#tgs Rachel Pidgley
241cookies · 1 year
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This is the energy I aspire to have
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
So I posted these jacket designs a few months ago (back in june) and started thinking about them again because I'm still so proud of them
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And while I'm currently working on drawing all the characters wearing their jackets, I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas for details to add to these jackets or any other characters to design jackets for (and if so, what style of jacket? What would go on it?)
I'd love to hear any suggestions.
Link to the original post:
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rachelpidgley · 1 year
(I'll never fall in love again from Strange Magic.)
🎵What do you get when you fall in love?🎵
🎵A guy with a pin to burst your bubble🎵
🎵That's what you get for all your trouble🎵
🎵I'll never fall in love again🎵
🎵What do you get when you kiss a boy?🎵
🎵You get enough germs to catch a fever🎵
🎵Then straight away, he'll love and leave ya🎵
🎵I'll never fall in love again🎵
🎵No, I'll never fall in love again🎵
🎵Don't tell me what it's all about🎵
🎵'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out🎵
🎵Out of those chains, those chains that bind you🎵
🎵That is why I'm here to remind you (here to remind you)🎵
🎵What do you get when you give your heart?🎵
🎵You get it all broken up and battered🎵
🎵Yeah, that's what you get, a heart that shattered🎵
🎵I'll never fall in love again🎵
🎵No, I'll never fall in love again🎵
🎵No, I'll never fall in love again🎵
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found out i accidentally hadn't caught up on the comic in roughly four years and so read well over 100 pgs over the course of 3 days and then i made this
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iralthegreat · 2 months
"I'm afraid that wasn't me, luv" clawing at the walls of my enclosure
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nik-the-bik · 1 month
After THAT happened -
Predictions for general reactions to The Horrors:
Lodgers: stunned silence, some whispering of general disgust
Frankenstein: trying to emphasize how she was right, Jekyll's a genius, look at this triumph, etc. Making it Worse.
Jekyll: barely able to breathe and desperately trying not to sob while covered in goo
Lanyon: deceased
Hyde: also deceased?
Rachel: Hero moment. I thoroughly believe she'll be the first to go to Jekyll and offer him sympathy. She likes Jekyll. She likes Hyde. This is weird and gross but clearly this person (people?) is (are?) having a bad day.
Jasper: Will tag along with Rachel because he's a sweetie like that
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godd these last pages have been so heart wrenching for everyone but who really breaks my heart is Rachel. if anyone’s feeling like a fool it’s her!! turns out your best friend of however many years/boss and your other bestfriend/little brother surrogate are the same person and you don’t know if something happened to one of them or if they’re even real or if it was all just an act or what!! but you cared SO much for them and you were so so worried and maybe a little overprotective, but you were trying to get better, you were working on it, but turns out it was all a lie!! you knew them- you thought you knew them, him- only to watch in horror as one transforms into the other. you loved them and laughed with them and worried and cried for them and for what? why? what was the point? did you just spend the last two years babying your boss? did your oldest friend decide to fuck with you and act like someone else? was it just for fun? did something happen to him- did he do this to himself? how didn’t you notice something was so wrong? were you just a tool to use? part of a game you didn’t even know you were playing? was hyde even real? was any of this real? you still care for both of them, though, whoever, whatever, they are. you still spent all that time together, all those conversations and bonding moments and everything else- surely that meant something, right? some part of you still wants to help. but what the hell are you supposed to do? where do you even start? what do you even say?
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 2 months
TGS twitter part 6
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echooefrost · 9 months
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shadow-yato · 9 months
Can you draw Rachel baking Holt some cookies? :-)
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He’s very excited! 🍪 Ty for the ask anon!
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241cookies · 1 year
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I cannot with this man
He is such a mess and I wanna throw him while he's wrapped in an inordinate amount of blankets
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I would kill for this woman
If anything happens to her, I'm losing my shit
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I would also kill for this man
I feel like Hyde would do that for him
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press 'X' to doubt Hyde, at least slightly
and by slightly
I mean by a landslide
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Henry makes Hyde look how Rachel think Hyde looks
Do you see it?
Do you see my vision?
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Something something...
blah blah blah henry admitting he's unstable blah blah blah...
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dolorum-magne · 2 years
My tgs headcanons! I tried to do 5 each for each main character!
Henry Jekyll
-will absolutely talk your ear off about science if you let him. Mention literally anything about science or alchemy or any of his other interests his face will light up and he'll talk for hours. Robert loves it
-if there isn't already a library in his old house or the society I bet he'd want one. His prized possession aside from his science stuff hes collected over the years (like his glass cabinets full of poisons and such) is probably an old copy of frankenstein from when he was a kid. It's worn, faded, and almost falling apart from being read over and over again for years. He probably doesn't read it much anymore (both from lack of time and probably wanting to keep it in the best condition possible) but keeps it on a shelf somewhere as a little keepsake.
-definitely some kind if ND in my opinion. Maybe I'm projecting a little, but I believe it wholeheartedly
-his favourite seasons are autumn and summer. He liked the leaves and the colours and sitting with a hot drink by the fire when its a bit chilly during the fall, and probably enjoys the warm weather. I think it'd be nice for taking zosi for walks
-Dislikes winter but for a different reason than Lanyon. His immune system is canonically shot due to his issues with insomnia so he'll get absolutely taken out during flu season (learned that from the story sketchbook from SabCots online store!) I just imagine him and Robert holed up in an office or one of their houses in front of the fire absolutely swamped with blankets while Henry's got the sniffles and Robert's just cold lol.
Edward Hyde
-headcanon him as a shameless flirt but his brain would probably short circuit if someone flirted back lol
-loves science just as much as Henry even if he won't admit it.
-(this was commented on my other post and i loved this one so I'm adding it here) Hyde is double jointed and uses it to freak people out.
-collects random things like trinkets and spare change.
-hides thing in weird places for Henry to find later to annoy him
Robert Lanyon
-I think he's a dog person I think about this headcanon a lot actually, and there is a reason behind it! In the bleeding heart (tgs prequel comic) he tells Henry he "has no idea how many dogs they've lost in those woods" when talking about the woods outside his families holiday home in Lausanne. I know hes most likely talking about hunting dogs (probably foxhounds or similar breed since fox+game hunting was a common sport for centuries. Maybe still is idk) , bit either way its easy to assume he may have grown up around them (and as I'm a huge dog person) it was easy for me to assume he's at least fond of dogs, also since Henry has a dog and Robert doesn't seem to mind at all. Either way i think Robert is a dog person and even though I only have a tiny bit of evidence to base it on but it's probably my favourite headcanon.
-I think he has a sweet tooth. No explanation for this one. -favourite colours is purple.
-has an eye for detail in different arts. Fashion, architecture, music, etc. I think he enjoys art
-favourite season is definitely summer
Rachel Pidgley
-cooks people things to show she cares about them. It's why she let's Edward steal cookies when she bakes them, why she made all that food for Jasper.
-she used to be Henry's personal cook at his house before he started the society and she became the day manager. I think that when Henry spends the night on his couch in his office (which is probably very often) she probably leaves breakfast and tea outside his door in the morning because he'd probably forget to eat otherwise.
-enjoys baking more than other types of cooking
-helped Hyde distress the end of his cape to make sure he didn't tear it too badly and fray check the edges
Jasper Kaylock
-probably would let Christopher the mud phoenix sleep in his bed with him during the colder months both because he loves his creatures and because hes his own personal heater. Wouldn't be surprised if this had cost him a few sets of sheets in the past.
-someone commented this on my original post about headcanons and I loved it so I'm adding it to mine but Jasper tilts his head to the side like a dog when he's confused.
-probably would enjoy a good scratch behind the ears lol
-definitely has too many creatures, loves all of them
-collects rocks and trinkets. His pockets are probably always full of random things
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yourfavouritefighter · 4 months
hi have a doodle dump of my friend @leonenjoyer69’s cool epic bmc au go (check his art out cuz he’s so cool)
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wow i’m gonna have a laundry list of characters to tag rip
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Kid Trouble
Not my main au idea but something fun. So one of the lodgers accidentally turns Henry into a little kid. At first a newly turned Henry acts timid, nervous, and afraid because he has no idea where he is or what is going on. The lodgers think that it will be easy to take care of kid Henry since adult Henry is so polite and a gentleman. That is until kid Henry is more comfortable and calm. It turns out kid Henry is like a mini Edward Hyde. Causing chaos and grief for most of the lodgers. The only people he’ll listen to are Rachel, Jasper, Virginia Ito, and surprisingly Frankenstein. It’s mainly hilarious antics performed by “The Spirit of Mad Science!” (Yes that is what kid Henry calls himself).
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aspartame-parent · 5 months
ferngully audio hehe
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