#tenko is innocent
on-the-edge-of-dune · 2 years
Tenko Shimura was traumatised abused child kidnapped and groomed by an old man who wanted his body.
Even his identity was stolen by being renamed.
Y'all blaming the victim
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tomura randomly towards his s/o
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pocketramblr · 5 months
Ask Game AU: Where Nao grow suspicious of her husbands "friend" and his constant need to involve himself in their lives so she does her own investigation of the man.
1- Nao was glad, at first, that Kotaro was befriending people at work. He's always been slow to trust. With this friend, though, he wasn't. Kotaro ended up working later, and when he wasn't, going out to dinner or drinks with his coworker. Nao didn't want to bring anything up, didn't want to discourage him, and it wasn't like she had been abandoned to watch Hana all day by herself- her parents were there, and Kotaro wasn't out every single night. Just a lot of them.
2- Still, she doesn't say anything, until one night, Kotaro is back and in bed next to her, only a bit of wine left on his lips, when he brings up trying for a second child. She stares at him, and he withdraws, but she tells him it wasn't a bad thing- just, she had no idea he was thinking about it. They were both only children, and Kotaro had spent some years in a home with many other kids and didn't speak fondly of the experience. Kotaro tells her his friend brought it up, is all, and Nao nods, but is more worried.
3- Kotaro's office is hardly difficult to find things in. She discovers that he was the one to hire his friend, which she notes is weird, because he never mentions that detail. The address on record for him doesn't seem to be a place someone lives. The numbers on his bank account are... fine. But she doesn't find any trace of him online. She asks a few questions to Kotaro here and there, what his friends qualifications were, where he went to school. He's not even found there, on any list of graduates or alum forums. It's odd. but maybe he is just very private.
4- Hana brings up having a little sibling. Nao asks her if her father said anything, and she says no, they had a substitute teacher that day who'd told some stories and said he used to have a little brother. When Kotaro comes home late from work, he's unaware of what his daughter said when Nao asks if he's been thinking about it still. He says he has, and she says she still doesn't know. Two kids after all is a lot of work. and he's not home very often anymore.
5- Nao looks at the package of pills, the last row of seven, and opens her next box instead. She's done it before, once, for a vacation to the beach. She'd spotted a little then, but this time its more. Her birth control's been tampered with. Kotaro couldn't have done it, she'd just gotten the new box the day before she'd opened it and what'd he know anyway about it? What had that pharmacist looked like? Perhaps it was a defect, something she should notify the manufacturer about. She resolves to do so. Kotaro doesn't eat dinner with them that night, and when she asks how it went, he tells her that his friend told him such a funny story about his little brother, listen, he'll tell her and she'll laugh. She asks about the brother, Kotaro goes quiet and says his friend talked about him in the past tense. He's got enough dead family of his own to not press more than that. But really, the story was funny. Nao thinks about Hana's substitute- but clearly, Kotaro's friend was at work that day, must be another coincidence. In a line of many bad ones. Kotaro asks her if she'd like a second child. Nao thinks she might have, before all this. Now, she isn't sure what she'd like. Instead, she tells him that he barely sees Hana. is he really sure that he wants another kid? Kotaro goes quiet again, realizes she's right. He offers to take the next day off. Nao tells him she just wants him home on time for dinner.
+1- Kotaro agrees, and the next day Nao's parents watch Hana for an hour while she meets with her friend Shirota Akiho at the park. Akiho gives Nao a hug, and an unopened box of birth control. She tells her that her sister Beru's bridal shower is in a few weeks, and she can give her another box then. She agrees everything sounds weird- but Kotaro probably isn't to blame. Nao goes home. Kotaro on time for dinner that day. But he realizes when he reacts to Hana telling him she is playing heroes before bed (and Nao and Hana react to his reaction) that maybe he should spend more time at home before welcoming someone else into it.
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baby-tini · 3 months
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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Dabi\Touya Todoroki- Trauma-bonding with Dabi NSFW Meet the Todorokis NSFWish He sounds so pretty when he whimpers NSFW Desperate times call for desperate measures NSFW Pray to me NSFW Chikan NSFW Your beauty is in my eyes SFW Shotgunning a blunt NSFW A Rule. NSFW Bully!Dabi NSFW You prefer Dabi- Poly!DabiHawks NSFW "stay down little hero" NSFW Blackmail NSFW I want you on me permanently NSFW Forgotten by family SFW Your ex won't stop calling? Bet. NSFW Toxic!Dabi NSFW I HATE ENDEAVOR SFW Dabi w/ catgirl!reader NSFW Songs that relate to Dabi imo SFW He burns the sheets when he cums inspo from this NSFW Ruining Innocence NSFW Stockholm Syndrome NSFW Tiny Tits inspo from @mostlyheinous NSFW Reader with an abusive family Poly!DabiHawks NSFWish Childhood Bestfriend SFW Dabi is... soft?? SFW Knife Kink NSFW Daddy Kink NSFW Dabi hates when you say "shut up" NSFW Tongue Piercing NSFW Oral Fixation NSFW Dabi art by nala_bert on Ig FWB!Dabi SFW "It's not a goodnight" Tiktok trend NSFW Dabis lil growl NSFW You know he's Touya NSFWish
Tomura Shigaraki\Tenko Shimura- Hawks\Keigo Takami- You prefer Dabi- Poly!DabiHawks NSFW Reader with an abusive family Poly!DabiHawks NSFWish
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scary-grace · 4 months
I didn’t put this WIP on the list for the WIP game, but I’m hyped about it, so here is an excerpt from a fic inspired partially by a conversation with @sophsiaaa and written for a summer fic event hosted by @threadbaresweater! Shigaraki x reader, coffee shop au + ‘a day at the beach’:
Past noon, things slow down a bit. You decide to speed-clean the espresso machine, and you’re so focused on your work that you don’t notice the customer. It’s possibly also the customer’s fault, since he’s peering at you from over the drink pickup counter instead of standing by the cash register, and when he barks the question at you, it startles you badly. “What’s the password?”
“On the WiFi?” You tuck your burned hand behind your back. “No password. Find a place to sit down and have at it.”
The customer looks disconcerted. Or at least you think he does — the lower half of his face is covered with a surgical mask, and given that he doesn’t have eyebrows, it’s hard to read his expression. “Why?”
“Why isn’t there a password?” You haven’t gotten that question yet. “I want people to be able to use it if they need it.”
“They’re gonna watch porn.”
“Me putting a password on the WiFi wouldn’t stop that,” you say. “And I’m not the Internet police. If somebody starts acting up, I’ll deal with it. If not — just use headphones.”
The customer’s expression twists. “I didn’t mean me.”
“Sure.” You’re not a moron. “It’s not my business what you do. Unless your business starts messing with my business. Seriously. Knock yourself out.”
The customer turns away, and you spend a second being extremely grateful that you went for single-occupancy bathrooms instead of multiple-stall bathrooms before you go back to cleaning the espresso machine. Your hand hurts, but it’s nothing running it under cold water won’t fix later. When you straighten up, there’s someone at the counter.
It’s porn guy, who you really shouldn’t call porn guy. Innocent until proven guilty and all that. You dry your hands and hurry over. “What can I get for you today?”
“Black coffee.”
“Sure. Anything else?”
The customer glances at the pastry case, then shakes his head. Then his stomach growls audibly. He knows you heard it. What little of his face is visible above the mask turns red. “No.”
“Tell you what,” you say. “I’ve got these new pastries the bakery wants me to try out, but next to nobody’s tried one yet. If you agree to tell me how it was, you can have it half off.”
“I have money.” The customer shoves a credit card across the counter to you, and you see that he’s wearing fingerless gloves. Or sort of fingerless gloves. They’re missing the first three fingers and that’s it. “I don’t need help.”
“No, but you’re helping me out,” you say. You add the pastry to his order and discount it by half, then fish it out of the case with a pair of tongs. “For here or to go?”
“Here.” The customer watches as you set it on a plate. “What is that?”
“It’s babka.”
“I can read. What is it?”
“I don’t really know,” you admit. Maybe that’s why people aren’t buying them. “The filling is chocolate and cinnamon, though. It’s hard to go wrong with that. It’ll be just a second with the coffee.”
You fill a mug, then point out the cream and sugar. Then you realize you still haven’t tapped the customer’s card. You finish ringing it up and glance at the cardholder’s name. Shimura Tenko. He hasn’t been in before today. You’re not the best with faces, but you never forget a name.
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lesinquietes · 2 months
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The cops wind up knocking, just as Convict!Shigaraki predicted. When you come to the door, you’re wearing a nice, homely dress. He picked it out. There are flowers on it that remind him of his mother — not that he tells you that. He’s still trying to convince himself you’re only temporary, when he knows damn well he’s in it for the long haul. After all, how can he give you up when you’re so much fun to ruin?
The officers don’t stay long; you don’t give them a reason to. You tell them you’re cleaning up the house for when your fiancé comes home in a few months. He’s currently out of town for work. It’s a simple excuse to buy. You certainly act the part flawlessly, chuckling and offering them a glass of lemonade as you gab about your engagement. Eventually, with empathetic smiles, the men bid you a good day and wish you a happy wedding. They don’t even ask for a photo of him.
Shigaraki grins when you close the door and lock up. He watches the vehicle drive back down to the main road and turn left. No doubt, they’re going to the station to issue a national manhunt for him. You played the perfect role of his doting soon-to-be-wife. A thought crosses his mind that he might actually like that — a partner in crime. But he discards any thoughts of romance at this moment in favour of diving between your legs to give you a proper reward.
He hikes your dress up so most of it rests around your waist. Hastily, he drags your panties aside and admires how cute your pussy is. You moan sweetly when he spits on your clit to get you ready. He leans in and breathes gingerly against your folds, watching with delight as you quiver beneath him. God, how did he get so lucky? He could have stumbled into your neighbour’s yard instead, but the universe was on his side that fateful night. The more time he spends with you, corrupting that once innocent head of yours, the more he tells himself he’s not going to leave.
He licks and sucks on your little clit. The cries that fly from your lips are wanton. It makes his mast twitch in his jeans. He won’t indulge in your tightness yet, though; you’re owed an orgasm for your obedience. He buries himself between your thighs and doesn’t surface until you unravel. Cert soon, at the height of your pleasure, your body buzzes. Your toes feel tingly and you lift your hips closer to his generous mouth. The overstimulation is too much.
When you cum, you scream the name he gave you. It’s his birth name, and it’s not on file. His mother had him and his sister off the books. Tenko doesn’t exist; in the eyes of the law, only Shigaraki does. Until now, he thought Tenko was dead. But something shifts when you chant the name; something he thought was lost.
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codenamesazanka · 4 months
i like the growing anger of all readers who's realizing that a lifelong groomed victim dying, whether directly or indirectly, at the hands of a hero supposedly trying to save him and then being basically forgotten about while the hero gets called 'greatest hero' is just so deeply fucked up.
But i feel like pointing out that shigaraki tomura deserved to be saved even if he really was just some kid who had anger issues that killed his family and got taken in by a criminal, no puppet strings involved. even if the 419 reveal didn't happen. even if he wasn't totally innocent and was a shit brat. even if his dream turned out to be just revenge at a society that rejected him instead of something more heroic like saving the villains. even if he was aged 30 and had ten years of doing his own crimes without AFO's guidance. he was possessed. So much shit was happening. he deserved to be saved just from that circumstance. he didn't deserved to be smashed into pieces.
idk. i just find the focus, still on pure innocent tragic Tenko - while good at bringing to light the sheer injustice and fucked-up-ness of this conclusion - a bit overlooking the core point. it's really not on who Shigaraki is or what he did or didn't do. Heroes save people. Heroes should've saved him, simply because he's a person and they are Heroes.
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lynnscove · 1 month
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura headcanons!!
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I lied, these are basically just things I consider canon. Some actually are and I threw them in there cause I got off track. (A few of these r similar to my old hcs post about him,, but that's on a whole different account so we're gonna ignore it.) edit: actually this went 100% off track and I just started talking about fanon shiggy halfway through.
The urge to destroy everything used to be all consuming. Though when he met the league, they became his family. It was subconscious at first, but he didn't want to destroy everything anymore. He just wanted to destroy what hurt him, and what hurt his friends. As AFO began to take more and more control over him, he realized that he wanted to destroy AFO too. Even before AFO revealed what he did to him as a kid. That was a hard pill to swallow, since he'd been forced into the belief that AFO was the only person there for him, and the only person who loved/could love him as he is, meeting the league was the only thing that broke that belief.
He doesn't blame his sister in the slightest for anything that happened. He knows she was a child, just like he was, even if she was a bit older. He knows, and has accepted the fact that there's no way she could've predicted what was going to happen next. She was just stuck in a shitty home and didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking into their father's office. Though he does blame the rest of his family for not doing anything to help.
He dislikes bystanders nearly as much as he dislikes bad people, he can't stand those who make excuses about why something is happening instead of helping. Especially when it comes to adults. They really piss him off.
He really doesn't care about someone's power when it comes to joining the league, they're working towards a society where people aren't shoved aside for things they can't control so, why would he reject people who only want to help? (Like, he didn't reject Spinner when he joined the league, despite him having a pretty useless quirk compared to the others.).
He was a lil bit jealous when he saw stain merch at the mall. He wanted his own merch </3
He is NOT the introverted, touch hating, loser people make him out to be. In "encounter" he gets mad and then goes straight to a massive shopping mall😭. We rarely ever see him hiding away or rotting in his room. He's always available, always with the league, the most we see of him being alone is like,, him stepping out for 0.3 seconds to go take a breather. Not to mention he's VERY handsy. Pun intended. I think that if he didn't have a dangerous quirk, he'd be a lot more touchy (PLATONICALLY, YOU PERV) with his comrads.
He thinks about Mon and Hana more than the rest of his family,, ofcourse, he loves his mom and grandparents to an extent, but he still sees them as the adults who watched him be abused and never helped him. So ofcourse he thinks about the innocent more. He does understand that they were scared of his father too,, but it's always your responsibility as an adult to help a child in need.
His nails are neglected, always cracked/chipped
He lifts his pinkie even after he gains control over his quirk, it's a habit.
Villain work became a lot more taxing after the PLF formed, so it was a lot to take on. Especially since he'd been injured so badly he could barely stand.
Has played EVERY Zelda game to ever be made. ALL of them. He was on a MISSION to complete them all.
Decayed more than a few controllers‼️
He has to sleep with gloves/finger covers so that he doesn't decay his bed.
These started out as serious and now I'm just throwing random crap at you guys.
Instead of decaying his trash, he just stuffs it in bags and leaves it wherever he pleases. I like to think he has carpet flooring and doesn't wanna have to sweep dust out of it.
He had to get his room carpeted because he kept throwing his controllers around when he lost a game.
He has an insane amount of restraint over himself in every situation EXCEPT when he's playing video games.
Speaking of restraints..💕
He's lowk open to freakiness😞 not the way he is in fanfics, like he's not gonna bend you over and piss on you in an alleyway 0.5 seconds after meeting you, but if you're in a relationship he'd probably be open to a lot of stuff. He's one of those guys who just wants you to feel good.
Now 100% fanon shiggy headcanons, some nsfw. I'm sorry in advance.
He loves s3rl, and never left his nightcore phase.
Owns Minecraft creeper boxers.
Would give you the most ferocious, earth shattering, mind blowing, soul sucking head of your life n then look up at you with that stupid cat smile he does😞 THAT or give you this cocky look.
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Would totes lose his shit n turn into a huffy puffy mess if you worshipped his cock
That's it. I ran out of ideas.
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tired-teacher-blog · 1 year
Your game or mine
Characters : Shigaraki Tomura/ Fem reader
Warnings and Genre : NSFW/ 18+/ Breast Play (reader is having fun with Shiggy's tiddies)/ Dry Humping/ Mating Press/ Cream Pie/ Squirting/ A Hint Of Fluff/ One Shot
Notes : This is your fault @fictionfordays 🤤
Banner by @/cafekitsune
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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_ "Cut it out already, can't you see I'm a little busy at the moment?" and he wasn't even looking up from his phone as he groaned his displeasure with your advances.
_ "But I'm bored! And you've been playing that stupid game for hours now." your whines were falling on deaf ears as he ignored you completely to get back to the mission ahead.
You sat up, crossing your arms over your chest and pouting in disapproval, how could he possibly focus on anything else after you've put in the effort to look irresistible to him? Was he truly unaware of your intentions? Even after crawling on top of him in a new sexy lingerie set that hugged your luscious body perfectly? Or did the phone glued to his face absorb the last few brain cells he had left?
No matter the reason, you've never been one to give in easily, and so..
_ "Alright do as you wish sweetheart, play your game, and I'll play mine." the smirk lacing your words was invisible to him, and the mindless "uh-huh" spilling from his lips, proved that he wasn't even listening.
You studied his sprawled out frame once more; comfortably sinking into the plush mattress underneath himself while crumpling the soft bedsheets with each little move he made.
Your eyes lingered on his bare flexing pecs, pale skin covering the protruding muscles beneath, and pink perky nipples begging to be touched.
You bit back a threatening moan as your gaze traveled down to his yet meek bulge, knowing all too well that one small caress would be enough to bring it to life.
However, he was clearly playing hard to get, so why not see how long he could resist?
You positioned yourself on his soft cock, neglecting the flimsy fabric of both undergarments separating you, and relishing the sudden flinch escaping him when you slowly rolled your hips.
_ "Y.. you're going to make me lose." his resolve was clearly faltering against your approaches, but his eyes were still fixed on the video game ahead.
_ "Oh I'm sorry love, I'll be more careful." you feigned innocence as soft giggles escaped your throat, placing your palms flat on his firm abdomen and trailing them up until you reached his chiseled bust.
You licked your lips and clutched onto the bulging muscles, giving him one teasing squeeze before relaxing your hold again.
Nothing yet, except for a suspicious tremble appearing under your fingertips. It was undeniably working.
You ran a finger along the deep valley of his chest, rolling your hips slowly on his awakening cock and smirking victoriously as he failed to conceal a frustrated groan.
_ "If I lose.. damnit.. I'll make you pay." he hissed gloomily, fingers still tapping away on his phone's screen while his body was getting more and more restless underneath you.
Any other person would be terrified hearing the symbol of fear rasping those words, but not you.
_ "We'll see about that Tenko." yes, definitely not you.
Your hands groped his godly breasts once more, kneading his flesh greedily before leaning in to lick a perfect stripe leading to his quivering throat where you sucked a bright mark.
_ "Fuck.." the word vibrated under your lips as it left him, and you were uncertain if it was due to your actions or the mobile game he was invested in. Regardless, you were having loads of fun on your own.
Your wet kisses traveled downward to join your hands and cover every inch of delicious skin encountered, you were eager –starved even– as your warm tongue sneaked out to flick on his cherry blossom pink teats.
Your hips moved a little faster on top of him, and your giggles resonated across the dimly lit room when he shallowly met your thrusts.
_ "Seems like I'm winning." you slurred between soft nibbles on his plumpness, peering under your lashes to witness the whitening knuckles as he gripped the device tighter.
He was fully erect by then, you could tell –you can always tell– and it was only a matter of moments for him to drop the pathetic charade and give you the attention you so much craved.
Your warm greedy maw engulfed one of his nipples, sucking on the hard nub like a thirsty little kitten while your fingers played with the other; flicking, pinching, ranking your nails over the prickled skin until he no longer could keep his aloofness.
You weren't done though, disregarding the hand leaving his phone to grip your hair as you switched your teasing mouth to the other teat. But all of a sudden, an alarming sound flared up to replace the rhythmic tunes of the game and announce your man's failed mission to clear the level..
_ "Alright, that's it!" was all he snarled out before placing the gadget onto the bedside table and grabbing your hips roughly to roll you on your back and hover over your stunned frame.
You blinked in pure confusion, striving to wrap your head around the swift change of your positions as his looming figure sent shivers down your spine.
_ "I warned you didn't I?" he did, and it was time for you to receive a proper punishment.
He gripped the back of your knees and spread your legs apart, his crimson irises blazed with fervent emotions that you could not pinpoint, while yours shamelessly ogled the conspicuous damp spot on his boxer briefs, wondering if it was your creation or his, and maybe –just maybe– it was a little bit of both.
You gripped the rumpled bedsheets and braced yourself for what was coming as he hastily tucked your legs up and pressed them to your reddening ears, "that's better.." he chuckled darkly before lowering his underwear just enough for his rock hard shaft to spring back against his abdomen, a heavenly sight that forced your cunt to squeeze around nothing.
Your longing for him was clear as day, and his gleaming eyes held an intense desire as he glanced at you once more while pushing your panties to the side, before smearing the leaking head over your sensitive folds and finally easing himself into your welcoming heat.
Your eyes rolled back in absolute ecstasy, and his name left your lips in a broken murmur as he stretched you perfectly around him.
He gave you no chance to adjust, retrieving his length until only the tip was sheathed within you, before slamming his hips mercilessly against your own.
His pace was unforgiving from the get go, grazing your insides deliciously with every deep thrust he delivered.
_ "Eyes on me angel, show me that beautiful face of yours, come on." he demanded huskily, tightening his grip on your legs and pushing them further against your chest.
His strikes were deeper and harsher from that position, filling your senses with a pleasurable pain you so much adored.
You weren't going to last much longer and neither was he, your earlier teasing and playful behavior had lead you both closer to a certain release, "Tenko, don't stop!" and he didn't, pounding even harder into your core while chanting your name like a mantra.
Your heart hammered in your chest and a thrilling heat pooled in the pit of your belly as he pushed you roughly into the mattress, his bruising clutches and erratic hips announcing his own imminent orgasm.
_ "I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Tenko please!" you tensed up beneath him as you mewled a warning, bracing yourself for the inevitable shockwaves of pleasure that washed over you only a moment afterwards, and whimpering unintelligibly as you spasmed violently and gushed all over yourself and him, soaking the two of you in a clear warm spurt before going limp underneath his persistent thrusts.
_ "Amazing.." his eyes traveled between your spent body and the mess between yourselves, clenching his jaw and panting breathlessly while the obscene sloshing noises intensified as he ground on you, "fuck! I'm cumming too!"
You shakily grabbed on to his veiny arms and dug your nails into his pale skin, wordlessly pleading with him not to pull out before spilling every last drop inside of you, and thanking the heavens when he ultimately understood.
_ "I got it beautiful.. fuck.. I got it." a strained smirk appeared on his lips as he replied, sinking into your slippery cunt and kissing your cervix with every brutal snap of his hips, once.. twice.. thrice.. and then a final lunge before exuding his thick pearly load and coating your clenching gummy walls.
He finally pulled out of you, placing your tingly legs onto the stained bedsheets, and collapsing on top of you with a satisfied heave leaving his chest.
_ "We made a mess Tenko." your tired laughter stabbed at every fiber of your pained figure, but you were blissed out; being entangled with him while sharing a few joyful instances, forgetting everything outside of your room and pretending to be in a typical relationship with a typical man— even for a little while.. it was your own paradise.
_ "This was courtesy of you angel, and we'll have to do that again soon." a soft chuckle was lacing the muffled words tickling your shoulder, and a pair of eager lips trailed gentle kisses along your skin before nuzzling the curve of your neck.
Yes, your own paradise..
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stillness-in-green · 3 months
First of all, thank you for Bring It All Back. Gave me chills. Second, what do you think about the newest chapters? It seems like Izuku took Gran Torino's 'killing to save' ideology to heart. Personally, I gave up somewhere around the Nagant arc.
Belatedly, thank you very much, @kermitthekrog-blog!  I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I’m particularly always happy to hear people say it was chilling, upsetting, enraging, or other such disruptive adjectives.  It’s a rabble-rouser of an art project, to be sure, quite intentionally so.
As to the rest, I’ve made a few posts here and there since I got this ask which probably make my opinions pretty clear, and I’ve got a new ask in the queue which wants to know my thoughts on the epilogue material thus far, so I’ll have more to say there!  But in the meantime, yeah, it’s pretty appalling to think back to all Deku’s talk about “saving” Shigaraki and realize that all of it predates the Gran Torino scene?
Like, he thinks he wants to save Shigaraki when they part ways at the end of the first war arc, sure!  And he tells the vestiges he wants to save Shigaraki!  But does that specific word choice endure once he wakes up?  Well, @codenamesazanka did some hunting recently (you can find two posts about her rereads here and here) and, it turns out, no; it doesn't.
After Deku wakes up and talks to Gran Torino, the focus switches to Deku understanding Shigaraki, choosing not to ignore him, finding out the nature of the Crying Child, all that stuff.  That word completely stops coming out of Deku's mouth, and very shortly after stops coming from any of the OFA vestiges as well.
It really does read, in retrospect, like, yeah, he sincerely took Gran Torino’s words at face value and to heart. “Killing can be a way of saving, so I can save him by killing him.”
Heck, if anything, given how little he focuses after that on saving, it almost feels like that’s the moment he resolves to kill Shigaraki—rather conveniently, it allows him a way to make peace with extrajudicial murder and avenge himself for all the people Shigaraki’s hurt that Deku can’t forgive him for.
The only thing that’s different from just killing him outright is that Deku wants to understand him first, as if he has to verify for himself that Shigaraki is secretly unhappy and why so he can justify that save-by-killing—putting Shigaraki out of whatever misery Deku can make himself believe Shigaraki is in—with a clean conscience.  But he absolutely does not make any further promises about not killing him afterward.
Grim fucking stuff, but it lines up.  One wonders what he would have done if the Shigaraki in the mindscape had changed to Sweet Innocent Tenko and never reverted back to Shigaraki Tomura at any point.  Would Deku have tried not to punch him to death?  Tried to call for Eri or Recovery Girl after AFO’s vestige faded out?  Felt like more of a failure because the “person” VFO devoured would have been that cute kid, meaning Deku failed to save the “child”?
As it is, he mostly just seems vaguely discouraged and unhappy about Shigaraki staying “the leader of the League” until the end—would he have preferred that his hands were ashen and flaking with the powdered remains of the crying child instead?
As to me giving up, the Nagant fight is one of two places I'd put that pin.  I was discouraged by the first war arc, when so many of the advantages Shigaraki had gained over the course of MVA were stripped away from him again.  I was dissatisfied with the second encounter with Muscular, when Deku's "victory" was framed in such a heroic, triumphant light despite being a categorical failure based on the standard Deku seemed to have set for himself.  But Deku’s fight with Lady Nagant was so bad for so many reasons that it served as the first true hammer blow to my belief that Horikoshi would be willing or able to seriously grapple with the societal problems the manga had been building up to at that point.
My patience with the manga, and the enjoyment I derived from it, continued to deteriorate throughout the rest of that arc and the following war arc, but the hospital attack is the other place I would point to as the sequence that completely destroyed my engagement with the series.
Just—the naked contrivances of it, the excruciating treatment of Spinner, the howling tone-deafness, the monumental unfairness of the demands it laid at the feet of its oppressed minority. The series presents a backstory like Shouji’s alongside current story elements like heteromorphs being turned away from shelters in the supposedly accepting and quirk-blind big cities and still somehow comes out valorizing passive endurance so hard it starts to look like willful self-subjugation.
It is the most comprehensively noxious moral in the entire endgame, rivaled only by Deku’s murder of Shigaraki under the guise of “saving” him, and frankly? I would still put that one in second place. At least you can point to Shouto (and possibly Ochaco, though that remains to be seen) as an indication that save-by-killing is not a story-wide moral about villains who have “gone too far.”
Conversely, pretty much everything the hospital attack mini-arc winds up preaching can be read outward onto the rest of the story's antagonists as well, including Lady Nagant. What else to make of her exchange with Hawks The Optimist, after all, than that the conclusion is that she should have just kept murdering whoever the government told her to until some outside player solved her problem for her?
A Hero is someone who is willing to suffer in silence. A Villain, then, must be someone who refuses to.
Truly, the hospital attack is the poisoned well that wipes out the entire village.
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ddostoyevskyy · 1 month
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄... This is the official masterlist of WINGS ERA featuring MHA. Every short or long fic will be heavily based off BTS’ Wings album and based off the author’s imagination.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒... heavily implied DARK ROMANCE, fem!reader, yandere!reader, heavy gore, angel/devil quirks, based off BS&T lore, greek mythology, mentions of God, Lucifer, NO blasphemy, religiously implied, overpowered!reader, religious themes, trauma!reader, disassociation, split-personality, sexual themes; sexual abuse, mental abuse, assaultion, women oppresions, non-canon scenarios, coming-of-age trope, the following does NOT follow any canon implications, every fic were imaginary.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄... I can’t promise that these will be canon through the characters. But I’ll do my best as I can. I’m actually challenging myself to write more complex characters (especially Touya, omfg) and as you can see, AWAKE and STIGMA was left without any character to fill so please, please, request anyone from MHA. I still can’t find the right character to fill the summary I made, so... help me :p
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feat. Todoroki Touya, Dabi.
summary: ❛Why does that little girl’s naivety made the little boy too greedy? How does one protect with such little mind but his body’s already different? What does it makes to be bad as it too sweet at the same time?❟
note: following the Todoroki family lore but not the whole series’ canon plot.
feat. Takami Keigo, Hawks.
summary: ❛The Fall of the Rebel of Angels and its familiarity always makes his own wings stutters. As fast as he was, as slow as the time goes by, the unforgotten desire of you will always be trapped in an asylum where they tucked you away.❟
note: following Hawks’ lore but not the whole series’ canon plot.
feat. Bakugo Katsuki.
summary: ❛Youth is a bitch, so was he. As he reflected along his mistakes and blames, sticks through the flames, the remnants of you stood still at the back of his head; all young and innocent — ‘til he stumbles upon you again, the same eyes and face but never the same heartbeat you shared.❟
note: following Bakugo’s childhood lore but not the whole series’ canon plot.
➹ 𝐋𝐈𝐄!
feat. Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura.
summary: ❛The mask he puts on his face where equivalent to what he portrays; a man that he wasn’t. He had lived his life driven by nothing and you lie awake.❟
note: following Shigaraki’s childhood lore but not the whole series’ canon plot.
feat. tba.
summary: ❛As you lie awake, he slumbers and swim under your influence; in his dreams, he was having a conversation with his father; and when he wakes up, the man he wasn’t became your enigma’s puzzle.❟
feat... tba.
summary: ❛The relentless nights of nightmares haunts you down in vain, leaving you awake. You knew what you saw, so why is he here now besides you like you could forget the way his heart dropped a beat?❟
feat. Takami Keigo, Hawks.
summary: ❛The world finally lets you spread your wings to fly — the world being him, because no matter how you denies, you knew he’s the reason why you wanted to fly.❟
note: spin off of ‘Blood, Sweat and Tears.’
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All Rights Reserved 2024 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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itsnothingofinterest · 4 months
Hey hope you're doing ok with the recent bnha discourse?
Still holding out hope for shigaraki/tenko and good writing 👍👍
Can I ask you, if you ever find it kind of off-putting (like I do) when some bnha fans commit to the idea that Deku and the other younger heroes will be the ones to change their society for the better, after the villains are killed?
As if purely heroic methods were really capable of changing hero society, when the very best that the innocent people in bnha have done from their constant protectors, the heroes, is toss the hero kids a shirt and some dollar store med. Items??
(To say nothing of the government corruption that came to be under All-might's nose, that Deku and the other heroes haven't thought about once.)
And they honestly believe that's the best outcome...
It feels either very optimistic or unknowing at best, and completely ignorant at worst.
Do you think so or differently?
Oh yeah, no I totally get what you mean; it kinda looks like we’re on course for a lot to get worse actually. And it all comes back to how poorly they handled the villains; both their talking points, and their failure to save them.
We just have not been given any indication that the next gen are going to do anything better than their predecessors; they're ending their arcs side by side with them as equals and partners after all.
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Rather than improving things, they're basically a carbon copy of the last generation; which I feel is exemplified in how the final battle of this war ending in a retread of Kamino. Except like I said, in some areas it feels like it'll just get worse. This retread of Kamino ending not in an arrest, but in a murder; something I find very worrying given Deku's status as the next symbol (which, despite all criticism of All Might in the same roll, Deku has become anyway) because of the impact that'd have on treatment of villains by the heroes Deku inspires. Add in their treatment of Machia & their support of Hawks' handling of Twice and it just doesn't look good. Oh and if that same crowd gets wind of his status as 'The Greatest Hero Who Saves By Putting You Out Of Your Misery' that'll be even more catastrophic. (Especially once the Singularity doomsday starts up for real.)
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Meanwhile, what little progress has been made on a societal level is either purely for the heroes benefits, like the civilians acting more grateful to the heroes (and as you say, the results of that are pretty middling, amounting to first aid & a shirt); or else maybe baby steps in the right direction like Shoji's answer to the heteromorph plot. Baby steps they do not have time for, mind you. And even then, that's still a 'maybe' because Shoji's not actually planning anything different from normal hero activity: just be inspiring and hope people follow your example. Meanwhile everything else societal that brought us here, corruption in the system, poor treatment or handing of quirks, general prejudice; it's all just gone unaddressed.
Probably because the points with which they used to be addressed, the League, instead got their plot points changed to revolve around motives more personal, less serious, less justifiable, and more easily addressable by the kids. Y'know; Toga's plot used to be about society's treatment of the other but then was about her wanting love, Dabi's was about people in power abusing their power but then was about him wanting attention, and Shigaraki's was about the lie of hero society and the complacency of the people it inspired, but Deku couldn't do anything about that so instead it because about Tenko's hatred towards his house. But then Deku still couldn't do anything about that so instead it became about Tenko's self-hated. And then Deku still couldn't address that either all too well, really, so we instead got 'It was AFO All Along'; and that Deku could handle with trivial ease. What self-respecting All Might clone couldn't punch AFO?
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To use a metaphor I think Tomura would appreciate; it's like they all turned on easy mode, and Deku especially turned on baby mode, and it feels like we're all going to get the bad ending as a result of them skipping so many side-quests, dialogue trees, or special objectives. Personally speaking, any hope I had in things turning around was based in how the villains would be handled, both a) because I expected how they were handled would reflect how their societal motives would be handled(i.e. how Deku saved Tenko would inform us of how he'd save other Tenkos), and b) because I expected they'd need the help and perspective.
Needless to say, I've not been left with much hope that things will turn around.
So yeah, right there with you hoping Tomura could somehow come back, partially because that's the only part of this ending that feels salvageable even by his long-shot odds. But boy is the rest a mess of unfortunate implications beneath the veneer of how "The Day is Saved"...Man, Deku really is an All Might clone.
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mushroommanstan · 1 year
Spin the bottle
College au Tenko x reader
Tenkos stomach twisted in anticipation, and he discreetly checked his breath for the umpteenth time before quietly taking his place amongst the drunken bimbos and himbos, all clumsily seated in a circle.
He couldn’t stop himself from scratching at his neck raw nervously, skin flakes and little flecks of blood fluttering down and landing on people who were stupid enough to sit too close.
He didn’t care that everyone was pressed shoulder to shoulder into each other as to give him enough space so that they don’t accidentally make contact with him. He didn’t care people were looking at him judgmentally before turning to one another and whispering something into their ear. No, he only cared about one thing, and one thing only.
Tonight, this blessed night, he’s gonna kiss someone.
Yes, the good old fashioned spin the bottle. The judgement free game that grants any player to brush off any mistakes or embarrassment as a joke. A game that, while he knew he was invited to as a joke, resulted in him losing all his clean pairs of socks before the party, leaving him with no choice but to show up in sandals.
Like he said, he knew he was invited as a joke. It was painfully obvious since, while he was being invited, a girl was play-slapping the inviter on the shoulder and begging them not to do it infront of him. But, they did anyways, laughing their ass off as they walked away, and now he’s here, squirming a little in excitement at the idea of kissing someone.
He really doesn’t care who, he swings both ways and even if he didn’t, he’s pretty damn desperate. But if he had to choose it would most definitely be you.
He’s had his eyes on you for a while now, literally, and couldn’t help but fantasize about you specifically when watching some cheap pornos. God, you were just great. He wondered what your lips would taste like. Hmmmmm…
“Alright y’all~” some blonde bimbo slurred. “We ready to start…?” She could barely keep her balance making her way to the center of the circle and carefully plopping the empty bottle down on the carpet. How it didn’t shatter, he does not know.
Excited murmurs and variations of “yes” erupted from them, and with that, the game began.
His heart leapt when the first spin was made. He was smiling in excitement, the same wide, creepy smile his countless foster parents would urge him not to make or try to control. But he couldn’t help it, he was so excited! And he didn’t care how scared that made the other players when they saw how he looked at them. Finally, finally he’s gonna taste some spit that wasn’t his own….
That didn’t come out right. But he meant it all the same.
The bottle came to a stop quite quickly due to the friction of the rug, landing almost perfectly opposite of him. That’s fine, he’s patient. He can wait.
He’ll wait for as long as it takes.
Round and round the bottle went, lips touching lips, none of them his as he waited in agony for his turn. It was torture, watching other people enjoy themselves while he had to just sit there and wait.
He had gotten excited when the bottle looked like it had landed on him, but was shocked when the bottle moved on its own, angling to his right where a hot blonde bimbo squealed in delight, puckering her lips. He knew the spinner had a wind quirk, and he could feel the cool breeze the guy has used to discreetly turn the bottles hull. But he said nothing, his face straight as he masked the hurt he felt from being cheated the kiss he so desperately wanted.
Finally, the time had arrived. He squirmed a little anxiously as he watched the same blonde bimbo depart from her own chosen kiss, lips puckered as she giggled innocently.
Then, as soon as he had reached for the middle, his fingers bracing for the touch of the cool glass, the guy next to him intercepted him, taking the bottle himself and spinning it without a care.
“H-hey! It’s my turn!” He stated, trying not to lose his temper else he makes a scene and gets kicked out.
The guy hesitated, stopping the bottle before looking around the circle, eyeing people’s reactions as if to gain feedback for what to do.
“O-oh, sorry…” he mumbled, backing off and taking his place. Tenko huffed, before taking a deep breath and reminding himself what was important.
He made contact with the bottle, feeling lightheaded and not being sure if it was due to the blood loss from his new neck injuries or from the excitement of this new opportunity, but either way it almost made him feel like he could pass out.
One look around the room would tell you everyone else felt the same; They all had pale faces and crossed fingers as if they were playing Russian roulette. But once again, he didn’t care.
Round and round it spun, the glass clunking around carelessly before settling down into a smooth spin. The tip flew by many faces, until eventually, it landed on you.
You didn’t have a chance to react as he sped across the floor on all fours, only stopping until he was mere inches from you.
You pursed your lips, ready to get this over with and just give him a small, quick peck. But unfortunately, he took initiative, grabbing you by the back of your head and, before you could react, pulling you in for a surprise make out session.
Tenko figured, to hell with it, if this is gonna be his only time kissing someone he’s gonna make the most of it.
He didn’t wait for entry, his tongue badgered against your lips until they gave way and infiltrated your mouth. Girls squealed and guys guffawed, but he didn’t care. All he cared about right now was how good your spit tasted. How warm and soft your mouth was, how his tongue glided over yours with ease.
You were shocked at the feeling, not at all expecting him to be such a good kisser. You even found yourself moaning along with him occasionally as his tongue danced with yours.
Momentarily forgetting who you were with, you slowly reached over, cautiously resting your hand against the back of his head as well. He jerked at the contact, almost choking on your tongue, before somehow further intensifying the kiss, smooshing your faces together more until it almost hurt and crawling into your lap.
You both were so enthralled by the shockingly euphoric sensation that was the kiss that you hadn’t noticed when you fell over, now having Tenkos body fully on top of you. But you didn’t care, you just grabbed the hem of his hoodie and pulled him closer as he worked his magic in your mouth.
Distantly, you heard people murmur as the shock faded. “Oh my god they’re still going.” One said. “Jesus Christ what the fuck he’s really going at it.” Said another. But you didn’t care, neither of you did. You both just kept going, rubbing your hands along each others backs and softly moaning. You hadn’t even realized when you began to grind a little on him.
Eventually, people had had enough. Assuming you were being forced against your will (because why else would you be doing this), one particularly bold (and drunk) male grabbed Tenko by his hair and pulled him off of you, a small trail of spit still connecting you two for just a moment.
Tenko had no time to think, only guided by the feeling of being forced away from his dreams, his fight-or-flight reflexes, and the sensation of his scalp burning, which resulted in him clenching his fingers into a fist and punching said guy in the jaw before anyone else could blink.
Unfortunately, the guy still had Tenkos hair in his grip, causing a wad of hair to be ripped out of his head as he stumbled backwards and making Tenko cry out in pain along with him. He rubbed his head, and the guy his jaw, before the screams of nearby girls had helped reality strike Tenko and he realized what he had done. Immediately his face went red with embarrassment, and he swiftly left after mumbling a quick apology but not before taking a bottle of Tequila for later.
You were still panting, rubbing your thighs together as you whined in disappointment as he left. People gathered around to see if you were ok but you shrugged them off, racing after him. You knew this was a bad idea, it obviously was, chasing after the well known (but not proven) serial killer. However maybe it was the booze in your system, but no one had ever made you feel like that. You never knew he could be so… passionate.
And if that’s just a taste of what he can give you, then damn what the others will say, you want to chase that high even for just one night.
Just before he climbed into his car you shut the door infront of him. He avoided making eye contact with you for multiple reasons, expecting violence both physical and verbal, and didn’t notice your matching red flush.
“D…d-do you” you stuttered out, not being able to force the words out.
“No, it’s ok, I’m sorry, please just… it won’t happen again. All of it, all of it won’t happen again.”
“N-no! I-“ you shouted, before returning to your shy mumbling.
“D-do you maybe wanna come back to my place for some ‘seven minutes in heaven’?” You rushed out, avoiding eye contact.
He just blinked at you, his mind literally unable to process what you just asked. He looked behind him, confused before pointing to himself to which you nodded.
His back hit his car, leaning on it as he tried to process what you were proposing. You were joking right? With him? What are you, masochistic?
That, and the fact that he’d been popping a boner over just getting kissed. You can’t tell him now he’s gonna lose his virginity! But you weren’t just telling him. You were pushing him against his car, opening the door to the backseat and pushing him in as this time, you were the one who invaded his mouth.
You both didn’t even wait until you were back in your place, and let me tell ya, you thought his kissing was good, you were in for a treat when you saw what he was sporting downstairs.
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spinji · 10 months
Imma be honest, I have no idea where people are coming from sympathizing with All For One.
I get the simps, you guys are gonna twist things for your meow meow all you want. More power to you.
But the narrative wastes no time showing us that AFO's greed and desire to control is INSTINCTUAL. He stole nutrients from Yoichi in the womb, stole his mother's quirk, and (arguably) stole her life. This was long before he'd be developed enough to make a conscious choice.
"But AFO is the one telling us this so of course he might lie" No???? We don't have any characters that could relay this information to us so the narration is just neutral omniscient dialog to explain what's happening, referring to AFO in the third person. This isn't diagetic narration.
Do you honestly think AFO, losing his goddamn mind in the middle of a fight, would turn to Bakugou like "so my mother was a prostitute-". The last page is the only one explicitly from AFO's point of view and that has a very obvious change in perspective. So no, I don't think All For One is telling us the story of how he was almost eaten by rats. We can absolutely take this at face value.
There are more complicated implications about the world building in this chapter, like how the actually recorded first quirk was flashy but harmless to set up a nice and happy origin of meta abilities despite that not being true. It puts AFO in a tight position as well because well he grew up in a hellscape with no parents and learned how to survive on his own right? So it's okay that he killed all those anti-quirk people right?
What about Yoichi?
Yoichi grew up in identical conditions to AFO, just as starved, just as unloved, just as alone. But Yoichi also grew up kind. He had empathy and hope, not wanting innocent people to get hurt. You can't inherently blame their circumstances when AFO has been a dickhead since birth and yet his twin, in the same scenario, did not. The difference? AFO had power and a compulsive need to control.
Yoichi would not have felt the need to run away, willingly, with Kudou if this was meant to be AFO's tragedy. Tenko's family ran to him, Touya's family thought they lost him, AFO's ran away from him.
AFO is blinded by ego and an all consuming sense of control. He is very much meant to be the embodiment of these things, monolithic as a threat. And his pursuit after One for All has been both a power grab and a desire to have complete control over his brother again in the form of suppressing his vestige.
Remember how Himiko actively chose not to live by a villain name? Because she didn't see herself as a criminal?
This is All For One's origin story and we still only know his villain name.
Do you really think that's not intentional?
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truelyaccuracy · 8 months
Tenko and Touya - Nao and Rei
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I had an urge to draw children just being… children. Idk, children have this innocent happiness in them and i just wanna grab em- anyway i had an urge to draw their mothers as well, with the little time they had with them 💀
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codenamesazanka · 9 months
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"Now let's talk about Shigaraki and Spinner. Can we talk about Shigaraki and Spinner please? I've been dying to talk about Shigaraki and Spinner, okay? 
Spinaraki, this connection keeps comin' up over and over and over again. Every once in a while, Spinaraki crumbs get given to me, to you, to us all. Spinaraki, Spinneraki, I look in the manga, this whole story is Shigaraki/Spinner! 
And so I say to myself, I gotta read carefully, I gotta get a hold of myself, I gotta abide by canon! Otherwise, i’m just daydreaming, it’s gonna just be fanfic I made up for myself. So I try to keep my expectations low, I prepare myself for disappointment, I know that Spinner is just a silly guy, a side character, he can’t be all that important, Shigaraki probably doesn’t even care about him. They’re loser gamers, they play fucking League of Legends. They’re villains, they want to destroy everything, Spinner is some mindless follower, Shigaraki is fucking possessed. They’re nothing. They’re toxic. It’s the imitation of a connection, they have no genuine wills, they don’t know what a real bond is. 
And what do I find out? What do I find? There’s Chapter 379, when Shigaraki breaks out of AFO possession and he thinks of Spinner. Right there smack in the middle of the page is Spinner, Spinner at his most heartfelt moment when he pleads, fucking pleads for Kurogiri to save Shigaraki and the others, when he deviated from AFO’s control and manipulations and machinations to wake Kurogiri up his own way, powered by the strength of his friendship with Shigaraki. Shigaraki wasn’t even there for that, and yet that flashback panel is there. 
So I decide, "Ohhhh shit, buddy, I gotta dig a little deeper." There's no Spinaraki connection? You gotta be kidding me! I got the next panel on the same page, a flashback of Tenko, Inner Tenko, Core Tenko, the pure, innocent five-year-old, angry and insulted at being accused of having no friends - of not understanding what it means to have friends, because he would not feel the need to destroy. Shigaraki remembers this moment that is his core, bursting out temporarily from the depths of possession because it had not, could not be consumed or overtaken or erased, it’s part of his indomitable will, and through the strength of that will he’s bursting out completely to end AFO’s possession. Shigaraki says he doesn’t need OFA, doesn’t need to follow AFO’s goal; Shigaraki mocks AFO for thinking he could ever control everything. Shigaraki thinks of having friends. Shigaraki thinks of Spinner. All right. 
So I start marchin’ my way to the next chapter, and the next, and the next. I read and I say, “Noooo, that was nothing! That was Shigaraki still wanting to destroy everything, still misguided, still refusing to be saved and given a real friendship! This pseudo-connection can be broken, will be broken, make way for something better.” And when I reach Chapter 411, what do I find? There’s Shigaraki, saying he’s going to make the horizon Spinner is looking forward to. There is Shigaraki recalling Spinner's line in Chapter 239, where Spinner thinks Shigaraki’s horizon is the prettiest thing he had ever seen, and Shigaraki knows this, somehow.
And see, what Shigaraki can probably remember that he was the one to set Spinner on this path, when he spoke of the beautiful horizon he could create, in Chapter 222, because he wants to destroy everything.
Back then, Shigaraki hadn’t remember that he could not, would not forgive the world for rejecting him at his most desperate and helpless - but he knew he hated the world. Due to a betrayal of his very existence he could not yet name, Shigaraki felt like he could never feel happy again, because he had the lump of lead in his heart spewing out maddening rage, and before that he had once been an empty shell, completely hollow–the same way Spinner feels. The same words Spinner had screamed in his face just moments before. They had gotten along okay before that, they had talked about games, they had hung out, Spinner watching over his shoulder as he played a game he brought along. They were homeless and penniless, but gamers gotta game, and Spinner would hover during and Shigaraki would let him. But then the League went and killed the CRC and Spinner shut down the next morning, terse and skeptical and angry, remembering the discrimination he suffered, raging at Shigaraki at him for not doing anything, for not leading the League to a changed world. Asking him, where are we going with all this? Where are we going? Just another thing Shigaraki is witness to - like Twice, an insane guy with no place in society; like Toga, who wants an easier world to live in; now Spinner, who was made to accept he was a lizard freak.
Everything he witnessed in the world, up to that moment, and then ever since, a world that refuses and rejects and denies, a betrayal of their existence - he’s going to destroy it all. That’s where they’re going. He’s going to give his friends that changed world. 
He’s going to make that horizon that Spinner wants.
Half the manga is Spinaraki crumbs! This story is a goddamn love story!"
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