#thank you sproutwings
zeroducklings · 2 years
If you're still taking fluff/dark prompts... How about Dickstroke, and Slade taking a contract (of whatever nature 👀) on Dick?
I am indeed still taking fluff/dark prompts! Thank you so much for this one, I had a ton of fun writing it and it also fit perfectly with an entry of my @badthingshappenbingo card so double thank you :D
(to anyone interested - the "fluff/dark prompt challenge" works that you send me a prompt, it can be any prompt you want, specify if you want it Sladick, Sladejay or Sladickjay, and I'll write both a fluff and a dark version of it!)
So here you have a fluff/dark prompt and a filled BTHB slot ♥ This one is for "Improvised weapon" :) I really hope you like it!
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Dick blearily stares at the roof of a car, a bump in the road making his whole body bounce up. He blinks once he’s lying flat again, and tries to think, wonders why he feels both physically and mentally like he’s underwater. 
It might be drugs. It feels like he’s been drugged. It doesn’t hurt anywhere specifically but he doesn’t really trust the absence of pain to assess that he’s not wounded, since the drug might be dampening that too. There’s another hitch and he almost rolls off the backseat on which he’s slumped, and a startled, slurred noise comes out of him unprompted. It alerts the driver which briefly turns to him before focusing back on the road. 
«Of course you’re up already.» He mumbles under his breath. «You kids and your immunity to sedatives.»
That’s Deathstroke. Deathstroke is driving the car and just spoke to him, and the realization helps Dick piecing together just what the hell happened a few hours prior, however foggily. 
 He hadn’t been sleeping for a long time, maybe a couple of hours after coming back from patrol, when he got awakened by Tim’s voice yelling from the communicator on his nightstand. And by the time he’d registered the frantic “Dick, Dick do you copy?”, he had spotted the armor-clad figure of Deathstroke on the doorframe of his bedroom. 
And for a moment, even if startled, Dick hadn’t gotten especially worried. It wouldn’t have been the first time for something like that to happen. Slade has always been a dramatic son of a bitch, and barging into his house to inform him of his presence in the Blud was nothing new. That feeling had lasted about two seconds since the man had drawn out a gun, and Dick, suddenly very much awake, had tried however he could to defend himself. 
Facing Deathstroke the Terminator while in an open space, equipped with his suit and gadgets, is exhausting and ridiculously challenging and Dick would hate every second of it, if he wasn’t basically hooked on that kind of adrenaline rush. Facing Deathstroke the Terminator while in his underwear and a loose t-shirt, in a closed space and with only small furniture to use as improvised weapons, is nearly as pointless as trying to climb on a glass wall barehanded. 
The man didn’t budge even when Dick smashed the bedside lamp on his helmet, the crash almost completely covering Tim’s frenzied voice still calling out to him, furiously informing him that Oracle found a hit for Nightwing out on the dark web. To please check in, let them know he’s okay. Dick would have really liked to, especially since he needed backup and needed it asap, but every attempt to reach for the communicator was easily thwarted, same as every ditch effort to throw himself either out the door or out the window. And eventually he’d ended up with his own bedsheet wrapped around his neck, Deathstroke pinning him down and using the fabric to choke air out of him. 
Dick tries to remember when he’s been drugged but that detail doesn’t come to mind. It has to have happened when he was already out. At the very least he’s still alive, his family knows he’s in trouble so they’re surely on his tracks already, and… that’s about it for the positives. The negatives are that he’s being taken who knows where, and he has no way to leave clues for who’s out to help him.
«Slade…» He calls in a croak after managing to get his tongue to work with him, and he spots the man’s steely blue eye glancing at him from the rearview mirror. «…what the fuck.»
There’s no answer and Dick grunts in frustration. He grits his teeth and forces his sluggish muscles to go into motion, holding onto the passenger seat to maneuver himself upright. «What the fuck.» He repeats in what sounds more like a hiss, sneaking between the two front seats to get closer. «Where are you taking me.»
«Sit down or I’ll drug you again.» Slade replies neutrally. From there Dick can see the road speed away from out the window, or he would see it if his vision wasn’t still so blurry. Dick can only recognize that it’s daytime, and that they don’t seem to be in the city anymore. «Or I’ll stuff you back in the trunk.»
«Fuck you.» Dick seethes, lurching forward to grab the steering wheel. Crashing the car isn’t the best idea he ever had but in his defense, he doesn’t have much choice at this point. 
Slade curses loudly and slams on the brakes, and Dick takes the chance to open the car door and throw himself out. It’s a mountain road, with woods surrounding it and a gentle slope behind them. No wonder there were so many bumps, they were driving up a dirt path that’s not even paved, and clearly not really used. Dick’s brain is still slow with drugs and he doesn’t process that he has to run, dumbfounded at what he sees a moment too long, and the next thing he knows is that he’s being slammed on the front of the car, Slade holding him there by the nape of his neck. 
«Are you done…?» Slade asks with the voice he might have used on his unruly kids when they threw fits at bedtime. «There’s nowhere you can get to from here, especially half naked and on foot.»
 Dick thinks that he’d rather try his luck than get stuffed into the trunk, but his attempt to take the other off of him doesn’t really lead anywhere, and soon enough he’s back onto the passenger seat with both ankles and wrists cuffed, and his mouth gagged. At least it’s not the trunk. He’s so furious that he spends the next five minutes fuming as he glares at the roof, and when Slade finally pulls over, Dick tries to kick and headbutt him for good measure, not caring about being mildly thrown around for his efforts. Slade bodily drags him into what looks like an isolated cabin and drops him on a dusty couch, on which Dick wiggles upright and starts feeling for something to use to lockpick the cuffs, flexing his wrists into them in the meantime. 
«Stop squirming.» Slade says from the background. «I can see you.» He comes back into his field of view and grabs Dick by his hair, fixing him with a glare. «Stop it, boy. I’m going to uncuff you myself, you’ll sprain your wrists if you keep doing that.»
Dick huffs through his nose, just frowning in response since he can’t speak. Slade keeps looking at him, Dick nods, Slade nods back. He takes a key and actually pulls the cuffs off of him, allowing Dick to ungag himself, after which he straightens up and resumes doing whatever he was doing before. Gathering what’s needed to light the fireplace, Dick gauges with a frown. 
There’s fire burning soon enough, and just when Dick finally manages to phrase something to say, he gets thrown a blanket. 
«I’ll see what I can find for you to wear.» Slade says noncommittally, then takes off his gauntlets and tosses them on a table. 
They’re up on a mountain somewhere and the air is already chilly despite it being the middle of the day. Dick saw and felt frost beneath his bare feet before, and there were small patches of snow here and there. «Where… is this?» He asks, and the other replies with a mild shrug, still in the process of taking his armor off. «Where have you brought me?»
«A safehouse of mine.» Slade replies after a few moments, wearing a shirt on his bare chest. «Far enough from anything to be indeed safe.» 
And hard to find for anyone, including the world’s greatest detectives, Dick thinks with a frown, but the fact that he isn’t being hurt, and surely he isn’t being killed at the moment, feels kind of confusing. Maybe he’s just being kept prisoner for someone else to come and collect him. 
«What’s left of the drug in your system will wear off soon enough.» Slade adds, casting him a glance. «I expect you to behave after that.»
«Slade.» Dick calls after a deep breath, looking the man in the eye. «Why am I here? Why did you take me from my apartment? You know I’m going to try and escape, I might as well start trying right now. I’m not the type to stay put where you leave me. So either you give me a good reason why I should “behave”, or-»
«You heard Drake on your communicator. A hit was put out for Nightwing.» The man cuts him off with a darker tone, crossing arms on his chest. 
«…a hit which I assumed you took, given…» Dick pokes an arm out of the blanket to gesture at sort of everything. «…this.»
«Given this,» Slade makes the same gesture. «you can deduce that you’re not only still alive, but all in one piece. I did not take the hit on you. What I took was the time to get you out of that ridiculously unprotected flat to bring you somewhere actually safe.»
«You…» Dick’s eyes go wide and so does his mouth. «You kidnapped me…!»
«Would you have followed me willingly?»
«That’s not a justification! Tim was terrified, they surely came looking for me and found my room in that state, and have no idea where I am, they must think I’ve been abducted or worse, that I was…» He’s been gradually looking down and coiling up as he speaks, and at that point he springs back up again, grabbing a fistful of Slade’s shirt to pull him closer. «And whoever put out that hit for me might retaliate on them, and who gave you the right anyway! I can take care of myself just-»
«Dick. I know.» Slade interrupts, not taking Dick’s hand off of his shirt as he sits on his knee on the cushion next to him. «I know you can. You can take care of yourself just fine, you’re strong and dependable, and every person who’s been around you even just once can tell.» He covers Dick’s clenched fist with his hand at that point, still not pulling it off but mildly hugging it in his palm. «But the fact that you can doesn’t mean you will. You kept fighting and taking hits for days with a gunshot wound in your arm, not giving it a minute to heal, and I know because I’m the one who shot you. You dive headfirst into any kind of danger if it means that the people you care for are safe. I’m not one of the good guys and I’ve always maintained it, but I have a code,» Slade squeezes once more, and Dick lets go of his shirt. The man’s palm travels up to Dick’s cheek, a very light caress tugging black locks behind his ear. «which is more than a lot of other mercenaries and hitmen out there can say about themselves. The amount of money someone proffered for your capture and torture is astronomical, and there’s a number of people who will use whatever means at their disposal to get you where they want you. But if they think someone else already took that hit and disposed of you, they’ll stay put in their lairs. Which is what’s going to happen once the flock of birds and bats goes ballistic over your disappearance.» 
Dick blinks slowly, processing both what he’s just heard and the warm, odd presence of a calloused palm now cradling his cheek. It might be because of the remnants of the sedative he was given, but he feels foggy again, not managing to put together anything proper to say. 
«Why…?» He ends up blurting out, and frowns again when Slade pulls his hand away, wanting it back and getting angry at himself for it. 
«Because no one gets to hurt you but me, little bird.» The man replies with a half smile, withdrawing to stand up. «I’ll go make something to eat. Feel free to join me once you’re stable on your legs, and to be clear, I am not going back on my word. If you make a fuss I have no qualms with drugging you up again, and that’s how it’s gonna be until you calm down.»
That said he walks away, and Dick slowly shakes his head as he watches him go.
Dick groans at the umpteenth bump on the road, which makes him bounce on the seat of the car and jostles all his sore muscles. His ears don’t stop ringing, and he just confusedly recalls Tim yelling for him from the communicator, informing him that there was a hit out for Nightwing and Deathstroke had taken it. Dick was having bigger issues at the moment, issues that led to Slade pinning him on Dick’s own bed, using the muzzle of a gun to keep his face pressed into a pillow at the point of cutting his airflow.
“You want to tell Drake something?” He had asked with a darkly amused note while fiddling with the communicator. “Here, let me turn this on for you.”
Dick heard the click, Tim did too and started calling for him in anticipation. But Dick could only yell into the pillow, which he didn’t do to try and not deplete his already scarce supply of oxygen. The following crunch informed him that Slade had to have crushed the device in his fist.
“Who knows, maybe if we wait long enough little Red Robin will join us. What do you say?”
Dick had resumed struggling at that, muscles straining and muted protests dampening the pillowcase, and Slade had snorted in response. 
“Relax. You know I don’t fancy the other birds that much.”
A moment later there was a painful prick on his neck, something which felt a lot like a syringe pen, and it had taken a very short time for Dick to go numb. 
He’s contused but not badly hurt, he knows that much. He never lost consciousness after getting drugged, just everything had turned foggy and distant, and his body had gotten limp and easy to maneuver. He never got his brains blown up though, which is better than nothing… it probably means that Slade won’t kill him, even if he might have been paid to do it in a certain way, hence the abduction. 
At some point Dick gets hauled out of the car and unceremoniously carried across Slade’s shoulder to what he glimpsed being a cabin on some hillside. Everything spins, and by the time he gets a grip on himself, he’s being stripped of the loose t-shirt he was wearing when he got assaulted. Dick grunts, weakly fumbling to try and keep himself covered, but he gets easily held down. 
«Easy, boy.» Slade mumbles as if to himself, not minding to rip the shirt in pieces as he gets it off of him. «You’ll have time to squirm soon enough.»
Dick manages to send him a seething, furious glare, hoping that his scalding eyes don’t actually look as teary as they feel. He shouldn’t feel betrayed, he never had any reason to put his trust in Deathstroke of all people, but somehow he had considered himself different in some way. A limit Slade wouldn’t cross. Someone he respected at the very least, and maybe held some degree of fondness for. He clenches his teeth. He’s such a fucking idiot.
Slade doesn’t seem to even notice, busy taking something out of a duffel bag. It’s… clothes? Confusion breaks Dick’s rage, and it only increases when he realizes that the man is unfolding a black and blue suit, which seems to be a replica of the Nightwing attire. No, Dick realizes, this is his suit, he would recognize it anywhere… Slade must have taken it from his flat before. His stupor persists when Slade grabs him by the scruff and starts putting the suit on him, more or less like Dick was an overgrown doll, and he squirms and smacks his hands away as soon as he manages to gather himself. 
«I can dress myself.» He hisses, cheeks burning with humiliation. 
«Knock yourself out.» The man replies, unfazed. He sits back on the couch and crosses arms on his chest, apparently contenting himself with staring while Dick fumbles with the suit, hardly responding muscles struggling to work with him.
«What the fuck is this, Slade.» He asks after a few minutes of toiling, made even more uncomfortable under the man’s searching stare. Slade isn’t doing much to hide the fact that he’s seizing him up, and Dick feels like he’s being appraised. 
«You heard Drake.» The other replies in an almost casual tone. «I took a contract on you. On Nightwing, to be precise. Here, put this on too.»
He’s handing Dick his domino mask and he forces his shaky arm to take it, but hesitates upon wearing it, feeling like he’s walking himself into a lion’s den. «Are you going to kill me?» He wonders out loud, and Slade shakes his head. 
«You might have noticed at this point that I don’t want you dead.»
«You’re gonna sell me, then.» Dick tries to force himself up from the slumped position on the couch, to try and at least have a dignified conversation. «I’m here because someone else will collect me.»
«Wrong again.» Slade leans in and Dick reflexively retreats into the back cushion, but he has nowhere to go and is basically powerless to prevent the other from taking back the domino mask, and fitting it on his face. «I might have told you once or twice, little bird.» He adds, making sure the mask is adjusted properly, his touch lingering on Dick’s cheekbones. He shakes his head and gets his chin firmly gripped by the man’s fingers. «No one gets to hurt you but me. What we’ll do is spend a few days together, you and I, during which I will fulfill my contract… we might as well start right now, since we’re here.»
He touches his free hand to the eyepatch he always wears, and something on it glimmers. Dick blinks in confusion, realizing the presence of a small camera mounted there. 
«I’ll cut and polish the footage once I’m done.» Slade adds in a half voice, as if thinking out loud. «No one will “collect you”.» He smiles at Dick’s horrified stare, gripping his chin more firmly and twisting his head up, so that his neck gets exposed. «The terms are for Nightwing to be put in his place, by any means necessary, and give him a lesson he will remember for the rest of his vigilante career.»
Dick swallows thickly, the knot around his throat growing tighter. He doesn’t really fight it when Slade pushes him flat down on the couch, just turns his head to a side with a small grunt to avoid breathing directly from the dusty cushion. 
«No quips?» Slade asks, a hand idly rubbing fingers through the hair on his nape. There’s a clicking noise, like that of a switchblade, and then a pull; Dick reckons that he’s been given his suit to wear only for it to get cut open, apparently to put on a show for the video. «I expected some more fuss, little bird.»
«What’s the point.» Dick replies through gritted teeth, not managing to avoid tensing up at the feeling of his back getting uncovered again. The mountain air is chilly and his skin ripples in goosebumps, even more when Slade’s palm travels over it, running down his spine. «Just… just get this over with.»
He can’t believe himself. He’s scared because of course he is, but he’s been hurt before and by people who planned to beat the life out of him, he knows what to expect. That’s not the reason why he’s shaking all over, and also not the reason why when he gets flipped again, lying face up on the couch now, he feels tears past the mask and on his temples. He grits his teeth and wipes them on his shoulders, and at that point it registers with him that he’s not in pain, the switchblade never touched his skin. 
He truly can’t believe himself, and how utterly double-crossed he feels. Why was he ever considering himself some sort of special for Deathstroke of all people…? Was he considering himself special, in fact? He must have, otherwise he wouldn’t be reacting like his heart had just been gutted out and stepped on. He had been telling himself that for the right amount of money, Slade would have had his head on a silver platter to give to the highest bidder. But he had also hoped it wasn’t true, and that Slade actually cared, if just a little.
«Crying already?» Slade’s still gloved knuckles wipe at his face and Dick jerks his head away. He ends up staring at the empty fireplace, jaw locked as he tries to get a grip of himself. «I haven’t even started, little bird.»
«Apparently I decided to make it easy on you.» He says in a low voice, appreciating the fact that at least it doesn’t sound vulnerable, just bitter. «Fair warning though. I don’t cry while people are torturing me. You better enjoy the show while it lasts.»
Slade hums, and the touch on Dick’s cheek comes back. It’s gentle, why on earth is he being touched so gently. It’s unfair, and Dick feels more tears well up, hoping to be able to swallow them this time. 
«I’m not going to torture you.» Slade says after a moment. Dick frowns, still looking at nothing. «I’m not going to hurt you at all, kid.» He adds, making Dick’s face twist into a grimace as he whips his head towards him. 
«You just said…!»
«I said,» Slade helps him sit up, smothering locks of black hair behind his head. «That I will give you a lesson that you’ll remember for your whole vigilante career. I do not need to cause you any pain for that to happen.»
The fact that Slade leans in for a kiss adds to Dick’s confusion, enough that he doesn’t process either to pull away or bite, or anything like that. His head gets tilted by a palm cradling his nape and he makes a surprised sound, Slade’s thumb gently pressing above his chin to get him to spread his lips more. And when it stops Dick is out of breath, eyes wide, cheeks burning and his thoughts tailspinning.
«I also plan to make you cry a lot more.» Slade adds with a half smile. «You just make sure you keep your mask on the whole time. I don’t want my esteemed contractor to see your pretty blue eyes.»
Dick is pressed into another kiss before he can blurt out anything in response. He’s not getting tortured. He’s getting raped though, or so it seems…? He isn’t sure anymore of what the hell is even happening, but when a palm cups his crotch from above the suit, he does feel a hot flash going through his waist, and the noise that gets muffled into the kiss startles him. 
He doesn’t want this, and he doesn’t want to get filmed while this happens, most of all. But maybe he had been in the right to consider himself some sort of special in Deathstroke’s book, because he’s pretty sure this doesn’t normally happen to people when Slade takes up a contract on them.
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zeroducks-2 · 2 years
JayTim for the ask game!
(turns out you did already ask JayTim 😁) Absolutely totally oh god yes
I ship it!
What made you ship it? I just love the dynamic right there! The tension, the resentment, the snark, the way Jason is fixated on Tim. It hits all the right spots (I'm talking pre-reboot of course, then the N52 had to come around and ruin everything lol)
What are your favorite things about the ship? My ideal dynamic is when a part of Jason hates Tim and would like to see him gone for good, but another wants to help him as he sees himself in Tim’s spot a few years back - he too thought to have a special place at Batman’s side, but it turned out how it did and Jason is sure the same thing is going to happen to Tim. Tim on the other hand just wants Jason to stop bothering him. He’s not affected by what Jason says about Bruce - he doesn’t think Bruce would discard him, and he doesn’t think that’s what happened with Jason either, just that Jason was a victim of the circumstances of being a kid vigilante. Only at some point, Damian comes into the picture and Tim does get discarded in favor of the “natural son”, and that puts everything Jason ever told him in a new light. Angst and complicated feelings galore!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship Listen. I know Jason would never. He'd go to the Joker, hand him a crowbar with a pretty pink ribbon, and ask to be beaten to death again rather than being a rapist. But LISTEN. I'm a simple person. And I'm here for the noncon/dubcon, and that's how I like my JayTim (not always, like I'm always down for some fluff, but you know me). And that's why I can never find fics that suit me lol.
Ask game found here! Go grab it folks!
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crestfallercanyon · 10 months
Ten characters of ten fandoms, ten tags.
thank you for the tag ❤️ @its-tea-time-darling
Gally - The Maze Runner
Dr. Sara Tancredi - Prison Break
Mick Rory - Legends of Tomorrow/The Flash
Sugar Berzatto - The Bear
Ian Gallagher - Shameless (US)
Claude - Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Lucca - Chrono Trigger
Mal - Inception
Revali - Legend of Zelda: BOTW
Beth - The Queen's Gambit
no pressure tags (sorry if you've been double tagged): @mylittleangelxxx , @sophiainspace , @callivich , @incorrectcoldflashblog , @fatherofthebride , @sproutwings , @hoesaekyoongi , @sidekcks , @comebacknow , @go-catch-a-chickn
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moriavis · 6 months
First Lines Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Once again, I've been tagged by the lovely @incorrectcoldflashblog Thank you!
For the sake of this one, I"m going to ignore the kiss prompts I've been posting on tumblr and look at my last fics posted on AO3.
Each breath Leonard took burned in his lungs, acrid with smoke and the sharp chemical tang of plastic and electricity. the sun shines through (Coldflash)
Leonard had to admit it— he loved everything about how crazy the world had become. Adrenaline (Coldflash)
Shawna Baez didn't necessarily have a particular fondness for Central City, all things considered. Jello Shots (Iris/Shawna)
Catra was never at her best when she butted heads with Adora. Tangled (Catradora)
Barry cast another anxious look over the bed, reaching out to adjust the pillow beneath the curve of Leonard's back, and Leonard couldn't help but smirk, flexing his hands just so Barry would lose his focus and double check the long coils of red silk currently binding Leonard's wrists above his head. In Silk (Coldflash) Holy run-on sentence, Batman! JFC.
The moment Barry Allen walked into the board room, Leonard's attention was fragmented. a little give and take (Coldflash)
Barry let Leonard pull him onto the dance floor and take the lead, the familiar warm affection filling him as Leonard rested his hand against the small of Barry's back, guiding him further into the crowd. Reception (Coldflash)
Eobard couldn't say when it changed. Ouroboros (Eobarry)
Electricity crackled over Barry's skin, and Leonard sank his teeth into Barry's bottom lip, shuddering as sparks ignited everywhere they touched, stinging Leonard's fingertips and tongue before grounding in the button on his jeans. Kiss Kiss (Coldflash)
Bill tossed back his scotch and wiped his mouth against his forearm, turning his attention to the left where the TV was playing the news, the sound lost beneath the bustling of the bar. Agree to Forget (Holden/Bill)
This is actually pretty interesting! I generally start sentences with the name of my POV character at the beginning of the story, but I didn't realize I did it so consistently. Also, things that are smutty start off with longer sentences. I wonder why that is!
Tagging: @saekhwa @scheherezhad @kisahawklin @sperrywink @sproutwings @qlala and anyone else who wants to do it!
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phantomato · 2 years
Ten Books to Know Me
Rules: 10 books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Tagged by @broomsticks, thank you so much! 💖 Love that you listed Battle Royale—what a good manga series!
Going a little loosey-goosey on the selections, here.
Batman Annual #2 by Tom King and Lee Weeks I’m not a well-versed capes person, but this always makes me cry.
Blankets by Craig Thompson Beautiful graphic novel about coming of age in the midwestern US.
Bravetart: Iconic American Desserts by Stella Parks It’s a damn good cookbook and a wonderful history of American desserts. Parks’ research and introductions to the foods are as worth reading as the food is worth making.
Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood Probably the reason I imprinted on narratives of middle-aged protagonists reflecting on their pasts.
The Fifth Form at St. Dominic’s by Talbot Baines Reed The platonic ideal of my interest in the public school novel.
I Love Dick by Chris Kraus Absolutely perverse recounting of a woman’s sexual obsession with an uninterested man, and I mean that as high praise. Makes the private into the public in a way that seared me.
The Little Schemer by Daniel P. Friedman A textbook written like a children’s picture book, complete with illustrations, about one of the most beautiful programming languages of all time.
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides A formative exposure to gender identity as changeable and imperfect.
Pond by Claire-Louise Bennett Quiet, mundane, wonderfully descriptive recounting of a life in rural Ireland.
The Sandman (collected series) by Neil Gaiman and various artists Nostalgia in a 10-volume series.
Tagging, if you’re interested! @yletylyf @sproutwings @mademoiselle-red @ralphlanyon @kellychambliss @liesmyth @golden-biro
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elivanto · 6 years
Do you know if there's a GIF set out there for Barry's "Everybody I tried to teach ended up worse than how I found them" and all the people he accidentally got killed while pushing them to be better? (Super random ask, sorry! I just watched the final two eps back to back and couldn't find anything, and you're, like, the Queen of GIFs, so I figured if anyone knew I'd be you. :D)
okay first of all “Queen of GIFs” I’M BLUSHING. and secondly, I’m not sure? I don’t think there is one. but, uh, I might be in the process of making one now.
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coldtomyflash · 7 years
I remember when you first started posting Needs Must, I was genuinely a little (or maybe even more than a little) sad that you'd now be dividing your attention away from TVD. Except then I started falling hard and fast for Needs Must as well and now I'm looking forward to both updates at equal amounts, and getting one makes the wait for the other a little easier. So this is just to say thank you for writing not just one but two stories make me (and continuously keep making me) so happy! ❤️
#mission accomplished :)
No really, I totally understand why you (and other readers) would feel that way, but sometimes it helps me to have more than one thing to divide my attention between. It helps me get a bit of distance from what I’m working on so that I can consider themes and stuff at a more abstract level and deliberately work to diversify their tones to make each piece unique (though there are always a ton of parallels). It also helps me not get sick of any one thing I’m working on ^^; 
And it seems to be a thing I need - dividing my attention when I’m working on a long fic? Back when I was writing 73S, I wrote a ton of shorter drabbles and one-shots at the same time as my side-distraction. Now I tend to write longer pieces concurrently (like AATJS and TT) as a way to make it work. Melancholic Temperament was only an exception because it was 40% written before I ever started posting it.
Anyway, I’m glad you’re loving Needs Must! The more I work on it, the harder in love I fall with coldwestallen :3 I can absolutely see myself writing more of this ot3 in the future…
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elasticella · 2 years
WIP tag meme
tagged by @laufire (thanks!)
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs (ahaha or less, lets do less)
wip folder
or: wips i’m theoretically going to get to. if they spend too long here without progress they go down a folder level (...after the jump)
graveyard subfolder
or: sometimes i’ll open them, go ‘oh i see why i stopped’ and then not look at the doc for a few years
clamille comp
d stelena
junhee seohyun
nile quest
rosy perfection
sensory deprivation
that brot3
time loop hannibal
w illujhu
10 feet under subsubfolder
or: no. like the graveyard folder should’ve been enough, and yet here we are
alt cnon jj
dick inferno
hamlet au
samchalla sequel
the clizzy wedding fic
tagging to play, no pressure: @sunbelieving, @banshee-cheekbones, @freshbrainss, @sproutwings, @poiregourmande, @bohemicns, @lackadaisicalnereid & it’s late, so anyone that sees this and wants to play \o/
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“Je länger ich lebe” (Dracula) - Mark Seibert at “Unplugged Session Vol.4″ 23/07/2021  for @enchantingmugzonkturtle and @sproutwings
Please don’t share on other SNS, thank you!
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zeroducklings · 2 years
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Some underrated but delicious Slade/Tim 😋 Thank you @sproutwings for the request! Uncensored -> HERE
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I'm not back at full capacity but I'm definitively feeling better! Now I have to sort out all the WIPs and the new projects I was planning, and it feels great 😭
ALSO, I'm evaluation if it may be worth to open commissions slots for art and/or writing. Please, participate in the pool if you can, it will give me an idea how many ppl are interested. Thank you 🙏 -> POOL
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
@sproutwings tagged me in this, thanks Sandrine ♥ I'll give it a try!
How many works do you have on AO3? on the Zero_Ducks account, 37 (+1 unrevealed).
What’s your total A03 word count? 393,092
What fandoms do you write for? Only DCU at the moment.
What are your top five fics by kudos? (all of these are Sladick!)
You could be my luck, with 394 Kudos. REALLY? Oh well that's a discovery lol. Dick gets pollened and hides in Slade's safehouse because it's the closest he can get to, hoping Slade isn't home. Slade is in fact right there.
Darling Little Things, with 355 kudos. Also quite the surprise! Omegaverse in which Dick is pregnant with Slade's pup, but hasn't told him out of fear Slade wouldn't want them. Everything goes surprisingly well.
Served Cold, with 338 kudos. This one was expected since it's more than a single chapter and was a pretty anticipated entry of my Sladick series. Slade takes his revenge on a hit that Dick ruined.
lie in your bed the way you made it, with 327 kudos. LMAO. I love this fic. It has to be one of the filthiest I've ever written. A pwp in which Dick took a blow intended for one of Slade's marks, and not wanting him to die, Slade has to take care of his sorry ass.
Slade's lucky day, with 301 kudos. My very first Sladick fanfic! Slade is on a mission in Montenegro, and Dick is too. They end up accidentally and less accidentally helping each other, with some strings attached.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always. Fandom remains stagnant without interaction, and that's on writers too, not just on readers. Also if I post a fic (which doesn't happen often compared to how many fics I write) is because I want to talk about it with other people!
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Among those I posted on AO3, probably Losing Game. It's an Eobarryiris fic, and I imagined a potential way it could go well but it ends on a very angsty note (it's a timeloop situation in which they have no idea how to break it, and one of them keeps dying in every cycle so they keep resetting it because they can't let him go).
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? It has to be Darling Little Things, it ends on a very fluffy note.
Do you get hate on your fic? Not regularly but it happened. What hate gets there is promptly deleted, trolls are not to be fed.
Do you write smut? My smut has plot sometimes.
Do you write crossovers? No, the most I can do is "characters from X universe are now in Y universe", but I don't mash-up characters.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah. Long story. Bad ending. It was years ago though.
Have you ever had a fic translated? A couple of times, not from the Zero_Ducks account though!
Have you ever co-written a fic? I co-write pretty often.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I am too ADHD to pick one. Speaking of the DC fandom (which I'm here for), Sladick and Eobarry which I'm sure doesn't come as a shock for anyone.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Boy I have 200+ WIPs I will never finish, and I really want to finish like 80% of them lmao. Probably Clipped. Based on the fact that I have no idea how to finish it (it's a Bad Guys Won scenario in which all them little birds are captive and in distress)
What’s your writing strengths? Smut!
What’s your writing weaknesses? Being that I'm not a native English speaker, I have a hard time writing in "styles" which penalizes the dialogues. I have no idea how to show that a character is a certain English speaking nationality, how to give them dialectic quirks, how to make them speak in an old fashioned way. I can in my native language though, and it frustrates me so much not to be able to "translate it".
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? If it's just a small line it's okay, it helps the immersion. If it's entire dialogues I don't see why, people don't understand it what's the point.
First fandom you wrote for? Possibly Spyro Gateway to Glimmer when I was 6 lmao.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? Again strictly speaking for the Zero_Ducks account, I think it's Elegia. It's been almost two years but it holds the test of time, the emotions still feel very raw and the smut is still good (it's that one time Dick's suicidal behavior after Jason's death went a bit overboard, and Slade decided to do something about it whether Dick liked it or not).
I got to tag people now I guess! No pressure folks, it's just the law
@deepwithintheabyss @anawrites3 @waffleinator-inator @ftl-faster-than-life @ladytauria @thesandsofelsweyr and anyone who wants to do this!
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crestfallercanyon · 6 months
I've missed so many of these tag games recently but I've got a bit of spare time and I always love seeing 'em and so THANK YOU @incorrectcoldflashblog for tagging me <3
@leatafandom Thank you so much for the tag <3
Last Song: Matilda by Harry Styles
Favorite Color: Green. Pretty much any shade.
Last Movie/TV Show: Oceans 11. Watched while I was priming a wall.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: ooh, I like all three. um. if I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd be more sad to lose sweets than anything else, so I guess sweet.
Relationship Status: Single
Last Thing I Googled: sweatshirts from my homestate. I've been feeling very nostalgic and admittedly a little homesick for it.
Last Book: still reading Six of Crows because I'm a slow reader these days. i'm really enjoying it though!
Looking Forward To: being fully moved in and really enjoying my apartment and feeling settled there.
Tagging @jrooc, @sproutwings , @moriavis , @newtedison , @its-tea-time-darling , @hamartian-cathexis , @pathsofoak, and anyone else who sees this and wants to play!
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moriavis · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
@sproutwings tagged me in this last week, and now that retail hell is over for the year, I'm starting to get some of my brain power back!
How many works do you have on AO3? 176
What’s your total A03 word count? 565,685 words
What fandoms do you write for? CW Flash is my constant, but I'm also writing dnd fic for my friends. TBH the only fandom I used to write that I refuse to write for anymore is HP.
What are your top five fics by kudos? 1) A Cold Encounter (Flash, Coldflash, 1552 kudos) 2) The Break-Up of the Ice (Flas, Coldflash, 1411 kudos) 3) Resonance (Flash, Coldflash, 1333 kudos) 4) Thirty Seconds (Flash, Coldflash, 1036 kudos) 5) The World, Like a Blossom (Flash, Coldflash, 842 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? 99 percent of the time, yes. I love responding to comments and acknowledging the time they spend with my stories. Sometimes I get overwhelmed though, so I do a purge of unanswered comments every once in a while. I'm sorry! /o\
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uhhh. I mean, I write so much angst. IDK, probably one of my earlier works. Requiem (Gundam Wing MCD) maybe?
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? As I've gotten older, I've definitely skewed more toward happy endings. Probably my JLA Hijinks (The Flash/DCU, Coldflash) series. That's just a a ton of happy endings for Barry and Leonard!
Do you get hate on your fic? I've gotten the occasional rude comment, but never any actual hate.
Do you write smut? I do, and I complain about it incessantly until I'm done!
Do you write crossovers? Normally, I don't. I have, however, written an unfinished Cheri Majors/Aisha al'Fadil pi0ece with @saekhwa
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of? I always check when reminders go around tumblr, but I don't think I've ever found one.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I have blanket translation approval, and I've had several pieces translated.
Have you ever co-written a fic? Nothing that's been finished or released.
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I... can't answer this. Physically incapable. Thank you for asking.
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ugh, probably The Narrow Way (SPN, Dean/Castiel) I started it as a nano project, but then canon went too far past me and I never touched it again. I could probably go back and work on it again. It would be interesting to see how my writing has changed.
What’s your writing strengths? I'm really good at keeping complicated timelines separate, I think. Body language is another that I've worked hard at.
What’s your writing weaknesses? I'm not allowed to say 'everything else', am I? I don't know, tbh. I have really low self esteem and don't think I'm strong at much. Can I crowdsource this answer? ;_;
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I don't particularly care about having to translate another language to figure it out when I'm reading, but I've grown away from writing it like that.
First fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing. I'm charmed at past!me despite myself.
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? I will forever and always have a weak spot for Here Mid the Ash Trees (Violent Messiahs) I wrote it at a time that it filled a void for me, and I will always think of it fondly.
This was a lot of fun! I'm tagging @kisahawklin @saekhwa @scheherezhad @clavally @meansgirlwrites @qlala
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holycafe · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line.
I can’t remember who tagged me sorry, I lost the post, but here it is!
20 - Falling Fast (Coldflash, 17.5k) When Barry woke up from his coma, it was to a new world.
19 - You Stole My Heart (Coldflash, 45.6k) Barry felt empty.
18 - Commander Cold (Coldflash, 9.6k) Barry was not having a good day.
17 - Waverider Blues (Coldflash, 5.3k) “Leonard Snart was pensive and quiet as he read his book in his room and tried to block out the world around him...“
16 - I Think I Love You (Coldflash, 3k) When a metahuman teenager played a prank on half of the police precinct, it had almost been a blessing in disguise for Barry.
15 - Not a Hero (Coldflash, 14k) Barry meticulously fiddled with his hair.
14 - Trick or Treat (Coldflash, 107k) Len was ecstatic: he’d faced up against a speedster and won.
13 - Love me Do (Sterek, 4.4k) “Derek, you’re my everything...”
12 - Breathing Deep (Coldflash, 1.7k) This… was not an ideal situation.
11 - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Coldflash, 8.9k) When Len woke up after the explosion, his first thought was that he needed to get a message to his team.
10 - Untitled Powerswap ficlet (Coldflash, 2.8k) “Snart!” Barry shouted, gaining the thief’s attention.
9 - Just Friends (Coldflash, 168k+ WIP) The first time that Barry stumbled into a Rogues meeting had been an accident.
8 - I’ve Seen the Light (Destiel, 1.7k) “So, Jack did all that?” Dean asked, an equal amount of pride and regret swirling around in his head.
7 - Priceless (Coldflash, 5.9k) “I think you forgot to pay for those,” the Flash called, announcing his entrance into the jewellery store that Len was currently robbing.
6 - One and Only (Coldflash, 50k) Everything was going to plan.
5 - Just for One Night (Coldflash, 55k) The first time that Leonard Snart and Barry Allen slept together was entirely unplanned.
4 - Chapel of Love (Destiel, 13.4k) “Do I look like a painted whore to you?” Dean protested as Charlie neared him with a makeup brush. 
3 - Thank You (Destiel, 1.7k) The last two months had flown by.
2 - Fastest Way to Your Heart (Coldflash, 15.3k) 30… 29… 28…
1 - Happy Freakin' Halloween (Coldflash, 4.1k) “Your fake fangs ended up where?!” Barry demanded, thinking surely he had misheard because there was no way that Cisco could be so stupid.
Hmm, I guess I generally do a lot of scene setting with the first line.
I think my favourite is number 17 when read in-context (is it bad I find my own jokes funny?), though number 12 and 6 are probably the best for a stand-alone hook.
tagging @nixie-deangel @icefire149 @sinnabonka @kitkatt0430 @wishbonewriting @sproutwings
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qlala · 3 years
re your tags: yes that fic exists! the biggest score of all by sandrine, unless you’re thinking of another one
omg yes that’s the exact fic i was thinking of, thank you!! of course it’s @sproutwings​  ❤️ i should’ve known! okay everyone silent reading time (link)
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livlepretre · 4 years
First Lines Meme
I was tagged by @imaginearyparties -- thanks pal!!!!!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!)
See if there are any patterns.
Choose your favorite opening lines.
Then tag 10 authors!
1. Nothing Stefan does anymore should surprise her. ((The Stars Were Brightly Shining)) 
2. This is the family that Elena never knew to want; it’s a nightmare configuration that makes her head ache to try to disentangle but that she can’t imagine ever doing without. (Fairytale Ending) 
3. "Little Red Riding Hood? Really?" (The Quick and The Dead) 
4. He planned to burn her body. (Power Plays I) 
5. She’s on Spring Break in California, visiting her grandmother, when it happens. (Power Plays II) 
6. The thing is, this is supposed to be straightforward. (Love Bites) 
7. Some (Elijah) might like to say he has poor impulse control, but Klaus thinks differently. (Just a Glimpse)
8. The only thing that is on her mind when she sweeps into the Mikaelson mansion is figuring out how to get a meeting alone with Esther. (Possession) 
9. Klaus does not touch her like his possession, his hostage or his plaything. (Symbiosis) 
10. Honestly, Stefan, I just wanted to thank you. (Blood Ties) 
11. He had known the dangers of looking into the doppelganger's eyes before he ever stepped foot in Mystic Falls. (The Last Time)
12. She's not around when the whole Tyler-is-alive! thing goes down. (Take Everything (’Cause There’s Nothing Left to Take))
13. Contrary to rumor, he doesn't leave town the moment that insufferable Salvatore mentions Mikael's name. (Turn Around (But Nothing’s There))
14. When everything is said and done and dead, Elena and Klaus are the only two left standing. (After the Fire, But Before the Flood) 
15. Somewhere between the teary goodbye kiss Elena presses on Stefan's slack mouth and the chaste goodbye kiss she brushes against Damon's lips not 48 hours later, there is Klaus. (Give Us A Kiss Before You Go) 
16. I think... I’d like to try something different with you. (And All the Stars Fell Down) 
17. Somehow, it fails to surprise her when Sylar shows up in her bedroom one lovely pre-dawn morning in Costa Verde. (The Devil You Know) 
18. She’s somewhere between womanhood and adolescence, though she’s still a child. (Burning Brightly) 
19. The earth shook. (Beloved)
20. From the moment her blood slides through his veins, things start going very smoothly for him. (Broken) 
Most of these are pretty short and sweet, actually. It’s interesting to realize I very rarely jump in in the middle of an actual scene-- most of these are actually more introspections, with just a few of them immediately setting up the dilemma at hand. The good news is that these are much better than the ones down at the bottom of the list, which are from high school. 
I’d like to tag @dustoftheancients @wbficaholic @finnismyoriginalsin @cocoartistwrites @monsieurbbh @sproutwings @franciskh @highladyluck @stupidlyentangled @highgaarden @icebluecyanide
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