#terrorists Israel Gaza Hamas Hitler Hirohito
darnell233 · 4 months
I consider myself a Christian. I’ve been following what’s been going on in Palestine since the festival massacre, where Hamas terrorists specifically attacked, murdered, raped and took hostage civilians. When Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza in response to rescue the hostages and put an end to the terrorist group that has declared death to ALL Jews, I have watched in sadness and empathy the death and destruction of Gaza and her people, but the simplistic response of the protesters and their anti semitic rhetoric has me horrified. Let me put this into perspective: during WWII the United States dropped 2 atom bombs and fire bombed Tokyo for a CIVILIAN death toll of between 300,000 to 400,000. The total civilian death toll on Germany from allied bombs was in excess of 800,000. These numbers didn’t result in protests, hate speech. And while a number of Nazis and Japanese soldiers were tried and convicted of war crimes the remaining innocent civilians were left to become the staunch defenders of civilization that children have become. Now we’ve become defenders of those that sponsor terrorism against innocent civilians who were praying for joy, peace and understanding between both sides of the current war between the terrorists and the Israeli army. 6 MILLION innocent Jews were executed and hundreds of thousands of innocent Chinese were massacred during WWII. And while we gave a pass to the people who promoted and followed both Hitler and Hirohito in starting WWII we never shed a tear for those hundreds of thousands innocent enemies who died during that war. And now we have the gall, the temerity to blame the entire Jewish population for the Israeli army finally trying to stamp out the terrorists who consider all Jews as someone to kill with no thought except how fast with as much pain and suffering as they can bestow . Nobody is saying how the people of Gaza voted Hamas to govern them. Nobody has wondered how Hamas could have built the tunnels under Gaza and into Israel AND Egypt without the innocent population of Gazans knowing and applauding it. How can we compare people are forced to dig out terrorists from under Hospitals because they use the population of innocent to hide behind to those that seek out unarmed festival goers to kill, rape and kidnap and video tape their beastialty with out qualm but with glee. Where is our justice, our humanity that we can vilify the victims and defend those that started this holocaust?
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