#tf2 subclass
joking-hazard · 2 years
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Inktober Day 9
Crabby ft. Crab spy
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willyonilly · 7 months
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The Oath of Vitriol - Homebrew Paladin Subclass
Jarate - the jar-based karate! Now with 99% less chance to cause kidney failure!
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maxphilippa · 3 months
i love penis scout
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daydreamodyssey · 1 year
Since demoman has an entire subclass that completely alters how he's played (demoknight), I think heavy should have something similar
Make him more mobile, agile, but replace his minigun with something with more mechanical aiming.
Primary: Pow Cannon. Think of the Tau cannon in half life 1 but slightly slower and with damage dropoff and more damage spread. Puts him toe to toe with soldiers and demos at mid range. **If you hold the secondary, it charges the cannon to chew up a good bit of ammo for a discharge that can propel up to higher spaces if you point below you, and can either (depending on which one seems cooler and less OP) send a powerful close range shotgun like blast for area denial OR a more traditional explosion.
Secondary: Meat Shield. Similar to the banners, a giant shield looking like a cartoon meat slab that boosts the defense of nearby teammates once you deal enough damage with a war cry.
Melee: Counter Offensive. Fists that make you charge forward with a guaranteed mini crit followed by a cool down effect, but no random crits during this time.
All for fun, but I think something similar to this with some tweaks would help make Heavy a more dynamic class that's less dependent on the team (particularly medics) and situational awareness!
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Demoman:
Demo occasionally fights with a talking haunted sword called Eyelander who loves cutting heads off, they're also sort of frenemies, it's a really fun dynamic since Demo seems a lot more energetic when fighting with him.
First, although the main focus of the character is on bombs, he has a menagerie of various swords that are equipable items, with a Demoknight being a popular "subclass". He isn't canonically lgbtq+ but no one in tf2 is cishet and have you heard the voicelines.
For Andy:
she is master of weapons, and also just a queen in general. also also, she’s highkey the pinnacle of gay pining (girlfriend trapped in a cycle of death/rebirth at the bottom of the ocean, and andy spent centuries looking for her to rescue her)
Has been a sword (or more commonly a labrys, or improvised weapon) gay for thousands of years
She's an unknowably old immortal and unspeakably skilled in any/all forms of combat. She typically uses her signature axe but per the other characters, "she's forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn." Until recently, an unkillable gay (at least not permanently). She's bitter, she's badass, she's even bisexual. Peace and love on planet Earth.
Andromache is super tough, strong, and can beat anyone in a fight. She can also beat the bury the gays allegations as she can die but does not stay dead. She has been alive since est. 4700 BCE and has been protecting humanity with her blade skills for over 6000 years. She has been the leaders of various communities and worshiped as a goddess in several cultures. Andy is the founding member of the Old Guard, where she fights side-by-side with her life long love Quyuh (or Noriko as she is known in the comics, who is also a badass warrior and archer). Andy knows countless languages and is an expert in all weapons but her main weapon of choice is her labrys (a very lesbian blade weapon, so I hope it can be excused that it is not a sword). She has forgotten more ways to kill a man than any person/army will ever know in their lives. And yet even with this ferocious and tough skill-set, she is still so kindhearted, caring, passionate, selfless and protective of her found family and will do anything for them and for her love (even during the present complicated situation which i will not outline bc spoilers for The Old Guard). Please vote for Andy, she is a lesbian and wlw icon <3
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girlballs · 10 months
thinking more about that shooter idea where you’ve got tf2 style class loadouts with destiny 2 style class abilities, specifically on how to expand upon the latter's aspect/fragment thing. could be neat to treat fragment/passive perk slots like the blood gem shapes from bloodborne (perk type A only fits in slot type A, perk B in slot B, etc) and have those slots dictated by ability choice
either like. a single ability (super or class ability?) alone determines it (e.g. Pyro's Super 1 gives you perk slots ABC but Super 2 gives BCC) or have each slot affected by an individual ability (one slot tied to grenade ability choice, another for melee, another for your class/super ability)
or. maybe take that a step further and make it layered so that. super choice affects ability choice which then affects perk slots. so you don't always have every possible combination avaliable. but you still also have the extra layer of weapon choice that's unaffected by (but can still synergize with) ability choices. kind of like d2's subclasses but not necessarily tied to a different element?
like...three separate medic "subclasses" centered around either providing health regen, shielding allies, or healing allies by leeching health from enemies, each with their own ability trees and themed weapon sets. so you're still always doing medic stuff but with different flavors. idunno i'm kind of rambling at this point but i think there's definitely potential in mixing the two approaches to fps stuff
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apas-95 · 2 months
in tf2 I play solely shotgun pyro and I have been informed by my fellow players that, in the same vein as shotgun heavy being 'fat scout', my subclass is apparently 'gay scout'
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months
okay i’m remembering this is actually a debate so
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gracefireheart · 4 months
Back to thinking about the TF2 squad, but in a DnD setting.
I don't remember who posted this or where it was posted (and I wished I remembered it so much orz), but Sniper being a Firbolg is amazing and I love it so much and I want to give a big smooch to whoever thought about it first. Also, I can't imagine him having any other class other than Ranger. Have no clue what subclass to give him tho' o(-(
Soldier being a Fighter with the Gunslinger subclass would be fun. But the Battle Master subclass would also fit him. As for what race he would be ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe Bugbear?
Idk why, but Demoman as a Blood Hunter (with his subclass maybe being the Order of the Ghostslayer) makes my brain go haywire. Not sure whether to have him be a Minotaur, an Elf, or a half-Elf tho'. Leaning maybe towards one of the latter two. Maybe.
Spy being a Changeling Rogue (unsure what subclass to give him smh) is pretty fitting imo. Don't really have much else to add here lol
Scout would then be half-Human half-... Changeling? Fey? Elf? I have honestly no clue how that exactly works lol. As for his class... I have no clue as well. A part of me is leaning towards Monk, while another part of me is leaning towards Bard. *shrug*
I think it would be fun if Pyro is the only one in the group that's just straight up Human, with maybe some dragon ancestry waayyy back in their family tree, which let's them use Sorcerer spells. That, or let them go nuts with Wild Magic that they got from meeting a Unicorn.
Engineer being a Dwarf Artificer with the Battle Smith subclass that let's him have his own lil' robot turret puppy following him around :)
Heavy would be a Barbarian, but I'm unsure what subclass tho'. I'm leaning towards the Path of the Totem Warrior since one of the animals that can be chosen is the bear, which got quite some perks that fits him. Also unsure whether to have him be a Half-Orc, or a Goliath, or something else.
I just really like the idea of Medic being Tiefling and a Cleric for a God in the Trickery domain (*cough* Satan being the God of Trade or Deals or something *cough*), which let's him have access to the spell Disguise Self, which he uses to look like an Elf most of the time. Just yes :]
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willyonilly · 7 months
doodled banks and his boyfriend also...
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friendlyengie · 1 year
Love the dnd tf2 designs!
I am a nerd who likes making character sheets for fictional characters, so could I for a few of the mercs?
(Idk about levels or some of their subclasses tho-)
oh absolutely!! I don’t have a lot of specifics ironed out as far as levels and subclasses go (@/queensqueercourt suggested way of the drunken master monk for scout with some sort of fantasy-equivalent of bonk he makes himself which I think is really good) so feel free to go nuts! And please show me if you do, I’d love to see!
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the-gnomish-bastard · 10 months
Dungeons and Dads! Sneaky edition! Bet you did see that coming. To preface, your dad is a sneaky lad. One of those dads that might be anywhere in the house at any given time. You can never hear him moving. Subclass time!
Arcane Trickster? Your dad is a street magician. No other way to say it. Possibly a scam artist too.
Assassin? Your dad played 3 assassin’s creed games and one hitman game. And also the spy in tf2.
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Mastermind? Your dad watched a heist movie. Twice.
Phantom? Your dad loves ghosts and their sneakiness.
Scout? Think fast chucklenuts!
Soulknife? Your dad really likes hunting with that knife, huh…
Swashbuckler? Your dad watched Pirates of the Caribbean and plays sea of thieves. Yo ho.
Thief? Your dad plays Payday 2.
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miintsprigz · 9 months
Anybody out there a big fan of Team Fortress 2 and Dungeons and Dragons or am I the last of my kind/j
ANYWAYS I am assigning TF2 classes D&D classes because I can and it’s fun, I talked these over with the same friend that helped me with artist Y/N
Scout is a Monk because…c’mon, high dexterity.
Engineer is an Artificer because of course. Alternatively, could be a Wizard.
Medic is an easy Cleric, but he ain’t gonna be one of the sissy subclasses (I affectionately joke, I am that sissy, that sissy is me).
Demo could definitely be a Warlock, reading a book, losing your eyeball to it and then that eyeball becomes Sentient?! That’s some Warlock nonsense if I’ve ever seen it.
Soldier is a Paladin because FOR AMERICAAAAAAAA
Heavy is a Barbarian only because he hits hard and is tanky, he is NOT stupid and Barbarians don’t have to be either. Stats be darned, I’ve played intelligent Barbarians and Heavy is one.
Spy is a Rogue, that’s pretty clear, although honestly he does give me some Bard vibes (because uh…Yo Mama). To me, that suggests he’d make a good Swashbuckler Rogue.
Pyro could be a Sorcerer because uh…fireball. Also yay crazy magic!
Sniper was tricky, but I chose Ranger because 1.) Spy is too Rogue to be anything else, and 2.) HUNTER’S MARK IS RIGHT THERE.
I may draw these
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0sbrain · 1 year
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a while ago i made a friend in tf2 who mains spy. today we decided to terrorize the enemy gamers with the chadest subclass of them all: gunspy
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theladychonchon · 2 months
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Did I put my own TF2 oc in my MH au? yes, yes I did.
So Léon is some sort of monster, obviously (sort of a subclass of Somnacanth), and basically his story is based on the fan theory about Fatalis' armour. Léon found a cursed armour and it turned him into this. He's very sad and sopping wet, just the way I like him.
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