#testing tiktoks
dallasyt · 8 months
Get ready for a laughter-packed Valentine's Day edition as I put viral TikTok life hacks to the test! 😂 Watch the chaos unfold, as I attempt the lip-plumping hair tie trick (spoiler: it failed), discover the mishaps of turning leftover rose bouquets into potpourri spray (another fail), and redeem the video with a sweet and successful twist, as I create heart-shaped blueberry cinnamon rolls that are as delicious as they are adorable. Get ready for lots of laughs and a candid look at the reality behind these viral Tiktok life hacks! Don’t forget to stay till the end for the bloopers and comment down below if you tried any of these!? 🌹🤦🏻‍♀️💋
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txttletale · 2 years
everyone loves to talk big game about how they hate carceralism and punitive justice until it comes to the topic of sexual violence in which case half of the prison abolitionists will revert immediately to being constitutional literalists for the code of hammurabi without missing a beat--good thing that the accusation of sexual violence hasn't been historically leveraged against people of colour or gay people or trans women or anything or this capitulation to kneejerk reaction would be uhhh pretty bad!
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mmehrunesraz0r · 5 months
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pastelsketches64 · 1 month
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🎉 The Gang's All Here! 🎉
⬇Alt Colour Palette Under the Cut⬇
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Version with the official colour palettes! (AKA: no eyeballing, just eye-dropping XDDD)
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...Aaaand a little GIF to show the difference between the two!
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Eddie posts a TikTok but before he can say anything, you hear Steve in the background like, “Are you really going to let a dog dictate how you live your life?”
Eddie just stops, whatever his original reason for posting is immediately forgotten when he says, “uh, yeah. If that dog went to college and lives his entire life with the sole purpose of making sure you don’t crack open your skull.”
Eddie flips his camera around to Steve, who looks terrible and exhausted but is also glaring at him. Eddie says, “Look at this big fucking baby, right now. This guy has had two seizures already today and the worse case of vertigo I’ve ever seen. I literally had to help him to the bathroom to piss earlier and he’s mad at me because I won’t let him go to work.”
Steve, flipping him off : Fuck you, my students need me
Eddie: Yeah, need ya to rest so Oz doesn’t come back in here and give me that disappointed look
Steve: Dogs can’t look disappointed
Eddie: Yeah, they- Oh my god, did you wait until he took a potty break to try to con me into driving you to work? You think I’m easier to trick than a dog!
“That’s not what I think,” Steve says, doing exactly what he was told not to do and getting up. He stumbles over to Eddie’s side of the couch and though he looks a little dizzy doing so, he leans in and whispers something to Eddie that makes him perk up and even blush a little. Steve looks amused when he leans back, “That’s what i think.”
“That sounds-“ Eddie says but then the camera pans over sharply to Ozzy in the doorway. He huffs at them and Eddie laments, “He’s disappointed!”
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nixster627 · 8 months
Wei Wuxian: The idea of two men kissing is fine. I don't care. I love it. It's beautiful. I'll kiss you now. Please ask me.
Lan Wangji: ...
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thoughtportal · 2 years
home made DIY baking spray
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ozzgin · 7 months
I convinced Kakuzu to do the baba trend (had to sell both my kidneys)
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pinatadulce · 7 months
Wasn't planning on posting anything today but...
(Spoiler alert?)
"and eddie dear was happy"
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Epic fighting scenes with Sally and Frank (Barnaby is also there he's just invisible)
Someone save the golden retriever mailman neighbor plz 😕
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colorisbyshe · 8 months
mattel is owned by an israeli who was promoting the ~october 7th “documentary” (propaganda)
so maybe less caping for the barbie movie and crying about how it was “snubbed” when it got at least 5 noms too many lmfao
like… the oscar’s TO THIS DAY are racist as hell, are used to distract from real life atrocities, and here you are crying about a billion dollar movie not getting enough noms
free promo to go into mattel’s ceo’s zionist pockets lmfao.
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outer-edges · 11 months
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dallasyt · 8 months
Welcome to the best day of the week! Get ready for this week’s YouTube video coming out shortly. I’m testing VIRAL TikTok LIFE HACKS and SPOILER ALERT, it didn’t go well… Stay tuned and check it out.
We post FULL YouTube videos EVERY Wednesday at 11:30 AM and a TON of YouTube Shorts DAILY in between.
Make sure to subscribe to turn on the bell icon to get notfied when we post.
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oozeandgoo-art · 29 days
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heard it's open season on yachts down here
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cinnibelle · 7 months
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karaspal · 3 months
I just remembered about the existence of the Supergirl Special #1 and I got annoyed again. So now I shall copy and paste the review I left in comic geeks.
Perhaps Mariko Tamaki should stay away from Kara. I’m yet to read a good Supergirl story from her. I get that this story has some message about girlhood somewhere in these pages, but it poses an issue Kara has never had. She has never felt like she’s falling behind. That’s not a part of her character. So why use her to tell this story?
Another problem I have is her risking the lives of innocent people, and for what? Because she is jealous of Karen? She’d never do something like that. Helping people has always been her number one priority. And she’d never be jealous of someone else. Especially someone who had their entire charm assassinated by Leah Williams.
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Kara can be arrogant and stubborn sometimes, yes, but not in the way it’s presented here. She is arrogant and stubborn in the sense she wants to save everyone and would never stop, even if she’s on the brink of death. Call it the indomitable kryptonian spirit, if you will. Call it stupid stubbornness, if you will. But it is who Kara is. Sometimes she can feel like she’s the only one who can do what it needs to be done, to save the people who need saving, and yes, it is arrogant, but the reason she feels so is because she can’t have anyone dying on her watch. Those “toxic” traits of her come from a place of selflessness and compassion, not jealousy. Everything she is, it comes from a place of selflessness and compassion. She suffered so much in her life, you better believe she’d do everything in her power and more to make sure no one else has to suffer the same way she did.
Kara is a competent woman who knows what she is doing. She’s confident and strong. Phillip Kennedy Johnson once described her as always being “the smartest person in the room”. It still baffles me how DC turned PKJ’s Supergirl pitch down, but green lit this.
It’s been half a year and somehow, I hate this more than the day it came out. Perhaps, it’s because this is last Supergirl thing DC published and it was last year. It’s never too late to let PKJ write her, you know.
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Someone suggests in the comments of Eddie’s video about Steve being passive-aggressive to just invite Steve to come with to his show. As if Eddie hasn’t already. Eddie responds with a video. He’s sitting on the couch, zooming in and out on Steve looking through a photo album.
Eddie: What do you got there, Stevie boy?
Steve: Our wedding pictures, back when the things we said meant anything.
Eddie flips the camera back around to himself to give it a look and then turned it back onto Steve: You do know that you can come with me, right? I want you to come with me
Steve: Oh, do you want my students to fail out of school and become addicted to drugs too? Do you want me to get fired because my test scores drop and then I become homeless because I don’t have a job, because I’m not available to help my students study? Is that what you want??? They have a test next week. I literally told you this
Eddie, who is hearing about this for the first time: …You wouldn’t become homeless.
Eddie: And I don’t want your students to fail
Steve: Sounds like you do
Eddie, to the camera: That went well
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