#team deserves all the cuddles he wants and i will gladly give him the cuddles
theyellowhue · 2 years
Team going "oh silly me, its your room, because its literally the only place where i could get sleep", after accusing Phawin of breaking and entering his room is peak baby boy behavior.
I genuinely dont understand how Phawin not keep Team in his bed all day and give him a steady supply of food and cuddles.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Shaken... not Stirred
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*Warning Adult Content*
I spend most of Saturday in Zoom meetings and on the cell-phone.
By six p.m. I realize that as much as I hate it... I won't be going to Emmett's tomorrow.
I call and he says he understands when I tell him I have a big project due Monday but I know he's hurt.
Same, except I'm also not and that's the problem.
He says to call tomorrow if anything changes and I promise to but even though I want nothing more than to go over there for an hour, it wouldn't be quick.
We'd have mind-blowing sex and then we'd eat and cuddle and he'd take such good care of me that I wouldn't be able to leave.
That can't happen.... I don't even make time for mass on Sunday but my father calls later in the afternoon.
He wants an update which he more than deserves but since I'm expressly going against his wishes... I'm not sure what to say.
No, things aren't quite wrapped up here.
No, I don't need him to call the moving company... I'll handle it when I'm ready.
Yes, I know I have to give the apartment office one weeks notice.
Of course I'll get the car cleaned before I return it, especially since I dropped some fries in it earlier this week.
It's not like I've never done this before.
He thinks I'm stressed from the fire.. I am.
He wants to make sure I know that no one blames me and I shouldn't think I could have done something... I know.
They're thinking of me and love me... Same.
My team pulls together and by Sunday evening we have two bids cleared by the lawyers and ready to go.
Monday morning I sleep in a bit and then drive down to personally hand deliver our bids.
I call that afternoon to find out when we'll hear anything and the news knocks me over.... Three weeks.
It will be three weeks... What am I going to do with myself for three weeks?
The answer is obvious... go home.
I call Emmett and he says he'll be home by 6:30 p.m.
That's a bit late for him but it's been over a week since we spent actual quality time together so I'll be patient... Well, I'll try.
I plan on giving him until seven o'clock so I don't pounce on him as soon as he gets home but I pull up at 6:45 and can't stand the thought of waiting in my car.
I knock on his door.
He looks tired but smiles at me.
"Hey darling, get in here."
I obey gladly.
"I'm just starting dinner, can you stay?"
I haven't had decent food in days.
"Yeah, that would be great."
"So, mission complete? Project finished?" he asks.
He doesn't know the specifics but it's kind of him to ask.
"Submitted. Now I have to wait three weeks to hear back."
I sit at the table in the kitchen and he brings me over a drink.
He pulls stuff out of the fridge and I try to figure out what he's going to make.
"I don't want to assume but does the whole lack of a factory and this three week timeline mean that you get some time off? Or is it on to the next project?"
I wasn't sure how I was going to bring this up but he's given me the perfect opportunity...  I hate the words I'm about to say. 
"It means I'm in limbo and I should head back to Michigan until they decide."
"Oh. Right. You mentioned going back," his voice is eerily calm and I can't get a read on him.
What is he thinking?
"Will you be coming back to Baltimore?"
This is the hard part.
"I want to."
"It probably depends on what happens in three weeks, Emmett. I'm sorry."
If I get one of the contracts I'll have some bargaining room with my father and the board and will do everything I can to convince them to change their minds.
If I don't... there's nothing I can do.
I'm the vice-president until my father retires and I will go and do what he and the board think I should.
There will be another factory to open, other deals to make, other products to develop.
"I want to come back."
"That's nice but it doesn't mean much, apparently. You know, with all your money you'd think..."
"It's just that your money sure does buy nice stuff but it doesn't seem to be buying you much happiness or freedom. What's the point if you can't use it for stuff that really matters?"
He's right, money comes with strings and there are lots of things it can't buy but...
"It'll buy plane tickets, we can see each other."
He sort of grunts at me.
"Yeah, sure. Hope you like stir-fry."
"I do... I love it."
He's thawing some shrimp which is definitely one of my favorites.
This will be good.... And it is... It's stuffed full of perfectly good vegetables, the rice is perfectly cooked and the sauce is great.
We're almost finished when he asks...
"When are you leaving?"
"I have to pack up the apartment and return my car so probably Wednesday?"
I could get it all done tomorrow if I had to but I don't really have to.
Besides, it means one more evening with Emmett.
"Can I stay tonight?"
He looks at me, hard, stares until I almost break down.
"Maybe it's best if you don't. Besides, all your stuff is at your place, right?"
Oh. Okay.
"Um, maybe tomorrow?"
"I'm working late, sorry. I hope you have a safe trip back home, Finnegan. I had a wonderful time, really. I can't even tell you how much."
He doesn't have to, I know.
He's giving me the brush off but how can I blame him when I'm the one leaving?
"I did too. This isn't the end of us, Emmett, I hope it isn't."
"Sometimes it's best to move on, Finnegan. Hanging onto the past just hurts. I'll wait three weeks. If you can come back and stay, I'd really like that darling. If not, well, it is what it is."
He stands up and takes both of our plates to the sink.
I think it's time for me to go while I can still see through the tears that are forming.
I've been kicking myself since he walked out the door that night.
He practically threw himself at my feet and admitted that he needed me which is always hard for him.
He was exhausted and desperate for some love and attention and care and all I could manage to offer him was a meal.
I'd already shut down and put us in a box in the back of my closet and I couldn't bring myself to torture either of us with another amazing night.
Part of me hoped he'd change his mind.
That he'd call me Tuesday saying he couldn't do it, he didn't want to leave me and then beg my forgiveness for making me feel like I didn't really matter to him.
I had this fairy-tale ending in my head where he moved in here and we were a happy 'little' family.
Little... even that doesn't make me smile.
He's been gone for two weeks.
He's sent a few texts, letting me know he was home safe and that he was thinking of me.
I responded but kept my distance because it hurts.
Thinking about him makes me ache in all sorts of ways and probably will for awhile.
Everything at home reminds me of him.
The stupid, adorable towels that he sent are in my linen closet.
I have his tiny sheep undies because they were in the laundry and I haven't even reclaimed his drawer yet.
His bendy cups and Spiderman cup are in my cupboard. 
I can barely stand to spend time on my couch, honestly.
We watched movies, snuggled and fucked on that couch.
The problem is that he's everywhere, my kitchen and bed included.
I can't even do laundry without thinking about him.
So I've been spending a lot of time at the bowling alley and work, hitting the gym more than I have in months and doing everything I can think of to avoid going home.
Peter has been staring at me all morning but he probably thinks I haven't noticed.
I survived for years in war zones by paying attention.
No, we all paid attention... I just got lucky.
"You and Finnegan want to come over this weekend?"
That's a hard question but it's time to come out with it.
I guess I just assumed that Finnegan had told Tristan.
"He went back to Michigan."
"Oh. Well that explains a lot. How long is he gone for?"
It does? Am I that bad? Maybe.
"Probably forever."
That gets his attention and he walks over.
"What? What happened?"
It's a long story but it all boils down to the fact that...
"He was never supposed to stay."
He just left sooner than I thought he would.
"But you two are so good together. My God... I almost left Tristan in Michigan when I came here. Can't believe I was so stupid. I thought we were too new so I didn't ask him to come. Did you ask him to stay, Emmett?"
"It wouldn't have changed anything. He's waiting to hear news about some, some thing and if it comes through he might be back. I don't really know how it all works but he didn't sound all that optimistic."
"Are you thinking about going there?"
"To Michigan?"
No, why would I?
For Finn, of course but my whole life is here, just like his is there, except it's not.
He'd be leaving for months or years at a time to go open new factories and then what?
I'd just hang around and wait for him in Michigan?
No thank you.
"Yeah, it's not bad. Winters are tough but you two can come up with ways to stay warm."
Yeah. Not happening.
"He didn't invite me... he mentioned a visit but not... anything else."
He throws his hands up in the air but he's just goofing off.
"It's like you're not even listening to me."
I know he's trying to help but...
"We're not you and Tristan. It's complicated. Our dynamic is... it's unusual."
"So's ours. Just hate to see you moping around and upset, Emmett. Offer for this weekend is still open, it would probably be good for you to get out."
It would be.
"Can I let you know tomorrow?"
"Sure. And I'll have Tristan give Finnegan a call, see if he can weasel out some info for you."
That's not necessary but nothing I say will stop him.
Tristan will call once he finds out Finnegan's gone whether Peter has anything to do with it or not.
I can't imagine Tristan letting that one go.
A car pulls in and it saves me from answering and luckily the rest of the afternoon is busy.
Busy is very good lately.
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haitanic · 3 years
Poly Relationship With KamiShin
I adore the idea of being in a relationship with these two, I just think it would be so good and I love them both so much. This ended up being way longer than I had planned but I could have kept going so I’ll probably write more like this.
SFW above the cut, NSFW below
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence? (the boys being protective of you/defending you)
This relationship would just be one big meme
You and Kaminari clowning together
You and Shinsou laughing at Kaminari’s dumbassery
Until it goes to far and you realize he’s going to hurt himself and you both frantically go “nOooO DeNKi!!!”
These two are in a prank war and you are on both teams
So it’s basically just you messing with both of them
They’d pull pranks on you too but it would always be really little silly things, never to the extent they’d do to each other
Neither of these men sleep
Please god make them go to bed
I mean if you’re someone who also stays up all night then oh god this is just a disaster, the three of you will never sleep 
If you’re someone who goes to bed at a reasonable time please drag them with you
I don’t think it would be hard to drag them to bed honestly, they’re both way to soft
Like if they were gaming together but you wanted to go to bed, they’d try to say they were going to keep gaming but the second you say please and ask them to come cuddle you the controllers are on the table and they’re crashing into bed with you (simps)
They literally can’t say no to you
With anything, literally anything you want is yours
These men adore you and want to take care of you
Truly just two men that I hc as drinking there respect juice
But it’s more than that, like more than respect, it’s adoration
I think when they get into a relationship with someone the feelings are strong, to share themselves with someone like that they’d have to love and trust them so much
They’d spoil the shit out of you, but you better do the same for them
And when I say spoil I don’t mean spend a bunch of money, just bring them little things and do cute things
Like bring Shinsou coffee and Denki snacks
Give Denki a $1 Pikachu sticker and tell him it reminds you of him
Show your love with memes, they will cry, you’re too perfect
Send Denki silly memes and go “dis u?” he’ll love you so muchand think its so cute
Send Shinsou cute, lovey, cat memes, like meme of a little kitten with a sappy message over it
They’re both definitely very teasing S/Os, like you’d all just be making fun of each other constantly but it’s with LOVE
Consensual bullying 
But they’d never comment on something you’re actually insecure about, they know what’s too far and they’d never go there
(If you’re like me and someone who likes to be affectionately teasing with S/Os and friends please make sure you have boundaries established and you know what is ok to tease about and what actually hurts, communication y’all, ok back to your regularly scheduled programming)
I’m gonna be honest, y’all would eat so much takeout, neither of them can cook for shit
actually that’s a lie, Shinsou can cook, he just doesn’t want to
If you can cook and enjoy it please make them meal at least a few times a week
Please teach them healthy habits
Make them go to bed, make them go outside, force feed them veggies and water please just take care of them because they don’t know how to
I mean don’t force them. like please don’t try to change them, but express your concern about their unhealthy habits and try to help if that makes sense
Ok but they are so protective, anyone who tries to mess with you better be prepared to catch hands
They’d both be so goofy with you but if anyone tries to mess with you they are stone faced in a second and ready to rock someone's shit
You are perfect to them and they won’t let anyone say otherwise
Oh and if someone said something about the three of you being together, god help them
Actually don’t, no one help them, they deserve it, not sorry
The cuddles are IMMACULATE
The positions are always changing but it’s always so good
You in the middle either with both of their heads on your chest or facing one and being a little spoon to the other
Shinsou in the middle with both you and Kaminari resting your heads on his chest, you and Kami would be holding hands and you’d all just alternate giving each other little pecks
Kaminari in the middle facing Shinsou with you big spooning him... yes please
You all just want to make sure you’re all happy, it would be so supportive and goofy and just happiness
This relationship feels like sunshine
Warnings: dom/sub themes, degradation and praise kinks, sadomasochism and pain kinks, vouryerism, overstim/edging, literally just fucking flithy y’all
Please note that the things I headcannon only apply if it’s something you consent to.
oh god
This is gonna be nasty
But so good
I’ve seen different people say different things but my personal opinion is that Shinsou is a dom (a hard one) and Kaminari is a switch
And yes, Shinsou calls you both his kittens, you cannot change my mind, I don’t care
So there’s a few different ways I see things going
So if both you and Kaminari are feeling like bottoms then Shinsou will gladly dom you both at the same time
Shinsou definitely has a vouyer kink so he would instruct you and Kaminari on what to do to each other while he jut watched his kittens play (stop that felt so filthy to type aaaa)
Once you were both completely worn out then he’d finally step in and have his way with you both
Like I said, he is a hard dom, definitely sadistic
Honestly he’d use telling you and Denki what to do to each other as a punishment, making you overstim or edge each other till neither of you can take anymore and are begging and/or crying
Then he’d come fuck you both into the mattress
This man is going to completely and utterly demolish you (if you’re ok with that of course)
He’d be praising you both but in a way that feels so dirty, he’d degrade you both a bit with words but I think it would mostly be praise, the degrading/humiliating part is what he does to you/makes you do to each other
He’d definitely be pretty rough with both of you (always only if you consent), he’d be manhandling you guys, just throwing you around, pulling hair, choking, a little slapping if you’re up for it (I definitely think Denki is just saying)
But don’t get me wrong, he also knows how to take care of his kittens
Like he can be so soft and giving with you as well, when the situation calls for soft sex this man will give you that and he will give it so good
Just the most gentle, loving praises and soft holds and eye contact and love
Ok, next situation Shinsou and Kaminari both wanting to dom you
ok wait cause there’s actually two ways that could go, if Kaminari is feeling switchy but leaning towards dom then it would be kinda similar to the first situation, with Shinsou telling him what to do to you but he’d just be more dom with it himself and he’d still let Shinsou dom him a bit but not full on, like they’re both domming you but Shinsou takes the lead
Ok but if Kaminari is feeling full dom then god help you
I hope you have the day of tomorrow
Because Kaminari as a dom is also one sadistic mother fucker
I absolutely headcannon Kaminari as being hard and sadistic when he’s domming (I mean he’s a little fucking masochist when hes a bottom)
But yeah if it’s something you’re ok with then these men are going to destroy you
I really can’t stress how ruthless they are when they’re domming together
You’re going to get whiplash from these two because one of them is degrading the shit out of you while the other is telling you the kindest praise
“Look at you, such a filthy little whore for us to use”, “You’re so beautiful, doing so good for us baby”
But you never know which ones going to say what and they’re constantly switching roles
Yeah you’re about to get your shit rocked, there’s no other way to say it
Honestly you’re going to be barely conscious by the time they’re finally done
Alright, last variation is you and Shinsou domming Kaminari
Pretty similar to when he’s domming you with Kaminari but y’all switch places
Just demolishing little subby baby Denki
I talk about how much of a little subby baby he is in my nsfw hcs for him
As much of a sadist as he is when he’s domming completely switches to masochism when he’s a sub
He will cry and beg and he loves it, he will literally beg you two to hurt him like a whiny little boy
Baby just wants to be completely destroyed and fucked out
Gee, can you tell I’m a switch
Regardless of how it goes down the sex would honestly be so good because both of them are very giving partners
I mean don’t get me wrong, they’re gonna tease the shit out of you, but they’re both very focused on making sure all three of you feel amazing
The aftercare, oh god the aftercare
Always so cute and sweet
Doesn’t matter who topped and bottomed
Cuddles and words of affirmation for all of you, just all three of you giving and getting love
If any of you are in subspace or roughed up or out of it or whatever then whoever isn’t will give you everything you need whether that's a hot drink or a nice bath or some lotion or whatever
You all just take such good care of each other because this is a relationship built on mutual love, adoration, and respect
This got a little out of hand, much longer than I thought it was going to be, my bad. 
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ohmykazuha · 3 years
🍮 with diluc and xiao arguing with their s/o? ;0 feeling like angst today! romantic please! thank you!!
ello there! of course you can! grab a seat – i like the chair by the window. i'll be back shortly! p.s. anon my love i'm sobbing T^T my first time doing angst but okay let's do this
[arguing with s/o] diluc x gn!reader + xiao x gn!reader
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- i feel like you guys would probably argue about him going out at night as a vigilante (refer to manga)
- he argues that he's fine doing it, whereas you're more concerned for his health and the amount of rest he's getting
- diluc is also someone who's used to taking care of others, so when the tables are turned on him, it takes him some time to get used to
- he doesn't really like being babied hhh (mr macho-man and all >:( diluc shh let me take care of you)
- so naturally he would be a bit defensive if you go slightly-over-the-top
- but he would regret his words first thing once he sees your crestfallen face. he hates hurting you and he takes back everything he says
- "N-No, (Y/N), I'm sorry- wait!"
- thankfully for him, you're the type to quickly forgive – doesn't mean that you'll forget, though
- he'd get you your favourite drink and meal and would take you out to show his love for you! maybe around mondstadt
- he'd also engage in your love language to make you feel loved again. hugs and kisses and cuddles if it's physical touch, a date if it's quality time, buying you something you had your eye on if it's receiving gifts, etc!
- diluc would also watch his tongue around you from then on– he doesn't want to hurt you at all, you're his lover!
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- i think you guys would argue over him letting others in
- you argue that it's okay for him to emotionally release his problems, but he thinks it would burden you a lot and he doesn't want that
- he also has some issues with self love. you want him to feel as loved as possible but he feels like he isn't deserving of the love you give him from his past actions
- and of course, this leads to an argument between the both of you
- and he says some harsh things about you leaving and it really hurt
- he regrets it, but he needs some time to cool down before he says anything else
- once he's back with his rational mindset, he apologises to you :")
- he tries to make it up to you as best as he can
- mostly by his actions – xiao isn't a touchy-feely person but if your love lang. is physical touch he'd gladly do it for you (within his and your boundaries of course)
- he'd bring you out to dihua marsh or something to watch the scenery (and fight some hilichurls, because you guys make a great team!)
- nothing like wiping away some sweat and collecting some firm arrowheads, yanno?
- but, yes. xiao is usually quite a calm person so it takes him a while to get riled up.
- but he'd defend you to no end XD because he really loves you a lot!
and that's it for the diluc + xiao arguing with their s/o hcs! hope you liked this, nonnie! <3
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generallybarzy · 3 years
If You'll Have Me Forever.
an: this is the little fic i decided to write based on a dream i had. I wrote it all in one day while I was at my grandparent's house with no internet or computer, so i wrote it all in my notebook and then typed it up on here haha.
warnings: unedited, mentions of past emotional trauma and unhealthy families
word count: 1.7k
You always loved spending time with Mat's family. Whenever there was a break in the season, you two quickly found yourselves on a plane out to Vancouver, holding hands in the airplane and in the car on the way to his parent's house.
It had been like this since your first summer with them. Mat had invited you home with him for part of the offseason, and although you'd only been dating almost a year and were still nervous to meet his family, you couldn't say no. His family had welcomed you warmly, in fact, warm may not even be good enough to describe it. His parents smiled as soon as they saw you- saw you holding their son's hand, saw him smile proudly as he finally introduced you to them as his girlfriend.
Then, they hugged you.
You hadn't come from a loving family, not one where you openly told each other "I love you" or "I'm proud of you", and certainly not one that hugged and had family game nights. After much discussion with Mat and with your therapist, you came to the conclusion that your family had been borderline emotionally neglectful, and you saw how your childhood had scarred you. Mat's family was so openly affectionate and loving towards you right off the bat that it overwhelmed you, to the point of you going upstairs and refusing to come down until Mat had a talk with you. He was understanding, gently told them to be a little more reserved, and helped to slowly ease you into their love. And that just made you love him even more.
Now, it was your first holiday season with them. After spending a good chunk of last summer in Vancouver, you were certainly excited to spend a few days of your winter here with them rather than in your empty little apartment. You and Mat had flown out the night before, and arrived early in the morning, grateful that the team had managed a few extra days off this season- just enough days to make a trip worth it. The whole day had been spent talking and laughing and just catching up with his family about the past year- how things were going with your studies, with your job, how Mat’s season was going, and how your relationship was going. Later in the evening, after a long round of some board game they’d pulled from the closet, the jet lag and overwhelming, unfamiliar feeling of familial love caught up to you. So, in the middle of preparing some snacks to munch on during the next round of the game, you faked a phone call and quickly excused yourself to the snowy back patio, slipping into your coat and snow boots on the way and disappearing out the door.
Mat had been keeping a close eye on you all night.
He knew how you got about affection, you were even still a little shy receiving love from him, and the last thing he wanted to do was let him or his family overwhelm you again. He had gone to talk with his dad for five minutes- about a topic that had him immediately searching for you to go hide away and get some much needed alone time- and when he came back to the living room, you weren’t where he left you with his mom and sister.
“Where’s (Y/N)?”
“Oh,” his mom looked up from preparing the food. “She stepped out back to take a phone call.”
“Yeah?” Mat snuck over to the backdoor, squinting out into the snow and spotting your figure, no phone in sight. He slipped on a pair of shoes and grabbed his jacket from next to the door. “I think the jetlag might be stting in. I’ll be right back.”
He stepped out onto the back patio, the snow crunching beneath his fluffy slippers. You didn’t even turn when you heard the door close behind him, and that’s how he knew something was wrong.
“Baby… what are you doing out in the cold?” He came up next to you, curling an arm over your shoulders. “Were they too much? Should I tell them to back off a bit?” Finally, you turned to face him. Your eyes were wet and red, but you had a soft little smile on your face. “Aw, baby.”
“I love them so much, Mat.”
“C’mere.” He pulled you against his chest, rubbing his hands up and down your cold arms. You curled your arms around his waist, snuggling in under his winter jacket. “Babe, you should be wearing something heavier out here. I don’t want you getting sick.” Still, you stayed where you were, tucked into his jacket with him and hiding away from the snow and the world. “I’m glad you love my family so much. I hope you can tell they love you too. And if they’re too much, I’ll tell them, okay?”
“I know.”
“Just let me know. I know how you get uncomfortable when you receive this much love, but I hope you know you deserve it, okay? You’re absolutely amazing.” At his words, you lifted your face from the comfort of his chest, eyes red and face hot, streaked with tears. Snowflakes melted on impact, and Mat’s thumb brushed away the wetness. “Please don’t cry, baby.”
“I’m just… so overwhelmed. In the best way possible, I promise.”
“That’s good.”
“And I’m getting sleepy.”
“Jetlag finally catching up to you?” You nodded, burrowing back into the warmth of his jacket. He smiled, squeezing you against him. “Let’s go to bed, yeah, sweetheart?”
“Nooooo, I just wanna stay like this.”
“Okay, okay.” He smiled and lifted his hands in mock surrender. “We’ll stay out here for a little, but we gotta go in when you get cold.” Mat knew the reason you didn’t want to go back inside yet. One, because you didn’t want to cry in front of his family, but also because after spending the whole day with them, you were starved of sweet, gentle moments like this, alone with Mat. He knew you loved his family, but God, how you loved him. You’d been holding back all your hugs and kisses today, keeping low on the PDA in front of his family, and you’d gotten needy. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to his parents, saying the two of you were gonna be done for the night and wanted a little alone time, and he knew they’d understand and head to bed. The snow was picking up now, so Mat put his phone back in his pocket and pulled you with him against the wall of the house, your arms tucked under his fuzzy coat and holding tight around his waist, watching the snow fall and enjoying the comforting silence of the world.
“Do you know how much people love you?”
“Mat…” You smiled and hid your face shyly.
“No, do you know? Everyone who meets you falls a little bit in love with you. Everyone. You just have this… this loveable nature to you/ You’re the sweetest, kindest, most amazing person I know.” You didn’t respond, but Mat saw the smile on your face and felt the way your arms squeezed around his torso. “Remember how earlier, I was talking to my dad? You know what he was saying? He said ‘the way you look at (Y/N), that’s how I looked at your mom’. And how he still does.” That got your attention, and you lifted your face to look at him, at the pretty, genuine love in his dark eyes. “Hey, there’s that pretty face!” Your hands slid further up his back, and you perched up on your tiptoes, reaching up for a soft kiss that Mat gladly met you halfway for. “I’m serious when I say I love you, okay?”
“I know.”
“I get that you didn’t have the best relationship with your family, and they weren’t the healthiest, especially when it came to showing these types of emotions, but I’m gonna make sure you get used to it. Cause you’re gonna be in my life for a long, long time.”
“If you’ll have me forever.”
Everything went silent, save for the soft falling of snow, at that whispered promise. The tears filled your eyes again, just so, so happy that you had someone like Mat in your life, and that he was so understanding and patient with you.
“If you’ll have me forever, my family would be more than happy to call you one of us. You could spend all your birthdays, holidays, and celebrations here, and they’d love you. I’d love you. I do. You’d never feel unloved again, if you’ll have me forever.”
“Mat are... Are you proposing?”
He shook his head quickly. “No. Not yet, not officially. Just take this as a… warning.”
You laughed a little bit. “A warning, Mat?”
“No, ugh… um, how about a promise. Yeah, a promise. A promise that if you’ll have me forever, I’ll do nothing but show you how damn loveable you are. I know I can’t erase the years of pain… God, or the trauma that your family put you through, but I promise you I’m gonna try my hardest. You deserve so much better than what they’d given to you, and I’ll give that to you.” Mat saw the tears in your eyes and swooped down to kiss your cheeks repeatedly. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you cry, baby.” He could say so, so much more, but he wanted to take care of you first. “Enough of my sappy rambling, yeah? My toes are freezing. Can we go in?” He saw you glance down at his feet and immediately started giggling.
“Nice slippers, grandpa.”
“They’re cozy.” He grinned, happy to see you smiling again. He had grabbed his dad’s shoes to come out, knowing you found his silly dad-fashion funny. “Now, let’s get to bed, sleepyhead.” He pulled you back into the warm, quiet house and led the way up to his bedroom, happy to finally have some time to just cuddle up under the blankets along with you. But as you fell asleep, tucked safely in his arms with a content, peaceful smile, he could fall asleep along with you. Instead, he lay there, watching you for hours, his thoughts filled with his dad’s words from earlier and quietly, secretly, he was writing long lines of phrases he wanted to say to you, phrases that would one day become part of his proposal.
I promise I’ll keep you safe, I promise I’ll keep you smiling and loved... if you’ll have me forever.
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randoimago · 3 years
Can I have Yosuke, Yu, and Kanji from Persona 4 react to a fem!reader telling them how much they matter??
I am super happy to write this for you!
Also, every single one of you matter a lot. You're all amazing and doing great!
Face goes a bright red when you began telling him how much he means to you. How much he matters. 
This isn’t a conversation he expected from you and now that he’s hearing it, he isn’t going to just let you do the talking.
Kanji will gladly state that it isn’t just him. That you mean so much to him too. 
That you accepted him when he was in a bad place when it came to loving himself. That you have meant so much to him in a time when he needed someone.
Will definitely be making you all kinds of cute animals because that’s what you deserve. He’s not the best when it comes to words, so he hopes that these gifts are enough to let you know that you matter so much to him too.
Would probably make a joke about how sappy you’re being but he is super touched when you began telling him all these things. About how happy he makes you.
He will ask if you’re alright, if something happened and now you feel like you need to say all of this. 
He’ll give you a sweet smile if you are just telling him because he means so much to you. He’ll gladly begin telling you the same, letting you know how much you mean to him.
Might end up tearing up a bit, which he’ll wipe his eyes and exclaim how the room is dusty or something. 
But the way that he pulls you into a hug let’s you know that he truly felt loved by all that you said.
Definitely wasn’t expecting to suddenly hear you go on a tangent about how much Yu means to you, that’s not to say he doesn’t enjoy it.
Honestly, hearing you telling him this might make him tear up as well. 
He has done so much considering he’s been the leader of the Investigation Team and a lot has happened with his family. To hear this praise is exactly what he needed.
Will hold you. He won’t say anything, just holding you close so he can feel you next to him. So you can feel his heart pounding because of the words you spoke.
Offers to take you out for a movie afterwards. Or even just go back to his house to cuddle. He wants to thank you for those kind words and so he’ll do whatever you want. He cares about you so much.
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sleepysnk · 4 years
OKAY i’m screaming but what abt like eren being a football (doesn’t have to be football) player and he’s just watching the reader (doesn’t have to be a cheerleader) cheer him and that motivates him and celebrate his win after
aw! i absolutely love this request! jock Eren is definitely fun to write for, i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting 💗 sorry again if this was ass.
Touchdowns and Kisses
Pairings: Eren Jaeger x Fem!Reader
Warnings: None
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The atmosphere at Trost University was exciting and full of anticipation.
It was the rival game against Marley University, most of the student body was hyped for the game and many students from both of the schools attended the game.
The students all sat in crowds watching the game unfold, there was two minutes left and it was the fourth quarter. Marley was currently in the lead by three points, Trost needed a touchdown to win the game.
Nervousness rushed through everyone, they only had four times to get the ball to the endzone. If not, Marley would regain possession and that would be it. They needed to score here and now to win the game.
"Dude there is no way we can make it past! Do you see their defense? They're tearing ass," Eren said to Reiner.
It was their final timeout, "Eren have a little hope here! As long as we get to a good point we will win," Reiner replied, his eyes rolling.
"Come on! Let's do this!" Jean yelled.
They clapped together and walked into position to pass the ball. Eren swallowed thickly as he waited for the ball to be snapped towards Reiner, they needed to get down the field at least.
Eren ran down the field, his arms opening for the ball. He turned to see the ball falling towards him, he reached his arms up and caught it, landing on the turf near Marley's 30 yard line.
"Hell yeah Eren!"
He stood up, seeing his girlfriend cheering in the stands. She wore his jersey and called for him. (Y/N) really was his biggest motivator when it came to football, she came to every game, celebrated wins with him, and even let him rant when they lost those games.
"Let's go! We don't have much time left! The clock is still running Jaeger!" his coach yelled from the sidelines.
Eren tossed the ball to the referee and ran back to his position. He felt everything suddenly slow down, his mind beginning to race and (Y/N)'s words began to echo in his mind.
"You got this baby! I believe in you! I mean it when I say it."
"Think of me when you make a touchdown! I love you!"
"Hut!" Reiner's voice broke him out of his trance.
Eren began to run forward, the ball falling into his arms. Cheers erupted into the stands as Eren ran towards the endzone, he pushed away the players trying to bring him down. He ran into the endzone and threw the ball onto the ground.
"Touchdown! Trost University!"
His teammates ran behind him, "Fuck yeah Eren!" Jean yelled.
His head turned to (Y/N) in the stands cheering and waving at him. A smile formed on his features, he pointed his finger up at her to show her that he acknowledged her.
"That is the final ladies and gentlemen!" the announcer called over the loud speaker.
Eren smiled hearing the news, he took off his helmet and wiped the sweat that dripped from hid head. He felt excitement and relief washing over him, they won. They actually won.
The team went to the locker room to change, Eren was eager to see (Y/N), she was a huge help for this win and his motivation. He wanted to celebrate with her.
"See you next season, Eren!" Reiner called as he headed towards his car.
Eren nodded, "Bet! See you then!" he replied.
Eren walked towards his car, a smile grew onto his face seeing (Y/N) standing there. Her hands around her arms.
She ran towards him, "Hi baby!" she said.
Eren embraced her in a hug, "Hi princess... I'm so glad to see you. You doing okay?" he asked, cupping her cheek.
She smiled, "I'm fine.. congrats on your win! I'm so happy for you, are you going to the after parties or?"
He chuckled, "Nah.. I was thinking we could.. celebrate with each other? I really don't feel like partying tonight," he replied.
Her arms wrapped around his neck, "That sounds great! You wanna get going?" she said.
"For sure, let's get going." Eren said, his hands reaching into his pockets for his car keys.
(Y/N) walked to the passenger side and got in as Eren unlocked the car, he tossed his bag in the backseat and got in the front.
His eyes averted towards hers, a smile growing onto his face again.
"What?" she asked.
Eren cupped her cheek, "Come here," he replied, bringing her face closer to his. He pressed a soft kiss on her lips, her cheeks growing hot. "I love you.."
She smiled, "I love you too.."
Eren leaned back before turning the key to start his car, his hand found its way to her thigh giving it a small squeeze before he began the drive back to the apartment they shared.
"I'm really happy for you, you know." she said, breaking the silence between them.
Eren looked over at her as he slowed at the red stop light. The glow lighting onto his skin, "Thank you baby.. I appreciate it a ton," he replied.
Her fingers intertwined with his, "Of course babe, the team couldn't have done it without you." she smiled.
Eren chuckled a bit, "It was all a group effort though, really," he said, pressing on the gas causing the car to go forward.
Eventually the two arrived back to their apartment, Eren was quite sore from the game and (Y/N) was tired herself from the long day. He wanted to lay down and cuddle up with her, it was his perfect way of celebrating, plus, why would he deny that? It was better than any party.
Eren was laying on the bed they shared, he was staring at the ceiling waiting for (Y/N) to come out from the bathroom. His mind began to wander to her voice before Reiner made that last play, she was one of the many reasons why he was motivated to win. She had always been there.
"Sorry I took forever.. what you thinking about handsome?"
Eren looked over to see her crawling into bed, she was wearing shorts and one of his t-shirts. A smile grew onto his lips.
"Eh nothing... it isn't important anyway, come here though, it's been awhile since we've been like this." he replied, opening his arms for her.
She gladly went into his embrace, she felt his warmth surrounding her like a thick blanket. "I missed nights like these.. even if we do live together," she giggled.
He ran his fingers along her hair, "I missed them too.. but don't worry, I'm here now and that's not going to change. At least for a bit anyway," he said. "But uh.. I wanted to tell you something."
She shifted a bit, her eyes finding their way up to his emerald ones. "Huh? What is it?" she asked.
Eren cleared his throat a bit, "When it was the final play of the game.. I heard your voice in my head. It was you telling me all those things before the game.. and I like to say that you helped me win today. Without you (Y/N).. I probably wouldn't have been able to win," he replied. "You're my biggest motivator and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend.."
A smile grew onto her face, "Eren that's so.. sweet of you. I just love seeing you happy babe, that's one of the many reasons why I motivate you so much. I love you, Eren, I wanna see you do good."
Eren felt his heart grow warm and swell, "I love you more (Y/N), thank you for being with me. Your support is probably one of the many reasons why I keep going, I do all of this for you." he said.
She lied her head against his chest, "I'll always be your #1 motivator, forever and always."
He kissed the top of her head, "Can I make you Mrs.Jaeger yet? I wanna keep you forever," he asked, pulling her closer against him.
She giggled, "Maybe after we finish school.. right now we should focus on celebrating," she smiled.
Eren put his hands around her waist, he brought her body so she was now on top of him. "Oh? And what might that be beautiful?" he asked, a brow raising.
She rolled her eyes playfully, "Hm.. maybe some kisses? You deserve it after the touchdown you made today," she replied running her fingers along his brunette locks.
Eren put his hands on her hips, "Oh? Say less then.." he whispered before leaning in and pressing a kiss on her lips.
Her hands found their way to his neck, bringing him closer to her. His tongue glided along her bottom lip, asking for permission; in which she opened a bit wider to let him explore the cavern of her mouth.
He pulled back, "That was well needed for sure.." he smirked.
(Y/N) shifted a bit, "There's more where that came from!" she yelled before pressing her lips against his cheeks.
Eren started to laugh from the attack of kisses on his face, her lips ticked his skin and he couldn't contain his laughter.
"Okay okay! You got me there!" he said, his breath uneven from laughing.
She ran her thumb along his jaw, "I love you, okay? I can't wait for next season," she replied.
His eyes seemed to sparkle from her words, "I love you too, I know you'll be by my side," he said, smiling. "But please... can we get back to celebrating? In a more... fun way?"
Her mouth was now open, "Oh? You wanna be like that? All you had to do was ask," she said before laying down next to him.
Eren chuckled, he put both of his arms beside her head. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you tonight.." he whispered lowly in her ear.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
You are in Love
Chapter 14 of In Breakable Heaven! This is the last chapter, although I might revisit this later on to write some little blurbs or something if you want!
Summary: Reader and Spencer finally talk about things.
Warnings: none!
Word Count: ~1600
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Spencer’s POV
 He stopped outside your door, ready to knock when he heard JJ ask “Why didn’t you tell us what happened? Or even that you were seeing anyone?”
 You sighed, “I don’t know really. At first, it was because it was like a game between us. We actually had a bet going about which one of you guys would figure it out first. I was actually planning to tell you all at Rossi’s last family dinner, but then with everything that happened it just…”
 “Y/N” Morgan started, “what can we do to help? Do you want me to kill him? The team can probably hide his body.” He felt himself tense up at the sound of Morgan threatening to kill him. 
 “No. The truth is I’d rather feel like this in a world with him than be happy in a world without him. It’s not his fault. I… I was supposed to meet him for dinner that night, but he had to cancel. That’s part of why he blames himself. Or at least I think so. I genuinely haven’t talked to him about it. ” His heart broke again with the same twinge of guilt at causing you so much pain. Without thinking too much about it, he knocked, greeted by Rossi as he opened the door to the dressing room.
 Meeting your eye, he manages a weak “Hi Y/N.”
 “Morgan said you had to talk to your Mom’s doctors, is she okay?” you responded, the concern clear on your face. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of amazement over how concerned you were even after he broke your heart. “Oh, uh yeah she’s fine. They just wanted to switch her medicine again. Thanks for asking.” You nodded in response, not knowing what else to say.
 “I think, um, I think I’m just gonna go home now.” You said, staring at the floor to avoid everyone’s sympathetic looks. “I just want to go to bed and hope for the best, ya know?” You began pushing your way through people, your bag on your shoulder.
 He grabbed your wrist, looking at you with a mixture of sadness and guilt over everything. He wanted to say how he felt. Tell you and everyone the truth. But, he felt you pull away and recognized the look in your eye that said not now, not here. You were gone before he could say anything else. Tears falling from his eyes, he turned back to his friends.
 “Spence, are you okay?” JJ asked, wondering what the hell was going on. He sighed, sliding down the wall before hitting the ground. Tears were still running down his cheeks when he decided what he had to do. “No. I am an asshat.” He admitted. Everyone turned to him, surprised at his use of language. “I’m the asshat.”
 Every member of the team turned to him with varying degrees of shock and disappointment worn on their faces. 
“What did you do?” Morgan prodded him for more information. And he gave it. All of it. He started at the beginning, when he walked you home from your apartment the day he met you until that day in your apartment when he walked out of your life to keep you safe.
 “Oh my god.” Penelope wanted to smack him and she wasn’t a violent person. “How could you do that to her?” She shrieked.
 “I know. I messed everything up because for some stupid reason I didn’t think she would love me after everything. I thought she would want to forget me so she could forget everything that happened to her. I thought I was just a reminder of the bad when she deserved so much more. How do I fix it?” They all looked at him expectantly, as if he already knew the answer.
 “She clearly loves you. Just go tell her the truth and hope that the two of you will work this out.” Hotch was the first to speak up after he started back at them in confusion.
 “You’re right. I have to go.” Spencer stood abruptly, grabbing his bag and running to leave the room.
 He was still able to hear Hotch mutter “How did the two of them fool all of you for so long?” Rossi followed up with “It was so obvious when they did that little trivia competition.” as he ran out the door.
 You were kind of expecting Spencer to show up after looking into his eyes backstage. He seemed so desperate, but it scared you. You didn’t know if he just wanted to be friends or if he wanted you to move on.
 When you arrived home, you didn’t even bother with the lights. You collapsed face down onto the couch to wait.
 You aren’t sure how long you were laying like that before you heard a knock at the door. Looking through the peephole to confirm your suspicions, you opened the door, backing up and gesturing for him to come inside.
 Without uttering a word, you returned to your position on the couch.
 “Y/N… I don’t know what I could say to make up for what I put you through, but I’ll start with this. I am so sorry. I was an idiot. No, I am an idiot. I was so scared of you not wanting to look at me anymore, of you blaming me for what happened like I blame myself, that I ran. I pushed you away and thought you’d be better off for it. I never wanted to hurt you like this. And then I completely shut you out for almost a month. You didn’t deserve any of that.” He paused trying to calm his racing heart so he could continue. “You deserve everything good in the world. So much more than I could ever give you, but I will gladly spend the rest of my life trying.”
You didn’t move from your spot on the couch during his impassioned speech. You didn’t need to. Listening to the regret in his voice was enough to bring you to tears. Just minutes ago you were so sure he was going to say something about just being friends or trying to get you to move on, so this was a surprise to say the least. 
Spencer noticed the slight sobs that overtook your body as you buried your face further into the couch. His voice broke even further at seeing you so upset. “I’ll, um, I’ll leave if you want me to.” 
Hearing him move towards the door was enough to force you out of the couch. “No!” Your voice came out louder than either of you expected. Spencer was quick to turn around at the sound of your voice, his face falling even more at the sight of your bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks. 
The sight of him brings tears to your eyes again, but you do your best to prevent them from falling. You stutter out a shaky “I don’t want you to leave” before walking over to him and pulling him into a soft hug. “For a certified genius, you are pretty stupid.” 
 You can feel him nod his head against you as he pulls you into a tighter embrace. “I promise, I’ll never do anything this stupid ever again.”
“Good, cause then I might have to let Morgan hit you.” Spencer visibly shuddered at the idea, causing both of you to chuckle. Slowly, the two of you made your way through your apartment to the bed, laying down and cuddling as close as possible to each other. Just before falling asleep, you realized you hadn’t told him how you felt to his face. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Three days later, you, Spencer, and the rest of the BAU were all at Rossi’s for a “family” dinner. Immediately upon entry, Penelope pulled you into the living room so she could attack you with questions about you and Spencer. You answered every rapid fire question as best as you could before Rossi called everyone over to sit and eat.
Before long, you couldn’t help but ask “I know Rossi and Hotch figured it out, but did the rest of you really have no idea that we were dating?” You glanced at the profilers around the table.
Penelope chimed in first. “First of all, rude. Second of all, I knew there was something there, but when we found out Spencer had a secret girlfriend I put the idea on the backburner since I didn’t think my best friend would keep that from me.” She said the whole thing while glaring at you, well as close to a glare as Penelope could manage for someone she loves. 
“I would like to agree with that sentiment.” JJ stated with a much more convincing glare directed at Spencer. 
“But, seriously. The trivia game? You all know how obsessed with Taylor Swift I am. Plus,” you turned to Derek and Emily, “the three of us have made so many Parks and Rec references. Where else could Spencer possibly pick up all that knowledge?”
Derek and Emily looked slightly offended at being called out. Quick to defend himself, Derek piped up. “Well, we figured out he was seeing someone!”
“Yeah, we just didn’t put it together that it was you...” Emily finished the thought. 
“I’m glad you all know now though. No more secret phone calls or sneaking around.” Spencer looked at you and his face was the perfect depiction of the heart eyes emoji. You quickly pecked his cheek before turning back to the rest of the team. 
“Just one more question, how have none of you noticed the ring yet?” You held up your left hand, wiggling your fingers. You and Spencer laughed at the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces. The chock quickly wore off into congratulations and hugs as you thought about how lucky you are to have found such a loving family.
tag list:
@mac99martin @goldeng1rl8 @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets1967 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion @takeyourleap-of-faith @secretpickleprofessordean @awkwardnesshabitat @loveheathens @fan-girl-97 @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @akuri-shinsou @prongsyy @panhoeofmanyfandoms @sherlockmarvelharrypotter @lizziebritish @measure-in-pain
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request minato x fem uzumaki s/o fic prompt 63? I think this prompt will with suit an uzumaki s/o. Thank you 😊
You and your Uzumaki s/o😂. But hey, I love it anyways. Before someone asks, the s/o will have red hair in here since many members of the Uzumaki clan have red hair.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, obsessiveness, clinginess
Prompt 63: “Your hair is so soft and silky.”
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You were by all means not a morning person, not a terrible one at least. You enjoyed laying for a few moments longer in the soft bed, basking in the warmth and the softness of the sheets and the mattress. And of course whilst being able to cuddle with your lovely husband Minato. He was sadly most of the time busy, working as the Hokage was not easy to do and you knew he hated leaving you alone for too long.
But he had to do it and you encouraged him whenever you could, visiting him in his office to hopefully cheer his day up a bit, which you always did, and always doing your best to shower him in as much affection as you were comfortable with. It never failed to lift his mood and especially on extremely tiring or bad days you knew it would help him extremely to receive some affection which he always gladly returned.
For the most time you were confident in saying that you lived a good life, you had your husband and you had your bestie Kushina who had been sent together with you to the life many years ago. You had been friends even before that and with time you two had grown so incredibly close that both of you saw each other as sisters, though you weren't related.
She was pretty much one of the very few persons Minato didn't feel that jealous off when you were spending time with her instead of him, he trusted her as a good friend of his and Kushina made sure that he was treating you well, though she trusted him just as much.
Because as much as you loved him, he was maybe just the tiniest bit too clingy and needy when it came to certain things. Sometimes it was more cute and sweet than it was annoying, but you had your moments where you simply weren't in the mood for all the jealousy and the clinginess of him. He was a grownup, the Hokage and sometimes it was a bit annoying to have him clinging to you, essentially when you had talked to other men in the village or spent too much time with someone else. Those were moments that never failed to make him feel jealous and afterwards he always wanted a bit more attention.
And this didn't stop just there, even when you two were alone it happened fairly often that he refused to let you leave him, you guessed because he was due to his job not able to spend that much time with you like he would have liked, though you knew he was responsible and wouldn't lose focus whilst doing what had to be done. But that also implied that whenever he had some free time, he would spend it with you. This morning happened to be one of this moments.
"Minato! I really have to get up now!", you insisted, trying to free yourself from the two arms currently wrapped around your waist, pulling you with a sudden jerk back into the bed, pressing you successfully closer to the man currently refusing to let you leave the bed. "I don't want you to. Why are you so fixed on leaving already? Stay with me.", you heard him whining whilst he pressed his head into the crook of your neck, your red hair falling over his face.
You let out a slightly annoyed sigh, though not finding it in your heart to be truly mad at him right now. You were used to this. "Dear, I know that this is pretty unfortunate, especially considering that today you have a bit more time and I promise I will spend the whole rest of the day with you. But I have to meet someone today. It's pretty important and we promised to meet in about an hour. I really have to leave now and dress myself up."
You had hoped that this explanation would work, but you had forgotten the jealousy strike of your husband for a short moment. "Who do you have to meet?" You were sure that there had been this certain dislike in his voice, though you weren't too sure since he had grumbled it more, still feeling a bit sleepy. "I have to meet a jonin called Aki. I don't know if you know him or not, but I really have to make myself ready now."
You yanked frustrated on those well built arms, still keeping you in place. As much as you would love to do some morning cuddling with Minato right now, you had something important to talk out with the jonin.
"Why do you want to meet another man? And why now? You know that I have today a few hours off and that I want to spend them with you. What do you even plan on talking about with him?"
This was ridiculous. You had a grownass man clinging onto your hip and whining for you to cuddle with him, a legendary jonin and the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure. The Yellow Flash of the Leaf, feared by everyone. But you guessed everyone would have rubbed their eyes when seeing this. Everyone except Kushina and the Third maybe since they knew that Minato could become more immature and childish when it came to you.
"Minato! Seriously, act like an adult and let me finally go! I have to talk with that guy about an important mission that I'm assigned too! He wanted me on his team! We need to go over the details, that's all! And if you would just finally let go, I could get over with it quickly!"
You angrily shoved with all your might against him, by now you were nearly about to start a fight if this would continue any longer. "A mission?", Minato repeated after you, looking like he was remembering something before his whole face seemed to drop. It had you tilting your head a bit confused, wondering what had him being so shocked all of a sudden.
"Mina, is everything alright?", you asked him, the sudden change of look on his face was confusing you. "That mission...is for one month. If everything goes right that is." , he started talking slowly, goung over the facts. "Well...yes. That's what Aki told me. Apparently an A-ranked mission as well, in another country. He said that he was still missing one member for his team and he thought I would make a good fit.", you explained everything you knew, wondering if the long distance between you and him was what made him so uneasy.
"And you are...the only woman on that team. In a foreign land. On an A-ranked mission.", he continued, looking like he had just heard something horrible. "...Pardon me?!" Oh no, he was not jealous because you would be a whole month under men, was he? "Do not tell me that you are worried because I will be the only woman on that goddamn mission! Minato, what am I? A small and weak girl who can't protect herself? I'm jonin for a reason so you better belive that I am able to defend myself! No matter if it's someone from my own team or from the enemies! You should really trust me more! You know I love you and would never leave you."
You let out an angry huff of air, blowing a few strands of hair away that had fallen over your face. You were a bit out of breath after the small shouting session, feeling a bit more cooled down now. "It's not you who I distrust, it's just everyone else.", you heard the blonde man mumble quietly, still holding tightly onto you.
"They're shinobi from this village so for the love of god, have more faith that they won't try anything with the wife of the Hokage.", you complained, attempting to free yourself again, although you slowly gained the feeling that you might miss the meeting with Aki due to a very clingy husband. Would that count as an excuse? It didn't sound like one.
"How can you know that they won't try anything? You're so pretty and I won't be there. They might use that chance to flirt with you. And next to that I don't want to get you hurt." He didn't seem to take you seriously, currently stuck in his own jealousy and protectiveness.
"Please just stay with me and let me assign someone else for that team. I won't be able to have you so long seperated from me without knowing what might happen."
He sounded like he was begging you by now and you had temporarily stopped struggling, deciding to safe your energy for later. You weren't in the mood to start a fight after all, not when Minato was currently being in a very annoying way cute like this, whining for you to stay. He wouldn't let you go anyways, you were sure of that. So with a long sigh you let yourself just fall back into bed, right back into Minato's arms who took you all too gladly back now that you weren't struggling anymore, pressing you closer to him and nuzzling his head once again in your head, his breath tickling you a bit.
"Your hair is so soft and silky.", you heard him saying whilst one of his hands moved up a bit to play with a few strands of your red hair, admiring what made the Uzumaki clan differ from others and what had brought you durig your younger years so much bullying. In that point you and Kushina had a weak spot. Getting complimented because of your hair.
"Mina, you're such a charmer, you know that?", you giggled whilst placing your hands around his shoulders, closing the last bit of gape between you two and placing a kiss on his forehead, noticing amused that his ears had turned a bit red which they always did when he felt happy and flattered, most likely when he was able to convince you into giving him affection.
You shook your head amused a bit, starting to run your own fingers through his blonde hair, making his ears turn a deeper shade of red and causing him to snuggle even closer to you, wanting all affection you could possibly give him right now instead of going to meet some man who could have any kind of thoughts when seeing you. "Just what exactly did I do to deserve you?", he sighed, loving the feeling of you caressing his hair like this.
"Sometimes I'm asking myself that as well, especially when you act so overly jealous and protective.", you replied with a playful tone in your voice, not wanting to make him think that you were angry or anything. You were sure Kushina would do that part for you when she would find out.
"I'm sorry for that. I promise I'll make it up to you somehow.", he told you, moving his face a bit up so you could see the soft smile on his face, obviously being overjoyed that you two were spending time together like this. "But you will let me join missions with others, right?", you asked him, pointing out that you hadn't done any missions since a while now except when Kushina was part of them.
A short moment of hesitation seemed to cross his face for a second before it was replaced by a slightly awkward smile. "I'll...think about it."
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potatoqueensays · 3 years
Okay okay so I may have wrote an Irondad drabble. It's kinda like a character study or something, idk I just came up with it and was like yeah let's do this. I hope you enjoy!!
My World Isn't Perfect Without You In It
3,004 words
It started as a simple feeling.
Tony was in his lab with Peter on one of their lab days, as they always were on Fridays. He would work with the kid after Happy picked him up and they would work on whatever their genius hearts desired.
Tony didn't really find himself looking at Peter with pride until Pepper pointed it out to him, she would comment on how he seemed like a Dad all of a sudden with the kid hanging around more.
He would always deny it with that Stark charm of his of course, deflecting was one of his main traits when it came to his feelings.
"Pep, motherhood may look nice on you, but fatherhood isn't kind for me you know." Flattery was said to get you places, but Pepper was known for never taking his BS.
"Tony, I can tell the way you look at him, you love him, whether you want to face it or not." She grinned at him, she was always right, even if he didn't like to admit it sometimes.
He thought back to her words frequently, picking up on how his heart swelled with pride and warmth when Peter looked at him for approval, or whenever he would get a question right, or even when Tony himself was having a bit of trouble with an equation, and he was Tony Stark, he could do anything!
The kid wormed his way into Tony's cold heart, thawed down his icy walls with a flamethrower and melted his heart into a puddle of goo.
The billionaire could never understand how he became so fond of the kid so quickly, but he always knew the reasons he liked the kid. He was so selfless, kind, and brave. A true hero at heart and much better than Tony even thought he would be, he was everything Tony wasn't and more.
He wasn't even jealous at the kid when he would steal the light, his own best friend becoming fond of the kid and mentioning how he was practically his kid.
"Platypus, he's not a Stark, in any way shape or form."
"He may not be blood related to you Tones, but he's your son in everything else, he has your brains even, maybe even smarter than you!" Rhodey teased.
"I'm wounded, Honey-Bear." He placed a hand over his heart in mock hurt.
"Oh hush, you know it better than anyone else."
And if he did, he would never say it up front.
He was proud of the kid even in his worst moments. He would try to console the kid when he came to him for help when close to a panic attack (which broke the hero's heart, the poor kid didn't deserve any of the unfair treatment the world had, it was too cruel for such a pure hearted kid like Peter.) or when he had a nightmare when staying over at the tower.
Tony wasn't always the most physically affectionate, he would give pats on the shoulder or back, arms around shoulders to keep the person close, and side hugs, even if he didn't do full ones.
When it came to Peter however, he slowly broke out of his shell of that. He kept a hand gently over the back of the boy's neck, sometimes playing with the curls that rested there, occasionally giving a reassuring squeeze when Peter seemed a bit nervous or highstrung. It always got rid of a little of his own stress when the boy would lean into his touch, side hugs and pats on the shoulder were gladly accepted.
Even the occasional hand holding when the kid was kept in the med-bay after a stressful mission or patrol, he would keep his hand over the boy's pulse point to reassure himself that the kid was alive and well. He would keep one hand over the kid's wrist while he worked on his suit, improving how he could make sure the current problems never happened again, whether it be even a scratch or a stab wound, he wouldn't let Peter get hurt on his watch.
He would always keep an eye on the kid, letting Peter know that he could call whenever he felt he needed something, maybe even just to chat, the billionaire found himself even endeared to the chatter that came from the spider-kid, it was a nice comforting constant to fill the silence in his life, even if he worked in his suits with FRIDAY blasting AC/DC, he seemed to have a better preference for the chatty kid. He would invest himself in listening to what happened in his day, to what him and Ted did over the week, and even hearing about how Aunt May burned water when trying to boil pasta.
He was fond of the kid, the feeling that was so simple at the start but steadily increasing over time and getting fiercer and stronger with each visit to the med-bay or after every movie night that eventually had the boy cuddled up to him. It grew into a surge of protectiveness, a very parental feeling and yearning to make his the kid happy.
So yeah, he was fond.
He was in too deep, as he wanted the kid by his side for as long as he could have him in fact, he begun to realize that yeah, he liked the kid and was fond of his company, but even more so.
He loved the kid.
He loved Peter.
Tony had a crisis when he was having a revelation about his feelings towards the younger hero.
He felt parental, even if he kept denying the fact when everybody knew how he felt before himself. Even if he tried to hide his grin whenever the kid's smile lit up a room, even if he kept rolling his eyes affectionately and ruffled the kid's curls when they bantered.
So yeah, he loved him.
Loving was dangerous however, loving got you in difficult situations where you don't think and sometimes your actions get out of hand with how much you care.
He cared about Peter with his iron heart, he cared about the boy so loudly in fact it would almost creep those three words up into his throat when he loved too fiercely with kid.
That's how he found himself in a very dangerous situation.
Peter was hurt, badly.
And it was his fault because he loved him, he was someone he got too close to and now it was his fault.
He stayed too close even when he should have remained at arms length, but the kid had to get close.
The bullet was supposed to be for Tony, not Peter, but the kid saw it coming from a mile away and pushed the iron clad man away from the aim of fire and taking the punishment with all the confidence of a self sacrificing idiot.
Peter was laid up in the med-bay as Cho and her helpers ran around to try and nurse the kid, while Tony was trapped in his own mind with how much he let Peter get too close, how he didn't notice that the kid obviously loved him too, so much in fact that he took a bullet for him, when Tony specifically told him not to if something like that happened.
He couldn't find it in his heart to be angry at the kid, no matter how much he wanted to be, he wanted to scream and shout and punch the walls, blame the universe for giving him someone so precious and kind that he would ruin completely, to rip apart a kid's life. It was his fault that the kid was by his side now, wanting to be an avenger because he took him to Germany just to win a fight against his own team, his own family. Or what he thought was.
He was pushed out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder, Rhodey's comforting voice making it's way to the man in armor, ridding him of the terrible thoughts and guilt that went through him.
"He'll be okay Tones, he's tough, he can handle it, he always does." Rhodey reasoned, trying to take Tony down from his tower of guilt.
"But he shouldn't have to."
"He did what he did because he cares, I know you would do it in a heartbeat if he was the one about to be shot."
"Because that's how it should be, I'm the adult, and he's the kid. He's just a child, Rhodey, a child." The older hero sighed, his face visible as his helmet was open, anyone could easily see his terror and distress. He tried to tear his eyes away from the frittering med staff, but he could only think of Peter. His Peter. His self sacrificing kid that he loved too much, and now it had gotten him hurt, the panic gripping his chest like a vice and not letting go as he feared what worse could have happened to his kid.
"Listen, he'll be okay, I know it." There was no room for argument with his tone, even if Tony wanted to, he needed to be at Peter's bedside, he was always there no matter what, even if he was mad or trying not to think about his guilt, the boy's presence always seemed to calm him.
The hero sighed softly, nodding even though panic rested comfortably in his chest.
He had cleaned himself up after the fight, after seeing Peter taken away from his side as he bled out and was in pain, even under the mask for the spider-suit, Tony could tell by the way the white eyes of the mask were pinched. It haunted him how he thought of Peter's bambi eyes shining with unshed tears and pain under that mask, those bright doe eyes filled with innocence and brilliance.
He remained stationary by the kid's bedside as he was finally left alone in his room, his accelerated healing luckily used in this moment. Helen had said the bullet hadn't hit any major arteries or organs, so that was a plus, but it still was agonizing to think of the boy in any sort of pain, or to even think of Peter leaving his side. If that happened, he didn't know what he would do. If he didn't have Pepper he would certainly lose it.
He just loved the kid too much to let him suffer.
He had his Stark-Pad resting in his lap as he held onto Peter's wrist, the feeling of the pulse underneath his fingers much more reassuring than the beep of the heart monitor. He kept his eyes focusing back between the notes he had down for what he could improve on Peter's suit and on the kid himself, eyeing his chest to check his breathing and checking the face of the boy in case he was going to wake up anytime soon.
He looked at the features of the boy, taking in the curls swept over his forehead, they were always gelled back no matter how much Tony joked about it. He never had a problem with it, but it was always pleasing to know how the boy liked a hand combing through his curls, whether it be his aunt to Tony himself. His face always bright with a smile that reached to his chocolate doe eyes, shining with talent and excitement for everything and anything. From Star Wars to how the Iron Man suit worked, he was always so smart and inquisitive. The boy was a ray of sunshine in Tony's bleak life. Yes he had Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy, he loved them all to bits and they made his life so much better, but loving Peter was different. He was his son in everything but blood, and that didn't even matter. He was a bright light that warmed up even the coldest of hearts, thawing right through to make anyone wrapped around his little finger.
Tony loved him.
He realized he was looking too much at the boy and swiftly changed to reading the schematics of the spider-suit, although he didn't read far when he heard a small sigh coming from in front of him. He looked up to see those bright and beautiful doe eyes looking up at him with that same amount of adoration that made Tony's heart want to burst, he didn't deserve the kid in the slightest, but here he was with him.
"Good afternoon, bambi." He said softly, aware of how Peter was sensitive his surroundings after waking up in the med-bay, the lights always at a dimmer power than normal to accustom to the spider-boy.
"Hi Mstr' Strk'." The boy slurred, still tired from just waking up and having pain reducing drugs in his system. The man carefully let go of the boy's wrist to hit the button that alerted Helen that her patient was awake, he almost missed the small whine that came from the younger hero at the loss of contact, it cut right through his heart.
"I'm here kiddo, don't worry." He held onto the boy's wrist again, fingers resting over the pulse point with quick muscle memory at this point.
"M' srry.." The boy mumbled, relaxing slightly as he registered the touch again, wide bambi eyes drooping sightly in relief.
"What are you sorry for, kiddo?" The man wondered. Peter always apologized, whether it be for something as small as dropping a pencil or bumping into a dog. He had such good manners.
"Ar' you mad a' me?" The boy's speech improving only a little as his enhanced metabolism burned through the painkillers.
Ah, so that explains it, he was worried the billionaire was mad at him. He gently rubbed a circle into the boy's wrist with his hand, comforting the kid into relaxing and not stressing when he needed to heal and get rest.
The man softly sighed and put the Stark-Pad away on the side table, scooting a little closer to the cot as he could look the kid better in the eye.
"No bud, I'm not mad, anymore. But you worried me a lot, I have a heart condition you know." He moved his free hand to go over the boy's front curls that hung in front of his eyes, getting to see those baby browns even better as the kid leaned into the soft touch.
"I knda' had to, you'd do it too.." The kid had a point, as it was similar to Rhodey's, even Pepper would say something like that, and she was always right, so that had to mean that Rhodey and Peter were too.
"That's different Pete. You're a kid and I'm an adult, we seniors kinda have to take the bullet. Figuratively and literally." He chided gently.
The boy let out a small huff of frustrated air, which was absolutely adorable as his nose scrunched up and he eyed Tony with what was presumably a glare that equalled the look of a puppy.
"But we gotta prtect' each other, otherwise you'd get hurt much worse." He brought up matter of factly.
"Well, maybe that's a risk I gotta take for spider-babies like you." Tony provided ruefully.
"Nt' a baby."
Well you're my spider-baby. He almost wanted to say.
Luckily he was saved by Helen Cho coming in to do a small checkup on Peter, looking over his vitals and smiling softly at her patient.
"Hello Peter, how are you feeling? Any pain?" She eyed over her clipboard presumably to check over his vitals and wounds again, being very perceptive to how Peter responded.
"M' fine, jus' a little sore." At that, Helen nodded and worked on administering a little medicine into his system, making the boy sigh gratefully at that. Both Cho and Tony knew when Peter said he felt a little pain it meant more than he played it as.
"I'll be back in a couple more hours, get some rest okay?"
Peter nodded at that and watched as she left the room, now alone with his father figure mentor once again. He looked over at Tony with a dopey smile, looking very tired now, he was bound to fall asleep. He sightly tugged on the man's arm, they both know that was to invite the man to cuddle, which they never brought up out loud, but they both knew the other enjoyed it greatly. It helped assure Tony that Peter was safe and there, while Peter got comfort and protection.
The man sighted good-naturedly as he stood up to get beside Peter.
"Alright alright, scoot over, this isn't gonna be nice on my back later." He joked. Although he said that, he would gladly take a little pain if it meant having Peter safe in his arms.
The boy obeyed and scooted over quickly, allowing Tony to climb in and get comfy, then let out a small "oof" as the kid rested his head on his shoulder and clung like a koala.
The man chuckled, a hand coming up to cradle the boy's head and play with his curls, knowing that helped Peter sleep much faster.
"Okay cuddle-bug, you heard her. It's nap time."
"Nt' a bug." Peter mumbled, blissfully unaware how Tony's heart practically melted with how easy Peter fit in his arms. He was so small. They were like two pieces of a puzzle, father and son, mentor and mentee. They belonged together and they wouldn't have it any other way as they needed the other.
"Right, arachnid." Tony corrected himself, hiding his grin in the kid's hair as Peter let out a pleased hum, slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Night." Peter mumbled, slowly lulled to sleep by the soft rumbling of the older hero's chest as he responded in kind.
"Goodnight bambino." He mumbled, pressing a small kiss to the boy's hair as they soon both drifted off to sleep.
Yeah, Tony loved him, and he needed him in his life like Peter needed him.
Thank you to @polaroid15 for reading this before hand and your lovely comments!! 🥺♥️
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gayautobotwolves · 3 years
Tfa megop fic for my au, because I was bored..
“You know I love you, right?”, Optimus muttered, reaching to grab the hand of his partner. There was a bit of cold silence as they stood atop the mountain together, gazing at the bright city far below them. “I have. For the last...few thousand years”, Megatron responded, he hadn’t been making eye-contact this entire time, just staring ahead, almost avoiding the small prime’s gaze...like he was embarrassed. “Right...it’s just...after you became a decepticon and….after I beat you up...on the ship….and here on earth….”, Optimus sighed, he moved Megatron’s arm around himself, and the other bot complied, making sure his servo was placed firmly on Optimus’ shoulder. There was more silence, just the wind made a little bit of noise, the sound of something akin to what humans call breathing, but it was rather the inner workings of Megatron, he was nervous, and he was getting a little loud, a grumbling growl of...fear...rather than anger.
“You had every right to be upset back then. You had every right to fight back...I was hurting you. Like the fraggin’ fool I am, I let my goals and my priority override what we had together. I abandoned you. And I’ve hurt you…”, Megatron grumbled, moving his arm, moving a little further away from Optimus, “In fact, why on this horrid planet would you want to pursue me still? After everything I've done to everyone, you’re still holding on?”, he growled a bit, his sharp teeth rattling as he clenched his fists. “Because I know you still care about me. Yes, you’ve been vain, frankly, you’re a glitch and you deserve what you get. Even though I’m fed up with all this, and sometimes you, I knew from the look you gave me on the ship when you had me pinned. You weren’t going to hurt me. We both knew it. Yes, you suck, you deserve punishment and probably deserve to be locked up too, but I still love you anyways….you dork”, Optimus gave him a smile, butting his head against Megatron in a playful sort of way, chuckling a little bit. For the first time in a long while, Optimus saw an actual smile from the menacing mech, a small one, but a smile that radiated the same love that Megatron once had...back when he was an autobot. “Wow, your perception hasn’t died down since we were younger. You still have a sharp eye, Orion”, Megatron chuckled, he sat down, and motioned for Optimus to come over, both of them laughed just a little bit, quietly, as the bigger bot wrapped his arms around Optimus, snuggling him close, touching heads for just a moment, before both turning to gaze at the stars. It was easier to hear Megatron’s engines huffing now that they were so much closer, something about the steady rhythm of the other mech calmed Optimus down. He pressed one side of his face against Megatron’s chest, his little horn-like antennas twitching a little bit, this was the first time in what seemed like forever, where they could finally be together in peace. Without worrying about what others would think. Obviously, they couldn’t stay out here for too long. Optimus’ team would notice he’s missing, and Megatron has important things to do...schemes to plan...but it’s easy to ignore all that when they could just focus on each other. Cuddling beneath the blanket of stars. “Do you really think you can get back up to Cybertron? I don’t know if you have the experience to build a space bridge”, Optimus smirked, he hadn’t moved from his position, it was far too comfy to move. “Well, maybe you can help. You were a space bridge technician, correct? Besides, I could use a good second-in-command. Starscream didn’t work out for me”, Megatron smirked right back, he moved the both of them so that they were optic-to-optic, touching heads ever so gently. “You know my team and the Elite Guard would come knocking on the door in a second….actually...scratch that, the Elite Guard couldn’t care less”, Optimus huffed, he did like the idea of spending more time with Megatron, working together like the old days...but he didn’t like the idea of abandoning his family or being a bad guy either. “They’re even more foolish than I am for abandoning your talent. They have no idea how powerful you are. You didn’t earn that ‘prime’ in your name for nothing”, Megatron growled, baring his teeth again, he seemed pretty upset with the thought of the Elite Guard leaving Optimus behind like they did, “The next time they’re on this planet, contact me. I’d gladly rip them to pieces for what they did”, he seemed to be full of a lot of anger, while he didn’t show it much as he was holding Optimus, he clearly wanted to hit something. “I think I’ll be fine. Besides, don’t need to give the autobots one more reason to hate you. You’ve got enough already”, Optimus chuckled, he thought for a moment, and decided to try and provide some kind of comfort to Megatron, he didn’t like seeing Megatron upset, so he closed his optics, and he let his engines rumble as loud as he could, without growling or making them roar. He tapped on Megatron’s chest a little, rubbing his head up to him. Megatron
froze, his expression softened completely, he moved to kiss the top of Optimus’ head, and he rubbed his head against Optimus’, like the little bot had done to him. As they cuddled, Optimus’ purring rumbling through the air, a much louder and more joyful purr erupted out of nowhere...coming from Megatron. The kind of purr that you have to push yourself to create, a clear sign of joy and comfort. “Woah..you’ve got a real good purr Megs….I haven’t heard you roar like that….not even when we still worked together, where did you get that thunder from?”, Optimus laughed and twitched his little antennas, he tried to push his own purr to go a little louder, as loud as he could go. But nothing the prime could manage dared to even compare to the majestic roar of Megatron’s purr, Optimus was almost completely drowned out by it, the pair were only able to hear each other because their faces were so close. It was such a warming feeling to know Megatron was that happy, that he was happy enough to purr so loud that they would totally get caught if they were close to either of their bases, it lulled Optimus into a bit of a tranced state, Megatron’s purr did more than just calm Optimus down, it seemed to almost hypnotise him in a way. Not in the malicious greedy kind of way, not in the ‘I'm going to force you to do bad things’ kind of way…..more like, in the comforting sort of way. A trance that made Optimus relax against the bigger bot, not controlling him at all, just trying to provide a support system for the prime, he was feeling rather nervous, but the loud and rhythmic purrs immediately caused him to let go of any fear. He had forgotten how lovely it was to hear Megatron purr, especially now that it was louder, he really didn’t mind being up here anymore. There was no telling how long they could stay out here, how long before Optimus’ fellow autobots start to worry, how long before Megatron’s crazy followers start to panic? There was no way of knowing, but neither cared at all, Megatron knew he could protect Optimus with every piece of himself, and Optimus was too focused on his lover to even consider the possibility of getting caught. Megatron shifted how he held Optimus, letting the smaller bot melt into his arms, kissing him on his forehead again, keeping him close, letting him relax….sitting in a protective state, so if trouble did come, at least one of them would be ready. Before he knew it, it seemed Optimus had slipped into recharge, though he still purred quietly, which was hard to hear over the big bot’s own purring. He smiled, sighed, and looked out over the city once more. “You never change, do you Orion? Even after all this time, you still hold your annoyingly sweet attitude….and your soft little purrs…..”, he paused, and looked back down to the bot he was holding, “I love you, more than anybot ever will”.
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baka-no-kacchan · 4 years
Bakugou x Gamer S/O
I would like you all to know that I am not that good at second person and for some reason third person doesn’t come to me as easily as it should I also hate writing in first person for fics, it feels awkward
BUT IT’S FINALLY HERE I’M SORRY FOR MAKING YOU GUYS WAIT MONTHS I wonder if this is gonna get cut, this was three pages in docs- Enjoy though! I will get better I promise...
It was a regular Saturday afternoon in the Bakugou household. Katsuki was laying on his back with his phone in one hand and his arm propped behind his head while you were laying on your stomach with your 3ds. The sounds and music from the system emanated through the room at half volume, your occasional humming and small noises of surprise or anger at the events taking place within the fantasy world adding to the noises. 
Katsuki wasn’t exactly paying attention to his phone, rather he was watching you play the game out the corner of his eye while scrolling aimlessly so you wouldn’t question him. He would rather die than admit that he found it absolutely adorable that you were so invested in the game, but he was still annoyed at the fact that you were so flawless when it came to the controls while he was a complete dunce. Why can’t he get the hang of it?
“Noooo, don’t do thaaat, it’s T O T A L L Y gonna take down my level eighty-seven Blaziken…” Your drawled in a bored tone, fingers tapping away against the buttons lazily as a small chuckle left your lips at the antics taking place. “Sometimes, I feel bad for fighting against kid trainers. They’re just out here trying to act like us adults. Oh, hey look, I won.” The familiar noise of the battle congratulatory music seeped into the room, causing a small hum of happiness to leave your throat.
Katsuki grunted in response before looking over at you. That shitty game had all of your attention, and it was wearing his already thin patience down to a fine thread that would snap at any minute. Not that he didn’t want you to play games at all, you two had already gone through that little patch and he’s learning to deal with it more; but he still wanted some fucking attention. Even half assed cuddles sounded like an appealing option right now.  
A small giggle leaving your lips made the internally pouting blonde snap back to reality, his eyes flicking to the screen. A tall, tanned guy with white hair was now in front of your character and the dialogue that popped up beneath him made you giggle more. “Guzma please stop this, you’re literally a soft giant. You can’t keep this up any longer, you’re just a baby. Let me h e l p.” Bakugou’s eye twitched at your words as he exhaled through his nose. Were you really fawning over a fake character? Seriously? Right next to him, too? “I don’t wanna fight him yet, lemme just save and go get my Alpha Team.” You mumbled to yourself. Perfect, the opening he was looking for.
Once he heard the telltale noise of the game saving, Katsuki rolled over on your back and placed his chin in your hair, grabbing your 3ds and tossing it to the side of the bed he was previously occupying. A wheeze leaving your lips along with a confused and raspy grunt of his name caused a smug smirk to grace his features. “You’ve been playing for half an hour. It’s time to take a fucking break, Pokénerd.” He muttered, closing his eyes in content.  Babes is seriously touched starved, please maintain bodily contact whenever you’re around him
“Okay but Katsuki, you don’t have to put your whole weight on my back. You’re going to flatten me with your boobs.” You groaned, planting your face into the mattress for a few moments. Ignoring that comment, he stopped you from blindly reaching towards your 3ds by grabbing your hands and interlacing his fingers with yours, now moving to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
Not wanting to make this easy for him, you squirmed in his stupidly iron grip, hoping to free at least one arm to reach for your precious system. “I said it’s time for a fucking break. Leave the game alone before I hide it for a month.” Bakugou warned, his breath tickling and warming your skin considerably. A defeated whine left your lips as you continued to squirm underneath him, a small huff of laughter leaving his lips. “Alright, fine! I’ll leave it alone but p l e a s e get off! I don’t wanna die yet!” 
The blonde went silent for a few moments, causing an obnoxiously drawn out whine to leave your lips while once again trying to get him off your back unsuccessfully. Soon enough, Bakugou did roll off your back… And onto your 3ds making you cry out in horror as he merely grinned up at you like the little shit he was. 
“Katsukiiiiii, whyyyy are you like thiiiisss????” You bemoaned, throwing yourself on top of him. A small ‘oof’ left Katsuki’s lips but his grin never left, his arms wrapping around your frame and his face finding itself in the crook of your neck once more. “Is it bad that I want your attention, Shithead? You’re my partner after all, I deserve as much attention as that shitty Pokémon character.” Your face burned slightly out of embarrassment before it cleared up when your mind registered Katsuki’s full statement. 
“Are you…. Are you jealous of Guzma? Really?”
“Tch, I’m not fuckin jealous of a fake character.” 
“You ARE jealous! Oh my god, Babe!~” You cackled, watching Bakugou’s visage turn a bright shade of red as his signature frown made itself apparent. “Oi, listen here Shitnerd. I’m not fucking jealous of a goddamn Pokémon character. Now shut the fuck up and cuddle me.” He grunted, turning his head to the side, his frown still apparent. Your peals of laughter ceased with his last sentence and your face contorted to one of pure shock. Since when does THE Katsuki Bakugou demand cuddles? 
“Katsu…” Oh god, here’s the concerned nickname. He turned his head back to see you looking down at him with your face cutely pinched up in slight worry. Dammit, he fucked up.
 ‘Now they’re gonna go back to not playing around me again.’ 
“Are you actually upset over not being able to play the game as well as I do? Because, if you want, I can still go back to trying to teach you with the ones that I completed…?” 
O k a y maybe he didn’t fuck up the way he thought. But he still blushed from embarrassment at being found out. A few beats of silence passed before Bakugou mumbled a small ‘whatever, sure’ and wrapped his arm around your waist.
A gentle smile came to your face as you moved forward and pressed a small kiss to his nose, laughing as he playfully wriggled it in disgust. “I deserve a better fucking kiss for dealing with you just now, c’mere.” You gasped in mock offense and started poking his chest. 
“I DIDN’T SAY ALL THAT, COME HERE!” Bakugou barked, though his actions didn’t match his rough tone as he brought his hands to your cheeks and laid a gentle kiss on your lips. Small giggles continued to leave your lips but you reciprocated the kiss in turn, your arms wrapped around his neck in a loving manner.
When you both pulled away, Bakugou was giving you one of his rare smiles that showed how content he was to have you around. It sent surges of warmth through your body, once again sending you into a fit of giggles, making him roll his eyes and huff out a small laugh. “You’re so fucking weird, you know that?” Bakugou murmured, affectionately rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. 
“Hey, you love me for it! Besides, it should be a given that you make me happy. A little insane when it comes to your attitude-” 
“-but overall I’m happy.” You grinned, gently scratching the back of his neck while he mumbled empty threats of him going to ‘kick your ass into the sun’ and whatnot. “Whatever you say, Pokénerd.” He huffed, turning his head away as a small blush lit up his face. “....You make me happy too. I hate it. You’re going to have the Idiots on my case if they catch me smiling at you.” 
You laughed and he grunted out a small “shut up” before rolling over and fixing you so he was spooning you from behind. “S’not funny, they’re annoying.” “They’re doing what friends should do, Katsuki. I like it, because it goes against what everyone else thinks. You’re capable of having friends despite how you act. Everyone deserves friends.” “Yeah, yeah shut up with the sappy shit and let me cuddle you in peace.” He huffed, kissing the back of your neck and grinning when you laughed once again at the ticklish sensation. 
“Alright fine, I’ll stop. Maybe later I can teach you how to play Pokémon properly. I hate to say it but you were-” 
“I will tickle the fuck out of you if you don’t stop yourself right there.” 
“.....There’s h e l l a room for improvement though-” 
Absolute trash, I know hskfsdgdajnksa  ANYWAY Thanks for reading, i will gladly pay for medical bills-
Tag list @weeblyheaux
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
A/n: Alright if you can’t already figure out I am very much a simp for adorable sweethearts cause they’re just so cute!! Literally take all my uwus— anywho here’s some quarantine headcanons for best boy Izuku Midoriya! I might make quarantine hc’s a small series for the boys of Class 1-A because I had a really fun time writing this, but we’ll see! I included a bit of background at the beginning as well so enjoy!!
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So you’re in Class 1-B at UA High, and the first time you officially met Izuku was at the sports festival
During the cavalry battle you had snagged points from Bakugo’s team and he was incredibly impressed with you despite the fact that your group fell short of making the one on one battle round
You may or may not have become intrigued with him during the obstacle race and your curiosity only grew from there
Monoma got upset with you because you were so focused on Izuku almost the entire festival
“Are you seriously fawning over our rivals?”
Cue you elbowing him in the side and scolding him for being so hostile (yes you and Kendo get along swimmingly)
When he saw you around later that day he asked you about your quirk and you were happy to talk with him! You offered to get ice cream while you walked and he was ecstatic because not only was your quirk awesome, but you were also one of the prettiest girls Izuku had ever seen and he was trying not to get too flustered
Poor boy basically got hounded by Monoma when he saw you two walking around the festival together and Kendo had to physically drag the blonde away while mustering out a handful of apologies
Y’all became good friends very quickly and you and Izuku would alternate eating with each other’s friend groups at lunch - the Dekusquad loves you
Izuku ended up meeting your parents unexpectedly after the forest training camp incident, as they worked as some of the head doctors at the hospital and were well acquainted with OFA (your dad attended UA in the support class at the same time Toshinori was enrolled!! He worked closely with Recovery Girl during his years there)
Izuku had stepped in to help you at the training camp during the attack, so your parents were thanking him constantly for protecting their daughter.
You ended up asking him out pretty soon after that because he was always so selfless and kind, not to mention the most adorable person you had ever met
Decided to keep it very lowkey just because of the class rivalry and all the craziness going on
Anyways when Miss ‘Rona starts up you’ve been dating for a few months now and Izuku’s mom and your parents each adore y’all already
So UA makes the announcement that students should stay at home for a while so that they can clean out the campus and make sure everything is safe for use, so that means everyone is moving out of the dorms for the time being
Your parents are worried because even though you all got tested and the results were negative, they don’t want to put you at risk as they’re traveling to and from the hospital each day, so Izuku’s mother being the sweetheart she is offers to have you stay at their place
So the Midoriya fam gets tested and all is good except that Izuku is freaking out
He knows it’s fine because there’s a guest room and you’ve been to his house on many, many occasions but oH My GoSH sHe’S bASiCalLy gOiNG tO LiVe wiTh mE
Sweet baby is a blushing mess when his mom tells him you’re coming over and he bolts to clean everything and make sure you’ll be comfortable
Folds your favorite hoodie that you steal all the time and puts it on the guest room bed…SWEETHEART
He knows you’re worried about your parents so he wants to do his best to make sure you’re alright
And let me just say that this child is best boy like?? Always tidies his room and helps Momma Midoriya out around the house! It’s the cutest thing ever
If you’re not the best with online classes he’s sat next to you on your bed and explaining stuff to you.
You get a question right? Nose kissies. No exceptions. You’re getting rewarded for your hard work
He’s super respectful of your space too — he will never enter your room or the bathroom without knocking and making sure you’re not caught off guard
But believe it or not this little broccoli gets into very clingy moods and will absolutely pull you into his side while he’s doing homework on the couch or when you’re making a snack in the kitchen.
Cuddles are mandatory at least three times a day, and when he gets this way you’re basically immobile the entire afternoon
P l e a s e kiss the scars on his hands I am begging you
Movie nights in his room all the time. Y’all eat up romantic comedies and literally anything Disney.
Sometimes you fall asleep on his chest during the movie and the boy c o m b u s t s at how completely adorable you look.
His mom has dozens of pictures of you both. She hardcore ships it.
Since y’all have classes at differing times, you’ll sometimes come into his room while he’s on a Zoom call and discreetly put a plate of snacks on his desk to keep him focused. He gives you the softest look whenever you do it’s so precious-
You try to avoid the camera at all costs though, since no one at school knows you’re both dating, let alone currently staying in the same house
One time his classmates asked who was in his room and he choked on air before sputtering out that it was his mother.
To his relief everyone believed it, but after he muted his mic again you were practically wheezing on the other side of the room at how freaked out he got
You knock lightly on Izuku’s bedroom door, quietly slipping in when you hear a faint “come in” from the other side. A plate of fruit is balanced in one hand while the other one closes the door behind you, and you are met with the sight of your boyfriend listening to another one of Aizawa’s lectures. He looks a bit tired, with his head propped up on his hand and pencil tapping on his desktop. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this time of the afternoon was around the middle of his daily classes and he was running out of steam - hence the snacks you brought.
You gently place the plate beside Izuku and glance at his screen to find his microphone off. He looks over to you with an appreciative smile before reaching for a piece of honeydew.
“How are you doing, baby?” you ask, giggling when he groans in exasperation.
“Staring at this screen for so long is hurting my brain,” he sighs as he pops the fruit into his mouth. “Thank you for the food.”
“Not a problem. My next class isn’t for another hour so if you need anything else let me know.”
The boy reaches out for your hand, and your eyes briefly flick to the camera to make sure you’re still out of view, but you let him lace his fingers with yours.
“Could you sit with me for a bit then?” he requests, looking up to you with pleading emerald eyes.
You smile softly at his behavior. “Only if I get to have some of this fruit plate.”
You take up the space on the floor besides Izuku’s chair, leaning your head against his side. His computer’s camera angle only showed him from the shoulders up, and the aspiring pro hero absentmindedly brushed a hand through your hair as he focused back on the lecture. You pulled out your phone to keep yourself occupied while your boyfriend worked during the class, occasionally reaching out to snag another piece of fruit from atop his desk.
The room was filled with the comfortable sounds of pen against paper and the fan whirring softly overhead, and you perked your head up as Izuku answered a question Aizawa had asked a moment prior. The corners of his mouth raised into a small smile when he was deemed correct. You teasingly pressed a quick kiss to his side which caused him to jolt in surprise and glance over to you.
“What was that for?” he chuckled, a hint of a blush adorning his face.
“You got the question right,” you smiled back at him cheekily. “That’s your reward.”
He scoffed playfully. “You’re such a dork.”
“Maybe, but you like that I’m a dork.”
Izuku shook his head with a grin, grabbing a strawberry from the plate on his desk and holding it out to you. You gladly took a bite of the sweet fruit that had been sprinkled with bits of sugar.
“I think I deserve a slightly better prize for answering correctly, though,” he shrugged, lifting the strawberry to his mouth — that was now practically the same shade of red as his face.
“Oh yeah? What might that be?” you hummed, eyebrow arched.
“Not sure exactly. I was just thinking out loud.”
“Maybe I’ll kiss you properly when you’re not on a class Zoom call, weirdo.”
“Uh, hey Midoriya? Who are you talking to?”
Both yours and Izuku’s faces morphed into mortified realization at the voice coming from his computer.
He forgot to mute himself after answering Aizawa’s question, getting distracted by your antics. And everyone had just heard him. Flirting with you.
The voice who had spoken and saved you two from further embarrassment belonged to Kaminari, and the rest of the class was quick to follow up with their own questions as they unmuted themselves one by one. Izuku looked at you with apologetic eyes, and you only let out a soft laugh and waved your hand nonchalantly, the initial shock of the situation already leaving you. The boy tilted his head in question: ‘want to say hello?’ You nodded in response, standing up so you were now in view of the computer’s camera.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” you laughed awkwardly, watching everyone’s screens as Class 1-A’s jaws dropped.
“Woah, you’re from Class 1-B right?” Kirishima spoke up. You nodded in affirmation.
“What’re you doing at Midoriya’s house?” Asui inquired.
“Midoriya, are you not exercising proper social distancing guidelines?” Iida chimed in, with his typical Class Representative concern.
Izuku was growing more flustered by the second as numerous students bombarded you with questions. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder which seemed to somewhat ease his embarrassment.
Aizawa had decided to use this opportunity to take a nap, saying he didn’t care what you students did so long as the class was done with this little predicament by the time he woke up. So now, the floor solely belonged to you both.
“Alrighty, so I’ll try to keep this short and quick,” you started, looking to Izuku with a small smile. “My parents are doctors at the local hospital and since they wanted to make sure I stayed healthy, I’m currently living at Izuku’s place. Yeah, we’ve been tested and are fine, and yes Iida, we’re still maintaining clean and healthy lifestyles around the house to play it safe. And finally, yes, we are dating. Pretty sure that covers it.”
“Like hell it does!” Mina exclaimed, leaning towards her camera excitedly. She had been missing some long awaited drama. “How long have you two been dating?”
“A handful of months now,” Izuku spoke up, hiding his burning face in your sweater.
“You’re joking! And you didn’t tell anyone?” Momo gasped, quite a fan of the occasional dramatics herself.
“It was kind of a crazy time after the whole summer camp fiasco, so we didn’t feel like bringing it up then would have been right,” you explained, patting the top of Izuku’s head. “After that, we just never really got around to saying anything.”
“So you’re telling me that Midoriya scored a hottie from 1-B and not the rest of us guys?” Mineta huffed. You laughed when Izuku secured his arms around your waist at the comment.
“Mineta, no,” he scolds, although his voice is muffled by the fabric of your clothing.
“Aww, I think someone’s properly embarrassed now,” you cooed. “I should probably be taking my leave then.”
“But there are so many more questions we could ask!” Mina whines, and a number of the students nod in agreement.
You giggle at the class’ curiosity. “Maybe another time. This might be all Zuku can take at the moment.”
The boy in question lifted his head to look at you, blush still alight on his freckled cheeks.
“Sorry about all this,” he apologizes.
You shake your head with a small smile. “It’s all fine and done. Don’t even worry about it. We were going to let them know eventually.”
You take his face in your hands and press a kiss on Izuku’s forehead. He pouts, his eyes averted to his lap. “You missed.”
With a playful roll of your eyes, you lean down to peck Izuku’s lips. The gesture is met with a chorus of awwing over the class Zoom call, only opposed by a gagging Bakugo and a salty Mineta.
“Alrighty, that’s enough public affection in front of your friends for today,” you joke, and you leave a furiously blushing Izuku to deal with the rest of the class on his own.
Safe to say you were drowned in cuddles and many, many kisses as soon as the call ended.
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bloody-britt26 · 5 years
(Older) Bede x Pregnant! Champion! Reader maybe 🥺
Um... yes!? I'm so weak for pregnancy fluff! 🥺
🌸 Pregnant with Bede's child 🌸
• The moment that you discovered that you are pregnant with Bede's child, you had so many emotions coursing through your mind.
• Happiness, of course! The thought of adorable little Mini Bedes running around brought the biggest smile on your face.
• However, there was fear. You were afraid that Bede would be mad or upset. You couldn't fathom the idea of Bede leaving you, you love him with all of your heart.
• You also felt a bit of worry. If Bede were to be as happy as you, would you be able to properly care for the child? Not to toot your horn, but money was far from being the issue. It was a concern regarding time. With you being the champion, and Bede being a gym leader, would you be able to take care of the child? Would you be able to balance everything?
• So, needless to say, you were beyond nervous to break the news to Bede. Your heart was racing and you couldn't stop fidgeting. You had to fight back your tears. You couldn't help it; there was that little voice at the back of your head, telling you that everything was going to go horribly wrong.
• When you told Bede, he froze. For once in his life, he was at a loss for words. He could only stand there, wide-eyed with his mouth gaping. He couldn't bring himself to fire a snarky comment. He was absolutely speechless.
• At the sight of his reaction, your heart broke, thinking that it was a negative response.
• But then, the faintest of blushes had tinted his cheeks, he was biting his lip and you had noticed that his eyes seemed to be glossy.
• Of course, as soon as you had noticed his tear-filled eyes, he gazed down at his lap to avoid your gaze, taking a few breaths as if trying to regain his composure.
• That's when the smallest smile cracked. It was beyond him at that point, Bede couldn't even attempt to mask his emotions.
• Him? A father? Bede already feels like the luckiest man in the world to be blessed with the best woman by his side, and now, he is going to father your child? It was all so overwhelming to him.
• How in the world did he even deserve all of this? By Arceus, Bede is well aware of how horrible of a person he was to you and your friends before Opal took him in. Even today, he is still a snarky and prideful person, he's hard to deal with and he most likely gives you many headaches.
• When you cuddle up to his body at night, tenderly kiss his lips or tell him just how much you love him, that he's your world, he can't help but wonder what the hell he's done to deserve a second chance from you.
• And now, you are going to have his child. Not only are you giving him the love, touch and support that he's been craving his entire life, but you are also going to give him a family. Something that he's never truly had. Something that he could only dream of when he was a child himself.
• He was so happy that he didn't know how to react, what to say. The only thing he could do was take you in his arms, resting his head in the crook of your neck, shyly muttering how happy and thankful he was.
• It was such a big relief to you, so much weight had been lifted from your shoulders that you couldn't help but let happy tears flow.
• The few days that came after the announcement, Bede had a few fears regarding his future as a father. What if the child doesn't like him? What if he's a terrible father? And, he had the same worries as you regarding time. Will he be able to take care of you and his child while being a gym leader?
• You had to reassure him countless times that he was going to be okay, that you are sure that he will be a good father. It may take some getting used to, but you trust that he will adapt.
• In the end, you figured that your family is more important than sponsors and interviews, and although you love meeting with fans, you are sure that they will understand that you will need to dedicate your time to your growing family. However, that doesn't mean that you are going to throw the towel on your champion title.
• As for Bede, sure he has challengers, but at the end of the day, he's all yours. Some days are slower than others, so he will be able to be home with you while remaining the Ballonlea gym leader.
• Plus, you have many friends and family members who will gladly offer to babysit, should you need it.
• After the initial "Holy crap I'm going to be a dad" thought settled in, Bede's pride and ego inflated, if that's even possible.
• "The champion, the strongest woman in all of Galar, the most amazing woman in the world, is pregnant with my child. That's right, I, Bede, got the champion, who is my woman, pregnant!"
• Bede was already rather protective, and even possessive of you at times, but that has doubled ever since you got pregnant.
• It was as if a switch had flipped inside of him. His demeanour is comparable to that of an alpha male, protecting his territory from others.
• Bede has absolutely no trouble flaunting and boasting about your relationship and sending death glares to people who are getting rather flirty with you. Of course, Bede can't help sending the offender a cocky victory smirk whenever you lean against him or voice your massive disinterest because you're spoken for.
• You both had agreed to publicly announce that you are expecting. It was going to be noticed sooner or later, so you may as well be forward.
• Of course, the whole region was hyped. And yes, the media was all over you, which was a massive annoyance as the reporters often asked very personal questions.
• Of course, Bede was having none of it and had gotten the media off of your back with some good ol' Bede attitude.
• As mentioned, you haven't stopped battling. You're still extremely lively and bouncy during battles. And yes, you still stand in front of your huge, dynamax pokémon.
• This behavior of yours gives Bede mini heart attacks everytime you stand on the pitch, which gets worse and worse as you get further into your pregnancy.
• You often get scolded by Bede to settle the hell down! Of course, you tease him a lot about his protectiveness, which always results in your lover huffing in embarrassment.
• You often have to remind him that you're pregnant, not dying.
• You love to playfully tease Bede, saying that you would like your child to have his good looks and your personality as it would be chaos to have little piles of attitude running around.
• Bede is legitimately afraid of your mood swings. He can barely handle a normal person, so how the hell is he supposed to handle his girlfriend who's emotionally all over the place?!
• His answer is usually food. He'll dump a bunch of your favourite snacks on you in hopes that you'll spare him.
• Bede doesn't mind whatever gender the baby ends up being, but he kind of wants a little girl.
• Bede has a very strong opinion on the design of the nursery. In fact, Bede took it upon himself to paint the nursery pink, blue and purple, decorating it in a bunch of pokémon dolls of your team and his. In the end, he has an eye for aesthetics, so he did a wonderful job with it.
• Bede often traces little patterns on your belly when you're cuddling and when he hugs you, he often puts one of his hands on your belly.
• At one point, you were resting your eyes on your couch. Bede thought you were asleep and so, he nuzzled your belly, cooing and talking to your unborn baby. It was the most adorable thing you've ever heard.
• Of course, you keep that to yourself. You wouldn't want to fluster your poor tsundere too much... yet.
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Fracture - Brandon Carlo
Summary: Brandon breaks his leg during the game and the reader gladly takes care of him.
Words: 1406
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“Be with someone who will take care of you. Not materialisticly, but take care of your soul, your well-being, your heart, and everything that’s you.” - unknown
Only nine minutes of the third period remained and it looked very good for the Bruins as they were winning 5:1 against the Florida Panthers. The end of the regular season was around the corner and everyone was slowly becoming impatient about the playoffs. The anticipation and excitement were taking over everyone be it the players or fans. I was in the second row cheering for the Bruins pretty much ready to call it a wrap and go to the locker room and congratulate the boys and leave together with Brandon. No one believed the small possibility that the Panthers would be able to score at least four more times in the remaining few minutes and I stopped stressing about the game altogether knowing the win was ours. In one moment, I was yelling at Brandon to support him as he tried to get the puck from his opponent and just a second later, I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I held my breath and felt myself getting pale as the fear took over me completely. In one second Brandon was fighting over the puck and the next second he was on the ice unable to get up. Players of both teams were yelling “he’s hurt” at the doctors, all fans repeated the same thing and my friend who went with me was talking to me however I was out of my mind and didn’t understand a word she said. It felt like ages; seeing Brandon lying on the ice helplessly, boys surrounding him, and rushing the doctor to him. And it was only when the doctor took Brandon away from the ice that I came back to my senses.
“I’m gonna go see him,” I said in a panic as I gathered all my stuff. “I’ll let you know what’s up,” I promised to my friend and left her alone as I quickly ran to the locker room where I hoped to find Brandon and learn more about his injury.
When I arrived to the locker room I found Brandon in pain talking with the doctor about what will happen next. From what I heard it looked like a broken left fibula and the ambulance was called already.
“I’ll go to the hospital right after you, okay? I’ll be there.” I said to Brandon who begged me to go with him.
Later that week Brandon had his ankle surgically repaired, stayed at the hospital for almost two weeks and the recovery time was somewhere between two to three months. And it was certain that Brandon would miss the end of the regular season and the playoffs. Everyone was sorry for Brandon as he would miss the playoffs for the second year in a row. But no one felt more sorry than Brandon. Remorse, guilt, and pain replaced the good mood of the previous weeks, and although I did everything I could to give Brandon support and to assure him no one was angry it seemed like Brandon made up his mind already.
Life also significantly slowed down and changed with Brandon’s injury. There were no games, no traveling, no trainings, or workouts at the gym. Most of our trips usually led to the hospital for his regular checkups or for short walks to the park or around the neighborhood. We watched the games on the tv, played board games when he had enough energy, or we just cuddled on the couch as I read from my favorite books to him when he was in a grumpy mood. Over the weeks I moved almost all of my stuff to his apartment and even I felt like I officially lived there because I visited my apartment only a couple of times and it was only because I had to get more clothes.
“Hey love,” I said happily when I finally arrived home from the grocery store. “Are you okay?” I asked concerned about his wellbeing as I found him lying on the couch in pain.
“Yeah,” he mumbled. “It hurts but I took the pills they gave me, so I hope it’ll get better soon.” He smiled at me trying to calm me down.
“Do you want anything to eat? Or maybe you should go to bed and try to sleep.” I suggested unsure of what to do as always when he was in pain.
“No, I’m fine love,” he smiled again. “Just come to me already.” He whined playfully.
“Oh, so mister grumpy would like to cuddle? Last night you complained and wanted to be left alone.”
“Last night the pain wasn’t as bad and you were worried more than it was necessary,” he laughed. “It really hurts though.” He groaned as he tried to find a comfortable position.
“Let me get you a pillow,” I said as I went to the bedroom for another pillow to put under his foot. “Better?”
“Better,” he nodded. “And now you can finally get your ass over there next to me.”
“I wanted to cook something for dinner,”
“I think we won’t starve,” he laughed and pulled me down to his chest. I was worried I could have hurt him and immediately checked for his reaction, but he chuckled and looked happier than he did a few minutes ago. “That’s definitely much better.”
I rested on his chest with his strong arms holding me close to him and preventing me from falling on the floor while my legs rested on the frame of the couch so they wouldn’t get near Brandon’s. I kissed his chest from time to time or drew small circles in hopes it would bring him a little bit of comfort. We spent most of the the days and nights like this and although I was sorry for Brandon and sorry, he wouldn’t get to join the boys in the playoffs again I enjoyed the ordinary life we suddenly had. We were always in rush, always on the go and I was always ready to pack my bags on join Brandon on some of the longer trips. I was fine with spending the nights on his games and going to the ice rink instead of dates and I enjoyed it more than fancy dinners and events. However, until now I never realized how much I needed life to slow down, to have time just for ourselves, and do nothing at all.
I put a blanket over both of us and snuggled up to him even closer with my hands now wrapped around him tightly. He stroked my hair and pressed small pecks on the top of my head. We didn’t say a word but we both were comfortable and happy with the situation we were in.
“Wanna go to bed?” I asked sleepily and looked up at him as he nodded his head in response. “Let’s get you to bed, big boy,” I smiled and stood up first and then helped Brandon to carefully get up. He put his arm around my neck and dropped most of his weight on me as he tried to keep his balance.
Before I got Brandon into his bed, I helped him to wash and change into some clean clothes he could comfortably sleep in. “I don’t deserve you,” he grinned at me when I helped him get into the bed. I lay down beside him, wrapped my hands around his upper back, and ran my fingers through his wet hair. He stroked my back in return and rubbed his nose against the side of my head as he then moved to my cheeks and forehead to kiss me. “You’re so pretty,” he whispered against my skin. I smiled weakly at him and brought myself even closer to him. He was like a big teddy bear. He loved to cuddle, and he always protected me from everything - even from the smallest things. He was always warm and soft, yet his muscles were unmissable. Now it was my turn to protect him and keep him safe.
Being in his arms in a tight grip was never close enough for me. Every time I tried to get even closer but somehow accepted that it was as close as I could possibly get to him. And for now, it definitely was close enough.
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hypnotica-ships · 3 years
So, thanks to some A+++ enabling from the discord server, I've decided to post my BNHA self insert fanfic. I haven't really talked about my insert, but I plan to sometime in the future, but for now I"ll leave ya'll in the dark.
This whole thing was made just to make me and my friends feel good and give us some much needed self indulgence.
Word Count- 1,550
Hypnotica- My S/I
Grafight- @fictional-characters-are-hot's S/I
Slasher- @alwayslovestruck's S/I
It's been 3 hours.
4 hours since the hero team Discorded was asked to help out with a capturing some drug smugglers.
3 1/2 hours since they found the drug den.
3 hours since Hypnotica sent in Grafight and Slasher to covertly search the place.
3 hours since he's heard a response.
It was a loud, shrill scream that made his blood go cold. Expecting the worst, he decided to find some loiters and use his quirk to get some backup.
After being only able to scour up 2 shadows for his mask alts to posses, he realized the longer he spends time looking for people, the more harm could come to his friends...*family*. Dolly, taking the form of a Harpy, and Dylan taking a shape of a Lion man, will have to do for backup. Hoping that it won't be needed, he finds an open window and heads into the den.
"Look! They're opening the crates. That must be how they ship the quirk enhancing drugs."
"Slasher. I can't see shit, it's too dark in here and I don't have dope cat eyes like yo-....wait a sec..."
The younger of the heroes takes out a sketch book and quickly draws our some night vision binoculars and they suddenly 'pop' out into a physical object. After giving a thumbs up, in order to stay quite, Grafight uses the goggles.
"Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit....that's a lot of powder. How the hell do they sell it all?"
Slasher just shrugs it off and continues watching the group of men, tail swaying as they do.
All of a sudden, all of the men stop moving. A few moments later they all turn to the gurder that the hero duo were perched on.
"Hey! Lookey here fellas, some new 'test subjects' to try the new mix on."
"Oh as if you'd even come close to touching us! You won't even get a chance to lay a finger on us. Right Grafight?"
"Right! Good luck fuckers!"
"Slasher! Grafight! What's going o-...."
"We won!'
Hypnotica was greeted by the sight of Slasher triumphantly standing with one foot on top of a human mound of passed out thugs while Grafight was looking over the crate of drugs, kicking one of the thugs that started move on the ground.
"Wha- Then who the hell screamed?!"
Grafight, grabbing the thug she kicked by his collar and threatening to punch him again.
"This guy did. I think he's like...the kingpin or something. Screams like a little bitch though."
"We managed to take these guys out super easily, like it was nothing! Can't believe they were talkin' smack like they could beat us..."
Still a bit shaken up from his worry, Hypnotica headed over to check out the crate. Noticing a strange metal box buried slightly underneath some of the drugs, he pulls it out and begins to question the kingpin about it.
"This your tracker? Is this the thing that you use to keep an eye on your 'supplies'?"
"You better answer. Grafight is pretty liberal with bodily harm."
Slasher says as she walks over to look at the box better, poking it with one of her claws.
"Punching time?" Grafight asks looking up at Hypnotica.
"Not yet. He needs to be conscious to answer our questions."
"Talk then, asshat."
"...doesn't matter....we....we were gunna..."
"Gunna what, idiot?!"
"d....die...die anways..."
"...Punch him Grafight."
Hypnotica grumbles while Dolly pried open the box with her talons.
"...I don't think he meant, like, *80 times Grafight...*"
Slasher now worriedly watches as the kingpin get's absolutely destroyed by fists.
Hypnotica seems frozen as he looks down at the box, unmoving, and holding his breath. Cocking her head, Slasher notices that somethings wrong with him.
"Hey....you alright big bro?"
Finally stopping her onslaught on the kingpin, Grafight looks over to Hypnotica.
"Cat got your tongue or something?"
Still not saying a word, Hypnotica turns the box so the others can see. In the box is a small glowing green tube with wires attached to it, there's also a countdown screen slightly below it. It's only got 3 seconds left on it.
As her tail drops, so does her heart, with only a few second to accept her fate Slasher meekly gasps as she starts to speak.
Grafight finishes Slasher's thought, right before everything goes white.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sirens are blaring as the green mist clears from the rubble of what's left of the warehouse. Various bodies are strewn all about, policemen and EMTs were able to arrive on the scene fairly quickly. Not that it mattered, the damage was done. From the looks of everything, there was no survivors, all thugs and kingpin were either crushed by the rubble or suffered from some strange type of asphyxiation. Death seemed to encompass the area, until one of the EMTs discovered a lion like shadowy figure seemingly protecting a group of still breathing bodies. The figure soon dissipated leaving a strange mask in it's place.
The bodies were still alive, but barely, and they needed medical attention and fast.
"-Sources say that the 'hero' team were incapable of apprehending the group and had to resort to extreme measures to stop the-"
"Horseshit! Why would we set off a bomb? We had it covered already, it wouldn't kill them to get their facts straight..."
"Calm down Gummybear, the doc said you shouldn't strain yourself..."
It's been 4 days since Grafight was released from the hospital, suffering from 2 broken arms, rendering her unable to use her quirk...among other things. Fatgum, her partner, had insisted to stay by her side until things healed, neglecting his own hero duties in the process.
"The doc can shove it as far I care! These newscasters have no right to spew out garbage lies like that! It's gunna hurt our rep.... Sure we might not be the nicest, safest, smartest heroes in the game, but we aren't villainous either!"
"...You...you do have a point, but don't worry about it, I"m sure one of the others will give them a piece of their mind and sort things out. Right now you and I have dinner to eat!"
Grumbling as she rose from the couch, Grafight followed her partner to the kitchen, sitting down at the small round dinning table that the family usually shared. This dinner was different though. The table had a nice white satin cloth draped over it, with 2 light candles on top. It seemed that this time these two will be dinning alone.
"Take a seat baby, I'll go grab our meal."
"It better be something good, the meals at the hospital were utter shit..."
She lets her sentence trail on as a covered plate is placed ever so gently in front of her.
"Oh? Did you plan on surprising me? ....Babe, my arms, I can't open it."
"Yeah, my bad, here ya go my sweet Gummy."
Fatgum slowly removes the cover for maximum surprise effect. Once it's off, Grafight can't help but smiley widely as she notices one of her favorite meals, but with a culinary twist. Hotdogs sliced up into star shapes, surrounded by a circle of mashed potatoes, topped with melted cheese, a dash or salt, and a glob of ketchup in the middle of it all.
"So? Ya like?"
Grafight's eye's start to tear up, but her smile still stays plastered on her face. Fatgum notices right away and goes to quickly grab some tissues.
"Oh Gummy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you! I just...I just thought I could do something special for ya...I...I-"
"Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe! I love it! Omg, I love it so much, you're the best, you know that right?"
"I...yeah....no. Wait. YOU'RE the best, you're so strong and special to me, I...I"m just so happy that I didn't lose you...you mean the universe to me."
"Stop...I'm already crying, let's just...let's just enjoy this meal together, okay?"
"Okay. I"m starving anyways..."
Fatgum takes his place across from Grafight, and starts to devour his meal.
"Oh! Yeah, my bad, let me help ya."
The two enjoy their meal together, never breaking their love filled eye contact.
"Slow down Mochi, you shouldn't be over-exerting yourself."
"But Kano, I want to dance! I really like this song...cough cough...it's a total....total banger, and I deserve to have some.....fun after what happened. Everyone else has been so....gloomy since then....I just....want to bring some life.....back into the house is all...."
"I know, I know...but, you won't be able to do much joy-spreading if you can barely walk to the mailbox without getting winded halfway there."
"Hmph, stupid bomb chemicals getting.....getting into my lungs...fucking up my whole system...did they ever figure out what...what was in that tube...anyways?"
"They still haven't called us back about the results yet, but they said the inhaler they gave you was working well enough for us not to worry. So we won't, right Mochi?"
"...Yeah...I guess...I just hate...feeling weak like this...I wanna cry but.... I don't want the others to...to see....they've been through enough....I don't wan them to worry about me...me too..."
Kano takes a moment to think, after a moment he takes Slasher's paw and leads her into the living room.
"Sweety...what are you doing?"
After he gets Slasher to relax on the couch, he walks over the Hypnotica's advance sound system and grabs a homemade looking CD. Putting it in he looks to Slasher.
"The good doctor said YOU shouldn't exert yourself, but....he never said anything about me."
As soon as the music starts, Kano begins to dance in a way that's all to familiar to Slasher. It's a dance they've grown to call the 'Humpty Dance', and no one else in the house can quite get it right like these two.
"Oh Kano! This....this makes me so....happy! Keep...keep going! Maybe...maybe you could...put in some...Slipknot next? Pwetty Pwease?"
"Anything for you my Mochi."
Slasher enjoys the show Kano puts on for almost 2 hours, by the time he gets done, Kano is just about as winded as Slasher has been recently. The two then cuddle on the couch, just taking in each other's slow and labored breathes.
"You will most certainly not."
Sir Nighteye slams his hand down on the counter to emphasize his point, making Hypntoica jump a little.
"And why the fuck not? The need to get their facts straight. I will not stand for all of this fucking slander."
Sir sighs and pushes his glasses up, trying to calm himself down.
"I understand that, but 'kidnapping the newsroom executive' is not the most ideal way to go about it. You can barely walk, even with the crutches!"
Motioning to Hypnotica's broken left leg, and the sprain in his other. Hypnotica just huffs and looks off to the side, still with an angered expression plastered on his face.
"So. Fucking. What? Okay, maybe kidnapping is a bit extreme, but..."
Sir's own angry expression starts to soften as he notices the tears that begin to fall from his partner's face. Wondering how long he's been holding it in.
"...I can't let my family take the blame for a stupid mistake that I made!"
Hypnotica's body begins to shudder as more tears fall, Sir walks over to him and embraces him in a way to try to calm him down.
"It's not your fault...all of you did what you could to try and handle the situation."
"That doesn't excuse all of the death and destruction that happened, and not to mention all the hurt my family is going through because of it!"
"No. It doesn't. But how is any of that your doing, hmm?"
"Shh, just stay, and relax. I'll make up a fully detailed report and send out a few copies to some of the stations. They'll most likely use those facts since my name does carry some weight..."
While still holding him with his right hand, Sir uses his left to tilt Hypnotica's chin up to meet his eyes. After a few seconds go by, he rests his head on his partner's.
"...Trust me dear. Everything will turn out just fine."
"I promise. I saw it."
"A trusted source, who has decided to stay anonymous, has confirmed that the deaths in the Discorded Warehouse accident were not the before mentioned teams fault, but the fault of-"
"Thank you! Finally, a news channel that checks their facts. Even though I'm fine with a few deaths under my belt, but whatever I guess."
"Oh! Look Gummy! That's me! Saving all of those orphans was quite the task, I'll have to tell you all about it later."
"Kano my love! Let me help you with those dishes, there is far to many for one man to clean."
"Thank you Mochi! I kinda went all out with the meal this time, it was a celebration for everyone recovering so quickly....well, mostly everyone..."
"I call bullshit. Of course right after I get healed I trip down the stairs and end up right back to square one."
"Guess that means I'll have play nurse bit longer my dear."
~~*Cue Laugh Track*~~
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