#thank you for participating in my market research
phantomarine · 1 year
Because I'm still trying to figure out the numbers before committing to a structured Kickstarter - POLL TIME AGAIN (I'm sorry)
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ashen-crest · 1 year
Hi RK! I think about you a lot as far as seeing the writer I want to be out in the wild. You self-published, right? Do you have a Guide for those of us wanting to follow your path, or advice on Where to Look for going in the self pub direction?
Hello and thank you so much!! I apologize if this gets rambly- there's a lot to cover, and I hope you stick with me through it.
I am indeed self-published! Everyone's situation and goals are different, but for me, I work full-time, write on the side, and want to push out professional-looking books because...well, because I want to. I currently don't plan to move to writing full-time, and I do have a job that helps cover the costs of an editor, cover designer, etc.
That's all important to establish up front, because that majorly impacts basically everything else about my strategy.
Because I work full-time, I can't write as fast as other folks. I also don't have as much time to spend on marketing. But because I work full-time, I can set aside money for a line editor, a cover designer, a proofreader, and an illustrator if needed, as well as cover a website, pre-order goodies, author copies for giveaways, a BookFunnel subscription, etc.
So, with all that...
Step 1:
Assess your goals, your abilities, your limits, and plan your strategy around that.
I realize that sounds really vague, but there are so many aspects to self-publishing, and so many things that can either cost $0 or $1,000, that it's worth jotting down the following first:
What you are comfortable & proficient with doing yourself (cover design? proofreading? making your own pre-order swag?)
What you have time for (things like social media, newsletters, and designing your own cover all take time)
What you have the money for (if you're going to spend money on anything, the conventional wisdom is cover design + editor)
What you have the energy for (book release speed, marketing, etc)
What your end goal is (publishing for fun? for a career? for something in between?)
Once you have all that jotted down, I'd plan out the following (and this is really starting from square one):
Your Books' Content
What genre do I want to write in? And do I want to put effort into targeting a sub-genre or sub-sub-genre (a successful strategy for career-focused indie authors), or would I prefer to keep myself flexible for creative purposes?
How much research do I want to put into this genre? A lot of intense indie authors will read a ton, research genre expectations, analyze tropes and covers, etc. But if you're just having fun, that's totally cool!
How quickly do I want to write? And the corollaries: do I want to write a bunch at once, then rapid-release? Or write and release one at a time?
What do I want my editing process to look like? I'd consider things like beta readers, sensitivity readers, and professional editors and/or proofreaders. (For later: don't forget about front and back matter, like copyright pages, acknowledgments, "leave a review and sign up for my newsletter!" pages, etc.)
Your Author Presence & Marketing
How do I want to appear as an author? Do you want to go all-out with a website, newsletter with reader magnets, Patreon and/or social media presence? Or pick and choose a few/none of those things? These are major time-sucks, and the conventional wisdom is that you don't want to try everything at once (particularly social media sites). Master one thing first, then move on to the next. (This is a, uh, do as I say and not as I do kinda situation...)
How do I want to handle cover design? Maybe the most important part of marketing besides your blurb. Please please don't skimp on it.
How do I price my books? Check other books in your genre and see what their average cost is.
What do I want my release strategy to look like? Pre-order goodies? ARCs? Giveaways?
Do I want to participate in any promos or paid advertising? The answer is typically 'no' at the beginning, but I've found BookFunnel to be helpful when it comes to distributing reader magnets and joining group promos.
The Technical & Business-y Aspects
(Not things you have to worry about right now, but things to eventually research and keep in mind.)
What format will my books be in? E-books are cheaper to produce than paperback and net you higher profits. But if you really wanna hold your book in your hand (like me) and write in a genre where readers buy paperbacks, then it could be worth planning for that as well.
How do I want to distribute my books? There are a ton of ways to distribute your book. Amazon, IngramSpark, Draft2Digital, Gumroad, Itchio, selling directly on a personal website, etc. If you also want your books in libraries and brick-and-mortar stores, that will impact your distribution strategy.
How will I typeset/format my book? You can do it through Word or Scrivener or even Reedsy's site, but there are also paid programs that make it easier and freelancers who can do it for you.
What sort of licenses do I need to sell books? The really not-fun part. Check your federal, state, county, and city for any required selling permits, business licenses, and tax rules. I'd also look into if you want to set up a DBA ("doing business as") or an EIN (basically a business tax ID number so you don't have to use your personal SSN).
What sort of ID numbers do my books need? For example, in the US, you need ISBN codes sold by Bowker. Not required for ebook, but required for paperback, with a separate code needed for hardcover, translations, or subsequent editions.
How do I copyright my books? For the US, it's the US Copyright Office.
(US Only) Do I want an LCCN (Library of Congress control #) for my book? This helps you get into libraries. If you want a #, you need to fill out a form before your book publishes.
I realize this is a LOT to research. Please don't feel like you need to do all the research at once or know everything right away. Put most of your focus into writing and set aside some time to tackle the other topics as you go.
Here are some resources I found to be helpful:
FB Group: Wide for the Win (all about distributing across multiple platforms)
FB Group: 20Booksto50K (very business-focused, almost to a fault, and has some failings, but also has some great advice and detailed insights. I'd recommend using this page only if you're very serious about self-pub)
FB Group: Author Unleashed (great for getting blurb feedback!)
David Gaughran's "Starting from Zero" free online video course, all about marketing when you're totally new to the game
Tammi Lebrecque's Newsletter Ninja books and resources, if you want to delve into newsletters and reader magnets
The Complete Guide to Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Bucket Siler
The Indie Author's Bible by Christopher D Schmitz
Becca Syme's series for indie authors
A word of warning...
There are a lot of people out there making money off writing resources, aka selling mining equipment to the miners rather than mining themselves. There are thousands of self-publishing gurus with books, consultation packages, sales funnel advice, etc. Before you throw a lot of money at those resources, do some research and take a look at what other indie authors recommend first. (If it helps, I really do trust David Gaughran, Tammi Lebrecque, and Becca Syme for starters.)
Okay that's it!
That was a lot. I'm so sorry. I'm happy to answer any specific questions or concerns you have!
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amadeusgame · 4 months
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Exciting month! This devlog has a couple announcements, a progress update on development, and some previews of what I've been working on. First half provides an overview, second half has additional details and teasers for those who are interested in such things~
I. Overview
New Announcements
100 Wishlists Celebration (recap)
Development Updates
II. Details, Previews, and Teasers
New Background Art
Dynamic Text Mechanic
Cursor Warp Mechanic
New Music Tracks
Read below the cut. More on the game: linktr.ee/amadeusgame
I. Overview
New Announcements:
Amadeus will be participating in Steam Next Fest. Look forward to streams of dedicated gameplay footage on June 10 & June 15.
Amadeus now has a press kit! It has some neat info on the history/making-of, in addition to the usual details.
Relevant links at linktr.ee/amadeusgame - Next Fest stream details will be added there soon.
100 Wishlists Celebration (recap):
As thanks for all of the support here and elsewhere, I made a custom webpage to host a multimedia version of the Amadeus demo soundtrack. I've also updated the BandCamp OST album to include the new demo tracks and new art.
Check it out here!
Headphones encouraged but certainly not required.
Development Updates:
Focusing back on Amadeus after last month's Mystery Jam sidequest, I accomplished quite a lot this month.
Art - 1 new point-and-click background + research/sketches for 3 more
Build - 1 new scene built in Unity, also created a template so all future scenes can be built from it easily
Mechanics - Implemented text pauses in all existing scenes, created hotkey to warp cursor to inspectable objects
Music - new music! one dynamic 3-layer track mastered, one track to be mixed this week, one track at sketch phase
Marketing - made press kit and 100 wishlists celebration updates to OST album
(Speaking of the Mystery Game Jam - if you'd like to play a short but finished game that I wrote, you can check out my team's game: Robot Detective and the Case of the Automurderated Intern.)
That's it as far as the big picture is concerned. Bookmark the linktree to stay up-to-date between devlogs!
If you're interested in some more details and some previews/teasers on what's to come in the full game, I've included those in the following section which is a little more long-form.
II. Details, Previews, & Teasers
New Background Art
In the full game, you will briefly explore Dartmaure before heading to the manor. I received feedback from the demo that it could use a little more grounding/introduction when you start controlling Amadeus. I agree; I also have a few more plot hooks I'd like to introduce in this new scene.
One important thing I learned about my own workflow while finishing up the demo is that I was not able to truly write the point-and-click scenes until I had a finished design for the background. The process of designing detailed backgrounds involves a lot of research, research which is itself a form of writing, research that forces me to answer questions I hadn't considered before. So I made sure to start on some new backgrounds much earlier than I did when working on the demo.
I'll likely need to draw at least one more screen for this point-and-click segment, but I finished the first, which feels very good:
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Once this was ready I scanned it and started building the gameplay scene it'll be used for. I also decided to make my life easier, and after creating a functional skeleton of a scene with all core mechanics implemented, I made a copy of that to serve as a raw template for future use. All scenes I need to make from here on out can be easily built from that copy. Hooray for not reinventing the wheel every time I need to make a new scene!
(The other art I've been working on is for the very next scene that takes place after the demo ends... within the watchtower. No spoilers for that!)
Dynamic Text Mechanic
One major mechanic missing from Amadeus in the published demo was the ability to pause text mid-scroll for dramatic effect/pacing/"breathing" after punctuation. This is a pretty fundamental visual novel mechanic and it was a priority to add for the full game. It now exists, and I've implemented it in all existing scenes!
I recorded some footage of the intro scene to demonstrate what it looks like. Please note that the actual timing and placement of these pauses is subject to change; at the time of recording I was just really excited to show it off as soon as I had it working.
(Here's a little behind-the-scenes intel for you: the way this works is it interprets the character "<" as a brief pause. Then I just insert as many as I need for the length to feel right! One after commas,< two after periods. << Three after major punctuation!<<< And sometimes<<<<<<< a bunch in the middle of text for drama.)
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The pause length is a multiplier of your current text scroll speed, so if you are a faster reader the pause will also be faster (and vice versa). From testing, it "feels" correct to me that way.
This mechanic was much easier to implement than I feared. I'm really happy with it, and I think it adds a lot of character to the writing.
Cursor Warp Mechanic
One of my other priorities for the full episode was to make it playable using the keyboard only. In the published demo, the core game can be completed with just the keyboard, but there are some "inspectable" objects (those indicated with the eye icon, that Amadeus comments on from far away) that you need to hover on with a mouse to interact with.
I've just finished building a mechanic that lets you use a hotkey--currently "i" but subject to change--to warp your cursor over the next item on a list of inspectable objects in the current scene. Then you can press space to interact with it as usual. I am debating whether or not to also have this cycle through all objects that can be reached with WASD movement, but for the moment I'm only using it for the objects you inspect from afar.
This mechanic has not yet been tested on other platforms. I'm hoping to get it in front of playtesters next month to iron out any issues with it.
New Music Tracks
Here's a teaser of a new dynamic track I'm working on for the full game! Like the music that plays while exploring the graveyard and watchtower area in the demo, this piece has 3 distinct layers to it that will fade in at certain gameplay moments. I've done more polishing work on the mix since I made this teaser, and I'm so excited about how it's coming:
The music that will play in downtown Dartmaure is also about 80% done (I should finish a preliminary mix later this week), and I've sketched out the very start of one more really cool piece that will be used later in the episode. I'll share more snippets of the new audio as the release draws closer~
That's a wrap for this month! It was definitely the right call to take a "break" last month and focus on the Mystery Game Jam. Coming back to Amadeus after that break has been very rewarding. I'm incredibly motivated.
Stay up-to-date: linktr.ee/amadeusgame
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my-mt-heart · 10 months
I want to address a few things that Norman said in Le Parisien. The article isn't free, and I'm not going to encourage anyone to pay for something they might not like, but if you do want the link, DM me and I'll send it. Thank you to the person who read and translated this:
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Defending himself against others trying to throw him under the bus is one thing, but denying all responsibility for the title accomplishes absolutely nothing except further insulting a significant portion of Daryl's fanbase. These fans, specifically Carylers, were all paying close attention when he said the exact opposite on Jimmy Kimmel. Watch at 8:45:
The video is from late last year. Melissa's negotiations for S2/S3 started last summer and her deal closed at the end of the year per my sources, which means there was (at least) a loose plan to bring her back before S1 started shooting. Norman confirms Pilgrim was a working title at some point, but he doesn’t mention Raise the Dead, which was more than likely planned as the official title of the show while they were shooting between October '22 and February '23.
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I bring up the timeline because even if you believe Melissa was always part of the French spinoff, Norman’s other favorite narrative right now, the implication is still this: Norman, AMC, and the other EPs were fully aware that Melissa was coming back when they officially landed on a title excluding her. You could argue Daryl has the most name recognition from being the most marketed character or that his tags on SM have 6 billion views or, hey, let’s make it 6 trillion (how much of that overlaps with Daryl and Carol content btw?), but as we saw, that doesn’t guarantee all those viewers will watch the show, which is how AMC makes money. If there are two leads on the show, naming it after one lead doesn't make any sense from a marketing perspective because AMC is missing out on attracting more audience, promoting two characters and their chemistry instead of just one character.
So. They either manipulated the situation to give Norman and the other EPs what they wanted or, once again, they dismissed Melissa’s/Carol’s vitality to the show. Or both. Regardless, it poses a big problem for me, because Carol's ability to stand her ground against anyone who thinks less of her is what draws me to her character. I can't reconcile that with the obvious tactics Norman and the other EPs use to claim the show for themselves, completely ignoring fans who may be critical, yes, but ultimately just want the story both Daryl and Carol have earned.
Speaking of being ignored, I heard from multiple fans that AMC did in fact send out a survey regarding the title. I can't confirm because I haven't seen the survey myself, but if you're doing market research, you need a target audience, and if you're doing market research on what you know will (eventually) be a Daryl and Carol show, you should probably target Daryl and Carol fans, shippers or otherwise. Not that it's the most appropriate way to choose a title (not even close), but where's my survey? Did any Carylers get to participate? Did anyone bother to check? Because to me, it sounds like the focus group they used for their market research wasn't aimed at their target audience at all. It's possible they did the market research with a sample audience of the flagship show or just Daryl fans who are a percentage of their audience but not all their audience. If they used an audience that incorporated Carylers, Daryl fans and GA — the feedback for that title would've been mixed. If they focused their market research on mostly Carylers, the feedback would've heavily leaned towards having an inclusive title.
So many fans, not just Carylers, hate the title. It's boring, it's offensive, it's pretentious, it's misogynistic, etc. etc. These are fans who want to watch and enjoy the show, who are expected to pay for it, so why don't their opinions carry more weight? Why is there still such a strong disconnect between AMC and Carol/Caryl fans when that's exactly what caused the backlash last year? Why are they not doing everything they can to avoid the same mistakes?
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As for this:
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Most of it is true except for one important detail. Angela Kang's spinoff was going to be a road show shot and set in the U.S. That's the phone call Norman is alluding to. That's the spinoff Melissa signed on for. To say otherwise makes her look unprofessional and flaky for "dropping out" knowing all along she'd have to relocate, and that's not what happened at all. It's like there's no consideration for his co-workers' images while he's trying to rebuild his own, and that is unprofessional.
To be very clear, this is not meant to be a smear campaign. My intention here is to point out how deceptive the PR/marketing strategies have been and how they're hurting everyone, including Norman. I can't for the life of me see any business sense in repeatedly gaslighting and alienating a profitable fanbase, treating Daryl and Carol fans like they're stupid, or insinuating a Daryl and Carol show can't belong to Daryl and Carol fans. The more Norman talks about the spinoff's inception, the more it ensures people will never trust a single thing that comes out of his mouth ever again, and that sucks because if he just focused on what the audience wants, insisting that Melissa is his equal on the show, talking about the characters in meaningful ways, supporting Daryl's and Carol's relationship, he could sell it easily. Fans should be getting excited for their story, not reliving last year's trauma over and over and over again. Melissa is back and that's exciting, but story still matters. Both on and off screen (precisely why we need someone else on board who can manage all of that really well). I've asked this several times before. I'll keep asking until someone listens. Can we please move the fuck on from the spinoff fiasco?
And change the title.
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yvesdot · 9 months
yves, if only theoretically wanted to break into publishing or lit mags, do you have recommendations or advice?
My primary advice is to get to know as many writers as you can, as well as you can, quickly. I’ve recommended joining Discord servers for this in the past and will do so again; the most active ones I’m in are Max's @goose-books server (I think you have to ask for an invite?), WTW, and writeblr garden. Participate in book events virtually and in person when you can. When you like someone's work, tell them! And mention that you're an author, too.
Disclaimer: I haven't made it into any paid magazines, largely because I find submitting and waiting for months at a time before working on edits exhausting, particularly in comparison to instant money on Patreon—so have that grain of salt at the ready! All I've done is publish the one book, twice, and release a substantial amount of short fiction on my own. People read it and liked it, and now I have lovely anons like you who seem to respect me enough to ask for industry advice. Thank you! Hope you like long posts.
The reason I say the above is that, in my experience, the entirety of publishing is just one big who-do-you-know. Utterly non-exhaustive list of ways "knowing people" has helped me in my writing career below.
I left a middling review on a trans author's book, and in the correspondence that followed we became friends. Rysz Merey went on to start tRaum Books, and because we were friends, we put out the Something's Not Right anniversary edition together.
When I was at my university, I was loudly opinionated about books and writing and art in all of my classes, and a professor's words about me in an email to an author they knew became the blurb for that same edition of Something's Not Right.
I read Tragic Accident (a flash piece originally rejected by an online magazine for, in my opinion, cisgender reasons) last night at Flash Fiction Forum, the heads of which I know personally because, after a high school internship, I was directed to a friend of theirs to volunteer at her writing camp. I sold a lot of copies of the original SNR to teens at that camp, and I've sold dozens of copies since by linking to the book in the Zoom chat and bringing physical copies to in-person readings.
Tragic Accident may have ultimately been rejected from the venue I sent it to, but I only had that venue on my list because my beloved friend Fer @asablehart posted in WTW a spreadsheet of places to submit. I still use that spreadsheet, filled with dozens of extra places I researched on my own, and pass it on to anyone who asks. Fer also read The Traveler Wife and gave extremely insightful feedback on it; we've since done tons of great critique4critiques together and they're still my go-to if I need wise words on a piece of writing.
When I held my event at Bookshop Santa Cruz, I marketed my ass off. I'd learned from my previous event at the Diversity Center in town and focused heavily on reaching out to individual people: posting in Discord servers, DMing everyone I knew, and telling everybody I met in December that by the way I would be reading at Bookshop Santa Cruz in January. I worked my job as an author and my book and my event into every conversation I had with a stranger that month. Everyone responded positively! People want to know what you're working on.
But at the end of the day, under a third of attendees were people I hadn't previously considered friends in some way. The majority of the people who came were family, friends, coworkers, friends-of-friends dragged along by someone I knew well, etc. One coworker couldn't come but invited their housemates, who bought books and left saying they would read Band Girls at home. One of the friends who came met me when we would ride the same bus every week to class, and I initially spoke to him because I fully thought he was a transgender woman (he turned out to just be an extremely fashionable individual). That guy helped code my website. Of the three people who interviewed me locally for promotion, two are people I'm friends with and one I cold-emailed due to his past work.
One of the major servers I used to invite people to both of my events is one I was only added to because I met a goth girl who invited me to her dorm to watch her inject E into her thigh and when I reported back on this to another transfem friend that friend instantly named her because they were in the server together and multiple people in it knew me from my creative writing efforts so everybody agreed to add me. I literally only had that space to network because I said "nice boots" to a girl whose special interest turned out to be DIY HRT at a protest party about the chancellor getting a raise.
Claire Oshetsky came to my event and I made a point of finally starting to read their book beforehand so I could honestly tell them it was cool when I signed their copy of Something's Not Right (it was cool, and everyone should read Chouette, and also Poor Deer, which I am on page 10 on and can already certify is fantastic). They were incredibly nice to me for no reason—well, because of those interviews I had, which led to them noticing another nonbinary author in the area—and ultimately reviewed SNR very positively on GoodReads. You can see what happened to the numbers afterwards. (I also sold a copy that day; when you sell roughly a copy of a book per week, you can absolutely make these connections directly.)
Tonight was Claire Oshetsky's event, so I showed up having read Chouette in full and asked a question during the Q&A and told them how cool their book was, and they invited me to a little post-event author dinner. (One of the authors introduced herself as "Karen" and described a prolific writing career very opaquely until her friend mentioned the name of her latest novel: Booth.) Everyone was incredibly nice and wanted to buy my book which was unfortunately sold out because of the aforementioned event, and a couple of people gave me email addresses so they could buy it later. I've been trying to meet local authors for over a year, and I met seven by accident because one of them came up to me to say it was nice to see Bookshop Santa Cruz had two nonbinary readers in a row.
Talking to David Sedaris at an event got me a job! He complimented my outfit, I said thank you I wore it for the interview with [x], and he did everything he could to help me network with the [x] people there. I was later told that my "chemistry" with Sedaris, among other things, helped me get the position. I would also find out that David specifically loves the last people in the signing line because they're the most patient; I happened to have waited until last because I wanted to have more time to talk to him.
I have emailed several authors with fanmail, and depending on how popular they are, I have gotten responses! I'm in a correspondence right now which netted me a behind-the-scenes look at an incredible draft, and thank you for reminding me because I need to respond and tell them how good it was.
Patreon is on pause right now, but I believe over half the subscribers are people I'm friends with in one way or another. I've tried nearly everything under the sun to advertise, and so far the only thing that's worked is "telling someone who has the disposable income."
The people who beta-read my latest release, Band Girls (18+), for me (which is the only reason it wasn't an unmitigated disaster) include my butch, who met me in a Locked Tomb server (naturally), a friend from a creative writing class in university who later became my housemate, and a good buddy of my butch's whom they rescued from the aforementioned TLT server. I literally didn't even notice that guy when we were in the server together and it turns out he's also a writer with a Giant Lesbian Women project who also wound up really liking Long Line (18+). Glories are all around you.
(Also, apparently my butch had that "how to write a blurb" post bookmarked and immediately recognized me, which is crazy. Imagine meeting some random author in a fandom server and they ask to see your [redacted] in DMs.)
Hell, my buddy Max Franciscovich read my book five years ago in the back of a car and had a transcendental nonbinary lesbian experience, and because he happened to be mutuals with a high school friend of mine, that friend sent me screenshots of him panicking about how he couldn't talk to me because I was too cool. I DMed him, and we are like each other's female husbands now. Undoubtedly we have each gained a substantive reader base from hyping each other's work at anyone in earshot. Maxserver, which I shouted out above, only has me in it because I know the darn guy. It's a lot more populous than yvescord in part because he is that much more active than I am, and can engage with other people's work more. I'm mooching off the labor of my best friend who pseudo-reached-out to me because I put a pronoun pin on a character's bag in the book I self-published in 2018.
Speaking of which: I self-published the original edition of Something's Not Right as a thank-you birthday gift to the Beta Reader. I seem to remember him reading my writing for the first time and saying something along the lines of "You do realize this is really good, right?" (I did not realize.) That was the first person to appreciate any of my original fiction, and it led to my entire career. We met on a class trip because he was the only person who would listen to me talk about Star Wars.
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I try to never ingenuinely be nice to people. This is not particularly difficult, because I like people and give the benefit of the doubt to a pretty extreme fault. I will occasionally be nice out of politeness, but everyone I mentioned here is someone I genuinely like whose work is fantastic. It wasn't hard to honestly say I liked them and their writing.
I also recognize that much of this is kind of just me blathering about Ws with no actionable advice... but it might give you ideas for where to go or who to talk to about your writing. I also want you to feel just how much of writing is about "networking" in a way that is not cold and manipulative and moneyhungry but actually just involves being genuine friends with other people. I think the sheer quantity of evidence here is helpful to understand just how much you can do for yourself by talking to the people you like.
I also think it's good practice to own the fact that very little of my microcelebrity success has anything to do with how good my work is. I mean, sure, I think it's good, but this should make it clear that my greatest strength has been my perseverance and my friendliness.
(Also, obviously, I have the immense privilege to have gone to college, to live in California, to get to all these places and meet these people and work with them. I had the money in the bank to publish and promote a book. This is not a small factor. I'm hoping to do a full rundown of costs and efforts to promote Something's Not Right's anniversary edition sometime this year.)
I also don't think I'm particularly good at socializing—I have a knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, a difficulty with meeting people's eyes, and a mild stutter when I talk too quickly (which is often). A lot of people find me annoying or insincere because I act like a sentient powder puff, and when I'm not jumping up and down and meowing at people instead of saying "on your right," I'm complaining about the most widely-beloved pieces of pop culture and making two-hour rant videos about video games I think insufficiently scrutinize the concept of the nuclear family. I say all this to head off any concerns that perhaps I am just secretly very suave and social; I love talking to people, but I don't believe this is the case.
If I can summarize: nearly every time I've had any success with my writing, it's been because I made an effort to be kind to people I respected and share my passion for books and writing. I hit upon enough privileges and lucky circumstances to get the right circle of people to make all of the above happen. I think you can do it, too! I wish you the best. Thanks for asking ^__^
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moonastro · 2 months
Hi ♡ I would like to participate, please.
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My question: in what areas of work would you be successful? Please.
E.L ♎️ ♌️ ♌️
Thank you!
hi, thank you for the aesthetic🤍🤍so cute
knight of air, 10 of fire
somewhere that would require you to hastily think and allow you to think for yourself and partially for others. some place that requires passion for that workplace because working somewhere for the sake of money will do you more harm than good. a workplace that is never still so I'm thinking something to do with fitness, researching, entrepreneurship, sales and marketing, travel and tourism.
aesthetic based on your question:
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daskolas · 1 year
Hello! Hope this ask finds you in good health.
Congratulations on getting 600+ followers. May your blog continue to grow, and, so do you. 🥳
I would like to participate in the game
My solar return chart:
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My solar return + natal chart with houses incase you need them.
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Thank you for your time and energy. Have a nice day! 🤍
Hey, I hope that you're doing well. Here is your reading:
You'll be focusing on yourself this year. This year will be about you focusing on your needs and improving your physical health maybe by joining a gym or anything.
You will meet with many people. You can also start dating again. There is also a POSSIBILITY of you meeting the one you are going to marry. You will also feel very energetic and a lot physically healthy. You will try to achieve whatever you want to do with your life.
You'll be able to express yourself much more than before specifically through fine arts. You'll also be concerned with finances or maybe even start learning about the stock market.
You can have communication issues with few people especially with your younger sibling (if you have any). You are much more prone to reminiscing about your childhood or thinking about what could you have done better. If you are able to find something to do in research related field, then go ahead with them as you'll be able to dive into the matter deeply.
You will not be spending much time with your family members. There will be distance, or you can even feel that they're placing a lot of restrictions on you.
Some problems related to childhood can come up. Since there are few placements supporting that, you could feel like 'Where did everything go wrong' or even feel like 'I wish I had done that.'
It seems like there are things that will change for you. Maybe you have completed your school or you are graduating. But there will be many changes in your daily routine. You'll be forced to come out of your comfort zone.
But whatever happens, you will be feeling blessed or feel that this is the change you needed.
Your intuition will be good this year. You will also feel really emotional. If you can work on your chakras then it will very productive
You'll be scared of what people might think about you. You can also feel like that many eyes are on you.
You'll be meeting some great people who will help you change in positive way
This is all I have for you. Please send feedback. Have a good day
10 notes · View notes
It's been some time, eh?
Howdy folks! It's been some time since I last properly posted on here, huh?
Just as a warning, I am going to be getting into some deeply personal stuff, as well as deeply distressing stuff relating to myself and wider society, so if you're not in the right place for that, I suggest you skip past this.
Firstly, I just want to say thanks so much for all of you still engaging with this rarely updated page. I post maybe once a year, and a lot of the time it isn't even anything to do with what I originally created this page for: to show off code that I thought was particularly pretty, or code that made something particularly pretty.
I still enjoy all that stuff, no doubt about it. But I've honestly found it quite tricky to be enthusiastic about writing code at the moment.
For context, I work at a university developing apps and websites for medical research. That sounds quite valuable and fulfilling right? I mean I thought so too for such a long time. But lately, I've been having my doubts.
A lot of what we do make creates so much added overhead for doctors, where they already barely have time to see patients as it is. It also adds so much overhead to the lives of patients who engage with these apps. Most of our apps are for mental health help, and our research studies show that participants always engage and love it.. But they're research participants.. They're already self-selecting to be engaged and interested. As it turns out, a lot of mentally unwell people do not have the capacity for any of the stuff we make - myself included!
On top of not feeling like my work is contributing - on the contrary, it feels like it is making things worse - universities here are, in practice, dictated by private interests and the "market", whatever the hell that is. It is nominally funded by the government, but they largely do not do that. Because of this, they run as businesses.
Oh, your department isn't profitable anymore despite doing incredibly important work? Well, the market says you gotta go. You and 10,000 people who work there.
Some academic staff have half an hour of free time in the middle of the day? Well, that obviously means that we can fire a tonne of admin and put all that labour onto the backs of the researchers.
Oh, we fired all the cleaners at the beginning of the pandemic, but now things have opened again we have no cleaners? Well the students can handle that one! That's free labour!
It's all a bit maddening.
On top of all that as well, our university has decided that rather than solve any of these issues, it's going to ignore them, on top of many other issues of racism, transphobia, homophobia, antisemitism, islamophobia, you name it! All this, in the face of raking in millions in profits every year.
I know a lot of that is nothing to do with software development, but as software development is part of my job, and my job is within the university, you might imagine that this leaves a slightly awful taste in my mouth.
What stings even more is that I thought working in the university was the preferable choice. I worked in a couple of privately ran tech companies a while ago, and it was hell on earth. And now, finding out that the supposed "escape route" is also as bad.. Code is the last thing on my mind. It's the last thing I want on my mind.
Just a bit about me. I am a non-binary person. I've known this all my life, despite not really having the language to describe it. Since I was very young, every encounter I had with "gender" REALLY distressed me for some reason. I had put it down to patriarchy, sexism, all that horrible stuff, and for a large part that was true. Like all that stuff is SUPER distressing. But it didn't explain the whole picture.
Over the pandemic I had time to properly sit down and reflect on myself and my identity - and SO much more but I'm trying to keep things focussed here! I finally put a pin in it, and that helped so much. A lot of the gender distress, whilst still there as background noise, went away. Clouds were lifted. ...Until now clouds found their way in..
Not sure if anyone is aware, but the UK (yes sorry I'm British) is a deeply transphobic society - well, at least the parts of it you are allowed to see through the lens of the privately owned media. Discovering, or at least admitting to myself, that I was non-binary was a huge step forward into the gaze of this society. A society whose public conversation is largely captured by transphobic actors. Lord Alan Sugar - ruling class in every aspect, JK Rowling - a castle owning bigot who wrote a few books that people seem fixated on, almost the entirety of the Conservative and Labour party, just about every newspaper column that exists (including the supposedly progressive ones).
On top of that, none of these people who are in control of society, or at least have a lot of influence over it, seem to want to do anything about the existential problems we're facing. Climate change, multiple health crises, poverty, etc. You name it, god forbid they action anything to resolve this.
But what has this got to do with coding? Well not much honestly.. But whilst all this is rattling in my head, and I am trapped making code for people that do not care about me - or at worst, actively want to see me removed from society - and I'm making code that doesn't do anything useful, I know I'm not doing anything that could help all this. I'm too shattered after a day of doing a job I hate to do anything positive.
I've taken the last month or so off work on sick leave, and honestly I am tempted to take more off. The ONE good thing about working at the university is it's sick leave policy. As an employee of 3 or more years, I am entitled to 6 months sick leave at full pay. I feel like I should probably make use of that, eh?
But during my time off I have been focusing on myself. Playing video games, streaming a bit, and hey, even faffing around with bits of code! But also..
I don't know if it's obvious from my videos - I mean, you'll have probably figured this out from this very post - but I am very politically engaged to say the least. And over the years of seeing issue after issue not being addressed by people supposedly there to help us, I've come to the conclusion that we should probably start helping ourselves. We live in a society where everything is dictated by a few very rich individuals, and the majority of us have to just accept whatever decree is issued upon us. I don't particularly think that this is a fair, just, or even effective structure of society. And over the past few years I've come to the realisation that it doesn't have to be.
Society is built and maintained by people who do the work. Farmers, mechanics, shop assistants, doctors, firefighters, teachers, and yes even coders. We spend our lives answering to a series of bosses telling us what to do, how to do our jobs, when we should work, when we should go home, and things really do not have to be this way.
As a bare minimum, I have become quite the advocate of worker-cooperatives. That is, companies that are owned, managed, and ran entirely by the people who work at them. There are quite a few examples of this across the planet but the largest of which is Mondragon.
But I don't necessarily think that is enough to fix the issues in the world. Sure, they help in the immediate. Give workers a chance to be able to control their lives, make a decent living, etc. But workers-cooperatives still have to engage in "the market" - again, nobody has explicitly told me what this is yet. But because they do, then the threat of climate collapse is still there. Some of you might have clicked as to where I'm going with this.
To put it plainly, I am a communist. Now already that is conjuring some fantastical image in your minds of a glorious (or despotic) workers' republic, men with big beards, and big red stars (which personally I am at least a little sympathetic to but I get why people would be hesitant of this). I just wanted to dispel a few myths whilst I'm here.
I advocate and am actively trying to help build a society where everyone in a community - be that a workplace, where a group of people live, or where a group of people play - has an equal say in how that community is ran. History has thousands of examples of collectively ran communities from early civilization right up to the modern day. And whilst none of them were particularly perfect (nothing ever is), they put people in a position where if an issue came up, people could coordinate and try and resolve this issue.
To do this, I am actively involved in IWW union organising. I think the best way for workers to gain collective and equal control of society is by capturing it one workplace at a time so that each and every workplace is fair to the people who do the majority of the work.
But what does this have to do with climate change? With transphobia? Any of it? Well, as said before, a lot of our society is owned by some very rich individuals who will do anything they can to keep hold of what they got. These people aren't inherently "evil" or whatever. But the system of which we exist in encourages them to hold onto what they have by any means necessary. To do this, and they might not even realise they're doing it, they will try and make sure that everyone else is at each others throats by pushing transphobia, racism, all that horrible stuff.
As well as this, those individuals often have friends who own the coal industries, the oil industries, the gas industries, etc, etc. All of whom make their living off those pollutants. It is in their interest to make sure those industries make money. They're not going to change their minds because that is how they survive. But were society controlled by everyone, especially those who would be actively affected by climate change, then something could actually be done.
Okay. But what the HELL does this have to do with coding? Well.. It was a starting point for me. It led to all these thoughts. All these realisations. I started thinking about what I was doing, what I was making. Then I thought about why I was doing it, why my boss wanted me to do it. Then kept expanding from there. Eventually, it painted this whole picture.
I know by this point I will have lost a lot of you. Some people will have immediately seen the long post and gone "Nah, I ain't reading that" and honestly I don't blame you. Some people will have seen the word "communist" and flown off into a rage-induced coma. Again, I don't necessarily disparage people from reacting like that in the face of everything people are told about communists. But I felt that saying all this in the open was appropriate. Every year it feels like we're coming closer and closer to collapse. We can already see it around us. Wear and tear. Cracks slowly expanding. And nobody is doing much to stop it. People are barely pointing at the cracks. Some people are insisting they've always been there, or that they're not there at all. I NEED people to know, and to do something, and to want to do something.
Congrats for making this far. I know the tail end of this has gone into a bit of a poorly structured ramble (as if the rest wasn't..). All this to basically say, I don't think I want to use this page to show off code. I think it can be much more useful than that.
From here on, the posts you will see here will relate to community organising (mostly workplace union organising) and practical things people can do to try and gain some sort of control.
I understand that this will upset, confuse, and even anger some people. But I need to do this for myself. But not only that, I want to do this for everyone else.
Feel free to unfollow, ask questions, do whatever. But please understand that things are getting a bit desperate.
Once again, thank you all so much for all the support and interest over the years. I started this in 2014/15 when I was in a bit of a pit of dispair and wanted to show off something I was passionate about to keep the darkness at bay, and you all helped so much with that. I don't think I'll ever forget this community, but I must move on.
Stay safe, and solidarity. xox
P.S. Apologies for the typos. I was going to run through this a second time. But I REALLY just want it all off my chest now. We can work through it together if need be. <3
18 notes · View notes
this-week-in-rust · 6 months
This Week in Rust 541
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Announcing Rust 1.77.1
Changes to u128/i128 layout in 1.77 and 1.78
This Week In Bevy: 2d Lighting, Particle Systems, Meshlets, and more
Project/Tooling Updates
Dioxus 0.5: Signal Rewrite, Remove lifetimes, CSS Hotreloading, and more!
EtherCrab 0.4.0: Pure Rust EtherCAT, now with Distributed Clocks
nethsm 0.1.0 - first release for this high level library for the Nitrokey NetHSM
BugStalker v0.1.3 released - first release of rust debugger
git-cliff 2.2.0 is released! (highly customizable changelog generator)
On Reusing Arc and Rc in Rust
Who killed the network switch?
Xr0 Makes C Safer than Rust
Easy Mode Rust
Bashing Bevy To Bait Internet Strangers Into Improving My Code
Conway's Game of Life Through Time
Functions Everywhere, Only Once: Writing Functions for the Everywhere Computer
Rust Bytes: Is Rust the Future of JavaScript Tooling?
Explaining the internals of async-task from the ground up
Programming ESP32 with Rust: OTA firmware update
Fast Development In Rust, Part 2
Rust Walkthroughs
Modelling Universal Domain Types in Rust
[video] developerlife.com - Get started with unit testing in Rust
Rust Digger: More than 14% of crates configure rustfmt. 35 Have both rustfmt.toml and .rustfmt.toml
Building a Managed Postgres Service in Rust: Part 1
Beware of the DashMap deadlock
Embedded Rust Bluetooth on ESP: BLE Client
Rust Unit and Integration Testing in RustRover
[podcast] cargo-semver-checks with Predrag Gruevski — Rustacean Station
[video] Data Types - Part 3 of Idiomatic Rust in Simple Steps
[video] Deconstructing WebAssembly Components by Ryan Levick @ Wasm I/O 2024
[video] Extreme Clippy for new Rust crates
[video] [playlist] Bevy GameDev Meetup #2 - March 2024
Building Stock Market Engine from scratch in Rust (I)
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is cargo-unfmt, a formatter that formats your code into block-justified text, which sacrifices some readability for esthetics.
Thanks to Felix Prasanna for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No calls for testing were issued this week.
If you are a feature implementer and would like your RFC to appear on the above list, add the new call-for-testing label to your RFC along with a comment providing testing instructions and/or guidance on which aspect(s) of the feature need testing.
Call for Participation; projects and speakers
CFP - Projects
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
greptimedb - Support specifying time ranges in the COPY FROM statement to avoid importing unwanted data
greptimedb - Support converting UNIX epoch numbers to specified timezone in to_timezone function
mirrord - Capability to modify the local listen address
mirrord - Fix all check-rust-docs warnings
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Braintree
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Fiserv
Hyperswitch - [REFACTOR]: Remove Default Case Handling - Globepay
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
CFP - Speakers
Are you a new or experienced speaker looking for a place to share something cool? This section highlights events that are being planned and are accepting submissions to join their event as a speaker.
* RustConf 2024 | Closes 2024-04-25 | Montreal, Canada | Event date: 2024-09-10 * RustLab 2024 | Closes 2024-05-01 | Florence, Italy | Event date: 2024-11-09 - 2024-11-11 * EuroRust 2024| Closes 2024-06-03 | Vienna, Austria & online | Event date: 2024-10-10 * Scientific Computing in Rust 2024| Closes 2024-06-14 | online | Event date: 2024-07-17 - 2024-07-19 * Conf42 Rustlang 2024 | Closes 2024-07-22 | online | Event date: 2024-08-22
If you are an event organizer hoping to expand the reach of your event, please submit a link to the submission website through a PR to TWiR.
Updates from the Rust Project
431 pull requests were merged in the last week
CFI: (actually) check that methods are object-safe before projecting their receivers to dyn Trait in CFI
CFI: abstract Closures and Coroutines
CFI: fix drop and drop_in_place
CFI: fix methods as function pointer cast
CFI: support calling methods on supertraits
add a CurrentGcx type to let the deadlock handler access TyCtxt
add basic trait impls for f16 and f128
add detection of (Partial)Ord methods in the ambiguous_wide_pointer_comparisons lint
add rust-lldb pretty printing for Path and PathBuf
assert that ADTs have the right number of args
codegen const panic messages as function calls
coverage: re-enable UnreachablePropagation for coverage builds
delegation: fix ICE on wrong Self instantiation
delegation: fix ICE on wrong self resolution
do not attempt to write ty::Err on binding that isn't from current HIR Owner
don't check match scrutinee of postfix match for unused parens
don't inherit codegen attrs from parent static
eagerly instantiate closure/coroutine-like bounds with placeholders to deal with binders correctly
eliminate UbChecks for non-standard libraries
ensure std is prepared for cross-targets
fix diagnostics for async block cloning
fixup parsing of rustc_never_type_options attribute
function ABI is irrelevant for reachability
improve example on inserting to a sorted vector to avoid shifting equal elements
in ConstructCoroutineInClosureShim, pass receiver by mut ref, not mut pointer
load missing type of impl associated constant from trait definition
make TyCtxt::coroutine_layout take coroutine's kind parameter
match ergonomics 2024: implement mutable by-reference bindings
match lowering: build the Place instead of keeping a PlaceBuilder around
match lowering: consistently merge simple or-patterns
match lowering: handle or-patterns one layer at a time
match lowering: sort Eq candidates in the failure case too
pattern analysis: Require enum indices to be contiguous
replace regions in const canonical vars' types with 'static in next-solver canonicalizer
require Debug for Pointee::Metadata
require DerefMut and DerefPure on deref!() patterns when appropriate
rework opaque type region inference
simplify proc macro bridge state
simplify trim-paths feature by merging all debuginfo options together
store segment and module in UnresolvedImportError
suggest associated type bounds on problematic associated equality bounds
suggest correct path in include_bytes!
use the Align type when parsing alignment attributes
warn against implementing Freeze
enable cargo miri test doctests
miri: avoid mutating the global environment
miri: cotrol stacked borrows consistency check with its own feature flag
miri: experiment with macOS M1 runners
miri: extern-so: give the version script a better name; show errors from failing to build the C lib
miri: speed up Windows CI
miri: tree Borrows: Make tree root always be initialized
don't emit load metadata in debug mode
avoid some unnecessary query invocations
stop doing expensive work in opt_suggest_box_span eagerly
stabilize ptr.is_aligned, move ptr.is_aligned_to to a new feature gate
stabilize unchecked_{add,sub,mul}
make {integer}::from_str_radix constant
optimize core::char::CaseMappingIter
implement Vec::pop_if
remove len argument from RawVec::reserve_for_push
less generic code for Vec allocations
UnixStream: override read_buf
num::NonZero::get can be 1 transmute instead of 2
fix error message for env! when env var is not valid Unicode
futures: make access inner of futures::io::{BufReader,BufWriter} not require inner trait bound
regex-syntax: accept {,n} as an equivalent to {0,n}
cargo add: Preserve comments when updating simple deps
cargo generate-lockfile: hold lock before querying index
cargo toml: Warn on unused workspace.dependencies keys on virtual workspaces
cargo fix: bash completion fallback in nounset mode
clippy: large_stack_frames: print total size and largest component
clippy: type_id_on_box: lint on any Box<dyn _>
clippy: accept String in span_lint* functions directly to avoid unnecessary clones
clippy: allow filter_map_identity when the closure is typed
clippy: allow manual_unwrap_or_default in const function
clippy: don't emit duplicated_attribute lint on "complex" cfgs
clippy: elide unit variables linted by let_unit and use () directly instead
clippy: fix manual_unwrap_or_default suggestion ignoring side-effects
clippy: fix suggestion for len_zero with macros
clippy: make sure checked type implements Try trait when linting question_mark
clippy: move box_default to style, do not suggest turbofishes
clippy: move mixed_attributes_style to style
clippy: new lint legacy_numeric_constants
clippy: restrict manual_clamp to const case, bring it out of nursery
rust-analyzer: add rust-analyzer.cargo.allTargets to configure passing --all-targets to cargo invocations
rust-analyzer: implement resolving and lowering of Lifetimes (no inference yet)
rust-analyzer: fix crate IDs when multiple workspaces are loaded
rust-analyzer: ADT hover considering only type or const len not lifetimes
rust-analyzer: check for client support of relative glob patterns before using them
rust-analyzer: lifetime length are not added in count of params in highlight
rust-analyzer: revert debug extension priorities
rust-analyzer: silence mismatches involving unresolved projections
rust-analyzer: use lldb when debugging with C++ extension on MacOS
rust-analyzer: pattern analysis: Use contiguous indices for enum variants
rust-analyzer: prompt the user to reload the window when enabling test explorer
rust-analyzer: resolve tests per file instead of per crate in test explorer
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
A pretty quiet week, with most changes (dropped from the report below) being due to continuing bimodality in the performance data. No particularly notable changes landed.
Triage done by @simulacrum. Revision range: 73476d49..3d5528c
1 Regressions, 2 Improvements, 5 Mixed; 0 of them in rollups 61 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
Merge RFC 3543: patchable-function-entry
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
No RFCs entered Final Comment Period this week.
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Pass list of defineable opaque types into canonical queries
[disposition: merge] Document overrides of clone_from() in core/std
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for Seek::seek_relative
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for generic NonZero
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for cstr_count_bytes
[disposition: merge] privacy: Stabilize lint unnameable_types
[disposition: merge] Stabilize Wasm target features that are in phase 4 and 5
[disposition: merge] feat(add): Stabilize MSRV-aware version req selection
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: Add freeze intrinsic and related library functions
[new] RFC: Add a special TryFrom and Into derive macro, specifically for C-Style enums
[new] re-organise the compiler team
Upcoming Events
Rusty Events between 2024-04-03 - 2024-05-01 🦀
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Cardiff, UK) | Rust and C++ Cardiff
Rust for Rustaceans Book Club: Chapter 4 - Error Handling
2024-04-03 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-04 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-04-09 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
BlueR: a Rust Based Tool for Robust and Safe Bluetooth Control
2024-04-11 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-11 | Virtual (Nürnberg, DE) | Rust Nüremberg
Rust Nürnberg online
2024-04-15 & 2024-04-16 | Virtual | Mainmatter
Remote Workshop: Testing for Rust projects – going beyond the basics
2024-04-16 | Virtual (Dublin, IE) | Rust Dublin
A reverse proxy with Tower and Hyperv1
2024-04-16 | Virtual (Washinigton, DC, US) | Rust DC
Mid-month Rustful
2024-04-17 | Virtual (Vancouver, BC, CA) | Vancouver Rust
Rust Study/Hack/Hang-out
2024-04-18 | Virtual (Charlottesville, NC, US) | Charlottesville Rust Meetup
Crafting Interpreters in Rust Collaboratively
2024-04-25 | Virtual + In Person (Berlin, DE) | OpenTechSchool Berlin + Rust Berlin
Rust Hack and Learn | Mirror: Rust Hack n Learn Meetup
2024-04-30 | Virtual (Dallas, TX, US) | Dallas Rust
Last Tuesday
2024-05-01 | Virtual (Indianapolis, IN, US) | Indy Rust
Indy.rs - with Social Distancing
2024-04-05 | Kampala, UG | Rust Circle Kampala
Rust Circle Meetup
2024-04-10 | Cambridge, UK | Cambridge Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup Reboot 3
2024-04-10 | Cologne/Köln, DE | Rust Cologne
This Month in Rust, April
2024-04-10 | Manchester, UK | Rust Manchester
Rust Manchester April 2024
2024-04-10 | Oslo, NO | Rust Oslo
Rust Hack'n'Learn at Kampen Bistro
2024-04-11 | Bordeaux, FR | Rust Bordeaux
Rust Bordeaux #2 : Présentations
2024-04-11 | Reading, UK | Reading Rust Workshop
Reading Rust Meetup at Browns
2024-04-15 | Zagreb, HR | impl Zagreb for Rust
Rust Meetup 2024/04: Building cargo projects with NIX
2024-04-16 | Bratislava, SK | Bratislava Rust Meetup Group
Rust Meetup by Sonalake #5
2024-04-16 | Leipzig, DE | Rust - Modern Systems Programming in Leipzig
2024-04-16 | Munich, DE + Virtual | Rust Munich
Rust Munich 2024 / 1 - hybrid
2024-04-17 | Bergen, NO | Hubbel kodeklubb
Lær Rust med Conways Game of Life
2024-04-20 | Augsburg, DE | Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2024
Augsburger Linux-Infotag 2024: Workshop Einstieg in Embedded Rust mit dem Raspberry Pico WH
2024-04-23 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust'n'Tell - Rust for the Web
2024-04-25 | Aarhus, DK | Rust Aarhus
Talk Night at MFT Energy
2024-04-25 | Berlin, DE | Rust Berlin
Rust and Tell
2024-04-27 | Basel, CH | Rust Basel
Fullstack Rust - Workshop #2
North America
2024-04-04 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-04-04 | Portland, OR, US | PDXRust Meetup
Hack Night and First Post-Pandemic Meetup Restart
2024-04-09 | New York, NY, US | Rust NYC
Rust NYC Monthly Meetup
2024-04-10 | Boulder, CO, US | Boulder Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup: Better Builds w/ Flox + Hangs
2024-04-11 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group Meetup
2024-04-11 | Spokane, WA, US | Spokane Rust
Monthly Meetup: Topic TBD!
2024-04-15 | Somerville, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
Davis Square Rust Lunch, Apr 15
2024-04-16 | San Francisco, CA, US | San Francisco Rust Study Group
Rust Hacking in Person
2024-04-16 | Seattle, WA, US | Seattle Rust User Group
Seattle Rust User Group: Meet Servo and Robius Open Source Projects
2024-04-18 | Mountain View, CA, US | Mountain View Rust Meetup
Rust Meetup at Hacker Dojo
2024-04-24 | Austin, TX, US | Rust ATX
Rust Lunch - Fareground
2024-04-25 | Nashville, TN, US | Music City Rust Developers
Music City Rust Developers - Async Rust on Embedded
2024-04-26 | Boston, MA, US | Boston Rust Meetup
North End Rust Lunch, Apr 26
2024-04-30 | Canberra, ACT, AU | Canberra Rust User Group
April Meetup
If you are running a Rust event please add it to the calendar to get it mentioned here. Please remember to add a link to the event too. Email the Rust Community Team for access.
Please see the latest Who's Hiring thread on r/rust
Quote of the Week
Panstromek: I remember reading somewhere (probably here) that borrow checking has O(n^3) asymptotic complexity, relative to the size of the function.
Nadrieril: Compared to match exhaustiveness which is NP-hard and trait solving which is undecidable, a polynomial complexity feels refreshingly sane.
– Panstromek and Nadrieril on zulip
Thanks to Kevin Reid for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
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nighthawkes · 8 months
Ok now I’m interested in boring guy. Funny little man. Shaking him in a shoe box with holes in its lid so he can breath. I noticed that some of his tagged posts shares a tag w business casual though 👀 bureaucracy as camp?? Elaborate for the peasants please
this is so exciting, okay:
Yes!! He’s definitely an office worker of some sort so he winds up in my business casual tag too sometimes. I think whatever he does, he doesn’t get paid, he just showed up one day and started working.
Bureaucracy as camp! So “camp is an aesthetic style and sensibility that regards something as appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value” (Wikipedia) is what I think of when I say "bureaucracy is camp to me."
Little business men and women dress up in their special Professional outfits and gather in groups to do special Professional things like discuss quarterly reports and client dossiers and market research findings. And they jump through hoops to impress people who’ve never had to do the work they’re doing. And they’re sending emails and memos and attending working lunches and “putting it on the company card.” And they’re all treating it sooooo seriously even though all of that shit sounds completely fake and/or pointless.
It’s that tweet that’s like “‘Business school’ sounds so made up. It’s what a kindergartner would say if you asked them where dads go all day.”
I think that American corporate professionalism and business culture is appealing because it’s lame and beyond ironic.
If you've ever seen any posts on here about resumes or office culture or adult etiquette, you'll probably know that of course officespeak and bureaucratic norms have their place in the world for a reason. They function as a common ground/language that people of different backgrounds can use to get work done cohesively (in addition to functioning as a tool of elitism/racism in a lot of ways). Theoretically though: You dress in suits to show respect for clients, coworkers, and your job. You say things like "circle back" to politely give people time to get their shit together. You participate in certain company activities to be a good sport and to build good will with your teams. And these things are valuable for the purposes they serve!
I'm obsessed with the idea of a guy who naturally and perfectly shapes himself to fit these language tools/norms and does so wholeheartedly because he thinks they're what's real. Rather than seeing norms as signifiers, he places the value on them at face value. He's not dressing in a suit to show respect or to fit in or out of a personal sense of fashion/enjoyment—he's doing it to wear a suit. And it isn't begrudging or thoughtless or anything but straightforward.
And I feel like tech bros and American corporate culture in the wake of what I generally know about 80s economic shifts have adopted this sort of serious idea that the business world is the real world. The Kendall Roy archetype. Patrick Bateman and that guy on the bus someone tweeted about who said he'd never seen American Psycho because he's too busy trading. Those types of guys.
So boring guy is like those guys but less emotionally fraught. He's not doing it for a power trip or a sense of superiority or to feed into his daddy issues (of which he has none). He's doing it just to do it.
And that's extra camp to me. The idea that the business world and anything it produces is real or more valuable than most other things—believing that—is camp to me by the Wikipedia definition. And I absolutely love projecting that onto the most bland guy imaginable.
He's no thoughts, head empty. It doesn't occur to him to have hobbies. You'd have to Sever him to give him anything close to a personality beyond "business" and even then his innie persona would just be like "hmm, I wonder if my outside personality is being as efficient as possible. Probably, since he decided to make me." and "Rewards for productivity? No thanks. I'm just here to work. I try not to keep track of metrics like that."
I also like the Merriam-Webster definition:
1. a. : something so outrageously artificial, affected, inappropriate, or out-of-date as to be considered amusing
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isilrina · 11 months
📊Market research regarding comissions.
Hey everyone! 🌟
As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm in the midst of establishing my company, and until it's fully set up, I won't be able to open my shop.
I pulled an all-nighter yesterday to create my commission listings on Ko-Fi, and now I have a few questions for market research purposes. 📊
I'm curious to know which type of commission interests people the most so I created a poll.
Your responses will be anonymous, allowing for the most honest feedback possible. Your insights are highly valued, so please take a moment to participate. Thanks! 😊
You can give more than one answer.
Thank you for taking the time to answer. 🙏
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princessmia-tarot · 1 year
Hiii Mia! How are you today? I Hope you’re having a great day/week! May I ask for a career guidance reading?
I would like to know if opening small artisan bakery is a good idea and what steps could I take to have a successful business. Baking is my passion but I’m a little nervous about making it a business. I’m Ana btw! Thank you ❤️
Hello Ana,
I'm here to assist you! I'd be delighted to provide you with career guidance regarding your small artisan bakery idea😊 Let's explore the potential of your idea using the 10 of Cups reversed:
Opening a Small Artisan Bakery:
The 10 of Cups reversed suggests that while opening a small artisan bakery can be a rewarding venture, there are some considerations and steps you should take for a successful business:
Passion and Fulfillment: Your passion for baking is a strong foundation. Follow your heart and creative instincts, as they will bring authenticity and uniqueness to your bakery.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to understand your target audience, competition, and location. Identify a niche or specialty that sets your bakery apart, whether it's a particular type of bread, pastries, or a unique theme.
Business Plan: Create a solid business plan outlining your bakery's concept, budget, and financial projections. This will help you stay organized and secure funding if needed.
Location: Choose a location that aligns with your target market. Visibility, accessibility, and foot traffic are essential factors to consider.
Quality Ingredients: Invest in high-quality ingredients and prioritize freshness and taste. This will ensure that your baked goods stand out and garner customer loyalty.
Marketing and Branding: Develop a strong brand identity and use effective marketing strategies to promote your bakery. Utilize social media, local advertising, and word-of-mouth to reach potential customers.
Customer Experience: Focus on creating a warm and inviting atmosphere in your bakery. Excellent customer service and a welcoming environment can turn first-time visitors into regular customers.
Financial Management: Keep a close eye on your finances. Monitor expenses, set pricing strategies, and maintain a budget to ensure the business remains profitable.
Adaptability: Be prepared to adapt to changing customer preferences and market trends. Flexibility and innovation will help your bakery thrive in the long run.
Community Engagement: Engage with your local community. Participate in events, collaborate with nearby businesses, and give back when you can. Building strong ties with the community can boost your bakery's reputation.
While the 10 of Cups reversed may indicate some challenges or concerns, it's also a reminder that the journey of turning your passion into a business can be emotionally fulfilling. Don't let nerves hold you back; take thoughtful steps, and your small artisan bakery can bring joy to both you and your customers.
I wish you the best of luck in pursuing your dream of owning a successful bakery, Ana! 🍞🍰🌟
Mia ♥
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starseneyes · 1 year
i love your spapel metas and analyses so much! keep them coming please!
can i ask you if you are a film or media studies graduate? because your posts are so well thought of and formulated.
Hello, Anon! Thank you so very much, and I'll do my best to keep 'em coming.
My background is incredibly varied, but it definitely all feeds into how I write these.
It all started with Little Rachel growing up on sets. Not only was I a background/bit actor/commercial actress from a young age, but my mother was a hair and makeup artist.
Whenever I was bullied in school, my mom took me on set. And folks there were welcoming. Directors almost always invited me to sit over their shoulders so I could see the monitors. I'd help out at Crafty. I got to run lines with Michael Rooker, once, as he prepped for a scene.
When mom worked on this one 90's show in Wilmington, she was too tired to collate her scripts by the time she got home. I volunteered to stay up and do it, which gave me the opportunity to see how revisions worked.
Sometimes we got advanced copies of episodes, and I'd sit down with my mother to see how they translated from script to screen, and then how the editors changed the advanced copies to the final versions that aired. It was all fascinating to me.
By age 13, I wrote my first screenplay for fun for Star Trek: Voyager. And I was constantly on editing teams and video teams in high school.
At 16, I joined AFTRA as a Voice Over Artist, and made a decent chunk of change doing it until 2008 when things went sideways in the industry. Also, the Studio where I was a contract player changed hands, and the new owner cared more about shareholders than us peons.
In college, I chose to go after Communications, and both my degrees are in it (Bachelors in Communications - Mass Media, Masters in Strategic Communication). But my minor was Film. I directed, edited, story-boarded, wrote, acted, and lit so many projects. Nothing ground-breaking, of course, but I learned a lot in the practicality of it and used my knowledge of growing up on sets to help our work really shine.
I went into Journalism between Freshman and Sophomore year and did that for many years, working in Broadcast and online journalism as a producer and researcher. My first job at 19 in the newsroom was to watch Iraq War and 9/11 footage and mark which parts were airable and which were not.
I transitioned into theater for a decade, there, and my film side took a step back. I've worked so many different jobs and for so many different clients.
Written articles, a cook book, website content, helped with front-end app development, emails, print pieces, etc. Professionally, these days, I'm a Digital Marketer. Been working freelance for 6 years, now.
I dream of writing TV (and I was a finalist with a Pilot of mine in a contest last year), but the reality is that living in Virginia makes my options and opportunities small. Having a Special Needs child makes moving to California without a job lined up pretty impossible.
But, I'm not disheartened. Chances still exist. Someday, perhaps, I'll sell a script. Perhaps, I'll get to act, again, when the time is right.
And in the meantime... I write scripts. I participate in online table reads with friends. I write these Metas and have so much fun using that portion of my brain, again.
Because while I'm so stoked these Metas have been well-received, I'd write them even if nobody read them. I write because I must. Because I love it. And because no matter where my life takes me... these bits and pieces remain a core part of me.
Anyway, that's a long-winded response, but hopefully I didn't offend you since you've made it through the Metas! Again, thank you for reading and asking the question! I wish you well in all you do.
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itsukismoon · 2 years
Event story - Prologue (Grateful Days)
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>> part 1
??: —Emma
In a space filled with lots of light and lots of smiles, suddenly someone called my name.
Kuchen: What are you spacing out for, didn’t you hear me?
Adel: Straighten your spine; your costume can shine only if you show dignity.
Adel: It will make your shine even more beautiful.
Aoe: Come on, go, Emma. Everyone is waiting for you.
Sent out by a voice full of kindness and warmth, the destination is—
—3 months before—
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(Change of scene: Record Country - Record. World Guild Federation Headquarters, Conference Room)
Lannes greets everyone and starts the Guild Masters conference, a meeting held irregularly every once in a while, whose purpose is that of aiding in the exchanging of information and in the socialisation between guilds. Emma is attending as a secretary.
Lannes starts the meeting by asking for the seasonal guild reports. Grandflair says that the Moon Wanderer Guild (Tsukiwatari) has been exploring the Solaria ruins for the month, and that many new relics were discovered; they were handed over to researches, and they will probably be very helpful in making more discoveries concerning the ancient civilisation of Solaria. (To which Lannes replies with an “Excellent!”). Then it’s Over the Rainbow’s (Niji no kanata) turn with Lagoon, who introduces himself. He proudly announces that, for this season, his guild was able to make new discoveries through magic: a toy market in Toyland, a royal wedding at Woodman, etc. (T/N: these are all past events) and in all cases, they received good feedback from people. Est intervenes by thanking Lagoon for taking care of his students during the toy market, to which Lagoon responds by saying that Towa also enjoyed himself a lot and would love to participate again.
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Asahi says that in term of joint guild activity, Eternal Flower (Tokohana), also collaborated with Fata Musica by creating the Hyakka Festival, which had many visitors and was very well received by the public. He thanks Velvet, who admits that it was also an enriching experience for the actors of Fata Musica, as they were able to perform in an unfamiliar environment.
Lannes says that speaking of new experiences, Gastronomy also developed some new interesting projects. Oscar mentions Cuit’s cooking class, which are still being held from time to time.
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Grandflair thanks Oscar for taking care of Itsuki that one time (T/N: with a troubled look on his face bc Itsuki’s cooking is simply…. LOL), and Oscar says that he doesn’t mind because dealing with him and that monster called Itsuki (T/N: LMAOOO) gave Cuit a confidence boost; furthermore, the purpose of the course wasn’t only that of teaching how to cook, but also to teach people the gourmet way? or something like that. Est says he believes that Magia Seminar was able to bring sorcery and magic closer to each other through the magic competition. Since it’s a small guild, they’ve had to do it one step at a time, but still he learned that big challenges can cause growth in people.
Elma cutely recalls the attention by saying that his guild has managed to gain hella more surfing buddies! To which Lannes says “hella more? That’s good then!”. Elma says they probably did it by defeating pirates and setting off fireworks; but most importantly, by doing WEYYYY together! (T/N: that’s Elma’s catchphrase, it’s just an exclamation lol he’s so cute) Lannes looks like he doesn’t really understand and says “….Question….” (In English), so Emma says she will give him a report explaining what they actually did later on.
The meeting goes on and all guilds share their experiences. While feeling nostalgic of everything that happened in the past year, Emma keeps on taking notes. The meeting eventually comes to an end, and Lannes thanks all the Guild Meisters for their hard work, saying that their activities will definitely help humanity and bring a smile to people. Everyone starts smiling at his words, but, with a serious look on his face, he would also like to remind them of something.
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He tells Emma to read it aloud, and she begins with a series of reports of all the problems that each Guild has caused. Over the Rainbow: over 30 urgent mass orders for equipment in the past month; Gastronomy: overworking of over 50 people in search for rare ingredients in a short period of time;
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Moon Wanderers: destruction of various ruins in the past year (Grandflair: IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!); Passionate Ocean (Jounetsutaikai): only 1 out of 10 reports were complete and accurate (Elma: you even counted them, ‘mma?!). Lannes thanks Emma, saying that the list goes on, but they can stop there for now. Emma apologises by saying she feels guilty, too; after all, it’s a Guildkeeper’s job to prevent all these problems from happening. Lannes says she shouldn’t feel worry, and the fact that she feels bad about it was the whole point of the discussion, as great accomplishments are not made alone. Grandflair, Lagoon and Asahi all thank Emma and the federation staff for their hardwork. Lannes says that precisely because of how hard the staff has been working, he has decided to grant them all three days of vacation, as they all deserve it. He also asks the Meisters to collaborate with the schedule and not cause any problems, while apologising to Emma since he wanted to give her more than just three days.
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Elma repeats the words “Vacation” and “Happy”, then exclaiming that it will surely be fun!! Emma looks confused, and Lannes says that unfortunately, the vacation will only be for the staff, not the Meisters. Elma replies that they, the Meisters who are indebted to the hardworking guildkeepers, will work hard! He says that he feels really grateful to Emma, and that he had always to repay the favour, and now!!! Is the prefect time for a big and happy vacation!! Of course saying that is way too easy comments Lannes, and Velvet asks him what he plans on doing. Elma admits that he was thinking of gifting them with a really fun surfing tournament, then he asks Asapin (Asahi, Asapin is a cute nickname) what he thinks of it. The latter says that he, too, would like to repay them for all the gratitude he holds in his heart. He would like for their culture to put them at ease, and he has a great confidence in the hospitality they can show the staff. Elma says that Gourmet participating is a must, and Oscar agrees. Est intervenes by saying that they (his guild) do something involving both magic and sorcery that will please everyone, just like back in the day, and Lagoon proposes they do a parade together, by mixing magic and mecha.
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Elma: WEEYOO! Fan-tas-tic!
Lannes receives a message on his board that reads “Play a fun match against me”. It’s probably from the Maden Yugi Guild (T/N: it’s basically from Cinis), who has been attending the meeting online. Grandflair says that since they’re trying not to cause trouble, it’s better if they stay still and keep low. Velvet thinks that there is a place where you can relax, surf and eat gourmet food. Once, a parade of machines and magic was also held, and it is possible to play games as well. But that sounds like an amusement park, or even a dream, right? It’s too good to be true, Lannes admits. Velvet says that actually, some time ago, he bought a piece of private land that doesn’t belong to any country. They’re planning to make it into a theatre with accommodation recreational facilities, and they’re already building it. If each guild works together, then they will be able to make it. Elma: Vel-cchi, that’s like, really amazing! You’re sooo loaded, I’m jelly! (T/N: this man speaks only through slangs) (Velvet: Vel-cchi…?).
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Oscar asks about how long it will take for the preparations, and Velvet answers that the main building will be completed in three months. Oscar is pleased and asks for the schedule to be prepared immediately; after all, it is only natural to thank those who create and are involved in gastronomy for their hard work. Lagoon says that since Mr. Oswald is saying that, they will participate as well. Everyone joins in, and Lannes is both speechless and touched. It’s only natural, after all the effort the staff put into their job, Oscar says.
Emma feels very happy, but…
(Scene change)
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Navi is here, and he says that it appears that the masters are thinking of doing some dumb stuff again, like expressing “gratitude”… that’s why he likes them. Caprice doesn’t quite agree, but he also wants to thank the big sis (Emma). Rindo also wants to thank Master, and Jin agrees. Evan says that although he agrees, he feels no gratitude. Chiria says that of course, because gratitude is nothing more than hypocrisy. Navi says that humans are really stupid.
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bournvitainbeer · 1 year
Hi there!
As part of my course assessment this semester, I am conducting a research on the impact of AI on the job market, and I would greatly appreciate your input. If you have a few minutes to spare, could you please fill out this short Google Form?
Your responses will help me better understand the effects of AI on employment. Thank you in advance for your time and participation!
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vignesh2022 · 2 years
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DeepSphere.AI transformed students who could now become Data Scientists (At Databricks).
Click here ➡️ https://lnkd.in/gzfwdMev  For extensive details about this benchmark study. 
Good morning, Jothi, how are you?
I have got an offer from Databricks in my college placements. They really recognized my work and appreciated the work on MLOps as well. I am thankful for your training and all your help and motivation which has played a vital role in helping me get an offer at Databricks. I would also like to add your name to the list of mentors I have worked under if you are fine with it. In that case they might reach out to you as well.
Amrith Venkatachalapathy (Final Year Computer Science and Engineering Student)
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
Coimbatore 641112, India,
To date, we have not seen a benchmark study on the effectiveness of a data science program.
In this article, we provide enough details based on our teaching and some of the large-scale data science industry projects we are working on with Google and the AWS team. Many data science programs are offered in the market, from big brand names to small educational institutions. Still, we are unsure which one to enroll in and which may be the best choice to achieve my goals and objectives.
We have several conceptual data science programs taught by academically well-qualified professionals without industry implementation exposure. We may also see another extreme, a data science program filled with python programs and taught by technical experts. 
We need a balanced curriculum where the learner can learn both concepts and technology, which should be guided by someone who has successfully implemented one or two data science projects for real industry clients at a production scale. The modern data science curriculum should teach beyond use case development and Python syntax.
We conducted this benchmark study with 500+ students studying data science in the bachelor's program and 243+ teachers teaching data science.
500+ DATA SCIENTISTS: Our six semesters bachelor's in data science program is offered at SRM university. The study focused on transforming students into employable data scientists with industry skills. Around 500+ students are studying across all campuses and semesters. 
243+ DATA SCIENCE TEACHERS: HODs, professors, assistant professors, research scholars, and management staff from 110 universities and colleges provided feedback both in quantitative and qualitative formats. Approximately 243 teachers participated in this benchmark and shared their views on our data science program advancement. Here is the participant's profile.
PhDs: 63
Professors: 09
Assistant Professors: 55
Associate Professors: 34
Research Scholars: 11
An effective data science program should balance some or all of the following, an Interdisciplinary learning approach, industrial curriculum, data science advancement, and enabling technologies such as Databricks, Google Cloud, AWS, SAP (Business Process), and other relevant technologies.
I am sharing our benchmarked and proven interdisciplinary data science curriculum, which is currently taught to 500+ data scientists and transforms learners into employable resources at the end.  
Language - I
Role of Applied Mathematics in AI
Understanding Retail Business Domain: Part I
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Introduction to Advanced Computing 
Introduction to Data Engineering
Data Analysis Lab: Databricks
Python Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: I: Retail: Lead Profile
Language - II
Role of Statistics in AI
Understanding Retail Business Domain: Part II
Introduction to Data Science
Advanced Computing with Distributed Data Processing
Introduction to Machine Learning
Data Science Lab: Databricks
Machine Learning Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: II: Retail: Product Profiling
Introduction to Deep Learning
Understanding Healthcare Business Domain: Part I
Advanced Computing with Python and GCP
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Data Engineering for Enterprise
Ethical AI
Data Engineering Lab: I: Databricks
Course Project: III: Health: Patient Adherence
Industrial Internship: I
Deep Learning for Enterprise
Understanding Healthcare Business Domain: Part II
Introduction to Computer Vision
Working with Big Data
Data Science for Enterprise
Business Communication and Leadership Development
Data Engineering Lab: II: Databricks
Deep Learning Lab: Google Cloud 
Course Project: IV: Health: Patient Length of Stay (LOS)
Industrial Internship: II
Intelligent Automation
Computer Vision Applications for Enterprise
Advanced Analytics and Data Visualization for Enterprise
Machine Learning for Enterprise
Technology Leadership and Innovation Management - I
Data Visualization Lab: I: Databricks
Course Project: V: Energy: Energy Efficiency
Industrial Internship: III
Intelligent Automation for Enterprise
Digital Transformation
Working with IIoT Data
Technology Leadership and Innovation Management - II
Social Media and Text Analytics
Data Visualization Lab: II: Google Data Studio & Power BI
Final Course Project: VI: Energy: Energy Demand Forecasting 
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