#thank you dandelionlovesyou
broken-everlark · 2 years
Hello there buddy 😉
For writer appreciation, I just want to say that you’re my go-to writer for gore and action in fics! I still await Captive to the Darkness and its complicated plot. I love your werewolves -- the complexity of their relationship and their gestures. I am really amazed at how you write them in werewolf form. Such an imagination =)
I also love Willow Grace though I am flabbergasted when I checked that I haven’t left a kudos or comment at all! Gee whiz! I’m so sorry about that, my dear.
Can I also say, how excited I am for your Evelark x dragon fic! I’m certain I will devour it!
Thank you, buddy 🥰
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Aw thank you so much buddy! This means so much to me and has inspired me to continuing writing the next chapter ❤️💙
This means so much to me🥺🥺🥰
Yeah the dragon fic is coming soon as well but I've just been busy adjusting extremely tired lately. @dandelionlovesyou thank you I've been keeping up with the photograph fic and I can't wait to see how you make it a happy ending with katniss and peeta. Don't let the hate stop you! Because I can't wait to see where that fic goes!💕
Thank you again, love it means so much💚🧡
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
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A big, big thank you to @alwayseverlark​ for the generous prize for the This Would Have Happened Anyway Challenge way back in December. I merely had to enjoy the fabulous fics and comment on them and boom! I won a commission for one of my stories. I am super grateful and elated for winning.
To win artwork for a story I wrote is very special. It was like my effort, time, and imagination were affirmed. I can't explain it. Seeing my Katniss, Peeta, Elrick, Annie, and Nathan from Companion come to life through art was validating on many levels. I am not a writer, far from it, so this is pure joy for me. My heart grows warm every time I look at their blended family rendered by @little-lynx​. I'm so honored to have you draw my Everdeen-Mellark family 🙏🧡
Adoption is very close to my heart, so my very first long fic had to be about that. Katniss and Peeta may have gone through a lot in their young lives, but their hearts are infinite, and together they chose to share that with Elrick, Annie, and Nathan.
I hope you enjoy this artwork as much as I do. Thank you again @alwayseverlark​ and @little-lynx​ 🥰
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
Thank you for taking prompts ☺️🥳
How about a story with Buttercup and Peeta baking together? Or any bonding time really. Fun times!
For my friend @buttercupeatscheesebuns 🤗
Thank you so much 🙏❤️
@dandelionlovesyou thank you! I hope you and @buttercupeatscheesebuns both like it. I wrote this quickly (best way to do a drabble!) so excuse any errors
Standing at the kitchen sink as I wash my hands, gazing out the window at Haymitch's place, I realize I'm no longer alone in the kitchen. There’s a ticklish brush against my ankle, all fine bones and silky fur, a long tail curling around my foot. Buttercup has proven to be as silent as Katniss. Unless that cat wants you to know he's there, you don't.
"Morning, buddy," I greet, my voice a low hush to keep from waking Katniss. She's still dozing in the living room. She and I were up late last night and ended up falling asleep together on the couch. I woke before her, and instead of going home like I thought about doing, I decided I'd get up and make breakfast for us instead.
I'm full of nervous energy as I retrieve ingredients from the cabinet over my head, thoughts and feelings running wild as I complete the simple task of gathering flour and baking powder, sugar, and salt and setting them next to the mixing bowl. I'll make us pancakes since Katniss doesn't keep yeast in her kitchen. I'll have to bring her some of mine and put it in the refrigerator if I decide to do any baking over here.
Out in the living room, I hear Katniss stirring on the couch. I keep my face averted, my stomach fluttering with nerves at the thought of facing her this morning. She asked me to stay, and I can't quite settle on how sleeping with her last night leaves me feeling today.
All the while, Buttercup loops between my legs, rubbing his face against my intact leg. I know he's trying to get my attention. When he nibbles on my ankle, I flinch. It doesn't hurt; I'm jumpy, thus the cooking. Preparing food is a surefire way to settle my nerves. "That's not very nice," I scold that cat when he meows plaintively at me.
"Who isn't?" Katniss asks, yawning as she walks into the kitchen, shooting me a sleepy smile. It does something to me; that smile, it settles my nerves a little. She's not upset I'm here, and I'm not upset I'm here either. So it must be okay.
"The cat," I say, catching myself from calling Buttercup her cat. We both know he was Prim's cat, not hers.
"He's an asshole," Katniss agrees, and I laugh.
"I wasn't going to go that far."
She pulls out a stool at the counter and sits, gratefully accepting the mug of tea I fix her. "Suit yourself," she says, lifting the rim of the cup to her lips, pausing before taking her first sip, "he likes you better than me."
"Maybe," I murmur, rubbing his side with my foot. Buttercup purrs contentedly, a low vibration against the sole of my foot. Katniss never pets him. She does feed him raw meat, though, so it's hard to say for sure.
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mega-aulover · 1 year
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So We've been doing this for 4 months and I wanted to take a second to congratulate you all for working on your stories even if you did this with us for 1 week that is a victory.
I want you to give yourself a treat (ice cream, chips, chocolate, a new handbag, new pair of shoes -ect.) It's not easy sitting down and facing that blank page or not being able to come up with a single word. I really want to congratulate you, well done.
Also, life is tough and some have been busy, some have had babies, some are in college, teaching, you got sick, leading a wily bunch of old people (that would be me), dealing with inlaws, children, vacations, and dealt with all sorts of things. And yet you took time out to write.
So from all of us readers thank you.
I'll be here if you need a word of encouragement or a flirty how you doing...let me know I'm here to cheer you on...anything you need to carry on.
@hayffiebird @mollywog @lemonluvgirl @endlessnightlock @norbertsmom @wistfulweaver2woman @professionalfangrrl @mtk4fun @dandelionlovesyou @wendywobbles @alwayseverlark @jhsgf82 @lollercakesff @safeinpeetasarms @alexa-santi-author @broken-everlark @pitualba2015 @hutchhitched& anyone else I might have missed forgive me it's been a lot of weeks.
ps I wrote...3,445...how you do?
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alwaysmypearl · 2 years
Hi there 😊
If you're still taking prompts, how about an Everlark story inspired by this gif?
Could be any AU. I just want Katniss to fall for Peeta first 😁😅
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Thank you so much! 💓
hi @dandelionlovesyou ! thank you so much for the prompt, I’m so sorry it took me so long. I hope you think it was worth it! ❤️ In Panem, no games universe.
Life at Panem’s School For Girls was rather uneventful. District 12 was one of the few districts to separate their boy and girl students, especially for the purpose of preparing them for trades.
Katniss didn’t mind going to an all girls school. She had a few friends, she did her school work, hunted occasionally, and went home. The only boy Katniss ever saw was Gale, and that was in the woods before school. They were close, and he was well known for being attractive amongst the girls, but Katniss didn’t have time to think about what him being attractive would mean. Regardless, he really had an eye for Madge. They’ve been on a few dates so far, and Katniss was happy for them.
But no one ever caught her eye.
Katniss was a minority in this way though. Because the girls spent all day separated from the boys of their District, Katniss felt like all of the conversations she heard were about boys. Who was the hottest, who asked who to the Harvest Festival, and which one was the most talented athlete.
After the bell rang in the afternoon, Katniss would wait outside in the courtyard for Prim before walking home. The lower school got out a little later than the upper school, so she had time to do homework and hear about the latest 12 gossip from Madge.
“Oh my gosh, Katniss.”
Katniss looked up from her math book to a wide-eyed Madge.
“Well, you know how it is my life’s goal to get you a date to the Harvest Festival?”
Katniss groaned. “Madge, we talked about this. I’m not-“
“I know, I know, you say you’re not going. But please just listen! I think I might be able to change your mind.”
Katniss slammed her math book shut and rested her chin on her palm.
“Fine. I’m listening.”
“Everyone, and I mean everyone, has had their eyes on the Mellark boys. Do you know who they are?”
“The baker’s sons?” Katniss’ family wasn’t the poorest among District 12 people, but they usually couldn’t afford the bakery treats. She knew of their family, but never really saw them.
“Yes! Their youngest son, Peeta is in our year. Rumor has it, he’s the only son without a date. He’s turned down every girl that’s asked him.”
“So? Why should I care if he doesn’t have a date?”
“Because! I think you would be perfect for him!”
“What? Madge! If he’s turned down all of the girls who have asked him, what makes you think he wouldn’t turn me down? And what if I don’t even like him?”
“Listen! I’ve talked to him a few times, and he is such a cutie. He’s so sweet, I just know he would warm up your cold heart.” Madge giggled and winked.
In response, Katniss just groaned and rolled her eyes.
“I’m serious, Kitty. All the girls that have asked him out are obnoxious merchant girls. I just think that’s not his speed.”
“Madge, I’ve been in the bakery probably twice in my life. He has no idea who I am.”
“Okay, so you should go today then! Just check him out!”
Katniss was so lost in thought about the Mellark boy that she jumped when Prim suddenly appeared beside their table.
Giddy and giggling, Primrose interjected. “Go where? What boy is Katniss checking out?”
“The youngest Mellark boy, Peeta.”
Primrose gasped. “All the girls have been talking about him! He’s the wrestling champion at the boys school! Katniss, you have to see him, you just have to!”
“I am not seeing anyone! We need to go home, Prim.”
Madge eyed Katniss and then asked Prim, “Don’t you think you could use a sweet on the way home?”
“Yes! Katniss please!” Primrose was now on her knees with her hands clasped together.
“I even got extra goat money this morning. We deserve a treat and you deserve a Harvest Festival date.”
Madge plopped coins down on the table, and Prim grabbed for them while jumping up and down.
“Now you can’t refuse.” Madge gave Katniss a sly grin.
With a groan, Katniss pressed her forehead to the table.
“Fine. Only because I want something chocolate.”
Primrose giggled and skipped the whole walk to the bakery.
“Prim, please look slightly calm when we walk in. If you embarrass me I won’t be able to show my face in town for a week.”
Primrose settled to a slightly hoppy-walk and smoothed her skirt.
“Okay. I’m calm. I’m calm, Katniss.”
A bell jingled as Katniss pulled open the door to the warm bakery.
Before even walking all the way through the door, she noticed a blonde boy icing cupcakes behind the front counter.
He hollered a quick, “Welcome to Mellark’s, I’ll be with you in one moment!” and turned back to his work.
Katniss assumed it was Peeta, because he seemed about her age. His back was to her, but just his silhouette made Katniss’ breath catch in her throat. He was tall and stocky. He had broad shoulders, strong arms, and the most golden curly hair Katniss had ever seen.
She was in trouble.
Primrose eyed Katniss knowingly as they made their way to the counter.
Once they stepped all the way up to the glass case of sweets, Peeta finally turned around to face them and flashed Katniss with a heart stopping smile.
Madge was lying when she said he was a “cutie”. He was gorgeous. Stunning, even.
His eyes were crystal blue. Though Katniss had never seen the oceans of District 4 in real life, Peeta’s eyes were the color that she pictured. His cheeks and jawline were chiseled, and dotted with a few warm freckles. His smile made a queasy, fluttery feeling plague Katniss’ stomach.
Thank god Primrose was with her, because Katniss was speechless.
“Hi! My name is Primrose, but you can call me Prim. This is my sister, Katniss.”
Peeta continued to smile, and Katniss thought she saw his eyes even twinkle.
“Hi, Prim. And hi, Katniss. I’m Peeta. The Everdeens, right?”
Katniss cleared her throat and tried to pull herself back together.
“Yes. It’s nice to meet you.”
“It’s nice to meet you as well, I was told my father and your mother were friends at one time, but I haven’t seen either of you around much.”
“Well, with school and everything we don’t make it to town very often.” Katniss eyed the cookies in the glass case. “Everything looks so delicious here!”
Even you, Katniss thought.
Prim’s giggle broke her out of her admiration of the cookies, and thoughts of Peeta.
“What?” Katniss grumbled as she turned to her sister. When she looked at Peeta, his cheeks began to turn red.
Katniss’ hand clamped over her mouth.
“Oh my god, did I say that out loud?”
“Yes, Katniss!” Primrose continued to laugh so hard she almost fell to the bakery floor, and even Peeta’s shoulders started to shake as he tried to hold in his own laughter.
“It’s really okay, Kat-“
“No! It’s the most embarrassing thing ever!” Katniss felt a blush that rivaled with fire seize her face, and she covered it with her hands.
“Just order, Prim. We have to leave before I say something else stupid.”
Through wheezy laughter, Prim looked up at a very red-faced Peeta and placed her order.
“Can I have two of those cake balls please? And something chocolate for Katniss.”
Peeta shuffled around to collect their treats while Katniss’ stomach twisted in her feet.
I cannot believe I did that. He probably thinks I am so creepy, she thought.
Prim plunked the coins from Madge on the counter as he placed the wrapped treats on top of the case for them. Peeta collected them, punched the number in the register, and handed Prim their receipt and a few coins for change.
“Thank you Peeta. Hope we at least brightened your day.” Prim said sweetly as she collected their treats.
“You brightened my week. I hope to see you both again soon.”
Katniss groaned, “Don’t count on it. I’m so sorry, Peeta.”
“Don’t be. I really would like to see you again. And I hope you’ll like what I picked for you, Katniss.”
Without responding, Katniss turned around and finally tore her hands from her face. Katniss and Prim both bid him thanks and a goodbye, and stepped out of the bakery.
Before walking away from the building, Prim handed Katniss a small white pastry box.
As she looked over the small box, she noticed a note taped to the top.
I hope you like cupcakes, and dandelions.
P.S. I think you look pretty delicious too.
Katniss’ mouth fell wide open, as Prim whisper-screamed at her.
“What did he say?! What did he say, Katniss?!”
Katniss looked back through the bakery window to find the golden boy- arms crossed, leaning back against the counter, staring right back at her.
Her lips turned to a smile as he threw a wink in her direction. Her heart skipped a beat, and she could not hold back the laugh that finally slipped out.
She opened the pastry box to find a chocolate cupcake with a perfectly iced dandelion on it, her favorite flower.
“Prim, I might have to go to the Harvest Festival after all.”
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promptseverlark · 2 years
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More than 75 people commented on the collection but only 3 commented every single story!
The winner for the comments is @dandelionlovesyou ! CONGRATULATIONS you have won an illustration by @little-lynx !
I will DM you for the details!
And this is a wrap of the “This Would Have Happened Anyway” challenge.
Thanks to all the writers and readers and everyone of you that left a comment.
I am thinking in repeating this challenge for June/July if there is enough interest, the theme is undecided yet so if you have any idea let me know also!
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goldenslumberowo · 11 months
Twenty Questions: FanFic Author Edition
A thanks to @bodyelectric77 for tagging me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 47 works on there but I have no idea how that happened.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
936,349 - almost to 1 million! If I actually finished up some stories I'm sure I'd be there in no time. Or if I posted all of my WIPs!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The Hunger Games mostly. I do have some for A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, but it's all Jaime/Brienne because they are everything.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Reignite Me - HG
Thinning Walls - GoT
Catching Fire and Burning Down - HG
Rising Dawn - GoT
The Expecting Mockingjay - HG
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but I'm socially awkward! Sometimes I have no idea what to say. If they ask a direct question, I'll almost always respond.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A Long Lost Love I think. It's a one-shot with Avox!Peeta.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
... I'm not sure I have one. I usually write angst!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, yes. I'm not sure why. I started writing fanfic when I was 12. I'm 25 now. I've definitely seen a fair share, especially when I wasn't that good at writing, but even now I still see it. But for every person who leaves hate, there are hundreds more who are kind. I've never had to address the hate comments because my readers always beat me to it and I love them for that!
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Sometimes! I'm not sure I post it too often. I like the forbidden love kind of smut. No particular kinks! That kind of stuff depends on the characters/ship.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Somewhat. I've got one posted!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so...
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I know of. Sometimes people will ask.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
No, but I'd like to! I think collabs would be fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
This is difficult. It's a tie between Everlark and Jaime/Brienne.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'm not so sure I would say that I think I won't or that I don't plan on finishing them, but I do fear that I might not! If I had to say, it'd probably be Game of the Gods... it's a massive work.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure. Probably Angst. Setting up/establishing stories maybe. I feel the easier part of a fic to write is the first few chapters. I also tend to go heavy on imagery and metaphor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
So many! Finishing a fic is a struggle for me sometimes. I am always tempted to keep going or I struggle to wrap up all of my thoughts. Fluff is hard for me to write. I usually forego proper sentence structure. Dialogue can be difficult.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I tend to write in first-person, so it's easier to say from their perspective what the other language the person is speaking and that they do not know it or describe what they are saying. I don't know enough to write in another language and I would hate to butcher it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Hunger Games! And I'm still here!
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
That's going to be either Game of the Gods or Thinning Walls.
I've never done one of these things before, it felt like the questions would never end! It was fun! I'm not sure if any of you have done it yet, but I'd love to see your answers...
@loungemermaid @distractionsfromthefood @dandelionlovesyou @mega-aulover @browneyeddevil
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lanadel-heyyy · 8 months
Get to Know You Meme
Thanks @distractionsfromthefood !
Tag game: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
Last song: Sound of the Underground by Girls Aloud
Currently watching: The Lion King with my 4 year old (how young is too young to watch Mufasa die?)
Three ships: Everlark (Katniss and Peeta, The Hunger Games); Literati (Rory and Jess, Gilmore Girls); Spuffy (Spike and Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Favorite color: pink
Currently consuming: string cheese
First ship: Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls. Milo Ventimiglia had me in a choke hold in 2004.
Relationship status: Married + 2 kids
Last movie: Re-watch of Catching Fire to educate my husband
Currently working on: I'm not so much of a creator outside of my classroom, in which case I'm working on a scavenger hunt lesson plan on historical sites of Canada. Thrilling for us all.
If you'd like to play, tagging @brainrot-hq, @egirlshit, @howmuchishayworth, @oolhan, @starzzjosh, @hutchersonsgurl, @orderrrrrrrr, @luvs4jhutch, @dandelionlovesyou
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
Oh man, I missed your birthday, my friend! 🙈🥴😓
I hope you had a good one!
Happy happiest birthday, my dear! You deserve so much love and blessings. I'd sprinkle you with fairy dust if I had it so all your wishes could come true! Thank you for being such a supportive friend here in the fandom ❤️❤️❤️
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Thanks @dandelionlovesyou ! 😊 don't worry about missing it. I caught a nasty cold this week and hardly did anything for my birthday! So it's ok!!
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mollywog · 1 year
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity. 💫🌈
Fanfiction themed response
Comments (I love to hear your thoughts !)
Bookmarks (I’m flattered that you’d consider revisiting something I wrote!!)
Subscription (tickled that you would want to know when I publish something new)
Kudos (thank you for reading until the end!!)
Reblogs (I delight over every tag! Thank you for sharing!)
Thank you @dandelionlovesyou!!
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louezem · 1 year
Get to know you better...
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better. Or however many. Whatever.
I was tagged by @kindsoberandhalfhope Thank you! 😊
Three ships:  Other than Katniss and Peeta?
Buffy and Angel (though I lost all faith in Angel later on. I never went quite fully over to Spuffy either).
Brooke and Lucas (OTH. Though I loved and fully embraced Brulian in the end).
Ryan and Marissa (The OC. Do not even speak the name Taylor Townsend in my presence.)
First ever ship:  I think it was Buffy and Angel.
Last song: Pink + Adam Lambert - Whadda You Want From Me? (Youtube)
Last movie: Top Gun "Maverick" - I was very surprised that I liked it!
Currently reading: Just finished The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, it was my third attempt to read it, and this time I actually finished it!  Now to unpack and mentally process it all. 
Currently watching: Nothing specific.  I enjoyed "The Last of Us".
Currently consuming: A banana for breakfast. I will have toast and a boiled egg and bacon as soon as I get off tumblr.
Currently craving: My roast beef dinner.
Tagging the last 9 people on my dash, no pressure!
@deinde-prandium, @everlarkrealornot, @norbertsmom, @mega-aulover, @notanislander, @mocalmangeal, @stjohn27, @mollywog, @dandelionlovesyou
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
Anyone interested in pre-reading an Everlark fic?
Send me a DM. I would appreciate the help 🙏❤️
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endlessnightlock · 2 years
Hi endlessnightlock 👋
I'm so happy to see you asking for prompts 😊 and smutty ones too! Lol. May you do 20 and 39? Only if it pleases thy brains. Thank you so much 🙏🌼
20. Kissing in a stairwell, giving them an artificial height difference.
39. Kissing tears from the other’s face.
Thank you @dandelionlovesyou
I fumble down the fluorescent-lit hallway, dragging my hand along the walls, searching for any way to escape the repercussions of one of the stupider things I've done. But District Thirteen is an underground prison offering no exit.
Panic makes it hard to breathe or even think. The choking noises coming from my throat astonish me. Ugly cries, like when Peeta's heart gave out in the arena.
I have to stop thinking about him so much. I should leave him alone, let him wallow in his newly-acquired hatred of me.
I'm used to being the hunter, not the prey. If only I hadn't wandered into his line of sight.
"Katniss? Katniss!" Peeta screams, making up the distance behind me. I can hear his pants for air as he gives chase. He isn't slowing. Even shoeless, he's impossible to miss, his footsteps relentlessly pounding on the cement floor, his artificial foot making an odd clicking sound. This boy the rescue team extracted from the Capitol and Snow's hands isn't the same. My Peeta would always let me run from him.
When I finally come across a door in the hallway that gives, I cover my mouth with my hand to keep from sobbing with relief. Stumbling inside, the door slams at my back. It's a stairwell, a mostly unused place. Thirteen is a massive underground bunker; I've only ever used the elevators to get around.
The adrenaline that was racing through my veins, granting me speed and drive to run, dissipates. My knees grow weak, and I stumble backward, my heels catching on the bottom step. But I have to move, so I grab the handrail and drag myself up the steps.
The blood rushing through my ears must have blocked the sound of the stairwell door opening and closing because it took several seconds for me to realize Peeta had found me. Knowing I should run, I pause to look at him instead, staring up at me from the landing. He's put on a little weight, his hair is a little longer, and his bruises have faded to just a suggestion of yellow and purple that match the handful of thumbprints he left on my neck. He's as winded as I am; we're both gasping for air.
I hope he doesn't notice the tears pooling in my eyes.
"Katniss, would you please wait?" he asks. "I just want to talk to you."
Warily, I take him in. Back in his room, beneath the gaze of the medical staff watching us from the other side of the glass, he made it perfectly clear how he felt. That I was a piece of work, selfish, hateful. All things I already knew about myself, but jarring hearing it from him.
I don't know why I remain in place as he makes his way up the steps, finally stopping one down so we can look at each other eye-to-eye. He's still dangerous, I know, but other than flinching when his finger strokes my cheek, I remain still. He must realize that touching my face is too soon and close to my injury; his hand drops to my shoulder instead.
"What?" I whisper, voice trembling. Doesn't he know he already slayed me with his hatred? There isn't much damage he could do other than kill me at this point. Tears roll freely from my eyes the longer we remain silent.
When Peeta leans toward me, I freeze. Not in fear (which would be reasonable, seeing he tried to kill me a few weeks ago) but surprise.
He kisses me, and I can't breathe. The pressure is firm and insistent, but his lips are soft. It's what I wanted from him the night he came back.
"I'm sorry," he breathes. His body trembles. I'm not sure with what emotion, but when he begins to cry, I kiss the tears off his face.
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mega-aulover · 2 years
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Summary: Katniss believes herself to be cursed, as everyone she’s loved is killed by King Snow. Until one day she’s orphaned and she finds an old wizard who tells her she’s the key to solving the mystery behind her father’s disappearance and her unnatural second sight. King Snow wants her dead because he knows Katniss is the only one who can destroy him. Fantasy AU HG Alternate Universe - FantasyFantasyAlternate Universe - MagicMagicTime TravelWizard CraneWizard HaymitchMagical CreaturesMagical KatnissGood versus EvilEveryone thinks Katniss is a boy, Peeta is a Prince, Soul Mates
Chapter 11: The bonding between Katniss and Peeta is complete. However, in the Future, Haymitch made his appearance to Snow and now Haymtich has to act quickly if he wants to preserve the future.
This story is dedicated to my bestie @norbertsmom  special thanks to my beta for this chapter @jroseley you came to my rescue and made this chapter a whole lot better! Also @dandelionlovesyou your small suggestion allowed for this chapter to happen.
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alwaysmypearl · 2 years
What are you writing next?
Hi anon!!
Currently I am just working on all of the drabble fills from my inbox and @dandelionlovesyou is next :)
realistically I would like to start a chaptered fic but i’m not sure if that’s really going to happen.
thank you for asking💕
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promptseverlark · 2 years
The winner of the “try and guess” writer is @lastleaf with 8 guesses!! Well done.
Here is the final list
Louzem 1
Distractionsfromthepod 1
JHsgf82 3
LastLeaf 8
Mollywog 1
hgnjfxscb 3
iamareader07 1
Dandelionlovesyou 5
sammy 2
Lily_ofthe_Valley 1
endlessnightlock 2
LemonLuvGirl87 1
Buttercupbadass 1
I will DM you to let you the contact of the artist ( @andretries ) so you can work with her on your Everlark illustration .
Thanks to all the others writers for participating in the challenge. Remember you can still win a drawing if you comment in all the fics (and if there’s a tie there will be a raffle)
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