#thank you for the bouquet bella i love these questions!!
hi hi!!! flower bouquet for you: angelonia, anemone, st. john's wort, wolf's bane 🫶
Bella, hi <3 thank you for the bouquet, such pretty ones!!
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show? 
oof Bella i cannot give you just one because i have tons, but at the top of my head:
Bluey, Hilda, The Good Place, Good Omens, Heartstopper, One Day At A Time, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Derry Girls, Stranger Things, Anne with an E, The Bear, Young Royals (season 3 dropped today!!) and so on
Anemone: Favorite flower? 
Gardenia or cap jasmine (btw i didn't know the correct term was gardenia, i always said it was just jasmine hehehe but yeah, that one)
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things? 
I think easier than the people around me but not enough as to not repress stuff yk
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
hopefully somewhere with a colder wheater than where i currently live
flower ask game
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aeshiiteiru · 1 year
soo could you write about dazai, chuuya and tecchou's red green and beige flags?
…My Flags?
— Their green, red and beige flags ft. O.Dazai, N. Chuuya, S. Tetchou
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— Warnings & Notes
sfw | Mix
|| thx for the request, made me have an unwanted reality check lmao
|| kinda angsty but also fluffy and funny, those are based on my own thoughts and opinions!
m.list | writing rules
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— Dazai
The green flags
He tries his best to be a good boyfriend. Of course it takes time and effort, but he really tries to give his all for you and you notice it (most of the time). He just tries his best for you (even though he has his moments)
He showers you with compliments. He wants you to know what he feels for you every step of the way. Some compliments are actually just so ridiculous it’s funny
“Mh, ‘bella! You’re so beautiful I would definitely steal your photos, make a fake account, and impress other people online!”
“That’s, uh….creepy but cute, thank you love…”
Conversation with him are never boring! He will find thousands of stupid topics just to talk to you about them! He wants to hear you laugh and see you smile as you state your opinions on all these weird things. (He probably doesn’t want to do his work smh)
The red flags
He tends to gaslight you…a lot. Mostly about that you’re just paranoid that he gaslights you. He doesn’t do it on purpose most of the time, it’s just how he is.
Unfortunately he still flirts with other women. He isn’t cheating, but the sweet words and looks still happen sometimes. He does it unintentionally, but it’s there, it happens. He says he tries to get rid of these habits, but you’re doubtful.
 Dazai runs away from his problems. Always. Whenever there is a conflict between you two he tries to brush it off and act like everything is okey. That is until he notices you’re genuinely upset with him, then he just leaves. He leaves and returns after a few hours or days of no contact and acts like nothing happened again.
The beige flags
 When he notices that he accidentally made you cry, he will jump on top of you to aggressively suck the tears off your face like some human vacuum in order to make you laugh and feel better. It’s ridiculous but it works.
Whenever you ask him what he wants to eat he always, always replies with “you” or “nothing”. No in-between, no specifics. It was funny at first, but at some point you just started to sigh and shake your head at it.
He keeps his undies that have holes in them so that he can surprise you by walking out the bathroom and tearing them off his body only leaving the waist band. He calls it the “grand reveal”. Always whenever you least expect it. Makes you question many things.
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— Chuuya
The green flags
He notices the little things. You have a sparkle in your eyes whenever you see a flower you like? Expect a bouquet of these flowers on the table the next day. You pick out a vegetable from your food because you don’t like it? He noticed, and he made sure that that vegetable never appears in your house ever again.
Yeah so he is always trying to impress you with things. He often makes a fool out of himself because of it, but it brings a smile to your face so you let him do his thing.
Chuuya loves to gossip about people with you. You know the second he says “you won’t believe what happened.” Means you’re in for the hottest, spiciest tea spill in history. His gossip is always so juicy it leaves you gasping with every sentence. You love how he trusts only you with it.
The red flags
The way he expresses his anger makes you feel unsafe sometimes. You never know when he will accidentally harm you during one of his anger outbursts. It’s very worrisome to you and actually him too.
He is an alcoholic already a separate red flag, so stuff happens when he is wasted (which is often). Chuuya often tells you hurtful things during that time. It’s things he would never, ever allow to leave his mouth while sober, but we all know drunk Chuuya is not your Chuuya anymore.
Always needs to know where you are and what you’re doing. He is very, very controlling. Is it because he is worried? Possessive? Obsessive?? No one knows. But he is, and it’s suffocating sometimes. You basically have no privacy. (It’s probably because he has trust issues that you’ll leave him at some point just like others ekhem Dazai )
“So, where are you going? Who will you be with?”
“….to a bar, with just some friends..?”
“Is that so? What friends? Actually, I’ll have some of my men go with you to be sure you’ll be fine.”
The beige flags
Whenever he spills the hot tea of the day in the mafia, you’re no longer “love, dear, doll or baby” etc. No, no, that’s when you become “dawg” or “bro” and you deal with it. He is not aware of it and you never tell him. You are dawg. That’s final.
Whenever he misplaces his belongings, the first thing he does is ask you “what did you do with my (insert item)?” It doesn’t matter what it is, his phone, his hat whatever, he thinks you took it.
When you guys go to bed he scoots closer and closer over the course of the night in order to cuddle you, except he always scoots a little too much and you always end up falling off the bed, and then when you try to get him to move back a little he will complain that it’s late and you should be sleeping instead of waking him up. (He is only half awake the whole time, forgive him for being a bitch)
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— Tetchou
The green flags
He respects your boundaries. When you say no, it means no, and he understands.
He never flinches when you order something no sane person would eat. That's because he also does that. (It should be a red flag that his taste in food is horrendous, but he will never judge you sooo forgiven)
He always listens to you. He might not understand a thing you're talking about, or might not get why that thing is so exciting but he will listen, and agree with everything you say to show you he is interested and is paying attention.
The red flags
Puts his job above you. You always come second. He loves you, but if the job required him to break up with you, he would without a second thought. I’m sorry, justice above all.
He is lacking in emotional intelligence. He doesn't really know how to comfort you or empathize with you which leaves you to mostly deal with the emotional distress yourself.
Sleeps with his socks on during summer. Thats all, that’s the reddest flag.
The beige flags
Whenever he's hungry and you're not he will starve himself, because he refuses to eat when you're not eating. It makes him feel bad and you don’t get why.
Whenever you ask him a question he will answer without elaboration. —
"How was work?"
"Good. As usually."
— A man of few words, but you need him to spill the details, right now.
He can't use emojis. He thinks “🙄” is someone looking up, not an eye-roll. It makes texting more difficult than it should…
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Copyright © 2023 Aeshiiteiru.
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milaisreading · 7 months
2p Axis and 2p Allies reaction to a guy giving Valentine's Day gifts to y/n before they had a chance?
🌱🩷: Here u go! Hope it is ok, and thank you for the request!
2p!Italy: Bella, these are for you~
Yn, while looking at the flower bouquet: Thank you! I didn't expect you to care about Valentine's Day! These are really pretty
2p!Italy: You care about this holiday and so do I. Besides, I wanted to be the first one to give you the present.
Yn:Oh... uhm...
Yn: Well... Actually... Sweden already gave me a present so...
2p!Italy: Really?
Yn: Thanks for the chocolate!
2p!Germany, all proud that she likes it: Nothing to thank me for. I heard from people you like this flavor.
Yn: Yep! It's one of my favorites, actually.
2p!Germany, confused as he thought she likes this one: One of? What's your favorite? I can get you that instead.
Yn: No need! Besides, Denmark already gave me that this morning.
2p!Germany: ... What? Wait, so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah. This morning
Yn: Why is your gun out?
Yn, worried as his glare intensifies and his grip on the present tightens: Are...are you ok?
Yn: You look constipated. Was it the food you ate earlier?
2p!Japan, embarrassed as he shoves the present into her hands: Just take this stupid gift?!
Yn: Thanks... *opens to see what's inside*
2p!Japan, trying to look like he doesn't give af: And?
Yn: Oh! This is a cute figurine! It will go well with the one Korea gave me!
2p!Japan: When did he give it to you?
Yn: This morning.
2p!Japan: Ah... so someone already gave you a gift?
Yn: Yeah- where are you going?
2p!Japan: Out for a walk.
2p!America: Hey there, dollface! Happy Valentine's Day! Here is your present.
Yn, jumping in surprise as she takes it: Thank you! The bear is cute!
2p!America, swinging his arm around her shoulder: Not as cute as you.
Yn, blushing:O-oh...
2p!America: Anyway, want to go and eat something?
Yn: No, I just ate with Norway
2p!America: Excuse me? What?
Yn: He took me out to lunch as a gift.
2p!America,thinking of all the ways to kill a country: Oh... lovely...
2p!France: What is that?
Yn, looking at the small cake 2p!France was pointing at: Oh! This? It's a cake Finland made me for Valentine's Day! Want to try? He made it with my favorite flavor.
2p!France while tightening his grip on a gift he got her: Oh... And you accepted the gift just like that?
Yn, confused by the question: Yeah? We always give each other gifts.
2p!France: You gave him gifts as well?!
Yn: Yeah... Are you mad?
2p!France: Yes.
Yn: O-oh... I will put it away then...
2p!France: Please do.
2p!England: Poppet! I made you my special cupcakes! Try them!
Yn, nervous as she remembers what his special cupcakes might have:I am not really hungry, so...
2p!England: They don't have anything bad in them, I swear!
Yn, slowly nodding her head as she takes them: O-Ok.
2p!England: I wanted to make this present special! Do you like them?
Yn, surprised they taste like real, normal cupcakes: Yeah... they remind me of the ones Switzerland got me this morning.
2p!England: What?
Yn: Switzerland gave me some as a present this morning *continues eating*
2p!England, thinking: I will turn him into literal Swiss cheese
Yn: Thanks for the presents, Russia... Isn't this too much? *looks at the mountain of gifts*
2p!Russia, shakes his head while patting hers: Not really. In fact, there are more I need to give you.
2p!Russia: Don't worry your pretty brain about it, but... Who gave you those flowers over there? *points at the tulips*
Yn: Oh! Netherlands gave me them as a gift this morning! They smell so good- Why are you taking the vase away?
2p!Russia: They have gone bad. I will get you better ones
Yn: What?
Yn, admiring the Hello kitty plushie: This is so adorable! I never saw this one!
2p!China, while having a huge grin on his face: Well, it was a special I requested for you. Happy you like it.
Yn: Thanks! You didn't have to go through so much trouble for me.
2p!China: It was more trouble at all~
Yn: It will look great with that plushie Estonia gave me this morning
2p!China: Someone gave you a present already?
Yn: Yep~
2p!China: Oh... Can you do me a favor?
Yn: Sure. What is it?
2p!China: Can you sleep with your window open for tonight? And put that plushie from Estonia as close as possible to the the window
Yn: What?
2p!Canada, blushing as Yn thanks him for the chocolate: It's nothing. Just a small token of appreciation.
Yn: Still! Thank you for remembering me! I didn't expect gifts from both Iceland and you, to be honest.
2p!Canada: Oh, it's nothing. I am happy you like- What do you mean by Iceland?
Yn: Him and Mr. Puffin gave me those cute Valentine's Day cards. They are so adorable~
2p!Canada, agitated while she is smiling: Aha...
An hour later...
Yn, yelling from her room: My cards are gone!!
2p!Canada as he lights up a fire: How tragic
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rinarin01 · 1 year
Overtime — Dazai Osamu x Female Reader
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a/n: reader always go overtime, but one day she notices a certain someone actually waited for her<3
extra note: its reader's birthday here!
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Tick tock tick tock
You continued to type on your laptop, only halfway done for your last report of the day. It was already 5 o' clock and your shift was supposed to end 4 hours ago. But the thought of leaving a stack of paperwork, all unfinished, in your desk greatly bothered you. So you decided to work overtime and finish them all before the day ended.
Kunikida had already tapped out, leaving the keys to the office so you can lock up after you were done. The sun was starting to set, leaving a red and orange colored sky that illuminated around the office and produced a warm and beautiful ambience.
Your lips form into a thin line as you typed the last words of your report. You release a tired exhale as you shut down your laptop and stretch your arms to relieve the soreness forming there. Standing up, you cleared out your desk and took a quick glance at Dazai's own work area— you quickly decided to give it a clean and organizing some important documents accordingly while clearing out the unimportant ones.
Once you were done, you yawned and grabbed your coat from the back of your chair and putting it on. But as you neared the door, you noticed a very familiar figure sleeping at one of the agency's couches. Your eyes widen a bit.
"Dazai? Why are you still here?" You walked towards his figure and gently poked his shoulder to wake him up. The brunette shuffled awake and yawned, slowly sitting up and stretching his arms up tiredly.
"How long have you been here? Why didn't you just sleep back at our dorm?" You ask worriedly. His body seemed to shot up at the sight of you as he hurriedly took something from the back of the sofa. Your eyebrows raise in curiosity.
And to your absolute surprise, he pulled out a birthday cake and a bouquet.
"Can't I wait for my lovely girlfriend who so happens to turn a year older today?" He replies, your mouth was agape— you did not expect this at all. He pulls you into a hug as he sets down the cake to a nearby table. You smiled softly and hugged back, stroking his hair. Dazai nuzzles his cheek against yours, melting from your simple touch as he starts to gently rock the both of you back and forth.
"you really waited for me.." you whispered, it was a simple surprise yet you were overjoyed.
"Of course bella, though I have to complain— why do you stay here until so late?" He whines, resulting in a chuckle from you.
"Maybe if someone did their work I would've been home a few hours ago." You tease, he seemed to freeze up before replies with a stutter.
"W-who would do such a thing? Letting a beautiful lady like you do all their work?! How cruel." He dramatically sighs, patting your head continuously as if comforting you. A small smile paints itself on his lips as he hears you laugh.
"Y/n." He called out softly.
"hm? yes dear?"
"Happy Birthday." You smile and pull away from the hug, giving him a brief kiss on the cheek and thanking him again and again.
"..Dance with me?" Dazai offers. His heart swelled up with complete and pure warmth when he sees your eyes brighten up from his question, he continued to admire you, trying to contain a wide smile as he continued to observe your reaction. You were absolutely adorable to him.
He bends down to a table where his phone was. The music app was already open and a song was already on display, as if he prepared for this moment for a long time now. He plays the song and faces you again.
Dazai takes a small step back and offers you his hand. You accept it without hesitation and he pulls you closer to him. He places his hands on both sides of your waist while you rest yours on top of his shoulders.
The two of you slow dance around the agency, synchronizing with the rhythm of the music. There was a loving expression stuck on both of your faces, you were feeling butterflies in your stomach.
You and Dazai end up in the couch as the song comes to an end (much to your disappointment), the both of you catching your breaths. He cups your cheek and strokes it with his thumb. "I love you." He whispers softly, completely high in the feeling of you.
"I love you mor— "
Your sentence was cut off when you see Dazai's free hand reach out for the cake and take some icing from the side. Your eyes widen and a small yelp emits from your lips as he wipes the icing onto your cheek.
You blinked—
"Oh it's on."
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a/n: I like to think that the song they're dancing to is 'I hear a symphony' by Cody Fry!
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inspiredwriter · 8 months
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Donnie 2018 :*saca su teléfono* muy bien chicos quédense quietos para la foto 😃😁📱📸* toma la foto*listo nos vemos muy geniales y especial a mi 😄😏✨
Leo 2018 :*mirá la foto*wow Donnie nos vamos grandiosos 😀🤩👔✨* se acomoda su corbata* nos vemos geniales con estos esmonquins para llevar a nuestras chicas al baile 😄😘🕺💃✨💝💞💕
Rafael 2018 : sí es increíble que la chica nos invitaron a baile de la secundaria🙂😊🏫🎶🎵 No queríamos que ellas vayan solas😟🥺💖💕❣️*aprieta sus puños*Oh pero si un tonos chicos intentar coquetearlas se las verá con nosotros 😡🤬🤜🫷
Mikey 2018 : tranquilo Raph Todo va a estar bien☺️😉*acomoda su moño*cuando las chicas nos vea con nuestros esmonqui mira que somos geniales 😏🤩👔💖💕💗* saca una flor de su bolsillo* también les daremos una lindas flores sus favoritas ☺️😄🌼🌸💝❣️💗
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Donnie 2018 :*hace una pose*Así es hermanito las chica Se volverá locas por nosotros Porque somos ardientes😏😘❤️‍🔥💕💘💖
Leo 2018 : Si, Dee, ya lo sabemos sacaste esa frase en una telenovela 😒🙄📺* saca un tulipan en su bolsillo*(pensamientos💭) espero que mi amada le guste los tulipanes 🥰😄🌷💝💘💕por que los bailes siempre un caballero le da flores a una bella dama 😊😉🎩💖❣️💞💓
Raph 2018 : ¿dónde podrá estar nuestras chicas?🤨🤔 *mira su reloj*ya pasó una hora😟😕⌚ nos pidieron que nos quedaríamos aquí la secundaria para esperarlas 🫤🙁🏫
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Stefany 2018, Anastasia 2018, April 2018 and Candy 2018 :*se acercan a los chicos*hola guapo 😉😊😄☺️👋💕💓💘💞lamentamos por la tardanza es que nos estábamos arreglando para vernos muy hermosas 😘🥰😏😉😃👗👠💄💅
Leo 2018, Raph 2018, Donnie 2018 and Mikey 2018: *Look at the girls amd blushes* Woaaaah~!!!!😃😍😲😛💗💖💘💝💞 *Whistle loudly*
Leo 2018: *Hugs Stefany around the waist* My kitty, you look wonderful😄😍💗💘🩷💕 *Gives her a tulip* I have a flower for you, it’s as beautiful as you😏🌷💓💖💕
Stefany 2018: *Takes the tulip* Haha, thank you Leo, you look beautiful too🤭🥰💖💘💕 *Kisses Leo on the corner of his lips* Muah~😚💋💗❣️💞 Will you take me to the ballroom?😉💓💗💕
Leo 2018: No questions, my love😁😏💝🩷💘💞 *Continues to hug Stefany and enters the school*
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Mikey 2018: *Gives Anastasia a bouquet of flowers* Your beauty dazzles me, my princess, you look brilliant!😃😍👗💓💖💝💕
Anastasia 2018: *Blushes and takes a bouquet of flowers* Haha, are you sure, hunny?😄🥰💖🩷💞 Doesn't the dress look too gloomy?🤨👗🖤
Mikey 2018: Not at all, it suits you very well, my love😁🥰💗💓❣️💞 *Hugs Anastasia's waist* You look like Audrey Hepburn, only even more beautiful😀😍💝💘💕
Anastasia 2018: *Takes Mikey by the hand* I'm glad you liked it🥰💓💖🩷💞 *Kisses Mikey on the cheek* Muah~😚💗💘💞 Let's go dance now!😆🕺💃💓❣️💕 *Enters the school*
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Donnie 2018: *Hugs April's waist* You're just stunning, babe, I can't wait to dance with you🥰😘💘💝🩷💕
April 2018: Thank you, Donnie, you look incredible too😄🥰👔💖💗💞
Donnie 2018: This is not the only beautiful thing you will see tonight, my love😁😏💖💘❣️💕 *Kneels down and holds out the box to April* Accept this humble gift as a sign of my eternal love😆🎁💝💓💗💞
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April 2018: Ah, okay, Dee😯🤗🎁💝💗💕 *Opens the box and takes out a necklace* Wow, this is an excellent gift, thank you, baby😃😍📿💓❣️💖💞 *Kisses Donnie on the lips* Mmmmuah~😚💋💝💘💕 *Puts on the necklace* Now let's go, I want to start dancing soon!😆😍🕺💃💗💓💖💕 *Takes Donnie by the hand and runs into school*
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Donnie 2018: Whoa, whoa, take it easy, beauty, we're not late😅😁💝💖💞
Raph 2018: *Approaches Candy* Wow, little flower, you are so beautiful😍🥰💗💝❣️💞 *Kisses Candy on the hand* Muah~😚💓💖💕 Do you want that strong man to take you in his arms😏💪💘🩷💗💕
Candy 2018: Of course, big man, with pleasure😃😍💓💖❣️💕 *Jumps into Raph’s arms and kisses him on the neck* Muah~😚💋💗🩷💞
Raph 2018: Woah, do you order to be taken to the ballroom, beauty?😏🥰💝💘💗💞 *Enters school*
Candy 2018: Exactly, Raphi~😄😁💓💖❣️💕
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jasperswh0re · 4 years
heyy sorry to bother you and idk if your still doing requests but can you do a jasper hale x reader fluff where she’s walking down the isle when they get married something like that idk how to word it but that would be amazing thank you !
yes aaaa this is so cute!!!! I am such a sucker for weddings, especially writing them. Also, I’ve provided a little background music when the time comes (you’ll know when) so feel free to listen while reading. Not required tho!!
Summary: It’s finally your wedding day. You and Jasper have been nervous for the entire day, but the moment you land eyes on each other you know you’re meant to be.
Word count: 1,230
Warnings: None
Jasper was as stiff as a board. All he could do was stare out of the window, anticipating the next hour. Edward and Emmett would rotate through to check on him but otherwise, he was left alone with his thoughts. 
He had been ready for hours. He could care less about how he looked but Alice was determined for this wedding to go smoothly. Had she not been with you, he assumed she would be by his side in reassurance. She was his best friend. 
Jasper exhaled in an attempt to let go of stress but it was no use. Nothing could shake his worries. A few moments later he felt Emmett and Edward approach.
“It’s almost time,” Edward said, his voice just above a murmur. 
Jasper nodded but didn’t look at his brothers.
You paced around the room, nibbling on the edges of your fingertips. Rosalie and Bella sat on a couch not far from you, watching your anxious form, bored. Alice was the only one standing, her hands held up to keep you calm.
“He wants to do this, (Y/n), please... Just put on the dress.”
You were completely ready besides putting on the wedding gown. It was gorgeous. But your mind couldn’t think that far ahead.
“But what if he doesn’t?” You cried.
“He does,” Bella interjected.
“Jasper was terrified to even touch me six months ago...” You whined. “Maybe this is moving too fast...”
“Impossible,” Rosalie sighed. “You’ve known each other for four years. You’ve known about all of us being vampires for two. He trusts you. He wants you.”
“And I don’t see a single future where he doesn’t go through with this,” Alice placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked at her with terrified eyes. “Or a single one where you don’t either.”
You stared at Alice a little longer to see a trace of insincerity. After a moment, you found none. Even if she was lying it didn’t matter. The love you and Jasper share was greater than any possibility. 
“Alright... Let’s do this.”
Jasper was like a statue on the altar. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe you didn’t want to go through with this, you just felt obligated. What if he killed you? What if he couldn’t stop himself while turning you? 
These questions ran through his mind until he felt Edward’s hand on his back. 
“Calm down,” He said. Jasper turned toward his brother also to see Emmett not far behind. The bulky man threw a pair of thumbs up. 
Before he could respond music sounded in the woods. Esme had pressed play on a speaker since no one hired a musician. The beginning notes of Hallelujah managed to calm him down some. You always wanted this song to play during your wedding. No matter how cheesy or cliché
For the first time that day, Jasper smiled. All the memories he shared with you flowed through his mind.
The two of you were getting married on a trail that you guys walked every morning at the crack of dawn. You were the first human he met that willingly woke up that early. He could recall the first time the two of you found this trail in high school. The smile grew wider on his face.
Once you graduated Carlisle had a cabin built not far from where Jasper stood. At any moment you were going to show up on the trail. To share forever.
“She’s coming,” Edward whispered. “Don’t get cold feet.”
“You know I can’t help that,” Jasper joked. Edward chuckled. 
Jasper stared at the woods once more, looking past the barren chairs. It was a small wedding. Only a few members of the pack sat in the seats, with Esme sitting in the front. On the other side sat your parents. 
Another moment passed and excitement fluttered. He could feel his sister’s anticipation. He could feel your worry. It was refreshing for him to know you felt the same as he did. 
Reneesme walked into view, throwing buttercups onto the trail. She smiled widely at Jasper before joining her grandmother.
You weren’t far behind Alice, Bella, and Rosalie, violently clutching onto your bouquet of flowers. You did your best to keep steady, staring down at your feet. One step at a time, you thought.
The music filled your ears in moments. It was time. All of your worries washed away when you could see the buttercups on the forest floor.
Jasper was calming you down. 
You mentally cursed him, making sure he could feel your annoyance. 
You drew in a breath when your bridesmaids found their places on the altar. You stared up at your fiance with wide eyes.
Nothing else mattered in the world for Jasper. All he could see was you. You shone brightly amongst the green hues of the forest. This image of you will forever be engraved into his mind.
The love between you both was immeasurable. Tears immediately welled up and you couldn't hold them in. If possible, Jasper would be tearing up all the same. 
Your warm hands met his and you both looked to Carlisle, who was officiating the wedding. 
“I’d like to begin by welcoming everyone and thanking each and every one of you for being here on this most happy of days,” Carlisle began. “We know that it’s no accident that Jasper and (Y/n) are standing here before us. Now, I’m not going to ramble, so I’ll let them share their vows. (Y/n)...”
“Jasper,” You said. “I had no clue what I was walking into when entering a relationship with you. I had no idea of the adventures and possibilities that would follow.
“But I am beyond grateful for it all. The good and the bad. I’m grateful even for the good and the bad that will come. Because that’s what love does. It makes you accept the beautiful and ugly that comes with a person. It makes you vulnerable at probably the worst times. 
“So as I stand here in front of you, I am saying that I love you. This love I feel is limitless and overflowing. For you, I’m for it all. Good, bad, pretty, and ugly. I am with you... for you... in love with you,” You finished. 
Carlisle nodded his head at Jasper to begin.
Jasper cleared his throat, his eyes still glued onto you, “(Y/n)... The day I met you... I never foresaw this moment.”
A smile grew wide on your lips as he spoke.
“The love I knew before meeting you was not the kind of love that neither you nor I deserve,” Jasper said. “You came along while I was healing, while I was hurting. You showed a new, profound love that my words cannot describe. For once... It made me look forward to the future.
"Every day, every moment I spend with you... You reignite my soul. You remind my heart of the love we share. That love is immortal. Ever burning. Forevermore,” Jasper said. “I love you (Y/n) (L/n).”
Jasper didn’t wait for a second for Carlisle to say the words. His cold lips pressed against your own as he dipped your body. You happily clung onto the edges of his coat, smiling into the kiss.
When you pulled away everyone was clapping. Yet the both of you could only hear each other’s whispers.
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Go Go Nekoma! Push it, Push it Nekoma! Coaches Chemisty (pt.3 smut)
Warnings: Swearing, male and female oral sex, switch Naoi, switch reader, slight breeding kink, various sex positions, fluff
Word count: 6000+ (split into 3 parts)
The following day you arrive at work bring and early to begin orders. Bella comes in the back as your are finishing up a bouquet for a man whose going to propose to his girlfriend.
"Y/N! Sweetheart we got an emergency order from a gentleman. He needs a gorgeous apology bouquet asap! He says to make it from any flowers of our choice so I suggested leaving it up to you and he agreed" Bella smiled "oh and it needs to be delivered!"
"Oh ok" you say as you finish the bow on your current bouquet "I can drop it off on my way home tonight."
"Thank you dear. I think the address is surprisingly close to your home" Bella smirks as she walks from the back.
You wouldn't suspect a thing Bella thinks to herself as she fills out the card the boys had talked to her earlier about. She was a bit surprised when the entire Nekoma volleyball team turned up outside her shop that morning. The boys explained the situation and Bella immediately knew of the man they spoke. You had mentioned him several times and Bella knew you were hung up on him after your break up. From the sounds of it, so was the man in question. She agreed to the boys idea, even offering to pay for the bouquet.
"Oh ma'am really we can't" Kai says as he puts his hands up.
"Listen here boys. This is true love we are talking about!" She dictates as the boys eyes widen.
"You boys are doing a great service to your coach and Y/N! Remember this when you find your future spouses. Never settle" she speaks as the boys nod thanking her.
You pack up the bouquet you had made for the customer. It was a gorgeous large bouquet with your favorite flowers. It was honestly the most gorgeous bouquet you'd made in a long time. You stuck the card in the bouquet heading out. Bella was closing down the shop today as usually Fridays were bank days. So you packed up and headed out.
You arrived at the apartment building, being let in by a nice older lady. She directed you to the apartment as you prepared to knock.
"Who is it" a deep voice from inside chimed.
"Bellas floral with a delivery sir" you say adjusting your grip on the flowers, making sure they were perfect.
The door opened as you continued to check to flowers.
"Oh hello sir. Here is you-" you say suddenly stopping.
The man in front of you staring at you as your eyes grew wider by the moment.
It was Manabu.
"Y/N?" He stuttered.
"Manabu? I'm so sorry I didn't know you lived here. I was just dropping off this bouquet" you said unable to look away from the man in front of you.
He had gotten taller. Well over 6ft at this point. He looked good, so so good!
"I'm sorry you must have the wrong address Y/N I didn't order flowers" he says as he continues to stare at you.
Fuck you were gorgeous. More gorgeous gorgeous he remembered. Your hair was longer and your body was fuller. You looked spectacular!
"Let me check again" you say looking at the address.
Isn't this "1345 W. Lane apt 405?" You say.
Shit that is me he things unable to form words.
"Yeah that's me. Let me check the card" he says as he awkwardly grabs in the bouquet, gently brushing your fingers. You blush as he opens the card
"Good luck coach"
Are you fucking kidding me?
He laughes awkwardly "Well it looks like we've been played" he says showing you the card.
Your eyes widen as you can help but laugh.
"I should have known those boys were up to something when they left in a hurry the other night. And Bella was acting strange all morning" you think.
This must have been a set up.
"Umm well this is awkward. I'm really sorry for disturbing you Manabu. It was really nice to see you again" you smile, still holding the flowers as you begin to take your leave.
"Wait Y/N! Please won't you come in? I feel bad my team made you walk all the way here to do this" he says as he rubs the back of ymhis head.
"Oh its really no problem" you say "they really are sweet boys."
Naoi laughs "not sure I'd describe them as 'sweet'. More like pains in the asses." You smile as you laugh.
"Please come in Y/N" he says stepping out, holding the door for for.
You smile "ok" as you enter removing your shoes.
"Here let me take those for you" Naoi says as he grabs the flowers from your hands placing them in a glass.
"Your favorites i see" he says as he fills the vase.
You look up "you remember?"
"I couldn't forgot Y/N. I went every other week to get you fresh ones. I knew how much you loved them" he says as you look down smiling softly.
He places his hand on your lower back as he guides you into the living room the sit in the coach.
His apartment is cozy and neat. Very much "Manabu" you think to yourself.
You sit an awkward silence for a minute before you both begin to speak.
"You-" You say
"I-" Manabu speaks
You both laugh as you look away from each other. You look back into his gorgeous dark eyes.
"You first Y/N" he says as he gestures for you to speak
"Listen Manabu, I understand why you broke up with me all those years ago. We were just starting college and things were going to change. It probably was for the best anyways" you say as you trail off "I just wanted to let you know I don't any hard feelings towards you."
Manabu stares at you and sighs. He reaches for your hand as he lightly strokes it.
"Y/N, I was wrong. All those years ago, I was wrong" he speaks almost whispering as not to start crying.
"W-what" you say as you fail to understand what he's say.
"Y/N- listen, I was so stupid back then. I was scared. You are the literal love of my life and I was scared of that. You were my first for everything and I love you so much. I broke up with you because I was afraid I wasn't good enough for you. You got into such an amazing school and I couldn't dream of interfering with that. I wanted you to be happy and I stupidly thought letting you go would make you happy. Turns out making you happy made me miserable" he sighs
"You-" you start to speak only to be cut off.
"Y/n" he speaks as be begins to grab your hand "I dont expect you to forgive me but I have to be honest with you.
"O-" you start to say again only to be interjected on once more
"And I know you probably have a husband and kids now but I don't think I could go the rest of my life without telling you" he says as you reach your patience limit.
You grab him by his cheeks, pulling him in for a deep kiss. His eyes are wide as your lips meet. He closes them as his arms grasp tightly around your waist. You lick his lips asking for entrance which he gladly grants. You tease his tongue with the tip of yours as you massage each other's inner muscles. You adjust your hands to his neck as you pull him on kissing him harder. Soon you both seperate as his eyes meet yours.
"You love me?" You say sweetly
"I never stopped" he says as he smiles again going in for yet another mind blowing kiss. This time you skip the formalities going straight in. You gently push him back on the couch as you adjust yourself on top of him, straddling his legs. His hands roam your back, waist and to your ass. He lightly squeezes as you squeal a but letting him force his tongue into your mouth. You can feel your core heating up as you start to grind lightly on his crotch.
It feels so good. He gently helps you create friction by pulling you back and forth against him as you start to feel his erection grow. He breaks the kiss as his mouth starts trailing down your neck to your collarbone. You are completely blissed out. You haven't haven't touched like this in so long and it was happening at the hands of the man you loved.
"Mana" you say groaning his name
"Are you ok Angel? We can stop" he says looking concerned
"Oh no we are definitely not stopping" you say as you giggle. He laughs along with you as he continues to assault your neck.
"I just want-wanted to tell you ughhhh that I- I love you too" you smile as he looks up from your neck.
Without warning, he lifts you up from the couch as he carries you to his room tossing you on the bed before turning around and shutting the door.
He proceeds to take his shirt off as you sit up gently on your elbows.
The man has aged like fine wine. Still sculpted and just as pretty as you remember him.
"Like what you see Angel" he smirks as he proceeds to come over to you leaning over you to kiss him.
You take the opportunity to flip him over, straddling him again. You take off your shirt as he lightly grazes your stomach with his fingers.
"Gorgeous" he whispers as you lean down to kiss him. You trail kisses from his neck down to this stomach he groans at the feeling as you move to his belt. You continue to kiss his stomach as you undo his belt. He watches you in amazement.
*God you were still so perfect*
"Baby you don't have to" he looks at you as you start palming his large erextion thought his boxers.
"Oh I know but I want too" you smirk "I need to show you what you've been missing"
He groans deeply as he watches you pull his jogging pants down as well as his boxers.
Fuck he's big! You remember how much pain you were in your first time but he never failed to make you feel amazing.
"Fuck baby please" he says as he watches you. You start to places small kitten licks on the tip of his cock as your hand travels up to pinch and play with his nipple.
"Fuck love you feel so good. God I never forgot how amazing your mouth was" he leans back as he let's out a loud satisfying groan.
You begin to take him down your throat as you practice breathing through your nose. You can feel your core heating up and your panties becoming soaked. You undo you pants as you sneak down to start rubbing your hardened clit.
"Sit on my face baby. Let me make you feel good" he says as he watches your struggling.
You stand up as you begin to strip the remainder of your clothes. You take your bra, pants and panties off as Manabu strokes his hardened cock. You walk up to to top of the bed, slowly climbing on top of Manabu as he situates his face directly below your drenched cunt.
"Fuck baby. Always the wettest girl. So fucking good baby" he groans as he dives into your cunt mouth first. Fuck it felt amazing
"Oh fuck Mana, baby please fuck" you shout as you watch him stroke his cock as his head is being smothered between your thighs.
You lean over to him as you position yourself over his cock and begin to suck. God you feel so good. You can feel your orgasm approaching as he licks and sucks your clit. He slowly massages your slit with two fingers as he gently and easily guides them into your pussy without complications.
He works his two fingers in and out as you feel your core heat up more. You're sucking faster on his large cock , trying to make him feel as good as you do.
Finally you can feel the cord about the snap as you switch to moving your hand up and down his hard cock.
"Fuck baby fuck I'm going to cum" you scream as you live your hand faster up his cock. His hips meeting your fists thrusts.
"Cum on my face baby. Mark me. I could fucking live in this gorgeous pussy" he says with a growl.
"Oh fuck" you both shout as you both lose your composure. You cumming into his mouth as he cums on his stomach and your hand.
You move off of him as you go to lay down.
"Fuck baby that's was amazing but I gotta admit, I need to be inside this pussy" he says as he reaches to the nightstand.
He grabs a condom out as he places it on his still hardened cock. He lines up with your wet hole and begins to slowly guide himself in.
"Shit baby stop clenching! i-im not gonna last" he says as he tries to concentrate on not blowing his second load.
"I'm trying babe but omg you feel so good. I feel so full" you scream as he starts to fuck your tight wet cunt.
He's thrusting fast and heavy as he pushes his full length in your deep cavern.
"Fuck baby you want me to fuck you in your favorite position huh? You still like that don't you baby?" He growls into your neck.
"Only when you do it Mana. You make it feel so good" you cry.
"Fuck baby grab on" he says as he lifts you up. His cock still buried in your pussy as you kiss him deeply. He's squeezing your round ass as he backs you into his bedroom wall.
"That's it baby. You want me to mark this cunt. Shit baby it's like you've been untouched since high school. You're so fuckinng tight" he growls as he thrusts up into you.
"Mana!" You scream "fuck I'm going to cum again."
"Go ahead baby I got you" he says as he continues to thrust up up your soaking pussy at an inhuman speed.
"Oh god!" You screams as you feel the juices roll down your pussy lips and into his thighs.
"Shit baby did you just squirt?" He chokes. He trusts faster into you as his pace quickens. Hes losing control as he feels your pussy clenching on his thick cock.
"Fuck baby, I'm going to cum. You want to make me cum right princess?" He stutters as he begins losing himself in his orgasm.
"Fuck Mana! Please baby. Please fill me up with your cum! I need it so bad baby! Your cock feel so good in my little pussy" you scream
Manabu closes his eyes tightly as he feels himself losing control "Y/N- Y/N fuck I love you! I love you!" He screams as he cums harder than he has in years.
He rests himself against you as his grip on your tightens as he fills the condom full of his seed. He pulls back panting as he smiles, resting his forehead to yours.
"God I fucking love you" he smiles as he closes his eyes.
"I love you too Manabu" you smile as you both come down from your highs.
*1 month later*
"Ok guys! We leave for nationals tomorrow at 8am. Please be on time! We don't need another incident like last time" Manabu says looking at Lev.
"What it wasn't my fault you all left me" he cries as Yaku hits the back of his head.
Everyone laughs as the doors open.
"Ah Y/N so good to see you again" Coach Nekomata smiles as you approach with bento boxes you made for the team.
"Hello Coach Nekomata! It's so good to see you again as well" you smile as you set the boxes down.
"Y/N what is all this?" Manabu says as he walks over to you giving you a hug and a kiss.
"Well I figured you'd need some snacks for the hotel and in between games so I made some bentos for the team!" You smile softly.
"Wow Y/N thank you so much" Kai says as he bows to you.
"I really should be the one thanking you" you smile as you hug Manabu.
"Damn Yaku, Y/N is replacing you as the team mom" Lev laughs as the other side fall silent, waiting for the strong kick that's bound to happen.
Yaku gets up from his seat, walking over to lev. Everyone is expecting him to kick lev into next year.
Instead he just smiles and nods looking over at you and Manabu.
"You're right lev. And I wouldn't want it any other way"
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heecyon · 3 years
Enhypen Little Angels Series: A Small Friend
warnings: grammar mistakes (as always lol)
this was supposed to be posted two weeks ago. I'm sorry for the delay
word count: 1,612
Lee Heeseung:
The small family entered the pet shop, making the bell in the door go'ding' as they passed by. The cashier greeted them as Seojoon ran to see all the pets in the place.
“Papa! Look how adorable they are!” Joonie exclaimed and then Heeseung went to his side to check out all the things his kid was so excited about.
“Do you like this one, Joonie?” Heeseung pointed out a small yorkie terrier in front of him.
“Or what about this one?” Mina pointed out a small Maltese puppy.
The couple noticed that their son wouldn't respond to their questions. “Joonie?”
They got closed to their son who was happily seeing a beautiful dark brown coat ferret.
“Mommy, Papa... He's really cute.” He said putting his hand inside the environment the ferret was in and passed his hand through it's soft hair.
“How do you know it's a he?”
“I can tell.” Seojoon was hypnotized by the small ferret, it was like he had found a new friend.
Heeseung went to the cashier and asked for all the procedures to adopt the small cutie.
“What are you going to name him buddy?” Heeseung played with Joon's hair.
They both looked at him at him cutely.
“Kirby? Where did you get that name?” Mina laughed a little.
“I dunno? I just thought it was cute.”
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Park Jongseong
The sound of the front door opening and closing caught the attention of both Bella and Mila. The little girl ran to the the living room seeing her father putting his backpack down on the floor.
“Papa!” She ran to hug Jay with a wide smile, then he carried her in his hip.
“Hi baby! Did you miss me? How was school?” He said kissing Mila's cheeks.
“It was good, mommy and I baked brownies after school and they are delicious!” She said kissing two of her fingers which made Jay laugh.
“I'm pretty sure you were a good cook today, so I brought you a gift.” With his free hand he grabbed a small gift box with a white covering and a gold coloured ribbon.
“Hi love, what's that?”
Jay placed Mila down ontu the floor, and then grabbed a bouquet of peonies handing it to Bella, making her smile.
“Tell me we didn't forget an special occasion?”
“Nope, I'm just spoiling my princess and my queen. Do you want to open your gift, angel?” Mills nodded excitedly opening her gift just to find a cute baby pomeranian in the box inside the box.
She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. She looked at her father with happiness and took the puppy in her hands.
“Papa he's adorable! Thank you!” Mills embraced the puppy in a delicate way.
“What are you going to name him?” Jay said as he saw the glow in his daughter's face.
“I'll call him... Prince!” She gave the puppy a kiss on his head.
“Why Prince?”
“Because if you are a king, mommy is a queen and I'm a beautiful princess, then his a handsome prince.” Bella and Jay smiled widely.
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Shim Jaeyun
“There are so many puppies!”
Jacob exclaimed as the newborn puppies layed close to Layla, getting comforted by her fur.
“Can we keep them all?” He looked at Jake with his cute puppy eyes and pouted cutely to convince his father.
Jake got on his knees and played with his son's hair.
“Well, we promised Beomgyu and Yeonjun to give them some puppies, we also promised your mommy's sister to give her a puppy too, so we can only keep one.”
“Don't be sad kiddo, they are all going to have a beautiful home with a loving family.” Jake kept playing with Jacob's hair.
“But I want to keep them all for myself.” The little boy pouted, and a few tears threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Jake looked at Layla and her puppies and smiled before looking down at his son who was a sad mess.
“What if you pick one puppy now and name them? Wouldn't you like that?”
“Yeah, I like that...” Jacob putted his knees on the floor and looked at all the puppies, before choosing one.
A little female puppy with a darker fur than the others.
“I'll call her Hazel, and know she'll be my best friend.”
“If Jin Ae could hear you right now... she would be hella mad at you.”
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Park Sunghoon
Jin Ae was playing on the backyard, making a small picnic with her dolls, she had a pink dress on and a tiara on top of her head. She served some “tea” in one of her dolls cup, before she saw across her vision something around the flowers that her mother cultivated.
“Is there a dragon around here? You can come out, I don't bite.” She got up and ran to the flowers, and to her surprise she found the most precious bunny she had ever seen in her whole three years of life.
“Gosh, you are so cute. I'm going to call you Gyeoul.” She ran back inside her house withthe biggest smile in her face.
She grabbed on of dolls dresses and put in on the bunny.
“You are mine, you are all mine.” She said just as Sunghoon was walking down the stairs, he frowned at the sudden sight. Why was his daughter hugging a bunny dressed as a princess?
“Jin Ae? What are you doing with a rabbit inside the house? And why is it dressed like a princess combined with a pop star?”
“I found him daddy, he's name is Gyeoul. And his all mine!” Well, that was questionable. But her cute little puppy eyes were manipulating him somehow, she looked so happy with the bunny, Sunghoon didn't want to destroy his daughter's happiness.
“You know that you have to ask for permission to have a pet, but... If you are happy with him...” She squealed and jumped around Sunghoon like the cute little human being she was.
“Thank you daddy.”
“No problem darling. How could I say no to you and your cuteness?”
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Kim Sunoo
What was going on today on the Kim's household? Well... The twins had gotten their first pets.
Hotteok and Keikeu, a pair of hamsters.
“Appa, I think we lost Keikeu!” Young-Jae entered the couples room, where Aera was fast asleep from a hard day of work and Sunoo was drying his hair.
“No way! Those hamsters haven't even been here for three hours!”
The twins were organised, but at the same time they could be very forgetful and clumsy, so it kinda made sense that they lost one of the hamsters.
“We're sorry appa, we should have been more careful.” Young-hee said with teary eyes, also making her brother spill a few tears.
“Oh, no, no! My babies, please don't cry! I don't like seeing you cry. We'll find Keikeu together, so don't worry.” He dried Young-Jae's tears and then patted Young-hee's back to calm them down.
“Appa, isn't that Keikeu?” Young-hee got up and reached the hamster, before giving it a small hug.
Sunoo could only sigh relief... But
“Appa, I can't find Hotteok!”
Holy Fu-
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Yang Jungwon
Let's say that Seung-hye found a siamese kitten in the park without a collar. It was a stray kitten.
She had her favourite blue backpack with her, so she grabbed the cat quickly without Jungwon noticing it.
“Seung-hye, it's getting late, we have to go.”
The girl grabbed her dad's hand as they both followed to the car.
Jungwon buckled Seung-hye's car seat, and then he finally drove home. They were both humming to some music on the radio, when all of the sudden.
Did he just heard a cat inside the car?
Yep, he definitely did!
“Seung-hye? Did I hear a cat just meow?” Jungwon frowned, looking a the little one with the mirror.
Hm... Suspicious. Way to suspicious!
“Can you pass me your backpack, please?” He said grabbing the backpack from the backseat.
“No! There's rocks in there!”
“Yang Seung-hye.” He repeated with his voice sounding lower that usual.
“Ok. There's a cat in there, but he was all lonely and he couldn't be alone.”
When they got home, Jungwon continued to grab the backpack, while Seung-hye kept following around, begging him to not take him away from her.
“Appa, please don't take Holang away from me, we have to stay together!”
Good news! They kept the cat in the end.
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Nishimura Riki
There was a sneeze, after sneeze, after sneeze. Maybe baby Hinata was allergic to fur, but they never truly realized it. She was always playing around with Bisco, and now that they got a new dog, she just started having allergies out of nowhere.
“Do you think we have to take her to the hospital?” Niki asked Mei, he was really worried after all, Hinata never had an allergic reaction before.
“Noooo, I don't like hospitals.” She protested, as any child, she did not like hospitals at all, they were really scary for her to be around.
Even though her parent told her not to, she kept playing with her new pet Coco, for her she was the representation of cuteness and happiness all at once.
“Hinata, I told you not to play with-” Niki noticed a few feathers on Hinata's pig tails. That was it, she was allergic to feather, not the dog.
“Wait baby, please don't move.” He said pulling out some feather and hairs at the same time.
“Ouch, you are ruining my hairstyle, silly!”
After that Hinata wasn't going to let Niki touch her hair ever again. And Coco got all the cuddles of the world that night.
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years
May I request Dio, joseph, and mama bruno headcanons of them having a crush on black reader but they don’t know how to approach them? Thank uuu!🥺👉🏾👈🏾
I’ll be doing part 2 Jospeh! But, I know I looooove some Brunoooo!
HEADCANON: having a crush on black reader, can’t figure out the right approach.
---3. 2. 1. ACTION!---
DIO [Modern Era]:
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Him? Dio? Having a cRuSh?
AND not knowing how to fuckin’ talk to you?
Oh hell no.
Surely, he had done something UTTERLY evil. like the mf-ing bully he is.
Like being fake as shit towards some people which you could obviously smell the bullshit from a mile away, thinking he was doin sum.
When he saw that concerned, almost bothered look on your face, he knew he was fucking up.
You were too beautiful, too PERFECT. He had to have you to himself.
He started to send gifts to your house, sometimes to your workplace. Hoping that would rIgHtfUlLy earn your affections.
They were flattering but, you almost saw it as cowardly that he didn’t just— approach you on his own??
Like bitch tf is you scared for- 💀
The time finally came for him to ask you out, about fuckin’ time though-
Dio stopped by your house, definitely at the worst time though.
It was the early morning, your day off especially. You were so irritated when you heard a loud ass POUNDING at yo door.
In your bonnet, tank top, and pink pajama bottoms, you stomped to the door to see who it was.
“It is I, Dio!”
You wanted to punch him, if he wasn’t so damn cute with his little bouquet of roses and a basket of your favorite snacks.
“Lately, I’ve been told that sending those precious gifts.. isn’t quite the way to earn your love. Now I, Dio, wish to take you out for dinner tonight!”
You couldn’t help but snicker. This was oddly cute yet so damn dumb for someone so cunning.
Without another word, you jump to press a kiss to his cheek before taking the new gifts.
“Aight then. Pick me up tonight. But, don’t just pull up without tellin’ a bitch. Got me out here lookin’ crazy!”
After that, y’all have been a power couple ever since. He definitely likes to show you off.
Joseph Joestar [1939]:
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This goofy ass- 💀
He’s a well-known flirt, but he definitely had his sights set on you!
Trust me, he’s seen plenty of beautiful women but BABY-
He was definitely feeling that Cupid’s arrow piercing his heart when he first saw you.
The two of you were introduced through Smokey, who was your childhood friend at the time.
You couldn’t thank Joseph enough for helping him out with those bogus cops.
You two became friends very quickly.
Although the two of you would hang out 95% of the time, it didn’t stop the trouble that often came by.
He was always down to fight for you or do some goofy shit to make you smile.
But, he was so scared of asking you out.
It wasn’t because of the people, fuck them.
But, it was because he thought he wouldn’t be good enough for you. That he’d crash before the journey even started.
He often flexed when you were around, was more flirty with you more than others, and even lent his big ass jacket when you were chilly.
You’d often pick up on his advances, his hard crush on you not so much of a secret anymore.
When the time came that he actually decided to ask you out, best believe that he went all out for you when he came to your house one night.
I’m talking suit and tie, limo ride, buying you hella gifts.
“[Y/N]!! Ever since I’ve laid eyes on you, I knew you had to be mine! Come on a date with me!”
This had to be the cutest thing you’ve ever seen this boy do. How could you say no? Especially after he delivered the full package!
You chuckled as you thought about your answer, your cheeks hot.
“Okay boy. Lemme get ready!”
You’ve never seen a more wide smile as he jumped for joy, almost messing up his suit.
When y’all started dating, he never failed to make you smile. Even when he’d annoy the shit outta you, you couldn’t stay mad at the fool.
Bruno Bucciarati:
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This has got to be my FAVORITE character of part 5 kakldlfmfnwjwkf— DAFUQ IS HE SO FOINE FORRR 💀 😭
Okay, okay. Let’s say that you joined Passione for XYZ reason and you were assigned to Bruno’s team.
You meet everybody at the restaurant and best believe that my boy is in complete AWE.
Sure, he was aware of another stand user who passed that DUMBASS lighter test- But, he ain’t expect a fine queen to be stuck with his rowdy ass team.
He couldn’t even count the millions of times where he bonked Mista in the head for flirting with you nonstop when he was questioning you, even going to the point where he zipped that mofo mouth shut.
Like on god, let him SPEAK- 🗣
Everyone, except you, had the idea that he had a little crushy crush on you because of how gentle and guiding he was towards you.
He was a true gentleman, praising you for hard work, even stared at and admired your beauty for a long period of time without realizing nor with you looking.
He was definitely attracted to how determined, headstrong, and smart you were. Whenever the team got into a pickle, you knew just how to get ‘em out.
Whenever you two hung out, he’d take you on tours, go on walks with you, maybe even go to dinner every now and then. Everytime you stared at an item you really wanted but couldn’t get because of expenses, he’d secretly buy it and drop it off at your doorstep for you to find. But, he loved golden hour.
When the sun was setting and it hit your skin just right, glowing from that precious light. He could feel his heart pound, coming to terms with his feelings for you.
There weren’t any missions or anything like that, so he took this opportunity to take you on a boat ride. He wanted this confession to be perfect, no distractions.
As the sun was setting, he basically got a promise ring. His heart racing as anxiety set in, what if you rejected him? He wouldn’t know unless he shot that shot.
“[Y/N], not only have you been pleasant to work and fight alongside with, you’ve been such a darling friend. Your smile shines brighter than stars, your skin glows so beautifully in the setting sun. You make me feel so alive, bella. Please, be mine.. your heart will be treasure in my hands.”
Okay, you had to admit. That was so poetic ass shit right there, you couldn’t help but feel sudden warmth in your cheeks as you stared at him.
He was fine ass hell, a goddamn gentleman, the nicest man in Italy, AND had some power?
Yep, he had you.
With a giggling nod, a smile of relief comes to his face as he slides the promise ring on. Shit, y’all were already official but he might as well put an ACTUAL ring on it.
“Damn! This must’ve cost some real cash money... I don’t think I can ever get used to you spoiling me, Bruno.”
Before the ride was over, best believe that he took tons of pictures of you while the sun was still making you glow.
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wickedgamesoyaoya · 4 years
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Melodic laughter echoed throughout the confined space, drowning out the incoherent grumbles uttered by one of the debate participants. The subject allocated to the topic of discussion was none other than Suna Rintarou’s love life. Initially the conversation was centered on the middle blocker’s suspicious behaviour. It did not require incredible intelligence to recognize that his behaviour would shift when a certain individual’s name would brighten his otherwise blackened screen. However, much to your dismay, the interrogation that subsequently ensued only elicited one repeated response from the middle blocker – ‘you will find out soon’. But the lack of satisfaction from his vague answers only prolonged the process Suna was itching to escape. If you were going to suffer from the absence of clarity, he would suffer too. And unbeknownst to him, the situation would become significantly worse.
After catching snippets of the conversation, Grandma Kita thought it would be beneficial to present him with the printed profiles of ten young women she originally picked for her grandson. Shinsuke advocated for every candidate, claiming each would be a far more suitable wife than a puppet. Though the colour drained from his face when his grandmother refocused her attention on him, inquiring why he rejected each of them if he held them with such high regard. The poor rice farmer dropped his head, allowing his bangs to conceal the exhaustion furrowing his brows. Was it so wrong that he was waiting for love?
“Alright, let’s go. You’re out.” Suna casually brushed at his sleeves to discard the dust that accumulated over the last five minutes, waiting for you to comply with his orders.
“Why are you kicking me out?” Humorous laughter bubbled from your throat as you returned to your feet. “It isn’t my fault that Shin-Shin isn’t getting married.” The remark only caused the younger Kita to sink further in shame, while Suna rolled his eyes in annoyance. With an intake of breath through his nostrils, the middle blocker applied pressure against your back, indicating you to follow his guidance.
“Out. Now.” Speaking the demands through gritted teeth, he steered you down the hallway, towards the front door. Once Kita realized that his friend was no longer jesting, he protested his movements while fumbling to his feet.
“Why am I being thrown out by Hamtaro? He doesn’t even live here!” The Mean Girls reference earned you a snicker from the black-haired male, who paused to tug the front door open for you before nudging you outside. You were funny sometimes; he would give you that.
“Hammy, I swear I will get you back for - ...” Any trace of humour faded from your lips as your eyes fixated on the familiar figure stood at the bottom of the stairs. The dull illumination flowing from the lamppost added an artificial glow to the male’s skin. Your heart applauded the visual in the form of irregular beats while you bit the inside of your lip lightly, hoping to veil the joy his presence brought you.
“Hi gorgeous.”
Osamu’s features lifted into a gentle expression, with adoration sparkling in his eyes. He knew you were combating your emotions from the little twitches of your fingers. You were always a physically affectionate person. Usually you would maintain some form of physical connection with him whenever he was present, whether it was looping his pinky with yours or sitting snug against his side during a familial gathering. 
In past altercations, he knew you would struggle with maintaining distance, but your stubbornness would always successfully overwhelm your cravings for his touch. It was for that reason he would be the first to eliminate the invisible barriers you constructed either through an unexpected hug or a chaste kiss. You always assumed that you were the only one who was enraptured by his touch, but truthfully… he needed you too, far more than you realized.
“’Samu…What are you doing here?” Pieces of the puzzle slowly connected inside of your mind. Suna was not texting his lover after all, he was texting yours.
“I’m here to apologize to the love of my life for being an idiot. Is that a crime?” Osamu adjusted the bouquet of carnations propped against his arm, prompting an intoxicating scent to travel through the air. Once the scent reached you, a ticklish sensation led you to crinkle your nose. 
“What happened to your meeting with the interior designer?” Briefly your gaze flickered to the flowers, the petals surrounding the center bore the same shade of pink as your cheeks did. You had to question if that was coincidental. But he did always love that blush on you.
“I blew them off.” Small cracks slowly began dismantling the armour you had adored, providing him with the confidence to step closer to you.
“That’s very unlike you.” Crossing your arms over your shoulder, you squinted at him, not prepared to fully accept his response. In the last few months, he certainly made it clear that establishing the second shop was his priority. So, what changed?
“Yeah well, I don’t need to build a future if you’re not in it.” Halting at the middle point of the front steps, a smile curved the ends of his lips as he extended a hand, mentally praying you would take it.
“Gross. What are you doing? Trying to recreate Aladdin?” Suna stood against the door frame with Kita beside him, faking a gag while gesturing to his open mouth. “Can you guys do this elsewhere?”
“There is a bench at the end of the pathway. I suggest going there. The stars are particularly bright from that location.” The white-haired farmer nodded to signal his agreement, then pointed to the partially lit trail. He was well informed by Suna about the status of your relationship, and he only wished the best for his two friends. But he also knew that you both required privacy to discuss the matters plaguing you. “Yet I must say, it is good to see you, Osamu. It’s been quite some time.” He bowed his head in respect at the younger male who mirrored the movement seconds after.
“You too, Kita-san. Thank you. Let’s catch up in a bit.” Returning his attention to you, his eyebrows raised, questioning whether you would accept his offered hand. “First, I owe my future wife a massive apology.” 
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Let’s do it again, shall we - cock fights
Masterlist - Previous - Next
A/N: :)))) 
Taglist: @idiot-juice-enthusiast @vicassa @iloveanime691 @bringmelily @newfriendjen @hikarichannn @anime-simp @tsukkismamagucci @laughingismorefun @astronomyturtle @shegrewupwithoutafather @hyskoa1998 @deephumandragonperson @pretty-setter-bois @raenebalgaire @sugawarabby @justanotherfangirl2 @keijisworld @90s-belladonna @momoinot @sempiternal-amour @cherryblosom111 @yqshirov @haikyuufairy @volleybloop @bloody-bella @sadkaashistan @seikamuzu @namyari @toaster-stick @shakiraisawesome @coconut-dreamz @roseestuosity @prcttylittlcthing @uzumakioden @nerdynstoned @kenmasgameboy @unstableye @ouijaeater15 @aquariarose @fandomtrashpanda
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Four Valentine’s
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Summary: Just a little summary of the four Valentine’s Days through my If You Love Someone, Let Them Go story.  Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1-2-3-4-5-6 -7-8
A/N: A little thing I wanted to do for Valentine’s and am pretty pleased with. 
Valentine’s Day 2013 
“Have a good day at work,” Victoria said softly as Sonny left, balancing coffee and not stopping to kiss her. She’d noticed he didn’t kiss her a lot recently, especially as she’d noticed he wasn’t sleeping, her husband suddenly developing deeper bags and deepening lines from furrowing his brow. He was only twenty-six. 
“You too,” he said, fumbling with the door. 
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
And in a flurry, he was gone. They’d been married six years now, and sometimes it scared her how little he’d taken to telling her about his inner machinations. Her Sonny had always been softer than he wanted to let on; he was the one more likely to cry while they watched a rom com, and he was certainly always the one to remember Valentine’s Day. Victoria had reminded him she made reservations, reminded him what was coming up. He still left without acknowledging it, so she was sure to send him a text to remind him.
That was why she was so upset when he texted her, once she’d been in the restaurant forty-five minutes, to say he wouldn’t make it from work in time. She felt her cheeks burning as she tried not to cry, paying for her drinks and taking an uber back home. It would have been one thing if he’d let her know when he realized, but at this point it was almost two and a half hours after he’d have left. He knew in enough time to save her the effort. If he didn’t, he’d forgotten. She’d gotten a bound book of boudoir photos done, which she put where she knew he’d find it. The lingerie under her dress was shed and shoved into the back of her closet as she changed into sweats and curled up in bed to cry.
“I got one hot wife, huh?” Sonny hummed as he came into their room a couple of hours later with the photos in hand.
“Fuck you, Dominick.” Victoria could almost hear him freeze in the doorway. Sonny bounced on the balls of his feet as he tried to figure what to say. 
“Tor, it was work.”
“And I know you knew before you texted me.”
“I wasn’t by my phone, baby.” He knew the excuse was thin, but he didn’t know how to tell her it had been a woman killed by her husband. That he’d been abusing her. That could taint his sweet Victoria. But then again, she’d tried so hard. Gotten him a whole photo shoot, planned dinner, made him breakfast. If he’d wished her a happy valentine’s, he’d done it so quietly or so haphazardly she didn’t notice, and he felt sure she would have. 
“You haven’t acknowledged what day it is at any point. Didn’t kiss me goodbye. But that’s normal huh?”
“I told you happy valentine’s!” His brow furrowed, looking down at her. “I had to have. Before we even got up.”
“You didn’t.”
“Tor, I’m sorry. C’mere,” he said, slipping into the bed as the album was set aside. His arms slipped around her waist and he pressed kisses to the side of her neck. “You know I love you. You’re my Valentine forever.”
“Yeah,” she muttered, head falling back against his shoulder.  “I love you too.”
Valentine’s Day 2014 
“You’re sure you don’t mind working the whole of Valentine’s Day?” Margy asked again. 
“What else am I going to do?” Victoria asked, sliding another tray into the display. “It’s our busiest day. You came to help ice everything. Go on vacation with your beau. I’m separated and being here could keep me way busier.”
“Are you going to reach out to him?”
“I’m tired of being the one trying.”
“That’s fair. I just know you miss him.”
“Stop,” Victoria said firmly, wiping her eyes. “It’s hard enough. I miss him. I know. But, he left before I woke up. That tells me what I need to know.”
“You’re both ridiculous. You need to lay it out for him. He misses you. I’m sure.”
“Why do you know?”
“That,” she said plainly, tilting her head to the flower delivery person knocking on the locked door. “Michael gave me flowers at home.”
“Doesn’t mean they’re from Sonny. Or even for me, okay?” Margy shrugged, going to the door as she realized Victoria had no intention to. She thanked them, taking a little look at the card. In messy, loopy letters was Victoria’s name. 
“Well, they are for you. And it says vita mia under it.”
“It does?” she asked, sucking in a breath. Her face got hot, and it suddenly felt as though all the air had left the building. She was far too hot, taking the bouquet and pulling the card from the envelope. The flowers were her favorite shade of pink, with scabiosas, carnations, and roses all arranged perfectly. 
Tor, Happy Valentine's Day.  I told you always, and I meant it. All my love, forever. Sonny
“It’s him, isn’t it?” Victoria nodded, smiling softly as she let her fingers run over the blossoms. Tears fell, but Margy knew better than to ask questions. Instead, she slid Victoria a napkin. They were settled on the counter where she could see them soon enough, and Victoria sent him a single text before putting her phone away. 
Thank you, Dom.
Valentine’s Day 2015 
“Tori, there’s some weird guy here,” Bradley called back to where Victoria was icing messages into sugar cookies made to look like candy hearts. She came out, royal icing on her cheek and apron messy with flour.
“Who’s the weird- Sonny?” She suddenly felt painfully shy. At Thanksgiving, they’d realized it was just a matter of him working on feeling safe to share. It meant she always felt bashful when she thought of him, and now he was in her bakery on Valentine’s day with an awkward grin and a bouquet of flowers.
“Hey Tor,” he said, blush creeping up his neck. “I wanted to bring you flowers.”
“Thanks,” she murmured, wiping her hands on her apron covered thighs and taking them gladly. After a beat, she pressed a kiss to his cheek, and Victoria could feel Margy and Bradley’s eyes on the back of her head. Better than that though, she could see the corners of Sonny’s eyes crinkle as he smiled.
“You’re my Valentine. Forever. I love you, vita mia. Always.”
“And you’re mine. We’re going to be okay, cher.”
“I know. I’ve always known,” he said, taking the free hand she held out. “I gotta go meet the squad. Bella wants to have lunch about somethin’. I’ll talk to you soon?”
“Soon,” she nodded, though they both knew it would be the next time their paths crossed. Victoria didn’t move until she saw his frame disappear, putting the flowers into water happily. 
“I didn’t know you were married,” Bradley stage whispered.
“It’s complicated. I told you not to mention it,” Margy scolded, pinching his side.
“It’s complicated, but I am married. He’s a good man. We’re figuring it out.”
“He looks at you all dopy.”
“She looks at him all dopy too.”
“We’re dopy! Happens when you’ve been together since you were teenagers.”
Valentine’s Day 2016
“Victoria,” Sonny sang softly, hair mussed and clad in an NYPD t-shirt and sweats as he sat beside her and shook her shoulder gently. 
“Sleepy,” she whined, face nuzzling into the side of his thigh.
“It’s Valentine’s Day. I got surprises.” She cracked her eye open, looking up at him with a grin as she stretched.
“Baby, we did dinner and everything last night. I’m outta red lace.”
“Oh, I know we did that part.” A soft kiss over a light mark on her shoulder. “I still wanted to do something for you before we babysit.”
“You’re so good to me,” she whispered. He helped her up, and she found a bowl of shrimp and grits on the table in front of a bouquet of red roses. A broad smile spread across her face as she kissed him. “They’re beautiful. And Sonny, you made this?”
“I dug up your recipe. I hope I did it good. I know it’s your favorite. Thought it’d be a good pre-mass breakfast.” She stayed close to his side as they ate, groaning. He’d made her grandmother’s recipe perfectly, and it was nice to be able to have a slow morning with him. Sonny felt content like he hadn’t the last three years. He liked to celebrate love, but it wasn’t the same as getting to celebrate each other with his wife. When they dressed for mass, he dug out the tie that matched her pretty blue dress, holding her closer as they walked to church.
“Happy Valentine’s, vita mia.”
“Happy Valentine’s, cher.”
Tag: @cycat4077​ @fear-less-write-more​
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the-flowerwolf · 4 years
"Happy Birthday"
A/N: @captainwanderlust78 HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL!!💙💙💙 I'm really bad at congratulations, so don't mind me. Jake can say it for me. Hope you will like it!
Jake x fem!MC
It was a special day. Her birthday.
Bella woke up late - last night, as soon as the clock struck midnight, she was showered with numerous congratulations. She barely managed to escape to bed a couple of hours later.
And since she had a completely free day, she decided that today she would do whatever her heart desires. Bella lay in bed, hanging in her phone. People were still congratulating her. Then she got up and sauntered into the kitchen.
The first thing that caught her eye was a huge bouquet that stood in the middle of the table. Bella smiled happily and walked over to it, noticing that there was also a cute Teddy bear and a beautiful sealed envelope.
She opened the letter.
"My love,
Most of all, on this special day, I would like to Wake up with you. I hope that your day goes well and that you enjoy this little surprise. Your favorite breakfast is waiting for you in the refrigerator. I know I'm not the best cook, but I tried ;)
We'll see in the evening. But to find out where exactly, you will have to solve a couple of riddles. Good luck and happy birthday!
Bella laughed. Jake is so Jake. But where should she start?
Bella carefully examined the letter and envelope, but nothing. There were no more notes. Then she picked up the bear. At one end of his bow was an inscription. Bella looked at her closely. It was like... Coordinates. Did Jake decide to limit himself to just one simple riddle this time? Bella decided to check out the place as soon as she ate her breakfast.
A couple of hours later, she was standing in the middle of the street, looking at the fashionable sign of a Atelier. Maybe the wrong address? Or were they really not coordinates, but something else? Bella decided to find out for sure. She pushed open the door and went inside.
The place was filled with a special atmosphere that immediately sunk into her soul. It was so cozy and peaceful... And even if Jake didn't really want to bring her here, Bella was glad she ended up here.
The sound of the bell immediately attracted the attention of a nice old woman who had been busy canceling a piece of cloth. She looked up and immediately smiled. Bella smiled back, but as soon as she wanted to say something, the woman's eyes and smile widened.
"Oh, it's you, honey! I hardly recognized you! You look even more beautiful in real life!"
This baffled Bella.
"You know me?"
The woman chuckled like she knew something that Bella didn't. Although, apparently, she really did.
"This cute boy showed me your photo when he came in here. And said the exact date when I should wait for you."
Bella chuckled. Yes, that was Jake's style.
"Come on, honey," the woman said, disappearing through a door in another part of the atelier, "I have something for you."
Bella ran after her. They entered the room with a whole bunch of clothes that were custom-made and that were still in the process. The woman disappeared among the mannequins, trying to find something.
"How do you like my place?" She asked.
"Is this your atelier?"
Woman laughed.
"Of course! Whose else could it be? My name is Beverly."
Bella found it odd that the name of the atelier was named as "Rose's place", but the owner's name was Beverly, but she decided not to ask any questions.
"My name is Bella."
"Your name really suits you, Bella... I bet it was here... Ah, there it is!"
Beverly returned, and Bella gave a little cry of delight. In her hand hung an extremely beautiful dress in the style of the 50s.
Beverly smiled at the reaction.
"I'm glad you like it, because it's yours now."
"Mine?" Bella asked incredulously. Did Jake do this for her?
"Of course yours, whose else! Now go, honey, or you'll be late for dinner!"
Still in shock, Bella didn't immediately understand what Beverly was saying.
"Dinner? Oh, right! Dinner!"
Beverly shook her head and smiled. Bella started to walk out of the atelier, thanking and saying goodbye to the woman at every step. As she reached for the door handle, Beverly suddenly called out to her.
"And one more thing, dear! If you need anything else, go to the Hills. We're moving in soon."
"Oh? And what's the address?"
Beverly waved her hand.
"You think I know? You'll find it on the Internet! Now go, don't keep your boyfriend waiting!"
When Bella got home, she started packing hard. The dress fit perfectly and she felt great in it. She had matching shoes and jewelry that she had long wanted to wear somewhere.
The evening was approaching, and as soon as the preparations were completed, Bella realized that she did not know where to go.
She texted Jake. Then again. And again. No answer. He also did not answer calls.
Bella was about to fall into despair when she suddenly remembered the riddles. There must be another one! But no matter how much she turned the apartment upside down, there was nothing there. Bella sank wearily into a chair. How should she solve this riddle?
Then Bella remembered.
She opened her laptop and started typing words into the search engine.
"Beverly Hills"
No, she doesn't need a city, thank you, Google...
"Beverly Hills new York"
Bella smiled. She knew where to go.
The place was just as special as the guy who was waiting for her there.
It was a cafe in the style of the 50s, in red and white colors and bright lighting.
Which was called "Beverly Hills".
Bella had long wanted to go to a place like this, but couldn't get around to it. So, Jake decided to take her here. On her birthday. She could have kissed him.
Friday night, the cafe was crowded. People were eating, talking loudly, and putting their heads in front of each other. But she noticed him immediately.
Jake was sitting in the far corner by the window, his back to her. He sat in his hood, watching life unfold outside the window. Bella walked over to him, a loving smile on her face.
"You and your riddles," she said, stopping behind him. Jake shuddered and turned around. Fear immediately turned to joy.
"I thought you liked my riddles," he was jokingly offended.
Bella giggled and kissed him on the lips before sitting down across from him.
"I love them!"
Jake seemed nervous.
"Did you like my gift?" He asked hopefully.
"I'm delighted!" She answered honestly, "Thank you very much! This is the best gift of all!"
Jake blushed and smiled.
"I'm glad you liked it."
A waitress came up to them. She was wearing a typical old uniform.
"What do you want to eat?"
Jake and Bella exchanged amused glances. They knew exactly what they were going to order. Jake turned to the waitress.
"Two Burger menus, one strawberry milkshake and one chocolate, please."
When the waitress left, the lovers turned back to each other. Their hands are on the table, fingers intertwined.
"How was your day?" Bella asked.
"Absolutely not the same without you."
Bella let out a chuckle. Now it was her turn to blush. Jake smiled.
"I haven't told you happy birthday today yet, so... Happy birthday!"
They laughed softly, but the amusement on Jake's face quickly turned serious. Bella was worried.
"I want to tell you something..."
"Oh God. You want to break up?"
"No, I..."
"The FBI found you?!"
Jake shushed and quickly turned around.
"Not so loud."
"Sorry... "
Jake smiled. He looked into her eyes and there was so much tenderness and love in them... How she wished he would always look at her like that.
"Hey. That's all right. I just wanted to say... I don't really like congratulations. I do not know what to say to others in such cases, and I feel false when they congratulate me. But right here and right now, I want you to know. I love you. The day we met was the second best day of my life."
Bella raised an eyebrow.
"The second?"
Jake smiled.
"The first one is the day you were born."
Bella chuckled.
"How can this be your best day? We didn't even know each other back then."
"You see, if I had the choice to cancel one of these days while still remembering everything... I would have chosen the day we met. It would break my heart, but at least I'd know you were out there somewhere, enjoying your life. But I can't imagine a world without you in it."
Bella squeezed his hand harder.
"I can't imagine a world without you in it either."
Jake lifted his other hand and ran his thumb over her cheek.
"One more thing. Like I said, I'm bad at congratulations. However, I will say something. I think you deserve the whole world. You are an amazing person, an amazing woman, a wonderful mother. The world is brighter because of you. I believe that whatever challenges life has in store for you, you will cope with everything. I appreciate you for who you are. And remember that I'm always here if you need me. Anytime. No matter what happens."
"Your order."
Lovers shuddered. The waitress placed the order on the table.
"Bon appetit," she said and left again.
Jake and Bella stared after her for a moment, then turned to each other and laughed again.
"That was weird."
"Yeah, that's for sure..."
Jake, still continuing to laugh, he took burger in his hands.
"I've heard their food is very good, and I really hope the rumors are true..."
He looked up from his story.
"Yes, my love?"
Bella looked into his eyes, trying to convey all the feelings that were boiling in her.
"Thank you. You know for what exactly."
Jake smiled and winked.
"Yes. I know."
The food was really great, although they didn't really notice it. The lovers chatted about everything, not noticing how dark it was outside the window, or how people began to gradually leave the cafe. They just couldn't focus on someone or something else, even if they wanted to. It was just their night.
At some point, Jake got up from his seat.
"Where are you going?" Bella asked in surprise.
Instead of answering, he gave her a sly look and went to the other side of the cafe. Now she understood what he was up to.
"Oh no, you won't." She said softly, chuckling.
But he did do it. The jukebox started up and Jake turned to her, starting to dance a little. A song started playing. It was "Can't help falling in love with you" by Elvis Presley. The few remaining visitors turned in surprise toward the sound.
Jake slowly returned to her, a small smile on his lips. He held out his hand.
"My lady."
"You really want to dance? In the middle of a cafe?"
Jake shrugged carelessly.
"Why not? Do you suddenly care what other people think of you, Bella?"
She snorted.
"No, of course not. But what about you? Weren't you the one who said that you should not draw too much attention to yourself?"
"Well, what can I say, you've always affected me... like this."
Bella giggled.
"And I'm not sorry."
Jake's smile widened.
"I noticed that. Now take my hand, please. This is getting awkward."
She took his hand and he led her to the side of the cafe where there was the most space available.
Jake pulled her to him, putting one hand on her waist. The other still held her hand. Bella put her arm around his neck. They began to slowly circle in a slow dance.
"I love this song." Jake said softly. And, much to her surprise, he began to hum the lines so softly that only she could hear.
"Like a river flows
Surely to the sea
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be
Take my hand
Take my whole life too
For I can't help falling in love with you"
The song ended quickly, but the lovers were in no hurry to let go of each other.
"Maybe we should stop standing in the middle of a cafe like this," he said.
"Just another minute..."
Jake laughed quietly.
"Okay. Just a minute."
After paying, they went home. The cafe was located not far from their flat, the weather was fine, so the lovers decided to walk.
But when they were almost home, Jake turned the other way.
"Where are you going?"
"Let's go!"
Bella good-naturedly rolled her eyes.
"You and your riddles again."
They entered a small pastry shop. Bella's mouth watered. Yes, they ate just recently, but sweets don't count! You can always eat them. And then there was such an assortment! And the smell!
Jake walked over to the cashier and gave him a name. A fake one, of course. The cashier left, but soon returned with a box in his hands. Jake paid and picked up the goods and went to the door. Bella hurried after him. Her eyes were shone.
"What is it, what is it?"
Jake smiled slyly.
"You'll see when we get home."
Bella snorted.
"You and your mystique," she muttered.
Jake laughed.
When they got home, Bella went to open the box first. Jake went into a living room and turned on a TV. He tried to turn on Netflix until he heard a squeal and felt his girlfriend hanging on to him.
"My favorite cake, thank you, thank you!"
This completely baffled Jake.
"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you're happy, but I ordered you a dress, took you to a cafe you've been wanting to go to for a long time, and you snapped at me for a... Cake?"
Bella giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"The cake wasn't the best part, silly. It's just that this day is getting better and better and it's all thanks to you!"
Jake smiled happily.
"I'm glad you like it. So, what do you want to watch?"
Bella gave him a sly look. Jake turned pale.
"Oh no..."
"Oh yes."
"Bella, please!"
"Jake, please! It's my birthday!"
She looked at him with puppy-dog eyes. Jake sighed.
"Okay," he said, looking for the movie, "I can't believe I'm going to watch After. Again."
Bella giggled.
"I love you too, darling!"
They took their drinks, cut the cake, and sat on a couch with their arms around each other, and started watching.
"You just like this sugary actor," he muttered resentfully.
"He may be beautiful..." Jake choked with indignation, "but he's not as hot as you, my love."
Jake, for the sake of decency, looked at her with an offended look for a few more moments, but then he couldn't help but smile.
"You think I'm hot?" He asked slyly.
Bella brought her face close to his.
"Take me to the bedroom and find out how much," she whispered.
And Jake did so.
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elysian-drops · 3 years
I always deeply appreciated how you do introspection on your characters. As the precedent ask said how you made Draco three dimensional for exemple. Even the last chapter felt like a deep dive in Remus character and personality. You also approach Tom Riddle/Voldemort extremely well which is how I would have liked his character in canon to be, more political smart, more charming, two faced instead of the monologue villain. The chapter about Remus was also very in touch with who he is.
I dislike comparing artists works but have you ever read Charred Paws and Heavy Coils by UndeadArtist ? Because I feel like many of your characters are just as multi dimensional, human and realistic as hers. It’s a very refreshing take compared to taking an usually very canonical approach and try to make it as similar to the books as possible which fall flat because it doesn’t allow room for exploration and simply trying to imitate an author usually doesn’t bring more.
Also I don’t want to make this ask any longer than it already is (!) but I loved your head canons and have you got more under your sleeve?
Hi there!
Thank you so much for the kind words and feedback 🥺💕 I really enjoy doing deep-dives into characters, especially when they are so wonderfully twisted + complex like Tom, and it's always lovely to hear you enjoy reading them as well! I completely agree with you on the canon aspect— he was rather flat as a villain, wasn't he? 😅 But, then again, I suppose Rowling was writing for a younger audience and having a multi-dimensional villain is a big 'no-no' for the genre (didn't stop us anyway from adoring him though, did it? 😂😂).
I'm also thrilled to hear you thought the last chapter was very in touch with Remus!! Truth be told, that entire POV was one I decided on a whim 😅 I always thought Remus was an interesting character but he is so contradictory with himself. I mean, the man is stuck in a constant feedback loop of self-deprecation and self-loathing and so I was worried I was going overboard with his thoughts/inner-dialogue 😅 But, nonetheless, it’s wonderful to hear you enjoyed it 💕
In terms of your rec, I haven’t read it! I try to avoid reading other fanfics while writing mainly for two reasons: one, I don’t want to accidentally confuse their material and mine, and two, I feel I can’t devote myself fully as a reader while I’m also writing. However, I’ll definitely add her to the list if she’s getting that high of praise! I’m in agreement in that I like seeing new takes on characters rather than copying-pasting them from the canon material!
In terms of head canons, oh boy, do I ever 😂 I’ll post them under the cut because there are a few lol.
Tom was a magpie child— he collected everything and anything he found of “value”. This included things from the other children at Wool’s (sweets he’d never dare eat, stuffed animals, socks without holes, etc) but also other more mundane objects people might have left behind on the streets— the odd button or two, polished rocks and shells from their beach outings, pretty shards of glass, marbles, newspaper articles he found of note, etc. In truth, his treasure trove cupboard was a mess.
Despite hating going to church, he quickly fell in love with how Latin sounded, particularly when sung— I believe this is why he didn’t protest too much being a choir boy.
Without a doubt too, he had a brief stint with Karl Marx and got in trouble with Mrs. Cole for espousing communism and trying to recruit (*cough* threaten *cough) the other children into joining him.
For a moment, before deciding on the path of being a professor and then a Dark Lord, he considered becoming a healer— he always had a fascination with the human body and its limits. Also, I just enjoy the idea that he came to Hogwarts bright-eyed and with more or less “honourable” ambitions (ie, medicine and teaching) and then having those ambitions become perverted and twisted a little more each time the Wizarding world failed him.
He chose the Ouroboros for his crest as kind of a little nod to his situation. The Ouroboros represents the cycle of destruction and rebirth— eternity— and shows that from destruction, one can experience rebirth (much like his form was destroyed but he was rebuilt from the person responsible for it). However, there’s also an underlying meaning. When the snake consumes its own tail (aka a piece of itself), it feels a sense of wholeness/completeness— much like how reabsorbing some of the horcruxes made him appear outwardly more “whole” (human).
Harri absolutely loves the snow. Growing up, she never really experienced it (the Dursleys never bought her proper winter clothes so she wasn’t allowed outside often) but, when she got to Hogwarts, she spent almost everyday outside in it.
I really don’t think she thought too much about what she wanted to do after Hogwarts, truth be told. Her career paths kept changing on what she wanted to do, from Quidditch to teaching to becoming an Auror, and she really only clung to the Auror idea after so many people kept suggesting/pushing it.
She used to talk to snakes all the time in her aunt’s garden without ever realizing it was abnormal— that is, until she was finally caught in the act. After being locked inside for nearly a week and earning a few welts, she was terrified to talk to them again.
Much like Tom, she was also a “magpie” child. However, the biggest difference between them is that, while Tom collected things to “have” and to feel superior with, she collected things for sentimental value. Hedwig’s feathers, the first snitch she caught, her Hogwarts letter— mostly, they were things that reminded her that the Wizarding world was real whenever she was forced to return to the Dursleys.
Her handwriting is absolutely atrocious. She often has too many thoughts at once so everything comes out as chicken scratch— mostly because she’s rushing to get them down before they disappear.
She likes to use her wand to keep her hair up— much to everyone’s (especially Snape’s and Tom’s) horror.
Bellatrix, without a doubt in my mind, is bisexual. Something about her just screams she’ll go either way and won’t even think twice about it 😂
Narcissa was the only one in her family not to be named after a constellation. In my head canon, her mother (Druella) always felt like an outsider among the Blacks (I also imagine her being blonde rather than dark-haired) and was more than delighted when she gave birth to little fair-haired, fair-eyed Narcissa. It was often a point of conflict in Narcissa’s identity growing up where she felt she never quite fit in because of this— and it didn’t help either her mother liked to say she was more “Rosier” than “Black”. Hence is why Narcissa was so insistent on naming Draco after a constellation, despite Lucius wanting otherwise.
Narcissa’s downtime hobby is floral arranging. One of her never-could-have-been dreams in life was to own a flower shop— however, she settles for making all of the bouquet arrangements in the manor.
Draco really, really can’t hold his alcohol— he’s such an incredible lightweight and everyone teases him for it.
Both Barty and Bellatrix were personally trained by Tom— hence is why he entrusts them with top-priority missions and views them as his seconds-in-command. However, who would win between them is a good question 👀 ((low-key would love to see Barty and Bella duel it out).
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Flowers - Leo x Isabella
A fluffy, sweet hearted fic - Leo and Isabella reminiscing on past traditions
Tagging: @drakewalkerfantasy @itslaniquelove @kingliam2019 @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie @lorirwritesfanfic @lorircreates @hopefulmoonobject @rafasgirl23415 @texaskitten30 @rainbowsinthestorm @desireepow-1986 @speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys @choicesficwriterscreations
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Bounding through the Palace hallways, Alessandra and Natalia squealed with happiness as they chased one another towards Leo’s study after they returned from grade school for the weekend “Papa!!!” They exclaimed in unison, opening the door with no regard to those in attendance. Leo shook his head as he chuckled towards the Prime Minister and the Kingdom’s secretary, “Sorry about that...” as Lia and Sasha threw their little matching backpacks into the corner, both wearing the same navy double breasted coats before running over to their father who happily propped each twin on each knee. “So where were we...” Leo tried to continue his meeting but the girls kept hugging him and whispering into his ear, “Papa...” Natalia whispered as Alessandra exclaimed, “Boo!” bringing them into a fit of laughter. Without even flinching, Leo opened the drawer of his desk taking out colouring pencils and with a scatter of pencils and paper, the Princesses happily coloured, allowing Leo to continue his meeting without as much interruption as the five year olds were distracted.
“Is that everything?” Leo questioned the Prime Minister and Secretary. Natalia on the other hand was busy showing off her picture to their visitors, “Mama... Mika.... Sasha... Me and Papa...” she confidently pointed to everyone in the picture as Alessandra stuck her tongue out in pure concentration scribbling a purple smudge, before looking at her sister angrily. The bottom lip was pushed out as her brows furrowed, “I was drawing Mika!” Yes... thank you, Your Majesty... I see...” the Prime Minister chuckled warmly, “... you have your hands full... we can pick this up next week...” Leo smiled, sighing heavily he thanked them for their understanding but he really didn’t care what they really thought, he was more interested in the twins’ day. “And how was school today for my two best girls in the whole world??” He cooed before his guests had even left the room. Alessandra began to giggle, “Lia has a boyfriend!” Leo’s sea green eyes widened as Natalia grinned up towards him proudly, “What do you mean you have a boyfriend?” Leo looked at his daughter with his nose scrunched up, “You know boys aren’t allowed!”
Natalia shook her head as Leo continued, “And what’s his name?” Alessandra giggled as Natalia rubbed her head into her father’s shoulder, “He is called Christian... he gave her a flower papa!” Leo’s brow furrowed, “A flower? Is your papa going to have to speak with Christian...” “Noooo...” the twins replied in unison, holding onto Leo as tightly as they could. Leo looked down at Alessandra, “You better not have a boyfriend too...” Alessandra didn’t answer him directly but giggled causing Leo to sigh heavily, “No... you aren’t allowed boyfriends until you’re fifty... how many times?” Lia and Sasha looked at one another holding up their fingers trying hard to figure it out, counting aimlessly as they could only count to fifteen. “Bella!” Leo exclaimed as the Laurentian Queen entered the room with her dazzling, bright white smile, “Sí mi amor...” she cooed, sitting down on the corner of Leo’s desk, the eight month pregnant Queen was content. As she brushed the twins’ loose hair from their faces, Leo acted shocked, “Did you know... Lia got a boyfriend today? He gave her a flower...” Isabella’s dark chocolate brown eyes widened as she tried to act shocked, “¡Qué... Mi querida!” she gasped, “And how is he your boyfriend?” Natalia stuck her hand into her pocket and pulled out a little squished up daisy, showing it to her mother, “Awwwwww” Isabella began to coo, looking across at Leo who was painfully rolling his eyes, “Isn’t that adorable...”
Even after the kids were in bed and the Royal couple cuddled into one another, Leo still wasn’t over it. “How the hell do they know about boyfriends?” Isabella bit down on her bottom lip, trying desperately not to laugh, “it’s innocent... don’t worry... we have another ten years hopefully to not have to worry about that...” Leo raised his brow slowly, “I wasn’t joking when I said they weren’t allowed to date until they were fifty...” Isabella pouted her lips, “Mi amor...” she giggled as she cuddled up beside him, “Do you not remember you gave me flowers...” Leo rolled his sea green eyes to the left, his lips slowly beginning to curl upwards, “That was different...” Leo began to reminisce, smiling to himself as he remembered each time that he gave Isabella a single ruby red rose every year that her and the Laurentian King and Queen visited Cordonia until he was fifteen. That was twelve bright ruby red roses; the first one presented when the Princess was born until the final year when her father and Constantine fell out. Twelve years, he faithfully presented that rare Cordonian Ruby Rose to her as a gift that only grew in the Cordonian Royal Gardens, never forgetting how the Princess looked back at him with those big brown eyes as she smiled bashfully, swearing never to have them near him again after she left, destroying the Rose bush, leaving nothing left.
Isabella was like Leo’s equivalent to the girl next door, falling in love with her more and more with each Rose he gifted her. “And how was it different?” Isabella raised her brow in question feeling Leo’s arms wrapping around her lovingly, “Because I knew...” Leo began to get lost in those dark chocolate brown eyes, picking out the golden specs that flickered in the candlelight, “... every time you looked up at me... you were mine...” Isabella smiled warmly as she grinned, looking up at the Sandy blonde haired Cordonian, “...and now we know that we know should have been together from day one...” Leo began to chuckle, “Can you imagine how it could have been?” Feeling Isabella’s fingers intertwining with his, he looked down at her wedding and engagement rings that glittered with flawless diamonds, “We could hold hands when we wanted to... kissed you when you were happy, sad, or just because we wanted to...” Isabella sighed heavily with a smile as she continued, “Celebrate each achievement, each milestone, each birthday...” Leo began to nod, leaning down to kiss the top of her head as Isabella yawned, “I’d get to kiss you goodnight...” he mumbled as his lips pressed against her head, “and tell you how much I loved you... always...”
Isabella peacefully slept, cuddled up in Leo’s arms whilst they were on the couch. The former Crown Prince of Cordonia sighed with happiness, his fingers delicately twirled through her chestnut brown curls in complete bliss. Leo sat up before he carefully carried his wife towards their bed as she sleepily wrapped her arms around him. Smiling as she cuddled into her pillow, Leo reached for his phone checking momentarily that the glare of the light wouldn’t wake her. He wanted to do something nice for Isabella. Grinning to himself, he sneakily cleared his and Isabella’s weekend calendars and sent an email to all their staff giving them the day off as the Royal family had made other arrangements. Isabella began to stir come morning as the sunlight began to flood their bedroom, her arm rolled over to hug her husband, but as she patted the blankets, Leo’s broad, muscular frame wasn’t there. The Laurentian Queen propped herself up, rubbing her eyes tiredly as she heard the rattling of silverware coming closer to her.
“Good morning sleepy head...” Leo began to grin as he pushed forward the trolley filled with pancakes, fruit, Cordonian chocolate that Leo made into a sauce and coffee. Isabella wearily smiled as her husband handed her a china cup filled with decaf coffee poured from a china coffee pot. “I could get used to you serving me coffee like this...” Isabella grinned as her eyes followed Leo’s naked torso, his silk pyjama bottoms grazed his hips, accentuating his abs and v cut. Leo began to chuckle, “I’m more than an object kitten... I should have known better!” before he gently kissed her. “What’s the occasion?” Isabella raised her brow, her dark chocolate brown eyes queried until her brow began to furrow, “Where are the girls?”
Leo handed her a stack of pancakes, drizzling the Cordonian chocolate sauce over them, “Don’t worry... they’re with your mother... I just thought you deserved a quiet weekend...” he was right, the Palace was very quiet, more than usual, “The staff are off today until Monday... it’s just us beautiful...” Isabella felt her heart melt and with a deep breath, she felt so content. He was right, it was what she needed and when she tasted those pancakes, an involuntary moan graced her lips, “mmmmm....” she smiled happily. Leo rolled his eyes to the left as he laughed, “Harry met Sally much?!” Isabella pursed her lips, desperately trying not to laugh as her husband teased her. The Laurentian King grinned, his bright smile dazzled as he continued, “I have a little present for you in the living room when you are ready...”
Isabella slowly turned, lowering herself from the Super King Size bed, draping her silk dressing gown around her. Isabella scrunched up her nose happily as she wrapped her arm around Leo’s bicep carefully before he kissed the top of her head, “I really hope you like it kitten...” as Leo escorted her happily. Isabella’s eyes widened in shock as she saw a large bouquet of long stem Cordonian Ruby Roses waiting for her. “But...” Isabella quietly murmured, “...how did you?” Leo took a deep breath as he handed her the bouquet, all fifteen stems adorned with a matching red bow. “I should have kept up this tradition a long time ago...” Isabella brought the bouquet to her nose, smelling the deeply perfumed flowers before looking up at Leo with those big brown eyes how she always used to, making his heart melt. Isabella sighed happily as she looked up at her husband, smiling at her as he always did, “Bella...” Leo whispered, “You are my everything... You always were and will be...” as he kissed her forehead gently. “Liam and I were able to find his mother’s notes and we were able to recreate the Ruby Rose... they’re only for you kitten...”
Isabella’s eyes began to water as happy tears began to roll down her cheeks, “Mi amor...” she sniffed, “I can’t believe you would do this...” as her eyes returned to the bouquet she held in her arms. Leo took the petite brunette into his embrace warmly, “There’s fourteen to cover the past and one for this year to represent our future...” he cooed, “I’m not going to ever take you in my life for granted again... I don’t think I could deal with you leaving again...” As Isabella looked up, she stared into Leo’s sea green eyes, “You’ve no idea how much that hurt me kitten when you left and I am never going to let you go!” Isabella’s chestnut brown curls bounced as she shook her head, “I’m not going anywhere...” giggling. The Sandy blonde haired Cordonian held the Laurentian Queen against him for what felt like an eternity, he didn’t want to let Isabella go, holding her a little tighter as she tried to step back, “Just a minute longer kitten... I don’t want this to end...”
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shipersanonymous · 5 years
One Hit West
Chapter 5
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Author's note:
Took forever!!!! But for a 4000 word chapter I think the two week wait was kinda OK? I hope? Of course as always this chapter will leave you with more questions then you care to have and all building up to the great answer!
Hope you all like it!!
Cliffhanger warnings apply 😉❤️
P.S There’s a bit of a flashback within a flashback here. Hope it doesn’t confuse you! 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
The doorman holds the door open for her and Iris thanks him with a smile as she pushes the stroller in. Her mom jeans hang loosely around her legs, concealing the armada of weapons strapped to them and years of practice allow her to walk without acknowledging the extra weight. It’s an easy enough target, mistaken identity style kill, but she’d rather be prepared then to get trapped with nothing but a rifle. Iris walks into the lift and keeps on her act. Bare hands (except for her ring); large, square shades obscuring her face and a short wig that’s styled into a generic “mom-like” messy bun.
As the numbers on the little screen change, taking her closer to her destination, she finds herself taking deep breaths and completing her transition into her work persona.
The transition is almost ritualistic. Usually she switches within the blink of an eye but this evening her mind is pestered by memories of the night before…
“Iris,” her father greeted calmly, without turning his head towards her. His relaxed attitude aggravated her further and she found herself forcing deep breaths in order to stay as composed as possible.
“Where’s my daughter?”
“Upstairs, fast asleep, but…”
Iris stopped in her tracks.
“…before you go up and get her…”
Joe put his cup down and stood up to face her for the first time.
“…you owe me an explanation.”
“I don’t owe you shit,” Iris spat, and turned around to ascend the stairs when her father’s bellowing voice stopped her mid-step yet again.
“Don’t you dare turn your back on me Iris!”
“Or what? Huh?” She challenged, her cool seeping out of her with every passing second.
“What are you gonna do dad? In a matter of hours you’ve attempted to kill my daughter’s father then kidnapped her. How are you planning on topping that off?” Iris kept her voice down out of fear of waking Nora and having to face questions she wasn’t as yet ready to answer.
“What were you doing at the casino?” He asked, ignoring her question. Iris looked at him incredulously then let out a half-hearted chuckle and answered:
“I felt lucky, thought I’d have a go at some poker.”
“I’m going to ask you, one more time. What? Were you doing? At the casino?”
“I already-”
“Iris.” Joe’s tone came out as a warning and he turned his head to the side, closing his eyes shut like a man trying to hold back an outburst.
“Hasn’t that boy ruined your life en-”
“No dad! He didn’t ruin my life, you did! You ruined my life when you kicked me out!”
“I gave you an option God damn it! It was your decision to walk away!”
Iris couldn’t believe her ears. To this day her father still thinks that the alternative to her packing her bags would have been the better choice.
“I’m not in the mood to have this conversation for the billionth time. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to get my daughter and go home.”
“Where is he?” Joe demanded, once again paying her statement no mind. His ability to hear what he wants to when he sees fit never fails to surprise her.
“We both know I’m not going to tell you. I didn’t save him just to have you kill him.”
“So you were interfering with my hit?”
Iris sighed, tired and exasperated.
“Yes dad I was. Is that what you wanna hear? That I was doing what’s right for my child like any good parent would? Do I have to explain how this works since clearly good parenting is a language you forgot the minute I told you I was pregnant?”
She regretted the words the minute they left her lips but it was too late and the grave expression that fell over her father’s worn features told her that she’d pressed the mother of all buttons.
“Get out,” he growled under his breath.
“Gladly. After I get what’s mine,” she answered without letting her regret show through.
The lift dings on her floor and Iris pushes the empty stroller to apartment number 64, the very apartment she pretended to be scouting a week before as she took notes of the building’s important features: emergency exits, security cameras, fire alarms etc. That’s how she knows that the hallways are monitored with cameras while the apartments are kept safe with motion detectors.
The stair ways are dead zones and are basically the least secure places save for the automatic locks on the doors that can only be opened with access key cards. The stairs are also the only way to reach the basement and that’s where the screen room is located. Not that she needs any of this information. Her father has a Loyal in almost every building in the city. These are people that either owe him, work for him or are too afraid to test him and therefore grant him any and all means of access into a number of places. Apartment buildings, restaurants, entertainment destinations, tourist attractions – you name it. And all she needs to get in is her red ruby ring. It’s a simple stone, common enough not to draw suspicion if worn by many and yet unique enough to be used as a distinguisher. Although in her case the red makes it special. The rest of her father’s hit family have rings with much the same design but their stones are green emeralds instead. Red rubies are reserved for those with the last name West.
They were her mother’s favourite gem stone.
The walk up the stairs threatened to bring back memories she didn’t need roaming through her mind at that very moment. Memories from before. Before loss turned her father in to a cold hearted killer. Before she saw the way his face changes just before he pulls that trigger.
Before she became him.
Iris walked into her old bedroom, all the details giving her a sense of Déjà vu. It was all exactly as she’d left it, from the positioning of the furniture to her high school photo frames (considerably emptier than they were when she still called the room hers), to the paint on the walls. It was like stepping into a time capsule of some of the greatest moments of her life…
Her freshly painted toes wiggled in the air as her feet rested (crossed at the ankle) against the wall. The still hot curls in her hair, cascaded over the edge of her bed like a water fall and she passed the time with a book in her hand. Getting dressed with three hours to go seemed like over kill and even though she was excited to see Barry, she wanted the moment to be perfect.
Perfect didn’t include her looking sweaty in a wrinkled dress. So she practised the art of patience as she dove into the third of the Twilight books. A knock on her door drew her attention away from Bella’s latest inner turmoil and she asked the visitor to come in. Barry’s fresh shaven face popped into her room, his hair neatly slicked back and as he stepped inside, the space was filled with a deliciously masculine scent. Her eyes bulged out of their sockets as she took him in, pressed suit with a bouquet of sunflowers in his hand, ready to go and earlier than ever.
He was up to something.
“Barry what are you doing here so early? We’re not supposed to meet for another three hours!” She asks, putting her book down without saving her page, she’d already read it three times any way, she’d be able to find that page with just a few flips.
“I just couldn’t wait to see you.” He smiled, though she noticed the glimmer of nervousness in his stare.
“But - ” Before she had a chance to finish her sentence Barry dropped down on one knee and Iris felt herself grow pale.
“Barry? What are-”
“Just, hear me out ok? I know that we’ve only known each other for a year and that we still have a life a head of us – graduation and college and work - but Iris the truth is, within our first week together I already knew that no one would ever complete me the way that you do,”
“Barry,” was all she could whisper out as she tried to keep her tears in. She was shocked out of her mind and had no idea what to think but her heart felt every word that slipped out of his mouth.
“I love you Iris,” he said as he reached into the bouquet and pulled out a tiny red velvet box.
“And I know that we’re too young to get married, but I can’t stand the thought of a possible future without you. Which is why I found a compromise.” He opened the box and inside rested a single silver band with tiny red jewels imbedded into it.
“This isn’t an engagement ring, not yet anyways, but it is still a symbol of my promise to you. My promise to love you, be there for you, support you and take care of you for the rest of our days. And someday, hopefully soon, I promise to replace this ring with a much more permanent version.”
Iris found herself struggling to breathe and if it weren’t for the fact that she was still standing paralysed in front of him she might have thought her legs had magically disappeared because she couldn’t feel them. She couldn’t feel any part of her body except for her roaring heart.
“What do you say Iris? Will you take this ring as a symbol of my promise of forever?” he asked and at that the tears made their debut on her yet to be made-up face. She nodded, unable to speak and covered her mouth with her left hand as she slipped the delicate piece of jewellery on her right hand’s ring finger. Barry rose back onto his feet and she half laughed, half sobbed as she noticed the moisture in his eyes before she pulled him into her and hugged him tight. They parted a few inches, just enough for him to lean into her and offer her a tender kiss.
“I’m guessing this means that she liked it?” came Joe’s voice from the door way and the young couple took a reprieve from their embrace to look at him, though they remained in each other’s arms.
Joe smiled and folded his arms over his chest as he leaned side-ways against the door frame.
“And I thought I had a hard enough time gift shopping for you, but this young man right here second guesses everything when it comes to you. This was the longest jewellery hunt in the history of man.” He commented with a chuckle and a look of fondness directed at the youth before him.
“Wait a second, so you knew?” Iris asked.
“I kinda asked your dad for help shopping for the ring,” Barry admitted, sheepishly.
“Right after he asked me for permission to give it to you and promised never to break your heart.” Joe added proudly, there was nothing Joe loved more than a respectful young fellow with good old fashioned morals. Except of course if that young fellow happened to look at his little girl like she hung every star in the sky. That was reason enough to have his old heart smiling for the rest of its beating days.
Because she’d found someone who would love her as much as he once loved his wife.
“Hold on to this one baby girl. He’s one of the good one’s”
“I know,” Iris said, her twinkling gaze glued onto Barry’s just before he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers.
Her eye’s drifted briefly to the jewellery box on her vanity table and almost as if she had x-ray vision, in her mind’s eye, she looked past the white jewelled exterior and could picture the ring where she’d left it. Hidden from herself at the very bottom. Almost as if she we’re trying to bury the memories and emotions that came with it.
The whiskey burns its way down her throat and warms her up from the inside out. It’s the only thing she currently feels as she waits for the tiny buzz of her watch.
Beep – beep.
There it is.
With one last look at the city she downs the rest of her dry drink and turns around to make her exit, grabbing the diaper bag and travel seat that rested on the couch. Her “busy mama” act has her power walking to the nearest stairway exit where she uses her access card to disappear from the cameras view. The stairs offer her all the privacy she needs to slip out of her baggy sweater and jeans to reveal the black leather, skin tight suit she has on underneath. Her weapons are still carefully attached to the sides of her legs.
Iris pulls on her gloves and ankle length trench coat then whips off her wig and reaches down for a gun as she gazes at her watch. A door on the wall to her left opens up to a storage closet that she uses to hide away her baby seat and diaper bag then up the stairs she goes, screwing on her silencer as she takes the stairs two at a time. All the while she takes deep breaths and pushes down the last of her humanity, the last of her thoughts of her baby girl.
Her focus shifted from the Pandora’s box on the table to Nora’s sleeping figure. Cecile, who was seated on the edge of the bed beside Nora, looked at Iris and smiled sadly. Iris’s heart went out to her, she was the only one who could get her father to feel anything other than hatred at the world since her mother’s passing and yet she couldn’t get him to be the old Joe, the Joe she deserved.
“How long has she been asleep?” Iris whispered, kneeling down beside her bed and stroking her daughter’s hair gently. All at once the action soothed her every insecurity and it felt like discovering how to breathe a new. She leaned in and planted a tender kiss to the child’s warm forehead and breathed her in.
She smelled like home.
“Not long. Go ahead, take her, I’ll help you out with her chair.” Cecile whispered back, smiling sympathetically. Iris thanked her with a smile of her own and shifted so as to slowly lift her daughter up. She was careful not to make any violent or miscalculated movements, almost like she were handling a rare doll made of glass.
But the caution was needed.
Nora curled into her mother’s arm burying her face in Iris’s chest and no words could describe the paradoxical feeling of fear and security that came with having her baby in her arms. With one arm under her daughter’s knees and the other supporting her back, Iris walked down the stairs and out the door towards her car, her father paid her no mind as she left and she did her best to ignore the sting his lack of attention injected into her.
“Thanks Cecile.” She said once Nora was safely strapped in and her chair tucked away in the trunk.
“Not a problem, and don’t worry about your dad. He’ll come around.” She said.
“Not if he keeps hating on everyone with the last name Allen,” Iris pointed out in a matter-of-fact tone.
“That name, it’s taken a lot from him.” Cecile tried to reason with Iris and the other woman’s eyes seemed to say ‘form us’ though she dared not speak of her loss. It hurt too much to think about.
Iris wouldn’t budge. She knew better. She knew that her father didn’t know the half of what he’d lost, of the nightmares she attributed to that name. And with the way that things were going he would never know. Not from her mouth anyway. So as she steps into her car she responds:
“Not me, he pushed me away all by himself.”
The jog up the three flights of stairs help circulate the adrenaline in her system so by the time she steps out into the hallway of the 28th floor she’s fired up and ready to strike. She takes calm steps towards apartment number 81 and stands in front of it like she’s ready to knock. With a subtle movement she tucks some stray hair behind her ear, flashing her ring at the camera and a few seconds later, the red recording light dies out.
She’s got five minutes.
Her actions gain a certain fluidity as she turns back towards apartment number 83 and knocks as gently as she possibly can. A tall man with a 6 o’clock shadow and a head free of hair answers the door. His dress shirt is half undone yet still tucked into his black suit pants, under different circumstances Iris might have stopped to allow herself to take him in but her mind is elsewhere and she’s still pissed about last night. She needs to blow off some steam. His seductive smile slips from his lips when his eyes land on Iris giving away that he was expecting someone else.
In his confusion he asks:
“Who the he-”
But Iris has no time for chit chat. Before he can blink, she’s moved into the apartment, closed the door behind her, pressed her weapon against his forehead and pulled back the trigger. Pieces of cerebral tissue redecorate the space behind him and he falls to the ground, painting the white tiled floor with blood. Iris approaches without hesitation and stairs at his wide eyes with indifference.
“Your wife sends her love,” she says before firing two more shots. The hit brief she got requested that this be staged as a crime of passion. Hence the foreign gun and overkill. Some poor unfortunate side piece is about to get some major jail time while the “weeping” widow cashes out the prick’s life insurance. All’s well that ends well in the game of hearts. Iris discards the weapon on the floor and walks out with a minute to spare. She sees the numbers above the elevator light up as it brings a passenger closer to her and she smiles, assuming that it must be the unsuspecting mistress. Just before the lift reaches her floor she walks back out into the stair way and follows it down to her disguise with a reassurance that a few seconds later the cameras rebooted and set the perfect trap.
Earlier today…
It’s a weird feeling, waking up in a strange bed at a strange house and yet somehow feeling completely at home. This notion haunts him all morning as he stares up at the white ceiling and tries to make sense of it.
Maybe it’s the thought of it being her house. Or the fact that her scent lingers in every little corner of the place. Maybe that’s why it all seems so strangely comfortable. Like getting to share her little secret.
Getting to be her little secret.
Yet, as good as that all might sound Barry can’t help the sinking feeling in his stomach, the dull ache of his heart’s every thud. The gut twisting sensation that she’s hiding something from him, something life changing. He plops one hand underneath his head and sighs. It’s mid afternoon and Barry is wasting his day away in bed. He tried to do a little cardio, made some breakfast, read a page or two but every action put him down a path of what ifs.
What if Iris were there? Would he be making her breakfast? Would she be reading him a passage from the book as he poured her coffee? Would she be wearing one of his old t-shirts and chuckling when he pressed a random kiss to her cheek?
More questions without answers.
It’s times like these that Barry normally turns to his brother. Bart is most definitely the most rational of them both. Barry always thinks with his heart despite his superior intelligence but Bart always finds a way to act with rationality. They always joke that their personalities came with their middle names. Bartholomew “Barry” Henry Allen took after their father, flexible mind but much too large a heart. Bartholomew “Bart” Harry Allen took after their ‘uncle’ and legal guardian Harrison, kind at heart but ever the critical thinker. It’s a trait that Barry, at times, envies in his twin brother: the ability to disconnect from emotion in favour of science. Barry can’t bring himself to do it.
He always wears his heart on his sleeve.
The sound of keys turning in the lock draw Barry’s attention back from his differences with his twin and he turns his head towards the sound while listening intently.
“Can we get the purple tights and my STAR Labs sweater aunt Anissa?”
A young girl seems to ask and the innocence in her voice brings a smile onto his face.
“’Course you can baby. Since your mom forgot to pack your clothes this morning you get to pick what ever you like.”
That voice is unmistakable. It’s definitely Iris’s favourite cousin Anissa. Barry hasn’t seen her since that random run in, a year after the break up…
It had been a year since he’d last seen her. Their anniversary was drawing near and he hadn’t so much as glimpsed her across the street or bumped into her at the grocery store. It was hard but nothing compared to those first few months.
The confusion as to what could possibly have gone wrong. The multitude of questions without answers. The heart ache, so strong at times he’d wake up in the middle of the night fighting for breath. He’d sunk into a depression so deep that his uncle had him seeing both a psychologist and psychiatrist. He’d been prescribed antidepressants and moved to England because a “change in scenery” would do him good.
All it did was provide him with enough isolation to feed his loud mind. So during the brief Christmas break, when Harrison summoned him back home, Barry made a habit out of wondering aimlessly about the streets of Central City. He blamed his sleeplessness on the time zones but he knew better. A good night’s sleep hadn’t formed part of his routine in a while. Power naps and unhealthy amounts of coffee were what kept him afloat in college.
In England he’d found an escape in his academics, burying himself in pile after pile of literature. Completing assignments way ahead of the due dates and prepping tutoring material to help a few nameless faces after class. So when the holidays came around he suddenly found himself spoiled for time and with nothing else but his neglected heart ache to occupy his mind.
That’s when the endless drives around the city became routine. He’d managed to convince himself that he was simply trying to pass time but he knew – he felt – that in reality he was looking for her.
It was on one of these drives that he ran into Anissa. With no where to go, Barry found himself at a 24hr convenience store, roaming through the aisles of all things comforting and deadly. On his way to the freezers he glimpsed a familiar profile in his peripheral and stopped mid step. Low and behold there she stood, with a tin of powdered milk in her hand and a shopping basket filled with baby supplies. The tin she held grabbed all her attention so she didn’t notice Barry approaching till he was a few steps away and asked:
“Anissa?” She startled, which was expected, but when her face turned towards him it didn’t instantly flood with recognition and a drop of sympathy. Instead her eyes widened and her face paled with fear. Without warning she dropped her basket on the floor and took off running. He chased after her, too desperate to pay the questioning looks any mind.
“Anissa wait! Please!”
But she didn’t slow. Instead she knocked down a stack of canned food in an attempt to leave the tin of milk that was still in her hand. Barry chased her outside but couldn’t catch up to her. So eventually he stopped and simply watched her make her escape. Jennifer, her younger sister, was in the car with her and she seemed to have a baby in her arms…
Barry remembers wondering who’s baby was in the car that night. Now, doing the math, he realises that it could have been Iris’s little girl. Which leaves the question: Where was Iris when her cousin was playing house with her daughter?
“Do you want to get any books while we’re here?”
“No it’s OK. I’ve read all of these already. Mom promised she’d take me book shopping on my birthday anyway. I can wait till then.”
The little girl’s voice held a note of sadness at the mention of her birthday, but a sadness brought on by hope. Almost as if she wanted to believe that the statement was true but knew otherwise.
“Does that mean you’re not coming to see aunt Jen and me? You know she’s been working real hard on your surprise.” Anissa tries to cheer the little girl up, all the while Barry listens intently from his new vantage spot behind the door.
“I like cup cakes better the next day. Aunt Jen can just put them away for me.” She answers, by the sound of it she seems distracted.
“Cupcakes? Who said anything about cupcakes?” Her aunt sounds surprised.
“Come on aunt Nissa. I practically live with you and I know you barely get enough time to bake. I also know that you only get one bag of flour to last at least five months if the expiry date permits and only get enough chocolate chips to cover one batch of pancakes or cookies when you feel up to the task. That being said, last week you bought a fresh bag of flour, a dozen more eggs when you already had in your refrigerator and enough chocolate chips to either make three batches of cookies or aunt Jen’s double chocolate cupcakes. You’re out of shortening so that can only mean you’re making cupcakes. Conclusion: aunt Jen is making me cup cakes for my birthday.”
Barry’s jaw drops and it isn’t till he sees his own shock reflected on Anissa’s side profile that he realises he’s stepped out of his hiding place. His ears couldn’t believe what they were hearing so he subconsciously walked towards the sound of her voice only to find that the person giving out such a detailed explanation is in fact a little girl.
Her back is to him as she’s sorting through some clothes in a drawer and her hair is done in two loose fish braids that disappear into the back of her wheel chair.
“Are you sure you’re five?” he blurts out, unable to suppress his own shock and startling them both. The little girl manoeuvres her chair so that she can face him and Barry feels his mouth go dry as he takes in her face.
He’s suddenly lost in her little green eyes.
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Go Go Nekoma! Push it, Push it Nekoma! Coaches Chemisty (pt. 2)
Warnings: Swearing that's all 😊
Word count: 6000+ (split into 3 parts)
It was 6pm. Only 30 more minutes before the shop closed and you could pack up. It wasn't like you had anything waiting for you at home. I mean you lived alone with your cat. It wasn't a lavished lifestyle but it was comfortable.
You signed as you began going over the orders for the next day. Suddenly the bell chimed signaling the entrance of a customer. You peeked up from your books to greet the boys walking through the door.
"Hello!" You say with a cheerful smile "can I help you with anything?"
Three boys of varying highs approached you with bright red jackets on.
Nekoma you think to yourself
"Hi yes our friend here is looking to impress a certain girl. He's lost as to what to do" the tall, black haired boy said smiling.
"He wants something simple to say his feelings that he can't physically portray" a nice boy says to you as he smiles to the shorter boy.
"I know what I want to say! I want to tell her I like her" the shorter boy spits.
You can't help but laugh. The boys all look at you as you begin to speak.
"Well let's start with a budget and go from there" you say as you pull out your notebook.
"Well I don't have alot to spend but I want something impressive" the shorter boy says and the other two roll their eyes.
"Ok impressive on a budget? I can work with that!" You smile as you show the boys the options.
"Wow these are all so amazing ma'am! You can do all this for such little money?" The middle heighted boy says as he looks at the options.
"You'd be surprised how much you can make your dollars stretch with floral arrangements. Filling them with cheaper greens and less expensive flowers are a great way to boost the bouquet and have it look gorgeous" you smile.
The boys pick a bouquet as Yaku pays.
"I see you boys go to Nekoma" you say as you finish writing up the order.
"Yes ma'am. We play on the volleyball team" the taller boy says.
Volleyball team you think to yourself.
"I see. I went to Nekoma years ago. Coach Nekomata was still coaching. Although I assume the man must be retired by now. It's been almost 10 years and he was pretty old back then" you snicker as the boys look at you.
"Oh no ma'am. Coach Nekomata is still our coach. Coach Naoi will be his replacement if he ever retires. I'm sure the man would rather die on the court than ever retire" the shorter boy laughs.
"Coach Naoi? As in Naoi Manabu?" You say as your eyes widen.
"Yes ma'am. He's the assistance coach" the middle boy said "do you know him?"
"Umm yes- yes I do. We graduated together" you say as you look down making change quickly.
The boys all look at each other strangely.
"Ok well I can have this ready for you by tomorrow if you'd like" you look up smiling trying to ignore the fact that you've just heard a name you've avoided for years.
"That would be perfect ma'am! Thank you so much miss-" the middle boy says.
"Oh Miss L/N Y/N but please call me Y/N. I dont really like formalities" you say as you smile at the boys.
They smile back as you. They introduce themselves and bid you farewell as you stand at the counter. You saunter over to the door turning the lock and flipping the "open for business" sign to "closed". You rest against the door.
It had been years since you had heard his name but I still made your heart race.
He was really coaching at Nekoma?
You knew he always loved Volleyball and you were so happy he was doing what he loved. You smile as you think to yourself cleaning up the shop before heading out.
"Ok boys pack it up! That's enough for tonight" Naoi shouts. Yaku, Kuroo, and Kai are in the corner talking.
"Do you think Coach Naoi knows Y/N? I mean he has to right?" Yaku says.
Kuroo looks over to Coach Naoi.
"Hey coach" he says running up to the tall man.
"Kuroo" Naoi says as he finishes taking notes.
"When did you graduate from Nekoma?" Kuroo questions.
Naoi continues to write in his notebook "almost 10 years ago. Why do you ask?"
"Well yesterday Yaku, Kai and I went to this flower shop and the lady at the shop said she was an alumni of Nekoma and she seemed to remember your name" kuroo said.
"Well Kuroo I did play volleyball for 3 years so I knew almost everyone. You'd have to tell me her name and even then I don't know if I'd remember her" Naoi says turning the page reviewing his notes.
"He name is Y/N" Kai chimes in from the side.
Naoi stops. His breath hitches as his neck snaps to the boys.
"Her name is what?" He said not wanting to believe what he just heard
"L/N Y/N. She works at Bella's florals downtown. She said she went to school with you. Do you know her?" Yaku looks at coach trying to figure out his sudden reaction.
"Umm-yes yes I remember her" Naoi says packing up his notes and gathering his items.
"Alight guys I ha-have to head out now. Gotta get home" Naoi quickly exits the conversation as the boys stare strangely at him
You were still in Toyko! You remembered him?
He couldn't believe it. All this time he thought you were somewhere else. Traveling the world perhaps but you were right under his nose?! He couldn't believe it.
The three third years all look at each other with questioning expressions. There was something weird going on and they had to find out what it was.
They approached the flower shop to pick up the bouquet Yaku had ordered.
"Ah hi guys" you wave as they enter" I got your bouquet all ready for you."
You disappear into the back room only to remerge with a gorgeous bouquet.
"It's beautiful" Yaku screams "thank you Y/N. I can't believe you did this on such a modest budget"
"Well I added a few extras because I figured the girl would probably enjoy it. Plus I can't say no to young love" you smile as you hand Yaku the bouquet.
"Say Y/N" Kuroo begins to speak "we never asked you how you knew our coach?"
Your eyes widen as you feel your breathing slow.
"Well haha" you say looking down rubbing your arms "We dated throughout high school."
The boys gasped loudly.
Of course! That's why coach Naoi had acted so strange.
"We are sorry to pry Y/N. We had no idea" Kai speaks in an apologetic tone.
You start to wave your hands frantically "oh no no boys it's really ok. I'm sure Coach Naoi has moved on by now" you say as you head tilts downwards and your voice carries out.
The boys look at each other.
Should they really be doing this?
Is this even ok?
Yaku is the first to speak.
"Actually Y/N, coach is quite single" he speaks matter of factly "he spends most of his time running our asses into the ground so he doesn't have much time for a social life."
You perk up.
He's single? After all these years!
"Well im glad he's still doing something he loves. I'm sure he's a great coach" you say wanting to continue to conversation bit not act too eager.
Kai interjects as he sees an opportunity "Well thank you Y/N haha we really should be going" he says as he pushes Kuroo and Yaku to the door.
"Oh of course! Have a nice night boys" you wave sweetly as you turn.
Of course the boys did want to talk about their coaches love life. Why would they?
You sign as you pack up for the night and proceed to close up shop.
"At least he's happy right" yo say to yourself as you feel a tear prickle at the edge of your eye.
"What the hell Kai" Kuroo shouts as the boys wait at the station. Kai is pacing back and forth as kuroo fixes his hair and Yaku stares the beautiful bouquet.
"We have to do something" Kai says. "You seen the way she looked when we said coach was single!"
"So do we set them up or what?" Yaku looks at Kai and then kuroo.
"No that's too obvious. We don't know anything about their previous relationship" Kuroo says "plus they know we know about them."
Kai stops in front of Kuroo, turning to smile at his fellow third years "I have a plan."
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