#tg re spoiler
redbluenight · 7 months
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The man who killed me. The man who gave me my name. The man who entrusted me with his hope...(Investigator Arima) you are my teacher and my father.
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cutecapybarapics · 5 months
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ogcjmn1 · 7 months
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having thoughts about arima once again
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asha-mage · 10 months
Anaiya nodded. "We understand your reasons for disliking Elaida, even hating her. We do understand. But we must think of the Tower and the world. I confess I do not like Elaida myself. But then I have never liked Siuan either. It is not necessary to like the Amyrlin Seat. There is no need to glare so Siuan. You have had a file for a tongue since you where a novice and it has only roughened with the years. And as Amyrlin you pushed sisters where you wanted and only seldom explained why. The two do not make for a very likeable combination."
-The Fires of Heaven, Chapter 27: The Practice of Diffidence
Re-reading The Fires of Heaven has made me increasingly confident in the show's read of Siuan's character being book accurate (an opinion I originally articulated here). I always encourage re-reads of the books, but I would very much encourage re-reading The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven specifically if you are doubting the choices the team made in episode 7.
Cause the thing is, Siuan's central character flaw- the one Anaiya is trying to gently cite above, the one on heavy display all throughout both books via Siuans treatment of those around her, is her complete lack of trust paired with a willingness to force and browbeats others into doing what she thinks is best.
It is, ironically, a trait she shares with Rand- both are unafraid to use their power (physical, magical, political- what have you) to make others obey, and both also are unwilling to demonstrate trust and good faith out of a fear of showing weakness. It's something born inherently of their shared insecurities about their respective positions of power- Siuan's young rise to the Seat and the fact that she is carrying on her conspiracy with Moiraine and Rand's belief that he isn't strong enough/good enough/hard enough to be the Dragon Reborn alongside the tendency of the people he cares about to get hurt or have their lives ruined by simple proximity to him.
Throughout both The Shadow Rising and The Fires of Heaven Siuan uses primarily tactics drawn form the same playbook that would later also lead Rand to disaster in the back half of the series: she comes to view those under charge more for their value to her agenda then as people she should be looking after, forcing Min to remain in the Tower against her will, refusing to make any effort to console or reassure those who care about Elayne (Gawyn, Galad, Morgase) that she is well, and engaging in many actions because their are expedient without regard for their moral implications (ordering Mazrim Taim's execution without trial, lying about Logain being set up by the Red Ajah, manipulation Logain so he has no choice but to follow along with her plan). And I don't think it's a mistake that many of those actions either lead to, or directly follow, Siuan's downfall in the Tower.
In fact, Siuan begins to make the turn in her character after encountering Mistress Tharne, which largely sets in motion Siuan's character arc for the remainder of the series: realizing that she can not force the word to conform to her will, not least of all because she is no longer the most powerful woman on the planet, but more over because it's wrong. Mistress Tharne's rough treatment of Siuan, her complete lack of respect or deference, is a wake call to Siuan that gives her empathy and understanding of the way she treated others when she held power. Much of her arc there after is about emphasizing that point, first as a stilled woman serving Aes Seadi, then as a restored but drastically weakened Aes Sedai.
In this way Siuan gets a taste of what it's like to be on the other side- forced and expected to obey, constantly fighting against a system rigged against her from the start, meant to keep her out of circles of power and away from the ability to make decisions as a woman who can not channel, and then as a Aes Sedai who does not stand high enough in the hierarchy. More over it gives her perspective on why things like the Oaths and the Tower's traditions matter- on the ways the Oaths protect ordinary people and the way Tower traditions like 'staying out of the business of other Aes Sedai' and 'respect secrets of individual sisters and Ajahs' help keep Aes Sedai working together and functional. But it's really her friendships, which she is able make on now even terms, with Nynaeve and Egwene, that help her gain empathy and understanding, and in particular allows her (via her mentorship of Egwene) to try and positively influence the Tower's future via reforms to make it more equitable, less mired and fractious and cracked.
As Amylrin, we're told, Siuan ruled by playing one faction in the Tower against another, widening the cracks between Ajahs and within them so that no one was able to effectively oppose her and her agenda- that is until someone came along who could rally support, to take advantage of those simmering frustrations and angers in order tear her down. But that person, Elaida, shared many of her faults and few of her virtues- instead of playing one faction against and brow beating, Elaida (with the Shadow's help) turned the Tower into armed camps ready to lash out at each other. Siuan's tendency (often cited by even herself) to send sisters to do penance on farms for opposing or annoying her, became Elaida using the same tool to humiliate and punish her enemies and using edicts to demote them to Accepted for being weak, and Siuan's precedent for keeping secrets and working around the Hall became Elaida plotting to kidnap Rand and 'make him supple' via Galina's embassy.
And it's a neat closing of the circle, the kind Jordan really likes to play with, that Siuan's redemption for this is her training of the woman who will replace both her and Elaida. Someone who will actually fulfill both women's ambitions of leading the Tower in the last battle- Egwene. Siuan's justice against Elaida is to help prepare an Amyrlin that will be more then either she or Elaida ever could- someone who will be free of their faults, who will be able to unite the Tower as both women dreamed of doing but never could- who can guide Rand and bind the nations to him, who can serve as a general of the Light strong enough to balance the worst of the Shadow. Siuan teaches Egwene how not to do the things she did, to fall into the traps that brought her down- the arrogance, the pride, the domineering, the compromises with her own morals- and it's that teaching which, in part, gives Egwene the ability to persuade the Tower that still saw her as a Novice....to raise her to Amyrlin of it's own accord.
Siuan still should have been allowed to kill Elaida though instead of the Suffa stuff, I will die on that hill.
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amemoryofwot · 7 months
“Tear! It’s Callandor, then … I swear I’ll hang her in the sun to dry! … He cannot be ready for that yet!”
“Burn him!” Siuan barked. “By now, he could be dead! I wish he had never heard a word of the Prophecies of the Dragon. If I could keep him from hearing another, I would.”
(Min) “But doesn’t he have to fulfill the Prophecies?”
“The Prophecies aren’t what makes him … all that takes is for him to admit it … If Moiraine can keep some control over him, she will guide him to the Prophecies we can be sure of - when he is ready to face them!”
(Min) “so you do mean to control him”
“Do you think we could just let him run about loose? …. If Moiraine cannot reef his sails, he very well may get himself killed.”
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claremikas · 1 year
having witnessed both the tokyo ghoul and attack on titan fandom discourse, I can tell you right now that this jjk chapter is going to be praised like it's the best chapter ever written in like 2-3 years (once the fandom hype dies down).
I think a problem like this arises because of two things:
1) personal perception of people's favorite character turns out to be factually wrong and now they have to call the author a "fraud" and say that they retconed them instead of admitting that they themselves missed the point
2) following an ongoing manga, without going back to read its entirety or certain chapters, makes people forget a lot of things about the world itself and the characters which ties back into point 1)
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tamayokny · 5 months
sui ishida sure loves to give his adolescent characters devastating backstories and endings
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canadianlucifer · 2 years
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He's so fucked up, I love him
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waywardmillennial · 5 months
Some thoughts on Steven's new show, and the hate that's been directed at him lately
spoiler alert: the tl;dr is that people's assumptions about the new food show being expensive meals aren't in the trailer and I'm happily subscribed to Watcher TV now!
One of the most awful things about this announcement has been seeing people attacking Steven specifically, and making a lot of assumptions about him. I (probably unwisely) spent a couple hours in the yt comment section and found things like this:
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And then I saw this tumblr comment that do a wtf face irl:
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Keith's new eating show is at Michelin star restaurants... to call that relatable and Steven not? Honey, that's either racism or some implicit bias you need to examine (I watch some TG content, it's fine to like Keith, but damn this take isn't it y'all)
But my main point is: No one said Steven and Andrew are going to be having expensive meals on the new show.
(yeah, remember Andrew is on the show too? but all hate is directed at Steven? isn't that interesting...)
That was Buzzfeed. This is Watcher. They aren't going to repeat themselves. Also, Worth It was about showing food across ALL price points, especially in later seasons once they had a more stable platform at BF. It was about giving chefs across cultures (especially Asian communities) a voice.
I re-watched the teaser for Travel Season, and I also signed up for Watcher TV (it was about $3.50/month with the annual discount promo) and I watched the full trailer for Travel Season. Guess what wasn't mentioned? Food at expensive price points.
Travel Season is going to be six episodes per season, all in one location, focusing on food and experiences that place has to offer. This is more economical from a production standpoint, because the team can travel to a location and shoot episodes in a batch. Similar to how they can get four episodes of TMS filmed in one night. Sounds like they are approaching Travel Season in a smart and efficient way.
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stills from the trailer on WatcherTV.com
Sure, maybe they'll try some higher priced dishes at some point, but Travel Season is about culture and food - not about clickbait titles for Buzzfeed where they need to have $1,000 ice cream. If you've seen the food content Steven's made at Watcher (Homemade, Grocery Run, Eat Like Me) you know he cares about highlighting the connections between people and food, to share cultures and ideas with the viewers.
I am supporting Watcher's new endeavor, and hope they can make it work for more of their audience over time. Some people choose to pay $4.99/month for a Twitch sub to support one creator - which is their right. I am spending $5.99/month (but actually much cheaper for this first year) to support an entire company. If this works, Watcher could bring on other creators, as they've wanted to all along, and hopefully usher in an era of entertainment from a diverse group of independent creators.
Yes, Steven Lim took on the role of CEO of Watcher Entertainment recently, but the other founders still have an active role in the company. Like it or not, they all had a vote in making the switch to a streaming service. Singling out Steven in comments like those above isn't a good look for anyone.
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gunkbaby · 2 months
Tokyo Ghoul re-read:
Hello everypony. i have thrown around the idea of a Tokyo Ghoul re-read event of late, and a lot of people seem interested. I have come to some ideas for it, and wanted to inform everyone as I begin to sort it. If u have any ideas for the re-read, or might be interested in being a mod, pls dm me !
Im thinking basic idea of the re-read is kind of like a book club - a set chapter number per week, then the rest of the week is discussion. The chapter number i was setting was going to be about 1 volume per week - with adjusted numbers for slower and faster readers. (For example, know I can easily do a few day, but i read manga fast, but other people might only have time for 10 chapters a week, etc)
Also want to state the re-read would be open for literally everyone! Bc lots of ppl have expressed interest, but are already deep into personal re-reads - however you can absolutely still participate in the re-read and discussion (especially) if you are reading at a later point in the manga!!!!! i also know a few ppl who haven’t read TG before/anime onlys, who might like to join in too, and that’s absolutely fine too! There would be a spoiler free chat(s) too for newer readers specifically for this - and ppl can invite whoever they want to the read as well.
Pls give any suggestions or ideas! I’d luv to hear them.
The boring bits (where the read is held, estimate of when, etc) r all under here:
I’m thinking to do it on Discord, with weekly discussion threads/posts on twitter and tumblr - i believe you can create communities and public groups on both apps, so I would aim to make them also, if enough ppl were interested. There’s also the option for Instagram group chats - a WhatsApp group? Idk - if u have any suggestions, pls lmk. I don’t rly do group chats often.
As for when the re-read will start - i don’t yet know. I’m going back to school next month, as many are, and I’m just a busy little bee with a lot of interests and hobbies, so i would like to get into my routine first and ensure that i have time to dedicate to the re-read - or to gage how much help i might need with it. I think I might aim to start it in October personally - ideally on the first, but ik a lot of people do things during October (I’m literally considering writing for kinktober lmao) so it might be that later than that is a bit better - maybe trying to time it to start with a sort of school break time period. Maybe by the end of September I’ll be like ‘oh this is way easy, i have so much time for it’, but im adhd and bad at time planning, so i doubt it lmao.
I’m sorry if that’s too long a wait - y’all can start re-reads in the meantime idgaf. I just don’t want to start the re-read and realise two weeks in that i literally don’t have time. Lmao.
I also would ideally want a few mods/helpers on hand with the read. If only to help take care of the discord/chats, host separate discussions, etc - please lmk if you are interested. In particular, people with voice chat mod experience - i have no experience there so am desperate.
Pls lmk if u r interested in any of this - am i just talking to a wall? Idk! Tell meeee! Any suggestions or ideas r also greatly appreciated. I am hosting my own little re-read here but obviously this idea is not unique, I’m trying to see if enough people are interested in a group re-read with added discussion. It’s just some fun ofc.
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cutecapybarapics · 7 months
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uriekukistan · 23 days
ur one of the only ppl i follow that i know likes tokyo ghoul, and i just started reading it for the first time! (friends tried 2 get me into it when i was younger via the anime but i did Not Wanna so this is actually my first real read of it) i just started tg:re, so i have been Dying to talk abt it with somebody.. if u dont mind, who are ur faves? :3
omg im glad you did not watch the anime actually. the manga is infinitely better 🙏 okay this is not the place for me to rant against the anime let me move on before i get carried away
my number one fav and ofc the namesake of my url is urie <3 idk how far into :re you've gotten but i think he's like. the first to get introduced if im remembering correctly? but you might not get the vision Yet depending on how far you've read, but i just love an angry lil guy w daddy issues who cant express his emotions properly <3 no personal reasons for that at all.............his growth ends up being really nice too you'll see you'll see
another brand of character i like is the guy who can't stand coming in second in anything but always does, and has a one sided beef with the person who beats them every single time, so i also love takizawa. i don't wanna say too much abt him bc i don't wanna spoil the fun for you but he ends up having a really cool arc too
im realizing as i type this out most of my favs are either from :re alone, or get the majority of their development in :re im really trying to hold my tongue so bad rn,,,,,,,
idk if you've met saiko yet? she spends the entire first volume of :re asleep lmaoooo but she's great. i love how she's a character that stands for kindness in a world full of hate and different groups trying to kill each other all the time
recently i've come to appreciate eto more as well, i dont think i liked her much at first, but one of my tg mutuals is a big eto fan and i think that's helped me appreciate her more. also bc said mutual rbs all the posts i rb thinking "oh this post is so me" and adds the eto tag......okay maybe i am like her. also again with the daddy issues characters good lord pls pay that no mind,,,,,,,
cutting myself off after this one but i love both of the kirishima siblings :3 touka is so cool, and i love how her rough exterior hides how gentle and emotional she really is. i love characters like that. and ayato, he's so snarky and fun, but again, his roughness hides how much he cares. i don't think this qualifies as a spoiler (i mean it gets confirmed in :re, but i feel like it was implied in the first half of the series), but after touka kills those doves in retaliation for killing hinami's mom, ayato starts killing doves too, because he also has a rabbit mask, to detract attention from his sister.....so it ties that first incident to him rather than her :')
UGHIDGF i love tokyo ghoul so much, but i barely talk abt it anymore sorry to my tg mutuals :') pls come ask abt it anytime im happy to discuss !! glad you're liking it so far tho ! do u have any favs yet? i'd love to hear more of your thoughts :3
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alicent-archive · 10 months
HOTD S2 Teaser Trailer Thoughts
🚨 Spoilers for the teaser trailer if you haven’t already seen it 🚨
The first shot of Rhaenyra grieving for Luke near the ocean was…heartbreaking. She’s looking at the waves that swallowed her boy.
I assume Otto’s voiceover was him discussing what happened to Luke, rip.
Aegon walking into the throne room wearing Sunfyre embroidery? We love to see it. Tom is going to serve so hard this season.
The Hightower banners ahhhhh !
Alicent, the absolute love of my life is looking… grim as hell 😭.
Criston, what have they done to your hair? I actually didn’t recognise it was him until I re-watched the trailer, like that’s how FOUL it first looked. He’s definitely serving in the military but he’s not serving looks.
Aegon on the Iron Throne was so strange after only seeing Viserys on it for an entire season.
Rhaenyra with the dragon embroidery on her shoulders; Emma looks amazing omg.
I’m preeeeeety sure Alicent is in the Sept when she blows out the candle. I think you can see all the wax on the stone slab in the bottom right corner.
I’ll be very interested what aspect of the Seven she’ll be praying to. And this time, of course, she’ll be praying without a certain platinum blonde.
I’m also pretty sure that’s Seasmoke as well! Yes, my boi has returned!
Aemond (apparently) approaching the throne, I wonder if this is after Storms End; you can see it’s raining and thundering in the glass panes.
Alicent is by the LAKE?! Olivia must have been hooting and hollering that she’s finally left Watford. It’s actually really strange seeing her in a new location, like it feels so unreal after seeing Alicent in the Red Keep for an entire season.
Seasmoke again, my boi is on the beach. I hope we can finally get some close ups on the goofy boy because I cannot keep surviving off grainy images.
Dragonpit shot nice nice.
Helaena during the funeral not nice not nice. That shot is so beautiful though. Phia you are spectacular.
That old man touching Alicent WILL be appropriately dragged to filth by me when that ep airs.
Blood and Cheese I wish you both a very pleasant DIE.
VHAGAR is back bitches!!!
Overall, I’m very excited. My expectations for what they’ll do to TG is not optimistic at ALL, but at least everyone will look very hot.
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markantonys · 1 year
when the first 3 episodes dropped i remember seeing some grumbling and Plothole Accusations re: verin assuming the dragon was one of the 3 boys when s1 had established that the dragon could be any gender (though of course, most of the complaints came from readers who were mad about the show daring to suggest Hypothetical Girl Dragon in the first place and are still looking for any excuse to tear into it)
a) *moiraine* thinks the dragon could be reborn as any gender despite being a man last time, but that doesn't mean every single person in the world also believes this. i would imagine that the precise mechanics of soul rebirth are unknown enough that everyone has room for their own beliefs!
and more importantly (major TGS book spoilers below)
b) verin is black ajah and probably already knows from ishamael that the dragon has been reborn and is a man named rand al'thor; she may have even been at the darkfriend social when he was talking about it. so, since verin already knows the dragon's gender and might NOT know that moiraine was also considering female candidates, her assumption here that the dragon was one of the 3 boys is actually kinda tipping her hand the tiniest bit and hinting that she's already got insider info on the dragon's identity. (i wouldn't necessarily say that moiraine noticed this, but i did in my rewatch since i have the benefit of already knowing future revelations about verin!)
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lemonlinelights · 4 months
HIIII I have an au idea and I can't stop thinking about it- SO like I recently re-read the glass scientists AND I've also been watching Dungeon Meshi (started the manga last night) and both stories have this idea of souls being mailable but it's incredibly dangerous and taboo to do sO
Henry Jekyll in his attempts to split his soul has an accident* and his soul becomes mixed with a Green Dragon (it's green instead of red you see where this is going)-
Henry Jekyll is now a chimera au where the HJ7 is to maintain a more human form.
Edward Hyde was a dragon that is now stuck as a human and hangs around Jekyll until things are fixed so he can be a dragon again.
This features Henry dealing with monster instincts and Edward having to deal with having human emotions and a human conscience.
*the accident is that Henry thought the dragon didn't already have a soul so it could easily carry what he wants to get rid of in his soul. Spoiler: He was wrong (but also sort of not) it works but instead he swaps pieces of the dragons soul with his.
Also I think a funny setback could be that Henry and Edward can't be far away from each other for too long without their mismatched souls falling apart. (I imagine this isn't a problem with Falin or Izutsumi cause they share the same body with their monster souls)
I am unsure of what the setting should be? Like the idea of Dungeons (or maybe just dragons) could slide into tgs universe BUT taking all the tgs characters and thinking about what would be different if they lived in the dungeon meshi universe is so much fun!
LIKE! "I have to be perfect" Jekyll traveling through the Dungeon with "I just want to be a dragon again" Hyde in hopes of finding a cure. Who knows what they might run into and what friends party members they'd gain along the way?
How they both learn to be human but in very different ways.
JUST AAAA I CANT stop thinking about this and what hijinks and adventures there would be
LIKE ROBERT?? Please tell me how you think Robert fits into all this like I can't think of a solid idea T-T (I can see the other Lodgers though as other dungeon adventurers)
Also Zosi is there❤️
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apocalypticavolition · 3 months
Let's (re)Read The Dragon Reborn! Chapter 25: Questions
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Spoiler warnings and whatnot.
This chapter has Lanfear's moon and stars symbol because she shows up to cause problems.
She had dreamed of the Seanchan, too, of women in dresses with lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the White Tower. That had started her awake in a cold sweat, but that had to be just a nightmare, too. And the dream about Whitecloaks binding her father’s hands. A nightmare brought on by homesickness, she supposed. But the others. . . .
Both of these dreams are prophetic, the former reflecting the attack on the White Tower in TGS and the latter the Whitecloak invasion that will be a major arc of TSR. Egwene's dreams about Rand will not be quoted because all of them are very obvious.
There had been a dream of Mat and Seanchan, too, but she was willing to dismiss that as a nightmare. It had to have been just a nightmare. Just like the one about Mat speaking the Old Tongue. That had to come from what she had heard during his Healing.
Really, all of these ta'veren dreams are pretty self-explanatory. What's much more fun than analyzing them is how Egwene is Cassandra-ing herself.
She’s as touchy about her pride as any man I ever met. But she should not take it out on Elayne and me. Light, if Elayne can stand it, she should be able to. She isn’t the Wisdom anymore.
Egwene is chafing under Nynaeve's presumption of authority now that they're all the same official rank and her practical experience is effectively equal or even in excess of Nynaeve's.
“It tells us it is all too neat,” Elayne said calmly. “What chance that thirteen women chosen solely because they were Darkfriends would be so neatly arrayed across age, across nations, across Ajahs? Shouldn’t there be perhaps three Reds, or four born in Cairhien, or just two the same age, if it was all chance? They had women to choose from or they could not have chosen so random a pattern. There are still Black Ajah in the Tower, or elsewhere we don’t know about. It must mean that.”
Elayne shows off a really good understanding of statistical analysis here, which is impressive considering how many people her age are bad at it in our time. She really has a keen mind for science, so it's a shame she doesn't exist in an era when it does. Perhaps the philosophy will be taken up again by the schools.
“Unless they want us to think they’re hiding a pattern, so we will waste our time hunting for it when there isn’t one. I am not saying there isn’t; I am only saying we do not know yet. Let’s look for it, but I think we ought to look at other things, too, don’t you?”
I think this is a case where Elayne and Egwene are both right. I think the main purpose of the 13 women was to say "We're legion," more than hiding any particular pattern but there is one aspect of the Black Ajah that the group does hide: the Red Ajah is by far the most corrupted of the seven, yet it is the least represented of the set.
Too many items, and more than half the “use unknowns” last studied by Corianin Nedeal. Thirteen of them, to be exact.
The question is, did the Black Ajah successfully represss the knowledge of the dream ter'angreal while keeping it to themselves, or were they totally ignorant of their purpose until a Forsaken told them?
“Item. A carved cluster of six spotted dice, joined at the corners, less than two inches across. Use unknown, save that channeling through it seems to suspend chance in some way, or twist it.”
I do not think this particular ter'angreal ever shows up again. Perhaps the good guys were lucky and the Blacks lost it.
“So there’s Verin to suspect,” Elayne sighed. “If she is Black Ajah, then they know exactly what we are doing. And Alanna.” She gave Egwene an uncertain, sidelong look.
I think that one of the reasons for Verin's long sabbatical to the Two Rivers was so that she could hold off on giving the intel on Egwene's activities as long as possible.
“I like Alanna.” Nynaeve tugged her braid, then shrugged. “Oh, very well. Perha—That is, she did behave oddly.”
Kind of a shame that Egwene doesn't recognize how Nynaeve is genuinely trying here.
“I am not likely to forget it,” Elayne said fervently. “But we should have some other way to get word to her. My mother would have planned it better.”
Elayne's spoiled side does come out a bit in parts; Nynaeve is quite right to point out that the Amyrlin's current condition is entirely unlike any Elayne ever knew Morgase to be in, which is to say, it is the exact situation Morgase is in at this very moment.
She frowned at the ring, then took a deep breath. “I am going to sleep with it tonight.”
Egwene's already chafing under Nynaeve but I think this is the thing that pushes her over into hostility going forward, that Nynaeve tried to take away HER thing, even if it was just about trying to protect the girls.
“Very well. But Elayne and I will be there. I do not know what we can do, but if anything goes wrong, perhaps we can wake you up, or. . . . We will be there.”
Amusingly, watching over Egwene in her sleep *is* practice for what Nynaeve will need to be doing much later at Shayol Ghul.
Egwene hid the stone ring inside her fist. She had the strangest feeling that Else had been staring at it.
I think that this is why Mat bumped into Lanfear when he did, to delay her just long enough that she couldn't have any opportunities to really screw with the ring. If she'd arrived sooner, she may have had a chance to do SOMETHING.
A woman turned to face her at the foot of the ramp, and Egwene stopped in confusion. Whoever she was, this was certainly not Else. All in silver and white silk, she sparked feelings Egwene had never had before. She was taller, more beautiful by far, and the look in her black eyes made Egwene feel small, scrawny, and none too clean.
It's absolutely hilarious that "awaken latent bisexuality to drive envy" is a weave at all. It is absolutely in character for Lanfear to have it.
“I have taken up enough time with you for now. I have more important matters to see to. Leave me.” She gestured back the way Egwene had come.
I don't remember what Lanfear was up to, but I think it was a serious time limit that prevented her from taking the time she'd like to rip the ring from Egwene and prevent one more rival from existing in T'A'R.
Next time: Detective work!
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