#tdb rewatch mattress
todaydreambelievers · 7 years
Time to answer those classic yearbook questions - and remember to change it up a little, there are a lot of questions, spread the love :) 
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klaineship2 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch   Mattress        Episode 1x12
“Do you think I have a potatoe head?”
This is an episode about being proud of what you are and owning what makes you different and not letting anyone discourage you.
First I want to say that I am not very familiar with this Yearbook thing. Why do they do the yearbook in the middle of school year? Isn’t that something that should mark the end of a school year? We don’t have that in Germany. Of course there are school photos of every class every year but a whole book with all the classes and clubs and individual photos of everyone? No --  at least not every year. HighSchool Seniors (Abiturienten) usually create a kind of yearbook at the end of their ‘HighSchool’ time with individual photos of every graduating student and group photos.. It’s a kind of a memory scrapbook of their last 2 years at school but I never heard of a tendency to destroy those photos. Maybe because it’s something special and not just an every year thing.
Anyway, I loved Rachel in this episode. Though in the beginning she seems to use all those Clubs only as stepping stones for her future fame, she still is the only proud member of Glee Club from the beginning. She is so excited and passionate about the Yearbook and nothing can dampen her enthusiasm. Until Finn bails on her and even then she uses all her Diva power and acting skills to get over it and hide her disappointment.
The rest of the Glee kids has a longer way to go. Kurt’s demonstration at the beginning makes it seem as if he’s the spiritual leader. Everyone, even the ‘popular’ kids listen to his speech and agree with him. They are all equally shocked when Will announces that the photo will be taken anyway. And again everyone is agreeing when he and Mercedes vote for Rachel as the captain of the Glee Club and they are relieved that she’s so eager in accepting it right away.  Quinn is the only one who is changing her mind on screen, by revealing Sue’s shenanigans and putting Glee Club over Cheerios. It makes her a lot more likeable and nice.
The other kids just listen to Will’s little pep talk at the end and then they’re preparing for the photo shoot, though I like that bitter sweet scene a lot combined with the song ‘Smile’. In the end they are all (literally) on the same page again. They might be outcasts but they belong together and they’ll face everything that’ll be (literally) thrown at them.
 ‘Jump’ is one of my favourite Season 1 group numbers. The cast clearly has a blast jumping on those trampolines and acting crazy. And Kurt wouldn’t be Kurt if he didn’t use every opportunity to catch attention.
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When he jumps up from behind that mattress into ‘Kurt Pose’ it’s just hilarious.
Other Kurt things:
Does he really think the Glee Club is still relatively anonymous? After ‘Push It’, the invitationals and the overlapping practice times with football?!?
Kurt’s completly stunned and annoyed reaction to Rachels suggestion of starting a GayLesbAll-Club. That’s just priceless Mr Colfer !
his conspiracy with Mercedes. Kurt-Mercedes-friendship in general.
I’d liked to hear Kurt’s excuse for not being a good Co-Captain. Or did Rachel not ask him?
from the moment on Rachel mentions the commercial, he is making camera faces and posing, even during the ‘rehearsal’ of those horrible lines
Kurt preparing for the photo shoot together with the other guys and helping Artie with his tie.
Other things
the annoyed looks of all of Rachel’s fellow members on her various club photos
Ken having 73 flaws ‘as of yesterday’
Emma talking herself into reasons to marry Ken
Finn not wanting to be on the photo because he has “football and friends and stuff” but being absolutely excited at Rachels suggestion that he has leadership potential. Being a leader is something he’ll be trying to proof through the whole series.
Will having empty hair gel bottles in his dumpster piled as high as 12 mattresses (how high is Blaines pile then?)
Finally I want to acknowledge the final scene between Will and Terri. Wow, that was intense. It is a horrible storyline and they did use it as a joke quite a lot, but this scene blew me away. Will’s barely contained rage, the physical violence he shows against Terri, there is a moment when she’s really scared.. All that anger and the desperation on both sides, Will’s and Terri’s. I felt sorry for both of them.
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TDB rewatch: Mattress German title: Wer ist im Bilde?, meaning, Who is in the picture? The phrasing is such that it is clear that on top of the literal meaning (the yearbook photos), there is also the idiomatic meaning that, I think, also is there in English,: Who knows what's going on? (Will about Terri's pregnancy, probably.) So, the cat is out of the bag. I initially thought that Finn finding out about Puck being the father of Quinn's baby would also be in this episode, since Glee generally likes to parallel stories. I also, on their request, spoiled my kids about Will's reaction to the fake pregnancy, so they knew he'd be very angry, and I had to warn them at the beginning of the scene so they could come cuddle me so I could protect them :) But, apparently in their opinion I exaggerated, and they didn't find it as scary as they thought it would be. I still think it's terrifying, the way he reacts, and I like that they don't portray Terri as batshit crazy in this scene, but rather that she can explain how the lie started and her reasons for keeping it up. I also like that later Emma can sympathize with her, although she phrases it like any woman would do anything to keep Will. Well, love is blind, and though Emma is not totally blind to Will's mistakes, she tends to forget them rather quickly. Speaking of, and I know I've talked about this before: Why would Emma marry Ken? I kind of understand why she would start dating him and even, to a point, why she would accept his proposal, but I can't imagine why she would be ready to actually go through with it. The rest of the episode, well... Is Finn a leader? I don't think he is a leader, not yet, at least. The pictures of all the clubs Rachel belongs to are hilarious with her beaming smile and everyone else looking totally annoyed I love Kurt's reaction to her suggestion of a GayLesbAll. But my daughters really like her? Like, they don't think she's annoying at all?
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darrenismydarcy · 7 years
TDB Rewatch: (1x12) Mattress TBT
Apologies for the submitting this late, but I was mighty distracted by one Darren Criss and Elsiefest news.
Here's my entry for the TBT for "Mattress" - Glee's Superbowl commercial from 2011 - they're not selling mattresses, but rather Chevys! Super cute opening too. 
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
So @nadiacreek‘s finally getting her list out to the world - I thought I’d put mine in a single list so we can compare and contrast for the upcoming podcast she and I are doing for TDB Podcast. 
New New York (5x14)
Original Song (2x16)
Love Love Love (5x01)
The First Time (3x05)
2009 (6x12)
Tested (5x16)
Born This Way (2x18)
The Untitled Rachel Berry Project (5x20)
Prom Queen (2x20)
Dreams Come True (6x13)
The Quarterback (5x03)
Guilty Pleasures (4x17)
Loser Like Me (6x01)
New Directions (5x13)
Duets (2x04)
Laryngitis (1x18)
Dance With Somebody (3x17)
Puppet Master (5x07)
Never Been Kissed (2x06)
A Wedding (6x08)
Theatricality (1x20)
Big Brother (3x15)
Wonderful (4x21)
I Do (4x14)
Dynamic Duets (4x07)
Silly Love Songs (2x12)
Diva (4x13)
The Hurt Locker pt. 2 (6x05)
The Purple Piano Project (3x01)
The Back Up Plan (5x18)
Grilled Cheesus (2x03)
The Break Up (4x04)
Blame It On the Alcohol (2x14)
Home (1x16)
Jagged Little Tapestry (6x03)
Glee, Actually (4x10)
Girls and Boys on Film (4x15)
The Power of Madonna (1x15)
Frenemies (5x09)
Old Dogs, New Tricks (5x19)
Goodbye (3x22)
Homecoming (6x0)
A Katy or a Gaga (5x04)
Sadie Hawkins (4x11)
Makeover (4x03)
Extraordinary Merry Christmas (3x09)
Sexy (2x15)
Movin’ Out (5x06)
All or Nothing (4x22)
Wheels (1x09)
The End of Twerk (5x05)
Bash (5x15)
Bad Reputation (1x17)
Transitioning (6x07)
Trio (5x10)
What the World Needs Now (6x06)
Opening Night (5x17)
City of Angels (5x11)
Sectionals (1x13)
We Built This Glee Club (6x11)
Pilot (1x01)
Furt (2x08)
The Hurt Locker pt. 1 (6x04)
Heart (3x13)
Feud (4x16)
I Am Unicorn (3x02)
The Substitute (2x07)
Ballad (1x10)
Journey to Regionals (1x22)
Rumours (2x19)
100 (5x12)
Michael (3x11)
Preggers (1x04)
New York (2x22)
Tina in the Sky With Diamonds (5x02)
Thanksgiving (4x08)
Special Education (2x09)
Swan Song (4x09)
Saturday Night Gleever (3x16)
Naked (4x12)
Dream On (1x19)
Shooting Star (4x18)
Choke (3x18)
Yes/No (3x10)
Hold Onto 16 (3x08)
Funeral (2x21)
The Role You Were Born to Play (4x05)
Asian F (3x03)
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (2x11)
Britney 2.0 (4x02)
A Very Glee Christmas (2x10)
Promasarus (3x19)
Hello (1x14)
Mattress (1x12)
The New Rachel (4x01)
Hairography (1x11)
Throwdown (1x07)
Mash Off (3x06)
Vitamin D (1x06)
Previously Unaired Christmas (5x08)
Props (3x20)
Showmance (1x02)
Britney/Brittany (2x02)
The Rocky Horror Glee Show (2x05)
On My Way (3x14)
Sweet Dreams (4x19)
The Rhodes Not Taken (1x05)
Nationals (3x21)
Child Star (6x09)
Comeback (2x13)
Glease (4x06)
Mash Up (1x08)
Pot o Gold (3x04)
Funk (1x21)
Lights Out (4x20)
A Night of Neglect (2x17)
Audition (2x01)
Acafellas (1x03)
I Kissed a Girl (3x07)
The Spanish Teacher (3x12)
The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester (6x10)
So - looking at this list, I can definitely tell I grouped things by tens when I originally did this.  There may be some minor differences now (and I’ll be interested to see the differences when I do my within the season rankings for TDB Rewatch recap week).  
Also - thinking season wise, I think it’s pretty clear how I feel.  
Seasons 2 and 5 are my favorites - though I think season 2 has extreme highs and lows, while season 5 is more consistent. 
Seasons 4 and 6 Idk if I could choose between - I think I like them equally, tbh. 
Season 1 - which has some great things in the back 9, but the Front 13 always feels like a slog.  
and Season 3.  Ug. But it does have some bright moments in it.  
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todaydreambelievers · 7 years
Throwback Thursday: Mattress
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Hey remember way back when? It’s time to reminisce - dig up those old interviews, fandom riots, memes, anything related to the episode and send ‘um our way.
And celebrating one of the best early group numbers - here’s a little Mattress BTS! 
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todaydreambelievers · 7 years
Weekly Round Up: Mattress
Weekly Round-Up: Mattress
TDB Rewatch Mattress - main post
TDB Rewatch Mattress - tag
Rewatch Summaries and Meta
47mel47 - Recap
47mel47 - Meta
Tuesday Poll Results
Fanfic and Fanart
Fanart: Kurt in Mattress
Throwbacks and Gifsets
BTS video: Mattress
Gifset: Chris Colfer BTS
Gifset: Mattress BTS
Gifset: Mattress Jump BTS
Chevy commercial
First Listen Fridays and Music videos
Smile (Lily Allen)
Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
Jump - live version
SO's corner
Finding Kurt Hummel
TDB podcast
Big thanks to @perfectanomaly for helping me out this week <3  Next week is Sectionals!! :)  
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch: Mattress
It’s time to get super excited about mattresses ;)  I could use a mattress - and a new bed, tbh.  Anyway - this works really well as a penultimate episode, setting the stage for the next episode ‘finale’.  And despite the strange tonal shifts - without commercials shifting from comedy to drama on a dime is jarring - it’s a rather tight script that works.  (Though - there are a few skips in logic, but Glee doesn’t do logic half the time.)  I think, also, it works as its meant to be - as a stand alone once a week more so than being jammed in a huge rewatch.  By the time I get to this one in a binge watch, I’m just anxious to be done with the Front 13, so I appreciate it more on its own. 
Thoughts - 
There’s some interesting bits of random continuity in this one: Sue mentions her storage unit, Will says that someday they’ll be famous and people will want their yearbooks signed by them, Figgins mentions bedbugs, and Rachel mentions she’s got various crying methods.  All of this comes back.  
I miss season 1 Rachel the way others miss season 1 Kurt.  She’s exuberant and passionate and a little crazy, but the show goes out of its way to show how much she works for it, and the sacrifices she makes to get there.  I think her story is incredibly undermined when the show begins to just give her things without the work and because she’s Rachel. 
A lot of season 1 Finn’s story is trying to figure out how to be the leader everyone wants him to be.  And hindsight makes Finn’s story always much more tragic. 
Rachel and Finn once again show much more care about how glee club is run.  Will always, always seems to be oblivious.  
If this were a season 2 or 3 episode - there’d be fighting over who got to be co-captain. 
There aren’t very many times when I enjoy Quinn’s story line - but this is one of them.  God - do I appreciate anyone who can take Sue Sylvester on and win.  And Quinn can do it.  
There are often times when Quinn and Kurt do remind me of each other.
(To be fair - a lot of the characters come from the same mold - a product of having writers being able to write only a few specific archtypes - but I’ll save that conversation for another day.) 
I am glad, also, that for once Quinn gets something to do other than letting a guy define her. 
The mattress commercial stuff was so much fun, and you could tell the kids were having fun in real life.  I wish the show had done more stuff like this.  
Also - why weren’t these kids popular after this? They were on TV - which is a BIG. DEAL. 
So.  There’s a scene early in with Will and Terri, where Terri says no to using money for the glee club’s yearbook space.  And - maybe I’ve watched enough times to start noticing how things are filmed, but the TV is on during this scene.  Because of that - it creates an eerie blue glow on both actors, which is ominous and effective.  That’s pretty cool lighting guys. 
Also - I’m pretty sure Terri was one of the people drawing pictures on the glee clubs faces back in the day.  It’s subtle, but it’s on her face.  Nice acting choice Jessalyn Gelsig. 
I think the scene where Will finds out about the fake pregnancy is one of the most intense of the front 13 - and really does a great job at highlighting actual marital issues despite the fact that the fake baby plot line went on too long and was really stupid most of the time.  
It’s funny to me that this show started out with a message of - you don’t find your soulmate at 15 - and blossomed into, you only find your soulmate at 15.  
Sometimes Sue can be really funny, here she’s really annoying.  Will and Sue’s feud is already feeling tired. 
I hadn’t missed Ken Tanaka either.  
Emma is by far the smartest person in Will’s life.  It kinda makes me sad for her that he’s who she ends up with.  
The few songs in this episode are pretty good (even the Finchel duet, which I don’t really even like Finchel duets normally).  But ---  Season 1 does a great job of integrating music in a good way that extenuates the story telling instead of propelling it.  But, ngl, sometimes I miss some of the jukebox numbers.  The Front 13 doesn’t seem that /musical-ish/ to me sometimes.  
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todaydreambelievers · 7 years
Weekly Round Up: Hairography
TDB Rewatch Hairography Main Post TDB Rewatch Hairography Tag
Rewatch Summaries and Meta
47Mel47 2
Tuesday Poll Results
Tuesday Bonus Poll Results
Fanfic and Fanart
Nadia’s Throwback Fic Recs
Throwbacks and Gifsets
Chris, Cory, and Matt Interview
Cory and Chris Gifset
Kurt and Rachel Gifset
Kurt and Rachel Gifset 2
First Listen Fridays and Music Videos
SO’s Corner
Finding Kurt Hummel: Hairography TDB Podcast: Hairography
Big thanks to @quirkyquantumqueen​ for helping me out this week <3  Next week is Mattress!! :)   
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
 darrenismydarcy: TDB Rewatch: (1x12) Mattress...
Ok. 1) How have I never seen or heard of this before? and 2) Where is Chris, Darren and Cory?
This was during season 2, when Chris was filming with the Warblers.  For whatever reason - Chris was not wrapped up in a lot of the promo stuff that happened while he was away at Dalton.  So, he got to miss stuff like this, but unfortunately, he missed out on them going to London, which he wasn’t happy about.  But that’s why Chris and Darren weren’t there.  
I have no idea why Cory wasn’t. 
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todaydreambelievers · 7 years
TDB’s Great Glee Rewatch
Okay guys - we’re really going to do this thing, and I’m excited to kick it off soon.  :) 
Season One Schedule: 
Sunday May 7th: Welcome Week - I thought it might be fun have everyone send in, or reblog, some get-to-know-you stuff - like how did you enter Glee fandom, what made you stay, some stuff about you.  I know a lot of us know each other already, but this is a way for newer (or less vocal) people to meet others and find new blogs, etc.  
May 14: Pilot
May 21: Showmance
May 28: Acafellas
June 4: Preggers
June 11: Rhodes Not Taken
June 18: Vitamin D
June 25: Throwdown
July 2: Mash Up
July 9: Wheels
July 16: Ballad
July 23: Hairography
July 30: Mattress
August 6: Sectionals
August 13: Hello
August 20: Power of Madonna
August 27: Home
September 3: Bad Reputation
September 10: Laryngitis
September 17: Dream On
September 24: Theatricality
October 1: Funk
October 8: Journey to Regionals
Some notes - 
~I’m not going to double up on episodes - the ending date for the rewatch will be sometime in the fall of 2019. 
~Tag for the rewatch: TDB Rewatch, and then individual episodes will be - TDB Rewatch: Acafellas (etc) 
~I’m still planning to do Meta on Mondays, Polls on Tuesdays, Throwback Thursdays, and Music on Fridays
~All my opening posts will be on Sundays - but if you guys want to do a liveblog thing on Saturday nights/afternoons - go for it! I encourage you :) 
~Season 2 will start on October 15, I’ll post the next part of the schedule around that time. 
~I plan on redoing the sidebar. Old things will probably be condensed down to one page.  
This is all still a big work in progress as to how it’s going to work - but I’m on board, and think it’ll be a fun thing.  Thanks for being patient! 
I could use your help with two things
1. If you guys have poll ideas or meta question ideas that you’d like to share (or any additional content) please feel free to drop a line any time, and I’ll include your questions, etc in the corresponding posts.  
2. I plan on doing round up posts that include links to people’s meta and thoughts.  I NEED VOLUNTEERS TO HELP WITH ROUND UP POSTS.  Seriously guys - this is a two year project, and if I get a handful of people who will help out with this it’ll go a long, long way.  Drop a line if you’re interested in helping out. 
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