#teddy altman greys anatomy
Can’t wait for Owen’s third divorce arc
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wandamaximommy22 · 1 year
reasons i love greys anatomy:
1) i love women
2) i love women with authority
3) i have mommy issues
4) i love watching women
5) i love older women
6) i just love women
7) blood guts and gore
8) they all have mommy/daddy issues
9) cristina yang is a legend
10) they are literally all gay
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tvseries-writings · 8 months
We care about you
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Maya x Carina x reader (Amelia is reader’s bff)
Prompt: Reader has a car crash with Carina’s car and she feels so guilty that she refuses to go to the hospital and it’s not the best choice.
TW: car crash, seizure
When you open your eyes, your first thought does not go to the probable concussion you gave yourself, nor to the poor light pole you knocked down. No, your concern becomes the car: the Carina's very expensive and beautiful Porsche that you have just crumpled against a stupid pole that you could very well have avoided, had the road not been wet. Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the driver's door, yours, suddenly opening.
"Miss, miss can you hear me? Y/n?"
Vic's face appears in front of you, and as soon as he notices it's you, her gaze changes from a calm and placid one to one quite panicked.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to call Maya and Carina?"
Vic unbuckles your belt, intimating you to stay still while she checks you over. She feels your legs, asking if you can feel them. You nod. By the feel of the pain in your ribs, you probably have one or two cracked if not broken ribs, blood is pouring out of your nose since the airbag exploded in your face, and most likely the deep cut on your forehead indicates a more serious concussion than you would have liked but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the car, and right now you really have no other concerns besides.
"Were other people involved?"
"No, just a poor pole. But I don't think it will complain. We need to get you to Grey's Sloan. Montgomery, Warren! Give me a hand, we-"
Relief floods you as soon as Vic confirms that no one else besides you was involved in the accident. You know full well that it could have been worse, yet you refuse to go to the hospital, you won't let anyone waste time because of your stupid mistake. Carina's car...you destroyed it, the Italian loves that car and you literally crumpled it for her.
"Y/n, you know you have to go to the hospital. Maya and Carina would kill me if they knew I didn't take you to the hospital...please don't make me carry you or call them."
You shake your head, immediately regretting it as soon as you do when a twinge in your head makes you squint in pain.
"No, Carina is going to kill me as soon as she sees what I've done to her car..Vic, you don't understand. She loves this car more than anything, she went to pick it out with Andrew as soon as she got to Seattle-" a sob involuntarily escapes your mouth as your body is shaken as more follow. Tears line your cheeks and though you want to stop them, you really don't have the strength.
"Y/n, Carina loves you more than a stupid car...she won't care if-"
"No Vic, you don't understand, I don't want to go to the hospital, please, please, I can't look at Carina and tell her that I destroyed one of the things that reminded her of her brother. Please Vic, take me home, don't take me to Grey's Sloan. Please."
You plead with her and see her struggling internally with herself, even turning a glance over her shoulder where Ben and Travis, having heard it all, are struggling in the same dilemma as she is. Then, Vic shakes his head and you decide that you have just chosen which battle to fight, at least for the next few minutes.
"I'm sorry y/n but we need to get you checked out and Grey's Sloan is the closest. I'm really sorry."
You shake your head, tears continue copiously to line your face, and the adrenaline slowly begins to fade, making your head feel lighter and your chest feel heavier.
"No Vic, this is not your choice. I am conscious and aware of my actions, legally you have no right to transport me anywhere unless I have harmed other people."
You use your best lawyerly tone, the same tone you use in the courtroom and see them exchange a look and then nod.
"You're right, legally we can't force you but we can call Maya and Carina, y/n."
You grit your teeth; this was an option you had not calculated but, instead, you come up with an idea that is better than the others and will probably save you from going to the hospital. As they say, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain then the mountain will go to Muhammad.
"Thank you for coming."
Amelia shakes her head, a look of disapproval quite legible on her face.
"Well, when your best friend as well as roommate for a good six years of college calls you and tells you she's been in an accident, it's hard not to check in on her."
You smile at her, and before you can try to speak, she's asking you rapid-fire questions.
"Have you lost consciousness? Have you had any dizziness? Altered vision?"
Amelia pulls a small light from the breast pocket of the lab coat she is still wearing before pointing it in your eyes.
"I'm fine," you close your eyes, instinctively turning away from that blinding light.
"Mm yeah, no. You're not all right. Now be still and stop saying you're fine."
Amelia holds your head still, probing multiple places for some kind of bump and glancing at the gash on your forehead.
"This cut needs stitches and you need a CT scan. Oh and you still haven't answered my questions, don't think I forgot."
When Vic notices that you don't answer, she does it for you.
"When we arrived she was unconscious and was unconscious for about three minutes while we were there and soon after she recovered she had trouble recognizing me so I wouldn't rule out visual changes."
Ladies and gentlemen, the traitorous bastard Victoria Hughes.
"Hospital, now. No discussion. I remind you that between the two of us, I am the doctor and also one of the best."
You sigh, shaking your head a few times or at least trying to, as Amelia holds you firmly in place.
"I don't even think about it Amelia, not-"
You stop suddenly, a high-pitched ringing in your ears not allowing you to hear whatever Amelia is saying and then, your pupils rotate back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions and everything goes dark.
It is Amelia who takes you to the hospital, with Warren by your side as they check your vitals all the way to Grey's Sloan while Vic and Travis brush all speed limits in order to get their captain's girlfriend and great friend to the hospital as quickly as possible.
After administering Diazepam, fortunately the seizures have stopped and Amelia is squeezing your hand, as if to let you know she is with you.
"Everything will be fine, stay with me y/n. It's all right okay? It's all right. I'm here, I'm here with you."
In less than five minutes, your unconscious body is quickly brought through the doors of the emergency room at Grey's Sloan.
"Female, 25 years old, car accident. Unconscious for three minutes, probable head injury. She had a seizure episode before entering the ambulance; diazepam was administered. She has been stable ever since."
Vic says, before leaving you in the hands of Dr. Teddy Altman, who rolls her eyes as soon as she recognizes the woman lying on the stretcher.
"Y/n? Do Amelia, Maya, and Carina know?"
The neurosurgeon sighs, shaking her head and slipping on gloves and a sterile gown to carefully examine how severe your head injury is.
"Damn it, Schmitt, call Dr. DeLuca. Warren, alert your captain. I can't believe you guys didn't say anything, those two will kill you."
Warren swallows before nodding and pulling out his phone.
"What was I supposed to do? This idiot didn't want to and I remind you she's a lawyer, she knows her rights very well. We need to do a CT scan on her, Schmitt did you reserve the room?"
"Y-yes Dr. Shepard and Dr. DeLuca is coming. I told her that her partner had been in a car accident but I didn't have time to tell her that she was okay that she had already shut me down."
Teddy pinches her nose between her index finger and thumb, sighing in exasperation.
"Schmitt, did you even check that she wasn't operating?"
The resident looks at her embarrassed before shaking his head.
"No ma'am, I-"
The boy doesn't have time to finish the sentence that a worried Italian doctor enters the emergency room, nearly bursting through the doors.
"Where is she? Is she okay? Teddy tell me she is fine-"
The Italian woman suddenly stops, noticing only then your pale, unconscious body on the crib in front of the two doctors and the resident.
Caria quickly approaches you, stroking your forehead and being careful not to graze the cut before turning to Amelia as they move to the exam room to have you scanned. "What happened?"
Although she is addressing the neurosurgeon, her eyes do not leave your figure, and her hand does not detach from yours.
"She lost control of the car and drove into a light pole, the airbags deployed, which caused her to have a massive nosebleed, and a head injury. She had a seizure episode before we brought her in."
Carina gasps as she hears the last sentence.
"Has she woken up since then?"
The Italian closes her eyes, aware that this is not a good sign and praying that you have not suffered more damage than she initially expected.
As they prepare you for the CT scan, Amelia and Carina being the only ones in the room, Carina decides to ask Amelia one of the questions that came to her mind as soon as she noticed the neurosurgeon standing next to you, slightly sweaty in the face and aware of all the information from your journey from the accident site to the hospital.
"Why were you with her in the ambulance?"
"She called me; she was afraid you would be upset about the car and didn't even want to go to the hospital. She said she would report us if we took her, I doubt she would have done that and I would have done it anyway but you know, Vic and Warren weren't too keen on taking the risk. And then he called me so that they wouldn't take her to the hospital and they wouldn't call you or Maya."
Carina shakes her head as she and Amelia tuck you inside the machine, before exiting the room.
"You idiot, I don't care about the car. All I care about is that she's okay."
"I know Carina, I tried to reason with her and then...well, she had the fit. It will be fine Carina, she is a fighter. She will come back to you. She loves you too much to leave you."
Carina nods, chasing back tears as she looks at the monitors in front of her, waiting for the results of your CT scan.
The Italian gasps as she feels two powerful arms embrace her and hold her close.
"It will be okay love, Warren told me what happened. She will be fine, otherwise how could we give her a good telling off for how much she was considered?"
Maya kisses her wife's shoulder, also looking at the monitors despite not understanding anything written on them. They both sigh, looking at Amelia waiting for good news.
When you open your eyes, for the second time that day, you realize you've fucked up again. The cold white walls of the hospital room you are in are proof of that. You try to move your head to the side, to look around, but a twinge in your neck puts you off. You recognize Maya's warm grip in your right hand and the Italian's wavy hair caressing your stomach as the latter sleeps peacefully.
You give the fireman's hand a squeeze and a gentle caress to the Italian's face. Carina wakes up, crinkling her eyes and looking at you surprised, happy and worried at the same time.
"Bella, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I'll call Amelia..."
Carina speaks frantically, not even realizing she is speaking in Italian, and as she reaches toward the button to call the nurses, to the right of your bed, you fuss her wrist, turning a smile to her.
"I'm fine and before you call anyone else I...I have to tell you how sorry I am Carina. I'm so fucking sorry. I know how much you cared about that car and I'm so sorry, I wanted to try to fix it before you knew it...although I don't know if it can be fixed and-"
Carina hears the beeping sound getting louder and louder; she turns to the monitors and when she sees how fast you are breathing and your heart rate, she knows you are having a panic attack.
"Bella, love, it's okay. It's okay love, I'm not mad. I don't care about a stupid car, Andrea will always stay in my heart; I care about you, Bella. The car will buy back but you worth more than anything, do you understand?"
You keep breathing fast; the throbbing pain in your head does not allow you to think clearly, and unfortunately, Carina's words come to you so muffled that they have no effect on you.
The chaos around you makes Maya suddenly wake up; it takes the blond firefighter a few seconds to figure out what is going on and to join his wife in trying to drag you out of the panic attack.
The blond climbs onto the bed, sitting right behind you and holding you in her arms despite you trying with all your might to free yourself. Carina, on the other hand, kneels in front of you, taking your hands in her own.
"It's okay love, it's okay. Breathe, listen to my heartbeat" Maya whispers in your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
"Follow my breath Bella; that's it, good, keep it up."
In less than ten minutes, the incessant sound that resonated in the hospital room is replaced by a soft, steady BIP. Your chest hurts and you rub it hard, to ease your pain, before a hand forces you to stop.
"Hey, hey, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. Do you want me to call a nurse to give you something?"
You nod, closing your eyes and waiting for the nurse to arrive. Carina reaches out to press the button before immediately returning to hold your hands. Maya continues to leave kisses on your neck and face as you continue to keep your eyes closed.
Contrary to what you expected, it is not a nurse who enters the room but Amelia.
"Hey rock star, you're awake. What's wrong? Do you have a headache? Dizziness?"
You nod, opening your eyes and looking into her eyes. A small smile ripples your lips as your best friend walks over to your bed and hugs you.
"You had me worried idiot."
The neurosurgeon pulls away from the hug before giving you a weak punch on your right arm.
"I'm sorry."
Amelia shakes her head as she sticks something into your IV.
"This is a painkiller, not too strong but it should ease your pain. Call me if there is any problem. I'll be back later to check how your head is; I know you have a hard head but it's always best to be cautious."
Before you can even insult her for the joke she just made, Amelia sneers her way out of the room.
"What an idiot," you shake your head, rolling your eyes. Your body begins to relax as the medication kicks in.
"So will you tell us why you didn't go to the hospital right away? You know how dangerous a head injury can be and you still decided to not go to the hospital right away. It was stupid and reckless and you can't, you CANNOT do that with your health. Ever again."
Maya looks at you sternly, with her ‘’Captain's look’’, as you and Carina call it.
"I'm sorry Maya, I know you are angry and I understand why but my only thought was only the car and the fact that I had destroyed one of the things Andrew had given Carina."
Maya holds you close and Carina joins your embrace.
"No physical thing or not, none, will ever be worth as much as your life y/n. And don't ever have a seizure over it again, am I clear? A car will never be worth as much as you are to you and me, ever. I don't care if I have to throw it away, I don't care if I have to buy another one. I care about you and your health so don't ever pull that crap again because if you had the crisis while you were alone, at home, after getting dropped off there, then it could have ended really badly and I, we, need you to understand that Bella."
Carina strokes your face gently; some tears line her face and you promptly wipe them away. Maya leaves a kiss on your cheek, holding you close.
"Car is right love, you really scared us today and when I think about the fact that we could have lost you I..." Maya shakes her head, her voice breaking and you turn to her, pulling her into a kiss.
"I'm sorry Maya, I'm so sorry I...I won't do it again."
You hug and hold each other tightly, you know you fucked up but now that Carina has calmed you down the relief you feel is priceless; therefore, you enjoy the embrace and that warmth you love so much as the medication slips you back into sleep.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry, I know it is not the best so excuse me… I will try to improve. Have a great day!
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Taglist: @mmmmokdok @blackhill2245 @melatonindaydreamz @foggytidalwavefun @sevnheaven @budoxinha @gayshyandreadytocry @lighthousekiller @m456300 @blitzar-3 @in-love-with-heda @idontknownemore @lesbianbabe @speedup500 @differentranchempathfestival @mebeingthatbitch @jemilyswife @yuleni18 @darkstar225 @whyamihere2673 @your-my-mission @finca-lotr @coollemonsaresour @nuianced-tck-enby @fishlikestuff @ktstwice @idontknowhowtogay @liladoesfanfics @maria-403 @kawaiitoga @razorscooteer
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babyjapril · 1 year
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Grey's anatomy + lgbt+ characters
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swiftiesbuddie · 4 months
there are so many bisexuals on grey’s anatomy now i love it
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cosmicanemoia · 3 months
Sex With My Ex's Friend
Amelia Shepherd x Reader (broken up)
Addison Montgomery x Reader (one-time thing?)
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 15
It is lunch time when Dr. Altman told you to go to her, that she has something important to tell you. When you got to the hospital you went to her office but she wasn't there. You made your way to the cafeteria thinking, 'I'll wait for her there,' you search for a seat, and there you found Dr. Altman is sitting with Addison, Owen, Link, Bailey, and Jo.
You decided to walk over to their table and sit with them. You greeted them and hugged them as they greeted you. You sat down beside Dr. Altman and ask her what she wants to talk about. Everyone's attention shifted to you and Dr. Altman abandoned whatever they were talking about so they could listen in on your conversation with your friend. "I actually have forgotten. I'll try to remember it later, but for now, how are you?" She said with a hint of concern in her eyes. You look at her and smiled "I'm good."
There was an awkward silence for a moment. You stood up from your seat and decided to break the silence. "Well, I'm off. Just text me when you do remember -" "Wait. Where are you going? You just got here. Come and have lunch with us. " She tried to make you stay, and she succeeded. "Fine," you rolled your eyes at her, which made her chuckled.
"Sleepy at this time of day. Did you have a late night?" She commented, seeing your drowsy look. "You know me." You yawned, and she asked another question, "what time did you sleep?" You sighed "Yes" you said plain and simple. As you bite a sandwich you took from Teddy's plate, she looked at you with mischief showing in her smile. "Partying and making confetti, Huh." Owen butted in, "you mean popping confetti. " Teddy looked down and chuckled. She shook her head."No. Maybe." You look at everyone's faces one by one, and seeing the confused look on their faces, you tried to clear things up. "I know we're all adults here, Ted. But save it for later. " You shook your head and Dr. Wilson's eyes widened, realising what you two were talking about. "Oh, you mean?" You nodded, confirming what she's thinking. Link asked her what it was, but she just shook her head and tried to eat her food with a growing smirk. Addison finally spoke up, "What are you guys talking about?"Oh, you don't wanna know--" you answered, and right after you finished talking, Dr. Altman blurted, "we're talking about orgasms." Everyone's eyes widened. "That's right. That's her kind of party." She added. "You mean like an orgy or something?" Jo asked, and you raise your eyebrows trying to think, "uh- *you gulped* maybe. But just with women." "I still don't get all the fuss about women having sex with each other." Dr. Montgomery blurted out of nowhere.
Everyone is shocked, except you, by the words that just came out of Dr. Montgomery's mouth. She looks around, trying to peace a puzzle, 'why do you all look so confused?' she thought to herself then she realised what she had just said "Did I just say that out loud?" Everyone nodded, including you. You look at her and give her a sweet smile.
Dr. Altman can't believe what she just heard. She always believed that Dr. Montgomery has the hots for women, and have done it with women too, she's assuming this because she thinks that Addison is an open minded person, and would be willing to play for the both team.
T: You're saying you've never tried it with a woman?
A: I have. I just don't like it that much
T: Ooohh. Hahaha. You haven't tried that one - *pointing at you* Every woman who has ever said that to y/n has been proven wrong
Y/N: Don't listen to her addie * chuckles, shakes head, smirk*
T: What? I'm just speaking from experience
O: Wait, you... with her? How did I not know about this?
Y/N: You don't have to answer Ted
T: Yes! I accepted I wasn't straight cause of her. I bet a hundred dollars you might, too.
Y/N: Okay. That's my cue. Thanks people, but I'm going.
A: *thinking thoughts* Wait, wait, wait. Let's make it 500
Y/N: What? Seriously. Don't I have a say in this? I mean, no offense Addie you're gorgeous, and that's a nice offer. Also, that's crazy!
T: You're crazy too! Besides, you're both a free woman. You'll lose nothing if you try, *looks and nods towards addison* Besides that 500, you're basically giving away. Hahaha
A: You think, huh? We'll see. *she raises her eyebrow*
Y/N: I can't believe you. You're pimping me out, *sarcastically* I thought we were friends. *fake a sad face*
Owen: You're not actually gonna do it, are you?
Jo: Is this really happening? *excited*
Bailey: This shouldn't even be a conversation.
Link : How are you even gonna do it?
You shook your head. "I can't believe this is happening," you mutter as you stand up from your chair and walk away from the silly group. They shouted your name telling you to come back, but you paid them no mind and just kept walking.
A few hours later, it was finally night. Dr. Montgomery is going home early, hoping she could have some time alone. When she opened the glass door of the hospital, she saw you sitting on a bench in front of the hospital. Before she gets to make her way over to you, you are already making your way over to her.
You said pleasantries and gave each other a hug. "You ready?" You ask, she thinks for a moment and realises what you were talking about, "Now?" She asked back.
You nodded and held out your hand for her to take, and she did. "No time like the present," you said, and you pulled her to follow you.
You took her to a fancy restaurant near the hospital. "I hope you're hungry," you said as you pulled a chair for her to sit on. "I actually am." She took a seat on the chair you offered her.
You made jokes as you eat. You made each other laugh. Both of you are having fun.
When you finished the desserts, she offered to pay, but you didn't let her. "You already spent 500 dollars on me." You joked, and she laughs, "you don't know that. We'll see. " You nodded and smiled at her, "Yeah. You'll see." You both laugh.
When you finally rested your stomach for some time, you asked her, "You're place or mine?" You ask her, and she said, "Mine. If that's alright with you, " "I'm glad you said that. Mine's a mess." You teased.
You stand up first and offer your dominant arm for her. She hook hers into yours, and you walked out of the restaurant with a satisfied stomach.
She led you to her bed, and there was an awkward silence, but you broke it off. "Do you really want to do this?" You asked her again, to which she replied, "I do" over and over.
You caress her face gently, and you take some of the hair falling in her face and tuck it in her ear. You smiled at her, and you slowly moved your face to hers.
Your faces are inches away from each other. You exchanged breaths, and you asked one last time, "You sure?" "I am" she confirmed.
You took her mouth slowly and gently. You stopped and pulled away from the kiss. "What's wrong?" She ask as she try to catch her breath and you shook your head "just say stop and I will" she nodded "I know" she grabbed your face and kissed you roughly, desperately, and passionately, you smirked into the kiss and your hands went to work, tracing her body.
************In the morning************
Addison couldn't stand up. She tried to stand up, but she just fell after taking a step. The fall made a loud thud, and Addie's scream woke you up.
Y/N : Addie, you okay? *sits up in bed*
A : Help. I can't stand up.
Y/N :What? Are you okay? Should I drive you to the hospital? *rushes to her side*
A :No. No, no. *chuckles* You're the one who did this to me. I'll be okay. Just help me to bed.
Y/N : Me? Sorry. *quietly* --I didn't even go that hard.
A :I'm sure you didn't.
Y/N : Did I say that out loud?
A : It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for. I had a great time. And I thank you for that.
Dr. Addison Montgomery wants more, so she took a day off to spend the rest of the day with you. You cuddled in the morning, letting her rest and gain some strength. She's still recovering from last night, but by lunch, she asks to have sex again even if she's still wimping, and who are you to not give her what she wants.
You spend the rest of the day being sexy and intimate with each other.
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haught-ish · 4 months
lining up helmika’s breakup, teddy getting fired and monica hooking up with winston was like making all sapphics go through hell all at once… but HEY at least bisexual jules millin is canon now!
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ssaseaprince · 1 year
Someone on Tiktok tried to tell me that Moreid couldn't be real because Morgan named his son after Spencer, and nobody would ever name their child after their ex lover. I knew my Grey's Anatomy knowledge would come in handy one day because I hit them with "tell that to Teddy Altman," and they never responded.
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slf-cntrl · 1 year
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a teaser for the fanfiction i’m writing.
think grey’s anatomy but more fleshed out characters, more angst, and slow buuurn.
it takes place in the beginning of season 6 with a few changes that set the tone for a completely different path.
i introduce a few original characters who i’ve gotten to know pretty well so i think they’ll be an excellent addition to the main story.
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horsetailcurlers2 · 7 months
all of owen hunt’s wives/ex wives should form a club and in that club they should kiss each other and be in love with each other and talk about how much owen sucks
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michaun · 2 months
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mondaysamiright · 9 days
Heat of the Moment
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x fem!reader
Summary: Two idiots in love and the good ole blurting out confessions of love. 
Author's Notes: So Y/N is the daughter of Teddy Altman (idk why I just picked someone lol) and a paramedic with Seattle Fire. She is a part of one of their EMS units (emergency medical services) and works for Station 19 (of course). Sorry it's a bit long!
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The fire raged in front of them, an angry orange beast that roared louder with every passing minute. Y/N Altman, standing with her EMS unit on the street, stared up at the burning building. A couple of other paramedics from the other EMS unit hesitated, looking toward the distant wail of the fire truck’s sirens.
Y/N didn’t hesitate.
“There’s someone still inside,” one of the neighbors screamed, pointing to the third floor. “They didn’t make it out!”
Without waiting for backup, she darted toward the building, ignoring the shouts of her fellow medics. Flames licked the door frame as Y/N barged through, smoke stinging her eyes and the acrid scent filling her lungs. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears, the sound almost drowned out by the crackling fire as she moved quickly through the narrow hallway.
The heat was unbearable, and the smoke reduced her visibility to almost nothing. She could feel the warmth creeping closer to her skin, but she pushed through, her mind focused solely on finding the person trapped inside.
There. In the corner of the room, collapsed beneath a window, she spotted the figure. They were slumped, unconscious, face streaked with soot. Y/N dropped to her knees and assessed them briefly before hefting the limp body over her shoulders, gritting her teeth against the weight.
Her legs burned as she stumbled her way back through the inferno. The flames had spread, closing in fast. Y/N pushed down the panic, adrenaline surging through her as she fought her way out, sweat dripping down her brow. She could feel the heat blistering the skin on her arms, the bite of fire making its presence known in sharp, painful bursts, but there was no stopping now. The person on her back needed to survive.
The moment she burst back through the door, coughing violently, the fire trucks were arriving. Medics rushed forward, taking the unconscious patient from her. Y/N, panting hard, bent over with her hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.
Maya Bishop, her boss, was there in seconds. “What the hell were you thinking?” Maya’s voice was sharp, a mix of fury and concern. “You could’ve been killed!”
“I got them out, didn’t I?” Y/N rasped through her coughing, waving her off. The burns on her arms were starting to throb, but she ignored the pain.
“I want you checked out when we get to the hospital. No arguments, Altman,” Maya ordered, her tone brooking no room for defiance. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Grey Sloan Memorial buzzed with the usual controlled chaos, and Y/N, now in the ER, stood leaning against the wall, arms folded, her patience wearing thin. Her burns were minor—she’d had worse. All she wanted to do was get back to the station and sleep off the exhaustion. But of course, she was stuck here. Because rules. 
 She was ready to leave—already calculating how fast she could slip out unnoticed—when the doors to the ER flung over and Y/N couldn’t help the groan that escaped her lips. 
“Y/N Altman!”
Amelia’s voice cut through the busy ER, her white coat flying behind her as stormed across the floor. She’d heard that tone before. It was the 'I’m-going-to-kill-you' tone. Amelia came to a stop right in front of her, her eyes blazed with a fury. 
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
Y/N crossed her arms tighter, meeting Amelia’s glare with one of her own. “Good to see you too, Dr. Shepherd,” she said, her voice laced with sarcasm. “I was doing my job. You know, saving lives?”
Amelia’s jaw clenched, “Running into a burning building?” she shot back. “Without waiting for fire? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Please, I’m fine. It’s not like I haven’t dealt with dangerous situations before.”
“That’s not the point! You’re not a firefighter, Y/N. You had no business going into that building.”
Y/N straightened, the annoyance in her chest flaring as she pushed herself off the wall. “Oh, so now you’re suddenly concerned about how I do my job? You’ve never cared before when we’ve argued over cases.”
Amelia let out a frustrated laugh. “This isn’t about a patient, Y/N!  This is about you almost dying because you thought you could play the hero!”
Y/N blinked, momentarily thrown by the emotion in Amelia’s voice. “I wasn’t playing hero,” she said, “I was doing what needed to be done.”
“No,” Amelia snapped, stepping closer, her voice shaking now. “You were doing something reckless. Something that could’ve gotten you killed.”
Y/N stared at her, bewildered. “Why are you so upset? I’m fine. The patient’s fine. It’s over.”
“You don’t get it, do you?” Amelia said, her voice quieter now, but no less intense. “You could’ve died, Y/N. And you just—brush it off like it’s nothing.”
“I don’t understand why you’re—”
“Because I love you, you idiot!”
The noise of the ER seemed to vanish in an instant, the beeping monitors and hurried footsteps fading into the background as Amelia’s words hung in the air. Y/N’s mind went blank, her usual quick wit frozen. 
Y/N blinked, her mouth falling open in shock. “What?” she said, the word barely escaping her lips.
Amelia swallowed hard, her eyes now glistening with unshed tears. “I love you,” she repeated, her face a mix of anger, fear, and something softer that Y/N had never seen before. “And I can’t stand watching you do this to yourself. Running into danger like you don’t care about what happens to you. I don’t want to lose you.”
Amelia’s chest heaved, her voice cracking as she spoke again. “I care about you, Y/N. More than you know. And every time you do something like this, it terrifies me. I can’t—” She broke off, shaking her head as tears finally spilled over. “I can’t lose you.” 
Y/N opened her mouth to say something, but the words wouldn’t come. She had no idea what to say to this version of Amelia. The emotional wall between them had always been sturdy, but now, it was crumbling, and Y/N felt completely unequipped to deal with the fallout. 
Amelia took a shaky step back, looking away as she swiped at her eyes again, her voice cracking. “I can’t do this. I can’t just watch you destroy yourself. It’ll kill me. I care too much.”
Without another word, Amelia turned and practically ran out of the ER, leaving Y/N frozen in place. The bustling activity of the ER resumed around her, but Y/N couldn’t move, couldn’t think past the whirlwind of emotions that had just swept over her.
For a long moment, Y/N just stood there, her heart pounding as Amelia’s words echoed in her ears. Finally, Y/N snapped out of her stupor. She needed to find Amelia. She couldn’t leave it like this.
Y/N jogged out of the ER, scanning the hall until she spotted Amelia near the elevators. She caught up just as Amelia angrily punched the button for the elevator, her tears falling freely now.
“What do you want?” Amelia snapped, “You came to give me a sarcastic comment? Make fun of me for crying, for caring about you?”  
Y/N’s heart twisted. There was no sarcasm left, no sharp retorts. “Amelia…” Y/N started, stepping closer, but Amelia took a shaky step back, her fists trembling at her sides. 
“Don’t,” Amelia choked out. “Don’t try to make this better. I hate you for making me feel like this.” 
Before Y/N could open her mouth to speak, Amelia’s fist connected with her chest, the impact startling but not painful.  “I hate you,” Amelia choked out. Her fists struck again, harder this time. “I hate you.” 
The words stung more than the hits themselves, but Y/N knew—knew deep down—that Amelia didn’t mean it. She stood still, allowing Amelia’s fists to land again and again, her own hands at her sides, not moving to block or stop the blows. 
“I hate you for making me love you!” Amelia said, her words coming out in a sob. Her fists, once forceful, were losing strength, each hit becoming weaker, more desperate. 
Then at once, Amelia fell against her, her face buried in Y/N’s uniform as she sobbed, her fists gripping the material tightly. Y/N wrapped her arms around her, holding her close as Amelia cried, the sound muffled in her chest.  Y/N could feel every shake of Amelia’s body, could feel the warmth of her tears soaking into her shirt, but none of it mattered. All that mattered was holding her, being there for her in this moment.
Y/N held her tighter, her hand moving to the back of Amelia’s head, gently stroking her hair. “It’s okay,” she whispered. “I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” 
Minutes passed, though it felt like hours, as they stood in the quiet hallway, the chaos of the hospital continuing around them. Y/N didn’t move, didn’t speak beyond the quiet, comforting words she whispered into Amelia’s hair. Eventually, Amelia’s sobs began to subside, the harsh gasps for air slowing, her grip on Y/N’s shirt loosening. She still clung to her, her head resting against Y/N’s chest, but the desperation was fading, replaced by exhaustion. 
“I don’t want to keep losing people I care about,” Amelia whispered. “And you… you make me feel like I’m going to lose you every time you do something like this. I love you, Y/N. And it terrifies me.” 
Y/N said nothing for a moment, just tightened her arms around Amelia. For a long moment, they just stood there. The warmth of Amelia's body against hers, the steady rise and fall of her breathing—it was enough to ground Y/N in a way she hadn’t expected.
She didn’t want to speak, not yet. But eventually, the words bubbled up, ones she’d been avoiding for too long. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N whispered, her voice soft in the silence. She felt Amelia stiffen slightly, then relax again in her arms. “I didn’t realize… I didn’t think about how much it affected you. I’ve always been… reckless, I guess. And I know we argue. A lot. But it doesn’t mean I don’t care.”
Amelia’s breathing had slowed, her head still resting against Y/N’s chest, listening.
“Despite all the fighting,” Y/N continued, her voice a little shaky now, “you’re… you’re the one I look forward to seeing. You drive me crazy, Amelia. But it’s in the best way possible. When I walk into the ER, and I know you’re there, it’s like—” She paused, trying to find the right words. “It’s like, no matter what happens that day, I get to see you. And that’s enough.”
Amelia’s grip on Y/N’s shirt tightened, but she remained quiet, listening.
“I can’t imagine not having you around,” Y/N admitted softly. “We argue, yeah, but you’re the one thing that’s constant in all the chaos. And I think, maybe I’ve been scared to admit it to myself, but…” Y/N’s voice faltered for a moment before she took a deep breath. “I love you, Amelia.”
For a second, there was nothing but silence. Then Amelia pulled back slightly, just enough to look up at Y/N, her eyes still glistening with tears but softened by the weight of Y/N’s words. She stared at Y/N, her lips parting as if to speak, but before she could, Y/N leaned down and pressed her lips to hers.
The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, as if they were both testing the waters. But then, Amelia slowly slipped her hands up to Y/N's shoulders and around her neck, pulling her closer. Y/N responded in kind, her hands dropping to Amelia's waist and her fingers gently splaying across the small of her back.
When they finally broke apart, their foreheads resting together, both of them were breathless but smiling. “Well this is nice,” Y/N said after a moment.
Amelia let out a soft laugh. “As opposed to arguing all the time?” 
Y/N chuckled, her fingers tracing small circles on Amelia’s back. “Yeah. This is a nice change. Although…” Y/N started, a hint of a teasing smile on her lips, “You have to admit, the arguing was kind of fun.” 
Amelia rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help the matching smile that spread across her face. “Only because you always thought you were right.” 
“I was right,” Y/N shot back, “Most of the time, anyways.”
“You… are so impossible,” Amelia said, though the smile on her lips gave away the affection behind her words. 
Y/N grinned. “I’ve been told that once or twice.”  
Amelia laughed, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of her lips, “Come on. You still need to get checked out.”  
Y/N groaned but didn’t argue, following Amelia’s lead as they made their way back to the ER, their fingers laced together. As they rounded the corner, they ran right into Maya, who was pacing the hall, her arms crossed and her expression stormy.
“Altman! There you are!” Maya’s voice was sharp, frustration evident as she stalked toward Y/N. “I thought you’d taken off again! You were supposed to get checked out ages ago. What the hell, Y/N? You could be—”
“Maya, I’ve got it,” Amelia interrupted. “I’m taking her to get checked out now.”
Maya blinked, her eyes darting between the two of them before she noticed their joined hands. Her stern expression faltered, a knowing smile slowly spreading across her face as she put the pieces together.
“Oh,” Maya said, her tone shifting entirely. “Oh!” She exclaimed, her grin growing. “About damn time, Altman.”
Y/N flushed, rubbing the back of her neck. “Yeah, well… it kind of just happened.”
“Please. You two have been dancing around each other for ages. I’m just glad you finally figured it out.” She raised an eyebrow and smirked. “So, does this mean there’ll be less arguing now?”
Y/N snorted, casting a sideways glance at Amelia before responding. “No promises,” She said, her words overlapping with Amelia’s, “We’ll try.” 
Maya rolled her eyes. “Just get her checked out, Shepherd. And Altman, you’re still not off the hook. Come find me after.”
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wandamaximommy22 · 1 year
drinking game to play while watching greys
take a shot every time they say
1) seriously
2) fistulas
3) mcdreamy
4) mcsteamy
5) round of epi
6) time of death
7) it’s a beautiful day to save lives
8) you’re my person
i can guarantee you will be absolutely hammered within the first few minutes
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forbescaroline · 1 year
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FORBESCAROLINE'S 9K CELEBRATION TOP 20 GREY'S ANATOMY SHIPS (as voted by my followers) #7. Teddy Altman and Henry Burton You're my husband and I think I'm falling in love with you.
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crime-wives · 4 months
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hello tumblr, behold my creation
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cosmicanemoia · 5 months
Proper Introduction
Amelia Shepherd x Reader
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Love Me Till You Leave Me part 5
You receive a text from Teddy saying that she wants to meet with you in the cafeteria of the hospital. You were just outside Grey Sloan Memorial sitting on a bench, so you got up and went into the hospital. When you were making your way to the cafeteria, you could tell that everyone's looking at you funny, but you didn't mind them and went on with your business. When you got to the cafeteria, you sat down and took your phone out of your pocket and texted Teddy that you're already there. Teddy thinks to herself and thinks that is fast.
Amelia and Teddy went to the cafeteria together, and when Teddy saw you sitting alone, she called out your name and waved at you. Amelia, on the other hand, was shocked to see you. As they make their way to you, Amelia nudge Teddy with her shoulder and asked "What the hell did you do? What is going on?" Teddy just smiled at her and continues to walk to you. When they finally get to where you are, you stand up, and Teddy gives you a hug. As you hug Teddy, Amelia caught a whiff of your scent once more. You thought she inhaled your smell, but you thought maybe not. (She did.) They sat down with you and talked.
T: Dr. Shepherd thinks you're stalking her.
Y/N: Good one. Ted. * You raise your eyebrows up and down and chuckle a little*
T: Unfortunately, I'm not joking. *sighs*
Your smile turns into a frown.
Y/N: What made you think that? Me? Stalking? You? I didn't mean that in a bad way. You're gorgeous. But I'm not a Stalker.
A: Then what are you doing in Boston? We bumped into each other. Outside near the hospital? We almost bumped into each other. I even smelled your scent in one of the pillows in the on-call room.
T: What were you doing smelling a pillow?
A: Not the point. TED.
T: it's chief Altman for you. And how do you know her smell from other smells? Are you once a perfume connoisseur?
A: Again, not the point. I remember your voice. You only ever said "sorry" and not "I'm sorry." Care to explain yourself?
You weren't saying anything, and they can tell you were thinking to yourself. You are trying to remember, and you did.
Y/N: the gorgeous woman in Boston. It was you? And yes! Outside, you almost spilt your coffee on me. I almost knocked you down. I slept one time in the on-call room, Ted knows that. I haven't slept for two days so she let me. *winked*
A: All that information does not, not make you a stalker.
Y/N: Right. It doesn't. (You shake your head left and right and smirk) I was in Boston with a friend, well my girlfriend at that time, but that's a story for another time. Ted knows her, I can give you her number, and you can call her and ask what was I doing in Boston. But tell her to skip the intimate details. She likes sharing those. Although, I doubt that she'll answer. And outside when you almost spilt coffee on me. I just finished talking with Ted here, and I ran out to the hospital because I am going to be late to an appointment.
T:bYou should stop saying appointment when you're meeting with your family. Dr. Shepherd told me she could smell you all over the hospital.
Y/N: You showed me around that should be normal. (Your eyes fixated on Amelia's making her kinda nervous. You stare into people's eyes when you get serious, unknowingly.) So?
You like how I smell? *you teased*
A: *scoffs* I- (her phone pinged, she's being paged) I need to go it's an emergency. (She quickly got up on her seat and walked away.)
Teddy laughs out loud when Amelia gets out of sight, which confuses you, so you asked her.
Y/N: Why are you laughing like that? What's so funny?
T: she is so whipped.
Y/N: whipped? Who is?
T: Yes! Dr. Shepherd, for you.
Y/N: You're being delusional.
T: You're being blind.
Amelia entered the room where they read x-rays and scans. She let's out a deep sigh. Link and Owen looked at each other.
L: Already? it wasn't even midday.
O: Girl troubles? Maybe?
A: Shut it! *She commanded with an annoyed look on her face.*
Link and Owen turn their backs on Amelia and say that they need her for consult. She lied about it being an emergency. Amelia's conversation with them was rather short.
Amelia was alone when she went in the elevator, and before it closed, y/n swoops in. Now, they are alone, together. Y/N pulls the emergency stop and turns to face Amelia, who was in shock and a little nervous, not knowing what's gonna happen next.
A: Please don't kill me.
Y/N: *laughs* You're funny. I'm not gonna kill you. If you come over to my house for dinner tomorrow night. *menacingly stares at Amelia* I'm kidding. I'm not a murderer. Just come over tomorrow night, and dinner's on me. Wear something casual. * held out her hand to Amelia* Hi! I'm y/n l/n. Nice to meet you.
A: *confused of what's going on, also held out her hand to shake yours* I'm Amelia Shepherd. Nice to meet you, too.
Your hands were still holding each other. You pulled her for a hug. Amelia thinks it was a very good hug, and she felt safe in your embrace. She thinks you pull away way too soon and wants more. You push the emergency stop, and the elevator starts to work again. As you both walk out, you said, "Now, we are properly introduced." You nod at her and said "See you around, Dr. Shepherd. It was nice meeting you." You turned around and walked away, and you missed the smile that was on Dr. Shepherd's face.
As Amelia turns to walk away, she is smiling and giggling like a child. Link, Owen, Jo, and Bailey saw her, and as she saw them, she continued to walk on and didn't mind the faces on her colleagues and friends' faces. She's genuinely happy.
O: What do you guys think happened in that elevator?
L: What can make Amelia smile and giggle like that?
J: Sex, the thought of sex, someone she really likes asking her on a date.
The three looked at her, who couldn't seem to believe or accept what she had just said.
J: What? That's what I would also look like if I were in her position? You asked a question I just answered.
B: She's in love.
Bailey shivers as soon as those words leave her mouth. The three looked at her, and they seemed to agree with her, but they were waiting for her to elaborate more or share her thoughts more, but she just walked away.
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