humamerrytune · 8 years
The new Tangled series and the fandom's resurgence has made me pop over to this blog recently and get all affectionately nostalgic for my RP days - I even went back and re-read some old threads. Aww, you guys, we wrote some fun stuff!
I don't know who's around anymore, but thanks very belatedly - hope life is treating you all well! 
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rrdcooc · 6 years
🍦 - Your blog is great 🍰 - I wish we were closer 🎀 - You make me smile
Awwwww, Tella. :huggles: I miss you, sweetheart. ♥
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justbuffplease · 7 years
tella1985 reblogged your post and added: “Dude why is my mom so rude with her phone? She’ll just start talking...”
Do the same to them if they are trying to watch...
If it was someone other than my mom I would do that lol but yeah, that is not a thing I wanna start with her. She’ll just make a point to make her videos as annoying as possible and do it more often.
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murdux · 6 years
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I got tagged by @tella1985 to post 10 albums that helped me define my life. Gotta admit, I was thinking for a very long time about this and here’s what I came up with.
I’m not tagging anyone specific, but if you wanna do this - go ahead :)
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@jupiter235 @tella1985 @boushhfox @forever-tangledup
Thanks for your love and support. ♥
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amusinglymags · 6 years
#FF 💗 talented artists @jalehafshar @yosielllorenzo @JimJeroo @fishbiscuit2000 @scottlava @2dCale @PencilCat @markaaronyoung @petersimeti @victoriaying @SydWeiler @GRIZandNORM @arythusa @ByteSizedShorts @jasonshawnalex @chopsticksroad @Tella1985 @katyagreimes @mightyfineline
— Margie Hall (@margie2092) April 27, 2018
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tangledbea · 7 years
Becky! You're spamming my time line with all your enthusiastic Tangled asks. XD
I know, I’m sorry. XD You have no idea how many asks I still have left in my inbox, too.
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ainhochu · 7 years
Also shoutout to @evora-eriu-mclaggen @completely-lost and @tella1985 who were super nice with me these days and I'm so blessed that there are people who take time out of their day to send me nice messages when I'm down
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rrdcooc · 6 years
Honesty hour Bexie! On a scale of 1 to 10 how much over 10 are you a fan of Tangled? ;)
LOL Infinitely over 10. Tangled is the love of my life, no room for a man. XD 
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tella1985 replied to your post “Please congratulate me, I was really good today and gave myself less...”
Every little bit is a start to a bigger step. Well done. :)
Thank you! :)
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amusinglymags · 6 years
#FF 💗 talented artists @jalehafshar @yosielllorenzo @JimJeroo @fishbiscuit2000 @scottlava @2dCale @PencilCat @markaaronyoung @petersimeti @victoriaying @SydWeiler @GRIZandNORM @arythusa @ByteSizedShorts @jasonshawnalex @chopsticksroad @Tella1985 @katyagreimes @mightyfineline
— Margie Hall (@margie2092) April 20, 2018
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murdux · 8 years
☆ Put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
thank you ( ◕‿◕)ノ ❤
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Say five nice things about yourself and pass it on to ten of your favorite followers. (。・ᴗ・。)ノ♡
I really love the colour of my eyes (green btws)
I stick by my beliefs but don't let that get in the way of hearing others perspectives
I actually work pretty well with middle school girls, and am super proud of what I've done to help some of them
I am really good at math
I am willing to stop whatever I am doing if someone needs me
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Just print out our online posts and stick it in the journal.
I did that for a couple. There’s just some stuff that I’ve typed up on the internet and then deleted without posting, that I think would’ve made good journal entries for counseling (but I deleted because... well, I try to limit my sad-sack-iness, and some of my ramblings are bit over the top. Some are also way stupid, too...)
Also it’s dumb, but I prefer the look of a handwritten journal to one that’s all typed out...
Although I could just type up EVERYTHING and put it in a folder rather than handwriting it all in a composition book or typing it up and then pasting it into a composition book... This is what happens when you procrastinate and leave your projects to the night before it’s due, you do things one way and forget it’d be easier to do it another way
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theartofknightjj · 11 years
Well, you do have Flynn Rider as your avatar... ;p
oh damn
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murdux · 8 years
tella1985 replied to your post “hey you know what? *whispers* it’s my birthday”
Happy birthday! 25 was a very fun year for me, I am sure it will be for you too. :)
Thank you <3
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