#te mando muchos abrazos!!
minuteofdecaay · 11 months
the world is quiet tonight, but my mind is so loud. i wish life was different, better, okay at least, but it is not. i wish things were different, i wish i was different in every way shape and form. i wish i could’ve held back on some things, i should’ve. i wish i’d held back on some people and the things i regret that i feel i wasn’t ready for, my actions included. i wish i could’ve kept some people in my life, but now i can’t and i wish it wasn’t that way. having a big heart is so hard, my mind spins wondering how some of my favorite people are doing and hurts that i can’t check up on them anymore because i know i cant and shouldn’t. life is weird, life is hard, i wish it was easy, i wish people were better, kinder, and gentle. the world is cold, people are cold, including myself. i think to myself what i can do now, but there’s nothing i can do but sit here and exist and be the person i turned out to be.
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wikkart · 2 months
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No sé si verás esta publicación, de cualquier modo quería dedicarte un pequeño dibujo para ti.
Yo te conocí desde que estabas en progreso de animar el capítulo 0.2 de Underverse, y desde entonces jamás he dejado de seguir tu trabajo.
Así como otros fans te lo han hecho saber en los últimos días, en todos estos años que has permanecido en este fandom has sido una de mis mayores inspiraciones en mi vida, es por ti que yo creé mis primeros OC's por allá de 2016 e incluso mi cabeza empezó a soñar con una sola cosa, ser un animador profesional. Créeme que al ser latinoamericanx no me había planteado la idea de vivir y trabajar de algo así, o al menos hasta mi pubertad pensaba que un sueño de ese calibre sólo era posible para personas de otros países o que tuviesen una mejor estabilidad económica, pero luego llegaste tú, una colombiana animadora super talentosa que me demostró todo lo contrario en un pequeño blog de Tumblr y canal de Youtube. Y ahora, 8 años después, he estado cumpliendo esa meta al estar estudiando una carrera de animación en mi estado.
Desde 2020 entré a la universidad y con ello he tenido un viaje complicado, la animación es un trabajo muy difícil que de a ratos me ha desmotivado lo suficiente como para querer abandonar ese sueño. Pero luego llegabas tu anualmente entregando un nuevo capítulo de tu hermosa serie en la que todxs nos podíamos deleitar de tus magníficas habilidades, y hasta ahora eso a sido suficiente para que pueda levantarme una vez más y seguir adelante en cumplir mi meta de vida.
Con todo esto descrito, sólo quería darte las gracias por todos estos años de esfuerzo creando algo que sé que lo has hecho con todo el amor del mundo. Para ti sólo seré un random más del internet, pero para mí tu existencia misma a sido un pilar de mi vida.
En serio lamento tanto que por malentendidos de otras personas tú y tu esposo han recibido un montón de maltratos y odio injustificado, al punto de quitarles la grata felicidad de crear y compartir su arte al mundo. No merecen ni una fracción de todo ese desprecio tan corrosivo que ha invadido sus mentes y corazones.
En este instante lo único que deseo es que ustedes 2 sean tan felices como me han hecho a mí y a millones de personas más con sus creaciones, y si eso implica dejar de animar Underverse por un buen rato o incluso por siempre entonces lo aceptaremos. La salud mental de uno mismx siempre va primero antes que cualquier otra cosa.
Y sin importar la decisión que tomes te seguiré usando de ejemplo para seguir adelante con mi arte y mis estudios, cada que necesite un boost de energía para motivarme revisitaré tu canal.
Así lo he hecho siempre, y este dibujito que hice para una portada de una libreta de secundaria en 2017 lo puede comprobar 💜
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Te queremos mucho Jael, en verdad gracias por todo. Cuídate mucho, te mando un fuerte abrazo 🌼
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deepinsideyourbeing · 5 months
Nena yo se que tienes un montón de pedidos, pero ando hormonal y nunca he leído alguno de Enzo que tenga que ver con gym y se me ocurrió la idea mientras entrenaba jaja🤍
Y vos sos increíble es escritora, así que quería dejarte el pedido si vos lo aceptas y ntp tardaré todo el tiempo que sea necesario.
Te mando un abrazo🩷
Enzo cree que la población se divide en dos tipos de personas: están las que van al gimnasio a las 6:30 a.m. como él que a) no desea que nadie lo interrumpa para tomar fotografías o hablar y b) vos, que... Bueno, Enzo no sabe cuáles son tus motivos para ir al gimnasio tan temprano, pero no puede quejarse.
Disfruta el saludo casi silencioso que le dirigís cuando se encuentran en la entrada, las pequeñas conversaciones mientras comparten alguna máquina o hacen de spotter al otro, y también intenta disfrutar la forma en que tus leggins abrazan tus piernas y resaltan la forma de tu...
Intenta no gemir cuando, una vez más, rozás tu cuerpo con el suyo al completar la última sentadilla. Encuentra tu mirada a través del espejo y le sonreís de manera inocente, como si no supieras que él está duro por tus constantes provocaciones. Le agradecés y estás a punto de apartarte, pero sus manos toman tu cadera y te presiona contra su cuerpo.
El entrenador debería supervisarlos en lugar de sólo mirar su teléfono y beber (un supuesto) café, pero con un rápido vistazo Enzo comprueba que no es así y susurra a tu oído:
-Esperame en el baño.
Y es así como el agua caliente alivia tus músculos y Enzo tu necesidad. Presionás la frente contra los fríos azulejos de la pequeña ducha mientras sentís cada centímetro de su miembro y el roce de las venas que lo recorren, sus labios besando tu espalda y una de sus manos deslizándose hasta colarse entre tus piernas.
Sentís el dulce ardor que su tamaño provoca en tu entrada y la forma en que su miembro golpea hasta el punto más profundo de tu interior. No creés que el correr del agua silencie tus gemidos y los sonidos obscenos que provoca tu humedad a cada embestida, tampoco el particular sonido de su piel chocando con la tuya.
Ahoga un gemido contra tu piel cuando tus paredes se contraen aún más, una de sus manos masajeándote y sorprendiéndote con una que otra nalgada. Cuando tus piernas flaquean decide rodear tu cintura con su brazo, aunque no sabés si es para otorgarte estabilidad o sólo atraerte más hacia su cuerpo.
Juega con tu clítoris hasta que suplicás que se detenga, insegura de poder mantenerte de pie una vez que el orgasmo te consuma, pero no parece importarle y continúa con sus movimientos hasta que arrojás la cabeza hacia atrás para recostarla sobre su pecho tonificado.
Repite una y otra vez las mismas palabras que te dedicó mientras te ayudaba a entrenar:
-Así, muy bien...
Captura tus labios en un apasionado beso -que es más lengua y dientes que otra cosa- e intenta contener su propio orgasmo cuando siente la forma en que gemís contra su boca... Pero es imposible, así que termina manchando tu interior con su semen ardiente mientras sollozás por el placer abrumador.
Sentite con la libertad de siempre mandar un pedido, yo adoro recibirlos! Además recientemente mencioné en un comentario que pensaba mucho en Enzo como personal trainer, así que me encantó tener la oportunidad de escribir sobre eso ♡
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monicalestrange3 · 3 months
Hola Mónica me gusta mucho tu trabajo desde antes del bloqueo de muchas de tus cuentas siemprey por mucho tiempo fuiste un crush platónico del tumblr, ya sea por la distancia, tu perfección y estándares, solo queria preguntarte sin ofender que si ya tienes, no se comunity managers o gente que maneja tus redes por que me senti muy agraciado y feliz al recibir tu follow pero luego pensé no sería un error o algo de tu cm o tus redes (posdata no lo quites te mando un abrazo)
Hahaha me parece gracioso como a veces creen que yo tengo todo un equipo detrás en mi cuenta, a duras penas tengo dinero para pagar bus e ir al trabajo así que no, solo soy yo quien administra mi cuenta :3
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* Hi Monica I really like your work since before the blocking of many of your accounts always and for a long time you were a platonic crush of tumblr, either by distance, your perfection and standards, I just wanted to ask you without offense that if you already have, I do not know community managers or people who manage your networks because I felt very pleased and happy to receive your follow but then I thought it would not be a mistake or something of your cm or your networks (postscript do not remove it I send you a hug)
* Hahaha I find it funny how sometimes they think I have a whole team behind me on my account, I barely have enough money to pay for the bus and go to work so no, it's just me managing my account :3
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therealchainsawman · 2 months
te mando un abrazo personita que maneja la cuenta de denji cuídate mucho porfa 💛
//muchas gracias mi amor dios te bendiga 💛🫂
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gorillabulking · 8 months
cuanto pesas? me pones muy duroo
Hola mi hermano, ¿como estas? Gracias por escribir. La verdad no me he pesado aun, calculo que estaré llegando a los 97Kg. Veremos si antes de Abril llego a los 100Kg. Te mando un Abrazo grande y me alegra mucho que te pongas duro. Aca te dejo un regalito.
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madame-fear · 2 months
¡Feliz cumpleaños a mi más querida y amada esposa virtual, Lu! @deepinsideyourbeing ♡
Recuerdo que cuándo leí un fic tuyo en Febrero de este año, me había encantado tanto que quería mandarte un mensaje para hacerte saber que había amado tu manera de escribir y que necesitaba leer más cosas tuyas— pero me daba muchísima vergüenza.
Fue innecesaria esa vergüenza, porque al final cuando terminé rebloggueando ese fic diciendo que lo había amado, fuiste una personita super dulce, simpática, y tierna. Mucho más simpática y tierna de lo que creía. ♡
Desde ese día, siempre me agradezco por haber tenido la valentía de mandarte un mensaje y conocerte más a fondo. Me siento super agradecida por haberme encontrado con una persona TAN talentosa, y amorosa como vos! Mi vida no sería la misma sin tu presencia en mi realidad. Tu talento y tu carisma son algo que todos acá apreciamos, y lo apreciamos UN SUPER MONTÓN ♡
Un millón de gracias por convertirte en mi mutual, estoy infinitamente agradecida. Disfruto cada una de nuestras interacciones, y siempre que tengo la chance de poder mandarte algo (cualquier cosa que me de risa o piense que te pueda gustar) para poder interactuar más, lo aprovecho.
¡Ojalá pudiera regalarte el mundo y las estrellas y todo lo mejor que exista! ✨ Te super quieroooo, espero que tu día especial sea un día rodeado con toda la gente que te ama y aprecía, y que tengas un muy buen cumpleaños! ¡Feliz cumpleaños nuevamente, Lu! Espero que sepas lo mucho que te adoro y admiro, te mando un millón de besitos y abrazos fuertes virtuales 🤲💗
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somos-deseos · 11 months
🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉🎂🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂 🎉 🎂
Tu familia de Sinfonía Relativa te envía un fuerte y caluroso abrazo en tu día especial. Hemos querido expresarte nuestras felicitaciones desde lo más profundo de nuestros corazones 💕
¡Feliz cumpleaños Seguen Oriah! 🎂🥳
Que la vida te sonría cada día, disfrútala en compañía de tus seres queridos.
Un abrazo y todas las mejores vibras del mundo
-Stelle ✨
Feliz Cumple Seguen Oriah. Pásatela genial y recuerda: Es viernes y el cuerpo lo sabe🤗🥳🥳🎂🎂🍻🍾.
Feliz cumpleaños🎂🎁🎉🤗🙂.
Feliz cumpleaños Seguen Oriah, te mando un fuerte abrazo, deseo que tú día este lleno de personas queridas, alegría y muchísimos buenos deseos, espero que comas mucho pastel y que todos tus deseos se cumplan 🎂🎂🎂🫶🏼🫶🏼🥳🥳🥳
-Efimera Lunar Intemporal
Feliz cumple Seguen Oriah, espero estés pasando un día hermoso con tus seres queridos y amigos 🥳🥳🎂🎂 ¡¡A celebrar!! 🥂✨
Seguen Oriah ojalá la vida te rinda para seguir escribiendo esos textos que compartes con el mundo 💖
¡Una persona extraordinaria como tú se merece un día extraordinario! Nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones 🎉🎂🍾🍾
Att: Tu familia de Sinfonía Relativa
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A mí familia Sinfonía Relativa. ❤️🩵❤️.
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mothinabottle · 4 months
Jordan, Sydney y yo te deseamos un feliz cumpleaños 🎂🎉
Te mando mis buenos deseos y muchos abrazos 🫂 tqm <3
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HAKU. HAKU! I almost squealed in the middle of the bussss. omgomgomg
Simpeo, simpeo fuerte. estoy que muero ayuda aaaaaaa.
Este copypasta de aqui describe mis sentimientos perfectamente:
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while i gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cow girl, doggy, backwards, forwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling. teeth jitterbug, mind boggling, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy, moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious, gushy, creamy, beastly, lip bitting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, splendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tangos, he could put a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
-Respectfully drooling,
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ariikapo90 · 4 months
Hola, es la primera vez que veo alguien de Argentina. Yo también soy de Buenos Aires y tengo el fetiche del cuero. Tengo un sobretodo largo, por debajo de las rodillas, bien pesado, tres camperas, un pantalón, dos pares de guantes, dos gorras, un tapaboca de cuero ( lo compré en pandemia para poder usar mi equipo por la calle) tengo un blazer, una corbata, dos pares de borcegos caña alta y un par de botas caña alta hasta la rodilla. Por eso me gusta el invierno porque puedo usar mi equipo. ¿Usas tu equipo en calle a diario?
Hola hermoso, me gusta todo lo que tenes , yo tengo casi lo mismo, blazer y sobretodo de cuero. Me encantaría verte vestido con el blazer o con el sobretodo de cuero pues me excita mucho esos abrigos y mas las botas que también tengo. Te mando un abrazo de cuero muy grande y también soy de Buenos Aires!
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oxidarse · 7 months
se que intentaste entrar y salir de tantos lugares, de que te quedaste al costado pensando en la mejor intervención o de que forma no pasar vergüenza, de sentirte parte de algo. creo que el golpazo final es darte cuenta de que estando con gente que te odia tampoco es la solución.
y se que duele estar solo, se que duele que nadie te tenga en cuenta. yo se que duele mucho aceptar que sos joven y estas perdiendo tu vida obsesionado con la gente que no te quiere
no te voy a decir que te dejes de joder. te quiero decir que es muy difícil, que se lo que se siente y que te mando un re abrazo. vos podes, siempre vas a poder
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delarverie · 3 months
FELIZ CUMPLE MONNNN espero que estés teniendo un día precioso 😽💕 te mando muchos muchos abrazos
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GRACIAS LITO TE AMO TE ADORO 🫂😽🩷 justo me pilló en día de trabajo, así que fue un cumple ajetreado pero feliz, junto a mis chiquillos en el colegio y mi familia cuando terminé allá :-) te mando más besitos y abrazos de vuelta y espero que esta semana sea súper buena muac muac
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raveneira · 10 months
Hola amiga. Me alegra mucho saludarte y escribirte.
Cómo ya sabrás me gustan muchísimo tus análisis, me siento muy contenta cada vez que los leo, por eso estoy aquí pidiendo que nos hables sobre lo que piensas que pasará con sarada cuando descubra que sasuke está mal. Y también que nos hables de lo que piensas de la última interacción que tuvo kawasara, que te pareció?
Espero no ser inoportuna. Te mando un abrazo. Gracias por tus escritos.
No no its ok you didnt do anything wrong, I dont mind answering questions lol and Im glad you like my analysis, I appreciate your positive feedback so thank you.
As for what I think Sarada might do when she discovers Sasuke is wrong [thats what google translated it as] I think you mean when she discovers he's been turned into a tree? if so then I think she'll be pretty worried but she wont blame Boruto or have any anger towards him because this writing ALWAYS has to make her just so understanding and forgiving towards him about EVERYTHING but NOT others because this manga forgot that her idol was Naruto and she literally said she wanted to be like him, someone people can rely on who she'll reach out to and save the way Naruto saved her, but again this manga done forgot that character trait unfortunately.
So what do I think is gonna happen? she'll be shocked and upset but wont blame Boruto and instead blame herself for sending her dad off with him which got him into this situation because of her selfish request, which may open the door FINALLY for some big character development because this is NOT the first time her selfishness and recklessness has resulted in somebody else getting hurt.
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So maybe this might be the time for Sarada to get some long overdue character development as she finally realizes her actions, or more correctly, LACK of action has consequences, and that when she jumps in or makes requests without thinking long term about the consequences or even if its a good idea to begin with, she's gotta deal with the consequences of it which more often than not will be negative.
Boruto no longer has his eye because of her, Sasuke has been turned into a tree unconscious while a 10 tails tree clone of him is eventually gonna try and kill them all because of her, HER CHOICES caused this outcome, the only positive that came out of something she did so far was saving Boruto's life, but at what cost? she saved Boruto at the cost of her father, she 'protected' Boruto at the cost of his eye because he ended up protecting her instead, do you see the pattern here? so hopefully seeing her father as a tree finally gives her a wake up call that she NEEDS to do better going forward and actually THINK before she does things instead of just acting in the moment without any thought of how things could go wrong.
Naruto was headstrong and reckless too, but he never caused THIS type of bad shit to happen as a result of his recklessness because even HE used his brain somewhat before he acted. The worst hes done was willingly let Kurama take over to attack Orochimaru for taking Sasuke which resulted in him attacking Sakura and giving her a really bad wound, which when told he caused this what do you think he did? he never let Kurama take over like that again and vowed to rely on his own strength so he would NEVER cause harm to anyone else like that ever again.
Sarada unfortunately has not learned that lesson yet which she should've when she made Boruto lose his eye but I digress...maybe this development was saved for the timeskip so lets see if she finally gets it after seeing what happened to her dad, only time will tell.
Now onto how I feel about the KawaSara interaction this chapter...well Im gonna be brutally honest, I dont HATE it but I dont love it either and its not even because the interaction itself was bad nah I actually like their little rivalry they have right now, it adds spice and an obstacle Kawaki has to deal with but also the one person [besides Sumire] he doesnt have to watch his words with and can just be himself with. But let me get my gripes out of the way first and then I'll go into the positives.
My gripe with the interaction is Sarada's attitude and dialogue because it just makes her look both stupid and petty for no danm reason
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First off shes telling them to confirm with Ada about what happened, why is she let alone ANYONE treating Ada as a reliable source when she didnt even warn them about Code's ambush? when she didnt even send Daemon out to fight him which is LITERALLY the whole reason their all even letting them stay there? lets not forget that Ada can easily just LIE about anything she wants like she did about Boruto killing Naruto, they literally have specialized ninja that they KNOW are trustworthy who actually DO work for them that they could ask to verify Sarada's story by peeking into her brain but no she chooses to reccomend asking Ada for confirmation, thats dumbass moment number 1.
Her remark about Kawaki being Otsutsuki too was just plain PETTY for no danm reason, and stupid as hell in this context because Boruto has Momo inside of him [pause] actively trying to take him over so he can kill Kawaki, make a divine tree, destroy all life on the planet to make a chakra fruit so he can eat it and become a god, SHE KNOWS THIS
Yet shes comparing that to Kawaki who doesnt have Isshiki looming over him threatening to take over at any time, he simply has his powers, and with his powers he wants to wipe out ALL OTHER OTSUTSUKI WHO ARE ACTUAL THREATS TO THE WORLD and that INCLUDES Boruto since he DOESNT HAVE CONTROL OVER MOMOSHIKI AND HE IS SHOWN SEVERAL TIMES ABLE TO TAKE OVER BORUTO WHENEVER HE WANTS UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS, so her comment here was just petty, which made Kawaki's response all the more depressing.
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He explains to her that he's an Otsutsuki that kills Otsutsuki and that his power only exists to do that, and once he wipes them all out he'll gladly die, but until then he will do whatever it takes, and she has ZERO reaction to this and just says she wont let him do what he wants as a shinobi who aims to be Hokage 🤦‍♀️ like everything he said literally went in one ear and out the other GIRL BYE.
He's literally calling her out on her stupidity and she doesnt even catch it, she was petty pretty much saying well if all Otsutsuki are enemies are enemies that should be killed doesnt that include you, and his response is yea it does and I fully intend to die with all the rest of em but not till I get them first, and she just...she just doesnt even hear that.
You'd think there'd atleast be a pause like 'danm I didnt mean for you to actually agree to that' but nah she just moved past that like he didnt even say it and is just like 'I wont let you do what you want' when thats literally what hes been doing for 3 years straight while she's been getting nothin but ignored 😭 seriously this writing hates her so much because who tf really thought this was good dialogue for her? this only works if she was actually DOING something to hinder Kawaki in some way, which she hasnt, so she just looks goofy and unserious.
But thats it for my gripes, now for my positives.
For starters I like how this confrontation resembles their one back in chapter 28 when they first really interacted and they became friends
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I love how even though the subject their arguing about is different, the paneling is still the same, Sarada appearing behind Kawaki and calling him out for doing something wrong despite not knowing all the details, Kawaki turning around and getting in her face to tell her off, and the Hokage stopping it from before it gets ugly and they both settle down as their told.
What I like about this is that when you look at these scenes side by side you can see the development between then and now, back then Kawaki had ZERO respect for Sarada, called her an asshole and basically told her to mind her business while yelling in her face.
Now Kawaki doesnt snap at her at all, the roles are actually reversed now to where Sarada is the one being more hostile than he is. Kawaki, unlike before, doesnt just shut her down and tell her to mind her business, but he actually takes time to explain to her when he really doesnt have to. See here.
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Kawaki says does he really have to say this again? meaning they have had this conversation before more than once, so he has no reason to repeat himself anymore than he already has and could easily have brushed her off without saying a thing or just simply told her to shut up and butt out but he didnt.
Instead he takes time to not only repeat himself, but breaks down in detail EXACTLY what his motivations are, why hes doing this, and that he fully intends to die for all he's done by the end of this. Just like before, he gets in her face, but its nowhere near as aggressive as in 28 where he was actually being intimidating, but here he's relaxed, talking calm, and looking her in the eye, and responding to what she said, rather than ignoring it completely and just yelling at her to shut up.
Why is that significant? because his last line really hits home when you realize the subtext and see how meaningful it is.
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Think about this for a second, for 3 years now everyone has been brainwashed into thinking he's Boruto, have been treating him like Boruto, have remembered him as Boruto, have been looking at him, talking to him, loving/respecting him AS BORUTO.
Sarada is the ONLY person [lets leave Sumire out of this cuz we havent seen them interact yet] who treats Kawaki AS Kawaki, the only one who when she's talking to him she's talking to KAWAKI, when shes thinking of him shes thinking of KAWAKI, when she looks at him she sees KAWAKI, anyway she treats him she is treating him as KAWAKI.
This may not seem significant on the surface but lemme put it into a little more perspective.
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This is what Kawaki has had to deal with every, single, day, for 3 years straight since Omnipotence happened. Kawaki never WANTED or ASKED for ANY of this, but no matter how hard he tried everything just kept going more and more to shit because of him, but atleast back then he still had his own identity, but now? everyday is a whole new kind of hell he has to endure that wont go away no matter how much he rejects it.
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Just before Omnipotence Kawaki said what he really felt about himself, what he saw himself as, and thats what makes this situation he's in now so hellish, because to Kawaki he's a nobody, an outsider that nobody would mourn if he died, he tells Ada to use her all seeing eye to look at him and see him for the powerless piece of garbage that he is.
This is what he thinks of himself, now lets see what he thinks of Boruto and then it'll all make sense.
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Kawaki puts Boruto on a pedastal similar to Naruto but not nearly as strong obviously, but the point is, Kawaki sees Boruto as someone who NOBODY WILL BE WILLING TO KILL, as someone nobody would even CONSIDER killing regardless of the threat he poses, as the HOKAGES SON literally NOBODY would EVER turn against him, and NOBODY would ever even think of killing him knowing the consequences of nobody ever forgiving them for it.
Keywords to pay attention to here
He's the Hokage's son! Lord 7ths son!
Who in Konoha could kill him? the Hokages son?
An act that would turn all your friends into foes! who'd ever agree to take on such a task?
Why'd it have to be him!?
Kawaki emphasizes Boruto being 'The Hokage's son' several times, but I want you to pay attention to how he says 'Lord 7ths son' as well, remember chapter 60? Naruto officially claims Kawaki as his son, even if not on paper, Kawaki was just as much his son as Boruto now.
But look at how Kawaki percieves it, HE doesnt see himself as Naruto's son at all and sadly Naruto didnt do a good job convincing him, because when he mercy killed Boruto BY HIS REQUEST Naruto did NOT stand by him and kept his distance, acting awkward around him, and even sounding forced when he tried to give the 'everyone is family to the Hokage' speech which alone right there showed the distance between them now, because in chapter 60 Kawaki was his son, in 69 he's the same as any other villager and believe me, Kawaki felt that and thats why none of his attempts at reassuring him worked because he knew it wasnt entirely genuine and that he indeed held some resentment towards Kawaki for what he did, that Kawaki clearly was nowhere near the same importance as Boruto and that in the end Naruto would turn his back on Kawaki before he ever would Boruto no matter WHAT hes done or will do.
Am I dragging Naruto? no, obviously his bond with his biological son will be stronger than the one with his adopted one hes only known less than a year. But I will say when has that ever stopped Naruto before? he only really bonded with Iruka for a year before the timeskip and he viewed him like a father, he only interacted and bonded with Sasuke for a year and he considered him a brother he was willing to go to hell and back for, he knew Gaara for less than a year and he was IN TEARS when he heard the Akatsuki had attacked and killed him and nearly beat Deidara to death so bad Kakashi had to use the seal to calm him down before he went full Kurama mode.
So keep in mind while I do understand where Naruto is coming from as a parent, I still have to point out the inconsistency with his character because blood ties have NEVER mattered to him but it was always the BONDS he felt with the people themselves, whether short lived or long, Naruto always clung to those bonds WITH HIS LIFE and he instills this very message into Sarada in Gaiden, yes, the same Naruto in the sequel now, not past young Naruto like people try to argue saying 'he grew up' cuz no, this is grown parent of two kids Naruto preaching the EXACT SAME MINDSET.
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So yeah, Im calling out the inconsistency with his character in the sequel because THIS IS HOW KISHIMOTO WROTE HIM EVEN IN THE PRESENT ERA its literally what the entire plotline of Gaiden was about, learning to value and treasure your bonds regardless of blood ties. Naruto literally grew up without NO family do he literally had to FIND and MAKE one for himself, and hes never done any more or less for his blood fam than he did for his found family.
But unfortunately thats no longer the case in Boruto so lets get back to that.
So you see the point? Naruto, atleast in the sequel is a total liar, he promised to keep Kawaki safe, he made him feel like this was his home, told him that they all see him as family now, he called him his son, everybody was telling him that this is his home now no matter what anyone says his place is in Konoha and Kawaki was almost starting to believe it.
But when Naruto's biological son was killed by Kawaki at his request everything changed, nobody was on his side, nobody visited him even though they didnt even know the truth of what happened yet, Naruto wasnt looking at him with sincerity anymore and his words were scripted word for word just what he always says to everybody, but not anything personal from the heart like he usually does. Yes their conversation was interupted, but he never made any attempt to continue it either and simply left Kawaki to sit with his half hearted 'forgiveness' anyone who knows Naruto knew it wasnt sincere.
So where am I going with this? that was the turning point, that is when Kawaki realized and accepted that he was completely and utterly alone and felt isolated from everyone else.
This is why he says what he does to Ada and why his words hit so hard because they let you see just how utterly ALONE and REJECTED he actually feels. He doesnt feel like hes a part of Konoha, he doesnt feel like Narutos son, he doesnt feel like anyone would care if he died, its literally PROVEN right then and there how easy it was for them to put a kill order out on him without hesitation just for THINKING he did something to Naruto and ATTEMPTING to kill Boruto but none of these people gave a DANM when Boruto stabbed Sasuke's eye out, tried to kill Kawaki twice, tried to kill Naruto, oh and ironically tried to get Shikamaru killed too, the same guy who put a kill order out on Kawaki didnt push for any kind of punishment on Boruto.
'But that was Momoshiki' so what? who's body is he in? who's body did he use to commit all those horrible acts? when Gaara kept failing to be able to control the one tails his dad tried to have him killed before he'd end up destroying the village [no I am not defending Rasa fk that guy Im just pointing out the principle] if somebody is a danger to the village, even if its of no fault of their own, IF THEY ARE A THREAT TO THE VILLAGE then they have to be eliminated, so the it was Momoshiki excuse doesnt fly because regardless they have NO way of controling Momoshiki and preventing him from coming out, nor do they have a concrete way of forcing him back once hes taken over unless under very specific circumstances which even then if he feels like thats gonna happen he can dip to another dimension through his karma and they'll have a hell of a hard time finding him if he does.
Bottom line? Kawaki saw that for him he was disposable, he was a nobody, someone they didnt care if he died and would kill easily without hesitation and NOBODY would complain, but Boruto? let me repeat Kawaki's words.
He's the Hokage's son! Lord 7ths son!
Who in Konoha could kill him? the Hokages son?
An act that would turn all your friends into foes! who'd ever agree to take on such a task?
Why'd it have to be him!?
Do I need to say more? Boruto is the Hokage's son, Naruto's son, NOBODY in Konoha would ever dream of killing him, because killing Boruto would turn literally everyone against them regardless of what harm he's caused and what threat he poses for the future, they will be hated for it BECAUSE HE IS THE HOKAGE'S SON.
And because Kawaki is the only one strong enough to do it and accept all the consequences that comes with it, he's the one suffering that exact fate, but whats saddest about all this...is that everything he thought about himself was proven right, every awful thing he thought about himself was proven 100% right.
So what does that have to do with his and Sarada's convo there? well I needed to break down all of what happened beforehand so I could say how much it probably means to Kawaki that Sarada isnt affected.
The reason I needed to point all that out was to make sense of why being treated like Boruto by everyone is so hellish, because he KNOWS how they really feel about him, they say it to him constantly.
Mitsuki is always following Kawaki around full of bloodlust that Kawaki says is suffocating and Mitsuki keeps saying how he wont forgive and definitely will kill Boruto for what he did
You have 2 random Jonin he's working with protecting the village just casually talking about how good it would be if Boruto and Code took eachother out
Then you have Hima calling him big brother the way she would Boruto which only irritates him more because he knows that affection isnt for him which is why he rejects it so harshly
So imagine how relieving it must be for Kawaki to have someone that he doesnt have to listen wish him dead to his face without even knowing it, someone not full of bloodlust wanting his head on a stake, someone not calling out to him affectionately because they think he's someone he isnt, and most of all...someone that he knows without a doubt that whatever she says or does for him, is for HIM.
So quite frankly her hostility contrary to popular belief actually doesnt even bother him, he welcomes it because he feels its what he deserves and more than that because its the only genuine thoughts and feelings aimed at him, unfortunately we dont have enough chapters yet to see the full scope of how this has gotten to him but I imagine 3 years of being seen as someone your not has to be EXHAUSTING, so even if Sarada is being hostile towards him, it probably means the world to him that shes one person who sees him for who he really is, Kawaki, not Boruto.
His words to her in that last panel is what made it clear to me that he actually doesnt mind her opposing him, he tells her point blank that he plans to die once he has wiped out all the Otsutsuki threats there are, why thats significant is because he'd never have to say this to anyone else, why? cuz they think he's Boruto so why does he need to tell them his goals as Kawaki? even if he did why would he tell them he's gonna off himself at the end of it? there'd be no reason to.
Not only that but he's said this more than once to her, implying they've bumped heads about this exact subject more than once, which again if Kawaki was annoyed by her and wanted to be left alone he would've never got into this conversation in the first place and just ignored her or told her to shut up. The fact that they've talked about this more than once says alot, because Kawaki has no reason to, once was enough, but if Kawaki is taking time out to explain the same thing over and over to her then thats more than enough proof that shes different from everyone else.
Everyone else he drowns out, ignores, or tells to stop acting or speaking to him a certain way, but Sarada? no matter how many times she confronts him about this same subject, he always takes time to explain it. You could say that was just exposition for the readers but in that case why have him say he was repeating himself? he could've just said 'Do I really have to spell it out for you?' which leads to the same exposition witn NO implications of them ever having this convo before, but the fact that they specified that he was repeating this, means they wanted the audience to know this was NOT the first time they've had this talk.
Personally, like I said we need to get more insight into Kawaki's thoughts now before I can make a accurate analysis, but personally and this is me being unbiased and basing it solely on Kawaki's character up till this point, but I feel like in his own subconscious way he enjoys Sarada's company and hostility towards him because its the one thing he knows is for him, it probably puts him at ease whenever Sarada confronts him about anything because its the only time where he can be himself now without being looked at as weird or OOC because hes not acting like Boruto, he was probably relieved when it was revealed she wasnt affected because it meant he wasnt totally alone with only Ada who he cant stand knowing the truth, but his former friend/teammate.
I imagine he felt indifference towards Sumire because she made it clear she was scared of him ever since she found out he killed Boruto, but until we get some actual interaction or thoughts from either of them we wont know for sure.
Anyway, I personally feel like Kawaki keeps repeating himself when he doesnt have to because she's the only one he can to. Unless injured or getting a check up Kawaki doesnt interact with Sumire at all, and Sumire from what we've seen so far has been keeping a low profile since she sees the situation is hopeless trying to convince people at this point, but Sarada is the complete opposite and is persistent no matter how many times she fails she is very loudly and vocally opposing Kawaki and Konoha. She says herself that she wont repeat herself too, meaning she's also said this to Kawaki more than once as well, and thats that she wont let him do what he wants as a ninja who aims to be Hokage.
These words are crucial because she's said this to Kawaki more than once about her Hokage dream, usually something that gets repeated alot in the Narutoverse by someone, especially to someone in particular, usually ends up having a really big significance in their relationship down the line. See Sasuke's 'your annoying' for example or him calling Naruto Usuratonkachi, or of course the 'because your my friend'. It doesnt matter what it is, if its something thats repeated consistently, its gonna have some big significance be it romantic or platonic, either way its gonna mean something big for those characters.
Anyway going back to Sarada, the fact that Sarada has been repeating herself too on this same issue just goes to show how adament and consistent she's been in opposing him, unlike in chapter 28 where she backed down and felt nervous when Kawaki got in her face, now she stands firm and looks him straight in the eye the same way he does her. He's not trying to intimidate her, but make her understand the situation and his perspective, and Sarada isnt trying to intimidate or threaten him either, but make him understand that she wont go along with doing things this way and wont back down no matter what, because the way Kawaki and Shikamaru is running things isnt how Naruto would've wanted, which is why she is their biggest opposers because she looked up to Naruto and wanted to do things the Naruto way.
Its no coincidence that in the very first chapter Sarada tells Shikamaru off about disagreeing with her opposition, its no coincidence that she snapped back using Naruto as her example of going against everyone to fight for what and who she believes in and tells him that the Hokage she looks up to is Naruto not him.
Then in chapter 4 she's now telling Kawaki something similar, that she wont let him do things his way as a ninja who aims to be Hokage, but not just any Hokage, but Naruto.
I dont want this to get too long so I'll sum up my final thoughts.
I believe Kawaki is relieved and subconsciously enjoys Sarada opposing him and is probably lowkey happy to not be alone in this situation with nobody he could talk to as just himself, to look at someone and be looked at and know that their looking at him, being around Sarada is probably the only time he can actually breathe without being subjected to brainwashed people treating him like someone hes not, or hearing this and that person wishing him dead, but with Sarada he can actually just speak and act as himself.
But most importantly anything she does or says to him will mean so much more to him than anyone else because from lets say Hima or Shikadai or even Inojin, if one of them were to get badly hurt or even die for him Kawaki will know its only because they thought he was Boruto and that they never would've done that if they knew it was him. But if Sarada does that, it'll have so much more weight now due to omnipotence because not only is she unaffected by it which means she did this KNOWING its for Kawaki, but the fact that even after everything hes done and how mad she is at him for it, she still put her life on the line for him or any other big gesture she'd do that'd show she cares. So when that moment happens its definitely gonna be an interesting scene, assuming Ikemoto doesnt botch it somehow...we shall see.
As for Sarada I believe in her own roundabout way she's trying to make Kawaki see that this isnt what Naruto would want, that in her own way she's trying to make him see the flaws in his logic, when she said he's and Otsutsuki too she wasnt saying that he should just off himself now or that she wanted him to die but that if all Otsutsuki are the enemy no matter what their motives are then doesnt that make him an enemy as well? regardless of his motives? and if all Otsutsuki must die simply for being Otsutsuki then shouldnt she just kill him right now? not that she could but she could try, she could say 'I will kill you someday' or some other death threat if she were actually saying he should die 100% and thats what she wanted but she doesnt.
Overall Sarada is just trying to make Kawaki see the holes in his logic, to make him see that this isnt what Naruto would've wanted, that trying to carry the weight of it all by himself isnt gonna be effective long term, especially now when something FAR BIGGER is going on that only Boruto knows about, so regardless of how he feels they are gonna have to set aside their differences and work together to deal with a far bigger threat and resolve a way bigger problem. Kawaki doesnt even argue with her about that, he listens to her and hears her out and most likely will agree to it since that will be the most efficient course of action.
Hopefully this will start to make him see that the solo route isnt the way, which if the FF isnt retconned we know it wont be, but maybe for a moment he'll see sometimes teamwork is nessecary and that he really CANT do it all alone. I believe thats the message Sarada is trying to send to him, the same one Naruto sent Sasuke, whether or not she'll be successful remains to be seen but for now I look forwards to seeing how they both develop from here and hear even more about whats been going on between them over these 3 years.
Antis think them being at odds and rivals with eachother now is somehow a negative that kills the ship when thats literally how many endgame ships interacted for a while before eventually coming together lol like ppl fr just gonna act like Jerza, Zervis, VegeBul, Taiga x Ryu, Tonari no kaibatsu-kun, Suzuka, Reimei no Arcana, and so on don't exist.
So like...I dunno, maybe ppl just aint seen alot of manga/anime or hell even media in general but regardless this really aint the ship killer antis think it is, its honestly just the beginning lol but Im never one to count chickens too early so I wont get too cocky, but antis need to start bein humble too cuz they are WAY too confident about KawaSara's downfall when things are just gettin good lol but hey more material for us to laugh at later when their once again wrong about everything they say about the ship and what'll happen etc.
I apologize for the lost post but I wanted to properly express my thoughts as best and clearly as I could but I might've over explained 😭 my apologies...but I hope you enjoyed my little breakdown regardless.
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nicosraf · 5 months
holaaa, de pronto me entró la duda de si alguna vez has leído el poema “El ángel caído”, de Ignacio Rodríguez Galván. está contextualizado en el movimiento de independencia y emancipación mexicano y pensé que podría gustarte :3 espero estés bien, te mando un abrazo y tu pan dulce favorito
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AAAAAAAA no, nunca lo he leído. me recuerda un poco al primero capitulo de a&m (mucho mejor escrito, claro jaja). Gracias por compartir. Me esta volviendo loco. Te mando un panecito tambien. <333
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myillicitaffair · 8 months
Hola linda como estas? Espero que muy bien
Leí tu OS con Esteban Kukurizca y me encanto, amo como escribís, me gustaría que hagas un pedido con Agustín Pardella, no he visto mucho de el en Tumblr y es una falta de respeto, ah.
La historia podría ser como al principio fluff con un toque de smut (pensamientos subidos de tono del uno hacis el otro) y al final smut, la lectora y Agustín actuaron juntos en LSDLN, la lectora como la novia/esposa de Nando, ambos tenía una cercana amistad que de a poco se transformó en amor y atracción, Agustin está enamorado de ella, para el es la mujer más hermosa y talentosa del mundo y viceversa con la lectora, sus amigos y compañeros de cast los descansaban e insistían en que deben salir. Una noche Agustín invita a la lectora a su depto después de terminar de filmar, pasan una linda noche cuando confiesan sus sentimientos y termina con mucha pasión 7u7.
Te mando un abrazo, espero puedas hacer el pedido, que tengas lindo día 💕💕💕
buenass reinaa! muchass gracias por tu request, lo aprecio mucho💘
lamentablemente no escribo sobre agus, entonces no voy a poder cumplirlo. pero si queres, en mi masterlist detallé bien sobre quienes escribo de LSDLN y entonces si podría cumplir tu pedido. te pido mil disculpas, amor!
te mando besos💘
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mikichko · 8 days
Hola Kiko hermosa!!! Espero que estés muy bien y que Almond se recupere pronto. Mucha fuerza, recuerda que te quiero mucho!! ♥️♥️
Hola querida Grids 🥺💕 Que lindo recibir este mensaje de ti 🤍
Tristemente mi bebita cruzo el puente arcoíris el martes :( Pero ella se fue sin dolor, con dignidad, y acompañada con su gente favorita 🤍
Aprecio bastante este mensaje y tu apoyo niña bella 💕 Te quiero inmensamente!
Te mando muchísimos abrazos y besos! 🫂🥰
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