to finally love who you are for YOU and to know you are enough no matter what anyone else thinks. I have grown so much this year through Reputation, it’s insane. I could NOT have done it without you. Thank you.
TS7. Wow. The next chapter. I cannot tell you how many Butterflies 🦋 started doing backflips in my abdomen when you mentioned the “next chapter”. I am NOT READY FOR IT. I haven’t even processed reputation (even though it’s been on repeat since the day it was released and I’m still playing it daily). That being said, i CANT WAIT to see what you have coming. I have NO DOUBT it will slay me dead. You always do. I can’t breathe thinking about the lyrics already. Ahhhhhhh. Bring it on. For now I’m going to call TS7, chapter 7.. or maybe chapter 13... yeah that sounds more like you. I lied.. i am ready for chapter 13. I’m always ready for new music from you.
Again, I’m SO proud of you. You deserved each and every AMA award you received. They couldn’t have gone to anyone more deserving, and i genuinely mean that. You are so pure and loyal and we hear you and see you and love you, for you.
Lastly, as always, thank you for giving up a normal life. @taylorswift
Love, Whit
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whittyswifty · 6 years
Happy Anniversary to my bestie @taylorswift 🎵 do you remember.. the 2️⃣8️⃣th night of September... 🎵 i love you and i love that you found love!! You deserve it!!! Here’s to hoping i find that true someone someday. Fingers crossed.
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whittyswifty · 6 years
TAYLOR, do you love me? Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me
'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
TS, do you love me? Are you riding?
Say you'll never ever leave from beside me
'Cause I want ya, and I need ya
And I'm down for you always
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whittyswifty · 6 years
@taylorswift looks so happy these days and it’s inspiring! Like... she is living proof of learning to love YOURSELF and not give a damn what anyone else thinks.
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whittyswifty · 6 years
Thank you for giving up a normal life @taylorswift! I don’t think this is said enough. You’ve truly sacrificed for all of us swifties and i hope you know i don’t take that for granted. I have been thinking about this concept a lot this era.
We all think “famous people” have it ALL and let’s be honest, money DOES bring happiness, especially millions, but there’s something to be said about the things these people miss out on. For example:
Sitting on their front porch sipping a favorite drink while people walk by. Nope @taylorswift can’t do this because the paparazzi will say she’s “lonely” or “too much time on her hands” or they might take a picture of her hand that and photoshop a wedding ring on her finger and “oh what a story that would be”.
Going to a movie 🍿. Nope @taylorswift can’t do that (unless she sneaks in with a disguise and even then it’s unlikely). Why? Because again, either she’ll be attacked by the crazy fans (like myself) or the paparazzi again will make some story about “oh @taylorswift went to see a movie and ate some popcorn and whoaaa she ate the entire tub.. is she pregnant? 🙄” damn stories.
Liking a post on Instagram for NO damn reason other than you just thought it was clever or funny or cute. Nope @taylorswift can’t do that because heaven forbid she likes a dog post because then people assume she no longer loves Olivia and Mer! Or heaven forbid she likes any posts on social media because if she does someone will say “did you see the post @taylorswift liked of Chloe grace mortez’s on Instagram? She must’ve liked that not because it was cute but because she wants to support Chloe in her tweet to Kim Kardashian because she hate Kim and Kanye.” Wow.. In one Instagram like these stories get created.
Going shopping! I mean, let’s be honest I’m sure @taylorswift finds a way to go shopping, don’t we all. BUT let’s just take a minute and think about how hard it would be to not be able to just drive to the damn mall and browse around. Taylor can’t do that, she’d be swallowed by all the fans and phones taking pictures and let’s be real, she’d most likely give up her shopping trip to meet as many fans as she could, but she was THERE TO BROWSE!! She can’t go in to any story because then all the sudden she’s giving away free advertisement to companies that don’t deserve her.
Skinny dipping!! I mean, what girl (or guy) hasn’t done this? We all have. It’s fun and exhilarating but would i do this if there was a chance my naked butt was going to be plastered on the next release of People or Us or Enquirer. Heavens NO. And on a simpler note, @taylorswift can’t go ANYWHERE without the hesitation of.. “ok how will i look in this photograph that is inevitably going to be taken of me?” She has to think this EVERY SINGLE TIME SHE LEAVES HER HOUSE OR ANYWHERE EVER.
All I’m saying is, as lavish as her life is and the perks that come with it, she deserves a THANK YOU FOR GIVING UP A NORMAL LIFE FOR US. She deserves this every single day.
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