#thank you so much! thats very sweet :0
godlizzza · 10 months
Can you write Herbert getting Dan a cat, or Middle Age Danbert fluff?
(Btw, I love your fics so much. Every time I see you’ve posted a new one a drop everything and read it. Thank you so much for feeding my re-animator brain rot/hyperfixation. <3333333)
"Have I ever told you," Dan said, "that you're quite handsome?"
Herbert snorted. "Quite handsome?"
Dan hummed and nodded, adjusting Herbert's collar. "Yes. Above average level of handsome."
They were sat on a bench over-looking the ocean. The cliff face had taken a fair amount of hiking to reach but Dan thought it was worth it, if not for the view of the sun glimmering off the ocean far below, then the view of Herbert's serene expression as he gazed upon it. His hair fluttered in the breeze and his usually creased brow was smooth and relaxed.
Dan loved Herbert's manic energy, the way he thrummed with movement and was constantly doing something, even when he was stationary. But he loved seeing him still and quiet, content to be in one place. It was especially gratifying when that place was at Dan's side.
Herbert pursed his lips, threading his fingers together over his stomach as he watched the distant crashing waves. "Are you trying to schmooze me, Dr. Cain?"
"What?" Dan said with an affronted air. "Schmooze you? I can't just pay a compliment to my husband without some kind of ulterior motive?"
"Your ulterior motives are usually related to sex," Herbert pointed out and Dan didn't even refute him.
"I'm not thinking about sex right now," Dan assured him, winding an arm around Herbert's shoulders and drawing him close. Herbert fit snugly against Dan's side, turning so he could lay a hand against Dan's chest and lean into him. Dan savoured the warmth of him, pressing his nose into Herbert's hair and nuzzling. "When we get home though..." he purred, sliding his hand down Herbert's side.
Herbert smacked it before he could reach below his waistband and Dan chuckled, settling his hand on Herbert's waist. Herbert hadn't pulled away from him and even leaned his head against Dan's collar.
"You're ridiculous," Herbert murmured, rubbing his palm against Dan's chest in slow, gentle circles.
"Mmm." Dan closed his eyes and breathed in the lemony scent of washing detergent clinging to Herbert's shirt, mixing with the salty smell of the sea. "Love you too."
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hoodedjelly · 24 days
Sleep walk BTS post!
will go in depth with my process and put better quality drawings in here!
Before any of this i was listening to several fiddauthor/ford playlists to hear a song that really got my brain moving. Funny enough i didn't get Sleep walk from one of the 100+ song playlists i was listening to, it was in my oc playlist (thats a mad scientist who would've thought). Originally i wanted to make a fiddauthor animatic (who knows maybe i will), but THIS SONG just caught my brain in a way i couldn't refuse.
So i technically started working on it the late night of September 27, exactly a week ago! which yes yes i hear you all in unison go "WHAT???" to that, and all I have to say to that is.... I have untreated adhd and lots of caffeine in my system! (honestly felt like ford sometimes while workin on that animatic)
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Started it off with some notes, then thumbnails. I had my tbob AND J3 open next to me stood up with clips for reference (prob looked a little insane looking back but its fine)
now for the rough animatic! i did this in Adobe animate 2022 (i'll get back to that later) the only thing that really got changed was i wanted to add the diner scene from j3. i realize now that it messed up the timeline i was going for with the animatic but i like to think things are out of order because of the state ford is in, things start to merge together.
After i sat with this rough animatic for a bit, i wasn't sure if i was going to make it in Adobe animate (what i usually do) or make it all in Clip Studio Paint. I wanted this animatic to be way more visually interesting then i usually do, so CSP it is. But! i only have CSP Pro, so i had to draw and export every single new frame from this animatic.
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it was a little tedious at first (again never done an animatic like this before) but i got used to it! I edited it all together in CapCut and thats really it!
The missing J3 pages from TBOB spoke to me in a way that im not fully comfortable talking about to my followers. I put a lot of myself in this animatic then i'd want to realize, it's very important to me. The night when i uploaded it i was literally shaking with anxiety (and caffeine-) but the overwhelming support for it is really amazing, thank you so much! if you have any more questions please ask away i love talking about the art process.
Below im going to talk about the code and put HD backgrounds!
thank you for dyemro on here for cracking the code first! now i can talk about my insane little thought process about it
So i never planned to add a code until halfway through with the animatic. i was watching ThatGFFan videos and him talking about gravity falls codes got my brain cooking. i wanted something sweet and simple (i realize with dyemro's post it wasn't as simple as i thought, give me some slack it's my first time). like what you should with making codes you start at the end. And i wanted something that was a nice send off for drawing ford be fucking miserable for 1 minute and 30 seconds.
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so i got this. (honestly every time i look at this drawing after finishing the animatic it makes me real emotional)
There are 4 codes in this whole animatic 0:02, 0:15, 0:30, and 0:58
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wanted the first one to be REAL noticeable so people can stop and be like "wait... theres stuff in here". people usually think to use the bill symbols, but no! from the description theres a little hint to use the Author symbols
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doing that code it leads to: imgu r.com /a/uZa iVfu (and if you know that double line a under a letter means capitalization + im a dumb dumb that used a code image that didn't have a Z so thats just a normal Z)
it makes a LINK! > imgur.com/a/uZaiVfu <
now enough of that boring stuff, heres some HD screenshots and backgrounds of my fav parts
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avalil18 · 7 months
(Series)Meeting The Parents
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Summary:you met joes parents for the first time and they absolutely adore you
Y/n pov
It’s game day here at OSU and I’m so excited! Joe is finally playing! I also get to meet Robin and Jimmy, joes parents. I’m honestly quite nervous but I know they are loving people and amazing parents!
I’m wearing black jean shorts that aren’t to short and an OSU cropped long sleeve shirt with converse. My hair is down and curled at the ends and I put the front pieces up into clips. As I was walking into the stadium I see Robin and Jimmy. They quickly noticed me and walked over with some cousins and joes brothers.
“Y/n! It’s so nice to finally meet you!”-Robin says as she is hugging you
“Hi! I’m so excited to finally meet you too!”-you say hugging back
I moved away from Robin to give jimmy a quick hug
“Hi y/n! I’m Jimmy and it’s great to finally meet you!”-jimmy
“Aww! Thank you! Ive heard so many great things about you guys! Joe always talks so highly about you guys!”-you say pulling out of the hug
“Aww that’s so sweet! Joe always talks about you! I’ve never seen him so happy! Thank you for taking care of him!”-Robin
“Of course!”-you
I smiled and hugged the rest of the family and made small talk until Robin came up to me as we walked to our seats.
“So,where are you from y/n?”-robin
“Im from Northgate,Ohio! Just out of Cincinnati!”-you
“Omg! Such a cute town!”-robin
“Yeah! It’s great!”-you
“And how’s your family? Any siblings?”-robin
“They are good! I’m very close with my family! I have a twin brother and an older sister.I’m very close with them!”-you
“Awww! That must be so nice! As you know Joe has older brothers so he was really the only child in the house growing up!”-robin
“Yeah! He told me that they graduated high school when he was born!”-you
“Yep! But he is still very close with his brothers which I love!”-robin
“That’s so sweet!”-you
Robin and I talked for a bit more and we kept laughing as she told me stories about Joe when he was a kid.
“So y/n, do you work?”-daniel (joes brother)
“I do! I work in marketing for a company called Kroger!”-you
“Oh wow! Thats amazing!”-daniel
“Thank you! It’s a lot of fun!”-you
After talking with joes brothers for a bit the game finally started. All of us were cheering and stressing. As fourth quarter hit and the clock was 0:20 we knew we were going to win, and we did! I was so proud of Joe!
After the game ended we all walked down into the family area where the families wait for the players to come out. After a couple minute wait Joe finally came out. I let joes family greet him and congratulate him before I ran up to hug him.
“Hey there winner!”-you
“Hi babe!”-joe said hugging me
“I am so proud of you! You did amazing out there Joey!”-you
“Thanks! And thank you for coming out to support and meet the fam! I hope they weren’t a lot.”-joe
“Of course! And are you kidding? They are amazing and I love your family!”-you
Robin came up to us and said
“She’s a keeper Joey!”-Robin
Then Jimmy and everyone else joined in
“Yeah! She’s amazing!”-everyone
I gave a big smile! I am so happy they love me!
“Oh trust me, I know!”-joe
I gave Joe a big smile and kissed him on the cheek before giving him a hug.
“I got to go because my friend is taking me back, but it was so lovely meeting all of you!”-you say hugging everyone
“Awww y/n! I was so lovely meeting you and I hope to see you soon!”-robin
I hugged her and gave Joe one last hug and kiss then took off.
Joes pov (after the game)
“Omg Joey I love her!”-robin
“Same!”- Daniel and Jimmy
“Good, because she’s the one.”-joe
Robin looked up at him
“Really! Omg Joe! Do you love her?”-robin
“Haha,yeah! I really do love her, mom! She helped me get rid of all my anxiety during the game. She said something to me this morning when I was getting nervous and I kept repeating in my head what she said during the game and it helped me so much. She makes me happy, like really happy! She just gets me and understands me.”-joe
“Awww! I’m so happy for you! I can see the way she looks at you and the way you look at her! That’s true love,Joey!”-robin
Authors note: um hello aren’t they the cutest couple ever!!! Anyway hoped you enjoyed!🫶
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factual-fantasy · 7 months
28 asks! :DD Thank you as always!! 💖💖
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My FNAF AU has been sorted out. In the sense that the timeline has been re-written enough that I can go back to drawing it..
Now the next comic in the AU is a re-write/re-draw of my old FNAF comic, Moon Malfunction. A few months ago though there were several time sensitive projects that came up and I needed to shelf Moon Malfunction 2.0 until they were done. Well now they're all done.. but Moon Malfunction is gonna take me some time to get around to..
For the past few months I've been in a really bad spot mentally and physically. And taking on my FNAF Recap/Repair project is just not something I feel I have the mental energy to do at the moment.. All it feels like is a one big pile of work. And all I wanna do I just draw what ever comes easily to me and focus on recovering..
Soooo for the time being,, my main FNAF AU might not see any updates for a bit.. Though I haven't forgotten about it and I do want to get back to it at some point soon. But for now I want to cut any work out of my relaxing/drawing time and just draw what ever I want. Which atm is pirate cookies-- <XDD
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They're also great for grabbing something across the room while I stay in bed 😎😎
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Why haven't I drawn anything like that yet- what--
I might just have to at some point! :00
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I never thought of it like that! Anyone who gets into the game through my characters is like a lactose intolerant person recommending an ice-cream joint- and they're very persuasive! XDD
But fr, thank you! And hey, even if my characters aren't in the game, they'll always be here on Tumblr waiting for you XDD
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Actually, I wasn't! :00 I haven't seen that episode of the Cuphead show. But I'm assuming its about Cala Maria and Captain Brineybeard, yes? If so I can easily see the relation XD
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(Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU!! The comic was different than what I'm used to. But it was a nice change of pace. I'm glad you liked it! :}}}
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@badlyblurry (Post in question)
FRRRRRR THO He's been holding that glow back for a while. Trying not to send the wrong messages to Blue and potentially damage their friendship 💔💔
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I have! In this post you can see 3 of them floating behind Melvin! (The anthro donkey)
And in this post, you can see Melvin holding one while it passes away... :((((( Sad day for sure.
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Well? What did she taste like? XDD
Oh wait you're dead my bad-
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Unfortunately I cant think of any songs that would match each crew members theme.. Rn all my brain can think about is this 👇
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@nunyabusiness459 (Comic in question)
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What is primordial dough? :0
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Thank you! :DD Though unfortunately my fwernnd, I am known for being very bad at explaining how I do art things. :(
If I tried to explain my thought/design process it would just be a lot of word spaghetti that boils down to "uhhh... I just drew it.,. aandd if it dont look good.. draw it differently.. until it looks good-"
My advice would be to look on YouTube for character design tutorials or ask some other artists that have artwork similar to mine and see if they can help. :( Again, so sorry! I wish I could articulate my thoughts better 💔💔
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This actually makes me think- Google says that if you add too much sugar to a cookie they become brittle.
Huh,, makes me think. If one of the cookies was baked with too much sugar.. they'd break real easy.. hmm.. 👀👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD I wish the same for you!! ✨💖✨
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I've thought about drawing them! :0 And I thiiink I drew Franny one time..? The Blue one. Although I don't think I'll be able to find the sketch unfortunately-
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tbh though I think they'd see him as just a normal guy! :0 Right..?
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I'm not sure.. considering what I know about the games.. I thiiink they'd be horrified?? <XDD If they understand that they're made of dough, it'd be the equivalent of a human walking into a giant meat factory where they chop up meat and make weird false humans..
Okay yeah, they'd be horrified for sure XDDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Cookie run post in question)
AAAAA thank you so much!! I'm glad you liked it!! :DD As for the power, I think you're right about it being a rare occasion. And the idea of her gaining better control over it over time? While her love grows as well?? Perfection. But man I'm also tempted to make it so she can change when ever she wants. :( I really like drawing her and Seafoam together like that.. 🥺
As for the Colossal squid episode,, I'd have to go back and re-watch it to decide if I'll keep it for my AU or not..
But thinking about all the stuff you described about a violent altercation and nightmares?? 👀👀 Its giving me ideas! XDD
Now if the crew did face a violent altercation like that, I imagine their #1 goal would to protect the Octopod. That's their home man! They would probably do what ever they could to get the octopod away from the situation. Like the Captain manually piloting it and some of the crew being sent out in gups to distract the squid. Stuff like that :0
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It was on the 10th actually- and hey thanks! Seam could probably use the calories <XD
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@unpopularartist14 (referencing this ask post)
<XD oh boy, what a stark contrast between the sides--
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I didn't have them in mind while designing them,, though maybe I took some subconscious inspiration? I see the similarities! :0
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mahi-does-some-art · 11 months
How good are Servamp characters at handling spice?
Mahiru: 10/10, to everyone's shock. He'll buy spicy snacks if he feels like treating himself and more often than not would lean into the spicier options of recipes if they give good flavor to the meal and not just heat. He could eat hellfire, probably. This is a distinct Shirota Family Trait.
Kuro: This is a European vampire born in fuck knows when. He stole one of Mahiru's spicy snacks once without looking at the label and nearly died. 0/10. Mahiru has adjusted his cooking accordingly.
Tetsu: 6/10. Can handle a normal, decent amount of spice! He prefers more cleaner tastes rather than spicy stuff but he has a few snacks he likes to indulge in. If you give him any raw hotter peppers though, he'll suffer.
Hugh: 2/10. Better than his older brother but not by much lmao. This is another old European man and while he was raised with riches and access to a wide variety of foods, he never had the pallet for it. Cannot bite into raw garlic. Hilarious~
Mikuni: 6/10. All of the Alicein's tend to prefer sweets but he can handle spice well! He loves to be a snob about anything he can be knowledgeable about and that includes many different cuisines, some of which happen to be spicy! So even if he didn't like spice too much at first, he'd grow into it. I feel that he'd make it a point to try and heighten his tolerance but had to stop bc his throat started closing up.
Jeje: 3/10. His face gets red very easily and he gets unsightly looking fast. Mikuni laughs at him for it. Also he does not like the scorch even if he doesn't think the flavor is bad. If he wanted any kind of burn, he'd drink alcohol, thank you.
Iduna: 8/10. I think she'd handle spice exceptionally well! She loves any of those fast food items thats whole purpose is to make your mouth feel like its on fire and has a couple times gotten these items for herself and her coworkers when she drew the short straw for who pays for lunches. Watched them all choke. One time she asks for a bite of Mahiru's indulgent spicy food and Mahiru gives her a portion. She was not prepared.
Freya: 5/10. Prefers heartiness to spiciness. She'll just politely push her plate aside if its too spicy for her.
Licht: 5/10. Actually not too bad handling spicy stuff but will curse at anything that makes his nose start running. In shock of Mahiru and Iduna's ability to down things that look like red hell. Prefers sweet.
Lawless: 6/10. Just barely a noticeably higher tolerance than his Eve but will start sweating fast and start to look unkempt if he eats too much spice for too long. Has deliberately raised his tolerance but won't go any farther than he is now.
Niccolo: 4/10. Decent but also Italian foods are not much known for their hotness. Will start crying and his ears will get extremely red-- Honestly its kinda a cute sight aside from his suffering.
Ildio: He couldn't taste anything for the vaaast majority of his life to flavor in general is new to him. His reaction to spice is him being thrown on his ass bc they made the mistake of giving him something not mild first lmaooo. He gradually keeps trying however and he builds up a very good tolerance! Unrelated but the first time Niccolo gave him a lemon, he bit into it like an orange and puckered his face so hard he got cramps. Niccolo has that on video. 7/10.
Misono: 1/10. DO NOT MAKE THIS BOY SUFFER LIKE THAT. He already has it hard enough trying to brave his way through drinking bitter black coffee to look Cool, he'll pass out. Also I wouldn't think it'd be very good with his allergies.
Lily: 2/10. Not a fan and cannot handle it very well. He'll start coughing and his skin will get all sweaty and red and blotchy and he absolutely refuses, thank you.
Tsubaki: 5/10. Normal! But is sensitive to the strong smells so he usually gets something safely below his capabilities if he wants to indulge. Like Tetsu, prefers cleaner tastes.
Tooru: 9/1o! Again, loving spice is a Shirota Family Trait and while his nephew shadows his capabilities, he still puts all of his coworkers and underclassmen to complete fucking shame. It has saved him from his lunches being stolen in the break room.
Touma: Look, he's fucked the Shirotas but does not have their genes. 0/10. He cannot handle spice for shit and was the one who was stealing Tooru's lunches. He learnt the hard way.
Sakuya: 3/10. Ok at spice but has also shared the fate of unknowingly eating the Shirota's food. In his case, he asked Mahiru to share his delicious (as usual) looking lunch during their time in school together. Mahiru warned him that it was a "bit spicy" and Sakuya make the terrible, horrible, no good mistake of brushing that aside while Ryuusei and Koyuki watch on without saying anything, already paying their respects to their poor friend. Needless to say Sakuya is put on the floor. The other two couldn't interrupt. It's a canon event to being one of Mahiru's close friends. He prefers sweet things, actually!
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starsoftheeye · 5 months
TMAGP Episode 15 Live Reaction
I'm destressing after an exam so we're doing this again baby wooo
My YouTube keeps not showing the episode, it's been like an hour since the release and its still not up for me
It's not even up for my laptop this is so annoying
I can't remember how I got it to show up last time as well
Bro I keep refreshing my page and its not there WHERE ARE YOU???
Screw it Spotify get over here
who is this man and why is he just doing the toffee/gum in mouth/ face stretching exercise from every drama rehearsal i've ever been to
this is oddly scary
as a physics student... probably
oh its a gum ad
oooh implications
this podcast sounds cool
hi simon!!
i'm gonna stop talking about the ads now this post is so long already lmao
i love it when people dedicate episodes to their friends its so sweet
sam and celia!!
:0 he got them tickets? thats so sweet i love him
Theatre tickets can be fucking expensive as well jesus he is down bad
ah yes, my favourite piece of theatre to bring a date to: The Pillowman
i love them
oooh luke mention
every thursday i listen to a new tmagp episode and every thursday my samalicelia post becomes a little more plausible
she has really thought this through huh
okay this is probably alice meddling out of jealousy but seriously you cannot expect me to hear her basically asking these two to hangout after theyve been on a date and expect my samalicelia brain to not go insane over it
aw alice :(
jack mention jack mention
"babys are cool" shes so me
aw celia i love her
uh oh sam and alice conversation
oh so now youtube decides to work
i cannot understand what sam said there but i'm assuming it was funny and only a bit passive agressive
Ah another voicemail
this guy sounds like tim but not
oh god what fucked up dinner party are the rich doing now
"they wanted to know whos kill they were eating" oh this is gonna be interesting
oh no theyre watching
ah yes, very informative "prepare"
whos gonna die
ooooh a fucked up woman i love fucked up women
i know this is probably a very important character and i should be paying attention but i am a mere lesbian and i am finding this woman very attractive right now
thats when you realised something was up?
oh im so gay
theyre gonna aim for the caterers they are not safe
theyre gonna make them run methinks
they killed all the birds
oh are they gonna make the caterers kill something/someone?
oh no steven :(
these people are being very vague id be asking so many questions
each other?
this guys enjoying this a little too much
go on boris
oh no boris :(
is she following him?
actually no dont you have a better chance if you stay i think
lena what did you do
this is weirdly homoerotic
ooooh is this lukes band?
theyre good i like it
awww these two arent gonna survive together
damn hes doing well
pfffft weedy git i love luke already
hello?? whos this??
lady are you okay??
alice run
yippee more trauma for her to cover up with jokes
is she doing ellie the elephant oh my god
oh shes back
yeah alice you should run
im betting this was the stranger from the magnus institute
i shouldve paid attention to her little ramble lol
oh my god so much is happening in this show and we're only on episode 15
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ackee · 4 months
hey!!!!!!!!!!! I ADORE YOUR OCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT STOP LOOKING AT THEM THEYRE SO BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED AND WRITTEN AND NOBODY IS DOING IT LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait for more naomi and kamdeuce content esp.... i have one question about kam if thats ok!! what exactly is her visual impairment? and where did you get the idea to make a character with this kind of disability? im super legally blind too and seeing (haha) a character who functions like me and the people in my family is heavenly :))) and i rly love the little details u put in like in the comic where shes taking a picture of deuce's apron to look at the words on it <33 and how does she work in a bar w this condition? whats her visual acuity?? thank you! and thank you for creating this awesome world 💐
the condition i landed on her having is "traumatic glaucoma" which she got from wrestling in highschool, but i'm unsure if it completely fits, so i've still been researching! 🤔
right now, in the day time she can see some shapes and colors fuzzily, can see high contrast things (like black on white, etc), and ofc can only read by putting a phone with huge text literally up to her eyeball (but the light from the phone easily gives her headaches!). at night, she essentially cant see anything.
i recently bought the book '33 Worst Mistakes Writers Make About Blind Characters' on the chance they'd speak on different non-correctable conditions so i can make sure what i pick is accurate, but i havent read it yet! 😙
i got the idea from the game yakuza 0! there's a blind girl in it named makoto who uses a white cane and i loved her so much that that little bit lives on in kam now 🫶🏽
but kam works as live music at a rooftop bar and lounge, so most people are seated drinking champagne while she sings and plays the keys. her coworkers help her to and from the piano! and at work, she doesn't drink. (for both safety and med reasons!)
it's a very classy and quiet place so she doesn't have too many problems there! and everyone loves her so much, they make sure she's comfortable :]
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miralyk · 5 months
Hi I discovered you on reddit and went through all your art (sorry if thats creepy!! ><) but i just wanted to tell you; I love your art so much and I am OVER THE MOON that protocreed art is still being made today 😭 I recently rediscovered my love for the series and have had such protocreed brainworms and was so frustrated because these games are so old and any art or fandom discussion is long gone... Seeing your art makes me feel like I’m back in 2014 era tumblr where both fandoms were at their peak… thank you so much for your wonderful art you have no idea 😭 is tumblr your most active social media? I def want to support and continue to see all your work!! (p.s.: sorry for the long ask omg im embarrassed TT__TT)
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AAAAAA this is such!! a sweet ask!!!! thank you so much for your kind words;; i'm just A Guy who's currently hyperfixated on both games (and their protagonists), both individually and together,, that's very high praise my art's vibes are as strong as the crossover's heyday!
yes, tumblr's my most active social media at the moment, both for posting art and any reblogs/rambles/etc too, not just drawings or animatics! no worries about your long ask, it's an testament to the passion and it means a lot to me reading that others really enjoy what i'm doing rn :'''0
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officialgleamstar · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank u for the tag @cerealmonster15 :] sorry for forcing you into tagging me and then FORGETTING TO DO IT ONCE I GOT OFF WORK but insomnia is killing me tonight sooo tag game time :3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
127 fics on my account, and then 130 anonymous fics, and two? maybe three? orphaned fics lol
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
826,251! getting close to 1 mil... maybe that should be a writing goal for this year :0
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently its oxventure all the way down, baby bfdjgfdhhj i have a few dndads fics im still working on though, and i have an aftg fic im working on for an event right now as well! i need to... make sure i finish that on time, actually
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
they aaare mostly anonymous LOL but! for fics i list, these ones. the way that three of these are from 2017 and 2018... i know that makes sense because theyve had more time to accumulate kudos and also are for more popular fandoms but :') man 1. Cleaning Up - Haikyuu!! - 908 kudos 2. heart under your sleeve - 3rd Life - 616 kudos 3. four am - All For the Game - 502 kudos 4. his soul - Empires SMP, 3rd Life - 391 kudos 5. "Are you dense, or do you just not know how to say no?" - All For the Game - 288 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes i do!!! im bad at it, but i do :D
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
just like cereal, i dont write much angst, but probably you know i love you, right? or these feelings, they're not gone :0
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of my fics are disgustingly sweet and sappy so its hard to judge
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but not enough to be a trend, lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yeah lol if i cant write pet play and/or breeding kink i wither up and die. who said that
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
just once! (can you kiss me more) absolutely beloved
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
two times that i know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yeah lol someone translated a handful of my old rpf fics into russian :]
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, but never a finished fic
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
you simply cannot make me choose. you cant make me choose. please.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Divorced Dad Rock Mix you are everything to me but chapter 3 thru 6 are probably never seeing the light of day
16. What are your writing strengths?
im really good at telling a compelling story in a very small amount of word :] also, SPEED WRITING. i can write very quickly when i put my mind to it!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
im so awful at ending fics just absolutely dogshit at it
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
its . writing dialogue in another language, i guess? lol its fine
19. First fandom you wrote for?
pokemon or harry potter i think. maybe my little pony or minecraft. or world of warcraft but i think that was later? id have to dig through my deviantart and i dont feel like it lol
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
god that is a hard question to answer, i love all of my fics a lot bfdgfjhdbghjd i think... the first fic to come to mind was, naturally, my beloved your love is tried and true-blue. normscary <333 AND my glennry soulmate fic as well, so where do we begin? hmmm... the johnny spells thing comes from a very personal space, and its a fic that i thought about for literal years, so its very near and dear to me in that sense as well. and on our dates, it's never daytime is a super self-indulgent fic that i reread a lot because its so perfectly targeted at myself lol same thing for fall (back) in and i love mine, mine, mine for more recent examples. uh. okay thats a lot of rambling LOL those i guess :3
tagging: hmmmmm @bidoofenergy and @cookies-over-yonder i think!!! have fun guys
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sirnavergi · 6 months
can the public (me) know some fun facts about axl..
OF COURSE. we love axl. I'm going to mix fun facts with some lore exposition bc. thats what we do here or whatevs.
Axl Caester is something I'm calling a Stabilized Amalgam Ectype. The gist of it is that hes small parts of a bunch of different parts of data from different people that corrupted each other, that was later reconstructed and reshaped. He's not SUPER stable, hence the lil metal cuff like contraptions on his design.. they help his form stay together...
The re-stabilization process was done by Edgar Reynaud (Avi's dad), but Axl has no real emotional ties to Edgar. The cuffs were made by Verus Technologies Corp's CEO.
He gets his surname from Lenore Caester! The general branch manager of the Verus Technologies Corp. who basically "adopts" him while he's around age 14-ish.
His hairpins match with Lenore's! They're likely gifts from her.
He likes sugary sweets, mostly due to Andromeda's influence. It's also a parallel to Avi, who prefers bitter, less-sweet stuff. Avi's preference is actually directly caused by Axl! When the sector-0 kids were out of school and Axl met Avi, he shared some of his candy with him (albeit the flavors he didn't like as much LMAO). Avi just appreciates spending quality friend time and just started associating the more bitter candy with it.
He was really close with Aoide during their time at school together! They grew apart after Aoide ran away.
IM TRYING TO think of stuff that's .fun facts. He is very Teal.. His aspect type is PM (green) and hes heavily associated with Verus Tech which is BC (blue) so. that makes sense.
In older versions of the story, he used to be the person living outside the establishments of sector-4! Now it's Aoide who resides there, and he stays at sector-5. (also called sector-6 sometimes because I keep accidentally counting sector-0)
OH THIS IS more or less something I was brainstorming about a while back. It's possible that each time his form majorly falls apart, he looks a bit different when he is brought back together.
That'll be all for now... Thank you red....
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yandere-fics · 7 months
So you're now the darling of the wonderful Eliza. You might be asking, how do I become the most perfect darling for her? WELL GOOD NEWS. Thats why I'm here, this step by step guide will give you the information you need to be her best darling.
Step 1: Hunting and Cooking. She is absolutely going to provide foo for you by hunting down living things for you to flay and cook. You might have noticed I said living things and not animals, don't worry, we'll get to that. Anyway, you should always accept her hunting gifts like the puppy you are. Remember, waste nothing. She may also bring you things to cook for her, which she will absolutely love you to cook for her. She will also love it if you give her a list of things that need to be hunted, so do it.
Step 2: Cannibalism. I told you we'd get back to the "living things" part. She is not afraid to hunt people and eat them as she has 0 issues. She'll be especially elated if you eat with her, and I do mean the flesh of that person she just killed. Hell, do not be afraid to ask her to feed you it mouth to mouth, that just makes it hotter.
Step 3: Affection. Absolutely call her "Good Girl." or "Good Alpha" after every kill she gets. She not only will be absolutely in love with it, but if you give her head pats and ear scratches she will just melt into the cutest ball of fur you've ever seen. You should also ABSOLUTELY allow her to mark you with a bite to claim you as hers. Don't worry if her tail is wagging and she starts licking your face, that means she loves you.
Step 4: The Bedroom. You have found the fun times. I'm going to make a recommendation here, let her scent you as much as possible while she fucks you and absolutely while she is knotted. The more you two mix, the better. You can also make her VERY easily aroused by using the reward of getting to breed you every time she completes a good or extraordinary hunt. I'm serious, try it.
Step 5: Pups. Listen, she absolutely wants to get you pregnant, and you should let her. If you are on birth control, don't. Any and all forms of birth control can and will be destroyed or sabotaged. You are going to let her breed you. Now, when you are pregnant your breasts might ache due to the fullness, let Eliza handle giving you relief. As a good mother to her pups, you need to provide good milk and Eliza can make certain that the pups will grow strong and healthy by testing your milk herself. You should be asking for her to relieve you.
Step 6: Others. Make a list, I'm serious. You should be making a list of your exes, bullies, and anybody that has likely wronged you. In return, she will kill them for you, and you will turn their corpses into a 3 course meal. Maybe even turn them into breakfast lunch and dinner and eat them with her. Go ahead. Do it.
Step 7: Chase. You should absolutely tell her you want her to chase you. Don't forget to ask for a head start, because she is quite the hunter and will not only hunt and pin you down but will very likely want to fuck after catching you. Let her. You will let her. Give her a challenge when she chases you, she'll love it more.
Now its not the end, no. This is the final step for you to be the perfect darling for Kassien's and I's adopted daughter, Eliza. Let me tell you now, it is the most important step.
Step 8: Make her happy. Thats it. Don't even think about making her cry or hurting her. We are watching and we are more than willing to make sure you're her perfect darling ourselves. Eliza is our sweet darling and you should only ever make her happy and keep her happy. Be prepared to be introduced to us as we will want to meet her darling. So once again. Make. Her. Happy.
And that is the guide to being the best darling for Eliza. I hope you can make her the most happiest girl in the world, as she is just such a lovely thing. As long as you follow these steps, you'll be the best darling you can be.
-Written by Eliza's adoptive parents.
i giggled the whole time i read this, thank you.
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anemodaycare · 1 year
Hello! I am Kit and I would like a matchup, I would like a genshin cg, please! if that's not too much! I regress from 0-3, so I need a more attention-giving caregiver, I love lil cute adult pacis! Espec deco pacis! I DESPISE loud, unexpected noises, I think that I am a decently sweet person, though I have my moments in and out of littlespace, (Like everyone!). Im a bit of a handful while small (Meaning I need a more patient cg), I have scribbled on the walls before and had to get it off before somebody in my house saw it. Speaking of scribbling and drawing- those are some of my fav activities when little! I love just letting my creativity flow out in little doodles I make. Thats all I can think of at the moment, thank you! and have a nice day!
Hi Kit!! Thank you for requesting a matchup :)
I think your caregiver would be...
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For starters!
He is an energetic man. He will absolutely match your energy if needed-
AND he'd be able to pay extra special attention to you!
Handful is his middle name after all
He's a very silly bard, he has the absolute best stories!
And while he might be a little upset with you for scribbling on the walls
It took a lot of restraint for Venti to not sit down next to you and begin to draw with you
He makes sure to get you more coloring books and sketchpads for the next time
If you're willing to share your doodles with him (or Archon's bless, give him some) he'll compliment you!
"My, my! Little one, look at how creative you are!"
"I've got a little artist on my hands, don't I?"
In the case of you giving him some scribbles, you can guarantee that he carries those with him
They're very special to him! They come from you after all!
He's very affectionate with you!
If you're not too keen on touches, he'll stick to words of affirmation
As for your dislike of loud noises
He's with you on that one
Venti will try his best to not make any unexpected, loud noise around you
And if he knows something will be loud, he'll warn you!
He's an absolute sweetheart
I can see him trying his hand at making you a special deco-paci
He's not the best at that, but it's the thought that counts!
(he gets you one commissioned later)
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oooooh fav lyrics??? fuck thats hard. i will not explain why because i want to seem somewhat cool still and not like a total fucking nerd (despite having incredibly in depth reasonings)
The 1975 - ok this is Album has some interesting lyrics because its before he had it all figured out and i fucking love it for that, theres so many fucking contenders for fav lyrics (including all of anobrain, antichrist or The city) the entire abum is just so mmmmm. but if i had to pick an absolute fav id say
"I put your mother through hell, don't you mind I hate your brother as well, don't you mind, don't you mind Oh I was thinking bout killing myself, don't you mind I love you, don't you mind, don't you mind"
and i know i know its a verse but it isnt complete otherwise. Plus i have it tattooed on me so i feel like i had to.
I Like it when you sleep for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it - once again mmm chefs kiss of an album no skips (theyve never made a bad album) and lyricaly very beautiful, i could absolutely nerd out about all of their catalogue tbh. but for this i am excluding Nana and She lays down because theyre...just perfect, and also i sob.
so it would have to be
"And if I believe you Will that make it stop? If I told you I need you Is that what you want?"
"Before you go (please don't go), turn the big light off"
its really easy and tempting to put ballad on here but i think thats because his performance style for it is so visceral and while lyrically its beautiful still i cant imagine myself enjoying them if they were sung by someone else because they need the guts behind it ya know.
A brief enquiry into online relationships - delicious as always matthew thank you this day for our daily bread.
so its either
"I can show you the photographs of you getting on with life I've had dreams where there's blood on you" thank you for referencing the bible matthew very cool.
"You build it to a high to say goodbye Because you're not the same as them" because it is like a fucking gut punch
notes on a conditional form - seasoned to perfection. difficult because Guys is on this album and its so sweet but i dont think its my fav lyrically, for no particular reason. same for roadkill although "i pissed myself on a texan intersection" always has a place in my heart.
"I'm in love, but I'm feeling low For I am just a footprint in the snow" did you need to fucking wreck me or is that just for funsies huh?
"Don't wanna bore you with my frail state of mind "Oh, winner, winner, that's your biggest lie I'm sure that you're fine" I haven't told a lie in quite some time (Quite some time) "You know we'll leave if you keep lying Don't lie behind your (Frail state of mind)"
Being funny in a foreign language - i take 0 slander for this album because its just as brilliant as the others. so first all of part of the band is fucking art and so im excluding it because it should be all of our favs.
"I've been suicidal, you've been gone for weeks If I'm undecided, will you decide for me?W
"'Cause, baby, I'll do anything that you wanna I'll try anything that you wanna I'll find myself in the moonlight 'Cause, baby, I want everything that you wanna And I've tried to just be me, like, a thousand times But you're on my mind"
sorry its so long and i couldnt pick just 1 (not a libra but still indecisive) in order to remain seeming somewhat cool and not a total nerd ive refrained from explaining each choice but yeah.
Welllllll……did you HAVE to bring up “Me” AND “Frail State of Mind”?!? Are you trying to make me cry? Cuz it’s almost working.
It’s weird I’ve always kinda thought of Oh Caroline as some of his simpler writing. Not in a bad way. Like “Me” is simple as well. Simplicity has its time and its place and can be wonderful. And it IS wonderful in Oh Caroline. But I’m a layers girlie, so maybe I haven’t been giving this one much attention *runs to listen to it*
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nutluvs · 7 months
What are your dos and donts for your requests? Id love to start sending in asks but I don’t want to say anything that could potentially be a nono for you! (Not that I’d be sending in anything awful just more so for you own comfort yknow!) 💗
thank u so much for asking about these - i appreciate u considering my feelings about writing anon! so so sweet of u 🤍
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dos and don'ts for my asks 🪻: (i've never done this before so basically correct me if i'm doing things wrong) dos: - any rdr2 themes-- headcanons, blurbs/oneshots, fics.. i have like 0 other fandoms spare me - cc x reader requests - oc x reader requests (one or two of my rdr2 ocs) - general headcanon requests - fluff requests - angst requests donts: - Micah requests. (jk. unless you guys don't want those out of me) - anything illegal or like. weird. so basically no pedophilia, no incest, no cp, no victim x attacker, no blood kinks or whatever type shit (ew), no nonconsensual affection and whatnot; you know the drill. but i trust you guys wouldn't request that, i don't raise freaks. - smut requests of any kind. smut destroys me mentally sorry guys - oc x cc requests - cc x cc requests - very uncanon asks. no i'm not going to write nice micah because he's just ???? not????? - i think i covered everything for donts but i just wanted another point
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ok thats it thank u for reading through these :3
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starlytenight · 2 years
Thanks! So ever since I saw that pic with Meta singing Kirby to sleep and Gala was listining in from a door, it reminded me of a hc I have of his singing voice.
Now it is pretty much canon that Meta can sing since the guy voicing him in jap most certainly can. And is most certainly very good at it. So it is no brainer that Meta has a pretty good singing voice.
His family, friends and those working under him loves it. Problem is that it is quite rare to hear him sing nowadays thanks to something that happened in the war. (I'm still deciding on what that exactly is.)
However due to this, Meta finds it hard to sing when around people. Unless their are either deep in sleep or they've gained enough trust that Meta don't feel the urge to hide his little talent from them.
Which is a shame as I als hc that Meta actually loves to sing. And thanks to one of his brothers who turned out to be a good musican as well, used to make music a lot in their childhood that often brought smiles to those they love.
So yeah, thats my hc I wanted to share. It's still a work in progress and I need to maybe revamp it a bit since I've not touch this in a while. But I hope you liked it.
Oooh, I like it! Honestly it feels like something he'd do, and you're right, his JP actor can absolutely sing and I think it's a sweet idea. Perhaps the incident could involve accidentally luring a Demon Beast over from his voice or something along those lines? I imagine sound-based Demon Beasts would either see it as a threat/challenge or just a giveaway someone is around and boom, there's a reason he doesn't want to do that. Of course there's other possibilities, but just a suggestion if you want it. :0
I mean hey if you want to continue working on it, it could be fun honestly. Meta Knight has also been shown (along with other characters) in official art depicted with musical instruments so there's a fun basis for it!
And here, a lil bonus doodle. :D
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abeinginsand · 1 year
^_^ Hi Countless! How about Glenn/Morgan and…. Hmmmm…. *squints* Grant/Nicky for the ship ask!
Hi Baba! :] Ohh, thank you for the ask! Will start with Grant/Nicky:
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I tend to think of them as close friends most often! Especially in s1 context--they both like gaming and, even if in a dangerous situation, still found some fun in the places they were stuck in. Easily imagining them playing co-op games often--with the boys or 1-on-1. For a more family centric thought, I do think its pretty fun and silly when Grant and Nick(y) are friends/step siblings in a Glenn/Darryl scenario especially if they seem annoyed with their respective step-dads haha. I love family bonding shenanigans!
In a romantic sense, I feel like Grant and Nicky could have had a relationship--to explore stuff and then for various reasons, things fizzled out. A big part of it could be the communication issues they both struggle with? I do think about the "its like having an ex number" line sometimes haha (not sure if thats the exact wording, can't remember). Also...well regarding the betrayal, I often consider that either Lark or Grant was the one to actually shoot Nicky too. He's great with guns and would know great spots to hit that don't kill yet still...send a message. Or maybe he aimed to kill, saw his friend's terror and slipped up? In the end, it could have been any of them who attacked...but there's something deeply saddening to me about Grant doing it. Feeling yet again forced to commit violence for some urgent issue and having to break off a friendship on top of that :[ To add to the 'bitter ex vibes'--there's Grant being rather mean to any of the teens who aren't his son--especially Taylor? Doesn't seem like a stretch for me to think maybe Taylor reminds him of Nicky and that's part of why he seems not to want to deal with him whatsoever lol
I think the pairing could be interesting though and open to reading about them and perhaps Grant/Marco/Nicky too! Mostly conflicted since lovesong (Sparrow/Nicky) and Grant/Marco are my fav pairings for these characters so I tend to have more thoughts about those :0 ----- Now for Glenn/Morgan:
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Canon-wise we really didn't get much about Morgan...but the little bits of the relationship seemed pretty sweet. Definitely got the feeling that Glenn loved her very much and missed her dearly. I think, at least in my hcs, even if he and Morgan get together in hell like in canon--he still misses his Morgan. She lives on in his heart and memories About the "I like them platonically", one of my fav scenes in s1 is during the finale when Glenn accepts that this isn't his Morgan and that he just wants to see her (and Nicky) living happily. So I do like the alternate reality of them remaining family friends of sorts as well. Its heart-warming that even if there are different versions of them--they still end up drawn to each other platonically or romantically. Overall, I think the ship has a great mix of angst, sweetness, and goofiness! Gives me the butterfly flutter type feeling when thinking about them getting to spend time together I put "send to hell" for both of these since hell is Nicky, Glenn, and Morgan's home of course ;)
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