westywrites · 6 years
Last Line Tag
Tagged by @infinitelyblankpage (thank you for making me actually sit down and write today)
It was her first day of class, and already she was dreading it.
I’ll tag @stingthescribe @concealeddarkness13
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westywrites · 6 years
This Doesn’t Make Any Sense
Thank you @infinitelyblankpage for tagging me, I love this idea
Rules: Find the first sentence of your WIP that contains each of these words: ‘this’ ‘doesn’t’ ‘make’ ‘any’ ‘sense’. Post them in order as if they’re a single excerpt.
This was not the field she had been in. This was nowhere near the field she had been in. The air was wrong, it was too humid, too thick.
“Your sass doesn't help us either.” Kaedan pushed himself up to his feet. “I’m going to grab what I need from the XeNguard, and then I'll try to help you onto ol’ Tessie.”
She couldn’t make herself stop.
“Do you have any clever ideas?” he asked, interrupting her train of thought.
“A XeNguard?” Her heart stuttered though what he said made no sense to her.
Wow, this seems like it could almost be coherent? Lol I love this. I’ll tag @dreamwishing @whollyart
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